Other Workshops and Events (2020)



bib (full) Proceedings of the Workshop on Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from News 2020

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from News 2020
Ali Hürriyetoğlu | Erdem Yörük | Vanni Zavarella | Hristo Tanev

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Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from News (AESPEN): Workshop and Shared Task Report
Ali Hürriyetoğlu | Vanni Zavarella | Hristo Tanev | Erdem Yörük | Ali Safaya | Osman Mutlu

We describe our effort on automated extraction of socio-political events from news in the scope of a workshop and a shared task we organized at Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020). We believe the event extraction studies in computational linguistics and social and political sciences should further support each other in order to enable large scale socio-political event information collection across sources, countries, and languages. The event consists of regular research papers and a shared task, which is about event sentence coreference identification (ESCI), tracks. All submissions were reviewed by five members of the program committee. The workshop attracted research papers related to evaluation of machine learning methodologies, language resources, material conflict forecasting, and a shared task participation report in the scope of socio-political event information collection. It has shown us the volume and variety of both the data sources and event information collection approaches related to socio-political events and the need to fill the gap between automated text processing techniques and requirements of social and political sciences.

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Keynote Abstract: Too soon? The limitations of AI for event data
Clionadh Raleigh

Not all conflict datasets offer equal levels of coverage, depth, use-ability, and content. A review of the inclusion criteria, methodology, and sourcing of leading publicly available conflict datasets demonstrates that there are significant discrepancies in the output produced by ostensibly similar projects. This keynote will question the presumption of substantial overlap between datasets, and identify a number of important gaps left by deficiencies across core criteria for effective conflict data collection and analysis.

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Keynote Abstract: Current Open Questions for Operational Event Data
Philip A. Schrodt

In this brief keynote, I will address what I see as five majorissues in terms of development for operational event datasets (that is, event data intended for real time monitoringand forecasting, rather than purely for academic research).

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Analyzing ELMo and DistilBERT on Socio-political News Classification
Berfu Büyüköz | Ali Hürriyetoğlu | Arzucan Özgür

This study evaluates the robustness of two state-of-the-art deep contextual language representations, ELMo and DistilBERT, on supervised learning of binary protest news classification (PC) and sentiment analysis (SA) of product reviews. A ”cross-context” setting is enabled using test sets that are distinct from the training data. The models are fine-tuned and fed into a Feed-Forward Neural Network (FFNN) and a Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory network (BiLSTM). Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB) and Linear Support Vector Machine (LSVM) are used as traditional baselines. The results suggest that DistilBERT can transfer generic semantic knowledge to other domains better than ELMo. DistilBERT is also 30% smaller and 83% faster than ELMo, which suggests superiority for smaller computational training budgets. When generalization is not the utmost preference and test domain is similar to the training domain, the traditional machine learning (ML) algorithms can still be considered as more economic alternatives to deep language representations.

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Text Categorization for Conflict Event Annotation
Fredrik Olsson | Magnus Sahlgren | Fehmi ben Abdesslem | Ariel Ekgren | Kristine Eck

We cast the problem of event annotation as one of text categorization, and compare state of the art text categorization techniques on event data produced within the Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP). Annotating a single text involves assigning the labels pertaining to at least 17 distinct categorization tasks, e.g., who were the attacking organization, who was attacked, and where did the event take place. The text categorization techniques under scrutiny are a classical Bag-of-Words approach; character-based contextualized embeddings produced by ELMo; embeddings produced by the BERT base model, and a version of BERT base fine-tuned on UCDP data; and a pre-trained and fine-tuned classifier based on ULMFiT. The categorization tasks are very diverse in terms of the number of classes to predict as well as the skeweness of the distribution of classes. The categorization results exhibit a large variability across tasks, ranging from 30.3% to 99.8% F-score.

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TF-IDF Character N-grams versus Word Embedding-based Models for Fine-grained Event Classification: A Preliminary Study
Jakub Piskorski | Guillaume Jacquet

Automating the detection of event mentions in online texts and their classification vis-a-vis domain-specific event type taxonomies has been acknowledged by many organisations worldwide to be of paramount importance in order to facilitate the process of intelligence gathering. This paper reports on some preliminary experiments of comparing various linguistically-lightweight approaches for fine-grained event classification based on short text snippets reporting on events. In particular, we compare the performance of a TF-IDF-weighted character n-gram SVM-based model versus SVMs trained on various of-the-shelf pre-trained word embeddings (GloVe, BERT, FastText) as features. We exploit a relatively large event corpus consisting of circa 610K short text event descriptions classified using a 25-event categories that cover political violence and protest events. The best results, i.e., 83.5% macro and 92.4% micro F1 score, were obtained using the TF-IDF-weighted character n-gram model.

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Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Detection and Cross-Document Coreference Resolution of Militarized Interstate Disputes
Benjamin Radford

Previous efforts to automate the detection of social and political events in text have primarily focused on identifying events described within single sentences or documents. Within a corpus of documents, these automated systems are unable to link event references—recognize singular events across multiple sentences or documents. A separate literature in computational linguistics on event coreference resolution attempts to link known events to one another within (and across) documents. I provide a data set for evaluating methods to identify certain political events in text and to link related texts to one another based on shared events. The data set, Headlines of War, is built on the Militarized Interstate Disputes data set and offers headlines classified by dispute status and headline pairs labeled with coreference indicators. Additionally, I introduce a model capable of accomplishing both tasks. The multi-task convolutional neural network is shown to be capable of recognizing events and event coreferences given the headlines’ texts and publication dates.

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Conflict Event Modelling: Research Experiment and Event Data Limitations
Matina Halkia | Stefano Ferri | Michail Papazoglou | Marie-Sophie Van Damme | Dimitrios Thomakos

This paper presents the conflict event modelling experiment, conducted at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, particularly focusing on the limitations of the input data. This model is under evaluation as to potentially complement the Global Conflict Risk Index (GCRI), a conflict risk model supporting the design of European Union’s conflict prevention strategies. The model aims at estimating the occurrence of material conflict events, under the assumption that an increase in material conflict events goes along with a decrease in material and verbal cooperation. It adopts a Long-Short Term Memory Cell Recurrent Neural Network on country-level actor-based event datasets that indicate potential triggers to violent conflict such as demonstrations, strikes, or elections-related violence. The observed data and the outcome of the model predictions consecutively, consolidate an early warning alarm system that signals abnormal social unrest upheavals, and appears promising as an approach towards a conflict trigger model. However, event-based systems still require overcoming certain obstacles related to the quality of the input data and the event classification method.

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Supervised Event Coding from Text Written in Arabic: Introducing Hadath
Javier Osorio | Alejandro Reyes | Alejandro Beltrán | Atal Ahmadzai

This article introduces Hadath, a supervised protocol for coding event data from text written in Arabic. Hadath contributes to recent efforts in advancing multi-language event coding using computer-based solutions. In this application, we focus on extracting event data about the conflict in Afghanistan from 2008 to 2018 using Arabic information sources. The implementation relies first on a Machine Learning algorithm to classify news stories relevant to the Afghan conflict. Then, using Hadath, we implement the Natural Language Processing component for event coding from Arabic script. The output database contains daily geo-referenced information at the district level on who did what to whom, when and where in the Afghan conflict. The data helps to identify trends in the dynamics of violence, the provision of governance, and traditional conflict resolution in Afghanistan for different actors over time and across space.

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Protest Event Analysis: A Longitudinal Analysis for Greece
Konstantina Papanikolaou | Haris Papageorgiou

The advent of Big Data has shifted social science research towards computational methods. The volume of data that is nowadays available has brought a radical change in traditional approaches due to the cost and effort needed for processing. Knowledge extraction from heterogeneous and ample data is not an easy task to tackle. Thus, interdisciplinary approaches are necessary, combining experts of both social and computer science. This paper aims to present a work in the context of protest analysis, which falls into the scope of Computational Social Science. More specifically, the contribution of this work is to describe a Computational Social Science methodology for Event Analysis. The presented methodology is generic in the sense that it can be applied in every event typology and moreover, it is innovative and suitable for interdisciplinary tasks as it incorporates the human-in-the-loop. Additionally, a case study is presented concerning Protest Analysis in Greece over the last two decades. The conceptual foundation lies mainly upon claims analysis, and newspaper data were used in order to map, document and discuss protests in Greece in a longitudinal perspective.

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Event Clustering within News Articles
Faik Kerem Örs | Süveyda Yeniterzi | Reyyan Yeniterzi

This paper summarizes our group’s efforts in the event sentence coreference identification shared task, which is organized as part of the Automated Extraction of Socio-Political Events from News (AESPEN) Workshop. Our main approach consists of three steps. We initially use a transformer based model to predict whether a pair of sentences refer to the same event or not. Later, we use these predictions as the initial scores and recalculate the pair scores by considering the relation of sentences in a pair with respect to other sentences. As the last step, final scores between these sentences are used to construct the clusters, starting with the pairs with the highest scores. Our proposed approach outperforms the baseline approach across all evaluation metrics.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Historical Image Enrichment and Access

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Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Historical Image Enrichment and Access
Yalemisew Abgaz | Amelie Dorn | Jose Luis Preza Diaz | Gerda Koch

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Enriching Historic Photography with Structured Data using Image Region Segmentation
Taylor Arnold | Lauren Tilton

Cultural institutions such as galleries, libraries, archives and museums continue to make commitments to large scale digitization of collections. An ongoing challenge is how to increase discovery and access through structured data and the semantic web. In this paper we describe a method for using computer vision algorithms that automatically detect regions of “stuff” — such as the sky, water, and roads — to produce rich and accurate structured data triples for describing the content of historic photography. We apply our method to a collection of 1610 documentary photographs produced in the 1930s and 1940 by the FSA-OWI division of the U.S. federal government. Manual verification of the extracted annotations yields an accuracy rate of 97.5%, compared to 70.7% for relations extracted from object detection and 31.5% for automatically generated captions. Our method also produces a rich set of features, providing more unique labels (1170) than either the captions (1040) or object detection (178) methods. We conclude by describing directions for a linguistically-focused ontology of region categories that can better enrich historical image data. Open source code and the extracted metadata from our corpus are made available as external resources.

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Interlinking Iconclass Data with Concepts of Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Anna Breit

Iconclass, being a a well established classification system, could benefit from interconnections with other ontologies in order to semantically enrich its content. This work presents a disambiguating and interlinking approach which is used to map Iconclass Subjects to concepts of the Art and Architecture Thesaurus. In a preliminary evaluation, the system is able to produce promising predictions, though the task is highly challenging due to conceptual and schema heterogeneity. Several algorithmic improvements for this specific interlinking task, as well as and future research directions are suggestions. The produced mappings, as well as the source code and additional information can be found at https://github.com/annabreit/taxonomy-interlinking.

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Toward the Automatic Retrieval and Annotation of Outsider Art images: A Preliminary Statement
John Roberto | Diego Ortego | Brian Davis

The aim of this position paper is to establish an initial approach to the automatic classification of digital images about the Outsider Art style of painting. Specifically, we explore whether is it possible to classify non-traditional artistic styles by using the same features that are used for classifying traditional styles? Our research question is motivated by two facts. First, art historians state that non-traditional styles are influenced by factors “outside” of the world of art. Second, some studies have shown that several artistic styles confound certain classification techniques. Following current approaches to style prediction, this paper utilises Deep Learning methods to encode image features. Our preliminary experiments have provided motivation to think that, as is the case with traditional styles, Outsider Art can be computationally modelled with objective means by using training datasets and CNN models. Nevertheless, our results are not conclusive due to the lack of a large available dataset on Outsider Art. Therefore, at the end of the paper, we have mapped future lines of action, which include the compilation of a large dataset of Outsider Art images and the creation of an ontology of Outsider Art.

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Automatic Matching of Paintings and Descriptions in Art-Historic Archives using Multimodal Analysis
Christian Bartz | Nitisha Jain | Ralf Krestel

Cultural heritage data plays a pivotal role in the understanding of human history and culture. A wealth of information is buried in art-historic archives which can be extracted via digitization and analysis. This information can facilitate search and browsing, help art historians to track the provenance of artworks and enable wider semantic text exploration for digital cultural resources. However, this information is contained in images of artworks, as well as textual descriptions or annotations accompanied with the images. During the digitization of such resources, the valuable associations between the images and texts are frequently lost. In this project description, we propose an approach to retrieve the associations between images and texts for artworks from art-historic archives. To this end, we use machine learning to generate text descriptions for the extracted images on the one hand, and to detect descriptive phrases and titles of images from the text on the other hand. Finally, we use embeddings to align both, the descriptions and the images.

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Towards a Comprehensive Assessment of the Quality and Richness of the Europeana Metadata of food-related Images
Yalemisew Abgaz | Amelie Dorn | Jose Luis Preza Diaz | Gerda Koch

Semantic enrichment of historical images to build interactive AI systems for the Digital Humanities domain has recently gained significant attention. However, before implementing any semantic enrichment tool for building AI systems, it is also crucial to analyse the quality and richness of the existing datasets and understand the areas where semantic enrichment is most required. Here, we propose an approach to conducting a preliminary analysis of selected historical images from the Europeana platform using existing linked data quality assessment tools. The analysis targets food images by collecting metadata provided from curators such as Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAMs) and cultural aggregators such as Europeana. We identified metrics to evaluate the quality of the metadata associated with food-related images which are harvested from the Europeana platform. In this paper, we present the food-image dataset, the associated metadata and our proposed method for the assessment. The results of our assessment will be used to guide the current effort to semantically enrich the images and build high-quality metadata using Computer Vision.


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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Advances in Language and Vision Research

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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Advances in Language and Vision Research
Xin Wang | Jesse Thomason | Ronghang Hu | Xinlei Chen | Peter Anderson | Qi Wu | Asli Celikyilmaz | Jason Baldridge | William Yang Wang

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Extending ImageNet to Arabic using Arabic WordNet
Abdulkareem Alsudais

ImageNet has millions of images that are labeled with English WordNet synsets. This paper investigates the extension of ImageNet to Arabic using Arabic WordNet. The objective is to discover if Arabic synsets can be found for synsets used in ImageNet. The primary finding is the identification of Arabic synsets for 1,219 of the 21,841 synsets used in ImageNet, which represents 1.1 million images. By leveraging the parent-child structure of synsets in ImageNet, this dataset is extended to 10,462 synsets (and 7.1 million images) that have an Arabic label, which is either a match or a direct hypernym, and to 17,438 synsets (and 11 million images) when a hypernym of a hypernym is included. When all hypernyms for a node are considered, an Arabic synset is found for all but four synsets. This represents the major contribution of this work: a dataset of images that have Arabic labels for 99.9% of the images in ImageNet.

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Toward General Scene Graph: Integration of Visual Semantic Knowledge with Entity Synset Alignment
Woo Suk Choi | Kyoung-Woon On | Yu-Jung Heo | Byoung-Tak Zhang

Scene graph is a graph representation that explicitly represents high-level semantic knowledge of an image such as objects, attributes of objects and relationships between objects. Various tasks have been proposed for the scene graph, but the problem is that they have a limited vocabulary and biased information due to their own hypothesis. Therefore, results of each task are not generalizable and difficult to be applied to other down-stream tasks. In this paper, we propose Entity Synset Alignment(ESA), which is a method to create a general scene graph by aligning various semantic knowledge efficiently to solve this bias problem. The ESA uses a large-scale lexical database, WordNet and Intersection of Union (IoU) to align the object labels in multiple scene graphs/semantic knowledge. In experiment, the integrated scene graph is applied to the image-caption retrieval task as a down-stream task. We confirm that integrating multiple scene graphs helps to get better representations of images.

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Visual Question Generation from Radiology Images
Mourad Sarrouti | Asma Ben Abacha | Dina Demner-Fushman

Visual Question Generation (VQG), the task of generating a question based on image contents, is an increasingly important area that combines natural language processing and computer vision. Although there are some recent works that have attempted to generate questions from images in the open domain, the task of VQG in the medical domain has not been explored so far. In this paper, we introduce an approach to generation of visual questions about radiology images called VQGR, i.e. an algorithm that is able to ask a question when shown an image. VQGR first generates new training data from the existing examples, based on contextual word embeddings and image augmentation techniques. It then uses the variational auto-encoders model to encode images into a latent space and decode natural language questions. Experimental automatic evaluations performed on the VQA-RAD dataset of clinical visual questions show that VQGR achieves good performances compared with the baseline system. The source code is available at https://github.com/sarrouti/vqgr.

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On the role of effective and referring questions in GuessWhat?!
Mauricio Mazuecos | Alberto Testoni | Raffaella Bernardi | Luciana Benotti

Task success is the standard metric used to evaluate referential visual dialogue systems. In this paper we propose two new metrics that evaluate how each question contributes to the goal. First, we measure how effective each question is by evaluating whether the question discards objects that are not the referent. Second, we define referring questions as those that univocally identify one object in the image. We report the new metrics for human dialogues and for state of the art publicly available models on GuessWhat?!. Regarding our first metric, we find that successful dialogues do not have a higher percentage of effective questions for most models. With respect to the second metric, humans make questions at the end of the dialogue that are referring, confirming their guess before guessing. Human dialogues that use this strategy have a higher task success but models do not seem to learn it.

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Latent Alignment of Procedural Concepts in Multimodal Recipes
Hossein Rajaby Faghihi | Roshanak Mirzaee | Sudarshan Paliwal | Parisa Kordjamshidi

We propose a novel alignment mechanism to deal with procedural reasoning on a newly released multimodal QA dataset, named RecipeQA. Our model is solving the textual cloze task which is a reading comprehension on a recipe containing images and instructions. We exploit the power of attention networks, cross-modal representations, and a latent alignment space between instructions and candidate answers to solve the problem. We introduce constrained max-pooling which refines the max pooling operation on the alignment matrix to impose disjoint constraints among the outputs of the model. Our evaluation result indicates a 19% improvement over the baselines.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms

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Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms
Seyi Akiwowo | Bertie Vidgen | Vinodkumar Prabhakaran | Zeerak Waseem

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Online Abuse and Human Rights: WOAH Satellite Session at RightsCon 2020
Vinodkumar Prabhakaran | Zeerak Waseem | Seyi Akiwowo | Bertie Vidgen

In 2020 The Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (WOAH) held a satellite panel at RightsCons 2020, an international human rights conference. Our aim was to bridge the gap between human rights scholarship and Natural Language Processing (NLP) research communities in tackling online abuse. We report on the discussions that took place, and present an analysis of four key issues which emerged: Problems in tackling online abuse, Solutions, Meta concerns and the Ecosystem of content moderation and research. We argue there is a pressing need for NLP research communities to engage with human rights perspectives, and identify four key ways in which NLP research into online abuse could immediately be enhanced to create better and more ethical solutions.

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A Novel Methodology for Developing Automatic Harassment Classifiers for Twitter
Ishaan Arora | Julia Guo | Sarah Ita Levitan | Susan McGregor | Julia Hirschberg

Most efforts at identifying abusive speech online rely on public corpora that have been scraped from websites using keyword-based queries or released by site or platform owners for research purposes. These are typically labeled by crowd-sourced annotators – not the targets of the abuse themselves. While this method of data collection supports fast development of machine learning classifiers, the models built on them often fail in the context of real-world harassment and abuse, which contain nuances less easily identified by non-targets. Here, we present a mixed-methods approach to create classifiers for abuse and harassment which leverages direct engagement with the target group in order to achieve high quality and ecological validity of data sets and labels, and to generate deeper insights into the key tactics of bad actors. We use women journalists’ experience on Twitter as an initial community of focus. We identify several structural mechanisms of abuse that we believe will generalize to other target communities.

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Using Transfer-based Language Models to Detect Hateful and Offensive Language Online
Vebjørn Isaksen | Björn Gambäck

Distinguishing hate speech from non-hate offensive language is challenging, as hate speech not always includes offensive slurs and offensive language not always express hate. Here, four deep learners based on the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), with either general or domain-specific language models, were tested against two datasets containing tweets labelled as either ‘Hateful’, ‘Normal’ or ‘Offensive’. The results indicate that the attention-based models profoundly confuse hate speech with offensive and normal language. However, the pre-trained models outperform state-of-the-art results in terms of accurately predicting the hateful instances.

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Fine-tuning for multi-domain and multi-label uncivil language detection
Kadir Bulut Ozler | Kate Kenski | Steve Rains | Yotam Shmargad | Kevin Coe | Steven Bethard

Incivility is a problem on social media, and it comes in many forms (name-calling, vulgarity, threats, etc.) and domains (microblog posts, online news comments, Wikipedia edits, etc.). Training machine learning models to detect such incivility must handle the multi-label and multi-domain nature of the problem. We present a BERT-based model for incivility detection and propose several approaches for training it for multi-label and multi-domain datasets. We find that individual binary classifiers outperform a joint multi-label classifier, and that simply combining multiple domains of training data outperforms other recently-proposed fine tuning strategies. We also establish new state-of-the-art performance on several incivility detection datasets.

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HurtBERT: Incorporating Lexical Features with BERT for the Detection of Abusive Language
Anna Koufakou | Endang Wahyu Pamungkas | Valerio Basile | Viviana Patti

The detection of abusive or offensive remarks in social texts has received significant attention in research. In several related shared tasks, BERT has been shown to be the state-of-the-art. In this paper, we propose to utilize lexical features derived from a hate lexicon towards improving the performance of BERT in such tasks. We explore different ways to utilize the lexical features in the form of lexicon-based encodings at the sentence level or embeddings at the word level. We provide an extensive dataset evaluation that addresses in-domain as well as cross-domain detection of abusive content to render a complete picture. Our results indicate that our proposed models combining BERT with lexical features help improve over a baseline BERT model in many of our in-domain and cross-domain experiments.

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Abusive Language Detection using Syntactic Dependency Graphs
Kanika Narang | Chris Brew

Automated detection of abusive language online has become imperative. Current sequential models (LSTM) do not work well for long and complex sentences while bi-transformer models (BERT) are not computationally efficient for the task. We show that classifiers based on syntactic structure of the text, dependency graphical convolutional networks (DepGCNs) can achieve state-of-the-art performance on abusive language datasets. The overall performance is at par with of strong baselines such as fine-tuned BERT. Further, our GCN-based approach is much more efficient than BERT at inference time making it suitable for real-time detection.

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Impact of Politically Biased Data on Hate Speech Classification
Maximilian Wich | Jan Bauer | Georg Groh

One challenge that social media platforms are facing nowadays is hate speech. Hence, automatic hate speech detection has been increasingly researched in recent years - in particular with the rise of deep learning. A problem of these models is their vulnerability to undesirable bias in training data. We investigate the impact of political bias on hate speech classification by constructing three politically-biased data sets (left-wing, right-wing, politically neutral) and compare the performance of classifiers trained on them. We show that (1) political bias negatively impairs the performance of hate speech classifiers and (2) an explainable machine learning model can help to visualize such bias within the training data. The results show that political bias in training data has an impact on hate speech classification and can become a serious issue.

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Reducing Unintended Identity Bias in Russian Hate Speech Detection
Nadezhda Zueva | Madina Kabirova | Pavel Kalaidin

Toxicity has become a grave problem for many online communities, and has been growing across many languages, including Russian. Hate speech creates an environment of intimidation, discrimination, and may even incite some real-world violence. Both researchers and social platforms have been focused on developing models to detect toxicity in online communication for a while now. A common problem of these models is the presence of bias towards some words (e.g. woman, black, jew or женщина, черный, еврей) that are not toxic, but serve as triggers for the classifier due to model caveats. In this paper, we describe our efforts towards classifying hate speech in Russian, and propose simple techniques of reducing unintended bias, such as generating training data with language models using terms and words related to protected identities as context and applying word dropout to such words.

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Investigating Sampling Bias in Abusive Language Detection
Dante Razo | Sandra Kübler

Abusive language detection is becoming increasingly important, but we still understand little about the biases in our datasets for abusive language detection, and how these biases affect the quality of abusive language detection. In the work reported here, we reproduce the investigation of Wiegand et al. (2019) to determine differences between different sampling strategies. They compared boosted random sampling, where abusive posts are upsampled, and biased topic sampling, which focuses on topics that are known to cause abusive language. Instead of comparing individual datasets created using these sampling strategies, we use the sampling strategies on a single, large dataset, thus eliminating the textual source of the dataset as a potential confounding factor. We show that differences in the textual source can have more effect than the chosen sampling strategy.

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Attending the Emotions to Detect Online Abusive Language
Niloofar Safi Samghabadi | Afsheen Hatami | Mahsa Shafaei | Sudipta Kar | Thamar Solorio

In recent years, abusive behavior has become a serious issue in online social networks. In this paper, we present a new corpus for the task of abusive language detection that is collected from a semi-anonymous online platform, and unlike the majority of other available resources, is not created based on a specific list of bad words. We also develop computational models to incorporate emotions into textual cues to improve aggression identification. We evaluate our proposed methods on a set of corpora related to the task and show promising results with respect to abusive language detection.

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Enhancing the Identification of Cyberbullying through Participant Roles
Gathika Rathnayake | Thushari Atapattu | Mahen Herath | Georgia Zhang | Katrina Falkner

Cyberbullying is a prevalent social problem that inflicts detrimental consequences to the health and safety of victims such as psychological distress, anti-social behaviour, and suicide. The automation of cyberbullying detection is a recent but widely researched problem, with current research having a strong focus on a binary classification of bullying versus non-bullying. This paper proposes a novel approach to enhancing cyberbullying detection through role modeling. We utilise a dataset from ASKfm to perform multi-class classification to detect participant roles (e.g. victim, harasser). Our preliminary results demonstrate promising performance including 0.83 and 0.76 of F1-score for cyberbullying and role classification respectively, outperforming baselines.

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Developing a New Classifier for Automated Identification of Incivility in Social Media
Sam Davidson | Qiusi Sun | Magdalena Wojcieszak

Incivility is not only prevalent on online social media platforms, but also has concrete effects on individual users, online groups, and the platforms themselves. Given the prevalence and effects of online incivility, and the challenges involved in human-based incivility detection, it is urgent to develop validated and versatile automatic approaches to identifying uncivil posts and comments. This project advances both a neural, BERT-based classifier as well as a logistic regression classifier to identify uncivil comments. The classifier is trained on a dataset of Reddit posts, which are annotated for incivility, and further expanded using a combination of labeled data from Reddit and Twitter. Our best performing model achieves an F1 of 0.802 on our Reddit test set. The final model is not only applicable across social media platforms and their distinct data structures, but also computationally versatile, and - as such - ready to be used on vast volumes of online data. All trained models and annotated data are made available to the research community.

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Countering hate on social media: Large scale classification of hate and counter speech
Joshua Garland | Keyan Ghazi-Zahedi | Jean-Gabriel Young | Laurent Hébert-Dufresne | Mirta Galesic

Hateful rhetoric is plaguing online discourse, fostering extreme societal movements and possibly giving rise to real-world violence. A potential solution to this growing global problem is citizen-generated counter speech where citizens actively engage with hate speech to restore civil non-polarized discourse. However, its actual effectiveness in curbing the spread of hatred is unknown and hard to quantify. One major obstacle to researching this question is a lack of large labeled data sets for training automated classifiers to identify counter speech. Here we use a unique situation in Germany where self-labeling groups engaged in organized online hate and counter speech. We use an ensemble learning algorithm which pairs a variety of paragraph embeddings with regularized logistic regression functions to classify both hate and counter speech in a corpus of millions of relevant tweets from these two groups. Our pipeline achieves macro F1 scores on out of sample balanced test sets ranging from 0.76 to 0.97—accuracy in line and even exceeding the state of the art. We then use the classifier to discover hate and counter speech in more than 135,000 fully-resolved Twitter conversations occurring from 2013 to 2018 and study their frequency and interaction. Altogether, our results highlight the potential of automated methods to evaluate the impact of coordinated counter speech in stabilizing conversations on social media.

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Moderating Our (Dis)Content: Renewing the Regulatory Approach
Claire Pershan

As online platforms become central to our democracies, the problem of toxic content threatens the free flow of information and the enjoyment of fundamental rights. But effective policy response to toxic content must grasp the idiosyncrasies and interconnectedness of content moderation across a fragmented online landscape. This report urges regulators and legislators to consider a range of platforms and moderation approaches in the regulation. In particular, it calls for a holistic, process-oriented regulatory approach that accounts for actors beyond the handful of dominant platforms that currently shape public debate.

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Six Attributes of Unhealthy Conversations
Ilan Price | Jordan Gifford-Moore | Jory Flemming | Saul Musker | Maayan Roichman | Guillaume Sylvain | Nithum Thain | Lucas Dixon | Jeffrey Sorensen

We present a new dataset of approximately 44000 comments labeled by crowdworkers. Each comment is labelled as either ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’, in addition to binary labels for the presence of six potentially ‘unhealthy’ sub-attributes: (1) hostile; (2) antagonistic, insulting, provocative or trolling; (3) dismissive; (4) condescending or patronising; (5) sarcastic; and/or (6) an unfair generalisation. Each label also has an associated confidence score. We argue that there is a need for datasets which enable research based on a broad notion of ‘unhealthy online conversation’. We build this typology to encompass a substantial proportion of the individual comments which contribute to unhealthy online conversation. For some of these attributes, this is the first publicly available dataset of this scale. We explore the quality of the dataset, present some summary statistics and initial models to illustrate the utility of this data, and highlight limitations and directions for further research.

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A Unified Taxonomy of Harmful Content
Michele Banko | Brendon MacKeen | Laurie Ray

The ability to recognize harmful content within online communities has come into focus for researchers, engineers and policy makers seeking to protect users from abuse. While the number of datasets aiming to capture forms of abuse has grown in recent years, the community has not standardized around how various harmful behaviors are defined, creating challenges for reliable moderation, modeling and evaluation. As a step towards attaining shared understanding of how online abuse may be modeled, we synthesize the most common types of abuse described by industry, policy, community and health experts into a unified typology of harmful content, with detailed criteria and exceptions for each type of abuse.

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Towards a Comprehensive Taxonomy and Large-Scale Annotated Corpus for Online Slur Usage
Jana Kurrek | Haji Mohammad Saleem | Derek Ruths

Abusive language classifiers have been shown to exhibit bias against women and racial minorities. Since these models are trained on data that is collected using keywords, they tend to exhibit a high sensitivity towards pejoratives. As a result, comments written by victims of abuse are frequently labelled as hateful, even if they discuss or reclaim slurs. Any attempt to address bias in keyword-based corpora requires a better understanding of pejorative language, as well as an equitable representation of targeted users in data collection. We make two main contributions to this end. First, we provide an annotation guide that outlines 4 main categories of online slur usage, which we further divide into a total of 12 sub-categories. Second, we present a publicly available corpus based on our taxonomy, with 39.8k human annotated comments extracted from Reddit. This corpus was annotated by a diverse cohort of coders, with Shannon equitability indices of 0.90, 0.92, and 0.87 across sexuality, ethnicity, and gender. Taken together, our taxonomy and corpus allow researchers to evaluate classifiers on a wider range of speech containing slurs.

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In Data We Trust: A Critical Analysis of Hate Speech Detection Datasets
Kosisochukwu Madukwe | Xiaoying Gao | Bing Xue

Recently, a few studies have discussed the limitations of datasets collected for the task of detecting hate speech from different viewpoints. We intend to contribute to the conversation by providing a consolidated overview of these issues pertaining to the data that debilitate research in this area. Specifically, we discuss how the varying pre-processing steps and the format for making data publicly available result in highly varying datasets that make an objective comparison between studies difficult and unfair. There is currently no study (to the best of our knowledge) focused on comparing the attributes of existing datasets for hate speech detection, outlining their limitations and recommending approaches for future research. This work intends to fill that gap and become the one-stop shop for information regarding hate speech datasets.

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Detecting East Asian Prejudice on Social Media
Bertie Vidgen | Scott A. Hale | Ella Guest | Helen Margetts | David Broniatowski | Zeerak Waseem | Austin Botelho | Matthew Hall | Rebekah Tromble

During COVID-19 concerns have heightened about the spread of aggressive and hateful language online, especially hostility directed against East Asia and East Asian people. We report on a new dataset and the creation of a machine learning classifier that categorizes social media posts from Twitter into four classes: Hostility against East Asia, Criticism of East Asia, Meta-discussions of East Asian prejudice, and a neutral class. The classifier achieves a macro-F1 score of 0.83. We then conduct an in-depth ground-up error analysis and show that the model struggles with edge cases and ambiguous content. We provide the 20,000 tweet training dataset (annotated by experienced analysts), which also contains several secondary categories and additional flags. We also provide the 40,000 original annotations (before adjudication), the full codebook, annotations for COVID-19 relevance and East Asian relevance and stance for 1,000 hashtags, and the final model.

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On Cross-Dataset Generalization in Automatic Detection of Online Abuse
Isar Nejadgholi | Svetlana Kiritchenko

NLP research has attained high performances in abusive language detection as a supervised classification task. While in research settings, training and test datasets are usually obtained from similar data samples, in practice systems are often applied on data that are different from the training set in topic and class distributions. Also, the ambiguity in class definitions inherited in this task aggravates the discrepancies between source and target datasets. We explore the topic bias and the task formulation bias in cross-dataset generalization. We show that the benign examples in the Wikipedia Detox dataset are biased towards platform-specific topics. We identify these examples using unsupervised topic modeling and manual inspection of topics’ keywords. Removing these topics increases cross-dataset generalization, without reducing in-domain classification performance. For a robust dataset design, we suggest applying inexpensive unsupervised methods to inspect the collected data and downsize the non-generalizable content before manually annotating for class labels.

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Identifying and Measuring Annotator Bias Based on Annotators’ Demographic Characteristics
Hala Al Kuwatly | Maximilian Wich | Georg Groh

Machine learning is recently used to detect hate speech and other forms of abusive language in online platforms. However, a notable weakness of machine learning models is their vulnerability to bias, which can impair their performance and fairness. One type is annotator bias caused by the subjective perception of the annotators. In this work, we investigate annotator bias using classification models trained on data from demographically distinct annotator groups. To do so, we sample balanced subsets of data that are labeled by demographically distinct annotators. We then train classifiers on these subsets, analyze their performances on similarly grouped test sets, and compare them statistically. Our findings show that the proposed approach successfully identifies bias and that demographic features, such as first language, age, and education, correlate with significant performance differences.

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Investigating Annotator Bias with a Graph-Based Approach
Maximilian Wich | Hala Al Kuwatly | Georg Groh

A challenge that many online platforms face is hate speech or any other form of online abuse. To cope with this, hate speech detection systems are developed based on machine learning to reduce manual work for monitoring these platforms. Unfortunately, machine learning is vulnerable to unintended bias in training data, which could have severe consequences, such as a decrease in classification performance or unfair behavior (e.g., discriminating minorities). In the scope of this study, we want to investigate annotator bias — a form of bias that annotators cause due to different knowledge in regards to the task and their subjective perception. Our goal is to identify annotation bias based on similarities in the annotation behavior from annotators. To do so, we build a graph based on the annotations from the different annotators, apply a community detection algorithm to group the annotators, and train for each group classifiers whose performances we compare. By doing so, we are able to identify annotator bias within a data set. The proposed method and collected insights can contribute to developing fairer and more reliable hate speech classification models.


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Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Argument Mining
Elena Cabrio | Serena Villata

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DebateSum: A large-scale argument mining and summarization dataset
Allen Roush | Arvind Balaji

Prior work in Argument Mining frequently alludes to its potential applications in automatic debating systems. Despite this focus, almost no datasets or models exist which apply natural language processing techniques to problems found within competitive formal debate. To remedy this, we present the DebateSum dataset. DebateSum consists of 187,386 unique pieces of evidence with corresponding argument and extractive summaries. DebateSum was made using data compiled by competitors within the National Speech and Debate Association over a 7year period. We train several transformer summarization models to benchmark summarization performance on DebateSum. We also introduce a set of fasttext word-vectors trained on DebateSum called debate2vec. Finally, we present a search engine for this dataset which is utilized extensively by members of the National Speech and Debate Association today. The DebateSum search engine is available to the public here: http://www.debate.cards

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Annotating Topics, Stance, Argumentativeness and Claims in Dutch Social Media Comments: A Pilot Study
Nina Bauwelinck | Els Lefever

One of the major challenges currently facing the field of argumentation mining is the lack of consensus on how to analyse argumentative user-generated texts such as online comments. The theoretical motivations underlying the annotation guidelines used to generate labelled corpora rarely include motivation for the use of a particular theoretical basis. This pilot study reports on the annotation of a corpus of 100 Dutch user comments made in response to politically-themed news articles on Facebook. The annotation covers topic and aspect labelling, stance labelling, argumentativeness detection and claim identification. Our IAA study reports substantial agreement scores for argumentativeness detection (0.76 Fleiss’ kappa) and moderate agreement for claim labelling (0.45 Fleiss’ kappa). We provide a clear justification of the theories and definitions underlying the design of our guidelines. Our analysis of the annotations signal the importance of adjusting our guidelines to include allowances for missing context information and defining the concept of argumentativeness in connection with stance. Our annotated corpus and associated guidelines are made publicly available.

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Semi-Supervised Cleansing of Web Argument Corpora
Jonas Dorsch | Henning Wachsmuth

Debate portals and similar web platforms constitute one of the main text sources in computational argumentation research and its applications. While the corpora built upon these sources are rich of argumentatively relevant content and structure, they also include text that is irrelevant, or even detrimental, to their purpose. In this paper, we present a precision-oriented approach to detecting such irrelevant text in a semi-supervised way. Given a few seed examples, the approach automatically learns basic lexical patterns of relevance and irrelevance and then incrementally bootstraps new patterns from sentences matching the patterns. In the existing args.me corpus with 400k argumentative texts, our approach detects almost 87k irrelevant sentences, at a precision of 0.97 according to manual evaluation. With low effort, the approach can be adapted to other web argument corpora, providing a generic way to improve corpus quality.

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Exploring Morality in Argumentation
Jonathan Kobbe | Ines Rehbein | Ioana Hulpuș | Heiner Stuckenschmidt

Sentiment and stance are two important concepts for the analysis of arguments. We propose to add another perspective to the analysis, namely moral sentiment. We argue that moral values are crucial for ideological debates and can thus add useful information for argument mining. In the paper, we present different models for automatically predicting moral sentiment in debates and evaluate them on a manually annotated testset. We then apply our models to investigate how moral values in arguments relate to argument quality, stance and audience reactions.

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Aspect-Based Argument Mining
Dietrich Trautmann

Computational Argumentation in general and Argument Mining in particular are important research fields. In previous works, many of the challenges to automatically extract and to some degree reason over natural language arguments were addressed. The tools to extract argument units are increasingly available and further open problems can be addressed. In this work, we are presenting the task of Aspect-Based Argument Mining (ABAM), with the essential subtasks of Aspect Term Extraction (ATE) and Nested Segmentation (NS). At the first instance, we create and release an annotated corpus with aspect information on the token-level. We consider aspects as the main point(s) argument units are addressing. This information is important for further downstream tasks such as argument ranking, argument summarization and generation, as well as the search for counter-arguments on the aspect-level. We present several experiments using state-of-the-art supervised architectures and demonstrate their performance for both of the subtasks. The annotated benchmark is available at https://github.com/trtm/ABAM.

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Annotation and Detection of Arguments in Tweets
Robin Schaefer | Manfred Stede

Notwithstanding the increasing role Twitter plays in modern political and social discourse, resources built for conducting argument mining on tweets remain limited. In this paper, we present a new corpus of German tweets annotated for argument components. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first corpus containing not only annotated full tweets but also argumentative spans within tweets. We further report first promising results using supervised classification (F1: 0.82) and sequence labeling (F1: 0.72) approaches.

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News Aggregation with Diverse Viewpoint Identification Using Neural Embeddings and Semantic Understanding Models
Mark Carlebach | Ria Cheruvu | Brandon Walker | Cesar Ilharco Magalhaes | Sylvain Jaume

Today’s news volume makes it impractical for readers to get a diverse and comprehensive view of published articles written from opposing viewpoints. We introduce a transformer-based news aggregation system, composed of topic modeling, semantic clustering, claim extraction, and textual entailment that identifies viewpoints presented in articles within a semantic cluster and classifies them into positive, neutral and negative entailments. Our novel embedded topic model using BERT-based embeddings outperforms baseline topic modeling algorithms by an 11% relative improvement. We compare recent semantic similarity models in the context of news aggregation, evaluate transformer-based models for claim extraction on news data, and demonstrate the use of textual entailment models for diverse viewpoint identification.

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ECHR: Legal Corpus for Argument Mining
Prakash Poudyal | Jaromir Savelka | Aagje Ieven | Marie Francine Moens | Teresa Goncalves | Paulo Quaresma

In this paper, we publicly release an annotated corpus of 42 decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). The corpus is annotated in terms of three types of clauses useful in argument mining: premise, conclusion, and non-argument parts of the text. Furthermore, relationships among the premises and conclusions are mapped. We present baselines for three tasks that lead from unstructured texts to structured arguments. The tasks are argument clause recognition, clause relation prediction, and premise/conclusion recognition. Despite a straightforward application of the bidirectional encoders from Transformers (BERT), we obtained very promising results F1 0.765 on argument recognition, 0.511 on relation prediction, and 0.859/0.628 on premise/conclusion recognition). The results suggest the usefulness of pre-trained language models based on deep neural network architectures in argument mining. Because of the simplicity of the baselines, there is ample space for improvement in future work based on the released corpus.

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Argument from Old Man’s View: Assessing Social Bias in Argumentation
Maximilian Spliethöver | Henning Wachsmuth

Social bias in language - towards genders, ethnicities, ages, and other social groups - poses a problem with ethical impact for many NLP applications. Recent research has shown that machine learning models trained on respective data may not only adopt, but even amplify the bias. So far, however, little attention has been paid to bias in computational argumentation. In this paper, we study the existence of social biases in large English debate portals. In particular, we train word embedding models on portal-specific corpora and systematically evaluate their bias using WEAT, an existing metric to measure bias in word embeddings. In a word co-occurrence analysis, we then investigate causes of bias. The results suggest that all tested debate corpora contain unbalanced and biased data, mostly in favor of male people with European-American names. Our empirical insights contribute towards an understanding of bias in argumentative data sources.

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Use of Claim Graphing and Argumentation Schemes in Biomedical Literature: A Manual Approach to Analysis
Eli Moser | Robert E. Mercer

Argumentation in an experimental life science paper consists of a main claim being supported with reasoned argumentative steps based on the data garnered from the experiments that were carried out. In this paper we report on an investigation of the large scale argumentation structure found when examining five biochemistry journal publications. One outcome of this investigation of biochemistry articles suggests that argumentation schemes originally designed for genetic research articles may transfer to experimental biomedical literature in general. Our use of these argumentation schemes shows that claims depend not only on experimental data but also on other claims. The tendency for claims to use other claims as their supporting evidence in addition to the experimental data led to two novel models that have provided a better understanding of the large scale argumentation structure of a complete biochemistry paper. First, the claim graph displays the claims within a paper, their interactions, and their evidence. Second, another aspect of this argumentation network is further illustrated by the Model of Informational Hierarchy (MIH) which visualizes at a meta-level the flow of reasoning provided by the authors of the paper and also connects the main claim to the paper’s title. Together, these models, which have been produced by a manual examination of the biochemistry articles, would be likely candidates for a computational method that analyzes the large scale argumentation structure.

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Annotating argumentation in Swedish social media
Anna Lindahl

This paper presents a small study of annotating argumentation in Swedish social media. Annotators were asked to annotate spans of argumentation in 9 threads from two discussion forums. At the post level, Cohen’s k and Krippendorff’s alpha 0.48 was achieved. When manually inspecting the annotations the annotators seemed to agree when conditions in the guidelines were explicitly met, but implicit argumentation and opinions, resulting in annotators having to interpret what’s missing in the text, caused disagreements.

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Style Analysis of Argumentative Texts by Mining Rhetorical Devices
Khalid Al Khatib | Viorel Morari | Benno Stein

Using the appropriate style is key for writing a high-quality text. Reliable computational style analysis is hence essential for the automation of nearly all kinds of text synthesis tasks. Research on style analysis focuses on recognition problems such as authorship identification; the respective technology (e.g., n-gram distribution divergence quantification) showed to be effective for discrimination, but inappropriate for text synthesis since the “essence of a style” remains implicit. This paper contributes right here: it studies the automatic analysis of style at the knowledge-level based on rhetorical devices. To this end, we developed and evaluated a grammar-based approach for identifying 26 syntax-based devices. Then, we employed that approach to distinguish various patterns of style in selected sets of argumentative articles and presidential debates. The patterns reveal several insights into the style used there, while being adequate for integration in text synthesis systems.

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Creating a Domain-diverse Corpus for Theory-based Argument Quality Assessment
Lily Ng | Anne Lauscher | Joel Tetreault | Courtney Napoles

Computational models of argument quality (AQ) have focused primarily on assessing the overall quality or just one specific characteristic of an argument, such as its convincingness or its clarity. However, previous work has claimed that assessment based on theoretical dimensions of argumentation could benefit writers, but developing such models has been limited by the lack of annotated data. In this work, we describe GAQCorpus, the first large, domain-diverse annotated corpus of theory-based AQ. We discuss how we designed the annotation task to reliably collect a large number of judgments with crowdsourcing, formulating theory-based guidelines that helped make subjective judgments of AQ more objective. We demonstrate how to identify arguments and adapt the annotation task for three diverse domains. Our work will inform research on theory-based argumentation annotation and enable the creation of more diverse corpora to support computational AQ assessment.


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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Automatic Simultaneous Translation

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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Automatic Simultaneous Translation
Hua Wu | Colin Cherry | Liang Huang | Zhongjun He | Mark Liberman | James Cross | Yang Liu

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Dynamic Sentence Boundary Detection for Simultaneous Translation
Ruiqing Zhang | Chuanqiang Zhang

Simultaneous Translation is a great challenge in which translation starts before the source sentence finished. Most studies take transcription as input and focus on balancing translation quality and latency for each sentence. However, most ASR systems can not provide accurate sentence boundaries in realtime. Thus it is a key problem to segment sentences for the word streaming before translation. In this paper, we propose a novel method for sentence boundary detection that takes it as a multi-class classification task under the end-to-end pre-training framework. Experiments show significant improvements both in terms of translation quality and latency.

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End-to-End Speech Translation with Adversarial Training
Xuancai Li | Chen Kehai | Tiejun Zhao | Muyun Yang

End-to-End speech translation usually leverages audio-to-text parallel data to train an available speech translation model which has shown impressive results on various speech translation tasks. Due to the artificial cost of collecting audio-to-text parallel data, the speech translation is a natural low-resource translation scenario, which greatly hinders its improvement. In this paper, we proposed a new adversarial training method to leverage target monolingual data to relieve the low-resource shortcoming of speech translation. In our method, the existing speech translation model is considered as a Generator to gain a target language output, and another neural Discriminator is used to guide the distinction between outputs of speech translation model and true target monolingual sentences. Experimental results on the CCMT 2019-BSTC dataset speech translation task demonstrate that the proposed methods can significantly improve the performance of the End-to-End speech translation system.

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Robust Neural Machine Translation with ASR Errors
Haiyang Xue | Yang Feng | Shuhao Gu | Wei Chen

In many practical applications, neural machine translation systems have to deal with the input from automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems which may contain a certain number of errors. This leads to two problems which degrade translation performance. One is the discrepancy between the training and testing data and the other is the translation error caused by the input errors may ruin the whole translation. In this paper, we propose a method to handle the two problems so as to generate robust translation to ASR errors. First, we simulate ASR errors in the training data so that the data distribution in the training and test is consistent. Second, we focus on ASR errors on homophone words and words with similar pronunciation and make use of their pronunciation information to help the translation model to recover from the input errors. Experiments on two Chinese-English data sets show that our method is more robust to input errors and can outperform the strong Transformer baseline significantly.

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Improving Autoregressive NMT with Non-Autoregressive Model
Long Zhou | Jiajun Zhang | Chengqing Zong

Autoregressive neural machine translation (NMT) models are often used to teach non-autoregressive models via knowledge distillation. However, there are few studies on improving the quality of autoregressive translation (AT) using non-autoregressive translation (NAT). In this work, we propose a novel Encoder-NAD-AD framework for NMT, aiming at boosting AT with global information produced by NAT model. Specifically, under the semantic guidance of source-side context captured by the encoder, the non-autoregressive decoder (NAD) first learns to generate target-side hidden state sequence in parallel. Then the autoregressive decoder (AD) performs translation from left to right, conditioned on source-side and target-side hidden states. Since AD has global information generated by low-latency NAD, it is more likely to produce a better translation with less time delay. Experiments on WMT14 En-De, WMT16 En-Ro, and IWSLT14 De-En translation tasks demonstrate that our framework achieves significant improvements with only 8% speed degeneration over the autoregressive NMT.

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Modeling Discourse Structure for Document-level Neural Machine Translation
Junxuan Chen | Xiang Li | Jiarui Zhang | Chulun Zhou | Jianwei Cui | Bin Wang | Jinsong Su

Recently, document-level neural machine translation (NMT) has become a hot topic in the community of machine translation. Despite its success, most of existing studies ignored the discourse structure information of the input document to be translated, which has shown effective in other tasks. In this paper, we propose to improve document-level NMT with the aid of discourse structure information. Our encoder is based on a hierarchical attention network (HAN) (Miculicich et al., 2018). Specifically, we first parse the input document to obtain its discourse structure. Then, we introduce a Transformer-based path encoder to embed the discourse structure information of each word. Finally, we combine the discourse structure information with the word embedding before it is fed into the encoder. Experimental results on the English-to-German dataset show that our model can significantly outperform both Transformer and Transformer+HAN.

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BIT’s system for the AutoSimTrans 2020
Minqin Li | Haodong Cheng | Yuanjie Wang | Sijia Zhang | Liting Wu | Yuhang Guo

This paper describes our machine translation systems for the streaming Chinese-to-English translation task of AutoSimTrans 2020. We present a sentence length based method and a sentence boundary detection model based method for the streaming input segmentation. Experimental results of the transcription and the ASR output translation on the development data sets show that the translation system with the detection model based method outperforms the one with the length based method in BLEU score by 1.19 and 0.99 respectively under similar or better latency.


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Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications

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Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications
Jill Burstein | Ekaterina Kochmar | Claudia Leacock | Nitin Madnani | Ildikó Pilán | Helen Yannakoudakis | Torsten Zesch

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Linguistic Features for Readability Assessment
Tovly Deutsch | Masoud Jasbi | Stuart Shieber

Readability assessment aims to automatically classify text by the level appropriate for learning readers. Traditional approaches to this task utilize a variety of linguistically motivated features paired with simple machine learning models. More recent methods have improved performance by discarding these features and utilizing deep learning models. However, it is unknown whether augmenting deep learning models with linguistically motivated features would improve performance further. This paper combines these two approaches with the goal of improving overall model performance and addressing this question. Evaluating on two large readability corpora, we find that, given sufficient training data, augmenting deep learning models with linguistically motivated features does not improve state-of-the-art performance. Our results provide preliminary evidence for the hypothesis that the state-of-the-art deep learning models represent linguistic features of the text related to readability. Future research on the nature of representations formed in these models can shed light on the learned features and their relations to linguistically motivated ones hypothesized in traditional approaches.

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Using PRMSE to evaluate automated scoring systems in the presence of label noise
Anastassia Loukina | Nitin Madnani | Aoife Cahill | Lili Yao | Matthew S. Johnson | Brian Riordan | Daniel F. McCaffrey

The effect of noisy labels on the performance of NLP systems has been studied extensively for system training. In this paper, we focus on the effect that noisy labels have on system evaluation. Using automated scoring as an example, we demonstrate that the quality of human ratings used for system evaluation have a substantial impact on traditional performance metrics, making it impossible to compare system evaluations on labels with different quality. We propose that a new metric, PRMSE, developed within the educational measurement community, can help address this issue, and provide practical guidelines on using PRMSE.

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Multiple Instance Learning for Content Feedback Localization without Annotation
Scott Hellman | William Murray | Adam Wiemerslage | Mark Rosenstein | Peter Foltz | Lee Becker | Marcia Derr

Automated Essay Scoring (AES) can be used to automatically generate holistic scores with reliability comparable to human scoring. In addition, AES systems can provide formative feedback to learners, typically at the essay level. In contrast, we are interested in providing feedback specialized to the content of the essay, and specifically for the content areas required by the rubric. A key objective is that the feedback should be localized alongside the relevant essay text. An important step in this process is determining where in the essay the rubric designated points and topics are discussed. A natural approach to this task is to train a classifier using manually annotated data; however, collecting such data is extremely resource intensive. Instead, we propose a method to predict these annotation spans without requiring any labeled annotation data. Our approach is to consider AES as a Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) task. We show that such models can both predict content scores and localize content by leveraging their sentence-level score predictions. This capability arises despite never having access to annotation training data. Implications are discussed for improving formative feedback and explainable AES models.

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Complementary Systems for Off-Topic Spoken Response Detection
Vatsal Raina | Mark Gales | Kate Knill

Increased demand to learn English for business and education has led to growing interest in automatic spoken language assessment and teaching systems. With this shift to automated approaches it is important that systems reliably assess all aspects of a candidate’s responses. This paper examines one form of spoken language assessment; whether the response from the candidate is relevant to the prompt provided. This will be referred to as off-topic spoken response detection. Two forms of previously proposed approaches are examined in this work: the hierarchical attention-based topic model (HATM); and the similarity grid model (SGM). The work focuses on the scenario when the prompt, and associated responses, have not been seen in the training data, enabling the system to be applied to new test scripts without the need to collect data or retrain the model. To improve the performance of the systems for unseen prompts, data augmentation based on easy data augmentation (EDA) and translation based approaches are applied. Additionally for the HATM, a form of prompt dropout is described. The systems were evaluated on both seen and unseen prompts from Linguaskill Business and General English tests. For unseen data the performance of the HATM was improved using data augmentation, in contrast to the SGM where no gains were obtained. The two approaches were found to be complementary to one another, yielding a combined F0.5 score of 0.814 for off-topic response detection where the prompts have not been seen in training.

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CIMA: A Large Open Access Dialogue Dataset for Tutoring
Katherine Stasaski | Kimberly Kao | Marti A. Hearst

One-to-one tutoring is often an effective means to help students learn, and recent experiments with neural conversation systems are promising. However, large open datasets of tutoring conversations are lacking. To remedy this, we propose a novel asynchronous method for collecting tutoring dialogue via crowdworkers that is both amenable to the needs of deep learning algorithms and reflective of pedagogical concerns. In this approach, extended conversations are obtained between crowdworkers role-playing as both students and tutors. The CIMA collection, which we make publicly available, is novel in that students are exposed to overlapping grounded concepts between exercises and multiple relevant tutoring responses are collected for the same input. CIMA contains several compelling properties from an educational perspective: student role-players complete exercises in fewer turns during the course of the conversation and tutor players adopt strategies that conform with some educational conversational norms, such as providing hints versus asking questions in appropriate contexts. The dataset enables a model to be trained to generate the next tutoring utterance in a conversation, conditioned on a provided action strategy.

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Becoming Linguistically Mature: Modeling English and German Children’s Writing Development Across School Grades
Elma Kerz | Yu Qiao | Daniel Wiechmann | Marcus Ströbel

In this paper we employ a novel approach to advancing our understanding of the development of writing in English and German children across school grades using classification tasks. The data used come from two recently compiled corpora: The English data come from the the GiC corpus (983 school children in second-, sixth-, ninth- and eleventh-grade) and the German data are from the FD-LEX corpus (930 school children in fifth- and ninth-grade). The key to this paper is the combined use of what we refer to as ‘complexity contours’, i.e. series of measurements that capture the progression of linguistic complexity within a text, and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) classifiers that adequately capture the sequential information in those contours. Our experiments demonstrate that RNN classifiers trained on complexity contours achieve higher classification accuracy than one trained on text-average complexity scores. In a second step, we determine the relative importance of the features from four distinct categories through a Sensitivity-Based Pruning approach.

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Annotation and Classification of Evidence and Reasoning Revisions in Argumentative Writing
Tazin Afrin | Elaine Lin Wang | Diane Litman | Lindsay Clare Matsumura | Richard Correnti

Automated writing evaluation systems can improve students’ writing insofar as students attend to the feedback provided and revise their essay drafts in ways aligned with such feedback. Existing research on revision of argumentative writing in such systems, however, has focused on the types of revisions students make (e.g., surface vs. content) rather than the extent to which revisions actually respond to the feedback provided and improve the essay. We introduce an annotation scheme to capture the nature of sentence-level revisions of evidence use and reasoning (the ‘RER’ scheme) and apply it to 5th- and 6th-grade students’ argumentative essays. We show that reliable manual annotation can be achieved and that revision annotations correlate with a holistic assessment of essay improvement in line with the feedback provided. Furthermore, we explore the feasibility of automatically classifying revisions according to our scheme.

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Can Neural Networks Automatically Score Essay Traits?
Sandeep Mathias | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Essay traits are attributes of an essay that can help explain how well written (or badly written) the essay is. Examples of traits include Content, Organization, Language, Sentence Fluency, Word Choice, etc. A lot of research in the last decade has dealt with automatic holistic essay scoring - where a machine rates an essay and gives a score for the essay. However, writers need feedback, especially if they want to improve their writing - which is why trait-scoring is important. In this paper, we show how a deep-learning based system can outperform feature-based machine learning systems, as well as a string kernel system in scoring essay traits.

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Tracking the Evolution of Written Language Competence in L2 Spanish Learners
Alessio Miaschi | Sam Davidson | Dominique Brunato | Felice Dell’Orletta | Kenji Sagae | Claudia Helena Sanchez-Gutierrez | Giulia Venturi

In this paper we present an NLP-based approach for tracking the evolution of written language competence in L2 Spanish learners using a wide range of linguistic features automatically extracted from students’ written productions. Beyond reporting classification results for different scenarios, we explore the connection between the most predictive features and the teaching curriculum, finding that our set of linguistic features often reflect the explicit instructions that students receive during each course.

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Distractor Analysis and Selection for Multiple-Choice Cloze Questions for Second-Language Learners
Lingyu Gao | Kevin Gimpel | Arnar Jensson

We consider the problem of automatically suggesting distractors for multiple-choice cloze questions designed for second-language learners. We describe the creation of a dataset including collecting manual annotations for distractor selection. We assess the relationship between the choices of the annotators and features based on distractors and the correct answers, both with and without the surrounding passage context in the cloze questions. Simple features of the distractor and correct answer correlate with the annotations, though we find substantial benefit to additionally using large-scale pretrained models to measure the fit of the distractor in the context. Based on these analyses, we propose and train models to automatically select distractors, and measure the importance of model components quantitatively.

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Assisting Undergraduate Students in Writing Spanish Methodology Sections
Samuel González-López | Steven Bethard | Aurelio Lopez-Lopez

In undergraduate theses, a good methodology section should describe the series of steps that were followed in performing the research. To assist students in this task, we develop machine-learning models and an app that uses them to provide feedback while students write. We construct an annotated corpus that identifies sentences representing methodological steps and labels when a methodology contains a logical sequence of such steps. We train machine-learning models based on language modeling and lexical features that can identify sentences representing methodological steps with 0.939 f-measure, and identify methodology sections containing a logical sequence of steps with an accuracy of 87%. We incorporate these models into a Microsoft Office Add-in, and show that students who improved their methodologies according to the model feedback received better grades on their methodologies.

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Applications of Natural Language Processing in Bilingual Language Teaching: An Indonesian-English Case Study
Zara Maxwell-Smith | Simón González Ochoa | Ben Foley | Hanna Suominen

Multilingual corpora are difficult to compile and a classroom setting adds pedagogy to the mix of factors which make this data so rich and problematic to classify. In this paper, we set out methodological considerations of using automated speech recognition to build a corpus of teacher speech in an Indonesian language classroom. Our preliminary results (64% word error rate) suggest these tools have the potential to speed data collection in this context. We provide practical examples of our data structure, details of our piloted computer-assisted processes, and fine-grained error analysis. Our study is informed and directed by genuine research questions and discussion in both the education and computational linguistics fields. We highlight some of the benefits and risks of using these emerging technologies to analyze the complex work of language teachers and in education more generally.

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An empirical investigation of neural methods for content scoring of science explanations
Brian Riordan | Sarah Bichler | Allison Bradford | Jennifer King Chen | Korah Wiley | Libby Gerard | Marcia C. Linn

With the widespread adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), science teachers and online learning environments face the challenge of evaluating students’ integration of different dimensions of science learning. Recent advances in representation learning in natural language processing have proven effective across many natural language processing tasks, but a rigorous evaluation of the relative merits of these methods for scoring complex constructed response formative assessments has not previously been carried out. We present a detailed empirical investigation of feature-based, recurrent neural network, and pre-trained transformer models on scoring content in real-world formative assessment data. We demonstrate that recent neural methods can rival or exceed the performance of feature-based methods. We also provide evidence that different classes of neural models take advantage of different learning cues, and pre-trained transformer models may be more robust to spurious, dataset-specific learning cues, better reflecting scoring rubrics.

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An Exploratory Study of Argumentative Writing by Young Students: A transformer-based Approach
Debanjan Ghosh | Beata Beigman Klebanov | Yi Song

We present a computational exploration of argument critique writing by young students. Middle school students were asked to criticize an argument presented in the prompt, focusing on identifying and explaining the reasoning flaws. This task resembles an established college-level argument critique task. Lexical and discourse features that utilize detailed domain knowledge to identify critiques exist for the college task but do not perform well on the young students’ data. Instead, transformer-based architecture (e.g., BERT) fine-tuned on a large corpus of critique essays from the college task performs much better (over 20% improvement in F1 score). Analysis of the performance of various configurations of the system suggests that while children’s writing does not exhibit the standard discourse structure of an argumentative essay, it does share basic local sequential structures with the more mature writers.

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Should You Fine-Tune BERT for Automated Essay Scoring?
Elijah Mayfield | Alan W Black

Most natural language processing research now recommends large Transformer-based models with fine-tuning for supervised classification tasks; older strategies like bag-of-words features and linear models have fallen out of favor. Here we investigate whether, in automated essay scoring (AES) research, deep neural models are an appropriate technological choice. We find that fine-tuning BERT produces similar performance to classical models at significant additional cost. We argue that while state-of-the-art strategies do match existing best results, they come with opportunity costs in computational resources. We conclude with a review of promising areas for research on student essays where the unique characteristics of Transformers may provide benefits over classical methods to justify the costs.

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GECToR – Grammatical Error Correction: Tag, Not Rewrite
Kostiantyn Omelianchuk | Vitaliy Atrasevych | Artem Chernodub | Oleksandr Skurzhanskyi

In this paper, we present a simple and efficient GEC sequence tagger using a Transformer encoder. Our system is pre-trained on synthetic data and then fine-tuned in two stages: first on errorful corpora, and second on a combination of errorful and error-free parallel corpora. We design custom token-level transformations to map input tokens to target corrections. Our best single-model/ensemble GEC tagger achieves an F_0.5 of 65.3/66.5 on CONLL-2014 (test) and F_0.5 of 72.4/73.6 on BEA-2019 (test). Its inference speed is up to 10 times as fast as a Transformer-based seq2seq GEC system.

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Interpreting Neural CWI Classifiers’ Weights as Vocabulary Size
Yo Ehara

Complex Word Identification (CWI) is a task for the identification of words that are challenging for second-language learners to read. Even though the use of neural classifiers is now common in CWI, the interpretation of their parameters remains difficult. This paper analyzes neural CWI classifiers and shows that some of their parameters can be interpreted as vocabulary size. We present a novel formalization of vocabulary size measurement methods that are practiced in the applied linguistics field as a kind of neural classifier. We also contribute to building a novel dataset for validating vocabulary testing and readability via crowdsourcing.

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Automated Scoring of Clinical Expressive Language Evaluation Tasks
Yiyi Wang | Emily Prud’hommeaux | Meysam Asgari | Jill Dolata

Many clinical assessment instruments used to diagnose language impairments in children include a task in which the subject must formulate a sentence to describe an image using a specific target word. Because producing sentences in this way requires the speaker to integrate syntactic and semantic knowledge in a complex manner, responses are typically evaluated on several different dimensions of appropriateness yielding a single composite score for each response. In this paper, we present a dataset consisting of non-clinically elicited responses for three related sentence formulation tasks, and we propose an approach for automatically evaluating their appropriateness. We use neural machine translation to generate correct-incorrect sentence pairs in order to create synthetic data to increase the amount and diversity of training data for our scoring model. Our scoring model uses transfer learning to facilitate automatic sentence appropriateness evaluation. We further compare custom word embeddings with pre-trained contextualized embeddings serving as features for our scoring model. We find that transfer learning improves scoring accuracy, particularly when using pretrained contextualized embeddings.

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Context-based Automated Scoring of Complex Mathematical Responses
Aoife Cahill | James H Fife | Brian Riordan | Avijit Vajpayee | Dmytro Galochkin

The tasks of automatically scoring either textual or algebraic responses to mathematical questions have both been well-studied, albeit separately. In this paper we propose a method for automatically scoring responses that contain both text and algebraic expressions. Our method not only achieves high agreement with human raters, but also links explicitly to the scoring rubric – essentially providing explainable models and a way to potentially provide feedback to students in the future.

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Predicting the Difficulty and Response Time of Multiple Choice Questions Using Transfer Learning
Kang Xue | Victoria Yaneva | Christopher Runyon | Peter Baldwin

This paper investigates whether transfer learning can improve the prediction of the difficulty and response time parameters for 18,000 multiple-choice questions from a high-stakes medical exam. The type the signal that best predicts difficulty and response time is also explored, both in terms of representation abstraction and item component used as input (e.g., whole item, answer options only, etc.). The results indicate that, for our sample, transfer learning can improve the prediction of item difficulty when response time is used as an auxiliary task but not the other way around. In addition, difficulty was best predicted using signal from the item stem (the description of the clinical case), while all parts of the item were important for predicting the response time.

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A Comparative Study of Synthetic Data Generation Methods for Grammatical Error Correction
Max White | Alla Rozovskaya

Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) is concerned with correcting grammatical errors in written text. Current GEC systems, namely those leveraging statistical and neural machine translation, require large quantities of annotated training data, which can be expensive or impractical to obtain. This research compares techniques for generating synthetic data utilized by the two highest scoring submissions to the restricted and low-resource tracks in the BEA-2019 Shared Task on Grammatical Error Correction.


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Proceedings of the 19th SIGBioMed Workshop on Biomedical Language Processing

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Proceedings of the 19th SIGBioMed Workshop on Biomedical Language Processing
Dina Demner-Fushman | Kevin Bretonnel Cohen | Sophia Ananiadou | Junichi Tsujii

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Quantifying 60 Years of Gender Bias in Biomedical Research with Word Embeddings
Anthony Rios | Reenam Joshi | Hejin Shin

Gender bias in biomedical research can have an adverse impact on the health of real people. For example, there is evidence that heart disease-related funded research generally focuses on men. Health disparities can form between men and at-risk groups of women (i.e., elderly and low-income) if there is not an equal number of heart disease-related studies for both genders. In this paper, we study temporal bias in biomedical research articles by measuring gender differences in word embeddings. Specifically, we address multiple questions, including, How has gender bias changed over time in biomedical research, and what health-related concepts are the most biased? Overall, we find that traditional gender stereotypes have reduced over time. However, we also find that the embeddings of many medical conditions are as biased today as they were 60 years ago (e.g., concepts related to drug addiction and body dysmorphia).

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Sequence-to-Set Semantic Tagging for Complex Query Reformulation and Automated Text Categorization in Biomedical IR using Self-Attention
Manirupa Das | Juanxi Li | Eric Fosler-Lussier | Simon Lin | Steve Rust | Yungui Huang | Rajiv Ramnath

Novel contexts, comprising a set of terms referring to one or more concepts, may often arise in complex querying scenarios such as in evidence-based medicine (EBM) involving biomedical literature. These may not explicitly refer to entities or canonical concept forms occurring in a fact-based knowledge source, e.g. the UMLS ontology. Moreover, hidden associations between related concepts meaningful in the current context, may not exist within a single document, but across documents in the collection. Predicting semantic concept tags of documents can therefore serve to associate documents related in unseen contexts, or categorize them, in information filtering or retrieval scenarios. Thus, inspired by the success of sequence-to-sequence neural models, we develop a novel sequence-to-set framework with attention, for learning document representations in a unique unsupervised setting, using no human-annotated document labels or external knowledge resources and only corpus-derived term statistics to drive the training, that can effect term transfer within a corpus for semantically tagging a large collection of documents. Our sequence-to-set modeling approach to predict semantic tags, gives to the best of our knowledge, the state-of-the-art for both, an unsupervised query expansion (QE) task for the TREC CDS 2016 challenge dataset when evaluated on an Okapi BM25–based document retrieval system; and also over the MLTM system baseline baseline (Soleimani and Miller, 2016), for both supervised and semi-supervised multi-label prediction tasks on the del.icio.us and Ohsumed datasets. We make our code and data publicly available.

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Interactive Extractive Search over Biomedical Corpora
Hillel Taub Tabib | Micah Shlain | Shoval Sadde | Dan Lahav | Matan Eyal | Yaara Cohen | Yoav Goldberg

We present a system that allows life-science researchers to search a linguistically annotated corpus of scientific texts using patterns over dependency graphs, as well as using patterns over token sequences and a powerful variant of boolean keyword queries. In contrast to previous attempts to dependency-based search, we introduce a light-weight query language that does not require the user to know the details of the underlying linguistic representations, and instead to query the corpus by providing an example sentence coupled with simple markup. Search is performed at an interactive speed due to efficient linguistic graph-indexing and retrieval engine. This allows for rapid exploration, development and refinement of user queries. We demonstrate the system using example workflows over two corpora: the PubMed corpus including 14,446,243 PubMed abstracts and the CORD-19 dataset, a collection of over 45,000 research papers focused on COVID-19 research. The system is publicly available at https://allenai.github.io/spike

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Improving Biomedical Analogical Retrieval with Embedding of Structural Dependencies
Amandalynne Paullada | Bethany Percha | Trevor Cohen

Inferring the nature of the relationships between biomedical entities from text is an important problem due to the difficulty of maintaining human-curated knowledge bases in rapidly evolving fields. Neural word embeddings have earned attention for an apparent ability to encode relational information. However, word embedding models that disregard syntax during training are limited in their ability to encode the structural relationships fundamental to cognitive theories of analogy. In this paper, we demonstrate the utility of encoding dependency structure in word embeddings in a model we call Embedding of Structural Dependencies (ESD) as a way to represent biomedical relationships in two analogical retrieval tasks: a relationship retrieval (RR) task, and a literature-based discovery (LBD) task meant to hypothesize plausible relationships between pairs of entities unseen in training. We compare our model to skip-gram with negative sampling (SGNS), using 19 databases of biomedical relationships as our evaluation data, with improvements in performance on 17 (LBD) and 18 (RR) of these sets. These results suggest embeddings encoding dependency path information are of value for biomedical analogy retrieval.

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DeSpin: a prototype system for detecting spin in biomedical publications
Anna Koroleva | Sanjay Kamath | Patrick Bossuyt | Patrick Paroubek

Improving the quality of medical research reporting is crucial to reduce avoidable waste in research and to improve the quality of health care. Despite various initiatives aiming at improving research reporting – guidelines, checklists, authoring aids, peer review procedures, etc. – overinterpretation of research results, also known as spin, is still a serious issue in research reporting. In this paper, we propose a Natural Language Processing (NLP) system for detecting several types of spin in biomedical articles reporting randomized controlled trials (RCTs). We use a combination of rule-based and machine learning approaches to extract important information on trial design and to detect potential spin. The proposed spin detection system includes algorithms for text structure analysis, sentence classification, entity and relation extraction, semantic similarity assessment. Our algorithms achieved operational performance for the these tasks, F-measure ranging from 79,42 to 97.86% for different tasks. The most difficult task is extracting reported outcomes. Our tool is intended to be used as a semi-automated aid tool for assisting both authors and peer reviewers to detect potential spin. The tool incorporates a simple interface that allows to run the algorithms and visualize their output. It can also be used for manual annotation and correction of the errors in the outputs. The proposed tool is the first tool for spin detection. The tool and the annotated dataset are freely available.

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Towards Visual Dialog for Radiology
Olga Kovaleva | Chaitanya Shivade | Satyananda Kashyap | Karina Kanjaria | Joy Wu | Deddeh Ballah | Adam Coy | Alexandros Karargyris | Yufan Guo | David Beymer Beymer | Anna Rumshisky | Vandana Mukherjee Mukherjee

Current research in machine learning for radiology is focused mostly on images. There exists limited work in investigating intelligent interactive systems for radiology. To address this limitation, we introduce a realistic and information-rich task of Visual Dialog in radiology, specific to chest X-ray images. Using MIMIC-CXR, an openly available database of chest X-ray images, we construct both a synthetic and a real-world dataset and provide baseline scores achieved by state-of-the-art models. We show that incorporating medical history of the patient leads to better performance in answering questions as opposed to conventional visual question answering model which looks only at the image. While our experiments show promising results, they indicate that the task is extremely challenging with significant scope for improvement. We make both the datasets (synthetic and gold standard) and the associated code publicly available to the research community.

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A BERT-based One-Pass Multi-Task Model for Clinical Temporal Relation Extraction
Chen Lin | Timothy Miller | Dmitriy Dligach | Farig Sadeque | Steven Bethard | Guergana Savova

Recently BERT has achieved a state-of-the-art performance in temporal relation extraction from clinical Electronic Medical Records text. However, the current approach is inefficient as it requires multiple passes through each input sequence. We extend a recently-proposed one-pass model for relation classification to a one-pass model for relation extraction. We augment this framework by introducing global embeddings to help with long-distance relation inference, and by multi-task learning to increase model performance and generalizability. Our proposed model produces results on par with the state-of-the-art in temporal relation extraction on the THYME corpus and is much “greener” in computational cost.

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Experimental Evaluation and Development of a Silver-Standard for the MIMIC-III Clinical Coding Dataset
Thomas Searle | Zina Ibrahim | Richard Dobson

Clinical coding is currently a labour-intensive, error-prone, but a critical administrative process whereby hospital patient episodes are manually assigned codes by qualified staff from large, standardised taxonomic hierarchies of codes. Automating clinical coding has a long history in NLP research and has recently seen novel developments setting new benchmark results. A popular dataset used in this task is MIMIC-III, a large database of clinical free text notes and their associated codes amongst other data. We argue for the reconsideration of the validity MIMIC-III’s assigned codes, as MIMIC-III has not undergone secondary validation. This work presents an open-source, reproducible experimental methodology for assessing the validity of EHR discharge summaries. We exemplify the methodology with MIMIC-III discharge summaries and show the most frequently assigned codes in MIMIC-III are undercoded up to 35%.

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Comparative Analysis of Text Classification Approaches in Electronic Health Records
Aurelie Mascio | Zeljko Kraljevic | Daniel Bean | Richard Dobson | Robert Stewart | Rebecca Bendayan | Angus Roberts

Text classification tasks which aim at harvesting and/or organizing information from electronic health records are pivotal to support clinical and translational research. However these present specific challenges compared to other classification tasks, notably due to the particular nature of the medical lexicon and language used in clinical records. Recent advances in embedding methods have shown promising results for several clinical tasks, yet there is no exhaustive comparison of such approaches with other commonly used word representations and classification models. In this work, we analyse the impact of various word representations, text pre-processing and classification algorithms on the performance of four different text classification tasks. The results show that traditional approaches, when tailored to the specific language and structure of the text inherent to the classification task, can achieve or exceed the performance of more recent ones based on contextual embeddings such as BERT.

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Noise Pollution in Hospital Readmission Prediction: Long Document Classification with Reinforcement Learning
Liyan Xu | Julien Hogan | Rachel E. Patzer | Jinho D. Choi

This paper presents a reinforcement learning approach to extract noise in long clinical documents for the task of readmission prediction after kidney transplant. We face the challenges of developing robust models on a small dataset where each document may consist of over 10K tokens with full of noise including tabular text and task-irrelevant sentences. We first experiment four types of encoders to empirically decide the best document representation, and then apply reinforcement learning to remove noisy text from the long documents, which models the noise extraction process as a sequential decision problem. Our results show that the old bag-of-words encoder outperforms deep learning-based encoders on this task, and reinforcement learning is able to improve upon baseline while pruning out 25% text segments. Our analysis depicts that reinforcement learning is able to identify both typical noisy tokens and task-specific noisy text.

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Evaluating the Utility of Model Configurations and Data Augmentation on Clinical Semantic Textual Similarity
Yuxia Wang | Fei Liu | Karin Verspoor | Timothy Baldwin

In this paper, we apply pre-trained language models to the Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) task, with a specific focus on the clinical domain. In low-resource setting of clinical STS, these large models tend to be impractical and prone to overfitting. Building on BERT, we study the impact of a number of model design choices, namely different fine-tuning and pooling strategies. We observe that the impact of domain-specific fine-tuning on clinical STS is much less than that in the general domain, likely due to the concept richness of the domain. Based on this, we propose two data augmentation techniques. Experimental results on N2C2-STS 1 demonstrate substantial improvements, validating the utility of the proposed methods.

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Entity-Enriched Neural Models for Clinical Question Answering
Bhanu Pratap Singh Rawat | Wei-Hung Weng | So Yeon Min | Preethi Raghavan | Peter Szolovits

We explore state-of-the-art neural models for question answering on electronic medical records and improve their ability to generalize better on previously unseen (paraphrased) questions at test time. We enable this by learning to predict logical forms as an auxiliary task along with the main task of answer span detection. The predicted logical forms also serve as a rationale for the answer. Further, we also incorporate medical entity information in these models via the ERNIE architecture. We train our models on the large-scale emrQA dataset and observe that our multi-task entity-enriched models generalize to paraphrased questions ~5% better than the baseline BERT model.

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Evidence Inference 2.0: More Data, Better Models
Jay DeYoung | Eric Lehman | Benjamin Nye | Iain Marshall | Byron C. Wallace

How do we most effectively treat a disease or condition? Ideally, we could consult a database of evidence gleaned from clinical trials to answer such questions. Unfortunately, no such database exists; clinical trial results are instead disseminated primarily via lengthy natural language articles. Perusing all such articles would be prohibitively time-consuming for healthcare practitioners; they instead tend to depend on manually compiled systematic reviews of medical literature to inform care. NLP may speed this process up, and eventually facilitate immediate consult of published evidence. The Evidence Inference dataset was recently released to facilitate research toward this end. This task entails inferring the comparative performance of two treatments, with respect to a given outcome, from a particular article (describing a clinical trial) and identifying supporting evidence. For instance: Does this article report that chemotherapy performed better than surgery for five-year survival rates of operable cancers? In this paper, we collect additional annotations to expand the Evidence Inference dataset by 25%, provide stronger baseline models, systematically inspect the errors that these make, and probe dataset quality. We also release an abstract only (as opposed to full-texts) version of the task for rapid model prototyping. The updated corpus, documentation, and code for new baselines and evaluations are available at http://evidence-inference.ebm-nlp.com/.

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Personalized Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease Detection: A Case Study of President Reagan’s Speeches
Ning Wang | Fan Luo | Vishal Peddagangireddy | Koduvayur Subbalakshmi | Rajarathnam Chandramouli

Alzheimer’s disease (AD)-related global healthcare cost is estimated to be $1 trillion by 2050. Currently, there is no cure for this disease; however, clinical studies show that early diagnosis and intervention helps to extend the quality of life and inform technologies for personalized mental healthcare. Clinical research indicates that the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease lead to dementia and other mental health issues. As a result, the language capabilities of patient start to decline. In this paper, we show that machine learning-based unsupervised clustering of and anomaly detection with linguistic biomarkers are promising approaches for intuitive visualization and personalized early stage detection of Alzheimer’s disease. We demonstrate this approach on 10 year’s (1980 to 1989) of President Ronald Reagan’s speech data set. Key linguistic biomarkers that indicate early-stage AD are identified. Experimental results show that Reagan had early onset of Alzheimer’s sometime between 1983 and 1987. This finding is corroborated by prior work that analyzed his interviews using a statistical technique. The proposed technique also identifies the exact speeches that reflect linguistic biomarkers for early stage AD.

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BioMRC: A Dataset for Biomedical Machine Reading Comprehension
Dimitris Pappas | Petros Stavropoulos | Ion Androutsopoulos | Ryan McDonald

We introduceBIOMRC, a large-scale cloze-style biomedical MRC dataset. Care was taken to reduce noise, compared to the previous BIOREAD dataset of Pappas et al. (2018). Experiments show that simple heuristics do not perform well on the new dataset and that two neural MRC models that had been tested on BIOREAD perform much better on BIOMRC, indicating that the new dataset is indeed less noisy or at least that its task is more feasible. Non-expert human performance is also higher on the new dataset compared to BIOREAD, and biomedical experts perform even better. We also introduce a new BERT-based MRC model, the best version of which substantially outperforms all other methods tested, reaching or surpassing the accuracy of biomedical experts in some experiments. We make the new dataset available in three different sizes, also releasing our code, and providing a leaderboard.

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Neural Transduction of Letter Position Dyslexia using an Anagram Matrix Representation
Avi Bleiweiss

Research on analyzing reading patterns of dyslectic children has mainly been driven by classifying dyslexia types offline. We contend that a framework to remedy reading errors inline is more far-reaching and will help to further advance our understanding of this impairment. In this paper, we propose a simple and intuitive neural model to reinstate migrating words that transpire in letter position dyslexia, a visual analysis deficit to the encoding of character order within a word. Introduced by the anagram matrix representation of an input verse, the novelty of our work lies in the expansion from one to a two dimensional context window for training. This warrants words that only differ in the disposition of letters to remain interpreted semantically similar in the embedding space. Subject to the apparent constraints of the self-attention transformer architecture, our model achieved a unigram BLEU score of 40.6 on our reconstructed dataset of the Shakespeare sonnets.

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Domain Adaptation and Instance Selection for Disease Syndrome Classification over Veterinary Clinical Notes
Brian Hur | Timothy Baldwin | Karin Verspoor | Laura Hardefeldt | James Gilkerson

Identifying the reasons for antibiotic administration in veterinary records is a critical component of understanding antimicrobial usage patterns. This informs antimicrobial stewardship programs designed to fight antimicrobial resistance, a major health crisis affecting both humans and animals in which veterinarians have an important role to play. We propose a document classification approach to determine the reason for administration of a given drug, with particular focus on domain adaptation from one drug to another, and instance selection to minimize annotation effort.

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Benchmark and Best Practices for Biomedical Knowledge Graph Embeddings
David Chang | Ivana Balažević | Carl Allen | Daniel Chawla | Cynthia Brandt | Andrew Taylor

Much of biomedical and healthcare data is encoded in discrete, symbolic form such as text and medical codes. There is a wealth of expert-curated biomedical domain knowledge stored in knowledge bases and ontologies, but the lack of reliable methods for learning knowledge representation has limited their usefulness in machine learning applications. While text-based representation learning has significantly improved in recent years through advances in natural language processing, attempts to learn biomedical concept embeddings so far have been lacking. A recent family of models called knowledge graph embeddings have shown promising results on general domain knowledge graphs, and we explore their capabilities in the biomedical domain. We train several state-of-the-art knowledge graph embedding models on the SNOMED-CT knowledge graph, provide a benchmark with comparison to existing methods and in-depth discussion on best practices, and make a case for the importance of leveraging the multi-relational nature of knowledge graphs for learning biomedical knowledge representation. The embeddings, code, and materials will be made available to the community.

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Extensive Error Analysis and a Learning-Based Evaluation of Medical Entity Recognition Systems to Approximate User Experience
Isar Nejadgholi | Kathleen C. Fraser | Berry de Bruijn

When comparing entities extracted by a medical entity recognition system with gold standard annotations over a test set, two types of mismatches might occur, label mismatch or span mismatch. Here we focus on span mismatch and show that its severity can vary from a serious error to a fully acceptable entity extraction due to the subjectivity of span annotations. For a domain-specific BERT-based NER system, we showed that 25% of the errors have the same labels and overlapping span with gold standard entities. We collected expert judgement which shows more than 90% of these mismatches are accepted or partially accepted by the user. Using the training set of the NER system, we built a fast and lightweight entity classifier to approximate the user experience of such mismatches through accepting or rejecting them. The decisions made by this classifier are used to calculate a learning-based F-score which is shown to be a better approximation of a forgiving user’s experience than the relaxed F-score. We demonstrated the results of applying the proposed evaluation metric for a variety of deep learning medical entity recognition models trained with two datasets.

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A Data-driven Approach for Noise Reduction in Distantly Supervised Biomedical Relation Extraction
Saadullah Amin | Katherine Ann Dunfield | Anna Vechkaeva | Guenter Neumann

Fact triples are a common form of structured knowledge used within the biomedical domain. As the amount of unstructured scientific texts continues to grow, manual annotation of these texts for the task of relation extraction becomes increasingly expensive. Distant supervision offers a viable approach to combat this by quickly producing large amounts of labeled, but considerably noisy, data. We aim to reduce such noise by extending an entity-enriched relation classification BERT model to the problem of multiple instance learning, and defining a simple data encoding scheme that significantly reduces noise, reaching state-of-the-art performance for distantly-supervised biomedical relation extraction. Our approach further encodes knowledge about the direction of relation triples, allowing for increased focus on relation learning by reducing noise and alleviating the need for joint learning with knowledge graph completion.

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Global Locality in Biomedical Relation and Event Extraction
Elaheh ShafieiBavani | Antonio Jimeno Yepes | Xu Zhong | David Martinez Iraola

Due to the exponential growth of biomedical literature, event and relation extraction are important tasks in biomedical text mining. Most work only focus on relation extraction, and detect a single entity pair mention on a short span of text, which is not ideal due to long sentences that appear in biomedical contexts. We propose an approach to both relation and event extraction, for simultaneously predicting relationships between all mention pairs in a text. We also perform an empirical study to discuss different network setups for this purpose. The best performing model includes a set of multi-head attentions and convolutions, an adaptation of the transformer architecture, which offers self-attention the ability to strengthen dependencies among related elements, and models the interaction between features extracted by multiple attention heads. Experiment results demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state of the art on a set of benchmark biomedical corpora including BioNLP 2009, 2011, 2013 and BioCreative 2017 shared tasks.

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An Empirical Study of Multi-Task Learning on BERT for Biomedical Text Mining
Yifan Peng | Qingyu Chen | Zhiyong Lu

Multi-task learning (MTL) has achieved remarkable success in natural language processing applications. In this work, we study a multi-task learning model with multiple decoders on varieties of biomedical and clinical natural language processing tasks such as text similarity, relation extraction, named entity recognition, and text inference. Our empirical results demonstrate that the MTL fine-tuned models outperform state-of-the-art transformer models (e.g., BERT and its variants) by 2.0% and 1.3% in biomedical and clinical domain adaptation, respectively. Pairwise MTL further demonstrates more details about which tasks can improve or decrease others. This is particularly helpful in the context that researchers are in the hassle of choosing a suitable model for new problems. The code and models are publicly available at https://github.com/ncbi-nlp/bluebert.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Third BlackboxNLP Workshop on Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP

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Proceedings of the Third BlackboxNLP Workshop on Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP
Afra Alishahi | Yonatan Belinkov | Grzegorz Chrupała | Dieuwke Hupkes | Yuval Pinter | Hassan Sajjad

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BERTering RAMS: What and How Much does BERT Already Know About Event Arguments? - A Study on the RAMS Dataset
Varun Gangal | Eduard Hovy

Using the attention map based probing framework from (Clark et al., 2019), we observe that, on the RAMS dataset (Ebner et al., 2020), BERT’s attention heads have modest but well above-chance ability to spot event arguments sans any training or domain finetuning, varying from a low of 17.77% for Place to a high of 51.61% for Artifact. Next, we find that linear combinations of these heads, estimated with approx. 11% of available total event argument detection supervision, can push performance well higher for some roles — highest two being Victim (68.29% Accuracy) and Artifact (58.82% Accuracy). Furthermore, we investigate how well our methods do for cross-sentence event arguments. We propose a procedure to isolate “best heads” for cross-sentence argument detection separately of those for intra-sentence arguments. The heads thus estimated have superior cross-sentence performance compared to their jointly estimated equivalents, albeit only under the unrealistic assumption that we already know the argument is present in another sentence. Lastly, we seek to isolate to what extent our numbers stem from lexical frequency based associations between gold arguments and roles. We propose NONCE, a scheme to create adversarial test examples by replacing gold arguments with randomly generated “nonce” words. We find that learnt linear combinations are robust to NONCE, though individual best heads can be more sensitive.

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Emergent Language Generalization and Acquisition Speed are not tied to Compositionality
Eugene Kharitonov | Marco Baroni

Studies of discrete languages emerging when neural agents communicate to solve a joint task often look for evidence of compositional structure. This stems for the expectation that such a structure would allow languages to be acquired faster by the agents and enable them to generalize better. We argue that these beneficial properties are only loosely connected to compositionality. In two experiments, we demonstrate that, depending on the task, non-compositional languages might show equal, or better, generalization performance and acquisition speed than compositional ones. Further research in the area should be clearer about what benefits are expected from compositionality, and how the latter would lead to them.

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Examining the rhetorical capacities of neural language models
Zining Zhu | Chuer Pan | Mohamed Abdalla | Frank Rudzicz

Recently, neural language models (LMs) have demonstrated impressive abilities in generating high-quality discourse. While many recent papers have analyzed the syntactic aspects encoded in LMs, there has been no analysis to date of the inter-sentential, rhetorical knowledge. In this paper, we propose a method that quantitatively evaluates the rhetorical capacities of neural LMs. We examine the capacities of neural LMs understanding the rhetoric of discourse by evaluating their abilities to encode a set of linguistic features derived from Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST). Our experiments show that BERT-based LMs outperform other Transformer LMs, revealing the richer discourse knowledge in their intermediate layer representations. In addition, GPT-2 and XLNet apparently encode less rhetorical knowledge, and we suggest an explanation drawing from linguistic philosophy. Our method shows an avenue towards quantifying the rhetorical capacities of neural LMs.

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What Happens To BERT Embeddings During Fine-tuning?
Amil Merchant | Elahe Rahimtoroghi | Ellie Pavlick | Ian Tenney

While much recent work has examined how linguistic information is encoded in pre-trained sentence representations, comparatively little is understood about how these models change when adapted to solve downstream tasks. Using a suite of analysis techniques—supervised probing, unsupervised similarity analysis, and layer-based ablations—we investigate how fine-tuning affects the representations of the BERT model. We find that while fine-tuning necessarily makes some significant changes, there is no catastrophic forgetting of linguistic phenomena. We instead find that fine-tuning is a conservative process that primarily affects the top layers of BERT, albeit with noteworthy variation across tasks. In particular, dependency parsing reconfigures most of the model, whereas SQuAD and MNLI involve much shallower processing. Finally, we also find that fine-tuning has a weaker effect on representations of out-of-domain sentences, suggesting room for improvement in model generalization.

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It’s not Greek to mBERT: Inducing Word-Level Translations from Multilingual BERT
Hila Gonen | Shauli Ravfogel | Yanai Elazar | Yoav Goldberg

Recent works have demonstrated that multilingual BERT (mBERT) learns rich cross-lingual representations, that allow for transfer across languages. We study the word-level translation information embedded in mBERT and present two simple methods that expose remarkable translation capabilities with no fine-tuning. The results suggest that most of this information is encoded in a non-linear way, while some of it can also be recovered with purely linear tools. As part of our analysis, we test the hypothesis that mBERT learns representations which contain both a language-encoding component and an abstract, cross-lingual component, and explicitly identify an empirical language-identity subspace within mBERT representations.

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Leveraging Extracted Model Adversaries for Improved Black Box Attacks
Naveen Jafer Nizar | Ari Kobren

We present a method for adversarial input generation against black box models for reading comprehension based question answering. Our approach is composed of two steps. First, we approximate a victim black box model via model extraction. Second, we use our own white box method to generate input perturbations that cause the approximate model to fail. These perturbed inputs are used against the victim. In experiments we find that our method improves on the efficacy of the ADDANY—a white box attack—performed on the approximate model by 25% F1, and the ADDSENT attack—a black box attack—by 11% F1.

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On the Interplay Between Fine-tuning and Sentence-Level Probing for Linguistic Knowledge in Pre-Trained Transformers
Marius Mosbach | Anna Khokhlova | Michael A. Hedderich | Dietrich Klakow

Fine-tuning pre-trained contextualized embedding models has become an integral part of the NLP pipeline. At the same time, probing has emerged as a way to investigate the linguistic knowledge captured by pre-trained models. Very little is, however, understood about how fine-tuning affects the representations of pre-trained models and thereby the linguistic knowledge they encode. This paper contributes towards closing this gap. We study three different pre-trained models: BERT, RoBERTa, and ALBERT, and investigate through sentence-level probing how fine-tuning affects their representations. We find that for some probing tasks fine-tuning leads to substantial changes in accuracy, possibly suggesting that fine-tuning introduces or even removes linguistic knowledge from a pre-trained model. These changes, however, vary greatly across different models, fine-tuning and probing tasks. Our analysis reveals that while fine-tuning indeed changes the representations of a pre-trained model and these changes are typically larger for higher layers, only in very few cases, fine-tuning has a positive effect on probing accuracy that is larger than just using the pre-trained model with a strong pooling method. Based on our findings, we argue that both positive and negative effects of fine-tuning on probing require a careful interpretation.

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Unsupervised Evaluation for Question Answering with Transformers
Lukas Muttenthaler | Isabelle Augenstein | Johannes Bjerva

It is challenging to automatically evaluate the answer of a QA model at inference time. Although many models provide confidence scores, and simple heuristics can go a long way towards indicating answer correctness, such measures are heavily dataset-dependent and are unlikely to generalise. In this work, we begin by investigating the hidden representations of questions, answers, and contexts in transformer-based QA architectures. We observe a consistent pattern in the answer representations, which we show can be used to automatically evaluate whether or not a predicted answer span is correct. Our method does not require any labelled data and outperforms strong heuristic baselines, across 2 datasets and 7 domains. We are able to predict whether or not a model’s answer is correct with 91.37% accuracy on SQuAD, and 80.7% accuracy on SubjQA. We expect that this method will have broad applications, e.g., in semi-automatic development of QA datasets.

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Unsupervised Distillation of Syntactic Information from Contextualized Word Representations
Shauli Ravfogel | Yanai Elazar | Jacob Goldberger | Yoav Goldberg

Contextualized word representations, such as ELMo and BERT, were shown to perform well on various semantic and syntactic task. In this work, we tackle the task of unsupervised disentanglement between semantics and structure in neural language representations: we aim to learn a transformation of the contextualized vectors, that discards the lexical semantics, but keeps the structural information. To this end, we automatically generate groups of sentences which are structurally similar but semantically different, and use metric-learning approach to learn a transformation that emphasizes the structural component that is encoded in the vectors. We demonstrate that our transformation clusters vectors in space by structural properties, rather than by lexical semantics. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of our distilled representations by showing that they outperform the original contextualized representations in a few-shot parsing setting.

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The Explanation Game: Towards Prediction Explainability through Sparse Communication
Marcos Treviso | André F. T. Martins

Explainability is a topic of growing importance in NLP. In this work, we provide a unified perspective of explainability as a communication problem between an explainer and a layperson about a classifier’s decision. We use this framework to compare several explainers, including gradient methods, erasure, and attention mechanisms, in terms of their communication success. In addition, we reinterpret these methods in the light of classical feature selection, and use this as inspiration for new embedded explainers, through the use of selective, sparse attention. Experiments in text classification and natural language inference, using different configurations of explainers and laypeople (including both machines and humans), reveal an advantage of attention-based explainers over gradient and erasure methods, and show that selective attention is a simpler alternative to stochastic rationalizers. Human experiments show strong results on text classification with post-hoc explainers trained to optimize communication success.

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Latent Tree Learning with Ordered Neurons: What Parses Does It Produce?
Yian Zhang

Recent latent tree learning models can learn constituency parsing without any exposure to human-annotated tree structures. One such model is ON-LSTM (Shen et al., 2019), which is trained on language modelling and has near-state-of-the-art performance on unsupervised parsing. In order to better understand the performance and consistency of the model as well as how the parses it generates are different from gold-standard PTB parses, we replicate the model with different restarts and examine their parses. We find that (1) the model has reasonably consistent parsing behaviors across different restarts, (2) the model struggles with the internal structures of complex noun phrases, (3) the model has a tendency to overestimate the height of the split points right before verbs. We speculate that both problems could potentially be solved by adopting a different training task other than unidirectional language modelling.

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Linguistically-Informed Transformations (LIT): A Method for Automatically Generating Contrast Sets
Chuanrong Li | Lin Shengshuo | Zeyu Liu | Xinyi Wu | Xuhui Zhou | Shane Steinert-Threlkeld

Although large-scale pretrained language models, such as BERT and RoBERTa, have achieved superhuman performance on in-distribution test sets, their performance suffers on out-of-distribution test sets (e.g., on contrast sets). Building contrast sets often requires human-expert annotation, which is expensive and hard to create on a large scale. In this work, we propose a Linguistically-Informed Transformation (LIT) method to automatically generate contrast sets, which enables practitioners to explore linguistic phenomena of interests as well as compose different phenomena. Experimenting with our method on SNLI and MNLI shows that current pretrained language models, although being claimed to contain sufficient linguistic knowledge, struggle on our automatically generated contrast sets. Furthermore, we improve models’ performance on the contrast sets by applying LIT to augment the training data, without affecting performance on the original data.

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Controlling the Imprint of Passivization and Negation in Contextualized Representations
Hande Celikkanat | Sami Virpioja | Jörg Tiedemann | Marianna Apidianaki

Contextualized word representations encode rich information about syntax and semantics, alongside specificities of each context of use. While contextual variation does not always reflect actual meaning shifts, it can still reduce the similarity of embeddings for word instances having the same meaning. We explore the imprint of two specific linguistic alternations, namely passivization and negation, on the representations generated by neural models trained with two different objectives: masked language modeling and translation. Our exploration methodology is inspired by an approach previously proposed for removing societal biases from word vectors. We show that passivization and negation leave their traces on the representations, and that neutralizing this information leads to more similar embeddings for words that should preserve their meaning in the transformation. We also find clear differences in how the respective features generalize across datasets.

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The elephant in the interpretability room: Why use attention as explanation when we have saliency methods?
Jasmijn Bastings | Katja Filippova

There is a recent surge of interest in using attention as explanation of model predictions, with mixed evidence on whether attention can be used as such. While attention conveniently gives us one weight per input token and is easily extracted, it is often unclear toward what goal it is used as explanation. We find that often that goal, whether explicitly stated or not, is to find out what input tokens are the most relevant to a prediction, and that the implied user for the explanation is a model developer. For this goal and user, we argue that input saliency methods are better suited, and that there are no compelling reasons to use attention, despite the coincidence that it provides a weight for each input. With this position paper, we hope to shift some of the recent focus on attention to saliency methods, and for authors to clearly state the goal and user for their explanations.

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How does BERT capture semantics? A closer look at polysemous words
David Yenicelik | Florian Schmidt | Yannic Kilcher

The recent paradigm shift to contextual word embeddings has seen tremendous success across a wide range of down-stream tasks. However, little is known on how the emergent relation of context and semantics manifests geometrically. We investigate polysemous words as one particularly prominent instance of semantic organization. Our rigorous quantitative analysis of linear separability and cluster organization in embedding vectors produced by BERT shows that semantics do not surface as isolated clusters but form seamless structures, tightly coupled with sentiment and syntax.

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Neural Natural Language Inference Models Partially Embed Theories of Lexical Entailment and Negation
Atticus Geiger | Kyle Richardson | Christopher Potts

We address whether neural models for Natural Language Inference (NLI) can learn the compositional interactions between lexical entailment and negation, using four methods: the behavioral evaluation methods of (1) challenge test sets and (2) systematic generalization tasks, and the structural evaluation methods of (3) probes and (4) interventions. To facilitate this holistic evaluation, we present Monotonicity NLI (MoNLI), a new naturalistic dataset focused on lexical entailment and negation. In our behavioral evaluations, we find that models trained on general-purpose NLI datasets fail systematically on MoNLI examples containing negation, but that MoNLI fine-tuning addresses this failure. In our structural evaluations, we look for evidence that our top-performing BERT-based model has learned to implement the monotonicity algorithm behind MoNLI. Probes yield evidence consistent with this conclusion, and our intervention experiments bolster this, showing that the causal dynamics of the model mirror the causal dynamics of this algorithm on subsets of MoNLI. This suggests that the BERT model at least partially embeds a theory of lexical entailment and negation at an algorithmic level.

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BERTnesia: Investigating the capture and forgetting of knowledge in BERT
Jonas Wallat | Jaspreet Singh | Avishek Anand

Probing complex language models has recently revealed several insights into linguistic and semantic patterns found in the learned representations. In this paper, we probe BERT specifically to understand and measure the relational knowledge it captures. We utilize knowledge base completion tasks to probe every layer of pre-trained as well as fine-tuned BERT (ranking, question answering, NER). Our findings show that knowledge is not just contained in BERT’s final layers. Intermediate layers contribute a significant amount (17-60%) to the total knowledge found. Probing intermediate layers also reveals how different types of knowledge emerge at varying rates. When BERT is fine-tuned, relational knowledge is forgotten but the extent of forgetting is impacted by the fine-tuning objective but not the size of the dataset. We found that ranking models forget the least and retain more knowledge in their final layer.

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Probing for Multilingual Numerical Understanding in Transformer-Based Language Models
Devin Johnson | Denise Mak | Andrew Barker | Lexi Loessberg-Zahl

Natural language numbers are an example of compositional structures, where larger numbers are composed of operations on smaller numbers. Given that compositional reasoning is a key to natural language understanding, we propose novel multilingual probing tasks tested on DistilBERT, XLM, and BERT to investigate for evidence of compositional reasoning over numerical data in various natural language number systems. By using both grammaticality judgment and value comparison classification tasks in English, Japanese, Danish, and French, we find evidence that the information encoded in these pretrained models’ embeddings is sufficient for grammaticality judgments but generally not for value comparisons. We analyze possible reasons for this and discuss how our tasks could be extended in further studies.

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Dissecting Lottery Ticket Transformers: Structural and Behavioral Study of Sparse Neural Machine Translation
Rajiv Movva | Jason Zhao

Recent work on the lottery ticket hypothesis has produced highly sparse Transformers for NMT while maintaining BLEU. However, it is unclear how such pruning techniques affect a model’s learned representations. By probing Transformers with more and more low-magnitude weights pruned away, we find that complex semantic information is first to be degraded. Analysis of internal activations reveals that higher layers diverge most over the course of pruning, gradually becoming less complex than their dense counterparts. Meanwhile, early layers of sparse models begin to perform more encoding. Attention mechanisms remain remarkably consistent as sparsity increases.

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Exploring Neural Entity Representations for Semantic Information
Andrew Runge | Eduard Hovy

Neural methods for embedding entities are typically extrinsically evaluated on downstream tasks and, more recently, intrinsically using probing tasks. Downstream task-based comparisons are often difficult to interpret due to differences in task structure, while probing task evaluations often look at only a few attributes and models. We address both of these issues by evaluating a diverse set of eight neural entity embedding methods on a set of simple probing tasks, demonstrating which methods are able to remember words used to describe entities, learn type, relationship and factual information, and identify how frequently an entity is mentioned. We also compare these methods in a unified framework on two entity linking tasks and discuss how they generalize to different model architectures and datasets.

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BERTs of a feather do not generalize together: Large variability in generalization across models with similar test set performance
R. Thomas McCoy | Junghyun Min | Tal Linzen

If the same neural network architecture is trained multiple times on the same dataset, will it make similar linguistic generalizations across runs? To study this question, we fine-tuned 100 instances of BERT on the Multi-genre Natural Language Inference (MNLI) dataset and evaluated them on the HANS dataset, which evaluates syntactic generalization in natural language inference. On the MNLI development set, the behavior of all instances was remarkably consistent, with accuracy ranging between 83.6% and 84.8%. In stark contrast, the same models varied widely in their generalization performance. For example, on the simple case of subject-object swap (e.g., determining that “the doctor visited the lawyer” does not entail “the lawyer visited the doctor”), accuracy ranged from 0.0% to 66.2%. Such variation is likely due to the presence of many local minima in the loss surface that are equally attractive to a low-bias learner such as a neural network; decreasing the variability may therefore require models with stronger inductive biases.

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Second-Order NLP Adversarial Examples
John Morris

Adversarial example generation methods in NLP rely on models like language models or sentence encoders to determine if potential adversarial examples are valid. In these methods, a valid adversarial example fools the model being attacked, and is determined to be semantically or syntactically valid by a second model. Research to date has counted all such examples as errors by the attacked model. We contend that these adversarial examples may not be flaws in the attacked model, but flaws in the model that determines validity. We term such invalid inputs second-order adversarial examples. We propose the constraint robustness curve, and associated metric ACCS, as tools for evaluating the robustness of a constraint to second-order adversarial examples. To generate this curve, we design an adversarial attack to run directly on the semantic similarity models. We test on two constraints, the Universal Sentence Encoder (USE) and BERTScore. Our findings indicate that such second-order examples exist, but are typically less common than first-order adversarial examples in state-of-the-art models. They also indicate that USE is effective as constraint on NLP adversarial examples, while BERTScore is nearly ineffectual. Code for running the experiments in this paper is available here.

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Discovering the Compositional Structure of Vector Representations with Role Learning Networks
Paul Soulos | R. Thomas McCoy | Tal Linzen | Paul Smolensky

How can neural networks perform so well on compositional tasks even though they lack explicit compositional representations? We use a novel analysis technique called ROLE to show that recurrent neural networks perform well on such tasks by converging to solutions which implicitly represent symbolic structure. This method uncovers a symbolic structure which, when properly embedded in vector space, closely approximates the encodings of a standard seq2seq network trained to perform the compositional SCAN task. We verify the causal importance of the discovered symbolic structure by showing that, when we systematically manipulate hidden embeddings based on this symbolic structure, the model’s output is changed in the way predicted by our analysis.

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Structured Self-AttentionWeights Encode Semantics in Sentiment Analysis
Zhengxuan Wu | Thanh-Son Nguyen | Desmond Ong

Neural attention, especially the self-attention made popular by the Transformer, has become the workhorse of state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) models. Very recent work suggests that the self-attention in the Transformer encodes syntactic information; Here, we show that self-attention scores encode semantics by considering sentiment analysis tasks. In contrast to gradient-based feature attribution methods, we propose a simple and effective Layer-wise Attention Tracing (LAT) method to analyze structured attention weights. We apply our method to Transformer models trained on two tasks that have surface dissimilarities, but share common semantics—sentiment analysis of movie reviews and time-series valence prediction in life story narratives. Across both tasks, words with high aggregated attention weights were rich in emotional semantics, as quantitatively validated by an emotion lexicon labeled by human annotators. Our results show that structured attention weights encode rich semantics in sentiment analysis, and match human interpretations of semantics.

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Investigating Novel Verb Learning in BERT: Selectional Preference Classes and Alternation-Based Syntactic Generalization
Tristan Thrush | Ethan Wilcox | Roger Levy

Previous studies investigating the syntactic abilities of deep learning models have not targeted the relationship between the strength of the grammatical generalization and the amount of evidence to which the model is exposed during training. We address this issue by deploying a novel word-learning paradigm to test BERT’s few-shot learning capabilities for two aspects of English verbs: alternations and classes of selectional preferences. For the former, we fine-tune BERT on a single frame in a verbal-alternation pair and ask whether the model expects the novel verb to occur in its sister frame. For the latter, we fine-tune BERT on an incomplete selectional network of verbal objects and ask whether it expects unattested but plausible verb/object pairs. We find that BERT makes robust grammatical generalizations after just one or two instances of a novel word in fine-tuning. For the verbal alternation tests, we find that the model displays behavior that is consistent with a transitivity bias: verbs seen few times are expected to take direct objects, but verbs seen with direct objects are not expected to occur intransitively.

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The EOS Decision and Length Extrapolation
Benjamin Newman | John Hewitt | Percy Liang | Christopher D. Manning

Extrapolation to unseen sequence lengths is a challenge for neural generative models of language. In this work, we characterize the effect on length extrapolation of a modeling decision often overlooked: predicting the end of the generative process through the use of a special end-of-sequence (EOS) vocabulary item. We study an oracle setting - forcing models to generate to the correct sequence length at test time - to compare the length-extrapolative behavior of networks trained to predict EOS (+EOS) with networks not trained to (-EOS). We find that -EOS substantially outperforms +EOS, for example extrapolating well to lengths 10 times longer than those seen at training time in a bracket closing task, as well as achieving a 40% improvement over +EOS in the difficult SCAN dataset length generalization task. By comparing the hidden states and dynamics of -EOS and +EOS models, we observe that +EOS models fail to generalize because they (1) unnecessarily stratify their hidden states by their linear position is a sequence (structures we call length manifolds) or (2) get stuck in clusters (which we refer to as length attractors) once the EOS token is the highest-probability prediction.

