Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)

Maosong Sun, Jiye Liang, Xianpei Han, Zhiyuan Liu, Yulan He (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Taiyuan, China
Chinese Information Processing Society of China
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MITF:基于图像映射文本特征的跨模态图文检索方法(MITF:Cross-modal Image-text Retrieval Method with Mapping Images to Text Features)
Lou Xinyue (娄馨月) | Li You (李铀) | Qi Rui (齐睿) | Chen Yufeng (陈钰枫) | Xu Jinan (徐金安)

“减小图文信息间的语义鸿沟,促进跨模态信息的对齐与融合一直是解决跨模态图文检索问题的关键。但现有的双流模型因为训练时图像编码器与文本编码器是分开的,导致图文特征的对齐与融合较难。因此,本文提出图像映射文本特征(MITF)网络将不同模态(图像和文本)的信息映射到单一模态(文本),进一步增强跨模态语义的融合和对齐,提高图文检索的性能。具体地,在冻结预训练的中文视觉语言模型Chinese-CLIP参数的情况下,训练一个MITF网络将图像映射为伪语言标记,在此基础上引入提示词自动学习机制提升模型对于伪语言标记的理解能力。同时,在检索时构建Faiss索引提高检索速度。在三个开源数据集的实验结果表明所提方法相比原始Chinese-CLIP模型检索时的Mean Recall指标平均提高了3.7%,检索速度提高了约4倍。同时,图文特征可视化结果进一步表明所提方法提高了图像特征与文本特征的对齐程度。”

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基于ChatGPT查询改写的文档检索方法(Document Retrieval Method Based on ChatGPT Query Rewriting)
Li Ao (李澳) | Tu Xinhui (涂新辉) | Xiong Yinghao (熊英豪)


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基于汉语字词资源的检索增强生成与应用评估(Chinese Character- and Word-Based Retrieval Augmented Generation and Application)
Yin Yaqi (殷雅琦) | Liu Yang (刘扬) | Wang Yue (王悦) | Liang Qiliang (梁启亮)


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面向CQL的语料库检索引擎的高效实现(Efficient Implementation of a CQL-oriented Corpus Retrieval Engine)
Liu Tingchao (刘廷超) | Lu Luming (鲁鹿鸣) | Yang Liner (麟儿 杨) | Wang Yu (王雨)

“语料库检索工具在语言学研究领域具有举足轻重的地位,对于高效获取信息至关重要。然而,当前国内语料库检索工具在语料库检索语言上缺乏统一标准,尤其支持语料库查询语言(CQL)的中文语料库检索工具相对稀缺。在使用不同分词粒度的语料库工具进行中文语料库检索时,会遇到噪声或数据召回难问题。为应对这些挑战,我们研发了支持多粒度分词的CQL 解析器系统CAMELS:一款支持CQL 语句检索,且兼容多粒度分词,支持非词典词检索的语料库检索引擎。经过多种分词器的测试,该引擎展现出了优异的召回率,并在性能上超越了BlackLab的检索速度,为语言学工作者提供了更加易用、精准的检索工具。”

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NNP-TDGM: 基于最近邻提示表征的术语DEF生成模型(NNP-TDGM: Nearest Neighbor Prompt Term DEF Generation Model)
Shen Sijia (沈思嘉) | Wang Peiyan (王裴岩) | Wang Shengren (王胜任) | Wang Libang (王立帮)


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SpanCS:面向跨语言代码生成的片段级语码转换(SpanCS: Span-Level Code-Switching for Cross-Lingual Code Generation)
Zhu Qingfu (朱庆福) | Zhou Shiqi (周士祺) | Wang Shuo (王硕) | Zhang Zhiming (张致铭) | Wang Haoyu (王昊钰) | Chen Qiguang (陈麒光) | Che Wanxiang (车万翔)

“跨语言代码生成旨在将英语到代码的生成能力迁移至其他自然语言。翻译-训 练(Translate-Train)和语码转换(Code-Switching)是实现跨语言迁移的两类经典数据增广方法,两者优势互补但尚未有效结合。为此,本文提出了一种面向跨语言代码生成的片段级语码转换(SpanCS)方法。首先,该方法利用语码转换框架关联源语言上下文与目标语言片段,以促进多种语言的交互和对齐。其次,该方法利用翻译-训练方法从完整的源语言翻译中提取目标语言片段,以保证增广数据与原始数据间的语义一致性。为了公平地评价多种自然语言之间代码生成的性能差异,本文通过人工翻译与校验,基于HumanEval构建了包含10种自然语言的多语言代码生成评测基MHumanEval。该基准上的三个主干模型的实验结果表明,SpanCS在跨语言代码生成任务上一致优于前人的数据增广方法。”

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场景图增强的视觉语言常识推理生成(Scene Graph Enhanced Visual Language Commonsense Reasoning Generation)
Yuan Fan (袁凡) | Li Piji (李丕绩)


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基于逻辑推理和多任务融合的认知刺激对话生成方法(Cognitive stimulation dialogue generation method based on logical reasoning and multi-task integration)
Jiang Yuru (蒋玉茹) | Li Mengyuan (李梦媛) | Tao Yuyang (陶宇阳) | Qu Keming (区可明) | She Zepeng (佘泽鹏) | Shi Shuicai (施水才)

“在全球老龄化背景下,带有认知刺激的对话系统是保持老年人认知健康的重要手段。中文认知刺激对话数据集(Chinese Cognitive Stimulation Conversation Dataset,CSConv)和模型构建的研究工作刚刚开始。本文将认知刺激对话生成视为一个多任务融合的逻辑思维推理过程,将情感分类任务、决策任务和对话回复生成任务间的逻辑关系,建模为一个推理过程,来引导大语言模型生成。针对决策任务,本文提出分层编码器结构的决策模型。决策实验结果表明,决策模型有效的提高了决策任务的准确率。针对多任务过程,本文提出多任务融合方法,将三个任务对应的模型结合在一起。生成实验结果表明,分类、决策及生成的多任务融合方法,显著提升了对话回复能力,证明了该方法的有效性和先进性。”

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基于思维链的跨语言多文档摘要生成技术研究(Cross-lingual Multi-document Summarization Based on Chain-of-Thought)
Qi Tian (祁天) | Yang Jianan (杨建安) | Zhao Tiejun (赵铁军) | Yang Muyun (杨沐昀)


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面向语言学习者的跨语言反馈评语生成方法(Cross-Lingual Feedback Comment Generation for Language Learners)
An Jiyuan (安纪元) | Zhu Lin (朱琳) | Yang Erhong (尔弘 杨)


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文本样式和主题框架引导下的大模型辅助儿童新闻生成(Text Styles and Thematic Framework Guided Large Modeling to Aid Children’s News Generation)
Du Xiaomeng (杜晓蒙) | Yu Dong (于东) | Liu Pengyuan (刘鹏远)


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基于对比学习和排名一致性的古代汉语翻译质量评估模型(Ancient Chinese translation quality evaluation model based on contrastive learning and ranking consistency)
Li Huaiming (李怀明) | Shao Yanqiu (邵艳秋) | Li Wei (李炜)


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基于两种新颖辅助任务的端到端语音翻译(End-to-End Speech Translation Enhanced by Two Novel Auxiliary Tasks)
Dou Huaixia (窦怀厦) | Lvu Mengzhe (吕孟哲) | Li Junhui (李军辉)


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基于隐性句逗号识别的汉语长句机器翻译(Machine translation of Chinese long sentences based on recognition of implicit period and comma)
Zhang Wenjuan (张文娟) | Li Manjia (李熳佳) | Feng Wenhe (冯文贺)


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基于知识蒸馏的低频词翻译优化策略(Knowledge Distillation-Based Optimization Strategy for Low-Frequency Word Translation in Neural Machine)
Guo Yifan (郭逸帆) | Zan Hongying (昝红英) | Yan Ziyue (阎子悦) | Xu Hongfei (许鸿飞)

“神经机器翻译通常需要大量的平行语料库才能达到良好的翻译效果。而在不同的平行语料库中,均存在词频分布不平衡的问题,这可能导致模型在学习过程中表现出不同的偏差。这些模型倾向于学习高频词汇,而忽略了低频词汇所携带的关键语义信息。忽略的这些低频词汇也包含重要的翻译信息,可能会对翻译质量产生不利影响。目前的方法通常是训练一个双语模型,然后根据频率为词汇分配不同的权重,通过增加低频词的权重来提高低频词的翻译效果。在本文中,我们的目标是提高那些有意义但频率相对较低的词汇的翻译效果。本文提出使用知识蒸馏的方法来提高低频词的翻译效果,训练在低频词上翻译效果更好的模型,将其作为教师模型指导学生模型学习低频词翻译。进而提出一个更加稳定的双教师蒸馏模型,进一步保证高频的性能,使得模型在多个任务上均获得了稳定的提升。本文的单教师蒸馏模型在英语→ 德语任务上相较于SOTA进一步取得了0.64的BLEU提升,双教师蒸馏模型在汉语→ 英语任务上相较于SOTA进一步取得了0.31的BLEU提升,在英语→ 德语、英语→ 捷克语和英语→法语的翻译任务上相较于基线低频词翻译效果,在保证高频词翻译效果不变化的前提下,分别取得了1.24、0.47、0.87的BLEU提升。”

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融合确定性因子及区域密度的k-最近邻机器翻译方法(A k-Nearest-Neighbor Machine Translation Method Combining Certainty Factor and Region Density)
Qi Rui (齐睿) | Shi Xiangyu (石响宇) | Man Zhibo (满志博) | Xu Jinan (徐金安) | Chen Yufeng (陈钰枫)


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Ko-LLaMA:基于LLaMA的朝鲜语大语言模型(Ko-LLaMA: A Korean Large Language Model Based on LLaMA)
Pang Jie (庞杰) | Yan Xiaodong (闫晓东) | Zhao Xiaobing (赵小兵)

