SubmissionNumber#=%=#9 FinalPaperTitle#=%=#Socio-political Events of Conflict and Unrest: A Survey of Available Datasets ShortPaperTitle#=%=# NumberOfPages#=%=# CopyrightSigned#=%=# JobTitle#==# Organization#==# Abstract#==#There is a large and growing body of literature on datasets created to facilitate the study of socio-political events of conflict and unrest. However, the datasets, and the approaches taken to create them, vary a lot depending on the type of research they are intended to support. For example, while scholars from natural language processing (NLP) tend to focus on annotating specific spans of text indicating various components of an event, scholars from the disciplines of political science and conflict studies tend to focus on creating databases that code an abstract but structured representation of the event, less tied to a specific source text. The survey presented in this paper aims to map out the current landscape of available event datasets within the domain of social and political conflict and unrest – both from the NLP and political science communities – offering a unified view of the work done across different disciplines. Author{1}{Firstname}#=%=#Helene Bøsei Author{1}{Lastname}#=%=#Olsen Author{1}{Email} Author{1}{Affiliation}#=%=#University of Oslo Author{2}{Firstname}#=%=#Étienne Author{2}{Lastname}#=%=#Simon Author{2}{Username}#=%=#ejls Author{2}{Email} Author{2}{Affiliation}#=%=#LTG, UiO Author{3}{Firstname}#=%=#Erik Author{3}{Lastname}#=%=#Velldal Author{3}{Email} Author{3}{Affiliation}#=%=#University of Oslo Author{4}{Firstname}#=%=#Lilja Author{4}{Lastname}#=%=#Øvrelid Author{4}{Email} Author{4}{Affiliation}#=%=#University of Oslo ========== èéáğö