Translating and the Computer (2016)


bib (full) Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 38

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Workshop: Lost for words — Maximizing terminological quality and value at an LSP
David J. Calvert

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Potential impact of QT21
Eleanor Cornelius

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From IATE to IATE 2 or when technologies are agents of change and means to improve users’ satisfaction
Denis Dechandon

Translation quality evaluation of MWE from French into English using an SMT system
Emmanuelle Esperança-Rodier | Johan Didier

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InterpretBank: redefining computer-assisted interpreting tools
Claudio Fantinuoli

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Why XLIFF and why XLIFF 2?
David Filip

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Can you trust a TM? Results of an experiment conducted in November 2015 and August 2016 with students and professional translators
Daniela Ford

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How translators can improve multilingual terminology in a link: teaching case study examples
Carmen Gomez-Camarero | Rocio Palomares Perraut

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Drawing a route map of making a small domain-specific parallel corpus for translators and beyond
Xiaotian Guo

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A case study of German into English by machine translation: to evaluate Moses using Moses for Mere Mortals
Roger Haycock

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The annotation system
Ronan Martin

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What’s in a name?
Jon D. Riding | Neil J. Boulton

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Professional precariat or digital elite? – Workshop on interpreters’ workflows and fees in the digital era
Anja Rütten

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How to configure statistical machine translation with linked open data resources
Ankit Srivastava | Felix Sasaki | Peter Bourgonje. Julian Moreno-Schneider | Jan Nehring | Georg Rehm

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From CATs to KATs
Félix do Carmo | Luis Trigo | Belinda Maia

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Automatic bilingual corpus collection from Wikipedia
Mark Unitt | Simon Tite | Pejman Saeghe

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Calculating the percentage reduction in translator effort when using machine translation
Andrzej Zydrón | Qun Liu