“大语言模型在这两年受到了非常广泛的关注,像ChatGPT和GPT-4这样的大型语言模型(LLMs)极大地改变了自然语言处理研究,并在通向人工通用智能(AGI)的道路上迈出了令人兴奋的步伐。尽管已经开源了LLaMA等几个大型语言模型,但这些模型主要关注英文和中文语料库,对其他语言的适用性有限。而对于少数民族语言如朝鲜语来说,大语言模型的适用性更加有限。在本文中,我们通过扩展LLaMA现有的词表,增加了额外的20000个朝鲜语Token,从而提高了其对朝鲜语的编码和语义理解的能力;并且进一步使用朝鲜语数据进行继续预训练,使用朝鲜语指令微调数据集对模型进行SFT(Supervised Fine-Tuning),并分析了不同数据量对指令精调效果的影响,经过继续预训练和指令微调后的模型显著提高了理解和遵循朝鲜语指令的能力。通过上述训练,极大增强了LLaMA的理解和生成朝鲜语文本的能力,并增强了其遵循指令的能力。实验结果表明,新提出的模型Ko-LLaMA显著提高了原版LLaMA在理解和生成朝鲜语内容方面的能力。此外,在鲜语文本分类数据集YNAT上对Ko-LLaMA与擅长少数民族语言的CINO模型及CINO的多种模型组合以及原版LLaMA和GPT3.5进行了效果对比。结果表明,Ko-LLaMA的朝鲜语文本分类能力远超CINO和CINO的组合模型以及LLaMA和GPT3.5等未经过朝鲜语语料进行词表扩充和继续预训练的大语言模型。”

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TiComR:基于提示的藏文对话型阅读理解模型(TiComR: A Prompt-based Tibetan Conversational Reading Comprehension Model)
Pengmao Cairang (朋毛才让) | Sun Yuan (孙媛)


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TiLamb:基于增量预训练的藏文大语言模型(TiLamb: A Tibetan Large Language Model Based on Incremental Pre-training)
Zhuang Wenhao (庄文浩) | Sun Yuan (孙媛) | Zhao Xiaobing (赵小兵)


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基于蒙古文文本语义辅助的噪声鲁棒蒙古语语音情感识别方法研究(Research on Noise-Robust Mongolian Speech Emotion Recognition Methods Based on Mongolian Text Semantics)
Liu Huan (刘欢) | Liang Kailin (梁凯麟) | Zuo Haolin (左昊麟) | Liu Rui (刘瑞)

“噪声环境下语音情感识别(Speech Emotion Recognition,SER)旨在从带有背景噪声的语音信号中挖掘情感特征并自动预测说话人的情感状态。尽管这项技术在英语、汉语等语言方面取得了迅速的进展,但对于像蒙古语这样的小语种,在噪声环境下的语音情感识别研究仍处于起步阶段,缺乏相关数据集和方法的研究。为了推动蒙古语语音情感识别的发展,本研究首先构建了一个单说话人语音情感识别数据集。之后为了实现噪声环境下准确的蒙古语语音情感识别,我们提出了一种基于文本-语音双模态的带噪蒙古语语音情感识别基线模型 MonSER。文本信息为噪声语音信号提供额外的语义信息。具体来说,我们的模型首先对带噪语音信号进行频谱特征提取,之后使用多语种预训练模型 XLMBert 对语音信号对应的蒙古文文本信息进行编码。随后将上述提取的双模态信息进行融合,并输入分类器进行情感类别的预测。我们利用该数据集进行模型训练并测试模型的有效性。实验结果表明,我们的双模态模型在多种噪声环境下的蒙古语语音情感识别准确率明显优于只以语音为输入的单模态语音情感识别系统。同时,为了模拟实际场景中文本可能缺失的情况,我们提出了两种文本 mask 策略,该文本实验也进一步验证了文本语音双模态的有效性。”

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基于神经编解码语言模型的老挝语韵律建模方法(A Method for Lao Prosody Modeling Based on Neural Codec Language Model)
Yi Ningjing (易宁静) | Wang Linqin (王琳钦) | Gao Shengxiang (高盛祥) | Yu Zhengtao (余正涛)


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基于通用依存句法的锡伯语句法树库构建研究(A Dependency Treebank for Xibe based on Universal Dependencies)
Zhou He (周贺)

“我国是一个多民族、多语种的国家,拥有丰富的民族语言资源。然而,使用人口较少、文化影响力较小的语言普遍面临语言濒危的问题,记录和保存这些语言在语言学、民族学与人类学上都具有重要意义。在本研究中,我们以我国仍在活跃使用的满通古斯语——锡伯语为目标语言,从锡伯语语法书、锡伯语报纸《察布查尔报》以及锡伯语《语文》教材中收集了 1200个句子,以此为语料构建了一个包含词汇、形态以及依存句法信息的树库。本文详细描述了树库的构建过程,深入讨论了标注过程中遇到的难以解决的语言现象,并提出了我们的标注策略。通过标注,我们发现,随着汉语和锡伯语的深层接触,锡伯语不仅在词汇上接受了大量的汉语借词,锡伯语句子结构也受到一定程度的影响。基于所标注的锡伯语树库,我们进行了锡伯语自动句法分析实验,探讨了词、词性、字符特征以及中国少数民族语言预训练模型 CINO对句法分析性能产生的影响。”

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基于字节对编码的端到端藏语语音识别研究(End-to-End Tibetan Speech Recognition Study Based on Byte Pair Coding)
Cai Yuqing (蔡郁青) | Wang Chao (王超) | Renzeng Duojie (仁增多杰) | Zhu Yulei (朱宇雷) | Zhang Jin (张瑾) | Nyima Tashi (尼玛扎西)

“针对藏语端到端语音识别研究中存在的建模单元不统一和识别效果不理想的问题,本文提出了一种BPE-Conformer-CTC/Attention端到端藏语语音识别方法。首先,该方法采用了字节对编码算法进行语音建模,通过反复合并出现频率最高的字符对,将文本分割成易于管理、有意义的单元,平衡建模单元的粒度,从而解决藏语语音识别中建模单元不统一的问题。其 次 , 使 用 了Conformer编码器 , 有效地融合了音频序列的全局和局部依赖关系,从而增强了模型的表征能力。最后,通过CTC/Attention联合解码策略,加速了对齐和解码过程,进而提高了识别效果的准确性和效率。在开源数据集XBMU-AMDO31和TIBMD@MUCI上的实验结果表明,所提出的BPE-Conformer-CTC/Attention模型分别取得了9.0%和4.6%的词错误率,相较于基线模型Transformer-CTC/Attention,词错误率分别相对降低了14.2%和30.3%。该研究方法为藏语端到端语音识别任务提供了一种有效的解决方案。”

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面向对话式阅读理解的高质量藏语数据集构建(Construction of high-quality Tibetan language dataset for conversational reading comprehension)
Dawa Cairen (达哇才仁) | Pengmao Cairang (朋毛才让) | Sun Yuan (孙媛)

“对话式阅读理解作为对话式人工智能领域的重要研究方向,旨在使机器能够理解自然语言文本,并能够进行多轮对话以解答与文本相关的问题。随着生成式大模型的发展,该任务也成为评测大模型性能的重要指标之一。在此过程中,高质量数据集的构建成为该领域的关键任务。目前,相关算法模型在许多英语数据集上取得了显著进展,甚至超过了人类表现。然而,对于低资源语言,尤其是缺乏相应数据集的藏语,对话式阅读理解研究尚处于起步阶段。本文采用了一种人工与半自动结合的方法策略,构建了藏语对话式阅读理解数据集TiconvQA(Tibetan Conversational QuestionAnswering)。该数据集共包含了20,358个对话对,涵盖了人物、地理和新闻三个领域。每一轮对话包括对话依据文本以及根据文本生成的多轮连续问答对。本文从对话数据的多样性、相关性、语言现象等方面对TiconvQA进行了详尽的分析与质量评估。并对藏文对话式阅读理解任务中存在影响评价指标的五种因素进行了优化。最终,我们采用了三种经典的对话式阅读理解模型以及藏文大模型TiLamb对数据集进行实验评估,实验结果验证了数据集的质量,并表明TiconvQA可用于模型在对话式阅读理解任务中的性能评测。”

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面向心理健康咨询的藏语数据集及大语言模型构建(Construction of Tibetan Datasets and Large Language Models for Psychological Health Counseling)
Zhu Mengxiao (朱孟笑) | Sha Jiu (沙九) | Feng Chong (冯冲)


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融合多元特征表示的藏文命名实体识别方法赵小兵∗2(Research on Tibetan Named Entity Recognition Using Multi-Feature Fusion Representation)
Ejian Cairang (俄见才让) | Zhou Maoke (周毛克) | Chen Bo (陈波) | Zhao Xiaobing (赵小兵)


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PGA-SciRE:基于大语言模型的数据增强框架进行科学领域的关系(PGA-SciRE:Harnessing LLM on Data Augmentation for Enhancing Scientific Relation Extraction)
Zhou Yang (周洋) | Dan Shimin (单世民) | Wei Hongkui (魏宏夔) | Zhao Zhehuan (赵哲焕) | Feng Wenshuo (冯文铄)


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UFSC:基于统一特征空间构建的零样本关系抽取(UFSC: A Unified Feature Space Construction for Zero-Shot Relation Extraction)
Liu Yuchen (刘雨辰) | Duan Jianyong (段建勇) | Sun Kang (孙康) | Zhang Qing (张晴) | He Li (何丽) | Wang Hao (王昊) | Liu Jie (刘杰)


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多机制整合的中文医疗命名实体识别(Infusing multi-schemes for Chinese Medical Named Entity Recognition)
Wang Shanshan (王珊珊) | Zhang Kunyuan (张焜元) | Yan Rong (闫蓉)

“在互联网在线医疗领域,由于大多数患者缺乏医学培训,以及不同学科病理特征的复杂性,医患对话文本中的医学命名实体呈现出长且多词的句法特点,给命名实体识别算法提出了新的挑战。 为解决这一问题,本研究融合多个不同粒度的扩张卷积机制,构建了Flat-Lattice-CNN模型。 该模型不仅考虑字符和词语的语义信息以及它们的绝对和相对位置信息,还提取跨越不同距离的多个字符/词语的共现依存关系特征,以此提高医学长命名实体的识别精度。 实验结果表明,本文提出的模型在所评估数据集的命名实体识别任务上有普遍性的性能提升,尤其是在以长实体为主的中文医疗数据集CTDD上,该模型的F 1值提升了约2%,具有更优的表现。”

