Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
Alessandro Moschitti, Bo Pang, Walter Daelemans (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- D14-1
- Month:
- October
- Year:
- 2014
- Address:
- Doha, Qatar
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- DOI:
- 10.3115/v1/D14-1
- PDF:
Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
Alessandro Moschitti
Bo Pang
Walter Daelemans
Invited Talk: IBM Cognitive Computing - An NLP Renaissance!
Salim Roukos
Modeling Interestingness with Deep Neural Networks
Jianfeng Gao
Patrick Pantel
Michael Gamon
Xiaodong He
Li Deng
Translation Modeling with Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks
Martin Sundermeyer
Tamer Alkhouli
Joern Wuebker
Hermann Ney
A Neural Network Approach to Selectional Preference Acquisition
Tim Van de Cruys
Learning Image Embeddings using Convolutional Neural Networks for Improved Multi-Modal Semantics
Douwe Kiela
Léon Bottou
Identifying Argumentative Discourse Structures in Persuasive Essays
Christian Stab
Iryna Gurevych
Policy Learning for Domain Selection in an Extensible Multi-domain Spoken Dialogue System
Zhuoran Wang
Hongliang Chen
Guanchun Wang
Hao Tian
Hua Wu
Haifeng Wang
A Constituent-Based Approach to Argument Labeling with Joint Inference in Discourse Parsing
Fang Kong
Hwee Tou Ng
Guodong Zhou
Strongly Incremental Repair Detection
Julian Hough
Matthew Purver
Semi-Supervised Chinese Word Segmentation Using Partial-Label Learning With Conditional Random Fields
Fan Yang
Paul Vozila
Accurate Word Segmentation and POS Tagging for Japanese Microblogs: Corpus Annotation and Joint Modeling with Lexical Normalization
Nobuhiro Kaji
Masaru Kitsuregawa
Revisiting Embedding Features for Simple Semi-supervised Learning
Jiang Guo
Wanxiang Che
Haifeng Wang
Ting Liu
Combining Punctuation and Disfluency Prediction: An Empirical Study
Xuancong Wang
Khe Chai Sim
Hwee Tou Ng
Submodularity for Data Selection in Machine Translation
Katrin Kirchhoff
Jeff Bilmes
Improve Statistical Machine Translation with Context-Sensitive Bilingual Semantic Embedding Model
Haiyang Wu
Daxiang Dong
Xiaoguang Hu
Dianhai Yu
Wei He
Hua Wu
Haifeng Wang
Ting Liu
Transformation from Discontinuous to Continuous Word Alignment Improves Translation Quality
Zhongjun He
Hua Wu
Haifeng Wang
Ting Liu
Unsupervised Word Alignment Using Frequency Constraint in Posterior Regularized EM
Hidetaka Kamigaito
Taro Watanabe
Hiroya Takamura
Manabu Okumura
Asymmetric Features Of Human Generated Translation
Sauleh Eetemadi
Kristina Toutanova
Syntax-Augmented Machine Translation using Syntax-Label Clustering
Hideya Mino
Taro Watanabe
Eiichiro Sumita
Testing for Significance of Increased Correlation with Human Judgment
Yvette Graham
Timothy Baldwin
Syntactic SMT Using a Discriminative Text Generation Model
Yue Zhang
Kai Song
Linfeng Song
Jingbo Zhu
Qun Liu
Learning Hierarchical Translation Spans
Jingyi Zhang
Masao Utiyama
Eiichiro Sumita
Hai Zhao
Neural Network Based Bilingual Language Model Growing for Statistical Machine Translation
Rui Wang
Hai Zhao
Bao-Liang Lu
Masao Utiyama
Eiichiro Sumita
Better Statistical Machine Translation through Linguistic Treatment of Phrasal Verbs
Kostadin Cholakov
Valia Kordoni
Fitting Sentence Level Translation Evaluation with Many Dense Features
Miloš Stanojević
Khalil Sima’an
A Human Judgement Corpus and a Metric for Arabic MT Evaluation
