Proceedings of the 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Helena Hong Gao, Minghui Dong (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- Y11-1
- Month:
- December
- Year:
- 2011
- Address:
- Singapore
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Institute of Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Processing, Waseda University
- URL:
- DOI:
Proceedings of the 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Helena Hong Gao
Minghui Dong
Web based English-Chinese OOV term translation using Adaptive rules and Recursive feature selection
Jian Qu
English-Chinese Name Transliteration with Bi-Directional Syllable-Based Maximum Matching
Oi Yee Kwong
Language Model Weight Adaptation Based on Cross-entropy for Statistical Machine Translation
Yinggong Zhao
Yangsheng Ji
Ning Xi
Shujian Huang
Jiajun Chen
A grammar design accommodating packed argument frame information on verbs
Petter Haugereid
Quantification and the Garden Path Effect Reduction: The Case of Universally Quantified Subjects
Akira Ohtani
Takeo Kurafuji
A Simple Surface Realizer for Filipino
Ethel Ong
Stephanie Abella
Lawrence Santos
Dennis Tiu
Measuring Concept Concreteness from the Lexicographic Perspective
Oi Yee Kwong
Logical Information Processing of Possibility and Negation: Cases from Taiwanese Hakka
Chiou-shing Yeh
Huei-ling Lai
The Syntax-Semantics Interface of Resultative Constructions in Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese
Pui Lun Chow
Automatic Wrapper Generation and Maintenance
Yingju Xia
Yuhang Yang
Shu Zhang
Hao Yu
Evaluation via Negativa of Chinese Word Segmentation for Information Retrieval
Mike Tian-Jian Jiang
Cheng-Wei Shih
Richard Tzong-Han Tsai
Wen-Lian Hsu
Factual or Satisfactory: What Search Results Are Better?
Yu Hong
Jun Lu
Shiqi Zhao
A Graph-based Bilingual Corpus Selection Approach for SMT
Wenhan Chao
Zhoujun Li
Myanmar Phrases Translation Model with Morphological Analysis for Statistical Myanmar to English Translation System
Thet Thet Zin
Khin Mar Soe
Ni Lar Thein
Context Resolution of Verb Particle Constructions for English to Hindi Translation
Niladri Chatterjee
Renu Balyan
Improving Sampling-based Alignment by Investigating the Distribution of N-grams in Phrase Translation Tables
Juan Luo
Adrien Lardilleux
Yves Lepage
Predicting Linguistic Difficulty by Means of a Morpho-Syntactic Probabilistic Model
Philippe Blache
Stéphane Rauzy
Tibetan Word Segmentation as Syllable Tagging Using Conditional Random Field
Huidan Liu
Minghua Nuo
Longlong Ma
Jian Wu
Yeping He
Plural Problems in the Nominal Morphology of Marathi
Shalmalee Pitale
The L1 Acquisition of the Imperfective Aspect markers in Korean: a Comparison with Japanese
Ju-Yeon Ryu
Semi-Automatic Identification of Bilingual Synonymous Technical Terms from Phrase Tables and Parallel Patent Sentences
Bing Liang
Takehito Utsuro
Mikio Yamamoto
Automatic Error Analysis Based on Grammatical Questions
Tomoki Nagase
Hajime Tsukada
Katsunori Kotani
Nobutoshi Hatanaka
Yoshiyuki Sakamoto
Maximum Entropy Based Lexical Reordering Model for Hierarchical Phrase-based Machine Translation
Zhongguang Zheng
Yao Meng
Hao Yu
A Bare-bones Constraint Grammar
Eckhard Bick
Spring Cleaning and Grammar Compression: Two Techniques for Detection of Redundancy in HPSG Grammars
Antske Fokkens
Yi Zhang
Emily M. Bender
Developing a Chunk-based Grammar Checker for Translated English Sentences
Nay Yee Lin
Khin Mar Soe
Ni Lar Thein
Creating the Open Wordnet Bahasa
Nurril Hirfana Bte Mohamed Noor
Suerya Sapuan
Francis Bond
Automatic identification of words with novel but infrequent senses
Paul Cook
Graeme Hirst
Annotating the Structure and Semantics of Fables
Oi Yee Kwong
Verbal Inflection in Hindi: A Distributed Morphology Approach
Smriti Singh
Vaijayanthi M. Sarma
Word classes in Indonesian: A linguistic reality or a convenient fallacy in natural language processing?