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基于两阶段提示学习的少样本命名实体识别(Two-Stage Prompt Learning for Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition)
Shao Jiaxing (邵佳兴) | Huang Qi (黄琪) | Xiao Cong (肖聪) | Liu Jing (刘璟) | Luo Wenbing (罗文兵) | Wang Mingwen (王明文)


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面向工艺文本的实体与关系最近邻联合抽取模型(Nearest Neighbor Joint Extraction Model for Entity and Relationship in Process Text)
Yang Danqingxin (杨丹清忻) | Wang Peiyan (王裴岩) | Xu Lijun (徐立军)

“该 文 研 究 工 艺 文 本 中 实 体 关 系 联 合 抽 取 问 题 , 提 出 了 最 近 邻 联 合 抽 取 模 型(NNJE)。NNJE利用工艺文本中实体边界字间搭配规律建模外显记忆,通过最近邻方法在某种指定关系下为待预测组合检索出具有相似字间搭配的实例,为实体边界识别以及实体对组合提供更有力的限制条件,提升模型预测准确率,改善模型性能。实验设置了工艺文本关系数据集。实验结果表明,该文方法较基线模型准确率P值提高了3.53%,F1值提升了1.03%,优于PURE、CasRel、PRGC与TPlinker等方法,表明提出的方法能够有效地提升三元组抽取效果。”

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融合扩展语义和标签层次信息的文档级事件抽取(Document-Level Event Extraction with Integrating Extended Semantics and Label Hierarchy Information)
Fu Yujiao (符玉娇) | Liao Jian (廖健) | Li Yang (李旸) | Guo Zhangfeng (郭张峰) | Wang Suge (王素格)


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融合领域词汇扩充的低资源法律文书命名实体识别(Named Entity Recognition for Low-Resource Legal Documents Using Integrated Domain Vocabulary Expansion)
Paerhati Tulajiang (帕尔哈提吐拉江) | Sun Yuanyuan (孙嫒媛) | Cai Aichen (蔡艾辰) | Wang Yanhua (王艳华) | Lin Hongfei (林鸿飞)


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基于动态提示学习和依存关系的生成式结构化情感分析模型(Dynamic Prompt Learning and Dependency Relation based Generative Structured Sentiment Analysis Model)
Jia Yintao (贾银涛) | Cui Jiajia (崔佳佳) | Mu Lingling (穆玲玲) | Zan Hongying (昝红英)


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基于方面引导的图文渐进融合的多模态方面级情感分析方法(Aspect-Guided Progressive Fusion of Text and Image for Multimodal Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis)
Yan Zida (闫自达) | Guo Junjun (郭军军) | Yu Zhengtao (余正涛)


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基于联邦知识蒸馏的跨语言社交媒体事件检测(Cross-Lingual Social Event Detection Based on Federated Knowledge Distillation)
Zhou Shuaishuai (周帅帅) | Zhu Enchang (朱恩昌) | Gao Shengxiang (高盛祥) | Yu Zhengtao (余正涛) | Xian Yantuan (线岩团) | Zhao Zixiao (赵子霄) | Chen Lin (陈霖)


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基于生成式语言模型的立场检测探究(Research on Stance Detection with Generative Language Model)
Zhang Yuanshuo (张袁硕) | Li Aohua (李澳华) | Yin Zhaoning (尹召宁) | Wang Panyi (王潘怡) | Chen Bo (陈波) | Zhao Xiaobing (赵小兵)


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基于双图注意力网络的篇章级散文情绪变化分析方法(A Document-Level Emotion Change Analysis Method Based on DualGATs for Prose)
Li Ailin (李爱琳) | Li Yang (李旸) | Wang Suge (王素格) | Li Shuqi (李书琪)


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基于主题模型与图神经网络的突发公共卫生事件国际舆情演化分析研(International Public Opinion Evolution Analysis on Sudden Public Health Events using Topic Model and Graph Neural Network)
Gao Jingjian (高境健) | Sang Guoming (桑国明) | Liu Zhi (刘智) | Zhang Yijia (张益嘉) | Lin Hongfei (林鸿飞)


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面向社交媒体多特征增强的药物不良反应检测(Adverse drug reaction detection with multi-feature enhancement for social media)
Li Hao (李浩) | Qiu Yunzhi (邱云志) | Lin Hongfei (林鸿飞)


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面向中文文本的情绪持有者抽取研究(Research on Emotion Holder Extraction for Chinese Texts Yawei Sun1,,,Yu Shi1,,,Xu Han2,∗)
Sun Yawei (孙亚伟) | Shi Yu (石宇) | Han Xu (韩旭)


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AutoRG:一种大小模型协同的自动报告生成框架(AutoRG: An automatic report generation framework for Large and small model collaboration)
Zhang Jing (张京) | Shu Jiangming (舒江明) | Zhang Yuxiang (张宇翔) | Wu Bin (吴斌) | Wang Wei (王巍) | Yu Jian (于剑) | Sang Jitao (桑基韬)


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基于本体信息增强的人类表型概念识别(Ontology Information-augmented Human Phenotype Concept Recognition)
Qi Jiewei (祁杰蔚) | Luo Ling (罗凌) | Yang Zhihao (杨志豪) | Wang Jian (王健) | Lin Hongfei (林鸿飞)


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基于机器学习的语音情感声学特征筛选(Acoustic Feature Selection for Speech Emotion Based on Machine Learning)
Dong Wenqi (董文琪) | Wang Han (王涵) | Zhang Jingwei (张璟玮)


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基于交互行为语义模式增强的ID推荐方法(Enhanced ID Recommendation Method Utilizing Semantic Patterns of Interactive Behaviors)
Wang Yuanlai (王远来) | Bai Yu (白宇) | Lian Peng (廉鹏)

“基于ID的推荐是一种依赖用户或物品的唯一标识符进行推荐的经典推荐方法,这种方法经常面临用户物品交互数据稀疏、符号ID缺失语义信息等问题。该文针对上述问题,假设不同领域的用户-物品交互行为之间存在潜在的模式关联,提出了一种基于交互行为语义模式增强的ID推荐方法。该方法在目标域推荐任务中引入辅助域信息,基于图神经网络对辅助域和目标域信息进行联合编码表示,通过引入交互行为语义模式,将辅助域的用户-物品交互信息以及物品描述信息迁移至目标域,从而实现目标域ID推荐中的交互行为语义增强。在8个公开数据集上的实验结果表明,相比目前的SOTA模型,本文方法表现出更好的推荐效果,其Recall@20与NDCG@20分别具有3% ∼ 30%、1% ∼ 40%的提升。”

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基于双层语义映射的大语言模型辅助古汉语事件抽取半自动标注框架(A Semi-automatic Annotation Framework for Event Extraction in Classical Chinese Assisted by Large Language Models Based)
Wei Congcong (卫聪聪) | Li Wei (李炜) | Feng Zhenbing (冯振冰) | Shao Yanqiu (邵艳秋)


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基于文本风格迁移的中文性别歧视文本去毒研究(Research on detoxification of Chinese sexist texts based on text style transfer)
Peng Jian (彭健) | Zuo Jiali (左家莉) | Tan Jingxuan (谭景璇) | Wan Jianyi (万剑怡) | Wang Mingwen (王明文)


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基于问题扩展的散文答案候选句抽取方法研究(Sentiment classification method based on multitasking and multimodal interactive learning)
Lei Yang (雷洋) | Wang Suge (王素格) | Li Shuqi (李书琪) | Wang Hao (王浩)


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基于预训练模型与序列建模的音素分割方法(Sequence Modeling)
Yang Shanglong (杨尚龙) | Yu Zhengtao (余正涛) | Wang Wenjun (王文君) | Dong Ling (董凌) | Gao Shengxiang (高盛祥)


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近三十年域外汉籍研究的现状与展望—基于文献计量分析和知识图谱绘制(Extraterritorial Chinese Texts in the Last Thirty Years: Research Advances and Future Perspectives Based on)
Tang Rongjun (唐榕骏) | Peng Zhifeng (彭志峰)


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面向中文多方对话的机器阅读理解研究(Research on Machine Reading Comprehension for Chinese Multi-party Dialogues)
Jiang Yuru (蒋玉茹) | Li Yu (李宇) | Na Tingting (那婷婷) | Zhang Yangsen (张仰森)

“在机器阅读理解领域,处理和分析多方对话一直是一项具有挑战性的研究任务。鉴于中文语境下相关数据资源的缺乏,本研究构建了DialogueMRC数据集,旨在促进该领域的研究进展。DialogueMRC数据集作为首个面向中文多方对话的机器阅读理解数据集,包含705个多方对话实例,涵盖24451个话语单元以及8305个问答对。区别于以往的MRC数据集,DialogueMRC数据集强调深入理解动态的对话过程,对模型应对多方对话中的复杂性及篇章解析能力提出了更高的要求。为应对中文多方对话机器阅读理解的挑战,本研究提出了融合篇章结构感知能力的中文多方对话问答模型(DiscourseStructure-aware QA Model for Chinese Multi-party Dialogue,DSQA-CMD),该模型融合了问答和篇章解析任务,以提升对话上下文的理解能力。实验结果表明,相较于典型的基于微调的预训练语言模型,DSQA-CMD模型表现出明显优势,对比基于Longformer的方法,DSQA-CMD模型在MRC任务的F1和EM评价指标上分别提升了5.4%和10.0%;与当前主流的大型语言模型相比,本模型也展现了更佳的性能,表明了本文所提出方法的有效性。”

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融合半监督学习与同义计算的传染病名称自动映射研究(A study on automatic mapping of infectious disease names by integrating semi-supervised learning and tautology computation)
Song Peiyan (宋培彦) | Yang Qingxiang (杨青香) | Hu Boshen (胡博深) | Du Boya (杜博雅)