Houda Bouamor
Hanan Alshikhabobakr
Behrang Mohit
Kemal Oflazer
Learning to Differentiate Better from Worse Translations
Francisco Guzmán
Shafiq Joty
Lluís Màrquez
Alessandro Moschitti
Preslav Nakov
Massimo Nicosia
Two Improvements to Left-to-Right Decoding for Hierarchical Phrase-based Machine Translation
Maryam Siahbani
Anoop Sarkar
Reordering Model for Forest-to-String Machine Translation
Martin Čmejrek
Aligning context-based statistical models of language with brain activity during reading
Leila Wehbe
Ashish Vaswani
Kevin Knight
Tom Mitchell
A Cognitive Model of Semantic Network Learning
Aida Nematzadeh
Afsaneh Fazly
Suzanne Stevenson
Learning Abstract Concept Embeddings from Multi-Modal Data: Since You Probably Can’t See What I Mean
Felix Hill
Anna Korhonen
Go Climb a Dependency Tree and Correct the Grammatical Errors
Longkai Zhang
Houfeng Wang
An Unsupervised Model for Instance Level Subcategorization Acquisition
Simon Baker
Roi Reichart
Anna Korhonen
Parsing low-resource languages using Gibbs sampling for PCFGs with latent annotations
Liang Sun
Jason Mielens
Jason Baldridge
Incremental Semantic Role Labeling with Tree Adjoining Grammar
Ioannis Konstas
Frank Keller
Vera Demberg
Mirella Lapata
A Graph-based Approach for Contextual Text Normalization
Cagil Sönmez
Arzucan Özgür
ReNoun: Fact Extraction for Nominal Attributes
Mohamed Yahya
Steven Whang
Rahul Gupta
Alon Halevy
Hierarchical Discriminative Classification for Text-Based Geolocation
Benjamin Wing
Jason Baldridge
Probabilistic Models of Cross-Lingual Semantic Similarity in Context Based on Latent Cross-Lingual Concepts Induced from Comparable Data
Ivan Vulić
Marie-Francine Moens
Multi-Predicate Semantic Role Labeling
Haitong Yang
Chengqing Zong
Werdy: Recognition and Disambiguation of Verbs and Verb Phrases with Syntactic and Semantic Pruning
Luciano Del Corro
Rainer Gemulla
Gerhard Weikum
Multi-Resolution Language Grounding with Weak Supervision
R. Koncel-Kedziorski
Hannaneh Hajishirzi
Ali Farhadi
Incorporating Vector Space Similarity in Random Walk Inference over Knowledge Bases
Matt Gardner
Partha Talukdar
Jayant Krishnamurthy
Tom Mitchell
Composition of Word Representations Improves Semantic Role Labelling
Michael Roth
Kristian Woodsend
Automatic Domain Assignment for Word Sense Alignment
Tommaso Caselli
Carlo Strapparava
Nothing like Good Old Frequency: Studying Context Filters for Distributional Thesauri
Muntsa Padró
Marco Idiart
Aline Villavicencio
Carlos Ramisch
Aligning English Strings with Abstract Meaning Representation Graphs
Nima Pourdamghani
Yang Gao
Ulf Hermjakob
Kevin Knight
A Shortest-path Method for Arc-factored Semantic Role Labeling
Xavier Lluís
Xavier Carreras
Lluís Màrquez
Semantic Kernels for Semantic Parsing
Iman Saleh
Alessandro Moschitti
Preslav Nakov
Lluís Màrquez
Shafiq Joty
An I-vector Based Approach to Compact Multi-Granularity Topic Spaces Representation of Textual Documents
Mohamed Morchid
Mohamed Bouallegue
Richard Dufour
Georges Linarès
Driss Matrouf
Renato de Mori
Explaining the Stars: Weighted Multiple-Instance Learning for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
Nikolaos Pappas
Andrei Popescu-Belis
Sentiment Analysis on the People’s Daily
Jiwei Li
Eduard Hovy
A Joint Segmentation and Classification Framework for Sentiment Analysis
Duyu Tang
Furu Wei
Bing Qin
Li Dong
Ting Liu
Ming Zhou
