Machine Translation Summit (2007)


bib (full) Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XI: Papers

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Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XI: Papers
Bente Maegaard

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Impact of controlled language on translation quality and post-editing in a statistical machine translation environment
Takako Aikawa | Lee Schwartz | Ronit King | Mo Corston-Oliver | Carmen Lozano

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Improving speech-to-speech translation using word posterior probabilities
Vicente Alabau | Alberto Sanchis | Francisco Casacuberta

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Online learning methods for discriminative training of phrase based statistical machine translation
Abhishek Arun | Philipp Koehn

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Automatic extraction of entries for a machine translation dictionary using bitexts
Julia Aymerich | Hermes Camelo

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Translating from under-resourced languages: comparing direct transfer against pivot translation
Bogdan Babych | Anthony Hartley | Serge Sharoff

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Dan2eng: wide-coverage Danish-English machine translation
Eckard Bick

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Global Public Health Intelligence Network (GPHIN)
Michael Blench

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Unsupervised syntax-based machine translation: the contribution of discontiguous phrases
Rens Bod

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A system to mine large-scale bilingual dictionaries from monolingual web pages
Guihong Cao | Jianfeng Gao | Jian-Yun Nie

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METIS-II: the German to English MT system
Michael Carl

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Context-dependent phrasal translation lexicons for statistical machine translation
Marine Carpuat | Dekai Wu

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Enhancing image-based Arabic document translation using noisy channel correction model
Yi Chang | Ying Zhang | Stephan Vogel | Jie Yang

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A Chinese-to-Chinese statistical machine translation model for mining synonymous simplified-traditional Chinese terms
Jing-Shin Chang | Chun-Kai Kung

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Incorporating constituent structure constraint into discriminative word alignment
Wen-Han Chao | Zhou-Jun Li

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Better n-best translations through generative n-gram language models
Boxing Chen | Marcello Federico | Mauro Cettolo

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Syntax-enhanced n-gram-based SMT
Josep M. Crego | José B. Mariño

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All links are not the same: evaluating word alignments for statistical machine translation
Paul C. Davis | Zhuli Xie | Kevin Small

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A state-of-the-art statistical machine translation system based on Moses
Daniel Déchelotte | Holger Schwenk | Hélène Bonneau-Maynard | Alexandre Allauzen | Gilles Adda

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Analogical translation of unknown words in a statistical machine translation framework
Etienne Denoual

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Arabic diacritization in the context of statistical machine translation
Mona Diab | Mahmoud Ghoneim | Nizar Habash

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Automatic evaluation of machine translation based on recursive acquisition of an intuitive common parts continuum
Hiroshi Echizen-ya | Kenji Araki

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Estimating phrase pair relevance for translation model pruning
Matthias Eck | Stephan Vogel | Alex Waibel

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How much data is needed for reliable MT evaluation? Using bootstrapping to study human and automatic metrics
Paula Estrella | Olivier Hamon | Andrei Popescu-Belis

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Lexical translation with application to image searching on the web
Oren Etzioni | Kobi Reiter | Stephen Soderland | Marcus Sammer

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Improving transfer-based MT systems with automatic refinements
Ariadna Font Llitjós | Jaime Carbonell | Alon Lavie

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Learning bilingual lexicons from comparable English and Spanish corpora
Pablo Gamallo Otero

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Online and free! Ten years of online machine translation: origins, developments, current use and future prospects
Federico Gaspari | John Hutchins

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POS-based reordering models for statistical machine translation
Deepa Gupta | Mauro Cettolo | Marcello Federico

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Syntactic preprocessing for statistical machine translation
Nizar Habash

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End-to-end evaluation of a speech-to-speech translation system in TC-STAR
Olivier Hamon | Djamel Mostefa | Khalid Choukri

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Assessing human and automated quality judgments in the French MT evaluation campaign CESTA
Olivier Hamon | Anthony Hartley | Andrei Popescu-Belis | Khalid Choukri

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Report on the NSF-sponsored Human Language Technology Workshop on Industrial Centers
Mary Harper | Alex Acero | Srinivas Bangalore | Jaime Carbonell | Jordan Cohen | Barbara Cuthill | Carol Espy-Wilson | Christiane Fellbaum | John Garofolo | Chin-Hui Lee | Jim Lester | Andrew McCallum | Nelson Morgan | Michael Picheney | Joe Picone | Lance Ramshaw | Jeff Reynar | Hadar Shemtov | Clare Voss