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中文语法纠错的多轮解码方法研究(Multi-Turn Decoding for Chinese Grammatical Error Correction)
Wang Xiaoying (王晓盈) | Mu Lingling (穆玲玲) | Xu Hongfei (许鸿飞)

“在语法纠错(Grammatical Error Correction,GEC)任务上,序列到序列(Sequence-to sequence,seq2seq)模型与序列到编辑(Sequence-to-edit,seq2edit)模型相比可以取得相当或更好的性能。序列到编辑模型通常通过多次迭代解码,而序列到序列模型则以从左到右的方式一次性解码,不考虑后续的词语。通过在序列到序列模型中应用多轮解码(Multi-Turn Decoding,MTD)来迭代改进前一轮的修正结果,可能会进一步提升性能。然而,多轮解码会增加推理的计算成本,且前一轮修正中的删除或替换操作可能会导致原始输入中有用的源语句信息丢失。本文提出了一种早停机制来提高效率。同时,为解决源语句信息丢失问题,本文将原始输入与上一轮的修正结果合并为一个序列。在NLPCC2018测试集、FCGEC验证集和NaCGEC测试集的实验结果表明,本文方法可在BART基线上能带来一致且显著的性能提升,F0.5值分别提高了+2.06,+2.31和+3.45,分别取得了47.34,54.58和62.09的F0.5值。”

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中西谚语多元价值观资源库建设及对比研究(The construction and comparative study of the resource library of Chinese and Western proverbs and multiple values)
Du Xia (杜霞) | Liu Pengyuan (刘鹏远) | Yu Dong (于东)


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从句子图到篇章图——基于抽象语义表示的篇章级共指标注体系设计(Discourse-Level Anaphora Annotation System Based on Abstract Semantic Representation)
Zhang Yixuan (张艺璇) | Li Bin (李斌) | Xu Zhixing (许智星) | Lu Pengxiu (卢芃秀)

“篇章共指体现篇章概念的动态转移,成为近年研究热点。本文在梳理共指理论研究的基础上,综述了相关语料库及解析方法,发现共指语料库仍存在以下两个问题:共指关系标注粗疏与基本不考虑整句语义表示的融合。本文以句子级语义标注体系(中文抽象语义表示)为基础构建篇章共指体系,构建了 100 篇共指语料库。本体系涵盖 52 种句内语义关系和 8 种篇章共指关系,二者相结合构建的篇章共指语义图,为篇章级语义分析提供新的框架和数据资源。”

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汉语中介语词同现网络研究(A Study on Chinese Interlanguage Co-occurrence Networks QIAN Long1 ZHAO Huizhou2 DING Qian3 WANG Zhimin4)
Qian Long (钱隆) | Zhao Huizhou (赵慧周) | Ding Qian (丁芊) | Wang Zhimin (王治敏)


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基于意合图语义理论的结构标注体系与资源建设∗(System and Resource Construction Based on the Semantic Theory of Chinese-Parataxis-Graph)
Guo Mengxi (郭梦溪) | Li Meng (李梦) | Xun Endong (恩东 荀) | Rao Gaoqi (高琦 饶) | Yu Zhongyang (于钟洋)


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意合图:中文多层次语义表示方法∗(Parataxis Graph: Multi-level Semantic Representation Method for Chinese)
Guo Mengxi (郭梦溪) | Xun Endong (恩东 荀) | Li Meng (李梦) | Rao Gaoqi (高琦 饶)


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L1到L2的跨语言激活路径研究——基于词汇识别的ERP数据∗(The Impact of Second Language Experience on Native Language Processing Across Different Language Modes)
Yang Siqin (杨思琴) | Hu Mei (胡美) | Jiang Minghu (江铭虎)

“本研究运用事件相关电位技术(event-related potentials, ERPs)在不同语言模式下探索二语学习者的二语经验是否会影响母语加工。实验招募了两组中国日语学习者作为被试,分别参与了接近双语模式的短版本实验和接近单语模式的长版本实验。统计结果显示,在短版本实验中,当汉-日同形异义词作为启动词时,语义相关性因素引发的N400波幅差异并不显著,但是引发的LPC波幅差异显著。在长版本实验中,语义相关性因素引发的N400和LPC的波幅都显著。据此,本研究推论,当被试在母语环境下加工母语语义时,二语语义在接近双语模式的短版本实验中被激活并影响母语加工,这种影响仅存在于N400的时间窗口期。但是,在接近单语模式的长版本实验中,二语语义在两个时间窗口里都没有影响母语加工。本研究从语言模式和时间窗口两个维度拓展了对二语经验影响母语加工的认识,对构建高质量的人类语言计算模型和系统具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。”

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大语言模型故事理解能力评价数据集(Benchmarking story comprehension ability of large language model)
Yan Guohang (闫国航) | Guo Yaxin (郭亚鑫) | Tan Hongye (谭红叶) | Zhang Hu (张虎)


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大语言模型开放性生成文本中的职业性别偏见研究(Generated by Large Language Models)
Zhang Xu (张旭) | Guo Mengqing (郭梦清) | Zhu Shucheng (朱述承) | Yu Dong (于东) | Liu Ying (刘颖) | Liu Pengyuan (刘鹏远)


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大语言模型在中文文本纠错任务的评测(Evaluation of large language models for Chinese text error correction tasks)
Mu Lingling (穆玲玲) | Wang Xiaoying (王晓盈) | Cui Jiajia (崔佳佳)

“大语言模型(Large Language Models,LLMs)在信息抽取、机器翻译等自然语言处理任务上的能力已被广泛评估,但是在文本纠错方面还主要局限于评价GPT的英文语法纠错能力 。中文文本纠错任务包括中文语法检测 (Chinese Grammatical Error Detection,CGED)和中文语法纠错(Chinese Error Correction,CGEC)两个子任务。本文使用提示的方法评估了国内外的主流大模型在中文语法检测和中文语法纠错任务上的能力。论文设计了不同的提示策略,对结果进行了整体和细粒度的分析。在NLPCC2018和CGED2018测试集上的实验结果表明,ERNIE-4和ChatGLM-4的中文文本纠错能力优于GPT-3.5-Turbo和LLaMa-2-7B-Chat,少样本思维链提示策略性能最优,对词序错误和拼写错误上纠正的准确率较高,说明大模型在低资源下具有较好的中文文本纠错能力。然而测试结果显示大模型的召回率比基线模型高至少14个百分点,说明大模型在中文文本纠错任务上存在过度校正的问题。”

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面向“以AB”构式语义场景的汉语框架识别数据集构建⋆(Dataset for Recognizing Chinese Semantic Frames based on the Semantic Scenario of the “Yi A Wei B” Construction)
Yang Peiyuan (杨沛渊) | Su Xuefeng (苏雪峰) | Li Juncai (李俊材) | Yan Zhichao (闫智超) | Chai Qinghua (柴清华) | Li Ru (李茹)


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上古汉语分词和词性标注语料库的构建(Construction of Ancient Chinese Word Segmentation and Part-Of-Speech Corpus)
Ke Yonghong (柯永红)


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图解句式结构体系及其树库构建(Diagrammatic Sentence Pattern Structure System and Its Treebank Construction)
Peng Weiming (彭炜明) | Zhao Min (赵敏) | Song Yuchen (宋昱辰) | Hu Jiajia (胡佳佳) | Song Tianbao (宋天宝) | Sui Zhifang (穗志方) | Song Jihua (宋继华)


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英语科技论文摘要语步结构语料库构建研究(Research on Construction of Corpus for Move Structures in Abstracts of English Scientific Research Articles)
Li Hongzheng (李洪政) | Wang Ruojin (王若锦) | Feng Chong (冯冲) | Liu Fang (刘芳)


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Self-Guide:一种基于自我规划的大语言模型推理增强方法(Self-Guide: Enhancing LLM Reasoning Ability via Self-Plan)
Liu Yibin (刘艺彬) | Liu Zhenghao (刘正皓) | Yan Yukun (闫宇坤) | Yu Shi (于是) | Wang Shuo (王硕) | Yang Liner (麟儿 杨) | Chen Huimin (陈慧敏) | Gu Yu (谷峪) | Yu Ge (于戈)


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基于大模型的交互式谎言识别:数据和模型(Unveiling Lies: Enhancing Large Language Models for Real-World Lie Detection in Interactive Dialogues)
Ji Chengwei (纪程炜) | Wang Siyuan (王思远) | Li Taishan (李太山) | Mou Xinyi (牟馨忆) | Zhao Limin (赵丽敏) | Xue Lanqing (薛兰青) | Ying Zhenzhe (应缜哲) | Wang Weiqiang (王维强) | Huang Xuanjing (黄萱菁) | Wei Zhongyu (魏忠钰)


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基于动态聚类与标签空间映射的上下文学习模板构建方法(In-Context Learning Demonstration Construction Method based on Dynamic Clustering and Label Space Mapping)
Zhang Qi (张琦) | Jin Xingnan (金醒男) | Pei Yu (裴誉) | Du Yongping (杜永萍)


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基于领域信息分解式学习的大语言模型修辞认知增强方法(Method for Enhancing Rhetorical Cognition of Large Language Models Based on Decomposed Learning of Field Information)
Wang Wen (王雯) | Yu Dong (于东) | Liu Pengyuan (刘鹏远)


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基于中间层对齐的异构师生模型知识蒸馏(Knowledge distillation of heterogeneous teacher-student model with intermediate layer loss)
Zhai Feiyan (翟飞燕) | Wang Renzhi (王任之) | Li Piji (李丕绩)


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面向小规模大语言模型推理优化的推理路径排序方法(A Reasoning Paths Ranking Method for Reasoning Optimization of Small-scale Large Language Models)
Li Jun (李俊) | Bai Yu (白宇) | Liu Yuting (刘雨婷)

