1999 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora

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1999 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora

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What’s Happened Since the First SIGDAT Meeting?
Kenneth Ward Church

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Text-Translation Alignment: Three Languages Are Better Than Two
Michel Simard

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Mapping Multilingual Hierarchies Using Relaxation Labeling
J. Daudé | L. Padró | G. Rigau

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Improved Alignment Models for Statistical Machine Translation
Franz Josef Och | Christoph Tillmann | Hermann Ney

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Cross-Language Information Retrieval for Technical Documents
Atsushi Fujii | Tetsuya Ishikawa

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Boosting Applied to Tagging and PP Attachment
Steven Abney | Robert E. Schapire | Yoram Singer

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Applying Extrasentential Context To Maximum Entropy Based Tagging With A Large Semantic And Syntactic Tagset
Ezra Black | Andrew Finch | Ruiqiang Zhang

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Improving POS Tagging Using Machine-Learning Techniques
Lluis Marquez | Horacio Rodriguez | Josep Carmona | Josep Montolio

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Determining the specificity of nouns from text
Sharon A. Caraballo | Eugene Charniak

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Retrieving Collocations From Korean Text
Seonho Kim | Zooil Yang | Mansuk Song | Jung-Ho Ahn

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Noun Phrase Coreference as Clustering
Claire Cardie | Kiri Wagstaff

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Language Independent Named Entity Recognition Combining Morphological and Contextual Evidence
Silviu Cucerzan | David Yarowsky

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Unsupervised Models for Named Entity Classification
Michael Collins | Yoram Singer

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Hybrid Disambiguation of Prepositional Phrase Attachment and Interpretation
Sven Hartrumpf

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HMM Specialization with Selective Lexicalization
Jin-Dong Kim | Sang-Zoo Lee | Hae-Chang Rim

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Why Doesn’t Natural Language Come Naturally?
Richard Schwartz

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POS Tags and Decision Trees for Language Modeling
Peter A. Heeman

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An Information-Theoretic Empirical Analysis of Dependency-Based Feature Types for Word Prediction Models
Dekai Wu | Jun Zhao | Zhifang Sui

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Word Informativeness and Automatic Pitch Accent Modeling
Shimei Pan | Kathleen R. McKeown

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Learning Discourse Relations with Active Data Selection
Tadashi Nomoto | Yuji Matsumoto

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A Learning Approach to Shallow Parsing
Marcia Muñoz | Vasin Punyakanok | Dan Roth | Dav Zimak

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Guiding a Well-Founded Parser with Corpus Statistics
Amon Seagull | Lenhart Schubert

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Exploiting Diversity in Natural Language Processing: Combining Parsers
John C. Henderson | Eric Brill

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Lexical ambiguity and Information Retrieval revisited
Julio Gonzalo | Anselmo Penas | Felisa Verdejo

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Detecting Text Similarity over Short Passages: Exploring Linguistic Feature Combinations via Machine Learning
Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou | Judith L. Klavans | Eleazar Eskin

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Automatic Construction of Weighted String Similarity Measures
Jorg Tiedemann

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Taking the load off the conference chairs-towards a digital paper-routing assistant
David Yarowsky | Radu Florian

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PP-Attachment: A Committee Machine Approach
Martha A. Alegre | Josep M. Sopena | Agusti Lloberas

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Cascaded Grammatical Relation Assignment
Sabine Buchholz | Jorn Veenstra | Walter Daelemans

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Automatically Merging Lexicons that have Incompatible Part-of-Speech Categories
Daniel Ka-Leung Chan | Dekai Wu

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An Iterative Approach to Estimating Frequencies over a Semantic Hierarchy
Stephen Clark | David Weir

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Using Subcategorization to Resolve Verb Class Ambiguity
Maria Lapata | Chris Brew

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Improving Brill’s POS Tagger for an Agglutinative Language
Beata Megyesi

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Corpus-Based Learning for Noun Phrase Coreference Resolution
Wee Meng Soon | Hwee Tou Ng | Chung Yong Lim

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Corpus-Based Approach for Nominal Compound Analysis for Korean Based on Linguistic and Statistical Information
Juntae Yoon | Key-Sun Choi | Mansuk Song