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Do Language Embeddings capture Scales?
Xikun Zhang | Deepak Ramachandran | Ian Tenney | Yanai Elazar | Dan Roth

Pretrained Language Models (LMs) have been shown to possess significant linguistic, common sense and factual knowledge. One form of knowledge that has not been studied yet in this context is information about the scalar magnitudes of objects. We show that pretrained language models capture a significant amount of this information but are short of the capability required for general common-sense reasoning. We identify contextual information in pre-training and numeracy as two key factors affecting their performance, and show that a simple method of canonicalizing numbers can have a significant effect on the results.

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Evaluating Attribution Methods using White-Box LSTMs
Yiding Hao

Interpretability methods for neural networks are difficult to evaluate because we do not understand the black-box models typically used to test them. This paper proposes a framework in which interpretability methods are evaluated using manually constructed networks, which we call white-box networks, whose behavior is understood a priori. We evaluate five methods for producing attribution heatmaps by applying them to white-box LSTM classifiers for tasks based on formal languages. Although our white-box classifiers solve their tasks perfectly and transparently, we find that all five attribution methods fail to produce the expected model explanations.

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Defining Explanation in an AI Context
Tejaswani Verma | Christoph Lingenfelder | Dietrich Klakow

With the increase in the use of AI systems, a need for explanation systems arises. Building an explanation system requires a definition of explanation. However, the natural language term explanation is difficult to define formally as it includes multiple perspectives from different domains such as psychology, philosophy, and cognitive sciences. We study multiple perspectives and aspects of explainability of recommendations or predictions made by AI systems, and provide a generic definition of explanation. The proposed definition is ambitious and challenging to apply. With the intention to bridge the gap between theory and application, we also propose a possible architecture of an automated explanation system based on our definition of explanation.

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Searching for a Search Method: Benchmarking Search Algorithms for Generating NLP Adversarial Examples
Jin Yong Yoo | John Morris | Eli Lifland | Yanjun Qi

We study the behavior of several black-box search algorithms used for generating adversarial examples for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. We perform a fine-grained analysis of three elements relevant to search: search algorithm, search space, and search budget. When new search algorithms are proposed in past work, the attack search space is often modified alongside the search algorithm. Without ablation studies benchmarking the search algorithm change with the search space held constant, one cannot tell if an increase in attack success rate is a result of an improved search algorithm or a less restrictive search space. Additionally, many previous studies fail to properly consider the search algorithms’ run-time cost, which is essential for downstream tasks like adversarial training. Our experiments provide a reproducible benchmark of search algorithms across a variety of search spaces and query budgets to guide future research in adversarial NLP. Based on our experiments, we recommend greedy attacks with word importance ranking when under a time constraint or attacking long inputs, and either beam search or particle swarm optimization otherwise.

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This is a BERT. Now there are several of them. Can they generalize to novel words?
Coleman Haley

Recently, large-scale pre-trained neural network models such as BERT have achieved many state-of-the-art results in natural language processing. Recent work has explored the linguistic capacities of these models. However, no work has focused on the ability of these models to generalize these capacities to novel words. This type of generalization is exhibited by humans, and is intimately related to morphology—humans are in many cases able to identify inflections of novel words in the appropriate context. This type of morphological capacity has not been previously tested in BERT models, and is important for morphologically-rich languages, which are under-studied in the literature regarding BERT’s linguistic capacities. In this work, we investigate this by considering monolingual and multilingual BERT models’ abilities to agree in number with novel plural words in English, French, German, Spanish, and Dutch. We find that many models are not able to reliably determine plurality of novel words, suggesting potential deficiencies in the morphological capacities of BERT models.

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diagNNose: A Library for Neural Activation Analysis
Jaap Jumelet

In this paper we introduce diagNNose, an open source library for analysing the activations of deep neural networks. diagNNose contains a wide array of interpretability techniques that provide fundamental insights into the inner workings of neural networks. We demonstrate the functionality of diagNNose with a case study on subject-verb agreement within language models. diagNNose is available at https://github.com/i-machine-think/diagnnose.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora

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Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora
Reinhard Rapp | Pierre Zweigenbaum | Serge Sharoff

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Line-a-line: A Tool for Annotating Word-Alignments
Maria Skeppstedt | Magnus Ahltorp | Gunnar Eriksson | Rickard Domeij

We here describe line-a-line, a web-based tool for manual annotation of word-alignments in sentence-aligned parallel corpora. The graphical user interface, which builds on a design template from the Jigsaw system for investigative analysis, displays the words from each sentence pair that is to be annotated as elements in two vertical lists. An alignment between two words is annotated by drag-and-drop, i.e. by dragging an element from the left-hand list and dropping it on an element in the right-hand list. The tool indicates that two words are aligned by lines that connect them and by highlighting associated words when the mouse is hovered over them. Line-a-line uses the efmaral library for producing pre-annotated alignments, on which the user can base the manual annotation. The tool is mainly planned to be used on moderately under-resourced languages, for which resources in the form of parallel corpora are scarce. The automatic word-alignment functionality therefore also incorporates information derived from non-parallel resources, in the form of pre-trained multilingual word embeddings from the MUSE library.

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Overview of the Fourth BUCC Shared Task: Bilingual Dictionary Induction from Comparable Corpora
Reinhard Rapp | Pierre Zweigenbaum | Serge Sharoff

The shared task of the 13th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora was devoted to the induction of bilingual dictionaries from comparable rather than parallel corpora. In this task, for a number of language pairs involving Chinese, English, French, German, Russian and Spanish, the participants were supposed to determine automatically the target language translations of several thousand source language test words of three frequency ranges. We describe here some background, the task definition, the training and test data sets and the evaluation used for ranking the participating systems. We also summarize the approaches used and present the results of the evaluation. In conclusion, the outcome of the competition are the results of a number of systems which provide surprisingly good solutions to the ambitious problem.

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Constructing a Bilingual Corpus of Parallel Tweets
Hamdy Mubarak | Sabit Hassan | Ahmed Abdelali

In a bid to reach a larger and more diverse audience, Twitter users often post parallel tweets—tweets that contain the same content but are written in different languages. Parallel tweets can be an important resource for developing machine translation (MT) systems among other natural language processing (NLP) tasks. In this paper, we introduce a generic method for collecting parallel tweets. Using this method, we collect a bilingual corpus of English-Arabic parallel tweets and a list of Twitter accounts who post English-Arabictweets regularly. Since our method is generic, it can also be used for collecting parallel tweets that cover less-resourced languages such as Serbian and Urdu. Additionally, we annotate a subset of Twitter accounts with their countries of origin and topic of interest, which provides insights about the population who post parallel tweets. This latter information can also be useful for author profiling tasks.

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Automatic Creation of Correspondence Table of Meaning Tags from Two Dictionaries in One Language Using Bilingual Word Embedding
Teruo Hirabayashi | Kanako Komiya | Masayuki Asahara | Hiroyuki Shinnou

In this paper, we show how to use bilingual word embeddings (BWE) to automatically create a corresponding table of meaning tags from two dictionaries in one language and examine the effectiveness of the method. To do this, we had a problem: the meaning tags do not always correspond one-to-one because the granularities of the word senses and the concepts are different from each other. Therefore, we regarded the concept tag that corresponds to a word sense the most as the correct concept tag corresponding the word sense. We used two BWE methods, a linear transformation matrix and VecMap. We evaluated the most frequent sense (MFS) method and the corpus concatenation method for comparison. The accuracies of the proposed methods were higher than the accuracy of the random baseline but lower than those of the MFS and corpus concatenation methods. However, because our method utilized the embedding vectors of the word senses, the relations of the sense tags corresponding to concept tags could be examined by mapping the sense embeddings to the vector space of the concept tags. Also, our methods could be performed when we have only concept or word sense embeddings whereas the MFS method requires a parallel corpus and the corpus concatenation method needs two tagged corpora.

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Mining Semantic Relations from Comparable Corpora through Intersections of Word Embeddings
Špela Vintar | Larisa Grčić Simeunović | Matej Martinc | Senja Pollak | Uroš Stepišnik

We report an experiment aimed at extracting words expressing a specific semantic relation using intersections of word embeddings. In a multilingual frame-based domain model, specific features of a concept are typically described through a set of non-arbitrary semantic relations. In karstology, our domain of choice which we are exploring though a comparable corpus in English and Croatian, karst phenomena such as landforms are usually described through their FORM, LOCATION, CAUSE, FUNCTION and COMPOSITION. We propose an approach to mine words pertaining to each of these relations by using a small number of seed adjectives, for which we retrieve closest words using word embeddings and then use intersections of these neighbourhoods to refine our search. Such cross-language expansion of semantically-rich vocabulary is a valuable aid in improving the coverage of a multilingual knowledge base, but also in exploring differences between languages in their respective conceptualisations of the domain.

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Benchmarking Multidomain English-Indonesian Machine Translation
Tri Wahyu Guntara | Alham Fikri Aji | Radityo Eko Prasojo

In the context of Machine Translation (MT) from-and-to English, Bahasa Indonesia has been considered a low-resource language, and therefore applying Neural Machine Translation (NMT) which typically requires large training dataset proves to be problematic. In this paper, we show otherwise by collecting large, publicly-available datasets from the Web, which we split into several domains: news, religion, general, and conversation, to train and benchmark some variants of transformer-based NMT models across the domains. We show using BLEU that our models perform well across them , outperform the baseline Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) models, and perform comparably with Google Translate. Our datasets (with the standard split for training, validation, and testing), code, and models are available on https://github.com/gunnxx/indonesian-mt-data

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Reducing the Search Space for Parallel Sentences in Comparable Corpora
Rémi Cardon | Natalia Grabar

This paper describes and evaluates simple techniques for reducing the research space for parallel sentences in monolingual comparable corpora. Initially, when searching for parallel sentences between two comparable documents, all the possible sentence pairs between the documents have to be considered, which introduces a great degree of imbalance between parallel pairs and non-parallel pairs. This is a problem because even with a high performing algorithm, a lot of noise will be present in the extracted results, thus introducing a need for an extensive and costly manual check phase. We work on a manually annotated subset obtained from a French comparable corpus and show how we can drastically reduce the number of sentence pairs that have to be fed to a classifier so that the results can be manually handled.

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LMU Bilingual Dictionary Induction System with Word Surface Similarity Scores for BUCC 2020
Silvia Severini | Viktor Hangya | Alexander Fraser | Hinrich Schütze

The task of Bilingual Dictionary Induction (BDI) consists of generating translations for source language words which is important in the framework of machine translation (MT). The aim of the BUCC 2020 shared task is to perform BDI on various language pairs using comparable corpora. In this paper, we present our approach to the task of English-German and English-Russian language pairs. Our system relies on Bilingual Word Embeddings (BWEs) which are often used for BDI when only a small seed lexicon is available making them particularly effective in a low-resource setting. On the other hand, they perform well on high frequency words only. In order to improve the performance on rare words as well, we combine BWE based word similarity with word surface similarity methods, such as orthography In addition to the often used top-n translation method, we experiment with a margin based approach aiming for dynamic number of translations for each source word. We participate in both the open and closed tracks of the shared task and we show improved results of our method compared to simple vector similarity based approaches. Our system was ranked in the top-3 teams and achieved the best results for English-Russian.

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TALN/LS2N Participation at the BUCC Shared Task: Bilingual Dictionary Induction from Comparable Corpora
Martin Laville | Amir Hazem | Emmanuel Morin

This paper describes the TALN/LS2N system participation at the Building and Using Comparable Corpora (BUCC) shared task. We first introduce three strategies: (i) a word embedding approach based on fastText embeddings; (ii) a concatenation approach using both character Skip-Gram and character CBOW models, and finally (iii) a cognates matching approach based on an exact match string similarity. Then, we present the applied strategy for the shared task which consists in the combination of the embeddings concatenation and the cognates matching approaches. The covered languages are French, English, German, Russian and Spanish. Overall, our system mixing embeddings concatenation and perfect cognates matching obtained the best results while compared to individual strategies, except for English-Russian and Russian-English language pairs for which the concatenation approach was preferred.

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cEnTam: Creation and Validation of a New English-Tamil Bilingual Corpus
Sanjanasri JP | Premjith B | Vijay Krishna Menon | Soman KP

Natural Language Processing (NLP), is the field of artificial intelligence that gives the computer the ability to interpret, perceive and extract appropriate information from human languages. Contemporary NLP is predominantly a data driven process. It employs machine learning and statistical algorithms to learn language structures from textual corpus. While application of NLP in English, certain European languages such as Spanish, German, etc. and Chinese, Arabic has been tremendous, it is not so, in many Indian languages. There are obvious advantages in creating aligned bilingual and multilingual corpora. Machine translation, cross-lingual information retrieval, content availability and linguistic comparison are a few of the most sought after applications of such parallel corpora. This paper explains and validates a parallel corpus we created for English-Tamil bilingual pair.

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BUCC2020: Bilingual Dictionary Induction using Cross-lingual Embedding
Sanjanasri JP | Vijay Krishna Menon | Soman KP

This paper presents a deep learning system for the BUCC 2020 shared task: Bilingual dictionary induction from comparable corpora. We have submitted two runs for this shared Task, German (de) and English (en) language pair for “closed track” and Tamil (ta) and English (en) for the “open track”. Our core approach focuses on quantifying the semantics of the language pairs, so that semantics of two different language pairs can be compared or transfer learned. With the advent of word embeddings, it is possible to quantify this. In this paper, we propose a deep learning approach which makes use of the supplied training data, to generate cross-lingual embedding. This is later used for inducting bilingual dictionary from comparable corpora.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching

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Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching
Thamar Solorio | Monojit Choudhury | Kalika Bali | Sunayana Sitaram | Amitava Das | Mona Diab

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An Annotated Corpus of Emerging Anglicisms in Spanish Newspaper Headlines
Elena Alvarez-Mellado

The extraction of anglicisms (lexical borrowings from English) is relevant both for lexicographic purposes and for NLP downstream tasks. We introduce a corpus of European Spanish newspaper headlines annotated with anglicisms and a baseline model for anglicism extraction. In this paper we present: (1) a corpus of 21,570 newspaper headlines written in European Spanish annotated with emergent anglicisms and (2) a conditional random field baseline model with handcrafted features for anglicism extraction. We present the newspaper headlines corpus, describe the annotation tagset and guidelines and introduce a CRF model that can serve as baseline for the task of detecting anglicisms. The presented work is a first step towards the creation of an anglicism extractor for Spanish newswire.

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A New Dataset for Natural Language Inference from Code-mixed Conversations
Simran Khanuja | Sandipan Dandapat | Sunayana Sitaram | Monojit Choudhury

Natural Language Inference (NLI) is the task of inferring the logical relationship, typically entailment or contradiction, between a premise and hypothesis. Code-mixing is the use of more than one language in the same conversation or utterance, and is prevalent in multilingual communities all over the world. In this paper, we present the first dataset for code-mixed NLI, in which both the premises and hypotheses are in code-mixed Hindi-English. We use data from Hindi movies (Bollywood) as premises, and crowd-source hypotheses from Hindi-English bilinguals. We conduct a pilot annotation study and describe the final annotation protocol based on observations from the pilot. Currently, the data collected consists of 400 premises in the form of code-mixed conversation snippets and 2240 code-mixed hypotheses. We conduct an extensive analysis to infer the linguistic phenomena commonly observed in the dataset obtained. We evaluate the dataset using a standard mBERT-based pipeline for NLI and report results.

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When is Multi-task Learning Beneficial for Low-Resource Noisy Code-switched User-generated Algerian Texts?
Wafia Adouane | Jean-Philippe Bernardy

We investigate when is it beneficial to simultaneously learn representations for several tasks, in low-resource settings. For this, we work with noisy user-generated texts in Algerian, a low-resource non-standardised Arabic variety. That is, to mitigate the problem of the data scarcity, we experiment with jointly learning progressively 4 tasks, namely code-switch detection, named entity recognition, spell normalisation and correction, and identifying users’ sentiments. The selection of these tasks is motivated by the lack of labelled data for automatic morpho-syntactic or semantic sequence-tagging tasks for Algerian, in contrast to the case of much multi-task learning for NLP. Our empirical results show that multi-task learning is beneficial for some tasks in particular settings, and that the effect of each task on another, the order of the tasks, and the size of the training data of the task with more data do matter. Moreover, the data augmentation that we performed with no external resources has been shown to be beneficial for certain tasks.

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Evaluating Word Embeddings for Indonesian–English Code-Mixed Text Based on Synthetic Data
Arra’Di Nur Rizal | Sara Stymne

Code-mixed texts are abundant, especially in social media, and poses a problem for NLP tools, which are typically trained on monolingual corpora. In this paper, we explore and evaluate different types of word embeddings for Indonesian–English code-mixed text. We propose the use of code-mixed embeddings, i.e. embeddings trained on code-mixed text. Because large corpora of code-mixed text are required to train embeddings, we describe a method for synthesizing a code-mixed corpus, grounded in literature and a survey. Using sentiment analysis as a case study, we show that code-mixed embeddings trained on synthesized data are at least as good as cross-lingual embeddings and better than monolingual embeddings.

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Understanding Script-Mixing: A Case Study of Hindi-English Bilingual Twitter Users
Abhishek Srivastava | Kalika Bali | Monojit Choudhury

In a multi-lingual and multi-script society such as India, many users resort to code-mixing while typing on social media. While code-mixing has received a lot of attention in the past few years, it has mostly been studied within a single-script scenario. In this work, we present a case study of Hindi-English bilingual Twitter users while considering the nuances that come with the intermixing of different scripts. We present a concise analysis of how scripts and languages interact in communities and cultures where code-mixing is rampant and offer certain insights into the findings. Our analysis shows that both intra-sentential and inter-sentential script-mixing are present on Twitter and show different behavior in different contexts. Examples suggest that script can be employed as a tool for emphasizing certain phrases within a sentence or disambiguating the meaning of a word. Script choice can also be an indicator of whether a word is borrowed or not. We present our analysis along with examples that bring out the nuances of the different cases.

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Sentiment Analysis for Hinglish Code-mixed Tweets by means of Cross-lingual Word Embeddings
Pranaydeep Singh | Els Lefever

This paper investigates the use of unsupervised cross-lingual embeddings for solving the problem of code-mixed social media text understanding. We specifically investigate the use of these embeddings for a sentiment analysis task for Hinglish Tweets, viz. English combined with (transliterated) Hindi. In a first step, baseline models, initialized with monolingual embeddings obtained from large collections of tweets in English and code-mixed Hinglish, were trained. In a second step, two systems using cross-lingual embeddings were researched, being (1) a supervised classifier and (2) a transfer learning approach trained on English sentiment data and evaluated on code-mixed data. We demonstrate that incorporating cross-lingual embeddings improves the results (F1-score of 0.635 versus a monolingual baseline of 0.616), without any parallel data required to train the cross-lingual embeddings. In addition, the results show that the cross-lingual embeddings not only improve the results in a fully supervised setting, but they can also be used as a base for distant supervision, by training a sentiment model in one of the source languages and evaluating on the other language projected in the same space. The transfer learning experiments result in an F1-score of 0.556, which is almost on par with the supervised settings and speak to the robustness of the cross-lingual embeddings approach.

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Semi-supervised acoustic and language model training for English-isiZulu code-switched speech recognition
Astik Biswas | Febe De Wet | Ewald Van der westhuizen | Thomas Niesler

We present an analysis of semi-supervised acoustic and language model training for English-isiZulu code-switched (CS) ASR using soap opera speech. Approximately 11 hours of untranscribed multilingual speech was transcribed automatically using four bilingual CS transcription systems operating in English-isiZulu, English-isiXhosa, English-Setswana and English-Sesotho. These transcriptions were incorporated into the acoustic and language model training sets. Results showed that the TDNN-F acoustic models benefit from the additional semi-supervised data and that even better performance could be achieved by including additional CNN layers. Using these CNN-TDNN-F acoustic models, a first iteration of semi-supervised training achieved an absolute mixed-language WER reduction of 3.44%, and a further 2.18% after a second iteration. Although the languages in the untranscribed data were unknown, the best results were obtained when all automatically transcribed data was used for training and not just the utterances classified as English-isiZulu. Despite perplexity improvements, the semi-supervised language model was not able to improve the ASR performance.

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Code-mixed parse trees and how to find them
Anirudh Srinivasan | Sandipan Dandapat | Monojit Choudhury

In this paper, we explore the methods of obtaining parse trees of code-mixed sentences and analyse the obtained trees. Existing work has shown that linguistic theories can be used to generate code-mixed sentences from a set of parallel sentences. We build upon this work, using one of these theories, the Equivalence-Constraint theory to obtain the parse trees of synthetically generated code-mixed sentences and evaluate them with a neural constituency parser. We highlight the lack of a dataset non-synthetic code-mixed constituency parse trees and how it makes our evaluation difficult. To complete our evaluation, we convert a code-mixed dependency parse tree set into “pseudo constituency trees” and find that a parser trained on synthetically generated trees is able to decently parse these as well.

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Towards an Efficient Code-Mixed Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion in an Agglutinative Language: A Case Study on To-Korean Transliteration
Won Ik Cho | Seok Min Kim | Nam Soo Kim

Code-mixed grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) conversion is a crucial issue for modern speech recognition and synthesis task, but has been seldom investigated in sentence-level in literature. In this study, we construct a system that performs precise and efficient multi-stage code-mixed G2P conversion, for a less studied agglutinative language, Korean. The proposed system undertakes a sentence-level transliteration that is effective in the accurate processing of Korean text. We formulate the underlying philosophy that supports our approach and demonstrate how it fits with the contemporary document.


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Second Grand-Challenge and Workshop on Multimodal Language (Challenge-HML)

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Second Grand-Challenge and Workshop on Multimodal Language (Challenge-HML)
Amir Zadeh | Louis-Philippe Morency | Paul Pu Liang | Soujanya Poria

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A Transformer-based joint-encoding for Emotion Recognition and Sentiment Analysis
Jean-Benoit Delbrouck | Noé Tits | Mathilde Brousmiche | Stéphane Dupont

Understanding expressed sentiment and emotions are two crucial factors in human multimodal language. This paper describes a Transformer-based joint-encoding (TBJE) for the task of Emotion Recognition and Sentiment Analysis. In addition to use the Transformer architecture, our approach relies on a modular co-attention and a glimpse layer to jointly encode one or more modalities. The proposed solution has also been submitted to the ACL20: Second Grand-Challenge on Multimodal Language to be evaluated on the CMU-MOSEI dataset. The code to replicate the presented experiments is open-source .

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A Multi-modal Approach to Fine-grained Opinion Mining on Video Reviews
Edison Marrese-Taylor | Cristian Rodriguez | Jorge Balazs | Stephen Gould | Yutaka Matsuo

Despite the recent advances in opinion mining for written reviews, few works have tackled the problem on other sources of reviews. In light of this issue, we propose a multi-modal approach for mining fine-grained opinions from video reviews that is able to determine the aspects of the item under review that are being discussed and the sentiment orientation towards them. Our approach works at the sentence level without the need for time annotations and uses features derived from the audio, video and language transcriptions of its contents. We evaluate our approach on two datasets and show that leveraging the video and audio modalities consistently provides increased performance over text-only baselines, providing evidence these extra modalities are key in better understanding video reviews.

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Multilogue-Net: A Context-Aware RNN for Multi-modal Emotion Detection and Sentiment Analysis in Conversation
Aman Shenoy | Ashish Sardana

Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Detection in conversation is key in several real-world applications, with an increase in modalities available aiding a better understanding of the underlying emotions. Multi-modal Emotion Detection and Sentiment Analysis can be particularly useful, as applications will be able to use specific subsets of available modalities, as per the available data. Current systems dealing with Multi-modal functionality fail to leverage and capture - the context of the conversation through all modalities, the dependency between the listener(s) and speaker emotional states, and the relevance and relationship between the available modalities. In this paper, we propose an end to end RNN architecture that attempts to take into account all the mentioned drawbacks. Our proposed model, at the time of writing, out-performs the state of the art on a benchmark dataset on a variety of accuracy and regression metrics.

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Low Rank Fusion based Transformers for Multimodal Sequences
Saurav Sahay | Eda Okur | Shachi H Kumar | Lama Nachman

Our senses individually work in a coordinated fashion to express our emotional intentions. In this work, we experiment with modeling modality-specific sensory signals to attend to our latent multimodal emotional intentions and vice versa expressed via low-rank multimodal fusion and multimodal transformers. The low-rank factorization of multimodal fusion amongst the modalities helps represent approximate multiplicative latent signal interactions. Motivated by the work of (CITATION) and (CITATION), we present our transformer-based cross-fusion architecture without any over-parameterization of the model. The low-rank fusion helps represent the latent signal interactions while the modality-specific attention helps focus on relevant parts of the signal. We present two methods for the Multimodal Sentiment and Emotion Recognition results on CMU-MOSEI, CMU-MOSI, and IEMOCAP datasets and show that our models have lesser parameters, train faster and perform comparably to many larger fusion-based architectures.

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Unsupervised Online Grounding of Natural Language during Human-Robot Interactions
Oliver Roesler

Allowing humans to communicate through natural language with robots requires connections between words and percepts. The process of creating these connections is called symbol grounding and has been studied for nearly three decades. Although many studies have been conducted, not many considered grounding of synonyms and the employed algorithms either work only offline or in a supervised manner. In this paper, a cross-situational learning based grounding framework is proposed that allows grounding of words and phrases through corresponding percepts without human supervision and online, i.e. it does not require any explicit training phase, but instead updates the obtained mappings for every new encountered situation. The proposed framework is evaluated through an interaction experiment between a human tutor and a robot, and compared to an existing unsupervised grounding framework. The results show that the proposed framework is able to ground words through their corresponding percepts online and in an unsupervised manner, while outperforming the baseline framework.

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Leveraging Multimodal Behavioral Analytics for Automated Job Interview Performance Assessment and Feedback
Anumeha Agrawal | Rosa Anil George | Selvan Sunitha Ravi | Sowmya Kamath S | Anand Kumar

Behavioral cues play a significant part in human communication and cognitive perception. In most professional domains, employee recruitment policies are framed such that both professional skills and personality traits are adequately assessed. Hiring interviews are structured to evaluate expansively a potential employee’s suitability for the position - their professional qualifications, interpersonal skills, ability to perform in critical and stressful situations, in the presence of time and resource constraints, etc. Candidates, therefore, need to be aware of their positive and negative attributes and be mindful of behavioral cues that might have adverse effects on their success. We propose a multimodal analytical framework that analyzes the candidate in an interview scenario and provides feedback for predefined labels such as engagement, speaking rate, eye contact, etc. We perform a comprehensive analysis that includes the interviewee’s facial expressions, speech, and prosodic information, using the video, audio, and text transcripts obtained from the recorded interview. We use these multimodal data sources to construct a composite representation, which is used for training machine learning classifiers to predict the class labels. Such analysis is then used to provide constructive feedback to the interviewee for their behavioral cues and body language. Experimental validation showed that the proposed methodology achieved promising results.

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Audio-Visual Understanding of Passenger Intents for In-Cabin Conversational Agents
Eda Okur | Shachi H Kumar | Saurav Sahay | Lama Nachman

Building multimodal dialogue understanding capabilities situated in the in-cabin context is crucial to enhance passenger comfort in autonomous vehicle (AV) interaction systems. To this end, understanding passenger intents from spoken interactions and vehicle vision systems is an important building block for developing contextual and visually grounded conversational agents for AV. Towards this goal, we explore AMIE (Automated-vehicle Multimodal In-cabin Experience), the in-cabin agent responsible for handling multimodal passenger-vehicle interactions. In this work, we discuss the benefits of multimodal understanding of in-cabin utterances by incorporating verbal/language input together with the non-verbal/acoustic and visual input from inside and outside the vehicle. Our experimental results outperformed text-only baselines as we achieved improved performances for intent detection with multimodal approach.

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AI Sensing for Robotics using Deep Learning based Visual and Language Modeling
Yuvaram Singh | Kameshwar Rao JV

An artificial intelligence(AI) system should be capable of processing the sensory inputs to extract both task-specific and general information about its environment. However, most of the existing algorithms extract only task specific information. In this work, an innovative approach to address the problem of processing visual sensory data is presented by utilizing convolutional neural network (CNN). It recognizes and represents the physical and semantic nature of the surrounding in both human readable and machine processable format. This work utilizes the image captioning model to capture the semantics of the input image and a modular design to generate a probability distribution for semantic topics. It gives any autonomous system the ability to process visual information in a human-like way and generates more insights which are hardly possible with a conventional algorithm. Here a model and data collection method are proposed.

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Exploring Weaknesses of VQA Models through Attribution Driven Insights
Shaunak Halbe

Deep Neural Networks have been successfully used for the task of Visual Question Answering for the past few years owing to the availability of relevant large scale datasets. However these datasets are created in artificial settings and rarely reflect the real world scenario. Recent research effectively applies these VQA models for answering visual questions for the blind. Despite achieving high accuracy these models appear to be susceptible to variation in input questions. We analyze popular VQA models through the lens of attribution (input’s influence on predictions) to gain valuable insights. Further, We use these insights to craft adversarial attacks which inflict significant damage to these systems with negligible change in meaning of the input questions. We believe this will enhance development of systems more robust to the possible variations in inputs when deployed to assist the visually impaired.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 3rd Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop

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Proceedings of the 3rd Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop
Anna Rumshisky | Kirk Roberts | Steven Bethard | Tristan Naumann

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Various Approaches for Predicting Stroke Prognosis using Magnetic Resonance Imaging Text Records
Tak-Sung Heo | Chulho Kim | Jeong-Myeong Choi | Yeong-Seok Jeong | Yu-Seop Kim

Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. Stroke is treatable, but it is prone to disability after treatment and must be prevented. To grasp the degree of disability caused by stroke, we use magnetic resonance imaging text records to predict stroke and measure the performance according to the document-level and sentence-level representation. As a result of the experiment, the document-level representation shows better performance.

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Multiple Sclerosis Severity Classification From Clinical Text
Alister D’Costa | Stefan Denkovski | Michal Malyska | Sae Young Moon | Brandon Rufino | Zhen Yang | Taylor Killian | Marzyeh Ghassemi

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, inflammatory and degenerative neurological disease, which is monitored by a specialist using the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) and recorded in unstructured text in the form of a neurology consult note. An EDSS measurement contains an overall ‘EDSS’ score and several functional subscores. Typically, expert knowledge is required to interpret consult notes and generate these scores. Previous approaches used limited context length Word2Vec embeddings and keyword searches to predict scores given a consult note, but often failed when scores were not explicitly stated. In this work, we present MS-BERT, the first publicly available transformer model trained on real clinical data other than MIMIC. Next, we present MSBC, a classifier that applies MS-BERT to generate embeddings and predict EDSS and functional subscores. Lastly, we explore combining MSBC with other models through the use of Snorkel to generate scores for unlabelled consult notes. MSBC achieves state-of-the-art performance on all metrics and prediction tasks and outperforms the models generated from the Snorkel ensemble. We improve Macro-F1 by 0.12 (to 0.88) for predicting EDSS and on average by 0.29 (to 0.63) for predicting functional subscores over previous Word2Vec CNN and rule-based approaches.

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BERT-XML: Large Scale Automated ICD Coding Using BERT Pretraining
Zachariah Zhang | Jingshu Liu | Narges Razavian

ICD coding is the task of classifying and cod-ing all diagnoses, symptoms and proceduresassociated with a patient’s visit. The process isoften manual, extremely time-consuming andexpensive for hospitals as clinical interactionsare usually recorded in free text medical notes. In this paper, we propose a machine learningmodel, BERT-XML, for large scale automatedICD coding of EHR notes, utilizing recentlydeveloped unsupervised pretraining that haveachieved state of the art performance on a va-riety of NLP tasks. We train a BERT modelfrom scratch on EHR notes, learning with vo-cabulary better suited for EHR tasks and thusoutperform off-the-shelf models. We furtheradapt the BERT architecture for ICD codingwith multi-label attention. We demonstratethe effectiveness of BERT-based models on thelarge scale ICD code classification task usingmillions of EHR notes to predict thousands ofunique codes.

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Incorporating Risk Factor Embeddings in Pre-trained Transformers Improves Sentiment Prediction in Psychiatric Discharge Summaries
Xiyu Ding | Mei-Hua Hall | Timothy Miller

Reducing rates of early hospital readmission has been recognized and identified as a key to improve quality of care and reduce costs. There are a number of risk factors that have been hypothesized to be important for understanding re-admission risk, including such factors as problems with substance abuse, ability to maintain work, relations with family. In this work, we develop Roberta-based models to predict the sentiment of sentences describing readmission risk factors in discharge summaries of patients with psychosis. We improve substantially on previous results by a scheme that shares information across risk factors while also allowing the model to learn risk factor-specific information.

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Information Extraction from Swedish Medical Prescriptions with Sig-Transformer Encoder
John Pougué Biyong | Bo Wang | Terry Lyons | Alejo Nevado-Holgado

Relying on large pretrained language models such as Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) for encoding and adding a simple prediction layer has led to impressive performance in many clinical natural language processing (NLP) tasks. In this work, we present a novel extension to the Transformer architecture, by incorporating signature transform with the self-attention model. This architecture is added between embedding and prediction layers. Experiments on a new Swedish prescription data show the proposed architecture to be superior in two of the three information extraction tasks, comparing to baseline models. Finally, we evaluate two different embedding approaches between applying Multilingual BERT and translating the Swedish text to English then encode with a BERT model pretrained on clinical notes.

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Evaluation of Transfer Learning for Adverse Drug Event (ADE) and Medication Entity Extraction
Sankaran Narayanan | Kaivalya Mannam | Sreeranga P Rajan | P Venkat Rangan

We evaluate several biomedical contextual embeddings (based on BERT, ELMo, and Flair) for the detection of medication entities such as Drugs and Adverse Drug Events (ADE) from Electronic Health Records (EHR) using the 2018 ADE and Medication Extraction (Track 2) n2c2 data-set. We identify best practices for transfer learning, such as language-model fine-tuning and scalar mix. Our transfer learning models achieve strong performance in the overall task (F1=92.91%) as well as in ADE identification (F1=53.08%). Flair-based embeddings out-perform in the identification of context-dependent entities such as ADE. BERT-based embeddings out-perform in recognizing clinical terminology such as Drug and Form entities. ELMo-based embeddings deliver competitive performance in all entities. We develop a sentence-augmentation method for enhanced ADE identification benefiting BERT-based and ELMo-based models by up to 3.13% in F1 gains. Finally, we show that a simple ensemble of these models out-paces most current methods in ADE extraction (F1=55.77%).

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BioBERTpt - A Portuguese Neural Language Model for Clinical Named Entity Recognition
Elisa Terumi Rubel Schneider | João Vitor Andrioli de Souza | Julien Knafou | Lucas Emanuel Silva e Oliveira | Jenny Copara | Yohan Bonescki Gumiel | Lucas Ferro Antunes de Oliveira | Emerson Cabrera Paraiso | Douglas Teodoro | Cláudia Maria Cabral Moro Barra

With the growing number of electronic health record data, clinical NLP tasks have become increasingly relevant to unlock valuable information from unstructured clinical text. Although the performance of downstream NLP tasks, such as named-entity recognition (NER), in English corpus has recently improved by contextualised language models, less research is available for clinical texts in low resource languages. Our goal is to assess a deep contextual embedding model for Portuguese, so called BioBERTpt, to support clinical and biomedical NER. We transfer learned information encoded in a multilingual-BERT model to a corpora of clinical narratives and biomedical-scientific papers in Brazilian Portuguese. To evaluate the performance of BioBERTpt, we ran NER experiments on two annotated corpora containing clinical narratives and compared the results with existing BERT models. Our in-domain model outperformed the baseline model in F1-score by 2.72%, achieving higher performance in 11 out of 13 assessed entities. We demonstrate that enriching contextual embedding models with domain literature can play an important role in improving performance for specific NLP tasks. The transfer learning process enhanced the Portuguese biomedical NER model by reducing the necessity of labeled data and the demand for retraining a whole new model.

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Dilated Convolutional Attention Network for Medical Code Assignment from Clinical Text
Shaoxiong Ji | Erik Cambria | Pekka Marttinen

Medical code assignment, which predicts medical codes from clinical texts, is a fundamental task of intelligent medical information systems. The emergence of deep models in natural language processing has boosted the development of automatic assignment methods. However, recent advanced neural architectures with flat convolutions or multi-channel feature concatenation ignore the sequential causal constraint within a text sequence and may not learn meaningful clinical text representations, especially for lengthy clinical notes with long-term sequential dependency. This paper proposes a Dilated Convolutional Attention Network (DCAN), integrating dilated convolutions, residual connections, and label attention, for medical code assignment. It adopts dilated convolutions to capture complex medical patterns with a receptive field which increases exponentially with dilation size. Experiments on a real-world clinical dataset empirically show that our model improves the state of the art.

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Classification of Syncope Cases in Norwegian Medical Records
Ildiko Pilan | Pål H. Brekke | Fredrik A. Dahl | Tore Gundersen | Haldor Husby | Øystein Nytrø | Lilja Øvrelid

Loss of consciousness, so-called syncope, is a commonly occurring symptom associated with worse prognosis for a number of heart-related diseases. We present a comparison of methods for a diagnosis classification task in Norwegian clinical notes, targeting syncope, i.e. fainting cases. We find that an often neglected baseline with keyword matching constitutes a rather strong basis, but more advanced methods do offer some improvement in classification performance, especially a convolutional neural network model. The developed pipeline is planned to be used for quantifying unregistered syncope cases in Norway.

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Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Multi-label Classification of Nursing Education and Licensure Exam Questions
John Langton | Krishna Srihasam | Junlin Jiang

In this paper, we evaluate several machine learning methods for multi-label classification of text questions. Every nursing student in the United States must pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to begin professional practice. NCLEX defines a number of competencies on which students are evaluated. By labeling test questions with NCLEX competencies, we can score students according to their performance in each competency. This information helps instructors measure how prepared students are for the NCLEX, as well as which competencies they may need help with. A key challenge is that questions may be related to more than one competency. Labeling questions with NCLEX competencies, therefore, equates to a multi-label, text classification problem where each competency is a label. Here we present an evaluation of several methods to support this use case along with a proposed approach. While our work is grounded in the nursing education domain, the methods described here can be used for any multi-label, text classification use case.

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Clinical XLNet: Modeling Sequential Clinical Notes and Predicting Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation
Kexin Huang | Abhishek Singh | Sitong Chen | Edward Moseley | Chih-Ying Deng | Naomi George | Charolotta Lindvall

Clinical notes contain rich information, which is relatively unexploited in predictive modeling compared to structured data. In this work, we developed a new clinical text representation Clinical XLNet that leverages the temporal information of the sequence of the notes. We evaluated our models on prolonged mechanical ventilation prediction problem and our experiments demonstrated that Clinical XLNet outperforms the best baselines consistently. The models and scripts are made publicly available.

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Automatic recognition of abdominal lymph nodes from clinical text
Yifan Peng | Sungwon Lee | Daniel C. Elton | Thomas Shen | Yu-xing Tang | Qingyu Chen | Shuai Wang | Yingying Zhu | Ronald Summers | Zhiyong Lu

Lymph node status plays a pivotal role in the treatment of cancer. The extraction of lymph nodes from radiology text reports enables large-scale training of lymph node detection on MRI. In this work, we first propose an ontology of 41 types of abdominal lymph nodes with a hierarchical relationship. We then introduce an end-to-end approach based on the combination of rules and transformer-based methods to detect these abdominal lymph node mentions and classify their types from the MRI radiology reports. We demonstrate the superior performance of a model fine-tuned on MRI reports using BlueBERT, called MriBERT. We find that MriBERT outperforms the rule-based labeler (0.957 vs 0.644 in micro weighted F1-score) as well as other BERT-based variations (0.913 - 0.928). We make the code and MriBERT publicly available at https://github.com/ncbi-nlp/bluebert, with the hope that this method can facilitate the development of medical report annotators to produce labels from scratch at scale.

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How You Ask Matters: The Effect of Paraphrastic Questions to BERT Performance on a Clinical SQuAD Dataset
Sungrim (Riea) Moon | Jungwei Fan

Reading comprehension style question-answering (QA) based on patient-specific documents represents a growing area in clinical NLP with plentiful applications. Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) and its derivatives lead the state-of-the-art accuracy on the task, but most evaluation has treated the data as a pre-mixture without systematically looking into the potential effect of imperfect train/test questions. The current study seeks to address this gap by experimenting with full versus partial train/test data consisting of paraphrastic questions. Our key findings include 1) training with all pooled question variants yielded best accuracy, 2) the accuracy varied widely, from 0.74 to 0.80, when trained with each single question variant, and 3) questions of similar lexical/syntactic structure tended to induce identical answers. The results suggest that how you ask questions matters in BERT-based QA, especially at the training stage.

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Relative and Incomplete Time Expression Anchoring for Clinical Text
Louise Dupuis | Nicol Bergou | Hegler Tissot | Sumithra Velupillai

Extracting and modeling temporal information in clinical text is an important element for developing timelines and disease trajectories. Time information in written text varies in preciseness and explicitness, posing challenges for NLP approaches that aim to accurately anchor temporal information on a timeline. Relative and incomplete time expressions (RI-Timexes) are expressions that require additional information for their temporal anchor to be resolved, but few studies have addressed this challenge specifically. In this study, we aimed to reproduce and verify a classification approach for identifying anchor dates and relations in clinical text, and propose a novel relation classification approach for this task.

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MeDAL: Medical Abbreviation Disambiguation Dataset for Natural Language Understanding Pretraining
Zhi Wen | Xing Han Lu | Siva Reddy

One of the biggest challenges that prohibit the use of many current NLP methods in clinical settings is the availability of public datasets. In this work, we present MeDAL, a large medical text dataset curated for abbreviation disambiguation, designed for natural language understanding pre-training in the medical domain. We pre-trained several models of common architectures on this dataset and empirically showed that such pre-training leads to improved performance and convergence speed when fine-tuning on downstream medical tasks.

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Knowledge Grounded Conversational Symptom Detection with Graph Memory Networks
Hongyin Luo | Shang-Wen Li | James Glass

In this work, we propose a novel goal-oriented dialog task, automatic symptom detection. We build a system that can interact with patients through dialog to detect and collect clinical symptoms automatically, which can save a doctor’s time interviewing the patient. Given a set of explicit symptoms provided by the patient to initiate a dialog for diagnosing, the system is trained to collect implicit symptoms by asking questions, in order to collect more information for making an accurate diagnosis. After getting the reply from the patient for each question, the system also decides whether current information is enough for a human doctor to make a diagnosis. To achieve this goal, we propose two neural models and a training pipeline for the multi-step reasoning task. We also build a knowledge graph as additional inputs to further improve model performance. Experiments show that our model significantly outperforms the baseline by 4%, discovering 67% of implicit symptoms on average with a limited number of questions.

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Pretrained Language Models for Biomedical and Clinical Tasks: Understanding and Extending the State-of-the-Art
Patrick Lewis | Myle Ott | Jingfei Du | Veselin Stoyanov

A large array of pretrained models are available to the biomedical NLP (BioNLP) community. Finding the best model for a particular task can be difficult and time-consuming. For many applications in the biomedical and clinical domains, it is crucial that models can be built quickly and are highly accurate. We present a large-scale study across 18 established biomedical and clinical NLP tasks to determine which of several popular open-source biomedical and clinical NLP models work well in different settings. Furthermore, we apply recent advances in pretraining to train new biomedical language models, and carefully investigate the effect of various design choices on downstream performance. Our best models perform well in all of our benchmarks, and set new State-of-the-Art in 9 tasks. We release these models in the hope that they can help the community to speed up and increase the accuracy of BioNLP and text mining applications.

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Assessment of DistilBERT performance on Named Entity Recognition task for the detection of Protected Health Information and medical concepts
Macarious Abadeer

Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) models achieve state-of-the-art performance on a number of Natural Language Processing tasks. However, their model size on disk often exceeds 1 GB and the process of fine-tuning them and using them to run inference consumes significant hardware resources and runtime. This makes them hard to deploy to production environments. This paper fine-tunes DistilBERT, a lightweight deep learning model, on medical text for the named entity recognition task of Protected Health Information (PHI) and medical concepts. This work provides a full assessment of the performance of DistilBERT in comparison with BERT models that were pre-trained on medical text. For Named Entity Recognition task of PHI, DistilBERT achieved almost the same results as medical versions of BERT in terms of F1 score at almost half the runtime and consuming approximately half the disk space. On the other hand, for the detection of medical concepts, DistilBERT’s F1 score was lower by 4 points on average than medical BERT variants.

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Distinguishing between Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) using Mental Health Records: a Classification Approach
Zixu Wang | Julia Ive | Sinead Moylett | Christoph Mueller | Rudolf Cardinal | Sumithra Velupillai | John O’Brien | Robert Stewart

While Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB) is the second most common type of neurodegenerative dementia following Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), it is difficult to distinguish from AD. We propose a method for DLB detection by using mental health record (MHR) documents from a (3-month) period before a patient has been diagnosed with DLB or AD. Our objective is to develop a model that could be clinically useful to differentiate between DLB and AD across datasets from different healthcare institutions. We cast this as a classification task using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), an efficient neural model for text classification. We experiment with different representation models, and explore the features that contribute to model performances. In addition, we apply temperature scaling, a simple but efficient model calibration method, to produce more reliable predictions. We believe the proposed method has important potential for clinical applications using routine healthcare records, and for generalising to other relevant clinical record datasets. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to distinguish DLB from AD using mental health records, and to improve the reliability of DLB predictions.

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Weakly Supervised Medication Regimen Extraction from Medical Conversations
Dhruvesh Patel | Sandeep Konam | Sai Prabhakar

Automated Medication Regimen (MR) extraction from medical conversations can not only improve recall and help patients follow through with their care plan, but also reduce the documentation burden for doctors. In this paper, we focus on extracting spans for frequency, route and change, corresponding to medications discussed in the conversation. We first describe a unique dataset of annotated doctor-patient conversations and then present a weakly supervised model architecture that can perform span extraction using noisy classification data. The model utilizes an attention bottleneck inside a classification model to perform the extraction. We experiment with several variants of attention scoring and projection functions and propose a novel transformer-based attention scoring function (TAScore). The proposed combination of TAScore and Fusedmax projection achieves a 10 point increase in Longest Common Substring F1 compared to the baseline of additive scoring plus softmax projection.

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Extracting Relations between Radiotherapy Treatment Details
Danielle Bitterman | Timothy Miller | David Harris | Chen Lin | Sean Finan | Jeremy Warner | Raymond Mak | Guergana Savova

We present work on extraction of radiotherapy treatment information from the clinical narrative in the electronic medical records. Radiotherapy is a central component of the treatment of most solid cancers. Its details are described in non-standardized fashions using jargon not found in other medical specialties, complicating the already difficult task of manual data extraction. We examine the performance of several state-of-the-art neural methods for relation extraction of radiotherapy treatment details, with a goal of automating detailed information extraction. The neural systems perform at 0.82-0.88 macro-average F1, which approximates or in some cases exceeds the inter-annotator agreement. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort to develop models for radiotherapy relation extraction and one of the few efforts for relation extraction to describe cancer treatment in general.

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Cancer Registry Information Extraction via Transfer Learning
Yan-Jie Lin | Hong-Jie Dai | You-Chen Zhang | Chung-Yang Wu | Yu-Cheng Chang | Pin-Jou Lu | Chih-Jen Huang | Yu-Tsang Wang | Hui-Min Hsieh | Kun-San Chao | Tsang-Wu Liu | I-Shou Chang | Yi-Hsin Connie Yang | Ti-Hao Wang | Ko-Jiunn Liu | Li-Tzong Chen | Sheau-Fang Yang

A cancer registry is a critical and massive database for which various types of domain knowledge are needed and whose maintenance requires labor-intensive data curation. In order to facilitate the curation process for building a high-quality and integrated cancer registry database, we compiled a cross-hospital corpus and applied neural network methods to develop a natural language processing system for extracting cancer registry variables buried in unstructured pathology reports. The performance of the developed networks was compared with various baselines using standard micro-precision, recall and F-measure. Furthermore, we conducted experiments to study the feasibility of applying transfer learning to rapidly develop a well-performing system for processing reports from different sources that might be presented in different writing styles and formats. The results demonstrate that the transfer learning method enables us to develop a satisfactory system for a new hospital with only a few annotations and suggest more opportunities to reduce the burden of cancer registry curation.

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PHICON: Improving Generalization of Clinical Text De-identification Models via Data Augmentation
Xiang Yue | Shuang Zhou

De-identification is the task of identifying protected health information (PHI) in the clinical text. Existing neural de-identification models often fail to generalize to a new dataset. We propose a simple yet effective data augmentation method PHICON to alleviate the generalization issue. PHICON consists of PHI augmentation and Context augmentation, which creates augmented training corpora by replacing PHI entities with named-entities sampled from external sources, and by changing background context with synonym replacement or random word insertion, respectively. Experimental results on the i2b2 2006 and 2014 de-identification challenge datasets show that PHICON can help three selected de-identification models boost F1-score (by at most 8.6%) on cross-dataset test setting. We also discuss how much augmentation to use and how each augmentation method influences the performance.

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Where’s the Question? A Multi-channel Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Question Identification in Textual Data
George Michalopoulos | Helen Chen | Alexander Wong

In most clinical practice settings, there is no rigorous reviewing of the clinical documentation, resulting in inaccurate information captured in the patient medical records. The gold standard in clinical data capturing is achieved via “expert-review”, where clinicians can have a dialogue with a domain expert (reviewers) and ask them questions about data entry rules. Automatically identifying “real questions” in these dialogues could uncover ambiguities or common problems in data capturing in a given clinical setting. In this study, we proposed a novel multi-channel deep convolutional neural network architecture, namely Quest-CNN, for the purpose of separating real questions that expect an answer (information or help) about an issue from sentences that are not questions, as well as from questions referring to an issue mentioned in a nearby sentence (e.g., can you clarify this?), which we will refer as “c-questions”. We conducted a comprehensive performance comparison analysis of the proposed multi-channel deep convolutional neural network against other deep neural networks. Furthermore, we evaluated the performance of traditional rule-based and learning-based methods for detecting question sentences. The proposed Quest-CNN achieved the best F1 score both on a dataset of data entry-review dialogue in a dialysis care setting, and on a general domain dataset.

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Learning from Unlabelled Data for Clinical Semantic Textual Similarity
Yuxia Wang | Karin Verspoor | Timothy Baldwin

Domain pretraining followed by task fine-tuning has become the standard paradigm for NLP tasks, but requires in-domain labelled data for task fine-tuning. To overcome this, we propose to utilise domain unlabelled data by assigning pseudo labels from a general model. We evaluate the approach on two clinical STS datasets, and achieve r= 0.80 on N2C2-STS. Further investigation reveals that if the data distribution of unlabelled sentence pairs is closer to the test data, we can obtain better performance. By leveraging a large general-purpose STS dataset and small-scale in-domain training data, we obtain further improvements to r= 0.90, a new SOTA.

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Joint Learning with Pre-trained Transformer on Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction Tasks for Clinical Analytics
Miao Chen | Ganhui Lan | Fang Du | Victor Lobanov

In drug development, protocols define how clinical trials are conducted, and are therefore of paramount importance. They contain key patient-, investigator-, medication-, and study-related information, often elaborated in different sections in the protocol texts. Granular-level parsing on large quantity of existing protocols can accelerate clinical trial design and provide actionable insights into trial optimization. Here, we report our progresses in using deep learning NLP algorithms to enable automated protocol analytics. In particular, we combined a pre-trained BERT transformer model with joint-learning strategies to simultaneously identify clinically relevant entities (i.e. Named Entity Recognition) and extract the syntactic relations between these entities (i.e. Relation Extraction) from the eligibility criteria section in protocol texts. When comparing to standalone NER and RE models, our joint-learning strategy can effectively improve the performance of RE task while retaining similarly high NER performance, likely due to the synergy of optimizing toward both tasks’ objectives via shared parameters. The derived NLP model provides an end-to-end solution to convert unstructured protocol texts into structured data source, which will be embedded into a comprehensive clinical analytics workflow for downstream trial design missions such like patient population extraction, patient enrollment rate estimation, and protocol amendment prediction.

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Extracting Semantic Aspects for Structured Representation of Clinical Trial Eligibility Criteria
Tirthankar Dasgupta | Ishani Mondal | Abir Naskar | Lipika Dey

Eligibility criteria in the clinical trials specify the characteristics that a patient must or must not possess in order to be treated according to a standard clinical care guideline. As the process of manual eligibility determination is time-consuming, automatic structuring of the eligibility criteria into various semantic categories or aspects is the need of the hour. Existing methods use hand-crafted rules and feature-based statistical machine learning methods to dynamically induce semantic aspects. However, in order to deal with paucity of aspect-annotated clinical trials data, we propose a novel weakly-supervised co-training based method which can exploit a large pool of unlabeled criteria sentences to augment the limited supervised training data, and consequently enhance the performance. Experiments with 0.2M criteria sentences show that the proposed approach outperforms the competitive supervised baselines by 12% in terms of micro-averaged F1 score for all the aspects. Probing deeper into analysis, we observe domain-specific information boosts up the performance by a significant margin.

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An Ensemble Approach for Automatic Structuring of Radiology Reports
Morteza Pourreza Shahri | Amir Tahmasebi | Bingyang Ye | Henghui Zhu | Javed Aslam | Timothy Ferris

Automatic structuring of electronic medical records is of high demand for clinical workflow solutions to facilitate extraction, storage, and querying of patient care information. However, developing a scalable solution is extremely challenging, specifically for radiology reports, as most healthcare institutes use either no template or department/institute specific templates. Moreover, radiologists’ reporting style varies from one to another as sentences are written in a telegraphic format and do not follow general English grammar rules. In this work, we present an ensemble method that consolidates the predictions of three models, capturing various attributes of textual information for automatic labeling of sentences with section labels. These three models are: 1) Focus Sentence model, capturing context of the target sentence; 2) Surrounding Context model, capturing the neighboring context of the target sentence; and finally, 3) Formatting/Layout model, aimed at learning report formatting cues. We utilize Bi-directional LSTMs, followed by sentence encoders, to acquire the context. Furthermore, we define several features that incorporate the structure of reports. We compare our proposed approach against multiple baselines and state-of-the-art approaches on a proprietary dataset as well as 100 manually annotated radiology notes from the MIMIC-III dataset, which we are making publicly available. Our proposed approach significantly outperforms other approaches by achieving 97.1% accuracy.

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Utilizing Multimodal Feature Consistency to Detect Adversarial Examples on Clinical Summaries
Wenjie Wang | Youngja Park | Taesung Lee | Ian Molloy | Pengfei Tang | Li Xiong

Recent studies have shown that adversarial examples can be generated by applying small perturbations to the inputs such that the well- trained deep learning models will misclassify. With the increasing number of safety and security-sensitive applications of deep learn- ing models, the robustness of deep learning models has become a crucial topic. The robustness of deep learning models for health- care applications is especially critical because the unique characteristics and the high financial interests of the medical domain make it more sensitive to adversarial attacks. Among the modalities of medical data, the clinical summaries have higher risks to be attacked because they are generated by third-party companies. As few works studied adversarial threats on clinical summaries, in this work we first apply adversarial attack to clinical summaries of electronic health records (EHR) to show the text-based deep learning systems are vulnerable to adversarial examples. Secondly, benefiting from the multi-modality of the EHR dataset, we propose a novel defense method, MATCH (Multimodal feATure Consistency cHeck), which leverages the consistency between multiple modalities in the data to defend against adversarial examples on a single modality. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of MATCH on a hospital readmission prediction task comparing with baseline methods.

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Advancing Seq2seq with Joint Paraphrase Learning
So Yeon Min | Preethi Raghavan | Peter Szolovits

We address the problem of model generalization for sequence to sequence (seq2seq) architectures. We propose going beyond data augmentation via paraphrase-optimized multi-task learning and observe that it is useful in correctly handling unseen sentential paraphrases as inputs. Our models greatly outperform SOTA seq2seq models for semantic parsing on diverse domains (Overnight - up to 3.2% and emrQA - 7%) and Nematus, the winning solution for WMT 2017, for Czech to English translation (CzENG 1.6 - 1.5 BLEU).

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On the diminishing return of labeling clinical reports
Jean-Baptiste Lamare | Oloruntobiloba Olatunji | Li Yao

Ample evidence suggests that better machine learning models may be steadily obtained by training on increasingly larger datasets on natural language processing (NLP) problems from non-medical domains. Whether the same holds true for medical NLP has by far not been thoroughly investigated. This work shows that this is indeed not always the case. We reveal the somehow counter-intuitive observation that performant medical NLP models may be obtained with small amount of labeled data, quite the opposite to the common belief, most likely due to the domain specificity of the problem. We show quantitatively the effect of training data size on a fixed test set composed of two of the largest public chest x-ray radiology report datasets on the task of abnormality classification. The trained models not only make use of the training data efficiently, but also outperform the current state-of-the-art rule-based systems by a significant margin.

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The Chilean Waiting List Corpus: a new resource for clinical Named Entity Recognition in Spanish
Pablo Báez | Fabián Villena | Matías Rojas | Manuel Durán | Jocelyn Dunstan

In this work we describe the Waiting List Corpus consisting of de-identified referrals for several specialty consultations from the waiting list in Chilean public hospitals. A subset of 900 referrals was manually annotated with 9,029 entities, 385 attributes, and 284 pairs of relations with clinical relevance. A trained medical doctor annotated these referrals, and then together with other three researchers, consolidated each of the annotations. The annotated corpus has nested entities, with 32.2% of entities embedded in other entities. We use this annotated corpus to obtain preliminary results for Named Entity Recognition (NER). The best results were achieved by using a biLSTM-CRF architecture using word embeddings trained over Spanish Wikipedia together with clinical embeddings computed by the group. NER models applied to this corpus can leverage statistics of diseases and pending procedures within this waiting list. This work constitutes the first annotated corpus using clinical narratives from Chile, and one of the few for the Spanish language. The annotated corpus, the clinical word embeddings, and the annotation guidelines are freely released to the research community.

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Exploring Text Specific and Blackbox Fairness Algorithms in Multimodal Clinical NLP
John Chen | Ian Berlot-Attwell | Xindi Wang | Safwan Hossain | Frank Rudzicz

Clinical machine learning is increasingly multimodal, collected in both structured tabular formats and unstructured forms such as free text. We propose a novel task of exploring fairness on a multimodal clinical dataset, adopting equalized odds for the downstream medical prediction tasks. To this end, we investigate a modality-agnostic fairness algorithm - equalized odds post processing - and compare it to a text-specific fairness algorithm: debiased clinical word embeddings. Despite the fact that debiased word embeddings do not explicitly address equalized odds of protected groups, we show that a text-specific approach to fairness may simultaneously achieve a good balance of performance classical notions of fairness. Our work opens the door for future work at the critical intersection of clinical NLP and fairness.


bib (full) Proceedings of the LREC 2020 Workshop on "Citizen Linguistics in Language Resource Development"

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Proceedings of the LREC 2020 Workshop on "Citizen Linguistics in Language Resource Development"
James Fiumara | Christopher Cieri | Mark Liberman | Chris Callison-Burch

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LanguageARC: Developing Language Resources Through Citizen Linguistics
James Fiumara | Christopher Cieri | Jonathan Wright | Mark Liberman

This paper introduces the citizen science platform, LanguageARC, developed within the NIEUW (Novel Incentives and Workflows) project supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1730377. LanguageARC is a community-oriented online platform bringing together researchers and “citizen linguists” with the shared goal of contributing to linguistic research and language technology development. Like other Citizen Science platforms and projects, LanguageARC harnesses the power and efforts of volunteers who are motivated by the incentives of contributing to science, learning and discovery, and belonging to a community dedicated to social improvement. Citizen linguists contribute language data and judgments by participating in research tasks such as classifying regional accents from audio clips, recording audio of picture descriptions and answering personality questionnaires to create baseline data for NLP research into autism and neurodegenerative conditions. Researchers can create projects on Language ARC without any coding or HTML required using our Project Builder Toolkit.

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Developing Language Resources with Citizen Linguistics in Austria – A Case Study
Barbara Heinisch

Language resources are a major ingredient for the advancement of language technologies. Citizen linguistics can help to create language resources and annotate language resources, not only for the improvement of language technologies, such as machine translation but also for the advancement of linguistic research. The (language) resources covered in this article are a corpus related to the Question of the Month project strand, which was initially aimed at co-creation in citizen linguistics and a partially annotated database of pictures of written text in different languages found in the public sphere. The number of participants in these project strands differed significantly. Especially those activities that were related to data collection (and analysis) had a significantly higher number of contributions per participant. This especially held true for the activities with (prize) incentives. Nevertheless, the activities of the Question of the Month could reach a higher number of participants, even after the co-creation approach was no longer followed. In addition, the Question of the Month brought research gaps and new knowledge to light and challenged existing paradigms and practices. These are especially important for the advancement of scholarly research. Citizen linguistics can help gather and analyze linguistic data, including language resources, in a short period of time. Thus, it may help increase the access to and availability of language resources.

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Objective Assessment of Subjective Tasks in Crowdsourcing Applications
Giannis Haralabopoulos | Myron Tsikandilakis | Mercedes Torres Torres | Derek McAuley

Labelling, or annotation, is the process by which we assign labels to an item with regards to a task. In some Artificial Intelligence problems, such as Computer Vision tasks, the goal is to obtain objective labels. However, in problems such as text and sentiment analysis, subjective labelling is often required. More so when the sentiment analysis deals with actual emotions instead of polarity (positive/negative) . Scientists employ human experts to create these labels, but it is costly and time consuming. Crowdsourcing enables researchers to utilise non-expert knowledge for scientific tasks. From image analysis to semantic annotation, interested researchers can gather a large sample of answers via crowdsourcing platforms in a timely manner. However, non-expert contributions often need to be thoroughly assessed, particularly so when a task is subjective. Researchers have traditionally used ‘Gold Standard’, ‘Thresholding’ and ‘Majority Voting’ as methods to filter non-expert contributions. We argue that these methods are unsuitable for subjective tasks, such as lexicon acquisition and sentiment analysis. We discuss subjectivity in human centered tasks and present a filtering method that defines quality contributors, based on a set of objectively infused terms in a lexicon acquisition task. We evaluate our method against an established lexicon, the diversity of emotions - i.e. subjectivity- and the exclusion of contributions. Our proposed objective evaluation method can be used to assess contributors in subjective tasks that will provide domain agnostic, quality results, with at least 7% improvement over traditional methods.

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Speaking Outside the Box: Exploring the Benefits of Unconstrained Input in Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science Platforms
Jon Chamberlain | Udo Kruschwitz | Massimo Poesio

Crowdsourcing approaches provide a difficult design challenge for developers. There is a trade-off between the efficiency of the task to be done and the reward given to the user for participating, whether it be altruism, social enhancement, entertainment or money. This paper explores how crowdsourcing and citizen science systems collect data and complete tasks, illustrated by a case study from the online language game-with-a-purpose Phrase Detectives. The game was originally developed to be a constrained interface to prevent player collusion, but subsequently benefited from posthoc analysis of over 76k unconstrained inputs from users. Understanding the interface design and task deconstruction are critical for enabling users to participate in such systems and the paper concludes with a discussion of the idea that social networks can be viewed as form of citizen science platform with both constrained and unconstrained inputs making for a highly complex dataset.

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Leveraging Non-Specialists for Accurate and Time Efficient AMR Annotation
Mary Martin | Cecilia Mauceri | Martha Palmer | Christoffer Heckman

Abstract Meaning Representations (AMRs), a syntax-free representation of phrase semantics are useful for capturing the meaning of a phrase and reflecting the relationship between concepts that are referred to. However, annotating AMRs are time consuming and expensive. The existing annotation process requires expertly trained workers who have knowledge of an extensive set of guidelines for parsing phrases. In this paper, we propose a cost-saving two-step process for the creation of a corpus of AMR-phrase pairs for spatial referring expressions. The first step uses non-specialists to perform simple annotations that can be leveraged in the second step to accelerate the annotation performed by the experts. We hypothesize that our process will decrease the cost per annotation and improve consistency across annotators. Few corpora of spatial referring expressions exist and the resulting language resource will be valuable for referring expression comprehension and generation modeling.

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The INCOMSLAV Platform: Experimental Website with Integrated Methods for Measuring Linguistic Distances and Asymmetries in Receptive Multilingualism
Irina Stenger | Klara Jagrova | Tania Avgustinova

We report on a web-based resource for conducting intercomprehension experiments with native speakers of Slavic languages and present our methods for measuring linguistic distances and asymmetries in receptive multilingualism. Through a website which serves as a platform for online testing, a large number of participants with different linguistic backgrounds can be targeted. A statistical language model is used to measure information density and to gauge how language users master various degrees of (un)intelligibilty. The key idea is that intercomprehension should be better when the model adapted for understanding the unknown language exhibits relatively low average distance and surprisal. All obtained intelligibility scores together with distance and asymmetry measures for the different language pairs and processing directions are made available as an integrated online resource in the form of a Slavic intercomprehension matrix (SlavMatrix).

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Identifications of Speaker Ethnicity in South-East England: Multicultural London English as a Divisible Perceptual Variety
Amanda Cole

This study uses crowdsourcing through LanguageARC to collect data on levels of accuracy in the identification of speakers’ ethnicities. Ten participants (5 US; 5 South-East England) classified lexically identical speech stimuli from a corpus of 227 speakers aged 18-33yrs from South-East England into the main “ethnic” groups in Britain: White British, Black British and Asian British. Firstly, the data reveals that there is no significant geographic proximity effect on performance between US and British participants. Secondly, results contribute to recent work suggesting that despite the varying heritages of young, ethnic minority speakers in London, they speak an innovative and emerging variety: Multicultural London English (MLE) (e.g. Cheshire et al., 2011). Countering this, participants found perceptual linguistic differences between speakers of all 3 ethnicities (80.7% accuracy). The highest rate of accuracy (96%) was when identifying the ethnicity of Black British speakers from London whose speech seems to form a distinct, perceptual category. Participants also perform substantially better than chance at identifying Black British and Asian British speakers who are not from London (80% and 60% respectively). This suggests that MLE is not a single, homogeneous variety but instead, there are perceptual linguistic differences by ethnicity which transcend the borders of London.

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LanguageARC - a tutorial
Christopher Cieri | James Fiumara

LanguageARC is a portal that offers citizen linguists opportunities to contribute to language related research. It also provides researchers with infrastructure for easily creating data collection and annotation tasks on the portal and potentially connecting with contributors. This document describes LanguageARC’s main features and operation for researchers interested in creating new projects and or using the resulting data.


bib (full) Proceedings of the workshop on Cross-Language Search and Summarization of Text and Speech (CLSSTS2020)

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Proceedings of the workshop on Cross-Language Search and Summarization of Text and Speech (CLSSTS2020)
Kathy McKeown | Douglas W. Oard | Elizabeth | Richard Schwartz

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The Effect of Linguistic Parameters in CLIR Performance
Carl Rubino

This paper will detail how IARPA’s MATERIAL Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) program investigated certain linguistic parameters to guide language choice, data collection and partitioning, and understand evaluation results. Discerning which linguistic parameters correlated with overall performance enabled the evaluation of progress when different languages were measured, and also was an important factor in determining the most effective CLIR pipeline design, customized to handle language-specific properties deemed necessary to address.

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Corpora for Cross-Language Information Retrieval in Six Less-Resourced Languages
Ilya Zavorin | Aric Bills | Cassian Corey | Michelle Morrison | Audrey Tong | Richard Tong

The Machine Translation for English Retrieval of Information in Any Language (MATERIAL) research program, sponsored by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), focuses on rapid development of end-to-end systems capable of retrieving foreign language speech and text documents relevant to different types of English queries that may be further restricted by domain. Those systems also provide evidence of relevance of the retrieved content in the form of English summaries. The program focuses on Less-Resourced Languages and provides its performer teams very limited amounts of annotated training data. This paper describes the corpora that were created for system development and evaluation for the six languages released by the program to date: Tagalog, Swahili, Somali, Lithuanian, Bulgarian and Pashto. The corpora include build packs to train Machine Translation and Automatic Speech Recognition systems; document sets in three text and three speech genres annotated for domain and partitioned for analysis, development and evaluation; and queries of several types together with corresponding binary relevance judgments against the entire set of documents. The paper also describes a detection metric called Actual Query Weighted Value developed by the program to evaluate end-to-end system performance.

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MATERIALizing Cross-Language Information Retrieval: A Snapshot
Petra Galuscakova | Douglas Oard | Joe Barrow | Suraj Nair | Shing Han-Chin | Elena Zotkina | Ramy Eskander | Rui Zhang

At about the midpoint of the IARPA MATERIAL program in October 2019, an evaluation was conducted on systems’ abilities to find Lithuanian documents based on English queries. Subsequently, both the Lithuanian test collection and results from all three teams were made available for detailed analysis. This paper capitalizes on that opportunity to begin to look at what’s working well at this stage of the program, and to identify some promising directions for future work.

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SEARCHER: Shared Embedding Architecture for Effective Retrieval
Joel Barry | Elizabeth Boschee | Marjorie Freedman | Scott Miller

We describe an approach to cross lingual information retrieval that does not rely on explicit translation of either document or query terms. Instead, both queries and documents are mapped into a shared embedding space where retrieval is performed. We discuss potential advantages of the approach in handling polysemy and synonymy. We present a method for training the model, and give details of the model implementation. We present experimental results for two cases: Somali-English and Bulgarian-English CLIR.

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Cross-lingual Information Retrieval with BERT
Zhuolin Jiang | Amro El-Jaroudi | William Hartmann | Damianos Karakos | Lingjun Zhao

Multiple neural language models have been developed recently, e.g., BERT and XLNet, and achieved impressive results in various NLP tasks including sentence classification, question answering and document ranking. In this paper, we explore the use of the popular bidirectional language model, BERT, to model and learn the relevance between English queries and foreign-language documents in the task of cross-lingual information retrieval. A deep relevance matching model based on BERT is introduced and trained by finetuning a pretrained multilingual BERT model with weak supervision, using home-made CLIR training data derived from parallel corpora. Experimental results of the retrieval of Lithuanian documents against short English queries show that our model is effective and outperforms the competitive baseline approaches.

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A Comparison of Unsupervised Methods for Ad hoc Cross-Lingual Document Retrieval
Elaine Zosa | Mark Granroth-Wilding | Lidia Pivovarova

We address the problem of linking related documents across languages in a multilingual collection. We evaluate three diverse unsupervised methods to represent and compare documents: (1) multilingual topic model; (2) cross-lingual document embeddings; and (3) Wasserstein distance. We test the performance of these methods in retrieving news articles in Swedish that are known to be related to a given Finnish article. The results show that ensembles of the methods outperform the stand-alone methods, suggesting that they capture complementary characteristics of the documents

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Reformulating Information Retrieval from Speech and Text as a Detection Problem
Damianos Karakos | Rabih Zbib | William Hartmann | Richard Schwartz | John Makhoul

In the IARPA MATERIAL program, information retrieval (IR) is treated as a hard detection problem; the system has to output a single global ranking over all queries, and apply a hard threshold on this global list to come up with all the hypothesized relevant documents. This means that how queries are ranked relative to each other can have a dramatic impact on performance. In this paper, we study such a performance measure, the Average Query Weighted Value (AQWV), which is a combination of miss and false alarm rates. AQWV requires that the same detection threshold is applied to all queries. Hence, detection scores of different queries should be comparable, and, to do that, a score normalization technique (commonly used in keyword spotting from speech) should be used. We describe unsupervised methods for score normalization, which are borrowed from the speech field and adapted accordingly for IR, and demonstrate that they greatly improve AQWV on the task of cross-language information retrieval (CLIR), on three low-resource languages used in MATERIAL. We also present a novel supervised score normalization approach which gives additional gains.

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The 2019 BBN Cross-lingual Information Retrieval System
Le Zhang | Damianos Karakos | William Hartmann | Manaj Srivastava | Lee Tarlin | David Akodes | Sanjay Krishna Gouda | Numra Bathool | Lingjun Zhao | Zhuolin Jiang | Richard Schwartz | John Makhoul

In this paper, we describe a cross-lingual information retrieval (CLIR) system that, given a query in English, and a set of audio and text documents in a foreign language, can return a scored list of relevant documents, and present findings in a summary form in English. Foreign audio documents are first transcribed by a state-of-the-art pretrained multilingual speech recognition model that is finetuned to the target language. For text documents, we use multiple multilingual neural machine translation (MT) models to achieve good translation results, especially for low/medium resource languages. The processed documents and queries are then scored using a probabilistic CLIR model that makes use of the probability of translation from GIZA translation tables and scores from a Neural Network Lexical Translation Model (NNLTM). Additionally, advanced score normalization, combination, and thresholding schemes are employed to maximize the Average Query Weighted Value (AQWV) scores. The CLIR output, together with multiple translation renderings, are selected and translated into English snippets via a summarization model. Our turnkey system is language agnostic and can be quickly trained for a new low-resource language in few days.

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What Set of Documents to Present to an Analyst?
Richard Schwartz | John Makhoul | Lee Tarlin | Damianos Karakos

We describe the human triage scenario envisioned in the Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval (CLIR) problem of the [REDUCT] Program. The overall goal is to maximize the quality of the set of documents that is given to a bilingual analyst, as measured by the AQWV score. The initial set of source documents that are retrieved by the CLIR system is summarized in English and presented to human judges who attempt to remove the irrelevant documents (false alarms); the resulting documents are then presented to the analyst. First, we describe the AQWV performance measure and show that, in our experience, if the acceptance threshold of the CLIR component has been optimized to maximize AQWV, the loss in AQWV due to false alarms is relatively constant across many conditions, which also limits the possible gain that can be achieved by any post filter (such as human judgments) that removes false alarms. Second, we analyze the likely benefits for the triage operation as a function of the initial CLIR AQWV score and the ability of the human judges to remove false alarms without removing relevant documents. Third, we demonstrate that we can increase the benefit for human judgments by combining the human judgment scores with the original document scores returned by the automatic CLIR system.

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An Investigative Study of Multi-Modal Cross-Lingual Retrieval
Piyush Arora | Dimitar Shterionov | Yasufumi Moriya | Abhishek Kaushik | Daria Dzendzik | Gareth Jones

We describe work from our investigations of the novel area of multi-modal cross-lingual retrieval (MMCLIR) under low-resource conditions. We study the challenges associated with MMCLIR relating to: (i) data conversion between different modalities, for example speech and text, (ii) overcoming the language barrier between source and target languages; (iii) effectively scoring and ranking documents to suit the retrieval task; and (iv) handling low resource constraints that prohibit development of heavily tuned machine translation (MT) and automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. We focus on the use case of retrieving text and speech documents in Swahili, using English queries which was the main focus of the OpenCLIR shared task. Our work is developed within the scope of this task. In this paper we devote special attention to the automatic translation (AT) component which is crucial for the overall quality of the MMCLIR system. We exploit a combination of dictionaries and phrase-based statistical machine translation (MT) systems to tackle effectively the subtask of query translation. We address each MMCLIR challenge individually, and develop separate components for automatic translation (AT), speech processing (SP) and information retrieval (IR). We find that results with respect to cross-lingual text retrieval are quite good relative to the task of cross-lingual speech retrieval. Overall we find that the task of MMCLIR and specifically cross-lingual speech retrieval is quite complex. Further we pinpoint open issues related to handling cross-lingual audio and text retrieval for low resource languages that need to be addressed in future research.

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Subtitles to Segmentation: Improving Low-Resource Speech-to-TextTranslation Pipelines
David Wan | Zhengping Jiang | Chris Kedzie | Elsbeth Turcan | Peter Bell | Kathy McKeown

In this work, we focus on improving ASR output segmentation in the context of low-resource language speech-to-text translation. ASR output segmentation is crucial, as ASR systems segment the input audio using purely acoustic information and are not guaranteed to output sentence-like segments. Since most MT systems expect sentences as input, feeding in longer unsegmented passages can lead to sub-optimal performance. We explore the feasibility of using datasets of subtitles from TV shows and movies to train better ASR segmentation models. We further incorporate part-of-speech (POS) tag and dependency label information (derived from the unsegmented ASR outputs) into our segmentation model. We show that this noisy syntactic information can improve model accuracy. We evaluate our models intrinsically on segmentation quality and extrinsically on downstream MT performance, as well as downstream tasks including cross-lingual information retrieval (CLIR) tasks and human relevance assessments. Our model shows improved performance on downstream tasks for Lithuanian and Bulgarian.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics
Emmanuele Chersoni | Cassandra Jacobs | Yohei Oseki | Laurent Prévot | Enrico Santus

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What Determines the Order of Verbal Dependents in Hindi? Effects of Efficiency in Comprehension and Production
Kartik Sharma | Richard Futrell | Samar Husain

Word order flexibility is one of the distinctive features of SOV languages. In this work, we investigate whether the order and relative distance of preverbal dependents in Hindi, an SOV language, is affected by factors motivated by efficiency considerations during comprehension/production. We investigate the influence of Head–Dependent Mutual Information (HDMI), similarity-based interference, accessibility and case-marking. Results show that preverbal dependents remain close to the verbal head when the HDMI between the verb and its dependent is high. This demonstrates the influence of locality constraints on dependency distance and word order in an SOV language. Additionally, dependency distance were found to be longer when the dependent was animate, when it was case-marked and when it was semantically similar to other preverbal dependents. Together the results highlight the crosslinguistic generalizability of these factors and provide evidence for a functionally motivated account of word order in SOV languages such as Hindi.

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Images and Imagination: Automated Analysis of Priming Effects Related to Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Language Disorder
Michaela Regneri | Diane King | Fahreen Walji | Olympia Palikara

Different aspects of language processing have been shown to be sensitive to priming but the findings of studies examining priming effects in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) have been inconclusive. We present a study analysing visual and implicit semantic priming in adolescents with ASD and DLD. Based on a dataset of fictional and script-like narratives, we evaluate how often and how extensively, content of two different priming sources is used by the participants. The first priming source was visual, consisting of images shown to the participants to assist them with their storytelling. The second priming source originated from commonsense knowledge, using crowdsourced data containing prototypical script elements. Our results show that individuals with ASD are less sensitive to both types of priming, but show typical usage of primed cues when they use them at all. In contrast, children with DLD show mostly average priming sensitivity, but exhibit an over-proportional use of the priming cues.

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Production-based Cognitive Models as a Test Suite for Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
Adrian Brasoveanu | Jakub Dotlacil

We introduce a framework in which production-rule based computational cognitive modeling and Reinforcement Learning can systematically interact and inform each other. We focus on linguistic applications because the sophisticated rule-based cognitive models needed to capture linguistic behavioral data promise to provide a stringent test suite for RL algorithms, connecting RL algorithms to both accuracy and reaction-time experimental data. Thus, we open a path towards assembling an experimentally rigorous and cognitively realistic benchmark for RL algorithms. We extend our previous work on lexical decision tasks and tabular RL algorithms (Brasoveanu and Dotlačil, 2020b) with a discussion of neural-network based approaches, and a discussion of how parsing can be formalized as an RL problem.

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Evaluating Word Embeddings for Language Acquisition
Raquel G. Alhama | Caroline Rowland | Evan Kidd

Continuous vector word representations (or word embeddings) have shown success in capturing semantic relations between words, as evidenced with evaluation against behavioral data of adult performance on semantic tasks (Pereira et al. 2016). Adult semantic knowledge is the endpoint of a language acquisition process; thus, a relevant question is whether these models can also capture emerging word representations of young language learners. However, the data of semantic knowledge of children is scarce or non-existent for some age groups. In this paper, we propose to bridge this gap by using Age of Acquisition norms to evaluate word embeddings learnt from child-directed input. We present two methods that evaluate word embeddings in terms of (a) the semantic neighbourhood density of learnt words, and (b) the convergence to adult word associations. We apply our methods to bag-of-words models, and we find that (1) children acquire words with fewer semantic neighbours earlier, and (2) young learners only attend to very local context. These findings provide converging evidence for validity of our methods in understanding the prerequisite features for a distributional model of word learning.

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Guessing the Age of Acquisition of Italian Lemmas through Linear Regression
Irene Russo

The age of acquisition of a word is a psycholinguistic variable concerning the age at which a word is typically learned. It correlates with other psycholinguistic variables such as familiarity, concreteness, and imageability. Existing datasets for multiple languages also include linguistic variables such as the length and the frequency of lemmas in different corpora. There are substantial sets of normative values for English, but for other languages, such as Italian, the coverage is scarce. In this paper,a set of regression experiments investigates whether it is possible to guess the age of acquisition of Italian lemmas that have not been previously rated by humans. An intrinsic evaluation is proposed, correlating estimated Italian lemmas’ AoA with English lemmas’ AoA. An extrinsic evaluation - using AoA values as features for the classification of literary excerpts labeled by age appropriateness - shows how es-sential is lexical coverage for this task.

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Word Co-occurrence in Child-directed Speech Predicts Children’s Free Word Associations
Abdellah Fourtassi

The free association task has been very influential both in cognitive science and in computational linguistics. However, little research has been done to study how free associations develop in childhood. The current work focuses on the developmental hypothesis according to which free word associations emerge by mirroring the co-occurrence distribution of children’s linguistic environment. I trained a distributional semantic model on a large corpus of child language and I tested if it could predict children’s responses. The results largely supported the hypothesis: Co-occurrence-based similarity was a strong predictor of children’s associative behavior even controlling for other possible predictors such as phonological similarity, word frequency, and word length. I discuss the findings in the light of theories of conceptual development.

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Development of Multi-level Linguistic Alignment in Child-adult Conversations
Thomas Misiek | Benoit Favre | Abdellah Fourtassi

Interactive alignment is a major mechanism of linguistic coordination. Here we study the way this mechanism emerges in development across the lexical, syntactic, and conceptual levels. We leverage NLP tools to analyze a large-scale corpus of child-adult conversations between 2 and 5 years old. We found that, across development, children align consistently to adults above chance and that adults align consistently more to children than vice versa (even controlling for language production abilities). Besides these consistencies, we found a diversity of developmental trajectories across linguistic levels. These corpus-based findings provide strong support for an early onset of multi-level linguistic alignment in children and invites new experimental work.

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Conditioning, but on Which Distribution? Grammatical Gender in German Plural Inflection
Kate McCurdy | Adam Lopez | Sharon Goldwater

Grammatical gender is a consistent and informative cue to the plural class of German nouns. We find that neural encoder-decoder models learn to rely on this cue to predict plural class, but adult speakers are relatively insensitive to it. This suggests that the neural models are not an effective cognitive model of German plural formation.

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Learning Pronoun Case from Distributional Cues: Flexible Frames for Case Acquisition
Xiaomeng Ma | Martin Chodorow | Virginia Valian

Case is an abstract grammatical feature that indicates argument relationship in a sentence. In English, cases are expressed on pronouns, as nominative case (e.g. I, he), accusative case (e.g. me, him) and genitive case (e.g. my, his). Children correctly use cased pronouns at a very young age. How do they acquire abstract case in the first place, when different cases are not associated with different meanings? This paper proposes that the distributional patterns in parents’ input could be used to distinguish grammatical cases in English.

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Probabilistic Predictions of People Perusing: Evaluating Metrics of Language Model Performance for Psycholinguistic Modeling
Yiding Hao | Simon Mendelsohn | Rachel Sterneck | Randi Martinez | Robert Frank

By positing a relationship between naturalistic reading times and information-theoretic surprisal, surprisal theory (Hale, 2001; Levy, 2008) provides a natural interface between language models and psycholinguistic models. This paper re-evaluates a claim due to Goodkind and Bicknell (2018) that a language model’s ability to model reading times is a linear function of its perplexity. By extending Goodkind and Bicknell’s analysis to modern neural architectures, we show that the proposed relation does not always hold for Long Short-Term Memory networks, Transformers, and pre-trained models. We introduce an alternate measure of language modeling performance called predictability norm correlation based on Cloze probabilities measured from human subjects. Our new metric yields a more robust relationship between language model quality and psycholinguistic modeling performance that allows for comparison between models with different training configurations.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora

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Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora
Piotr Bański | Adrien Barbaresi | Simon Clematide | Marc Kupietz | Harald Lüngen | Ines Pisetta

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Addressing Cha(lle)nges in Long-Term Archiving of Large Corpora
Denis Arnold | Bernhard Fisseni | Pawel Kamocki | Oliver Schonefeld | Marc Kupietz | Thomas Schmidt

This paper addresses long-term archival for large corpora. Three aspects specific to language resources are focused, namely (1) the removal of resources for legal reasons, (2) versioning of (unchanged) objects in constantly growing resources, especially where objects can be part of multiple releases but also part of different collections, and (3) the conversion of data to new formats for digital preservation. It is motivated why language resources may have to be changed, and why formats may need to be converted. As a solution, the use of an intermediate proxy object called a signpost is suggested. The approach will be exemplified with respect to the corpora of the Leibniz Institute for the German Language in Mannheim, namely the German Reference Corpus (DeReKo) and the Archive for Spoken German (AGD).

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Evaluating a Dependency Parser on DeReKo
Peter Fankhauser | Bich-Ngoc Do | Marc Kupietz

We evaluate a graph-based dependency parser on DeReKo, a large corpus of contemporary German. The dependency parser is trained on the German dataset from the SPMRL 2014 Shared Task which contains text from the news domain, whereas DeReKo also covers other domains including fiction, science, and technology. To avoid the need for costly manual annotation of the corpus, we use the parser’s probability estimates for unlabeled and labeled attachment as main evaluation criterion. We show that these probability estimates are highly correlated with the actual attachment scores on a manually annotated test set. On this basis, we compare estimated parsing scores for the individual domains in DeReKo, and show that the scores decrease with increasing distance of a domain to the training corpus.

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French Contextualized Word-Embeddings with a sip of CaBeRnet: a New French Balanced Reference Corpus
Murielle Popa-Fabre | Pedro Javier Ortiz Suárez | Benoît Sagot | Éric de la Clergerie

This paper investigates the impact of different types and size of training corpora on language models. By asking the fundamental question of quality versus quantity, we compare four French corpora by pre-training four different ELMos and evaluating them on dependency parsing, POS-tagging and Named Entities Recognition downstream tasks. We present and asses the relevance of a new balanced French corpus, CaBeRnet, that features a representative range of language usage, including a balanced variety of genres (oral transcriptions, newspapers, popular magazines, technical reports, fiction, academic texts), in oral and written styles. We hypothesize that a linguistically representative corpus will allow the language models to be more efficient, and therefore yield better evaluation scores on different evaluation sets and tasks. This paper offers three main contributions: (1) two newly built corpora: (a) CaBeRnet, a French Balanced Reference Corpus and (b) CBT-fr a domain-specific corpus having both oral and written style in youth literature, (2) five versions of ELMo pre-trained on differently built corpora, and (3) a whole array of computational results on downstream tasks that deepen our understanding of the effects of corpus balance and register in NLP evaluation.

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Geoparsing the historical Gazetteers of Scotland: accurately computing location in mass digitised texts
Rosa Filgueira | Claire Grover | Melissa Terras | Beatrice Alex

This paper describes work in progress on devising automatic and parallel methods for geoparsing large digital historical textual data by combining the strengths of three natural language processing (NLP) tools, the Edinburgh Geoparser, spaCy and defoe, and employing different tokenisation and named entity recognition (NER) techniques. We apply these tools to a large collection of nineteenth century Scottish geographical dictionaries, and describe preliminary results obtained when processing this data.

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The Corpus Query Middleware of Tomorrow – A Proposal for a Hybrid Corpus Query Architecture
Markus Gärtner

Development of dozens of specialized corpus query systems and languages over the past decades has let to a diverse but also fragmented landscape. Today we are faced with a plethora of query tools that each provide unique features, but which are also not interoperable and often rely on very specific database back-ends or formats for storage. This severely hampers usability both for end users that want to query different corpora and also for corpus designers that wish to provide users with an interface for querying and exploration. We propose a hybrid corpus query architecture as a first step to overcoming this issue. It takes the form of a middleware system between user front-ends and optional database or text indexing solutions as back-ends. At its core is a custom query evaluation engine for index-less processing of corpus queries. With a flexible JSON-LD query protocol the approach allows communication with back-end systems to partially solve queries and offset some of the performance penalties imposed by the custom evaluation engine. This paper outlines the details of our first draft of aforementioned architecture.

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Using full text indices for querying spoken language data
Elena Frick | Thomas Schmidt

As a part of the ZuMult-project, we are currently modelling a backend architecture that should provide query access to corpora from the Archive of Spoken German (AGD) at the Leibniz-Institute for the German Language (IDS). We are exploring how to reuse existing search engine frameworks providing full text indices and allowing to query corpora by one of the corpus query languages (QLs) established and actively used in the corpus research community. For this purpose, we tested MTAS - an open source Lucene-based search engine for querying on text with multilevel annotations. We applied MTAS on three oral corpora stored in the TEI-based ISO standard for transcriptions of spoken language (ISO 24624:2016). These corpora differ from the corpus data that MTAS was developed for, because they include interactions with two and more speakers and are enriched, inter alia, with timeline-based annotations. In this contribution, we report our test results and address issues that arise when search frameworks originally developed for querying written corpora are being transferred into the field of spoken language.

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Challenges for Making Use of a Large Text Corpus such as the ‘AACAustrian Academy Corpus’ for Digital Literary Studies
Hanno Biber

The challenges for making use of a large text corpus such as the ‘AAC – Austrian Academy Corpus’ for the purposes of digital literary studies will be addressed in this presentation. The research question of how to use a digital text corpus of considerable size for such a specific research purpose is of interest for corpus research in general as it is of interest for digital literary text studies which rely to a large extent on large digital text corpora. The observations of the usage of lexical entities such as words, word forms, multi word units and many other linguistic units determine the way in which texts are being studied and explored. Larger entities have to be taken into account as well, which is why questions of semantic analysis and larger structures come into play. The texts of the AAC – Austrian Academy Corpus which was founded in 2001 are German language texts of historical and cultural significance from the time between 1848 and 1989. The aim of this study is to present possible research questions for corpus-based methodological approaches for the digital study of literary texts and to give examples of early experiments and experiences with making use of a large text corpus for these research purposes.

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Czech National Corpus in 2020: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
Michal Kren

The paper overviews the state of implementation of the Czech National Corpus (CNC) in all the main areas of its operation: corpus compilation, annotation, application development and user services. As the focus is on the recent development, some of the areas are described in more detail than the others. Close attention is paid to the data collection and, in particular, to the description of web application development. This is not only because CNC has recently seen a significant progress in this area, but also because we believe that end-user web applications shape the way linguists and other scholars think about the language data and about the range of possibilities they offer. This consideration is even more important given the variability of the CNC corpora.

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Adding a Syntactic Annotation Level to the Corpus of Contemporary Romanian Language
Andrei Scutelnicu | Catalina Maranduc | Dan Cristea

In this paper we present an experiment of augmenting the Corpus of Contemporary Romanian Language (CoRoLa) with the syntactic level of annotations, which would allow users to address queries about the syntax of Romanian sentences, in the Universal Dependency model. After a short introduction of CoRoLa, we describe the treebanks used to train the dependency parser, we show the evaluation results and the process of upgrading CoRoLa with the new level of annotations. The parser displaying the best accuracy with respect to recognition of heads and relations, out of three variants trained on manually built treebanks, was chosen. Keywords: Syntactic annotation, treebank, corpus, maltparser


bib (full) Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse

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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse
Chloé Braud | Christian Hardmeier | Junyi Jessy Li | Annie Louis | Michael Strube

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How does discourse affect Spanish-Chinese Translation? A case study based on a Spanish-Chinese parallel corpus
Shuyuan Cao

With their huge speaking populations in the world, Spanish and Chinese occupy important positions in linguistic studies. Since the two languages come from different language systems, the translation between Spanish and Chinese is complicated. A comparative study for the language pair can discover the discourse differences between Spanish and Chinese, and can benefit the Spanish-Chinese translation. In this work, based on a Spanish-Chinese parallel corpus annotated with discourse information, we compare the annotation results between the language pair and analyze how discourse affects Spanish-Chinese translation. The research results in our study can help human translators who work with the language pair.

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Beyond Adjacency Pairs: Hierarchical Clustering of Long Sequences for Human-Machine Dialogues
Maitreyee Maitreyee

This work proposes a framework to predict sequences in dialogues, using turn based syntactic features and dialogue control functions. Syntactic features were extracted using dependency parsing, while dialogue control functions were manually labelled. These features were transformed using tf-idf and word embedding; feature selection was done using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). We ran experiments on six combinations of features to predict sequences with Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering. An analysis of the clustering results indicate that using word embeddings and syntactic features, significantly improved the results.

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Using Type Information to Improve Entity Coreference Resolution
Sopan Khosla | Carolyn Rose

Coreference resolution (CR) is an essential part of discourse analysis. Most recently, neural approaches have been proposed to improve over SOTA models from earlier paradigms. So far none of the published neural models leverage external semantic knowledge such as type information. This paper offers the first such model and evaluation, demonstrating modest gains in accuracy by introducing either gold standard or predicted types. In the proposed approach, type information serves both to (1) improve mention representation and (2) create a soft type consistency check between coreference candidate mentions. Our evaluation covers two different grain sizes of types over four different benchmark corpora.

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Exploring Span Representations in Neural Coreference Resolution
Patrick Kahardipraja | Olena Vyshnevska | Sharid Loáiciga

In coreference resolution, span representations play a key role to predict coreference links accurately. We present a thorough examination of the span representation derived by applying BERT on coreference resolution (Joshi et al., 2019) using a probing model. Our results show that the span representation is able to encode a significant amount of coreference information. In addition, we find that the head-finding attention mechanism involved in creating the spans is crucial in encoding coreference knowledge. Last, our analysis shows that the span representation cannot capture non-local coreference as efficiently as local coreference.

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Supporting Comedy Writers: Predicting Audience’s Response from Sketch Comedy and Crosstalk Scripts
Maolin Li

Sketch comedy and crosstalk are two popular types of comedy. They can relieve people’s stress and thus benefit their mental health, especially when performances and scripts are high-quality. However, writing a script is time-consuming and its quality is difficult to achieve. In order to minimise the time and effort needed for producing an excellent script, we explore ways of predicting the audience’s response from the comedy scripts. For this task, we present a corpus of annotated scripts from popular television entertainment programmes in recent years. Annotations include a) text classification labels, indicating which actor’s lines made the studio audience laugh; b) information extraction labels, i.e. the text spans that made the audience laughed immediately after the performers said them. The corpus will also be useful for dialogue systems and discourse analysis, since our annotations are based on entire scripts. In addition, we evaluate different baseline algorithms. Experimental results demonstrate that BERT models can achieve the best predictions among all the baseline methods. Furthermore, we conduct an error analysis and investigate predictions across scripts with different styles.

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Exploring Coreference Features in Heterogeneous Data
Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski | Kerstin Kunz

The present paper focuses on variation phenomena in coreference chains. We address the hypothesis that the degree of structural variation between chain elements depends on language-specific constraints and preferences and, even more, on the communicative situation of language production. We define coreference features that also include reference to abstract entities and events. These features are inspired through several sources – cognitive parameters, pragmatic factors and typological status. We pay attention to the distributions of these features in a dataset containing English and German texts of spoken and written discourse mode, which can be classified into seven different registers. We apply text classification and feature selection to find out how these variational dimensions (language, mode and register) impact on coreference features. Knowledge on the variation under analysis is valuable for contrastive linguistics, translation studies and multilingual natural language processing (NLP), e.g. machine translation or cross-lingual coreference resolution.

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Contextualized Embeddings for Connective Disambiguation in Shallow Discourse Parsing
René Knaebel | Manfred Stede

This paper studies a novel model that simplifies the disambiguation of connectives for explicit discourse relations. We use a neural approach that integrates contextualized word embeddings and predicts whether a connective candidate is part of a discourse relation or not. We study the influence of those context-specific embeddings. Further, we show the benefit of training the tasks of connective disambiguation and sense classification together at the same time. The success of our approach is supported by state-of-the-art results.

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DSNDM: Deep Siamese Neural Discourse Model with Attention for Text Pairs Categorization and Ranking
Alexander Chernyavskiy | Dmitry Ilvovsky

In this paper, the utility and advantages of the discourse analysis for text pairs categorization and ranking are investigated. We consider two tasks in which discourse structure seems useful and important: automatic verification of political statements, and ranking in question answering systems. We propose a neural network based approach to learn the match between pairs of discourse tree structures. To this end, the neural TreeLSTM model is modified to effectively encode discourse trees and DSNDM model based on it is suggested to analyze pairs of texts. In addition, the integration of the attention mechanism in the model is proposed. Moreover, different ranking approaches are investigated for the second task. In the paper, the comparison with state-of-the-art methods is given. Experiments illustrate that combination of neural networks and discourse structure in DSNDM is effective since it reaches top results in the assigned tasks. The evaluation also demonstrates that discourse analysis improves quality for the processing of longer texts.

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Do sentence embeddings capture discourse properties of sentences from Scientific Abstracts ?
Laurine Huber | Chaker Memmadi | Mathilde Dargnat | Yannick Toussaint

We introduce four tasks designed to determine which sentence encoders best capture discourse properties of sentences from scientific abstracts, namely coherence and cohesion between clauses of a sentence, and discourse relations within sentences. We show that even if contextual encoders such as BERT or SciBERT encodes the coherence in discourse units, they do not help to predict three discourse relations commonly used in scientific abstracts. We discuss what these results underline, namely that these discourse relations are based on particular phrasing that allow non-contextual encoders to perform well.

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Joint Modeling of Arguments for Event Understanding
Yunmo Chen | Tongfei Chen | Benjamin Van Durme

We recognize the task of event argument linking in documents as similar to that of intent slot resolution in dialogue, providing a Transformer-based model that extends from a recently proposed solution to resolve references to slots. The approach allows for joint consideration of argument candidates given a detected event, which we illustrate leads to state-of-the-art performance in multi-sentence argument linking.

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Analyzing Neural Discourse Coherence Models
Youmna Farag | Josef Valvoda | Helen Yannakoudakis | Ted Briscoe

In this work, we systematically investigate how well current models of coherence can capture aspects of text implicated in discourse organisation. We devise two datasets of various linguistic alterations that undermine coherence and test model sensitivity to changes in syntax and semantics. We furthermore probe discourse embedding space and examine the knowledge that is encoded in representations of coherence. We hope this study shall provide further insight into how to frame the task and improve models of coherence assessment further. Finally, we make our datasets publicly available as a resource for researchers to use to test discourse coherence models.

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Computational Interpretations of Recency for the Choice of Referring Expressions in Discourse
Fahime Same | Kees van Deemter

First, we discuss the most common linguistic perspectives on the concept of recency and propose a taxonomy of recency metrics employed in Machine Learning studies for choosing the form of referring expressions in discourse context. We then report on a Multi-Layer Perceptron study and a Sequential Forward Search experiment, followed by Bayes Factor analysis of the outcomes. The results suggest that recency metrics counting paragraphs and sentences contribute to referential choice prediction more than other recency-related metrics. Based on the results of our analysis, we argue that, sensitivity to discourse structure is important for recency metrics used in determining referring expression forms.

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Do We Really Need That Many Parameters In Transformer For Extractive Summarization? Discourse Can Help !
Wen Xiao | Patrick Huber | Giuseppe Carenini

The multi-head self-attention of popular transformer models is widely used within Natural Language Processing (NLP), including for the task of extractive summarization. With the goal of analyzing and pruning the parameter-heavy self-attention mechanism, there are multiple approaches proposing more parameter-light self-attention alternatives. In this paper, we present a novel parameter-lean self-attention mechanism using discourse priors. Our new tree self-attention is based on document-level discourse information, extending the recently proposed “Synthesizer” framework with another lightweight alternative. We show empirical results that our tree self-attention approach achieves competitive ROUGE-scores on the task of extractive summarization. When compared to the original single-head transformer model, the tree attention approach reaches similar performance on both, EDU and sentence level, despite the significant reduction of parameters in the attention component. We further significantly outperform the 8-head transformer model on sentence level when applying a more balanced hyper-parameter setting, requiring an order of magnitude less parameters.

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Extending Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition to the PDTB-3
Li Liang | Zheng Zhao | Bonnie Webber

The PDTB-3 contains many more Implicit discourse relations than the previous PDTB-2. This is in part because implicit relations have now been annotated within sentences as well as between them. In addition, some now co-occur with explicit discourse relations, instead of standing on their own. Here we show that while this can complicate the problem of identifying the location of implicit discourse relations, it can in turn simplify the problem of identifying their senses. We present data to support this claim, as well as methods that can serve as a non-trivial baseline for future state-of-the-art recognizers for implicit discourse relations.

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TED-MDB Lexicons: Tr-EnConnLex, Pt-EnConnLex
Murathan Kurfalı | Sibel Ozer | Deniz Zeyrek | Amália Mendes

In this work, we present two new bilingual discourse connective lexicons, namely, for Turkish-English and European Portuguese-English created automatically using the existing discourse relation-aligned TED-MDB corpus. In their current form, the Pt-En lexicon includes 95 entries, whereas the Tr-En lexicon contains 133 entries. The lexicons constitute the first step of a larger project of developing a multilingual discourse connective lexicon.

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Evaluation of Coreference Resolution Systems Under Adversarial Attacks
Haixia Chai | Wei Zhao | Steffen Eger | Michael Strube

A substantial overlap of coreferent mentions in the CoNLL dataset magnifies the recent progress on coreference resolution. This is because the CoNLL benchmark fails to evaluate the ability of coreference resolvers that requires linking novel mentions unseen at train time. In this work, we create a new dataset based on CoNLL, which largely decreases mention overlaps in the entire dataset and exposes the limitations of published resolvers on two aspects—lexical inference ability and understanding of low-level orthographic noise. Our findings show (1) the requirements for embeddings, used in resolvers, and for coreference resolutions are, by design, in conflict and (2) adversarial approaches are sometimes not legitimate to mitigate the obstacles, as they may falsely introduce mention overlaps in adversarial training and test sets, thus giving an inflated impression for the improvements.

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Coreference for Discourse Parsing: A Neural Approach
Grigorii Guz | Giuseppe Carenini

We present preliminary results on investigating the benefits of coreference resolution features for neural RST discourse parsing by considering different levels of coupling of the discourse parser with the coreference resolver. In particular, starting with a strong baseline neural parser unaware of any coreference information, we compare a parser which utilizes only the output of a neural coreference resolver, with a more sophisticated model, where discourse parsing and coreference resolution are jointly learned in a neural multitask fashion. Results indicate that these initial attempts to incorporate coreference information do not boost the performance of discourse parsing in a statistically significant way.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Workshop on the Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon

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Proceedings of the Workshop on the Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon
Michael Zock | Emmanuele Chersoni | Alessandro Lenci | Enrico Santus

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Individual corpora predict fast memory retrieval during reading
Markus J. Hofmann | Lara Müller | Andre Rölke | Ralph Radach | Chris Biemann

The corpus, from which a predictive language model is trained, can be considered the experience of a semantic system. We recorded everyday reading of two participants for two months on a tablet, generating individual corpus samples of 300/500K tokens. Then we trained word2vec models from individual corpora and a 70 million-sentence newspaper corpus to obtain individual and norm-based long-term memory structure. To test whether individual corpora can make better predictions for a cognitive task of long-term memory retrieval, we generated stimulus materials consisting of 134 sentences with uncorrelated individual and norm-based word probabilities. For the subsequent eye tracking study 1-2 months later, our regression analyses revealed that individual, but not norm-corpus-based word probabilities can account for first-fixation duration and first-pass gaze duration. Word length additionally affected gaze duration and total viewing duration. The results suggest that corpora representative for an individual’s long-term memory structure can better explain reading performance than a norm corpus, and that recently acquired information is lexically accessed rapidly.

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Investigating Rich Feature Sources for Conceptual Representation Encoding
Lu Cao | Yulong Chen | Dandan Huang | Yue Zhang

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) provides a means to investigate human conceptual representation in cognitive and neuroscience studies, where researchers predict the fMRI activations with elicited stimuli inputs. Previous work mainly uses a single source of features, particularly linguistic features, to predict fMRI activations. However, relatively little work has been done on investigating rich-source features for conceptual representation. In this paper, we systematically compare the linguistic, visual as well as auditory input features in conceptual representation, and further introduce associative conceptual features, which are obtained from Small World of Words game, to predict fMRI activations. Our experimental results show that those rich-source features can enhance performance in predicting the fMRI activations. Our analysis indicates that information from rich sources is present in the conceptual representation of human brains. In particular, the visual feature weights the most on conceptual representation, which is consistent with the recent cognitive science study.

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General patterns and language variation: Word frequencies across English, German, and Chinese
Annika Tjuka

Cross-linguistic studies of concepts provide valuable insights for the investigation of the mental lexicon. Recent developments of cross-linguistic databases facilitate an exploration of a diverse set of languages on the basis of comparative concepts. These databases make use of a well-established reference catalog, the Concepticon, which is built from concept lists published in linguistics. A recently released feature of the Concepticon includes data on norms, ratings, and relations for words and concepts. The present study used data on word frequencies to test two hypotheses. First, I examined the assumption that related languages (i.e., English and German) share concepts with more similar frequencies than non-related languages (i.e., English and Chinese). Second, the variation of frequencies across both language pairs was explored to answer the question of whether the related languages share fewer concepts with a large difference between the frequency than the non-related languages. The findings indicate that related languages experience less variation in their frequencies. If there is variation, it seems to be due to cultural and structural differences. The implications of this study are far-reaching in that it exemplifies the use of cross-linguistic data for the study of the mental lexicon.

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Less is Better: A cognitively inspired unsupervised model for language segmentation
Jinbiao Yang | Stefan L. Frank | Antal van den Bosch

Language users process utterances by segmenting them into many cognitive units, which vary in their sizes and linguistic levels. Although we can do such unitization/segmentation easily, its cognitive mechanism is still not clear. This paper proposes an unsupervised model, Less-is-Better (LiB), to simulate the human cognitive process with respect to language unitization/segmentation. LiB follows the principle of least effort and aims to build a lexicon which minimizes the number of unit tokens (alleviating the effort of analysis) and number of unit types (alleviating the effort of storage) at the same time on any given corpus. LiB’s workflow is inspired by empirical cognitive phenomena. The design makes the mechanism of LiB cognitively plausible and the computational requirement light-weight. The lexicon generated by LiB performs the best among different types of lexicons (e.g. ground-truth words) both from an information-theoretical view and a cognitive view, which suggests that the LiB lexicon may be a plausible proxy of the mental lexicon.

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The CogALex Shared Task on Monolingual and Multilingual Identification of Semantic Relations
Rong Xiang | Emmanuele Chersoni | Luca Iacoponi | Enrico Santus

The shared task of the CogALex-VI workshop focuses on the monolingual and multilingual identification of semantic relations. We provided training and validation data for the following languages: English, German and Chinese. Given a word pair, systems had to be trained to identify which relation holds between them, with possible choices being synonymy, antonymy, hypernymy and no relation at all. Two test sets were released for evaluating the participating systems. One containing pairs for each of the training languages (systems were evaluated in a monolingual fashion) and the other proposing a surprise language to test the crosslingual transfer capabilities of the systems. Among the submitted systems, top performance was achieved by a transformer-based model in both the monolingual and in the multilingual setting, for all the tested languages, proving the potentials of this recently-introduced neural architecture. The shared task description and the results are available at https://sites.google.com/site/cogalexvisharedtask/.

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Extracting meaning by idiomaticity: Description of the HSemID system at CogALex VI (2020)
Jean-Pierre Colson

The HSemID system, submitted to the CogALex VI Shared Task is a hybrid system relying mainly on metric clusters measured in large web corpora, complemented by a vector space model using cosine similarity to detect semantic associations. Although the system reached ra-ther weak results for the subcategories of synonyms, antonyms and hypernyms, with some dif-ferences from one language to another, it is able to measure general semantic associations (as being random or not-random) with an F1 score close to 0.80. The results strongly suggest that idiomatic constructions play a fundamental role in semantic associations. Further experiments are necessary in order to fine-tune the model to the subcategories of synonyms, antonyms, hy-pernyms and to explain surprising differences across languages. 1 Introduction

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CogALex-VI Shared Task: Transrelation - A Robust Multilingual Language Model for Multilingual Relation Identification
Lennart Wachowiak | Christian Lang | Barbara Heinisch | Dagmar Gromann

We describe our submission to the CogALex-VI shared task on the identification of multilingual paradigmatic relations building on XLM-RoBERTa (XLM-R), a robustly optimized and multilingual BERT model. In spite of several experiments with data augmentation, data addition and ensemble methods with a Siamese Triple Net, Translrelation, the XLM-R model with a linear classifier adapted to this specific task, performed best in testing and achieved the best results in the final evaluation of the shared task, even for a previously unseen language.

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CogALex-VI Shared Task: Bidirectional Transformer based Identification of Semantic Relations
Saurav Karmakar | John P. McCrae

This paper presents a bidirectional transformer based approach for recognising semantic relationships between a pair of words as proposed by CogALex VI shared task in 2020. The system presented here works by employing BERT embeddings of the words and passing the same over tuned neural network to produce a learning model for the pair of words and their relationships. Afterwards the very same model is used for the relationship between unknown words from the test set. CogALex VI provided Subtask 1 as the identification of relationship of three specific categories amongst English pair of words and the presented system opts to work on that. The resulted relationships of the unknown words are analysed here which shows a balanced performance in overall characteristics with some scope for improvement.

