Translating and the Computer (1988)


bib (full) Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 10: The translation environment 10 years on

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Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 10: The translation environment 10 years on
Pamela Mayorcas

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Ten years of machine translation design and application: From FAHQT to realism
Juan Sager

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The role of computer-aided translation in translation services
A. T. Zirkle

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Criteria for selecting MT systems
Isabella Moore

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Multilingual word processing for translation
David C. Jackson

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Session 1: The new realism. Summary of the discussion.
Bob Hinchliffe

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International (tele)coms: A guide for the faint-hearted
Barry Mahon

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Information on demand: Online retrieval for external databases
J. A. Large

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Low cost information retrieval packages
Forbes Gibb

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Session 2: Information retrieval. Summary of the discussion.
Julie Slade

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Introduction: Text typology and machine translation: An overview
Douglas Arnold

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Pre-editing and the use of simplified writing for MT
Peter Pym

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User experience of Termbase
Alain Paillet

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The automated translation of software, particularly the user interface and user manuals
Mike Scott

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Session 3: The translation environment. Summary of the discussion.
Melanie Dean

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Machine aids for translators: What does the future betoken?
Francis E. Knowles

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Language conversion in the audiovisual media: A growth area with new technical applications and professional qualifications
George-Michael Luyken

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Themes in the work of Margaret Masterman
Yorick Wilks

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Session 4: The future: A tribute to Margaret Masterman. Summary of the discussion.
Geoffrey Kingscott

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Biographical notes on speakers and chairpersons and list of participants