Proceedings of the Fifth International Natural Language Generation Conference

Michael White, Crystal Nakatsu, David McDonald (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Salt Fork, Ohio, USA
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the Fifth International Natural Language Generation Conference
Michael White | Crystal Nakatsu | David McDonald

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Prominence and Phrasing in Spoken Discourse Processing
Shari R. Speer | Kiwako Ito

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Language, Embodiment and Social Intelligence
Matthew Stone

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Generating Textual Summaries of Bar Charts
Seniz Demir | Sandra Carberry | Kathleen McCoy

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Using Spatial Reference Frames to Generate Grounded Textual Summaries of Georeferenced Data
Ross Turner | Somayajulu Sripada | Ehud Reiter | Ian Davy

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Dependency Tree Based Sentence Compression
Katja Filippova | Michael Strube

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Extractive vs. NLG-based Abstractive Summarization of Evaluative Text: The Effect of Corpus Controversiality
Giuseppe Carenini | Jackie C. K. Cheung

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Referring Expressions as Formulas of Description Logic
Carlos Areces | Alexander Koller | Kristina Striegnitz

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Attribute Selection for Referring Expression Generation: New Algorithms and Evaluation Methods
Albert Gatt | Anja Belz

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The Use of Spatial Relations in Referring Expression Generation
Jette Viethen | Robert Dale

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Using Tactical NLG to Induce Affective States: Empirical Investigations
Ielka van der Sluis | Chris Mellish

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Practical Grammar-Based NLG from Examples
David DeVault | David Traum | Ron Artstein

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Accurate and Robust LFG-Based Generation for Chinese
Yuqing Guo | Haifeng Wang | Josef van Genabith

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Automated Metrics That Agree With Human Judgements On Generated Output for an Embodied Conversational Agent
Mary Ellen Foster

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Simple but effective feedback generation to tutor abstract problem solving
Xin Lu | Barbara Di Eugenio | Stellan Ohlsson | Davide Fossati

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What’s In a Message? Interpreting Geo-referenced Data for the Visually-impaired
Kavita Thomas | Yaji Sripada

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Evolving Questions in Text Planning
Mick O’Donnell

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The Effect of Dialogue System Output Style Variation on Users’ Evaluation Judgments and Input Style
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová | Ciprian Gerstenberger | Olga Kukina | Jan Schehl

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Evaluating an Ontology-Driven WYSIWYM Interface
Feikje Hielkema | Chris Mellish | Peter Edwards

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The Importance of Narrative and Other Lessons from an Evaluation of an NLG System that Summarises Clinical Data
Ehud Reiter | Albert Gatt | François Portet | Marian van der Meulen

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Building a Large-scale Commercial NLG System for an EMR
Mary Dee Harris

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Degree of Abstraction in Referring Expression Generation and its Relation with the Construction of the Contrast Set
Raquel Hervás | Pablo Gervás

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Parser-Based Retraining for Domain Adaptation of Probabilistic Generators
Deirdre Hogan | Jennifer Foster | Joachim Wagner | Josef van Genabith

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Creation of a New Domain and Evaluation of Comparison Generation in a Natural Language Generation System
Matthew Marge | Amy Isard | Johanna Moore

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Generating Baseball Summaries from Multiple Perspectives by Reordering Content
Alice Oh | Howard Shrobe

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A Dynamic Programming Approach to Document Length Constraints
Keith Vander Linden

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REG Challenge Preface
Anja Belz | Albert Gatt

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The GREC Challenge 2008: Overview and Evaluation Results
Anja Belz | Eric Kow | Jette Viethen | Albert Gatt

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IS-G: The Comparison of Different Learning Techniques for the Selection of the Main Subject References
Bernd Bohnet

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CNTS: Memory-Based Learning of Generating Repeated References
Iris Hendrickx | Walter Daelemans | Kim Luyckx | Roser Morante | Vincent Van Asch

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OSU-2: Generating Referring Expressions with a Maximum Entropy Classifier
Emily Jamison | Dennis Mehay

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The TUNA Challenge 2008: Overview and Evaluation Results
Albert Gatt | Anja Belz | Eric Kow

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The Fingerprint of Human Referring Expressions and their Surface Realization with Graph Transducers
Bernd Bohnet

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Referring Expression Generation Using Speaker-based Attribute Selection and Trainable Realization (ATTR)
Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio | Amanda J. Stent | Srinivas Bangalore

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NIL-UCM: Most-Frequent-Value-First Attribute Selection and Best-Scoring-Choice Realization
Pablo Gervás | Raquel Hervás | Carlos León

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USP-EACH Frequency-based Greedy Attribute Selection for Referring Expressions Generation
Diego Jesus de Lucena | Ivandré Paraboni

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Referring Expression Generation Challenge 2008 DIT System Descriptions (DIT-FBI, DIT-TVAS, DIT-CBSR, DIT-RBR, DIT-FBI-CBSR, DIT-TVAS-RBR)
John D. Kelleher | Brian Mac Namee

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OSU-GP: Attribute Selection Using Genetic Programming
Josh King

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GRAPH: The Costs of Redundancy in Referring Expressions
Emiel Krahmer | Mariët Theune | Jette Viethen | Iris Hendrickx

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JU-PTBSGRE: GRE Using Prefix Tree Based Structure
Sibabrata Paladhi | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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From TUNA Attribute Sets to Portuguese Text: a First Report
Daniel Bastos Pereira | Ivandré Paraboni

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Author Index