Proceedings of the 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Benjamin K. T’sou, Olivia O.Y. Kwong, Tom B.Y. Lai (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- Y01-1
- Month:
- February
- Year:
- 2001
- Address:
- Hong Kong, China
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- City University of Hong Kong
- URL:
- DOI:
Proceedings of the 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Benjamin K. T’sou
Olivia O.Y. Kwong
Tom B.Y. Lai
Building a Large Lexical Databank Which Provides Deep Semantics
Charles J. Fillmore
Charles Wooters
Collin F. Baker
A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Synonym Pairs : An Approach based on The Module-Attribute Representation of Verbal Semantics
Kathleen Ahrens
Chu-Ren Huang
Inferring Semantics from Collocation Clusters to Represent Verbs and Nouns
Bowen Hui
A Parallel Interpretation of Floated Quantifiers and Adverbials
Masahiro Kobayashi
Kei Yoshimoto
What else to quantify?
Michiyuki Sato
Asymmetry, Zero Morphology and Tractability
Anna Maria Di Sciullo
Sandiway Fong
Emphatic Particles and their Scopal Interactions in Japanese
Akira Ishikawa
Japanese Negative Polarity Items and Negative Concord
Masahito Kawamori
Akira Ikeya
Towards a Conceptual Representation of Lexical Meaning in WordNet
Jen-nan Chen
Sue J. Ker
Forming an Integrated Lexical Resource for Word Sense Disambiguation
Oi Yee Kwong
Some Principles of Automated Natural Language Information Extraction
Gregers Koch
A Structure-Shared Trie Compression Method
Thanasan Tanhermhong
Thanaruk Theeramunkong
Wirat Chinnan
Processing Local Coherence of Discourse in Centering Theory
Jianhua Hu
Haihua Pan
Temporal Structure on Discourse Level within the Controlled Information Packaging Theory
Ik-Hwan Lee
Minhaeng Lee
Highlighting Utterances in Chinese Spoken Discourse
Shu-Chuan Tseng
A Decidable Linear Logic for Speech Translation
Tsutomu Fujinami
Building domain-independent text generation system
XinYu Deng
Sadao Kurohashi
Jun’ichi Nakamura
Vowel Shortening and Surface Ternary Feet : Ternary Rhythm Through Strictly Binary Footing
Seiichiro Inaba
Mappings From the Source Domain of Plant in Mandarin Chinese
Vicky Tzuyin Lai
Kathleen Ahrens
Floating Quantifiers and Lexical Specification of Quantifier Retrieval
Eun-Jung Yoo
Pragmatic Inference with Conditionals and Concessives in Japanese
Yasunari Harada
Kumiko Honda
On the Semantics of Japanese Particles wa and mo and Their Interaction with Quantifiers
Ryoya Okabe
Nominal Markers and Word Order in Korean
Sae-Youn Cho
Jong-Joo Choe
Thai Classifiers and the Structure of Complex Thai Nominals
Pornsiri Singhapreecha
Negation, VP Ellipsis, and VP Fronting in English : A Construction-HPSG Analysis
Jong-Bok Kim
Feature Percolation, Movement and Cross-Linguistic Variation in Pied-Piping
Jeong-Me Yoon
Gerundive Complements in English : A Constraint-Based Analysis
Byung-Soo Park
An HPSG Account of the Hierarchical Clause Formation in Japanese : HPSG-Based Japanese Grammar for Practical Parsing
Takashi Miyata
Akira Otani
Yuji Matsumoto
The Japanese Internally-Headed Relative Clause as a Marked Head-Complement Structure
Chiharu Uda Kikuta
Distributional Properties and Endocentricity of English Gerunds
Yong-Beom Kim
Robust N-gram Based Syntactic Analysis Using Segmentation Words
Nobuo Inui
Yoshiyuki Kotani
Recursive Top-down Fuzzy Match : New Perspectives on Memory-based Parsing
Oliver Streiter