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Leveraging Contextual Embeddings and Idiom Principle for Detecting Idiomaticity in Potentially Idiomatic Expressions
Reyhaneh Hashempour | Aline Villavicencio

The majority of studies on detecting idiomatic expressions have focused on discovering potentially idiomatic expressions overlooking the context. However, many idioms like blow the whistle could be interpreted idiomatically or literally depending on the context. In this work, we leverage the Idiom Principle (Sinclair et al., 1991) and contextualized word embeddings (CWEs), focusing on Context2Vec (Melamud et al., 2016) and BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) to distinguish between literal and idiomatic senses of such expressions in context. We also experiment with a non-contextualized word embedding baseline, in this case word2Vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) and compare its performance with that of CWEs. The results show that CWEs outperform the non-CWEs, especially when the Idiom Principle is applied, as it improves the results by 6%. We further show that the Context2Vec model, trained based on Idiom Principle, can place potentially idiomatic expressions into distinct ‘sense’ (idiomatic/literal) regions of the embedding space, whereas Word2Vec and BERT seem to lack this capacity. The model is also capable of producing suitable substitutes for ambiguous expressions in context which is promising for downstream tasks like text simplification.

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Definition Extraction Feature Analysis: From Canonical to Naturally-Occurring Definitions
Mireia Roig Mirapeix | Luis Espinosa Anke | Jose Camacho-Collados

Textual definitions constitute a fundamental source of knowledge when seeking the meaning of words, and they are the cornerstone of lexical resources like glossaries, dictionaries, encyclopedia or thesauri. In this paper, we present an in-depth analytical study on the main features relevant to the task of definition extraction. Our main goal is to study whether linguistic structures from canonical (the Aristotelian or genus et differentia model) can be leveraged to retrieve definitions from corpora in different domains of knowledge and textual genres alike. To this end, we develop a simple linear classifier and analyze the contribution of several (sets of) linguistic features. Finally, as a result of our experiments, we also shed light on the particularities of existing benchmarks as well as the most challenging aspects of the task.

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Speech Disfluencies occur at Higher Perplexities
Priyanka Sen

Speech disfluencies have been hypothesized to occur before words that are less predictable and therefore more cognitively demanding. In this paper, we revisit this hypothesis by using OpenAI’s GPT-2 to calculate predictability of words as language model perplexity. Using the Switchboard corpus, we find that 51% of disfluencies occur at the highest, second highest, or within one token of the highest perplexity, and this distribution is not random. We also show that disfluencies precede words with significantly higher perplexity than fluent contexts. Based on our results, we offer new evidence that disfluencies are more likely to occur before less predictable words.

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Bilingual Lexical Access and Cognate Idiom Comprehension
Eve Fleisig

Language transfer can facilitate learning L2 words whose form and meaning are similar to L1 words, or hinder speakers when the languages differ. L2 idioms introduce another layer of challenge, as language transfer could occur on the literal or figurative level of meaning. Thus, the mechanics of language transfer for idiom processing shed light on how literal and figurative meaning is stored in the bilingual lexicon. Three factors appear to influence how language transfer affects idiom comprehension: bilingual fluency, processing of literal-figurative vs. figurative cognate idioms (idioms with the same wording and meaning in both languages, or the same meaning only), and comprehension of literal vs. figurative meaning of a given idiom. To examine the relationship between these factors, this study investigated English-Spanish bilinguals’ reaction time on a lexical decision task examining literal-figurative and figurative cognate idioms. The results suggest that fluency increases processing speed rather than slow it down due to language transfer, and that language transfer from L1 to L2 occurs on the level of figurative meaning in L1-dominant bilinguals.

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Schwa-deletion in German noun-noun compounds
Tom S Juzek | Jana Haeussler

We report ongoing research on linking elements in German compounds, with a focus on noun-noun compounds in which the first constituent is ending in schwa. We present a corpus of about 3000 nouns ending in schwa, annotated for various phonological and morpho-syntactic features, and critically, the dominant linking strategy. The corpus analysis is complemented by an unsuccessful attempt to train neural networks and by a pilot experiment asking native speakers to indicate their preferred linking strategy. In addition to existing nouns, the experimental stimuli included nonce words, also ending in schwa. While neither the corpus study nor the experiment offer a clear picture, the results nevertheless provide interesting insights into the intricacies of German compounding. Overall, we find a predominance of the paradigmatic linking element -n for feminine and masculine nouns. At the same time, the results for nonce words show that -n is not a default strategy.

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Translating Collocations: The Need for Task-driven Word Associations
Oi Yee Kwong

Existing dictionaries may help collocation translation by suggesting associated words in the form of collocations, thesaurus, and example sentences. We propose to enhance them with task-driven word associations, illustrating the need by a few scenarios and outlining a possible approach based on word embedding. An example is given, using pre-trained word embedding, while more extensive investigation with more refined methods and resources is underway.

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Characterizing Dynamic Word Meaning Representations in the Brain
Nora Aguirre-Celis | Risto Miikkulainen

During sentence comprehension, humans adjust word meanings according to the combination of the concepts that occur in the sentence. This paper presents a neural network model called CEREBRA (Context-dEpendent meaning REpresentation in the BRAin) that demonstrates this process based on fMRI sentence patterns and the Concept Attribute Rep-resentation (CAR) theory. In several experiments, CEREBRA is used to quantify conceptual combination effect and demonstrate that it matters to humans. Such context-based representations could be used in future natural language processing systems allowing them to mirror human performance more accurately.

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Contextualized Word Embeddings Encode Aspects of Human-Like Word Sense Knowledge
Sathvik Nair | Mahesh Srinivasan | Stephan Meylan

Understanding context-dependent variation in word meanings is a key aspect of human language comprehension supported by the lexicon. Lexicographic resources (e.g., WordNet) capture only some of this context-dependent variation; for example, they often do not encode how closely senses, or discretized word meanings, are related to one another. Our work investigates whether recent advances in NLP, specifically contextualized word embeddings, capture human-like distinctions between English word senses, such as polysemy and homonymy. We collect data from a behavioral, web-based experiment, in which participants provide judgments of the relatedness of multiple WordNet senses of a word in a two-dimensional spatial arrangement task. We find that participants’ judgments of the relatedness between senses are correlated with distances between senses in the BERT embedding space. Specifically, homonymous senses (e.g., bat as mammal vs. bat as sports equipment) are reliably more distant from one another in the embedding space than polysemous ones (e.g., chicken as animal vs. chicken as meat). Our findings point towards the potential utility of continuous-space representations of sense meanings.

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Automatic Word Association Norms (AWAN)
Jorge Reyes-Magaña | Gerardo Sierra Martínez | Gemma Bel-Enguix | Helena Gomez-Adorno

Word Association Norms (WAN) are collections that present stimuli words and the set of their associated responses. The corpus is widely used in diverse areas of expertise. In order to reduce the effort to have a good quality resource that can be reproduced in many languages with minimum sources, a methodology to build Automatic Word Association Norms is proposed (AWAN). The methodology has an input of two simple elements: a) dictionary, and b) pre-processed Word Embeddings. This new kind of WAN is evaluated in two ways: i) learning word embeddings based on the node2vec algorithm and comparing them with human annotated benchmarks, and ii) performing a lexical search for a reverse dictionary. Both evaluations are done in a weighted graph with the AWAN lexical elements. The results showed that the methodology produces good quality AWANs.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Computational Terminology

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Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Computational Terminology
Béatrice Daille | Kyo Kageura | Ayla Rigouts Terryn

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Automatic Term Extraction from Newspaper Corpora: Making the Most of Specificity and Common Features
Patrick Drouin | Jean-Benoît Morel | Marie-Claude L’ Homme

The first step of any terminological work is to setup a reliable, specialized corpus composed of documents written by specialists and then to apply automatic term extraction (ATE) methods to this corpus in order to retrieve a first list of potential terms. In this paper, the experiment we describe differs quite drastically from this usual process since we are applying ATE to unspecialized corpora. The corpus used for this study was built from newspaper articles retrieved from the Web using a short list of keywords. The general intuition on which this research is based is that ATE based corpus comparison techniques can be used to capture both similarities and dissimilarities between corpora. The former are exploited through a termhood measure and the latter through word embeddings. Our initial results were validated manually and show that combining a traditional ATE method that focuses on dissimilarities between corpora to newer methods that exploit similarities (more specifically distributional features of candidates) leads to promising results.

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TermPortal: A Workbench for Automatic Term Extraction from Icelandic Texts
Steinþór Steingrímsson | Ágústa Þorbergsdóttir | Hjalti Danielsson | Gunnar Thor Ornolfsson

Automatic term extraction (ATE) from texts is critical for effective terminology work in small speech communities. We present TermPortal, a workbench for terminology work in Iceland, featuring the first ATE system for Icelandic. The tool facilitates standardization in terminology work in Iceland, as it exports data in standard formats in order to streamline gathering and distribution of the material. In the project we focus on the domain of finance in order to do be able to fulfill the needs of an important and large field. We present a comprehensive survey amongst the most prominent organizations in that field, the results of which emphasize the need for a good, up-to-date and accessible termbank and the willingness to use terms in Icelandic. Furthermore we present the ATE tool for Icelandic, which uses a variety of methods and shows great potential with a recall rate of up to 95% and a high C-value, indicating that it competently finds term candidates that are important to the input text.

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Translating Knowledge Representations with Monolingual Word Embeddings: the Case of a Thesaurus on Corporate Non-Financial Reporting
Martín Quesada Zaragoza | Lianet Sepúlveda Torres | Jérôme Basdevant

A common method of structuring information extracted from textual data is using a knowledge model (e.g. a thesaurus) to organise the information semantically. Creating and managing a knowledge model is already a costly task in terms of human effort, not to mention making it multilingual. Multilingual knowledge modelling is a common problem for both transnational organisations and organisations providing text analytics that want to analyse information in more than one language. Many organisations tend to develop their language resources first in one language (often English). When it comes to analysing data sources in other languages, either a lot of effort has to be invested in recreating the same knowledge base in a different language or the data itself has to be translated into the language of the knowledge model. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised method to automatically induce a given thesaurus into another language using only comparable monolingual corpora. The aim of this proposal is to employ cross-lingual word embeddings to map the set of topics in an already-existing English thesaurus into Spanish. With this in mind, we describe different approaches to generate the Spanish thesaurus terms and offer an extrinsic evaluation by using the obtained thesaurus, which covers non-financial topics in a multi-label document classification task, and we compare the results across these approaches.

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Which Dependency Parser to Use for Distributional Semantics in a Specialized Domain?
Pauline Brunet | Olivier Ferret | Ludovic Tanguy

We present a study whose objective is to compare several dependency parsers for English applied to a specialized corpus for building distributional count-based models from syntactic dependencies. One of the particularities of this study is to focus on the concepts of the target domain, which mainly occur in documents as multi-terms and must be aligned with the outputs of the parsers. We compare a set of ten parsers in terms of syntactic triplets but also in terms of distributional neighbors extracted from the models built from these triplets, both with and without an external reference concerning the semantic relations between concepts. We show more particularly that some patterns of proximity between these parsers can be observed across our different evaluations, which could give insights for anticipating the performance of a parser for building distributional models from a given corpus

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Leveraging the Inherent Hierarchy of Vacancy Titles for Automated Job Ontology Expansion
Jeroen Van Hautte | Vincent Schelstraete | Mikaël Wornoo

Machine learning plays an ever-bigger part in online recruitment, powering intelligent matchmaking and job recommendations across many of the world’s largest job platforms. However, the main text is rarely enough to fully understand a job posting: more often than not, much of the required information is condensed into the job title. Several organised efforts have been made to map job titles onto a hand-made knowledge base as to provide this information, but these only cover around 60% of online vacancies. We introduce a novel, purely data-driven approach towards the detection of new job titles. Our method is conceptually simple, extremely efficient and competitive with traditional NER-based approaches. Although the standalone application of our method does not outperform a finetuned BERT model, it can be applied as a preprocessing step as well, substantially boosting accuracy across several architectures.

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Terminology in Written Medical Reports: A Proposal of Text Enrichment to Favour its Comprehension by the Patient
Rosa Estopà | Alejandra López-Fuentes | Jorge M. Porras-Garzon

The empowerment of the population and the democratisation of information regarding healthcare have revealed that there is a communication gap between health professionals and patients. The latter are constantly receiving more and more written information about their healthcare visits and treatments, but that does not mean they understand it. In this paper we focus on the patient’s lack of comprehension of medical reports. After linguistically characterising the medical report, we present the results of a survey that showed that patients have serious comprehension difficulties concerning the medical reports they receive, specifically problems regarding the medical terminology used in these texts, specifically in Spanish and Catalan. To favour the understanding of medical reports, we propose an automatic text enrichment strategy that generates linguistically and cognitively enriched medical reports which are more comprehensible to the patient, and which focus on the parts of the medical report that most interest the patient: the diagnosis and treatment sections.

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A study of semantic projection from single word terms to multi-word terms in the environment domain
Yizhe Wang | Beatrice Daille | Nabil Hathout

The semantic projection method is often used in terminology structuring to infer semantic relations between terms. Semantic projection relies upon the assumption of semantic compositionality: the relation that links simple term pairs remains valid in pairs of complex terms built from these simple terms. This paper proposes to investigate whether this assumption commonly adopted in natural language processing is actually valid. First, we describe the process of constructing a list of semantically linked multi-word terms (MWTs) related to the environmental field through the extraction of semantic variants. Second, we present our analysis of the results from the semantic projection. We find that contexts play an essential role in defining the relations between MWTs.

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The NetViz terminology visualization tool and the use cases in karstology domain modeling
Senja Pollak | Vid Podpečan | Dragana Miljkovic | Uroš Stepišnik | Špela Vintar

We present the NetViz terminology visualization tool and apply it to the domain modeling of karstology, a subfield of geography studying karst phenomena. The developed tool allows for high-performance online network visualization where the user can upload the terminological data in a simple CSV format, define the nodes (terms, categories), edges (relations) and their properties (by assigning different node colors), and then edit and interactively explore domain knowledge in the form of a network. We showcase the usefulness of the tool on examples from the karstology domain, where in the first use case we visualize the domain knowledge as represented in a manually annotated corpus of domain definitions, while in the second use case we show the power of visualization for domain understanding by visualizing automatically extracted knowledge in the form of triplets extracted from the karstology domain corpus. The application is entirely web-based without any need for downloading or special configuration. The source code of the web application is also available under the permissive MIT license, allowing future extensions for developing new terminological applications.

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Towards Automatic Thesaurus Construction and Enrichment.
Amir Hazem | Beatrice Daille | Lanza Claudia

Thesaurus construction with minimum human efforts often relies on automatic methods to discover terms and their relations. Hence, the quality of a thesaurus heavily depends on the chosen methodologies for: (i) building its content (terminology extraction task) and (ii) designing its structure (semantic similarity task). The performance of the existing methods on automatic thesaurus construction is still less accurate than the handcrafted ones of which is important to highlight the drawbacks to let new strategies build more accurate thesauri models. In this paper, we will provide a systematic analysis of existing methods for both tasks and discuss their feasibility based on an Italian Cybersecurity corpus. In particular, we will provide a detailed analysis on how the semantic relationships network of a thesaurus can be automatically built, and investigate the ways to enrich the terminological scope of a thesaurus by taking into account the information contained in external domain-oriented semantic sets.

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Supporting terminology extraction with dependency parses
Malgorzata Marciniak | Piotr Rychlik | Agnieszka Mykowiecka

Terminology extraction procedure usually consists of selecting candidates for terms and ordering them according to their importance for the given text or set of texts. Depending on the method used, a list of candidates contains different fractions of grammatically incorrect, semantically odd and irrelevant sequences. The aim of this work was to improve term candidate selection by reducing the number of incorrect sequences using a dependency parser for Polish.

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Computational Aspects of Frame-based Meaning Representation in Terminology
Laura Giacomini | Johannes Schäfer

Our contribution is part of a wider research project on term variation in German and concentrates on the computational aspects of a frame-based model for term meaning representation in the technical field. We focus on the role of frames (in the sense of Frame-Based Terminology) as the semantic interface between concepts covered by a domain ontology and domain-specific terminology. In particular, we describe methods for performing frame-based corpus annotation and frame-based term extraction. The aim of the contribution is to discuss the capacity of the model to automatically acquire semantic knowledge suitable for terminographic information tools such as specialised dictionaries, and its applicability to further specialised languages.

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TermEval 2020: Shared Task on Automatic Term Extraction Using the Annotated Corpora for Term Extraction Research (ACTER) Dataset
Ayla Rigouts Terryn | Veronique Hoste | Patrick Drouin | Els Lefever

The TermEval 2020 shared task provided a platform for researchers to work on automatic term extraction (ATE) with the same dataset: the Annotated Corpora for Term Extraction Research (ACTER). The dataset covers three languages (English, French, and Dutch) and four domains, of which the domain of heart failure was kept as a held-out test set on which final f1-scores were calculated. The aim was to provide a large, transparent, qualitatively annotated, and diverse dataset to the ATE research community, with the goal of promoting comparative research and thus identifying strengths and weaknesses of various state-of-the-art methodologies. The results show a lot of variation between different systems and illustrate how some methodologies reach higher precision or recall, how different systems extract different types of terms, how some are exceptionally good at finding rare terms, or are less impacted by term length. The current contribution offers an overview of the shared task with a comparative evaluation, which complements the individual papers by all participants.

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TermEval 2020: TALN-LS2N System for Automatic Term Extraction
Amir Hazem | Mérieme Bouhandi | Florian Boudin | Beatrice Daille

Automatic terminology extraction is a notoriously difficult task aiming to ease effort demanded to manually identify terms in domain-specific corpora by automatically providing a ranked list of candidate terms. The main ways that addressed this task can be ranged in four main categories: (i) rule-based approaches, (ii) feature-based approaches, (iii) context-based approaches, and (iv) hybrid approaches. For this first TermEval shared task, we explore a feature-based approach, and a deep neural network multitask approach -BERT- that we fine-tune for term extraction. We show that BERT models (RoBERTa for English and CamemBERT for French) outperform other systems for French and English languages.

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TermEval 2020: RACAI’s automatic term extraction system
Vasile Pais | Radu Ion

This paper describes RACAI’s automatic term extraction system, which participated in the TermEval 2020 shared task on English monolingual term extraction. We discuss the system architecture, some of the challenges that we faced as well as present our results in the English competition.

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TermEval 2020: Using TSR Filtering Method to Improve Automatic Term Extraction
Antoni Oliver | Mercè Vàzquez

The identification of terms from domain-specific corpora using computational methods is a highly time-consuming task because terms has to be validated by specialists. In order to improve term candidate selection, we have developed the Token Slot Recognition (TSR) method, a filtering strategy based on terminological tokens which is used to rank extracted term candidates from domain-specific corpora. We have implemented this filtering strategy in TBXTools. In this paper we present the system we have used in the TermEval 2020 shared task on monolingual term extraction. We also present the evaluation results for the system for English, French and Dutch and for two corpora: corruption and heart failure. For English and French we have used a linguistic methodology based on POS patterns, and for Dutch we have used a statistical methodology based on n-grams calculation and filtering with stop-words. For all languages, TSR (Token Slot Recognition) filtering method has been applied. We have obtained competitive results, but there is still room for improvement of the system.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference

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Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference
Maciej Ogrodniczuk | Vincent Ng | Yulia Grishina | Sameer Pradhan

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E.T.: Entity-Transformers. Coreference augmented Neural Language Model for richer mention representations via Entity-Transformer blocks
Nikolaos Stylianou | Ioannis Vlahavas

In the last decade, the field of Neural Language Modelling has witnessed enormous changes, with the development of novel models through the use of Transformer architectures. However, even these models struggle to model long sequences due to memory constraints and increasing computational complexity. Coreference annotations over the training data can provide context far beyond the modelling limitations of such language models. In this paper we present an extension over the Transformer-block architecture used in neural language models, specifically in GPT2, in order to incorporate entity annotations during training. Our model, GPT2E, extends the Transformer layers architecture of GPT2 to Entity-Transformers, an architecture designed to handle coreference information when present. To that end, we achieve richer representations for entity mentions, with insignificant training cost. We show the comparative model performance between GPT2 and GPT2E in terms of Perplexity on the CoNLL 2012 and LAMBADA datasets as well as the key differences in the entity representations and their effects in downstream tasks such as Named Entity Recognition. Furthermore, our approach can be adopted by the majority of Transformer-based language models.

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It’s absolutely divine! Can fine-grained sentiment analysis benefit from coreference resolution?
Orphee De Clercq | Veronique Hoste

While it has been claimed that anaphora or coreference resolution plays an important role in opinion mining, it is not clear to what extent coreference resolution actually boosts performance, if at all. In this paper, we investigate the potential added value of coreference resolution for the aspect-based sentiment analysis of restaurant reviews in two languages, English and Dutch. We focus on the task of aspect category classification and investigate whether including coreference information prior to classification to resolve implicit aspect mentions is beneficial. Because coreference resolution is not a solved task in NLP, we rely on both automatically-derived and gold-standard coreference relations, allowing us to investigate the true upper bound. By training a classifier on a combination of lexical and semantic features, we show that resolving the coreferential relations prior to classification is beneficial in a joint optimization setup. However, this is only the case when relying on gold-standard relations and the result is more outspoken for English than for Dutch. When validating the optimal models, however, we found that only the Dutch pipeline is able to achieve a satisfying performance on a held-out test set and does so regardless of whether coreference information was included.

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Anaphoric Zero Pronoun Identification: A Multilingual Approach
Abdulrahman Aloraini | Massimo Poesio

Pro-drop languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Italian or Japanese allow morphologically null but referential arguments in certain syntactic positions, called anaphoric zero-pronouns. Much NLP work on anaphoric zero-pronouns (AZP) is based on gold mentions, but models for their identification are a fundamental prerequisite for their resolution in real-life applications. Such identification requires complex language understanding and knowledge of real-world entities. Transfer learning models, such as BERT, have recently shown to learn surface, syntactic, and semantic information,which can be very useful in recognizing AZPs. We propose a BERT-based multilingual model for AZP identification from predicted zero pronoun positions, and evaluate it on the Arabic and Chinese portions of OntoNotes 5.0. As far as we know, this is the first neural network model of AZP identification for Arabic; and our approach outperforms the stateof-the-art for Chinese. Experiment results suggest that BERT implicitly encode information about AZPs through their surrounding context.

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Predicting Coreference in Abstract Meaning Representations
Tatiana Anikina | Alexander Koller | Michael Roth

This work addresses coreference resolution in Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) graphs, a popular formalism for semantic parsing. We evaluate several current coreference resolution techniques on a recently published AMR coreference corpus, establishing baselines for future work. We also demonstrate that coreference resolution can improve the accuracy of a state-of-the-art semantic parser on this corpus.

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Sequence to Sequence Coreference Resolution
Gorka Urbizu | Ander Soraluze | Olatz Arregi

Until recently, coreference resolution has been a critical task on the pipeline of any NLP task involving deep language understanding, such as machine translation, chatbots, summarization or sentiment analysis. However, nowadays, those end tasks are learned end-to-end by deep neural networks without adding any explicit knowledge about coreference. Thus, coreference resolution is used less in the training of other NLP tasks or trending pretrained language models. In this paper we present a new approach to face coreference resolution as a sequence to sequence task based on the Transformer architecture. This approach is simple and universal, compatible with any language or dataset (regardless of singletons) and easier to integrate with current language models architectures. We test it on the ARRAU corpus, where we get 65.6 F1 CoNLL. We see this approach not as a final goal, but a means to pretrain sequence to sequence language models (T5) on coreference resolution.

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TwiConv: A Coreference-annotated Corpus of Twitter Conversations
Berfin Aktaş | Annalena Kohnert

This article introduces TwiConv, an English coreference-annotated corpus of microblog conversations from Twitter. We describe the corpus compilation process and the annotation scheme, and release the corpus publicly, along with this paper. We manually annotated nominal coreference in 1756 tweets arranged in 185 conversation threads. The annotation achieves satisfactory annotation agreement results. We also present a new method for mapping the tweet contents with distributed stand-off annotations, which can easily be adapted to different annotation tasks.

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Integrating knowledge graph embeddings to improve mention representation for bridging anaphora resolution
Onkar Pandit | Pascal Denis | Liva Ralaivola

Lexical semantics and world knowledge are crucial for interpreting bridging anaphora. Yet, existing computational methods for acquiring and injecting this type of information into bridging resolution systems suffer important limitations. Based on explicit querying of external knowledge bases, earlier approaches are computationally expensive (hence, hardly scalable) and they map the data to be processed into high-dimensional spaces (careful handling of the curse of dimensionality and overfitting has to be in order). In this work, we take a different and principled approach which naturally addresses these issues. Specifically, we convert the external knowledge source (in this case, WordNet) into a graph, and learn embeddings of the graph nodes of low dimension to capture the crucial features of the graph topology and, at the same time, rich semantic information. Once properly identified from the mention text spans, these low dimensional graph node embeddings are combined with distributional text-based embeddings to provide enhanced mention representations. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach by evaluating it on commonly used datasets, namely ISNotes and BASHI. Our enhanced mention representations yield significant accuracy improvements on both datasets when compared to different standalone text-based mention representations.

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Reference to Discourse Topics: Introducing “Global” Shell Nouns
Fabian Simonjetz

Shell nouns (SNs) are abstract nouns like “fact”, “issue”, and “decision”, which are capable of refer- ring to non-nominal antecedents, much like anaphoric pronouns. As an extension of classical anaphora resolution, the automatic detection of SNs alongside their respective antecedents has received a growing research interest in recent years but proved to be a challenging task. This paper critically examines the assumption prevalent in previous research that SNs are typically accompanied by a specific antecedent, arguing that SNs like “issue” and “decision” are frequently used to refer, not to specific antecedents, but to global discourse topics, in which case they are out of reach of previously proposed resolution strategies that are tailored to SNs with explicit antecedents. The contribution of this work is three-fold. First, the notion of global SNs is defined; second, their qualitative and quantitative impact on previous SN research is investigated; and third, implications for previous and future approaches to SN resolution are discussed.

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A Benchmark of Rule-Based and Neural Coreference Resolution in Dutch Novels and News
Corbèn Poot | Andreas van Cranenburgh

We evaluate a rule-based (Lee et al., 2013) and neural (Lee et al., 2018) coreference system on Dutch datasets of two domains: literary novels and news/Wikipedia text. The results provide insight into the relative strengths of data-driven and knowledge-driven systems, as well as the influence of domain, document length, and annotation schemes. The neural system performs best on news/Wikipedia text, while the rule-based system performs best on literature. The neural system shows weaknesses with limited training data and long documents, while the rule-based system is affected by annotation differences. The code and models used in this paper are available at https://github.com/andreasvc/crac2020

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Partially-supervised Mention Detection
Lesly Miculicich | James Henderson

Learning to detect entity mentions without using syntactic information can be useful for integration and joint optimization with other tasks. However, it is common to have partially annotated data for this problem. Here, we investigate two approaches to deal with partial annotation of mentions: weighted loss and soft-target classification. We also propose two neural mention detection approaches: a sequence tagging, and an exhaustive search. We evaluate our methods with coreference resolution as a downstream task, using multitask learning. The results show that the recall and F1 score improve for all methods.

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Neural Coreference Resolution for Arabic
Abdulrahman Aloraini | Juntao Yu | Massimo Poesio

No neural coreference resolver for Arabic exists, in fact we are not aware of any learning-based coreference resolver for Arabic since (Björkelund and Kuhn, 2014). In this paper, we introduce a coreference resolution system for Arabic based on Lee et al’s end-to-end architecture combined with the Arabic version of bert and an external mention detector. As far as we know, this is the first neural coreference resolution system aimed specifically to Arabic, and it substantially outperforms the existing state-of-the-art on OntoNotes 5.0 with a gain of 15.2 points conll F1. We also discuss the current limitations of the task for Arabic and possible approaches that can tackle these challenges.

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Enhanced Labelling in Active Learning for Coreference Resolution
Vebjørn Espeland | Beatrice Alex | Benjamin Bach

In this paper we describe our attempt to increase the amount of information that can be retrieved through active learning sessions compared to previous approaches. We optimise the annotator’s labelling process using active learning in the context of coreference resolution. Using simulated active learning experiments, we suggest three adjustments to ensure the labelling time is spent as efficiently as possible. All three adjustments provide more information to the machine learner than the baseline, though a large impact on the F1 score over time is not observed. Compared to previous models, we report a marginal F1 improvement on the final coreference models trained using for two out of the three approaches tested when applied to the English OntoNotes 2012 Coreference Resolution data. Our best-performing model achieves 58.01 F1, an increase of 0.93 F1 over the baseline model.

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Reference in Team Communication for Robot-Assisted Disaster Response: An Initial Analysis
Natalia Skachkova | Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova

We analyze reference phenomena in a corpus of robot-assisted disaster response team communication. The annotation scheme we designed for this purpose distinguishes different types of entities, roles, reference units and relations. We focus particularly on mission-relevant objects, locations and actors and also annotate a rich set of reference links, including co-reference and various other kinds of relations. We explain the categories used in our annotation, present their distribution in the corpus and discuss challenging cases.

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Resolving Pronouns in Twitter Streams: Context can Help!
Anietie Andy | Chris Callison-Burch | Derry Tanti Wijaya

Many people live-tweet televised events like Presidential debates and popular TV-shows and discuss people or characters in the event. Naturally, many tweets make pronominal reference to these people/characters. We propose an algorithm for resolving personal pronouns that make reference to people involved in an event, in tweet streams collected during the event.

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Coreference Strategies in English-German Translation
Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski | Marie-Pauline Krielke | Christian Hardmeier

We present a study focusing on variation of coreferential devices in English original TED talks and news texts and their German translations. Using exploratory techniques we contemplate a diverse set of coreference devices as features which we assume indicate language-specific and register-based variation as well as potential translation strategies. Our findings reflect differences on both dimensions with stronger variation along the lines of register than between languages. By exposing interactions between text type and cross-linguistic variation, they can also inform multilingual NLP applications, especially machine translation.

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Sequence-to-Sequence Networks Learn the Meaning of Reflexive Anaphora
Robert Frank | Jackson Petty

Reflexive anaphora present a challenge for semantic interpretation: their meaning varies depending on context in a way that appears to require abstract variables. Past work has raised doubts about the ability of recurrent networks to meet this challenge. In this paper, we explore this question in the context of a fragment of English that incorporates the relevant sort of contextual variability. We consider sequence-to-sequence architectures with recurrent units and show that such networks are capable of learning semantic interpretations for reflexive anaphora which generalize to novel antecedents. We explore the effect of attention mechanisms and different recurrent unit types on the type of training data that is needed for success as measured in two ways: how much lexical support is needed to induce an abstract reflexive meaning (i.e., how many distinct reflexive antecedents must occur during training) and what contexts must a noun phrase occur in to support generalization of reflexive interpretation to this noun phrase?

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A Dataset for Anaphora Analysis in French Emails
Hani Guenoune | Kevin Cousot | Mathieu Lafourcade | Melissa Mekaoui | Cédric Lopez

In 2019, about 293 billion emails were sent worldwide every day. They are a valuable source of information and knowledge for professionals. Since the 90’s, many studies have been done on emails and have highlighted the need for resources regarding numerous NLP tasks. Due to the lack of available resources for French, very few studies on emails have been conducted. Anaphora resolution in emails is an unexplored area, annotated resources are needed, at least to answer a first question: Does email communication have specifics that must be addressed to tackle the anaphora resolution task? In order to answer this question 1) we build a French emails corpus composed of 100 anonymized professional threads and make it available freely for scientific exploitation. 2) we provide annotations of anaphoric links in the email collection.


bib (full) Proceedings of Deep Learning Inside Out (DeeLIO): The First Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Integration for Deep Learning Architectures

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Proceedings of Deep Learning Inside Out (DeeLIO): The First Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Integration for Deep Learning Architectures
Eneko Agirre | Marianna Apidianaki | Ivan Vulić

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Correcting the Misuse: A Method for the Chinese Idiom Cloze Test
Xinyu Wang | Hongsheng Zhao | Tan Yang | Hongbo Wang

The cloze test for Chinese idioms is a new challenge in machine reading comprehension: given a sentence with a blank, choosing a candidate Chinese idiom which matches the context. Chinese idiom is a type of Chinese idiomatic expression. The common misuse of Chinese idioms leads to error in corpus and causes error in the learned semantic representation of Chinese idioms. In this paper, we introduce the definition written by Chinese experts to correct the misuse. We propose a model for the Chinese idiom cloze test integrating various information effectively. We propose an attention mechanism called Attribute Attention to balance the weight of different attributes among different descriptions of the Chinese idiom. Besides the given candidates of every blank, we also try to choose the answer from all Chinese idioms that appear in the dataset as the extra loss due to the uniqueness and specificity of Chinese idioms. In experiments, our model outperforms the state-of-the-art model.

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Relation Extraction with Contextualized Relation Embedding (CRE)
Xiaoyu Chen | Rohan Badlani

This submission is a paper that proposes an architecture for the relation extraction task which integrates semantic information with knowledge base modeling in a novel manner.

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Generalization to Mitigate Synonym Substitution Attacks
Basemah Alshemali | Jugal Kalita

Studies have shown that deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to adversarial examples – perturbed inputs that cause DNN-based models to produce incorrect results. One robust adversarial attack in the NLP domain is the synonym substitution. In attacks of this variety, the adversary substitutes words with synonyms. Since synonym substitution perturbations aim to satisfy all lexical, grammatical, and semantic constraints, they are difficult to detect with automatic syntax check as well as by humans. In this paper, we propose a structure-free defensive method that is capable of improving the performance of DNN-based models with both clean and adversarial data. Our findings show that replacing the embeddings of the important words in the input samples with the average of their synonyms’ embeddings can significantly improve the generalization of DNN-based classifiers. By doing so, we reduce model sensitivity to particular words in the input samples. Our results indicate that the proposed defense is not only capable of defending against adversarial attacks, but is also capable of improving the performance of DNN-based models when tested on benign data. On average, the proposed defense improved the classification accuracy of the CNN and Bi-LSTM models by 41.30% and 55.66%, respectively, when tested under adversarial attacks. Extended investigation shows that our defensive method can improve the robustness of nonneural models, achieving an average of 17.62% and 22.93% classification accuracy increase on the SVM and XGBoost models, respectively. The proposed defensive method has also shown an average of 26.60% classification accuracy improvement when tested with the infamous BERT model. Our algorithm is generic enough to be applied in any NLP domain and to any model trained on any natural language.

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GenAug: Data Augmentation for Finetuning Text Generators
Steven Y. Feng | Varun Gangal | Dongyeop Kang | Teruko Mitamura | Eduard Hovy

In this paper, we investigate data augmentation for text generation, which we call GenAug. Text generation and language modeling are important tasks within natural language processing, and are especially challenging for low-data regimes. We propose and evaluate various augmentation methods, including some that incorporate external knowledge, for finetuning GPT-2 on a subset of Yelp Reviews. We also examine the relationship between the amount of augmentation and the quality of the generated text. We utilize several metrics that evaluate important aspects of the generated text including its diversity and fluency. Our experiments demonstrate that insertion of character-level synthetic noise and keyword replacement with hypernyms are effective augmentation methods, and that the quality of generations improves to a peak at approximately three times the amount of original data.

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Common Sense or World Knowledge? Investigating Adapter-Based Knowledge Injection into Pretrained Transformers
Anne Lauscher | Olga Majewska | Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro | Iryna Gurevych | Nikolai Rozanov | Goran Glavaš

Following the major success of neural language models (LMs) such as BERT or GPT-2 on a variety of language understanding tasks, recent work focused on injecting (structured) knowledge from external resources into these models. While on the one hand, joint pre-training (i.e., training from scratch, adding objectives based on external knowledge to the primary LM objective) may be prohibitively computationally expensive, post-hoc fine-tuning on external knowledge, on the other hand, may lead to the catastrophic forgetting of distributional knowledge. In this work, we investigate models for complementing the distributional knowledge of BERT with conceptual knowledge from ConceptNet and its corresponding Open Mind Common Sense (OMCS) corpus, respectively, using adapter training. While overall results on the GLUE benchmark paint an inconclusive picture, a deeper analysis reveals that our adapter-based models substantially outperform BERT (up to 15-20 performance points) on inference tasks that require the type of conceptual knowledge explicitly present in ConceptNet and OMCS. We also open source all our experiments and relevant code under: https://github.com/wluper/retrograph.

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Entity Attribute Relation Extraction with Attribute-Aware Embeddings
Dan Iter | Xiao Yu | Fangtao Li

Entity-attribute relations are a fundamental component for building large-scale knowledge bases, which are widely employed in modern search engines. However, most such knowledge bases are manually curated, covering only a small fraction of all attributes, even for common entities. To improve the precision of model-based entity-attribute extraction, we propose attribute-aware embeddings, which embeds entities and attributes in the same space by the similarity of their attributes. Our model, EANET, learns these embeddings by representing entities as a weighted sum of their attributes and concatenates these embeddings to mention level features. EANET achieves up to 91% classification accuracy, outperforming strong baselines and achieves 83% precision on manually labeled high confidence extractions, outperforming Biperpedia (Gupta et al., 2014), a previous state-of-the-art for large scale entity-attribute extraction.

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Enhancing Question Answering by Injecting Ontological Knowledge through Regularization
Travis Goodwin | Dina Demner-Fushman

Deep neural networks have demonstrated high performance on many natural language processing (NLP) tasks that can be answered directly from text, and have struggled to solve NLP tasks requiring external (e.g., world) knowledge. In this paper, we present OSCR (Ontology-based Semantic Composition Regularization), a method for injecting task-agnostic knowledge from an Ontology or knowledge graph into a neural network during pre-training. We evaluated the performance of BERT pre-trained on Wikipedia with and without OSCR by measuring the performance when fine-tuning on two question answering tasks involving world knowledge and causal reasoning and one requiring domain (healthcare) knowledge and obtained 33.3%, 18.6%, and 4% improved accuracy compared to pre-training BERT without OSCR.

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Target Concept Guided Medical Concept Normalization in Noisy User-Generated Texts
Katikapalli Subramanyam Kalyan | Sivanesan Sangeetha

Medical concept normalization (MCN) i.e., mapping of colloquial medical phrases to standard concepts is an essential step in analysis of medical social media text. The main drawback in existing state-of-the-art approach (Kalyan and Sangeetha, 2020b) is learning target concept vector representations from scratch which requires more number of training instances. Our model is based on RoBERTa and target concept embeddings. In our model, we integrate a) target concept information in the form of target concept vectors generated by encoding target concept descriptions using SRoBERTa, state-of-the-art RoBERTa based sentence embedding model and b) domain lexicon knowledge by enriching target concept vectors with synonym relationship knowledge using retrofitting algorithm. It is the first attempt in MCN to exploit both target concept information as well as domain lexicon knowledge in the form of retrofitted target concept vectors. Our model outperforms all the existing models with an accuracy improvement up to 1.36% on three standard datasets. Further, our model when trained only on mapping lexicon synonyms achieves up to 4.87% improvement in accuracy.

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Incorporating Commonsense Knowledge Graph in Pretrained Models for Social Commonsense Tasks
Ting-Yun Chang | Yang Liu | Karthik Gopalakrishnan | Behnam Hedayatnia | Pei Zhou | Dilek Hakkani-Tur

Pretrained language models have excelled at many NLP tasks recently; however, their social intelligence is still unsatisfactory. To enable this, machines need to have a more general understanding of our complicated world and develop the ability to perform commonsense reasoning besides fitting the specific downstream tasks. External commonsense knowledge graphs (KGs), such as ConceptNet, provide rich information about words and their relationships. Thus, towards general commonsense learning, we propose two approaches to implicitly and explicitly infuse such KGs into pretrained language models. We demonstrate our proposed methods perform well on SocialIQA, a social commonsense reasoning task, in both limited and full training data regimes.

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Commonsense Statements Identification and Explanation with Transformer-based Encoders
Sonia Cibu | Anca Marginean

In this work, we present our empirical attempt to identify the proper strategy of using Transformer Language Models to identify sentences consistent with commonsense. We tackle the first two tasks from the ComVE competition. The starting point for our work is the BERT assumption according to which a large number of NLP tasks can be solved with pre-trained Transformers with no substantial task-specific changes of the architecture. However, our experiments show that the encoding strategy can have a great impact on the quality of the fine-tuning. The combination between cross-encoding and multi-input models worked better than one cross-encoder and allowed us to achieve comparable results with the state-of-the-art without the use of any external data.

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On the Complementary Nature of Knowledge Graph Embedding, Fine Grain Entity Types, and Language Modeling
Rajat Patel | Francis Ferraro

We demonstrate the complementary natures of neural knowledge graph embedding, fine-grain entity type prediction, and neural language modeling. We show that a language model-inspired knowledge graph embedding approach yields both improved knowledge graph embeddings and fine-grain entity type representations. Our work also shows that jointly modeling both structured knowledge tuples and language improves both.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Designing Meaning Representations

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Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Designing Meaning Representations
Nianwen Xue | Johan Bos | William Croft | Jan Hajič | Chu-Ren Huang | Stephan Oepen | Martha Palmer | James Pustejovsky

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A Continuation Semantics for Abstract Meaning Representation
Kenneth Lai | Lucia Donatelli | James Pustejovsky

Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) is a simple, expressive semantic framework whose emphasis on predicate-argument structure is effective for many tasks. Nevertheless, AMR lacks a systematic treatment of projection phenomena, making its translation into logical form problematic. We present a translation function from AMR to first order logic using continuation semantics, which allows us to capture the semantic context of an expression in the form of an argument. This is a natural extension of AMR’s original design principles, allowing us to easily model basic projection phenomena such as quantification and negation as well as complex phenomena such as bound variables and donkey anaphora.

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Separating Argument Structure from Logical Structure in AMR
Johan Bos

The AMR (Abstract Meaning Representation) formalism for representing meaning of natural language sentences puts emphasis on predicate-argument structure and was not designed to deal with scope and quantifiers. By extending AMR with indices for contexts and formulating constraints on these contexts, a formalism is derived that makes correct predictions for inferences involving negation and bound variables. The attractive core predicate-argument structure of AMR is preserved. The resulting framework is similar to the meaning representations of Discourse Representation Theory employed in the Parallel Meaning Bank.

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Building Korean Abstract Meaning Representation Corpus
Hyonsu Choe | Jiyoon Han | Hyejin Park | Tae Hwan Oh | Hansaem Kim

To explore the potential sembanking in Korean and ways to represent the meaning of Korean sentences, this paper reports on the process of applying Abstract Meaning Representation to Korean, a semantic representation framework that has been studied in wide range of languages, and its output: the Korean AMR corpus. The corpus which is constructed so far is a size of 1,253 sentences and its raw texts are from ExoBrain Corpus, a state-led R&D project on language AI. This paper also analyzes the result in both qualitative and quantitative manners, proposing discussions for further development.

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Cross-lingual annotation: a road map for low- and no-resource languages
Meagan Vigus | Jens E. L. Van Gysel | Tim O’Gorman | Andrew Cowell | Rosa Vallejos | William Croft

This paper presents a “road map” for the annotation of semantic categories in typologically diverse languages, with potentially few linguistic resources, and often no existing computational resources. Past semantic annotation efforts have focused largely on high-resource languages, or relatively low-resource languages with a large number of native speakers. However, there are certain typological traits, namely the synthesis of multiple concepts into a single word, that are more common in languages with a smaller speech community. For example, what is expressed as a sentence in a more analytic language like English, may be expressed as a single word in a more synthetic language like Arapaho. This paper proposes solutions for annotating analytic and synthetic languages in a comparable way based on existing typological research, and introduces a road map for the annotation of languages with a dearth of resources.

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Refining Implicit Argument Annotation for UCCA
Ruixiang Cui | Daniel Hershcovich

Predicate-argument structure analysis is a central component in meaning representations of text. The fact that some arguments are not explicitly mentioned in a sentence gives rise to ambiguity in language understanding, and renders it difficult for machines to interpret text correctly. However, only few resources represent implicit roles for NLU, and existing studies in NLP only make coarse distinctions between categories of arguments omitted from linguistic form. This paper proposes a typology for fine-grained implicit argument annotation on top of Universal Conceptual Cognitive Annotation’s foundational layer. The proposed implicit argument categorisation is driven by theories of implicit role interpretation and consists of six types: Deictic, Generic, Genre-based, Type-identifiable, Non-specific, and Iterated-set. We exemplify our design by revisiting part of the UCCA EWT corpus, providing a new dataset annotated with the refinement layer, and making a comparative analysis with other schemes.

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K-SNACS: Annotating Korean Adposition Semantics
Jena D. Hwang | Hanwool Choe | Na-Rae Han | Nathan Schneider

While many languages use adpositions to encode semantic relationships between content words in a sentence (e.g., agentivity or temporality), the details of how adpositions work vary widely across languages with respect to both form and meaning. In this paper, we empirically adapt the SNACS framework (Schneider et al., 2018) to Korean, a language that is typologically distant from English—the language SNACS was based on. We apply the SNACS framework to annotate the highly popular novellaThe Little Prince with semantic supersense labels over allKorean postpositions. Thus, we introduce the first broad-coverage corpus annotated with Korean postposition semantics and provide a detailed analysis of the corpus with an apples-to-apples comparison between Korean and English annotations

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InfoForager: Leveraging Semantic Search with AMR for COVID-19 Research
Claire Bonial | Stephanie M. Lukin | David Doughty | Steven Hill | Clare Voss

This paper examines how Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) can be utilized for finding answers to research questions in medical scientific documents, in particular, to advance the study of UV (ultraviolet) inactivation of the novel coronavirus that causes the disease COVID-19. We describe the development of a proof-of-concept prototype tool, InfoForager, which uses AMR to conduct a semantic search, targeting the meaning of the user question, and matching this to sentences in medical documents that may contain information to answer that question. This work was conducted as a sprint over a period of six weeks, and reveals both promising results and challenges in reducing the user search time relating to COVID-19 research, and in general, domain adaption of AMR for this task.

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Semantic parsing with fuzzy meaning representations
Pavlo Kapustin | Michael Kapustin

We propose an approach and a software framework for semantic parsing of natural language sentences to discourse representation structures with use of fuzzy meaning representations such as fuzzy sets and compatibility intervals. We explain the motivation for using fuzzy meaning representations in semantic parsing and describe the design of the proposed approach and the software framework, discussing various examples. We argue that the use of fuzzy meaning representations have potential to improve understanding and reasoning capabilities of systems working with natural language.

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Representing constructional metaphors
Pavlina Kalm | Michael Regan | Sook-kyung Lee | Chris Peverada | William Croft

This paper introduces a representation and annotation scheme for argument structure constructions that are used metaphorically with verbs in different semantic domains. We aim to contribute to the study of constructional metaphors which has received little attention in theoretical and computational linguistics. The proposed representation consists of a systematic mapping between the constructional and verbal event structures in two domains. It reveals the semantic motivations that lead to constructions being metaphorically extended. We demonstrate this representation on argument structure constructions with Transfer of Possession verbs and test the viability of this scheme with an annotation exercise.


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Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on e-Commerce and NLP

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Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on e-Commerce and NLP
Shervin Malmasi | Surya Kallumadi | Nicola Ueffing | Oleg Rokhlenko | Eugene Agichtein | Ido Guy

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Bootstrapping Named Entity Recognition in E-Commerce with Positive Unlabeled Learning
Hanchu Zhang | Leonhard Hennig | Christoph Alt | Changjian Hu | Yao Meng | Chao Wang

In this work, we introduce a bootstrapped, iterative NER model that integrates a PU learning algorithm for recognizing named entities in a low-resource setting. Our approach combines dictionary-based labeling with syntactically-informed label expansion to efficiently enrich the seed dictionaries. Experimental results on a dataset of manually annotated e-commerce product descriptions demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

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How to Grow a (Product) Tree: Personalized Category Suggestions for eCommerce Type-Ahead
Jacopo Tagliabue | Bingqing Yu | Marie Beaulieu

In an attempt to balance precision and recall in the search page, leading digital shops have been effectively nudging users into select category facets as early as in the type-ahead suggestions. In this work, we present SessionPath, a novel neural network model that improves facet suggestions on two counts: first, the model is able to leverage session embeddings to provide scalable personalization; second, SessionPath predicts facets by explicitly producing a probability distribution at each node in the taxonomy path. We benchmark SessionPath on two partnering shops against count-based and neural models, and show how business requirements and model behavior can be combined in a principled way.

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Deep Learning-based Online Alternative Product Recommendations at Scale
Mingming Guo | Nian Yan | Xiquan Cui | San He Wu | Unaiza Ahsan | Rebecca West | Khalifeh Al Jadda

Alternative recommender systems are critical for ecommerce companies. They guide customers to explore a massive product catalog and assist customers to find the right products among an overwhelming number of options. However, it is a non-trivial task to recommend alternative products that fit customers’ needs. In this paper, we use both textual product information (e.g. product titles and descriptions) and customer behavior data to recommend alternative products. Our results show that the coverage of alternative products is significantly improved in offline evaluations as well as recall and precision. The final A/B test shows that our algorithm increases the conversion rate by 12% in a statistically significant way. In order to better capture the semantic meaning of product information, we build a Siamese Network with Bidirectional LSTM to learn product embeddings. In order to learn a similarity space that better matches the preference of real customers, we use co-compared data from historical customer behavior as labels to train the network. In addition, we use NMSLIB to accelerate the computationally expensive kNN computation for millions of products so that the alternative recommendation is able to scale across the entire catalog of a major ecommerce site.

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A Deep Learning System for Sentiment Analysis of Service Calls
Yanan Jia

Sentiment analysis is crucial for the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI). Sentiment understanding can help AI to replicate human language and discourse. Studying the formation and response of sentiment state from well-trained Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) can help make the interaction between humans and AI more intelligent. In this paper, a sentiment analysis pipeline is first carried out with respect to real-world multi-party conversations - that is, service calls. Based on the acoustic and linguistic features extracted from the source information, a novel aggregated method for voice sentiment recognition framework is built. Each party’s sentiment pattern during the communication is investigated along with the interaction sentiment pattern between all parties.

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Using Large Pretrained Language Models for Answering User Queries from Product Specifications
Kalyani Roy | Smit Shah | Nithish Pai | Jaidam Ramtej | Prajit Nadkarni | Jyotirmoy Banerjee | Pawan Goyal | Surender Kumar

While buying a product from the e-commerce websites, customers generally have a plethora of questions. From the perspective of both the e-commerce service provider as well as the customers, there must be an effective question answering system to provide immediate answer to the user queries. While certain questions can only be answered after using the product, there are many questions which can be answered from the product specification itself. Our work takes a first step in this direction by finding out the relevant product specifications, that can help answering the user questions. We propose an approach to automatically create a training dataset for this problem. We utilize recently proposed XLNet and BERT architectures for this problem and find that they provide much better performance than the Siamese model, previously applied for this problem. Our model gives a good performance even when trained on one vertical and tested across different verticals.

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Improving Intent Classification in an E-commerce Voice Assistant by Using Inter-Utterance Context
Arpit Sharma

In this work, we improve the intent classification in an English based e-commerce voice assistant by using inter-utterance context. For increased user adaptation and hence being more profitable, an e-commerce voice assistant is desired to understand the context of a conversation and not have the users repeat it in every utterance. For example, let a user’s first utterance be ‘find apples’. Then, the user may say ‘i want organic only’ to filter out the results generated by an assistant with respect to the first query. So, it is important for the assistant to take into account the context from the user’s first utterance to understand her intention in the second one. In this paper, we present our approach for contextual intent classification in Walmart’s e-commerce voice assistant. It uses the intent of the previous user utterance to predict the intent of her current utterance. With the help of experiments performed on real user queries we show that our approach improves the intent classification in the assistant.

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Semi-Supervised Iterative Approach for Domain-Specific Complaint Detection in Social Media
Akash Gautam | Debanjan Mahata | Rakesh Gosangi | Rajiv Ratn Shah

In this paper, we present a semi-supervised bootstrapping approach to detect product or service related complaints in social media. Our approach begins with a small collection of annotated samples which are used to identify a preliminary set of linguistic indicators pertinent to complaints. These indicators are then used to expand the dataset. The expanded dataset is again used to extract more indicators. This process is applied for several iterations until we can no longer find any new indicators. We evaluated this approach on a Twitter corpus specifically to detect complaints about transportation services. We started with an annotated set of 326 samples of transportation complaints, and after four iterations of the approach, we collected 2,840 indicators and over 3,700 tweets. We annotated a random sample of 700 tweets from the final dataset and observed that nearly half the samples were actual transportation complaints. Lastly, we also studied how different features based on semantics, orthographic properties, and sentiment contribute towards the prediction of complaints.

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Item-based Collaborative Filtering with BERT
Tian Wang | Yuyangzi Fu

In e-commerce, recommender systems have become an indispensable part of helping users explore the available inventory. In this work, we present a novel approach for item-based collaborative filtering, by leveraging BERT to understand items, and score relevancy between different items. Our proposed method could address problems that plague traditional recommender systems such as cold start, and “more of the same” recommended content. We conducted experiments on a large-scale real-world dataset with full cold-start scenario, and the proposed approach significantly outperforms the popular Bi-LSTM model.

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Semi-supervised Category-specific Review Tagging on Indonesian E-Commerce Product Reviews
Meng Sun | Marie Stephen Leo | Eram Munawwar | Paul C. Condylis | Sheng-yi Kong | Seong Per Lee | Albert Hidayat | Muhamad Danang Kerianto

Product reviews are a huge source of natural language data in e-commerce applications. Several millions of customers write reviews regarding a variety of topics. We categorize these topics into two groups as either “category-specific” topics or as “generic” topics that span multiple product categories. While we can use a supervised learning approach to tag review text for generic topics, it is impossible to use supervised approaches to tag category-specific topics due to the sheer number of possible topics for each category. In this paper, we present an approach to tag each review with several product category-specific tags on Indonesian language product reviews using a semi-supervised approach. We show that our proposed method can work at scale on real product reviews at Tokopedia, a major e-commerce platform in Indonesia. Manual evaluation shows that the proposed method can efficiently generate category-specific product tags.

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Deep Hierarchical Classification for Category Prediction in E-commerce System
Dehong Gao

In e-commerce system, category prediction is to automatically predict categories of given texts. Different from traditional classification where there are no relations between classes, category prediction is reckoned as a standard hierarchical classification problem since categories are usually organized as a hierarchical tree. In this paper, we address hierarchical category prediction. We propose a Deep Hierarchical Classification framework, which incorporates the multi-scale hierarchical information in neural networks and introduces a representation sharing strategy according to the category tree. We also define a novel combined loss function to punish hierarchical prediction losses. The evaluation shows that the proposed approach outperforms existing approaches in accuracy.

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SimsterQ: A Similarity based Clustering Approach to Opinion Question Answering
Aishwarya Ashok | Ganapathy Natarajan | Ramez Elmasri | Laurel Smith-Stvan

In recent years, there has been an increase in online shopping resulting in an increased number of online reviews. Customers cannot delve into the huge amount of data when they are looking for specific aspects of a product. Some of these aspects can be extracted from the product reviews. In this paper we introduced SimsterQ - a clustering based system for answering questions that makes use of word vectors. Clustering was performed using cosine similarity scores between sentence vectors of reviews and questions. Two variants (Sim and Median) with and without stopwords were evaluated against traditional methods that use term frequency. We also used an n-gram approach to study the effect of noise. We used the reviews in the Amazon Reviews dataset to pick the answers. Evaluation was performed both at the individual sentence level using the top sentence from Okapi BM25 as the gold standard and at the whole answer level using review snippets as the gold standard. At the sentence level our system performed slightly better than a more complicated deep learning method. Our system returned answers similar to the review snippets from the Amazon QA Dataset as measured by the cosine similarity. Analysis was also performed on the quality of the clusters generated by our system.

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e-Commerce and Sentiment Analysis: Predicting Outcomes of Class Action Lawsuits
Stacey Taylor | Vlado Keselj

In recent years, the focus of e-Commerce research has been on better understanding the relationship between the internet marketplace, customers, and goods and services. This has been done by examining information that can be gleaned from consumer information, recommender systems, click rates, or the way purchasers go about making buying decisions, for example. This paper takes a very different approach and examines the companies themselves. In the past ten years, e-Commerce giants such as Amazon, Skymall, Wayfair, and Groupon have been embroiled in class action security lawsuits promulgated under Rule 10b(5), which, in short, is one of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s main rules surrounding fraud. Lawsuits are extremely expensive to the company and can damage a company’s brand extensively, with the shareholders left to suffer the consequences. We examined the Management Discussion and Analysis and the Market Risks for 96 companies using sentiment analysis on selected financial measures and found that we were able to predict the outcome of the lawsuits in our dataset using sentiment (tone) alone to a recall of 0.8207 using the Random Forest classifier. We believe that this is an important contribution as it has cross-domain implications and potential, and opens up new areas of research in e-Commerce, finance, and law, as the settlements from the class action lawsuits in our dataset alone are in excess of $1.6 billion dollars, in aggregate.

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On Application of Bayesian Parametric and Non-parametric Methods for User Cohorting in Product Search
Shashank Gupta

In this paper, we study the applicability of Bayesian Parametric and Non-parametric methods for user clustering in an E-commerce search setting. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that presents a comparative study of various Bayesian clustering methods in the context of product search. Specifically, we cluster users based on their topical patterns from their respective product search queries. To evaluate the quality of the clusters formed, we perform a collaborative query recommendation task. Our findings indicate that simple parametric model like Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) outperforms more sophisticated non-parametric methods like Distance Dependent Chinese Restaurant Process and Dirichlet Process-based clustering in both tasks.


bib (full) Proceedings of Workshop on Natural Language Processing in E-Commerce

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Proceedings of Workshop on Natural Language Processing in E-Commerce
Huasha Zhao | Parikshit Sondhi | Nguyen Bach | Sanjika Hewavitharana | Yifan He | Luo Si | Heng Ji

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E-Commerce Content and Collaborative-based Recommendation using K-Nearest Neighbors and Enriched Weighted Vectors
Bardia Rafieian | Marta R. Costa-jussà

In this paper, we present two productive and functional recommender methods to improve the ac- curacy of predicting the right product for the user. One proposal is a survey-based recommender system that uses k-nearest neighbors. It recommends products by asking questions from the user, efficiently applying a binary product vector to the product attributes, and processing the request with a minimum error. The second proposal uses an enriched collaborative-based recommender system using enriched weighted vectors. Thanks to the style rules, the enriched collaborative- based method recommends outfits with competitive recommendation quality. We evaluated both of the proposals on a Kaggle fashion-dataset along with iMaterialist and, results show equivalent performance on binary gender and product attributes.

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Multi-label classification of promotions in digital leaflets using textual and visual information
Roberto Arroyo | David Jiménez-Cabello | Javier Martínez-Cebrián

Product descriptions in e-commerce platforms contain detailed and valuable information about retailers assortment. In particular, coding promotions within digital leaflets are of great interest in e-commerce as they capture the attention of consumers by showing regular promotions for different products. However, this information is embedded into images, making it difficult to extract and process for downstream tasks. In this paper, we present an end-to-end approach that classifies promotions within digital leaflets into their corresponding product categories using both visual and textual information. Our approach can be divided into three key components: 1) region detection, 2) text recognition and 3) text classification. In many cases, a single promotion refers to multiple product categories, so we introduce a multi-label objective in the classification head. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for two separated tasks: 1) image-based detection of the descriptions for each individual promotion and 2) multi-label classification of the product categories using the text from the product descriptions. We train and evaluate our models using a private dataset composed of images from digital leaflets obtained by Nielsen. Results show that we consistently outperform the proposed baseline by a large margin in all the experiments.

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Bilingual Transfer Learning for Online Product Classification
Erik Lehmann | András Simonyi | Lukas Henkel | Jörn Franke

Consumer Price Indices (CPIs) are one of the major statistics produced by Statistical Offices, and of crucial importance to Central Banks. To calculate CPIs, statistical offices collect a large amount of individual prices of goods and services. Nowadays prices of many consumer goods can be obtained online, enabling a much more detailed measurement of inflation rates. One major challenge is to classify the variety of products, from different shops and languages into the given statistical schema consisting of a complex multi-level classification hierarchy - the European Classification of Individual Consumption according to Purpose (ECOICOP) for European countries, since there is no model, mapping or labelled data available. We focus in our analysis on food, beverage and tobacco which account for 74 of the 258 ECOICOP categories and 19 % of the Euro Area inflation basket. In this paper we build a classifier on web scraped, hand-labeled product data from German retailers and test the transfer to French data using cross lingual word embedding. We compare its performance against a classifier trained on the single languages and a classifier with both languages trained jointly. Furthermore, we propose a pipeline to effectively create a data set with balanced labels using transferred predictions and active learning. In addition we test how much data it takes to build a single language classifier from scratch an if there are benefits from multilingual training. Our proposed system reduces the time to complete the task by about two thirds and is already used to support the analysis of inflation.

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Interrupt me Politely: Recommending Products and Services by Joining Human Conversation
Boris Galitsky | Dmitry Ilvovsky

We propose a novel way of conversational recommendation, where instead of asking questions to the user to acquire their preferences; the recommender tracks their conversation with other people, including customer support agents (CSA), and joins the conversation only when it is time to introduce a recommendation. Building a recommender that joins a human conversation (RJC), we propose information extraction, discourse and argumentation analyses, as well as dialogue management techniques to compute a recommendation for a product and service that is needed by the customer, as inferred from the conversation. A special case of such conversations is considered where the customer raises his problem with CSA in an attempt to resolve it, along with receiving a recommendation for a product with features addressing this problem. We evaluate performance of RJC is in a number of human-human and human-chat bot dialogues, and demonstrate that RJC is an efficient and less intrusive way to provide high relevance and persuasive recommendations.

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Benchmarking Automated Review Response Generation for the Hospitality Domain
Tannon Kew | Michael Amsler | Sarah Ebling

Online customer reviews are of growing importance for many businesses in the hospitality industry, particularly restaurants and hotels. Managerial responses to such reviews provide businesses with the opportunity to influence the public discourse and to attain improved ratings over time. However, responding to each and every review is a time-consuming endeavour. Therefore, we investigate automatic generation of review responses in the hospitality domain for two languages, English and German. We apply an existing system, originally proposed for review response generation for smartphone apps. This approach employs an extended neural network sequence-to-sequence architecture and performs well in the original domain. However, as shown through our experiments, when applied to a new domain, such as hospitality, performance drops considerably. Therefore, we analyse potential causes for the differences in performance and provide evidence to suggest that review response generation in the hospitality domain is a more challenging task and thus requires further study and additional domain adaptation techniques.

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On a Chatbot Navigating a User through a Concept-Based Knowledge Model
Boris Galitsky | Dmitry Ilvovsky | Elizaveta Goncharova

Information retrieval chatbots are widely used as assistants, to help users formulate their requirements about the products they want to purchase, and navigate to the set of items that satisfies their requirements in the best way. The work of the modern chatbots is based mostly on the deep learning theory behind the knowledge model that can improve the performance of the system. In our work, we are developing a concept-based knowledge model that encapsulates objects and their common descriptions. The leveraging of the concept-based knowledge model allows the system to refine the initial users’ requests and lead them to the set of objects with the maximal variability of parameters that matters less to them. Introducing the additional textual characteristics allows users to formulate their initial query as a phrase in natural language, rather than as some standard request in the form of, “Attribute - value”.

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BERT-based similarity learning for product matching
Janusz Tracz | Piotr Iwo Wójcik | Kalina Jasinska-Kobus | Riccardo Belluzzo | Robert Mroczkowski | Ireneusz Gawlik

Product matching, i.e., being able to infer the product being sold for a merchant-created offer, is crucial for any e-commerce marketplace, enabling product-based navigation, price comparisons, product reviews, etc. This problem proves a challenging task, mostly due to the extent of product catalog, data heterogeneity, missing product representants, and varying levels of data quality. Moreover, new products are being introduced every day, making it difficult to cast the problem as a classification task. In this work, we apply BERT-based models in a similarity learning setup to solve the product matching problem. We provide a thorough ablation study, showing the impact of architecture and training objective choices. Application of transformer-based architectures and proper sampling techniques significantly boosts performance for a range of e-commerce domains, allowing for production deployment.

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Aspect-Similarity-Aware Historical Influence Modeling for Rating Prediction
Ryo Shimura | Shotaro Misawa | Masahiro Sato | Tomoki Taniguchi | Tomoko Ohkuma

Many e-commerce services provide customer review systems. Previous laboratory studies have indicated that the ratings recorded by these systems differ from the actual evaluations of the users, owing to the influence of historical ratings in the system. Some studies have proposed using real-world datasets to model rating prediction. Herein, we propose an aspect-similarity-aware historical influence model for rating prediction using natural language processing techniques. In general, each user provides a rating considering different aspects. Thus, it can be assumed that historical ratings provided considering similar aspects to those of later ones will influence evaluations of users more. By focusing on the review-topic similarities, we show that our method predicts ratings more accurately than the previous historical-inference-aware model. In addition, we examine whether our model can predict “intrinsic rating,” which is given if users were not influenced by historical ratings. We performed an intrinsic rating prediction task, and showed that our model achieved improved performance. Our method can be useful to debias user ratings collected by customer review systems. The debiased ratings help users to make decision properly and systems to provide helpful recommendations. This might improve the user experience of e-commerce services.

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Distinctive Slogan Generation with Reconstruction
Shotaro Misawa | Yasuhide Miura | Tomoki Taniguchi | Tomoko Ohkuma

E-commerce sites include advertising slogans along with information regarding an item. Slogans can attract viewers’ attention to increase sales or visits by emphasizing advantages of an item. The aim of this study is to generate a slogan from a description of an item. To generate a slogan, we apply an encoder–decoder model which has shown effectiveness in many kinds of natural language generation tasks, such as abstractive summarization. However, slogan generation task has three characteristics that distinguish it from other natural language generation tasks: distinctiveness, topic emphasis, and style difference. To handle these three characteristics, we propose a compressed representation–based reconstruction model with refer–attention and conversion layers. The results of the experiments indicate that, based on automatic and human evaluation, our method achieves higher performance than conventional methods.


bib (full) Proceedings of the First Workshop on Evaluation and Comparison of NLP Systems

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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Evaluation and Comparison of NLP Systems
Steffen Eger | Yang Gao | Maxime Peyrard | Wei Zhao | Eduard Hovy

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Truth or Error? Towards systematic analysis of factual errors in abstractive summaries
Klaus-Michael Lux | Maya Sappelli | Martha Larson

This paper presents a typology of errors produced by automatic summarization systems. The typology was created by manually analyzing the output of four recent neural summarization systems. Our work is motivated by the growing awareness of the need for better summary evaluation methods that go beyond conventional overlap-based metrics. Our typology is structured into two dimensions. First, the Mapping Dimension describes surface-level errors and provides insight into word-sequence transformation issues. Second, the Meaning Dimension describes issues related to interpretation and provides insight into breakdowns in truth, i.e., factual faithfulness to the original text. Comparative analysis revealed that two neural summarization systems leveraging pre-trained models have an advantage in decreasing grammaticality errors, but not necessarily factual errors. We also discuss the importance of ensuring that summary length and abstractiveness do not interfere with evaluating summary quality.

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Fill in the BLANC: Human-free quality estimation of document summaries
Oleg Vasilyev | Vedant Dharnidharka | John Bohannon

We present BLANC, a new approach to the automatic estimation of document summary quality. Our goal is to measure the functional performance of a summary with an objective, reproducible, and fully automated method. Our approach achieves this by measuring the performance boost gained by a pre-trained language model with access to a document summary while carrying out its language understanding task on the document’s text. We present evidence that BLANC scores have as good correlation with human evaluations as do the ROUGE family of summary quality measurements. And unlike ROUGE, the BLANC method does not require human-written reference summaries, allowing for fully human-free summary quality estimation.

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Item Response Theory for Efficient Human Evaluation of Chatbots
João Sedoc | Lyle Ungar

Conversational agent quality is currently assessed using human evaluation, and often requires an exorbitant number of comparisons to achieve statistical significance. In this paper, we introduce Item Response Theory (IRT) for chatbot evaluation, using a paired comparison in which annotators judge which system responds better to the next turn of a conversation. IRT is widely used in educational testing for simultaneously assessing the ability of test takers and the quality of test questions. It is similarly well suited for chatbot evaluation since it allows the assessment of both models and the prompts used to evaluate them. We use IRT to efficiently assess chatbots, and show that different examples from the evaluation set are better suited for comparing high-quality (nearer to human performance) than low-quality systems. Finally, we use IRT to reduce the number of evaluation examples assessed by human annotators while retaining discriminative power.

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ViLBERTScore: Evaluating Image Caption Using Vision-and-Language BERT
Hwanhee Lee | Seunghyun Yoon | Franck Dernoncourt | Doo Soon Kim | Trung Bui | Kyomin Jung

In this paper, we propose an evaluation metric for image captioning systems using both image and text information. Unlike the previous methods that rely on textual representations in evaluating the caption, our approach uses visiolinguistic representations. The proposed method generates image-conditioned embeddings for each token using ViLBERT from both generated and reference texts. Then, these contextual embeddings from each of the two sentence-pair are compared to compute the similarity score. Experimental results on three benchmark datasets show that our method correlates significantly better with human judgments than all existing metrics.

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BLEU Neighbors: A Reference-less Approach to Automatic Evaluation
Kawin Ethayarajh | Dorsa Sadigh

Evaluation is a bottleneck in the development of natural language generation (NLG) models. Automatic metrics such as BLEU rely on references, but for tasks such as open-ended generation, there are no references to draw upon. Although language diversity can be estimated using statistical measures such as perplexity, measuring language quality requires human evaluation. However, because human evaluation at scale is slow and expensive, it is used sparingly; it cannot be used to rapidly iterate on NLG models, in the way BLEU is used for machine translation. To this end, we propose BLEU Neighbors, a nearest neighbors model for estimating language quality by using the BLEU score as a kernel function. On existing datasets for chitchat dialogue and open-ended sentence generation, we find that – on average – the quality estimation from a BLEU Neighbors model has a lower mean squared error and higher Spearman correlation with the ground truth than individual human annotators. Despite its simplicity, BLEU Neighbors even outperforms state-of-the-art models on automatically grading essays, including models that have access to a gold-standard reference essay.

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Improving Text Generation Evaluation with Batch Centering and Tempered Word Mover Distance
Xi Chen | Nan Ding | Tomer Levinboim | Radu Soricut

Recent advances in automatic evaluation metrics for text have shown that deep contextualized word representations, such as those generated by BERT encoders, are helpful for designing metrics that correlate well with human judgements. At the same time, it has been argued that contextualized word representations exhibit sub-optimal statistical properties for encoding the true similarity between words or sentences. In this paper, we present two techniques for improving encoding representations for similarity metrics: a batch-mean centering strategy that improves statistical properties; and a computationally efficient tempered Word Mover Distance, for better fusion of the information in the contextualized word representations. We conduct numerical experiments that demonstrate the robustness of our techniques, reporting results over various BERT-backbone learned metrics and achieving state of the art correlation with human ratings on several benchmarks.

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On the Evaluation of Machine Translation n-best Lists
Jacob Bremerman | Huda Khayrallah | Douglas Oard | Matt Post

The standard machine translation evaluation framework measures the single-best output of machine translation systems. There are, however, many situations where n-best lists are needed, yet there is no established way of evaluating them. This paper establishes a framework for addressing n-best evaluation by outlining three different questions one could consider when determining how one would define a ‘good’ n-best list and proposing evaluation measures for each question. The first and principal contribution is an evaluation measure that characterizes the translation quality of an entire n-best list by asking whether many of the valid translations are placed near the top of the list. The second is a measure that uses gold translations with preference annotations to ask to what degree systems can produce ranked lists in preference order. The third is a measure that rewards partial matches, evaluating the closeness of the many items in an n-best list to a set of many valid references. These three perspectives make clear that having access to many references can be useful when n-best evaluation is the goal.

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Artemis: A Novel Annotation Methodology for Indicative Single Document Summarization
Rahul Jha | Keping Bi | Yang Li | Mahdi Pakdaman | Asli Celikyilmaz | Ivan Zhiboedov | Kieran McDonald

We describe Artemis (Annotation methodology for Rich, Tractable, Extractive, Multi-domain, Indicative Summarization), a novel hierarchical annotation process that produces indicative summaries for documents from multiple domains. Current summarization evaluation datasets are single-domain and focused on a few domains for which naturally occurring summaries can be easily found, such as news and scientific articles. These are not sufficient for training and evaluation of summarization models for use in document management and information retrieval systems, which need to deal with documents from multiple domains. Compared to other annotation methods such as Relative Utility and Pyramid, Artemis is more tractable because judges don’t need to look at all the sentences in a document when making an importance judgment for one of the sentences, while providing similarly rich sentence importance annotations. We describe the annotation process in detail and compare it with other similar evaluation systems. We also present analysis and experimental results over a sample set of 532 annotated documents.

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Probabilistic Extension of Precision, Recall, and F1 Score for More Thorough Evaluation of Classification Models
Reda Yacouby | Dustin Axman

In pursuit of the perfect supervised NLP classifier, razor thin margins and low-resource test sets can make modeling decisions difficult. Popular metrics such as Accuracy, Precision, and Recall are often insufficient as they fail to give a complete picture of the model’s behavior. We present a probabilistic extension of Precision, Recall, and F1 score, which we refer to as confidence-Precision (cPrecision), confidence-Recall (cRecall), and confidence-F1 (cF1) respectively. The proposed metrics address some of the challenges faced when evaluating large-scale NLP systems, specifically when the model’s confidence score assignments have an impact on the system’s behavior. We describe four key benefits of our proposed metrics as compared to their threshold-based counterparts. Two of these benefits, which we refer to as robustness to missing values and sensitivity to model confidence score assignments are self-evident from the metrics’ definitions; the remaining benefits, generalization, and functional consistency are demonstrated empirically.

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A survey on Recognizing Textual Entailment as an NLP Evaluation
Adam Poliak

Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) was proposed as a unified evaluation framework to compare semantic understanding of different NLP systems. In this survey paper, we provide an overview of different approaches for evaluating and understanding the reasoning capabilities of NLP systems. We then focus our discussion on RTE by highlighting prominent RTE datasets as well as advances in RTE dataset that focus on specific linguistic phenomena that can be used to evaluate NLP systems on a fine-grained level. We conclude by arguing that when evaluating NLP systems, the community should utilize newly introduced RTE datasets that focus on specific linguistic phenomena.

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Grammaticality and Language Modelling
Jingcheng Niu | Gerald Penn

Ever since Pereira (2000) provided evidence against Chomsky’s (1957) conjecture that statistical language modelling is incommensurable with the aims of grammaticality prediction as a research enterprise, a new area of research has emerged that regards statistical language models as “psycholinguistic subjects” and probes their ability to acquire syntactic knowledge. The advent of The Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability (CoLA) (Warstadt et al., 2019) has earned a spot on the leaderboard for acceptability judgements, and the polemic between Lau et al. (2017) and Sprouse et al. (2018) has raised fundamental questions about the nature of grammaticality and how acceptability judgements should be elicited. All the while, we are told that neural language models continue to improve. That is not an easy claim to test at present, however, because there is almost no agreement on how to measure their improvement when it comes to grammaticality and acceptability judgements. The GLUE leaderboard bundles CoLA together with a Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC), although probably because CoLA’s seminal publication was using it to compute inter-rater reliabilities. Researchers working in this area have used other accuracy and correlation scores, often driven by a need to reconcile and compare various discrete and continuous variables with each other. The score that we will advocate for in this paper, the point biserial correlation, in fact compares a discrete variable (for us, acceptability judgements) to a continuous variable (for us, neural language model probabilities). The only previous work in this area to choose the PBC that we are aware of is Sprouse et al. (2018a), and that paper actually applied it backwards (with some justification) so that the language model probability was treated as the discrete binary variable by setting a threshold. With the PBC in mind, we will first reappraise some recent work in syntactically targeted linguistic evaluations (Hu et al., 2020), arguing that while their experimental design sets a new high watermark for this topic, their results may not prove what they have claimed. We then turn to the task-independent assessment of language models as grammaticality classifiers. Prior to the introduction of the GLUE leaderboard, the vast majority of this assessment was essentially anecdotal, and we find the use of the MCC in this regard to be problematic. We conduct several studies with PBCs to compare several popular language models. We also study the effects of several variables such as normalization and data homogeneity on PBC.

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One of these words is not like the other: a reproduction of outlier identification using non-contextual word representations
Jesper Brink Andersen | Mikkel Bak Bertelsen | Mikkel Hørby Schou | Manuel R. Ciosici | Ira Assent

Word embeddings are an active topic in the NLP research community. State-of-the-art neural models achieve high performance on downstream tasks, albeit at the cost of computationally expensive training. Cost aware solutions require cheaper models that still achieve good performance. We present several reproduction studies of intrinsic evaluation tasks that evaluate non-contextual word representations in multiple languages. Furthermore, we present 50-8-8, a new data set for the outlier identification task, which avoids limitations of the original data set, such as ambiguous words, infrequent words, and multi-word tokens, while increasing the number of test cases. The data set is expanded to contain semantic and syntactic tests and is multilingual (English, German, and Italian). We provide an in-depth analysis of word embedding models with a range of hyper-parameters. Our analysis shows the suitability of different models and hyper-parameters for different tasks and the greater difficulty of representing German and Italian languages.

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Are Some Words Worth More than Others?
Shiran Dudy | Steven Bedrick

Current evaluation metrics for language modeling and generation rely heavily on the accuracy of predicted (or generated) words as compared to a reference ground truth. While important, token-level accuracy only captures one aspect of a language model’s behavior, and ignores linguistic properties of words that may allow some mis-predicted tokens to be useful in practice. Furthermore, statistics directly tied to prediction accuracy (including perplexity) may be confounded by the Zipfian nature of written language, as the majority of the prediction attempts will occur with frequently-occurring types. A model’s performance may vary greatly between high- and low-frequency words, which in practice could lead to failure modes such as repetitive and dull generated text being produced by a downstream consumer of a language model. To address this, we propose two new intrinsic evaluation measures within the framework of a simple word prediction task that are designed to give a more holistic picture of a language model’s performance. We evaluate several commonly-used large English language models using our proposed metrics, and demonstrate that our approach reveals functional differences in performance between the models that are obscured by more traditional metrics.

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On Aligning OpenIE Extractions with Knowledge Bases: A Case Study
Kiril Gashteovski | Rainer Gemulla | Bhushan Kotnis | Sven Hertling | Christian Meilicke

Open information extraction (OIE) is the task of extracting relations and their corresponding arguments from a natural language text in un- supervised manner. Outputs of such systems are used for downstream tasks such as ques- tion answering and automatic knowledge base (KB) construction. Many of these downstream tasks rely on aligning OIE triples with refer- ence KBs. Such alignments are usually eval- uated w.r.t. a specific downstream task and, to date, no direct manual evaluation of such alignments has been performed. In this paper, we directly evaluate how OIE triples from the OPIEC corpus are related to the DBpedia KB w.r.t. information content. First, we investigate OPIEC triples and DBpedia facts having the same arguments by comparing the information on the OIE surface relation with the KB rela- tion. Second, we evaluate the expressibility of general OPIEC triples in DBpedia. We in- vestigate whether—and, if so, how—a given OIE triple can be mapped to a single KB fact. We found that such mappings are not always possible because the information in the OIE triples tends to be more specific. Our evalua- tion suggests, however, that significant part of OIE triples can be expressed by means of KB formulas instead of individual facts.

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ClusterDataSplit: Exploring Challenging Clustering-Based Data Splits for Model Performance Evaluation
Hanna Wecker | Annemarie Friedrich | Heike Adel

This paper adds to the ongoing discussion in the natural language processing community on how to choose a good development set. Motivated by the real-life necessity of applying machine learning models to different data distributions, we propose a clustering-based data splitting algorithm. It creates development (or test) sets which are lexically different from the training data while ensuring similar label distributions. Hence, we are able to create challenging cross-validation evaluation setups while abstracting away from performance differences resulting from label distribution shifts between training and test data. In addition, we present a Python-based tool for analyzing and visualizing data split characteristics and model performance. We illustrate the workings and results of our approach using a sentiment analysis and a patent classification task.

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Best Practices for Crowd-based Evaluation of German Summarization: Comparing Crowd, Expert and Automatic Evaluation
Neslihan Iskender | Tim Polzehl | Sebastian Möller

One of the main challenges in the development of summarization tools is summarization quality evaluation. On the one hand, the human assessment of summarization quality conducted by linguistic experts is slow, expensive, and still not a standardized procedure. On the other hand, the automatic assessment metrics are reported not to correlate high enough with human quality ratings. As a solution, we propose crowdsourcing as a fast, scalable, and cost-effective alternative to expert evaluations to assess the intrinsic and extrinsic quality of summarization by comparing crowd ratings with expert ratings and automatic metrics such as ROUGE, BLEU, or BertScore on a German summarization data set. Our results provide a basis for best practices for crowd-based summarization evaluation regarding major influential factors such as the best annotation aggregation method, the influence of readability and reading effort on summarization evaluation, and the optimal number of crowd workers to achieve comparable results to experts, especially when determining factors such as overall quality, grammaticality, referential clarity, focus, structure & coherence, summary usefulness, and summary informativeness.

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Evaluating Word Embeddings on Low-Resource Languages
Nathan Stringham | Mike Izbicki

The analogy task introduced by Mikolov et al. (2013) has become the standard metric for tuning the hyperparameters of word embedding models. In this paper, however, we argue that the analogy task is unsuitable for low-resource languages for two reasons: (1) it requires that word embeddings be trained on large amounts of text, and (2) analogies may not be well-defined in some low-resource settings. We solve these problems by introducing the OddOneOut and Topk tasks, which are specifically designed for model selection in the low-resource setting. We use these metrics to successfully tune hyperparameters for a low-resource emoji embedding task and word embeddings on 16 extinct languages. The largest of these languages (Ancient Hebrew) has a 41 million token dataset, and the smallest (Old Gujarati) has only a 1813 token dataset.


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Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Fact Extraction and VERification (FEVER)

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Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Fact Extraction and VERification (FEVER)
Christos Christodoulopoulos | James Thorne | Andreas Vlachos | Oana Cocarascu | Arpit Mittal

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Simple Compounded-Label Training for Fact Extraction and Verification
Yixin Nie | Lisa Bauer | Mohit Bansal

Automatic fact checking is an important task motivated by the need for detecting and preventing the spread of misinformation across the web. The recently released FEVER challenge provides a benchmark task that assesses systems’ capability for both the retrieval of required evidence and the identification of authentic claims. Previous approaches share a similar pipeline training paradigm that decomposes the task into three subtasks, with each component built and trained separately. Although achieving acceptable scores, these methods induce difficulty for practical application development due to unnecessary complexity and expensive computation. In this paper, we explore the potential of simplifying the system design and reducing training computation by proposing a joint training setup in which a single sequence matching model is trained with compounded labels that give supervision for both sentence selection and claim verification subtasks, eliminating the duplicate computation that occurs when models are designed and trained separately. Empirical results on FEVER indicate that our method: (1) outperforms the typical multi-task learning approach, and (2) gets comparable results to top performing systems with a much simpler training setup and less training computation (in terms of the amount of data consumed and the number of model parameters), facilitating future works on the automatic fact checking task and its practical usage.

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Stance Prediction and Claim Verification: An Arabic Perspective
Jude Khouja

This work explores the application of textual entailment in news claim verification and stance prediction using a new corpus in Arabic. The publicly available corpus comes in two perspectives: a version consisting of 4,547 true and false claims and a version consisting of 3,786 pairs (claim, evidence). We describe the methodology for creating the corpus and the annotation process. Using the introduced corpus, we also develop two machine learning baselines for two proposed tasks: claim verification and stance prediction. Our best model utilizes pretraining (BERT) and achieves 76.7 F1 on the stance prediction task and 64.3 F1 on the claim verification task. Our preliminary experiments shed some light on the limits of automatic claim verification that relies on claims text only. Results hint that while the linguistic features and world knowledge learned during pretraining are useful for stance prediction, such learned representations from pretraining are insufficient for verifying claims without access to context or evidence.

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A Probabilistic Model with Commonsense Constraints for Pattern-based Temporal Fact Extraction
Yang Zhou | Tong Zhao | Meng Jiang

Textual patterns (e.g., Country’s president Person) are specified and/or generated for extracting factual information from unstructured data. Pattern-based information extraction methods have been recognized for their efficiency and transferability. However, not every pattern is reliable: A major challenge is to derive the most complete and accurate facts from diverse and sometimes conflicting extractions. In this work, we propose a probabilistic graphical model which formulates fact extraction in a generative process. It automatically infers true facts and pattern reliability without any supervision. It has two novel designs specially for temporal facts: (1) it models pattern reliability on two types of time signals, including temporal tag in text and text generation time; (2) it models commonsense constraints as observable variables. Experimental results demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms existing methods on extracting true temporal facts from news data.

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Developing a How-to Tip Machine Comprehension Dataset and its Evaluation in Machine Comprehension by BERT
Tengyang Chen | Hongyu Li | Miho Kasamatsu | Takehito Utsuro | Yasuhide Kawada

In the field of factoid question answering (QA), it is known that the state-of-the-art technology has achieved an accuracy comparable to that of humans in a certain benchmark challenge. On the other hand, in the area of non-factoid QA, there is still a limited number of datasets for training QA models, i.e., machine comprehension models. Considering such a situation within the field of the non-factoid QA, this paper aims to develop a dataset for training Japanese how-to tip QA models. This paper applies one of the state-of-the-art machine comprehension models to the Japanese how-to tip QA dataset. The trained how-to tip QA model is also compared with a factoid QA model trained with a Japanese factoid QA dataset. Evaluation results revealed that the how-to tip machine comprehension performance was almost comparative with that of the factoid machine comprehension even with the training data size reduced to around 4% of the factoid machine comprehension. Thus, the how-to tip machine comprehension task requires much less training data compared with the factoid machine comprehension task.

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Language Models as Fact Checkers?
Nayeon Lee | Belinda Z. Li | Sinong Wang | Wen-tau Yih | Hao Ma | Madian Khabsa

Recent work has suggested that language models (LMs) store both common-sense and factual knowledge learned from pre-training data. In this paper, we leverage this implicit knowledge to create an effective end-to-end fact checker using a solely a language model, without any external knowledge or explicit retrieval components. While previous work on extracting knowledge from LMs have focused on the task of open-domain question answering, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to examine the use of language models as fact checkers. In a closed-book setting, we show that our zero-shot LM approach outperforms a random baseline on the standard FEVER task, and that our finetuned LM compares favorably with standard baselines. Though we do not ultimately outperform methods which use explicit knowledge bases, we believe our exploration shows that this method is viable and has much room for exploration.

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Maintaining Quality in FEVER Annotation
Leon Derczynski | Julie Binau | Henri Schulte

We propose two measures for measuring the quality of constructed claims in the FEVER task. Annotating data for this task involves the creation of supporting and refuting claims over a set of evidence. Automatic annotation processes often leave superficial patterns in data, which learning systems can detect instead of performing the underlying task. Humans also can leave these superficial patterns, either voluntarily or involuntarily (due to e.g. fatigue). The two measures introduced attempt to detect the impact of these superficial patterns. One is a new information-theoretic and distributionality based measure, DCI; and the other an extension of neural probing work over the ARCT task, utility. We demonstrate these measures over a recent major dataset, that from the English FEVER task in 2019.

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Distilling the Evidence to Augment Fact Verification Models
Beatrice Portelli | Jason Zhao | Tal Schuster | Giuseppe Serra | Enrico Santus

The alarming spread of fake news in social media, together with the impossibility of scaling manual fact verification, motivated the development of natural language processing techniques to automatically verify the veracity of claims. Most approaches perform a claim-evidence classification without providing any insights about why the claim is trustworthy or not. We propose, instead, a model-agnostic framework that consists of two modules: (1) a span extractor, which identifies the crucial information connecting claim and evidence; and (2) a classifier that combines claim, evidence, and the extracted spans to predict the veracity of the claim. We show that the spans are informative for the classifier, improving performance and robustness. Tested on several state-of-the-art models over the Fever dataset, the enhanced classifiers consistently achieve higher accuracy while also showing reduced sensitivity to artifacts in the claims.


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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing

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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing
Beata Beigman Klebanov | Ekaterina Shutova | Patricia Lichtenstein | Smaranda Muresan | Chee Wee | Anna Feldman | Debanjan Ghosh

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A Report on the 2020 Sarcasm Detection Shared Task
Debanjan Ghosh | Avijit Vajpayee | Smaranda Muresan

Detecting sarcasm and verbal irony is critical for understanding people’s actual sentiments and beliefs. Thus, the field of sarcasm analysis has become a popular research problem in natural language processing. As the community working on computational approaches for sarcasm detection is growing, it is imperative to conduct benchmarking studies to analyze the current state-of-the-art, facilitating progress in this area. We report on the shared task on sarcasm detection we conducted as a part of the 2nd Workshop on Figurative Language Processing (FigLang 2020) at ACL 2020.

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Augmenting Data for Sarcasm Detection with Unlabeled Conversation Context
Hankyol Lee | Youngjae Yu | Gunhee Kim

We present a novel data augmentation technique, CRA (Contextual Response Augmentation), which utilizes conversational context to generate meaningful samples for training. We also mitigate the issues regarding unbalanced context lengths by changing the input output format of the model such that it can deal with varying context lengths effectively. Specifically, our proposed model, trained with the proposed data augmentation technique, participated in the sarcasm detection task of FigLang2020, have won and achieves the best performance in both Reddit and Twitter datasets.

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A Report on the 2020 VUA and TOEFL Metaphor Detection Shared Task
Chee Wee (Ben) Leong | Beata Beigman Klebanov | Chris Hamill | Egon Stemle | Rutuja Ubale | Xianyang Chen

In this paper, we report on the shared task on metaphor identification on VU Amsterdam Metaphor Corpus and on a subset of the TOEFL Native Language Identification Corpus. The shared task was conducted as apart of the ACL 2020 Workshop on Processing Figurative Language.

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DeepMet: A Reading Comprehension Paradigm for Token-level Metaphor Detection
Chuandong Su | Fumiyo Fukumoto | Xiaoxi Huang | Jiyi Li | Rongbo Wang | Zhiqun Chen

Machine metaphor understanding is one of the major topics in NLP. Most of the recent attempts consider it as classification or sequence tagging task. However, few types of research introduce the rich linguistic information into the field of computational metaphor by leveraging powerful pre-training language models. We focus a novel reading comprehension paradigm for solving the token-level metaphor detection task which provides an innovative type of solution for this task. We propose an end-to-end deep metaphor detection model named DeepMet based on this paradigm. The proposed approach encodes the global text context (whole sentence), local text context (sentence fragments), and question (query word) information as well as incorporating two types of part-of-speech (POS) features by making use of the advanced pre-training language model. The experimental results by using several metaphor datasets show that our model achieves competitive results in the second shared task on metaphor detection.

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Context-Driven Satirical News Generation
Zachary Horvitz | Nam Do | Michael L. Littman

While mysterious, humor likely hinges on an interplay of entities, their relationships, and cultural connotations. Motivated by the importance of context in humor, we consider methods for constructing and leveraging contextual representations in generating humorous text. Specifically, we study the capacity of transformer-based architectures to generate funny satirical headlines, and show that both language models and summarization models can be fine-tuned to regularly generate headlines that people find funny. Furthermore, we find that summarization models uniquely support satire-generation by enabling the generation of topical humorous text. Outside of our formal study, we note that headlines generated by our model were accepted via a competitive process into a satirical newspaper, and one headline was ranked as high or better than 73% of human submissions. As part of our work, we contribute a dataset of over 15K satirical headlines paired with ranked contextual information from news articles and Wikipedia.

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Sarcasm Detection using Context Separators in Online Discourse
Tanvi Dadu | Kartikey Pant

Sarcasm is an intricate form of speech, where meaning is conveyed implicitly. Being a convoluted form of expression, detecting sarcasm is an assiduous problem. The difficulty in recognition of sarcasm has many pitfalls, including misunderstandings in everyday communications, which leads us to an increasing focus on automated sarcasm detection. In the second edition of the Figurative Language Processing (FigLang 2020) workshop, the shared task of sarcasm detection released two datasets, containing responses along with their context sampled from Twitter and Reddit. In this work, we use RoBERTalarge to detect sarcasm in both the datasets. We further assert the importance of context in improving the performance of contextual word embedding based models by using three different types of inputs - Response-only, Context-Response, and Context-Response (Separated). We show that our proposed architecture performs competitively for both the datasets. We also show that the addition of a separation token between context and target response results in an improvement of 5.13% in the F1-score in the Reddit dataset.

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Sarcasm Detection in Tweets with BERT and GloVe Embeddings
Akshay Khatri | Pranav P

Sarcasm is a form of communication in which the person states opposite of what he actually means. In this paper, we propose using machine learning techniques with BERT and GloVe embeddings to detect sarcasm in tweets. The dataset is preprocessed before extracting the embeddings. The proposed model also uses all of the context provided in the dataset to which the user is reacting along with his actual response.

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C-Net: Contextual Network for Sarcasm Detection
Amit Kumar Jena | Aman Sinha | Rohit Agarwal

Automatic Sarcasm Detection in conversations is a difficult and tricky task. Classifying an utterance as sarcastic or not in isolation can be futile since most of the time the sarcastic nature of a sentence heavily relies on its context. This paper presents our proposed model, C-Net, which takes contextual information of a sentence in a sequential manner to classify it as sarcastic or non-sarcastic. Our model showcases competitive performance in the Sarcasm Detection shared task organised on CodaLab and achieved 75.0% F1-score on the Twitter dataset and 66.3% F1-score on Reddit dataset.

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Applying Transformers and Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis approaches on Sarcasm Detection
Taha Shangipour ataei | Soroush Javdan | Behrouz Minaei-Bidgoli

Sarcasm is a type of figurative language broadly adopted in social media and daily conversations. The sarcasm can ultimately alter the meaning of the sentence, which makes the opinion analysis process error-prone. In this paper, we propose to employ bidirectional encoder representations transformers (BERT), and aspect-based sentiment analysis approaches in order to extract the relation between context dialogue sequence and response and determine whether or not the response is sarcastic. The best performing method of ours obtains an F1 score of 0.73 on the Twitter dataset and 0.734 over the Reddit dataset at the second workshop on figurative language processing Shared Task 2020.

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Sarcasm Identification and Detection in Conversion Context using BERT
Kalaivani A. | Thenmozhi D.

Sarcasm analysis in user conversion text is automatic detection of any irony, insult, hurting, painful, caustic, humour, vulgarity that degrades an individual. It is helpful in the field of sentimental analysis and cyberbullying. As an immense growth of social media, sarcasm analysis helps to avoid insult, hurts and humour to affect someone. In this paper, we present traditional machine learning approaches, deep learning approach (LSTM -RNN) and BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) for identifying sarcasm. We have used the approaches to build the model, to identify and categorize how much conversion context or response is needed for sarcasm detection and evaluated on the two social media forums that is twitter conversation dataset and reddit conversion dataset. We compare the performance based on the approaches and obtained the best F1 scores as 0.722, 0.679 for the twitter forums and reddit forums respectively.

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Neural Sarcasm Detection using Conversation Context
Nikhil Jaiswal

Social media platforms and discussion forums such as Reddit, Twitter, etc. are filled with figurative languages. Sarcasm is one such category of figurative language whose presence in a conversation makes language understanding a challenging task. In this paper, we present a deep neural architecture for sarcasm detection. We investigate various pre-trained language representation models (PLRMs) like BERT, RoBERTa, etc. and fine-tune it on the Twitter dataset. We experiment with a variety of PLRMs either on the twitter utterance in isolation or utilizing the contextual information along with the utterance. Our findings indicate that by taking into consideration the previous three most recent utterances, the model is more accurately able to classify a conversation as being sarcastic or not. Our best performing ensemble model achieves an overall F1 score of 0.790, which ranks us second on the leaderboard of the Sarcasm Shared Task 2020.

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Context-Aware Sarcasm Detection Using BERT
Arup Baruah | Kaushik Das | Ferdous Barbhuiya | Kuntal Dey

In this paper, we present the results obtained by BERT, BiLSTM and SVM classifiers on the shared task on Sarcasm Detection held as part of The Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing. The shared task required the use of conversational context to detect sarcasm. We experimented by varying the amount of context used along with the response (response is the text to be classified). The amount of context used includes (i) zero context, (ii) last one, two or three utterances, and (iii) all utterances. It was found that including the last utterance in the dialogue along with the response improved the performance of the classifier for the Twitter data set. On the other hand, the best performance for the Reddit data set was obtained when using only the response without any contextual information. The BERT classifier obtained F-score of 0.743 and 0.658 for the Twitter and Reddit data set respectively.

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Transformers on Sarcasm Detection with Context
Amardeep Kumar | Vivek Anand

Sarcasm Detection with Context, a shared task of Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing (co-located with ACL 2020), is study of effect of context on Sarcasm detection in conversations of Social media. We present different techniques and models, mostly based on transformer for Sarcasm Detection with Context. We extended latest pre-trained transformers like BERT, RoBERTa, spanBERT on different task objectives like single sentence classification, sentence pair classification, etc. to understand role of conversation context for sarcasm detection on Twitter conversations and conversation threads from Reddit. We also present our own architecture consisting of LSTM and Transformers to achieve the objective.

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A Novel Hierarchical BERT Architecture for Sarcasm Detection
Himani Srivastava | Vaibhav Varshney | Surabhi Kumari | Saurabh Srivastava

Online discussion platforms are often flooded with opinions from users across the world on a variety of topics. Many such posts, comments, or utterances are often sarcastic in nature, i.e., the actual intent is hidden in the sentence and is different from its literal meaning, making the detection of such utterances challenging without additional context. In this paper, we propose a novel deep learning-based approach to detect whether an utterance is sarcastic or non-sarcastic by utilizing the given contexts ina hierarchical manner. We have used datasets from two online discussion platforms - Twitter and Reddit1for our experiments. Experimental and error analysis shows that the hierarchical models can make full use of history to obtain a better representation of contexts and thus, in turn, can outperform their sequential counterparts.

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Detecting Sarcasm in Conversation Context Using Transformer-Based Models
Adithya Avvaru | Sanath Vobilisetty | Radhika Mamidi

Sarcasm detection, regarded as one of the sub-problems of sentiment analysis, is a very typical task because the introduction of sarcastic words can flip the sentiment of the sentence itself. To date, many research works revolve around detecting sarcasm in one single sentence and there is very limited research to detect sarcasm resulting from multiple sentences. Current models used Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) variants with or without attention to detect sarcasm in conversations. We showed that the models using state-of-the-art Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), to capture syntactic and semantic information across conversation sentences, performed better than the current models. Based on the data analysis, we estimated that the number of sentences in the conversation that can contribute to the sarcasm and the results agrees to this estimation. We also perform a comparative study of our different versions of BERT-based model with other variants of LSTM model and XLNet (both using the estimated number of conversation sentences) and find out that BERT-based models outperformed them.

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Using Conceptual Norms for Metaphor Detection
Mingyu Wan | Kathleen Ahrens | Emmanuele Chersoni | Menghan Jiang | Qi Su | Rong Xiang | Chu-Ren Huang

This paper reports a linguistically-enriched method of detecting token-level metaphors for the second shared task on Metaphor Detection. We participate in all four phases of competition with both datasets, i.e. Verbs and AllPOS on the VUA and the TOFEL datasets. We use the modality exclusivity and embodiment norms for constructing a conceptual representation of the nodes and the context. Our system obtains an F-score of 0.652 for the VUA Verbs track, which is 5% higher than the strong baselines. The experimental results across models and datasets indicate the salient contribution of using modality exclusivity and modality shift information for predicting metaphoricity.

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ALBERT-BiLSTM for Sequential Metaphor Detection
Shuqun Li | Jingjie Zeng | Jinhui Zhang | Tao Peng | Liang Yang | Hongfei Lin

In our daily life, metaphor is a common way of expression. To understand the meaning of a metaphor, we should recognize the metaphor words which play important roles. In the metaphor detection task, we design a sequence labeling model based on ALBERT-LSTM-softmax. By applying this model, we carry out a lot of experiments and compare the experimental results with different processing methods, such as with different input sentences and tokens, or the methods with CRF and softmax. Then, some tricks are adopted to improve the experimental results. Finally, our model achieves a 0.707 F1-score for the all POS subtask and a 0.728 F1-score for the verb subtask on the TOEFL dataset.

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Character aware models with similarity learning for metaphor detection
Tarun Kumar | Yashvardhan Sharma

Recent work on automatic sequential metaphor detection has involved recurrent neural networks initialized with different pre-trained word embeddings and which are sometimes combined with hand engineered features. To capture lexical and orthographic information automatically, in this paper we propose to add character based word representation. Also, to contrast the difference between literal and contextual meaning, we utilize a similarity network. We explore these components via two different architectures - a BiLSTM model and a Transformer Encoder model similar to BERT to perform metaphor identification. We participate in the Second Shared Task on Metaphor Detection on both the VUA and TOFEL datasets with the above models. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method as it outperforms all the systems which participated in the previous shared task.

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Sky + Fire = Sunset. Exploring Parallels between Visually Grounded Metaphors and Image Classifiers
Yuri Bizzoni | Simon Dobnik

This work explores the differences and similarities between neural image classifiers’ mis-categorisations and visually grounded metaphors - that we could conceive as intentional mis-categorisations. We discuss the possibility of using automatic image classifiers to approximate human metaphoric behaviours, and the limitations of such frame. We report two pilot experiments to study grounded metaphoricity. In the first we represent metaphors as a form of visual mis-categorisation. In the second we model metaphors as a more flexible, compositional operation in a continuous visual space generated from automatic classification systems.

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Recognizing Euphemisms and Dysphemisms Using Sentiment Analysis
Christian Felt | Ellen Riloff

This paper presents the first research aimed at recognizing euphemistic and dysphemistic phrases with natural language processing. Euphemisms soften references to topics that are sensitive, disagreeable, or taboo. Conversely, dysphemisms refer to sensitive topics in a harsh or rude way. For example, “passed away” and “departed” are euphemisms for death, while “croaked” and “six feet under” are dysphemisms for death. Our work explores the use of sentiment analysis to recognize euphemistic and dysphemistic language. First, we identify near-synonym phrases for three topics (firing, lying, and stealing) using a bootstrapping algorithm for semantic lexicon induction. Next, we classify phrases as euphemistic, dysphemistic, or neutral using lexical sentiment cues and contextual sentiment analysis. We introduce a new gold standard data set and present our experimental results for this task.

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IlliniMet: Illinois System for Metaphor Detection with Contextual and Linguistic Information
Hongyu Gong | Kshitij Gupta | Akriti Jain | Suma Bhat

Metaphors are rhetorical use of words based on the conceptual mapping as opposed to their literal use. Metaphor detection, an important task in language understanding, aims to identify metaphors in word level from given sentences. We present IlliniMet, a system to automatically detect metaphorical words. Our model combines the strengths of the contextualized representation by the widely used RoBERTa model and the rich linguistic information from external resources such as WordNet. The proposed approach is shown to outperform strong baselines on a benchmark dataset. Our best model achieves F1 scores of 73.0% on VUA ALLPOS, 77.1% on VUA VERB, 70.3% on TOEFL ALLPOS and 71.9% on TOEFL VERB.

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Adaptation of Word-Level Benchmark Datasets for Relation-Level Metaphor Identification
Omnia Zayed | John Philip McCrae | Paul Buitelaar

Metaphor processing and understanding has attracted the attention of many researchers recently with an increasing number of computational approaches. A common factor among these approaches is utilising existing benchmark datasets for evaluation and comparisons. The availability, quality and size of the annotated data are among the main difficulties facing the growing research area of metaphor processing. The majority of current approaches pertaining to metaphor processing concentrate on word-level processing due to data availability. On the other hand, approaches that process metaphors on the relation-level ignore the context where the metaphoric expression. This is due to the nature and format of the available data. Word-level annotation is poorly grounded theoretically and is harder to use in downstream tasks such as metaphor interpretation. The conversion from word-level to relation-level annotation is non-trivial. In this work, we attempt to fill this research gap by adapting three benchmark datasets, namely the VU Amsterdam metaphor corpus, the TroFi dataset and the TSV dataset, to suit relation-level metaphor identification. We publish the adapted datasets to facilitate future research in relation-level metaphor processing.

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Generating Ethnographic Models from Communities’ Online Data
Tomek Strzalkowski | Anna Newheiser | Nathan Kemper | Ning Sa | Bharvee Acharya | Gregorios Katsios

In this paper we describe computational ethnography study to demonstrate how machine learning techniques can be utilized to exploit bias resident in language data produced by communities with online presence. Specifically, we leverage the use of figurative language (i.e., the choice of metaphors) in online text (e.g., news media, blogs) produced by distinct communities to obtain models of community worldviews that can be shown to be distinctly biased and thus different from other communities’ models. We automatically construct metaphor-based community models for two distinct scenarios: gun rights and marriage equality. We then conduct a series of experiments to validate the hypothesis that the metaphors found in each community’s online language convey the bias in the community’s worldview.

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Oxymorons: a preliminary corpus investigation
Marta La Pietra | Francesca Masini

This paper contains a preliminary corpus study of oxymorons, a figure of speech so far under-investigated in NLP-oriented research. The study resulted in a list of 376 oxymorons, identified by extracting a set of antonymous pairs (under various configurations) from corpora of written Italian and by manually checking the results. A complementary method is also envisaged for discovering contextual oxymorons, which are highly relevant for the detection of humor, irony and sarcasm.

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Can Humor Prediction Datasets be used for Humor Generation? Humorous Headline Generation via Style Transfer
Orion Weller | Nancy Fulda | Kevin Seppi

Understanding and identifying humor has been increasingly popular, as seen by the number of datasets created to study humor. However, one area of humor research, humor generation, has remained a difficult task, with machine generated jokes failing to match human-created humor. As many humor prediction datasets claim to aid in generative tasks, we examine whether these claims are true. We focus our experiments on the most popular dataset, included in the 2020 SemEval’s Task 7, and teach our model to take normal text and “translate” it into humorous text. We evaluate our model compared to humorous human generated headlines, finding that our model is preferred equally in A/B testing with the human edited versions, a strong success for humor generation, and is preferred over an intelligent random baseline 72% of the time. We also show that our model is assumed to be human written comparable with that of the human edited headlines and is significantly better than random, indicating that this dataset does indeed provide potential for future humor generation systems.

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Evaluating a Bi-LSTM Model for Metaphor Detection in TOEFL Essays
Kevin Kuo | Marine Carpuat

This paper describes systems submitted to the Metaphor Shared Task at the Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing. In this submission, we replicate the evaluation of the Bi-LSTM model introduced by Gao et al.(2018) on the VUA corpus in a new setting: TOEFL essays written by non-native English speakers. Our results show that Bi-LSTM models outperform feature-rich linear models on this challenging task, which is consistent with prior findings on the VUA dataset. However, the Bi-LSTM models lag behind the best performing systems in the shared task.

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Neural Metaphor Detection with a Residual biLSTM-CRF Model
Andrés Torres Rivera | Antoni Oliver | Salvador Climent | Marta Coll-Florit

In this paper we present a novel resource-inexpensive architecture for metaphor detection based on a residual bidirectional long short-term memory and conditional random fields. Current approaches on this task rely on deep neural networks to identify metaphorical words, using additional linguistic features or word embeddings. We evaluate our proposed approach using different model configurations that combine embeddings, part of speech tags, and semantically disambiguated synonym sets. This evaluation process was performed using the training and testing partitions of the VU Amsterdam Metaphor Corpus. We use this method of evaluation as reference to compare the results with other current neural approaches for this task that implement similar neural architectures and features, and that were evaluated using this corpus. Results show that our system achieves competitive results with a simpler architecture compared to previous approaches.

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Augmenting Neural Metaphor Detection with Concreteness
Ghadi Alnafesah | Harish Tayyar Madabushi | Mark Lee

The idea that a shift in concreteness within a sentence indicates the presence of a metaphor has been around for a while. However, recent methods of detecting metaphor that have relied on deep neural models have ignored concreteness and related psycholinguistic information. We hypothesis that this information is not available to these models and that their addition will boost the performance of these models in detecting metaphor. We test this hypothesis on the Metaphor Detection Shared Task 2020 and find that the addition of concreteness information does in fact boost deep neural models. We also run tests on data from a previous shared task and show similar results.

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Supervised Disambiguation of German Verbal Idioms with a BiLSTM Architecture
Rafael Ehren | Timm Lichte | Laura Kallmeyer | Jakub Waszczuk

Supervised disambiguation of verbal idioms (VID) poses special demands on the quality and quantity of the annotated data used for learning and evaluation. In this paper, we present a new VID corpus for German and perform a series of VID disambiguation experiments on it. Our best classifier, based on a neural architecture, yields an error reduction across VIDs of 57% in terms of accuracy compared to a simple majority baseline.

