Proceedings of the Third SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue

Anthology ID:
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the Third SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue

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Synchronization in an Asynchronous Agent-based architecture for Dialogue Systems
Nate Blaylock | James Allen | George Ferguson

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The Prosodic Transcription of a Corpus of Hong Kong English - Collection Criteria,Transcription System and Preliminary Findings
Shiao Ying | Sharon Chu

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Non-Sentential Utterances in Dialogue: A: Corpus-Based Study
Raquel Fernandez | Jonathan Ginzburg

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A Semantic Account of Adverbials as Discourse Connectives
Kate Forbes | Bonnie Webber

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MUP - The UIC Standoff Markup Tool
Michael Glass | Barbara Di Eugenio

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An Experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of cross-media cues in computer media
Nancy Green

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Annotating the Semantic Consistency of Speech Recognition Hypotheses
Iryna Gurevych | Robert Porzel | Michael Strube

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DialogueView - An Annotation Tool for Dialogue
Peter A. Heeman | Fan Yang | Susan E. Strayer

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A Flexible Framework for Developing Mixed-Initiative Dialog Systems
Judith Hochberg | Nanda Kambhatla | Salim Roukos

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Adaptive Dialogue Systems - Interaction with Interact
Kristiina Jokinen | Antti Kerminen | Tommi Lagus | Jukka Kuusisto | Graham Wilcock | Markku Turunen | Jaakko Hakulinen | Krista Jauhiainen

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Discourse Processing for Explanatory Essays in Tutorial Applications
Pamela W. Jordan | Kurt VanLehn

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Conditional responses in information-seeking dialogues
Elena Karagjosova | Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova

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Dialogue Act Recognition with Bayesian Networks for Dutch Dialogues
Simon Keizer | Rieks op den Akker | Anton Nijholt

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Topic Identification in Natural Language Dialogues Using Neural Networks
Krista Lagus | Jukka Kuusisto

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Issues under negotiation
Staffan Larsson

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Multi-tasking and Collaborative Activities in Dialogue Systems
Oliver Lemon | Alexander Gruenstein | Alexis Battle | Stanley Peters

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Probabilistic Dialogue Modelling
Oliver Lemon | Prashant Parikh | Stanley Peters

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Dialogue Macrogame Theory
William Mann

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A new Taxonomy for the Quality of Telephone Services Based on Spoken Dialogue Systems
Sebastian Möller

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Towards Context-adaptive Utterance Interpretation
Robert Porzel | Iryna Gurevych

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Training a Dialogue Act Tagger for Human-human and Human-computer Travel dialogues
Rashmi Prasad | Marilyn Walker

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Processing Unknown Words in a Dialogue System
Matthew Purver

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A Dialog Architecture for Military Story Capture
Ronnie Smith | Brian Manning | Jon Rogers | Brian Adams | Mujibur Abdul | Amaury Alvarez

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Grounding styles of aged dyads - an exploratory study
Atsue Takeoka | Atsushi Shimojima

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Rare Dialogue Acts in Oncology Consultations
Mary McGee Wood | Richard Craggs | Ian Fletcher | Peter Maguire

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Bridging the Gap between Dialogue management and dialogue models
Weiqun Xu | Bo Xu | Taiyi Huang | Hairong Xia

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A Minimum Message Length Approach for Argument Interpretation
Ingrid Zukerman | Sarah George