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Experiments with a noun-phrase driven statistical machine translation system
Sanjika Hewavitharana | Alon Lavie | Stephan Vogel

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Domain adaptation of MT systems through automatic post-editing
Pierre Isabelle | Cyril Goutte | Michel Simard

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Development of a Japanese-Chinese machine translation system
Hitoshi Isahara | Sadao Kurohashi | Jun’ichi Tsujii | Kiyotaka Uchimoto | Hiroshi Nakagawa | Hiroyuki Kaji | Shun’ichi Kikuchi

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Automatic validation of terminology translation consistenscy with statistical method
Masaki Itagaki | Takako Aikawa | Xiaodong He

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Comparing parallel corpora and evaluating their quality
Heiki-Jaan Kaalep | Kaarel Veskis

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Iterative refinement of lexicon and phrasal alignment
Jae Dong Kim | Stephan Vogel

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Semi-automatic error analysis for large-scale statistical machine translation
Katrin Kirchhoff | Owen Rambow | Nizar Habash | Mona Diab

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Comparing rule-based and data-driven approaches to Spanish-to-Basque machine translation
Gorka Labaka | Nicolas Stroppa | Andy Way | Kepa Sarasola

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Log-linear generation models for example-based machine translation
Zhanyi Liu | Hifeng Wang | Hua Wu

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Dutch parallel corpus: MT corpus and translator’s aid
Lieve Macken | Julia Trushkina | Lidia Rura

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Faster beam-search decoding for phrasal statistical machine translation
Robert C. Moore | Chris Quirk

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Combining data-driven MT systems for improved sign language translation
Sara Morrissey | Andy Way | Daniel Stein | Jan Bungeroth | Hermann Ney

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Structural phrase alignment based on consistency criteria
Toshiaki Nakazawa | Yu Kun | Sadao Kurohashi

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How portable are controlled language rules? A comparison of two empirical MT studies
Sharon O’Brien | Johann Roturier

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Machine transliteration using multiple transliteration engines and hypothesis re-ranking
Jong-Hoon Oh | Hitoshi Isahara

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Introducing translation dictionary into phrase-based SMT
Hideo Okuma | Hirofumi Yamamoto | Eiichiro Sumita

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Improving example-based machine translation through morphological generalization and adaptation
Aaron B. Phillips | Violetta Cavalli-Sforza | Ralf D. Brown

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Generative models of noisy translations with applications to parallel fragment extraction
Chris Quirk | Raghavendra Udupa U. | Arul Menezes

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Improving spoken language translation by automatic disfluency removal: evidence from conversational speech transcripts
Sharath Rao | Ian Lane | Tanja Schultz

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Improving statistical word alignment with various clues
Dengjun Ren | Hua Wu | Haifeng Wang

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Building a sense-distinguished multilingual lexicon from monolingual corpora and bilingual lexicons
Marcus Sammer | Stephen Soderland

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Estimation of confidence measures for machine translation
Alberto Sanchis | Alfons Juan | Enrique Vidal

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Getting professional translation through user interaction
Young-Ae Seo | Chang-Hyun Kim | Seong-Il Yang | Young-gil Kim

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Hindi generation from interlingua
Smriti Singh | Mrugank Dalal | Vishal Vachhani | Pushpak Bhattacharyya | Om P. Damani

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Using rich morphology in resolving certain Hindi-English machine translation divergence
R. Mahesh K. Sinha

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The quest for machine translation quality at CLS Communication
Hans-Udo Stadler | Ursula Peter-Spörndli

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Rapid development of new language pairs at SYSTRAN
Sylvain Surcin | Elke Lange | Jean Senellart

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Flexible automatic look-up of English idiom entries in dictionaries
Koichi Takeuchi | Takashi Kanehila | Kazuki Hilao | Takeshi Abekawa | Kyo Kageura

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A MT system from Turkmen to Turkish employing finite state and statistical methods
Ahmet Cüneyd Tantuğ | Eşref Adali | Kemal Oflazer

