Translating and the Computer (2013)


bib (full) Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 35

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Training translation students to evaluate CAT tools using EAGLES: a case study
Marianne Starlander

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Using Excel as an XLIFF editor: You cannot be serious!
Andrzej Zydroń

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Crowdsouced translation practices

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Streamlining your workflow: useful desktop software and mobile applications for the interpreting and translation industry
Valeria Aliperta

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Building on processes, workflows, skills and IT tools to speed up the translation process and meet clients’ expectations
Denis Dechandon | Viviane Schütz

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Multidimensional quality metrics: a flexible system for assessing translation quality
Arle Richard Lommel | Aljoscha Burchardt | Hans Uszkoreit

Translation memory workshop
Mark Shuttleworth

The DQF - industry best-practices, metrics and benchmarks for translation quality estimation
Jaap van der Meer

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Terminology finding in the Sketch engine
Adam Kilgarriff

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Machine translation quality estimation
Lucia Specia

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Knowledge management issues in the workflow of translation memory systems
Timmy Oumai Wang | Mark Shuttleworth

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Emerging use-cases for machine translation
Andy Way

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Tailor-made quality-controlled translation
Sergio Penkale

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Collaborative terminology in the age of social web 2.0
Klaus Fleischmann

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New tools for subtitle translation
Yota Georgakopoulou | Lindsay Bywood

ITS 2.0 automated translation of natural language content
Pedro Luís Diez Orzas

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Overview of the XLIFF 2.0 specification
Frederik Estreen