Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Mirella Lapata, Hwee Tou Ng (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Honolulu, Hawaii
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Mirella Lapata | Hwee Tou Ng

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Revealing the Structure of Medical Dictations with Conditional Random Fields
Jeremy Jancsary | Johannes Matiasek | Harald Trost

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It’s a Contradiction – no, it’s not: A Case Study using Functional Relations
Alan Ritter | Stephen Soderland | Doug Downey | Oren Etzioni

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Regular Expression Learning for Information Extraction
Yunyao Li | Rajasekar Krishnamurthy | Sriram Raghavan | Shivakumar Vaithyanathan | H. V. Jagadish

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Modeling Annotators: A Generative Approach to Learning from Annotator Rationales
Omar Zaidan | Jason Eisner

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One-Class Clustering in the Text Domain
Ron Bekkerman | Koby Crammer

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Refining Generative Language Models using Discriminative Learning
Ben Sandbank

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Discriminative Learning of Selectional Preference from Unlabeled Text
Shane Bergsma | Dekang Lin | Randy Goebel

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Dependency-based Semantic Role Labeling of PropBank
Richard Johansson | Pierre Nugues

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Scaling Textual Inference to the Web
Stefan Schoenmackers | Oren Etzioni | Daniel Weld

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Maximum Entropy based Rule Selection Model for Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation
Qun Liu | Zhongjun He | Yang Liu | Shouxun Lin

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Indirect-HMM-based Hypothesis Alignment for Combining Outputs from Machine Translation Systems
Xiaodong He | Mei Yang | Jianfeng Gao | Patrick Nguyen | Robert Moore

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Coarse-to-Fine Syntactic Machine Translation using Language Projections
Slav Petrov | Aria Haghighi | Dan Klein

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Adding Redundant Features for CRFs-based Sentence Sentiment Classification
Jun Zhao | Kang Liu | Gen Wang

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Multilingual Subjectivity Analysis Using Machine Translation
Carmen Banea | Rada Mihalcea | Janyce Wiebe | Samer Hassan

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Ranking Reader Emotions Using Pairwise Loss Minimization and Emotional Distribution Regression
Kevin Hsin-Yih Lin | Hsin-Hsi Chen

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Dependency Parsing by Belief Propagation
David Smith | Jason Eisner

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Stacking Dependency Parsers
André Filipe Torres Martins | Dipanjan Das | Noah A. Smith | Eric P. Xing

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Better Binarization for the CKY Parsing
Xinying Song | Shilin Ding | Chin-Yew Lin

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Sentence Fusion via Dependency Graph Compression
Katja Filippova | Michael Strube

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Revisiting Readability: A Unified Framework for Predicting Text Quality
Emily Pitler | Ani Nenkova

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Syntactic Constraints on Paraphrases Extracted from Parallel Corpora
Chris Callison-Burch

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Forest-based Translation Rule Extraction
Haitao Mi | Liang Huang

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Probabilistic Inference for Machine Translation
Phil Blunsom | Miles Osborne

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Online Large-Margin Training of Syntactic and Structural Translation Features
David Chiang | Yuval Marton | Philip Resnik

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A Noisy-Channel Model of Human Sentence Comprehension under Uncertain Input
Roger Levy

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Incorporating Temporal and Semantic Information with Eye Gaze for Automatic Word Acquisition in Multimodal Conversational Systems
Shaolin Qu | Joyce Chai

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Cheap and Fast – But is it Good? Evaluating Non-Expert Annotations for Natural Language Tasks
Rion Snow | Brendan O’Connor | Daniel Jurafsky | Andrew Ng

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HotSpots: Visualizing Edits to a Text
Srinivas Bangalore | David Smith

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Who is Who and What is What: Experiments in Cross-Document Co-Reference
Alex Baron | Marjorie Freedman

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Arabic Named Entity Recognition using Optimized Feature Sets
Yassine Benajiba | Mona Diab | Paolo Rosso

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Understanding the Value of Features for Coreference Resolution
Eric Bengtson | Dan Roth

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Selecting Sentences for Answering Complex Questions
Yllias Chali | Shafiq Joty

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Sampling Alignment Structure under a Bayesian Translation Model
John DeNero | Alexandre Bouchard-Côté | Dan Klein

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Improving Chinese Semantic Role Classification with Hierarchical Feature Selection Strategy
Weiwei Ding | Baobao Chang

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Bayesian Unsupervised Topic Segmentation
Jacob Eisenstein | Regina Barzilay

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A comparison of Bayesian estimators for unsupervised Hidden Markov Model POS taggers
Jianfeng Gao | Mark Johnson

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Transliteration as Constrained Optimization
Dan Goldwasser | Dan Roth

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Studying the History of Ideas Using Topic Models
David Hall | Daniel Jurafsky | Christopher D. Manning

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Triplet Lexicon Models for Statistical Machine Translation
Saša Hasan | Juri Ganitkevitch | Hermann Ney | Jesús Andrés-Ferrer