Positive Unlabeled Learning for Deceptive Reviews Detection
Yafeng Ren
Donghong Ji
Hongbin Zhang
Resolving Shell Nouns
Varada Kolhatkar
Graeme Hirst
A Comparison of Selectional Preference Models for Automatic Verb Classification
Will Roberts
Markus Egg
Learning to Solve Arithmetic Word Problems with Verb Categorization
Mohammad Javad Hosseini
Hannaneh Hajishirzi
Oren Etzioni
Nate Kushman
NaturalLI: Natural Logic Inference for Common Sense Reasoning
Gabor Angeli
Christopher D. Manning
Modeling Term Translation for Document-informed Machine Translation
Fandong Meng
Deyi Xiong
Wenbin Jiang
Qun Liu
Beyond Parallel Data: Joint Word Alignment and Decipherment Improves Machine Translation
Qing Dou
Ashish Vaswani
Kevin Knight
Latent Domain Phrase-based Models for Adaptation
Hoang Cuong
Khalil Sima’an
Translation Rules with Right-Hand Side Lattices
Fabien Cromières
Sadao Kurohashi
Learning to Translate: A Query-Specific Combination Approach for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval
Ferhan Ture
Elizabeth Boschee
Semantic-Based Multilingual Document Clustering via Tensor Modeling
Salvatore Romeo
Andrea Tagarelli
Dino Ienco
Lexical Substitution for the Medical Domain
Martin Riedl
Michael Glass
Alfio Gliozzo
Question Answering with Subgraph Embeddings
Antoine Bordes
Sumit Chopra
Jason Weston
Correcting Keyboard Layout Errors and Homoglyphs in Queries
Derek Barnes
Mahesh Joshi
Hassan Sawaf
Non-linear Mapping for Improved Identification of 1300+ Languages
Ralf Brown
A Neural Network for Factoid Question Answering over Paragraphs
Mohit Iyyer
Jordan Boyd-Graber
Leonardo Claudino
Richard Socher
Hal Daumé III
Joint Relational Embeddings for Knowledge-based Question Answering
Min-Chul Yang
Nan Duan
Ming Zhou
Hae-Chang Rim
Adding High-Precision Links to Wikipedia
Thanapon Noraset
Chandra Bhagavatula
Doug Downey
Finding Good Enough: A Task-Based Evaluation of Query Biased Summarization for Cross-Language Information Retrieval
Jennifer Williams
Sharon Tam
Wade Shen
Chinese Poetry Generation with Recurrent Neural Networks
Xingxing Zhang
Mirella Lapata
Fear the REAPER: A System for Automatic Multi-Document Summarization with Reinforcement Learning
Cody Rioux
Sadid A. Hasan
Yllias Chali
Improving Multi-documents Summarization by Sentence Compression based on Expanded Constituent Parse Trees
Chen Li
Yang Liu
Fei Liu
Lin Zhao
Fuliang Weng
Analyzing Stemming Approaches for Turkish Multi-Document Summarization
Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı
Arzucan Özgür
Invited Talk: Learning from Rational Behavior
Thorsten Joachims
Evaluating Neural Word Representations in Tensor-Based Compositional Settings
Dmitrijs Milajevs
Dimitri Kartsaklis
Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
Matthew Purver
Opinion Mining with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
Ozan İrsoy
Claire Cardie
The Inside-Outside Recursive Neural Network model for Dependency Parsing
Phong Le
Willem Zuidema
A Fast and Accurate Dependency Parser using Neural Networks
Danqi Chen
Christopher Manning
Why are You Taking this Stance? Identifying and Classifying Reasons in Ideological Debates
Kazi Saidul Hasan
Vincent Ng
Chinese Zero Pronoun Resolution: An Unsupervised Probabilistic Model Rivaling Supervised Resolvers
Chen Chen
Vincent Ng
Unsupervised Sentence Enhancement for Automatic Summarization
Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