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Robust language pair-independent sub-tree alignment
John Tinsley | Ventsislav Zhechev | Mary Hearne | Andy Way

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A Japanese-English patent parallel corpus
Masao Utiyama | Hitoshi Isahara

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Japanese-Hungarian dictionary generation using ontology resources
István Varga | Shoichi Yokoyama

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Morphology-aware statistical machine translation based on morphs induced in an unsupervised manner
Sami Virpioja | Jaako J. Väyrynen | Mathias Creutz | Markus Sadeniemi

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Evaluating MT with translations or translators: what is the difference?
Martin Volk | Søren Harder

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Comparative study of word alignment heuristics and phrase-based SMT
Hua Wu | Haifeng Wang

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Domain dependent statistical machine translation
Jia Xu | Yonggang Deng | Yuqing Gao | Hermann Ney

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Aspect marker generation in English-to-Chinese machine translation
Yang Ye | Karl-Michael Schneider | Steven Abney

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English-Slovenian statistical machine translation: from a lower- to a highly-inflected language
Jerneja Žganec Gros | Stanislav Gruden

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A tree-to-tree alignment-based model for statistical machine translation
Min Zhang | Hongfei Jiang | Ai Ti Aw | Jun Sun | Sheng Li | Chew Lim Tan

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PanDoRA: a large-scale two-way statistical machine translation system for hand-held devices
Ying Zhang | Stephan Vogel

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Building Japanese-Chinese translation dictionary based on EDR Japanese-English bilingual dictionary
Yujie Zhang | Qing Ma | Hitoshi Isahara

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Syntax-based word reordering in phrase-based statistical machine translation: why does it work?
Simon Zwarts | Mark Dras


bib (full) Proceedings of the Workshop on Using corpora for natural language generation

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Using corpora for natural language generation
Anja Belz | Sebastian Varges

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Automatic language translation generation help needs badly
Kevin Knight

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Automatic evaluation of generation and parsing for machine translation with automatically acquired transfer rules
Yvette Graham | Deirdre Hogan | Josef van Genabith

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Generalizing syntactic collocates for creative language generation
David Hardcastle

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Towards broad coverage surface realization with CCG
Michael White | Rajakrishnan Rajkumar | Scott Martin

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Method of selecting training sets to build compact and efficient language model
Keiji Yasuda | Hirofumi Yamamoto | Eiichiro Sumita

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The induction and evaluation of word order rules using corpora based on the two concepts of topological models
Bernd Bohnet

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A probabilistic approach to linguistic analysis in machine translation output evaluation
Olivier Gouirand

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Declarative syntactic processing of natural language using concurrent constraint programming and probabilistic dependency modeling
Irene Langkilde-Geary

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NLG is still relevant to MT
Nizar Habash

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Evaluation of NLG: some analogies and differences with machine translation and reference resolution
Andrei Popescu-Belis

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Generation issues in machine translation
Gregor Thurmair

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One-way translation: an opportunity for NLG and MT research to interact
Sebastian Varges

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The attribute selection for generation of referring expressions challenge. [Introduction to Shared Task Evaluation Challenge.]
Anja Belz | Albert Gatt | Ehud Reiter | Jette Viethen

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The attribute selection for GRE challenge: overview and evaluation results
Anja Belz | Albert Gatt

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IS-FBN, IS-FBS, IS-IAC: the adaptation of two classic algorithms for the generation of referring expresssions in order to produce expressions like humans do
Bernd Bohnet

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NIL: attribute selection for matching the task corpus using relative attribute groupings obtained from the test data
Raquel Hervás | Pablo Gervás

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DIT: frequency based incremental attribute selection for GRE
J. D. Kelleher

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Evaluating an open-domain GRE algorithm on closed domains system IDs: CAM-B, CAM-T, CAM-BU and CAM-TU
Advaith Siddharthan | Ann Copestake

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Cost-based attribute selection for GRE (GRAPH-SC/GRAPH-FP)
Mariët Theune | Pascal Touset | Jette Viethen | Emiel Krahmer

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TITCH: attribute selection based on discrimination power and frequency
Philipp Spanger | Kurosawa Takahiro | Tokunaga Takenobu

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Content determination in GRE: evaluating the evaluator
Kees van Deemter | Albert Gatt