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A Casual Conversation System Using Modality and Word Associations Retrieved from the Web
Shinsuke Higuchi | Rafal Rzepka | Kenji Araki

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When Harry Met Harri: Cross-lingual Name Spelling Normalization
Fei Huang | Ahmad Emami | Imed Zitouni

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A Dependency-based Word Subsequence Kernel
Rohit Kate

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Bridging Lexical Gaps between Queries and Questions on Large Online Q&A Collections with Compact Translation Models
Jung-Tae Lee | Sang-Bum Kim | Young-In Song | Hae-Chang Rim

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Scalable Language Processing Algorithms for the Masses: A Case Study in Computing Word Co-occurrence Matrices with MapReduce
Jimmy Lin

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Online Acquisition of Japanese Unknown Morphemes using Morphological Constraints
Yugo Murawaki | Sadao Kurohashi

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Legal Docket Classification: Where Machine Learning Stumbles
Ramesh Nallapati | Christopher D. Manning

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A Discriminative Candidate Generator for String Transformations
Naoaki Okazaki | Yoshimasa Tsuruoka | Sophia Ananiadou | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Automatic induction of FrameNet lexical units
Marco Pennacchiotti | Diego De Cao | Roberto Basili | Danilo Croce | Michael Roth

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Multimodal Subjectivity Analysis of Multiparty Conversation
Stephan Raaijmakers | Khiet Truong | Theresa Wilson

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Adapting a Lexicalized-Grammar Parser to Contrasting Domains
Laura Rimell | Stephen Clark

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Improving Interactive Machine Translation via Mouse Actions
Germán Sanchis-Trilles | Daniel Ortiz-Martínez | Jorge Civera | Francisco Casacuberta | Enrique Vidal | Hieu Hoang

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LTAG Dependency Parsing with Bidirectional Incremental Construction
Libin Shen | Aravind Joshi

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Improved Sentence Alignment on Parallel Web Pages Using a Stochastic Tree Alignment Model
Lei Shi | Ming Zhou

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HTM: A Topic Model for Hypertexts
Congkai Sun | Bin Gao | Zhenfu Cao | Hang Li

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A Japanese Predicate Argument Structure Analysis using Decision Lists
Hirotoshi Taira | Sanae Fujita | Masaaki Nagata

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Online Word Games for Semantic Data Collection
David Vickrey | Aaron Bronzan | William Choi | Aman Kumar | Jason Turner-Maier | Arthur Wang | Daphne Koller

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Seed and Grow: Augmenting Statistically Generated Summary Sentences using Schematic Word Patterns
Stephen Wan | Robert Dale | Mark Dras | Cécile Paris

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Using Bilingual Knowledge and Ensemble Techniques for Unsupervised Chinese Sentiment Analysis
Xiaojun Wan

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A Tale of Two Parsers: Investigating and Combining Graph-based and Transition-based Dependency Parsing
Yue Zhang | Stephen Clark

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Generalizing Local and Non-Local Word-Reordering Patterns for Syntax-Based Machine Translation
Bing Zhao | Yaser Al-onaizan

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Weakly-Supervised Acquisition of Labeled Class Instances using Graph Random Walks
Partha Pratim Talukdar | Joseph Reisinger | Marius Paşca | Deepak Ravichandran | Rahul Bhagat | Fernando Pereira

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Seeded Discovery of Base Relations in Large Corpora
Nicholas Andrews | Naren Ramakrishnan

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Mention Detection Crossing the Language Barrier
Imed Zitouni | Radu Florian

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Decomposability of Translation Metrics for Improved Evaluation and Efficient Algorithms
David Chiang | Steve DeNeefe | Yee Seng Chan | Hwee Tou Ng

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Lattice Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding for Statistical Machine Translation
Roy Tromble | Shankar Kumar | Franz Och | Wolfgang Macherey

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Phrase Translation Probabilities with ITG Priors and Smoothing as Learning Objective
Markos Mylonakis | Khalil Sima’an

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Unsupervised Models for Coreference Resolution
Vincent Ng

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Joint Unsupervised Coreference Resolution with Markov Logic
Hoifung Poon | Pedro Domingos

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Specialized Models and Ranking for Coreference Resolution
Pascal Denis | Jason Baldridge

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Learning with Probabilistic Features for Improved Pipeline Models
Razvan Bunescu

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Cross-Task Knowledge-Constrained Self Training
Hal Daumé III

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Online Methods for Multi-Domain Learning and Adaptation
Mark Dredze | Koby Crammer

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Jointly Combining Implicit Constraints Improves Temporal Ordering
Nathanael Chambers | Daniel Jurafsky

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Automatic Inference of the Temporal Location of Situations in Chinese Text
Nianwen Xue

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Learning the Scope of Negation in Biomedical Texts
Roser Morante | Anthony Liekens | Walter Daelemans

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Lattice-based Minimum Error Rate Training for Statistical Machine Translation
Wolfgang Macherey | Franz Och | Ignacio Thayer | Jakob Uszkoreit