Gerald Penn
ReferItGame: Referring to Objects in Photographs of Natural Scenes
Sahar Kazemzadeh
Vicente Ordonez
Mark Matten
Tamara Berg
Unsupervised Template Mining for Semantic Category Understanding
Lei Shi
Shuming Shi
Chin-Yew Lin
Yi-Dong Shen
Yong Rui
Taxonomy Construction Using Syntactic Contextual Evidence
Anh Tuan Luu
Jung-jae Kim
See Kiong Ng
Analysing recall loss in named entity slot filling
Glen Pink
Joel Nothman
James R. Curran
Relieving the Computational Bottleneck: Joint Inference for Event Extraction with High-Dimensional Features
Deepak Venugopal
Chen Chen
Vibhav Gogate
Vincent Ng
Syllable weight encodes mostly the same information for English word segmentation as dictionary stress
John K Pate
Mark Johnson
A Joint Model for Unsupervised Chinese Word Segmentation
Miaohong Chen
Baobao Chang
Wenzhe Pei
Domain Adaptation for CRF-based Chinese Word Segmentation using Free Annotations
Yijia Liu
Yue Zhang
Wanxiang Che
Ting Liu
Fan Wu
Balanced Korean Word Spacing with Structural SVM
Changki Lee
Edward Choi
Hyunki Kim
Morphological Segmentation for Keyword Spotting
Karthik Narasimhan
Damianos Karakos
Richard Schwartz
Stavros Tsakalidis
Regina Barzilay
What Can We Get From 1000 Tokens? A Case Study of Multilingual POS Tagging For Resource-Poor Languages
Long Duong
Trevor Cohn
Karin Verspoor
Steven Bird
Paul Cook
An Experimental Comparison of Active Learning Strategies for Partially Labeled Sequences
Diego Marcheggiani
Thierry Artières
Language Modeling with Functional Head Constraint for Code Switching Speech Recognition
Ying Li
Pascale Fung
A Polynomial-Time Dynamic Oracle for Non-Projective Dependency Parsing
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Francesco Sartorio
Giorgio Satta
Ambiguity Resolution for Vt-N Structures in Chinese
Yu-Ming Hsieh
Jason S. Chang
Keh-Jiann Chen
Neural Networks Leverage Corpus-wide Information for Part-of-speech Tagging
Yuta Tsuboi
System Combination for Grammatical Error Correction
Raymond Hendy Susanto
Peter Phandi
Hwee Tou Ng
Dependency parsing with latent refinements of part-of-speech tags
Thomas Mueller
Richard Farkas
Alex Judea
Helmut Schmid
Hinrich Schuetze
Importance weighting and unsupervised domain adaptation of POS taggers: a negative result
Barbara Plank
Anders Johannsen
Anders Søgaard
POS Tagging of English-Hindi Code-Mixed Social Media Content
Yogarshi Vyas
Spandana Gella
Jatin Sharma
Kalika Bali
Monojit Choudhury
Data Driven Grammatical Error Detection in Transcripts of Children’s Speech
Eric Morley
Anna Eva Hallin
Brian Roark
A* CCG Parsing with a Supertag-factored Model
Mike Lewis
Mark Steedman
A Dependency Parser for Tweets
Lingpeng Kong
Nathan Schneider
Swabha Swayamdipta
Archna Bhatia
Chris Dyer
Noah A. Smith
Greed is Good if Randomized: New Inference for Dependency Parsing
Yuan Zhang
Tao Lei
Regina Barzilay
Tommi Jaakkola
A Unified Model for Word Sense Representation and Disambiguation
Xinxiong Chen
Zhiyuan Liu
Maosong Sun
Reducing Dimensions of Tensors in Type-Driven Distributional Semantics
Tamara Polajnar
Luana Fǎgǎrǎşan
Stephen Clark
An Etymological Approach to Cross-Language Orthographic Similarity. Application on Romanian
Alina Maria Ciobanu
Liviu P. Dinu
Efficient Non-parametric Estimation of Multiple Embeddings per Word in Vector Space
Arvind Neelakantan
Jeevan Shankar
Alexandre Passos
Andrew McCallum
