Translating and the Computer (2004)


bib (full) Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 26

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Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 26

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Representing and Defending our Profession in the Age of Globalization
Yves A. Champollion

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Modern MT Systems and the Myth of Human Translation: Real World Status Quo
Richard Jelinek

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Machine Translatability and Post-Editing Effort: How do they relate
Sharon O’Brien

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Controlled Translation as a New Translation Scenario - Training the Future User
Celia Rico | Enrique Torrejon

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Assessing a set of Controlled Language Rules: Can They Improve the Performance of Commercial Machine Translation Systems
Johann Roturier

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Connecting Writers and Translators - XML Based Content Management of Product Documentation at Autodesk
Mirko Plitt

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Multilingual document management and workflow in the European institutions
Joanna Drugan

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Development and Fielding of the Phraselator® Phrase Translation System
Ace Sarich

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Parallel Concordancing and Translation
Michael Barlow

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Searchable Translation Memories
Chris Callison-Burch

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Dynamical Visualization of Nested Correspondences
Christophe Chenon

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Who’s Afraid of CAT? Redefining the Boundaries of Translation
Janet Carter-Sigglow

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Problems with CAT Tools Related to Translations into Central and Eastern European Languages
Andrzej Nedoma | Jurek Nedoma

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Localising Nations, Saving Languages: Moving from Unicode to Language Engineering
Patrick A.V. Hall

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The Certified Localisation Professional (CLP)
Reinhard Schäler