International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium (2024)
Proceedings of the 7th International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium
Proceedings of the 7th International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium
Arnab Bhattacharya
Word Sense Alignment of Sanskrit Lexica
Dhaval K Patel
Amba Kulkarni
Context and WSD: Analysing Google Translate’s Sanskrit to English Output of Bhagavadgītā Verses for Word Meaning
Anagha Pradeep
Radhika Mamidi
Pavankumar Satuluri
Linguistically Mapping Aśoka: A Dialectometric Approach to the Major Rock and Major Pillar Edicts
Patrick Zeitlhuber
Hoisting the colors of Sanskrit
Gérard Huet
Using TEI for digital Sanskrit editions containing commentaries: A study of Kālidāsa’s Raghuvaṁśa with Mallinātha’s Sañjīvanī
Tanuja P Ajotikar
Ketaki Kaduskar
Peter M Scharf
Inter Sentential Discourse Relations
Saee Vaze
Amba Kulkarni
A fast prakriyā generator
Arun K Prasad
Anuprāsa Identifier and Classifier: A computational tool to analyze Sanskrit figure of sound
Amruta Vilas Barbadikar
Amba Kulkarni
START: Sanskrit Teaching; Annotation; and Research Tool – Bridging Tradition and Technology in Scholarly Exploration
Anil Kumar
Amba Kulkarni
Nakka Shailaj
The Śabdabrahman exercise platform
Peter M Scharf
Harsha Pamidipalli