Tailor knowledge graph for query understanding: linking intent topics by propagation
Shi Zhao
Yan Zhang
Queries as a Source of Lexicalized Commonsense Knowledge
Marius Paşca
Question Answering over Linked Data Using First-order Logic
Shizhu He
Kang Liu
Yuanzhe Zhang
Liheng Xu
Jun Zhao
Knowledge Graph and Corpus Driven Segmentation and Answer Inference for Telegraphic Entity-seeking Queries
Mandar Joshi
Uma Sawant
Soumen Chakrabarti
A Regularized Competition Model for Question Difficulty Estimation in Community Question Answering Services
Quan Wang
Jing Liu
Bin Wang
Li Guo
Vote Prediction on Comments in Social Polls
Isaac Persing
Vincent Ng
Exploiting Social Relations and Sentiment for Stock Prediction
Jianfeng Si
Arjun Mukherjee
Bing Liu
Sinno Jialin Pan
Qing Li
Huayi Li
Developing Age and Gender Predictive Lexica over Social Media
Maarten Sap
Gregory Park
Johannes Eichstaedt
Margaret Kern
David Stillwell
Michal Kosinski
Lyle Ungar
Hansen Andrew Schwartz
Dependency Parsing for Weibo: An Efficient Probabilistic Logic Programming Approach
William Yang Wang
Lingpeng Kong
Kathryn Mazaitis
William W. Cohen
Exploiting Community Emotion for Microblog Event Detection
Gaoyan Ou
Wei Chen
Tengjiao Wang
Zhongyu Wei
Binyang Li
Dongqing Yang
Kam-Fai Wong
Detecting Disagreement in Conversations using Pseudo-Monologic Rhetorical Structure
Kelsey Allen
Giuseppe Carenini
Raymond Ng
+/-EffectWordNet: Sense-level Lexicon Acquisition for Opinion Inference
Yoonjung Choi
Janyce Wiebe
A Sentiment-aligned Topic Model for Product Aspect Rating Prediction
Hao Wang
Martin Ester
Learning Emotion Indicators from Tweets: Hashtags, Hashtag Patterns, and Phrases
Ashequl Qadir
Ellen Riloff
Fine-Grained Contextual Predictions for Hard Sentiment Words
Sebastian Ebert
Hinrich Schütze
An Iterative Link-based Method for Parallel Web Page Mining
Le Liu
Yu Hong
Jun Lu
Jun Lang
Heng Ji
Jianmin Yao
Human Effort and Machine Learnability in Computer Aided Translation
Spence Green
Sida I. Wang
Jason Chuang
Jeffrey Heer
Sebastian Schuster
Christopher D. Manning
Exact Decoding for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Wilker Aziz
Marc Dymetman
Lucia Specia
Large-scale Expected BLEU Training of Phrase-based Reordering Models
Michael Auli
Michel Galley
Jianfeng Gao
Confidence-based Rewriting of Machine Translation Output
Benjamin Marie
Aurélien Max
Learning Compact Lexicons for CCG Semantic Parsing
Yoav Artzi
Dipanjan Das
Slav Petrov
Morpho-syntactic Lexical Generalization for CCG Semantic Parsing
Adrienne Wang
Tom Kwiatkowski
Luke Zettlemoyer
Semantic Parsing Using Content and Context: A Case Study from Requirements Elicitation
Reut Tsarfaty
Ilia Pogrebezky
Guy Weiss
Yaarit Natan
Smadar Szekely
David Harel
Semantic Parsing with Relaxed Hybrid Trees
Wei Lu
Low-dimensional Embeddings for Interpretable Anchor-based Topic Inference
David Mimno
Moontae Lee
Weakly-Supervised Learning with Cost-Augmented Contrastive Estimation
Kevin Gimpel
Mohit Bansal
Don’t Until the Final Verb Wait: Reinforcement Learning for Simultaneous Machine Translation
Alvin Grissom II
He He
Jordan Boyd-Graber
John Morgan
Hal Daumé III
PCFG Induction for Unsupervised Parsing and Language Modelling
James Scicluna
Colin de la Higuera
Can characters reveal your native language? A language-independent approach to native language identification
Radu Tudor Ionescu
Marius Popescu
