Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2017)
Simonetta Montemagni, Joakim Nivre (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- W17-65
- Month:
- September
- Year:
- 2017
- Address:
- Pisa, Italy
- Venue:
- DepLing
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Linköping University Electronic Press
- URL:
- DOI:
- PDF:
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2017)
Simonetta Montemagni
Joakim Nivre
Capturing Dependency Syntax with “Deep” Sequential Models
Yoav Goldberg
Syntax-Semantics Interface: A Plea for a Deep Dependency Sentence Structure
Eva Hajičová
The Benefit of Syntactic vs. Linear N-grams for Linguistic Description
Melanie Andresen
Heike Zinsmeister
On the Predicate-Argument Structure: Internal and Absorbing Scope
Igor Boguslavsky
On the order of Words in Italian: a Study on Genre vs Complexity
Dominique Brunato
Felice Dell’Orletta
Revising the METU-Sabancı Turkish Treebank: An Exercise in Surface-Syntactic Annotation of Agglutinative Languages
Alicia Burga
Alp Öktem
Leo Wanner
Enhanced UD Dependencies with Neutralized Diathesis Alternation
Marie Candito
Bruno Guillaume
Guy Perrier
Djamé Seddah
Classifying Languages by Dependency Structure. Typologies of Delexicalized Universal Dependency Treebanks
Xinying Chen
Kim Gerdes
A Dependency Treebank for Kurmanji Kurdish
Memduh Gökırmak
Francis M. Tyers
What are the limitations on the flux of syntactic dependencies? Evidence from UD treebanks
Sylvain Kahane
Chunxiao Yan
Marie-Amélie Botalla
Fully Delexicalized Contexts for Syntax-Based Word Embeddings
Jenna Kanerva
Sampo Pyysalo
Filip Ginter
Universal Dependencies for Dargwa Mehweb
Alexandra Kozhukhar
Menzerath-Altmann Law in Syntactic Dependency Structure
Ján Mačutek
Radek Čech
Jiří Milička
Assessing the Annotation Consistency of the Universal Dependencies Corpora
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe
Matias Grioni
Jenna Kanerva
Filip Ginter
To What Extent is Immediate Constituency Analysis Dependency-Based? A Survey of Foundational Texts
Nicolas Mazziotta
Sylvain Kahane
Dependency Structure of Binary Conjunctions(of the IF…, THEN… Type)
Igor Mel’čuk
Non-Projectivity in Serbian: Analysis of Formal and Linguistic Properties
Aleksandra Miletic
Assaf Urieli
Prices go Up, Surge, Jump, Spike, Skyrocket, Go through the Roof… Intensifier Collocations with Parametric Nouns of Type PRICE
Jasmina Milićević
Chinese Descriptive and Resultative V-de Constructions. A Dependency-based Analysis
Ruochen Niu
The Component Unit. Introducing a Novel Unit of Syntactic Analysis
Timothy Osborne
Ruochen Niu
Control vs. Raising in English. A Dependency Grammar Account
Timothy Osborne
Matthew Reeve
Segmentation Granularity in Dependency Representations for Korean
Jungyeul Park
Universal Dependencies for Portuguese
Alexandre Rademaker
Fabricio Chalub
Livy Real
Cláudia Freitas
Eckhard Bick
Valeria de Paiva
UDLex: Towards Cross-language Subcategorization Lexicons
Giulia Rambelli
Alessandro Lenci
Thierry Poibeau
Universal Dependencies are Hard to Parse – or are They?
Ines Rehbein
Julius Steen
Bich-Ngoc Do
Anette Frank
Annotating Italian Social Media Texts in Universal Dependencies
Manuela Sanguinetti
Cristina Bosco
Alessandro Mazzei
Alberto Lavelli
Fabio Tamburini
Hungarian Copula Constructions in Dependency Syntax and Parsing
Katalin Ilona Simkó
Veronika Vincze
Semgrex-Plus: a Tool for Automatic Dependency-Graph Rewriting
Fabio Tamburini
Unity in Diversity: A Unified Parsing Strategy for Major Indian Languages
Juhi Tandon
Dipti Misra Sharma
Quantitative Comparative Syntax on the Cantonese-Mandarin Parallel Dependency Treebank
Tak-sum Wong
Kim Gerdes
Herman Leung
John Lee
Understanding Constraints on Non-Projectivity Using Novel Measures
Himanshu Yadav
Ashwini Vaidya
Samar Husain