Proceedings of the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Eric Fosler-Lussier, Ellen Riloff, Srinivas Bangalore (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Montréal, Canada
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Eric Fosler-Lussier | Ellen Riloff | Srinivas Bangalore

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Multiple Narrative Disentanglement: Unraveling Infinite Jest
Byron Wallace

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Acoustic-Prosodic Entrainment and Social Behavior
Rivka Levitan | Agustín Gravano | Laura Willson | S̆tefan Ben̆us̆ | Julia Hirschberg | Ani Nenkova

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Identifying High-Level Organizational Elements in Argumentative Discourse
Nitin Madnani | Michael Heilman | Joel Tetreault | Martin Chodorow

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Fast Inference in Phrase Extraction Models with Belief Propagation
David Burkett | Dan Klein

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Continuous Space Translation Models with Neural Networks
Hai Son Le | Alexandre Allauzen | François Yvon

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Machine Translation of Arabic Dialects
Rabih Zbib | Erika Malchiodi | Jacob Devlin | David Stallard | Spyros Matsoukas | Richard Schwartz | John Makhoul | Omar F. Zaidan | Chris Callison-Burch

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Entity Clustering Across Languages
Spence Green | Nicholas Andrews | Matthew R. Gormley | Mark Dredze | Christopher D. Manning

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Multi-Event Extraction Guided by Global Constraints
Roi Reichart | Regina Barzilay

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Reference Scope Identification in Citing Sentences
Amjad Abu-Jbara | Dragomir Radev

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Intrinsic and Extrinsic Evaluation of an Automatic User Disengagement Detector for an Uncertainty-Adaptive Spoken Dialogue System
Kate Forbes-Riley | Diane Litman | Heather Friedberg | Joanna Drummond

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Exploring Content Features for Automated Speech Scoring
Shasha Xie | Keelan Evanini | Klaus Zechner

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Hello, Who is Calling?: Can Words Reveal the Social Nature of Conversations?
Anthony Stark | Izhak Shafran | Jeffrey Kaye

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Minimum-Risk Training of Approximate CRF-Based NLP Systems
Veselin Stoyanov | Jason Eisner

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Unsupervised Learning on an Approximate Corpus
Jason Smith | Jason Eisner

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Structured Perceptron with Inexact Search
Liang Huang | Suphan Fayong | Yang Guo

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Segmentation Similarity and Agreement
Chris Fournier | Diana Inkpen

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HyTER: Meaning-Equivalent Semantics for Translation Evaluation
Markus Dreyer | Daniel Marcu

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Apples to Oranges: Evaluating Image Annotations from Natural Language Processing Systems
Rebecca Mason | Eugene Charniak

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Re-examining Machine Translation Metrics for Paraphrase Identification
Nitin Madnani | Joel Tetreault | Martin Chodorow

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A Dependency Treebank of Classical Chinese Poems
John Lee | Yin Hei Kong

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Towards Effective Tutorial Feedback for Explanation Questions: A Dataset and Baselines
Myroslava O. Dzikovska | Rodney D. Nielsen | Chris Brew

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Topical Segmentation: a Study of Human Performance and a New Measure of Quality.
Anna Kazantseva | Stan Szpakowicz

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Structured Ramp Loss Minimization for Machine Translation
Kevin Gimpel | Noah A. Smith

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Implicitly Intersecting Weighted Automata using Dual Decomposition
Michael J. Paul | Jason Eisner

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Transliteration Mining Using Large Training and Test Sets
Ali El Kahki | Kareem Darwish | Mohamed Abdul-Wahab | Ahmed Taei

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Optimized Online Rank Learning for Machine Translation
Taro Watanabe

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Every sensible extended top-down tree transducer is a multi bottom-up tree transducer
Andreas Maletti

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NOMIT: Automatic Titling by Nominalizing
Cédric Lopez | Violaine Prince | Mathieu Roche

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Correcting Comma Errors in Learner Essays, and Restoring Commas in Newswire Text
Ross Israel | Joel Tetreault | Martin Chodorow

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The Challenges of Parsing Chinese with Combinatory Categorial Grammar
Daniel Tse | James R. Curran