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Metaphor Detection using Context and Concreteness
Rowan Hall Maudslay | Tiago Pimentel | Ryan Cotterell | Simone Teufel

We report the results of our system on the Metaphor Detection Shared Task at the Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing 2020. Our model is an ensemble, utilising contextualised and static distributional semantic representations, along with word-type concreteness ratings. Using these features, it predicts word metaphoricity with a deep multi-layer perceptron. We are able to best the state-of-the-art from the 2018 Shared Task by an average of 8.0% F1, and finish fourth in both sub-tasks in which we participate.

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Being neighbourly: Neural metaphor identification in discourse
Verna Dankers | Karan Malhotra | Gaurav Kudva | Volodymyr Medentsiy | Ekaterina Shutova

Existing approaches to metaphor processing typically rely on local features, such as immediate lexico-syntactic contexts or information within a given sentence. However, a large body of corpus-linguistic research suggests that situational information and broader discourse properties influence metaphor production and comprehension. In this paper, we present the first neural metaphor processing architecture that models a broader discourse through the use of attention mechanisms. Our models advance the state of the art on the all POS track of the 2018 VU Amsterdam metaphor identification task. The inclusion of discourse-level information yields further significant improvements.

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Go Figure! Multi-task transformer-based architecture for metaphor detection using idioms: ETS team in 2020 metaphor shared task
Xianyang Chen | Chee Wee (Ben) Leong | Michael Flor | Beata Beigman Klebanov

This paper describes the ETS entry to the 2020 Metaphor Detection shared task. Our contribution consists of a sequence of experiments using BERT, starting with a baseline, strengthening it by spell-correcting the TOEFL corpus, followed by a multi-task learning setting, where one of the tasks is the token-level metaphor classification as per the shared task, while the other is meant to provide additional training that we hypothesized to be relevant to the main task. In one case, out-of-domain data manually annotated for metaphor is used for the auxiliary task; in the other case, in-domain data automatically annotated for idioms is used for the auxiliary task. Both multi-task experiments yield promising results.

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Metaphor Detection using Ensembles of Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks
Jennifer Brooks | Abdou Youssef

In this paper we present our results from the Second Shared Task on Metaphor Detection, hosted by the Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing. We use an ensemble of RNN models with bidirectional LSTMs and bidirectional attention mechanisms. Some of the models were trained on all parts of speech. Each of the other models was trained on one of four categories for parts of speech: “nouns”, “verbs”, “adverbs/adjectives”, or “other”. The models were combined into voting pools and the voting pools were combined using the logical “OR” operator.

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Metaphor Detection Using Contextual Word Embeddings From Transformers
Jerry Liu | Nathan O’Hara | Alexander Rubin | Rachel Draelos | Cynthia Rudin

The detection of metaphors can provide valuable information about a given text and is crucial to sentiment analysis and machine translation. In this paper, we outline the techniques for word-level metaphor detection used in our submission to the Second Shared Task on Metaphor Detection. We propose using both BERT and XLNet language models to create contextualized embeddings and a bi-directional LSTM to identify whether a given word is a metaphor. Our best model achieved F1-scores of 68.0% on VUA AllPOS, 73.0% on VUA Verbs, 66.9% on TOEFL AllPOS, and 69.7% on TOEFL Verbs, placing 7th, 6th, 5th, and 5th respectively. In addition, we outline another potential approach with a KNN-LSTM ensemble model that we did not have enough time to implement given the deadline for the competition. We show that a KNN classifier provides a similar F1-score on a validation set as the LSTM and yields different information on metaphors.

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Testing the role of metadata in metaphor identification
Egon Stemle | Alexander Onysko

This paper describes the adaptation and application of a neural network system for the automatic detection of metaphors. The LSTM BiRNN system participated in the shared task of metaphor identification that was part of the Second Workshop of Figurative Language Processing (FigLang2020) held at the Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL2020). The particular focus of our approach is on the potential influence that the metadata given in the ETS Corpus of Non-Native Written English might have on the automatic detection of metaphors in this dataset. The article first discusses the annotated ETS learner data, highlighting some of its peculiarities and inherent biases of metaphor use. A series of evaluations follow in order to test whether specific metadata influence the system performance in the task of automatic metaphor identification. The system is available under the APLv2 open-source license.

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Sarcasm Detection Using an Ensemble Approach
Jens Lemmens | Ben Burtenshaw | Ehsan Lotfi | Ilia Markov | Walter Daelemans

We present an ensemble approach for the detection of sarcasm in Reddit and Twitter responses in the context of The Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing held in conjunction with ACL 2020. The ensemble is trained on the predicted sarcasm probabilities of four component models and on additional features, such as the sentiment of the comment, its length, and source (Reddit or Twitter) in order to learn which of the component models is the most reliable for which input. The component models consist of an LSTM with hashtag and emoji representations; a CNN-LSTM with casing, stop word, punctuation, and sentiment representations; an MLP based on Infersent embeddings; and an SVM trained on stylometric and emotion-based features. All component models use the two conversational turns preceding the response as context, except for the SVM, which only uses features extracted from the response. The ensemble itself consists of an adaboost classifier with the decision tree algorithm as base estimator and yields F1-scores of 67% and 74% on the Reddit and Twitter test data, respectively.

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A Transformer Approach to Contextual Sarcasm Detection in Twitter
Hunter Gregory | Steven Li | Pouya Mohammadi | Natalie Tarn | Rachel Draelos | Cynthia Rudin

Understanding tone in Twitter posts will be increasingly important as more and more communication moves online. One of the most difficult, yet important tones to detect is sarcasm. In the past, LSTM and transformer architecture models have been used to tackle this problem. We attempt to expand upon this research, implementing LSTM, GRU, and transformer models, and exploring new methods to classify sarcasm in Twitter posts. Among these, the most successful were transformer models, most notably BERT. While we attempted a few other models described in this paper, our most successful model was an ensemble of transformer models including BERT, RoBERTa, XLNet, RoBERTa-large, and ALBERT. This research was performed in conjunction with the sarcasm detection shared task section in the Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing, co-located with ACL 2020.

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Transformer-based Context-aware Sarcasm Detection in Conversation Threads from Social Media
Xiangjue Dong | Changmao Li | Jinho D. Choi

We present a transformer-based sarcasm detection model that accounts for the context from the entire conversation thread for more robust predictions. Our model uses deep transformer layers to perform multi-head attentions among the target utterance and the relevant context in the thread. The context-aware models are evaluated on two datasets from social media, Twitter and Reddit, and show 3.1% and 7.0% improvements over their baselines. Our best models give the F1-scores of 79.0% and 75.0% for the Twitter and Reddit datasets respectively, becoming one of the highest performing systems among 36 participants in this shared task.


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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing
Chung-Chi Chen | Hen-Hsen Huang | Hiroya Takamura | Hsin-Hsi Chen

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Financial News Annotation by Weakly-Supervised Hierarchical Multi-label Learning
Hang Jiang | Zhongchen Miao | Yuefeng Lin | Chenyu Wang | Mengjun Ni | Jian Gao | Jidong Lu | Guangwei Shi

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Variations in Word Usage for the Financial Domain
Syrielle Montariol | Alexandre Allauzen | Asanobu Kitamoto

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Detecting Omissions of Risk Factors in Company Annual Reports
Corentin Masson | Syrielle Montariol

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A Semantic Approach to Financial Fundamentals
Jiafeng Chen | Suproteem Sarkar

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Learning Company Embeddings from Annual Reports for Fine-grained Industry Characterization
Tomoki Ito | Jose Camacho Collados | Hiroki Sakaji | Steven Schockaert

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Unsupervised Discovery of Firm-Level Variables in Earnings Call Transcript Embeddings
Daniel Edmiston | Ziho Park

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Using Extractive Lexicon-based Sentiment Analysis to Enhance Understanding ofthe Impact of Non-GAAP Measures in Financial Reporting
Stacey Taylor | Vlado Keselj

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FinSBD-2020: The 2nd Shared Task on Sentence Boundary Detection in Unstructured Text in the Financial Domain
Willy Au | Bianca Chong | Abderrahim Ait Azzi | Dialekti Valsamou-Stanislawski

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PublishInCovid19 at the FinSBD-2 Task: Sentence and List Extraction in Noisy PDF Text Using a Hybrid Deep Learning and Rule-Based Approach
Janvijay Singh

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aiai at the FinSBD-2 Task: Sentence, list and Item Boundary Detection and Items classification of Financial Texts Using Data Augmentation and Attention
Ke Tian | Hua Chen | Jie Yang

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Daniel at the FinSBD-2 Task: Extracting List and Sentence Boundaries from PDF Documents, a model-driven approach to PDF document analysis
Emmanuel Giguet | Gaël Lejeune

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Subtl.ai at the FinSBD-2 task: Document Structure Identification by Paying Attention
Abhishek Arora | Aman Khullar | Sarath Chandra Pakala | Vishnu Ramesh | Manish Shrivastava

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The FinSim 2020 Shared Task: Learning Semantic Representations for the Financial Domain
Ismail El Maarouf | Youness Mansar | Virginie Mouilleron | Dialekti Valsamou-Stanislawski

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IITK at the FinSim Task: Hypernym Detection in Financial Domain via Context-Free and Contextualized Word Embeddings
Vishal Keswani | Sakshi Singh | Ashutosh Modi

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Anuj at the FinSim Task: Anuj@FINSIM¡VLearning Semantic Representation of Financial Domain with Investopedia
Anuj Saini

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ProsperAMnet at the FinSim Task: Detecting hypernyms of financial concepts via measuring the information stored in sparse word representations
Gábor Berend | Norbert Kis-Szabó | Zsolt Szántó

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FINSIM20 at the FinSim Task: Making Sense of Text in Financial Domain
Vivek Anand | Yash Agrawal | Aarti Pol | Vasudeva Varma


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Proceedings of the 1st Joint Workshop on Financial Narrative Processing and MultiLing Financial Summarisation
Dr Mahmoud El-Haj | Dr Vasiliki Athanasakou | Dr Sira Ferradans | Dr Catherine Salzedo | Dr Ans Elhag | Dr Houda Bouamor | Dr Marina Litvak | Dr Paul Rayson | Dr George Giannakopoulos | Nikiforos Pittaras

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The Financial Narrative Summarisation Shared Task (FNS 2020)
Mahmoud El-Haj | Ahmed AbuRa’ed | Marina Litvak | Nikiforos Pittaras | George Giannakopoulos

This paper presents the results and findings of the Financial Narrative Summarisation shared task (FNS 2020) on summarising UK annual reports. The shared task was organised as part of the 1st Financial Narrative Processing and Financial Narrative Summarisation Workshop (FNP-FNS 2020). The shared task included one main task which is the use of either abstractive or extractive summarisation methodologies and techniques to automatically summarise UK financial annual reports. FNS summarisation shared task is the first to target financial annual reports. The data for the shared task was created and collected from publicly available UK annual reports published by firms listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE). A total number of 24 systems from 9 different teams participated in the shared task. In addition we had 2 baseline summarisers and additional 2 topline summarisers to help evaluate and compare against the results of the participants.

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The Financial Document Structure Extraction Shared task (FinToc 2020)
Najah-Imane Bentabet | Rémi Juge | Ismail El Maarouf | Virginie Mouilleron | Dialekti Valsamou-Stanislawski | Mahmoud El-Haj

This paper presents the FinTOC-2020 Shared Task on structure extraction from financial documents, its participants results and their findings. This shared task was organized as part of The 1st Joint Workshop on Financial Narrative Processing and MultiLing Financial Summarisation (FNP-FNS 2020), held at The 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING’2020). This shared task aimed to stimulate research in systems for extracting table-of-contents (TOC) from investment documents (such as financial prospectuses) by detecting the document titles and organizing them hierarchically into a TOC. For the second edition of this shared task, two subtasks were presented to the participants: one with English documents and the other one with French documents.

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The Financial Document Causality Detection Shared Task (FinCausal 2020)
Dominique Mariko | Hanna Abi-Akl | Estelle Labidurie | Stephane Durfort | Hugues De Mazancourt | Mahmoud El-Haj

We present the FinCausal 2020 Shared Task on Causality Detection in Financial Documents and the associated FinCausal dataset, and discuss the participating systems and results. Two sub-tasks are proposed: a binary classification task (Task 1) and a relation extraction task (Task 2). A total of 16 teams submitted runs across the two Tasks and 13 of them contributed with a system description paper. This workshop is associated to the Joint Workshop on Financial Narrative Processing and MultiLing Financial Summarisation (FNP-FNS 2020), held at The 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING’2020), Barcelona, Spain on September 12, 2020.

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LangResearchLab_NC at FinCausal 2020, Task 1: A Knowledge Induced Neural Net for Causality Detection
Raksha Agarwal | Ishaan Verma | Niladri Chatterjee

Identifying causal relationships in a text is essential for achieving comprehensive natural language understanding. The present work proposes a combination of features derived from pre-trained BERT with linguistic features for training a supervised classifier for the task of Causality Detection. The Linguistic features help to inject knowledge about the semantic and syntactic structure of the input sentences. Experiments on the FinCausal Shared Task1 datasets indicate that the combination of Linguistic features with BERT improves overall performance for causality detection. The proposed system achieves a weighted average F1 score of 0.952 on the post-evaluation dataset.

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GBe at FinCausal 2020, Task 2: Span-based Causality Extraction for Financial Documents
Guillaume Becquin

This document describes a system for causality extraction from financial documents submitted as part of the FinCausal 2020 Workshop. The main contribution of this paper is a description of the robust post-processing used to detect the number of cause and effect clauses in a document and extract them. The proposed system achieved a weighted-average F1 score of more than 95% for the official blind test set during the post-evaluation phase and exact clauses match for 83% of the documents.

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LIORI at the FinCausal 2020 Shared task
Denis Gordeev | Adis Davletov | Alexey Rey | Nikolay Arefiev

In this paper, we describe the results of team LIORI at the FinCausal 2020 Shared task held as a part of the 1st Joint Workshop on Financial Narrative Processing and MultiLingual Financial Summarisation. The shared task consisted of two subtasks: classifying whether a sentence contains any causality and labelling phrases that indicate causes and consequences. Our team ranked 1st in the first subtask and 4th in the second one. We used Transformer-based models with joint-task learning and their ensembles.

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JDD @ FinCausal 2020, Task 2: Financial Document Causality Detection
Toshiya Imoto | Tomoki Ito

This paper describes the approach we built for the Financial Document Causality Detection Shared Task (FinCausal-2020) Task 2: Cause and Effect Detection. Our approach is based on a multi-class classifier using BiLSTM with Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCN) trained by minimizing the binary cross entropy loss. In our approach, we have not used any extra data source apart from combining the trial and practice dataset. We achieve weighted F1 score to 75.61 percent and are ranked at 7-th place.

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UPB at FinCausal-2020, Tasks 1 & 2: Causality Analysis in Financial Documents using Pretrained Language Models
Marius Ionescu | Andrei-Marius Avram | George-Andrei Dima | Dumitru-Clementin Cercel | Mihai Dascalu

Financial causality detection is centered on identifying connections between different assets from financial news in order to improve trading strategies. FinCausal 2020 - Causality Identification in Financial Documents – is a competition targeting to boost results in financial causality by obtaining an explanation of how different individual events or chain of events interact and generate subsequent events in a financial environment. The competition is divided into two tasks: (a) a binary classification task for determining whether sentences are causal or not, and (b) a sequence labeling task aimed at identifying elements related to cause and effect. Various Transformer-based language models were fine-tuned for the first task and we obtained the second place in the competition with an F1-score of 97.55% using an ensemble of five such language models. Subsequently, a BERT model was fine-tuned for the second task and a Conditional Random Field model was used on top of the generated language features; the system managed to identify the cause and effect relationships with an F1-score of 73.10%. We open-sourced the code and made it available at: https://github.com/avramandrei/FinCausal2020.

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NITK NLP at FinCausal-2020 Task 1 Using BERT and Linear models.
Hariharan R L | Anand Kumar M

FinCausal-2020 is the shared task which focuses on the causality detection of factual data for financial analysis. The financial data facts don’t provide much explanation on the variability of these data. This paper aims to propose an efficient method to classify the data into one which is having any financial cause or not. Many models were used to classify the data, out of which SVM model gave an F-Score of 0.9435, BERT with specific fine-tuning achieved best results with F-Score of 0.9677.

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Fraunhofer IAIS at FinCausal 2020, Tasks 1 & 2: Using Ensemble Methods and Sequence Tagging to Detect Causality in Financial Documents
Maren Pielka | Rajkumar Ramamurthy | Anna Ladi | Eduardo Brito | Clayton Chapman | Paul Mayer | Rafet Sifa

The FinCausal 2020 shared task aims to detect causality on financial news and identify those parts of the causal sentences related to the underlying cause and effect. We apply ensemble-based and sequence tagging methods for identifying causality, and extracting causal subsequences. Our models yield promising results on both sub-tasks, with the prospect of further improvement given more time and computing resources. With respect to task 1, we achieved an F1 score of 0.9429 on the evaluation data, and a corresponding ranking of 12/14. For task 2, we were ranked 6/10, with an F1 score of 0.76 and an ExactMatch score of 0.1912.

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NTUNLPL at FinCausal 2020, Task 2:Improving Causality Detection Using Viterbi Decoder
Pei-Wei Kao | Chung-Chi Chen | Hen-Hsen Huang | Hsin-Hsi Chen

In order to provide an explanation of machine learning models, causality detection attracts lots of attention in the artificial intelligence research community. In this paper, we explore the cause-effect detection in financial news and propose an approach, which combines the BIO scheme with the Viterbi decoder for addressing this challenge. Our approach is ranked the first in the official run of cause-effect detection (Task 2) of the FinCausal-2020 shared task. We not only report the implementation details and ablation analysis in this paper, but also publish our code for academic usage.

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FiNLP at FinCausal 2020 Task 1: Mixture of BERTs for Causal Sentence Identification in Financial Texts
Sarthak Gupta

This paper describes our system developed for the sub-task 1 of the FinCausal shared task in the FNP-FNS workshop held in conjunction with COLING-2020. The system classifies whether a financial news text segment contains causality or not. To address this task, we fine-tune and ensemble the generic and domain-specific BERT language models pre-trained on financial text corpora. The task data is highly imbalanced with the majority non-causal class; therefore, we train the models using strategies such as under-sampling, cost-sensitive learning, and data augmentation. Our best system achieves a weighted F1-score of 96.98 securing 4th position on the evaluation leaderboard. The code is available at https://github.com/sarthakTUM/fincausal

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ProsperAMnet at FinCausal 2020, Task 1 & 2: Modeling causality in financial texts using multi-headed transformers
Zsolt Szántó | Gábor Berend

This paper introduces our efforts at the FinCasual shared task for modeling causality in financial utterances. Our approach uses the commonly and successfully applied strategy of fine-tuning a transformer-based language model with a twist, i.e. we modified the training and inference mechanism such that our model produces multiple predictions for the same instance. By designing such a model that returns k>1 predictions at the same time, we not only obtain a more resource efficient training (as opposed to fine-tuning some pre-trained language model k independent times), but our results indicate that we are also capable of obtaining comparable or even better evaluation scores that way. We compare multiple strategies for combining the k predictions of our model. Our submissions got ranked third on both subtasks of the shared task.

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ISIKUN at the FinCausal 2020: Linguistically informed Machine-learning Approach for Causality Identification in Financial Documents
Gökberk Özenir | İlknur Karadeniz

This paper presents our participation to the FinCausal-2020 Shared Task whose ultimate aim is to extract cause-effect relations from a given financial text. Our participation includes two systems for the two sub-tasks of the FinCausal-2020 Shared Task. The first sub-task (Task-1) consists of the binary classification of the given sentences as causal meaningful (1) or causal meaningless (0). Our approach for the Task-1 includes applying linear support vector machines after transforming the input sentences into vector representations using term frequency-inverse document frequency scheme with 3-grams. The second sub-task (Task-2) consists of the identification of the cause-effect relations in the sentences, which are detected as causal meaningful. Our approach for the Task-2 is a CRF-based model which uses linguistically informed features. For the Task-1, the obtained results show that there is a small difference between the proposed approach based on linear support vector machines (F-score 94%) , which requires less time compared to the BERT-based baseline (F-score 95%). For the Task-2, although a minor modifications such as the learning algorithm type and the feature representations are made in the conditional random fields based baseline (F-score 52%), we have obtained better results (F-score 60%). The source codes for the both tasks are available online (https://github.com/ozenirgokberk/FinCausal2020.git/).

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Domino at FinCausal 2020, Task 1 and 2: Causal Extraction System
Sharanya Chakravarthy | Tushar Kanakagiri | Karthik Radhakrishnan | Anjana Umapathy

Automatic identification of cause-effect relationships from data is a challenging but important problem in artificial intelligence. Identifying semantic relationships has become increasingly important for multiple downstream applications like Question Answering, Information Retrieval and Event Prediction. In this work, we tackle the problem of causal relationship extraction from financial news using the FinCausal 2020 dataset. We tackle two tasks - 1) Detecting the presence of causal relationships and 2) Extracting segments corresponding to cause and effect from news snippets. We propose Transformer based sequence and token classification models with post-processing rules which achieve an F1 score of 96.12 and 79.60 on Tasks 1 and 2 respectively.

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IITkgp at FinCausal 2020, Shared Task 1: Causality Detection using Sentence Embeddings in Financial Reports
Arka Mitra | Harshvardhan Srivastava | Yugam Tiwari

The paper describes the work that the team submitted to FinCausal 2020 Shared Task. This work is associated with the first sub-task of identifying causality in sentences. The various models used in the experiments tried to obtain a latent space representation for each of the sentences. Linear regression was performed on these representations to classify whether the sentence is causal or not. The experiments have shown BERT (Large) performed the best, giving a F1 score of 0.958, in the task of detecting the causality of sentences in financial texts and reports. The class imbalance was dealt with a modified loss function to give a better metric score for the evaluation.

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Extractive Financial Narrative Summarisation based on DPPs
Lei Li | Yafei Jiang | Yinan Liu

We participate in the FNS-Summarisation 2020 shared task to be held at FNP 2020 workshop at COLING 2020. Based on Determinantal Point Processes (DPPs), we build an extractive automatic financial summarisation system for the specific task. In this system, we first analyze the long report data to select the important narrative parts and generate an intermediate document. Next, we build the kernel Matrix L for the intermediate document, which represents the quality of its sentences. On the basis of L, we then can use the DPPs sampling algorithm to choose those sentences with high quality and diversity as the final summary sentences.

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PoinT-5: Pointer Network and T-5 based Financial Narrative Summarisation
Abhishek Singh

Companies provide annual reports to their shareholders at the end of the financial year that de-scribes their operations and financial conditions. The average length of these reports is 80, andit may extend up to 250 pages long. In this paper, we propose our methodology PoinT-5 (thecombination of Pointer Network and T-5 (Test-to-text transfer Transformer) algorithms) that weused in the Financial Narrative Summarisation (FNS) 2020 task. The proposed method usesPointer networks to extract important narrative sentences from the report, and then T-5 is used toparaphrase extracted sentences into a concise yet informative sentence. We evaluate our methodusing Rouge-N (1,2), L, and SU4. The proposed method achieves the highest precision scores inall the metrics and highest F1 scores in three out of four evaluation metrics that are Rouge 1, 2,and LCS and only solution to cross MUSE solution baseline in Rouge-LCS metrics.

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Combining financial word embeddings and knowledge-based features for financial text summarization UC3M-MC System at FNS-2020
Jaime Baldeon Suarez | Paloma Martínez | Jose Luis Martínez

This paper describes the systems proposed by HULAT research group from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) and MeaningCloud (MC) company to solve the FNS 2020 Shared Task on summarizing financial reports. We present a narrative extractive approach that implements a statistical model comprised of different features that measure the relevance of the sentences using a combination of statistical and machine learning methods. The key to the model’s performance is its accurate representation of the text, since the word embeddings used by the model have been trained with the summaries of the training dataset and therefore capture the most salient information from the reports. The systems’ code can be found at https://github.com/jaimebaldeon/FNS-2020.

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End-to-end Training For Financial Report Summarization
Moreno La Quatra | Luca Cagliero

Quoted companies are requested to periodically publish financial reports in textual form. The annual financial reports typically include detailed financial and business information, thus giving relevant insights into company outlooks. However, a manual exploration of these financial reports could be very time consuming since most of the available information can be deemed as non-informative or redundant by expert readers. Hence, an increasing research interest has been devoted to automatically extracting domain-specific summaries, which include only the most relevant information. This paper describes the SumTO system architecture, which addresses the Shared Task of the Financial Narrative Summarisation (FNS) 2020 contest. The main task objective is to automatically extract the most informative, domain-specific textual content from financial, English-written documents. The aim is to create a summary of each company report covering all the business-relevant key points. To address the above-mentioned goal, we propose an end-to-end training method relying on Deep NLP techniques. The idea behind the system is to exploit the syntactic overlap between input sentences and ground-truth summaries to fine-tune pre-trained BERT embedding models, thus making such models tailored to the specific context. The achieved results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method, especially when the goal is to select relatively long text snippets.

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SCE-SUMMARY at the FNS 2020 shared task
Marina Litvak | Natalia Vanetik | Zvi Puchinsky

With the constantly growing amount of information, the need arises to automatically summarize this written information. One of the challenges in the summary is that it’s difficult to generalize. For example, summarizing a news article is very different from summarizing a financial earnings report. This paper reports an approach for summarizing financial texts, which are different from the documents from other domains at least in three parameters: length, structure, and format. Our approach considers these parameters, it is adapted to hierarchical structure of sections, document length, and special “language”. The approach builds an hierarchical summary, visualized as a tree with summaries under different discourse topics. The approach was evaluated using extrinsic and intrinsic automated evaluations, which are reported in this paper. As all participants of the Financial Narrative Summarisation (FNS 2020) shared task, we used FNS2020 dataset for evaluations.

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Knowledge Graph and Deep Neural Network for Extractive Text Summarization by Utilizing Triples
Amit Vhatkar | Pushpak Bhattacharyya | Kavi Arya

In our research work, we represent the content of the sentence in graphical form after extracting triples from the sentences. In this paper, we will discuss novel methods to generate an extractive summary by scoring the triples. Our work has also touched upon sequence-to-sequence encoding of the content of the sentence, to classify it as a summary or a non-summary sentence. Our findings help to decide the nature of the sentences forming the summary and the length of the system generated summary as compared to the length of the reference summary.

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AMEX AI-Labs: An Investigative Study on Extractive Summarization of Financial Documents
Piyush Arora | Priya Radhakrishnan

We describe the work carried out by AMEX AI-LABS on an extractive summarization benchmark task focused on Financial Narratives Summarization (FNS). This task focuses on summarizing annual financial reports which poses two main challenges as compared to typical news document summarization tasks : i) annual reports are more lengthier (average length about 80 pages) as compared to typical news documents, and ii) annual reports are more loosely structured e.g. comprising of tables, charts, textual data and images, which makes it challenging to effectively summarize. To address this summarization task we investigate a range of unsupervised, supervised and ensemble based techniques. We find that ensemble based techniques perform relatively better as compared to using only the unsupervised and supervised based techniques. Our ensemble based model achieved the highest rank of 9 out of 31 systems submitted for the benchmark task based on Rouge-L evaluation metric.

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Extractive Summarization System for Annual Reports
Abderrahim Ait Azzi | Juyeon Kang

In this paper, we report on our experiments in building a summarization system for generating summaries from annual reports. We adopt an “extractive” summarization approach in our hybrid system combining neural networks and rules-based algorithms with the expectation that such a system may capture key sentences or paragraphs from the data. A rules-based TOC (Table Of Contents) extraction and a binary classifier of narrative section titles are main components of our system allowing to identify narrative sections and best candidates for extracting final summaries. As result, we propose one to three summaries per document according to the classification score of narrative section titles.

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SUMSUM@FNS-2020 Shared Task
Siyan Zheng | Anneliese Lu | Claire Cardie

This paper describes the SUMSUM systems submitted to the Financial Narrative Summarization Shared Task (FNS-2020). We explore a section-based extractive summarization method tailored to the structure of financial reports: our best system parses the report Table of Contents (ToC), splits the report into narrative sections based on the ToC, and applies a BERT-based classifier to each section to determine whether it should be included in the summary. Our best system ranks 4th, 1st, 2nd and 17th on the Rouge-1, Rouge-2, Rouge-SU4, and Rouge-L official metrics, respectively. We also report results on the validation set using an alternative set of Rouge-based metrics that measure performance with respect to the best-matching of the available gold summaries.

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AMEX-AI-LABS: Investigating Transfer Learning for Title Detection in Table of Contents Generation
Dhruv Premi | Amogh Badugu | Himanshu Sharad Bhatt

We present a transfer learning approach for Title Detection in FinToC 2020 challenge. Our proposed approach relies on the premise that the geometric layout and character features of the titles and non-titles can be learnt separately from a large corpus, and their learning can then be transferred to a domain-specific dataset. On a domain-specific dataset, we train a Deep Neural Net on the text of the document along with a pre-trained model for geometric and character features. We achieved an F-Score of 83.25 on the test set and secured top rank in the title detection task in FinToC 2020.

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UWB@FinTOC-2020 Shared Task: Financial Document Title Detection
Tomáš Hercig | Pavel Kral

This paper describes our system created for the Financial Document Structure Extraction Shared Task (FinTOC-2020): Title Detection. We rely on the Apache PDFBox library to extract text and all additional information e.g. font type and font size from the financial prospectuses. Our constrained system uses only the provided training data without any additional external resources. Our system is based on the Maximum Entropy classifier and various features including font type and font size. Our system achieves F1 score 81% and #1 place in the French track and F1 score 77% and #2 place among 5 participating teams in the English track.

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Taxy.io@FinTOC-2020: Multilingual Document Structure Extraction using Transfer Learning
Frederic Haase | Steffen Kirchhoff

In this paper we describe our system submitted to the FinTOC-2020 shared task on financial doc- ument structure extraction. We propose a two-step approach to identify titles in financial docu- ments and to extract their table of contents (TOC). First, we identify text blocks as candidates for titles using unsupervised learning based on character-level information of each document. Then, we apply supervised learning on a self-constructed regression task to predict the depth of each text block in the document structure hierarchy using transfer learning combined with document features and layout features. It is noteworthy that our single multilingual model performs well on both tasks and on different languages, which indicates the usefulness of transfer learning for title detection and TOC generation. Moreover, our approach is independent of the presence of actual TOC pages in the documents. It is also one of the few submissions to the FinTOC-2020 shared task addressing both subtasks in both languages, English and French, with one single model.

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DNLP@FinTOC’20: Table of Contents Detection in Financial Documents
Dijana Kosmajac | Stacey Taylor | Mozhgan Saeidi

Title Detection and Table of Contents Generation are important components in detecting document structure. In particular, these two elements serve to provide the skeleton of the document, providing users with an understanding of organization, as well as the relevance of information, and where to find information within the document. Here, we show that using tesseract with Levenstein distance, a feature set inspired by Alk et al., we were able to correctly classify the title to an F1 measure 0.73 and 0.87, and the table-of-contents to a harmonic mean of 0.36 and 0.39, in English and French respectively. Our methodology works with both PDF and scanned documents, giving it a wide range of applicability within the document engineering and storage domains.

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Daniel@FinTOC’2 Shared Task: Title Detection and Structure Extraction
Emmanuel Giguet | Gaël Lejeune | Jean-Baptiste Tanguy

We present our contributions for the 2020 FinTOC Shared Tasks: Title Detection and Table of Contents Extraction. For the Structure Extraction task, we propose an approach that combines information from multiple sources: the table of contents, the wording of the document, and lexical domain knowledge. For the title detection task, we compare surface features to character-based features on various training configurations. We show that title detection results are very sensitive to the kind of training dataset used.

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A Computational Analysis of Financial and Environmental Narratives within Financial Reports and its Value for Investors
Felix Armbrust | Henry Schäfer | Roman Klinger

Public companies are obliged to include financial and non-financial information within their cor- porate filings under Regulation S-K, in the United States (SEC, 2010). However, the requirements still allow for manager’s discretion. This raises the question to which extent the information is actually included and if this information is at all relevant for investors. We answer this question by training and evaluating an end-to-end deep learning approach (based on BERT and GloVe embeddings) to predict the financial and environmental performance of the company from the “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Conditions and Results of Operations” (MD&A) section of 10-K (yearly) and 10-Q (quarterly) filings. We further analyse the mediating effect of the environmental performance on the relationship between the company’s disclosures and financial performance. Hereby, we address the results of previous studies regarding environ- mental performance. We find that the textual information contained within the MD&A section does not allow for conclusions about the future (corporate) financial performance. However, there is evidence that the environmental performance can be extracted by natural language processing methods.

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Information Extraction from Federal Open Market Committee Statements
Oana Frunza

We present a novel approach to unsupervised information extraction by identifying and extracting relevant concept-value pairs from textual data. The system’s building blocks are domain agnostic, making it universally applicable. In this paper, we describe each component of the system and how it extracts relevant economic information from U.S. Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) statements. Our methodology achieves an impressive 96% accuracy for identifying relevant information for a set of seven economic indicators: household spending, inflation, unemployment, economic activity, fixed in-vestment, federal funds rate, and labor market.

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Mitigating Silence in Compliance Terminology during Parsing of Utterances
Esme Manandise | Conrad de Peuter

This paper reports on an approach to increase multi-token-term recall in a parsing task. We use a compliance-domain parser to extract, during the process of parsing raw text, terms that are unlisted in the terminology. The parser uses a similarity measure (Generalized Dice Coefficient) between listed terms and unlisted term candidates to (i) determine term status, (ii) serve putative terms to the parser, (iii) decrease parsing complexity by glomming multi-tokens as lexical singletons, and (iv) automatically augment the terminology after parsing of an utterance completes. We illustrate a small experiment with examples from the tax-and-regulations domain. Bootstrapping the parsing process to detect out- of-vocabulary terms at runtime increases parsing accuracy in addition to producing other benefits to a natural-language-processing pipeline, which translates arithmetic calculations written in English into computer-executable operations.

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Hierarchical summarization of financial reports with RUNNER
Marina Litvak | Natalia Vanetik | Zvi Puchinsky

With the constantly growing amount of information, the need arises to automatically summarize this written information. One of the challenges in the summary is that it’s difficult to generalize. For example, summarizing a news article is very different from summarizing a financial earnings report. This paper reports an approach for summarizing financial texts, which are different from the documents from other domains at least in three parameters: length, structure, and format. Our approach considers these parameters, it is adapted to hierarchical structure of sections, document length, and special “language”. The approach builds an hierarchical summary, visualized as a tree with summaries under different discourse topics. The approach was evaluated using extrinsic and intrinsic automated evaluations, which are reported in this paper. As all participants of the Financial Narrative Summarisation (FNS 2020) shared task, we used FNS2020 dataset for evaluations.

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Predicting Modality in Financial Dialogue
Kilian Theil | Heiner Stuckenschmidt

In this paper, we perform modality prediction in financial dialogue. To this end, we introduce a new dataset and develop a binary classifier to detect strong or weak modal answers depending on surface, lexical, and semantic representations of the preceding question and financial features. To do so, we contrast different algorithms, feature categories, and fusion methods. Perhaps counter-intuitively, our results indicate that the strongest features for the given task are financial uncertainty measures such as market and individual firm risk.

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Extracting Fine-Grained Economic Events from Business News
Gilles Jacobs | Veronique Hoste

Based on a recently developed fine-grained event extraction dataset for the economic domain, we present in a pilot study for supervised economic event extraction. We investigate how a state-of-the-art model for event extraction performs on the trigger and argument identification and classification. While F1-scores of above 50% are obtained on the task of trigger identification, we observe a large gap in performance compared to results on the benchmark ACE05 dataset. We show that single-token triggers do not provide sufficient discriminative information for a fine-grained event detection setup in a closed domain such as economics, since many classes have a large degree of lexico-semantic and contextual overlap.


bib (full) Proceedings of the International FrameNet Workshop 2020: Towards a Global, Multilingual FrameNet

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Proceedings of the International FrameNet Workshop 2020: Towards a Global, Multilingual FrameNet
Tiago T. Torrent | Collin F. Baker | Oliver Czulo | Kyoko Ohara | Miriam R. L. Petruck

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Beyond lexical semantics: notes on pragmatic frames
Oliver Czulo | Alexander Ziem | Tiago Timponi Torrent

Framenets as an incarnation of frame semantics have been set up to deal with lexicographic issues (cf. Fillmore and Baker 2010, among others). They are thus concerned with lexical units (LUs) and the conceptual structure which categorizes these together. These lexically-evoked frames, however, do not reflect pragmatic properties of constructions (LUs and other types of constructions), such as expressing illocutions or being considered polite or very informal. From the viewpoint of a multilingual annotation effort, the Global FrameNet Shared Annotation Task, we discuss two phenomena, greetings and tag questions, which highlight the necessity both to investigate the role between construction and frame annotation on the one hand and to develop pragmatic frames describing social interactions which are not explicitly lexicalized.

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Finding Corresponding Constructions in English and Japanese in a TED Talk Parallel Corpus using Frames-and-Constructions Analysis
Kyoko Ohara

This paper reports on an effort to search for corresponding constructions in English and Japanese in a TED Talk parallel corpus, using frames-and-constructions analysis (Ohara, 2019; Ohara and Okubo, 2020; cf. Czulo, 2013, 2017). The purpose of the paper is two-fold: (1) to demonstrate the validity of frames-and-constructions analysis to search for corresponding constructions in typologically unrelated languages; and (2) to assess whether the “Do schools kill creativity?” TED Talk parallel corpus, annotated in various languages for Multilingual FrameNet, is a good starting place for building a multilingual constructicon. The analysis showed that similar to our previous findings involving texts in a Japanese to English bilingual children’s book, the TED Talk bilingual transcripts include pairs of constructions that share similar pragmatic functions. While the TED Talk parallel corpus constitutes a good resource for frame semantic annotation in multiple languages, it may not be the ideal place to start aligning constructions among typologically unrelated languages. Finally, this work shows that the proposed method, which focuses on heads of sentences, seems valid for searching for corresponding constructions in transcripts of spoken data, as well as in written data of typologically-unrelated languages.

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Towards Reference-Aware FrameNet Annotation
Levi Remijnse | Gosse Minnema

In this paper, we introduce the task of using FrameNet to link structured information about real-world events to the conceptual frames used in texts describing these events. We show that frames made relevant by the knowledge of the real-world event can be captured by complementing standard lexicon-driven FrameNet annotations with frame annotations derived through pragmatic inference. We propose a two-layered annotation scheme with a ‘strict’ FrameNet-compatible lexical layer and a ‘loose’ layer capturing frames that are inferred from referential data.

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Frame-Based Annotation of Multimodal Corpora: Tracking (A)Synchronies in Meaning Construction
Frederico Belcavello | Marcelo Viridiano | Alexandre Diniz da Costa | Ely Edison da Silva Matos | Tiago Timponi Torrent

Multimodal aspects of human communication are key in several applications of Natural Language Processing, such as Machine Translation and Natural Language Generation. Despite recent advances in integrating multimodality into Computational Linguistics, the merge between NLP and Computer Vision techniques is still timid, especially when it comes to providing fine-grained accounts for meaning construction. This paper reports on research aiming to determine appropriate methodology and develop a computational tool to annotate multimodal corpora according to a principled structured semantic representation of events, relations and entities: FrameNet. Taking a Brazilian television travel show as corpus, a pilot study was conducted to annotate the frames that are evoked by the audio and the ones that are evoked by visual elements. We also implemented a Multimodal Annotation tool which allows annotators to choose frames and locate frame elements both in the text and in the images, while keeping track of the time span in which those elements are active in each modality. Results suggest that adding a multimodal domain to the linguistic layer of annotation and analysis contributes both to enrich the kind of information that can be tagged in a corpus, and to enhance FrameNet as a model of linguistic cognition.

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Combining Conceptual and Referential Annotation to Study Variation in Framing
Marten Postma | Levi Remijnse | Filip Ilievski | Antske Fokkens | Sam Titarsolej | Piek Vossen

We introduce an annotation tool whose purpose is to gain insights into variation of framing by combining FrameNet annotation with referential annotation. English FrameNet enables researchers to study variation in framing at the conceptual level as well through its packaging in language. We enrich FrameNet annotations in two ways. First, we introduce the referential aspect. Secondly, we annotate on complete texts to encode connections between mentions. As a result, we can analyze the variation of framing for one particular event across multiple mentions and (cross-lingual) documents. We can examine how an event is framed over time and how core frame elements are expressed throughout a complete text. The data model starts with a representation of an event type. Each event type has many incidents linked to it, and each incident has several reference texts describing it as well as structured data about the incident. The user can apply two types of annotations: 1) mappings from expressions to frames and frame elements, 2) reference relations from mentions to events and participants of the structured data.

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FrameNet Annotations Alignment using Attention-based Machine Translation
Gabriel Marzinotto

This paper presents an approach to project FrameNet annotations into other languages using attention-based neural machine translation (NMT) models. The idea is to use an NMT encoder-decoder attention matrix to propose a word-to-word correspondence between the source and the target language. We combine this word alignment along with a set of simple rules to securely project the FrameNet annotations into the target language. We successfully implemented, evaluated and analyzed this technique on the English-to-French configuration. First, we analyze the obtained FrameNet lexicon qualitatively. Then, we use existing French FrameNet corpora to assert the quality of the translation. Finally, we trained a BERT-based FrameNet parser using the projected annotations and compared it to a BERT baseline. Results show substantial improvements in the French language, giving evidence to support that our approach could help to propagate FrameNet data-set on other languages.

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Greek within the Global FrameNet Initiative: Challenges and Conclusions so far
Voula Giouli | Vera Pilitsidou | Hephaestion Christopoulos

Large coverage lexical resources that bear deep linguistic information have always been considered useful for many natural language processing (NLP) applications including Machine Translation (MT). In this respect, Frame-based resources have been developed for many languages following Frame Semantics and the Berkeley FrameNet project. However, to a great extent, all those efforts have been kept fragmented. Consequentially, the Global FrameNet initiative has been conceived of as a joint effort to bring together FrameNets in different languages. The proposed paper is aimed at describing ongoing work towards developing the Greek (EL) counterpart of the Global FrameNet and our efforts to contribute to the Shared Annotation Task. In the paper, we will elaborate on the annotation methodology employed, the current status and progress made so far, as well as the problems raised during annotation.

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Using Verb Frames for Text Difficulty Assessment
John Lee | Meichun Liu | Tianyuan Cai

This paper presents the first investigation on using semantic frames to assess text difficulty. Based on Mandarin VerbNet, a verbal semantic database that adopts a frame-based approach, we examine usage patterns of ten verbs in a corpus of graded Chinese texts. We identify a number of characteristics in texts at advanced grades: more frequent use of non-core frame elements; more frequent omission of some core frame elements; increased preference for noun phrases rather than clauses as verb arguments; and more frequent metaphoric usage. These characteristics can potentially be useful for automatic prediction of text readability.

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Deriving a PropBank Corpus from Parallel FrameNet and UD Corpora
Normunds Gruzitis | Roberts Darģis | Laura Rituma | Gunta Nešpore-Bērzkalne | Baiba Saulite

We propose an approach for generating an accurate and consistent PropBank-annotated corpus, given a FrameNet-annotated corpus which has an underlying dependency annotation layer, namely, a parallel Universal Dependencies (UD) treebank. The PropBank annotation layer of such a multi-layer corpus can be semi-automatically derived from the existing FrameNet and UD annotation layers, by providing a mapping configuration from lexical units in [a non-English language] FrameNet to [English language] PropBank predicates, and a mapping configuration from FrameNet frame elements to PropBank semantic arguments for the given pair of a FrameNet frame and a PropBank predicate. The latter mapping generally depends on the underlying UD syntactic relations. To demonstrate our approach, we use Latvian FrameNet, annotated on top of Latvian UD Treebank, for generating Latvian PropBank in compliance with the Universal Propositions approach.

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Building the Emirati Arabic FrameNet
Andrew Gargett | Tommi Leung

The Emirati Arabic FrameNet (EAFN) project aims to initiate a FrameNet for Emirati Arabic, utilizing the Emirati Arabic Corpus. The goal is to create a resource comparable to the initial stages of the Berkeley FrameNet. The project is divided into manual and automatic tracks, based on the predominant techniques being used to collect frames in each track. Work on the EAFN is progressing, and we here report on initial results for annotations and evaluation. The EAFN project aims to provide a general semantic resource for the Arabic language, sure to be of interest to researchers from general linguistics to natural language processing. As we report here, the EAFN is well on target for the first release of data in the coming year.

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Exploring Crosslinguistic Frame Alignment
Collin F. Baker | Arthur Lorenzi

The FrameNet (FN) project at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley (ICSI), which documents the core vocabulary of contemporary English, was the first lexical resource based on Fillmore’s theory of Frame Semantics. Berkeley FrameNet has inspired related projects in roughly a dozen other languages, which have evolved somewhat independently; the current Multilingual FrameNet project (MLFN) is an attempt to find alignments between all of them. The alignment problem is complicated by the fact that these projects have adhered to the Berkeley FrameNet model to varying degrees, and they were also founded at different times, when different versions of the Berkeley FrameNet data were available. We describe several new methods for finding relations of similarity between semantic frames across languages. We will demonstrate ViToXF, a new tool which provides interactive visualizations of these cross-lingual relations, between frames, lexical units, and frame elements, based on resources such as multilingual dictionaries and on shared distributional vector spaces, making clear the strengths and weaknesses of different alignment methods.

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Building Multilingual Specialized Resources Based on FrameNet: Application to the Field of the Environment
Marie-Claude L’ Homme | Benoît Robichaud | Carlos Subirats

The methodology developed within the FrameNet project is being used to compile resources in an increasing number of specialized fields of knowledge. The methodology along with the theoretical principles on which it is based, i.e. Frame Semantics, are especially appealing as they allow domain-specific resources to account for the conceptual background of specialized knowledge and to explain the linguistic properties of terms against this background. This paper presents a methodology for building a multilingual resource that accounts for terms of the environment. After listing some lexical and conceptual differences that need to be managed in such a resource, we explain how the FrameNet methodology is adapted for describing terms in different languages. We first applied our methodology to French and then extended it to English. Extensions to Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese were made more recently. Up to now, we have defined 190 frames: 112 frames are new; 38 are used as such; and 40 are slightly different (a different number of obligatory participants; a significant alternation, etc.) when compared to Berkeley FrameNet.


bib (full) Workshop on Games and Natural Language Processing

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Workshop on Games and Natural Language Processing
Stephanie M. Lukin

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Creating a Sentiment Lexicon with Game-Specific Words for Analyzing NPC Dialogue in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Thérèse Bergsma | Judith van Stegeren | Mariët Theune

A weak point of rule-based sentiment analysis systems is that the underlying sentiment lexicons are often not adapted to the domain of the text we want to analyze. We created a game-specific sentiment lexicon for video game Skyrim based on the E-ANEW word list and a dataset of Skyrim’s in-game documents. We calculated sentiment ratings for NPC dialogue using both our lexicon and E-ANEW and compared the resulting sentiment ratings to those of human raters. Both lexicons perform comparably well on our evaluation dialogues, but the game-specific extension performs slightly better on the dominance dimension for dialogue segments and the arousal dimension for full dialogues. To our knowledge, this is the first time that a sentiment analysis lexicon has been adapted to the video game domain.

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ClueMeIn: Obtaining More Specific Image Labels Through a Game
Christopher Harris

The ESP Game (also known as the Google Image Labeler) demonstrated how the crowd could perform a task that is straightforward for humans but challenging for computers – providing labels for images. The game facilitated the task of basic image labeling; however, the labels generated were non-specific and limited the ability to distinguish similar images from one another, limiting its ability in search tasks, annotating images for the visually impaired, and training computer vision machine algorithms. In this paper, we describe ClueMeIn, an entertaining web-based game with a purpose that generates more detailed image labels than the ESP Game. We conduct experiments to generate specific image labels, show how the results can lead to improvements in the accuracy of image searches over image labels generated by the ESP Game when using the same public dataset.

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Cipher: A Prototype Game-with-a-Purpose for Detecting Errors in Text
Liang Xu | Jon Chamberlain

Errors commonly exist in machine-generated documents and publication materials; however, some correction algorithms do not perform well for complex errors and it is costly to employ humans to do the task. To solve the problem, a prototype computer game called Cipher was developed that encourages people to identify errors in text. Gamification is achieved by introducing the idea of steganography as the entertaining game element. People play the game for entertainment while they make valuable annotations to locate text errors. The prototype was tested by 35 players in a evaluation experiment, creating 4,764 annotations. After filtering the data, the system detected manually introduced text errors and also genuine errors in the texts that were not noticed when they were introduced into the game.

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Game Design Evaluation of GWAPs for Collecting Word Associations
Mathieu Lafourcade | Le Brun Nathalie

GWAP design might have a tremendous effect on its popularity of course but also on the quality of the data collected. In this paper, a comparison is undertaken between two GWAPs for building term association lists, namely JeuxDeMots and Quicky Goose. After comparing both game designs, the Cohen kappa of associative lists in various configurations is computed in order to assess likeness and differences of the data they provide.

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The Challenge of the TV game La Ghigliottina to NLP
Federico Sangati | Antonio Pascucci | Johanna Monti

In this paper, we describe a Telegram bot, Mago della Ghigliottina (Ghigliottina Wizard), able to solve La Ghigliottina game (The Guillotine), the final game of the Italian TV quiz show L’Eredità. Our system relies on linguistic resources and artificial intelligence and achieves better results than human players (and competitors of L’Eredità too). In addition to solving a game, Mago della Ghigliottina can also generate new game instances and challenge the users to match the solution.

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A 3D Role-Playing Game for Abusive Language Annotation
Federico Bonetti | Sara Tonelli

Gamification has been applied to many linguistic annotation tasks, as an alternative to crowdsourcing platforms to collect annotated data in an inexpensive way. However, we think that still much has to be explored. Games with a Purpose (GWAPs) tend to lack important elements that we commonly see in commercial games, such as 2D and 3D worlds or a story. Making GWAPs more similar to full-fledged video games in order to involve users more easily and increase dissemination is a demanding yet interesting ground to explore. In this paper we present a 3D role-playing game for abusive language annotation that is currently under development.

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Designing a GWAP for Collecting Naturally Produced Dialogues for Low Resourced Languages
Zulipiye Yusupujiang | Jonathan Ginzburg

In this paper we present a new method for collecting naturally generated dialogue data for a low resourced language, (specifically here—Uyghur). We plan to build a games with a purpose (GWAPs) to encourage native speakers to actively contribute dialogue data to our research project. Since we aim to characterize the response space of queries in Uyghur, we design various scenarios for conversations that yield to questions being posed and responded to. We will implement the GWAP with the RPG Maker MV Game Engine, and will integrate the chatroom system in the game with the Dialogue Experimental Toolkit (DiET). DiET will help us improve the data collection process, and most importantly, make us have some control over the interactions among the participants.

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CALLIG: Computer Assisted Language Learning using Improvisation Games
Luís Morgado da Costa | Joanna Ut-Seong Sio

In this paper, we present the ongoing development of CALLIG – a web system that uses improvisation games in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Improvisation games are structured activities with built-in constraints where improvisers are asked to generate a lot of different ideas and weave a diverse range of elements into a sensible narrative spontaneously. This paper discusses how computer-based language games can be created combining improvisation elements and language technology. In contrast with traditional language exercises, improvisational language games are open and unpredictable. CALLIG encourages spontaneity and witty language use. It also provides opportunities for collecting useful data for many NLP applications.

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Bringing Roguelikes to Visually-Impaired Players by Using NLP
Jesús Vilares | Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez | Luís Fernández-Núñez | Darío Penas | Jorge Viteri

Although the roguelike video game genre has a large community of fans (both players and developers) and the graphic aspect of these games is usually given little relevance (ASCII-based graphics are not rare even today), their accessibility for blind players and other visually-impaired users remains a pending issue. In this document, we describe an initiative for the development of roguelikes adapted to visually-impaired players by using Natural Language Processing techniques, together with the first completed games resulting from it. These games were developed as Bachelor’s and Master’s theses. Our approach consists in integrating a multilingual module that, apart from the classic ASCII-based graphical interface, automatically generates text descriptions of what is happening within the game. The visually-impaired user can then read such descriptions by means of a screen reader. In these projects we seek expressivity and variety in the descriptions, so we can offer the users a fun roguelike experience that does not sacrifice any of the key characteristics that define the genre. Moreover, we intend to make these projects easy to extend to other languages, thus avoiding costly and complex solutions. KEYWORDS: Natural Language Generation, roguelikes, visually-impaired users

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Demonstration of a Serious Game for Spoken Language Experiments - GDX
Daniel Duran | Natalie Lewandowski

Increasing efforts are put into gamification of experimentation software in psychology and educational applications and the development of serious games. Computer-based experiments with game-like features have been developed previously for research on cognitive skills, cognitive processing speed, working memory, attention, learning, problem solving, group behavior and other phenomena. It has been argued that computer game experiments are superior to traditional computerized experimentation methods in laboratory tasks in that they represent holistic, meaningful, and natural human activity. We present a novel experimental framework for forced choice categorization tasks or speech perception studies in the form of a computer game, based on the Unity Engine – the Gamified Discrimination Experiments engine (GDX). The setting is that of a first person shooter game with the narrative background of an alien invasion on earth. We demonstrate the utility of our game as a research tool with an application focusing on attention to fine phonetic detail in natural speech perception. The game-based framework is additionally compared against a traditional experimental setup in an auditory discrimination task. Applications of this novel game-based framework are multifarious within studies on all aspects of spoken language perception.

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Aggregation Driven Progression System for GWAPs
Osman Doruk Kicikoglu | Richard Bartle | Jon Chamberlain | Silviu Paun | Massimo Poesio

As the uses of Games-With-A-Purpose (GWAPs) broadens, the systems that incorporate its usages have expanded in complexity. The types of annotations required within the NLP paradigm set such an example, where tasks can involve varying complexity of annotations. Assigning more complex tasks to more skilled players through a progression mechanism can achieve higher accuracy in the collected data while acting as a motivating factor that rewards the more skilled players. In this paper, we present the progression technique implemented in Wormingo , an NLP GWAP that currently includes two layers of task complexity. For the experiment, we have implemented four different progression scenarios on 192 players and compared the accuracy and engagement achieved with each scenario.

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Automatic Annotation of Werewolf Game Corpus with Players Revealing Oneselves as Seer/Medium and Divination/Medium Results
Youchao Lin | Miho Kasamatsu | Tengyang Chen | Takuya Fujita | Huanjin Deng | Takehito Utsuro

While playing the communication game “Are You a Werewolf”, a player always guesses other players’ roles through discussions, based on his own role and other players’ crucial utterances. The underlying goal of this paper is to construct an agent that can analyze the participating players’ utterances and play the werewolf game as if it is a human. For a step of this underlying goal, this paper studies how to accumulate werewolf game log data annotated with identification of players revealing oneselves as seer/medium, the acts of the divination and the medium and declaring the results of the divination and the medium. In this paper, we divide the whole task into four sub tasks and apply CNN/SVM classifiers to each sub task and evaluate their performance.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing
Marta R. Costa-jussà | Christian Hardmeier | Will Radford | Kellie Webster

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Unmasking Contextual Stereotypes: Measuring and Mitigating BERT’s Gender Bias
Marion Bartl | Malvina Nissim | Albert Gatt

Contextualized word embeddings have been replacing standard embeddings as the representational knowledge source of choice in NLP systems. Since a variety of biases have previously been found in standard word embeddings, it is crucial to assess biases encoded in their replacements as well. Focusing on BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), we measure gender bias by studying associations between gender-denoting target words and names of professions in English and German, comparing the findings with real-world workforce statistics. We mitigate bias by fine-tuning BERT on the GAP corpus (Webster et al., 2018), after applying Counterfactual Data Substitution (CDS) (Maudslay et al., 2019). We show that our method of measuring bias is appropriate for languages such as English, but not for languages with a rich morphology and gender-marking, such as German. Our results highlight the importance of investigating bias and mitigation techniques cross-linguistically,especially in view of the current emphasis on large-scale, multilingual language models.

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Interdependencies of Gender and Race in Contextualized Word Embeddings
May Jiang | Christiane Fellbaum

Recent years have seen a surge in research on the biases in word embeddings with respect to gender and, to a lesser extent, race. Few of these studies, however, have given attention to the critical intersection of race and gender. In this case study, we analyze the dimensions of gender and race in contextualized word embeddings of given names, taken from BERT, and investigate the nature and nuance of their interaction. We find that these demographic axes, though typically treated as physically and conceptually separate, are in fact interdependent and thus inadvisable to consider in isolation. Further, we show that demographic dimensions predicated on default settings in language, such as in pronouns, may risk rendering groups with multiple marginalized identities invisible. We conclude by discussing the importance and implications of intersectionality for future studies on bias and debiasing in NLP.

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Fine-tuning Neural Machine Translation on Gender-Balanced Datasets
Marta R. Costa-jussà | Adrià de Jorge

Misrepresentation of certain communities in datasets is causing big disruptions in artificial intelligence applications. In this paper, we propose using an automatically extracted gender-balanced dataset parallel corpus from Wikipedia. This balanced set is used to perform fine-tuning techniques from a bigger model trained on unbalanced datasets to mitigate gender biases in neural machine translation.

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Neural Machine Translation Doesn’t Translate Gender Coreference Right Unless You Make It
Danielle Saunders | Rosie Sallis | Bill Byrne

Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has been shown to struggle with grammatical gender that is dependent on the gender of human referents, which can cause gender bias effects. Many existing approaches to this problem seek to control gender inflection in the target language by explicitly or implicitly adding a gender feature to the source sentence, usually at the sentence level. In this paper we propose schemes for incorporating explicit word-level gender inflection tags into NMT. We explore the potential of this gender-inflection controlled translation when the gender feature can be determined from a human reference, or when a test sentence can be automatically gender-tagged, assessing on English-to-Spanish and English-to-German translation. We find that simple existing approaches can over-generalize a gender-feature to multiple entities in a sentence, and suggest effective alternatives in the form of tagged coreference adaptation data. We also propose an extension to assess translations of gender-neutral entities from English given a corresponding linguistic convention, such as a non-binary inflection, in the target language.

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Can Existing Methods Debias Languages Other than English? First Attempt to Analyze and Mitigate Japanese Word Embeddings
Masashi Takeshita | Yuki Katsumata | Rafal Rzepka | Kenji Araki

It is known that word embeddings exhibit biases inherited from the corpus, and those biases reflect social stereotypes. Recently, many studies have been conducted to analyze and mitigate biases in word embeddings. Unsupervised Bias Enumeration (UBE) (Swinger et al., 2019) is one of approach to analyze biases for English, and Hard Debias (Bolukbasi et al., 2016) is the common technique to mitigate gender bias. These methods focused on English, or, in smaller extent, on Indo-European languages. However, it is not clear whether these methods can be generalized to other languages. In this paper, we apply these analyzing and mitigating methods, UBE and Hard Debias, to Japanese word embeddings. Additionally, we examine whether these methods can be used for Japanese. We experimentally show that UBE and Hard Debias cannot be sufficiently adapted to Japanese embeddings.

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Evaluating Bias In Dutch Word Embeddings
Rodrigo Alejandro Chávez Mulsa | Gerasimos Spanakis

Recent research in Natural Language Processing has revealed that word embeddings can encode social biases present in the training data which can affect minorities in real world applications. This paper explores the gender bias implicit in Dutch embeddings while investigating whether English language based approaches can also be used in Dutch. We implement the Word Embeddings Association Test (WEAT), Clustering and Sentence Embeddings Association Test (SEAT) methods to quantify the gender bias in Dutch word embeddings, then we proceed to reduce the bias with Hard-Debias and Sent-Debias mitigation methods and finally we evaluate the performance of the debiased embeddings in downstream tasks. The results suggest that, among others, gender bias is present in traditional and contextualized Dutch word embeddings. We highlight how techniques used to measure and reduce bias created for English can be used in Dutch embeddings by adequately translating the data and taking into account the unique characteristics of the language. Furthermore, we analyze the effect of the debiasing techniques on downstream tasks which show a negligible impact on traditional embeddings and a 2% decrease in performance in contextualized embeddings. Finally, we release the translated Dutch datasets to the public along with the traditional embeddings with mitigated bias.

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Conversational Assistants and Gender Stereotypes: Public Perceptions and Desiderata for Voice Personas
Amanda Cercas Curry | Judy Robertson | Verena Rieser

Conversational voice assistants are rapidly developing from purely transactional systems to social companions with “personality”. UNESCO recently stated that the female and submissive personality of current digital assistants gives rise for concern as it reinforces gender stereotypes. In this work, we present results from a participatory design workshop, where we invite people to submit their preferences for a what their ideal persona might look like, both in drawings as well as in a multiple choice questionnaire. We find no clear consensus which suggests that one possible solution is to let people configure/personalise their assistants. We then outline a multi-disciplinary project of how we plan to address the complex question of gender and stereotyping in digital assistants.

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Semi-Supervised Topic Modeling for Gender Bias Discovery in English and Swedish
Hannah Devinney | Jenny Björklund | Henrik Björklund

Gender bias has been identified in many models for Natural Language Processing, stemming from implicit biases in the text corpora used to train the models. Such corpora are too large to closely analyze for biased or stereotypical content. Thus, we argue for a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, where the quantitative part produces a view of the data of a size suitable for qualitative analysis. We investigate the usefulness of semi-supervised topic modeling for the detection and analysis of gender bias in three corpora (mainstream news articles in English and Swedish, and LGBTQ+ web content in English). We compare differences in topic models for three gender categories (masculine, feminine, and nonbinary or neutral) in each corpus. We find that in all corpora, genders are treated differently and that these differences tend to correspond to hegemonic ideas of gender.

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Investigating Societal Biases in a Poetry Composition System
Emily Sheng | David Uthus

There is a growing collection of work analyzing and mitigating societal biases in language understanding, generation, and retrieval tasks, though examining biases in creative tasks remains underexplored. Creative language applications are meant for direct interaction with users, so it is important to quantify and mitigate societal biases in these applications. We introduce a novel study on a pipeline to mitigate societal biases when retrieving next verse suggestions in a poetry composition system. Our results suggest that data augmentation through sentiment style transfer has potential for mitigating societal biases.

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Situated Data, Situated Systems: A Methodology to Engage with Power Relations in Natural Language Processing Research
Lucy Havens | Melissa Terras | Benjamin Bach | Beatrice Alex

We propose a bias-aware methodology to engage with power relations in natural language processing (NLP) research. NLP research rarely engages with bias in social contexts, limiting its ability to mitigate bias. While researchers have recommended actions, technical methods, and documentation practices, no methodology exists to integrate critical reflections on bias with technical NLP methods. In this paper, after an extensive and interdisciplinary literature review, we contribute a bias-aware methodology for NLP research. We also contribute a definition of biased text, a discussion of the implications of biased NLP systems, and a case study demonstrating how we are executing the bias-aware methodology in research on archival metadata descriptions.

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Gender and sentiment, critics and authors: a dataset of Norwegian book reviews
Samia Touileb | Lilja Øvrelid | Erik Velldal

Gender bias in models and datasets is widely studied in NLP. The focus has usually been on analysing how females and males express themselves, or how females and males are described. However, a less studied aspect is the combination of these two perspectives, how female and male describe the same or opposite gender. In this paper, we present a new gender annotated sentiment dataset of critics reviewing the works of female and male authors. We investigate if this newly annotated dataset contains differences in how the works of male and female authors are critiqued, in particular in terms of positive and negative sentiment. We also explore the differences in how this is done by male and female critics. We show that there are differences in how critics assess the works of authors of the same or opposite gender. For example, male critics rate crime novels written by females, and romantic and sentimental works written by males, more negatively.

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Gender-Aware Reinflection using Linguistically Enhanced Neural Models
Bashar Alhafni | Nizar Habash | Houda Bouamor

In this paper, we present an approach for sentence-level gender reinflection using linguistically enhanced sequence-to-sequence models. Our system takes an Arabic sentence and a given target gender as input and generates a gender-reinflected sentence based on the target gender. We formulate the problem as a user-aware grammatical error correction task and build an encoder-decoder architecture to jointly model reinflection for both masculine and feminine grammatical genders. We also show that adding linguistic features to our model leads to better reinflection results. The results on a blind test set using our best system show improvements over previous work, with a 3.6% absolute increase in M2 F0.5.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 2020 Globalex Workshop on Linked Lexicography

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Proceedings of the 2020 Globalex Workshop on Linked Lexicography
Ilan Kernerman | Simon Krek | John P. McCrae | Jorge Gracia | Sina Ahmadi | Besim Kabashi

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Modelling Frequency and Attestations for OntoLex-Lemon
Christian Chiarcos | Maxim Ionov | Jesse de Does | Katrien Depuydt | Anas Fahad Khan | Sander Stolk | Thierry Declerck | John Philip McCrae

The OntoLex vocabulary enjoys increasing popularity as a means of publishing lexical resources with RDF and as Linked Data. The recent publication of a new OntoLex module for lexicography, lexicog, reflects its increasing importance for digital lexicography. However, not all aspects of digital lexicography have been covered to the same extent. In particular, supplementary information drawn from corpora such as frequency information, links to attestations, and collocation data were considered to be beyond the scope of lexicog. Therefore, the OntoLex community has put forward the proposal for a novel module for frequency, attestation and corpus information (FrAC), that not only covers the requirements of digital lexicography, but also accommodates essential data structures for lexical information in natural language processing. This paper introduces the current state of the OntoLex-FrAC vocabulary, describes its structure, some selected use cases, elementary concepts and fundamental definitions, with a focus on frequency and attestations.

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SynSemClass Linked Lexicon: Mapping Synonymy between Languages
Zdenka Uresova | Eva Fucikova | Eva Hajicova | Jan Hajic

This paper reports on an extended version of a synonym verb class lexicon, newly called SynSemClass (formerly CzEngClass). This lexicon stores cross-lingual semantically similar verb senses in synonym classes extracted from a richly annotated parallel corpus, the Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank. When building the lexicon, we make use of predicate-argument relations (valency) and link them to semantic roles; in addition, each entry is linked to several external lexicons of more or less “semantic” nature, namely FrameNet, WordNet, VerbNet, OntoNotes and PropBank, and Czech VALLEX. The aim is to provide a linguistic resource that can be used to compare semantic roles and their syntactic properties and features across languages within and across synonym groups (classes, or ’synsets’), as well as gold standard data for automatic NLP experiments with such synonyms, such as synonym discovery, feature mapping, etc. However, perhaps the most important goal is to eventually build an event type ontology that can be referenced and used as a human-readable and human-understandable “database” for all types of events, processes and states. While the current paper describes primarily the content of the lexicon, we are also presenting a preliminary design of a format compatible with Linked Data, on which we are hoping to get feedback during discussions at the workshop. Once the resource (in whichever form) is applied to corpus annotation, deep analysis will be possible using such combined resources as training data.

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Representing Etymology in the LiLa Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin
Francesco Mambrini | Marco Passarotti

In this paper we describe the process of inclusion of etymological information in a knowledge base of interoperable Latin linguistic resources developed in the context of the LiLa: Linking Latin project. Interoperability is obtained by applying the Linked Open Data principles. Particularly, an extensive collection of Latin lemmas is used to link the (distributed) resources. For the etymology, we rely on the Ontolex-lemon ontology and the lemonEty extension to model the information, while the source data are taken from a recent etymological dictionary of Latin. As a result, the collection of lemmas LiLa is built around now includes 1,465 Proto-Italic and 1,393 Proto-Indo-European reconstructed forms that are used to explain the history of 1,400 Latin words. We discuss the motivation, methodology and modeling strategies of the work, as well as its possible applications and potential future developments.

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An automatically generated Danish Renaissance Dictionary
Mette-Marie Møller Svendsen | Nicolai Hartvig Sørensen | Thomas Troelsgård

We present the ongoing work on an automatically generated dictionary describing Danish in the 16th century. A series of relevant dictionaries – from the period as well as more recent ones – are linked together at lemma level, and where possible, definitions or keywords are extracted and presented in the new dictionary.

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Towards an Extension of the Linking of the Open Dutch WordNet with Dutch Lexicographic Resources
Thierry Declerck

This extended abstract presents on-going work consisting in interlinking and merging the Open Dutch WordNet and generic lexicographic resources for Dutch, focusing for now on the Dutch and English versions of Wiktionary and using the Algemeen Nederlands Woordenboek as a quality checking instance. As the Open Dutch WordNet is already equipped with a relevant number of complex lexical units, we are aiming at expanding it and proposing a new representational framework for the encoding of the interlinked and integrated data. The longer term goal of the work is to investigate if and on how senses can be restricted to particular morphological variations of Dutch lexical entries, and how to represent this information in a Linguistic Linked Open Data compliant format.

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Widening the Discussion on “False Friends” in Multilingual Wordnets
Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira | Ana Luís

There are wordnets in many languages, many aligned with Princeton WordNet, some of which in a (semi-)automatic process, but we rarely see actual discussions on the role of false friends in this process. Having in mind known issues related to such words in language translation, and further motivated by false friend-related issues on the alignment of a Portuguese wordnet with Princeton Wordnet, we aim to widen this discussion, while suggesting preliminary ideas of how wordnets could benefit from this kind of research.

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Pinchah Kristang: A Dictionary of Kristang
Luís Morgado da Costa

This paper describes the development and current state of Pinchah Kristang – an online dictionary for Kristang. Kristang is a critically endangered language of the Portuguese-Eurasian communities residing mainly in Malacca and Singapore. Pinchah Kristang has been a central tool to the revitalization efforts of Kristang in Singapore, and collates information from multiple sources, including existing dictionaries and wordlists, ongoing language documentation work, and new words that emerge regularly from relexification efforts by the community. This online dictionary is powered by the Princeton Wordnet and the Open Kristang Wordnet – a choice that brings both advantages and disadvantages. This paper will introduce the current version of this dictionary, motivate some of its design choices, and discuss possible future directions.

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Building Sense Representations in Danish by Combining Word Embeddings with Lexical Resources
Ida Rørmann Olsen | Bolette Pedersen | Asad Sayeed

Our aim is to identify suitable sense representations for NLP in Danish. We investigate sense inventories that correlate with human interpretations of word meaning and ambiguity as typically described in dictionaries and wordnets and that are well reflected distributionally as expressed in word embeddings. To this end, we study a number of highly ambiguous Danish nouns and examine the effectiveness of sense representations constructed by combining vectors from a distributional model with the information from a wordnet. We establish representations based on centroids obtained from wordnet synests and example sentences as well as representations established via are tested in a word sense disambiguation task. We conclude that the more information extracted from the wordnet entries (example sentence, definition, semantic relations) the more successful the sense representation vector.

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Towards a Swedish Roget-Style Thesaurus for NLP
Niklas Zechner | Lars Borin

Bring’s thesaurus (Bring) is a Swedish counterpart of Roget, and its digitized version could make a valuable language resource for use in many and diverse natural language processing (NLP) applications. From the literature we know that Roget-style thesauruses and wordnets have complementary strengths in this context, so both kinds of lexical-semantic resource are good to have. However, Bring was published in 1930, and its lexical items are in the form of lemma–POS pairings. In order to be useful in our NLP systems, polysemous lexical items need to be disambiguated, and a large amount of modern vocabulary must be added in the proper places in Bring. The work presented here describes experiments aiming at automating these two tasks, at least in part, where we use the structure of an existing Swedish semantic lexicon – Saldo – both for disambiguation of ambiguous Bring entries and for addition of new entries to Bring.

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Design and development of an adaptive web application for OLIVATERM
Mercedes Roldán Vendrell

An Excellency Research Project called “Terminology of olive oil and trade: China and other international markets” (P07-HUM-03041) was initiated under my management in 2008, financed by the Andalusian regional government, the Junta de Andalucía. The project, known as “OLIVATERM”, had two main objectives: on the one hand, to develop the first systematic multilingual terminological dictionary in the scientific and socio-economic area of the olive grove and olive oils in order to facilitate communication in the topic; on the other, to contribute to the expansion of the Andalusia’s domestic and international trade and the dissemination of its culture. The main outcome of the research was the Diccionario de términos del aceite de oliva (DTAO – Dictionary of olive oil terms) (Roldán Vendrell, Arco Libros: 2013). This dictionary is currently the main reference source for answering queries and responding to any doubts that might arise in the use of this terminology in the three reference languages (Spanish, English and Chinese). It has received unanimous acknowledgement from numerous specialists in the sphere of Terminology, including most especially Maria Teresa Cabré (UPF), Miguel Casas Gómez (UCA- Ibérica 27 (2014): 217-234), François Maniez (Université de Lyon), Maria Isabel Santamaría Pérez and Chelo Vargas Sierra (UA), Pamela Faber (UGR), Joaquín García Palacios (USAL), and Marie-Claude L’Homme (Université de Montréal). The DTAO is well-known in the academic area of Terminology, but has not reached many of the institutions and organizations (domestic and international), translators, journalists, communicators and olive oil sector professionals that could benefit from it in their professions, especially salespeople, who need (fortunately, with an ever greater frequency) information on terminology in the book’s target languages for their commercial transactions. That is why we are currently working on a multichannel technological solution that enables a greater and more efficient transfer to the business sector: the design and development of an adaptive website (responsive web design) that provides access to the information in any usage context. We believe that access must be afforded to this valuable reference information on a hand-held device that enables it to be looked up both on- and offline and so pre-empt situations in which it is impossible to connect to the internet. The web application’s database will therefore also feed a series of mobile applications that will be available for the main platforms (iOS, Android). This tool will represent real progress in the dynamic transfer of specialized knowledge in the field of olive growing and olive oil production. Apart from delivering universal and free access to this information, the web application will welcome user suggestions for including new terms, new information and new reference languages, making it a collaborative tool that is also fed by its own users. With this tool we hope to respond to society’s needs for multilingual communication in the area of olive oil and to help give a boost to economic activity in the olive sector. In this work, in parallel to the presentation of the adaptive website, we will present a lexical repertoire integrated by new terms and expressions coined in this field (in the three working languages) in the last years. These neologisms reflect the most relevant innovations occurred in the olive oil sector over the last decade and, therefore, they must be compiled, sorted, systematized, and made accessible to the users in the web application we intend to develop.

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Building a domain-specific bilingual lexicon resource with Sketchengine and Lexonomy: Taking Ownership of the Issues
Zaida Bartolomé-Díaz | Francesca Frontini

Thanks to new technologies, the elaboration of specialized bilingual dictionaries can be made faster and more standardized, offering not only a dictionary of equivalents, but also the representation of a conceptual field. Nevertheless, in view of these new tools and services, some of which are offered free of charge by European institutions, it is necessary to question the viability of their use by a lambda user and the previous knowledge required for such use, as well as the possible problems they may encounter. In our communication we show a series of possible difficulties, as well as a methodological proposal and some solutions, by presenting an extract of a French-Spanish bilingual dictionary for the domain of architecture. The extract in question is a sample of about 30 terms created with the Lexonomy dictionary editor (Měchura 2017).

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MWSA Task at GlobaLex 2020: RACAI’s Word Sense Alignment System using a Similarity Measurement of Dictionary Definitions
Vasile Pais | Dan Tufiș | Radu Ion

This paper describes RACAI’s word sense alignment system, which participated in the Monolingual Word Sense Alignment shared task organized at GlobaLex 2020 workshop. We discuss the system architecture, some of the challenges that we faced as well as present our results on several of the languages available for the task.

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UNIOR NLP at MWSA Task - GlobaLex 2020: Siamese LSTM with Attention for Word Sense Alignment
Raffaele Manna | Giulia Speranza | Maria Pia di Buono | Johanna Monti

In this paper we describe the system submitted to the ELEXIS Monolingual Word Sense Alignment Task. We test different systems,which are two types of LSTMs and a system based on a pretrained Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)model, to solve the task. LSTM models use fastText pre-trained word vectors features with different settings. For training the models,we did not combine external data with the dataset provided for the task. We select a sub-set of languages among the proposed ones,namely a set of Romance languages, i.e., Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, together with English and Dutch. The Siamese LSTM withattention and PoS tagging (LSTM-A) performed better than the other two systems, achieving a 5-Class Accuracy score of 0.844 in theOverall Results, ranking the first position among five teams.

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Implementation of Supervised Training Approaches for Monolingual Word Sense Alignment: ACDH-CH System Description for the MWSA Shared Task at GlobaLex 2020
Lenka Bajcetic | Seung-bin Yim

This paper describes our system for monolingual sense alignment across dictionaries. The task of monolingual word sense alignment is presented as a task of predicting the relationship between two senses. We will present two solutions, one based on supervised machine learning, and the other based on pre-trained neural network language model, specifically BERT. Our models perform competitively for binary classification, reporting high scores for almost all languages. This paper presents our submission for the shared task on monolingual word sense alignment across dictionaries as part of the GLOBALEX 2020 – Linked Lexicography workshop at the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC). Monolingual word sense alignment (MWSA) is the task of aligning word senses across re- sources in the same language. Lexical-semantic resources (LSR) such as dictionaries form valuable foundation of numerous natural language process- ing (NLP) tasks. Since they are created manually by ex- perts, dictionaries can be considered among the resources of highest quality and importance. However, the existing LSRs in machine readable form are small in scope or miss- ing altogether. Thus, it would be extremely beneficial if the existing lexical resources could be connected and ex- panded. Lexical resources display considerable variation in the number of word senses that lexicographers assign to a given entry in a dictionary. This is because the identification and differentiation of word senses is one of the harder tasks that lexicographers face. Hence, the task of combining dictio- naries from different sources is difficult, especially for the case of mapping the senses of entries, which often differ significantly in granularity and coverage. (Ahmadi et al., 2020) There are three different angles from which the problem of word sense alignment can be addressed: approaches based on the similarity of textual descriptions of word senses, ap- proaches based on structural properties of lexical-semantic resources, and a combination of both. (Matuschek, 2014) In this paper we focus on the similarity of textual de- scriptions. This is a common approach as the majority of previous work used some notion of similarity between senses, mostly gloss overlap or semantic relatedness based on glosses. This makes sense, as glosses are a prerequisite for humans to recognize the meaning of an encoded sense, and thus also an intuitive way of judging the similarity of senses. (Matuschek, 2014) The paper is structured as follows: we provide a brief overview of related work in Section 2, and a description of the corpus in Section 3. In Section 4 we explain all impor- tant aspects of our model implementation, while the results are presented in Section 5. Finally, we end the paper with the discussion in Section 6 and conclusion in Section 7.

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NUIG at TIAD: Combining Unsupervised NLP and Graph Metrics for Translation Inference
John Philip McCrae | Mihael Arcan

In this paper, we present the NUIG system at the TIAD shard task. This system includes graph-based metrics calculated using novel algorithms, with an unsupervised document embedding tool called ONETA and an unsupervised multi-way neural machine translation method. The results are an improvement over our previous system and produce the highest precision among all systems in the task as well as very competitive F-Measure results. Incorporating features from other systems should be easy in the framework we describe in this paper, suggesting this could very easily be extended to an even stronger result.

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Translation Inference by Concept Propagation
Christian Chiarcos | Niko Schenk | Christian Fäth

This paper describes our contribution to the Third Shared Task on Translation Inference across Dictionaries (TIAD-2020). We describe an approach on translation inference based on symbolic methods, the propagation of concepts over a graph of interconnected dictionaries: Given a mapping from source language words to lexical concepts (e.g., synsets) as a seed, we use bilingual dictionaries to extrapolate a mapping of pivot and target language words to these lexical concepts. Translation inference is then performed by looking up the lexical concept(s) of a source language word and returning the target language word(s) for which these lexical concepts have the respective highest score. We present two instantiations of this system: One using WordNet synsets as concepts, and one using lexical entries (translations) as concepts. With a threshold of 0, the latter configuration is the second among participant systems in terms of F1 score. We also describe additional evaluation experiments on Apertium data, a comparison with an earlier approach based on embedding projection, and an approach for constrained projection that outperforms the TIAD-2020 vanilla system by a large margin.

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Graph Exploration and Cross-lingual Word Embeddings for Translation Inference Across Dictionaries
Marta Lanau-Coronas | Jorge Gracia

This paper describes the participation of two different approaches in the 3rd Translation Inference Across Dictionaries (TIAD 2020) shared task. The aim of the task is to automatically generate new bilingual dictionaries from existing ones. To that end, we essayed two different types of techniques: based on graph exploration on the one hand and, on the other hand, based on cross-lingual word embeddings. The task evaluation results show that graph exploration is very effective, accomplishing relatively high precision and recall values in comparison with the other participating systems, while cross-lingual embeddings reaches high precision but smaller recall.

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Multi-Strategy system for translation inference across dictionaries
Lacramioara Dranca

This paper describes four different strategies proposed to the TIAD 2020 Shared Task for automatic translation inference across dictionaries. The proposed strategies are based on the analysis of Apertium RDF graph, taking advantage of characteristics such as translation using multiple paths, synonyms and similarities between lexical entries from different lexicons and cardinality of possible translations through the graph. The four strategies were trained and validated on the Apertium RDF EN<->ES dictionary, showing promising results. Finally, the strategies, applied together, obtained an F-measure of 0.43 in the task of inferring the dictionaries proposed in the shared task, ranking thus third with respect to the other new systems presented to the TIAD 2020 Shared Task. No system presented to the shared task exceeded the baseline proposed by the TIAD organizers.


bib (full) Proceedings of the First Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP

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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP
Anna Rogers | João Sedoc | Anna Rumshisky

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Domain adaptation challenges of BERT in tokenization and sub-word representations of Out-of-Vocabulary words
Anmol Nayak | Hariprasad Timmapathini | Karthikeyan Ponnalagu | Vijendran Gopalan Venkoparao

BERT model (Devlin et al., 2019) has achieved significant progress in several Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks by leveraging the multi-head self-attention mechanism (Vaswani et al., 2017) in its architecture. However, it still has several research challenges which are not tackled well for domain specific corpus found in industries. In this paper, we have highlighted these problems through detailed experiments involving analysis of the attention scores and dynamic word embeddings with the BERT-Base-Uncased model. Our experiments have lead to interesting findings that showed: 1) Largest substring from the left that is found in the vocabulary (in-vocab) is always chosen at every sub-word unit that can lead to suboptimal tokenization choices, 2) Semantic meaning of a vocabulary word deteriorates when found as a substring in an Out-Of-Vocabulary (OOV) word, and 3) Minor misspellings in words are inadequately handled. We believe that if these challenges are tackled, it will significantly help the domain adaptation aspect of BERT.

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Q. Can Knowledge Graphs be used to Answer Boolean Questions? A. It’s complicated!
Daria Dzendzik | Carl Vogel | Jennifer Foster

In this paper we explore the problem of machine reading comprehension, focusing on the BoolQ dataset of Yes/No questions. We carry out an error analysis of a BERT-based machine reading comprehension model on this dataset, revealing issues such as unstable model behaviour and some noise within the dataset itself. We then experiment with two approaches for integrating information from knowledge graphs: (i) concatenating knowledge graph triples to text passages and (ii) encoding knowledge with a Graph Neural Network. Neither of these approaches show a clear improvement and we hypothesize that this may be due to a combination of inaccuracies in the knowledge graph, imprecision in entity linking, and the models’ inability to capture additional information from knowledge graphs.

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How Far Can We Go with Data Selection? A Case Study on Semantic Sequence Tagging Tasks
Samuel Louvan | Bernardo Magnini

Although several works have addressed the role of data selection to improve transfer learning for various NLP tasks, there is no consensus about its real benefits and, more generally, there is a lack of shared practices on how it can be best applied. We propose a systematic approach aimed at evaluating data selection in scenarios of increasing complexity. Specifically, we compare the case in which source and target tasks are the same while source and target domains are different, against the more challenging scenario where both tasks and domains are different. We run a number of experiments on semantic sequence tagging tasks, which are relatively less investigated in data selection, and conclude that data selection has more benefit on the scenario when the tasks are the same, while in case of different (although related) tasks from distant domains, a combination of data selection and multi-task learning is ineffective for most cases.

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Evaluating the Effectiveness of Efficient Neural Architecture Search for Sentence-Pair Tasks
Ansel MacLaughlin | Jwala Dhamala | Anoop Kumar | Sriram Venkatapathy | Ragav Venkatesan | Rahul Gupta

Neural Architecture Search (NAS) methods, which automatically learn entire neural model or individual neural cell architectures, have recently achieved competitive or state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on variety of natural language processing and computer vision tasks, including language modeling, natural language inference, and image classification. In this work, we explore the applicability of a SOTA NAS algorithm, Efficient Neural Architecture Search (ENAS) (Pham et al., 2018) to two sentence pair tasks, paraphrase detection and semantic textual similarity. We use ENAS to perform a micro-level search and learn a task-optimized RNN cell architecture as a drop-in replacement for an LSTM. We explore the effectiveness of ENAS through experiments on three datasets (MRPC, SICK, STS-B), with two different models (ESIM, BiLSTM-Max), and two sets of embeddings (Glove, BERT). In contrast to prior work applying ENAS to NLP tasks, our results are mixed – we find that ENAS architectures sometimes, but not always, outperform LSTMs and perform similarly to random architecture search.

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Which Matters Most? Comparing the Impact of Concept and Document Relationships in Topic Models
Silvia Terragni | Debora Nozza | Elisabetta Fersini | Messina Enza

Topic models have been widely used to discover hidden topics in a collection of documents. In this paper, we propose to investigate the role of two different types of relational information, i.e. document relationships and concept relationships. While exploiting the document network significantly improves topic coherence, the introduction of concepts and their relationships does not influence the results both quantitatively and qualitatively.

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On Task-Level Dialogue Composition of Generative Transformer Model
Prasanna Parthasarathi | Sharan Narang | Arvind Neelakantan

Task-oriented dialogue systems help users accomplish tasks such as booking a movie ticket and ordering food via conversation. Generative models parameterized by a deep neural network are widely used for next turn response generation in such systems. It is natural for users of the system to want to accomplish multiple tasks within the same conversation, but the ability of generative models to compose multiple tasks is not well studied. In this work, we begin by studying the effect of training human-human task-oriented dialogues towards improving the ability to compose multiple tasks on Transformer generative models. To that end, we propose and explore two solutions: (1) creating synthetic multiple task dialogue data for training from human-human single task dialogue and (2) forcing the encoder representation to be invariant to single and multiple task dialogues using an auxiliary loss. The results from our experiments highlight the difficulty of even the sophisticated variant of transformer model in learning to compose multiple tasks from single task dialogues.

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How Effectively Can Machines Defend Against Machine-Generated Fake News? An Empirical Study
Meghana Moorthy Bhat | Srinivasan Parthasarathy

We empirically study the effectiveness of machine-generated fake news detectors by understanding the model’s sensitivity to different synthetic perturbations during test time. The current machine-generated fake news detectors rely on provenance to determine the veracity of news. Our experiments find that the success of these detectors can be limited since they are rarely sensitive to semantic perturbations and are very sensitive to syntactic perturbations. Also, we would like to open-source our code and believe it could be a useful diagnostic tool for evaluating models aimed at fighting machine-generated fake news.

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Label Propagation-Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Hate Speech Classification
Ashwin Geet D’Sa | Irina Illina | Dominique Fohr | Dietrich Klakow | Dana Ruiter

Research on hate speech classification has received increased attention. In real-life scenarios, a small amount of labeled hate speech data is available to train a reliable classifier. Semi-supervised learning takes advantage of a small amount of labeled data and a large amount of unlabeled data. In this paper, label propagation-based semi-supervised learning is explored for the task of hate speech classification. The quality of labeling the unlabeled set depends on the input representations. In this work, we show that pre-trained representations are label agnostic, and when used with label propagation yield poor results. Neural network-based fine-tuning can be adopted to learn task-specific representations using a small amount of labeled data. We show that fully fine-tuned representations may not always be the best representations for the label propagation and intermediate representations may perform better in a semi-supervised setup.

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Layout-Aware Text Representations Harm Clustering Documents by Type
Catherine Finegan-Dollak | Ashish Verma

Clustering documents by type—grouping invoices with invoices and articles with articles—is a desirable first step for organizing large collections of document scans. Humans approaching this task use both the semantics of the text and the document layout to assist in grouping like documents. LayoutLM (Xu et al., 2019), a layout-aware transformer built on top of BERT with state-of-the-art performance on document-type classification, could reasonably be expected to outperform regular BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) for document-type clustering. However, we find experimentally that BERT significantly outperforms LayoutLM on this task (p <0.001). We analyze clusters to show where layout awareness is an asset and where it is a liability.

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An Analysis of Capsule Networks for Part of Speech Tagging in High- and Low-resource Scenarios
Andrew Zupon | Faiz Rafique | Mihai Surdeanu

Neural networks are a common tool in NLP, but it is not always clear which architecture to use for a given task. Different tasks, different languages, and different training conditions can all affect how a neural network will perform. Capsule Networks (CapsNets) are a relatively new architecture in NLP. Due to their novelty, CapsNets are being used more and more in NLP tasks. However, their usefulness is still mostly untested. In this paper, we compare three neural network architectures—LSTM, CNN, and CapsNet—on a part of speech tagging task. We compare these architectures in both high- and low-resource training conditions and find that no architecture consistently performs the best. Our analysis shows that our CapsNet performs nearly as well as a more complex LSTM under certain training conditions, but not others, and that our CapsNet almost always outperforms our CNN. We also find that our CapsNet implementation shows faster prediction times than the LSTM for Scottish Gaelic but not for Spanish, highlighting the effect that the choice of languages can have on the models.

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Can Knowledge Graph Embeddings Tell Us What Fact-checked Claims Are About?
Valentina Beretta | Sébastien Harispe | Katarina Boland | Luke Lo Seen | Konstantin Todorov | Andon Tchechmedjiev

The web offers a wealth of discourse data that help researchers from various fields analyze debates about current societal issues and gauge the effects on society of important phenomena such as misinformation spread. Such analyses often revolve around claims made by people about a given topic of interest. Fact-checking portals offer partially structured information that can assist such analysis. However, exploiting the network structure of such online discourse data is as of yet under-explored. We study the effectiveness of using neural-graph embedding features for claim topic prediction and their complementarity with text embeddings. We show that graph embeddings are modestly complementary with text embeddings, but the low performance of graph embedding features alone indicate that the model fails to capture topological features pertinent of the topic prediction task.

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Do Transformers Dream of Inference, or Can Pretrained Generative Models Learn Implicit Inferential Rules?
Zhengzhong Liang | Mihai Surdeanu

Large pretrained language models (LM) have been used successfully for multi-hop question answering. However, most of these directions are not interpretable, as they do not make the inference hops necessary to explain a candidate answer explicitly. In this work, we investigate the capability of a state-of-the-art transformer LM to generate explicit inference hops, i.e., to infer a new statement necessary to answer a question given some premise input statements. Our analysis shows that such LMs can generate new statements for some simple inference types, but performance remains poor for complex, real-world inference types such as those that require monotonicity, composition, and commonsense knowledge.

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Counterfactually-Augmented SNLI Training Data Does Not Yield Better Generalization Than Unaugmented Data
William Huang | Haokun Liu | Samuel R. Bowman

A growing body of work shows that models exploit annotation artifacts to achieve state-of-the-art performance on standard crowdsourced benchmarks—datasets collected from crowdworkers to create an evaluation task—while still failing on out-of-domain examples for the same task. Recent work has explored the use of counterfactually-augmented data—data built by minimally editing a set of seed examples to yield counterfactual labels—to augment training data associated with these benchmarks and build more robust classifiers that generalize better. However, Khashabi et al. (2020) find that this type of augmentation yields little benefit on reading comprehension tasks when controlling for dataset size and cost of collection. We build upon this work by using English natural language inference data to test model generalization and robustness and find that models trained on a counterfactually-augmented SNLI dataset do not generalize better than unaugmented datasets of similar size and that counterfactual augmentation can hurt performance, yielding models that are less robust to challenge examples. Counterfactual augmentation of natural language understanding data through standard crowdsourcing techniques does not appear to be an effective way of collecting training data and further innovation is required to make this general line of work viable.

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NMF Ensembles? Not for Text Summarization!
Alka Khurana | Vasudha Bhatnagar

Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) has been used for text analytics with promising results. Instability of results arising due to stochastic variations during initialization makes a case for use of ensemble technology. However, our extensive empirical investigation indicates otherwise. In this paper, we establish that ensemble summary for single document using NMF is no better than the best base model summary.

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If You Build Your Own NER Scorer, Non-replicable Results Will Come
Constantine Lignos | Marjan Kamyab

We attempt to replicate a named entity recognition (NER) model implemented in a popular toolkit and discover that a critical barrier to doing so is the inconsistent evaluation of improper label sequences. We define these sequences and examine how two scorers differ in their handling of them, finding that one approach produces F1 scores approximately 0.5 points higher on the CoNLL 2003 English development and test sets. We propose best practices to increase the replicability of NER evaluations by increasing transparency regarding the handling of improper label sequences.

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HINT3: Raising the bar for Intent Detection in the Wild
Gaurav Arora | Chirag Jain | Manas Chaturvedi | Krupal Modi

Intent Detection systems in the real world are exposed to complexities of imbalanced datasets containing varying perception of intent, unintended correlations and domain-specific aberrations. To facilitate benchmarking which can reflect near real-world scenarios, we introduce 3 new datasets created from live chatbots in diverse domains. Unlike most existing datasets that are crowdsourced, our datasets contain real user queries received by the chatbots and facilitates penalising unwanted correlations grasped during the training process. We evaluate 4 NLU platforms and a BERT based classifier and find that performance saturates at inadequate levels on test sets because all systems latch on to unintended patterns in training data.

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The Extraordinary Failure of Complement Coercion Crowdsourcing
Yanai Elazar | Victoria Basmov | Shauli Ravfogel | Yoav Goldberg | Reut Tsarfaty

Crowdsourcing has eased and scaled up the collection of linguistic annotation in recent years. In this work, we follow known methodologies of collecting labeled data for the complement coercion phenomenon. These are constructions with an implied action — e.g., “I started a new book I bought last week”, where the implied action is reading. We aim to collect annotated data for this phenomenon by reducing it to either of two known tasks: Explicit Completion and Natural Language Inference. However, in both cases, crowdsourcing resulted in low agreement scores, even though we followed the same methodologies as in previous work. Why does the same process fail to yield high agreement scores? We specify our modeling schemes, highlight the differences with previous work and provide some insights about the task and possible explanations for the failure. We conclude that specific phenomena require tailored solutions, not only in specialized algorithms, but also in data collection methods.

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Embedding Structured Dictionary Entries
Steven Wilson | Walid Magdy | Barbara McGillivray | Gareth Tyson

Previous work has shown how to effectively use external resources such as dictionaries to improve English-language word embeddings, either by manipulating the training process or by applying post-hoc adjustments to the embedding space. We experiment with a multi-task learning approach for explicitly incorporating the structured elements of dictionary entries, such as user-assigned tags and usage examples, when learning embeddings for dictionary headwords. Our work generalizes several existing models for learning word embeddings from dictionaries. However, we find that the most effective representations overall are learned by simply training with a skip-gram objective over the concatenated text of all entries in the dictionary, giving no particular focus to the structure of the entries.


bib (full) Proceedings of the First Workshop on Interactive and Executable Semantic Parsing

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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Interactive and Executable Semantic Parsing
Ben Bogin | Srinivasan Iyer | Xi Victoria Lin | Dragomir Radev | Alane Suhr | Panupong | Caiming Xiong | Pengcheng Yin | Tao Yu | Rui Zhang | Victor Zhong

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QA2Explanation: Generating and Evaluating Explanations for Question Answering Systems over Knowledge Graph
Saeedeh Shekarpour | Abhishek Nadgeri | Kuldeep Singh

In the era of Big Knowledge Graphs, Question Answering (QA) systems have reached a milestone in their performance and feasibility. However, their applicability, particularly in specific domains such as the biomedical domain, has not gained wide acceptance due to their “black box” nature, which hinders transparency, fairness, and accountability of QA systems. Therefore, users are unable to understand how and why particular questions have been answered, whereas some others fail. To address this challenge, in this paper, we develop an automatic approach for generating explanations during various stages of a pipeline-based QA system. Our approach is a supervised and automatic approach which considers three classes (i.e., success, no answer, and wrong answer) for annotating the output of involved QA components. Upon our prediction, a template explanation is chosen and integrated into the output of the corresponding component. To measure the effectiveness of the approach, we conducted a user survey as to how non-expert users perceive our generated explanations. The results of our study show a significant increase in the four dimensions of the human factor from the Human-computer interaction community.

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Uncertainty and Traffic-Aware Active Learning for Semantic Parsing
Priyanka Sen | Emine Yilmaz

Collecting training data for semantic parsing is a time-consuming and expensive task. As a result, there is growing interest in industry to reduce the number of annotations required to train a semantic parser, both to cut down on costs and to limit customer data handled by annotators. In this paper, we propose uncertainty and traffic-aware active learning, a novel active learning method that uses model confidence and utterance frequencies from customer traffic to select utterances for annotation. We show that our method significantly outperforms baselines on an internal customer dataset and the Facebook Task Oriented Parsing (TOP) dataset. On our internal dataset, our method achieves the same accuracy as random sampling with 2,000 fewer annotations.

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Improving Sequence-to-Sequence Semantic Parser for Task Oriented Dialog
Chaoting Xuan

Task Oriented Parsing (TOP) attempts to map utterances to compositional requests, including multiple intents and their slots. Previous work focus on a tree-based hierarchical meaning representation, and applying constituency parsing techniques to address TOP. In this paper, we propose a new format of meaning representation that is more compact and amenable to sequence-to-sequence (seq-to-seq) models. A simple copy-augmented seq-to-seq parser is built and evaluated over a public TOP dataset, resulting in 3.44% improvement over prior best seq-to-seq parser (exact match accuracy), which is also comparable to constituency parsers’ performance.

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Learning Adaptive Language Interfaces through Decomposition
Siddharth Karamcheti | Dorsa Sadigh | Percy Liang

Our goal is to create an interactive natural language interface that efficiently and reliably learns from users to complete tasks in simulated robotics settings. We introduce a neural semantic parsing system that learns new high-level abstractions through decomposition: users interactively teach the system by breaking down high-level utterances describing novel behavior into low-level steps that it can understand. Unfortunately, existing methods either rely on grammars which parse sentences with limited flexibility, or neural sequence-to-sequence models that do not learn efficiently or reliably from individual examples. Our approach bridges this gap, demonstrating the flexibility of modern neural systems, as well as the one-shot reliable generalization of grammar-based methods. Our crowdsourced interactive experiments suggest that over time, users complete complex tasks more efficiently while using our system by leveraging what they just taught. At the same time, getting users to trust the system enough to be incentivized to teach high-level utterances is still an ongoing challenge. We end with a discussion of some of the obstacles we need to overcome to fully realize the potential of the interactive paradigm.

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ColloQL: Robust Text-to-SQL Over Search Queries
Karthik Radhakrishnan | Arvind Srikantan | Xi Victoria Lin

Translating natural language utterances to executable queries is a helpful technique in making the vast amount of data stored in relational databases accessible to a wider range of non-tech-savvy end users. Prior work in this area has largely focused on textual input that is linguistically correct and semantically unambiguous. However, real-world user queries are often succinct, colloquial, and noisy, resembling the input of a search engine. In this work, we introduce data augmentation techniques and a sampling-based content-aware BERT model (ColloQL) to achieve robust text-to-SQL modeling over natural language search (NLS) questions. Due to the lack of evaluation data, we curate a new dataset of NLS questions and demonstrate the efficacy of our approach. ColloQL’s superior performance extends to well-formed text, achieving an 84.9% (logical) and 90.7% (execution) accuracy on the WikiSQL dataset, making it, to the best of our knowledge, the highest performing model that does not use execution guided decoding.

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Natural Language Response Generation from SQL with Generalization and Back-translation
Saptarashmi Bandyopadhyay | Tianyang Zhao

Generation of natural language responses to the queries of structured language like SQL is very challenging as it requires generalization to new domains and the ability to answer ambiguous queries among other issues. We have participated in the CoSQL shared task organized in the IntEx-SemPar workshop at EMNLP 2020. We have trained a number of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models to efficiently generate the natural language responses from SQL. Our shuffled back-translation model has led to a BLEU score of 7.47 on the unknown test dataset. In this paper, we will discuss our methodologies to approach the problem and future directions to improve the quality of the generated natural language responses.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 16th Joint ACL-ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation

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Proceedings of the 16th Joint ACL-ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation
Harry Bunt

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Annotation of Quantification: The Current State of ISO 24617-12
Harry Bunt

This paper discusses the current state of developing an ISO standard annotation scheme for quantification phenomena in natural language, as part of the ISO Semantic Annotation Framework (ISO 24617). A proposed approach that combines ideas from the theory of generalised quantifiers and from neo-Davidsonian event semantics was adopted by the ISO organisation in 2019 as a starting point for developing such an annotation scheme. * This scheme consists of (1) a conceptual ‘metamodel’ that visualises the types of entities, functions and relations that go into annotations of quantification; (2) an abstract syntax which defines ‘annotation structures’ as triples and other set-theoretic constructs; (3) an XML-based representation of annotation structures (‘concrete syntax’); and (4) a compositional semantics of annotation structures. The latter three components together define the interpreted markup language QuantML. The focus in this paper is on the structuring of the semantic information needed to characterise quantification in natural language and the representation of these structures in QuantML.

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Hindi TimeBank: An ISO-TimeML Annotated Reference Corpus
Pranav Goel | Suhan Prabhu | Alok Debnath | Priyank Modi | Manish Shrivastava

ISO-TimeML is an international standard for multilingual event annotation, detection, categorization and linking. In this paper, we present the Hindi TimeBank, an ISO-TimeML annotated reference corpus for the detection and classification of events, states and time expressions, and the links between them. Based on contemporary developments in Hindi event recognition, we propose language independent and language-specific deviations from the ISO-TimeML guidelines, but preserve the schema. These deviations include the inclusion of annotator confidence, and an independent mechanism of identifying and annotating states such as copulars and existentials) With this paper, we present an open-source corpus, the Hindi TimeBank. The Hindi TimeBank is a 1,000 article dataset, with over 25,000 events, 3,500 states and 2,000 time expressions. We analyze the dataset in detail and provide a class-wise distribution of events, states and time expressions. Our guidelines and dataset are backed by high average inter-annotator agreement scores.

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Interoperable Semantic Annotation
Lars Hellan

The paper presents an annotation schema with the following characteristics: it is formally compact; it systematically and compositionally expands into fullfledged analytic representations, exploiting simple algorithms of typed feature structures; its representation of various dimensions of semantic content is systematically integrated with morpho-syntactic and lexical representation; it is integrated with a ‘deep’ parsing grammar. Its compactness allows for efficient handling of large amounts of structures and data, and it is interoperable in covering multiple aspects of grammar and meaning. The code and its analytic expansions represent a cross-linguistically wide range of phenomena of languages and language structures. This paper presents its syntactic-semantic interoperability first from a theoretical point of view and then as applied in linguistic description.

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Transfer of ISOSpace into a 3D Environment for Annotations and Applications
Alexander Henlein | Giuseppe Abrami | Attila Kett | Alexander Mehler

People’s visual perception is very pronounced and therefore it is usually no problem for them to describe the space around them in words. Conversely, people also have no problems imagining a concept of a described space. In recent years many efforts have been made to develop a linguistic concept for spatial and spatial-temporal relations. However, the systems have not really caught on so far, which in our opinion is due to the complex models on which they are based and the lack of available training data and automated taggers. In this paper we describe a project to support spatial annotation, which could facilitate annotation by its many functions, but also enrich it with many more information. This is to be achieved by an extension by means of a VR environment, with which spatial relations can be better visualized and connected with real objects. And we want to use the available data to develop a new state-of-the-art tagger and thus lay the foundation for future systems such as improved text understanding for Text2Scene.

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Annotation-based Semantics
Kiyong Lee

This paper proposes a semantics ABS for the model-theoretic interpretation of annotation structures. It provides a language ABSr, that represents semantic forms in a (possibly 𝜆-free) type-theoretic first-order logic. For semantic compositionality, the representation language introduces two operators and with subtypes for the conjunctive or distributive composition of semantic forms. ABS also introduces a small set of logical predicates to represent semantic forms in a simplified format. The use of ABSr is illustrated with some annotation structures that conform to ISO 24617 standards on semantic annotation such as ISO-TimeML and ISO-Space.

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Annotating Croatian Semantic Type Coercions in CROATPAS
Costanza Marini | Elisabetta Jezek

This short research paper presents the results of a corpus-based metonymy annotation exercise on a sample of 101 Croatian verb entries – corresponding to 457 patters and over 20,000 corpus lines – taken from CROATPAS (Marini & Ježek, 2019), a digital repository of verb argument structures manually annotated with Semantic Type labels on their argument slots following a methodology inspired by Corpus Pattern Analysis (Hanks, 2004 & 2013; Hanks & Pustejovsky, 2005). CROATPAS will be made available online in 2020. Semantic Type labelling is not only well-suited to annotate verbal polysemy, but also metonymic shifts in verb argument combinations, which in Generative Lexicon (Pustejovsky, 1995 & 1998; Pustejovsky & Ježek, 2008) are called Semantic Type coercions. From a sub lexical point of view, Semantic Type coercions can be considered as exploitations of one of the qualia roles of those Semantic Types which do not satisfy a verb’s selectional requirements, but do not trigger a different verb sense. Overall, we were able to identify 62 different Semantic Type coercions linked to 1,052 metonymic corpus lines. In the future, we plan to compare our results with those from an equivalent study on Italian verbs (Romani, 2020) for a crosslinguistic analysis of metonymic shifts.

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A Consolidated Dataset for Knowledge-based Question Generation using Predicate Mapping of Linked Data
Johanna Melly | Gabriel Luthier | Andrei Popescu-Belis

In this paper, we present the ForwardQuestions data set, made of human-generated questions related to knowledge triples. This data set results from the conversion and merger of the existing SimpleDBPediaQA and SimpleQuestionsWikidata data sets, including the mapping of predicates from DBPedia to Wikidata, and the selection of ‘forward’ questions as opposed to ‘backward’ ones. The new data set can be used to generate novel questions given an unseen Wikidata triple, by replacing the subjects of existing questions with the new one and then selecting the best candidate questions using semantic and syntactic criteria. Evaluation results indicate that the question generation method using ForwardQuestions improves the quality of questions by about 20% with respect to a baseline not using ranking criteria.

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The Annotation of Thematic Structure and Alternations face to the Semantic Variation of Action Verbs. Current Trends in the IMAGACT Ontology
Massimo Moneglia | Rossella Varvara

We present some issues in the development of the semantic annotation of IMAGACT, a multimodal and multilingual ontology of actions. The resource is structured on action concepts that are meant to be cognitive entities and to which a linguistic caption is attached. For each of these concepts, we annotate the minimal thematic structure of the caption and the possible argument alternations allowed. We present some insights on this process with regards to the notion of thematic structure and the relationship between action concepts and linguistic expressions. From the empirical evidence provided by the annotation, we discuss on the very nature of thematic structure, arguing that it is neither a property of the verb itself nor a property of action concepts. We further show what is the relation between thematic structure and 1- the semantic variation of action verbs; 2- the lexical variation of action concepts.

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Adapting the ISO 24617-2 Dialogue Act Annotation Scheme for Modelling Medical Consultations
Volha Petukhova | Harry Bunt

Effective, professional and socially competent dialogue of health care providers with their patients is essential to best practice in medicine. To identify, categorize and quantify salient features of patient-provider communication, to model interactive processes in medical encounters and to design digital interactive medical services, two important instruments have been developed: (1) medical interaction analysis systems with the Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS) as the most widely used by medical practitioners and (2) dialogue act annotation schemes with ISO 24617-2 as a multidimensional taxonomy of interoperable semantic concepts widely used for corpus annotation and dialogue systems design. Neither instrument fits all purposes. In this paper, we perform a systematic comparative analysis of the categories defined in the RIAS and ISO taxonomies. Overcoming the deficiencies and gaps that were found, we propose a number of extensions to the ISO annotation scheme, making it a powerful analytical and modelling instrument for the analysis, modelling and assessment of medical communication.

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Detection and Annotation of Events in Kannada
Suhan Prabhu | Ujwal Narayan | Alok Debnath | Sumukh S | Manish Shrivastava

In this paper, we provide the basic guidelines towards the detection and linguistic analysis of events in Kannada. Kannada is a morphologically rich, resource poor Dravidian language spoken in southern India. As most information retrieval and extraction tasks are resource intensive, very little work has been done on Kannada NLP, with almost no efforts in discourse analysis and dataset creation for representing events or other semantic annotations in the text. In this paper, we linguistically analyze what constitutes an event in this language, the challenges faced with discourse level annotation and representation due to the rich derivational morphology of the language that allows free word order, numerous multi-word expressions, adverbial participle constructions and constraints on subject-verb relations. Therefore, this paper is one of the first attempts at a large scale discourse level annotation for Kannada, which can be used for semantic annotation and corpus development for other tasks in the language.