Meladel Mistica
Timothy Baldwin
I Wayan Arka
Automated Proof Reading of Clinical Notes
Jon Patrick
Dung Nguyen
Modelling Word Meaning using Efficient Tensor Representations
Mike Symonds
Peter Bruza
Laurianne Sitbon
Ian Turner
A Study of Sense-Disambiguated Networks Induced from Folksonomies
Hans-Peter Zorn
Iryna Gurevych
Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Using Neighborhood Knowledge
Heyan Huang
Zhizhuo Yang
Ping Jian
Dependency-based Analysis for Tagalog Sentences
Erlyn Manguilimotan
Yuji Matsumoto
Case study of BushBank concept
Marek Grác
Building and Annotating the Linguistically Diverse NTU-MC (NTU-Multilingual Corpus)
Liling Tan
Francis Bond
In Situ Text Summarisation for Museum Visitors
Timothy Baldwin
Patrick Ye
Fabian Bohnert
Ingrid Zukerman
Iteratively Estimating Pattern Reliability and Seed Quality With Extraction Consistency
Yi-Hsun Lee
Chung-Yao Chuang
Wen-Lian Hsu
The Effect of Answer Patterns for Supervised Named Entity Recognition in Thai
Nutcha Tirasaroj
Wirote Aroonmanakun
A Listwise Approach to Coreference Resolution in Multiple Languages
Oanh Thi Tran
Bach Xuan Ngo
Minh Le Nguyen
Akira Shimazu
Combining Dependency and Constituent-based Syntactic Information for Anaphoricity Determination in Coreference Resolution
Fang Kong
Guodong Zhou
Sentiment Classification in Resource-Scarce Languages by using Label Propagation
Yong Ren
Nobuhiro Kaji
Naoki Yoshinaga
Masashi Toyoda
Masaru Kitsuregawa
A Hybrid Extraction Model for Chinese Noun/Verb Synonymous bi-gram Collocations
Wanyin Li
Qin Lu
Word-order and argument-marking: Japanese vs Chinese vs Naxi
Paul Law
Classification of Filipino Speech Rhythm Using Computational and Perceptual Approach
Timothy Israel Santos
Rowena Cristina Guevara
Disfluencies in Consecutive Interpreting among Undergraduates in the Language Lab Environment in the final version
Kexiu Yin
An English-Chinese Cross-lingual Word Semantic Similarity Measure Exploring Attributes and Relations
Lin Dai
Heyan Huang
Learning-to-Translate Based on the S-SSTC Annotation Schema
Enya Kong Tang
Zaharin Yusoff
Christian Boitet
Translating English Names to Arabic Using Phonotactic Rules
Faisal Alshuwaier
Ali Areshey
Translating Common English and Chinese Verb-Noun Pairs in Technical Documents with Collocational and Bilingual Information
Yi-Hsuan Chuang
Chao-Lin Liu
Jing-Shin Chang
System for Flexibly Judging the Misuse of Honorifics in Japanese
Tamotsu Shirado
Satoko Marumoto
Masaki Murata
Hitoshi Isahara
Compound Event Nouns of the ‘Modifier-head’ Type in Mandarin Chinese
Shan Wang
Chu-Ren Huang
The Co-occurrence of Two Delimiters: An Investigation of Mandarin Chinese Resultatives
Jingxia Lin
Chu-Ren Huang
The Order of Mandarin Chinese Motion Morphemes and the “Scalar Specificity Constraint”
Jingxia Lin
Verbs and (sub)Event Structure: A Case Study from Italian
Francesca Strik Lievers
The Effects of EFL Learners’ Awareness and Retention in Learning Metaphoric and Metonymic Expressions
Yi-chen Chen
Huei-ling Lai
NERSIL - the Named-Entity Recognition System for Iban Language
Yong Soo Fong
Bali Ranaivo Malanҫon
Alvin Yeo Wee
Improving PP Attachment Disambiguation in a Rule-based Parser
Yoon-Hyung Roh
Ki-Young Lee
Young-Gil Kim
Fully-Automatic Marker-based Chunking in 11 European Languages and Counts of the Number of Analogies between Chunks
Kota Takeya
Yves Lepage
Extraction of Broad-Scale, High-Precision Japanese-English Parallel Translation Expressions Using Lexical Information and Rules
Qing Ma
Shinya Sakagami
Masaki Murata
Analyzing the characteristics of academic paper categories by using an index of representativeness
Takafumi Suzuki
Kiyoko Uchiyama
Ryota Tomisaka
Akiko Aizawa
Exploring Emotional Words for Chinese Document Chief Emotion Analysis
Yunong Wu
Kenji Kita
Fuji Ren
Kazuyuki Matsumoto
Xin Kang
A Construction Grammar Approach to Prepositional Phrase Attachment: Semantic Feature Analysis of V NP1 into NP2 Construction
Liyin Chen
Siaw-Fong Chung
Chao-Lin Liu
Supervised and Semi-supervised Methods based Organization Name Disambiguity
Shu Zhang
Hao Yu
Study and Implementation of Monolingual Approach on Indonesian Question Answering for Factoid and Non-Factoid Question
Alvin Andhika Zulen
Ayu Purwarianti