Aoife Cahill
Formalizing Word Sampling for Vocabulary Prediction as Graph-based Active Learning
Yo Ehara
Yusuke Miyao
Hidekazu Oiwa
Issei Sato
Hiroshi Nakagawa
Language Transfer Hypotheses with Linear SVM Weights
Shervin Malmasi
Mark Dras
Predicting Dialect Variation in Immigrant Contexts Using Light Verb Constructions
A. Seza Doğruöz
Preslav Nakov
Device-Dependent Readability for Improved Text Understanding
A-Yeong Kim
Hyun-Je Song
Seong-Bae Park
Sang-Jo Lee
Predicting Chinese Abbreviations with Minimum Semantic Unit and Global Constraints
Longkai Zhang
Li Li
Houfeng Wang
Xu Sun
Using Structured Events to Predict Stock Price Movement: An Empirical Investigation
Xiao Ding
Yue Zhang
Ting Liu
Junwen Duan
Extracting Clusters of Specialist Terms from Unstructured Text
Aaron Gerow
Citation-Enhanced Keyphrase Extraction from Research Papers: A Supervised Approach
Cornelia Caragea
Florin Adrian Bulgarov
Andreea Godea
Sujatha Das Gollapalli
Using Mined Coreference Chains as a Resource for a Semantic Task
Heike Adel
Hinrich Schütze
Financial Keyword Expansion via Continuous Word Vector Representations
Ming-Feng Tsai
Chuan-Ju Wang
Intrinsic Plagiarism Detection using N-gram Classes
Imene Bensalem
Paolo Rosso
Salim Chikhi
Verifiably Effective Arabic Dialect Identification
Kareem Darwish
Hassan Sajjad
Hamdy Mubarak
Keystroke Patterns as Prosody in Digital Writings: A Case Study with Deceptive Reviews and Essays
Ritwik Banerjee
Song Feng
Jun Seok Kang
Yejin Choi
Leveraging Effective Query Modeling Techniques for Speech Recognition and Summarization
Kuan-Yu Chen
Shih-Hung Liu
Berlin Chen
Ea-Ee Jan
Hsin-Min Wang
Wen-Lian Hsu
Hsin-Hsi Chen
Staying on Topic: An Indicator of Power in Political Debates
Vinodkumar Prabhakaran
Ashima Arora
Owen Rambow
Language Modeling with Power Low Rank Ensembles
Ankur P. Parikh
Avneesh Saluja
Chris Dyer
Eric Xing
Modeling Biological Processes for Reading Comprehension
Jonathan Berant
Vivek Srikumar
Pei-Chun Chen
Abby Vander Linden
Brittany Harding
Brad Huang
Peter Clark
Christopher D. Manning
Sensicon: An Automatically Constructed Sensorial Lexicon
Serra Sinem Tekiroğlu
Gözde Özbal
Carlo Strapparava
Word Semantic Representations using Bayesian Probabilistic Tensor Factorization
Jingwei Zhang
Jeremy Salwen
Michael Glass
Alfio Gliozzo
GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation
Jeffrey Pennington
Richard Socher
Christopher Manning
Jointly Learning Word Representations and Composition Functions Using Predicate-Argument Structures
Kazuma Hashimoto
Pontus Stenetorp
Makoto Miwa
Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
Combining Distant and Partial Supervision for Relation Extraction
Gabor Angeli
Julie Tibshirani
Jean Wu
Christopher D. Manning
Typed Tensor Decomposition of Knowledge Bases for Relation Extraction
Kai-Wei Chang
Wen-tau Yih
Bishan Yang
Christopher Meek
A convex relaxation for weakly supervised relation extraction
Édouard Grave
Knowledge Graph and Text Jointly Embedding
Zhen Wang
Jianwen Zhang
Jianlin Feng
Zheng Chen
Abstractive Summarization of Product Reviews Using Discourse Structure
Shima Gerani
Yashar Mehdad
Giuseppe Carenini
Raymond T. Ng
Bita Nejat
Clustering Aspect-related Phrases by Leveraging Sentiment Distribution Consistency
Li Zhao
Minlie Huang
Haiqiang Chen
Junjun Cheng
Xiaoyan Zhu
Automatic Generation of Related Work Sections in Scientific Papers: An Optimization Approach