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Towards the Ontologization of the Outsider Art Domain: Position Paper
John Roberto | Brian Davis

The purpose of this paper is to present a prospective and interdisciplinary research project seeking to ontologize knowledge of the domain of Outsider Art, that is, the art created outside the boundaries of official culture. The goal is to combine ontology engineering methodologies to develop a knowledge base which i) examines the relation between social exclusion and cultural productions, ii) standardizes the terminology of Outsider Art and iii) enables semantic interoperability between cultural metadata relevant to Outsider Art. The Outsider Art ontology will integrate some existing ontologies and terminologies, such as the CIDOC - Conceptual Reference Model (CRM), the Art & Architecture Thesaurus and the Getty Union List of Artist Names, among other resources. Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques will be fundamental instruments for knowledge acquisition and elicitation. NLP techniques will be used to annotate bibliographies of relevant outsider artists and descriptions of outsider artworks with linguistic information. Machine Learning techniques will be leveraged to acquire knowledge from linguistic features embedded in both types of texts.

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Towards Creating Interoperable Resources for Conceptual Annotation of Multilingual Domain Corpora
Svetlana Sheremetyeva

In this paper we focus on creation of interoperable annotation resources that make up a significant proportion of an on-going project on the development of conceptually annotated multilingual corpora for the domain of terrorist attacks in three languages (English, French and Russian) that can be used for comparative linguistic research, intelligent content and trend analysis, summarization, machine translation, etc. Conceptual annotation is understood as a type of task-oriented domain-specific semantic annotation. The annotation process in our project relies on ontological analysis. The paper details on the issues of the development of both static and dynamic resources such as a universal conceptual annotation scheme, multilingual domain ontology and multipurpose annotation platform with flexible settings, which can be used for the automation of the conceptual resource acquisition and of the annotation process, as well as for the documentation of the annotated corpora specificities. The resources constructed in the course of the research are also to be used for developing concept disambiguation metrics by means of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the golden portion of the conceptually annotated multilingual corpora and of the annotation platform linguistic knowledge.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Second International Workshop of Discourse Processing

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Proceedings of the Second International Workshop of Discourse Processing
Qun Liu | Deyi Xiong | Shili Ge | Xiaojun Zhang

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Research on Discourse Parsing: from the Dependency View
Sujian Li

Discourse parsing aims to comprehensively acquire the logical structure of the whole text which may be helpful to some downstream applications such as summarization, reading comprehension, QA and so on. One important issue behind discourse parsing is the representation of discourse structure. Up to now, many discourse structures have been proposed, and the correponding parsing methods are designed, promoting the development of discourse research. In this paper, we mainly introduce our recent discourse research and its preliminary application from the dependency view.

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A Review of Discourse-level Machine Translation
Xiaojun Zhang

Machine translation (MT) models usually translate a text at sentence level by considering isolated sentences, which is based on a strict assumption that the sentences in a text are independent of one another. However, the fact is that the texts at discourse level have properties going beyond individual sentences. These properties reveal texts in the frequency and distribution of words, word senses, referential forms and syntactic structures. Dissregarding dependencies across sentences will harm translation quality especially in terms of coherence, cohesion, and consistency. To solve these problems, several approaches have previously been investigated for conventional statistical machine translation (SMT). With the fast growth of neural machine translation (NMT), discourse-level NMT has drawn increasing attention from researchers. In this work, we review major works on addressing discourse related problems for both SMT and NMT models with a survey of recent trends in the fields.

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A Test Suite for Evaluating Discourse Phenomena in Document-level Neural Machine Translation
Xinyi Cai | Deyi Xiong

The need to evaluate the ability of context-aware neural machine translation (NMT) models in dealing with specific discourse phenomena arises in document-level NMT. However, test sets that satisfy this need are rare. In this paper, we propose a test suite to evaluate three common discourse phenomena in English-Chinese translation: pronoun, discourse connective and ellipsis where discourse divergences lie across the two languages. The test suite contains 1,200 instances, 400 for each type of discourse phenomena. We perform both automatic and human evaluation with three state-of-the-art context-aware NMT models on the proposed test suite. Results suggest that our test suite can be used as a challenging benchmark test bed for evaluating document-level NMT. The test suite will be publicly available soon.

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Comparison of the effects of attention mechanism on translation tasks of different lengths of ambiguous words
Yue Hu | Jiahao Qin | Zemeiqi Chen | Jingshi Zhou | Xiaojun Zhang

In recent years, attention mechanism has been widely used in various neural machine translation tasks based on encoder decoder. This paper focuses on the performance of encoder decoder attention mechanism in word sense disambiguation task with different text length, trying to find out the influence of context marker on attention mechanism in word sense disambiguation task. We hypothesize that attention mechanisms have similar performance when translating texts of different lengths. Our conclusion is that the alignment effect of attention mechanism is magnified in short text translation tasks with ambiguous nouns, while the effect of attention mechanism is far less than expected in long-text tasks, which means that attention mechanism is not the main mechanism for NMT model to feed WSD to integrate context information. This may mean that attention mechanism pays more attention to ambiguous nouns than context markers. The experimental results show that with the increase of text length, the performance of NMT model using attention mechanism will gradually decline.

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Context-Aware Word Segmentation for Chinese Real-World Discourse
Kaiyu Huang | Junpeng Liu | Jingxiang Cao | Degen Huang

Previous neural approaches achieve significant progress for Chinese word segmentation (CWS) as a sentence-level task, but it suffers from limitations on real-world scenario. In this paper, we address this issue with a context-aware method and optimize the solution at document-level. This paper proposes a three-step strategy to improve the performance for discourse CWS. First, the method utilizes an auxiliary segmenter to remedy the limitation on pre-segmenter. Then the context-aware algorithm computes the confidence of each split. The maximum probability path is reconstructed via this algorithm. Besides, in order to evaluate the performance in discourse, we build a new benchmark consisting of the latest news and Chinese medical articles. Extensive experiments on this benchmark show that our proposed method achieves a competitive performance on a document-level real-world scenario for CWS.

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Neural Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization: Hierarchical or Flat Structure?
Ye Ma | Lu Zong

With regards to WikiSum (CITATION) that empowers applicative explorations of Neural Multi-Document Summarization (MDS) to learn from large scale dataset, this study develops two hierarchical Transformers (HT) that describe both the cross-token and cross-document dependencies, at the same time allow extended length of input documents. By incorporating word- and paragraph-level multi-head attentions in the decoder based on the parallel and vertical architectures, the proposed parallel and vertical hierarchical Transformers (PHT &VHT) generate summaries utilizing context-aware word embeddings together with static and dynamics paragraph embeddings, respectively. A comprehensive evaluation is conducted on WikiSum to compare PHT &VHT with established models and to answer the question whether hierarchical structures offer more promising performances than flat structures in the MDS task. The results suggest that our hierarchical models generate summaries of higher quality by better capturing cross-document relationships, and save more memory spaces in comparison to flat-structure models. Moreover, we recommend PHT given its practical value of higher inference speed and greater memory-saving capacity.

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Intent Segmentation of User Queries Via Discourse Parsing
Vicente Ivan Sanchez Carmona | Yibing Yang | Ziyue Wen | Ruosen Li | Xiaohua Wang | Changjian Hu

In this paper, we explore a new approach based on discourse analysis for the task of intent segmentation. Our target texts are user queries from a real-world chatbot. Our results show the feasibility of our approach with an F1-score of 82.97 points, and some advantages and disadvantages compared to two machine learning baselines: BERT and LSTM+CRF.

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Bridging Question Answering and Discourse The case of Multi-Sentence Questions
Bonnie Webber

In human question-answering (QA), questions are often expressed in the form of multiple sentences. One can see this in both spoken QA interactions, when one person asks a question of another, and written QA, such as are found on-line in FAQs and in what are called ”Community Question-Answering Forums”. Computer-based QA has taken the challenge of these ”multi-sentence questions” to be that of breaking them into an appropriately ordered sequence of separate questions, with both the previous questions and their answers serving as context for the next question. This can be seen, for example, in two recent workshops at AAAI called ”Reasoning for Complex QA” [https://rcqa-ws.github.io/program/]. We claim that, while appropriate for some types of ”multi-sentence questions” (MSQs), it is not appropriate for all, because they are essentially different types of discourse. To support this claim, we need to provide evidence that: • different types of MSQs are answered differently in written or spoken QA between people; • people can (and do) distinguish these different types of MSQs; • systems can be made to both distinguish different types of MSQs and provide appropriate answers.

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Component Sharing in English and Chinese Clause Complex
Shili Ge | Xiaoping Lin | Rou Song

NT Clause Complex Framework defines a clause complex as a combination of NT clauses through component sharing and logic-semantic relationship. This paper clarifies the existence of component sharing mechanism in both English and Chinese clause complexes, illustrates the differences in component sharing between the two languages, and introduces a formal annotation scheme to represent clause-complex level structural transformations. Under the guidance of the annotation scheme, the English-Chinese Clause Alignment Corpus is built. It is believed that this corpus will aid comparative linguistic studies, translation studies and machine translation studies by providing abundant formal and computable samples for English-Chinese structural transformations on the clause complex level.

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Referential Cohesion A Challenge for Machine Translation Evaluation
Christian Hardmeier

Connected texts are characterised by the presence of linguistic elements relating to shared referents throughout the text. These elements together form a structure that lends cohesion to the text. The realisation of those cohesive structures is subject to different constraints and varying preferences in different languages. We regularly observe mismatches of cohesive structures across languages in parallel texts. This can be a result of either a divergence of language-internal constraints or of effects of the translation process. As fully automatic high-quality MT is starting to look achievable, the question arises how cohesive elements should be handled in MT evaluation, since the common assumption of 1:1 correspondence between referring expressions is a poor match for what we find in corpus data. Focusing on the translation of pronouns, I discuss different approaches to evaluating a particular type of cohesive elements in MT output and the trade-offs they make between evaluation cost, validity, specificity and coverage. I suggest that a meaningful evaluation of cohesive structures in translation is difficult to achieve simply by appealing to the intuition of human annotators, but requires a more structured approach that forces us to make up our minds about the standards we expect the translation output to adhere to.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Language Technology Platforms

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Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Language Technology Platforms
Georg Rehm | Kalina Bontcheva | Khalid Choukri | Jan Hajič | Stelios Piperidis | Andrejs Vasiļjevs

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Infrastructure for the Science and Technology of Language PORTULAN CLARIN
António Branco | Amália Mendes | Paulo Quaresma | Luís Gomes | João Silva | Andrea Teixeira

This paper presents the PORTULAN CLARIN Research Infrastructure for the Science and Technology of Language, which is part of the European research infrastructure CLARIN ERIC as its Portuguese national node, and belongs to the Portuguese National Roadmap of Research Infrastructures of Strategic Relevance. It encompasses a repository, where resources and metadata are deposited for long-term archiving and access, and a workbench, where Language Technology tools and applications are made available through different modes of interaction, among many other services. It is an asset of utmost importance for the technological development of natural languages and for their preparation for the digital age, contributing to ensure the citizenship of their speakers in the information society.

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On the Linguistic Linked Open Data Infrastructure
Christian Chiarcos | Bettina Klimek | Christian Fäth | Thierry Declerck | John Philip McCrae

In this paper we describe the current state of development of the Linguistic Linked Open Data (LLOD) infrastructure, an LOD(sub-)cloud of linguistic resources, which covers various linguistic data bases, lexicons, corpora, terminology and metadata repositories. We give in some details an overview of the contributions made by the European H2020 projects “Prêt-à-LLOD” (‘Ready-to-useMultilingual Linked Language Data for Knowledge Services across Sectors’) and “ELEXIS” (‘European Lexicographic Infrastructure’) to the further development of the LLOD.

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Architecture of a Scalable, Secure and Resilient Translation Platform for Multilingual News Media
Susie Coleman | Andrew Secker | Rachel Bawden | Barry Haddow | Alexandra Birch

This paper presents an example architecture for a scalable, secure and resilient Machine Translation (MT) platform, using components available via Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is increasingly common for a single news organisation to publish and monitor news sources in multiple languages. A growth in news sources makes this increasingly challenging and time-consuming but MT can help automate some aspects of this process. Building a translation service provides a single integration point for news room tools that use translation technology allowing MT models to be integrated into a system once, rather than each time the translation technology is needed. By using a range of services provided by AWS, it is possible to architect a platform where multiple pre-existing technologies are combined to build a solution, as opposed to developing software from scratch for deployment on a single virtual machine. This increases the speed at which a platform can be developed and allows the use of well-maintained services. However, a single service also provides challenges. It is key to consider how the platform will scale when handling many users and how to ensure the platform is resilient.

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CoBiLiRo: A Research Platform for Bimodal Corpora
Dan Cristea | Ionuț Pistol | Șerban Boghiu | Anca-Diana Bibiri | Daniela Gîfu | Andrei Scutelnicu | Mihaela Onofrei | Diana Trandabăț | George Bugeag

This paper describes the on-going work carried out within the CoBiLiRo (Bimodal Corpus for Romanian Language) research project, part of ReTeRom (Resources and Technologies for Developing Human-Machine Interfaces in Romanian). Data annotation finds increasing use in speech recognition and synthesis with the goal to support learning processes. In this context, a variety of different annotation systems for application to Speech and Text Processing environments have been presented. Even if many designs for the data annotations workflow have emerged, the process of handling metadata, to manage complex user-defined annotations, is not covered enough. We propose a design of the format aimed to serve as an annotation standard for bimodal resources, which facilitates searching, editing and statistical analysis operations over it. The design and implementation of an infrastructure that houses the resources are also presented. The goal is widening the dissemination of bimodal corpora for research valorisation and use in applications. Also, this study reports on the main operations of the web Platform which hosts the corpus and the automatic conversion flows that brings the submitted files at the format accepted by the Platform.

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CLARIN: Distributed Language Resources and Technology in a European Infrastructure
Maria Eskevich | Franciska de Jong | Alexander König | Darja Fišer | Dieter Van Uytvanck | Tero Aalto | Lars Borin | Olga Gerassimenko | Jan Hajic | Henk van den Heuvel | Neeme Kahusk | Krista Liin | Martin Matthiesen | Stelios Piperidis | Kadri Vider

CLARIN is a European Research Infrastructure providing access to digital language resources and tools from across Europe and beyond to researchers in the humanities and social sciences. This paper focuses on CLARIN as a platform for the sharing of language resources. It zooms in on the service offer for the aggregation of language repositories and the value proposition for a number of communities that benefit from the enhanced visibility of their data and services as a result of integration in CLARIN. The enhanced findability of language resources is serving the social sciences and humanities (SSH) community at large and supports research communities that aim to collaborate based on virtual collections for a specific domain. The paper also addresses the wider landscape of service platforms based on language technologies which has the potential of becoming a powerful set of interoperable facilities to a variety of communities of use.

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ELRI: A Decentralised Network of National Relay Stations to Collect, Prepare and Share Language Resources
Thierry Etchegoyhen | Borja Anza Porras | Andoni Azpeitia | Eva Martínez Garcia | José Luis Fonseca | Patricia Fonseca | Paulo Vale | Jane Dunne | Federico Gaspari | Teresa Lynn | Helen McHugh | Andy Way | Victoria Arranz | Khalid Choukri | Hervé Pusset | Alexandre Sicard | Rui Neto | Maite Melero | David Perez | António Branco | Ruben Branco | Luís Gomes

We describe the European Language Resource Infrastructure (ELRI), a decentralised network to help collect, prepare and share language resources. The infrastructure was developed within a project co-funded by the Connecting Europe Facility Programme of the European Union, and has been deployed in the four Member States participating in the project, namely France, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. ELRI provides sustainable and flexible means to collect and share language resources via National Relay Stations, to which members of public institutions can freely subscribe. The infrastructure includes fully automated data processing engines to facilitate the preparation, sharing and wider reuse of useful language resources that can help optimise human and automated translation services in the European Union.

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Removing European Language Barriers with Innovative Machine Translation Technology
Dario Franceschini | Chiara Canton | Ivan Simonini | Armin Schweinfurth | Adelheid Glott | Sebastian Stüker | Thai-Son Nguyen | Felix Schneider | Thanh-Le Ha | Alex Waibel | Barry Haddow | Philip Williams | Rico Sennrich | Ondřej Bojar | Sangeet Sagar | Dominik Macháček | Otakar Smrž

This paper presents our progress towards deploying a versatile communication platform in the task of highly multilingual live speech translation for conferences and remote meetings live subtitling. The platform has been designed with a focus on very low latency and high flexibility while allowing research prototypes of speech and text processing tools to be easily connected, regardless of where they physically run. We outline our architecture solution and also briefly compare it with the ELG platform. Technical details are provided on the most important components and we summarize the test deployment events we ran so far.

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Eco.pangeamt: Industrializing Neural MT
Mercedes García-Martínez | Manuel Herranz | Amando Estela | Ángela Franco | Laurent Bié

Eco is Pangeanic’s customer portal for generic or specialized translation services (machine translation and post-editing, generic API MT and custom API MT). Users can request the processing (translation) of files in different formats. Moreover, a client user can manage the engines and models allowing their cloning and retraining.

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The Kairntech Sherpa – An ML Platform and API for the Enrichment of (not only) Scientific Content
Stefan Geißler

We present an software platform and API that combines various ML and NLP approaches for the analysis and enrichment of textual content. The platform’s design and implementation is guided by the goal to allow non-technical users to conduct their own experiments and training runs on their respective data, allowing to test, tune and deploy analysis models for production. Dedicated specific packages for subtasks such as document structure processing, document categorization, annotation with existing thesauri, disambiguation and linking, annotation with newly created entity recognizers and summarization – available as open source components in isolation – are combined into an end-user-facing, collaborative, scalable platform to support large-scale industrial document analysis document analysis. We see the Sherpa’s setup as an answer to the observation that ML has reached a level of maturity that allows to attain useful results in many analysis scenarios today, but that in-depth technical competencies in the required fields of NLP and AI is often scarce; a setup that focusses on non-technical domain-expert end-users can help to bring required analysis functionalities closer to the day-to-day reality in business contexts.

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Towards Standardization of Web Service Protocols for NLPaaS
Jin-Dong Kim | Nancy Ide | Keith Suderman

Several web services for various natural language processing (NLP) tasks (‘‘NLP-as-a-service” or NLPaaS) have recently been made publicly available. However, despite their similar functionality these services often differ in the protocols they use, thus complicating the development of clients accessing them. A survey of currently available NLPaaS services suggests that it may be possible to identify a minimal application layer protocol that can be shared by NLPaaS services without sacrificing functionality or convenience, while at the same time simplifying the development of clients for these services. In this paper, we hope to raise awareness of the interoperability problems caused by the variety of existing web service protocols, and describe an effort to identify a set of best practices for NLPaaS protocol design. To that end, we survey and compare protocols used by NLPaaS services and suggest how these protocols may be further aligned to reduce variation.

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NTeALan Dictionaries Platforms: An Example Of Collaboration-Based Model
Elvis Mboning | Daniel Baleba | Jean Marc Bassahak | Ornella Wandji | Jules Assoumou

Nowadays the scarcity and dispersion of open-source NLP resources and tools in and for African languages make it difficult for researchers to truly fit these languages into current algorithms of artificial intelligence, resulting in the stagnation of these numerous languages, as far as technological progress is concerned. Created in 2017, with the aim of building communities of voluntary contributors around African native and/or national languages, cultures, NLP technologies and artificial intelligence, the NTeALan association has set up a series of web collaborative platforms intended to allow the aforementioned communities to create and manage their own lexicographic and linguistic resources. This paper aims at presenting the first versions of three lexicographic platforms that we developed in and for African languages: the REST/GraphQL API for saving lexicographic resources, the dictionary management platform and the collaborative dictionary platform. We also describe the data representation format used for these resources. After experimenting with a few dictionaries and looking at users feedback, we are convinced that only collaboration-based approaches and platforms can effectively respond to challenges of producing quality resources in and for African native and/or national languages.

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A Workflow Manager for Complex NLP and Content Curation Workflows
Julian Moreno-Schneider | Peter Bourgonje | Florian Kintzel | Georg Rehm

We present a workflow manager for the flexible creation and customisation of NLP processing pipelines. The workflow manager addresses challenges in interoperability across various different NLP tasks and hardware-based resource usage. Based on the four key principles of generality, flexibility, scalability and efficiency, we present the first version of the workflow manager by providing details on its custom definition language, explaining the communication components and the general system architecture and setup. We currently implement the system, which is grounded and motivated by real-world industry use cases in several innovation and transfer projects.

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A Processing Platform Relating Data and Tools for Romanian Language
Vasile Păiș | Radu Ion | Dan Tufiș

This paper presents RELATE (http://relate.racai.ro), a high-performance natural language platform designed for Romanian language. It is meant both for demonstration of available services, from text-span annotations to syntactic dependency trees as well as playing or automatically synthesizing Romanian words, and for the development of new annotated corpora. It also incorporates the search engines for the large COROLA reference corpus of contemporary Romanian and the Romanian wordnet. It integrates multiple text and speech processing modules and exposes their functionality through a web interface designed for the linguist researcher. It makes use of a scheduler-runner architecture, allowing processing to be distributed across multiple computing nodes. A series of input/output converters allows large corpora to be loaded, processed and exported according to user preferences.

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LinTO Platform: A Smart Open Voice Assistant for Business Environments
Ilyes Rebai | Sami Benhamiche | Kate Thompson | Zied Sellami | Damien Laine | Jean-Pierre Lorré

In this paper, we present LinTO, an intelligent voice platform and smart room assistant for improving efficiency and productivity in business. Our objective is to build a Spoken Language Understanding system that maintains high performance in both Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Natural Language Processing while being portable and scalable. In this paper we describe the LinTO architecture and our approach to ASR engine training which takes advantage of recent advances in deep learning while guaranteeing high-performance real-time processing. Unlike the existing solutions, the LinTO platform is open source for commercial and non-commercial use

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Towards an Interoperable Ecosystem of AI and LT Platforms: A Roadmap for the Implementation of Different Levels of Interoperability
Georg Rehm | Dimitris Galanis | Penny Labropoulou | Stelios Piperidis | Martin Welß | Ricardo Usbeck | Joachim Köhler | Miltos Deligiannis | Katerina Gkirtzou | Johannes Fischer | Christian Chiarcos | Nils Feldhus | Julian Moreno-Schneider | Florian Kintzel | Elena Montiel | Víctor Rodríguez Doncel | John Philip McCrae | David Laqua | Irina Patricia Theile | Christian Dittmar | Kalina Bontcheva | Ian Roberts | Andrejs Vasiļjevs | Andis Lagzdiņš

With regard to the wider area of AI/LT platform interoperability, we concentrate on two core aspects: (1) cross-platform search and discovery of resources and services; (2) composition of cross-platform service workflows. We devise five different levels (of increasing complexity) of platform interoperability that we suggest to implement in a wider federation of AI/LT platforms. We illustrate the approach using the five emerging AI/LT platforms AI4EU, ELG, Lynx, QURATOR and SPEAKER.

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The COMPRISE Cloud Platform
Raivis Skadiņš | Askars Salimbajevs

This paper presents the COMPRISE cloud platform that is developed in the H2020 project. We present an overview of the COMPRISE project, its main goals, components, and how the cloud platform fits in the context of the overall project. The COMPRISE cloud platform is presented in more detail – main users, use scenarios, functions, implementation details, and how it will be used by both COMPRISE’s targeted audience and the broader language-technology community.

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From Linguistic Research Projects to Language Technology Platforms: A Case Study in Learner Data
Annanda Sousa | Nicolas Ballier | Thomas Gaillat | Bernardo Stearns | Manel Zarrouk | Andrew Simpkin | Manon Bouyé

This paper describes the workflow and architecture adopted by a linguistic research project. We report our experience and present the research outputs turned into resources that we wish to share with the community. We discuss the current limitations and the next steps that could be taken for the scaling and development of our research project. Allying NLP and language-centric AI, we discuss similar projects and possible ways to start collaborating towards potential platform interoperability.


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Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Parsing Technologies and the IWPT 2020 Shared Task on Parsing into Enhanced Universal Dependencies

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Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Parsing Technologies and the IWPT 2020 Shared Task on Parsing into Enhanced Universal Dependencies
Gosse Bouma | Yuji Matsumoto | Stephan Oepen | Kenji Sagae | Djamé Seddah | Weiwei Sun | Anders Søgaard | Reut Tsarfaty | Dan Zeman

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Syntactic Parsing in Humans and Machines
Paola Merlo

To process the syntactic structures of a language in ways that are compatible with human expectations, we need computational representations of lexical and syntactic properties that form the basis of human knowledge of words and sentences. Recent neural-network-based and distributed semantics techniques have developed systems of considerable practical success and impressive performance. As has been advocated by many, however, such systems still lack human-like properties. In particular, linguistic, psycholinguistic and neuroscientific investigations have shown that human processing of sentences is sensitive to structure and unbounded relations. In the spirit of better understanding the structure building and long-distance properties of neural networks, I will present an overview of recent results on agreement and island effects in syntax in several languages. While certain sets of results in the literature indicate that neural language models exhibit long-distance agreement abilities, other finer-grained investigation of how these effects are calculated indicates that that the similarity spaces they define do not correlate with human experimental results on intervention similarity in long-distance dependencies. This opens the way to reflections on how to better match the syntactic properties of natural languages in the representations of neural models.

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Distilling Neural Networks for Greener and Faster Dependency Parsing
Mark Anderson | Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez

The carbon footprint of natural language processing research has been increasing in recent years due to its reliance on large and inefficient neural network implementations. Distillation is a network compression technique which attempts to impart knowledge from a large model to a smaller one. We use teacher-student distillation to improve the efficiency of the Biaffine dependency parser which obtains state-of-the-art performance with respect to accuracy and parsing speed (Dozat and Manning, 2017). When distilling to 20% of the original model’s trainable parameters, we only observe an average decrease of ∼1 point for both UAS and LAS across a number of diverse Universal Dependency treebanks while being 2.30x (1.19x) faster than the baseline model on CPU (GPU) at inference time. We also observe a small increase in performance when compressing to 80% for some treebanks. Finally, through distillation we attain a parser which is not only faster but also more accurate than the fastest modern parser on the Penn Treebank.

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End-to-End Negation Resolution as Graph Parsing
Robin Kurtz | Stephan Oepen | Marco Kuhlmann

We present a neural end-to-end architecture for negation resolution based on a formulation of the task as a graph parsing problem. Our approach allows for the straightforward inclusion of many types of graph-structured features without the need for representation-specific heuristics. In our experiments, we specifically gauge the usefulness of syntactic information for negation resolution. Despite the conceptual simplicity of our architecture, we achieve state-of-the-art results on the Conan Doyle benchmark dataset, including a new top result for our best model.

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Integrating Graph-Based and Transition-Based Dependency Parsers in the Deep Contextualized Era
Agnieszka Falenska | Anders Björkelund | Jonas Kuhn

Graph-based and transition-based dependency parsers used to have different strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, combining the outputs of parsers from both paradigms used to be the standard approach to improve or analyze their performance. However, with the recent adoption of deep contextualized word representations, the chief weakness of graph-based models, i.e., their limited scope of features, has been mitigated. Through two popular combination techniques – blending and stacking – we demonstrate that the remaining diversity in the parsing models is reduced below the level of models trained with different random seeds. Thus, an integration no longer leads to increased accuracy. When both parsers depend on BiLSTMs, the graph-based architecture has a consistent advantage. This advantage stems from globally-trained BiLSTM representations, which capture more distant look-ahead syntactic relations. Such representations can be exploited through multi-task learning, which improves the transition-based parser, especially on treebanks with a high ratio of right-headed dependencies.

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Semi-supervised Parsing with a Variational Autoencoding Parser
Xiao Zhang | Dan Goldwasser

We propose an end-to-end variational autoencoding parsing (VAP) model for semi-supervised graph-based projective dependency parsing. It encodes the input using continuous latent variables in a sequential manner by deep neural networks (DNN) that can utilize the contextual information, and reconstruct the input using a generative model. The VAP model admits a unified structure with different loss functions for labeled and unlabeled data with shared parameters. We conducted experiments on the WSJ data sets, showing the proposed model can use the unlabeled data to increase the performance on a limited amount of labeled data, on a par with a recently proposed semi-supervised parser with faster inference.

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Memory-bounded Neural Incremental Parsing for Psycholinguistic Prediction
Lifeng Jin | William Schuler

Syntactic surprisal has been shown to have an effect on human sentence processing, and can be predicted from prefix probabilities of generative incremental parsers. Recent state-of-the-art incremental generative neural parsers are able to produce accurate parses and surprisal values but have unbounded stack memory, which may be used by the neural parser to maintain explicit in-order representations of all previously parsed words, inconsistent with results of human memory experiments. In contrast, humans seem to have a bounded working memory, demonstrated by inhibited performance on word recall in multi-clause sentences (Bransford and Franks, 1971), and on center-embedded sentences (Miller and Isard,1964). Bounded statistical parsers exist, but are less accurate than neural parsers in predict-ing reading times. This paper describes a neural incremental generative parser that is able to provide accurate surprisal estimates and can be constrained to use a bounded stack. Results show that the accuracy gains of neural parsers can be reliably extended to psycholinguistic modeling without risk of distortion due to un-bounded working memory.

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Obfuscation for Privacy-preserving Syntactic Parsing
Zhifeng Hu | Serhii Havrylov | Ivan Titov | Shay B. Cohen

The goal of homomorphic encryption is to encrypt data such that another party can operate on it without being explicitly exposed to the content of the original data. We introduce an idea for a privacy-preserving transformation on natural language data, inspired by homomorphic encryption. Our primary tool is obfuscation, relying on the properties of natural language. Specifically, a given English text is obfuscated using a neural model that aims to preserve the syntactic relationships of the original sentence so that the obfuscated sentence can be parsed instead of the original one. The model works at the word level, and learns to obfuscate each word separately by changing it into a new word that has a similar syntactic role. The text obfuscated by our model leads to better performance on three syntactic parsers (two dependency and one constituency parsers) in comparison to an upper-bound random substitution baseline. More specifically, the results demonstrate that as more terms are obfuscated (by their part of speech), the substitution upper bound significantly degrades, while the neural model maintains a relatively high performing parser. All of this is done without much sacrifice of privacy compared to the random substitution upper bound. We also further analyze the results, and discover that the substituted words have similar syntactic properties, but different semantic content, compared to the original words.

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Tensors over Semirings for Latent-Variable Weighted Logic Programs
Esma Balkir | Daniel Gildea | Shay B. Cohen

Semiring parsing is an elegant framework for describing parsers by using semiring weighted logic programs. In this paper we present a generalization of this concept: latent-variable semiring parsing. With our framework, any semiring weighted logic program can be latentified by transforming weights from scalar values of a semiring to rank-n arrays, or tensors, of semiring values, allowing the modelling of latent-variable models within the semiring parsing framework. Semiring is too strong a notion when dealing with tensors, and we have to resort to a weaker structure: a partial semiring. We prove that this generalization preserves all the desired properties of the original semiring framework while strictly increasing its expressiveness.

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Advances in Using Grammars with Latent Annotations for Discontinuous Parsing
Kilian Gebhardt

We present new experiments that transfer techniques from Probabilistic Context-free Grammars with Latent Annotations (PCFG-LA) to two grammar formalisms for discontinuous parsing: linear context-free rewriting systems and hybrid grammars. In particular, Dirichlet priors during EM training, ensemble models, and a new nonterminal scheme for hybrid grammars are evaluated. We find that our grammars are more accurate than previous approaches based on discontinuous grammar formalisms and early instances of the discriminative models but inferior to recent discriminative parsers.

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Lexicalization of Probabilistic Linear Context-free Rewriting Systems
Richard Mörbitz | Thomas Ruprecht

In the field of constituent parsing, probabilistic grammar formalisms have been studied to model the syntactic structure of natural language. More recently, approaches utilizing neural models gained lots of traction in this field, as they achieved accurate results at high speed. We aim for a symbiosis between probabilistic linear context-free rewriting systems (PLCFRS) as a probabilistic grammar formalism and neural models to get the best of both worlds: the interpretability of grammars, and the speed and accuracy of neural models. To combine these two, we consider the approach of supertagging that requires lexicalized grammar formalisms. Here, we present a procedure which turns any PLCFRS G into an equivalent lexicalized PLCFRS G’. The derivation trees in G’ are then mapped to equivalent derivations in G. Our construction for G’ preserves the probability assignment and does not increase parsing complexity compared to G.

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Self-Training for Unsupervised Parsing with PRPN
Anhad Mohananey | Katharina Kann | Samuel R. Bowman

Neural unsupervised parsing (UP) models learn to parse without access to syntactic annotations, while being optimized for another task like language modeling. In this work, we propose self-training for neural UP models: we leverage aggregated annotations predicted by copies of our model as supervision for future copies. To be able to use our model’s predictions during training, we extend a recent neural UP architecture, the PRPN (Shen et al., 2018a), such that it can be trained in a semi-supervised fashion. We then add examples with parses predicted by our model to our unlabeled UP training data. Our self-trained model outperforms the PRPN by 8.1% F1 and the previous state of the art by 1.6% F1. In addition, we show that our architecture can also be helpful for semi-supervised parsing in ultra-low-resource settings.

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Span-Based LCFRS-2 Parsing
Miloš Stanojević | Mark Steedman

The earliest models for discontinuous constituency parsers used mildly context-sensitive grammars, but the fashion has changed in recent years to grammar-less transition-based parsers that use strong neural probabilistic models to greedily predict transitions. We argue that grammar-based approaches still have something to contribute on top of what is offered by transition-based parsers. Concretely, by using a grammar formalism to restrict the space of possible trees we can use dynamic programming parsing algorithms for exact search for the most probable tree. Previous chart-based parsers for discontinuous formalisms used probabilistically weak generative models. We instead use a span-based discriminative neural model that preserves the dynamic programming properties of the chart parsers. Our parser does not use an explicit grammar, but it does use explicit grammar formalism constraints: we generate only trees that are within the LCFRS-2 formalism. These properties allow us to construct a new parsing algorithm that runs in lower worst-case time complexity of O(l nˆ4 +nˆ6), where n is the sentence length and l is the number of unique non-terminal labels. This parser is efficient in practice, provides best results among chart-based parsers, and is competitive with the best transition based parsers. We also show that the main bottleneck for further improvement in performance is in the restriction of fan-out to degree 2. We show that well-nestedness is helpful in speeding up parsing, but lowers accuracy.

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Analysis of the Penn Korean Universal Dependency Treebank (PKT-UD): Manual Revision to Build Robust Parsing Model in Korean
Tae Hwan Oh | Ji Yoon Han | Hyonsu Choe | Seokwon Park | Han He | Jinho D. Choi | Na-Rae Han | Jena D. Hwang | Hansaem Kim

In this paper, we first open on important issues regarding the Penn Korean Universal Treebank (PKT-UD) and address these issues by revising the entire corpus manually with the aim of producing cleaner UD annotations that are more faithful to Korean grammar. For compatibility to the rest of UD corpora, we follow the UDv2 guidelines, and extensively revise the part-of-speech tags and the dependency relations to reflect morphological features and flexible word- order aspects in Korean. The original and the revised versions of PKT-UD are experimented with transformer-based parsing models using biaffine attention. The parsing model trained on the revised corpus shows a significant improvement of 3.0% in labeled attachment score over the model trained on the previous corpus. Our error analysis demonstrates that this revision allows the parsing model to learn relations more robustly, reducing several critical errors that used to be made by the previous model.

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Statistical Deep Parsing for Spanish Using Neural Networks
Luis Chiruzzo | Dina Wonsever

This paper presents the development of a deep parser for Spanish that uses a HPSG grammar and returns trees that contain both syntactic and semantic information. The parsing process uses a top-down approach implemented using LSTM neural networks, and achieves good performance results in terms of syntactic constituency and dependency metrics, and also SRL. We describe the grammar, corpus and implementation of the parser. Our process outperforms a CKY baseline and other Spanish parsers in terms of global metrics and also for some specific Spanish phenomena, such as clitics reduplication and relative referents.

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The Importance of Category Labels in Grammar Induction with Child-directed Utterances
Lifeng Jin | William Schuler

Recent progress in grammar induction has shown that grammar induction is possible without explicit assumptions of language specific knowledge. However, evaluation of induced grammars usually has ignored phrasal labels, an essential part of a grammar. Experiments in this work using a labeled evaluation metric, RH, show that linguistically motivated predictions about grammar sparsity and use of categories can only be revealed through labeled evaluation. Furthermore, depth-bounding as an implementation of human memory constraints in grammar inducers is still effective with labeled evaluation on multilingual transcribed child-directed utterances.

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Overview of the IWPT 2020 Shared Task on Parsing into Enhanced Universal Dependencies
Gosse Bouma | Djamé Seddah | Daniel Zeman

This overview introduces the task of parsing into enhanced universal dependencies, describes the datasets used for training and evaluation, and evaluation metrics. We outline various approaches and discuss the results of the shared task.

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Turku Enhanced Parser Pipeline: From Raw Text to Enhanced Graphs in the IWPT 2020 Shared Task
Jenna Kanerva | Filip Ginter | Sampo Pyysalo

We present the approach of the TurkuNLP group to the IWPT 2020 shared task on Multilingual Parsing into Enhanced Universal Dependencies. The task involves 28 treebanks in 17 different languages and requires parsers to generate graph structures extending on the basic dependency trees. Our approach combines language-specific BERT models, the UDify parser, neural sequence-to-sequence lemmatization and a graph transformation approach encoding the enhanced structure into a dependency tree. Our submission averaged 84.5% ELAS, ranking first in the shared task. We make all methods and resources developed for this study freely available under open licenses from https://turkunlp.org.

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Hybrid Enhanced Universal Dependencies Parsing
Johannes Heinecke

This paper describes our system to predict enhanced dependencies for Universal Dependencies (UD) treebanks, which ranked 2nd in the Shared Task on Enhanced Dependency Parsing with an average ELAS of 82.60%. Our system uses a hybrid two-step approach. First, we use a graph-based parser to extract a basic syntactic dependency tree. Then, we use a set of linguistic rules which generate the enhanced dependencies for the syntactic tree. The application of these rules is optimized using a classifier which predicts their suitability in the given context. A key advantage of this approach is its language independence, as rules rely solely on dependency trees and UPOS tags which are shared across all languages.

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Adaptation of Multilingual Transformer Encoder for Robust Enhanced Universal Dependency Parsing
Han He | Jinho D. Choi

This paper presents our enhanced dependency parsing approach using transformer encoders, coupled with a simple yet powerful ensemble algorithm that takes advantage of both tree and graph dependency parsing. Two types of transformer encoders are compared, a multilingual encoder and language-specific encoders. Our dependency tree parsing (DTP) approach generates only primary dependencies to form trees whereas our dependency graph parsing (DGP) approach handles both primary and secondary dependencies to form graphs. Since DGP does not guarantee the generated graphs are acyclic, the ensemble algorithm is designed to add secondary arcs predicted by DGP to primary arcs predicted by DTP. Our results show that models using the multilingual encoder outperform ones using the language specific encoders for most languages. The ensemble models generally show higher labeled attachment score on enhanced dependencies (ELAS) than the DTP and DGP models. As the result, our best models rank the third place on the macro-average ELAS over 17 languages.

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Efficient EUD Parsing
Mathieu Dehouck | Mark Anderson | Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez

We present the system submission from the FASTPARSE team for the EUD Shared Task at IWPT 2020. We engaged with the task by focusing on efficiency. For this we considered training costs and inference efficiency. Our models are a combination of distilled neural dependency parsers and a rule-based system that projects UD trees into EUD graphs. We obtained an average ELAS of 74.04 for our official submission, ranking 4th overall.

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Linear Neural Parsing and Hybrid Enhancement for Enhanced Universal Dependencies
Giuseppe Attardi | Daniele Sartiano | Maria Simi

To accomplish the shared task on dependency parsing we explore the use of a linear transition-based neural dependency parser as well as a combination of three of them by means of a linear tree combination algorithm. We train separate models for each language on the shared task data. We compare our base parser with two biaffine parsers and also present an ensemble combination of all five parsers, which achieves an average UAS 1.88 point lower than the top official submission. For producing the enhanced dependencies, we exploit a hybrid approach, coupling an algorithmic graph transformation of the dependency tree with predictions made by a multitask machine learning model.

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Enhanced Universal Dependency Parsing with Second-Order Inference and Mixture of Training Data
Xinyu Wang | Yong Jiang | Kewei Tu

This paper presents the system used in our submission to the IWPT 2020 Shared Task. Our system is a graph-based parser with second-order inference. For the low-resource Tamil corpora, we specially mixed the training data of Tamil with other languages and significantly improved the performance of Tamil. Due to our misunderstanding of the submission requirements, we submitted graphs that are not connected, which makes our system only rank 6th over 10 teams. However, after we fixed this problem, our system is 0.6 ELAS higher than the team that ranked 1st in the official results.

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How Much of Enhanced UD Is Contained in UD?
Adam Ek | Jean-Philippe Bernardy

In this paper, we present the submission of team CLASP to the IWPT 2020 Shared Task on parsing enhanced universal dependencies. We develop a tree-to-graph transformation algorithm based on dependency patterns. This algorithm can transform gold UD trees to EUD graphs with an ELAS score of 81.55 and a EULAS score of 96.70. These results show that much of the information needed to construct EUD graphs from UD trees are present in the UD trees. Coupled with a standard UD parser, the method applies to the official test data and yields and ELAS score of 67.85 and a EULAS score is 80.18.

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The ADAPT Enhanced Dependency Parser at the IWPT 2020 Shared Task
James Barry | Joachim Wagner | Jennifer Foster

We describe the ADAPT system for the 2020 IWPT Shared Task on parsing enhanced Universal Dependencies in 17 languages. We implement a pipeline approach using UDPipe and UDPipe-future to provide initial levels of annotation. The enhanced dependency graph is either produced by a graph-based semantic dependency parser or is built from the basic tree using a small set of heuristics. Our results show that, for the majority of languages, a semantic dependency parser can be successfully applied to the task of parsing enhanced dependencies. Unfortunately, we did not ensure a connected graph as part of our pipeline approach and our competition submission relied on a last-minute fix to pass the validation script which harmed our official evaluation scores significantly. Our submission ranked eighth in the official evaluation with a macro-averaged coarse ELAS F1 of 67.23 and a treebank average of 67.49. We later implemented our own graph-connecting fix which resulted in a score of 79.53 (language average) or 79.76 (treebank average), which would have placed fourth in the competition evaluation.

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Køpsala: Transition-Based Graph Parsing via Efficient Training and Effective Encoding
Daniel Hershcovich | Miryam de Lhoneux | Artur Kulmizev | Elham Pejhan | Joakim Nivre

We present Køpsala, the Copenhagen-Uppsala system for the Enhanced Universal Dependencies Shared Task at IWPT 2020. Our system is a pipeline consisting of off-the-shelf models for everything but enhanced graph parsing, and for the latter, a transition-based graph parser adapted from Che et al. (2019). We train a single enhanced parser model per language, using gold sentence splitting and tokenization for training, and rely only on tokenized surface forms and multilingual BERT for encoding. While a bug introduced just before submission resulted in a severe drop in precision, its post-submission fix would bring us to 4th place in the official ranking, according to average ELAS. Our parser demonstrates that a unified pipeline is effective for both Meaning Representation Parsing and Enhanced Universal Dependencies.

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RobertNLP at the IWPT 2020 Shared Task: Surprisingly Simple Enhanced UD Parsing for English
Stefan Grünewald | Annemarie Friedrich

This paper presents our system at the IWPT 2020 Shared Task on Parsing into Enhanced Universal Dependencies. Using a biaffine classifier architecture (Dozat and Manning, 2017) which operates directly on finetuned RoBERTa embeddings, our parser generates enhanced UD graphs by predicting the best dependency label (or absence of a dependency) for each pair of tokens in the sentence. We address label sparsity issues by replacing lexical items in relations with placeholders at prediction time, later retrieving them from the parse in a rule-based fashion. In addition, we ensure structural graph constraints using a simple set of heuristics. On the English blind test data, our system achieves a very high parsing accuracy, ranking 1st out of 10 with an ELAS F1 score of 88.94%.


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Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation

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Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation
Marcello Federico | Alex Waibel | Kevin Knight | Satoshi Nakamura | Hermann Ney | Jan Niehues | Sebastian Stüker | Dekai Wu | Joseph Mariani | Francois Yvon

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Ebrahim Ansari | Amittai Axelrod | Nguyen Bach | Ondřej Bojar | Roldano Cattoni | Fahim Dalvi | Nadir Durrani | Marcello Federico | Christian Federmann | Jiatao Gu | Fei Huang | Kevin Knight | Xutai Ma | Ajay Nagesh | Matteo Negri | Jan Niehues | Juan Pino | Elizabeth Salesky | Xing Shi | Sebastian Stüker | Marco Turchi | Alexander Waibel | Changhan Wang

The evaluation campaign of the International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2020) featured this year six challenge tracks: (i) Simultaneous speech translation, (ii) Video speech translation, (iii) Offline speech translation, (iv) Conversational speech translation, (v) Open domain translation, and (vi) Non-native speech translation. A total of teams participated in at least one of the tracks. This paper introduces each track’s goal, data and evaluation metrics, and reports the results of the received submissions.

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ON-TRAC Consortium for End-to-End and Simultaneous Speech Translation Challenge Tasks at IWSLT 2020
Maha Elbayad | Ha Nguyen | Fethi Bougares | Natalia Tomashenko | Antoine Caubrière | Benjamin Lecouteux | Yannick Estève | Laurent Besacier

This paper describes the ON-TRAC Consortium translation systems developed for two challenge tracks featured in the Evaluation Campaign of IWSLT 2020, offline speech translation and simultaneous speech translation. ON-TRAC Consortium is composed of researchers from three French academic laboratories: LIA (Avignon Université), LIG (Université Grenoble Alpes), and LIUM (Le Mans Université). Attention-based encoder-decoder models, trained end-to-end, were used for our submissions to the offline speech translation track. Our contributions focused on data augmentation and ensembling of multiple models. In the simultaneous speech translation track, we build on Transformer-based wait-k models for the text-to-text subtask. For speech-to-text simultaneous translation, we attach a wait-k MT system to a hybrid ASR system. We propose an algorithm to control the latency of the ASR+MT cascade and achieve a good latency-quality trade-off on both subtasks.

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Start-Before-End and End-to-End: Neural Speech Translation by AppTek and RWTH Aachen University
Parnia Bahar | Patrick Wilken | Tamer Alkhouli | Andreas Guta | Pavel Golik | Evgeny Matusov | Christian Herold

AppTek and RWTH Aachen University team together to participate in the offline and simultaneous speech translation tracks of IWSLT 2020. For the offline task, we create both cascaded and end-to-end speech translation systems, paying attention to careful data selection and weighting. In the cascaded approach, we combine high-quality hybrid automatic speech recognition (ASR) with the Transformer-based neural machine translation (NMT). Our end-to-end direct speech translation systems benefit from pretraining of adapted encoder and decoder components, as well as synthetic data and fine-tuning and thus are able to compete with cascaded systems in terms of MT quality. For simultaneous translation, we utilize a novel architecture that makes dynamic decisions, learned from parallel data, to determine when to continue feeding on input or generate output words. Experiments with speech and text input show that even at low latency this architecture leads to superior translation results.

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KIT’s IWSLT 2020 SLT Translation System
Ngoc-Quan Pham | Felix Schneider | Tuan-Nam Nguyen | Thanh-Le Ha | Thai Son Nguyen | Maximilian Awiszus | Sebastian Stüker | Alexander Waibel

This paper describes KIT’s submissions to the IWSLT2020 Speech Translation evaluation campaign. We first participate in the simultaneous translation task, in which our simultaneous models are Transformer based and can be efficiently trained to obtain low latency with minimized compromise in quality. On the offline speech translation task, we applied our new Speech Transformer architecture to end-to-end speech translation. The obtained model can provide translation quality which is competitive to a complicated cascade. The latter still has the upper hand, thanks to the ability to transparently access to the transcription, and resegment the inputs to avoid fragmentation.

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End-to-End Simultaneous Translation System for IWSLT2020 Using Modality Agnostic Meta-Learning
Hou Jeung Han | Mohd Abbas Zaidi | Sathish Reddy Indurthi | Nikhil Kumar Lakumarapu | Beomseok Lee | Sangha Kim

In this paper, we describe end-to-end simultaneous speech-to-text and text-to-text translation systems submitted to IWSLT2020 online translation challenge. The systems are built by adding wait-k and meta-learning approaches to the Transformer architecture. The systems are evaluated on different latency regimes. The simultaneous text-to-text translation achieved a BLEU score of 26.38 compared to the competition baseline score of 14.17 on the low latency regime (Average latency ≤ 3). The simultaneous speech-to-text system improves the BLEU score by 7.7 points over the competition baseline for the low latency regime (Average Latency ≤ 1000).

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DiDi Labs’ End-to-end System for the IWSLT 2020 Offline Speech TranslationTask
Arkady Arkhangorodsky | Yiqi Huang | Amittai Axelrod

This paper describes the system that was submitted by DiDi Labs to the offline speech translation task for IWSLT 2020. We trained an end-to-end system that translates audio from English TED talks to German text, without producing intermediate English text. We use the S-Transformer architecture and train using the MuSTC dataset. We also describe several additional experiments that were attempted, but did not yield improved results.

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End-to-End Offline Speech Translation System for IWSLT 2020 using Modality Agnostic Meta-Learning
Nikhil Kumar Lakumarapu | Beomseok Lee | Sathish Reddy Indurthi | Hou Jeung Han | Mohd Abbas Zaidi | Sangha Kim

In this paper, we describe the system submitted to the IWSLT 2020 Offline Speech Translation Task. We adopt the Transformer architecture coupled with the meta-learning approach to build our end-to-end Speech-to-Text Translation (ST) system. Our meta-learning approach tackles the data scarcity of the ST task by leveraging the data available from Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Machine Translation (MT) tasks. The meta-learning approach combined with synthetic data augmentation techniques improves the model performance significantly and achieves BLEU scores of 24.58, 27.51, and 27.61 on IWSLT test 2015, MuST-C test, and Europarl-ST test sets respectively.

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End-to-End Speech-Translation with Knowledge Distillation: FBK@IWSLT2020
Marco Gaido | Mattia A. Di Gangi | Matteo Negri | Marco Turchi

This paper describes FBK’s participation in the IWSLT 2020 offline speech translation (ST) task. The task evaluates systems’ ability to translate English TED talks audio into German texts. The test talks are provided in two versions: one contains the data already segmented with automatic tools and the other is the raw data without any segmentation. Participants can decide whether to work on custom segmentation or not. We used the provided segmentation. Our system is an end-to-end model based on an adaptation of the Transformer for speech data. Its training process is the main focus of this paper and it is based on: i) transfer learning (ASR pretraining and knowledge distillation), ii) data augmentation (SpecAugment, time stretch and synthetic data), iii)combining synthetic and real data marked as different domains, and iv) multi-task learning using the CTC loss. Finally, after the training with word-level knowledge distillation is complete, our ST models are fine-tuned using label smoothed cross entropy. Our best model scored 29 BLEU on the MuST-CEn-De test set, which is an excellent result compared to recent papers, and 23.7 BLEU on the same data segmented with VAD, showing the need for researching solutions addressing this specific data condition.

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SRPOL’s System for the IWSLT 2020 End-to-End Speech Translation Task
Tomasz Potapczyk | Pawel Przybysz

We took part in the offline End-to-End English to German TED lectures translation task. We based our solution on our last year’s submission. We used a slightly altered Transformer architecture with ResNet-like convolutional layer preparing the audio input to Transformer encoder. To improve the model’s quality of translation we introduced two regularization techniques and trained on machine translated Librispeech corpus in addition to iwslt-corpus, TEDLIUM2 andMust_C corpora. Our best model scored almost 3 BLEU higher than last year’s model. To segment 2020 test set we used exactly the same procedure as last year.

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The University of Helsinki Submission to the IWSLT2020 Offline SpeechTranslation Task
Raúl Vázquez | Mikko Aulamo | Umut Sulubacak | Jörg Tiedemann

This paper describes the University of Helsinki Language Technology group’s participation in the IWSLT 2020 offline speech translation task, addressing the translation of English audio into German text. In line with this year’s task objective, we train both cascade and end-to-end systems for spoken language translation. We opt for an end-to-end multitasking architecture with shared internal representations and a cascade approach that follows a standard procedure consisting of ASR, correction, and MT stages. We also describe the experiments that served as a basis for the submitted systems. Our experiments reveal that multitasking training with shared internal representations is not only possible but allows for knowledge-transfer across modalities.

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The AFRL IWSLT 2020 Systems: Work-From-Home Edition
Brian Ore | Eric Hansen | Tim Anderson | Jeremy Gwinnup

This report summarizes the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) submission to the offline spoken language translation (SLT) task as part of the IWSLT 2020 evaluation campaign. As in previous years, we chose to adopt the cascade approach of using separate systems to perform speech activity detection, automatic speech recognition, sentence segmentation, and machine translation. All systems were neural based, including a fully-connected neural network for speech activity detection, a Kaldi factorized time delay neural network with recurrent neural network (RNN) language model rescoring for speech recognition, a bidirectional RNN with attention mechanism for sentence segmentation, and transformer networks trained with OpenNMT and Marian for machine translation. Our primary submission yielded BLEU scores of 21.28 on tst2019 and 23.33 on tst2020.

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LIT Team’s System Description for Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation Task in IWSLT 2020
Yimeng Zhuang | Yuan Zhang | Lijie Wang

This paper describes the LIT Team’s submission to the IWSLT2020 open domain translation task, focusing primarily on Japanese-to-Chinese translation direction. Our system is based on the organizers’ baseline system, but we do more works on improving the Transform baseline system by elaborate data pre-processing. We manage to obtain significant improvements, and this paper aims to share some data processing experiences in this translation task. Large-scale back-translation on monolingual corpus is also investigated. In addition, we also try shared and exclusive word embeddings, compare different granularity of tokens like sub-word level. Our Japanese-to-Chinese translation system achieves a performance of BLEU=34.0 and ranks 2nd among all participating systems.

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OPPO’s Machine Translation System for the IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation Task
Qian Zhang | Xiaopu Li | Dawei Dang | Tingxun Shi | Di Ai | Zhengshan Xue | Jie Hao

In this paper, we demonstrate our machine translation system applied for the Chinese-Japanese bidirectional translation task (aka. open domain translation task) for the IWSLT 2020. Our model is based on Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017), with the help of many popular, widely proved effective data preprocessing and augmentation methods. Experiments show that these methods can improve the baseline model steadily and significantly.

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Character Mapping and Ad-hoc Adaptation: Edinburgh’s IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation System
Pinzhen Chen | Nikolay Bogoychev | Ulrich Germann

This paper describes the University of Edinburgh’s neural machine translation systems submitted to the IWSLT 2020 open domain JapaneseChinese translation task. On top of commonplace techniques like tokenisation and corpus cleaning, we explore character mapping and unsupervised decoding-time adaptation. Our techniques focus on leveraging the provided data, and we show the positive impact of each technique through the gradual improvement of BLEU.

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CASIA’s System for IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation
Qian Wang | Yuchen Liu | Cong Ma | Yu Lu | Yining Wang | Long Zhou | Yang Zhao | Jiajun Zhang | Chengqing Zong

This paper describes the CASIA’s system for the IWSLT 2020 open domain translation task. This year we participate in both Chinese→Japanese and Japanese→Chinese translation tasks. Our system is neural machine translation system based on Transformer model. We augment the training data with knowledge distillation and back translation to improve the translation performance. Domain data classification and weighted domain model ensemble are introduced to generate the final translation result. We compare and analyze the performance on development data with different model settings and different data processing techniques.

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Deep Blue Sonics’ Submission to IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation Task
Enmin Su | Yi Ren

We present in this report our submission to IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation Task. We built a data pre-processing pipeline to efficiently handle large noisy web-crawled corpora, which boosts the BLEU score of a widely used transformer model in this translation task. To tackle the open-domain nature of this task, back- translation is applied to further improve the translation performance.

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University of Tsukuba’s Machine Translation System for IWSLT20 Open Domain Translation Task
Hongyi Cui | Yizhen Wei | Shohei Iida | Takehito Utsuro | Masaaki Nagata

In this paper, we introduce University of Tsukuba’s submission to the IWSLT20 Open Domain Translation Task. We participate in both Chinese→Japanese and Japanese→Chinese directions. For both directions, our machine translation systems are based on the Transformer architecture. Several techniques are integrated in order to boost the performance of our models: data filtering, large-scale noised training, model ensemble, reranking and postprocessing. Consequently, our efforts achieve 33.0 BLEU scores for Chinese→Japanese translation and 32.3 BLEU scores for Japanese→Chinese translation.

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Xiaomi’s Submissions for IWSLT 2020 Open Domain Translation Task
Yuhui Sun | Mengxue Guo | Xiang Li | Jianwei Cui | Bin Wang

This paper describes the Xiaomi’s submissions to the IWSLT20 shared open domain translation task for Chinese<->Japanese language pair. We explore different model ensembling strategies based on recent Transformer variants. We also further strengthen our systems via some effective techniques, such as data filtering, data selection, tagged back translation, domain adaptation, knowledge distillation, and re-ranking. Our resulting Chinese->Japanese primary system ranked second in terms of character-level BLEU score among all submissions. Our resulting Japanese->Chinese primary system also achieved a competitive performance.

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ISTIC’s Neural Machine Translation System for IWSLT’2020
Jiaze Wei | Wenbin Liu | Zhenfeng Wu | You Pan | Yanqing He

This paper introduces technical details of machine translation system of Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC) for the 17th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2020). ISTIC participated in both translation tasks of the Open Domain Translation track: Japanese-to-Chinese MT task and Chinese-to-Japanese MT task. The paper mainly elaborates on the model framework, data preprocessing methods and decoding strategies adopted in our system. In addition, the system performance on the development set are given under different settings.

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Octanove Labs’ Japanese-Chinese Open Domain Translation System
Masato Hagiwara

This paper describes Octanove Labs’ submission to the IWSLT 2020 open domain translation challenge. In order to build a high-quality Japanese-Chinese neural machine translation (NMT) system, we use a combination of 1) parallel corpus filtering and 2) back-translation. We have shown that, by using heuristic rules and learned classifiers, the size of the parallel data can be reduced by 70% to 90% without much impact on the final MT performance. We have also shown that including the artificially generated parallel data through back-translation further boosts the metric by 17% to 27%, while self-training contributes little. Aside from a small number of parallel sentences annotated for filtering, no external resources have been used to build our system.

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NAIST’s Machine Translation Systems for IWSLT 2020 Conversational Speech Translation Task
Ryo Fukuda | Katsuhito Sudoh | Satoshi Nakamura

This paper describes NAIST’s NMT system submitted to the IWSLT 2020 conversational speech translation task. We focus on the translation disfluent speech transcripts that include ASR errors and non-grammatical utterances. We tried a domain adaptation method by transferring the styles of out-of-domain data (United Nations Parallel Corpus) to be like in-domain data (Fisher transcripts). Our system results showed that the NMT model with domain adaptation outperformed a baseline. In addition, slight improvement by the style transfer was observed.

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Generating Fluent Translations from Disfluent Text Without Access to Fluent References: IIT Bombay@IWSLT2020
Nikhil Saini | Jyotsana Khatri | Preethi Jyothi | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Machine translation systems perform reasonably well when the input is well-formed speech or text. Conversational speech is spontaneous and inherently consists of many disfluencies. Producing fluent translations of disfluent source text would typically require parallel disfluent to fluent training data. However, fluent translations of spontaneous speech are an additional resource that is tedious to obtain. This work describes the submission of IIT Bombay to the Conversational Speech Translation challenge at IWSLT 2020. We specifically tackle the problem of disfluency removal in disfluent-to-fluent text-to-text translation assuming no access to fluent references during training. Common patterns of disfluency are extracted from disfluent references and a noise induction model is used to simulate them starting from a clean monolingual corpus. This synthetically constructed dataset is then considered as a proxy for labeled data during training. We also make use of additional fluent text in the target language to help generate fluent translations. This work uses no fluent references during training and beats a baseline model by a margin of 4.21 and 3.11 BLEU points where the baseline uses disfluent and fluent references, respectively. Index Terms- disfluency removal, machine translation, noise induction, leveraging monolingual data, denoising for disfluency removal.

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The HW-TSC Video Speech Translation System at IWSLT 2020
Minghan Wang | Hao Yang | Yao Deng | Ying Qin | Lizhi Lei | Daimeng Wei | Hengchao Shang | Ning Xie | Xiaochun Li | Jiaxian Guo

The paper presents details of our system in the IWSLT Video Speech Translation evaluation. The system works in a cascade form, which contains three modules: 1) A proprietary ASR system. 2) A disfluency correction system aims to remove interregnums or other disfluent expressions with a fine-tuned BERT and a series of rule-based algorithms. 3) An NMT System based on the Transformer and trained with massive publicly available corpus.

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CUNI Neural ASR with Phoneme-Level Intermediate Step for~Non-Native~SLT at IWSLT 2020
Peter Polák | Sangeet Sagar | Dominik Macháček | Ondřej Bojar

In this paper, we present our submission to the Non-Native Speech Translation Task for IWSLT 2020. Our main contribution is a proposed speech recognition pipeline that consists of an acoustic model and a phoneme-to-grapheme model. As an intermediate representation, we utilize phonemes. We demonstrate that the proposed pipeline surpasses commercially used automatic speech recognition (ASR) and submit it into the ASR track. We complement this ASR with off-the-shelf MT systems to take part also in the speech translation track.

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ELITR Non-Native Speech Translation at IWSLT 2020
Dominik Macháček | Jonáš Kratochvíl | Sangeet Sagar | Matúš Žilinec | Ondřej Bojar | Thai-Son Nguyen | Felix Schneider | Philip Williams | Yuekun Yao

This paper is an ELITR system submission for the non-native speech translation task at IWSLT 2020. We describe systems for offline ASR, real-time ASR, and our cascaded approach to offline SLT and real-time SLT. We select our primary candidates from a pool of pre-existing systems, develop a new end-to-end general ASR system, and a hybrid ASR trained on non-native speech. The provided small validation set prevents us from carrying out a complex validation, but we submit all the unselected candidates for contrastive evaluation on the test set.

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Is 42 the Answer to Everything in Subtitling-oriented Speech Translation?
Alina Karakanta | Matteo Negri | Marco Turchi

Subtitling is becoming increasingly important for disseminating information, given the enormous amounts of audiovisual content becoming available daily. Although Neural Machine Translation (NMT) can speed up the process of translating audiovisual content, large manual effort is still required for transcribing the source language, and for spotting and segmenting the text into proper subtitles. Creating proper subtitles in terms of timing and segmentation highly depends on information present in the audio (utterance duration, natural pauses). In this work, we explore two methods for applying Speech Translation (ST) to subtitling, a) a direct end-to-end and b) a classical cascade approach. We discuss the benefit of having access to the source language speech for improving the conformity of the generated subtitles to the spatial and temporal subtitling constraints and show that length is not the answer to everything in the case of subtitling-oriented ST.

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Re-translation versus Streaming for Simultaneous Translation
Naveen Arivazhagan | Colin Cherry | Wolfgang Macherey | George Foster

There has been great progress in improving streaming machine translation, a simultaneous paradigm where the system appends to a growing hypothesis as more source content becomes available. We study a related problem in which revisions to the hypothesis beyond strictly appending words are permitted. This is suitable for applications such as live captioning an audio feed. In this setting, we compare custom streaming approaches to re-translation, a straightforward strategy where each new source token triggers a distinct translation from scratch. We find re-translation to be as good or better than state-of-the-art streaming systems, even when operating under constraints that allow very few revisions. We attribute much of this success to a previously proposed data-augmentation technique that adds prefix-pairs to the training data, which alongside wait-k inference forms a strong baseline for streaming translation. We also highlight re-translation’s ability to wrap arbitrarily powerful MT systems with an experiment showing large improvements from an upgrade to its base model.

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Towards Stream Translation: Adaptive Computation Time for Simultaneous Machine Translation
Felix Schneider | Alexander Waibel

Simultaneous machine translation systems rely on a policy to schedule read and write operations in order to begin translating a source sentence before it is complete. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of Adaptive Computation Time (ACT) as an adaptive, learned policy for simultaneous machine translation using the transformer model and as a more numerically stable alternative to Monotonic Infinite Lookback Attention (MILk). We achieve state-of-the-art results in terms of latency-quality tradeoffs. We also propose a method to use our model on unsegmented input, i.e. without sentence boundaries, simulating the condition of translating output from automatic speech recognition. We present first benchmark results on this task.

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Neural Simultaneous Speech Translation Using Alignment-Based Chunking
Patrick Wilken | Tamer Alkhouli | Evgeny Matusov | Pavel Golik

In simultaneous machine translation, the objective is to determine when to produce a partial translation given a continuous stream of source words, with a trade-off between latency and quality. We propose a neural machine translation (NMT) model that makes dynamic decisions when to continue feeding on input or generate output words. The model is composed of two main components: one to dynamically decide on ending a source chunk, and another that translates the consumed chunk. We train the components jointly and in a manner consistent with the inference conditions. To generate chunked training data, we propose a method that utilizes word alignment while also preserving enough context. We compare models with bidirectional and unidirectional encoders of different depths, both on real speech and text input. Our results on the IWSLT 2020 English-to-German task outperform a wait-k baseline by 2.6 to 3.7% BLEU absolute.

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Adapting End-to-End Speech Recognition for Readable Subtitles
Danni Liu | Jan Niehues | Gerasimos Spanakis

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems are primarily evaluated on transcription accuracy. However, in some use cases such as subtitling, verbatim transcription would reduce output readability given limited screen size and reading time. Therefore, this work focuses on ASR with output compression, a task challenging for supervised approaches due to the scarcity of training data. We first investigate a cascaded system, where an unsupervised compression model is used to post-edit the transcribed speech. We then compare several methods of end-to-end speech recognition under output length constraints. The experiments show that with limited data far less than needed for training a model from scratch, we can adapt a Transformer-based ASR model to incorporate both transcription and compression capabilities. Furthermore, the best performance in terms of WER and ROUGE scores is achieved by explicitly modeling the length constraints within the end-to-end ASR system.

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From Speech-to-Speech Translation to Automatic Dubbing
Marcello Federico | Robert Enyedi | Roberto Barra-Chicote | Ritwik Giri | Umut Isik | Arvindh Krishnaswamy | Hassan Sawaf

We present enhancements to a speech-to-speech translation pipeline in order to perform automatic dubbing. Our architecture features neural machine translation generating output of preferred length, prosodic alignment of the translation with the original speech segments, neural text-to-speech with fine tuning of the duration of each utterance, and, finally, audio rendering to enriches text-to-speech output with background noise and reverberation extracted from the original audio. We report and discuss results of a first subjective evaluation of automatic dubbing of excerpts of TED Talks from English into Italian, which measures the perceived naturalness of automatic dubbing and the relative importance of each proposed enhancement.

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Joint Translation and Unit Conversion for End-to-end Localization
Georgiana Dinu | Prashant Mathur | Marcello Federico | Stanislas Lauly | Yaser Al-Onaizan

A variety of natural language tasks require processing of textual data which contains a mix of natural language and formal languages such as mathematical expressions. In this paper, we take unit conversions as an example and propose a data augmentation technique which lead to models learning both translation and conversion tasks as well as how to adequately switch between them for end-to-end localization.

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Efficient Automatic Punctuation Restoration Using Bidirectional Transformers with Robust Inference
Maury Courtland | Adam Faulkner | Gayle McElvain

Though people rarely speak in complete sentences, punctuation confers many benefits to the readers of transcribed speech. Unfortunately, most ASR systems do not produce punctuated output. To address this, we propose a solution for automatic punctuation that is both cost efficient and easy to train. Our solution benefits from the recent trend in fine-tuning transformer-based language models. We also modify the typical framing of this task by predicting punctuation for sequences rather than individual tokens, which makes for more efficient training and inference. Finally, we find that aggregating predictions across multiple context windows improves accuracy even further. Our best model achieves a new state of the art on benchmark data (TED Talks) with a combined F1 of 83.9, representing a 48.7% relative improvement (15.3 absolute) over the previous state of the art.

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How Human is Machine Translationese? Comparing Human and Machine Translations of Text and Speech
Yuri Bizzoni | Tom S Juzek | Cristina España-Bonet | Koel Dutta Chowdhury | Josef van Genabith | Elke Teich

Translationese is a phenomenon present in human translations, simultaneous interpreting, and even machine translations. Some translationese features tend to appear in simultaneous interpreting with higher frequency than in human text translation, but the reasons for this are unclear. This study analyzes translationese patterns in translation, interpreting, and machine translation outputs in order to explore possible reasons. In our analysis we – (i) detail two non-invasive ways of detecting translationese and (ii) compare translationese across human and machine translations from text and speech. We find that machine translation shows traces of translationese, but does not reproduce the patterns found in human translation, offering support to the hypothesis that such patterns are due to the model (human vs machine) rather than to the data (written vs spoken).


bib (full) Proceedings of Knowledgeable NLP: the First Workshop on Integrating Structured Knowledge and Neural Networks for NLP

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Proceedings of Knowledgeable NLP: the First Workshop on Integrating Structured Knowledge and Neural Networks for NLP
Oren Sar Shalom | Alexander Panchenko | Cicero dos Santos | Varvara Logacheva | Alessandro Moschitti | Ido Dagan

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COVID-19 Knowledge Graph: Accelerating Information Retrieval and Discovery for Scientific Literature
Colby Wise | Miguel Romero Calvo | Pariminder Bhatia | Vassilis Ioannidis | George Karypus | George Price | Xiang Song | Ryan Brand | Ninad Kulkani

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has claimed the lives of over one million people and infected more than thirty-five million people worldwide. Several search engines have surfaced to provide researchers with additional tools to find and retrieve information from the rapidly growing corpora on COVID19. These engines lack extraction and visualization tools necessary to retrieve and interpret complex relations inherent to scientific literature. Moreover, because these engines mainly rely upon semantic information, their ability to capture complex global relationships across documents is limited, which reduces the quality of similarity-based article recommendations for users. In this work, we present the COVID-19 Knowledge Graph (CKG), a heterogeneous graph for extracting and visualizing complex relationships between COVID-19 scientific articles. The CKG combines semantic information with document topological information for the application of similar document retrieval. The CKG is constructed using the latent schema of the data, and then enriched with biomedical entity information extracted from the unstructured text of articles using scalable AWS technologies to form relations in the graph. Finally, we propose a document similarity engine that leverages low-dimensional graph embeddings from the CKG with semantic embeddings for similar article retrieval. Analysis demonstrates the quality of relationships in the CKG and shows that it can be used to uncover meaningful information in COVID-19 scientific articles. The CKG helps power www.cord19.aws and is publicly available.

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Dialogue over Context and Structured Knowledge using a Neural Network Model with External Memories
Yuri Murayama | Lis Kanashiro Pereira | Ichiro Kobayashi

The Differentiable Neural Computer (DNC), a neural network model with an addressable external memory, can solve algorithmic and question answering tasks. There are various improved versions of DNC, such as rsDNC and DNC-DMS. However, how to integrate structured knowledge into these DNC models remains a challenging research question. We incorporate an architecture for knowledge into such DNC models, i.e. DNC, rsDNC and DNC-DMS, to improve the ability to generate correct responses using both contextual information and structured knowledge. Our improved rsDNC model improves the mean accuracy by approximately 20% to the original rsDNC on tasks requiring knowledge in the dialog bAbI tasks. In addition, our improved rsDNC and DNC-DMS models also yield better performance than their original models in the Movie Dialog dataset.

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Social Media Medical Concept Normalization using RoBERTa in Ontology Enriched Text Similarity Framework
Katikapalli Subramanyam Kalyan | Sivanesan Sangeetha

Pattisapu et al. (2020) formulate medical concept normalization (MCN) as text similarity problem and propose a model based on RoBERTa and graph embedding based target concept vectors. However, graph embedding techniques ignore valuable information available in the clinical ontology like concept description and synonyms. In this work, we enhance the model of Pattisapu et al. (2020) with two novel changes. First, we use retrofitted target concept vectors instead of graph embedding based vectors. It is the first work to leverage both concept description and synonyms to represent concepts in the form of retrofitted target concept vectors in text similarity framework based social media MCN. Second, we generate both concept and concept mention vectors with same size which eliminates the need of dense layers to project concept mention vectors into the target concept embedding space. Our model outperforms existing methods with improvements up to 3.75% on two standard datasets. Further when trained only on mapping lexicon synonyms, our model outperforms existing methods with significant improvements up to 14.61%. We attribute these significant improvements to the two novel changes introduced.

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BERTChem-DDI : Improved Drug-Drug Interaction Prediction from text using Chemical Structure Information
Ishani Mondal

Traditional biomedical version of embeddings obtained from pre-trained language models have recently shown state-of-the-art results for relation extraction (RE) tasks in the medical domain. In this paper, we explore how to incorporate domain knowledge, available in the form of molecular structure of drugs, for predicting Drug-Drug Interaction from textual corpus. We propose a method, BERTChem-DDI, to efficiently combine drug embeddings obtained from the rich chemical structure of drugs (encoded in SMILES) along with off-the-shelf domain-specific BioBERT embedding-based RE architecture. Experiments conducted on the DDIExtraction 2013 corpus clearly indicate that this strategy improves other strong baselines architectures by 3.4% macro F1-score.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Beyond Vision and LANguage: inTEgrating Real-world kNowledge (LANTERN)

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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Beyond Vision and LANguage: inTEgrating Real-world kNowledge (LANTERN)
Aditya Mogadala | Sandro Pezzelle | Dietrich Klakow | Marie-Francine Moens | Zeynep Akata

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Eyes on the Parse: Using Gaze Features in Syntactic Parsing
Abhishek Agrawal | Rudolf Rosa

In this paper, we explore the potential benefits of leveraging eye-tracking information for dependency parsing on the English part of the Dundee corpus. To achieve this, we cast dependency parsing as a sequence labelling task and then augment the neural model for sequence labelling with eye-tracking features. We also augment a graph-based parser with eye-tracking features and parse the Dundee Corpus to corroborate our findings from the sequence labelling parser. We then experiment with a variety of parser setups ranging from parsing with all features to a delexicalized parser. Our experiments show that for a parser with all features, although the improvements are positive for the LAS score they are not significant whereas our delexicalized parser significantly outperforms the baseline we established. We also analyze the contribution of various eye-tracking features towards the different parser setups and find that eye-tracking features contain information which is complementary in nature, thus implying that augmenting the parser with various gaze features grouped together provides better performance than any individual gaze feature.

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Leveraging Visual Question Answering to Improve Text-to-Image Synthesis
Stanislav Frolov | Shailza Jolly | Jörn Hees | Andreas Dengel

Generating images from textual descriptions has recently attracted a lot of interest. While current models can generate photo-realistic images of individual objects such as birds and human faces, synthesising images with multiple objects is still very difficult. In this paper, we propose an effective way to combine Text-to-Image (T2I) synthesis with Visual Question Answering (VQA) to improve the image quality and image-text alignment of generated images by leveraging the VQA 2.0 dataset. We create additional training samples by concatenating question and answer (QA) pairs and employ a standard VQA model to provide the T2I model with an auxiliary learning signal. We encourage images generated from QA pairs to look realistic and additionally minimize an external VQA loss. Our method lowers the FID from 27.84 to 25.38 and increases the R-prec. from 83.82% to 84.79% when compared to the baseline, which indicates that T2I synthesis can successfully be improved using a standard VQA model.

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Seeing the World through Text: Evaluating Image Descriptions for Commonsense Reasoning in Machine Reading Comprehension
Diana Galvan-Sosa | Jun Suzuki | Kyosuke Nishida | Koji Matsuda | Kentaro Inui

Despite recent achievements in natural language understanding, reasoning over commonsense knowledge still represents a big challenge to AI systems. As the name suggests, common sense is related to perception and as such, humans derive it from experience rather than from literary education. Recent works in the NLP and the computer vision field have made the effort of making such knowledge explicit using written language and visual inputs, respectively. Our premise is that the latter source fits better with the characteristics of commonsense acquisition. In this work, we explore to what extent the descriptions of real-world scenes are sufficient to learn common sense about different daily situations, drawing upon visual information to answer script knowledge questions.

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How Do Image Description Systems Describe People? A Targeted Assessment of System Competence in the PEOPLE-domain
Emiel van Miltenburg

Evaluations of image description systems are typically domain-general: generated descriptions for the held-out test images are either compared to a set of reference descriptions (using automated metrics), or rated by human judges on one or more Likert scales (for fluency, overall quality, and other quality criteria). While useful, these evaluations do not tell us anything about the kinds of image descriptions that systems are able to produce. Or, phrased differently, these evaluations do not tell us anything about the cognitive capabilities of image description systems. This paper proposes a different kind of assessment, that is able to quantify the extent to which these systems are able to describe humans. This assessment is based on a manual characterisation (a context-free grammar) of English entity labels in the PEOPLE domain, to determine the range of possible outputs. We examined 9 systems to see what kinds of labels they actually use. We found that these systems only use a small subset of at most 13 different kinds of modifiers (e.g. tall and short modify HEIGHT, sad and happy modify MOOD), but 27 kinds of modifiers are never used. Future research could study these semantic dimensions in more detail.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 4th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature

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Proceedings of the 4th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature
Stefania DeGaetano | Anna Kazantseva | Nils Reiter | Stan Szpakowicz

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History to Myths: Social Network Analysis for Comparison of Stories over Time
Clément Besnier

We discuss on how related stories can be compared by their characters. We investigate character graphs, or social networks, in order to measure evolution of character importance over time. To illustrate this, we chose the Siegfried-Sigurd myth that may come from a Merovingian king named Sigiberthus. The Nibelungenlied, the Völsunga saga and the History of the Franks are the three resources used.

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Automatic Topological Field Identification in (Historical) German Texts
Katrin Ortmann

For the study of certain linguistic phenomena and their development over time, large amounts of textual data must be enriched with relevant annotations. Since the manual creation of such annotations requires a lot of effort, automating the process with NLP methods would be convenient. But the required amounts of training data are usually not available for non-standard or historical language. The present study investigates whether models trained on modern newspaper text can be used to automatically identify topological fields, i.e. syntactic structures, in different modern and historical German texts. The evaluation shows that, in general, it is possible to transfer a parser model to other registers or time periods with overall F1-scores >92%. However, an error analysis makes clear that additional rules and domain-specific training data would be beneficial if sentence structures differ significantly from the training data, e.g. in the case of Early New High German.

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Exhaustive Entity Recognition for Coptic: Challenges and Solutions
Amir Zeldes | Lance Martin | Sichang Tu

Entity recognition provides semantic access to ancient materials in the Digital Humanities: it exposes people and places of interest in texts that cannot be read exhaustively, facilitates linking resources and can provide a window into text contents, even for texts with no translations. In this paper we present entity recognition for Coptic, the language of Hellenistic era Egypt. We evaluate NLP approaches to the task and lay out difficulties in applying them to a low-resource, morphologically complex language. We present solutions for named and non-named nested entity recognition and semi-automatic entity linking to Wikipedia, relying on robust dependency parsing, feature-based CRF models, and hand-crafted knowledge base resources, enabling high accuracy NER with orders of magnitude less data than those used for high resource languages. The results suggest avenues for research on other languages in similar settings.

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A Survey on Approaches to Computational Humor Generation
Miriam Amin | Manuel Burghardt

We provide a comprehensive overview of existing systems for the computational generation of verbal humor in the form of jokes and short humorous texts. Considering linguistic humor theories, we analyze the systematic strengths and drawbacks of the different approaches. In addition, we show how the systems have been evaluated so far and propose two evaluation criteria: humorousness and complexity. From our analysis of the field, we conclude new directions for the advancement of computational humor generation.

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Neural Machine Translation of Artwork Titles Using Iconclass Codes
Nikolay Banar | Walter Daelemans | Mike Kestemont

We investigate the use of Iconclass in the context of neural machine translation for NL<->EN artwork titles. Iconclass is a widely used iconographic classification system used in the cultural heritage domain to describe and retrieve subjects represented in the visual arts. The resource contains keywords and definitions to encode the presence of objects, people, events and ideas depicted in artworks, such as paintings. We propose a simple concatenation approach that improves the quality of automatically generated title translations for artworks, by leveraging textual information extracted from Iconclass. Our results demonstrate that a neural machine translation system is able to exploit this metadata to boost the translation performance of artwork titles. This technology enables interesting applications of machine learning in resource-scarce domains in the cultural sector.

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A Two-Step Approach for Automatic OCR Post-Correction
Robin Schaefer | Clemens Neudecker

The quality of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a key factor in the digitisation of historical documents. OCR errors are a major obstacle for downstream tasks and have hindered advances in the usage of the digitised documents. In this paper we present a two-step approach to automatic OCR post-correction. The first component is responsible for detecting erroneous sequences in a set of OCRed texts, while the second is designed for correcting OCR errors in them. We show that applying the preceding detection model reduces both the character error rate (CER) compared to a simple one-step correction model and the amount of falsely changed correct characters.

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“Shakespeare in the Vectorian Age” – An evaluation of different word embeddings and NLP parameters for the detection of Shakespeare quotes
Bernhard Liebl | Manuel Burghardt

In this paper we describe an approach for the computer-aided identification of Shakespearean intertextuality in a corpus of contemporary fiction. We present the Vectorian, which is a framework that implements different word embeddings and various NLP parameters. The Vectorian works like a search engine, i.e. a Shakespeare phrase can be entered as a query, the underlying collection of fiction books is then searched for the phrase and the passages that are likely to contain the phrase, either verbatim or as a paraphrase, are presented in a ranked results list. While the Vectorian can be used via a GUI, in which many different parameters can be set and combined manually, in this paper we present an ablation study that automatically evaluates different embedding and NLP parameter combinations against a ground truth. We investigate the behavior of different parameters during the evaluation and discuss how our results may be used for future studies on the detection of Shakespearean intertextuality.

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Vital Records: Uncover the past from historical handwritten records
Herve Dejean | Jean-Luc Meunier

We present Vital Records, a demonstrator based on deep-learning approaches to handwritten-text recognition, table processing and information extraction, which enables data from century-old documents to be parsed and analysed, making it possible to explore death records in space and time. This demonstrator provides a user interface for browsing and visualising data extracted from 80,000 handwritten pages of tabular data.

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Measuring the Effects of Bias in Training Data for Literary Classification
Sunyam Bagga | Andrew Piper

Downstream effects of biased training data have become a major concern of the NLP community. How this may impact the automated curation and annotation of cultural heritage material is currently not well known. In this work, we create an experimental framework to measure the effects of different types of stylistic and social bias within training data for the purposes of literary classification, as one important subclass of cultural material. Because historical collections are often sparsely annotated, much like our knowledge of history is incomplete, researchers often cannot know the underlying distributions of different document types and their various sub-classes. This means that bias is likely to be an intrinsic feature of training data when it comes to cultural heritage material. Our aim in this study is to investigate which classification methods may help mitigate the effects of different types of bias within curated samples of training data. We find that machine learning techniques such as BERT or SVM are robust against reproducing the different kinds of bias within our test data, except in the most extreme cases. We hope that this work will spur further research into the potential effects of bias within training data for other cultural heritage material beyond the study of literature.

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ERRANT: Assessing and Improving Grammatical Error Type Classification
Katerina Korre | John Pavlopoulos

Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) is the task of correcting different types of errors in written texts. To manage this task, large amounts of annotated data that contain erroneous sentences are required. This data, however, is usually annotated according to each annotator’s standards, making it difficult to manage multiple sets of data at the same time. The recently introduced Error Annotation Toolkit (ERRANT) tackled this problem by presenting a way to automatically annotate data that contain grammatical errors, while also providing a standardisation for annotation. ERRANT extracts the errors and classifies them into error types, in the form of an edit that can be used in the creation of GEC systems, as well as for grammatical error analysis. However, we observe that certain errors are falsely or ambiguously classified. This could obstruct any qualitative or quantitative grammatical error type analysis, as the results would be inaccurate. In this work, we use a sample of the FCE coprus (Yannakoudakis et al., 2011) for secondary error type annotation and we show that up to 39% of the annotations of the most frequent type should be re-classified. Our corrections will be publicly released, so that they can serve as the starting point of a broader, collaborative, ongoing correction process.

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Life still goes on: Analysing Australian WW1 Diaries through Distant Reading
Ashley Dennis-Henderson | Matthew Roughan | Lewis Mitchell | Jonathan Tuke

An increasing amount of historic data is now available in digital (text) formats. This gives quantitative researchers an opportunity to use distant reading techniques, as opposed to traditional close reading, in order to analyse larger quantities of historic data. Distant reading allows researchers to view overall patterns within the data and reduce researcher bias. One such data set that has recently been transcribed is a collection of over 500 Australian World War I (WW1) diaries held by the State Library of New South Wales. Here we apply distant reading techniques to this corpus to understand what soldiers wrote about and how they felt over the course of the war. Extracting dates accurately is important as it allows us to perform our analysis over time, however, it is very challenging due to the variety of date formats and abbreviations diarists use. But with that data, topic modelling and sentiment analysis can then be applied to show trends, for instance, that despite the horrors of war, Australians in WW1 primarily wrote about their everyday routines and experiences. Our results detail some of the challenges likely to be encountered by quantitative researchers intending to analyse historical texts, and provide some approaches to these issues.

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Zero-shot cross-lingual identification of direct speech using distant supervision
Murathan Kurfalı | Mats Wirén

Prose fiction typically consists of passages alternating between the narrator’s telling of the story and the characters’ direct speech in that story. Detecting direct speech is crucial for the downstream analysis of narrative structure, and may seem easy at first thanks to quotation marks. However, typographical conventions vary across languages, and as a result, almost all approaches to this problem have been monolingual. In contrast, the aim of this paper is to provide a multilingual method for identifying direct speech. To this end, we created a training corpus by using a set of heuristics to automatically find texts where quotation marks appear sufficiently consistently. We then removed the quotation marks and developed a sequence classifier based on multilingual-BERT which classifies each token as belonging to narration or speech. Crucially, by training the classifier with the quotation marks removed, it was forced to learn the linguistic characteristics of direct speech rather than the typography of quotation marks. The results in the zero-shot setting of the proposed model are comparable to the strong supervised baselines, indicating that this is a feasible approach.

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Twenty-two Historical Encyclopedias Encoded in TEI: a New Resource for the Digital Humanities
Thora Hagen | Erik Ketzan | Fotis Jannidis | Andreas Witt

This paper accompanies the corpus publication of EncycNet, a novel XML/TEI annotated corpus of 22 historical German encyclopedias from the early 18th to early 20th century. We describe the creation and annotation of the corpus, including the rationale for its development, suggested methodology for TEI annotation, possible use cases and future work. While many well-developed annotation standards for lexical resources exist, none can adequately model the encyclopedias at hand, and we therefore suggest how the TEI Lex-0 standard may be modified with additional guidelines for the annotation of historical encyclopedias. As the digitization and annotation of historical encyclopedias are settling on TEI as the de facto standard, our methodology may inform similar projects.

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Results of a Single Blind Literary Taste Test with Short Anonymized Novel Fragments
Andreas van Cranenburgh | Corina Koolen

It is an open question to what extent perceptions of literary quality are derived from text-intrinsic versus social factors. While supervised models can predict literary quality ratings from textual factors quite successfully, as shown in the Riddle of Literary Quality project (Koolen et al., 2020), this does not prove that social factors are not important, nor can we assume that readers make judgments on literary quality in the same way and based on the same information as machine learning models. We report the results of a pilot study to gauge the effect of textual features on literary ratings of Dutch-language novels by participants in a controlled experiment with 48 participants. In an exploratory analysis, we compare the ratings to those from the large reader survey of the Riddle in which social factors were not excluded, and to machine learning predictions of those literary ratings. We find moderate to strong correlations of questionnaire ratings with the survey ratings, but the predictions are closer to the survey ratings. Code and data: https://github.com/andreasvc/litquest

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Geometric Deep Learning Models for Linking Character Names in Novels
Marek Kubis

The paper investigates the impact of using geometric deep learning models on the performance of a character name linking system. The neural models that contain graph convolutional layers are confronted with the models that include conventional fully connected layers. The evaluation is performed with respect to the perfect name boundaries obtained from the test set and in a more demanding end-to-end setting where the character name linking system is preceded by a named entity recognizer.

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Sonnet Combinatorics with OuPoCo
Thierry Poibeau | Mylène Maignant | Frédérique Mélanie-Becquet | Clément Plancq | Matthieu Raffard | Mathilde Roussel

In this paper, we describe OuPoCo, a system producing new sonnets by recombining verses from existing sonnets, following an idea that Queneau described in his book “Cent Mille Milliards de poèmes, Gallimard”, 1961. We propose to demonstrate different outputs of our implementation (a Web site, a Twitter bot and a specifically developed device, called ‘La Boîte à poésie’) based on a corpus of 19th century French poetry. Our goal is to make people interested in poetry again, by giving access to automatically produced sonnets through original and entertaining channels and devices.

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Interpretation of Sentiment Analysis in Aeschylus’s Greek Tragedy
Vijaya Kumari Yeruva | Mayanka ChandraShekar | Yugyung Lee | Jeff Rydberg-Cox | Virginia Blanton | Nathan A Oyler

Recent advancements in NLP and machine learning have created unique challenges and opportunities for digital humanities research. In particular, there are ample opportunities for NLP and machine learning researchers to analyze data from literary texts and to broaden our understanding of human sentiment in classical Greek tragedy. In this paper, we will explore the challenges and benefits from the human and machine collaboration for sentiment analysis in Greek tragedy and address some open questions related to the collaborative annotation for the sentiments in literary texts. We focus primarily on (i) an analysis of the challenges in sentiment analysis tasks for humans and machines, and (ii) whether consistent annotation results are generated from the multiple human annotators and multiple machine annotators. For human annotators, we have used a survey-based approach with about 60 college students. We have selected three popular sentiment analysis tools for machine annotators, including VADER, CoreNLP’s sentiment annotator, and TextBlob. We have conducted a qualitative and quantitative evaluation and confirmed our observations on sentiments in Greek tragedy.

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Towards Olfactory Information Extraction from Text: A Case Study on Detecting Smell Experiences in Novels
Ryan Brate | Paul Groth | Marieke van Erp

Environmental factors determine the smells we perceive, but societal factors factors shape the importance, sentiment and biases we give to them. Descriptions of smells in text, or as we call them ‘smell experiences’, offer a window into these factors, but they must first be identified. To the best of our knowledge, no tool exists to extract references to smell experiences from text. In this paper, we present two variations on a semi-supervised approach to identify smell experiences in English literature. The combined set of patterns from both implementations offer significantly better performance than a keyword-based baseline.

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Finding and Generating a Missing Part for Story Completion
Yusuke Mori | Hiroaki Yamane | Yusuke Mukuta | Tatsuya Harada

Creating a story is difficult. Professional writers often experience a writer’s block. Thus, providing automatic support to writers is crucial but also challenging. Recently, in the field of generating and understanding stories, story completion (SC) has been proposed as a method for generating missing parts of an incomplete story. Despite this method’s usefulness in providing creative support, its applicability is currently limited because it requires the user to have prior knowledge of the missing part of a story. Writers do not always know which part of their writing is flawed. To overcome this problem, we propose a novel approach called “missing position prediction (MPP).” Given an incomplete story, we aim to predict the position of the missing part. We also propose a novel method for MPP and SC. We first conduct an experiment focusing on MPP, and our analysis shows that highly accurate predictions can be obtained when the missing part of a story is the beginning or the end. This suggests that if a story has a specific beginning or end, they play significant roles. We conduct an experiment on SC using MPP, and our proposed method demonstrates promising results.

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TL-Explorer: A Digital Humanities Tool for Mapping and Analyzing Translated Literature
Alex Zhai | Zheng Zhang | Amel Fraisse | Ronald Jenn | Shelley Fisher Fishkin | Pierre Zweigenbaum

TL-Explorer is a digital humanities tool for mapping and analyzing translated literature, encompassing the World Map and the Translation Dashboard. The World Map displays collected literature of different languages, locations, and cultures and establishes the foundation for further analysis. It comprises three global maps for spatial and temporal interpretation. A further investigation into an individual point on the map leads to the Translation Dashboard. Each point represents one edition or translation. Collected translations are processed in order to build multilingual parallel corpora for a large number of under-resourced languages as well as to highlight the transnational circulation of knowledge. Our first rendition of TL-Explorer was conducted on the well-traveled American novel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain. The maps currently chronicle nearly 400 translations of this novel. And the dashboard supports over 30 collected translations. However, the TL-Explore is easily extended to other works of literature and is not limited to type of texts, such as academic manuscripts or constitutional documents to name a few.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 14th Linguistic Annotation Workshop

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Proceedings of the 14th Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Stefanie Dipper | Amir Zeldes

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Bayesian Methods for Semi-supervised Text Annotation
Kristian Miok | Gregor Pirs | Marko Robnik-Sikonja

Human annotations are an important source of information in the development of natural language understanding approaches. As under the pressure of productivity annotators can assign different labels to a given text, the quality of produced annotations frequently varies. This is especially the case if decisions are difficult, with high cognitive load, requires awareness of broader context, or careful consideration of background knowledge. To alleviate the problem, we propose two semi-supervised methods to guide the annotation process: a Bayesian deep learning model and a Bayesian ensemble method. Using a Bayesian deep learning method, we can discover annotations that cannot be trusted and might require reannotation. A recently proposed Bayesian ensemble method helps us to combine the annotators’ labels with predictions of trained models. According to the results obtained from three hate speech detection experiments, the proposed Bayesian methods can improve the annotations and prediction performance of BERT models.

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Provenance for Linguistic Corpora through Nanopublications
Timo Lek | Anna de Groot | Tobias Kuhn | Roser Morante

Research in Computational Linguistics is dependent on text corpora for training and testing new tools and methodologies. While there exists a plethora of annotated linguistic information, these corpora are often not interoperable without significant manual work. Moreover, these annota-tions might have evolved into different versions, making it challenging for researchers to know the data’s provenance. This paper addresses this issue with a case study on event annotated corpora and by creating a new, more interoperable representation of this data in the form of nanopublications. We demonstrate how linguistic annotations from separate corpora can be reliably linked from the start, and thereby be accessed and queried as if they were a single dataset. We describe how such nanopublications can be created and demonstrate how SPARQL queries can be performed to extract interesting content from the new representations. The queries show that information of multiple corpora can be retrieved more easily and effectively because the information of different corpora is represented in a uniform data format.

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A Sentiment-annotated Dataset of English Causal Connectives
Marta Andersson | Murathan Kurfalı | Robert Östling

This paper investigates the semantic prosody of three causal connectives: due to, owing to and because of in seven varieties of the English language. While research in the domain of English causality exists, we are not aware of studies that would cover the domain of causal connectives in English. Our claim is that connectives such as because of link two arguments, (at least) one of which will include a phrase that contributes to the interpretation of the relation as positive or negative, and hence define the prosody of the connective used. As our results demonstrate, the majority of the prosodies identified are negative for all three connectives; the proportions are stable across the varieties of English studied, and contrary to our expectations, we find no significant differences between the functions of the connectives and discourse preferences. Further, we investigate whether automatizing the sentiment annotation procedure via a simple language-model based classifier is possible. The initial results highlights the complexity of the task and the need for complicated systems, probably aided with other related datasets to achieve reasonable performance.

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A Novel Annotation Schema for Conversational Humor: Capturing the Cultural Nuances in Kanyasulkam
Vaishnavi Pamulapati | Gayatri Purigilla | Radhika Mamidi

Humor research is a multifaceted field that has led to a better understanding of humor’s psychological effects and the development of different theories of humor. This paper’s main objective is to develop a hierarchical schema for a fine-grained annotation of Conversational Humor. Based on the Benign Violation Theory, the benignity or non-benignity of the interlocutor’s intentions is included within the framework. Under the categories mentioned above, in addition to different types of humor, the techniques utilized by these types are identified. Furthermore, a prominent play from Telugu, Kanyasulkam, is annotated to substantiate the work across cultures at multiple levels. The inter-annotator agreement is calculated to assess the accuracy and validity of the dataset. An in-depth analysis of the disagreement is performed to understand the subjectivity of humor better.

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Modeling Ambiguity with Many Annotators and Self-Assessments of Annotator Certainty
Melanie Andresen | Michael Vauth | Heike Zinsmeister

Most annotation efforts assume that annotators will agree on labels, if the annotation categories are well-defined and documented in annotation guidelines. However, this is not always true. For instance, content-related questions such as ‘Is this sentence about topic X?’ are unlikely to elicit the same answer from all annotators. Additional specifications in the guidelines are helpful to some extent, but can soon get overspecified by rules that cannot be justified by a research question. In this study, we model the semantic category ‘illness’ and its use in a gradual way. For this purpose, we (i) ask many annotators (30 votes per item, 960 items) for their opinion in a crowdsourcing experiment, (ii) ask annotators to indicate their certainty with respect to their annotation, and (iii) compare this across two different text types. We show that results of multiple annotations and average annotator certainty correlate, but many ambiguities can only be captured if several people contribute. The annotated data allow us to filter for sentences with high or low agreement and analyze causes of disagreement, thus getting a better understanding of people’s perception of illness—as an example of a semantic category—as well as of the content of our annotated texts.

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Representation Problems in Linguistic Annotations: Ambiguity, Variation, Uncertainty, Error and Bias
Christin Beck | Hannah Booth | Mennatallah El-Assady | Miriam Butt

The development of linguistic corpora is fraught with various problems of annotation and representation. These constitute a very real challenge for the development and use of annotated corpora, but as yet not much literature exists on how to address the underlying problems. In this paper, we identify and discuss five sources of representation problems, which are independent though interrelated: ambiguity, variation, uncertainty, error and bias. We outline and characterize these sources, discussing how their improper treatment can have stark consequences for research outcomes. Finally, we discuss how an adequate treatment can inform corpus-related linguistic research, both computational and theoretical, improving the reliability of research results and NLP models, as well as informing the more general reproducibility issue.

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Understanding the Tradeoff between Cost and Quality of Expert Annotations for Keyphrase Extraction
Hung Chau | Saeid Balaneshin | Kai Liu | Ondrej Linda

Generating expert ground truth annotations of documents can be a very expensive process. However, such annotations are essential for training domain-specific keyphrase extraction models, especially when utilizing data-intensive deep learning models in unique domains such as real-estate. Therefore, it is critical to optimize the manual annotation process to maximize the quality of the annotations while minimizing the cost of manual labor. To address this need, we explore multiple annotation strategies including self-review and peer-review as well as various methods of resolving annotator disagreements. We evaluate these annotation strategies with respect to their cost and on the task of learning keyphrase extraction models applied with an experimental dataset in the real-estate domain. The results demonstrate that different annotation strategies should be considered depending on specific metrics such as precision and recall.

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Cookpad Parsed Corpus: Linguistic Annotations of Japanese Recipes
Jun Harashima | Makoto Hiramatsu

It has become increasingly common for people to share cooking recipes on the Internet. Along with the increase in the number of shared recipes, there have been corresponding increases in recipe-related studies and datasets. However, there are still few datasets that provide linguistic annotations for the recipe-related studies even though such annotations should form the basis of the studies. This paper introduces a novel recipe-related dataset, named Cookpad Parsed Corpus, which contains linguistic annotations for Japanese recipes. We randomly extracted 500 recipes from the largest recipe-related dataset, the Cookpad Recipe Dataset, and annotated 4; 738 sentences in the recipes with morphemes, named entities, and dependency relations. This paper also reports benchmark results on our corpus for Japanese morphological analysis, named entity recognition, and dependency parsing. We show that there is still room for improvement in the analyses of recipes.

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Modelling and Annotating Interlinear Glossed Text from 280 Different Endangered Languages as Linked Data with LIGT
Sebastian Nordhoff

This paper reports on the harvesting, analysis, and enrichment of 20k documents from 4 different endangered language archives in 300 different low-resource languages. The documents are heterogeneous as to their provenance (holding archive, language, geographical area, creator) and internal structure (annotation types, metalanguages), but they have the ELAN-XML format in common. Typical annotations include sentence-level translations, morpheme-segmentation, morpheme-level translations, and parts-of-speech. The ELAN-format gives a lot of freedom to document creators, and hence the data set is very heterogeneous. We use regularities in the ELAN format to arrive at a common internal representation of sentences, words, and morphemes, with translations into one or more additional languages. Building upon the paradigm of Linguistic Linked Open Data (LLOD, Chiarcos, Nordhoff, et al. 2012), the document elements receive unique identifiers and are linked to other resources such as Glottolog for languages, Wikidata for semantic concepts, and the Leipzig Glossing Rules list for category abbreviations. We provide an RDF export in the LIGT format (Chiarcos & Ionov 2019), enabling uniform and interoperable access with some semantic enrichments to a formerly disparate resource type difficult to access. Two use cases (semantic search and colexification) are presented to show the viability of the approach.

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PASTRIE: A Corpus of Prepositions Annotated with Supersense Tags in Reddit International English
Michael Kranzlein | Emma Manning | Siyao Peng | Shira Wein | Aryaman Arora | Nathan Schneider

We present the Prepositions Annotated with Supsersense Tags in Reddit International English (“PASTRIE”) corpus, a new dataset containing manually annotated preposition supersenses of English data from presumed speakers of four L1s: English, French, German, and Spanish. The annotations are comprehensive, covering all preposition types and tokens in the sample. Along with the corpus, we provide analysis of distributional patterns across the included L1s and a discussion of the influence of L1s on L2 preposition choice.

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Supersense and Sensibility: Proxy Tasks for Semantic Annotation of Prepositions
Luke Gessler | Shira Wein | Nathan Schneider

Prepositional supersense annotation is time-consuming and requires expert training. Here, we present two sensible methods for obtaining prepositional supersense annotations indirectly by eliciting surface substitution and similarity judgments. Four pilot studies suggest that both methods have potential for producing prepositional supersense annotations that are comparable in quality to expert annotations.

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Sprucing up Supersenses: Untangling the Semantic Clusters of Accompaniment and Purpose
Jena D. Hwang | Nathan Schneider | Vivek Srikumar

We reevaluate an existing adpositional annotation scheme with respect to two thorny semantic domains: accompaniment and purpose. ‘Accompaniment’ broadly speaking includes two entities situated together or participating in the same event, while ‘purpose’ broadly speaking covers the desired outcome of an action, the intended use or evaluated use of an entity, and more. We argue the policy in the SNACS scheme for English should be recalibrated with respect to these clusters of interrelated meanings without adding complexity to the overall scheme. Our analysis highlights tradeoffs in lumping vs. splitting decisions as well as the flexibility afforded by the construal analysis.

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Querent Intent in Multi-Sentence Questions
Laurie Burchell | Jie Chi | Tom Hosking | Nina Markl | Bonnie Webber

Multi-sentence questions (MSQs) are sequences of questions connected by relations which, unlike sequences of standalone questions, need to be answered as a unit. Following Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST), we recognise that different “question discourse relations” between the subparts of MSQs reflect different speaker intents, and consequently elicit different answering strategies. Correctly identifying these relations is therefore a crucial step in automatically answering MSQs. We identify five different types of MSQs in English, and define five novel relations to describe them. We extract over 162,000 MSQs from Stack Exchange to enable future research. Finally, we implement a high-precision baseline classifier based on surface features.

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Annotating Errors and Emotions in Human-Chatbot Interactions in Italian
Manuela Sanguinetti | Alessandro Mazzei | Viviana Patti | Marco Scalerandi | Dario Mana | Rossana Simeoni

This paper describes a novel annotation scheme specifically designed for a customer-service context where written interactions take place between a given user and the chatbot of an Italian telecommunication company. More specifically, the scheme aims to detect and highlight two aspects: the presence of errors in the conversation on both sides (i.e. customer and chatbot) and the “emotional load” of the conversation. This can be inferred from the presence of emotions of some kind (especially negative ones) in the customer messages, and from the possible empathic responses provided by the agent. The dataset annotated according to this scheme is currently used to develop the prototype of a rule-based Natural Language Generation system aimed at improving the chatbot responses and the customer experience overall.

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Towards a Standardized, Fine-grained Manual Annotation Protocol for Verbal Fluency Data
Gabriel McKee | Joël Macoir | Lydia Gagnon | Pascale Tremblay

We propose a new method for annotating verbal fluency data, which allows the reliable detection of the age-related decline of lexical access capacity. The main innovation is that annotators should inferentially assess the intention of the speaker when producing a word form during a verbal fluency test. Our method correlates probable speaker inten-tions such as “intended as a valid answer” or “intended as a meta-comment” with lin-guistic features such as word intensity (e.g. reduced intensity suggests private speech) and syntactic integration. The annotation scheme can be implemented with high reliabil-ity, and minimal linguistic training. When fluency data are annotated using this scheme, a relation between fluency and age emerges; this is in contrast to a strict implementation of the traditional method of annotating verbal fluency data, which has no way of deal-ing with score-confounding phenomena because it force-groups all verbal fluency pro-ductions –regardless of speaker intention— into one of three taxonomic groups (i.e. val-id answers, perseverations, and intrusions). The traditional lack of fine-grained annota-tion units is especially problematic when analyzing the qualitatively distinct fluency da-ta of older participants and may cause studies to miss the relation between lexical access capacity and age.

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pyMMAX2: Deep Access to MMAX2 Projects from Python
Mark-Christoph Müller

pyMMAX2 is an API for processing MMAX2 stand-off annotation data in Python. It provides a lightweight basis for the development of code which opens up the Java- and XML-based ecosystem of MMAX2 for more recent, Python-based NLP and data science methods. While pyMMAX2 is pure Python, and most functionality is implemented from scratch, the API re-uses the complex implementation of the essential business logic for MMAX2 annotation schemes by interfacing with the original MMAX2 Java libraries. pyMMAX2 is available for download at http://github.com/nlpAThits/pyMMAX2.

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Annotating Coherence Relations for Studying Topic Transitions in Social Talk
Alex Luu | Sophia A. Malamud

This study develops the strand of research on topic transitions in social talk which aims to gain a better understanding of interlocutors’ conversational goals. Lưu and Malamud (2020) proposed that one way to identify such transitions is to annotate coherence relations, and then to identify utterances potentially expressing new topics as those that fail to participate in these relations. This work validates and refines their suggested annotation methodology, focusing on annotating most prominent coherence relations in face-to-face social dialogue. The result is a publicly accessible gold standard corpus with efficient and reliable annotation, whose broad coverage provides a foundation for future steps of identifying and classifying new topic utterances.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2020)

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Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2020)
Maxim Ionov | John P. McCrae | Christian Chiarcos | Thierry Declerck | Julia Bosque-Gil | Jorge Gracia

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Towards an Ontology Based on Hallig-Wartburg’s Begriffssystem for Historical Linguistic Linked Data
Sabine Tittel | Frances Gillis-Webber | Alessandro A. Nannini

To empower end users in searching for historical linguistic content with a performance that far exceeds the research functions offered by websites of, e.g., historical dictionaries, is undoubtedly a major advantage of (Linguistic) Linked Open Data ([L]LOD). An important aim of lexicography is to enable a language-independent, onomasiological approach, and the modelling of linguistic resources following the LOD paradigm facilitates the semantic mapping to ontologies making this approach possible. Hallig-Wartburg’s Begriffssystem (HW) is a well-known extra-linguistic conceptual system used as an onomasiological framework by many historical lexicographical and lexicological works. Published in 1952, HW has meanwhile been digitised. With proprietary XML data as the starting point, our goal is the transformation of HW into Linked Open Data in order to facilitate its use by linguistic resources modelled as LOD. In this paper, we describe the particularities of the HW conceptual model and the method of converting HW: We discuss two approaches, (i) the representation of HW in RDF using SKOS, the SKOS thesaurus extension, and XKOS, and (ii) the creation of a lightweight ontology expressed in OWL, based on the RDF/SKOS model. The outcome is illustrated with use cases of medieval Gascon, and Italian.

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Transforming the Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries into OntoLex-Lemon
Francisco Mondaca | Felix Rau

The Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries (CDSD) is a large collection of complex digitized Sanskrit dictionaries, consisting of over thirty-five works, and is the most prominent collection of Sanskrit dictionaries worldwide. In this paper we evaluate two methods for transforming the CDSD into Ontolex-Lemon based on a modelling exercise. The first method that we evaluate consists of applying RDFa to the existent TEI-P5 files. The second method consists of transforming the TEI-encoded dictionaries into new files containing RDF triples modelled in OntoLex-Lemon. As a result of the modelling exercise we choose the second method: to transform TEI-encoded lexical data into Ontolex-Lemon by creating new files containing exclusively RDF triples.

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Representing Temporal Information in Lexical Linked Data Resources
Fahad Khan

The increasing recognition of the utility of Linked Data as a means of publishing lexical resource has helped to underline the need for RDF based data models which have the flexibility and expressivity to be able to represent the most salient kinds of information contained in such resources as structured data, including, notably, information relating to time and the temporal dimension. In this article we describe a perdurantist approach to modelling diachronic lexical information which builds upon work which we have previously presented and which is based on the ontolex-lemon vocabulary. We present two extended examples, one taken from the Oxford English Dictionary, the other from a work on etymology, to show how our approach can handle different kinds of temporal information often found in lexical resources.