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Syntactic Models for Structural Word Insertion and Deletion during Translation
Arul Menezes | Chris Quirk

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Predicting Success in Machine Translation
Alexandra Birch | Miles Osborne | Philipp Koehn

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An Exploration of Document Impact on Graph-Based Multi-Document Summarization
Xiaojun Wan

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Topic-Driven Multi-Document Summarization with Encyclopedic Knowledge and Spreading Activation
Vivi Nastase

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Summarizing Spoken and Written Conversations
Gabriel Murray | Giuseppe Carenini

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A Generative Model for Parsing Natural Language to Meaning Representations
Wei Lu | Hwee Tou Ng | Wee Sun Lee | Luke S. Zettlemoyer

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Learning with Compositional Semantics as Structural Inference for Subsentential Sentiment Analysis
Yejin Choi | Claire Cardie

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A Phrase-Based Alignment Model for Natural Language Inference
Bill MacCartney | Michel Galley | Christopher D. Manning

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Attacking Decipherment Problems Optimally with Low-Order N-gram Models
Sujith Ravi | Kevin Knight

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Integrating Multi-level Linguistic Knowledge with a Unified Framework for Mandarin Speech Recognition
Xinhao Wang | Jiazhong Nie | Dingsheng Luo | Xihong Wu

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N-gram Weighting: Reducing Training Data Mismatch in Cross-Domain Language Model Estimation
Bo-June Paul Hsu | James Glass

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Complexity of Finding the BLEU-optimal Hypothesis in a Confusion Network
Gregor Leusch | Evgeny Matusov | Hermann Ney

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A Simple and Effective Hierarchical Phrase Reordering Model
Michel Galley | Christopher D. Manning

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Language and Translation Model Adaptation using Comparable Corpora
Matthew Snover | Bonnie Dorr | Richard Schwartz

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Sparse Multi-Scale Grammars for Discriminative Latent Variable Parsing
Slav Petrov | Dan Klein

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Two Languages are Better than One (for Syntactic Parsing)
David Burkett | Dan Klein

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Automatic Prediction of Parser Accuracy
Sujith Ravi | Kevin Knight | Radu Soricut

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A Structured Vector Space Model for Word Meaning in Context
Katrin Erk | Sebastian Padó

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Learning Graph Walk Based Similarity Measures for Parsed Text
Einat Minkov | William W. Cohen

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A Graph-theoretic Model of Lexical Syntactic Acquisition
Hinrich Schütze | Michael Walsh

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Question Classification using Head Words and their Hypernyms
Zhiheng Huang | Marcus Thint | Zengchang Qin

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CoCQA: Co-Training over Questions and Answers with an Application to Predicting Question Subjectivity Orientation
Baoli Li | Yandong Liu | Eugene Agichtein

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Automatic Set Expansion for List Question Answering
Richard C. Wang | Nico Schlaefer | William W. Cohen | Eric Nyberg

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Acquiring Domain-Specific Dialog Information from Task-Oriented Human-Human Interaction through an Unsupervised Learning
Ananlada Chotimongkol | Alexander Rudnicky

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Relative Rank Statistics for Dialog Analysis
Juan Huerta

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Learning to Predict Code-Switching Points
Thamar Solorio | Yang Liu

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Computing Word-Pair Antonymy
Saif Mohammad | Bonnie Dorr | Graeme Hirst

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Construction of an Idiom Corpus and its Application to Idiom Identification based on WSD Incorporating Idiom-Specific Features
Chikara Hashimoto | Daisuke Kawahara

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Word Sense Disambiguation Using OntoNotes: An Empirical Study
Zhi Zhong | Hwee Tou Ng | Yee Seng Chan

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Graph-based Analysis of Semantic Drift in Espresso-like Bootstrapping Algorithms
Mamoru Komachi | Taku Kudo | Masashi Shimbo | Yuji Matsumoto

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The Linguistic Structure of English Web-Search Queries
Cory Barr | Rosie Jones | Moira Regelson

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Mining and Modeling Relations between Formal and Informal Chinese Phrases from Web Corpora
Zhifei Li | David Yarowsky

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Unsupervised Multilingual Learning for POS Tagging
Benjamin Snyder | Tahira Naseem | Jacob Eisenstein | Regina Barzilay

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Part-of-Speech Tagging for English-Spanish Code-Switched Text
Thamar Solorio | Yang Liu

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Information Retrieval Oriented Word Segmentation based on Character Association Strength Ranking
Yixuan Liu | Bin Wang | Fan Ding | Sheng Xu

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An Analysis of Active Learning Strategies for Sequence Labeling Tasks
Burr Settles | Mark Craven

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Latent-Variable Modeling of String Transductions with Finite-State Methods
Markus Dreyer | Jason Smith | Jason Eisner

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Soft-Supervised Learning for Text Classification
Amarnag Subramanya | Jeff Bilmes