Yue Hu
Xiaojun Wan
Fast and Accurate Misspelling Correction in Large Corpora
Octavian Popescu
Ngoc Phuoc An Vo
Assessing the Impact of Translation Errors on Machine Translation Quality with Mixed-effects Models
Marcello Federico
Matteo Negri
Luisa Bentivogli
Marco Turchi
Refining Word Segmentation Using a Manually Aligned Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation
Xiaolin Wang
Masao Utiyama
Andrew Finch
Eiichiro Sumita
Improving Pivot-Based Statistical Machine Translation by Pivoting the Co-occurrence Count of Phrase Pairs
Xiaoning Zhu
Zhongjun He
Hua Wu
Conghui Zhu
Haifeng Wang
Tiejun Zhao
Word Translation Prediction for Morphologically Rich Languages with Bilingual Neural Networks
Ke M. Tran
Arianna Bisazza
Christof Monz
Dependency-Based Bilingual Language Models for Reordering in Statistical Machine Translation
Ekaterina Garmash
Christof Monz
Combining String and Context Similarity for Bilingual Term Alignment from Comparable Corpora
Georgios Kontonatsios
Ioannis Korkontzelos
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Sophia Ananiadou
Random Manhattan Integer Indexing: Incremental L1 Normed Vector Space Construction
Behrang Q. Zadeh
Siegfried Handschuh
Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder–Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation
Kyunghyun Cho
Bart van Merriënboer
Caglar Gulcehre
Dzmitry Bahdanau
Fethi Bougares
Holger Schwenk
Yoshua Bengio
Type-based MCMC for Sampling Tree Fragments from Forests
Xiaochang Peng
Daniel Gildea
Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification
Yoon Kim
Sometimes Average is Best: The Importance of Averaging for Prediction using MCMC Inference in Topic Modeling
Viet-An Nguyen
Jordan Boyd-Graber
Philip Resnik
Large-scale Reordering Model for Statistical Machine Translation using Dual Multinomial Logistic Regression
Abdullah Alrajeh
Mahesan Niranjan
Improved Decipherment of Homophonic Ciphers
Malte Nuhn
Julian Schamper
Hermann Ney
Cipher Type Detection
Malte Nuhn
Kevin Knight
Joint Learning of Chinese Words, Terms and Keywords
Ziqiang Cao
Sujian Li
Heng Ji
Cross-Lingual Part-of-Speech Tagging through Ambiguous Learning
Guillaume Wisniewski
Nicolas Pécheux
Souhir Gahbiche-Braham
François Yvon
Comparing Representations of Semantic Roles for String-To-Tree Decoding
Marzieh Bazrafshan
Daniel Gildea
Detecting Non-compositional MWE Components using Wiktionary
Bahar Salehi
Paul Cook
Timothy Baldwin
Joint Emotion Analysis via Multi-task Gaussian Processes
Daniel Beck
Trevor Cohn
Lucia Specia
Detecting Latent Ideology in Expert Text: Evidence From Academic Papers in Economics
Zubin Jelveh
Bruce Kogut
Suresh Naidu
A Model of Individual Differences in Gaze Control During Reading
Niels Landwehr
Sebastian Arzt
Tobias Scheffer
Reinhold Kliegl
Muli-label Text Categorization with Hidden Components
Li Li
Longkai Zhang
Houfeng Wang
#TagSpace: Semantic Embeddings from Hashtags
Jason Weston
Sumit Chopra
Keith Adams
Joint Decoding of Tree Transduction Models for Sentence Compression
Jin-ge Yao
Xiaojun Wan
Jianguo Xiao
Dependency-based Discourse Parser for Single-Document Summarization
Yasuhisa Yoshida
Jun Suzuki
Tsutomu Hirao
Masaaki Nagata
Improving Word Alignment using Word Similarity
Theerawat Songyot
David Chiang
Constructing Information Networks Using One Single Model
Qi Li
Heng Ji
Yu Hong
