30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- Anthology ID:
- P92-1
- Month:
- June
- Year:
- 1992
- Address:
- Newark, Delaware, USA
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- https://aclanthology.org/P92-1/
- DOI:
30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Inferring Discourse Relations in Context
Alex Lascarides
Nicholas Asher
Jon Oberlander
An Algorithm for VP Ellipsis
Daniel Hardt
A Simple but Useful Approach to Conjunct Identification
Rajeev Agarwal
Lois Boggess
The Representation of Multimodal User Interface Dialogues Using Discourse Pegs
Susann Luperfoy
Monotonic Semantic Interpretation
Hiyan Alshawi
Richard Crouch
Efficiency, Robustness and Accuracy in picky Chart Parsing
David M. Magerman
Carl Weir
A Functional Approach to Generation with TAG
Kathleen F. McCoy
K. Vijay-Shanker
Gijoo Yang
Integrating Multiple Knowledge Sources for Detection and Correction of Repairs in Human-Computer Dialog
John Bear
John Dowding
Elizabeth Shriberg
Conversational Implicatures in Indirect Replies
Nancy Green
Sandra Carberry
Reasoning with Descriptions of Trees
James Rogers
K. Vijay-Shanker
Comparing Two Grammar-Based Generation Algorithms: A Case Study
Miroslav Martinovic
Tomek Strzalkowski
Recognition of Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems
Giorgio Satta
Accommodating Context Change
Bonnie Lynn Webber
Breck Baldwin
Information Retrieval Using Robust Natural Language Processing
Tomek Strzalkowski
Barbara Vauthey
Prosodic Aids to Syntactic and Semantic Analysis of Spoken English
Chris Rowles
Xiuming Huang
Understanding Natural Language Instructions: The Case of Purpose Clauses
Barbara Di Eugenio
Inside-Outside Reestimation From Partially Bracketed Corpora
Fernando Pereira
Yves Schabes
Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems and Deterministic Tree-Walking Transducers
David J. Weir
A Connectionist Parser for Structure Unification Grammar
James B. Henderson
Would I Lie to You? Modelling Misrepresentation and Context in Dialogue
Carl Gutwin
Gordon McCalla
Lattice-Based Word Identification in CLARE
David M. Carter
An Alternative Conception of Tree-Adjoining Derivation
Yves Schabes
Stuart M. Shieber
GPSM: A Generalized Probabilistic Semantic Model for Ambiguity Resolution
Jing-Shin Chang
Yih-Fen Luo
Keh-Yih Su
Development and Evaluation of a Broad-Coverage Probabilistic Grammar of English-Language Computer Manuals
Ezra Black
John Lafferty
Salim Roukos
Modeling Negotiation Subdialogues
Lynn Lambert
Sandra Carberry
Handling Linear Precedence Constraints by Unification
Judith Engelkamp
Gregor Erbach
Hans Uszkoreit
A Unification-Based Semantic Interpretation for Coordinate Constructs
Jong C. Park
Corpus-Based Acquisition of Relative Pronoun Disambiguation Heuristics
Claire Cardie
Association-based Natural Language Processing with Neural Networks
Kazuhiro Kimura
Takashi Uzuoka
Sin-ya Amano
Tense Trees as the “Fine Structure” of Discourse
Chung Hee Hwang
Lenhart K. Schubert
Connection Relations and Quantifier Scope
Longin Latecki
Estimating Upper and Lower Bounds on the Performance of Word-Sense Disambiguation Programs
William Gale
Kenneth Ward Church
David Yarowsky
A Parameterized Approach to Integrating Aspect With Lexical-Semantics for Machine Translation
Bonnie J. Dorr
Using Classification to Generate Text
Ehud Reiter
Chris Mellish
Correcting Illegal NP Omissions Using Local Focus
Linda Z. Suri
Some Problematic Cases of VP Ellipsis
Daniel Hardt
Understanding Repetition in Natural Language Instructions - The Semantics of Extent
Sheila Rock
On the Intonation of Mono- and Di-Syllabic Words Within the Discourse Framework of Conversational Games
Jacqueline C. Kowtko
Right Association Revisited
Michael Niv
An LR Category-Neutral Parser With Left Corner Prediction
Paola Merlo
Incremental Dependency Parsing
Vincenzo Lombardo
Documentation Parser to Extract Software Test Conditions
Patricia Lutsky
A Linguistic and Computational Analysis of the German “Third Construction”
Owen Rainbow
A CCG Approach to Free Word Order Languages
Beryl Hoffman
Information States as First Class Citizens
Jorgen Villadsen
Spatial Lexicalization in the Translation of Prepositional Phrases
Arturo Trujillo
Metonymy: Reassessment, Survey of Acceptability, and Its Treatment in a Machine Translation System
Shin-ichiro Kamei
Takahiro Wakao
A Basis for a Formalization of Linguistic Style
Stephen J. Green
Elaboration in Object Descriptions Through Examples
Vibhu O. Mittal
The Expression of Local Rhetorical Relations in Instructional Text
Keith Vander Linden
Generating a Specific Class of Metaphors
Mark Alan Jones
SEXTANT: Exploring Unexplored Contexts for Semantic Extraction From Syntactic Analysis
Gregory Grefenstette
A Class-Based Approach to Lexical Discovery
Philip Resnik
Sense-Linking in a Machine Readable Dictionary
Robert Krovetz