“尽管大语言模型(LLM)在自然语言处理领域取得巨大成功,但是伴随其千亿级参数 规 模 的 训 练 也 产 生 了 巨 大 的 计 算 成 本 。 小 规 模 大 语 言 模 型(SLLM)作 为 低 资 源场景下实现LLM部署的可替代方案,任务处理能力与LLM尚存在明显差距。尽管上下文学习(ICL)等提示方法在一定程度上提升了SLLM的问题处理能力,但基于人工构建的提示往往需要参与者具备特定的专业领域知识,这给LLM的普适推广带来了挑战。针对以上问题,本文提出了一个基于SLLM的问题推理框架,通过在推理路径生成和答案生成两个阶段之间引入基于逐步语义验证器(SSVRP)的推理路径排序选择机制,在无人干预情况下实现SLLM推理能力提升。实验结果表明,SSVRP有效地增强了SLLM的推理性能,在4个推理任务中的平均准确率分别达到了54.3%,90.6%,64.3%和63.7%,并在其中3个推理任务中都取得了最新的SOTA结果。”

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面向中文实体识别的Transformers模型句子级非对抗鲁棒性研究(On Sentence-level Non-adversarial Robustness of Chinese Named Entity Recognition with Transformers Model)
Wang Libang (王立帮) | Wang Peiyan (王裴岩) | Shen Sijia (沈思嘉)


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银瞳:基于自适应语义空间学习的中文金融多任务大模型(SilverSight: A Multi-Task Chinese Financial Large Language Model Based on Adaptive Semantic Space Learning)
Zhou Yuhang (周宇航) | Li Zeping (李泽平) | Tian Siyu (思雨 田) | Ni Yuchen (倪雨琛) | Zhang Jian (张健) | Liu Xiang (刘响) | Ye Guangnan (叶广楠) | Wu Jie (吴杰) | Chai Hongfeng (柴洪峰)


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Enhancing Free-Form Table Question Answering Models by Distilling Relevant-Cell-Based Rationales
Yang Zhiyu | Wang Shuo | Yan Yukun | Liu Pengyuan | Yu Dong

“Free-form table question answering is a challenging task since tables contain structured contentscompared to plain texts, which requires high-level reasoning abilities to effectively identify cellsthat are relevant to the question and produce a correct and faithful answer based on their relations.Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited remarkable reasoning capabilities in numerousNLP applications. However, in some specific tasks, specially-trained small models can still out-perform LLMs. Furthermore, small models require extremely less computation costs comparedto LLMs. To leverage the strengths of both types of models, we propose a Relevant-Cell-basedKnowledge Distillation with inference-time Teacher Guidance (RCKD-TG) method. This ap-proach aims to combine small free-form table question answering models’ abilities to learn fromhuman annotations and large language models’ abilities to effectively reason from table contents,via applying Relevant-Cell-based rationales distilled from LLMs to small models’ training andinference stages. Our experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method over vanilla smallmodels in correctness, faithfulness, adequacy and fluency, also over general LLMs in adheringto the style of human annotations. We achieve state-of-the-art performance on FeTaQA, a rep-resentative free-form table question answering benchmark. Our result of a 41.3 BLEU scoredemonstrates the feasibility of effectively using small models’ task-specific abilities and LLMs’reasoning capabilities at the same time. Additionally, our method exhibits high computation ef-ficiency and data efficiency. Compared to strong baselines, we achieve better performance withsignificantly less training data.”

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Enhancing Sequence Representation for Personalized Search
Wang Shijun | Zhang Han | Yuan Zhe

“The critical process of personalized search is to reorder candidate documents of the current querybased on the user’s historical behavior sequence. There are many types of information containedin user historical information sequence, such as queries, documents, and clicks. Most existingpersonalized search approaches concatenate these types of information to get an overall userrepresentation, but they ignore the associations among them. We believe the associations ofdifferent information mentioned above are significant to personalized search. Based on a hierar-chical transformer as base architecture, we design three auxiliary tasks to capture the associationsof different information in user behavior sequence. Under the guidance of mutual information,we adjust the training loss, enabling our PSMIM model to better enhance the information rep-resentation in personalized search. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed methodoutperforms some personalized search methods.”

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Joint Similarity Guidance Hash Coding Based on Adaptive Weight Mixing Strategy For Cross-Modal Retrieval
Sun Yaqi | Yun Jing | Zhuoqun Ma

“There is a continuous and explosive growth of multimodal data. Efficient cross-modal hash-ing retrieval is of significant importance in conserving computational resources.To further en-hance the attention to informative data within modalities and capture the semantic correlationsin cross-modal data, we propose an enhanced deep Joint-Semantics Reconstructing Hashing al-gorithm, which is the Joint Similarity Guidance Hash Coding Based on Adaptive Weight MixingStrategy(JSGHCA). The algorithm focuses on delving deeper into the correlations of the data incross-modal. We introduce the adaptive weight mixing strategy to construct the semantic affinitymatrix, so that the matrix can identify each modal data with specific weight in each batch. Atthe same time, in the process of the hash code generation, we introduce collaborative attentionmechanism. It helps the model to pay more attention to the local information of each modality,thereby capturing the semantic features within each modality more accurately. Additionally, itenables the model to jointly process the attention across different modalities and extract sharedsemantic features more precisely. Experimental results show that the proposed model is signifi-cantly better than the deep joint semantic reconstruction hash algorithm on multiple benchmarkdatasets.”

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Generate-then-Revise: An Effective Synthetic Training Data Generation Framework For Event Detection Retrieval
Du Huidong | Sun Hao | Liu Pengyuan | Yu Dong

“Large language models (LLMs) struggle with event detection (ED) due to the structured and vari-able number of events in the output. Existing supervised approaches rely on a large amount ofmanually annotated corpora, facing challenges in practice when event types are diverse and theannotated data is scarce. We propose Generate-then-Revise (GtR), a framework that leveragesLLMs in the opposite direction to address these challenges in ED. GtR utilizes an LLM to gen-erate high-quality training data in three stages, including a novel data revision step to minimizenoise in the synthetic data. The generated data is then used to train a smaller model for evalua-tion. Our approach demonstrates significant improvements on the low-resource ED. We furtheranalyze the generated data, highlighting the potential of synthetic data generation for enhancingED performance.Introduction”

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E3: Optimizing Language Model Training for Translation via Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness
Chen Linqing | Wang Weilei | Hu Dongyang

“In the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), Large-scale Language Models (LLMs) havedemonstrated exceptional capabilities across a variety of tasks, including question answering,classification, and particularly, natural language understanding. The integration of neural ma-chine translation with LLMs presents significant potential, transforming the paradigms of cross-lingual communication and information exchange. This study investigates the foundational as-pects of LLMs’ translation abilities and identifies effective training methodologies to equip themwith multilingual capacities. We specifically explore the optimal timing for introducing trans-lation capabilities to LLMs via supervised tasks, considering the inherent bilingual nature ofmachine translation. Key questions explored include whether it is more beneficial to integratemultiple languages during the pre-training or supervised fine-tuning (SFT) stages, how varia-tions in language ratios influence LLMs’ translation abilities, and whether longer or shorter textsare more effective for training these models. This research conducts a thorough investigationby training multiple LLMs from scratch with parameter scales in the billions and enhances therobustness of our findings by upgrading the language capabilities of pre-trained open-sourcemodels with parameter scales reaching tens of billions. The aim is to provide a detailed analysisthat elucidates the complexities of augmenting machine translation capabilities within LLMs.”

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Multi-features Enhanced Multi-task Learning for Vietnamese Treebank Conversion
Zhang Zhenguo | Liu Jianjian | Ying Li

“Pre-trained language representation-based dependency parsing models have achieved obviousimprovements in rich-resource languages. However, these model performances depend on thequality and scale of training data significantly. Compared with Chinese and English, the scale ofVietnamese Dependency treebank is scarcity. Considering human annotation is labor-intensiveand time-consuming, we propose a multi-features enhanced multi-task learning framework toconvert all heterogeneous Vietnamese Treebanks to a unified one. On the one hand, we exploitTree BiLSTM and pattern embedding to extract global and local dependency tree features fromthe source Treebank. On the other hand, we propose to integrate these features into a multi-tasklearning framework to use the source dependency parsing to assist the conversion processing.Experiments on the benchmark datasets show that our proposed model can effectively convertheterogeneous treebanks, thus further improving the Vietnamese dependency parsing accuracy byabout 7.12 points in LAS.”

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SimCLNMT: A Simple Contrastive Learning Method for Enhancing Neural Machine Translation Quality
Xu Menglong | Zhang Yanliang

“Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models are typically trained using Maximum LikelihoodEstimation (MLE). However, this approach has a limitation: while it might select the bestword for the immediate context, it does not generally optimize for the entire sentence. Tomitigate this issue, we propose a simple yet effective training method called SimCLNMT.This method is designed to select words that fit well in the immediate context and also en-hance the overall translation quality over time. During training, SimCLNMT scores multiplesystem-generated (candidate) translations using the logarithm of conditional probabilities.Itthen employs a ranking loss function to learn and adjust these probabilities to align with thecorresponding quality scores. Our experimental results demonstrate that SimCLNMT consis-tently outperforms traditional MLE training on both the NIST English-Chinese and WMT’14English-German datasets. Further analysis also indicates that the translations generated by ourmodel are more closely aligned with the corresponding quality scores. We release our code at”

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Translate-and-Revise: Boosting Large Language Models for Constrained Translation
Huang Pengcheng | Mu Yongyu | Wu Yuzhang | Li Bei | Xiao Chunyang | Xiao Tong | Jingbo Zhu

“Imposing constraints on machine translation systems presents a challenging issue because thesesystems are not trained to make use of constraints in generating adequate, fluent translations. Inthis paper, we leverage the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) for constrained trans-lation, given that LLMs can easily adapt to this task by taking translation instructions and con-straints as prompts. However, LLMs cannot always guarantee the adequacy of translation, and,in some cases, ignore the given constraints. This is in part because LLMs might be overly confi-dent in their predictions, overriding the influence of the constraints. To overcome this overidingbehaviour, we propose to add a revision process that encourages LLMs to correct the outputs byprompting them about the constraints that have not yet been met. We evaluate our approach onfour constrained translation tasks, encompassing both lexical and structural constraints in mul-tiple constraint domains. Experiments show 15% improvement in constraint-based translationaccuracy over standard LLMs and the approach also significantly outperforms neural machinetranslation (NMT) state-of-the-art methods.IntroductionConstrained translation seeks to generate translations that adhere to pre-specified constraints. Toachieve this, conventional approaches impose constraints on machine translation systems and force themto follow the constraints during inference (Hokamp and Liu, 2017; Hasler et al., 2018; Dinu et al., 2019;Bergmanis and Pinnis, 2021b; Wang et al., 2022b; Ailem et al., 2022). More recently, large languagemodels (LLMs) have been shown to be strong translation systems (Hendy et al., 2023; Moslem et al.,2023). They provide a general way to involve various instructions, demonstrations, and constraints intothe translation process (Mu et al., 2023; Bogoychev and Chen, 2023), enabling us to perform constrainedtranslation using off-the-shelf, well-trained LLMs.”