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From Linguistic Descriptions to Language Profiles
Shafqat Mumtaz Virk | Harald Hammarström | Lars Borin | Markus Forsberg | Søren Wichmann

Language catalogues and typological databases are two important types of resources containing different types of knowledge about the world’s natural languages. The former provide metadata such as number of speakers, location (in prose descriptions and/or GPS coordinates), language code, literacy, etc., while the latter contain information about a set of structural and functional attributes of languages. Given that both types of resources are developed and later maintained manually, there are practical limits as to the number of languages and the number of features that can be surveyed. We introduce the concept of a language profile, which is intended to be a structured representation of various types of knowledge about a natural language extracted semi-automatically from descriptive documents and stored at a central location. It has three major parts: (1) an introductory; (2) an attributive; and (3) a reference part, each containing different types of knowledge about a given natural language. As a case study, we develop and present a language profile of an example language. At this stage, a language profile is an independent entity, but in the future it is envisioned to become part of a network of language profiles connected to each other via various types of relations. Such a representation is expected to be suitable both for humans and machines to read and process for further deeper linguistic analyses and/or comparisons.

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Terme-à-LLOD: Simplifying the Conversion and Hosting of Terminological Resources as Linked Data
Maria Pia di Buono | Philipp Cimiano | Mohammad Fazleh Elahi | Frank Grimm

In recent years, there has been increasing interest in publishing lexicographic and terminological resources as linked data. The benefit of using linked data technologies to publish terminologies is that terminologies can be linked to each other, thus creating a cloud of linked terminologies that cross domains, languages and that support advanced applications that do not work with single terminologies but can exploit multiple terminologies seamlessly. We present Terme-‘a-LLOD (TAL), a new paradigm for transforming and publishing terminologies as linked data which relies on a virtualization approach. The approach rests on a preconfigured virtual image of a server that can be downloaded and installed. We describe our approach to simplifying the transformation and hosting of terminological resources in the remainder of this paper. We provide a proof-of-concept for this paradigm showing how to apply it to the conversion of the well-known IATE terminology as well as to various smaller terminologies. Further, we discuss how the implementation of our paradigm can be integrated into existing NLP service infrastructures that rely on virtualization technology. While we apply this paradigm to the transformation and hosting of terminologies as linked data, the paradigm can be applied to any other resource format as well.

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Annohub – Annotation Metadata for Linked Data Applications
Frank Abromeit | Christian Fäth | Luis Glaser

We introduce a new dataset for the Linguistic Linked Open Data (LLOD) cloud that will provide metadata about annotation and language information harvested from annotated language resources like corpora freely available on the internet. To our knowledge annotation metadata is not provided by any metadata provider, e.g. linghub, datahub or CLARIN so far. On the other hand, language metadata that is found on such portals is rarely provided in machine-readable form, especially as Linked Data. In this paper, we describe the harvesting process, content and structure of the new dataset and its application in the Lin|gu|is|tik portal, a research platform for linguists. Aside from that, we introduce tools for the conversion of XML encoded language resources to the CoNLL format. The generated RDF data as well as the XML-converter application are made public under an open license.

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Challenges of Word Sense Alignment: Portuguese Language Resources
Ana Salgado | Sina Ahmadi | Alberto Simões | John Philip McCrae | Rute Costa

This paper reports on an ongoing task of monolingual word sense alignment in which a comparative study between the Portuguese Academy of Sciences Dictionary and the Dicionário Aberto is carried out in the context of the ELEXIS (European Lexicographic Infrastructure) project. Word sense alignment involves searching for matching senses within dictionary entries of different lexical resources and linking them, which poses significant challenges. The lexicographic criteria are not always entirely consistent within individual dictionaries and even less so across different projects where different options may have been assumed in terms of structure and especially wording techniques of lexicographic glosses. This hinders the task of matching senses. We aim to present our annotation workflow in Portuguese using the Semantic Web technologies. The results obtained are useful for the discussion within the community.

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A Lime-Flavored REST API for Alignment Services
Manuel Fiorelli | Armando Stellato

A practical alignment service should be flexible enough to handle the varied alignment scenarios that arise in the real world, while minimizing the need for manual configuration. MAPLE, an orchestration framework for ontology alignment, supports this goal by coordinating a few loosely coupled actors, which communicate and cooperate to solve a matching task using explicit metadata about the input ontologies, other available resources and the task itself. The alignment task is thus summarized by a report listing its characteristics and suggesting alignment strategies. The schema of the report is based on several metadata vocabularies, among which the Lime module of the OntoLex-Lemon model is particularly important, summarizing the lexical content of the input ontologies and describing external language resources that may be exploited for performing the alignment. In this paper, we propose a REST API that enables the participation of downstream alignment services in the process orchestrated by MAPLE, helping them self-adapt in order to handle heterogeneous alignment tasks and scenarios. The realization of this alignment orchestration effort has been performed through two main phases: we first described its API as an OpenAPI specification (a la API-first), which we then exploited to generate server stubs and compliant client libraries. Finally, we switched our focus to the integration of existing alignment systems, with one fully integrated system and an additional one being worked on, in the effort to propose the API as a valuable addendum to any system being developed.

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Using OntoLex-Lemon for Representing and Interlinking Lexicographic Collections of Bavarian Dialects
Yalemisew Abgaz

This paper describes the ongoing work in converting the lexicographic collection of a non-standard German language dataset (Bavarian Dialects) into a Linguistic Linked Open Data (LLOD) format. The collection is divided into two: questionnaire dataset (DBÖ) which contains details of the questionnaires, questions, collectors, paper slips etc., and the lexical dataset (WBÖ) which contains lexical entries (answers) collected in response to the questions. In its current form, the lexical dataset is available in a TEI/XML format separately from the questionnaire dataset. This paper presents the mapping of the lexical entries in the TEI/XML format into LLOD format using the Ontolex-Lemon model. The paper shows how the data in TEI/XML format is transformed into LLOD and produces a lexicon for Bavarian Dialects. It also presents the approach used to interlink the original questions with the lexical entries. The resulting lexicon complements the questionnaire dataset, which is already in a LLOD format, by semantically interlinking the original questions with the answers and vice-versa.

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Involving Lexicographers in the LLOD Cloud with LexO, an Easy-to-use Editor of Lemon Lexical Resources
Andrea Bellandi | Emiliano Giovannetti

In this contribution, we show LexO, a user-friendly web collaborative editor of lexical resources based on the lemon model. LexO has been developed in the context of Digital Humanities projects, in which a key point in the design of an editor was the ease of use by lexicographers with no skill in Linked Data or Semantic Web technologies. Though the tool already allows creating a lemon lexicon from scratch and lets a team of users work on it collaboratively, many developments are possible. The involvement of the LLOD community appears now crucial both to find new users and application fields where to test it, and, even more importantly, to understand in which way it should evolve.

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Supervised Hypernymy Detection in Spanish through Order Embeddings
Gun Woo Lee | Mathias Etcheverry | Daniel Fernandez Sanchez | Dina Wonsever

This paper addresses the task of supervised hypernymy detection in Spanish through an order embedding and using pretrained word vectors as input. Although the task has been widely addressed in English, there is not much work in Spanish, and according to our knowledge there is not any available dataset for supervised hypernymy detection in Spanish. We built a supervised hypernymy dataset for Spanish from WordNet and corpus statistics information, with different versions according to the lexical intersection between its partitions: random and lexical split. We show the results of using the resulting dataset within an order embedding consuming pretrained word vectors as input. We show the ability of pretrained word vectors to transfer learning to unseen lexical units according to the results in the lexical split dataset. To finish, we study the results of giving additional information in training time, such as, cohyponym links and instances extracted through patterns.

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Lexemes in Wikidata: 2020 status
Finn Nielsen

Wikidata now records data about lexemes, senses and lexical forms and exposes them as Linguistic Linked Open Data. Since lexemes in Wikidata was first established in 2018, this data has grown considerable in size. Links between lexemes in different languages can be made, e.g., through a derivation property or senses. We present some descriptive statistics about the lexemes of Wikidata, focusing on the multilingual aspects and show that there are still relatively few multilingual links.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Life-long Learning for Spoken Language Systems

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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Life-long Learning for Spoken Language Systems
William M. Campbell | Alex Waibel | Dilek Hakkani-Tur | Timothy J. Hazen | Kevin Kilgour | Eunah Cho | Varun Kumar | Hadrien Glaude

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Deep Active Learning for Sequence Labeling Based on Diversity and Uncertainty in Gradient
Yekyung Kim

Recently, several studies have investigated active learning (AL) for natural language processing tasks to alleviate data dependency. However, for query selection, most of these studies mainly rely on uncertainty-based sampling, which generally does not exploit the structural information of the unlabeled data. This leads to a sampling bias in the batch active learning setting, which selects several samples at once. In this work, we demonstrate that the amount of labeled training data can be reduced using active learning when it incorporates both uncertainty and diversity in the sequence labeling task. We examined the effects of our sequence-based approach by selecting weighted diverse in the gradient embedding approach across multiple tasks, datasets, models, and consistently outperform classic uncertainty-based sampling and diversity-based sampling.

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Supervised Adaptation of Sequence-to-Sequence Speech Recognition Systems using Batch-Weighting
Christian Huber | Juan Hussain | Tuan-Nam Nguyen | Kaihang Song | Sebastian Stüker | Alexander Waibel

When training speech recognition systems, one often faces the situation that sufficient amounts of training data for the language in question are available but only small amounts of data for the domain in question. This problem is even bigger for end-to-end speech recognition systems that only accept transcribed speech as training data, which is harder and more expensive to obtain than text data. In this paper we present experiments in adapting end-to-end speech recognition systems by a method which is called batch-weighting and which we contrast against regular fine-tuning, i.e., to continue to train existing neural speech recognition models on adaptation data. We perform experiments using theses techniques in adapting to topic, accent and vocabulary, showing that batch-weighting consistently outperforms fine-tuning. In order to show the generalization capabilities of batch-weighting we perform experiments in several languages, i.e., Arabic, English and German. Due to its relatively small computational requirements batch-weighting is a suitable technique for supervised life-long learning during the life-time of a speech recognition system, e.g., from user corrections.

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Data Augmentation using Pre-trained Transformer Models
Varun Kumar | Ashutosh Choudhary | Eunah Cho

Language model based pre-trained models such as BERT have provided significant gains across different NLP tasks. In this paper, we study different types of transformer based pre-trained models such as auto-regressive models (GPT-2), auto-encoder models (BERT), and seq2seq models (BART) for conditional data augmentation. We show that prepending the class labels to text sequences provides a simple yet effective way to condition the pre-trained models for data augmentation. Additionally, on three classification benchmarks, pre-trained Seq2Seq model outperforms other data augmentation methods in a low-resource setting. Further, we explore how different pre-trained model based data augmentation differs in-terms of data diversity, and how well such methods preserve the class-label information.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Linguistic and Neurocognitive Resources

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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Linguistic and Neurocognitive Resources
Emmanuele Chersoni | Barry Devereux | Chu-Ren Huang

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Extrapolating Binder Style Word Embeddings to New Words
Jacob Turton | David Vinson | Robert Smith

Word embeddings such as Word2Vec not only uniquely identify words but also encode important semantic information about them. However, as single entities they are difficult to interpret and their individual dimensions do not have obvious meanings. A more intuitive and interpretable feature space based on neural representations of words was presented by Binder and colleagues (2016) but is only available for a very limited vocabulary. Previous research (Utsumi, 2018) indicates that Binder features can be predicted for words from their embedding vectors (such as Word2Vec), but only looked at the original Binder vocabulary. This paper aimed to demonstrate that Binder features can effectively be predicted for a large number of new words and that the predicted values are sensible. The results supported this, showing that correlations between predicted feature values were consistent with those in the original Binder dataset. Additionally, vectors of predicted values performed comparatively to established embedding models in tests of word-pair semantic similarity. Being able to predict Binder feature space vectors for any number of new words opens up many uses not possible with the original vocabulary size.

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Towards the First Dyslexic Font in Russian
Svetlana Alexeeva | Aleksandra Dobrego | Vladislav Zubov

Texts comprise a large part of visual information that we process every day, so one of the tasks of language science is to make them more accessible. However, often the text design process is focused on the font size, but not on its type; which might be crucial especially for the people with reading disabilities. The current paper represents a study on text accessibility and the first attempt to create a research-based accessible font for Cyrillic letters. This resulted in the dyslexic-specific font, LexiaD. Its design rests on the reduction of inter-letter similarity of the Russian alphabet. In evaluation stage, dyslexic and non-dyslexic children were asked to read sentences from the Children version of the Russian Sentence Corpus. We tested the readability of LexiaD compared to PT Sans and PT Serif fonts. The results showed that all children had some advantage in letter feature extraction and information integration while reading in LexiaD, but lexical access was improved when sentences were rendered in PT Sans or PT Serif. Therefore, in several aspects, LexiaD proved to be faster to read and could be recommended to use by dyslexics who have visual deficiency or those who struggle with text understanding resulting in re-reading.

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Towards Best Practices for Leveraging Human Language Processing Signals for Natural Language Processing
Nora Hollenstein | Maria Barrett | Lisa Beinborn

NLP models are imperfect and lack intricate capabilities that humans access automatically when processing speech or reading a text. Human language processing data can be leveraged to increase the performance of models and to pursue explanatory research for a better understanding of the differences between human and machine language processing. We review recent studies leveraging different types of cognitive processing signals, namely eye-tracking, M/EEG and fMRI data recorded during language understanding. We discuss the role of cognitive data for machine learning-based NLP methods and identify fundamental challenges for processing pipelines. Finally, we propose practical strategies for using these types of cognitive signals to enhance NLP models.

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Language Models for Cloze Task Answer Generation in Russian
Anastasia Nikiforova | Sergey Pletenev | Daria Sinitsyna | Semen Sorokin | Anastasia Lopukhina | Nick Howell

Linguistics predictability is the degree of confidence in which language unit (word, part of speech, etc.) will be the next in the sequence. Experiments have shown that the correct prediction simplifies the perception of a language unit and its integration into the context. As a result of an incorrect prediction, language processing slows down. Currently, to get a measure of the language unit predictability, a neurolinguistic experiment known as a cloze task has to be conducted on a large number of participants. Cloze tasks are resource-consuming and are criticized by some researchers as an insufficiently valid measure of predictability. In this paper, we compare different language models that attempt to simulate human respondents’ performance on the cloze task. Using a language model to create cloze task simulations would require significantly less time and conduct studies related to linguistic predictability.

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Does History Matter? Using Narrative Context to Predict the Trajectory of Sentence Sentiment
Liam Watson | Anna Jurek-Loughrey | Barry Devereux | Brian Murphy

While there is a rich literature on the tracking of sentiment and emotion in texts, modelling the emotional trajectory of longer narratives, such as literary texts, poses new challenges. Previous work in the area of sentiment analysis has focused on using information from within a sentence to predict a valence value for that sentence. We propose to explore the influence of previous sentences on the sentiment of a given sentence. In particular, we investigate whether information present in a history of previous sentences can be used to predict a valence value for the following sentence. We explored both linear and non-linear models applied with a range of different feature combinations. We also looked at different context history sizes to determine what range of previous sentence context was the most informative for our models. We establish a linear relationship between sentence context history and the valence value of the current sentence and demonstrate that sentences in closer proximity to the target sentence are more informative. We show that the inclusion of semantic word embeddings further enriches our model predictions.

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The Little Prince in 26 Languages: Towards a Multilingual Neuro-Cognitive Corpus
Sabrina Stehwien | Lena Henke | John Hale | Jonathan Brennan | Lars Meyer

We present the Le Petit Prince Corpus (LPPC), a multi-lingual resource for research in (computational) psycho- and neurolinguistics. The corpus consists of the children’s story The Little Prince in 26 languages. The dataset is in the process of being built using state-of-the-art methods for speech and language processing and electroencephalography (EEG). The planned release of LPPC dataset will include raw text annotated with dependency graphs in the Universal Dependencies standard, a near-natural-sounding synthetic spoken subset as well as EEG recordings. We will use this corpus for conducting neurolinguistic studies that generalize across a wide range of languages, overcoming typological constraints to traditional approaches. The planned release of the LPPC combines linguistic and EEG data for many languages using fully automatic methods, and thus constitutes a readily extendable resource that supports cross-linguistic and cross-disciplinary research.

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Towards a Multi-Dataset for Complex Emotions Learning Based on Deep Neural Networks
Billal Belainine | Fatiha Sadat | Mounir Boukadoum | Hakim Lounis

In sentiment analysis, several researchers have used emoji and hashtags as specific forms of training and supervision. Some emotions, such as fear and disgust, are underrepresented in the text of social media. Others, such as anticipation, are absent. This research paper proposes a new dataset for complex emotion detection using a combination of several existing corpora in order to represent and interpret complex emotions based on the Plutchik’s theory. Our experiments and evaluations confirm that using Transfer Learning (TL) with a rich emotional corpus, facilitates the detection of complex emotions in a four-dimensional space. In addition, the incorporation of the rule on the reverse emotions in the model’s architecture brings a significant improvement in terms of precision, recall, and F-score.

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Sensorimotor Norms for 506 Russian Nouns
Alex Miklashevsky

Embodied cognitive science suggested a number of variables describing our sensorimotor experience associated with different concepts: modality experience rating (i.e., relationship between words and images of a particular perceptive modality—visual, auditory, haptic etc.), manipulability (the necessity for an object to interact with human hands in order to perform its function), vertical spatial localization. According to the embodied cognition theory, these semantic variables capture our mental representations and thus should influence word learning, processing and production. However, it is not clear how these new variables are related to such traditional variables as imageability, age of acquisition (AoA) and word frequency. In the presented database, normative data on the modality (visual, auditory, haptic, olfactory, and gustatory) ratings, vertical spatial localization of the object, manipulability, imageability, age of acquisition, and subjective frequency for 506 Russian nouns are collected. Factor analysis revealed four factors: (1) visual and haptic modality ratings were combined with imageability, manipulability and AoA; (2) word length, frequency and AoA; (3) olfactory modality was united with gustatory; (4) spatial localization only was included in the fourth factor. The database is available online together with a publication describing the method of data collection and data parameters (Miklashevsky, 2018).


bib (full) Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Technologies for MT of Low Resource Languages

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Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Technologies for MT of Low Resource Languages
Alina Karakanta | Atul Kr. Ojha | Chao-Hong Liu | Jade Abbott | John Ortega | Jonathan Washington | Nathaniel Oco | Surafel Melaku Lakew | Tommi A Pirinen | Valentin Malykh | Varvara Logacheva | Xiaobing Zhao

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Overcoming Resistance: The Normalization of an Amazonian Tribal Language
John E Ortega | Richard Alexander Castro-Mamani | Jaime Rafael Montoya Samame

Languages can be considered endangered for many reasons. One of the principal reasons for endangerment is the disappearance of its speakers. Another, more identifiable reason, is the lack of written resources. We present an automated sub-segmentation system called AshMorph that deals with the morphology of an Amazonian tribal language called Ashaninka which is at risk of being endangered due to the lack of availability (or resistance) of native speakers and the absence of written resources. We show that by the use of a cross-lingual lexicon and finite state transducers we can increase accuracy by more than 30% when compared to other modern sub-segmentation tools. Our results, made freely available on-line, are verified by an Ashaninka speaker and perform well in two distinct domains, everyday literary articles and the bible. This research serves as a first step in helping to preserve Ashaninka by offering a sub-segmentation process that can be used to normalize any Ashaninka text which will serve as input to a machine translation system for translation into other high-resource languages spoken by higher populated locations like Spanish and Portuguese in the case of Peru and Brazil where Ashaninka is mostly spoken.

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Bridging Philippine Languages With Multilingual Neural Machine Translation
Renz Iver Baliber | Charibeth Cheng | Kristine Mae Adlaon | Virgion Mamonong

The Philippines is home to more than 150 languages that is considered to be low-resourced even on its major languages. This results into a lack of pursuit in developing a translation system for the underrepresented languages. To simplify the process of developing translation system for multiple languages, and to aid in improving the translation quality of zero to low-resource languages, multilingual NMT became an active area of research. However, existing works in multilingual NMT disregards the analysis of a multilingual model on a closely related and low-resource language group in the context of pivot-based translation and zero-shot translation. In this paper, we benchmarked translation for several Philippine Languages, provided an analysis of a multilingual NMT system for morphologically rich and low-resource languages in terms of its effectiveness in translating zero-resource languages with zero-shot translations. To further evaluate the capability of the multilingual NMT model in translating unseen language pairs in training, we tested the model to translate between Tagalog and Cebuano and compared its performance with a simple NMT model that is directly trained on a parallel Tagalog and Cebuano data in which we showed that zero-shot translation outperforms a directly trained model in some instances, while utilizing English as a pivot language in translating outperform both approaches.

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Neural Machine Translation for Extremely Low-Resource African Languages: A Case Study on Bambara
Allahsera Auguste Tapo | Bakary Coulibaly | Sébastien Diarra | Christopher Homan | Julia Kreutzer | Sarah Luger | Arthur Nagashima | Marcos Zampieri | Michael Leventhal

Low-resource languages present unique challenges to (neural) machine translation. We discuss the case of Bambara, a Mande language for which training data is scarce and requires significant amounts of pre-processing. More than the linguistic situation of Bambara itself, the socio-cultural context within which Bambara speakers live poses challenges for automated processing of this language. In this paper, we present the first parallel data set for machine translation of Bambara into and from English and French and the first benchmark results on machine translation to and from Bambara. We discuss challenges in working with low-resource languages and propose strategies to cope with data scarcity in low-resource machine translation (MT).

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Findings of the LoResMT 2020 Shared Task on Zero-Shot for Low-Resource languages
Atul Kr. Ojha | Valentin Malykh | Alina Karakanta | Chao-Hong Liu

This paper presents the findings of the LoResMT 2020 Shared Task on zero-shot translation for low resource languages. This task was organised as part of the 3rd Workshop on Technologies for MT of Low Resource Languages (LoResMT) at AACL-IJCNLP 2020. The focus was on the zero-shot approach as a notable development in Neural Machine Translation to build MT systems for language pairs where parallel corpora are small or even non-existent. The shared task experience suggests that back-translation and domain adaptation methods result in better accuracy for small-size datasets. We further noted that, although translation between similar languages is no cakewalk, linguistically distinct languages require more data to give better results.

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Zero-Shot Neural Machine Translation: Russian-Hindi @LoResMT 2020
Sahinur Rahman Laskar | Abdullah Faiz Ur Rahman Khilji | Partha Pakray | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

Neural machine translation (NMT) is a widely accepted approach in the machine translation (MT) community, translating from one natural language to another natural language. Although, NMT shows remarkable performance in both high and low resource languages, it needs sufficient training corpus. The availability of a parallel corpus in low resource language pairs is one of the challenging tasks in MT. To mitigate this issue, NMT attempts to utilize a monolingual corpus to get better at translation for low resource language pairs. Workshop on Technologies for MT of Low Resource Languages (LoResMT 2020) organized shared tasks of low resource language pair translation using zero-shot NMT. Here, the parallel corpus is not used and only monolingual corpora is allowed. We have participated in the same shared task with our team name CNLP-NITS for the Russian-Hindi language pair. We have used masked sequence to sequence pre-training for language generation (MASS) with only monolingual corpus following the unsupervised NMT architecture. The evaluated results are declared at the LoResMT 2020 shared task, which reports that our system achieves the bilingual evaluation understudy (BLEU) score of 0.59, precision score of 3.43, recall score of 5.48, F-measure score of 4.22, and rank-based intuitive bilingual evaluation score (RIBES) of 0.180147 in Russian to Hindi translation. And for Hindi to Russian translation, we have achieved BLEU, precision, recall, F-measure, and RIBES score of 1.11, 4.72, 4.41, 4.56, and 0.026842 respectively.

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Unsupervised Approach for Zero-Shot Experiments: Bhojpuri–Hindi and Magahi–Hindi@LoResMT 2020
Amit Kumar | Rajesh Kumar Mundotiya | Anil Kumar Singh

This paper reports a Machine Translation (MT) system submitted by the NLPRL team for the Bhojpuri–Hindi and Magahi–Hindi language pairs at LoResMT 2020 shared task. We used an unsupervised domain adaptation approach that gives promising results for zero or extremely low resource languages. Task organizers provide the development and the test sets for evaluation and the monolingual data for training. Our approach is a hybrid approach of domain adaptation and back-translation. Metrics used to evaluate the trained model are BLEU, RIBES, Precision, Recall and F-measure. Our approach gives relatively promising results, with a wide range, of 19.5, 13.71, 2.54, and 3.16 BLEU points for Bhojpuri to Hindi, Magahi to Hindi, Hindi to Bhojpuri and Hindi to Magahi language pairs, respectively.

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Zero-shot translation among Indian languages
Rudali Huidrom | Yves Lepage

Standard neural machine translation (NMT) allows a model to perform translation between a pair of languages. Multilingual neural machine translation (NMT), on the other hand, allows a model to perform translation between several language pairs, even between language pairs for which no sentences pair has been seen during training (zero-shot translation). This paper presents experiments with zero-shot translation on low resource Indian languages with a very small amount of data for each language pair. We first report results on balanced data over all considered language pairs. We then expand our experiments for additional three rounds by increasing the training data with 2,000 sentence pairs in each round for some of the language pairs. We obtain an increase in translation accuracy with its balanced data settings score multiplied by 7 for Manipuri to Hindi during Round-III of zero-shot translation.

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Improving Multilingual Neural Machine Translation For Low-Resource Languages: French, English - Vietnamese
Thi-Vinh Ngo | Phuong-Thai Nguyen | Thanh-Le Ha | Khac-Quy Dinh | Le-Minh Nguyen

Prior works have demonstrated that a low-resource language pair can benefit from multilingual machine translation (MT) systems, which rely on many language pairs’ joint training. This paper proposes two simple strategies to address the rare word issue in multilingual MT systems for two low-resource language pairs: French-Vietnamese and English-Vietnamese. The first strategy is about dynamical learning word similarity of tokens in the shared space among source languages while another one attempts to augment the translation ability of rare words through updating their embeddings during the training. Besides, we leverage monolingual data for multilingual MT systems to increase the amount of synthetic parallel corpora while dealing with the data sparsity problem. We have shown significant improvements of up to +1.62 and +2.54 BLEU points over the bilingual baseline systems for both language pairs and released our datasets for the research community.

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EnAsCorp1.0: English-Assamese Corpus
Sahinur Rahman Laskar | Abdullah Faiz Ur Rahman Khilji | Partha Pakray | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

The corpus preparation is one of the important challenging task for the domain of machine translation especially in low resource language scenarios. Country like India where multiple languages exists, machine translation attempts to minimize the communication gap among people with different linguistic backgrounds. Although Google Translation covers automatic translation of various languages all over the world but it lags in some languages including Assamese. In this paper, we have developed EnAsCorp1.0, corpus of English-Assamese low resource pair where parallel and monolingual data are collected from various online sources. We have also implemented baseline systems with statistical machine translation and neural machine translation approaches for the same corpus.

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Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation for English and Manipuri
Salam Michael Singh | Thoudam Doren Singh

Availability of bitext dataset has been a key challenge in the conventional machine translation system which requires surplus amount of parallel data. In this work, we devise an unsupervised neural machine translation (UNMT) system consisting of a transformer based shared encoder and language specific decoders using denoising autoencoder and backtranslation with an additional Manipuri side multiple test reference. We report our work on low resource setting for English (en) - Manipuri (mni) language pair and attain a BLEU score of 3.1 for en-mni and 2.7 for mni-en respectively. Subjective evaluation on translated output gives encouraging findings.

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Effective Architectures for Low Resource Multilingual Named Entity Transliteration
Molly Moran | Constantine Lignos

In this paper, we evaluate LSTM, biLSTM, GRU, and Transformer architectures for the task of name transliteration in a many-to-one multilingual paradigm, transliterating from 590 languages to English. We experiment with different encoder-decoder combinations and evaluate them using accuracy, character error rate, and an F-measure based on longest continuous subsequences. We find that using a Transformer for the encoder and decoder performs best, improving accuracy by over 4 points compared to previous work. We explore whether manipulating the source text by adding macrolanguage flag tokens or pre-romanizing source strings can improve performance and find that neither manipulation has a positive effect. Finally, we analyze performance differences between the LSTM and Transformer encoders when using a Transformer decoder and find that the Transformer encoder is better able to handle insertions and substitutions when transliterating.

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Towards Machine Translation for the Kurdish Language
Sina Ahmadi | Maraim Masoud

Machine translation is the task of translating texts from one language to another using computers. It has been one of the major tasks in natural language processing and computational linguistics and has been motivating to facilitate human communication. Kurdish, an Indo-European language, has received little attention in this realm due to the language being less-resourced. Therefore, in this paper, we are addressing the main issues in creating a machine translation system for the Kurdish language, with a focus on the Sorani dialect. We describe the available scarce parallel data suitable for training a neural machine translation model for Sorani Kurdish-English translation. We also discuss some of the major challenges in Kurdish language translation and demonstrate how fundamental text processing tasks, such as tokenization, can improve translation performance.

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An Ensemble Method for Producing Word Representations focusing on the Greek Language
Michalis Lioudakis | Stamatis Outsios | Michalis Vazirgiannis

In this paper we present a new ensemble method, Continuous Bag-of-Skip-grams (CBOS), that produces high-quality word representations putting emphasis on the Greek language. The CBOS method combines the pioneering approaches for learning word representations: Continuous Bag-of-Words (CBOW) and Continuous Skip-gram. These methods are compared through intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation tasks on three different sources of data: the English Wikipedia corpus, the Greek Wikipedia corpus, and the Greek Web Content corpus. By comparing these methods across different tasks and datasets, it is evident that the CBOS method achieves state-of-the-art performance.

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Using Multiple Subwords to Improve English-Esperanto Automated Literary Translation Quality
Alberto Poncelas | Jan Buts | James Hadley | Andy Way

Building Machine Translation (MT) systems for low-resource languages remains challenging. For many language pairs, parallel data are not widely available, and in such cases MT models do not achieve results comparable to those seen with high-resource languages. When data are scarce, it is of paramount importance to make optimal use of the limited material available. To that end, in this paper we propose employing the same parallel sentences multiple times, only changing the way the words are split each time. For this purpose we use several Byte Pair Encoding models, with various merge operations used in their configuration. In our experiments, we use this technique to expand the available data and improve an MT system involving a low-resource language pair, namely English-Esperanto. As an additional contribution, we made available a set of English-Esperanto parallel data in the literary domain.

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Investigating Low-resource Machine Translation for English-to-Tamil
Akshai Ramesh | Venkatesh Balavadhani parthasa | Rejwanul Haque | Andy Way

Statistical machine translation (SMT) which was the dominant paradigm in machine translation (MT) research for nearly three decades has recently been superseded by the end-to-end deep learning approaches to MT. Although deep neural models produce state-of-the-art results in many translation tasks, they are found to under-perform on resource-poor scenarios. Despite some success, none of the present-day benchmarks that have tried to overcome this problem can be regarded as a universal solution to the problem of translation of many low-resource languages. In this work, we investigate the performance of phrase-based SMT (PB-SMT) and neural MT (NMT) on a rarely-tested low-resource language-pair, English-to-Tamil, taking a specialised data domain (software localisation) into consideration. In particular, we produce rankings of our MT systems via a social media platform-based human evaluation scheme, and demonstrate our findings in the low-resource domain-specific text translation task.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis

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Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis
Eben Holderness | Antonio Jimeno Yepes | Alberto Lavelli | Anne-Lyse Minard | James Pustejovsky | Fabio Rinaldi

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The Impact of De-identification on Downstream Named Entity Recognition in Clinical Text
Hanna Berg | Aron Henriksson | Hercules Dalianis

The impact of de-identification on data quality and, in particular, utility for developing models for downstream tasks has been more thoroughly studied for structured data than for unstructured text. While previous studies indicate that text de-identification has a limited impact on models for downstream tasks, it remains unclear what the impact is with various levels and forms of de-identification, in particular concerning the trade-off between precision and recall. In this paper, the impact of de-identification is studied on downstream named entity recognition in Swedish clinical text. The results indicate that de-identification models with moderate to high precision lead to similar downstream performance, while low precision has a substantial negative impact. Furthermore, different strategies for concealing sensitive information affect performance to different degrees, ranging from pseudonymisation having a low impact to the removal of entire sentences with sensitive information having a high impact. This study indicates that it is possible to increase the recall of models for identifying sensitive information without negatively affecting the use of de-identified text data for training models for clinical named entity recognition; however, there is ultimately a trade-off between the level of de-identification and the subsequent utility of the data.

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Simple Hierarchical Multi-Task Neural End-To-End Entity Linking for Biomedical Text
Maciej Wiatrak | Juha Iso-Sipila

Recognising and linking entities is a crucial first step to many tasks in biomedical text analysis, such as relation extraction and target identification. Traditionally, biomedical entity linking methods rely heavily on heuristic rules and predefined, often domain-specific features. The features try to capture the properties of entities and complex multi-step architectures to detect, and subsequently link entity mentions. We propose a significant simplification to the biomedical entity linking setup that does not rely on any heuristic methods. The system performs all the steps of the entity linking task jointly in either single or two stages. We explore the use of hierarchical multi-task learning, using mention recognition and entity typing tasks as auxiliary tasks. We show that hierarchical multi-task models consistently outperform single-task models when trained tasks are homogeneous. We evaluate the performance of our models on the biomedical entity linking benchmarks using MedMentions and BC5CDR datasets. We achieve state-of-theart results on the challenging MedMentions dataset, and comparable results on BC5CDR.

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Medical Concept Normalization in User-Generated Texts by Learning Target Concept Embeddings
Katikapalli Subramanyam Kalyan | Sivanesan Sangeetha

Medical concept normalization helps in discovering standard concepts in free-form text i.e., maps health-related mentions to standard concepts in a clinical knowledge base. It is much beyond simple string matching and requires a deep semantic understanding of concept mentions. Recent research approach concept normalization as either text classification or text similarity. The main drawback in existing a) text classification approach is ignoring valuable target concepts information in learning input concept mention representation b) text similarity approach is the need to separately generate target concept embeddings which is time and resource consuming. Our proposed model overcomes these drawbacks by jointly learning the representations of input concept mention and target concepts. First, we learn input concept mention representation using RoBERTa. Second, we find cosine similarity between embeddings of input concept mention and all the target concepts. Here, embeddings of target concepts are randomly initialized and then updated during training. Finally, the target concept with maximum cosine similarity is assigned to the input concept mention. Our model surpasses all the existing methods across three standard datasets by improving accuracy up to 2.31%.

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Not a cute stroke: Analysis of Rule- and Neural Network-based Information Extraction Systems for Brain Radiology Reports
Andreas Grivas | Beatrice Alex | Claire Grover | Richard Tobin | William Whiteley

We present an in-depth comparison of three clinical information extraction (IE) systems designed to perform entity recognition and negation detection on brain imaging reports: EdIE-R, a bespoke rule-based system, and two neural network models, EdIE-BiLSTM and EdIE-BERT, both multi-task learning models with a BiLSTM and BERT encoder respectively. We compare our models both on an in-sample and an out-of-sample dataset containing mentions of stroke findings and draw on our error analysis to suggest improvements for effective annotation when building clinical NLP models for a new domain. Our analysis finds that our rule-based system outperforms the neural models on both datasets and seems to generalise to the out-of-sample dataset. On the other hand, the neural models do not generalise negation to the out-of-sample dataset, despite metrics on the in-sample dataset suggesting otherwise.

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GGPONC: A Corpus of German Medical Text with Rich Metadata Based on Clinical Practice Guidelines
Florian Borchert | Christina Lohr | Luise Modersohn | Thomas Langer | Markus Follmann | Jan Philipp Sachs | Udo Hahn | Matthieu-P. Schapranow

The lack of publicly accessible text corpora is a major obstacle for progress in natural language processing. For medical applications, unfortunately, all language communities other than English are low-resourced. In this work, we present GGPONC (German Guideline Program in Oncology NLP Corpus), a freely dis tributable German language corpus based on clinical practice guidelines for oncology. This corpus is one of the largest ever built from German medical documents. Unlike clinical documents, clinical guidelines do not contain any patient-related information and can therefore be used without data protection restrictions. Moreover, GGPONC is the first corpus for the German language covering diverse conditions in a large medical subfield and provides a variety of metadata, such as literature references and evidence levels. By applying and evaluating existing medical information extraction pipelines for German text, we are able to draw comparisons for the use of medical language to other corpora, medical and non-medical ones.

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Normalization of Long-tail Adverse Drug Reactions in Social Media
Emmanouil Manousogiannis | Sepideh Mesbah | Alessandro Bozzon | Robert-Jan Sips | Zoltan Szlanik | Selene Baez Santamaria

The automatic mapping of Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) reports from user-generated content to concepts in a controlled medical vocabulary provides valuable insights for monitoring public health. While state-of-the-art deep learning-based sequence classification techniques achieve impressive performance for medical concepts with large amounts of training data, they show their limit with long-tail concepts that have a low number of training samples. The above hinders their adaptability to the changes of layman’s terminology and the constant emergence of new informal medical terms. Our objective in this paper is to tackle the problem of normalizing long-tail ADR mentions in user-generated content. In this paper, we exploit the implicit semantics of rare ADRs for which we have few training samples, in order to detect the most similar class for the given ADR. The evaluation results demonstrate that our proposed approach addresses the limitations of the existing techniques when the amount of training data is limited.

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Evaluation of Machine Translation Methods applied to Medical Terminologies
Konstantinos Skianis | Yann Briand | Florent Desgrippes

Medical terminologies resources and standards play vital roles in clinical data exchanges, enabling significantly the services’ interoperability within healthcare national information networks. Health and medical science are constantly evolving causing requirements to advance the terminologies editions. In this paper, we present our evaluation work of the latest machine translation techniques addressing medical terminologies. Experiments have been conducted leveraging selected statistical and neural machine translation methods. The devised procedure is tested on a validated sample of ICD-11 and ICF terminologies from English to French with promising results.

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Information retrieval for animal disease surveillance: a pattern-based approach.
Sarah Valentin | Mathieu Roche | Renaud Lancelot

Animal diseases-related news articles are richin information useful for risk assessment. In this paper, we explore a method to automatically retrieve sentence-level epidemiological information. Our method is an incremental approach to create and expand patterns at both lexical and syntactic levels. Expert knowledge input are used at different steps of the approach. Distributed vector representations (word embedding) were used to expand the patterns at the lexical level, thus alleviating manual curation. We showed that expert validation was crucial to improve the precision of automatically generated patterns.

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Multitask Learning of Negation and Speculation using Transformers
Aditya Khandelwal | Benita Kathleen Britto

Detecting negation and speculation in language has been a task of considerable interest to the biomedical community, as it is a key component of Information Extraction systems from Biomedical documents. Prior work has individually addressed Negation Detection and Speculation Detection, and both have been addressed in the same way, using 2 stage pipelined approach: Cue Detection followed by Scope Resolution. In this paper, we propose Multitask learning approaches over 2 sets of tasks: Negation Cue Detection & Speculation Cue Detection, and Negation Scope Resolution & Speculation Scope Resolution. We utilise transformer-based architectures like BERT, XLNet and RoBERTa as our core model architecture, and finetune these using the Multitask learning approaches. We show that this Multitask Learning approach outperforms the single task learning approach, and report new state-of-the-art results on Negation and Speculation Scope Resolution on the BioScope Corpus and the SFU Review Corpus.

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Biomedical Event Extraction as Multi-turn Question Answering
Xing David Wang | Leon Weber | Ulf Leser

Biomedical event extraction from natural text is a challenging task as it searches for complex and often nested structures describing specific relationships between multiple molecular entities, such as genes, proteins, or cellular components. It usually is implemented by a complex pipeline of individual tools to solve the different relation extraction subtasks. We present an alternative approach where the detection of relationships between entities is described uniformly as questions, which are iteratively answered by a question answering (QA) system based on the domain-specific language model SciBERT. This model outperforms two strong baselines in two biomedical event extraction corpora in a Knowledge Base Population setting, and also achieves competitive performance in BioNLP challenge evaluation settings.

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An efficient representation of chronological events in medical texts
Andrey Kormilitzin | Nemanja Vaci | Qiang Liu | Hao Ni | Goran Nenadic | Alejo Nevado-Holgado

In this work we addressed the problem of capturing sequential information contained in longitudinal electronic health records (EHRs). Clinical notes, which is a particular type of EHR data, are a rich source of information and practitioners often develop clever solutions how to maximise the sequential information contained in free-texts. We proposed a systematic methodology for learning from chronological events available in clinical notes. The proposed methodological path signature framework creates a non-parametric hierarchical representation of sequential events of any type and can be used as features for downstream statistical learning tasks. The methodology was developed and externally validated using the largest in the UK secondary care mental health EHR data on a specific task of predicting survival risk of patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. The signature-based model was compared to a common survival random forest model. Our results showed a 15.4% increase of risk prediction AUC at the time point of 20 months after the first admission to a specialist memory clinic and the signature method outperformed the baseline mixed-effects model by 13.2 %.

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Defining and Learning Refined Temporal Relations in the Clinical Narrative
Kristin Wright-Bettner | Chen Lin | Timothy Miller | Steven Bethard | Dmitriy Dligach | Martha Palmer | James H. Martin | Guergana Savova

We present refinements over existing temporal relation annotations in the Electronic Medical Record clinical narrative. We refined the THYME corpus annotations to more faithfully represent nuanced temporality and nuanced temporal-coreferential relations. The main contributions are in re-defining CONTAINS and OVERLAP relations into CONTAINS, CONTAINS-SUBEVENT, OVERLAP and NOTED-ON. We demonstrate that these refinements lead to substantial gains in learnability for state-of-the-art transformer models as compared to previously reported results on the original THYME corpus. We thus establish a baseline for the automatic extraction of these refined temporal relations. Although our study is done on clinical narrative, we believe it addresses far-reaching challenges that are corpus- and domain- agnostic.

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Context-Aware Automatic Text Simplification of Health Materials in Low-Resource Domains
Tarek Sakakini | Jong Yoon Lee | Aditya Duri | Renato F.L. Azevedo | Victor Sadauskas | Kuangxiao Gu | Suma Bhat | Dan Morrow | James Graumlich | Saqib Walayat | Mark Hasegawa-Johnson | Thomas Huang | Ann Willemsen-Dunlap | Donald Halpin

Healthcare systems have increased patients’ exposure to their own health materials to enhance patients’ health levels, but this has been impeded by patients’ lack of understanding of their health material. We address potential barriers to their comprehension by developing a context-aware text simplification system for health material. Given the scarcity of annotated parallel corpora in healthcare domains, we design our system to be independent of a parallel corpus, complementing the availability of data-driven neural methods when such corpora are available. Our system compensates for the lack of direct supervision using a biomedical lexical database: Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). Compared to a competitive prior approach that uses a tool for identifying biomedical concepts and a consumer-directed vocabulary list, we empirically show the enhanced accuracy of our system due to improved handling of ambiguous terms. We also show the enhanced accuracy of our system over directly-supervised neural methods in this low-resource setting. Finally, we show the direct impact of our system on laypeople’s comprehension of health material via a human subjects’ study (n=160).

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Identifying Personal Experience Tweets of Medication Effects Using Pre-trained RoBERTa Language Model and Its Updating
Minghao Zhu | Youzhe Song | Ge Jin | Keyuan Jiang

Post-market surveillance, the practice of monitoring the safe use of pharmaceutical drugs is an important part of pharmacovigilance. Being able to collect personal experience related to pharmaceutical product use could help us gain insight into how the human body reacts to different medications. Twitter, a popular social media service, is being considered as an important alternative data source for collecting personal experience information with medications. Identifying personal experience tweets is a challenging classification task in natural language processing. In this study, we utilized three methods based on Facebook’s Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach (RoBERTa) to predict personal experience tweets related to medication use: the first one combines the pre-trained RoBERTa model with a classifier, the second combines the updated pre-trained RoBERTa model using a corpus of unlabeled tweets with a classifier, and the third combines the RoBERTa model that was trained with our unlabeled tweets from scratch with the classifier too. Our results show that all of these approaches outperform the published methods (Word Embedding + LSTM) in classification performance (p < 0.05), and updating the pre-trained language model with tweets related to medications could even improve the performance further.

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Detecting Foodborne Illness Complaints in Multiple Languages Using English Annotations Only
Ziyi Liu | Giannis Karamanolakis | Daniel Hsu | Luis Gravano

Health departments have been deploying text classification systems for the early detection of foodborne illness complaints in social media documents such as Yelp restaurant reviews. Current systems have been successfully applied for documents in English and, as a result, a promising direction is to increase coverage and recall by considering documents in additional languages, such as Spanish or Chinese. Training previous systems for more languages, however, would be expensive, as it would require the manual annotation of many documents for each new target language. To address this challenge, we consider cross-lingual learning and train multilingual classifiers using only the annotations for English-language reviews. Recent zero-shot approaches based on pre-trained multi-lingual BERT (mBERT) have been shown to effectively align languages for aspects such as sentiment. Interestingly, we show that those approaches are less effective for capturing the nuances of foodborne illness, our public health application of interest. To improve performance without extra annotations, we create artificial training documents in the target language through machine translation and train mBERT jointly for the source (English) and target language. Furthermore, we show that translating labeled documents to multiple languages leads to additional performance improvements for some target languages. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach through extensive experiments with Yelp restaurant reviews in seven languages. Our classifiers identify foodborne illness complaints in multilingual reviews from the Yelp Challenge dataset, which highlights the potential of our general approach for deployment in health departments.

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Detection of Mental Health from Reddit via Deep Contextualized Representations
Zhengping Jiang | Sarah Ita Levitan | Jonathan Zomick | Julia Hirschberg

We address the problem of automatic detection of psychiatric disorders from the linguistic content of social media posts. We build a large scale dataset of Reddit posts from users with eight disorders and a control user group. We extract and analyze linguistic characteristics of posts and identify differences between diagnostic groups. We build strong classification models based on deep contextualized word representations and show that they outperform previously applied statistical models with simple linguistic features by large margins. We compare user-level and post-level classification performance, as well as an ensembled multiclass model.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Workshop about Language Resources for the SSH Cloud

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Proceedings of the Workshop about Language Resources for the SSH Cloud
Daan Broeder | Maria Eskevich | Monica Monachini

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Store Scientific Workflows Data in SSHOC Repository
Cesare Concordia | Carlo Meghini | Filippo Benedetti

Today scientific workflows are used by scientists as a way to define automated, scalable, and portable in-silico experiments. Having a formal description of an experiment can improve replicability and reproducibility of the experiment. However, simply storing and publishing the workflow may be not enough, an accurate management of provenance data generated during workflow life cycle is crucial to achieve reproducibility. This document presents the activity being carried out by CNR-ISTI in task 5.2 of the SSHOC project to add to the repository service developed in the task, functionalities to store, access and manage ‘workflow data’ in order to improve replicability and reproducibility of e-science experiments.

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Social Sciences and Humanities Pathway Towards the European Open Science Cloud
Francesca Di Donato | Monica Monachini | Maria Eskevich | Stefanie Pohle | Yoann Moranville | Suzanne Dumouchel

The paper presents a journey, which starts from various social sciences and humanities (SSH) Research Infrastructures in Europe and arrives at the comprehensive “ecosystem of infrastructures”, namely the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). We will highlight how the SSH Open Science infrastructures contribute to the goal of establishing the EOSC. First, through the example of OPERAS, the European Research Infrastructure for Open Scholarly Communication in the SSH, to see how its services are conceived to be part of the EOSC and to address the communities’ needs. The next two sections highlight collaboration practices between partners in Europe to build the SSH component of the EOSC and a SSH discovery platform, as a service of OPERAS and the EOSC. The last two sections will focus on an implementation network dedicated to SSH data fairification.

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From the attic to the cloud: mobilization of endangered language resources with linked data
Sebastian Nordhoff

This paper describes a collection of 20k ELAN annotation files harvested from five different endangered language archives. The ELAN files form a very heterogeneous set, but the hierarchical configuration of their tiers allow, in conjunction with the tier content, to identify transcriptions, translations, and glosses. These transcriptions, translations, and glosses are queryable across archives. Small analyses of graphemes (transcription tier), grammatical and lexical glosses (gloss tier), and semantic concepts (translation tier) show the viability of the approach. The use of identifiers from OLAC, Wikidata and Glottolog allows for a better integration of the data from these archives into the Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud.

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Verbal Aggression as an Indicator of Xenophobic Attitudes in Greek Twitter during and after the Financial Crisis
Maria Pontiki | Maria Gavriilidou | Dimitris Gkoumas | Stelios Piperidis

We present a replication of a data-driven and linguistically inspired Verbal Aggression analysis framework that was designed to examine Twitter verbal attacks against predefined target groups of interest as an indicator of xenophobic attitudes during the financial crisis in Greece, in particular during the period 2013-2016. The research goal in this paper is to re-examine Verbal Aggression as an indicator of xenophobic attitudes in Greek Twitter three years later, in order to trace possible changes regarding the main targets, the types and the content of the verbal attacks against the same targets in the post crisis era, given also the ongoing refugee crisis and the political landscape in Greece as it was shaped after the elections in 2019. The results indicate an interesting rearrangement of the main targets of the verbal attacks, while the content and the types of the attacks provide valuable insights about the way these targets are being framed as compared to the respective dominant perceptions and stereotypes about them during the period 2013-2016.

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Mining Wages in Nineteenth-Century Job Advertisements. The Application of Language Resources and Language Technology to study Economic and Social Inequality
Ruben Ros | Marieke van Erp | Auke Rijpma | Richard Zijdeman

For the analysis of historical wage development, no structured data is available. Job advertisements, as found in newspapers can provide insights into what different types of jobs paid, but require language technology to structure in a format conducive to quantitative analysis. In this paper, we report on our experiments to mine wages from 19th century newspaper advertisements and detail the challenges that need to be overcome to perform a socio-economic analysis of textual data sources.

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LR4SSHOC: The Future of Language Resources in the Context of the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud
Daan Broeder | Maria Eskevich | Monica Monachini

This paper outlines the future of language resources and identifies their potential contribution for creating and sustaining the social sciences and humanities (SSH) component of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

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EOSC as a game-changer in the Social Sciences and Humanities research activities
Donatella Castelli

This paper aims to give some insights on how the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will be able to influence the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) sector, thus paving the way towards innovation. Points of discussion on how the LRs and RIs community can contribute to the revolution in the practice of research areas are provided.

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Stretching Disciplinary Boundaries in Language Resource Development and Use: a Linguistic Data Consortium Position Paper
Christopher Cieri

Given the persistent gap between demand and supply, the impetus to reuse language resources is great. Researchers benefit from building upon the work of others including reusing data, tools and methodology. Such reuse should always consider the original intent of the language resource and how that impacts potential reanalysis. When the reuse crosses disciplinary boundaries, the re-user also needs to consider how research standards that differ between social science and humanities on the one hand and human language technologies on the other might lead to differences in unspoken assumptions. Data centers that aim to support multiple research communities have a responsibility to build bridges across disciplinary divides by sharing data in all directions, encouraging re-use and re-sharing and engaging directly in research that improves methodologies.

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Crossing the SSH Bridge with Interview Data
Henk van den Heuvel

Spoken audio data, such as interview data, is a scientific instrument used by researchers in various disciplines crossing the boundaries of social sciences and humanities. In this paper, we will have a closer look at a portal designed to perform speech-to-text conversion on audio recordings through Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) in the CLARIN infrastructure. Within the cluster cross-domain EU project SSHOC the potential value of such a linguistic tool kit for processing spoken language recording has found uptake in a webinar about the topic, and in a task addressing audio analysis of panel survey data. The objective of this contribution is to show that the processing of interviews as a research instrument has opened up a fascinating and fruitful area of collaboration between Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH).


bib (full) Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Language Technologies for Government and Public Administration (LT4Gov)

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Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Language Technologies for Government and Public Administration (LT4Gov)
Doaa Samy | David Pérez-Fernández | Jerónimo Arenas-García

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Development of Natural Language Processing Tools to Support Determination of Federal Disability Benefits in the U.S.
Bart Desmet | Julia Porcino | Ayah Zirikly | Denis Newman-Griffis | Guy Divita | Elizabeth Rasch

The disability benefits programs administered by the US Social Security Administration (SSA) receive between 2 and 3 million new applications each year. Adjudicators manually review hundreds of evidence pages per case to determine eligibility based on financial, medical, and functional criteria. Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology is uniquely suited to support this adjudication work and is a critical component of an ongoing inter-agency collaboration between SSA and the National Institutes of Health. This NLP work provides resources and models for document ranking, named entity recognition, and terminology extraction in order to automatically identify documents and reports pertinent to a case, and to allow adjudicators to search for and locate desired information quickly. In this paper, we describe our vision for how NLP can impact SSA’s adjudication process, present the resources and models that have been developed, and discuss some of the benefits and challenges in working with large-scale government data, and its specific properties in the functional domain.

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FRAQUE: a FRAme-based QUEstion-answering system for the Public Administration domain
Martina Miliani | Lucia C. Passaro | Alessandro Lenci

In this paper, we propose FRAQUE, a question answering system for factoid questions in the Public administration domain. The system is based on semantic frames, here intended as collections of slots typed with their possible values. FRAQUE queries unstructured textual data and exploits the potential of different approaches: it extracts pattern elements from texts which are linguistically analyzed through statistical methods.FRAQUE allows Italian users to query vast document repositories related to the domain of Public Administration. Given the statistical nature of most of its components such as word embeddings, the system allows for a flexible domain and language adaptation process. FRAQUE’s goal is to associate questions with frames stored into a Knowledge Graph along with relevant document passages, which are returned as the answer.

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Enhancing Job Searches in Mexico City with Language Technologies
Gerardo Sierra Martínez | Gemma Bel-Enguix | Helena Gómez-Adorno | Juan Manuel Torres Moreno | Tonatiuh Hernández-García | Julio V Guadarrama-Olvera | Jesús-Germán Ortiz-Barajas | Ángela María Rojas | Tomas Damerau | Soledad Aragón Martínez

In this paper, we show the enhancing of the Demanded Skills Diagnosis (DiCoDe: Diagnóstico de Competencias Demandadas), a system developed by Mexico City’s Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (STyFE: Secretaría de Trabajo y Fomento del Empleo de la Ciudad de México) that seeks to reduce information asymmetries between job seekers and employers. The project uses webscraping techniques to retrieve job vacancies posted on private job portals on a daily basis and with the purpose of informing training and individual case management policies as well as labor market monitoring. For this purpose, a collaboration project between STyFE and the Language Engineering Group (GIL: Grupo de Ingeniería Lingüística) was established in order to enhance DiCoDe by applying NLP models and semantic analysis. By this collaboration, DiCoDe’s job vacancies system’s macro-structure and its geographic referencing at the city hall (municipality) level were improved. More specifically, dictionaries were created to identify demanded competencies, skills and abilities (CSA) and algorithms were developed for dynamic classifying of vacancies and identifying terms for searches on free text, in order to improve the results and processing time of queries.

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Research & Innovation Activities’ Impact Assessment: The Data4Impact System
Ioanna Grypari | Dimitris Pappas | Natalia Manola | Haris Papageorgiou

Cat. 2 Show-case: We present the Data4Impact (D4I) platform, a novel end-to-end system for evidence-based, timely and accurate monitoring and evaluation of research and innovation (R&I) activities. Using the latest technological advances in Human Language Technology (HLT) and our data-driven methodology, we build a novel set of indicators in order to track funded projects and their impact on science, the economy and the society as a whole, during and after the project life-cycle. We develop our methodology by targeting Health-related EC projects from 2007 to 2019 to produce solutions that meet the needs of stakeholders (mainly policy-makers and research funders). Various D4I text analytics workflows process datasets and their metadata, extract valuable insights and estimate intermediate results and metrics, culminating in a set of robust indicators that the users can interact with through our dashboard, the D4I Monitor (available at monitor.data4impact.eu). Therefore, our approach, which can be generalized to different contexts, is multidimensional (technology, tools, indicators, dashboard) and the resulting system can provide an innovative solution for public administrators in their policy-making needs related to RDI funding allocation.

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The Austrian Language Resource Portal for the Use and Provision of Language Resources in a Language Variety by Public Administration – a Showcase for Collaboration between Public Administration and a University
Barbara Heinisch | Vesna Lušicky

The Austrian Language Resource Portal (Sprachressourcenportal Österreichs) is Austria’s central platform for language resources in the area of public administration. It focuses on language resources in the Austrian variety of the German language. As a product of the cooperation between a public administration body and a university, the Portal contains various language resources (terminological resources in the public administration domain, a language guide, named entities based on open public data, translation memories, etc.). German is a pluricentric language that considerably varies in the domain of public administration due to different public administration systems. Therefore, the Austrian Language Resource Portal stresses the importance of language resources specific to a language variety, thus paving the way for the re-use of variety-specific language data for human language technology, such as machine translation training, for the Austrian standard variety.

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Legal-ES: A Set of Large Scale Resources for Spanish Legal Text Processing
Doaa Samy | Jerónimo Arenas-García | David Pérez-Fernández

Legal-ES is an open source resource kit for legal Spanish. It consists of a large scale Spanish corpus of open legal texts and different kinds of language models including word embeddings and topic models. The corpus includes over 1000 million words covering a collection of legislative and administrative open access documents in Spanish from different sources representing international, national and regional entities. The corpus is pre-processed and tokenized using Spacy. For the word embeddings, gensim was used on the collection of tokens, producing a representation space that is especially suited to reflect the inherent characteristics of the legal domain. We calculate also topic models to obtain a convenient tool to understand the main topics in the corpus and to navigate through the documents exploiting the semantic similarity among documents. We will analyse the time structure of a dynamic topic model to infer changes in the legal production of Spanish jurisdiction that have occurred over the analysed time framework.


bib (full) Proceedings of LT4HALA 2020 - 1st Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages

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Proceedings of LT4HALA 2020 - 1st Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages
Rachele Sprugnoli | Marco Passarotti

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Dating and Stratifying a Historical Corpus with a Bayesian Mixture Model
Oliver Hellwig

This paper introduces and evaluates a Bayesian mixture model that is designed for dating texts based on the distributions of linguistic features. The model is applied to the corpus of Vedic Sanskrit the historical structure of which is still unclear in many details. The evaluation concentrates on the interaction between time, genre and linguistic features, detecting those whose distributions are clearly coupled with the historical time. The evaluation also highlights the problems that arise when quantitative results need to be reconciled with philological insights.

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Automatic Construction of Aramaic-Hebrew Translation Lexicon
Chaya Liebeskind | Shmuel Liebeskind

Aramaic is an ancient Semitic language with a 3,000 year history. However, since the number of Aramaic speakers in the world hasdeclined, Aramaic is in danger of extinction. In this paper, we suggest a methodology for automatic construction of Aramaic-Hebrew translation Lexicon. First, we generate an initial translation lexicon by a state-of-the-art word alignment translation model. Then,we filter the initial lexicon using string similarity measures of three types: similarity between terms in the target language, similarity between a source and a target term, and similarity between terms in the source language. In our experiments, we use a parallel corporaof Biblical Aramaic-Hebrew sentence pairs and evaluate various string similarity measures for each type of similarity. We illustratethe empirical benefit of our methodology and its effect on precision and F1. In particular, we demonstrate that our filtering methodsignificantly exceeds a filtering approach based on the probability scores given by a state-of-the-art word alignment translation model.

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Dating Ancient texts: an Approach for Noisy French Documents
Anaëlle Baledent | Nicolas Hiebel | Gaël Lejeune

Automatic dating of ancient documents is a very important area of research for digital humanities applications. Many documents available via digital libraries do not have any dating or dating that is uncertain. Document dating is not only useful by itself but it also helps to choose the appropriate NLP tools (lemmatizer, POS tagger ) for subsequent analysis. This paper provides a dataset with thousands of ancient documents in French and present methods and evaluation metrics for this task. We compare character-level methods with token-level methods on two different datasets of two different time periods and two different text genres. Our results show that character-level models are more robust to noise than classical token-level models. The experiments presented in this article focused on documents written in French but we believe that the ability of character-level models to handle noise properly would help to achieve comparable results on other languages and more ancient languages in particular.

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Lemmatization and POS-tagging process by using joint learning approach. Experimental results on Classical Armenian, Old Georgian, and Syriac
Chahan Vidal-Gorène | Bastien Kindt

Classical Armenian, Old Georgian and Syriac are under-resourced digital languages. Even though a lot of printed critical editions or dictionaries are available, there is currently a lack of fully tagged corpora that could be reused for automatic text analysis. In this paper, we introduce an ongoing project of lemmatization and POS-tagging for these languages, relying on a recurrent neural network (RNN), specific morphological tags and dedicated datasets. For this paper, we have combine different corpora previously processed by automatic out-of-context lemmatization and POS-tagging, and manual proofreading by the collaborators of the GREgORI Project (UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium). We intend to compare a rule based approach and a RNN approach by using PIE specialized by Calfa (Paris, France). We introduce here first results. We reach a mean accuracy of 91,63% in lemmatization and of 92,56% in POS-tagging. The datasets, which were constituted and used for this project, are not yet representative of the different variations of these languages through centuries, but they are homogenous and allow reaching tangible results, paving the way for further analysis of wider corpora.

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Computerized Forward Reconstruction for Analysis in Diachronic Phonology, and Latin to French Reflex Prediction
Clayton Marr | David R. Mortensen

Traditionally, historical phonologists have relied on tedious manual derivations to calibrate the sequences of sound changes that shaped the phonological evolution of languages. However, humans are prone to errors, and cannot track thousands of parallel word derivations in any efficient manner. We propose to instead automatically derive each lexical item in parallel, and we demonstrate forward reconstruction as both a computational task with metrics to optimize, and as an empirical tool for inquiry. For this end we present DiaSim, a user-facing application that simulates “cascades” of diachronic developments over a language’s lexicon and provides diagnostics for “debugging” those cascades. We test our methodology on a Latin-to-French reflex prediction task, using a newly compiled dataset FLLex with 1368 paired Latin/French forms. We also present, FLLAPS, which maps 310 Latin reflexes through five stages until Modern French, derived from Pope (1934)’s sound tables. Our publicly available rule cascades include the baselines BaseCLEF and BaseCLEF*, representing the received view of Latin to French development, and DiaCLEF, build by incremental corrections to BaseCLEF aided by DiaSim’s diagnostics. DiaCLEF vastly outperforms the baselines, improving final accuracy on FLLex from 3.2%to 84.9%, and similar improvements across FLLAPS’ stages.

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Using LatInfLexi for an Entropy-Based Assessment of Predictability in Latin Inflection
Matteo Pellegrini

This paper presents LatInfLexi, a large inflected lexicon of Latin providing information on all the inflected wordforms of 3,348 verbs and 1,038 nouns. After a description of the structure of the resource and some data on its size, the procedure followed to obtain the lexicon from the database of the Lemlat 3.0 morphological analyzer is detailed, as well as the choices made regarding overabundant and defective cells. The way in which the data of LatInfLexi can be exploited in order to perform a quantitative assessment of predictability in Latin verb inflection is then illustrated: results obtained by computing the conditional entropy of guessing the content of a paradigm cell assuming knowledge of one wordform or multiple wordforms are presented in turn, highlighting the descriptive and theoretical relevance of the analysis. Lastly, the paper envisages the advantages of an inclusion of LatInfLexi into the LiLa knowledge base, both for the presented resource and for the knowledge base itself.

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A Tool for Facilitating OCR Postediting in Historical Documents
Alberto Poncelas | Mohammad Aboomar | Jan Buts | James Hadley | Andy Way

Optical character recognition (OCR) for historical documents is a complex procedure subject to a unique set of material issues, including inconsistencies in typefaces and low quality scanning. Consequently, even the most sophisticated OCR engines produce errors. This paper reports on a tool built for postediting the output of Tesseract, more specifically for correcting common errors in digitized historical documents. The proposed tool suggests alternatives for word forms not found in a specified vocabulary. The assumed error is replaced by a presumably correct alternative in the post-edition based on the scores of a Language Model (LM). The tool is tested on a chapter of the book An Essay Towards Regulating the Trade and Employing the Poor of this Kingdom (Cary, 1719). As demonstrated below, the tool is successful in correcting a number of common errors. If sometimes unreliable, it is also transparent and subject to human intervention.

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Integration of Automatic Sentence Segmentation and Lexical Analysis of Ancient Chinese based on BiLSTM-CRF Model
Ning Cheng | Bin Li | Liming Xiao | Changwei Xu | Sijia Ge | Xingyue Hao | Minxuan Feng

The basic tasks of ancient Chinese information processing include automatic sentence segmentation, word segmentation, part-of-speech tagging and named entity recognition. Tasks such as lexical analysis need to be based on sentence segmentation because of the reason that a plenty of ancient books are not punctuated. However, step-by-step processing is prone to cause multi-level diffusion of errors. This paper designs and implements an integrated annotation system of sentence segmentation and lexical analysis. The BiLSTM-CRF neural network model is used to verify the generalization ability and the effect of sentence segmentation and lexical analysis on different label levels on four cross-age test sets. Research shows that the integration method adopted in ancient Chinese improves the F1-score of sentence segmentation, word segmentation and part of speech tagging. Based on the experimental results of each test set, the F1-score of sentence segmentation reached 78.95, with an average increase of 3.5%; the F1-score of word segmentation reached 85.73%, with an average increase of 0.18%; and the F1-score of part-of-speech tagging reached 72.65, with an average increase of 0.35%.

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Automatic semantic role labeling in Ancient Greek using distributional semantic modeling
Alek Keersmaekers

This paper describes a first attempt to automatic semantic role labeling in Ancient Greek, using a supervised machine learning approach. A Random Forest classifier is trained on a small semantically annotated corpus of Ancient Greek, annotated with a large amount of linguistic features, including form of the construction, morphology, part-of-speech, lemmas, animacy, syntax and distributional vectors of Greek words. These vectors turned out to be more important in the model than any other features, likely because they are well suited to handle a low amount of training examples. Overall labeling accuracy was 0.757, with large differences with respect to the specific role that was labeled and with respect to text genre. Some ways to further improve these results include expanding the amount of training examples, improving the quality of the distributional vectors and increasing the consistency of the syntactic annotation.

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A Thesaurus for Biblical Hebrew
Miriam Azar | Aliza Pahmer | Joshua Waxman

We built a thesaurus for Biblical Hebrew, with connections between roots based on phonetic, semantic, and distributional similarity. To this end, we apply established algorithms to find connections between headwords based on existing lexicons and other digital resources. For semantic similarity, we utilize the cosine-similarity of tf-idf vectors of English gloss text of Hebrew headwords from Ernest Klein’s A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language for Readers of English as well as to Brown-Driver-Brigg’s Hebrew Lexicon. For phonetic similarity, we digitize part of Matityahu Clark’s Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew, grouping Hebrew roots into phonemic classes, and establish phonetic relationships between headwords in Klein’s Dictionary. For distributional similarity, we consider the cosine similarity of PPMI vectors of Hebrew roots and also, in a somewhat novel approach, apply Word2Vec to a Biblical corpus reduced to its lexemes. The resulting resource is helpful to those trying to understand Biblical Hebrew, and also stands as a good basis for programs trying to process the Biblical text.

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Word Probability Findings in the Voynich Manuscript
Colin Layfield | Lonneke van der Plas | Michael Rosner | John Abela

The Voynich Manuscript has baffled scholars for centuries. Some believe the elaborate 15th century codex to be a hoax whilst others believe it is a real medieval manuscript whose contents are as yet unknown. In this paper, we provide additional evidence that the text of the manuscript displays the hallmarks of a proper natural language with respect to the relationship between word probabilities and (i) average information per subword segment and (ii) the relative positioning of consecutive subword segments necessary to uniquely identify words of different probabilities.

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Comparing Statistical and Neural Models for Learning Sound Correspondences
Clémentine Fourrier | Benoît Sagot

Cognate prediction and proto-form reconstruction are key tasks in computational historical linguistics that rely on the study of sound change regularity. Solving these tasks appears to be very similar to machine translation, though methods from that field have barely been applied to historical linguistics. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate the learnability of sound correspondences between a proto-language and daughter languages for two machine-translation-inspired models, one statistical, the other neural. We first carry out our experiments on plausible artificial languages, without noise, in order to study the role of each parameter on the algorithms respective performance under almost perfect conditions. We then study real languages, namely Latin, Italian and Spanish, to see if those performances generalise well. We show that both model types manage to learn sound changes despite data scarcity, although the best performing model type depends on several parameters such as the size of the training data, the ambiguity, and the prediction direction.

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Distributional Semantics for Neo-Latin
Jelke Bloem | Maria Chiara Parisi | Martin Reynaert | Yvette Oortwijn | Arianna Betti

We address the problem of creating and evaluating quality Neo-Latin word embeddings for the purpose of philosophical research, adapting the Nonce2Vec tool to learn embeddings from Neo-Latin sentences. This distributional semantic modeling tool can learn from tiny data incrementally, using a larger background corpus for initialization. We conduct two evaluation tasks: definitional learning of Latin Wikipedia terms, and learning consistent embeddings from 18th century Neo-Latin sentences pertaining to the concept of mathematical method. Our results show that consistent Neo-Latin word embeddings can be learned from this type of data. While our evaluation results are promising, they do not reveal to what extent the learned models match domain expert knowledge of our Neo-Latin texts. Therefore, we propose an additional evaluation method, grounded in expert-annotated data, that would assess whether learned representations are conceptually sound in relation to the domain of study.

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Latin-Spanish Neural Machine Translation: from the Bible to Saint Augustine
Eva Martínez Garcia | Álvaro García Tejedor

Although there are several sources where to find historical texts, they usually are available in the original language that makes them generally inaccessible. This paper presents the development of state-of-the-art Neural Machine Systems for the low-resourced Latin-Spanish language pair. First, we build a Transformer-based Machine Translation system on the Bible parallel corpus. Then, we build a comparable corpus from Saint Augustine texts and their translations. We use this corpus to study the domain adaptation case from the Bible texts to Saint Augustine’s works. Results show the difficulties of handling a low-resourced language as Latin. First, we noticed the importance of having enough data, since the systems do not achieve high BLEU scores. Regarding domain adaptation, results show how using in-domain data helps systems to achieve a better quality translation. Also, we observed that it is needed a higher amount of data to perform an effective vocabulary extension that includes in-domain vocabulary.

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Detecting Direct Speech in Multilingual Collection of 19th-century Novels
Joanna Byszuk | Michał Woźniak | Mike Kestemont | Albert Leśniak | Wojciech Łukasik | Artjoms Šeļa | Maciej Eder

Fictional prose can be broadly divided into narrative and discursive forms with direct speech being central to any discourse representation (alongside indirect reported speech and free indirect discourse). This distinction is crucial in digital literary studies and enables interesting forms of narratological or stylistic analysis. The difficulty of automatically detecting direct speech, however, is currently under-estimated. Rule-based systems that work reasonably well for modern languages struggle with (the lack of) typographical conventions in 19th-century literature. While machine learning approaches to sequence modeling can be applied to solve the task, they typically face a severed skewness in the availability of training material, especially for lesser resourced languages. In this paper, we report the result of a multilingual approach to direct speech detection in a diverse corpus of 19th-century fiction in 9 European languages. The proposed method finetunes a transformer architecture with multilingual sentence embedder on a minimal amount of annotated training in each language, and improves performance across languages with ambiguous direct speech marking, in comparison to a carefully constructed regular expression baseline.

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Overview of the EvaLatin 2020 Evaluation Campaign
Rachele Sprugnoli | Marco Passarotti | Flavio Massimiliano Cecchini | Matteo Pellegrini

This paper describes the first edition of EvaLatin, a campaign totally devoted to the evaluation of NLP tools for Latin. The two shared tasks proposed in EvaLatin 2020, i. e. Lemmatization and Part-of-Speech tagging, are aimed at fostering research in the field of language technologies for Classical languages. The shared dataset consists of texts taken from the Perseus Digital Library, processed with UDPipe models and then manually corrected by Latin experts. The training set includes only prose texts by Classical authors. The test set, alongside with prose texts by the same authors represented in the training set, also includes data relative to poetry and to the Medieval period. This also allows us to propose the Cross-genre and Cross-time subtasks for each task, in order to evaluate the portability of NLP tools for Latin across different genres and time periods. The results obtained by the participants for each task and subtask are presented and discussed.

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Data-driven Choices in Neural Part-of-Speech Tagging for Latin
Geoff Bacon

Textual data in ancient and historical languages such as Latin is increasingly available in machine readable forms, yet computational tools to analyze and process this data are still lacking. We describe our system for part-of-speech tagging in Latin, an entry in the EvaLatin 2020 shared task. Based on a detailed analysis of the training data, we make targeted preprocessing decisions and design our model. We leverage existing large unlabelled resources to pre-train representations at both the grapheme and word level, which serve as the inputs to our LSTM-based models. We perform an extensive cross-validated hyperparameter search, achieving an accuracy score of up to 93 on in-domain texts. We publicly release all our code and trained models in the hope that our system will be of use to social scientists and digital humanists alike. The insights we draw from our inital analysis can also inform future NLP work modeling syntactic information in Latin.

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JHUBC’s Submission to LT4HALA EvaLatin 2020
Winston Wu | Garrett Nicolai

We describe the JHUBC submission to the EvaLatin Shared task on lemmatization and part-of-speech tagging for Latin. We modify a hard-attentional character-based encoder-decoder to produce lemmas and POS tags with separate decoders, and to incorporate contextual tagging cues. While our results show that the dual decoder approach fails to encode data as successfully as the single encoder, our simple context incorporation method does lead to modest improvements.

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A Gradient Boosting-Seq2Seq System for Latin POS Tagging and Lemmatization
Giuseppe G. A. Celano

The paper presents the system used in the EvaLatin shared task to POS tag and lemmatize Latin. It consists of two components. A gradient boosting machine (LightGBM) is used for POS tagging, mainly fed with pre-computed word embeddings of a window of seven contiguous tokens—the token at hand plus the three preceding and following ones—per target feature value. Word embeddings are trained on the texts of the Perseus Digital Library, Patrologia Latina, and Biblioteca Digitale di Testi Tardo Antichi, which together comprise a high number of texts of different genres from the Classical Age to Late Antiquity. Word forms plus the outputted POS labels are used to feed a seq2seq algorithm implemented in Keras to predict lemmas. The final shared-task accuracies measured for Classical Latin texts are in line with state-of-the-art POS taggers (∼0.96) and lemmatizers (∼0.95).

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UDPipe at EvaLatin 2020: Contextualized Embeddings and Treebank Embeddings
Milan Straka | Jana Straková

We present our contribution to the EvaLatin shared task, which is the first evaluation campaign devoted to the evaluation of NLP tools for Latin. We submitted a system based on UDPipe 2.0, one of the winners of the CoNLL 2018 Shared Task, The 2018 Shared Task on Extrinsic Parser Evaluation and SIGMORPHON 2019 Shared Task. Our system places first by a wide margin both in lemmatization and POS tagging in the open modality, where additional supervised data is allowed, in which case we utilize all Universal Dependency Latin treebanks. In the closed modality, where only the EvaLatin training data is allowed, our system achieves the best performance in lemmatization and in classical subtask of POS tagging, while reaching second place in cross-genre and cross-time settings. In the ablation experiments, we also evaluate the influence of BERT and XLM-RoBERTa contextualized embeddings, and the treebank encodings of the different flavors of Latin treebanks.

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Voting for POS tagging of Latin texts: Using the flair of FLAIR to better Ensemble Classifiers by Example of Latin
Manuel Stoeckel | Alexander Henlein | Wahed Hemati | Alexander Mehler

Despite the great importance of the Latin language in the past, there are relatively few resources available today to develop modern NLP tools for this language. Therefore, the EvaLatin Shared Task for Lemmatization and Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging was published in the LT4HALA workshop. In our work, we dealt with the second EvaLatin task, that is, POS tagging. Since most of the available Latin word embeddings were trained on either few or inaccurate data, we trained several embeddings on better data in the first step. Based on these embeddings, we trained several state-of-the-art taggers and used them as input for an ensemble classifier called LSTMVoter. We were able to achieve the best results for both the cross-genre and the cross-time task (90.64% and 87.00%) without using additional annotated data (closed modality). In the meantime, we further improved the system and achieved even better results (96.91% on classical, 90.87% on cross-genre and 87.35% on cross-time).


bib (full) Proceedings of the LREC 2020 Workshop on Multimodal Wordnets (MMW2020)

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Proceedings of the LREC 2020 Workshop on Multimodal Wordnets (MMW2020)
Thierry Declerk | Itziar Gonzalez-Dios | German Rigau

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Towards modelling SUMO attributes through WordNet adjectives: a Case Study on Qualities
Itziar Gonzalez-Dios | Javier Alvez | German Rigau

Previous studies have shown that the knowledge about attributes and properties in the SUMO ontology and its mapping to WordNet adjectives lacks of an accurate and complete characterization. A proper characterization of this type of knowledge is required to perform formal commonsense reasoning based on the SUMO properties, for instance to distinguish one concept from another based on their properties. In this context, we propose a new semi-automatic approach to model the knowledge about properties and attributes in SUMO by exploiting the information encoded in WordNet adjectives and its mapping to SUMO. To that end, we considered clusters of semantically related groups of WordNet adjectival and nominal synsets. Based on these clusters, we propose a new semi-automatic model for SUMO attributes and their mapping to WordNet, which also includes polarity information. In this paper, as an exploratory approach, we focus on qualities.

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Incorporating Localised Context in Wordnet for Indic Languages
Soumya Mohapatra | Shikhar Agnihotri | Apar Garg | Praveen Shah | Shampa Chakraverty

Due to rapid urbanization and a homogenized medium of instruction imposed in educational institutions, we have lost much of the golden literary offerings of the diverse languages and dialects that India once possessed. There is an urgent need to mitigate the paucity of online linguistic resources for several Hindi dialects. Given the corpus of a dialect, our system integrates the vocabulary of the dialect to the synsets of IndoWordnet along with their corresponding meta-data. Furthermore, we propose a systematic method for generating exemplary sentences for each newly integrated dialect word. The vocabulary thus integrated follows the schema of the wordnet and generates exemplary sentences to illustrate the meaning and usage of the word. We illustrate our methodology with the integration of words in the Awadhi dialect to the Hindi IndoWordnet to achieve an enrichment of 11.68 % to the existing Hindi synsets. The BLEU metric for evaluating the quality of sentences yielded a 75th percentile score of 0.6351.

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English WordNet 2020: Improving and Extending a WordNet for English using an Open-Source Methodology
John Philip McCrae | Alexandre Rademaker | Ewa Rudnicka | Francis Bond

WordNet, while one of the most widely used resources for NLP, has not been updated for a long time, and as such a new project English WordNet has arisen to continue the development of the model under an open-source paradigm. In this paper, we detail the second release of this resource entitled “English WordNet 2020”. The work has focused firstly, on the introduction of new synsets and senses and developing guidelines for this and secondly, on the integration of contributions from other projects. We present the changes in this edition, which total over 15,000 changes over the previous release.

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Exploring the Enrichment of Basque WordNet with a Sentiment Lexicon
Itziar Gonzalez-Dios | Jon Alkorta

Wordnets are lexical databases where the semantic relations of words and concepts are established. These resources are useful for manyNLP tasks, such as automatic text classification, word-sense disambiguation or machine translation. In comparison with other wordnets,the Basque version is smaller and some PoS are underrepresented or missing e.g. adjectives and adverbs. In this work, we explore anovel approach to enrich the Basque WordNet, focusing on the adjectives. We want to prove the use and and effectiveness of sentimentlexicons to enrich the resource without the need of starting from scratch. Using as complementary resources, one dictionary and thesentiment valences of the words, we check if the word of the lexicon matches with the meaning of the synset, and if it matches we addthe word as variant to the Basque WordNet. Following this methodology, we describe the most frequent adjectives with positive andnegative valence, the matches and the possible solutions for the non-matches.

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Wordnet As a Backbone of Domain and Application Conceptualizations in Systems with Multimodal Data
Jacek Marciniak

Information systems gathering big amounts of resources growing with time containing distinct modalities (text, audio, video, images, GIS) and aggregating content in various ways (modular e-learning modules, Web systems presenting cultural artefacts) require tools supporting content description. The subject of the description may be the topic and the characteristics of the content expressed by sets of attributes. To describe such resources one can just use some of existing indexing languages like thesauri, classification systems, domain and upper ontologies, terminologies or dictionaries. When appropriate language does not exist, it is necessary to build a new system, which will have to serve both experts who describe resources and non-experts who search through them. The solution presented in this paper used to resource description, allows experts to freely select words and expressions, which are organized in hierarchies of various nature, including that of domain and application character. This is based on the wordnet structure, which introduces a clear order for each of these groups due to its lexical nature. The paper presents two systems where such approach was applied: the E-archaeology.org e-learning content repository in which domain knowledge was integrated to describe content topics and the Hatch system gathering multimodal information about the archaeological site targeted at a wide audience, where application conceptualization was applied to describe the content by a set of attributes.

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Inclusion of Lithological terms (rocks and minerals) in The Open Wordnet for English
Alexandre Tessarollo | Alexandre Rademaker

We extend the Open WordNet for English (OWN-EN) with rock-related and other lithological terms using the authoritative source of GBA’s Thesaurus. Our aim is to improve WordNet to better function within Oil & Gas domain, particularly geoscience texts. We use a three step approach: a proof of concept-level extension of WordNet, a major extension on which we evaluate the impact with positive results and a full extension encompassing all GBA’s lithological terms. We also build a mapping to GBA which also links to several other resources: WikiData, British Geological Survey, Inspire, GeoSciML and DBpedia.

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Adding Pronunciation Information to Wordnets
Thierry Declerck | Lenka Bajcetic | Melanie Siegel

We describe on-going work consisting in adding pronunciation information to wordnets, as such information can indicate specific senses of a word. Many wordnets associate with their senses only a lemma form and a part-of-speech tag. At the same time, we are aware that additional linguistic information can be useful for identifying a specific sense of a wordnet lemma when encountered in a corpus. While work already deals with the addition of grammatical number or grammatical gender information to wordnet lemmas,we are investigating the linking of wordnet lemmas to pronunciation information, adding thus a speech-related modality to wordnets


bib (full) Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realisation

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Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realisation
Anya Belz | Bernd Bohnet | Thiago Castro Ferreira | Yvette Graham | Simon Mille | Leo Wanner

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The Third Multilingual Surface Realisation Shared Task (SR’20): Overview and Evaluation Results
Simon Mille | Anya Belz | Bernd Bohnet | Thiago Castro Ferreira | Yvette Graham | Leo Wanner

This paper presents results from the Third Shared Task on Multilingual Surface Realisation (SR’20) which was organised as part of the COLING’20 Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realisation. As in SR’18 and SR’19, the shared task comprised two tracks: (1) a Shallow Track where the inputs were full UD structures with word order information removed and tokens lemmatised; and (2) a Deep Track where additionally, functional words and morphological information were removed. Moreover, each track had two subtracks: (a) restricted-resource, where only the data provided or approved as part of a track could be used for training models, and (b) open-resource, where any data could be used. The Shallow Track was offered in 11 languages, whereas the Deep Track in 3 ones. Systems were evaluated using both automatic metrics and direct assessment by human evaluators in terms of Readability and Meaning Similarity to reference outputs. We present the evaluation results, along with descriptions of the SR’19 tracks, data and evaluation methods, as well as brief summaries of the participating systems. For full descriptions of the participating systems, please see the separate system reports elsewhere in this volume.

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BME-TUW at SR’20: Lexical grammar induction for surface realization
Gábor Recski | Ádám Kovács | Kinga Gémes | Judit Ács | Andras Kornai

We present a system for mapping Universal Dependency structures to raw text which learns to restore word order by training an Interpreted Regular Tree Grammar (IRTG) that establishes a mapping between string and graph operations. The reinflection step is handled by a standard sequence-to-sequence architecture with a biLSTM encoder and an LSTM decoder with attention. We modify our 2019 system (Kovács et al., 2019) with a new grammar induction mechanism that allows IRTG rules to operate on lemmata in addition to part-of-speech tags and ensures that each word and its dependents are reordered using the most specific set of learned patterns. We also introduce a hierarchical approach to word order restoration that independently determines the word order of each clause in a sentence before arranging them with respect to the main clause, thereby improving overall readability and also making the IRTG parsing task tractable. We participated in the 2020 Surface Realization Shared task, subtrack T1a (shallow, closed). Human evaluation shows we achieve significant improvements on two of the three out-of-domain datasets compared to the 2019 system we modified. Both components of our system are available on GitHub under an MIT license.

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ADAPT at SR’20: How Preprocessing and Data Augmentation Help to Improve Surface Realization
Henry Elder

In this paper, we describe the ADAPT submission to the Surface Realization Shared Task 2020. We present a neural-based system trained on the English Web Treebank and an augmented dataset, automatically created from existing text corpora.

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IMSurReal Too: IMS in the Surface Realization Shared Task 2020
Xiang Yu | Simon Tannert | Ngoc Thang Vu | Jonas Kuhn

We introduce the IMS contribution to the Surface Realization Shared Task 2020. The new system achieves substantial improvement over the state-of-the-art system from last year, mainly due to a better token representation and a better linearizer, as well as a simple ensembling approach. We also experiment with data augmentation, which brings some additional performance gain. The system is available at https://github.com/EggplantElf/IMSurReal.

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Lexical Induction of Morphological and Orthographic Forms for Low-Resourced Languages
Taha Tobaili

In this work we address the issue of high-degree lexical sparsity for non-standard languages under severe circumstance of small resources that are considered insufficient to train recent powerful language models. We proposed a new rule-based approach and utilised word embeddings to connect words with their inflectional and orthographic forms from a given corpus. Our case example is the low-resourced Lebanese dialect Arabizi. Arabizi is the name given to a new social transcription of the spoken Arabic in Latin script. The term comes from the portmanteau of Araby (Arabic) and Englizi (English). It is an informal written language where Arabs transcribe their dialectal mother tongue in text using Latin alphanumeral instead of Arabic script. For example حبيبي Ḥabībī my-love could be transcribed as 7abibi in Arabizi. We induced 175K forms from a list of 1.7K sentiment words. We evaluated this induction extrinsically on a sentiment-annotated dataset pushing its coverage by 13% over the previous version. We named the new lexicon SenZi-Large and released it publicly.

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NILC at SR’20: Exploring Pre-Trained Models in Surface Realisation
Marco Antonio Sobrevilla Cabezudo | Thiago Pardo

This paper describes the submission by the NILC Computational Linguistics research group of the University of S ̃ao Paulo/Brazil to the English Track 2 (closed sub-track) at the Surface Realisation Shared Task 2020. The success of the current pre-trained models like BERT or GPT-2 in several tasks is well-known, however, this is not the case for data-to-text generation tasks and just recently some initiatives focused on it. This way, we explore how a pre-trained model (GPT-2) performs on the UD-to-text generation task. In general, the achieved results were poor, but there are some interesting ideas to explore. Among the learned lessons we may note that it is necessary to study strategies to represent UD inputs and to introduce structural knowledge into these pre-trained models.

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Surface Realization Using Pretrained Language Models
Farhood Farahnak | Laya Rafiee | Leila Kosseim | Thomas Fevens

In the context of Natural Language Generation, surface realization is the task of generating the linear form of a text following a given grammar. Surface realization models usually consist of a cascade of complex sub-modules, either rule-based or neural network-based, each responsible for a specific sub-task. In this work, we show that a single encoder-decoder language model can be used in an end-to-end fashion for all sub-tasks of surface realization. The model is designed based on the BART language model that receives a linear representation of unordered and non-inflected tokens in a sentence along with their corresponding Universal Dependency information and produces the linear sequence of inflected tokens along with the missing words. The model was evaluated on the shallow and deep tracks of the 2020 Surface Realization Shared Task (SR’20) using both human and automatic evaluation. The results indicate that despite its simplicity, our model achieves competitive results among all participants in the shared task.


bib (full) Proceedings of the LREC 2020 Workshop on Multilingual Biomedical Text Processing (MultilingualBIO 2020)

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Proceedings of the LREC 2020 Workshop on Multilingual Biomedical Text Processing (MultilingualBIO 2020)
Maite Melero

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Detecting Adverse Drug Events from Swedish Electronic Health Records using Text Mining
Maria Bampa | Hercules Dalianis

Electronic Health Records are a valuable source of patient information which can be leveraged to detect Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) and aid post-mark drug-surveillance. The overall aim of this study is to scrutinize text written by clinicians in the EHRs and build a model for ADE detection that produces medically relevant predictions. Natural Language Processing techniques will be exploited to create important predictors and incorporate them into the learning process. The study focuses on the 5 most frequent ADE cases found ina Swedish electronic patient record corpus. The results indicate that considering textual features, rather than the structured, can improve the classification performance by 15% in some ADE cases. Additionally, variable patient history lengths are incorporated in the models, demonstrating the importance of the above decision rather than using an arbitrary number for a history length. The experimental findings suggest that the clinical text in EHRs includes information that can capture data beyond the ones that are found in a structured format.

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Building a Norwegian Lexical Resource for Medical Entity Recognition
Ildiko Pilan | Pål H. Brekke | Lilja Øvrelid

We present a large Norwegian lexical resource of categorized medical terms. The resource, which merges information from large medical databases, contains over 56,000 entries, including automatically mapped terms from a Norwegian medical dictionary. We describe the methodology behind this automatic dictionary entry mapping based on keywords and suffixes and further present the results of a manual evaluation performed on a subset by a domain expert. The evaluation indicated that ca. 80% of the mappings were correct.

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Localising the Clinical Terminology SNOMED CT by Semi-automated Creation of a German Interface Vocabulary
Stefan Schulz | Larissa Hammer | David Hashemian-Nik | Markus Kreuzthaler

Medical language exhibits great variations regarding users, institutions and language registers. With large parts of clinical documents in free text, NLP is playing a more and more important role in unlocking re-usable and interoperable meaning from medical records. This study describes the architectural principles and the evolution of a German interface vocabulary, combining machine translation with human annotation and rule-based term generation, yielding a resource with 7.7 million raw entries, each of which linked to the reference terminology SNOMED CT, an international standard with about 350 thousand concepts. The purpose is to offer a high coverage of medical jargon in order to optimise terminology grounding of clinical texts by text mining systems. The core resource is a manually curated table of English-to-German word and chunk translations, supported by a set of language generation rules. The work describes a workflow consisting the enrichment and modification of this table with human and machine efforts, manually enriched by grammarspecific tags. Top-down and bottom-up methods for terminology population used in parallel. The final interface terms are produced by a term generator, which creates one-to-many German variants per SNOMED CT English description. Filtering against a large collection of domain terminologies and corpora drastically reduces the size of the vocabulary in favour of more realistic terms or terms that can reasonably be expected to match clinical text passages within a text-mining pipeline. An evaluation was performed by a comparison between the current version of the German interface vocabulary and the English description table of the SNOMED CT International release. An exact term matching was performed with a small parallel corpus constituted by text snippets from different clinical documents. With overall low retrieval parameters (with F-values around 30%), the performance of the German language scenario reaches 80 – 90% of the English one. Interestingly, annotations are slightly better with machine-translated (German – English) texts, using the International SNOMED CT resource only.

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Multilingual enrichment of disease biomedical ontologies
Léo Bouscarrat | Antoine Bonnefoy | Cécile Capponi | Carlos Ramisch

Translating biomedical ontologies is an important challenge, but doing it manually requires much time and money. We study the possibility to use open-source knowledge bases to translate biomedical ontologies. We focus on two aspects: coverage and quality. We look at the coverage of two biomedical ontologies focusing on diseases with respect to Wikidata for 9 European languages (Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish) for both, plus Arabic, Chinese and Russian for the second. We first use direct links between Wikidata and the studied ontologies and then use second-order links by going through other intermediate ontologies. We then compare the quality of the translations obtained thanks to Wikidata with a commercial machine translation tool, here Google Cloud Translation.

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Transfer learning applied to text classification in Spanish radiological reports
Pilar López Úbeda | Manuel Carlos Díaz-Galiano | L. Alfonso Urena Lopez | Maite Martin | Teodoro Martín-Noguerol | Antonio Luna

Pre-trained text encoders have rapidly advanced the state-of-the-art on many Natural Language Processing tasks. This paper presents the use of transfer learning methods applied to the automatic detection of codes in radiological reports in Spanish. Assigning codes to a clinical document is a popular task in NLP and in the biomedical domain. These codes can be of two types: standard classifications (e.g. ICD-10) or specific to each clinic or hospital. In this study we show a system using specific radiology clinic codes. The dataset is composed of 208,167 radiology reports labeled with 89 different codes. The corpus has been evaluated with three methods using the BERT model applied to Spanish: Multilingual BERT, BETO and XLM. The results are interesting obtaining 70% of F1-score with a pre-trained multilingual model.

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Automated Processing of Multilingual Online News for the Monitoring of Animal Infectious Diseases
Sarah Valentin | Renaud Lancelot | Mathieu Roche

The Platform for Automated extraction of animal Disease Information from the web (PADI-web) is an automated system which monitors the web for monitoring and detecting emerging animal infectious diseases. The tool automatically collects news via customised multilingual queries, classifies them and extracts epidemiological information. We detail the processing of multilingual online sources by PADI-web and analyse the translated outputs in a case study


bib (full) Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Electronic Lexicons

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Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Electronic Lexicons
Stella Markantonatou | John McCrae | Jelena Mitrović | Carole Tiberius | Carlos Ramisch | Ashwini Vaidya | Petya Osenova | Agata Savary

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CollFrEn: Rich Bilingual English–French Collocation Resource
Beatriz Fisas | Luis Espinosa Anke | Joan Codina-Filbá | Leo Wanner

Collocations in the sense of idiosyncratic lexical co-occurrences of two syntactically bound words traditionally pose a challenge to language learners and many Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications alike. Reliable ground truth (i.e., ideally manually compiled) resources are thus of high value. We present a manually compiled bilingual English–French collocation resource with 7,480 collocations in English and 6,733 in French. Each collocation is enriched with information that facilitates its downstream exploitation in NLP tasks such as machine translation, word sense disambiguation, natural language generation, relation classification, and so forth. Our proposed enrichment covers: the semantic category of the collocation (its lexical function), its vector space representation (for each individual word as well as their joint collocation embedding), a subcategorization pattern of both its elements, as well as their corresponding BabelNet id, and finally, indices of their occurrences in large scale reference corpora.

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Filling the ___-s in Finnish MWE lexicons
Frankie Robertson

This paper describes the automatic construction of FinnMWE: a lexicon of Finnish Multi-Word Expressions (MWEs). In focus here are syntactic frames: verbal constructions with arguments in a particular morphological form. The verbal frames are automatically extracted from FinnWordNet and English Wiktionary. The resulting lexicon interoperates with dependency tree searching software so that instances can be quickly found within dependency treebanks. The extraction and enrichment process is explained in detail. The resulting resource is evaluated in terms of its coverage of different types of MWEs. It is also compared with and evaluated against Finnish PropBank.

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Hierarchy-aware Learning of Sequential Tool Usage via Semi-automatically Constructed Taxonomies
Nima Nabizadeh | Martin Heckmann | Dorothea Kolossa

When repairing a device, humans employ a series of tools that corresponds to the arrangement of the device components. Such sequences of tool usage can be learned from repair manuals, so that at each step, having observed the previously applied tools, a sequential model can predict the next required tool. In this paper, we improve the tool prediction performance of such methods by additionally taking the hierarchical relationships among the tools into account. To this aim, we build a taxonomy of tools with hyponymy and hypernymy relations from the data by decomposing all multi-word expressions of tool names. We then develop a sequential model that performs a binary prediction for each node in the taxonomy. The evaluation of the method on a dataset of repair manuals shows that encoding the tools with the constructed taxonomy and using a top-down beam search for decoding increases the prediction accuracy and yields an interpretable taxonomy as a potentially valuable byproduct.

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Scalar vs. mereological conceptualizations of the N-BY-N and NUM-BY-NUM adverbials
Lucia Vlášková | Mojmír Dočekal

The multiword adverbials N-BY-N and NUM-BY-NUM (as English “brick by brick” and “one by one”, respectively) are event modifiers which require temporal sequencing of the event they modify into a linearly ordered series of sub-events. Previous studies unified these two constructions under a single semantic analysis and adopted either a mereological or a scalar approach. However, based on a corpus study examining new Slavic language material and a binomial logistic regression modelling of the manually annotated data, we argue that two separate analyses are needed to account for these constructions, namely a scalar analysis for the N-BY-N construction and a mereological one for the NUM-BY-NUM construction.

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Polish corpus of verbal multiword expressions
Agata Savary | Jakub Waszczuk

This paper describes a manually annotated corpus of verbal multi-word expressions in Polish. It is among the 4 biggest datasets in release 1.2 of the PARSEME multiligual corpus. We describe the data sources, as well as the annotation process and its outcomes. We also present interesting phenomena encountered during the annotation task and put forward enhancements for the PARSEME annotation guidelines.

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AlphaMWE: Construction of Multilingual Parallel Corpora with MWE Annotations
Lifeng Han | Gareth Jones | Alan Smeaton

In this work, we present the construction of multilingual parallel corpora with annotation of multiword expressions (MWEs). MWEs include verbal MWEs (vMWEs) defined in the PARSEME shared task that have a verb as the head of the studied terms. The annotated vMWEs are also bilingually and multilingually aligned manually. The languages covered include English, Chinese, Polish, and German. Our original English corpus is taken from the PARSEME shared task in 2018. We performed machine translation of this source corpus followed by human post editing and annotation of target MWEs. Strict quality control was applied for error limitation, i.e., each MT output sentence received first manual post editing and annotation plus second manual quality rechecking. One of our findings during corpora preparation is that accurate translation of MWEs presents challenges to MT systems. To facilitate further MT research, we present a categorisation of the error types encountered by MT systems in performing MWE related translation. To acquire a broader view of MT issues, we selected four popular state-of-the-art MT models for comparisons namely: Microsoft Bing Translator, GoogleMT, Baidu Fanyi and DeepL MT. Because of the noise removal, translation post editing and MWE annotation by human professionals, we believe our AlphaMWE dataset will be an asset for cross-lingual and multilingual research, such as MT and information extraction. Our multilingual corpora are available as open access at github.com/poethan/AlphaMWE.

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Annotating Verbal MWEs in Irish for the PARSEME Shared Task 1.2
Abigail Walsh | Teresa Lynn | Jennifer Foster

This paper describes the creation of two Irish corpora (labelled and unlabelled) for verbal MWEs for inclusion in the PARSEME Shared Task 1.2 on automatic identification of verbal MWEs, and the process of developing verbal MWE categories for Irish. A qualitative analysis on the two corpora is presented, along with discussion of Irish verbal MWEs.

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VMWE discovery: a comparative analysis between Literature and Twitter Corpora
Vivian Stamou | Artemis Xylogianni | Marilena Malli | Penny Takorou | Stella Markantonatou

We evaluate manually five lexical association measurements as regards the discovery of Modern Greek verb multiword expressions with two or more lexicalised components usingmwetoolkit3 (Ramisch et al., 2010). We use Twitter corpora and compare our findings with previous work on fiction corpora. The results of LL, MLE and T-score were found to overlap significantly in both the fiction and the Twitter corpora, while the results of PMI and Dice do not. We find that MWEs with two lexicalised components are more frequent in Twitter than in fiction corpora and that lean syntactic patterns help retrieve them more efficiently than richer ones. Our work (i) supports the enrichment of the lexicographical database for Modern Greek MWEs’ IDION’ (Markantonatou et al., 2019) and (ii) highlights aspects of the usage of five association measurements on specific text genres for best MWE discovery results.

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Invited Talk: Generationary or: “How We Went beyond Sense Inventories and Learned to Gloss”
Roberto Navigli

In this talk I present Generationary, an approach that goes beyond the mainstream assumption that word senses can be represented as discrete items of a predefined inventory, and put forward a unified model which produces contextualized definitions for arbitrary lexical items, from words to phrases and even sentences. Generationary employs a novel span-based encoding scheme to fine-tune an English pre-trained Encoder-Decoder system and generate new definitions. Our model outperforms previous approaches in the generative task of Definition Modeling in many settings, but it also matches or surpasses the state of the art in discriminative tasks such as Word Sense Disambiguation and Word-in-Context. I also show that Generationary benefits from training on definitions from multiple inventories, with strong gains across benchmarks, including a novel dataset of definitions for free adjective-noun phrases, and discuss interesting examples of generated definitions. Joint work with Michele Bevilacqua and Marco Maru.

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Multi-word Expressions for Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian
Ranka Stanković | Jelena Mitrović | Danka Jokić | Cvetana Krstev

This paper presents our work on the refinement and improvement of the Serbian language part of Hurtlex, a multilingual lexicon of words to hurt. We pay special attention to adding Multi-word expressions that can be seen as abusive, as such lexical entries are very important in obtaining good results in a plethora of abusive language detection tasks. We use Serbian morphological dictionaries as a basis for data cleaning and MWE dictionary creation. A connection to other lexical and semantic resources in Serbian is outlined and building of abusive language detection systems based on that connection is foreseen.

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Disambiguation of Potentially Idiomatic Expressions with Contextual Embeddings
Murathan Kurfalı | Robert Östling

The majority of multiword expressions can be interpreted as figuratively or literally in different contexts which pose challenges in a number of downstream tasks. Most previous work deals with this ambiguity following the observation that MWEs with different usages occur in distinctly different contexts. Following this insight, we explore the usefulness of contextual embeddings by means of both supervised and unsupervised classification. The results show that in the supervised setting, the state-of-the-art can be substantially improved for all expressions in the experiments. The unsupervised classification, similarly, yields very impressive results, comparing favorably to the supervised classifier for the majority of the expressions. We also show that multilingual contextual embeddings can also be employed for this task without leading to any significant loss in performance; hence, the proposed methodology has the potential to be extended to a number of languages.

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Comparing word2vec and GloVe for Automatic Measurement of MWE Compositionality
Thomas Pickard

This paper explores the use of word2vec and GloVe embeddings for unsupervised measurement of the semantic compositionality of MWE candidates. Through comparison with several human-annotated reference sets, we find word2vec to be substantively superior to GloVe for this task. We also find Simple English Wikipedia to be a poor-quality resource for compositionality assessment, but demonstrate that a sample of 10% of sentences in the English Wikipedia can provide a conveniently tractable corpus with only moderate reduction in the quality of outputs.

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Automatic detection of unexpected/erroneous collocations in learner corpus
Jen-Yu Li | Thomas Gaillat

This research investigates the collocational errors made by English learners in a learner corpus. It focuses on the extraction of unexpected collocations. A system was proposed and implemented with open source toolkit. Firstly, the collocation extraction module was evaluated by a corpus with manually annotated collocations. Secondly, a standard collocation list was collected from a corpus of native speaker. Thirdly, a list of unexpected collocations was generated by extracting candidates from a learner corpus and discarding the standard collocations on the list. The overall performance was evaluated, and possible sources of error were pointed out for future improvement.

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Edition 1.2 of the PARSEME Shared Task on Semi-supervised Identification of Verbal Multiword Expressions
Carlos Ramisch | Agata Savary | Bruno Guillaume | Jakub Waszczuk | Marie Candito | Ashwini Vaidya | Verginica Barbu Mititelu | Archna Bhatia | Uxoa Iñurrieta | Voula Giouli | Tunga Güngör | Menghan Jiang | Timm Lichte | Chaya Liebeskind | Johanna Monti | Renata Ramisch | Sara Stymne | Abigail Walsh | Hongzhi Xu

We present edition 1.2 of the PARSEME shared task on identification of verbal multiword expressions (VMWEs). Lessons learned from previous editions indicate that VMWEs have low ambiguity, and that the major challenge lies in identifying test instances never seen in the training data. Therefore, this edition focuses on unseen VMWEs. We have split annotated corpora so that the test corpora contain around 300 unseen VMWEs, and we provide non-annotated raw corpora to be used by complementary discovery methods. We released annotated and raw corpora in 14 languages, and this semi-supervised challenge attracted 7 teams who submitted 9 system results. This paper describes the effort of corpus creation, the task design, and the results obtained by the participating systems, especially their performance on unseen expressions.

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HMSid and HMSid2 at PARSEME Shared Task 2020: Computational Corpus Linguistics and unseen-in-training MWEs
Jean-Pierre Colson

This paper is a system description of HMSid, officially sent to the PARSEME Shared Task 2020 for one language (French), in the open track. It also describes HMSid2, sent to the organ-izers of the workshop after the deadline and using the same methodology but in the closed track. Both systems do not rely on machine learning, but on computational corpus linguistics. Their score for unseen MWEs is very promising, especially in the case of HMSid2, which would have received the best score for unseen MWEs in the French closed track.

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Seen2Unseen at PARSEME Shared Task 2020: All Roads do not Lead to Unseen Verb-Noun VMWEs
Caroline Pasquer | Agata Savary | Carlos Ramisch | Jean-Yves Antoine

We describe the Seen2Unseen system that participated in edition 1.2 of the PARSEME shared task on automatic identification of verbal multiword expressions (VMWEs). The identification of VMWEs that do not appear in the provided training corpora (called unseen VMWEs) – with a focus here on verb-noun VMWEs – is based on mutual information and lexical substitution or translation of seen VMWEs. We present the architecture of the system, report results for 14 languages, and propose an error analysis.

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ERMI at PARSEME Shared Task 2020: Embedding-Rich Multiword Expression Identification
Zeynep Yirmibeşoğlu | Tunga Güngör

This paper describes the ERMI system submitted to the closed track of the PARSEME shared task 2020 on automatic identification of verbal multiword expressions (VMWEs). ERMI is an embedding-rich bidirectional LSTM-CRF model, which takes into account the embeddings of the word, its POS tag, dependency relation, and its head word. The results are reported for 14 languages, where the system is ranked 1st in the general cross-lingual ranking of the closed track systems, according to the Unseen MWE-based F1.

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TRAVIS at PARSEME Shared Task 2020: How good is (m)BERT at seeing the unseen?
Murathan Kurfalı

This paper describes the TRAVIS system built for the PARSEME Shared Task 2020 on semi-supervised identification of verbal multiword expressions. TRAVIS is a fully feature-independent model, relying only on the contextual embeddings. We have participated with two variants of TRAVIS, TRAVIS-multi and TRAVIS-mono, where the former employs multilingual contextual embeddings and the latter uses monolingual ones. Our systems are ranked second and third among seven submissions in the open track, respectively. Despite the strong performance of multilingual contextual embeddings across all languages, the results show that language-specific contextual embeddings have better generalization capabilities.

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MTLB-STRUCT @Parseme 2020: Capturing Unseen Multiword Expressions Using Multi-task Learning and Pre-trained Masked Language Models
Shiva Taslimipoor | Sara Bahaadini | Ekaterina Kochmar

This paper describes a semi-supervised system that jointly learns verbal multiword expressions (VMWEs) and dependency parse trees as an auxiliary task. The model benefits from pre-trained multilingual BERT. BERT hidden layers are shared among the two tasks and we introduce an additional linear layer to retrieve VMWE tags. The dependency parse tree prediction is modelled by a linear layer and a bilinear one plus a tree CRF architecture on top of the shared BERT. The system has participated in the open track of the PARSEME shared task 2020 and ranked first in terms of F1-score in identifying unseen VMWEs as well as VMWEs in general, averaged across all 14 languages.

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MultiVitaminBooster at PARSEME Shared Task 2020: Combining Window- and Dependency-Based Features with Multilingual Contextualised Word Embeddings for VMWE Detection
Sebastian Gombert | Sabine Bartsch

In this paper, we present MultiVitaminBooster, a system implemented for the PARSEME shared task on semi-supervised identification of verbal multiword expressions - edition 1.2. For our approach, we interpret detecting verbal multiword expressions as a token classification task aiming to decide whether a token is part of a verbal multiword expression or not. For this purpose, we train gradient boosting-based models. We encode tokens as feature vectors combining multilingual contextualized word embeddings provided by the XLM-RoBERTa language model with a more traditional linguistic feature set relying on context windows and dependency relations. Our system was ranked 7th in the official open track ranking of the shared task evaluations with an encoding-related bug distorting the results. For this reason we carry out further unofficial evaluations. Unofficial versions of our systems would have achieved higher ranks.


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Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation

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Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation
Alexandra Birch | Andrew Finch | Hiroaki Hayashi | Kenneth Heafield | Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt | Ioannis Konstas | Xian Li | Graham Neubig | Yusuke Oda

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Findings of the Fourth Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation
Kenneth Heafield | Hiroaki Hayashi | Yusuke Oda | Ioannis Konstas | Andrew Finch | Graham Neubig | Xian Li | Alexandra Birch

We describe the finding of the Fourth Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation, held in concert with the annual conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2020). First, we summarize the research trends of papers presented in the proceedings. Second, we describe the results of the three shared tasks 1) efficient neural machine translation (NMT) where participants were tasked with creating NMT systems that are both accurate and efficient, and 2) document-level generation and translation (DGT) where participants were tasked with developing systems that generate summaries from structured data, potentially with assistance from text in another language and 3) STAPLE task: creation of as many possible translations of a given input text. This last shared task was organised by Duolingo.