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Using Supertags and Encoded Annotation Principles for Improved Dependency to Phrase Structure Conversion
Seth Kulick | Ann Bies | Justin Mott

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Getting More from Morphology in Multilingual Dependency Parsing
Matt Hohensee | Emily M. Bender

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Stylometric Analysis of Scientific Articles
Shane Bergsma | Matt Post | David Yarowsky

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Using paraphrases for improving first story detection in news and Twitter
Saša Petrović | Miles Osborne | Victor Lavrenko

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Insertion and Deletion Models for Statistical Machine Translation
Matthias Huck | Hermann Ney

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TransAhead: A Computer-Assisted Translation and Writing Tool
Chung-chi Huang | Ping-che Yang | Keh-jiann Chen | Jason S. Chang

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Correction Detection and Error Type Selection as an ESL Educational Aid
Ben Swanson | Elif Yamangil

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Getting More from Segmentation Evaluation
Martin Scaiano | Diana Inkpen

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G2P Conversion of Proper Names Using Word Origin Information
Sonjia Waxmonsky | Sravana Reddy

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Evaluating a Morphological Analyser of Inuktitut
Jeremy Nicholson | Trevor Cohn | Timothy Baldwin

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Intra-Speaker Topic Modeling for Improved Multi-Party Meeting Summarization with Integrated Random Walk
Yun-Nung Chen | Florian Metze

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Towards Using EEG to Improve ASR Accuracy
Yun-Nung Chen | Kai-Min Chang | Jack Mostow

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A Comparative Investigation of Morphological Language Modeling for the Languages of the European Union
Thomas Mueller | Hinrich Schuetze | Helmut Schmid

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Leveraging supplemental representations for sequential transduction
Aditya Bhargava | Grzegorz Kondrak

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A Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Model for Joint Part-of-Speech and Morphology Induction
Kairit Sirts | Tanel Alumäe

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Encouraging Consistent Translation Choices
Ferhan Ture | Douglas W. Oard | Philip Resnik

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Batch Tuning Strategies for Statistical Machine Translation
Colin Cherry | George Foster

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Real-time Incremental Speech-to-Speech Translation of Dialogs
Srinivas Bangalore | Vivek Kumar Rangarajan Sridhar | Prakash Kolan | Ladan Golipour | Aura Jimenez

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Parsing Time: Learning to Interpret Time Expressions
Gabor Angeli | Christopher Manning | Daniel Jurafsky

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Fine-Grained Focus for Pinpointing Positive Implicit Meaning from Negated Statements
Eduardo Blanco | Dan Moldovan

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Taxonomy Induction Using Hierarchical Random Graphs
Trevor Fountain | Mirella Lapata

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Cross-lingual Word Clusters for Direct Transfer of Linguistic Structure
Oscar Täckström | Ryan McDonald | Jakob Uszkoreit

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Training Dependency Parser Using Light Feedback
Avihai Mejer | Koby Crammer

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Vine Pruning for Efficient Multi-Pass Dependency Parsing
Alexander Rush | Slav Petrov

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Active Learning for Coreference Resolution
Florian Laws | Florian Heimerl | Hinrich Schütze

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Space Efficiencies in Discourse Modeling via Conditional Random Sampling
Brian Kjersten | Benjamin Van Durme

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Predicting Overt Display of Power in Written Dialogs
Vinodkumar Prabhakaran | Owen Rambow | Mona Diab

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Co-reference via Pointing and Haptics in Multi-Modal Dialogues
Lin Chen | Barbara Di Eugenio

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Trait-Based Hypothesis Selection For Machine Translation
Jacob Devlin | Spyros Matsoukas

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Improved Reordering for Shallow-n Grammar based Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation
Baskaran Sankaran | Anoop Sarkar

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Automatic Parallel Fragment Extraction from Noisy Data
Jason Riesa | Daniel Marcu

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Tuning as Linear Regression
Marzieh Bazrafshan | Tagyoung Chung | Daniel Gildea

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Ranking-based readability assessment for early primary children’s literature
Yi Ma | Eric Fosler-Lussier | Robert Lofthus

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How Text Segmentation Algorithms Gain from Topic Models
Martin Riedl | Chris Biemann