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A Multi-Task Biomedical Named Entity Recognition Method Based on Data Augmentation
Zhao Hui | Zhao Di | Meng Jiana | Liu Shuang | Lin Hongfei

“The rapid development of artificial intelligence has led to an explosion of literature in the biomed-ical field, and Biomedical Named Entity Recognition (BioNER) can quickly and accurately iden-tify key information from unstructured text. This task has become an important topic to promotethe rapid development of intelligence in the biomedical field. However, in the Named EntityRecognition (NER) of the biomedical field, there are always some problems of unclear boundaryrecognition, the underutilization of hierarchical information in sentences and the scarcity of train-ing data resources. Based on this, this paper proposes a multi-task BioNER model based on dataaugmentation, using four data augmentation methods: Mention Replacement (MR), Label-wisetoken Replacement (LwTR), Shuffle Within Segments (SiS) and Synonym Replacement (SR)to increase the training data. The syntactic information is extracted by incorporating the inputsentence into the Graph Convolutional Network (GCN), and then the tag information encodedby BERT is interacted through a co-attention mechanism to obtain an interaction matrix. Subse-quently, NER is performed through boundary detection tasks and span classification tasks. Com-parative experiments with other methods are conducted on the BC5CDR and JNLPBA datasets,as well as the CCKS2017 dataset. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of themodel proposed in this paper.”

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Biomedical Event Causal Relation Extraction by Reasoning Optimal Entity Relation Path
Li Lishuang | Mi Liteng | Zhang Beibei | Xiang Yi | Feng Yubo | Qin Xueyang | Tang Jingyao

“Biomedical Event Causal Relation Extraction (BECRE) is an important task in biomedical infor-mation extraction. Existing methods usually use pre-trained language models to learn semanticrepresentations and then predict the event causal relation. However, these methods struggle tocapture sufficient cues in biomedical texts for predicting causal relations. In this paper, we pro-pose a Path Reasoning-based Relation-aware Network (PRRN) to explore deeper cues for causalrelations using reinforcement learning. Specifically, our model reasons the relation paths betweenentity arguments of two events, namely entity relation path, which connects the two biomedicalevents through the multi-hop interactions between entities to provide richer cues for predictingevent causal relations. In PRRN, we design a path reasoning module based on reinforcementlearning and propose a novel reward function to encourage the model to focus on the length andcontextual relevance of entity relation paths. The experimental results on two datasets suggestthat PRRN brings considerable improvements over the state-of-the-art models.Introduction”

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Joint Entity and Relation Extraction Based on Bidirectional Update and Long-Term Memory Gate Mechanism
Qian Yili | Ren Enlong | Xu Haonan

“Joint entity recognition and relation extraction are important tasks in natural language process-ing. While some previous work has recognized the importance of relation information in jointextraction, excessively focusing on relation information without utilizing entity information maylead to information loss and affect the identification of relation tuples. Additionally, ignoring theutilization of original information may result in the loss of hierarchical and semantic information,further reducing the richness of information.To address these issues, we propose a bidirectionalinformation updating mechanism that integrates entity and relation information, iteratively fus-ing fine-grained information about entities and relations. We introduce a long-term memory gatemechanism to update and utilize original information using feature information, thereby enhanc-ing the model’s ability for entity recognition and relation extraction. We evaluated our approachon two Chinese datasets and achieved state-of-the-art results.”

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MFE-NER: Multi-feature Fusion Embedding for Chinese Named Entity Recognition
Li Jiatong | Meng Kui

“In Chinese Named Entity Recognition, character substitution is a complicated linguistic phe-nomenon. Some Chinese characters are quite similar as they share the same components or havesimilar pronunciations. People replace characters in a named entity with similar characters togenerate a new collocation but refer to the same object. As a result, it always leads to unrecog-nizable or mislabeling errors in the NER task. In this paper, we propose a lightweight method,MFE-NER, which fuses glyph and phonetic features to help pre-trained language models handlethe character substitution problem in the NER task with limited extra cost. Basically, in the glyphdomain, we disassemble Chinese characters into Five-Stroke components to represent structurefeatures. In the phonetic domain, an improved phonetic system is proposed in our work, makingit reasonable to describe phonetic similarity among Chinese characters. Experiments demon-strate that our method performs especially well in detecting character substitutions while slightlyimproving the overall performance of Chinese NER.”

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UDAA: An Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Adversarial Learning Framework for Zero-Resource Cross-Domain Named Entity Recognition
Li Baofeng | Tang Jianguo | Qin Yu | Xu Yuelou | Lu Yan | Wang Kai | Li Lei | Zhou Yanquan

“The zero-resource cross-domain named entity recognition (NER) task aims to perform NER in aspecific domain where labeled data is unavailable. Existing methods primarily focus on transfer-ring NER knowledge from high-resource to zero-resource domains. However, the challenge liesin effectively transferring NER knowledge between domains due to the inherent differences inentity structures across domains. To tackle this challenge, we propose an Unsupervised DomainAdaptation Adversarial (UDAA) framework, which combines the masked language model auxil-iary task with the domain adaptive adversarial network to mitigate inter-domain differences andefficiently facilitate knowledge transfer. Experimental results on CBS, Twitter, and WNUT2016three datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework. Notably, we achieved new state-of-the-art performance on the three datasets. Our code will be released.Introduction”

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Triple-view Event Hierarchy Model for Biomedical Event Representation
Huang Jiayi | Li Lishuang | Qin Xueyang | Xiang Yi | Li Jiaqi | Feng Yubo

“Biomedical event representation can be applied to various language tasks. A biomedical eventoften involves multiple biomedical entities and trigger words, and the event structure is complex.However, existing research on event representation mainly focuses on the general domain. Ifmodels from the general domain are directly transferred to biomedical event representation, theresults may not be satisfactory. We argue that biomedical events can be divided into three hierar-chies, each containing unique feature information. Therefore, we propose the Triple-views EventHierarchy Model (TEHM) to enhance the quality of biomedical event representation. TEHM ex-tracts feature information from three different views and integrates them. Specifically, due to thecomplexity of biomedical events, We propose the Trigger-aware Aggregator module to handlecomplex units within biomedical events. Additionally, we annotate two similarity task datasetsin the biomedical domain using annotation standards from the general domain. Extensive exper-iments demonstrate that TEHM achieves state-of-the-art performance on biomedical similaritytasks and biomedical event casual relation extraction.Introduction”

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DialectMoE: An End-to-End Multi-Dialect Speech Recognition Model with Mixture-of-Experts
Zhou Jie | Gao Shengxiang | Yu Zhengtao | Dong Ling | Wang Wenjun

“Dialect speech recognition has always been one of the challenges in Automatic Speech Recog-nition (ASR) systems. While lots of ASR systems perform well in Mandarin, their performancesignificantly drops when handling dialect speech. This is mainly due to the obvious differencesbetween dialects and Mandarin in pronunciation and the data scarcity of dialect speech. In thispaper, we propose DialectMoE, a Chinese multi-dialects speech recognition model based onMixture-of-Experts (MoE) in a low-resource conditions. Specifically, DialectMoE assigns inputsequences to a set of experts using a dynamic routing algorithm, with each expert potentiallytrained for a specific dialect. Subsequently, the outputs of these experts are combined to derivethe final output. Due to the similarities among dialects, distinct experts may offer assistance inrecognizing other dialects as well. Experimental results on the Datatang dialect public datasetshow that, compared with the baseline model, DialectMoE reduces Character Error Rate (CER)for Sichuan, Yunnan, Hubei and Henan dialects by 23.6%, 32.6%, 39.2% and 35.09% respec-tively. The proposed DialectMoE model demonstrates outstanding performance in multi-dialectsspeech recognition.”

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Distinguishing Neural Speech Synthesis Models Through Fingerprints in Speech Waveforms
Zhang ChuYuan | Yi Jiangyan | Tao Jianhua | Wang Chenglong | Yan Xinrui

“Recent advancements in neural speech synthesis technologies have brought aboutwidespread applications but have also raised concerns about potential misuse and abuse.Addressing these challenges is crucial, particularly in the realms of forensics and intellec-tual property protection. While previous research on source attribution of synthesizedspeech has its limitations, our study aims to fill these gaps by investigating the identifi-cation of sources in synthesized speech. We focus on analyzing speech synthesis modelfingerprints in generated speech waveforms, emphasizing the roles of the acoustic modeland vocoder. Our research, based on the multi-speaker LibriTTS dataset, reveals twokey insights: (1) both vocoders and acoustic models leave distinct, model-specific fin-gerprints on generated waveforms, and (2) vocoder fingerprints, being more dominant,may obscure those from the acoustic model. These findings underscore the presence ofmodel-specific fingerprints in both components, suggesting their potential significance insource identification applications.”

