International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 10, Number 3, September 2005: Special Issue on Selected Papers from ROCLING XVI
- Anthology ID:
- O05-4
- Month:
- September
- Year:
- 2005
- Address:
- Venue:
- SIG:
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Using Lexical Constraints to Enhance the Quality of Computer-Generated Multiple-Choice Cloze Items
Chao-Lin Liu
Chun-Hung Wang
Zhao-Ming Gao
Collocational Translation Memory Extraction Based on Statistical and Linguistic Information
Thomas C. Chuang
Jia-Yan Jian
Yu-Chia Chang
Jason S. Chang
Detecting Emotions in Mandarin Speech
Tsang-Long Pao
Yu-Te Chen
Jun-Heng Yeh
Wen-Yuan Liao
Modeling Pronunciation Variation for Bi-Lingual Mandarin/Taiwanese Speech Recognition
Dau-Cheng Lyu
Ren-Yuan Lyu
Yuang-Chin Chiang
Chun-Nan Hsu
Chinese Word Segmentation by Classification of Characters
Chooi-Ling Goh
Masayuki Asahara
Yuji Matsumoto
The Design and Construction of the PolyU Shallow Treebank
Ruifeng Xu
Qin Lu
Yin Li
Wanyin Li