Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation of Natural Languages (1995)


bib (full) Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation of Natural Languages

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Noun Phrase Reference in Japanese to English Machine Translation
Francis Bond | Kentaro Ogura | Tsukasa Kawaoka

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Translation using Minimal Recursion Semantics
Ann Copestake | Dan Flickinger | Rob Malouf | Susanne Riehemann | Ivan Sag

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Dialogue Acts in Automatic Dialogue Interpreting
Birte Schmitz | J. Joachim Quantz

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Bi-Lexical Rules for Multi-Lexeme Translation in Lexicalist MT
Arturo Trujillo

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A Sign-Based Approach to the Translation of Temporal Expressions
Frank Van Eynde

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Anaphora Resolution in Machine Translation
Ruslan Mitkov | Sung-Kwon Choi | Randall Sharp

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Intrasentential Resolution of Japanese Zero Pronouns in a Machine Translation System using Semantic and Pragmatic Constraints
Hiromi Nakaiwa | Satoru Ikehara

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Apologiae Ontologiae
Sergei Nirenburg | Victor Raskin | Boyan Onyshkevych

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Domain Modeling for Machine Translation
J. Joachim Quantz | Uwe Kuessner | Manfred Gehrke

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Technological evaluation of a controlled language application: precision, recall and convergence tests for SECC
Geert Adriaens | Lieve Macken

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Natural Language Modeling in a Machine Translation Prototype for Healthcare Applications: a Sublanguage Approach
Guy Deville | Emmanuel Herbignaux

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Controlled English for Knowledge-Based MT: Experience with the KANT System
Teruko Mitamura | Eric H. Nyberg 3rd

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Using Context in Machine Translation of Spoken Language
Lori Levin | Oren Glickman | Yan Qu | Carolyn P. Rose | Donna Gates | Alon Lavie | Alex Waibel | Carol Van Ess-Dykema

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Chart-based Incremental Transfer in Machine Translation
Jan W. Amtrup

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Concept-Based Parsing For Speech Translation
L. J. Mayfield | M. Gavalda | Y-H. Seo | B. Suhm | Wayne Ward | A. Waibel

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Learning English Verb Selection Rules from Hand-made Rules and Translation Examples
Yasuhiro Akba | Megumi Ishii | Hussein Almuallim | Shigeo Kaneda

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Applying Statistical English Language Modelling to Symbolic Machine Translation
Ralf Brown | Robert Frederking

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Coerced Markov Models for Cross-Lingual Lexical-Tag Relations
Pascale Fung | Dekai Wu

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Patterns of Derivation
Oliver Streiter | Antje Schmidt-Wigger

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Heterogeneous Computing for Example-Based Translation of Spoken Language
Eiichiro Sumita | Hitoshi Iida

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Machine Translation: an Integration Approach
Kuang-hua Chen | Hsin-Hsi Chen

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Automatic Learning of Knowledge for Example-Based Disambiguation of Attachment
Naohiko Uramoto

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A Method for Automatically Adapting an MT System to Different Domains
Setsuo Yamada | Hiromi Nakaiwa | Kentaro Ogura | Satoru Ikehara

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Constituent Shifts in the Logos English-German System
Claudia Gdaniec | Patricia Schmid

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Shake-and-Bake MT and Morphology
Davide Turcato

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Spoken-Language Machine Translation in Limited Domains: Can it be Achieved by Finite-State Models?
Juan Miguel Vilar | Antonio Castellanos | Juan Miguel Jimenez | J. A. Sanchez | E. Vidal | J. Oncina | H. Rulot

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A Corpus-based Two-Way Design for Parameterized MT Systems: Rationale, Architecture and Training Issues
Keh-Yih Su | Jing-Shin Chang | Yu-Ling Una Hsu

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Grammarless Extraction of Phrasal Translation Examples from Parallel Texts
Dekai Wu