International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (2005)


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International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 10, Number 4, December 2005: Special Issue on Selected Papers from CLSW-5

International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 10, Number 4, December 2005: Special Issue on Selected Papers from CLSW-5

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The Sinica Sense Management System: Design and Implementation
Chu-Ren Huang | Chun-Ling Chen | Cui-Xia Weng | Hsiang-Ping Lee | Yong-Xiang Chen | Keh-Jiann Chen

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From Frame to Subframe: Collocational Asymmetry in Mandarin Verbs of Conversation
Mei-Chun Liu | Chun Edison Chang

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Feature Representations and Logical Compatibility between Temporal Adverbs and Aspects
Shih-Min Li | Su-Chu Lin | Keh-Jiann Chen

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信息處理用現代漢語虛詞義類詞典研究和工作單設計 (Study on the Machine Tractable Thesaurus Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Functional Words for Information Processing and Design) [In Chinese]
Qunxiu Chen

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An Unsupervised Approach to Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation Based on Hownet
Hao Chen | Tingting He | Donghong Ji | Changqin Quan

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以句式為本的多義詞詞義辨識 (Word Sense Disambiguation Based on Syntactic Construction) [In Chinese]
Mei-Chih Tsai

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從構式語法理論看漢語詞義研究 (A Construction-Bsed Approach to Chinese Lexical Semantics) [In Chinese]
Hui Wang

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現代漢語中的形式動詞 (Dummy Verbs in Contemporary Chinese) [In Chinese]
Shiwen Yu | Xuefeng Zhu | Huiming Duan

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A Synchronous Corpus-Based Study on the Usage and Perception of Judgement Terms in the Pan-Chinese Context
Oi Yee Kwong | Benjamin K. Tsou

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《人民日報》語料庫命名實体分類的研究 (The Chinese Named Entity Categorization Based on the People’s Daily Corpus) [In Chinese]
YingJu Xia | Hao Yu | Fumihito Nishino

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双向考察和驗證:并列成分中心語的語義關係和CCD的名詞語義分類体系 (Bidirectional Investigation: The Semantic Relations between the Conjuncts and the Noun Taxonomy in CCD) [In Chinese]
Yunfang Wu | Sujian Li | Yun Li | Shiwen Yu

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Source Domains as Concept Domains in Metaphorical Expressions
Siaw-Fong Chung | Kathleen Ahrens | Chu-Ren Huang

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隱喻性成語的語義映射 (Semantic Mapping in Chinese Metaphorical Idioms) [In Chinese]
Yun Li | Sujian Li | Zhimin Wang | Yunfang Wu

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基于現代漢語語法信息詞典的詞語情感評價研究 (Research on Lexical Emotional Evaluation Based on the Grammatical Knowledge-Base of Contemporary Chinese) [In Chinese]
Zhimin Wang | Xuefeng Zhu | Shiwen Yu

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Author and Subject Index