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Learning to Generate Multiple Style Transfer Outputs for an Input Sentence
Kevin Lin | Ming-Yu Liu | Ming-Ting Sun | Jan Kautz

Text style transfer refers to the task of rephrasing a given text in a different style. While various methods have been proposed to advance the state of the art, they often assume the transfer output follows a delta distribution, and thus their models cannot generate different style transfer results for a given input text. To address the limitation, we propose a one-to-many text style transfer framework. In contrast to prior works that learn a one-to-one mapping that converts an input sentence to one output sentence, our approach learns a one-to-many mapping that can convert an input sentence to multiple different output sentences, while preserving the input content. This is achieved by applying adversarial training with a latent decomposition scheme. Specifically, we decompose the latent representation of the input sentence to a style code that captures the language style variation and a content code that encodes the language style-independent content. We then combine the content code with the style code for generating a style transfer output. By combining the same content code with a different style code, we generate a different style transfer output. Extensive experimental results with comparisons to several text style transfer approaches on multiple public datasets using a diverse set of performance metrics validate effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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Balancing Cost and Benefit with Tied-Multi Transformers
Raj Dabre | Raphael Rubino | Atsushi Fujita

We propose a novel procedure for training multiple Transformers with tied parameters which compresses multiple models into one enabling the dynamic choice of the number of encoder and decoder layers during decoding. In training an encoder-decoder model, typically, the output of the last layer of the N-layer encoder is fed to the M-layer decoder, and the output of the last decoder layer is used to compute loss. Instead, our method computes a single loss consisting of NxM losses, where each loss is computed from the output of one of the M decoder layers connected to one of the N encoder layers. Such a model subsumes NxM models with different number of encoder and decoder layers, and can be used for decoding with fewer than the maximum number of encoder and decoder layers. Given our flexible tied model, we also address to a-priori selection of the number of encoder and decoder layers for faster decoding, and explore recurrent stacking of layers and knowledge distillation for model compression. We present a cost-benefit analysis of applying the proposed approaches for neural machine translation and show that they reduce decoding costs while preserving translation quality.

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Compressing Neural Machine Translation Models with 4-bit Precision
Alham Fikri Aji | Kenneth Heafield

Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is resource-intensive. We design a quantization procedure to compress fit NMT models better for devices with limited hardware capability. We use logarithmic quantization, instead of the more commonly used fixed-point quantization, based on the empirical fact that parameters distribution is not uniform. We find that biases do not take a lot of memory and show that biases can be left uncompressed to improve the overall quality without affecting the compression rate. We also propose to use an error-feedback mechanism during retraining, to preserve the compressed model as a stale gradient. We empirically show that NMT models based on Transformer or RNN architecture can be compressed up to 4-bit precision without any noticeable quality degradation. Models can be compressed up to binary precision, albeit with lower quality. RNN architecture seems to be more robust towards compression, compared to the Transformer.

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Meta-Learning for Few-Shot NMT Adaptation
Amr Sharaf | Hany Hassan | Hal Daumé III

We present META-MT, a meta-learning approach to adapt Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems in a few-shot setting. META-MT provides a new approach to make NMT models easily adaptable to many target do- mains with the minimal amount of in-domain data. We frame the adaptation of NMT systems as a meta-learning problem, where we learn to adapt to new unseen domains based on simulated offline meta-training domain adaptation tasks. We evaluate the proposed meta-learning strategy on ten domains with general large scale NMT systems. We show that META-MT significantly outperforms classical domain adaptation when very few in- domain examples are available. Our experiments shows that META-MT can outperform classical fine-tuning by up to 2.5 BLEU points after seeing only 4, 000 translated words (300 parallel sentences).

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Automatically Ranked Russian Paraphrase Corpus for Text Generation
Vadim Gudkov | Olga Mitrofanova | Elizaveta Filippskikh

The article is focused on automatic development and ranking of a large corpus for Russian paraphrase generation which proves to be the first corpus of such type in Russian computational linguistics. Existing manually annotated paraphrase datasets for Russian are limited to small-sized ParaPhraser corpus and ParaPlag which are suitable for a set of NLP tasks, such as paraphrase and plagiarism detection, sentence similarity and relatedness estimation, etc. Due to size restrictions, these datasets can hardly be applied in end-to-end text generation solutions. Meanwhile, paraphrase generation requires a large amount of training data. In our study we propose a solution to the problem: we collect, rank and evaluate a new publicly available headline paraphrase corpus (ParaPhraser Plus), and then perform text generation experiments with manual evaluation on automatically ranked corpora using the Universal Transformer architecture.

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A Deep Reinforced Model for Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Summarization with Bilingual Semantic Similarity Rewards
Zi-Yi Dou | Sachin Kumar | Yulia Tsvetkov

Cross-lingual text summarization aims at generating a document summary in one language given input in another language. It is a practically important but under-explored task, primarily due to the dearth of available data. Existing methods resort to machine translation to synthesize training data, but such pipeline approaches suffer from error propagation. In this work, we propose an end-to-end cross-lingual text summarization model. The model uses reinforcement learning to directly optimize a bilingual semantic similarity metric between the summaries generated in a target language and gold summaries in a source language. We also introduce techniques to pre-train the model leveraging monolingual summarization and machine translation objectives. Experimental results in both English–Chinese and English–German cross-lingual summarization settings demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods. In addition, we find that reinforcement learning models with bilingual semantic similarity as rewards generate more fluent sentences than strong baselines.

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A Question Type Driven and Copy Loss Enhanced Frameworkfor Answer-Agnostic Neural Question Generation
Xiuyu Wu | Nan Jiang | Yunfang Wu

The answer-agnostic question generation is a significant and challenging task, which aims to automatically generate questions for a given sentence but without an answer. In this paper, we propose two new strategies to deal with this task: question type prediction and copy loss mechanism. The question type module is to predict the types of questions that should be asked, which allows our model to generate multiple types of questions for the same source sentence. The new copy loss enhances the original copy mechanism to make sure that every important word in the source sentence has been copied when generating questions. Our integrated model outperforms the state-of-the-art approach in answer-agnostic question generation, achieving a BLEU-4 score of 13.9 on SQuAD. Human evaluation further validates the high quality of our generated questions. We will make our code public available for further research.

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A Generative Approach to Titling and Clustering Wikipedia Sections
Anjalie Field | Sascha Rothe | Simon Baumgartner | Cong Yu | Abe Ittycheriah

We evaluate the performance of transformer encoders with various decoders for information organization through a new task: generation of section headings for Wikipedia articles. Our analysis shows that decoders containing attention mechanisms over the encoder output achieve high-scoring results by generating extractive text. In contrast, a decoder without attention better facilitates semantic encoding and can be used to generate section embeddings. We additionally introduce a new loss function, which further encourages the decoder to generate high-quality embeddings.

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The Unreasonable Volatility of Neural Machine Translation Models
Marzieh Fadaee | Christof Monz

Recent works have shown that Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models achieve impressive performance, however, questions about understanding the behavior of these models remain unanswered. We investigate the unexpected volatility of NMT models where the input is semantically and syntactically correct. We discover that with trivial modifications of source sentences, we can identify cases where unexpected changes happen in the translation and in the worst case lead to mistranslations. This volatile behavior of translating extremely similar sentences in surprisingly different ways highlights the underlying generalization problem of current NMT models. We find that both RNN and Transformer models display volatile behavior in 26% and 19% of sentence variations, respectively.

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Leveraging Sentence Similarity in Natural Language Generation: Improving Beam Search using Range Voting
Sebastian Borgeaud | Guy Emerson

We propose a method for natural language generation, choosing the most representative output rather than the most likely output. By viewing the language generation process from the voting theory perspective, we define representativeness using range voting and a similarity measure. The proposed method can be applied when generating from any probabilistic language model, including n-gram models and neural network models. We evaluate different similarity measures on an image captioning task and a machine translation task, and show that our method generates longer and more diverse sentences, providing a solution to the common problem of short outputs being preferred over longer and more informative ones. The generated sentences obtain higher BLEU scores, particularly when the beam size is large. We also perform a human evaluation on both tasks and find that the outputs generated using our method are rated higher.

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Distill, Adapt, Distill: Training Small, In-Domain Models for Neural Machine Translation
Mitchell Gordon | Kevin Duh

We explore best practices for training small, memory efficient machine translation models with sequence-level knowledge distillation in the domain adaptation setting. While both domain adaptation and knowledge distillation are widely-used, their interaction remains little understood. Our large-scale empirical results in machine translation (on three language pairs with three domains each) suggest distilling twice for best performance: once using general-domain data and again using in-domain data with an adapted teacher.

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Training and Inference Methods for High-Coverage Neural Machine Translation
Michael Yang | Yixin Liu | Rahul Mayuranath

In this paper, we introduce a system built for the Duolingo Simultaneous Translation And Paraphrase for Language Education (STAPLE) shared task at the 4th Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation (WNGT 2020). We participated in the English-to-Japanese track with a Transformer model pretrained on the JParaCrawl corpus and fine-tuned in two steps on the JESC corpus and then the (smaller) Duolingo training corpus. First, during training, we find it is essential to deliberately expose the model to higher-quality translations more often during training for optimal translation performance. For inference, encouraging a small amount of diversity with Diverse Beam Search to improve translation coverage yielded marginal improvement over regular Beam Search. Finally, using an auxiliary filtering model to filter out unlikely candidates from Beam Search improves performance further. We achieve a weighted F1 score of 27.56% on our own test set, outperforming the STAPLE AWS translations baseline score of 4.31%.

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Meeting the 2020 Duolingo Challenge on a Shoestring
Tadashi Nomoto

What is given below is a brief description of the two systems, called gFCONV and c-VAE, which we built in a response to the 2020 Duolingo Challenge. Both are neural models that aim at disrupting a sentence representation the encoder generates with an eye on increasing the diversity of sentences that emerge out of the process. Importantly, we decided not to turn to external sources for extra ammunition, curious to know how far we can go while confining ourselves to the data released by Duolingo. gFCONV works by taking over a pre-trained sequence model, and intercepting the output its encoder produces on its way to the decoder. c-VAE is a conditional variational auto-encoder, seeking the diversity by blurring the representation that the encoder derives. Experiments on a corpus constructed out of the public dataset from Duolingo, containing some 4 million pairs of sentences, found that gFCONV is a consistent winner over c-VAE though both suffered heavily from a low recall.

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English-to-Japanese Diverse Translation by Combining Forward and Backward Outputs
Masahiro Kaneko | Aizhan Imankulova | Tosho Hirasawa | Mamoru Komachi

We introduce our TMU system that is submitted to The 4th Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation (WNGT2020) to English-to-Japanese (En→Ja) track on Simultaneous Translation And Paraphrase for Language Education (STAPLE) shared task. In most cases machine translation systems generate a single output from the input sentence, however, in order to assist language learners in their journey with better and more diverse feedback, it is helpful to create a machine translation system that is able to produce diverse translations of each input sentence. However, creating such systems would require complex modifications in a model to ensure the diversity of outputs. In this paper, we investigated if it is possible to create such systems in a simple way and whether it can produce desired diverse outputs. In particular, we combined the outputs from forward and backward neural translation models (NMT). Our system achieved third place in En→Ja track, despite adopting only a simple approach.

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POSTECH Submission on Duolingo Shared Task
Junsu Park | Hongseok Kwon | Jong-Hyeok Lee

In this paper, we propose a transfer learning based simultaneous translation model by extending BART. We pre-trained BART with Korean Wikipedia and a Korean news dataset, and fine-tuned with an additional web-crawled parallel corpus and the 2020 Duolingo official training dataset. In our experiments on the 2020 Duolingo test dataset, our submission achieves 0.312 in weighted macro F1 score, and ranks second among the submitted En-Ko systems.

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The ADAPT System Description for the STAPLE 2020 English-to-Portuguese Translation Task
Rejwanul Haque | Yasmin Moslem | Andy Way

This paper describes the ADAPT Centre’s submission to STAPLE (Simultaneous Translation and Paraphrase for Language Education) 2020, a shared task of the 4th Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation (WNGT), for the English-to-Portuguese translation task. In this shared task, the participants were asked to produce high-coverage sets of plausible translations given English prompts (input source sentences). We present our English-to-Portuguese machine translation (MT) models that were built applying various strategies, e.g. data and sentence selection, monolingual MT for generating alternative translations, and combining multiple n-best translations. Our experiments show that adding the aforementioned techniques to the baseline yields an excellent performance in the English-to-Portuguese translation task.

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Expand and Filter: CUNI and LMU Systems for the WNGT 2020 Duolingo Shared Task
Jindřich Libovický | Zdeněk Kasner | Jindřich Helcl | Ondřej Dušek

We present our submission to the Simultaneous Translation And Paraphrase for Language Education (STAPLE) challenge. We used a standard Transformer model for translation, with a crosslingual classifier predicting correct translations on the output n-best list. To increase the diversity of the outputs, we used additional data to train the translation model, and we trained a paraphrasing model based on the Levenshtein Transformer architecture to generate further synonymous translations. The paraphrasing results were again filtered using our classifier. While the use of additional data and our classifier filter were able to improve results, the paraphrasing model produced too many invalid outputs to further improve the output quality. Our model without the paraphrasing component finished in the middle of the field for the shared task, improving over the best baseline by a margin of 10-22 % weighted F1 absolute.

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Exploring Model Consensus to Generate Translation Paraphrases
Zhenhao Li | Marina Fomicheva | Lucia Specia

This paper describes our submission to the 2020 Duolingo Shared Task on Simultaneous Translation And Paraphrase for Language Education (STAPLE). This task focuses on improving the ability of neural MT systems to generate diverse translations. Our submission explores various methods, including N-best translation, Monte Carlo dropout, Diverse Beam Search, Mixture of Experts, Ensembling, and Lexical Substitution. Our main submission is based on the integration of multiple translations from multiple methods using Consensus Voting. Experiments show that the proposed approach achieves a considerable degree of diversity without introducing noisy translations. Our final submission achieves a 0.5510 weighted F1 score on the blind test set for the English-Portuguese track.

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Growing Together: Modeling Human Language Learning With n-Best Multi-Checkpoint Machine Translation
El Moatez Billah Nagoudi | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Hasan Cavusoglu

We describe our submission to the 2020 Duolingo Shared Task on Simultaneous Translation And Paraphrase for Language Education (STAPLE). We view MT models at various training stages (i.e., checkpoints) as human learners at different levels. Hence, we employ an ensemble of multi-checkpoints from the same model to generate translation sequences with various levels of fluency. From each checkpoint, for our best model, we sample n-Best sequences (n=10) with a beam width =100. We achieve an 37.57 macro F1 with a 6 checkpoint model ensemble on the official shared task test data, outperforming a baseline Amazon translation system of 21.30 macro F1 and ultimately demonstrating the utility of our intuitive method.

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Generating Diverse Translations via Weighted Fine-tuning and Hypotheses Filtering for the Duolingo STAPLE Task
Sweta Agrawal | Marine Carpuat

This paper describes the University of Maryland’s submission to the Duolingo Shared Task on Simultaneous Translation And Paraphrase for Language Education (STAPLE). Unlike the standard machine translation task, STAPLE requires generating a set of outputs for a given input sequence, aiming to cover the space of translations produced by language learners. We adapt neural machine translation models to this requirement by (a) generating n-best translation hypotheses from a model fine-tuned on learner translations, oversampled to reflect the distribution of learner responses, and (b) filtering hypotheses using a feature-rich binary classifier that directly optimizes a close approximation of the official evaluation metric. Combination of systems that use these two strategies achieves F1 scores of 53.9% and 52.5% on Vietnamese and Portuguese, respectively ranking 2nd and 4th on the leaderboard.

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The JHU Submission to the 2020 Duolingo Shared Task on Simultaneous Translation and Paraphrase for Language Education
Huda Khayrallah | Jacob Bremerman | Arya D. McCarthy | Kenton Murray | Winston Wu | Matt Post

This paper presents the Johns Hopkins University submission to the 2020 Duolingo Shared Task on Simultaneous Translation and Paraphrase for Language Education (STAPLE). We participated in all five language tasks, placing first in each. Our approach involved a language-agnostic pipeline of three components: (1) building strong machine translation systems on general-domain data, (2) fine-tuning on Duolingo-provided data, and (3) generating n-best lists which are then filtered with various score-based techniques. In addi- tion to the language-agnostic pipeline, we attempted a number of linguistically-motivated approaches, with, unfortunately, little success. We also find that improving BLEU performance of the beam-search generated translation does not necessarily improve on the task metric—weighted macro F1 of an n-best list.

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Simultaneous paraphrasing and translation by fine-tuning Transformer models
Rakesh Chada

This paper describes the third place submission to the shared task on simultaneous translation and paraphrasing for language education at the 4th workshop on Neural Generation and Translation (WNGT) for ACL 2020. The final system leverages pre-trained translation models and uses a Transformer architecture combined with an oversampling strategy to achieve a competitive performance. This system significantly outperforms the baseline on Hungarian (27% absolute improvement in Weighted Macro F1 score) and Portuguese (33% absolute improvement) languages.

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The NiuTrans System for WNGT 2020 Efficiency Task
Chi Hu | Bei Li | Yinqiao Li | Ye Lin | Yanyang Li | Chenglong Wang | Tong Xiao | Jingbo Zhu

This paper describes the submissions of the NiuTrans Team to the WNGT 2020 Efficiency Shared Task. We focus on the efficient implementation of deep Transformer models (Wang et al., 2019; Li et al., 2019) using NiuTensor, a flexible toolkit for NLP tasks. We explored the combination of deep encoder and shallow decoder in Transformer models via model compression and knowledge distillation. The neural machine translation decoding also benefits from FP16 inference, attention caching, dynamic batching, and batch pruning. Our systems achieve promising results in both translation quality and efficiency, e.g., our fastest system can translate more than 40,000 tokens per second with an RTX 2080 Ti while maintaining 42.9 BLEU on newstest2018.

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Efficient and High-Quality Neural Machine Translation with OpenNMT
Guillaume Klein | Dakun Zhang | Clément Chouteau | Josep Crego | Jean Senellart

This paper describes the OpenNMT submissions to the WNGT 2020 efficiency shared task. We explore training and acceleration of Transformer models with various sizes that are trained in a teacher-student setup. We also present a custom and optimized C++ inference engine that enables fast CPU and GPU decoding with few dependencies. By combining additional optimizations and parallelization techniques, we create small, efficient, and high-quality neural machine translation models.

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Edinburgh’s Submissions to the 2020 Machine Translation Efficiency Task
Nikolay Bogoychev | Roman Grundkiewicz | Alham Fikri Aji | Maximiliana Behnke | Kenneth Heafield | Sidharth Kashyap | Emmanouil-Ioannis Farsarakis | Mateusz Chudyk

We participated in all tracks of the Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation 2020 Efficiency Shared Task: single-core CPU, multi-core CPU, and GPU. At the model level, we use teacher-student training with a variety of student sizes, tie embeddings and sometimes layers, use the Simpler Simple Recurrent Unit, and introduce head pruning. On GPUs, we used 16-bit floating-point tensor cores. On CPUs, we customized 8-bit quantization and multiple processes with affinity for the multi-core setting. To reduce model size, we experimented with 4-bit log quantization but use floats at runtime. In the shared task, most of our submissions were Pareto optimal with respect the trade-off between time and quality.

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Improving Document-Level Neural Machine Translation with Domain Adaptation
Sami Ul Haq | Sadaf Abdul Rauf | Arslan Shoukat | Noor-e- Hira

Recent studies have shown that translation quality of NMT systems can be improved by providing document-level contextual information. In general sentence-based NMT models are extended to capture contextual information from large-scale document-level corpora which are difficult to acquire. Domain adaptation on the other hand promises adapting components of already developed systems by exploiting limited in-domain data. This paper presents FJWU’s system submission at WNGT, we specifically participated in Document level MT task for German-English translation. Our system is based on context-aware Transformer model developed on top of original NMT architecture by integrating contextual information using attention networks. Our experimental results show providing previous sentences as context significantly improves the BLEU score as compared to a strong NMT baseline. We also studied the impact of domain adaptation on document level translationand were able to improve results by adaptingthe systems according to the testing domain.

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Simultaneous Translation and Paraphrase for Language Education
Stephen Mayhew | Klinton Bicknell | Chris Brust | Bill McDowell | Will Monroe | Burr Settles

We present the task of Simultaneous Translation and Paraphrasing for Language Education (STAPLE). Given a prompt in one language, the goal is to generate a diverse set of correct translations that language learners are likely to produce. This is motivated by the need to create and maintain large, high-quality sets of acceptable translations for exercises in a language-learning application, and synthesizes work spanning machine translation, MT evaluation, automatic paraphrasing, and language education technology. We developed a novel corpus with unique properties for five languages (Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Vietnamese), and report on the results of a shared task challenge which attracted 20 teams to solve the task. In our meta-analysis, we focus on three aspects of the resulting systems: external training corpus selection, model architecture and training decisions, and decoding and filtering strategies. We find that strong systems start with a large amount of generic training data, and then fine-tune with in-domain data, sampled according to our provided learner response frequencies.


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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Natural Language Interfaces

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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Natural Language Interfaces
Ahmed Hassan Awadallah | Yu Su | Huan Sun | Scott Wen-tau Yih

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Answering Complex Questions by Combining Information from Curated and Extracted Knowledge Bases
Nikita Bhutani | Xinyi Zheng | Kun Qian | Yunyao Li | H. Jagadish

Knowledge-based question answering (KB_QA) has long focused on simple questions that can be answered from a single knowledge source, a manually curated or an automatically extracted KB. In this work, we look at answering complex questions which often require combining information from multiple sources. We present a novel KB-QA system, Multique, which can map a complex question to a complex query pattern using a sequence of simple queries each targeted at a specific KB. It finds simple queries using a neural-network based model capable of collective inference over textual relations in extracted KB and ontological relations in curated KB. Experiments show that our proposed system outperforms previous KB-QA systems on benchmark datasets, ComplexWebQuestions and WebQuestionsSP.

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Towards Reversal-Based Textual Data Augmentation for NLI Problems with Opposable Classes
Alexey Tarasov

Data augmentation methods are commonly used in computer vision and speech. However, in domains dealing with textual data, such techniques are not that common. Most of the existing methods rely on rephrasing, i.e. new sentences are generated by changing a source sentence, preserving its meaning. We argue that in tasks with opposable classes (such as Positive and Negative in sentiment analysis), it might be beneficial to also invert the source sentence, reversing its meaning, to generate examples of the opposing class. Methods that use somewhat similar intuition exist in the space of adversarial learning, but are not always applicable to text classification (in our experiments, some of them were even detrimental to the resulting classifier accuracy). We propose and evaluate two reversal-based methods on an NLI task of recognising a type of a simple logical expression from its description in plain-text form. After gathering a dataset on MTurk, we show that a simple heuristic using a notion of negating the main verb has a potential not only on its own, but that it can also boost existing state-of-the-art rephrasing-based approaches.

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Examination and Extension of Strategies for Improving Personalized Language Modeling via Interpolation
Liqun Shao | Sahitya Mantravadi | Tom Manzini | Alejandro Buendia | Manon Knoertzer | Soundar Srinivasan | Chris Quirk

In this paper, we detail novel strategies for interpolating personalized language models and methods to handle out-of-vocabulary (OOV) tokens to improve personalized language models. Using publicly available data from Reddit, we demonstrate improvements in offline metrics at the user level by interpolating a global LSTM-based authoring model with a user-personalized n-gram model. By optimizing this approach with a back-off to uniform OOV penalty and the interpolation coefficient, we observe that over 80% of users receive a lift in perplexity, with an average of 5.4% in perplexity lift per user. In doing this research we extend previous work in building NLIs and improve the robustness of metrics for downstream tasks.

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Efficient Deployment of Conversational Natural Language Interfaces over Databases
Anthony Colas | Trung Bui | Franck Dernoncourt | Moumita Sinha | Doo Soon Kim

Many users communicate with chatbots and AI assistants in order to help them with various tasks. A key component of the assistant is the ability to understand and answer a user’s natural language questions for question-answering (QA). Because data can be usually stored in a structured manner, an essential step involves turning a natural language question into its corresponding query language. However, in order to train most natural language-to-query-language state-of-the-art models, a large amount of training data is needed first. In most domains, this data is not available and collecting such datasets for various domains can be tedious and time-consuming. In this work, we propose a novel method for accelerating the training dataset collection for developing the natural language-to-query-language machine learning models. Our system allows one to generate conversational multi-term data, where multiple turns define a dialogue session, enabling one to better utilize chatbot interfaces. We train two current state-of-the-art NL-to-QL models, on both an SQL and SPARQL-based datasets in order to showcase the adaptability and efficacy of our created data.

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Neural Multi-task Text Normalization and Sanitization with Pointer-Generator
Hoang Nguyen | Sandro Cavallari

Text normalization and sanitization are intrinsic components of Natural Language Inferences. In Information Retrieval or Dialogue Generation, normalization of user queries or utterances enhances linguistic understanding by translating non-canonical text to its canonical form, on which many state-of-the-art language models are trained. On the other hand, text sanitization removes sensitive information to guarantee user privacy and anonymity. Existing approaches to normalization and sanitization mainly rely on hand-crafted heuristics and syntactic features of individual tokens while disregarding the linguistic context. Moreover, such context-unaware solutions cannot dynamically determine whether out-of-vocab tokens are misspelt or are entity names. In this work, we formulate text normalization and sanitization as a multi-task text generation approach and propose a neural hybrid pointer-generator network based on multi-head attention. Its generator effectively captures linguistic context during normalization and sanitization while its pointer dynamically preserves the entities that are generally missing in the vocabulary. Experiments show that our generation approach outperforms both token-based text normalization and sanitization, while the hybrid pointer-generator improves the generator-only baseline in terms of BLEU4 score, and classical attentional pointer networks in terms of pointing accuracy.


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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Conversational AI

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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Conversational AI
Tsung-Hsien Wen | Asli Celikyilmaz | Zhou Yu | Alexandros Papangelis | Mihail Eric | Anuj Kumar | Iñigo Casanueva | Rushin Shah

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Using Alternate Representations of Text for Natural Language Understanding
Venkat Varada | Charith Peris | Yangsook Park | Christopher Dipersio

One of the core components of voice assistants is the Natural Language Understanding (NLU) model. Its ability to accurately classify the user’s request (or “intent”) and recognize named entities in an utterance is pivotal to the success of these assistants. NLU models can be challenged in some languages by code-switching or morphological and orthographic variations. This work explores the possibility of improving the accuracy of NLU models for Indic languages via the use of alternate representations of input text for NLU, specifically ISO-15919 and IndicSOUNDEX, a custom SOUNDEX designed to work for Indic languages. We used a deep neural network based model to incorporate the information from alternate representations into the NLU model. We show that using alternate representations significantly improves the overall performance of NLU models when training data is limited.

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On Incorporating Structural Information to improve Dialogue Response Generation
Nikita Moghe | Priyesh Vijayan | Balaraman Ravindran | Mitesh M. Khapra

We consider the task of generating dialogue responses from background knowledge comprising of domain specific resources. Specifically, given a conversation around a movie, the task is to generate the next response based on background knowledge about the movie such as the plot, review, Reddit comments etc. This requires capturing structural, sequential and semantic information from the conversation context and the background resources. We propose a new architecture that uses the ability of BERT to capture deep contextualized representations in conjunction with explicit structure and sequence information. More specifically, we use (i) Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) to capture structural information, (ii) LSTMs to capture sequential information and (iii) BERT for the deep contextualized representations that capture semantic information. We analyze the proposed architecture extensively. To this end, we propose a plug-and-play Semantics-Sequences-Structures (SSS) framework which allows us to effectively combine such linguistic information. Through a series of experiments we make some interesting observations. First, we observe that the popular adaptation of the GCN model for NLP tasks where structural information (GCNs) was added on top of sequential information (LSTMs) performs poorly on our task. This leads us to explore interesting ways of combining semantic and structural information to improve the performance. Second, we observe that while BERT already outperforms other deep contextualized representations such as ELMo, it still benefits from the additional structural information explicitly added using GCNs. This is a bit surprising given the recent claims that BERT already captures structural information. Lastly, the proposed SSS framework gives an improvement of 7.95% on BLUE score over the baseline.

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CopyBERT: A Unified Approach to Question Generation with Self-Attention
Stalin Varanasi | Saadullah Amin | Guenter Neumann

Contextualized word embeddings provide better initialization for neural networks that deal with various natural language understanding (NLU) tasks including Question Answering (QA) and more recently, Question Generation(QG). Apart from providing meaningful word representations, pre-trained transformer models (Vaswani et al., 2017), such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) also provide self-attentions which encode syntactic information that can be probed for dependency parsing (Hewitt and Manning, 2019) and POStagging (Coenen et al., 2019). In this paper, we show that the information from selfattentions of BERT are useful for language modeling of questions conditioned on paragraph and answer phrases. To control the attention span, we use semi-diagonal mask and utilize a shared model for encoding and decoding, unlike sequence-to-sequence. We further employ copy-mechanism over self-attentions to acheive state-of-the-art results for Question Generation on SQuAD v1.1 (Rajpurkar et al., 2016).

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How to Tame Your Data: Data Augmentation for Dialog State Tracking
Adam Summerville | Jordan Hashemi | James Ryan | William Ferguson

Dialog State Tracking (DST) is a problem space in which the effective vocabulary is practically limitless. For example, the domain of possible movie titles or restaurant names is bound only by the limits of language. As such, DST systems often encounter out-of-vocabulary words at inference time that were never encountered during training. To combat this issue, we present a targeted data augmentation process, by which a practitioner observes the types of errors made on held-out evaluation data, and then modifies the training data with additional corpora to increase the vocabulary size at training time. Using this with a RoBERTa-based Transformer architecture, we achieve state-of-the-art results in comparison to systems that only mask trouble slots with special tokens. Additionally, we present a data-representation scheme for seamlessly retargeting DST architectures to new domains.

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Efficient Intent Detection with Dual Sentence Encoders
Iñigo Casanueva | Tadas Temčinas | Daniela Gerz | Matthew Henderson | Ivan Vulić

Building conversational systems in new domains and with added functionality requires resource-efficient models that work under low-data regimes (i.e., in few-shot setups). Motivated by these requirements, we introduce intent detection methods backed by pretrained dual sentence encoders such as USE and ConveRT. We demonstrate the usefulness and wide applicability of the proposed intent detectors, showing that: 1) they outperform intent detectors based on fine-tuning the full BERT-Large model or using BERT as a fixed black-box encoder on three diverse intent detection data sets; 2) the gains are especially pronounced in few-shot setups (i.e., with only 10 or 30 annotated examples per intent); 3) our intent detectors can be trained in a matter of minutes on a single CPU; and 4) they are stable across different hyperparameter settings. In hope of facilitating and democratizing research focused on intention detection, we release our code, as well as a new challenging single-domain intent detection dataset comprising 13,083 annotated examples over 77 intents.

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Accelerating Natural Language Understanding in Task-Oriented Dialog
Ojas Ahuja | Shrey Desai

Task-oriented dialog models typically leverage complex neural architectures and large-scale, pre-trained Transformers to achieve state-of-the-art performance on popular natural language understanding benchmarks. However, these models frequently have in excess of tens of millions of parameters, making them impossible to deploy on-device where resource-efficiency is a major concern. In this work, we show that a simple convolutional model compressed with structured pruning achieves largely comparable results to BERT on ATIS and Snips, with under 100K parameters. Moreover, we perform acceleration experiments on CPUs, where we observe our multi-task model predicts intents and slots nearly 63x faster than even DistilBERT.

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DLGNet: A Transformer-based Model for Dialogue Response Generation
Olabiyi Oluwatobi | Erik Mueller

Neural dialogue models, despite their successes, still suffer from lack of relevance, diversity, and in many cases coherence in their generated responses. On the other hand, transformer-based models such as GPT-2 have demonstrated an excellent ability to capture long-range structures in language modeling tasks. In this paper, we present DLGNet, a transformer-based model for dialogue modeling. We specifically examine the use of DLGNet for multi-turn dialogue response generation. In our experiments, we evaluate DLGNet on the open-domain Movie Triples dataset and the closed-domain Ubuntu Dialogue dataset. DLGNet models, although trained with only the maximum likelihood objective, achieve significant improvements over state-of-the-art multi-turn dialogue models. They also produce best performance to date on the two datasets based on several metrics, including BLEU, ROUGE, and distinct n-gram. Our analysis shows that the performance improvement is mostly due to the combination of (1) the long-range transformer architecture with (2) the injection of random informative paddings. Other contributing factors include the joint modeling of dialogue context and response, and the 100% tokenization coverage from the byte pair encoding (BPE).

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Data Augmentation for Training Dialog Models Robust to Speech Recognition Errors
Longshaokan Wang | Maryam Fazel-Zarandi | Aditya Tiwari | Spyros Matsoukas | Lazaros Polymenakos

Speech-based virtual assistants, such as Amazon Alexa, Google assistant, and Apple Siri, typically convert users’ audio signals to text data through automatic speech recognition (ASR) and feed the text to downstream dialog models for natural language understanding and response generation. The ASR output is error-prone; however, the downstream dialog models are often trained on error-free text data, making them sensitive to ASR errors during inference time. To bridge the gap and make dialog models more robust to ASR errors, we leverage an ASR error simulator to inject noise into the error-free text data, and subsequently train the dialog models with the augmented data. Compared to other approaches for handling ASR errors, such as using ASR lattice or end-to-end methods, our data augmentation approach does not require any modification to the ASR or downstream dialog models; our approach also does not introduce any additional latency during inference time. We perform extensive experiments on benchmark data and show that our approach improves the performance of downstream dialog models in the presence of ASR errors, and it is particularly effective in the low-resource situations where there are constraints on model size or the training data is scarce.

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Automating Template Creation for Ranking-Based Dialogue Models
Jingxiang Chen | Heba Elfardy | Simi Wang | Andrea Kahn | Jared Kramer

Dialogue response generation models that use template ranking rather than direct sequence generation allow model developers to limit generated responses to pre-approved messages. However, manually creating templates is time-consuming and requires domain expertise. To alleviate this problem, we explore automating the process of creating dialogue templates by using unsupervised methods to cluster historical utterances and selecting representative utterances from each cluster. Specifically, we propose an end-to-end model called Deep Sentence Encoder Clustering (DSEC) that uses an auto-encoder structure to jointly learn the utterance representation and construct template clusters. We compare this method to a random baseline that randomly assigns templates to clusters as well as a strong baseline that performs the sentence encoding and the utterance clustering sequentially. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, we perform an automatic evaluation with two annotated customer service datasets to assess clustering effectiveness, and a human-in-the-loop experiment using a live customer service application to measure the acceptance rate of the generated templates. DSEC performs best in the automatic evaluation, beats both the sequential and random baselines on most metrics in the human-in-the-loop experiment, and shows promising results when compared to gold/manually created templates.

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From Machine Reading Comprehension to Dialogue State Tracking: Bridging the Gap
Shuyang Gao | Sanchit Agarwal | Di Jin | Tagyoung Chung | Dilek Hakkani-Tur

Dialogue state tracking (DST) is at the heart of task-oriented dialogue systems. However, the scarcity of labeled data is an obstacle to building accurate and robust state tracking systems that work across a variety of domains. Existing approaches generally require some dialogue data with state information and their ability to generalize to unknown domains is limited. In this paper, we propose using machine reading comprehension (RC) in state tracking from two perspectives: model architectures and datasets. We divide the slot types in dialogue state into categorical or extractive to borrow the advantages from both multiple-choice and span-based reading comprehension models. Our method achieves near the current state-of-the-art in joint goal accuracy on MultiWOZ 2.1 given full training data. More importantly, by leveraging machine reading comprehension datasets, our method outperforms the existing approaches by many a large margin in few-shot scenarios when the availability of in-domain data is limited. Lastly, even without any state tracking data, i.e., zero-shot scenario, our proposed approach achieves greater than 90% average slot accuracy in 12 out of 30 slots in MultiWOZ 2.1.

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Improving Slot Filling by Utilizing Contextual Information
Amir Pouran Ben Veyseh | Franck Dernoncourt | Thien Huu Nguyen

Slot Filling (SF) is one of the sub-tasks of Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) which aims to extract semantic constituents from a given natural language utterance. It is formulated as a sequence labeling task. Recently, it has been shown that contextual information is vital for this task. However, existing models employ contextual information in a restricted manner, e.g., using self-attention. Such methods fail to distinguish the effects of the context on the word representation and the word label. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a novel method to incorporate the contextual information in two different levels, i.e., representation level and task-specific (i.e., label) level. Our extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets on SF show the effectiveness of our model leading to new state-of-the-art results on all three benchmark datasets for the task of SF.

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Learning to Classify Intents and Slot Labels Given a Handful of Examples
Jason Krone | Yi Zhang | Mona Diab

Intent classification (IC) and slot filling (SF) are core components in most goal-oriented dialogue systems. Current IC/SF models perform poorly when the number of training examples per class is small. We propose a new few-shot learning task, few-shot IC/SF, to study and improve the performance of IC and SF models on classes not seen at training time in ultra low resource scenarios. We establish a few-shot IC/SF benchmark by defining few-shot splits for three public IC/SF datasets, ATIS, TOP, and Snips. We show that two popular few-shot learning algorithms, model agnostic meta learning (MAML) and prototypical networks, outperform a fine-tuning baseline on this benchmark. Prototypical networks achieves significant gains in IC performance on the ATIS and TOP datasets, while both prototypical networks and MAML outperform the baseline with respect to SF on all three datasets. In addition, we demonstrate that joint training as well as the use of pre-trained language models, ELMo and BERT in our case, are complementary to these few-shot learning methods and yield further gains.

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MultiWOZ 2.2 : A Dialogue Dataset with Additional Annotation Corrections and State Tracking Baselines
Xiaoxue Zang | Abhinav Rastogi | Srinivas Sunkara | Raghav Gupta | Jianguo Zhang | Jindong Chen

MultiWOZ is a well-known task-oriented dialogue dataset containing over 10,000 annotated dialogues spanning 8 domains. It is extensively used as a benchmark for dialogue state tracking. However, recent works have reported presence of substantial noise in the dialogue state annotations. MultiWOZ 2.1 identified and fixed many of these erroneous annotations and user utterances, resulting in an improved version of this dataset. This work introduces MultiWOZ 2.2, which is a yet another improved version of this dataset. Firstly, we identify and fix dialogue state annotation errors across 17.3% of the utterances on top of MultiWOZ 2.1. Secondly, we redefine the ontology by disallowing vocabularies of slots with a large number of possible values (e.g., restaurant name, time of booking). In addition, we introduce slot span annotations for these slots to standardize them across recent models, which previously used custom string matching heuristics to generate them. We also benchmark a few state of the art dialogue state tracking models on the corrected dataset to facilitate comparison for future work. In the end, we discuss best practices for dialogue data collection that can help avoid annotation errors.

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Sketch-Fill-A-R: A Persona-Grounded Chit-Chat Generation Framework
Michael Shum | Stephan Zheng | Wojciech Kryscinski | Caiming Xiong | Richard Socher

Human-like chit-chat conversation requires agents to generate responses that are fluent, engaging and consistent. We propose Sketch- Fill-A-R, a framework that uses a persona-memory to generate chit-chat responses in three phases. First, it generates dynamic sketch responses with open slots. Second, it generates candidate responses by filling slots with parts of its stored persona traits. Lastly, it ranks and selects the final response via a language model score. Sketch-Fill-A-R outperforms a state-of-the-art baseline both quantitatively (10-point lower perplexity) and qualitatively (preferred by 55% in head-to-head single-turn studies and 20% higher in consistency in multi-turn user studies) on the Persona-Chat dataset. Finally, we extensively analyze Sketch-Fill-A-R’s responses and human feedback, and show it is more consistent and engaging by using more relevant responses and questions.

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Probing Neural Dialog Models for Conversational Understanding
Abdelrhman Saleh | Tovly Deutsch | Stephen Casper | Yonatan Belinkov | Stuart Shieber

The predominant approach to open-domain dialog generation relies on end-to-end training of neural models on chat datasets. However, this approach provides little insight as to what these models learn (or do not learn) about engaging in dialog. In this study, we analyze the internal representations learned by neural open-domain dialog systems and evaluate the quality of these representations for learning basic conversational skills. Our results suggest that standard open-domain dialog systems struggle with answering questions, inferring contradiction, and determining the topic of conversation, among other tasks. We also find that the dyadic, turn-taking nature of dialog is not fully leveraged by these models. By exploring these limitations, we highlight the need for additional research into architectures and training methods that can better capture high-level information about dialog.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 3rd NLP4IF Workshop on NLP for Internet Freedom: Censorship, Disinformation, and Propaganda

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Proceedings of the 3rd NLP4IF Workshop on NLP for Internet Freedom: Censorship, Disinformation, and Propaganda
Giovanni Da San Martino | Chris Brew | Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia | Anna Feldman | Chris Leberknight | Preslav Nakov

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Two Stage Transformer Model for COVID-19 Fake News Detection and Fact Checking
Rutvik Vijjali | Prathyush Potluri | Siddharth Kumar | Sundeep Teki

The rapid advancement of technology in online communication via social media platforms has led to a prolific rise in the spread of misinformation and fake news. Fake news is especially rampant in the current COVID-19 pandemic, leading to people believing in false and potentially harmful claims and stories. Detecting fake news quickly can alleviate the spread of panic, chaos and potential health hazards. We developed a two stage automated pipeline for COVID-19 fake news detection using state of the art machine learning models for natural language processing. The first model leverages a novel fact checking algorithm that retrieves the most relevant facts concerning user queries about particular COVID-19 claims. The second model verifies the level of “truth” in the queried claim by computing the textual entailment between the claim and the true facts retrieved from a manually curated COVID-19 dataset. The dataset is based on a publicly available knowledge source consisting of more than 5000 COVID-19 false claims and verified explanations, a subset of which was internally annotated and cross-validated to train and evaluate our models. We evaluate a series of models based on classical text-based features to more contextual Transformer based models and observe that a model pipeline based on BERT and ALBERT for the two stages respectively yields the best results.

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Measuring Alignment to Authoritarian State Media as Framing Bias
Timothy Niven | Hung-Yu Kao

We introduce what is to the best of our knowledge a new task in natural language processing: measuring alignment to authoritarian state media. We operationalize alignment in terms of sociological definitions of media bias. We take as a case study the alignment of four Taiwanese media outlets to the Chinese Communist Party state media. We present the results of an initial investigation using the frequency of words in psychologically meaningful categories. Our findings suggest that the chosen word categories correlate with framing choices. We develop a calculation method that yields reasonable results for measuring alignment, agreeing well with the known labels. We confirm that our method does capture event selection bias, but whether it captures framing bias requires further investigation.

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Incorporating Count-Based Features into Pre-Trained Models for Improved Stance Detection
Anushka Prakash | Harish Tayyar Madabushi

The explosive growth and popularity of Social Media has revolutionised the way we communicate and collaborate. Unfortunately, this same ease of accessing and sharing information has led to an explosion of misinformation and propaganda. Given that stance detection can significantly aid in veracity prediction, this work focuses on boosting automated stance detection, a task on which pre-trained models have been extremely successful on, as on several other tasks. This work shows that the task of stance detection can benefit from feature based information, especially on certain under performing classes, however, integrating such features into pre-trained models using ensembling is challenging. We propose a novel architecture for integrating features with pre-trained models that address these challenges and test our method on the RumourEval 2019 dataset. This method achieves state-of-the-art results with an F1-score of 63.94 on the test set.

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A Multi-Modal Method for Satire Detection using Textual and Visual Cues
Lily Li | Or Levi | Pedram Hosseini | David Broniatowski

Satire is a form of humorous critique, but it is sometimes misinterpreted by readers as legitimate news, which can lead to harmful consequences. We observe that the images used in satirical news articles often contain absurd or ridiculous content and that image manipulation is used to create fictional scenarios. While previous work have studied text-based methods, in this work we propose a multi-modal approach based on state-of-the-art visiolinguistic model ViLBERT. To this end, we create a new dataset consisting of images and headlines of regular and satirical news for the task of satire detection. We fine-tune ViLBERT on the dataset and train a convolutional neural network that uses an image forensics technique. Evaluation on the dataset shows that our proposed multi-modal approach outperforms image-only, text-only, and simple fusion baselines.

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A Risk Communication Event Detection Model via Contrastive Learning
Mingi Shin | Sungwon Han | Sungkyu Park | Meeyoung Cha

This paper presents a time-topic cohesive model describing the communication patterns on the coronavirus pandemic from three Asian countries. The strength of our model is two-fold. First, it detects contextualized events based on topical and temporal information via contrastive learning. Second, it can be applied to multiple languages, enabling a comparison of risk communication across cultures. We present a case study and discuss future implications of the proposed model.


bib (full) Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Natural Language Processing Beyond Text

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Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Natural Language Processing Beyond Text
Giuseppe Castellucci | Simone Filice | Soujanya Poria | Erik Cambria | Lucia Specia

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Modulated Fusion using Transformer for Linguistic-Acoustic Emotion Recognition
Jean-Benoit Delbrouck | Noé Tits | Stéphane Dupont

This paper aims to bring a new lightweight yet powerful solution for the task of Emotion Recognition and Sentiment Analysis. Our motivation is to propose two architectures based on Transformers and modulation that combine the linguistic and acoustic inputs from a wide range of datasets to challenge, and sometimes surpass, the state-of-the-art in the field. To demonstrate the efficiency of our models, we carefully evaluate their performances on the IEMOCAP, MOSI, MOSEI and MELD dataset. The experiments can be directly replicated and the code is fully open for future researches.

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Multimodal Speech Recognition with Unstructured Audio Masking
Tejas Srinivasan | Ramon Sanabria | Florian Metze | Desmond Elliott

Visual context has been shown to be useful for automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems when the speech signal is noisy or corrupted. Previous work, however, has only demonstrated the utility of visual context in an unrealistic setting, where a fixed set of words are systematically masked in the audio. In this paper, we simulate a more realistic masking scenario during model training, called RandWordMask, where the masking can occur for any word segment. Our experiments on the Flickr 8K Audio Captions Corpus show that multimodal ASR can generalize to recover different types of masked words in this unstructured masking setting. Moreover, our analysis shows that our models are capable of attending to the visual signal when the audio signal is corrupted. These results show that multimodal ASR systems can leverage the visual signal in more generalized noisy scenarios.

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Building a Bridge: A Method for Image-Text Sarcasm Detection Without Pretraining on Image-Text Data
Xinyu Wang | Xiaowen Sun | Tan Yang | Hongbo Wang

Sarcasm detection in social media with text and image is becoming more challenging. Previous works of image-text sarcasm detection were mainly to fuse the summaries of text and image: different sub-models read the text and image respectively to get the summaries, and fuses the summaries. Recently, some multi-modal models based on the architecture of BERT are proposed such as ViLBERT. However, they can only be pretrained on the image-text data. In this paper, we propose an image-text model for sarcasm detection using the pretrained BERT and ResNet without any further pretraining. BERT and ResNet have been pretrained on much larger text or image data than image-text data. We connect the vector spaces of BERT and ResNet to utilize more data. We use the pretrained Multi-Head Attention of BERT to model the text and image. Besides, we propose a 2D-Intra-Attention to extract the relationships between words and images. In experiments, our model outperforms the state-of-the-art model.

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A Benchmark for Structured Procedural Knowledge Extraction from Cooking Videos
Frank F. Xu | Lei Ji | Botian Shi | Junyi Du | Graham Neubig | Yonatan Bisk | Nan Duan

Watching instructional videos are often used to learn about procedures. Video captioning is one way of automatically collecting such knowledge. However, it provides only an indirect, overall evaluation of multimodal models with no finer-grained quantitative measure of what they have learned. We propose instead, a benchmark of structured procedural knowledge extracted from cooking videos. This work is complementary to existing tasks, but requires models to produce interpretable structured knowledge in the form of verb-argument tuples. Our manually annotated open-vocabulary resource includes 356 instructional cooking videos and 15,523 video clip/sentence-level annotations. Our analysis shows that the proposed task is challenging and standard modeling approaches like unsupervised segmentation, semantic role labeling, and visual action detection perform poorly when forced to predict every action of a procedure in a structured form.

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IESTAC: English-Italian Parallel Corpus for End-to-End Speech-to-Text Machine Translation
Giuseppe Della Corte | Sara Stymne

We discuss a set of methods for the creation of IESTAC: a English-Italian speech and text parallel corpus designed for the training of end-to-end speech-to-text machine translation models and publicly released as part of this work. We first mapped English LibriVox audiobooks and their corresponding English Gutenberg Project e-books to Italian e-books with a set of three complementary methods. Then we aligned the English and the Italian texts using both traditional Gale-Church based alignment methods and a recently proposed tool to perform bilingual sentences alignment computing the cosine similarity of multilingual sentence embeddings. Finally, we forced the alignment between the English audiobooks and the English side of our textual parallel corpus with a text-to-speech and dynamic time warping based forced alignment tool. For each step, we provide the reader with a critical discussion based on detailed evaluation and comparison of the results of the different methods.

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Unsupervised Keyword Extraction for Full-Sentence VQA
Kohei Uehara | Tatsuya Harada

In the majority of the existing Visual Question Answering (VQA) research, the answers consist of short, often single words, as per instructions given to the annotators during dataset construction. This study envisions a VQA task for natural situations, where the answers are more likely to be sentences rather than single words. To bridge the gap between this natural VQA and existing VQA approaches, a novel unsupervised keyword extraction method is proposed. The method is based on the principle that the full-sentence answers can be decomposed into two parts: one that contains new information answering the question (i.e. keywords), and one that contains information already included in the question. Discriminative decoders were designed to achieve such decomposition, and the method was experimentally implemented on VQA datasets containing full-sentence answers. The results show that the proposed model can accurately extract the keywords without being given explicit annotations describing them.

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MAST: Multimodal Abstractive Summarization with Trimodal Hierarchical Attention
Aman Khullar | Udit Arora

This paper presents MAST, a new model for Multimodal Abstractive Text Summarization that utilizes information from all three modalities – text, audio and video – in a multimodal video. Prior work on multimodal abstractive text summarization only utilized information from the text and video modalities. We examine the usefulness and challenges of deriving information from the audio modality and present a sequence-to-sequence trimodal hierarchical attention-based model that overcomes these challenges by letting the model pay more attention to the text modality. MAST outperforms the current state of the art model (video-text) by 2.51 points in terms of Content F1 score and 1.00 points in terms of Rouge-L score on the How2 dataset for multimodal language understanding.

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Towards End-to-End In-Image Neural Machine Translation
Elman Mansimov | Mitchell Stern | Mia Chen | Orhan Firat | Jakob Uszkoreit | Puneet Jain

In this paper, we offer a preliminary investigation into the task of in-image machine translation: transforming an image containing text in one language into an image containing the same text in another language. We propose an end-to-end neural model for this task inspired by recent approaches to neural machine translation, and demonstrate promising initial results based purely on pixel-level supervision. We then offer a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of our system outputs and discuss some common failure modes. Finally, we conclude with directions for future work.

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Reasoning Over History: Context Aware Visual Dialog
Muhammad Shah | Shikib Mehri | Tejas Srinivasan

While neural models have been shown to exhibit strong performance on single-turn visual question answering (VQA) tasks, extending VQA to a multi-turn, conversational setting remains a challenge. One way to address this challenge is to augment existing strong neural VQA models with the mechanisms that allow them to retain information from previous dialog turns. One strong VQA model is the MAC network, which decomposes a task into a series of attention-based reasoning steps. However, since the MAC network is designed for single-turn question answering, it is not capable of referring to past dialog turns. More specifically, it struggles with tasks that require reasoning over the dialog history, particularly coreference resolution. We extend the MAC network architecture with Context-aware Attention and Memory (CAM), which attends over control states in past dialog turns to determine the necessary reasoning operations for the current question. MAC nets with CAM achieve up to 98.25% accuracy on the CLEVR-Dialog dataset, beating the existing state-of-the-art by 30% (absolute). Our error analysis indicates that with CAM, the model’s performance particularly improved on questions that required coreference resolution.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on NLP for COVID-19 (Part 2) at EMNLP 2020

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Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on NLP for COVID-19 (Part 2) at EMNLP 2020
Karin Verspoor | Kevin Bretonnel Cohen | Michael Conway | Berry de Bruijn | Mark Dredze | Rada Mihalcea | Byron Wallace

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Answering Questions on COVID-19 in Real-Time
Jinhyuk Lee | Sean S. Yi | Minbyul Jeong | Mujeen Sung | WonJin Yoon | Yonghwa Choi | Miyoung Ko | Jaewoo Kang

The recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus is wreaking havoc on the world and researchers are struggling to effectively combat it. One reason why the fight is difficult is due to the lack of information and knowledge. In this work, we outline our effort to contribute to shrinking this knowledge vacuum by creating covidAsk, a question answering (QA) system that combines biomedical text mining and QA techniques to provide answers to questions in real-time. Our system also leverages information retrieval (IR) approaches to provide entity-level answers that are complementary to QA models. Evaluation of covidAsk is carried out by using a manually created dataset called COVID-19 Questions which is based on information from various sources, including the CDC and the WHO. We hope our system will be able to aid researchers in their search for knowledge and information not only for COVID-19, but for future pandemics as well.

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CORA: A Deep Active Learning Covid-19 Relevancy Algorithm to Identify Core Scientific Articles
Zubair Afzal | Vikrant Yadav | Olga Fedorova | Vaishnavi Kandala | Janneke van de Loo | Saber A. Akhondi | Pascal Coupet | George Tsatsaronis

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, the academic and scientific research community, as well as industry and governments around the world have joined forces in an unprecedented manner to fight the threat. Clinicians, biologists, chemists, bioinformaticians, nurses, data scientists, and all of the affiliated relevant disciplines have been mobilized to help discover efficient treatments for the infected population, as well as a vaccine solution to prevent further the virus spread. In this combat against the virus responsible for the pandemic, key for any advancements is the timely, accurate, peer-reviewed, and efficient communication of any novel research findings. In this paper we present a novel framework to address the information need of filtering efficiently the scientific bibliography for relevant literature around COVID-19. The contributions of the paper are summarized in the following: we define and describe the information need that encompasses the major requirements for COVID-19 articles relevancy, we present and release an expert-curated benchmark set for the task, and we analyze the performance of several state-of-the-art machine learning classifiers that may distinguish the relevant from the non-relevant COVID-19 literature.

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Frugal neural reranking: evaluation on the Covid-19 literature
Tiago Almeida | Sérgio Matos

The Covid-19 pandemic urged the scientific community to join efforts at an unprecedented scale, leading to faster than ever dissemination of data and results, which in turn motivated more research works. This paper presents and discusses information retrieval models aimed at addressing the challenge of searching the large number of publications that stem from these studies. The model presented, based on classical baselines followed by an interaction based neural ranking model, was evaluated and evolved within the TREC Covid challenge setting. Results on this dataset show that, when starting with a strong baseline, our light neural ranking model can achieve results that are comparable to other model architectures that use very large number of parameters.

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COVID-19 Literature Topic-Based Search via Hierarchical NMF
Rachel Grotheer | Longxiu Huang | Yihuan Huang | Alona Kryshchenko | Oleksandr Kryshchenko | Pengyu Li | Xia Li | Elizaveta Rebrova | Kyung Ha | Deanna Needell

A dataset of COVID-19-related scientific literature is compiled, combining the articles from several online libraries and selecting those with open access and full text available. Then, hierarchical nonnegative matrix factorization is used to organize literature related to the novel coronavirus into a tree structure that allows researchers to search for relevant literature based on detected topics. We discover eight major latent topics and 52 granular subtopics in the body of literature, related to vaccines, genetic structure and modeling of the disease and patient studies, as well as related diseases and virology. In order that our tool may help current researchers, an interactive website is created that organizes available literature using this hierarchical structure.

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TICO-19: the Translation Initiative for COvid-19
Antonios Anastasopoulos | Alessandro Cattelan | Zi-Yi Dou | Marcello Federico | Christian Federmann | Dmitriy Genzel | Franscisco Guzmán | Junjie Hu | Macduff Hughes | Philipp Koehn | Rosie Lazar | Will Lewis | Graham Neubig | Mengmeng Niu | Alp Öktem | Eric Paquin | Grace Tang | Sylwia Tur

The COVID-19 pandemic is the worst pandemic to strike the world in over a century. Crucial to stemming the tide of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is communicating to vulnerable populations the means by which they can protect themselves. To this end, the collaborators forming the Translation Initiative for COvid-19 (TICO-19) have made test and development data available to AI and MT researchers in 35 different languages in order to foster the development of tools and resources for improving access to information about COVID-19 in these languages. In addition to 9 high-resourced, ”pivot” languages, the team is targeting 26 lesser resourced languages, in particular languages of Africa, South Asia and South-East Asia, whose populations may be the most vulnerable to the spread of the virus. The same data is translated into all of the languages represented, meaning that testing or development can be done for any pairing of languages in the set. Further, the team is converting the test and development data into translation memories (TMXs) that can be used by localizers from and to any of the languages.

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Expressive Interviewing: A Conversational System for Coping with COVID-19
Charles Welch | Allison Lahnala | Veronica Perez-Rosas | Siqi Shen | Sarah Seraj | Larry An | Kenneth Resnicow | James Pennebaker | Rada Mihalcea

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has raised concerns for many regarding personal and public health implications, financial security and economic stability. Alongside many other unprecedented challenges, there are increasing concerns over social isolation and mental health. We introduce Expressive Interviewing – an interview-style conversational system that draws on ideas from motivational interviewing and expressive writing. Expressive Interviewing seeks to encourage users to express their thoughts and feelings through writing by asking them questions about how COVID-19 has impacted their lives. We present relevant aspects of the system’s design and implementation as well as quantitative and qualitative analyses of user interactions with the system. In addition, we conduct a comparative evaluation with a general purpose dialogue system for mental health that shows our system potential in helping users to cope with COVID-19 issues.

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Temporal Mental Health Dynamics on Social Media
Tom Tabak | Matthew Purver

We describe a set of experiments for building a temporal mental health dynamics system. We utilise a pre-existing methodology for distant- supervision of mental health data mining from social media platforms and deploy the system during the global COVID-19 pandemic as a case study. Despite the challenging nature of the task, we produce encouraging results, both explicit to the global pandemic and implicit to a global phenomenon, Christmas Depres- sion, supported by the literature. We propose a methodology for providing insight into tem- poral mental health dynamics to be utilised for strategic decision-making.

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Quantifying the Effects of COVID-19 on Mental Health Support Forums
Laura Biester | Katie Matton | Janarthanan Rajendran | Emily Mower Provost | Rada Mihalcea

The COVID-19 pandemic, like many of the disease outbreaks that have preceded it, is likely to have a profound effect on mental health. Understanding its impact can inform strategies for mitigating negative consequences. In this work, we seek to better understand the effects of COVID-19 on mental health by examining discussions within mental health support communities on Reddit. First, we quantify the rate at which COVID-19 is discussed in each community, or subreddit, in order to understand levels of pandemic-related discussion. Next, we examine the volume of activity in order to determine whether the number of people discussing mental health has risen. Finally, we analyze how COVID-19 has influenced language use and topics of discussion within each subreddit.

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COVID-19 Surveillance through Twitter using Self-Supervised and Few Shot Learning
Brandon Lwowski | Peyman Najafirad

Public health surveillance and tracking virus via social media can be a useful digital tool for contact tracing and preventing the spread of the virus. Nowadays, large volumes of COVID-19 tweets can quickly be processed in real-time to offer information to researchers. Nonetheless, due to the absence of labeled data for COVID-19, the preliminary supervised classifier or semi-supervised self-labeled methods will not handle non-spherical data with adequate accuracy. With the seasonal influenza and novel Coronavirus having many similar symptoms, we propose using few shot learning to fine-tune a semi-supervised model built on unlabeled COVID-19 and previously labeled influenza dataset that can provide in- sights into COVID-19 that have not been investigated. The experimental results show the efficacy of the proposed model with an accuracy of 86%, identification of Covid-19 related discussion using recently collected tweets.

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Explaining the Trump Gap in Social Distancing Using COVID Discourse
Austin Van Loon | Sheridan Stewart | Brandon Waldon | Shrinidhi K Lakshmikanth | Ishan Shah | Sharath Chandra Guntuku | Garrick Sherman | James Zou | Johannes Eichstaedt

Our ability to limit the future spread of COVID-19 will in part depend on our understanding of the psychological and sociological processes that lead people to follow or reject coronavirus health behaviors. We argue that the virus has taken on heterogeneous meanings in communities across the United States and that these disparate meanings shaped communities’ response to the virus during the early, vital stages of the outbreak in the U.S. Using word embeddings, we demonstrate that counties where residents socially distanced less on average (as measured by residential mobility) more semantically associated the virus in their COVID discourse with concepts of fraud, the political left, and more benign illnesses like the flu. We also show that the different meanings the virus took on in different communities explains a substantial fraction of what we call the “”Trump Gap”, or the empirical tendency for more Trump-supporting counties to socially distance less. This work demonstrates that community-level processes of meaning-making in part determined behavioral responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and that these processes can be measured unobtrusively using Twitter.

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COVIDLies: Detecting COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media
Tamanna Hossain | Robert L. Logan IV | Arjuna Ugarte | Yoshitomo Matsubara | Sean Young | Sameer Singh

The ongoing pandemic has heightened the need for developing tools to flag COVID-19-related misinformation on the internet, specifically on social media such as Twitter. However, due to novel language and the rapid change of information, existing misinformation detection datasets are not effective for evaluating systems designed to detect misinformation on this topic. Misinformation detection can be divided into two sub-tasks: (i) retrieval of misconceptions relevant to posts being checked for veracity, and (ii) stance detection to identify whether the posts Agree, Disagree, or express No Stance towards the retrieved misconceptions. To facilitate research on this task, we release COVIDLies (https://ucinlp.github.io/covid19 ), a dataset of 6761 expert-annotated tweets to evaluate the performance of misinformation detection systems on 86 different pieces of COVID-19 related misinformation. We evaluate existing NLP systems on this dataset, providing initial benchmarks and identifying key challenges for future models to improve upon.

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Improved Topic Representations of Medical Documents to Assist COVID-19 Literature Exploration
Yulia Otmakhova | Karin Verspoor | Timothy Baldwin | Simon Šuster

Efficient discovery and exploration of biomedical literature has grown in importance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and topic-based methods such as latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) are a useful tool for this purpose. In this study we compare traditional topic models based on word tokens with topic models based on medical concepts, and propose several ways to improve topic coherence and specificity.

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A System for Worldwide COVID-19 Information Aggregation
Akiko Aizawa | Frederic Bergeron | Junjie Chen | Fei Cheng | Katsuhiko Hayashi | Kentaro Inui | Hiroyoshi Ito | Daisuke Kawahara | Masaru Kitsuregawa | Hirokazu Kiyomaru | Masaki Kobayashi | Takashi Kodama | Sadao Kurohashi | Qianying Liu | Masaki Matsubara | Yusuke Miyao | Atsuyuki Morishima | Yugo Murawaki | Kazumasa Omura | Haiyue Song | Eiichiro Sumita | Shinji Suzuki | Ribeka Tanaka | Yu Tanaka | Masashi Toyoda | Nobuhiro Ueda | Honai Ueoka | Masao Utiyama | Ying Zhong

The global pandemic of COVID-19 has made the public pay close attention to related news, covering various domains, such as sanitation, treatment, and effects on education. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 condition is very different among the countries (e.g., policies and development of the epidemic), and thus citizens would be interested in news in foreign countries. We build a system for worldwide COVID-19 information aggregation containing reliable articles from 10 regions in 7 languages sorted by topics. Our reliable COVID-19 related website dataset collected through crowdsourcing ensures the quality of the articles. A neural machine translation module translates articles in other languages into Japanese and English. A BERT-based topic-classifier trained on our article-topic pair dataset helps users find their interested information efficiently by putting articles into different categories.

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CAiRE-COVID: A Question Answering and Query-focused Multi-Document Summarization System for COVID-19 Scholarly Information Management
Dan Su | Yan Xu | Tiezheng Yu | Farhad Bin Siddique | Elham Barezi | Pascale Fung

We present CAiRE-COVID, a real-time question answering (QA) and multi-document summarization system, which won one of the 10 tasks in the Kaggle COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge, judged by medical experts. Our system aims to tackle the recent challenge of mining the numerous scientific articles being published on COVID-19 by answering high priority questions from the community and summarizing salient question-related information. It combines information extraction with state-of-the-art QA and query-focused multi-document summarization techniques, selecting and highlighting evidence snippets from existing literature given a query. We also propose query-focused abstractive and extractive multi-document summarization methods, to provide more relevant information related to the question. We further conduct quantitative experiments that show consistent improvements on various metrics for each module. We have launched our website CAiRE-COVID for broader use by the medical community, and have open-sourced the code for our system, to bootstrap further study by other researches.

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Automatic Evaluation vs. User Preference in Neural Textual QuestionAnswering over COVID-19 Scientific Literature
Arantxa Otegi | Jon Ander Campos | Gorka Azkune | Aitor Soroa | Eneko Agirre

We present a Question Answering (QA) system that won one of the tasks of the Kaggle CORD-19 Challenge, according to the qualitative evaluation of experts. The system is a combination of an Information Retrieval module and a reading comprehension module that finds the answers in the retrieved passages. In this paper we present a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the system. The quantitative evaluation using manually annotated datasets contradicted some of our design choices, e.g. the fact that using QuAC for fine-tuning provided better answers over just using SQuAD. We analyzed this mismatch with an additional A/B test which showed that the system using QuAC was indeed preferred by users, confirming our intuition. Our analysis puts in question the suitability of automatic metrics and its correlation to user preferences. We also show that automatic metrics are highly dependent on the characteristics of the gold standard, such as the average length of the answers.

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A Multilingual Neural Machine Translation Model for Biomedical Data
Alexandre Bérard | Zae Myung Kim | Vassilina Nikoulina | Eunjeong Lucy Park | Matthias Gallé

We release a multilingual neural machine translation model, which can be used to translate text in the biomedical domain. The model can translate from 5 languages (French, German, Italian, Korean and Spanish) into English. It is trained with large amounts of generic and biomedical data, using domain tags. Our benchmarks show that it performs near state-of-the-art both on news (generic domain) and biomedical test sets, and that it outperforms the existing publicly released models. We believe that this release will help the large-scale multilingual analysis of the digital content of the COVID-19 crisis and of its effects on society, economy, and healthcare policies. We also release a test set of biomedical text for Korean-English. It consists of 758 sentences from official guidelines and recent papers, all about COVID-19.

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Public Sentiment on Governmental COVID-19 Measures in Dutch Social Media
Shihan Wang | Marijn Schraagen | Erik Tjong Kim Sang | Mehdi Dastani

Public sentiment (the opinion, attitude or feeling that the public expresses) is a factor of interest for government, as it directly influences the implementation of policies. Given the unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 crisis, having an up-to-date representation of public sentiment on governmental measures and announcements is crucial. In this paper, we analyse Dutch public sentiment on governmental COVID-19 measures from text data collected across three online media sources (Twitter, Reddit and Nu.nl) from February to September 2020. We apply sentiment analysis methods to analyse polarity over time, as well as to identify stance towards two specific pandemic policies regarding social distancing and wearing face masks. The presented preliminary results provide valuable insights into the narratives shown in vast social media text data, which help understand the influence of COVID-19 measures on the general public.

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Exploratory Analysis of COVID-19 Related Tweets in North America to Inform Public Health Institutes
Hyeju Jang | Emily Rempel | Giuseppe Carenini | Naveed Janjua

Social media is a rich source where we can learn about people’s reactions to social issues. As COVID-19 has significantly impacted on people’s lives, it is essential to capture how people react to public health interventions and understand their concerns. In this paper, we aim to investigate people’s reactions and concerns about COVID-19 in North America, especially focusing on Canada. We analyze COVID-19 related tweets using topic modeling and aspect-based sentiment analysis, and interpret the results with public health experts. We compare timeline of topics discussed with timing of implementation of public health interventions for COVID-19. We also examine people’s sentiment about COVID-19 related issues. We discuss how the results can be helpful for public health agencies when designing a policy for new interventions. Our work shows how Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques could be applied to public health questions with domain expert involvement.

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Twitter Data Augmentation for Monitoring Public Opinion on COVID-19 Intervention Measures
Lin Miao | Mark Last | Marina Litvak

The COVID-19 outbreak is an ongoing worldwide pandemic that was announced as a global health crisis in March 2020. Due to the enormous challenges and high stakes of this pandemic, governments have implemented a wide range of policies aimed at containing the spread of the virus and its negative effect on multiple aspects of our life. Public responses to various intervention measures imposed over time can be explored by analyzing the social media. Due to the shortage of available labeled data for this new and evolving domain, we apply data distillation methodology to labeled datasets from related tasks and a very small manually labeled dataset. Our experimental results show that data distillation outperforms other data augmentation methods on our task.

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COVID-19: A Semantic-Based Pipeline for Recommending Biomedical Entities
Marcia Afonso Barros | Andre Lamurias | Diana Sousa | Pedro Ruas | Francisco M. Couto

With the increasing number of publications about COVID-19, it is a challenge to extract personalized knowledge suitable for each researcher. This work aims to build a new semantic-based pipeline for recommending biomedical entities to scientific researchers. To this end, we developed a pipeline that creates an implicit feedback matrix based on Named Entity Recognition (NER) on a corpus of documents, using multidisciplinary ontologies for recognizing and linking the entities. Our hypothesis is that by using ontologies from different fields in the NER phase, we can improve the results for state-of-the-art collaborative-filtering recommender systems applied to the dataset created. The tests performed using the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) dataset show that when using four ontologies, the results for precision@k, for example, reach the 80%, whereas when using only one ontology, the results for precision@k drops to 20%, for the same users. Furthermore, the use of multi-fields entities may help in the discovery of new items, even if the researchers do not have items from that field in their set of preferences.

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Vapur: A Search Engine to Find Related Protein - Compound Pairs in COVID-19 Literature
Abdullatif Köksal | Hilal Dönmez | Rıza Özçelik | Elif Ozkirimli | Arzucan Özgür

Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19) created dire consequences globally and triggered an intense scientific effort from different domains. The resulting publications created a huge text collection in which finding the studies related to a biomolecule of interest is challenging for general purpose search engines because the publications are rich in domain specific terminology. Here, we present Vapur: an online COVID-19 search engine specifically designed to find related protein - chemical pairs. Vapur is empowered with a relation-oriented inverted index that is able to retrieve and group studies for a query biomolecule with respect to its related entities. The inverted index of Vapur is automatically created with a BioNLP pipeline and integrated with an online user interface. The online interface is designed for the smooth traversal of the current literature by domain researchers and is publicly available at https://tabilab.cmpe.boun.edu.tr/vapur/.

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Knowledge Discovery in COVID-19 Research Literature
Alejandro Piad-Morffis | Suilan Estevez-Velarde | Ernesto Luis Estevanell-Valladares | Yoan Gutiérrez | Andrés Montoyo | Rafael Muñoz | Yudivián Almeida-Cruz

This paper presents the preliminary results of an ongoing project that analyzes the growing body of scientific research published around the COVID-19 pandemic. In this research, a general-purpose semantic model is used to double annotate a batch of 500 sentences that were manually selected by the researchers from the CORD-19 corpus. Afterwards, a baseline text-mining pipeline is designed and evaluated via a large batch of 100,959 sentences. We present a qualitative analysis of the most interesting facts automatically extracted and highlight possible future lines of development. The preliminary results show that general-purpose semantic models are a useful tool for discovering fine-grained knowledge in large corpora of scientific documents.

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Identifying pandemic-related stress factors from social-media posts – Effects on students and young-adults
Sachin Thukral | Suyash Sangwan | Arnab Chatterjee | Lipika Dey

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown natural life out of gear across the globe. Strict measures are deployed to curb the spread of the virus that is causing it, and the most effective of them have been social isolation. This has led to wide-spread gloom and depression across society but more so among the young and the elderly. There are currently more than 200 million college students in 186 countries worldwide, affected due to the pandemic. The mode of education has changed suddenly, with the rapid adaptation of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. This study presents insights gathered from social media posts that were posted by students and young adults during the COVID times. Using statistical and NLP techniques, we analyzed the behavioural issues reported by users themselves in their posts in depression related communities on Reddit. We present methodologies to systematically analyze content using linguistic techniques to find out the stress-inducing factors. Online education, losing jobs, isolation from friends and abusive families emerge as key stress factors

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Tracking And Understanding Public Reaction During COVID-19: Saudi Arabia As A Use Case
Aseel Addawood | Alhanouf Alsuwailem | Ali Alohali | Dalal Alajaji | Mashail Alturki | Jaida Alsuhaibani | Fawziah Aljabli

The coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) has a huge impact on economies and societies around the world. While governments are taking extreme measures to reduce the spread of the virus, people are getting affected by these new measures. With restrictions like lockdown and social distancing, it became important to understand the emotional response of the public towards the pandemic. In this paper, we study the reaction of Saudi Arabia citizens towards the pandemic. We utilize a collection of Arabic tweets that were sent during 2020, primarily through hashtags that were originated from Saudi Arabia. Our results showed that people had kept a positive reaction towards the pandemic. This positive reaction was at its highest at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis and started to decline as time passes. Overall, the results showed that people were so supportive of each other through this pandemic. This research can help researchers and policymakers in understanding the emotional effect of a pandemic on societies.

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Characterizing drug mentions in COVID-19 Twitter Chatter
Ramya Tekumalla | Juan M Banda

Since the classification of COVID-19 as a global pandemic, there have been many attempts to treat and contain the virus. Although there is no specific antiviral treatment recommended for COVID-19, there are several drugs that can potentially help with symptoms. In this work, we mined a large twitter dataset of 424 million tweets of COVID-19 chatter to identify discourse around drug mentions. While seemingly a straightforward task, due to the informal nature of language use in Twitter, we demonstrate the need of machine learning alongside traditional automated methods to aid in this task. By applying these complementary methods, we are able to recover almost 15% additional data, making misspelling handling a needed task as a pre-processing step when dealing with social media data.

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Content analysis of Persian/Farsi Tweets during COVID-19 pandemic in Iran using NLP
Pedram Hosseini | Poorya Hosseini | David Broniatowski

Iran, along with China, South Korea, and Italy was among the countries that were hit hard in the first wave of the COVID-19 spread. Twitter is one of the widely-used online platforms by Iranians inside and abroad for sharing their opinion, thoughts, and feelings about a wide range of issues. In this study, using more than 530,000 original tweets in Persian/Farsi on COVID-19, we analyzed the topics discussed among users, who are mainly Iranians, to gauge and track the response to the pandemic and how it evolved over time. We applied a combination of manual annotation of a random sample of tweets and topic modeling tools to classify the contents and frequency of each category of topics. We identified the top 25 topics among which living experience under home quarantine emerged as a major talking point. We additionally categorized the broader content of tweets that shows satire, followed by news, is the dominant tweet type among Iranian users. While this framework and methodology can be used to track public response to ongoing developments related to COVID-19, a generalization of this framework can become a useful framework to gauge Iranian public reaction to ongoing policy measures or events locally and internationally.

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Annotating the Pandemic: Named Entity Recognition and Normalisation in COVID-19 Literature
Nico Colic | Lenz Furrer | Fabio Rinaldi

The COVID-19 pandemic has been accompanied by such an explosive increase in media coverage and scientific publications that researchers find it difficult to keep up. We are presenting a publicly available pipeline to perform named entity recognition and normalisation in parallel to help find relevant publications and to aid in downstream NLP tasks such as text summarisation. In our approach, we are using a dictionary-based system for its high recall in conjunction with two models based on BioBERT for their accuracy. Their outputs are combined according to different strategies depending on the entity type. In addition, we are using a manually crafted dictionary to increase performance for new concepts related to COVID-19. We have previously evaluated our work on the CRAFT corpus, and make the output of our pipeline available on two visualisation platforms.

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AskMe: A LAPPS Grid-based NLP Query and Retrieval System for Covid-19 Literature
Keith Suderman | Nancy Ide | Verhagen Marc | Brent Cochran | James Pustejovsky

In a recent project, the Language Application Grid was augmented to support the mining of scientific publications. The results of that ef- fort have now been repurposed to focus on Covid-19 literature, including modification of the LAPPS Grid “AskMe” query and retrieval engine. We describe the AskMe system and discuss its functionality as compared to other query engines available to search covid-related publications.

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Concept Wikification for COVID-19
Panagiotis Lymperopoulos | Haoling Qiu | Bonan Min

Understanding scientific articles related to COVID-19 requires broad knowledge about concepts such as symptoms, diseases and medicine. Given the very large and ever-growing scientific articles related to COVID-19, it is a daunting task even for experts to recognize the large set of concepts mentioned in these articles. In this paper, we address the problem of concept wikification for COVID-19, which is to automatically recognize mentions of concepts related to COVID-19 in text and resolve them into Wikipedia titles. We develop an approach to curate a COVID-19 concept wikification dataset by mining Wikipedia text and the associated intra-Wikipedia links. We also develop an end-to-end system for concept wikification for COVID-19. Preliminary experiments show very encouraging results. Our dataset, code and pre-trained model are available at github.com/panlybero/Covid19_wikification.

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Developing a Curated Topic Model for COVID-19 Medical Research Literature
Philip Resnik | Katherine E. Goodman | Mike Moran

Topic models can facilitate search, navigation, and knowledge discovery in large document collections. However, automatic generation of topic models can produce results that fail to meet the needs of users. We advocate for a set of user-focused desiderata in topic modeling for the COVID-19 literature, and describe an effort in progress to develop a curated topic model for COVID-19 articles informed by subject matter expertise and the way medical researchers engage with medical literature.

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Collecting Verified COVID-19 Question Answer Pairs
Adam Poliak | Max Fleming | Cash Costello | Kenton Murray | Mahsa Yarmohammadi | Shivani Pandya | Darius Irani | Milind Agarwal | Udit Sharma | Shuo Sun | Nicola Ivanov | Lingxi Shang | Kaushik Srinivasan | Seolhwa Lee | Xu Han | Smisha Agarwal | João Sedoc

We release a dataset of over 2,100 COVID19 related Frequently asked Question-Answer pairs scraped from over 40 trusted websites. We include an additional 24, 000 questions pulled from online sources that have been aligned by experts with existing answered questions from our dataset. This paper describes our efforts in collecting the dataset and summarizes the resulting data. Our dataset is automatically updated daily and available at https://github.com/JHU-COVID-QA/ scraping-qas. So far, this data has been used to develop a chatbot providing users information about COVID-19. We encourage others to build analytics and tools upon this dataset as well.

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A Comprehensive Dictionary and Term Variation Analysis for COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2
Robert Leaman | Zhiyong Lu

The number of unique terms in the scientific literature used to refer to either SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 is remarkably large and has continued to increase rapidly despite well-established standardized terms. This high degree of term variation makes high recall identification of these important entities difficult. In this manuscript we present an extensive dictionary of terms used in the literature to refer to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. We use a rule-based approach to iteratively generate new term variants, then locate these variants in a large text corpus. We compare our dictionary to an extensive collection of terminological resources, demonstrating that our resource provides a substantial number of additional terms. We use our dictionary to analyze the usage of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 terms over time and show that the number of unique terms continues to grow rapidly. Our dictionary is freely available at https://github.com/ncbi-nlp/CovidTermVar.

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Using the Poly-encoder for a COVID-19 Question Answering System
Seolhwa Lee | João Sedoc

To combat misinformation regarding COVID- 19 during this unprecedented pandemic, we propose a conversational agent that answers questions related to COVID-19. We adapt the Poly-encoder (Humeau et al., 2020) model for informational retrieval from FAQs. We show that after fine-tuning, the Poly-encoder can achieve a higher F1 score. We make our code publicly available for other researchers to use.

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Weibo-COV: A Large-Scale COVID-19 Social Media Dataset from Weibo
Yong Hu | Heyan Huang | Anfan Chen | Xian-Ling Mao

With the rapid development of COVID-19 around the world, people are requested to maintain “social distance” and “stay at home”. In this scenario, extensive social interactions transfer to cyberspace, especially on social media platforms like Twitter and Sina Weibo. People generate posts to share information, express opinions and seek help during the pandemic outbreak, and these kinds of data on social media are valuable for studies to prevent COVID-19 transmissions, such as early warning and outbreaks detection. Therefore, in this paper, we release a novel and fine-grained large-scale COVID-19 social media dataset collected from Sina Weibo, named Weibo-COV, contains more than 40 million posts ranging from December 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020. Moreover, this dataset includes comprehensive information nuggets like post-level information, interactive information, location information, and repost network. We hope this dataset can promote studies of COVID-19 from multiple perspectives and enable better and rapid researches to suppress the spread of this pandemic.

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Detecting Emerging Symptoms of COVID-19 using Context-based Twitter Embeddings
Roshan Santosh | H. Andrew Schwartz | Johannes Eichstaedt | Lyle Ungar | Sharath Chandra Guntuku

In this paper, we present an iterative graph-based approach for the detection of symptoms of COVID-19, the pathology of which seems to be evolving. More generally, the method can be applied to finding context-specific words and texts (e.g. symptom mentions) in large imbalanced corpora (e.g. all tweets mentioning #COVID-19). Given the novelty of COVID-19, we also test if the proposed approach generalizes to the problem of detecting Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR). We find that the approach applied to Twitter data can detect symptom mentions substantially before to their being reported by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

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Hate and Toxic Speech Detection in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic using XAI: Ongoing Applied Research
David Hardage | Peyman Najafirad

As social distancing, self-quarantines, and travel restrictions have shifted a lot of pandemic conversations to social media so does the spread of hate speech. While recent machine learning solutions for automated hate and offensive speech identification are available on Twitter, there are issues with their interpretability. We propose a novel use of learned feature importance which improves upon the performance of prior state-of-the-art text classification techniques, while producing more easily interpretable decisions. We also discuss both technical and practical challenges that remain for this task.

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Real-time Classification, Geolocation and Interactive Visualization of COVID-19 Information Shared on Social Media to Better Understand Global Developments
Andrei Mircea

As people communicate on social media during COVID-19, it can be an invaluable source of useful and up-to-date information. However, the large volume and noise-to-signal ratio of social media can make this impractical. We present a prototype dashboard for the real-time classification, geolocation and interactive visualization of COVID-19 tweets that addresses these issues. We also describe a novel L2 classification layer that outperforms linear layers on a dataset of respiratory virus tweets.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on NLP for COVID-19 at ACL 2020

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Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on NLP for COVID-19 at ACL 2020
Karin Verspoor | Kevin Bretonnel Cohen | Mark Dredze | Emilio Ferrara | Jonathan May | Robert Munro | Cecile Paris | Byron Wallace

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CORD-19: The COVID-19 Open Research Dataset
Lucy Lu Wang | Kyle Lo | Yoganand Chandrasekhar | Russell Reas | Jiangjiang Yang | Doug Burdick | Darrin Eide | Kathryn Funk | Yannis Katsis | Rodney Michael Kinney | Yunyao Li | Ziyang Liu | William Merrill | Paul Mooney | Dewey A. Murdick | Devvret Rishi | Jerry Sheehan | Zhihong Shen | Brandon Stilson | Alex D. Wade | Kuansan Wang | Nancy Xin Ru Wang | Christopher Wilhelm | Boya Xie | Douglas M. Raymond | Daniel S. Weld | Oren Etzioni | Sebastian Kohlmeier

The COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) is a growing resource of scientific papers on COVID-19 and related historical coronavirus research. CORD-19 is designed to facilitate the development of text mining and information retrieval systems over its rich collection of metadata and structured full text papers. Since its release, CORD-19 has been downloaded over 200K times and has served as the basis of many COVID-19 text mining and discovery systems. In this article, we describe the mechanics of dataset construction, highlighting challenges and key design decisions, provide an overview of how CORD-19 has been used, and describe several shared tasks built around the dataset. We hope this resource will continue to bring together the computing community, biomedical experts, and policy makers in the search for effective treatments and management policies for COVID-19.

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Rapidly Deploying a Neural Search Engine for the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset
Edwin Zhang | Nikhil Gupta | Rodrigo Nogueira | Kyunghyun Cho | Jimmy Lin

The Neural Covidex is a search engine that exploits the latest neural ranking architectures to provide information access to the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) curated by the Allen Institute for AI. It exists as part of a suite of tools we have developed to help domain experts tackle the ongoing global pandemic. We hope that improved information access capabilities to the scientific literature can inform evidence-based decision making and insight generation.

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Document Classification for COVID-19 Literature
Bernal Jiménez Gutiérrez | Juncheng Zeng | Dongdong Zhang | Ping Zhang | Yu Su

The global pandemic has made it more important than ever to quickly and accurately retrieve relevant scientific literature for effective consumption by researchers in a wide range of fields. We provide an analysis of several multi-label document classification models on the LitCovid dataset. We find that pre-trained language models outperform other models in both low and high data regimes, achieving a maximum F1 score of around 86%. We note that even the highest performing models still struggle with label correlation, distraction from introductory text and CORD-19 generalization. Both data and code are available on GitHub.

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Enabling Low-Resource Transfer Learning across COVID-19 Corpora by Combining Event-Extraction and Co-Training
Alexander Spangher | Nanyun Peng | Jonathan May | Emilio Ferrara

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Self-supervised context-aware COVID-19 document exploration through atlas grounding
Dusan Grujicic | Gorjan Radevski | Tinne Tuytelaars | Matthew Blaschko

In this paper, we aim to develop a self-supervised grounding of Covid-related medical text based on the actual spatial relationships between the referred anatomical concepts. More specifically, we learn to project sentences into a physical space defined by a three-dimensional anatomical atlas, allowing for a visual approach to navigating Covid-related literature. We design a straightforward and empirically effective training objective to reduce the curated data dependency issue. We use BERT as the main building block of our model and perform a quantitative analysis that demonstrates that the model learns a context-aware mapping. We illustrate two potential use-cases for our approach, one in interactive, 3D data exploration, and the other in document retrieval. To accelerate research in this direction, we make public all trained models, codebase and the developed tools, which can be accessed at https://github.com/gorjanradevski/macchina/.

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CODA-19: Using a Non-Expert Crowd to Annotate Research Aspects on 10,000+ Abstracts in the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset
Ting-Hao Kenneth Huang | Chieh-Yang Huang | Chien-Kuang Cornelia Ding | Yen-Chia Hsu | C. Lee Giles

This paper introduces CODA-19, a human-annotated dataset that codes the Background, Purpose, Method, Finding/Contribution, and Other sections of 10,966 English abstracts in the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset. CODA-19 was created by 248 crowd workers from Amazon Mechanical Turk within 10 days, and achieved labeling quality comparable to that of experts. Each abstract was annotated by nine different workers, and the final labels were acquired by majority vote. The inter-annotator agreement (Cohen’s kappa) between the crowd and the biomedical expert (0.741) is comparable to inter-expert agreement (0.788). CODA-19’s labels have an accuracy of 82.2% when compared to the biomedical expert’s labels, while the accuracy between experts was 85.0%. Reliable human annotations help scientists access and integrate the rapidly accelerating coronavirus literature, and also serve as the battery of AI/NLP research, but obtaining expert annotations can be slow. We demonstrated that a non-expert crowd can be rapidly employed at scale to join the fight against COVID-19.

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Information Retrieval and Extraction on COVID-19 Clinical Articles Using Graph Community Detection and Bio-BERT Embeddings
Debasmita Das | Yatin Katyal | Janu Verma | Shashank Dubey | AakashDeep Singh | Kushagra Agarwal | Sourojit Bhaduri | RajeshKumar Ranjan

In this paper, we present an information retrieval system on a corpus of scientific articles related to COVID-19. We build a similarity network on the articles where similarity is determined via shared citations and biological domain-specific sentence embeddings. Ego-splitting community detection on the article network is employed to cluster the articles and then the queries are matched with the clusters. Extractive summarization using BERT and PageRank methods is used to provide responses to the query. We also provide a Question-Answer bot on a small set of intents to demonstrate the efficacy of our model for an information extraction module.

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What Are People Asking About COVID-19? A Question Classification Dataset
Jerry Wei | Chengyu Huang | Soroush Vosoughi | Jason Wei

We present COVID-Q, a set of 1,690 questions about COVID-19 from 13 sources, which we annotate into 15 question categories and 207 question clusters. The most common questions in our dataset asked about transmission, prevention, and societal effects of COVID, and we found that many questions that appeared in multiple sources were not answered by any FAQ websites of reputable organizations such as the CDC and FDA. We post our dataset publicly at https://github.com/JerryWei03/COVID-Q. For classifying questions into 15 categories, a BERT baseline scored 58.1% accuracy when trained on 20 examples per category, and for a question clustering task, a BERT + triplet loss baseline achieved 49.5% accuracy. We hope COVID-Q can help either for direct use in developing applied systems or as a domain-specific resource for model evaluation.

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Jennifer for COVID-19: An NLP-Powered Chatbot Built for the People and by the People to Combat Misinformation
Yunyao Li | Tyrone Grandison | Patricia Silveyra | Ali Douraghy | Xinyu Guan | Thomas Kieselbach | Chengkai Li | Haiqi Zhang

Just as SARS-CoV-2, a new form of coronavirus continues to infect a growing number of people around the world, harmful misinformation about the outbreak also continues to spread. With the goal of combating misinformation, we designed and built Jennifer–a chatbot maintained by a global group of volunteers. With Jennifer, we hope to learn whether public information from reputable sources could be more effectively organized and shared in the wake of a crisis as well as to understand issues that the public were most immediately curious about. In this paper, we introduce Jennifer and describe the design of this proof-of-principle system. We also present lessons learned and discuss open challenges. Finally, to facilitate future research, we release COVID-19 Question Bank, a dataset of 3,924 COVID-19-related questions in 944 groups, gathered from our users and volunteers.

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A Natural Language Processing System for National COVID-19 Surveillance in the US Department of Veterans Affairs
Alec Chapman | Kelly Peterson | Augie Turano | Tamára Box | Katherine Wallace | Makoto Jones

Timely and accurate accounting of positive cases has been an important part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. While most positive cases within Veterans Affairs (VA) are identified through structured laboratory results, some patients are tested or diagnosed outside VA so their clinical status is documented only in free-text narratives. We developed a Natural Language Processing pipeline for identifying positively diagnosed COVID19 patients and deployed this system to accelerate chart review. As part of the VA national response to COVID-19, this process identified 6,360 positive cases which did not have corresponding laboratory data. These cases accounted for 36.1% of total confirmed positive cases in VA to date. With available data, performance of the system is estimated as 82.4% precision and 94.2% recall. A public-facing implementation is released as open source and available to the community.

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Measuring Emotions in the COVID-19 Real World Worry Dataset
Bennett Kleinberg | Isabelle van der Vegt | Maximilian Mozes

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a dramatic impact on societies and economies around the world. With various measures of lockdowns and social distancing in place, it becomes important to understand emotional responses on a large scale. In this paper, we present the first ground truth dataset of emotional responses to COVID-19. We asked participants to indicate their emotions and express these in text. This resulted in the Real World Worry Dataset of 5,000 texts (2,500 short + 2,500 long texts). Our analyses suggest that emotional responses correlated with linguistic measures. Topic modeling further revealed that people in the UK worry about their family and the economic situation. Tweet-sized texts functioned as a call for solidarity, while longer texts shed light on worries and concerns. Using predictive modeling approaches, we were able to approximate the emotional responses of participants from text within 14% of their actual value. We encourage others to use the dataset and improve how we can use automated methods to learn about emotional responses and worries about an urgent problem.

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Estimating the effect of COVID-19 on mental health: Linguistic indicators of depression during a global pandemic
JT Wolohan

This preliminary analysis uses a deep LSTM neural network with fastText embeddings to predict population rates of depression on Reddit in order to estimate the effect of COVID-19 on mental health. We find that year over year, depression rates on Reddit are up 50% , suggesting a 15-million person increase in the number of depressed Americans and a $7.5 billion increase in depression related spending. This finding suggests that utility in NLP approaches to longitudinal public-health surveillance.

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Exploration of Gender Differences in COVID-19 Discourse on Reddit
Jai Aggarwal | Ella Rabinovich | Suzanne Stevenson

Decades of research on differences in the language of men and women have established postulates about the nature of lexical, topical, and emotional preferences between the two genders, along with their sociological underpinnings. Using a novel dataset of male and female linguistic productions collected from the Reddit discussion platform, we further confirm existing assumptions about gender-linked affective distinctions, and demonstrate that these distinctions are amplified in social media postings involving emotionally-charged discourse related to COVID-19. Our analysis also confirms considerable differences in topical preferences between male and female authors in pandemic-related discussions.

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Cross-language sentiment analysis of European Twitter messages during the COVID-19 pandemic
Anna Kruspe | Matthias Häberle | Iona Kuhn | Xiao Xiang Zhu

In this paper, we analyze Twitter messages (tweets) collected during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe with regard to their sentiment. This is implemented with a neural network for sentiment analysis using multilingual sentence embeddings. We separate the results by country of origin, and correlate their temporal development with events in those countries. This allows us to study the effect of the situation on people’s moods. We see, for example, that lockdown announcements correlate with a deterioration of mood in almost all surveyed countries, which recovers within a short time span.

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Cross-lingual Transfer Learning for COVID-19 Outbreak Alignment
Sharon Levy | William Yang Wang

The spread of COVID-19 has become a significant and troubling aspect of society in 2020. With millions of cases reported across countries, new outbreaks have occurred and followed patterns of previously affected areas. Many disease detection models do not incorporate the wealth of social media data that can be utilized for modeling and predicting its spread. It is useful to ask, can we utilize this knowledge in one country to model the outbreak in another? To answer this, we propose the task of cross-lingual transfer learning for epidemiological alignment. Utilizing both macro and micro text features, we train on Italy’s early COVID-19 outbreak through Twitter and transfer to several other countries. Our experiments show strong results with up to 0.85 Spearman correlation in cross-country predictions.

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COVID-19 and Arabic Twitter: How can Arab World Governments and Public Health Organizations Learn from Social Media?
Lama Alsudias | Paul Rayson

In March 2020, the World Health Organization announced the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic. Most previous social media related research has been on English tweets and COVID-19. In this study, we collect approximately 1 million Arabic tweets from the Twitter streaming API related to COVID-19. Focussing on outcomes that we believe will be useful for Public Health Organizations, we analyse them in three different ways: identifying the topics discussed during the period, detecting rumours, and predicting the source of the tweets. We use the k-means algorithm for the first goal with k=5. The topics discussed can be grouped as follows: COVID-19 statistics, prayers for God, COVID-19 locations, advise and education for prevention, and advertising. We sample 2000 tweets and label them manually for false information, correct information, and unrelated. Then, we apply three different machine learning algorithms, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Classification, and Naïve Bayes with two sets of features, word frequency approach and word embeddings. We find that Machine Learning classifiers are able to correctly identify the rumour related tweets with 84% accuracy. We also try to predict the source of the rumour related tweets depending on our previous model which is about classifying tweets into five categories: academic, media, government, health professional, and public. Around (60%) of the rumour related tweets are classified as written by health professionals and academics.

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NLP-based Feature Extraction for the Detection of COVID-19 Misinformation Videos on YouTube
Juan Carlos Medina Serrano | Orestis Papakyriakopoulos | Simon Hegelich

We present a simple NLP methodology for detecting COVID-19 misinformation videos on YouTube by leveraging user comments. We use transfer learning pre-trained models to generate a multi-label classifier that can categorize conspiratorial content. We use the percentage of misinformation comments on each video as a new feature for video classification.

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COVID-QA: A Question Answering Dataset for COVID-19
Timo Möller | Anthony Reina | Raghavan Jayakumar | Malte Pietsch

We present COVID-QA, a Question Answering dataset consisting of 2,019 question/answer pairs annotated by volunteer biomedical experts on scientific articles related to COVID-19. To evaluate the dataset we compared a RoBERTa base model fine-tuned on SQuAD with the same model trained on SQuAD and our COVID-QA dataset. We found that the additional training on this domain-specific data leads to significant gains in performance. Both the trained model and the annotated dataset have been open-sourced at: https://github.com/deepset-ai/COVID-QA


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Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science
David Bamman | Dirk Hovy | David Jurgens | Brendan O'Connor | Svitlana Volkova

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Measuring Linguistic Diversity During COVID-19
Jonathan Dunn | Tom Coupe | Benjamin Adams

Computational measures of linguistic diversity help us understand the linguistic landscape using digital language data. The contribution of this paper is to calibrate measures of linguistic diversity using restrictions on international travel resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Previous work has mapped the distribution of languages using geo-referenced social media and web data. The goal, however, has been to describe these corpora themselves rather than to make inferences about underlying populations. This paper shows that a difference-in-differences method based on the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index can identify the bias in digital corpora that is introduced by non-local populations. These methods tell us where significant changes have taken place and whether this leads to increased or decreased diversity. This is an important step in aligning digital corpora like social media with the real-world populations that have produced them.

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Using BERT for Qualitative Content Analysis in Psychosocial Online Counseling
Philipp Grandeit | Carolyn Haberkern | Maximiliane Lang | Jens Albrecht | Robert Lehmann

Qualitative content analysis is a systematic method commonly used in the social sciences to analyze textual data from interviews or online discussions. However, this method usually requires high expertise and manual effort because human coders need to read, interpret, and manually annotate text passages. This is especially true if the system of categories used for annotation is complex and semantically rich. Therefore, qualitative content analysis could benefit greatly from automated coding. In this work, we investigate the usage of machine learning-based text classification models for automatic coding in the area of psycho-social online counseling. We developed a system of over 50 categories to analyze counseling conversations, labeled over 10.000 text passages manually, and evaluated the performance of different machine learning-based classifiers against human coders.

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Swimming with the Tide? Positional Claim Detection across Political Text Types
Nico Blokker | Erenay Dayanik | Gabriella Lapesa | Sebastian Padó

Manifestos are official documents of political parties, providing a comprehensive topical overview of the electoral programs. Voters, however, seldom read them and often prefer other channels, such as newspaper articles, to understand the party positions on various policy issues. The natural question to ask is how compatible these two formats (manifesto and newspaper reports) are in their representation of party positioning. We address this question with an approach that combines political science (manual annotation and analysis) and natural language processing (supervised claim identification) in a cross-text type setting: we train a classifier on annotated newspaper data and test its performance on manifestos. Our findings show a) strong performance for supervised classification even across text types and b) a substantive overlap between the two formats in terms of party positioning, with differences regarding the salience of specific issues.

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Does Social Support (Expressed in Post Titles) Elicit Comments in Online Substance Use Recovery Forums?
Anietie Andy | Sharath Chandra Guntuku

Individuals recovering from substance use often seek social support (emotional and informational) on online recovery forums, where they can both write and comment on posts, expressing their struggles and successes. A common challenge in these forums is that certain posts (some of which may be support seeking) receive no comments. In this work, we use data from two Reddit substance recovery forums: /r/Leaves and /r/OpiatesRecovery, to determine the relationship between the social supports expressed in the titles of posts and the number of comments they receive. We show that the types of social support expressed in post titles that elicit comments vary from one substance use recovery forum to the other.

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I miss you babe: Analyzing Emotion Dynamics During COVID-19 Pandemic
Hui Xian Lynnette Ng | Roy Ka-Wei Lee | Md Rabiul Awal

With the world on a lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this paper studies emotions expressed on Twitter. Using a combined strategy of time series analysis of emotions augmented by tweet topics, this study provides an insight into emotion transitions during the pandemic. After tweets are annotated with dominant emotions and topics, a time-series emotion analysis is used to identify disgust and anger as the most commonly identified emotions. Through longitudinal analysis of each user, we construct emotion transition graphs, observing key transitions between disgust and anger, and self-transitions within anger and disgust emotional states. Observing user patterns through clustering of user longitudinal analyses reveals emotional transitions fall into four main clusters: (1) erratic motion over short period of time, (2) disgust -> anger, (3) optimism -> joy. (4) erratic motion over a prolonged period. Finally, we propose a method for predicting users subsequent topic, and by consequence their emotions, through constructing an Emotion Topic Hidden Markov Model, augmenting emotion transition states with topic information. Results suggests that the predictions fare better than baselines, spurring directions of predicting emotional states based on Twitter posts.

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Assessing population-level symptoms of anxiety, depression, and suicide risk in real time using NLP applied to social media data
Alex Fine | Patrick Crutchley | Jenny Blase | Joshua Carroll | Glen Coppersmith

Prevailing methods for assessing population-level mental health require costly collection of large samples of data through instruments such as surveys, and are thus slow to reflect current, rapidly changing social conditions. This constrains how easily population-level mental health data can be integrated into health and policy decision-making. Here, we demonstrate that natural language processing applied to publicly-available social media data can provide real-time estimates of psychological distress in the population (specifically, English-speaking Twitter users in the US). We examine population-level changes in linguistic correlates of mental health symptoms in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to the killing of George Floyd. As a case study, we focus on social media data from healthcare providers, compared to a control sample. Our results provide a concrete demonstration of how the tools of computational social science can be applied to provide real-time or near-real-time insight into the impact of public events on mental health.

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Viable Threat on News Reading: Generating Biased News Using Natural Language Models
Saurabh Gupta | Hong Huy Nguyen | Junichi Yamagishi | Isao Echizen

Recent advancements in natural language generation has raised serious concerns. High-performance language models are widely used for language generation tasks because they are able to produce fluent and meaningful sentences. These models are already being used to create fake news. They can also be exploited to generate biased news, which can then be used to attack news aggregators to change their reader’s behavior and influence their bias. In this paper, we use a threat model to demonstrate that the publicly available language models can reliably generate biased news content based on an input original news. We also show that a large number of high-quality biased news articles can be generated using controllable text generation. A subjective evaluation with 80 participants demonstrated that the generated biased news is generally fluent, and a bias evaluation with 24 participants demonstrated that the bias (left or right) is usually evident in the generated articles and can be easily identified.

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Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Parole Hearings using Language Models
Graham Todd | Catalin Voss | Jenny Hong

Each year, thousands of roughly 150-page parole hearing transcripts in California go unread because legal experts lack the time to review them. Yet, reviewing transcripts is the only means of public oversight in the parole process. To assist reviewers, we present a simple unsupervised technique for using language models (LMs) to identify procedural anomalies in long-form legal text. Our technique highlights unusual passages that suggest further review could be necessary. We utilize a contrastive perplexity score to identify passages, defined as the scaled difference between its perplexities from two LMs, one fine-tuned on the target (parole) domain, and another pre-trained on out-of-domain text to normalize for grammatical or syntactic anomalies. We present quantitative analysis of the results and note that our method has identified some important cases for review. We are also excited about potential applications in unsupervised anomaly detection, and present a brief analysis of results for detecting fake TripAdvisor reviews.

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Identifying Worry in Twitter: Beyond Emotion Analysis
Reyha Verma | Christian von der Weth | Jithin Vachery | Mohan Kankanhalli

Identifying the worries of individuals and societies plays a crucial role in providing social support and enhancing policy decision-making. Due to the popularity of social media platforms such as Twitter, users share worries about personal issues (e.g., health, finances, relationships) and broader issues (e.g., changes in society, environmental concerns, terrorism) freely. In this paper, we explore and evaluate a wide range of machine learning models to predict worry on Twitter. While this task has been closely associated with emotion prediction, we argue and show that identifying worry needs to be addressed as a separate task given the unique challenges associated with it. We conduct a user study to provide evidence that social media posts express two basic kinds of worry – normative and pathological – as stated in psychology literature. In addition, we show that existing emotion detection techniques underperform, especially while capturing normative worry. Finally, we discuss the current limitations of our approach and propose future applications of the worry identification system.

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Text Zoning and Classification for Job Advertisements in German, French and English
Ann-Sophie Gnehm | Simon Clematide

We present experiments to structure job ads into text zones and classify them into pro- fessions, industries and management functions, thereby facilitating social science analyses on labor marked demand. Our main contribution are empirical findings on the benefits of contextualized embeddings and the potential of multi-task models for this purpose. With contextualized in-domain embeddings in BiLSTM-CRF models, we reach an accuracy of 91% for token-level text zoning and outperform previous approaches. A multi-tasking BERT model performs well for our classification tasks. We further compare transfer approaches for our multilingual data.

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Is Wikipedia succeeding in reducing gender bias? Assessing changes in gender bias in Wikipedia using word embeddings
Katja Geertruida Schmahl | Tom Julian Viering | Stavros Makrodimitris | Arman Naseri Jahfari | David Tax | Marco Loog

Large text corpora used for creating word embeddings (vectors which represent word meanings) often contain stereotypical gender biases. As a result, such unwanted biases will typically also be present in word embeddings derived from such corpora and downstream applications in the field of natural language processing (NLP). To minimize the effect of gender bias in these settings, more insight is needed when it comes to where and how biases manifest themselves in the text corpora employed. This paper contributes by showing how gender bias in word embeddings from Wikipedia has developed over time. Quantifying the gender bias over time shows that art related words have become more female biased. Family and science words have stereotypical biases towards respectively female and male words. These biases seem to have decreased since 2006, but these changes are not more extreme than those seen in random sets of words. Career related words are more strongly associated with male than with female, this difference has only become smaller in recently written articles. These developments provide additional understanding of what can be done to make Wikipedia more gender neutral and how important time of writing can be when considering biases in word embeddings trained from Wikipedia or from other text corpora.

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Effects of Anonymity on Comment Persuasiveness in Wikipedia Articles for Deletion Discussions
Yimin Xiao | Lu Xiao

It has been shown that anonymity affects various aspects of online communications such as message credibility, the trust among communicators, and the participants’ accountability and reputation. Anonymity influences social interactions in online communities in these many ways, which can lead to influences on opinion change and the persuasiveness of a message. Prior studies also suggest that the effect of anonymity can vary in different online communication contexts and online communities. In this study, we focus on Wikipedia Articles for Deletion (AfD) discussions as an example of online collaborative communities to study the relationship between anonymity and persuasiveness in this context. We find that in Wikipedia AfD discussions, more identifiable users tend to be more persuasive. The higher persuasiveness can be related to multiple aspects, including linguistic features of the comments, the user’s motivation to participate, persuasive skills the user learns over time, and the user’s identity and credibility established in the community through participation.

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Uncertainty over Uncertainty: Investigating the Assumptions, Annotations, and Text Measurements of Economic Policy Uncertainty
Katherine Keith | Christoph Teichmann | Brendan O’Connor | Edgar Meij

Methods and applications are inextricably linked in science, and in particular in the domain of text-as-data. In this paper, we examine one such text-as-data application, an established economic index that measures economic policy uncertainty from keyword occurrences in news. This index, which is shown to correlate with firm investment, employment, and excess market returns, has had substantive impact in both the private sector and academia. Yet, as we revisit and extend the original authors’ annotations and text measurements we find interesting text-as-data methodological research questions: (1) Are annotator disagreements a reflection of ambiguity in language? (2) Do alternative text measurements correlate with one another and with measures of external predictive validity? We find for this application (1) some annotator disagreements of economic policy uncertainty can be attributed to ambiguity in language, and (2) switching measurements from keyword-matching to supervised machine learning classifiers results in low correlation, a concerning implication for the validity of the index.

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Recalibrating classifiers for interpretable abusive content detection
Bertie Vidgen | Scott A. Hale | Sam Staton | Tom Melham | Helen Margetts | Ohad Kammar | Marcin Szymczak

We investigate the use of machine learning classifiers for detecting online abuse in empirical research. We show that uncalibrated classifiers (i.e. where the ‘raw’ scores are used) align poorly with human evaluations. This limits their use for understanding the dynamics, patterns and prevalence of online abuse. We examine two widely used classifiers (created by Perspective and Davidson et al.) on a dataset of tweets directed against candidates in the UK’s 2017 general election. A Bayesian approach is presented to recalibrate the raw scores from the classifiers, using probabilistic programming and newly annotated data. We argue that interpretability evaluation and recalibration is integral to the application of abusive content classifiers.

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Predicting independent living outcomes from written reports of social workers
Angelika Maier | Philipp Cimiano

In social care environments, the main goal of social workers is to foster independent living by their clients. An important task is thus to monitor progress towards reaching independence in different areas of their patients’ life. To support this task, we present an approach that extracts indications of independence on different life aspects from the day-to-day documentation that social workers create. We describe the process of collecting and annotating a corresponding corpus created from data records of two social work institutions with a focus on disability care. We show that the agreement on the task of annotating the observations of social workers with respect to discrete independent levels yields a high agreement of .74 as measured by Fleiss’ Kappa. We present a classification approach towards automatically classifying an observation into the discrete independence levels and present results for different types of classifiers. Against our original expectation, we show that we reach F-Measures (macro) of 95% averaged across topics, showing that this task can be automatically solved.