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Identifying Comparable Corpora Using LDA
Judita Preiss

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Behavioral Factors in Interactive Training of Text Classifiers
Burr Settles | Xiaojin Zhu

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Better Evaluation for Grammatical Error Correction
Daniel Dahlmeier | Hwee Tou Ng

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Are You Sure? Confidence in Prediction of Dependency Tree Edges
Avihai Mejer | Koby Crammer

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Concavity and Initialization for Unsupervised Dependency Parsing
Kevin Gimpel | Noah A. Smith

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Multimodal Grammar Implementation
Katya Alahverdzhieva | Dan Flickinger | Alex Lascarides

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Portable Features for Classifying Emotional Text
Saif Mohammad

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Stance Classification using Dialogic Properties of Persuasion
Marilyn Walker | Pranav Anand | Rob Abbott | Ricky Grant

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Context-Enhanced Citation Sentiment Detection
Awais Athar | Simone Teufel

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Predicting Responses to Microblog Posts
Yoav Artzi | Patrick Pantel | Michael Gamon

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The Intelius Nickname Collection: Quantitative Analyses from Billions of Public Records
Vitor Carvalho | Yigit Kiran | Andrew Borthwick

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A comparison of models of word meaning in context
Georgiana Dinu | Stefan Thater | Soeren Laue

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Measuring Word Relatedness Using Heterogeneous Vector Space Models
Wen-tau Yih | Vahed Qazvinian

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Expectations of Word Sense in Parallel Corpora
Xuchen Yao | Benjamin Van Durme | Chris Callison-Burch

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Why Not Grab a Free Lunch? Mining Large Corpora for Parallel Sentences to Improve Translation Modeling
Ferhan Ture | Jimmy Lin

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Summarization of Historical Articles Using Temporal Event Clustering
James Gung | Jugal Kalita

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Comparing HMMs and Bayesian Networks for Surface Realisation
Nina Dethlefs | Heriberto Cuayáhuitl

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On The Feasibility of Open Domain Referring Expression Generation Using Large Scale Folksonomies
Fabián Pacheco | Pablo Duboue | Martín Domínguez

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Structured Event Retrieval over Microblog Archives
Donald Metzler | Congxing Cai | Eduard Hovy

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Learning from Bullying Traces in Social Media
Jun-Ming Xu | Kwang-Sung Jun | Xiaojin Zhu | Amy Bellmore

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Grammatical structures for word-level sentiment detection
Asad Sayeed | Jordan Boyd-Graber | Bryan Rusk | Amy Weinberg

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Graph-Based Lexicon Expansion with Sparsity-Inducing Penalties
Dipanjan Das | Noah A. Smith

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Unified Expectation Maximization
Rajhans Samdani | Ming-Wei Chang | Dan Roth

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Low-Dimensional Discriminative Reranking
Jagadeesh Jagarlamudi | Hal Daumé III

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Autonomous Self-Assessment of Autocorrections: Exploring Text Message Dialogues
Tyler Baldwin | Joyce Chai

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Translation-Based Projection for Multilingual Coreference Resolution
Altaf Rahman | Vincent Ng

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Exploring Semi-Supervised Coreference Resolution of Medical Concepts using Semantic and Temporal Features
Preethi Raghavan | Eric Fosler-Lussier | Albert Lai

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Mind the Gap: Learning to Choose Gaps for Question Generation
Lee Becker | Sumit Basu | Lucy Vanderwende

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Unsupervised Concept-to-text Generation with Hypergraphs
Ioannis Konstas | Mirella Lapata

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Detecting Visual Text
Jesse Dodge | Amit Goyal | Xufeng Han | Alyssa Mensch | Margaret Mitchell | Karl Stratos | Kota Yamaguchi | Yejin Choi | Hal Daumé III | Alex Berg | Tamara Berg

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Unsupervised Translation Sense Clustering
Mohit Bansal | John DeNero | Dekang Lin

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Shared Components Topic Models
Matthew R. Gormley | Mark Dredze | Benjamin Van Durme | Jason Eisner

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Textual Predictors of Bill Survival in Congressional Committees
Tae Yano | Noah A. Smith | John D. Wilkerson