Sixth Workshop on Very Large Corpora

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Sixth Workshop on Very Large Corpora

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Bayesian Stratified Sampling to Assess Corpus Utility
Judith Hochberg | Clint Scovel | Timothy Thomas | Sam Hall

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Encoding Linguistic Corpora
Nancy Ide

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Using a Probabilistic Translation Model for Cross-Language Information Retrieval
Jian-Yun Nie | Pierre Isabelle | George Foster

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Using Suffix Arrays to Compute Term Frequency and Document Frequency for All Substrings in a Corpus
Mikio Yamamoto | Kenneth W. Church

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Semantic Tagging using a Probabilistic Context Free Grammar
Michael Collins | Scott Miller

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An Empirical Approach to Conceptual Case Frame Acquisition
Ellen Riloff | Mark Schmelzenbach

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Semantic Lexicon Acquisition for Learning Natural Language Interfaces
Cynthia A. Thompson | Raymond J. Mooney

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The Effect of Topological Structure on Hierarchical Text Categorization
Stephen D’Alessio | Keitha Murray | Robert Schiaffino | Aaron Kershenbaum

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Refining the Automatic Identification of Conceptual Relations in Large-scale Corpora
Alex Collier | Mike Pacey | Antoinette Renouf

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Generalized unknown morpheme guessing for hybrid POS tagging of Korean
Jeongwon Cha | Geunbae Lee | Jong-Hyeok Lee

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Language Identification With Confidence Limits
David Elworthy

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Aligning tagged bitexts
Raquel Martinez | Joseba Abaitua | Arantza Casillas

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Towards Unsupervised Extraction of Verb Paradigms from Large Corpora
Cornelia H. Parkes | Alexander M. Malek | Mitchell P. Marcus

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Can Subcategorisation Probabilities Help a Statistical Parser
John Carroll | Guido Minnen | Ted Briscoe

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Edge-Based Best-First Chart Parsing
Eugene Charniak | Sharon Goldwater | Mark Johnson

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What grammars tell us about corpora: the case of reduced relative clauses
Paola Merlo | Suzanne Stevenson

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A Maximum-Entropy Partial Parser for Unrestricted Text
Wojciech Skut | Thorsten Brants

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Exploiting Diverse Knowledge Sources via Maximum Entropy in Named Entity Recognition
Andrew Borthwick | John Sterling | Eugene Agichtein | Ralph Grishman

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A Statistical Approach to Anaphora Resolution
Niyu Ge | John Hale | Eugene Charniak

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A Decision Tree Method for Finding and Classifying Names in Japanese Texts
Satoshi Sekine | Ralph Grishman | Hiroyuki Shinnou

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POS Tagging versus Classes in Language Modeling
Peter A. Heeman

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Automatic Acquisition of Phrase Grammars for Stochastic Language Modeling
Giuseppe Riccardi | Srinivas Bangalore

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Linear Segmentation and Segment Significance
Min-Yen Kan | Judith L. Klavans | Kathleen R. McKeown

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Improving summarization through rhetorical parsing tuning
Daniel Marcu

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Discourse Parsing: A Decision Tree Approach
Tadashi Nomoto | Yuji Matsumoto

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Mapping Collocational Properties into Machine Learning Features
Janyce M. Wiebe | Kenneth J. McKeever | Rebecca F. Bruce