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Analyzing Political Bias and Unfairness in News Articles at Different Levels of Granularity
Wei-Fan Chen | Khalid Al Khatib | Henning Wachsmuth | Benno Stein

Media is an indispensable source of information and opinion, shaping the beliefs and attitudes of our society. Obviously, media portals can also provide overly biased content, e.g., by reporting on political events in a selective or incomplete manner. A relevant question hence is whether and how such a form of unfair news coverage can be exposed. This paper addresses the automatic detection of bias, but it goes one step further in that it explores how political bias and unfairness are manifested linguistically. We utilize a new corpus of 6964 news articles with labels derived from adfontesmedia.com to develop a neural model for bias assessment. Analyzing the model on article excerpts, we find insightful bias patterns at different levels of text granularity, from single words to the whole article discourse.

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Mapping Local News Coverage: Precise location extraction in textual news content using fine-tuned BERT based language model
Sarang Gupta | Kumari Nishu

Mapping local news coverage from textual content is a challenging problem that requires extracting precise location mentions from news articles. While traditional named entity taggers are able to extract geo-political entities and certain non geo-political entities, they cannot recognize precise location mentions such as addresses, streets and intersections that are required to accurately map the news article. We fine-tune a BERT-based language model for achieving high level of granularity in location extraction. We incorporate the model into an end-to-end tool that further geocodes the extracted locations for the broader objective of mapping news coverage.

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Foreigner-directed speech is simpler than native-directed: Evidence from social media
Aleksandrs Berdicevskis

I test two hypotheses that play an important role in modern sociolinguistics and language evolution studies: first, that non-native production is simpler than native; second, that production addressed to non-native speakers is simpler than that addressed to natives. The second hypothesis is particularly important for theories about contact-induced simplification, since the accommodation to non-natives may explain how the simplification can spread from adult learners to the whole community. To test the hypotheses, I create a very large corpus of native and non-native written speech in four languages (English, French, Italian, Spanish), extracting data from an internet forum where native languages of the participants are known and the structure of the interactions can be inferred. The corpus data yield inconsistent evidence with respect to the first hypothesis, but largely support the second one, suggesting that foreigner-directed speech is indeed simpler than native-directed. Importantly, when testing the first hypothesis, I contrast production of different speakers, which can introduce confounds and is a likely reason for the inconsistencies. When testing the second hypothesis, the comparison is always within the production of the same speaker (but with different addressees), which makes it more reliable.

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Diachronic Embeddings for People in the News
Felix Hennig | Steven Wilson

Previous English-language diachronic change models based on word embeddings have typically used single tokens to represent entities, including names of people. This leads to issues with both ambiguity (resulting in one embedding representing several distinct and unrelated people) and unlinked references (leading to several distinct embeddings which represent the same person). In this paper, we show that using named entity recognition and heuristic name linking steps before training a diachronic embedding model leads to more accurate representations of references to people, as compared to the token-only baseline. In large news corpus of articles from The Guardian, we provide examples of several types of analysis that can be performed using these new embeddings. Further, we show that real world events and context changes can be detected using our proposed model.

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Social media data as a lens onto care-seeking behavior among women veterans of the US armed forces
Kacie Kelly | Alex Fine | Glen Coppersmith

In this article, we examine social media data as a lens onto support-seeking among women veterans of the US armed forces. Social media data hold a great deal of promise as a source of information on needs and support-seeking among individuals who are excluded from or systematically prevented from accessing clinical or other institutions ostensibly designed to support them. We apply natural language processing (NLP) techniques to more than 3 million Tweets collected from 20,000 Twitter users. We find evidence that women veterans are more likely to use social media to seek social and community engagement and to discuss mental health and veterans’ issues significantly more frequently than their male counterparts. By contrast, male veterans tend to use social media to amplify political ideologies or to engage in partisan debate. Our results have implications for how organizations can provide outreach and services to this uniquely vulnerable population, and illustrate the utility of non-traditional observational data sources such as social media to understand the needs of marginalized groups.

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Understanding Weekly COVID-19 Concerns through Dynamic Content-Specific LDA Topic Modeling
Mohammadzaman Zamani | H. Andrew Schwartz | Johannes Eichstaedt | Sharath Chandra Guntuku | Adithya Virinchipuram Ganesan | Sean Clouston | Salvatore Giorgi

The novelty and global scale of the COVID-19 pandemic has lead to rapid societal changes in a short span of time. As government policy and health measures shift, public perceptions and concerns also change, an evolution documented within discourse on social media. We propose a dynamic content-specific LDA topic modeling technique that can help to identify different domains of COVID-specific discourse that can be used to track societal shifts in concerns or views. Our experiments show that these model-derived topics are more coherent than standard LDA topics, and also provide new features that are more helpful in prediction of COVID-19 related outcomes including social mobility and unemployment rate.

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Emoji and Self-Identity in Twitter Bios
Jinhang Li | Giorgos Longinos | Steven Wilson | Walid Magdy

Emoji are widely used to express emotions and concepts on social media, and prior work has shown that users’ choice of emoji reflects the way that they wish to present themselves to the world. Emoji usage is typically studied in the context of posts made by users, and this view has provided important insights into phenomena such as emotional expression and self-representation. In addition to making posts, however, social media platforms like Twitter allow for users to provide a short bio, which is an opportunity to briefly describe their account as a whole. In this work, we focus on the use of emoji in these bio statements. We explore the ways in which users include emoji in these self-descriptions, finding different patterns than those observed around emoji usage in tweets. We examine the relationships between emoji used in bios and the content of users’ tweets, showing that the topics and even the average sentiment of tweets varies for users with different emoji in their bios. Lastly, we confirm that homophily effects exist with respect to the types of emoji that are included in bios of users and their followers.

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Analyzing Gender Bias within Narrative Tropes
Dhruvil Gala | Mohammad Omar Khursheed | Hannah Lerner | Brendan O’Connor | Mohit Iyyer

Popular media reflects and reinforces societal biases through the use of tropes, which are narrative elements, such as archetypal characters and plot arcs, that occur frequently across media. In this paper, we specifically investigate gender bias within a large collection of tropes. To enable our study, we crawl tvtropes.org, an online user-created repository that contains 30K tropes associated with 1.9M examples of their occurrences across film, television, and literature. We automatically score the “genderedness” of each trope in our TVTROPES dataset, which enables an analysis of (1) highly-gendered topics within tropes, (2) the relationship between gender bias and popular reception, and (3) how the gender of a work’s creator correlates with the types of tropes that they use.


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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Medical Conversations

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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Medical Conversations
Parminder Bhatia | Steven Lin | Rashmi Gangadharaiah | Byron Wallace | Izhak Shafran | Chaitanya Shivade | Nan Du | Mona Diab

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Methods for Extracting Information from Messages from Primary Care Providers to Specialists
Xiyu Ding | Michael Barnett | Ateev Mehrotra | Timothy Miller

Electronic consult (eConsult) systems allow specialists more flexibility to respond to referrals more efficiently, thereby increasing access in under-resourced healthcare settings like safety net systems. Understanding the usage patterns of eConsult system is an important part of improving specialist efficiency. In this work, we develop and apply classifiers to a dataset of eConsult questions from primary care providers to specialists, classifying the messages for how they were triaged by the specialist office, and the underlying type of clinical question posed by the primary care provider. We show that pre-trained transformer models are strong baselines, with improving performance from domain-specific training and shared representations.

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Towards Understanding ASR Error Correction for Medical Conversations
Anirudh Mani | Shruti Palaskar | Sandeep Konam

Domain Adaptation for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) error correction via machine translation is a useful technique for improving out-of-domain outputs of pre-trained ASR systems to obtain optimal results for specific in-domain tasks. We use this technique on our dataset of Doctor-Patient conversations using two off-the-shelf ASR systems: Google ASR (commercial) and the ASPIRE model (open-source). We train a Sequence-to-Sequence Machine Translation model and evaluate it on seven specific UMLS Semantic types, including Pharmacological Substance, Sign or Symptom, and Diagnostic Procedure to name a few. Lastly, we breakdown, analyze and discuss the 7% overall improvement in word error rate in view of each Semantic type.

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Studying Challenges in Medical Conversation with Structured Annotation
Nan Wang | Yan Song | Fei Xia

Medical conversation is a central part of medical care. Yet, the current state and quality of medical conversation is far from perfect. Therefore, a substantial amount of research has been done to obtain a better understanding of medical conversation and to address its practical challenges and dilemmas. In line with this stream of research, we have developed a multi-layer structure annotation scheme to analyze medical conversation, and are using the scheme to construct a corpus of naturally occurring medical conversation in Chinese pediatric primary care setting. Some of the preliminary findings are reported regarding 1) how a medical conversation starts, 2) where communication problems tend to occur, and 3) how physicians close a conversation. Challenges and opportunities for research on medical conversation with NLP techniques will be discussed.

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Generating Medical Reports from Patient-Doctor Conversations Using Sequence-to-Sequence Models
Seppo Enarvi | Marilisa Amoia | Miguel Del-Agua Teba | Brian Delaney | Frank Diehl | Stefan Hahn | Kristina Harris | Liam McGrath | Yue Pan | Joel Pinto | Luca Rubini | Miguel Ruiz | Gagandeep Singh | Fabian Stemmer | Weiyi Sun | Paul Vozila | Thomas Lin | Ranjani Ramamurthy

We discuss automatic creation of medical reports from ASR-generated patient-doctor conversational transcripts using an end-to-end neural summarization approach. We explore both recurrent neural network (RNN) and Transformer-based sequence-to-sequence architectures for summarizing medical conversations. We have incorporated enhancements to these architectures, such as the pointer-generator network that facilitates copying parts of the conversations to the reports, and a hierarchical RNN encoder that makes RNN training three times faster with long inputs. A comparison of the relative improvements from the different model architectures over an oracle extractive baseline is provided on a dataset of 800k orthopedic encounters. Consistent with observations in literature for machine translation and related tasks, we find the Transformer models outperform RNN in accuracy, while taking less than half the time to train. Significantly large wins over a strong oracle baseline indicate that sequence-to-sequence modeling is a promising approach for automatic generation of medical reports, in the presence of data at scale.

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Towards an Ontology-based Medication Conversational Agent for PrEP and PEP
Muhammad Amith | Licong Cui | Kirk Roberts | Cui Tao

ABSTRACT: HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) can damage a human’s immune system and cause Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) which could lead to severe outcomes, including death. While HIV infections have decreased over the last decade, there is still a significant population where the infection permeates. PrEP and PEP are two proven preventive measures introduced that involve periodic dosage to stop the onset of HIV infection. However, the adherence rates for this medication is low in part due to the lack of information about the medication. There exist several communication barriers that prevent patient-provider communication from happening. In this work, we present our ontology-based method for automating the communication of this medication that can be deployed for live conversational agents for PrEP and PEP. This method facilitates a model of automated conversation between the machine and user can also answer relevant questions.

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Heart Failure Education of African American and Hispanic/Latino Patients: Data Collection and Analysis
Itika Gupta | Barbara Di Eugenio | Devika Salunke | Andrew Boyd | Paula Allen-Meares | Carolyn Dickens | Olga Garcia

Heart failure is a global epidemic with debilitating effects. People with heart failure need to actively participate in home self-care regimens to maintain good health. However, these regimens are not as effective as they could be and are influenced by a variety of factors. Patients from minority communities like African American (AA) and Hispanic/Latino (H/L), often have poor outcomes compared to the average Caucasian population. In this paper, we lay the groundwork to develop an interactive dialogue agent that can assist AA and H/L patients in a culturally sensitive and linguistically accurate manner with their heart health care needs. This will be achieved by extracting relevant educational concepts from the interactions between health educators and patients. Thus far we have recorded and transcribed 20 such interactions. In this paper, we describe our data collection process, thematic and initiative analysis of the interactions, and outline our future steps.

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On the Utility of Audiovisual Dialog Technologies and Signal Analytics for Real-time Remote Monitoring of Depression Biomarkers
Michael Neumann | Oliver Roessler | David Suendermann-Oeft | Vikram Ramanarayanan

We investigate the utility of audiovisual dialog systems combined with speech and video analytics for real-time remote monitoring of depression at scale in uncontrolled environment settings. We collected audiovisual conversational data from participants who interacted with a cloud-based multimodal dialog system, and automatically extracted a large set of speech and vision metrics based on the rich existing literature of laboratory studies. We report on the efficacy of various audio and video metrics in differentiating people with mild, moderate and severe depression, and discuss the implications of these results for the deployment of such technologies in real-world neurological diagnosis and monitoring applications.

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Robust Prediction of Punctuation and Truecasing for Medical ASR
Monica Sunkara | Srikanth Ronanki | Kalpit Dixit | Sravan Bodapati | Katrin Kirchhoff

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems in the medical domain that focus on transcribing clinical dictations and doctor-patient conversations often pose many challenges due to the complexity of the domain. ASR output typically undergoes automatic punctuation to enable users to speak naturally, without having to vocalize awkward and explicit punctuation commands, such as “period”, “add comma” or “exclamation point”, while truecasing enhances user readability and improves the performance of downstream NLP tasks. This paper proposes a conditional joint modeling framework for prediction of punctuation and truecasing using pretrained masked language models such as BERT, BioBERT and RoBERTa. We also present techniques for domain and task specific adaptation by fine-tuning masked language models with medical domain data. Finally, we improve the robustness of the model against common errors made in ASR by performing data augmentation. Experiments performed on dictation and conversational style corpora show that our proposed model achieves 5% absolute improvement on ground truth text and 10% improvement on ASR outputs over baseline models under F1 metric.

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Topic-Based Measures of Conversation for Detecting Mild CognitiveImpairment
Meysam Asgari | Liu Chen | Hiroko Dodge

Conversation is a complex cognitive task that engages multiple aspects of cognitive functions to remember the discussed topics, monitor the semantic and linguistic elements, and recognize others’ emotions. In this paper, we propose a computational method based on the lexical coherence of consecutive utterances to quantify topical variations in semi-structured conversations of older adults with cognitive impairments. Extracting the lexical knowledge of conversational utterances, our method generate a set of novel conversational measures that indicate underlying cognitive deficits among subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Our preliminary results verifies the utility of the proposed conversation-based measures in distinguishing MCI from healthy controls.


bib (full) Proceedings of Second Workshop for NLP Open Source Software (NLP-OSS)

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Proceedings of Second Workshop for NLP Open Source Software (NLP-OSS)
Eunjeong L. Park | Masato Hagiwara | Dmitrijs Milajevs | Nelson F. Liu | Geeticka Chauhan | Liling Tan

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A Framework to Assist Chat Operators of Mental Healthcare Services
Thiago Madeira | Heder Bernardino | Jairo Francisco De Souza | Henrique Gomide | Nathália Munck Machado | Bruno Marcos Pinheiro da Silva | Alexandre Vieira Pereira Pacelli

Conversational agents can be used to make diagnoses, classify mental states, promote health education, and provide emotional support. The benefits of adopting conversational agents include widespread access, increased treatment engagement, and improved patient relationships with the intervention. We propose here a framework to assist chat operators of mental healthcare services, instead of a fully automated conversational agent. This design eases to avoid the adverse effects of applying chatbots in mental healthcare. The proposed framework is capable of improving the quality and reducing the time of interactions via chat between a user and a chat operator. We also present a case study in the context of health promotion on reducing tobacco use. The proposed framework uses artificial intelligence, specifically natural language processing (NLP) techniques, to classify messages from chat users. A list of suggestions is offered to the chat operator, with topics to be discussed in the session. These suggestions were created based on service protocols and the classification of previous chat sessions. The operator can also edit the suggested messages. Data collected can be used in the future to improve the quality of the suggestions offered.

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ARBML: Democratizing Arabic Natural Language Processing Tools
Zaid Alyafeai | Maged Al-Shaibani

Automating natural language understanding is a lifelong quest addressed for decades. With the help of advances in machine learning and particularly, deep learning, we are able to produce state of the art models that can imitate human interactions with languages. Unfortunately, these advances are controlled by the availability of language resources. Arabic advances in this field , although it has a great potential, are still limited. This is apparent in both research and development. In this paper, we showcase some NLP models we trained for Arabic. We also present our methodology and pipeline to build such models from data collection, data preprocessing, tokenization and model deployment. These tools help in the advancement of the field and provide a systematic approach for extending NLP tools to many languages.

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CLEVR Parser: A Graph Parser Library for Geometric Learning on Language Grounded Image Scenes
Raeid Saqur | Ameet Deshpande

The CLEVR dataset has been used extensively in language grounded visual reasoning in Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). We present a graph parser library for CLEVR, that provides functionalities for object-centric attributes and relationships extraction, and construction of structural graph representations for dual modalities. Structural order-invariant representations enable geometric learning and can aid in downstream tasks like language grounding to vision, robotics, compositionality, interpretability, and computational grammar construction. We provide three extensible main components – parser, embedder, and visualizer that can be tailored to suit specific learning setups. We also provide out-of-the-box functionality for seamless integration with popular deep graph neural network (GNN) libraries. Additionally, we discuss downstream usage and applications of the library, and how it can accelerate research for the NLP community.

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End-to-end NLP Pipelines in Rust
Guillaume Becquin

The recent progress in natural language processing research has been supported by the development of a rich open source ecosystem in Python. Libraries allowing NLP practitioners but also non-specialists to leverage state-of-the-art models have been instrumental in the democratization of this technology. The maturity of the open-source NLP ecosystem however varies between languages. This work proposes a new open-source library aimed at bringing state-of-the-art NLP to Rust. Rust is a systems programming language for which the foundations required to build machine learning applications are available but still lacks ready-to-use, end-to-end NLP libraries. The proposed library, rust-bert, implements modern language models and ready-to-use pipelines (for example translation or summarization). This allows further development by the Rust community from both NLP experts and non-specialists. It is hoped that this library will accelerate the development of the NLP ecosystem in Rust. The library is under active development and available at https://github.com/guillaume-be/rust-bert.

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Fair Embedding Engine: A Library for Analyzing and Mitigating Gender Bias in Word Embeddings
Vaibhav Kumar | Tenzin Bhotia | Vaibhav Kumar

Non-contextual word embedding models have been shown to inherit human-like stereotypical biases of gender, race and religion from the training corpora. To counter this issue, a large body of research has emerged which aims to mitigate these biases while keeping the syntactic and semantic utility of embeddings intact. This paper describes Fair Embedding Engine (FEE), a library for analysing and mitigating gender bias in word embeddings. FEE combines various state of the art techniques for quantifying, visualising and mitigating gender bias in word embeddings under a standard abstraction. FEE will aid practitioners in fast track analysis of existing debiasing methods on their embedding models. Further, it will allow rapid prototyping of new methods by evaluating their performance on a suite of standard metrics.

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Flexible retrieval with NMSLIB and FlexNeuART
Leonid Boytsov | Eric Nyberg

Our objective is to introduce to the NLP community NMSLIB, describe a new retrieval toolkit FlexNeuART, as well as their integration capabilities. NMSLIB, while being one the fastest k-NN search libraries, is quite generic and supports a variety of distance/similarity functions. Because the library relies on the distance-based structure-agnostic algorithms, it can be further extended by adding new distances. FlexNeuART is a modular, extendible and flexible toolkit for candidate generation in IR and QA applications, which supports mixing of classic and neural ranking signals. FlexNeuART can efficiently retrieve mixed dense and sparse representations (with weights learned from training data), which is achieved by extending NMSLIB. In that, other retrieval systems work with purely sparse representations (e.g., Lucene), purely dense representations (e.g., FAISS and Annoy), or only perform mixing at the re-ranking stage.

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fugashi, a Tool for Tokenizing Japanese in Python
Paul McCann

Recent years have seen an increase in the number of large-scale multilingual NLP projects. However, even in such projects, languages with special processing requirements are often excluded. One such language is Japanese. Japanese is written without spaces, tokenization is non-trivial, and while high quality open source tokenizers exist they can be hard to use and lack English documentation. This paper introduces fugashi, a MeCab wrapper for Python, and gives an introduction to tokenizing Japanese.

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Going Beyond T-SNE: Exposing whatlies in Text Embeddings
Vincent Warmerdam | Thomas Kober | Rachael Tatman

We introduce whatlies, an open source toolkit for visually inspecting word and sentence embeddings. The project offers a unified and extensible API with current support for a range of popular embedding backends including spaCy, tfhub, huggingface transformers, gensim, fastText and BytePair embeddings. The package combines a domain specific language for vector arithmetic with visualisation tools that make exploring word embeddings more intuitive and concise. It offers support for many popular dimensionality reduction techniques as well as many interactive visualisations that can either be statically exported or shared via Jupyter notebooks. The project documentation is available from https://rasahq.github.io/whatlies/.

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Howl: A Deployed, Open-Source Wake Word Detection System
Raphael Tang | Jaejun Lee | Afsaneh Razi | Julia Cambre | Ian Bicking | Jofish Kaye | Jimmy Lin

We describe Howl, an open-source wake word detection toolkit with native support for open speech datasets such as Mozilla Common Voice (MCV) and Google Speech Commands (GSC). We report benchmark results of various models supported by our toolkit on GSC and our own freely available wake word detection dataset, built from MCV. One of our models is deployed in Firefox Voice, a plugin enabling speech interactivity for the Firefox web browser. Howl represents, to the best of our knowledge, the first fully productionized, open-source wake word detection toolkit with a web browser deployment target. Our codebase is at howl.ai.

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iNLTK: Natural Language Toolkit for Indic Languages
Gaurav Arora

We present iNLTK, an open-source NLP library consisting of pre-trained language models and out-of-the-box support for Data Augmentation, Textual Similarity, Sentence Embeddings, Word Embeddings, Tokenization and Text Generation in 13 Indic Languages. By using pre-trained models from iNLTK for text classification on publicly available datasets, we significantly outperform previously reported results. On these datasets, we also show that by using pre-trained models and data augmentation from iNLTK, we can achieve more than 95% of the previous best performance by using less than 10% of the training data. iNLTK is already being widely used by the community and has 40,000+ downloads, 600+ stars and 100+ forks on GitHub. The library is available at https://github.com/goru001/inltk.

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KLPTKurdish Language Processing Toolkit
Sina Ahmadi

Despite the recent advances in applying language-independent approaches to various natural language processing tasks thanks to artificial intelligence, some language-specific tools are still essential to process a language in a viable manner. Kurdish language is a less-resourced language with a remarkable diversity in dialects and scripts and lacks basic language processing tools. To address this issue, we introduce a language processing toolkit to handle such a diversity in an efficient way. Our toolkit is composed of fundamental components such as text preprocessing, stemming, tokenization, lemmatization and transliteration and is able to get further extended by future developers. The project is publicly available.

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Open Korean Corpora: A Practical Report
Won Ik Cho | Sangwhan Moon | Youngsook Song

Korean is often referred to as a low-resource language in the research community. While this claim is partially true, it is also because the availability of resources is inadequately advertised and curated. This work curates and reviews a list of Korean corpora, first describing institution-level resource development, then further iterate through a list of current open datasets for different types of tasks. We then propose a direction on how open-source dataset construction and releases should be done for less-resourced languages to promote research.

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Open-Source Morphology for Endangered Mordvinic Languages
Jack Rueter | Mika Hämäläinen | Niko Partanen

This document describes shared development of finite-state description of two closely related but endangered minority languages, Erzya and Moksha. It touches upon morpholexical unity and diversity of the two languages and how this provides a motivation for shared open-source FST development. We describe how we have designed the transducers so that they can benefit from existing open-source infrastructures and are as reusable as possible.

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Pimlico: A toolkit for corpus-processing pipelines and reproducible experiments
Mark Granroth-Wilding

We present Pimlico, an open source toolkit for building pipelines for processing large corpora. It is especially focused on processing linguistic corpora and provides wrappers around existing, widely used NLP tools. A particular goal is to ease distribution of reproducible and extensible experiments by making it easy to document and re-run all steps involved, including data loading, pre-processing, model training and evaluation. Once a pipeline is released, it is easy to adapt, for example, to run on a new dataset, or to re-run an experiment with different parameters. The toolkit takes care of many common challenges in writing and distributing corpus-processing code, such as managing data between the steps of a pipeline, installing required software and combining existing toolkits with new, task-specific code.

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PySBD: Pragmatic Sentence Boundary Disambiguation
Nipun Sadvilkar | Mark Neumann

We present a rule-based sentence boundary disambiguation Python package that works out-of-the-box for 22 languages. We aim to provide a realistic segmenter which can provide logical sentences even when the format and domain of the input text is unknown. In our work, we adapt the Golden Rules Set (a language specific set of sentence boundary exemplars) originally implemented as a ruby gem pragmatic segmenter which we ported to Python with additional improvements and functionality. PySBD passes 97.92% of the Golden Rule Set examplars for English, an improvement of 25% over the next best open source Python tool.

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iobes: Library for Span Level Processing
Brian Lester

Many tasks in natural language processing, such as named entity recognition and slot-filling, involve identifying and labeling specific spans of text. In order to leverage common models, these tasks are often recast as sequence labeling tasks. Each token is given a label and these labels are prefixed with special tokens such as B- or I-. After a model assigns labels to each token, these prefixes are used to group the tokens into spans. Properly parsing these annotations is critical for producing fair and comparable metrics; however, despite its importance, there is not an easy-to-use, standardized, programmatically integratable library to help work with span labeling. To remedy this, we introduce our open-source library, iobes. iobes is used for parsing, converting, and processing spans represented as token level decisions.

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SacreROUGE: An Open-Source Library for Using and Developing Summarization Evaluation Metrics
Daniel Deutsch | Dan Roth

We present SacreROUGE, an open-source library for using and developing summarization evaluation metrics. SacreROUGE removes many obstacles that researchers face when using or developing metrics: (1) The library provides Python wrappers around the official implementations of existing evaluation metrics so they share a common, easy-to-use interface; (2) it provides functionality to evaluate how well any metric implemented in the library correlates to human-annotated judgments, so no additional code needs to be written for a new evaluation metric; and (3) it includes scripts for loading datasets that contain human judgments so they can easily be used for evaluation. This work describes the design of the library, including the core Metric interface, the command-line API for evaluating summarization models and metrics, and the scripts to load and reformat publicly available datasets. The development of SacreROUGE is ongoing and open to contributions from the community.

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TextAttack: Lessons learned in designing Python frameworks for NLP
John Morris | Jin Yong Yoo | Yanjun Qi

TextAttack is an open-source Python toolkit for adversarial attacks, adversarial training, and data augmentation in NLP. TextAttack unites 15+ papers from the NLP adversarial attack literature into a single framework, with many components reused across attacks. This framework allows both researchers and developers to test and study the weaknesses of their NLP models. To build such an open-source NLP toolkit requires solving some common problems: How do we enable users to supply models from different deep learning frameworks? How can we build tools to support as many different datasets as possible? We share our insights into developing a well-written, well-documented NLP Python framework in hope that they can aid future development of similar packages.

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TOMODAPI: A Topic Modeling API to Train, Use and Compare Topic Models
Pasquale Lisena | Ismail Harrando | Oussama Kandakji | Raphael Troncy

From LDA to neural models, different topic modeling approaches have been proposed in the literature. However, their suitability and performance is not easy to compare, particularly when the algorithms are being used in the wild on heterogeneous datasets. In this paper, we introduce ToModAPI (TOpic MOdeling API), a wrapper library to easily train, evaluate and infer using different topic modeling algorithms through a unified interface. The library is extensible and can be used in Python environments or through a Web API.

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User-centered & Robust NLP OSS: Lessons Learned from Developing & Maintaining RSMTool
Nitin Madnani | Anastassia Loukina

For the last 5 years, we have developed and maintained RSMTool – an open-source tool for evaluating NLP systems that automatically score written and spoken responses. RSMTool is designed to be cross-disciplinary, borrowing heavily from NLP, machine learning, and educational measurement. Its cross-disciplinary nature has required us to learn a user-centered development approach in terms of both design and implementation. We share some of these lessons in this paper.

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WAFFLE: A Graph for WordNet Applied to FreeForm Linguistic Exploration
Berk Ekmekci | Blake Howald

The WordNet database of English (Fellbaum, 1998) is a key source of semantic information for research and development of natural language processing applications. As the sophistication of these applications increases with the use of large datasets, deep learning, and graph-based methods, so should the use of WordNet. To this end, we introduce WAFFLE: WordNet Applied to FreeForm Linguistic Exploration which makes WordNet available in an open source graph data structure. The WAFFLE graph relies on platform agnostic formats for robust interrogation and flexibility. Where existing implementations of WordNet offer dictionary-like lookup, single degree neighborhood operations, and path based similarity-scoring, the WAFFLE graph makes all nodes (semantic relation sets) and relationships queryable at scale, enabling local and global analysis of all relationships without the need for custom code. We demonstrate WAFFLE’s ease of use, visualization capabilities, and scalable efficiency with common queries, operations, and interactions. WAFFLE is available at github.com/TRSS-NLP/WAFFLE.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications

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Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications
Erhong YANG | Endong XUN | Baolin ZHANG | Gaoqi RAO

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Non-Autoregressive Grammatical Error Correction Toward a Writing Support System
Hiroki Homma | Mamoru Komachi

There are several problems in applying grammatical error correction (GEC) to a writing support system. One of them is the handling of sentences in the middle of the input. Till date, the performance of GEC for incomplete sentences is not well-known. Hence, we analyze the performance of each model for incomplete sentences. Another problem is the correction speed. When the speed is slow, the usability of the system is limited, and the user experience is degraded. Therefore, in this study, we also focus on the non-autoregressive (NAR) model, which is a widely studied fast decoding method. We perform GEC in Japanese with traditional autoregressive and recent NAR models and analyze their accuracy and speed.

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Arabisc: Context-Sensitive Neural Spelling Checker
Yasmin Moslem | Rejwanul Haque | Andy Way

Traditional statistical approaches to spelling correction usually consist of two consecutive processes — error detection and correction — and they are generally computationally intensive. Current state-of-the-art neural spelling correction models usually attempt to correct spelling errors directly over an entire sentence, which, as a consequence, lacks control of the process, e.g. they are prone to overcorrection. In recent years, recurrent neural networks (RNNs), in particular long short-term memory (LSTM) hidden units, have proven increasingly popular and powerful models for many natural language processing (NLP) problems. Accordingly, we made use of a bidirectional LSTM language model (LM) for our context-sensitive spelling detection and correction model which is shown to have much control over the correction process. While the use of LMs for spelling checking and correction is not new to this line of NLP research, our proposed approach makes better use of the rich neighbouring context, not only from before the word to be corrected, but also after it, via a dual-input deep LSTM network. Although in theory our proposed approach can be applied to any language, we carried out our experiments on Arabic, which we believe adds additional value given the fact that there are limited linguistic resources readily available in Arabic in comparison to many languages. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed methods are effective in both improving the quality of correction suggestions and minimising overcorrection.

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LXPER Index 2.0: Improving Text Readability Assessment Model for L2 English Students in Korea
Bruce W. Lee | Jason Lee

Developing a text readability assessment model specifically for texts in a foreign English Language Training (ELT) curriculum has never had much attention in the field of Natural Language Processing. Hence, most developed models show extremely low accuracy for L2 English texts, up to the point where not many even serve as a fair comparison. In this paper, we investigate a text readability assessment model for L2 English learners in Korea. In accordance, we improve and expand the Text Corpus of the Korean ELT curriculum (CoKEC-text). Each text is labeled with its target grade level. We train our model with CoKEC-text and significantly improve the accuracy of readability assessment for texts in the Korean ELT curriculum.

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Overview of NLPTEA-2020 Shared Task for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis
Gaoqi Rao | Erhong Yang | Baolin Zhang

This paper presents the NLPTEA 2020 shared task for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (CGED) which seeks to identify grammatical error types, their range of occurrence and recommended corrections within sentences written by learners of Chinese as a foreign language. We describe the task definition, data preparation, performance metrics, and evaluation results. Of the 30 teams registered for this shared task, 17 teams developed the system and submitted a total of 43 runs. System performances achieved a significant progress, reaching F1 of 91% in detection level, 40% in position level and 28% in correction level. All data sets with gold standards and scoring scripts are made publicly available to researchers.

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Combining ResNet and Transformer for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis
Shaolei Wang | Baoxin Wang | Jiefu Gong | Zhongyuan Wang | Xiao Hu | Xingyi Duan | Zizhuo Shen | Gang Yue | Ruiji Fu | Dayong Wu | Wanxiang Che | Shijin Wang | Guoping Hu | Ting Liu

Grammatical error diagnosis is an important task in natural language processing. This paper introduces our system at NLPTEA-2020 Task: Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (CGED). CGED aims to diagnose four types of grammatical errors which are missing words (M), redundant words (R), bad word selection (S) and disordered words (W). Our system is built on the model of multi-layer bidirectional transformer encoder and ResNet is integrated into the encoder to improve the performance. We also explore two ensemble strategies including weighted averaging and stepwise ensemble selection from libraries of models to improve the performance of single model. In official evaluation, our system obtains the highest F1 scores at identification level and position level. We also recommend error corrections for specific error types and achieve the second highest F1 score at correction level.

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Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis with Graph Convolution Network and Multi-task Learning
Yikang Luo | Zuyi Bao | Chen Li | Rui Wang

This paper describes our participating system on the Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (CGED) 2020 shared task. For the detection subtask, we propose two BERT-based approaches 1) with syntactic dependency trees enhancing the model performance and 2) under the multi-task learning framework to combine the sequence labeling and the sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models. For the correction subtask, we utilize the masked language model, the seq2seq model and the spelling check model to generate corrections based on the detection results. Finally, our system achieves the highest recall rate on the top-3 correction and the second best F1 score on identification level and position level.

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Integrating BERT and Score-based Feature Gates for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis
Yongchang Cao | Liang He | Robert Ridley | Xinyu Dai

This paper describes our proposed model for the Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (CGED) task in NLPTEA2020. The goal of CGED is to use natural language processing techniques to automatically diagnose Chinese grammatical errors in sentences. To this end, we design and implement a CGED model named BERT with Score-feature Gates Error Diagnoser (BSGED), which is based on the BERT model, Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) and conditional random field (CRF). In order to address the problem of losing partial-order relationships when embedding continuous feature items as with previous works, we propose a gating mechanism for integrating continuous feature items, which effectively retains the partial-order relationships between feature items. We perform LSTM processing on the encoding result of the BERT model, and further extract the sequence features. In the final test-set evaluation, we obtained the highest F1 score at the detection level and are among the top 3 F1 scores at the identification level.

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BERT Enhanced Neural Machine Translation and Sequence Tagging Model for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis
Deng Liang | Chen Zheng | Lei Guo | Xin Cui | Xiuzhang Xiong | Hengqiao Rong | Jinpeng Dong

This paper presents the UNIPUS-Flaubert team’s hybrid system for the NLPTEA 2020 shared task of Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (CGED). As a challenging NLP task, CGED has attracted increasing attention recently and has not yet fully benefited from the powerful pre-trained BERT-based models. We explore this by experimenting with three types of models. The position-tagging models and correction-tagging models are sequence tagging models fine-tuned on pre-trained BERT-based models, where the former focuses on detecting, positioning and classifying errors, and the latter aims at correcting errors. We also utilize rich representations from BERT-based models by transferring the BERT-fused models to the correction task, and further improve the performance by pre-training on a vast size of unsupervised synthetic data. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to introduce and transfer the BERT-fused NMT model and sequence tagging model into the Chinese Grammatical Error Correction field. Our work achieved the second highest F1 score at the detecting errors, the best F1 score at correction top1 subtask and the second highest F1 score at correction top3 subtask.

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A Hybrid System for NLPTEA-2020 CGED Shared Task
Meiyuan Fang | Kai Fu | Jiping Wang | Yang Liu | Jin Huang | Yitao Duan

This paper introduces our system at NLPTEA2020 shared task for CGED, which is able to detect, locate, identify and correct grammatical errors in Chinese writings. The system consists of three components: GED, GEC, and post processing. GED is an ensemble of multiple BERT-based sequence labeling models for handling GED tasks. GEC performs error correction. We exploit a collection of heterogenous models, including Seq2Seq, GECToR and a candidate generation module to obtain correction candidates. Finally in the post processing stage, results from GED and GEC are fused to form the final outputs. We tune our models to lean towards optimizing precision, which we believe is more crucial in practice. As a result, among the six tracks in the shared task, our system performs well in the correction tracks: measured in F1 score, we rank first, with the highest precision, in the TOP3 correction track and third in the TOP1 correction track, also with the highest precision. Ours are among the top 4 to 6 in other tracks, except for FPR where we rank 12. And our system achieves the highest precisions among the top 10 submissions at IDENTIFICATION and POSITION tracks.

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Chinese Grammatical Error Correction Based on Hybrid Models with Data Augmentation
Yi Wang | Ruibin Yuan | Yan‘gen Luo | Yufang Qin | NianYong Zhu | Peng Cheng | Lihuan Wang

A better Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (CGED) system for automatic Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) can benefit foreign Chinese learners and lower Chinese learning barriers. In this paper, we introduce our solution to the CGED2020 Shared Task Grammatical Error Correction in detail. The task aims to detect and correct grammatical errors that occur in essays written by foreign Chinese learners. Our solution combined data augmentation methods, spelling check methods, and generative grammatical correction methods, and achieved the best recall score in the Top 1 Correction track. Our final result ranked fourth among the participants.

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TMU-NLP System Using BERT-based Pre-trained Model to the NLP-TEA CGED Shared Task 2020
Hongfei Wang | Mamoru Komachi

In this paper, we introduce our system for NLPTEA 2020 shared task of Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (CGED). In recent years, pre-trained models have been extensively studied, and several downstream tasks have benefited from their utilization. In this study, we treat the grammar error diagnosis (GED) task as a grammatical error correction (GEC) problem and propose a method that incorporates a pre-trained model into an encoder-decoder model to solve this problem.

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CYUT Team Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis System Report in NLPTEA-2020 CGED Shared Task
Shih-Hung Wu | Junwei Wang

This paper reports our Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis system in the NLPTEA-2020 CGED shared task. In 2020, we sent two runs with two approaches. The first one is a combination of conditional random fields (CRF) and a BERT model deep-learning approach. The second one is a BERT model deep-learning approach. The official results shows that our run1 achieved the highest precision rate 0.9875 with the lowest false positive rate 0.0163 on detection, while run2 gives a more balanced performance.

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Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis Based on RoBERTa-BiLSTM-CRF Model
Yingjie Han | Yingjie Yan | Yangchao Han | Rui Chao | Hongying Zan

Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (CGED) is a natural language processing task for the NLPTEA6 workshop. The goal of this task is to automatically diagnose grammatical errors in Chinese sentences written by L2 learners. This paper proposes a RoBERTa-BiLSTM-CRF model to detect grammatical errors in sentences. Firstly, RoBERTa model is used to obtain word vectors. Secondly, word vectors are input into BiLSTM layer to learn context features. Last, CRF layer without hand-craft features work for processing the output by BiLSTM. The optimal global sequences are obtained according to state transition matrix of CRF and adjacent labels of training data. In experiments, the result of RoBERTa-CRF model and ERNIE-BiLSTM-CRF model are compared, and the impacts of parameters of the models and the testing datasets are analyzed. In terms of evaluation results, our recall score of RoBERTa-BiLSTM-CRF ranks fourth at the detection level.

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Chinese Grammatical Errors Diagnosis System Based on BERT at NLPTEA-2020 CGED Shared Task
Hongying Zan | Yangchao Han | Haotian Huang | Yingjie Yan | Yuke Wang | Yingjie Han

In the process of learning Chinese, second language learners may have various grammatical errors due to the negative transfer of native language. This paper describes our submission to the NLPTEA 2020 shared task on CGED. We present a hybrid system that utilizes both detection and correction stages. The detection stage is a sequential labelling model based on BiLSTM-CRF and BERT contextual word representation. The correction stage is a hybrid model based on the n-gram and Seq2Seq. Without adding additional features and external data, the BERT contextual word representation can effectively improve the performance metrics of Chinese grammatical error detection and correction.

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Chinese Grammatical Error Detection Based on BERT Model
Yong Cheng | Mofan Duan

Automatic grammatical error correction is of great value in assisting second language writing. In 2020, the shared task for Chinese grammatical error diagnosis(CGED) was held in NLP-TEA. As the LDU team, we participated the competition and submitted the final results. Our work mainly focused on grammatical error detection, that is, to judge whether a sentence contains grammatical errors. We used the BERT pre-trained model for binary classification, and we achieve 0.0391 in FPR track, ranking the second in all teams. In error detection track, the accuracy, recall and F-1 of our submitted result are 0.9851, 0.7496 and 0.8514 respectively.

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Named-Entity Based Sentiment Analysis of Nepali News Media Texts
Birat Bade Shrestha | Bal Krishna Bal

Due to the general availability, relative abundance and wide diversity of opinions, news Media texts are very good sources for sentiment analysis. However, the major challenge with such texts is the difficulty in aligning the expressed opinions to the concerned political leaders as this entails a non-trivial task of named-entity recognition and anaphora resolution. In this work, our primary focus is on developing a Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipeline involving a robust Named-Entity Recognition followed by Anaphora Resolution and then after alignment of the recognized and resolved named-entities, in this case, political leaders to the correct class of opinions as expressed in the texts. We visualize the popularity of the politicians via the time series graph of positive and negative sentiments as an outcome of the pipeline. We have achieved the performance metrics of the individual components of the pipeline as follows: Part of speech tagging – 93.06% (F1-score), Named-Entity Recognition – 86% (F1-score), Anaphora Resolution – 87.45% (Accuracy), Sentiment Analysis – 80.2% (F1-score).

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SEMA: Text Simplification Evaluation through Semantic Alignment
Xuan Zhang | Huizhou Zhao | KeXin Zhang | Yiyang Zhang

Text simplification is an important branch of natural language processing. At present, methods used to evaluate the semantic retention of text simplification are mostly based on string matching. We propose the SEMA (text Simplification Evaluation Measure through Semantic Alignment), which is based on semantic alignment. Semantic alignments include complete alignment, partial alignment and hyponymy alignment. Our experiments show that the evaluation results of SEMA have a high consistency with human evaluation for the simplified corpus of Chinese and English news texts.

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A Corpus Linguistic Perspective on the Appropriateness of Pop Songs for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
Xiangyu Chi | Gaoqi Rao

Language and music are closely related. Regarding the linguistic feature richness, pop songs are probably suitable to be used as extracurricular materials in language teaching. In order to prove this point, this paper presents the Contemporary Chinese Pop Lyrics (CCPL) corpus. Based on that, we investigated and evaluated the appropriateness of pop songs for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL) with the assistance of Natural Language Processing methods from the perspective of Chinese character coverage, lexical coverage and the addressed topic similarity. Some suggestions in Chinese teaching with the aid of pop lyrics are provided.


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Proceedings of the First Joint Workshop on Narrative Understanding, Storylines, and Events

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Proceedings of the First Joint Workshop on Narrative Understanding, Storylines, and Events
Claire Bonial | Tommaso Caselli | Snigdha Chaturvedi | Elizabeth Clark | Ruihong Huang | Mohit Iyyer | Alejandro Jaimes | Heng Ji | Lara J. Martin | Ben Miller | Teruko Mitamura | Nanyun Peng | Joel Tetreault

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New Insights into Cross-Document Event Coreference: Systematic Comparison and a Simplified Approach
Andres Cremisini | Mark Finlayson

Cross-Document Event Coreference (CDEC) is the task of finding coreference relationships between events in separate documents, most commonly assessed using the Event Coreference Bank+ corpus (ECB+). At least two different approaches have been proposed for CDEC on ECB+ that use only event triggers, and at least four have been proposed that use both triggers and entities. Comparing these approaches is complicated by variation in the systems’ use of gold vs. computed labels, as well as variation in the document clustering pre-processing step. We present an approach that matches or slightly beats state-of-the-art performance on CDEC over ECB+ with only event trigger annotations, but with a significantly simpler framework and much smaller feature set relative to prior work. This study allows us to directly compare with prior systems and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of various strategies. Additionally, we provide the first cross-validated evaluation on the ECB+ dataset; the first explicit evaluation of the pairwise event coreference classification step; and the first quantification of the effect of document clustering on system performance. The last in particular reveals that while document clustering is a crucial pre-processing step, improvements can at most provide for a 3 point improvement in CDEC performance, though this might be attributable to ease of document clustering on ECB+.

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Screenplay Quality Assessment: Can We Predict Who Gets Nominated?
Ming-Chang Chiu | Tiantian Feng | Xiang Ren | Shrikanth Narayanan

Deciding which scripts to turn into movies is a costly and time-consuming process for filmmakers. Thus, building a tool to aid script selection, an initial phase in movie production, can be very beneficial. Toward that goal, in this work, we present a method to evaluate the quality of a screenplay based on linguistic cues. We address this in a two-fold approach: (1) we define the task as predicting nominations of scripts at major film awards with the hypothesis that the peer-recognized scripts should have a greater chance to succeed. (2) based on industry opinions and narratology, we extract and integrate domain-specific features into common classification techniques. We face two challenges (1) scripts are much longer than other document datasets (2) nominated scripts are limited and thus difficult to collect. However, with narratology-inspired modeling and domain features, our approach offers clear improvements over strong baselines. Our work provides a new approach for future work in screenplay analysis.

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Improving the Identification of the Discourse Function of News Article Paragraphs
Deya Banisakher | W. Victor Yarlott | Mohammed Aldawsari | Naphtali Rishe | Mark Finlayson

Identifying the discourse structure of documents is an important task in understanding written text. Building on prior work, we demonstrate an improved approach to automatically identifying the discourse function of paragraphs in news articles. We start with the hierarchical theory of news discourse developed by van Dijk (1988) which proposes how paragraphs function within news articles. This discourse information is a level intermediate between phrase- or sentence-sized discourse segments and document genre, characterizing how individual paragraphs convey information about the events in the storyline of the article. Specifically, the theory categorizes the relationships between narrated events and (1) the overall storyline (such as Main Events, Background, or Consequences) as well as (2) commentary (such as Verbal Reactions and Evaluations). We trained and tested a linear chain conditional random field (CRF) with new features to model van Dijk’s labels and compared it against several machine learning models presented in previous work. Our model significantly outperformed all baselines and prior approaches, achieving an average of 0.71 F1 score which represents a 31.5% improvement over the previously best-performing support vector machine model.

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Systematic Evaluation of a Framework for Unsupervised Emotion Recognition for Narrative Text
Samira Zad | Mark Finlayson

Identifying emotions as expressed in text (a.k.a. text emotion recognition) has received a lot of attention over the past decade. Narratives often involve a great deal of emotional expression, and so emotion recognition on narrative text is of great interest to computational approaches to narrative understanding. Prior work by Kim et al. 2010 was the work with the highest reported emotion detection performance, on a corpus of fairy tales texts. Close inspection of that work, however, revealed significant reproducibility problems, and we were unable to reimplement Kim’s approach as described. As a consequence, we implemented a framework inspired by Kim’s approach, where we carefully evaluated the major design choices. We identify the highest-performing combination, which outperforms Kim’s reported performance by 7.6 F1 points on average. Close inspection of the annotated data revealed numerous missing and incorrect emotion terms in the relevant lexicon, WordNetAffect (WNA; Strapparava and Valitutti, 2004), which allowed us to augment it in a useful way. More generally, this showed that numerous clearly emotive words and phrases are missing from WNA, which suggests that effort invested in augmenting or refining emotion ontologies could be useful for improving the performance of emotion recognition systems. We release our code and data to definitely enable future reproducibility of this work.

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Extensively Matching for Few-shot Learning Event Detection
Viet Dac Lai | Thien Huu Nguyen | Franck Dernoncourt

Current event detection models under supervised learning settings fail to transfer to new event types. Few-shot learning has not been explored in event detection even though it allows a model to perform well with high generalization on new event types. In this work, we formulate event detection as a few-shot learning problem to enable to extend event detection to new event types. We propose two novel loss factors that matching examples in the support set to provide more training signals to the model. Moreover, these training signals can be applied in many metric-based few-shot learning models. Our extensive experiments on the ACE-2005 dataset (under a few-shot learning setting) show that the proposed method can improve the performance of few-shot learning.

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Exploring the Effect of Author and Reader Identity in Online Story Writing: the STORIESINTHEWILD Corpus.
Tal August | Maarten Sap | Elizabeth Clark | Katharina Reinecke | Noah A. Smith

Current story writing or story editing systems rely on human judgments of story quality for evaluating performance, often ignoring the subjectivity in ratings. We analyze the effect of author and reader characteristics and story writing setup on the quality of stories in a short storytelling task. To study this effect, we create and release STORIESINTHEWILD, containing 1,630 stories collected on a volunteer-based crowdsourcing platform. Each story is rated by three different readers, and comes paired with the author’s and reader’s age, gender, and personality. Our findings show significant effects of authors’ and readers’ identities, as well as writing setup, on story writing and ratings. Notably, compared to younger readers, readers age 45 and older consider stories significantly less creative and less entertaining. Readers also prefer stories written all at once, rather than in chunks, finding them more coherent and creative. We also observe linguistic differences associated with authors’ demographics (e.g., older authors wrote more vivid and emotional stories). Our findings suggest that reader and writer demographics, as well as writing setup, should be accounted for in story writing evaluations.

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Script Induction as Association Rule Mining
Anton Belyy | Benjamin Van Durme

We show that the count-based Script Induction models of Chambers and Jurafsky (2008) and Jans et al. (2012) can be unified in a general framework of narrative chain likelihood maximization. We provide efficient algorithms based on Association Rule Mining (ARM) and weighted set cover that can discover interesting patterns in the training data and combine them in a reliable and explainable way to predict the missing event. The proposed method, unlike the prior work, does not assume full conditional independence and makes use of higher-order count statistics. We perform the ablation study and conclude that the inductive biases introduced by ARM are conducive to better performance on the narrative cloze test.

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Automatic extraction of personal events from dialogue
Joshua Eisenberg | Michael Sheriff

In this paper we introduce the problem of extracting events from dialogue. Previous work on event extraction focused on newswire, however we are interested in extracting events from spoken dialogue. To ground this study, we annotated dialogue transcripts from fourteen episodes of the podcast This American Life. This corpus contains 1,038 utterances, made up of 16,962 tokens, of which 3,664 represent events. The agreement for this corpus has a Cohen’s Kappa of 0.83. We have open-sourced this corpus for the NLP community. With this corpus in hand, we trained support vector machines (SVM) to correctly classify these phenomena with 0.68 F1, when using episode-fold cross-validation. This is nearly 100% higher F1 than the baseline classifier. The SVM models achieved performance of over 0.75 F1 on some testing folds. We report the results for SVM classifiers trained with four different types of features (verb classes, part of speech tags, named entities, and semantic role labels), and different machine learning protocols (under-sampling and trigram context). This work is grounded in narratology and computational models of narrative. It is useful for extracting events, plot, and story content from spoken dialogue.

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Annotating and quantifying narrative time disruptions in modernist and hypertext fiction
Edward Kearns

This paper outlines work in progress on a new method of annotating and quantitatively discussing narrative techniques related to time in fiction. Specifically those techniques are analepsis, prolepsis, narrative level changes, and stream-of-consciousness and free-indirect-discourse narration. By counting the frequency and extent of the usage of these techniques, the narrative characteristics of different works from different time periods and genres can be compared. This project uses modernist fiction and hypertext fiction as its case studies.

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Exploring aspects of similarity between spoken personal narratives by disentangling them into narrative clause types
Belen Saldias | Deb Roy

Sharing personal narratives is a fundamental aspect of human social behavior as it helps share our life experiences. We can tell stories and rely on our background to understand their context, similarities, and differences. A substantial effort has been made towards developing storytelling machines or inferring characters’ features. However, we don’t usually find models that compare narratives. This task is remarkably challenging for machines since they, as sometimes we do, lack an understanding of what similarity means. To address this challenge, we first introduce a corpus of real-world spoken personal narratives comprising 10,296 narrative clauses from 594 video transcripts. Second, we ask non-narrative experts to annotate those clauses under Labov’s sociolinguistic model of personal narratives (i.e., action, orientation, and evaluation clause types) and train a classifier that reaches 84.7% F-score for the highest-agreed clauses. Finally, we match stories and explore whether people implicitly rely on Labov’s framework to compare narratives. We show that actions followed by the narrator’s evaluation of these are the aspects non-experts consider the most. Our approach is intended to help inform machine learning methods aimed at studying or representing personal narratives.

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Extracting Message Sequence Charts from Hindi Narrative Text
Swapnil Hingmire | Nitin Ramrakhiyani | Avinash Kumar Singh | Sangameshwar Patil | Girish Palshikar | Pushpak Bhattacharyya | Vasudeva Varma

In this paper, we propose the use of Message Sequence Charts (MSC) as a representation for visualizing narrative text in Hindi. An MSC is a formal representation allowing the depiction of actors and interactions among these actors in a scenario, apart from supporting a rich framework for formal inference. We propose an approach to extract MSC actors and interactions from a Hindi narrative. As a part of the approach, we enrich an existing event annotation scheme where we provide guidelines for annotation of the mood of events (realis vs irrealis) and guidelines for annotation of event arguments. We report performance on multiple evaluation criteria by experimenting with Hindi narratives from Indian History. Though Hindi is the fourth most-spoken first language in the world, from the NLP perspective it has comparatively lesser resources than English. Moreover, there is relatively less work in the context of event processing in Hindi. Hence, we believe that this work is among the initial works for Hindi event processing.

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Emotion Arcs of Student Narratives
Swapna Somasundaran | Xianyang Chen | Michael Flor

This paper studies emotion arcs in student narratives. We construct emotion arcs based on event affect and implied sentiments, which correspond to plot elements in the story. We show that student narratives can show elements of plot structure in their emotion arcs and that properties of these arcs can be useful indicators of narrative quality. We build a system and perform analysis to show that our arc-based features are complementary to previously studied sentiment features in this area.

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Frustratingly Hard Evidence Retrieval for QA Over Books
Xiangyang Mou | Mo Yu | Bingsheng Yao | Chenghao Yang | Xiaoxiao Guo | Saloni Potdar | Hui Su

A lot of progress has been made to improve question answering (QA) in recent years, but the special problem of QA over narrative book stories has not been explored in-depth. We formulate BookQA as an open-domain QA task given its similar dependency on evidence retrieval. We further investigate how state-of-the-art open-domain QA approaches can help BookQA. Besides achieving state-of-the-art on the NarrativeQA benchmark, our study also reveals the difficulty of evidence retrieval in books with a wealth of experiments and analysis - which necessitates future effort on novel solutions for evidence retrieval in BookQA.

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On-The-Fly Information Retrieval Augmentation for Language Models
Hai Wang | David McAllester

Here we experiment with the use of information retrieval as an augmentation for pre-trained language models. The text corpus used in information retrieval can be viewed as form of episodic memory which grows over time. By augmenting GPT 2.0 with information retrieval we achieve a zero shot 15% relative reduction in perplexity on Gigaword corpus without any re-training. We also validate our IR augmentation on an event co-reference task.

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Detecting and understanding moral biases in news
Usman Shahid | Barbara Di Eugenio | Andrew Rojecki | Elena Zheleva

We describe work in progress on detecting and understanding the moral biases of news sources by combining framing theory with natural language processing. First we draw connections between issue-specific frames and moral frames that apply to all issues. Then we analyze the connection between moral frame presence and news source political leaning. We develop and test a simple classification model for detecting the presence of a moral frame, highlighting the need for more sophisticated models. We also discuss some of the annotation and frame detection challenges that can inform future research in this area.


bib (full) Proceedings of LREC2020 Workshop "People in language, vision and the mind" (ONION2020)

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Proceedings of LREC2020 Workshop "People in language, vision and the mind" (ONION2020)
Patrizia Paggio | Albert Gatt | Roman Klinger

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Prototypes and Recognition of Self in Depictions of Christ
Carla Sophie Lembke | Per Olav Folgerø | Alf Edgar Andresen | Christer Johansson

We present a study on prototype effects. We designed an experiment investigating the effect of adapting a prototypical image towards more human, male or female, prototypes, and additionally investigating the effect of self-recognition in a manipulated image. Results show that decisions are affected by prototypicality, but we find less evidence that self-recognition further enhances perceptions of attractiveness. This study has implications for the psychological perception of faces, and may contribute to the study of Christian imagery.

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Analysis of Body Behaviours in Human-Human and Human-Robot Interactions
Taiga Mori | Kristiina Jokinen | Yasuharu Den

We conducted preliminary comparison of human-robot (HR) interaction with human-human (HH) interaction conducted in English and in Japanese. As the result, body gestures increased in HR, while hand and head gestures decreased in HR. Concerning hand gesture, they were composed of more diverse and complex forms, trajectories and functions in HH than in HR. Moreover, English speakers produced 6 times more hand gestures than Japanese speakers in HH. Regarding head gesture, even though there was no difference in the frequency of head gestures between English speakers and Japanese speakers in HH, Japanese speakers produced slightly more nodding during the robot’s speaking than English speakers in HR. Furthermore, positions of nod were different depending on the language. Concerning body gesture, participants produced body gestures mostly to regulate appropriate distance with the robot in HR. Additionally, English speakers produced slightly more body gestures than Japanese speakers.

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Automatic Detection and Classification of Head Movements in Face-to-Face Conversations
Patrizia Paggio | Manex Agirrezabal | Bart Jongejan | Costanza Navarretta

This paper presents an approach to automatic head movement detection and classification in data from a corpus of video-recorded face-to-face conversations in Danish involving 12 different speakers. A number of classifiers were trained with different combinations of visual, acoustic and word features and tested in a leave-one-out cross validation scenario. The visual movement features were extracted from the raw video data using OpenPose, and the acoustic ones using Praat. The best results were obtained by a Multilayer Perceptron classifier, which reached an average 0.68 F1 score across the 12 speakers for head movement detection, and 0.40 for head movement classification given four different classes. In both cases, the classifier outperformed a simple most frequent class baseline as well as a more advanced baseline only relying on velocity features.

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“You move THIS!”: Annotation of Pointing Gestures on Tabletop Interfaces in Low Awareness Situations
Dimitra Anastasiou | Hoorieh Afkari | Valérie Maquil

This paper analyses pointing gestures during low awareness situations occurring in a collaborative problem-solving activity implemented on an interactive tabletop interface. Awareness is considered as crucial requirement to support fluid and natural collaboration. We focus on pointing gestures as strategy to maintain awareness. We describe the results from a user study with five groups, each group consisting of three participants, who were asked to solve a task collaboratively on a tabletop interface. The ideal problem-solving solution would have been, if the three participants had been fully aware of what their personal area is depicting and had communicated this properly to the peers. However, often some participants are hesitant due to lack of awareness, some other want to take the lead work or expedite the process, and therefore pointing gestures to others’ personal areas arise. Our results from analyzing a multimodal corpus of 168.68 minutes showed that in 95% of the cases, one user pointed to the personal area of the other, while in a few cases (3%) a user not only pointed, but also performed a touch gesture on the personal area of another user. In our study, the mean for such pointing gestures in low awareness situations per minute and for all groups was M=1.96, SD=0.58.

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Improving Sentiment Analysis with Biofeedback Data
Daniel Schlör | Albin Zehe | Konstantin Kobs | Blerta Veseli | Franziska Westermeier | Larissa Brübach | Daniel Roth | Marc Erich Latoschik | Andreas Hotho

Humans frequently are able to read and interpret emotions of others by directly taking verbal and non-verbal signals in human-to-human communication into account or to infer or even experience emotions from mediated stories. For computers, however, emotion recognition is a complex problem: Thoughts and feelings are the roots of many behavioural responses and they are deeply entangled with neurophysiological changes within humans. As such, emotions are very subjective, often are expressed in a subtle manner, and are highly depending on context. For example, machine learning approaches for text-based sentiment analysis often rely on incorporating sentiment lexicons or language models to capture the contextual meaning. This paper explores if and how we further can enhance sentiment analysis using biofeedback of humans which are experiencing emotions while reading texts. Specifically, we record the heart rate and brain waves of readers that are presented with short texts which have been annotated with the emotions they induce. We use these physiological signals to improve the performance of a lexicon-based sentiment classifier. We find that the combination of several biosignals can improve the ability of a text-based classifier to detect the presence of a sentiment in a text on a per-sentence level.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools, with a Shared Task on Offensive Language Detection

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Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools, with a Shared Task on Offensive Language Detection
Hend Al-Khalifa | Walid Magdy | Kareem Darwish | Tamer Elsayed | Hamdy Mubarak

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An Arabic Tweets Sentiment Analysis Dataset (ATSAD) using Distant Supervision and Self Training
Kathrein Abu Kwaik | Stergios Chatzikyriakidis | Simon Dobnik | Motaz Saad | Richard Johansson

As the number of social media users increases, they express their thoughts, needs, socialise and publish their opinions reviews. For good social media sentiment analysis, good quality resources are needed, and the lack of these resources is particularly evident for languages other than English, in particular Arabic. The available Arabic resources lack of from either the size of the corpus or the quality of the annotation. In this paper, we present an Arabic Sentiment Analysis Corpus collected from Twitter, which contains 36K tweets labelled into positive and negative. We employed distant supervision and self-training approaches into the corpus to annotate it. Besides, we release an 8K tweets manually annotated as a gold standard. We evaluated the corpus intrinsically by comparing it to human classification and pre-trained sentiment analysis models, Moreover, we apply extrinsic evaluation methods exploiting sentiment analysis task and achieve an accuracy of 86%.

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AraBERT: Transformer-based Model for Arabic Language Understanding
Wissam Antoun | Fady Baly | Hazem Hajj

The Arabic language is a morphologically rich language with relatively few resources and a less explored syntax compared to English. Given these limitations, Arabic Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks like Sentiment Analysis (SA), Named Entity Recognition (NER), and Question Answering (QA), have proven to be very challenging to tackle. Recently, with the surge of transformers based models, language-specific BERT based models have proven to be very efficient at language understanding, provided they are pre-trained on a very large corpus. Such models were able to set new standards and achieve state-of-the-art results for most NLP tasks. In this paper, we pre-trained BERT specifically for the Arabic language in the pursuit of achieving the same success that BERT did for the English language. The performance of AraBERT is compared to multilingual BERT from Google and other state-of-the-art approaches. The results showed that the newly developed AraBERT achieved state-of-the-art performance on most tested Arabic NLP tasks. The pretrained araBERT models are publicly available on https://github.com/aub-mind/araBERT hoping to encourage research and applications for Arabic NLP.

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AraNet: A Deep Learning Toolkit for Arabic Social Media
Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Chiyu Zhang | Azadeh Hashemi | El Moatez Billah Nagoudi

We describe AraNet, a collection of deep learning Arabic social media processing tools. Namely, we exploit an extensive host of both publicly available and novel social media datasets to train bidirectional encoders from transformers (BERT) focused at social meaning extraction. AraNet models predict age, dialect, gender, emotion, irony, and sentiment. AraNet either delivers state-of-the-art performance on a number of these tasks and performs competitively on others. AraNet is exclusively based on a deep learning framework, giving it the advantage of being feature-engineering free. To the best of our knowledge, AraNet is the first to performs predictions across such a wide range of tasks for Arabic NLP. As such, AraNet has the potential to meet critical needs. We publicly release AraNet to accelerate research, and to facilitate model-based comparisons across the different tasks

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Building a Corpus of Qatari Arabic Expressions
Sara Al-Mulla | Wajdi Zaghouani

The current Arabic natural language processing resources are mainly build to address the Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), while we witnessed some scattered efforts to build resources for various Arabic dialects such as the Levantine and the Egyptian dialects. We observed a lack of resources for Gulf Arabic and especially the Qatari variety. In this paper, we present the first Qatari idioms and expression corpus of 1000 entries. The corpus was created from on-line and printed sources in addition to transcribed recorded interviews. The corpus covers various Qatari traditional expressions and idioms. To this end, audio recordings were collected from interviews and an online survey questionnaire was conducted to validate our data. This corpus aims to help advance the dialectal Arabic Speech and Natural Language Processing tools and applications for the Qatari dialect.

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From Arabic Sentiment Analysis to Sarcasm Detection: The ArSarcasm Dataset
Ibrahim Abu Farha | Walid Magdy

Sarcasm is one of the main challenges for sentiment analysis systems. Its complexity comes from the expression of opinion using implicit indirect phrasing. In this paper, we present ArSarcasm, an Arabic sarcasm detection dataset, which was created through the reannotation of available Arabic sentiment analysis datasets. The dataset contains 10,547 tweets, 16% of which are sarcastic. In addition to sarcasm the data was annotated for sentiment and dialects. Our analysis shows the highly subjective nature of these tasks, which is demonstrated by the shift in sentiment labels based on annotators’ biases. Experiments show the degradation of state-of-the-art sentiment analysers when faced with sarcastic content. Finally, we train a deep learning model for sarcasm detection using BiLSTM. The model achieves an F1 score of 0.46, which shows the challenging nature of the task, and should act as a basic baseline for future research on our dataset.

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Understanding and Detecting Dangerous Speech in Social Media
Ali Alshehri | El Moatez Billah Nagoudi | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed

Social media communication has become a significant part of daily activity in modern societies. For this reason, ensuring safety in social media platforms is a necessity. Use of dangerous language such as physical threats in online environments is a somewhat rare, yet remains highly important. Although several works have been performed on the related issue of detecting offensive and hateful language, dangerous speech has not previously been treated in any significant way. Motivated by these observations, we report our efforts to build a labeled dataset for dangerous speech. We also exploit our dataset to develop highly effective models to detect dangerous content. Our best model performs at 59.60% macro F1, significantly outperforming a competitive baseline.

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Overview of OSACT4 Arabic Offensive Language Detection Shared Task
Hamdy Mubarak | Kareem Darwish | Walid Magdy | Tamer Elsayed | Hend Al-Khalifa

This paper provides an overview of the offensive language detection shared task at the 4th workshop on Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools (OSACT4). There were two subtasks, namely: Subtask A, involving the detection of offensive language, which contains unacceptable or vulgar content in addition to any kind of explicit or implicit insults or attacks against individuals or groups; and Subtask B, involving the detection of hate speech, which contains insults or threats targeting a group based on their nationality, ethnicity, race, gender, political or sport affiliation, religious belief, or other common characteristics. In total, 40 teams signed up to participate in Subtask A, and 14 of them submitted test runs. For Subtask B, 33 teams signed up to participate and 13 of them submitted runs. We present and analyze all submissions in this paper.

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OSACT4 Shared Task on Offensive Language Detection: Intensive Preprocessing-Based Approach
Fatemah Husain

The preprocessing phase is one of the key phases within the text classification pipeline. This study aims at investigating the impact of the preprocessing phase on text classification, specifically on offensive language and hate speech classification for Arabic text. The Arabic language used in social media is informal and written using Arabic dialects, which makes the text classification task very complex. Preprocessing helps in dimensionality reduction and removing useless content. We apply intensive preprocessing techniques to the dataset before processing it further and feeding it into the classification model. An intensive preprocessing-based approach demonstrates its significant impact on offensive language detection and hate speech detection shared tasks of the fourth workshop on Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Corpora Processing Tools (OSACT). Our team wins the third place (3rd) in the Sub-Task A Offensive Language Detection division and wins the first place (1st) in the Sub-Task B Hate Speech Detection division, with an F1 score of 89% and 95%, respectively, by providing the state-of-the-art performance in terms of F1, accuracy, recall, and precision for Arabic hate speech detection.

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ALT Submission for OSACT Shared Task on Offensive Language Detection
Sabit Hassan | Younes Samih | Hamdy Mubarak | Ahmed Abdelali | Ammar Rashed | Shammur Absar Chowdhury

In this paper, we describe our efforts at OSACT Shared Task on Offensive Language Detection. The shared task consists of two subtasks: offensive language detection (Subtask A) and hate speech detection (Subtask B). For offensive language detection, a system combination of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) achieved the best results on development set, which ranked 1st in the official results for Subtask A with F1-score of 90.51% on the test set. For hate speech detection, DNNs were less effective and a system combination of multiple SVMs with different parameters achieved the best results on development set, which ranked 4th in official results for Subtask B with F1-macro score of 80.63% on the test set.

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ASU_OPTO at OSACT4 - Offensive Language Detection for Arabic text
Amr Keleg | Samhaa R. El-Beltagy | Mahmoud Khalil

In the past years, toxic comments and offensive speech are polluting the internet and manual inspection of these comments is becoming a tiresome task to manage. Having a machine learning based model that is able to filter offensive Arabic content is of high need nowadays. In this paper, we describe the model that was submitted to the Shared Task on Offensive Language Detection that is organized by (The 4th Workshop on Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools). Our model makes use transformer based model (BERT) to detect offensive content. We came in the fourth place in subtask A (detecting Offensive Speech) and in the third place in subtask B (detecting Hate Speech).

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OSACT4 Shared Tasks: Ensembled Stacked Classification for Offensive and Hate Speech in Arabic Tweets
Hafiz Hassaan Saeed | Toon Calders | Faisal Kamiran

In this paper, we describe our submission for the OCAST4 2020 shared tasks on offensive language and hate speech detection in the Arabic language. Our solution builds upon combining a number of deep learning models using pre-trained word vectors. To improve the word representation and increase word coverage, we compare a number of existing pre-trained word embeddings and finally concatenate the two empirically best among them. To avoid under- as well as over-fitting, we train each deep model multiple times, and we include the optimization of the decision threshold into the training process. The predictions of the resulting models are then combined into a tuned ensemble by stacking a classifier on top of the predictions by these base models. We name our approach “ESOTP” (Ensembled Stacking classifier over Optimized Thresholded Predictions of multiple deep models). The resulting ESOTP-based system ranked 6th out of 35 on the shared task of Offensive Language detection (sub-task A) and 5th out of 30 on Hate Speech Detection (sub-task B).

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Arabic Offensive Language Detection with Attention-based Deep Neural Networks
Bushr Haddad | Zoher Orabe | Anas Al-Abood | Nada Ghneim

In this paper, we tackle the problem of offensive language and hate speech detection. We proposed our methods for data preprocessing and balancing, and then we presented our Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) models used. After that, we augmented these models with attention layer. The best results achieved was using the Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit augmented with attention layer (Bi-GRU_ATT). Keywords: Abusive Language, Text Mining, Arabic Language, Social Media Mining, Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Network, Gated Recurrent Unit, Attention Mechanism, Machine Learning.

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Offensive language detection in Arabic using ULMFiT
Mohamed Abdellatif | Ahmed Elgammal

In this paper, we approach the shared task OffenseEval 2020 by Mubarak et al. (2020) using ULMFiT Howard and Ruder (2018) pre-trained on Arabic Wikipedia Khooli (2019) which we use as a starting point and use the target data-set to fine-tune it. The data set of the task is highly imbalanced. We train forward and backward models and ensemble the results. We report confusion matrix, accuracy, precision, recall and F1 of the development set and report summarized results of the test set. Transfer learning method using ULMFiT shows potential for Arabic text classification. Mubarak, K. Darwish,W. Magdy, T. Elsayed, and H. Al-Khalifa. Overview of osact4 arabic offensive language detection shared task. 4, 2020. Howard and S. Ruder. Universal language model fine-tuning for text classification. arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.06146, 2018. Khooli. Applied data science. https://github.com/abedkhooli/ds2, 2019.

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Multitask Learning for Arabic Offensive Language and Hate-Speech Detection
Ibrahim Abu Farha | Walid Magdy

Offensive language and hate-speech are phenomena that spread with the rising popularity of social media. Detecting such content is crucial for understanding and predicting conflicts, understanding polarisation among communities and providing means and tools to filter or block inappropriate content. This paper describes the SMASH team submission to OSACT4’s shared task on hate-speech and offensive language detection, where we explore different approaches to perform these tasks. The experiments cover a variety of approaches that include deep learning, transfer learning and multitask learning. We also explore the utilisation of sentiment information to perform the previous task. Our best model is a multitask learning architecture, based on CNN-BiLSTM, that was trained to detect hate-speech and offensive language and predict sentiment.

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Combining Character and Word Embeddings for the Detection of Offensive Language in Arabic
Abdullah I. Alharbi | Mark Lee

Twitter and other social media platforms offer users the chance to share their ideas via short posts. While the easy exchange of ideas has value, these microblogs can be leveraged by people who want to share hatred. and such individuals can share negative views about an individual, race, or group with millions of people at the click of a button. There is thus an urgent need to establish a method that can automatically identify hate speech and offensive language. To contribute to this development, during the OSACT4 workshop, a shared task was undertaken to detect offensive language in Arabic. A key challenge was the uniqueness of the language used on social media, prompting the out-of-vocabulary (OOV) problem. In addition, the use of different dialects in Arabic exacerbates this problem. To deal with the issues associated with OOV, we generated a character-level embeddings model, which was trained on a massive data collected carefully. This level of embeddings can work effectively in resolving the problem of OOV words through its ability to learn the vectors of character n-grams or parts of words. The proposed systems were ranked 7th and 8th for Subtasks A and B, respectively.

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Multi-Task Learning using AraBert for Offensive Language Detection
Marc Djandji | Fady Baly | Wissam Antoun | Hazem Hajj

The use of social media platforms has become more prevalent, which has provided tremendous opportunities for people to connect but has also opened the door for misuse with the spread of hate speech and offensive language. This phenomenon has been driving more and more people to more extreme reactions and online aggression, sometimes causing physical harm to individuals or groups of people. There is a need to control and prevent such misuse of online social media through automatic detection of profane language. The shared task on Offensive Language Detection at the OSACT4 has aimed at achieving state of art profane language detection methods for Arabic social media. Our team “BERTologists” tackled this problem by leveraging state of the art pretrained Arabic language model, AraBERT, that we augment with the addition of Multi-task learning to enable our model to learn efficiently from little data. Our Multitask AraBERT approach achieved the second place in both subtasks A & B, which shows that the model performs consistently across different tasks.

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Leveraging Affective Bidirectional Transformers for Offensive Language Detection
AbdelRahim Elmadany | Chiyu Zhang | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Azadeh Hashemi

Social media are pervasive in our life, making it necessary to ensure safe online experiences by detecting and removing offensive and hate speech. In this work, we report our submission to the Offensive Language and hate-speech Detection shared task organized with the 4th Workshop on Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools Arabic (OSACT4). We focus on developing purely deep learning systems, without a need for feature engineering. For that purpose, we develop an effective method for automatic data augmentation and show the utility of training both offensive and hate speech models off (i.e., by fine-tuning) previously trained affective models (i.e., sentiment and emotion). Our best models are significantly better than a vanilla BERT model, with 89.60% acc (82.31% macro F1) for hate speech and 95.20% acc (70.51% macro F1) on official TEST data.

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Quick and Simple Approach for Detecting Hate Speech in Arabic Tweets
Abeer Abuzayed | Tamer Elsayed

As the use of social media platforms increases extensively to freely communicate and share opinions, hate speech becomes an outstanding problem that requires urgent attention. This paper focuses on the problem of detecting hate speech in Arabic tweets. To tackle the problem efficiently, we adopt a “quick and simple” approach by which we investigate the effectiveness of 15 classical (e.g., SVM) and neural (e.g., CNN) learning models, while exploring two different term representations. Our experiments on 8k labelled dataset show that the best neural learning models outperform the classical ones, while distributed term representation is more effective than statistical bag-of-words representation. Overall, our best classifier (that combines both CNN and RNN in a joint architecture) achieved 0.73 macro-F1 score on the dev set, which significantly outperforms the majority-class baseline that achieves 0.49, proving the effectiveness of our “quick and simple” approach.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Second ParlaCLARIN Workshop

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Proceedings of the Second ParlaCLARIN Workshop
Darja Fišer | Maria Eskevich | Franciska de Jong

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New Developments in the Polish Parliamentary Corpus
Maciej Ogrodniczuk | Bartłomiej Nitoń

This short paper presents the current (as of February 2020) state of preparation of the Polish Parliamentary Corpus (PPC)—an extensive collection of transcripts of Polish parliamentary proceedings dating from 1919 to present. The most evident developments as compared to the 2018 version is harmonization of metadata, standardization of document identifiers, uploading contents of all documents and metadata to the database (to enable easier modification, maintenance and future development of the corpus), linking utterances to the political ontology, linking corpus texts to source data and processing historical documents.

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Anföranden: Annotated and Augmented Parliamentary Debates from Sweden
Stian Rødven Eide

The Swedish parliamentary debates have been available since 2010 through the parliament’s open data web site Riksdagens öppna data. While fairly comprehensive, the structure of the data can be hard to understand and its content is somewhat noisy for use as a quality language resource. In order to make them easier to use and process – in particular for language technology research, but also for political science and other fields with an interest in parliamentary data – we have published a large selection of the debates in a cleaned and structured format, annotated with linguistic information and augmented with semantic links. Especially prevalent in the parliament’s data were end-line hyphenations – something that tokenisers generally are not equipped for – and a lot of the effort went into resolving these. In this paper, we provide detailed descriptions of the structure and contents of the resource, and explain how it differs from the parliament’s own version.

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IGC-Parl: Icelandic Corpus of Parliamentary Proceedings
Steinþór Steingrímsson | Starkaður Barkarson | Gunnar Thor Örnólfsson

We describe the acquisition, annotation and encoding of the corpus of the Althingi parliamentary proceedings. The first version of the corpus includes speeches from 1911-2019. It comprises 406 thousand speeches and over 219 million words. The corpus has been automatically part-of-speech tagged and lemmatised. It is annotated with extensive metadata about the speeches, speakers and political parties, including speech topic, whether the speaker is in the government coalition or opposition, age and gender of speaker at the time of delivery, references to sound and video recordings and more. The corpus is encoded in accordance with the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines and conforms to the Parla-CLARIN schema. We plan to update the corpus annually and its major versions will be archived in the CLARIN.IS repository. It is available for download and search using the KORP concordance tool. Furthermore, information on word frequency are accessible in a custom made web application and an n-gram viewer.

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Compiling Czech Parliamentary Stenographic Protocols into a Corpus
Barbora Hladka | Matyáš Kopp | Pavel Straňák

The Parliament of the Czech Republic consists of two chambers: the Chamber of Deputies (Lower House) and the Senate (Upper House). In our work, we focus on agenda and documents that relate to the Chamber of Deputies exclusively. We pay particular attention to stenographic protocols that record the Chamber of Deputies’ meetings. Our overall goal is to (1) compile the protocols into a ParlaCLARIN TEI encoded corpus, (2) make this corpus accessible and searchable in the TEITOK web-based platform, (3) annotate the corpus using the modules available in TEITOK, e.g. detect and recognize named entities, and (4) highlight the annotations in TEITOK. In addition, we add two more goals that we consider innovative: (5) update the corpus every time a new stenographic protocol is published online by the Chambers of Deputies and (6) expose the annotations as the linked open data in order to improve the protocols’ interoperability with other existing linked open data. This paper is devoted to the goals (1) and (5).

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Unfinished Business: Construction and Maintenance of a Semantically Tagged Historical Parliamentary Corpus, UK Hansard from 1803 to the present day
Matthew Coole | Paul Rayson | John Mariani

Creating, curating and maintaining modern political corpora is becoming an ever more involved task. As interest from various social bodies and the general public in political discourse grows so too does the need to enrich such datasets with metadata and linguistic annotations. Beyond this, such corpora must be easy to browse and search for linguists, social scientists, digital humanists and the general public. We present our efforts to compile a linguistically annotated and semantically tagged version of the Hansard corpus from 1803 right up to the present day. This involves combining multiple sources of documents and transcripts. We describe our toolchain for tagging; using several existing tools that provide tokenisation, part-of-speech tagging and semantic annotations. We also provide an overview of our bespoke web-based search interface built on LexiDB. In conclusion, we examine the completed corpus by looking at four case studies including semantic categories made available by our toolchain.

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The siParl corpus of Slovene parliamentary proceedings
Andrej Pancur | Tomaž Erjavec

The paper describes the process of acquisition, up-translation, encoding, annotation, and distribution of siParl, a collection of the parliamentary debates from the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia from 1990–2018, covering the period from just before Slovenia became an independent country in 1991, and almost up to the present. The entire corpus, comprising over 8 thousand sessions, 1 million speeches and 200 million words was uniformly encoded in accordance with the TEI-based Parla-CLARIN schema for encoding corpora of parliamentary debates, and contains extensive meta-data about the speakers, a typology of sessions etc. and structural and editorial annotations. The corpus was also part-of-speech tagged and lemmatised using state-of-the-art tools. The corpus is maintained on GitHub with its major versions archived in the CLARIN.SI repository and is available for linguistic analysis in the scope of the on-line CLARIN.SI concordancers, thus offering an invaluable resource for scholars studying Slovenian political history.

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Who mentions whom? Recognizing political actors in proceedings
Lennart Kerkvliet | Jaap Kamps | Maarten Marx

We show that it is straightforward to train a state of the art named entity tagger (spaCy) to recognize political actors in Dutch parliamentary proceedings with high accuracy. The tagger was trained on 3.4K manually labeled examples, which were created in a modest 2.5 days work. This resource is made available on github. Besides proper nouns of persons and political parties, the tagger can recognize quite complex definite descriptions referring to cabinet ministers, ministries, and parliamentary committees. We also provide a demo search engine which employs the tagged entities in its SERP and result summaries.

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Challenges of Applying Automatic Speech Recognition for Transcribing EU Parliament Committee Meetings: A Pilot Study
Hugo de Vos | Suzan Verberne

Challenges of Applying Automatic Speech Recognition for Transcribing EUParliament Committee Meetings: A Pilot StudyHugo de Vos and Suzan VerberneInstitute of Public Administration and Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, Leiden Universityh.p.de.vos@fgga.leidenuniv.nl, s.verberne@liacs.leidenuniv.nlAbstractWe tested the feasibility of automatically transcribing committee meetings of the European Union parliament with the use of AutomaticSpeech Recognition techniques. These committee meetings contain more valuable information for political science scholars than theplenary meetings since these meetings showcase actual debates opposed to the more formal plenary meetings. However, since there areno transcriptions of those meetings, they are a lot less accessible for research than the plenary meetings, of which multiple corpora exist. We explored a freely available ASR application and analysed the output in order to identify the weaknesses of an out-of-the box system. We followed up on those weaknesses by proposing directions for optimizing the ASR for our goals. We found that, despite showcasingacceptable results in terms of Word Error Rate, the model did not yet suffice for the purpose of generating a data set for use in PoliticalScience. The application was unable to successfully recognize domain specific terms and names. To overcome this issue, future researchwill be directed at using domain specific language models in combination with off-the-shelf acoustic models.

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Parsing Icelandic Alþingi Transcripts: Parliamentary Speeches as a Genre
Kristján Rúnarsson | Einar Freyr Sigurðsson

We introduce a corpus of transcripts from Alþingi, the Icelandic parliament. The corpus is syntactically parsed for phrase structure according to the annotation scheme of the Icelandic Parsed Historical Corpus (IcePaHC). This addition to IcePaHC makes it more diverse with respect to text types and we argue that having a syntactically parsed corpus facilitates research on differt types of texts. We furthermore argue that the speech corpus can be treated somewhat like spoken language even though the transcripts differ in various ways from daily spoken language. We also compare this text type to other types and argue that this genre can shed light on their properties. Finally, we exhibit how this addition to IcePaHC has helped us in identifying and solving issues with our parsing scheme.

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Identifying Parties in Manifestos and Parliament Speeches
Costanza Navarretta | Dorte Haltrup Hansen

This paper addresses differences in the word use of two left-winged and two right-winged Danish parties, and how these differences reflecting some of the basic stances of the parties can be used to automatically identify the party of politicians from their speeches. In the first study, the most frequent and characteristic lemmas in the manifestos of the political parties are analysed. The analysis shows that the most frequently occurring lemmas in the manifestos reflect either the ideology or the position of the parties towards specific subjects, confirming for Danish preceding studies of English and German manifestos. Successively, we scaled our analysis applying machine learning on different language models built on the transcribed speeches by members of the same parties in the Parliament (Hansards) in order to determine to what extent it is possible to predict the party of the politicians from the speeches. The speeches used are a subset of the Danish Parliament corpus 2009–2017. The best models resulted in a weighted F1-score of 0.57. These results are significantly better than the results obtained by the majority classifier (F1-score = 0.11) and by chance results (0.25) and show that building language models over the speeches used by politicians can be used to identify the politicians’ party even if they debate about the same subjects and thus often use the same terminology in many cases. In the future, we will include the subject of the speeches in the prediction experiments

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Comparing Lexical Usage in Political Discourse across Diachronic Corpora
Klaus Hofmann | Anna Marakasova | Andreas Baumann | Julia Neidhardt | Tanja Wissik

Most diachronic studies on both lexico-semantic change and political language usage are based on individual or comparable corpora. In this paper, we explore ways of studying the stability (and changeability) of lexical usage in political discourse across two corpora which are substantially different in structure and size. We present a case study focusing on lexical items associated with political parties in two diachronic corpora of Austrian German, namely a diachronic media corpus (AMC) and a corpus of parliamentary records (ParlAT), and measure the cross-temporal stability of lexical usage over a period of 20 years. We conduct three sets of comparative analyses investigating a) the stability of sets of lexical items associated with the three major political parties over time, b) lexical similarity between parties, and c) the similarity between the lexical choices in parliamentary speeches by members of the parties vis-‘a-vis the media’s reporting on the parties. We employ time series modeling using generalized additive models (GAMs) to compare the lexical similarities and differences between parties within and across corpora. The results show that changes observed in these measures can be meaningfully related to political events during that time.

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The Europeanization of Parliamentary Debates on Migration in Austria, France, Germany, and the Netherlands
Andreas Blaette | Simon Gehlhar | Christoph Leonhardt

Corpora of plenary debates in national parliaments are available for many European states. For comparative research on political discourse, a persisting problem is that the periods covered by corpora differ and that a lack of standardization of data formats inhibits the integration of corpora into a single analytical framework. The solution we pursue is a ‘Framework for Parsing Plenary Protocols’ (frappp), which has been used to prepare corpora of the Assemblée Nationale (‘‘ParisParl”), the German Bundestag (‘‘GermaParl”), the Tweede Kamer of the Netherlands (‘‘TweedeTwee”), and the Austrian Nationalrat (‘‘AustroParl”) for the first two decades of the 21st century (2000-2019). To demonstrate the usefulness of the data gained, we investigate the Europeanization of migration debates in these Western European countries of immigration, i.e. references to a European dimension of policy-making in speeches on migration and integration. Based on a segmentation of the corpora into speeches, the method we use is topic modeling, and the analysis of joint occurrences of topics indicating migration and European affairs, respectively. A major finding is that after 2015, we see an increasing Europeanization of migration debates in the small EU member states in our sample (Austria and the Netherlands), and a regression of respective Europeanization in France and – more notably – in Germany.

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Querying a large annotated corpus of parliamentary debates
Sascha Diwersy | Giancarlo Luxardo

The TAPS corpus makes it possible to share a large volume of French parliamentary data. The TEI-compliant approach behind its design choices facilitates the publishing and the interoperability of data, but also the implementation of exploratory data analysis techniques in order to process institutional or political discourse. We demonstrate its application to the debates occurred in the context of a specific legislative process, which generated a strong opposition.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Modeling of People's Opinions, Personality, and Emotion's in Social Media

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Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Modeling of People's Opinions, Personality, and Emotion's in Social Media
Malvina Nissim | Viviana Patti | Barbara Plank | Esin Durmus

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Inferring Neuroticism of Twitter Users by Utilizing their Following Interests
Joran Cornelisse

Twitter is a medium where, when used adequately, users’ interests can be derived from what he follows. This characteristic can make it attractive for a source of personality derivation. We set out to test the hypothesis that, analogous to the Lexical hypothesis, which posits that word use should reveal personality, following behavior on social media should reveal personality aspects. We used a two-step approach, wherein the first stage, we selected accounts for whom it was possible to infer personality profiles to some extent using available literature on personality and interests. On these accounts, we trained a regression model and segmented the derived features using hierarchical cluster analysis. In the second stage, we obtained a small sample of users’ personalities via a questionnaire and tested whether the model from stage 1 correlated with the users from step 2. The the explained variance for the neurotic and neutral neuroticism groups indicated significant results (R2 = .131, p = .0205; R2 = .22, p = .0044). Confirming the hypothesis that following behavior should be correlated with one’s interests and that interests are correlated with the neuroticism personality dimension.

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Matching Theory and Data with Personal-ITY: What a Corpus of Italian YouTube Comments Reveals About Personality
Elisa Bassignana | Malvina Nissim | Viviana Patti

As a contribution to personality detection in languages other than English, we rely on distant supervision to create Personal-ITY, a novel corpus of YouTube comments in Italian, where authors are labelled with personality traits. The traits are derived from one of the mainstream personality theories in psychology research, named MBTI. Using personality prediction experiments, we (i) study the task of personality prediction in itself on our corpus as well as on TWISTY, a Twitter dataset also annotated with MBTI labels; (ii) carry out an extensive, in-depth analysis of the features used by the classifier, and view them specifically under the light of the original theory that we used to create the corpus in the first place. We observe that no single model is best at personality detection, and that while some traits are easier than others to detect, and also to match back to theory, for other, less frequent traits the picture is much more blurred.

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Red Is Open-Minded, Blue Is Conscientious: Predicting User Traits From Instagram Image Data
Lisa Branz | Patricia Brockmann | Annika Hinze

Various studies have addressed the connection between a user’s traits and their social media content. This paper explores the relationship between gender, age and Big Five personality traits of 179 university students from Germany and their Instagram images. With regards to both image features and image content, significant differences between genders as well as preferences related to age and personality traits emerged. Gender, age and personality traits are predicted using machine learning classification and regression methods. This work is the first of its kind to focus on data from European Instagram users, as well as to predict age from Instagram image features and content on a fine-grained level.

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Persuasiveness of News Editorials depending on Ideology and Personality
Roxanne El Baff | Khalid Al Khatib | Benno Stein | Henning Wachsmuth

News editorials aim to shape the opinions of their readership and the general public on timely controversial issues. The impact of an editorial on the reader’s opinion does not only depend on its content and style, but also on the reader’s profile. Previous work has studied the effect of editorial style depending on general political ideologies (liberals vs.conservatives). In our work, we dig deeper into the persuasiveness of both content and style, exploring the role of the intensity of an ideology (lean vs.extreme) and the reader’s personality traits (agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism, and openness). Concretely, we train content- and style-based models on New York Times editorials for different ideology- and personality-specific groups. Our results suggest that particularly readers with extreme ideology and non “role model” personalities are impacted by style. We further analyze the importance of various text features with respect to the editorials’ impact, the readers’ profile, and the editorials’ geographical scope.

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HopeEDI: A Multilingual Hope Speech Detection Dataset for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi

Over the past few years, systems have been developed to control online content and eliminate abusive, offensive or hate speech content. However, people in power sometimes misuse this form of censorship to obstruct the democratic right of freedom of speech. Therefore, it is imperative that research should take a positive reinforcement approach towards online content that is encouraging, positive and supportive contents. Until now, most studies have focused on solving this problem of negativity in the English language, though the problem is much more than just harmful content. Furthermore, it is multilingual as well. Thus, we have constructed a Hope Speech dataset for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (HopeEDI) containing user-generated comments from the social media platform YouTube with 28,451, 20,198 and 10,705 comments in English, Tamil and Malayalam, respectively, manually labelled as containing hope speech or not. To our knowledge, this is the first research of its kind to annotate hope speech for equality, diversity and inclusion in a multilingual setting. We determined that the inter-annotator agreement of our dataset using Krippendorff’s alpha. Further, we created several baselines to benchmark the resulting dataset and the results have been expressed using precision, recall and F1-score. The dataset is publicly available for the research community. We hope that this resource will spur further research on encouraging inclusive and responsive speech that reinforces positiveness.

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KanCMD: Kannada CodeMixed Dataset for Sentiment Analysis and Offensive Language Detection
Adeep Hande | Ruba Priyadharshini | Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi

We introduce Kannada CodeMixed Dataset (KanCMD), a multi-task learning dataset for sentiment analysis and offensive language identification. The KanCMD dataset highlights two real-world issues from the social media text. First, it contains actual comments in code mixed text posted by users on YouTube social media, rather than in monolingual text from the textbook. Second, it has been annotated for two tasks, namely sentiment analysis and offensive language detection for under-resourced Kannada language. Hence, KanCMD is meant to stimulate research in under-resourced Kannada language on real-world code-mixed social media text and multi-task learning. KanCMD was obtained by crawling the YouTube, and a minimum of three annotators annotates each comment. We release KanCMD 7,671 comments for multitask learning research purpose.

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Contextual Augmentation of Pretrained Language Models for Emotion Recognition in Conversations
Jonggu Kim | Hyeonmok Ko | Seoha Song | Saebom Jang | Jiyeon Hong

Since language model pretraining to learn contextualized word representations has been proposed, pretrained language models have made success in many natural language processing tasks. That is because it is helpful to use individual contextualized representations of self-attention layers as to initialize parameters for downstream tasks. Yet, unfortunately, use of pretrained language models for emotion recognition in conversations has not been studied enough. We firstly use ELECTRA which is a state-of-the-art pretrained language model and validate the performance on emotion recognition in conversations. Furthermore, we propose contextual augmentation of pretrained language models for emotion recognition in conversations, which is to consider not only previous utterances, but also conversation-related information such as speakers, speech acts and topics. We classify information based on what the information is related to, and propose position of words corresponding to the information in the entire input sequence. To validate the proposed method, we conduct experiments on the DailyDialog dataset which contains abundant annotated information of conversations. The experiments show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art F1 scores on the dataset and significantly improves the performance.

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Social Media Unrest Prediction during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Neural Implicit Motive Pattern Recognition as Psychometric Signs of Severe Crises
Dirk Johannßen | Chris Biemann

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused international social tension and unrest. Besides the crisis itself, there are growing signs of rising conflict potential of societies around the world. Indicators of global mood changes are hard to detect and direct questionnaires suffer from social desirability biases. However, so-called implicit methods can reveal humans intrinsic desires from e.g. social media texts. We present psychologically validated social unrest predictors and replicate scalable and automated predictions, setting a new state of the art on a recent German shared task dataset. We employ this model to investigate a change of language towards social unrest during the COVID-19 pandemic by comparing established psychological predictors on samples of tweets from spring 2019 with spring 2020. The results show a significant increase of the conflict indicating psychometrics. With this work, we demonstrate the applicability of automated NLP-based approaches to quantitative psychological research.

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Topic and Emotion Development among Dutch COVID-19 Twitter Communities in the early Pandemic
Boris Marinov | Jennifer Spenader | Tommaso Caselli

The paper focuses on a large collection of Dutch tweets from the Netherlands to get an insight into the perception and reactions of users during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. We focused on five major user communities of users: government and health organizations, news media, politicians, the general public and conspiracy theory supporters, investigating differences among them in topic dominance and the expressions of emotions. Through topic modeling we monitor the evolution of the conversation about COVID-19 among these communities. Our results indicate that the national focus on COVID-19 shifted from the virus itself to its impact on the economy between February and April. Surprisingly, the overall emotional public response appears to be substantially positive and expressing trust, although differences can be observed in specific group of users.

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Sentiments in Russian Medical Professional Discourse during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Irina Ovchinnikova | Liana Ermakova | Diana Nurbakova

Medical discourse within the professional community has undeservingly received very sparse researchers’ attention. Medical professional discourse exists offline and online. We carried out sentiment analysis on titles and text descriptions of materials published on the Russian portal Mir Vracha (90,000 word forms approximately). The texts were generated by and for physicians. The materials include personal narratives describing participants’ professional experience, participants’ opinions about pandemic news and events in the professional sphere, and Russian reviews and discussion of papers published in international journals in English. We present the first results and discussion of the sentiment analysis of Russian online medical discourse. Based on the results of sentiment analysis and discourse analysis, we described the emotions expressed in the forum and the linguistic means the forum participants used to verbalise their attitudes and emotions while discussing the Covid-19 pandemic. The results showed prevalence of neutral texts in the publications since the medical professionals are interested in research materials and outcomes. In the discussions and personal narratives, the forum participants expressed negative sentiments by colloquial words and figurative language.

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Multilingual Emoticon Prediction of Tweets about COVID-19
Stefanos Stoikos | Mike Izbicki

Emojis are a widely used tool for encoding emotional content in informal messages such as tweets,and predicting which emoji corresponds to a piece of text can be used as a proxy for measuring the emotional content in the text. This paper presents the first model for predicting emojis in highly multilingual text. Our BERTmoticon model is a fine-tuned version of the BERT model,and it can predict emojis for text written in 102 different languages. We trained our BERTmoticon model on 54.2 million geolocated tweets sent in the first 6 months of 2020,and we apply the model to a case study analyzing the emotional reaction of Twitter users to news about the coronavirus. Example findings include a spike in sadness when the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that coronavirus was a global pandemic, and a spike in anger and disgust when the number of COVID-19 related deaths in the United States surpassed one hundred thousand. We provide an easy-to-use and open source python library for predicting emojis with BERTmoticon so that the model can easily be applied to other data mining tasks.

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Experiencers, Stimuli, or Targets: Which Semantic Roles Enable Machine Learning to Infer the Emotions?
Laura Ana Maria Oberländer | Kevin Reich | Roman Klinger

Emotion recognition is predominantly formulated as text classification in which textual units are assigned to an emotion from a predefined inventory (e.g., fear, joy, anger, disgust, sadness, surprise, trust, anticipation). More recently, semantic role labeling approaches have been developed to extract structures from the text to answer questions like: “who is described to feel the emotion?” (experiencer), “what causes this emotion?” (stimulus), and at which entity is it directed?” (target). Though it has been shown that jointly modeling stimulus and emotion category prediction is beneficial for both subtasks, it remains unclear which of these semantic roles enables a classifier to infer the emotion. Is it the experiencer, because the identity of a person is biased towards a particular emotion (X is always happy)? Is it a particular target (everybody loves X) or a stimulus (doing X makes everybody sad)? We answer these questions by training emotion classification models on five available datasets annotated with at least one semantic role by masking the fillers of these roles in the text in a controlled manner and find that across multiple corpora, stimuli and targets carry emotion information, while the experiencer might be considered a confounder. Further, we analyze if informing the model about the position of the role improves the classification decision. Particularly on literature corpora we find that the role information improves the emotion classification.

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Learning Emotion from 100 Observations: Unexpected Robustness of Deep Learning under Strong Data Limitations
Sven Buechel | João Sedoc | H. Andrew Schwartz | Lyle Ungar

One of the major downsides of Deep Learning is its supposed need for vast amounts of training data. As such, these techniques appear ill-suited for NLP areas where annotated data is limited, such as less-resourced languages or emotion analysis, with its many nuanced and hard-to-acquire annotation formats. We conduct a questionnaire study indicating that indeed the vast majority of researchers in emotion analysis deems neural models inferior to traditional machine learning when training data is limited. In stark contrast to those survey results, we provide empirical evidence for English, Polish, and Portuguese that commonly used neural architectures can be trained on surprisingly few observations, outperforming n-gram based ridge regression on only 100 data points. Our analysis suggests that high-quality, pre-trained word embeddings are a main factor for achieving those results.

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Cross-lingual Emotion Intensity Prediction
Irean Navas Alejo | Toni Badia | Jeremy Barnes

Emotion intensity prediction determines the degree or intensity of an emotion that the author expresses in a text, extending previous categorical approaches to emotion detection. While most previous work on this topic has concentrated on English texts, other languages would also benefit from fine-grained emotion classification, preferably without having to recreate the amount of annotated data available in English in each new language. Consequently, we explore cross-lingual transfer approaches for fine-grained emotion detection in Spanish and Catalan tweets. To this end we annotate a test set of Spanish and Catalan tweets using Best-Worst scaling. We compare six cross-lingual approaches, e.g., machine translation and cross-lingual embeddings, which have varying requirements for parallel data – from millions of parallel sentences to completely unsupervised. The results show that on this data, methods with low parallel-data requirements perform surprisingly better than methods that use more parallel data, which we explain through an in-depth error analysis. We make the dataset and the code available at https://github.com/jerbarnes/fine-grained_cross-lingual_emotion.

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The LiLaH Emotion Lexicon of Croatian, Dutch and Slovene
Nikola Ljubešić | Ilia Markov | Darja Fišer | Walter Daelemans

In this paper, we present emotion lexicons of Croatian, Dutch and Slovene, based on manually corrected automatic translations of the English NRC Emotion lexicon. We evaluate the impact of the translation changes by measuring the change in supervised classification results of socially unacceptable utterances when lexicon information is used for feature construction. We further showcase the usage of the lexicons by calculating the difference in emotion distributions in texts containing and not containing socially unacceptable discourse, comparing them across four languages (English, Croatian, Dutch, Slovene) and two topics (migrants and LGBT). We show significant and consistent improvements in automatic classification across all languages and topics, as well as consistent (and expected) emotion distributions across all languages and topics, proving for the manually corrected lexicons to be a useful addition to the severely lacking area of emotion lexicons, the crucial resource for emotive analysis of text.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Privacy in NLP

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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Privacy in NLP
Oluwaseyi Feyisetan | Sepideh Ghanavati | Shervin Malmasi | Patricia Thaine

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On Log-Loss Scores and (No) Privacy
Abhinav Aggarwal | Zekun Xu | Oluwaseyi Feyisetan | Nathanael Teissier

A common metric for assessing the performance of binary classifiers is the Log-Loss score, which is a real number indicating the cross entropy distance between the predicted distribution over the labels and the true distribution (a point distribution defined by the ground truth labels). In this paper, we show that a malicious modeler, upon obtaining access to the Log-Loss scores on its predictions, can exploit this information to infer all the ground truth labels of arbitrary test datasets with full accuracy. We provide an efficient algorithm to perform this inference. A particularly interesting application where this attack can be exploited is to breach privacy in the setting of Membership Inference Attacks. These attacks exploit the vulnerabilities of exposing models trained on customer data to queries made by an adversary. Privacy auditing tools for measuring leakage from sensitive datasets assess the total privacy leakage based on the adversary’s predictions for datapoint membership. An instance of the proposed attack can hence, cause complete membership privacy breach, obviating any attack model training or access to side knowledge with the adversary. Moreover, our algorithm is agnostic to the model under attack and hence, enables perfect membership inference even for models that do not memorize or overfit. In particular, our observations provide insight into the extent of information leakage from statistical aggregates and how they can be exploited.

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A Differentially Private Text Perturbation Method Using Regularized Mahalanobis Metric
Zekun Xu | Abhinav Aggarwal | Oluwaseyi Feyisetan | Nathanael Teissier

Balancing the privacy-utility tradeoff is a crucial requirement of many practical machine learning systems that deal with sensitive customer data. A popular approach for privacy- preserving text analysis is noise injection, in which text data is first mapped into a continuous embedding space, perturbed by sampling a spherical noise from an appropriate distribution, and then projected back to the discrete vocabulary space. While this allows the perturbation to admit the required metric differential privacy, often the utility of downstream tasks modeled on this perturbed data is low because the spherical noise does not account for the variability in the density around different words in the embedding space. In particular, words in a sparse region are likely unchanged even when the noise scale is large. In this paper, we propose a text perturbation mechanism based on a carefully designed regularized variant of the Mahalanobis metric to overcome this problem. For any given noise scale, this metric adds an elliptical noise to account for the covariance structure in the embedding space. This heterogeneity in the noise scale along different directions helps ensure that the words in the sparse region have sufficient likelihood of replacement without sacrificing the overall utility. We provide a text-perturbation algorithm based on this metric and formally prove its privacy guarantees. Additionally, we empirically show that our mechanism improves the privacy statistics to achieve the same level of utility as compared to the state-of-the-art Laplace mechanism.

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Identifying and Classifying Third-party Entities in Natural Language Privacy Policies
Mitra Bokaie Hosseini | Pragyan K C | Irwin Reyes | Serge Egelman

App developers often raise revenue by contracting with third party ad networks, which serve targeted ads to end-users. To this end, a free app may collect data about its users and share it with advertising companies for targeting purposes. Regulations such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) require transparency with respect to the recipients (or categories of recipients) of user data. These regulations call for app developers to have privacy policies that disclose those third party recipients of user data. Privacy policies provide users transparency into what data an app will access, collect, shared, and retain. Given the size of app marketplaces, verifying compliance with such regulations is a tedious task. This paper aims to develop an automated approach to extract and categorize third party data recipients (i.e., entities) declared in privacy policies. We analyze 100 privacy policies associated with most downloaded apps in the Google Play Store. We crowdsource the collection and annotation of app privacy policies to establish the ground truth with respect to third party entities. From this, we train various models to extract third party entities automatically. Our best model achieves average F1 score of 66% when compared to crowdsourced annotations.

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Surfacing Privacy Settings Using Semantic Matching
Rishabh Khandelwal | Asmit Nayak | Yao Yao | Kassem Fawaz

Online services utilize privacy settings to provide users with control over their data. However, these privacy settings are often hard to locate, causing the user to rely on provider-chosen default values. In this work, we train privacy-settings-centric encoders and leverage them to create an interface that allows users to search for privacy settings using free-form queries. In order to achieve this goal, we create a custom Semantic Similarity dataset, which consists of real user queries covering various privacy settings. We then use this dataset to fine-tune a state of the art encoder. Using this fine-tuned encoder, we perform semantic matching between the user queries and the privacy settings to retrieve the most relevant setting. Finally, we also use the encoder to generate embeddings of privacy settings from the top 100 websites and perform unsupervised clustering to learn about the online privacy settings types. We find that the most common type of privacy settings are ‘Personalization’ and ‘Notifications’, with coverage of 35.8% and 34.4%, respectively, in our dataset.

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Differentially Private Language Models Benefit from Public Pre-training
Gavin Kerrigan | Dylan Slack | Jens Tuyls

Language modeling is a keystone task in natural language processing. When training a language model on sensitive information, differential privacy (DP) allows us to quantify the degree to which our private data is protected. However, training algorithms which enforce differential privacy often lead to degradation in model quality. We study the feasibility of learning a language model which is simultaneously high-quality and privacy preserving by tuning a public base model on a private corpus. We find that DP fine-tuning boosts the performance of language models in the private domain, making the training of such models possible.


bib (full) Proceedings of the first workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Languages

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Proceedings of the first workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Languages
Rooweither Mabuya | Phathutshedzo Ramukhadi | Mmasibidi Setaka | Valencia Wagner | Menno van Zaanen

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Endangered African Languages Featured in a Digital Collection: The Case of the ǂKhomani San, Hugh Brody Collection
Kerry Jones | Sanjin Muftic

The ǂKhomani San, Hugh Brody Collection features the voices and history of indigenous hunter gatherer descendants in three endangered languages namely, N|uu, Kora and Khoekhoe as well as a regional dialect of Afrikaans. A large component of this collection is audio-visual (legacy media) recordings of interviews conducted with members of the community by Hugh Brody and his colleagues between 1997 and 2012, referring as far back as the 1800s. The Digital Library Services team at the University of Cape Town aim to showcase the collection digitally on the UCT-wide Digital Collections platform, Ibali which runs on Omeka-S. In this paper we highlight the importance of such a collection in the context of South Africa, and the ethical steps that were taken to ensure the respect of the ǂKhomani San as their stories get uploaded onto a repository and become accessible to all. We will also feature some of the completed collection on Ibali and guide the reader through the organisation of the collection on the Omeka-S backend. Finally, we will outline our development process, from digitisation to repository publishing as well as present some of the challenges in data clean-up, the curation of legacy media, multi-lingual support, and site organisation.

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Usability and Accessibility of Bantu Language Dictionaries in the Digital Age: Mobile Access in an Open Environment
Thomas Eckart | Sonja Bosch | Uwe Quasthoff | Erik Körner | Dirk Goldhahn | Simon Kaleschke

This contribution describes a free and open mobile dictionary app based on open dictionary data. A specific focus is on usability and user-adequate presentation of data. This includes, in addition to the alphabetical lemma ordering, other vocabulary selection, grouping, and access criteria. Beyond search functionality for stems or roots – required due to the morphological complexity of Bantu languages – grouping of lemmas by subject area of varying difficulty allows customization. A dictionary profile defines available presentation options of the dictionary data in the app and can be specified according to the needs of the respective user group. Word embeddings and similar approaches are used to link to semantically similar or related words. The underlying data structure is open for monolingual, bilingual or multilingual dictionaries and also supports the connection to complex external resources like Wordnets. The application in its current state focuses on Xhosa and Zulu dictionary data but more resources will be integrated soon.

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Investigating an Approach for Low Resource Language Dataset Creation, Curation and Classification: Setswana and Sepedi
Vukosi Marivate | Tshephisho Sefara | Vongani Chabalala | Keamogetswe Makhaya | Tumisho Mokgonyane | Rethabile Mokoena | Abiodun Modupe

The recent advances in Natural Language Processing have only been a boon for well represented languages, negating research in lesser known global languages. This is in part due to the availability of curated data and research resources. One of the current challenges concerning low-resourced languages are clear guidelines on the collection, curation and preparation of datasets for different use-cases. In this work, we take on the task of creating two datasets that are focused on news headlines (i.e short text) for Setswana and Sepedi and the creation of a news topic classification task from these datasets. In this study, we document our work, propose baselines for classification, and investigate an approach on data augmentation better suited to low-resourced languages in order to improve the performance of the classifiers.

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Complex Setswana Parts of Speech Tagging
Gabofetswe Malema | Boago Okgetheng | Bopaki Tebalo | Moffat Motlhanka | