Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2007)

Joakim Nivre, Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, Kadri Muischnek, Mare Koit (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Tartu, Estonia
University of Tartu, Estonia
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Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2007)
Joakim Nivre | Heiki-Jaan Kaalep | Kadri Muischnek | Mare Koit

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Invited talk: Evaluating Automatic Approaches for Word Meaning Discovery and Disambiguation using Lexical Substitution
Diana F. McCarthy

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Invited talk: Text Analysis and Machine Learning for Stylometrics and Stylogenetics
Walter Daelemans

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Automatic Compound Word Reconstruction for Speech Recognition of Compounding Languages
Tanel Alumäe

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Dependency-Based Hybrid Model of Syntactic Analysis for the Languages with a Rather Free Word Order
Guntis Bārzdiņš | Normunds Grūzītis | Gunta Nešpore | Baiba Saulīte

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Using Danish as a CG Interlingua: A Wide-Coverage Norwegian-English Machine Translation System
Eckhard Bick | Lars Nygaard

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An Advanced Speech Corpus for Norwegian
Janne Bondi Johannessen | Kristin Hagen | Joel James Priestley | Lars Nygaard

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Time Extraction from Real-time Generated Football Reports
Markus Borg

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Spoken Document Retrieval in a Highly Inflectional Language
Inger Ekman | Kalervo Järvelin

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Inducing Baseform Models from a Swedish Vocabulary Pool
Eva Forsbom

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Achieving Goals in Collaboration: Analysis of Estonian Institutional Calls
Olga Gerassimenko | Mare Koit | Andriela Rääbis | Krista Strandson

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Development of Text-To-Speech system for Latvian
Kārlis Goba | Andrejs Vasiļjevs

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Evaluating Stages of Development in Second Language French: A Machine-Learning Approach
Jonas Granfeldt | Pierre Nugues

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Clausal Coordinate Ellipsis in German: The TIGER Treebank as a Source of Evidence
Karin Harbusch | Gerard Kempen

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Widening the HolSum Search Scope
Martin Duneld | Jonas Sjöbergh

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Identifying Cross Language Term Equivalents Using Statistical Machine Translation and Distributional Association Measures
Hans Hjelm

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Extended Constituent-to-Dependency Conversion for English
Richard Johansson | Pierre Nugues

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Comparison of the Methods of Self-Organizing Maps and Multidimensional Scaling in Analysis of Estonian Emotion Concepts
Toomas Kirt | Ene Vainik

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The Extraction of Trajectories from Real Texts Based on Linear Classification
Hanjing Li | Tiejun Zhao | Sheng Li | Jiyuan Zhao

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IceParser: An Incremental Finite-State Parser for Icelandic
Hrafn Loftsson | Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson

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The Swedish-Turkish Parallel Corpus and Tools for its Creation
Beata Megyesi | Bengt Dahlqvist

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Multivariate Cepstral Feature Compensation on Band-limited Data for Robust Speech Recognition
Nicolas Morales | Doroteo T. Toledano | John H. L. Hansen | Javier Garrido

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Theoretically Motivated Treebank Coverage
Victoria Rosén | Koenraad de Smedt

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Utterance-Initial Duration of Finnish Non-Plosive Consonants
Tuomo Saarni | Jussi Hakokari | Olli Aaltonen | Jouni Isoaho | Tapio Salakoski

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Comprehension Assistant for Languages of Baltic States
Inguna Skadiņa | Andrejs Vasiļjevs | Daiga Deksne | Raivis Skadiņš | Linda Goldberga

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Combining Contexts in Lexicon Learning for Semantic Parsing
Richard Socher | Chris Biemann | Rainer Osswald

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Polynomial Charts For Totally Unordered Languages
Anders Søgaard

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Comparing French PP-attachment to English, German and Swedish
Martin Volk | Frida Tidström

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Interview and Delivery: Dialogue Strategies for Conversational Recommender Systems
Pontus Wärnestål | Lars Degerstedt | Arne Jönsson

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Linguistically Fuelled Text Similarity
Björn Andrist | Martin Duneld

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Using Parallel Corpora to Create a Greek-English Dictionary with Uplug
Konstantinos Charitakis

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Unmediated Data-Oriented Generation
Dave Cochran

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Decomposing Swedish Compounds Using Memory-Based Learning
Karin Friberg Heppin

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Memory-based Learning of Word Translation
Maria Holmqvist

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Clause Boundary Detection in Transcribed Spoken Language
Fredrik Jørgensen

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The Effects of Disfluency Detection in Parsing Spoken Language
Fredrik Jørgensen

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Tagging a Norwegian Speech Corpus
Anders Nøklestad | Åshild Søfteland

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Initial Experiments with Estonian Speech Recognition
Anton Ragni

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Grammar Sharing Techniques for Rule-based Multilingual NLP Systems
Marianne Santaholma

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Using a Wizard of Oz as a Baseline to Determine which System Architecture is the Best for a Spoken Language Translation System
Marianne Starlander

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A Method for Recognizing Temporal Expressions in Estonian Natural Language Dialogue Systems
Margus Treumuth

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LinES: An English-Swedish Parallel Treebank
Lars Ahrenberg

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Posterior Probability Based Confidence Measures Applied to a Children’s Speech Reading Tracking System
Daniel Bolanos | Wayne H. Ward

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Estonian-English Statistical Machine Translation: the First Results
Mark Fishel | Heiki-Jaan Kaalep | Kadri Muischnek

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A Hybrid Constituency-Dependency Parser for Swedish
Johan Hall | Joakim Nivre | Jens Nilsson

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Íslenskur Orðasjóður – Building a Large Icelandic Corpus
Erla Hallsteinsdóttir | Thomas Eckart | Chris Biemann | Uwe Quasthoff | Matthias Richter

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A Survey and Classification of Methods for (Mostly) Unsupervised Learning of Morphology
Harald Hammarström

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Marvina – A Norwegian Speech-Centric, Multimodal Visitors’ Guide
Ole Hartvigsen | Erik Harborg | Tore Amble | Magne Hallstein Johnsen

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A Norwegian Letter-to-Sound Engine with Danish as a Catalyst
Peter Juel Henrichsen

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Dialogue Simulation and Context Dynamics for Dialogue Management
Simon Keizer | Roser Morante

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Managing Keyword Variation with Frequency Based Generation of Word Forms in IR
Kimmo Kettunen

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Developing and Evaluating a Searchable Swedish-Thai Lexicon
Wanwisa Khanaraksombat | Jonas Sjöbergh

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Identification of Entity References in Hospital Discharge Letters
Dimitrios Kokkinakis | Anders Thurin

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Lexical Parameters, Based on Corpus Analysis of English and Swedish Cancer Data, of Relevance for NLG
Dimitrios Kokkinakis | Maria Toporowska Gronostaj | Catalina Hallett | David Hardcastle

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Anatomy of an XML-based Text Corpus Server
Mikko Lounela

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Perceptual Assessment of the Degree of Russian Accent
Lya Meister

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Terminology Extraction and Term Ranking for Standardizing Term Banks
Magnus Merkel | Jody Foo

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Representing Calendar Expressions with Finite-State Transducers that Bracket Periods of Time on a Hierachical Timeline
Jyrki Niemi | Kimmo Koskenniemi

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Parsing Manually Detected and Normalized Disfluencies in Spoken Estonian
Helen Nigol

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Designing a Speech Corpus for Estonian Unit Selection Synthesis
Liisi Piits | Meelis Mihkla | Tõnis Nurk | Indrek Kiissel

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Evaluating Evaluation Measures
Ines Rehbein | Josef van Genabith

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Development of a Modern Greek Broadcast-News Corpus and Speech Recognition System
Jürgen Riedler | Sergios Katsikas

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Role of Different Spectral Attributes in Vowel Categorization: the Case of Udmurt
Janne Savela | Stina Ojala | Olli Aaltonen | Tapio Salakoski

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Recreating Humorous Split Compound Errors in Swedish by Using Grammaticality
Jonas Sjöbergh | Kenji Araki

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A Re-examination of Question Classification
Håkan Sundblad

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Interpretation of Yes/No Questions as Metaphor Recognition
Tarmo Truu | Haldur Õim | Mare Koit

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Rule-based Logical Forms Extraction
Cenny Wenner