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Knowledge Graph-Enhanced Recommendation with Box Embeddings
Liang Qiuyu | Wang Weihua | Lv Lei | Bao Feilong

“Knowledge graphs are used to alleviate the problems of data sparsity and cold starts in recom-mendation systems. However, most existing approaches ignore the hierarchical structure of theknowledge graph. In this paper, we propose a box embedding method for knowledge graph-enhanced recommendation system. Specifically, the box embedding represents not only the in-teraction between the user and the item, but also the head entity, the tail entity and the relationbetween them in the knowledge graph. Then the interaction between the item and the corre-sponding entity is calculated by the multi-task attention unit. Experimental results show thatour method provides a large improvement over previous models in terms of Area Under Curve(AUC) and accuracy in publicly available recommendation datasets with three different domains.”

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Readability-guided Idiom-aware Sentence Simplification (RISS) for Chinese
Zhang Jingshen | Chen Xinglu | Qiu Xinying | Wang Zhimin | Feng Wenhe

“Chinese sentence simplification faces challenges due to the lack of large-scale labeledparallel corpora and the prevalence of idioms. To address these challenges, we pro-pose Readability-guided Idiom-aware Sentence Simplification (RISS), a novel frameworkthat combines data augmentation techniques. RISS introduces two key components: (1)Readability-guided Paraphrase Selection (RPS), a method for mining high-quality sen-tence pairs, and (2) Idiom-aware Simplification (IAS), a model that enhances the compre-hension and simplification of idiomatic expressions. By integrating RPS and IAS usingmulti-stage and multi-task learning strategies, RISS outperforms previous state-of-the-artmethods on two Chinese sentence simplification datasets. Furthermore, RISS achievesadditional improvements when fine-tuned on a small labeled dataset. Our approachdemonstrates the potential for more effective and accessible Chinese text simplification.”

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A Tone-based Hierarchical Structure of Chinese Prosody
Li Ya

“In Chinese speech engineering, many projects use a conventional, syllable-based prosodic hierarchyas an underlying framework to process natural or synthesized speech. However, Chinese as a tonelanguage has its own way of expressing prosody, that is, through tonal interaction, especially tonesandhi. By utilizing the capacity of tone as a dual unit of pitch and timing, the present study proposesa tone-based, three-layer-four-level structure for Chinese prosody. The three layers are tone, toneprosody, and intonation, respectively composed of one level of pitch units, two levels of toneprosody units (basic and derived), and one level of intonation units. These four levels of units areused to replace syllable, prosodic word, phonological phrase, and intonational phrase in aconventional hierarchy. Tone prosody units are established based on sizes or types of tone sandhidomains, so when applied to the same clause uttered in Mandarin and Shanghai Wu Chinese, theyare timed differently and branched toward different directions at different levels, hence capable ofcapturing rhythmic and melodic patterns of the two distinctive types of Chinese. Overall, given itstheory-friendly design, the proposed structure may be used as a unifying framework in Chinesespeech engineering.”

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Linguistic Guidance for Sequence-to-Sequence AMR Parsing
Tang Binghao | Lin Boda | Li Si

“The Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) parsing aims at capturing the meaning of a sen-tence in the form of an AMR graph. Sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq)-based methods, utilizingpowerful Encoder-Decoder pre-trained language models (PLMs), have shown promising perfor-mance. Subsequent works have further improved the utilization of AMR graph information forseq2seq models. However, seq2seq models generate output sequence incrementally, and inac-curate subsequence at the beginning can negatively impact final outputs, also the interconnec-tion between other linguistic representation formats and AMR remains an underexplored domainin existing research. To mitigate the issue of error propagation and to investigate the guidinginfluence of other representation formats on PLMs, we propose a novel approach of LinguisticGuidance for Seq2seq AMR parsing (LGSA). Our proposed LGSA incorporates the very limitedinformation of various linguistic representation formats as guidance on the Encoder side, whichcan effectively enhance PLMs to their further potential, and boost AMR parsing. The resultson proverbial benchmark AMR2.0 and AMR3.0 demonstrate the efficacy of LGSA, which canimprove seq2seq AMR parsers without silver AMR data or alignment information. Moreover,we evaluate the generalization of LGSA by conducting experiments on out-of-domain datasets,and the results indicate that LGSA is even effective in such challenging scenarios.”

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Automatic Construction of the English Sentence Pattern Structure Treebank for Chinese ESL learners
Zhu Lin | Xu Meng | Guo Wenya | Yu Jingsi | Yang Liner | Cao Zehuang | Huang Yuan | Yang Erhong

“Analyzing long and complicated sentences has always been a priority and challenge in Englishlearning. In order to conduct the parse of these sentences for Chinese English as Second Lan-guage (ESL) learners, we design the English Sentence Pattern Structure (ESPS) based on theSentence Diagramming theory. Then, we automatically construct the English Sentence PatternStructure Treebank (ESPST) through the method of rule conversion based on constituency struc-ture and evaluate the conversion results. In addition, we set up two comparative experiments,using trained parser and large language models (LLMs). The results prove that the rule-basedconversion approach is effective.”

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Cost-efficient Crowdsourcing for Span-based Sequence Labeling:Worker Selection and Data Augmentation
Wang Yujie | Huang Chao | Yang Liner | Fang Zhixuan | Huang Yaping | Liu Yang | Yu Jingsi | Yang Erhong

“This paper introduces a novel crowdsourcing worker selection algorithm, enhancing annotationquality and reducing costs. Unlike previous studies targeting simpler tasks, this study con-tends with the complexities of label interdependencies in sequence labeling. The proposedalgorithm utilizes a Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandit (CMAB) approach for worker selec-tion, and a cost-effective human feedback mechanism. The challenge of dealing with imbal-anced and small-scale datasets, which hinders offline simulation of worker selection, is tack-led using an innovative data augmentation method termed shifting, expanding, and shrink-ing (SES). Rigorous testing on CoNLL 2003 NER and Chinese OEI datasets showcased thealgorithm’s efficiency, with an increase in F1 score up to 100.04% of the expert-only base-line, alongside cost savings up to 65.97%. The paper also encompasses a dataset-independenttest emulating annotation evaluation through a Bernoulli distribution, which still led to animpressive 97.56% F1 score of the expert baseline and 59.88% cost savings. Furthermore,our approach can be seamlessly integrated into Reinforcement Learning from Human Feed-back (RLHF) systems, offering a cost-effective solution for obtaining human feedback. All re-sources, including source code and datasets, are available to the broader research community at”

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DLUE: Benchmarking Document Language Understanding
Xu Ruoxi | Lin Hongyu | Guan Xinyan | Sun Yingfei | Sun Le

“Understanding documents is central to many real-world tasks but remains a challenging topic.Unfortunately, there is no well-established consensus on how to comprehensively evaluate docu-ment understanding abilities, which significantly hinders the fair comparison and measuring theprogress of the field. To benchmark document understanding researches, this paper summarizesfour representative abilities, i.e., document classification, document structural analysis, docu-ment information extraction, and document transcription. Under the new evaluation framework,we propose Document Language Understanding Evaluation – DLUE, a new task suite whichcovers a wide-range of tasks in various forms, domains and document genres. We also systemat-ically evaluate six well-established transformer models and representative LLMs on DLUE, andfind that due to the lengthy content, complicated underlying structure and dispersed knowledge,document understanding is still far from being solved in complex real-world scenarios.”

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Do Large Language Models Understand Conversational Implicature- A case study with a Chinese sitcom
Yue Shisen | Song Siyuan | Cheng Xinyuan | Hu Hai

“Understanding the non-literal meaning of an utterance is critical for large language models(LLMs) to become human-like social communicators. In this work, we introduce SwordsmanImp,the first Chinese multi-turn-dialogue-based dataset aimed at conversational implicature, sourcedfrom dialogues in the Chinese sitcom My Own Swordsman. It includes 200 carefully handcraftedquestions, all annotated on which Gricean maxims have been violated. We test eight close-sourceand open-source LLMs under two tasks: a multiple-choice question task and an implicature ex-planation task. Our results show that GPT-4 attains human-level accuracy (94%) on multiple-choice questions. CausalLM demonstrates a 78.5% accuracy following GPT-4. Other models,including GPT3.5 and several open-source models, demonstrate a lower accuracy ranging from20% to 60% on multiple-choice questions. Human raters were asked to rate the explanation ofthe implicatures generated by LLMs on their reasonability, logic and fluency. While all mod-els generate largely fluent and self-consistent text, their explanations score low on reasonabilityexcept for GPT-4, suggesting that most LLMs cannot produce satisfactory explanations of theimplicatures in the conversation. Moreover, we find LLMs’ performance does not vary signif-icantly by Gricean maxims, suggesting that LLMs do not seem to process implicatures derivedfrom different maxims differently. Our data and code are available at”

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EmoFake: An Initial Dataset for Emotion Fake Audio Detection
Zhao Yan | Yi Jiangyan | Tao Jianhua | Wang Chenglong | Dong Yongfeng

“To enhance the effectiveness of fake audio detection techniques, researchers have developed mul-tiple datasets such as those for the ASVspoof and ADD challenges. These datasets typically focuson capturing non-emotional characteristics in speech, such as the identity of the speaker and theauthenticity of the content. However, they often overlook changes in the emotional state of theaudio, which is another crucial dimension affecting the authenticity of speech. Therefore, thisstudy reports our progress in developing such an emotion fake audio detection dataset involvingchanging emotion state of the origin audio named EmoFake. The audio samples in EmoFake aregenerated using open-source emotional voice conversion models, intended to simulate potentialemotional tampering scenarios in real-world settings. We conducted a series of benchmark ex-periments on this dataset, and the results show that even advanced fake audio detection modelstrained on the ASVspoof 2019 LA dataset and the ADD 2022 track 3.2 dataset face challengeswith EmoFake. The EmoFake is publicly available1 now.”