Sujian Li
Event Role Extraction using Domain-Relevant Word Representations
Emanuela Boroş
Romaric Besançon
Olivier Ferret
Brigitte Grau
Modeling Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Table Representation
Makoto Miwa
Yutaka Sasaki
ZORE: A Syntax-based System for Chinese Open Relation Extraction
Likun Qiu
Yue Zhang
Coarse-grained Candidate Generation and Fine-grained Re-ranking for Chinese Abbreviation Prediction
Longkai Zhang
Houfeng Wang
Xu Sun
Type-Aware Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction with Linked Arguments
Mitchell Koch
John Gilmer
Stephen Soderland
Daniel S. Weld
Automatic Inference of the Tense of Chinese Events Using Implicit Linguistic Information
Yuchen Zhang
Nianwen Xue
Joint Inference for Knowledge Base Population
Liwei Chen
Yansong Feng
Jinghui Mo
Songfang Huang
Dongyan Zhao
Combining Visual and Textual Features for Information Extraction from Online Flyers
Emilia Apostolova
Noriko Tomuro
CTPs: Contextual Temporal Profiles for Time Scoping Facts using State Change Detection
Derry Tanti Wijaya
Ndapandula Nakashole
Tom M. Mitchell
Noisy Or-based model for Relation Extraction using Distant Supervision
Ajay Nagesh
Gholamreza Haffari
Ganesh Ramakrishnan
Search-Aware Tuning for Machine Translation
Lemao Liu
Liang Huang
Latent-Variable Synchronous CFGs for Hierarchical Translation
Avneesh Saluja
Chris Dyer
Shay B. Cohen
Gender and Power: How Gender and Gender Environment Affect Manifestations of Power
Vinodkumar Prabhakaran
Emily E. Reid
Owen Rambow
Online topic model for Twitter considering dynamics of user interests and topic trends
Kentaro Sasaki
Tomohiro Yoshikawa
Takeshi Furuhashi
Self-disclosure topic model for classifying and analyzing Twitter conversations
JinYeong Bak
Chin-Yew Lin
Alice Oh
Major Life Event Extraction from Twitter based on Congratulations/Condolences Speech Acts
Jiwei Li
Alan Ritter
Claire Cardie
Eduard Hovy
Brighter than Gold: Figurative Language in User Generated Comparisons
Vlad Niculae
Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil
Classifying Idiomatic and Literal Expressions Using Topic Models and Intensity of Emotions
Jing Peng
Anna Feldman
Ekaterina Vylomova
Learning Spatial Knowledge for Text to 3D Scene Generation
Angel Chang
Manolis Savva
Christopher D. Manning
A Model of Coherence Based on Distributed Sentence Representation
Jiwei Li
Eduard Hovy
Discriminative Reranking of Discourse Parses Using Tree Kernels
Shafiq Joty
Alessandro Moschitti
Recursive Deep Models for Discourse Parsing
Jiwei Li
Rumeng Li
Eduard Hovy
Recall Error Analysis for Coreference Resolution
Sebastian Martschat
Michael Strube
A Rule-Based System for Unrestricted Bridging Resolution: Recognizing Bridging Anaphora and Finding Links to Antecedents
Yufang Hou
Katja Markert
Michael Strube
Resolving Referring Expressions in Conversational Dialogs for Natural User Interfaces
Asli Celikyilmaz
Zhaleh Feizollahi
Dilek Hakkani-Tur
Ruhi Sarikaya
Building Chinese Discourse Corpus with Connective-driven Dependency Tree Structure
Yancui Li
Wenhe Feng
Jing Sun
Fang Kong
Guodong Zhou
Prune-and-Score: Learning for Greedy Coreference Resolution
Chao Ma
Janardhan Rao Doppa
J. Walker Orr
Prashanth Mannem
Xiaoli Fern
Tom Dietterich
Prasad Tadepalli
Summarizing Online Forum Discussions – Can Dialog Acts of Individual Messages Help?
Sumit Bhatia
Prakhar Biyani
Prasenjit Mitra