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Going Beyond Passages: Readability Assessment for Book-level Long Texts
Li Wenbiao | Sun Rui | Zhang Tianyi | Wu Yunfang

“Readability assessment for book-level long text is widely needed in real educational applica-tions. However, most of the current researches focus on passage-level readability assessmentand little work has been done to process ultra-long texts. In order to process the long sequenceof book texts better and to enhance pretrained models with difficulty knowledge, we propose anovel model DSDR, difficulty-aware segment pre-training and difficulty multi-view representa-tion. Specifically, we split all books into multiple fixed-length segments and employ unsuper-vised clustering to obtain difficulty-aware segments, which are used to re-train the pretrainedmodel to learn difficulty knowledge. Accordingly, a long text is represented by averaging mul-tiple vectors of segments with varying difficulty levels. We construct a new dataset of GradedChildren’s Books to evaluate model performance. Our proposed model achieves promising re-sults, outperforming both the traditional SVM classifier and several popular pretrained models.In addition, our work establishes a new prototype for book-level readability assessment, whichprovides an important benchmark for related research in future work.”

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Mitigating the Bias of Large Language Model Evaluation
Zhou Hongli | Huang Hui | Long Yunfei | Xu Bing | Zhu Conghui | Cao Hailong | Yang Muyun | Zhao Tiejun

“Recently, there has been a trend of evaluating the Large Language Model (LLM) quality in theflavor of LLM-as-a-Judge, namely leveraging another LLM to evaluate the current output qual-ity. However, existing judges are proven to be biased, namely they would favor answers whichpresent better superficial quality (such as verbosity, fluency) while ignoring the instruction fol-lowing ability. In this work, we propose systematic research about the bias of LLM-as-a-Judge.Specifically, for closed-source judge models, we apply calibration to mitigate the significance ofsuperficial quality, both on probability level and prompt level. For open-source judge models, wepropose to mitigate the bias by contrastive training, with curated negative samples that deviatefrom instruction but present better superficial quality. We apply our methods on the bias evalu-ation benchmark, and experiment results show our methods mitigate the bias by a large marginwhile maintaining a satisfactory evaluation accuracy.”

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PPDAC: A Plug-and -Play Data Augmentation Component for Few-shot Extractive Question Answering
Huang Qi | Fu Han | Luo Wenbin | Wang Mingwen | Luo Kaiwei

“Extractive Question Answering (EQA) in the few-shot learning scenario is one of the most chal-lenging tasks of Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC). Some previous works employ exter-nal knowledge for data augmentation to improve the performance of few-shot extractive ques-tion answering. However, there are not always available external knowledge or language- anddomain-specific NLP tools to deal with external knowledge such as part-of-speech taggers, syn-tactic parsers, and named-entity recognizers. In this paper, we present a novel Plug-and-PlayData Augmentation Component (PPDAC) for the few-shot extractive question answering, whichincludes a paraphrase generator and a paraphrase selector. Specifically, we generate multipleparaphrases of the question in the (question, passage, answer) triples using the paraphrase gener-ator and then obtain highly similar statements via paraphrase selector to form more training datafor fine-tuning. Extensive experiments on multiple EQA datasets show that our proposed plug-and-play data augmentation component significantly improves question-answering performance,and consistently outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in few-shot settings by a large margin.”

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Sentence-Space Metrics (SSM) for the Evaluation of Sentence Comprehension
Lin Jieyu | Chen Honghua | Ding Nai

“It is a fundamental challenge to evaluate whether a model can truly capture the meaning ofsentences. Evaluation of whether a model well captures the meaning of individual words, how-ever, can be effectively achieved by analyzing whether the model encodes words in a vectorspace where semantically similar words form clusters. Inspired by this approach, we propose theSentence-Space Metrics (SSM) to evaluate model interpretation of sentences, and the sentencespace is constructed based on the pairwise entailment relationships between all sentence pairswithin a sentence pool. We use three metrics to evaluate a sentence space, i.e., (1) sparsity, (2)clustering of related sentences, and (3) similarity with the sentence space measured from hu-mans. The SSM is applied to evaluate 20 models, including ChatGPT, 18 BERT-family modelsfine-tuned for Natural Language Inference (NLI) task, as well as SimCSE, a sentence representa-tion model. The SSM reveals dramatic differences among models: Although all models achievehigh accuracy on standard NLI datasets such as MNLI, none of them mirrors the human behaviorunder the SSM. These results demonstrate that, compared with traditional accuracy measures,the SSM considers pairwise relationships between hundreds of sentences and therefore providea more fine-grained evaluation of model interpretation of sentences.Introduction”

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AuditWen: An Open-Source Large Language Model for Audit
Huang Jiajia | Zhu Haoran | Xu Chao | Zhan Tianming | Xie Qianqian | Huang Jimin

“Intelligent auditing represents a crucial advancement in modern audit practices, enhancing boththe quality and efficiency of audits within the realm of artificial intelligence. With the rise oflarge language model (LLM), there is enormous potential for intelligent models to contribute toaudit domain. However, general LLMs applied in audit domain face the challenges of lackingspecialized knowledge and the presence of data biases. To overcome these challenges, this studyintroduces AuditWen, an open-source audit LLM by fine-tuning Qwen with constructing instruc-tion data from audit domain. We first outline the application scenarios for LLMs in the audit andextract requirements that shape the development of LLMs tailored for audit purposes. We thenpropose an audit LLM, called AuditWen, by fine-tuning Qwen with constructing 30k instructiondataset from 15 audit tasks and 3 layers. In evaluation stage, we proposed a benchmark with 5kinstructions that covers a set of critical audit tasks derived from the application scenarios. Withthe benchmark, we compare AuditWen with other existing LLMs from information extraction,question answering and document generation. The experimental results demonstrate superiorperformance of AuditWen both in question understanding and answer generation, making it animmediately valuable tool for audit.Keyword AuditWen, LLM, instruction dataset, fine-tuning, benchmarkIntroduction”

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Chinese Grammatical Error Correction via Large Language Model Guided Optimization Training
Liu Xiao | Li Ying | Yu Zhengtao

“Pre-trained language model-based methods for Chinese Grammatical Error Correction (CGEC)are categorized into Seq2Seq and Seq2Edit types. However, both Seq2Seq and Seq2Edit mod-els depend on high-quality training data significantly. Considering the strong generation andinference ability of large language models (LLMs), we propose a large language model-guidedoptimization training method to exploit LLMs to extract error knowledge to optimize the tradi-tional CGEC model training process. On the one hand, we use error types and confusion sets asextra knowledge to guide LLMs to generate diverse pseudo data, thus extending the error distri-bution of our training data. On the other hand, LLMs are utilized to infer the predicted resultsfrom our CGEC models and obtain the re-training data, thus iteratively optimizing our pre-trainedCGEC models. Experiments on two benchmark datasets show that our LLMs-guided optimiza-tion method with small-scale training data can achieve comparable results with baseline modelswith large-scale training data. Detailed comparison experiments demonstrate that both the earlydeviser pseudo data and the later re-training data are extremely useful for traditional CGEC modeloptimization training, and can benefit from each other. We will release our code and prompts at to facilitate future work.”

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Pattern Shifting or Knowledge Losing? A Forgetting Perspective for Understanding the Effect of Instruction Fine-Tuning
Zhang Chunkang | Cao Boxi | Lu Yaojie | Lin Hongyu | Cao Liu | Zeng Ke | Wan Guanglu | Cai Xunliang | Han Xianpei | Sun Le

“Instruction Fine-Tuning(IFT) emerges as an essential step of training large language models torobustly carry out tasks of interest. However, there lacks a systematic investigation about theunderlying mechanisms of instruction fine-tuning, particularly on the forgetting phenomenonafter IFT, known as alignment tax. Therefore, to understand the mechanism of IFT from theforgetting perspective, we investigate the alternation of the text pattern and knowledge withinmodels throughout the entire IFT process. Specifically, we restore fine-tuned models to their baseversion by training them on the data sharing a similar distribution with the pre-training corpusand compare their results Our experiment indicates that there is a stage transition of forgettingduring IFT process: (1) Pseudo Forgetting: in this stage, models mainly shift their familiar textpattern away from pre-training data format while the world knowledge is preserved. Consequently,models will recover to their original performance when they are restored to the base version. (2)Actual Forgetting: in this stage, models forget the acquired knowledge as well. Therefore, theyfail to reach the original performance even if they are restored to the base version.”

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Prior Constraints-based Reward Model Training for Aligning Large Language Models
Zhou Hang | Wang Chenglong | Hu Yimin | Xiao Tong | Zhang Chunliang | Zhu Jingbo

“Reinforcement learning with human feedback for aligning large language models (LLMs) trainsa reward model typically using ranking loss with comparison pairs. However, the training pro-cedure suffers from an inherent problem: the uncontrolled scaling of reward scores during rein-forcement learning due to the lack of constraints while training the reward model. This paperproposes a Prior Constraints-based Reward Model (PCRM) training method to mitigate thisproblem. PCRM incorporates prior constraints—specifically, length ratio and cosine similaritybetween outputs of each comparison pair—during reward model training to regulate optimiza-tion magnitude and control score margins. We comprehensively evaluate PCRM by examining itsrank correlation with human preferences and its effectiveness in aligning LLMs via RL. Exper-imental results demonstrate that PCRM significantly improves alignment performance by effec-tively constraining reward score scaling. As another bonus, our method is easily integrated intoarbitrary rank-based alignment methods, such as direct preference optimization, and can yieldconsistent improvement. The code is available at”

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Prompt Engineering 101 Prompt Engineering Guidelines from a Linguistic Perspective
Han Wenjuan | Wei Xiang | Cui Xingyu | Cheng Ning | Jiang Guangyuan | Qian Weinan | Zhang Chi

“Deploying tuning-free prompting is challenging in engineering practice: it not only requiresusers to engage in cumbersome trials and errors but is also extremely time-consuming,as even a slight change in wording and phrasing could have a huge impact on the finalperformance. To further investigate the impact of different prompts, in this work, weperform a systematic inspection of four factors in linguistics involved in prompt engineering:syntax, semantics, lexicon, and pragmatics. The empirical results quantify the sensitivityof the output to small textual perturbations in four linguistic factors of prompts. Basedon the analysis of these four factors, we present a series of design guidelines to helphuman users write effective prompts. Human evaluation on amateurs shows that usingthe proposed guidelines helps humans produce prompts with significant gains in zero-shotperformance in Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) and hence validates the utility ofthe guidelines.”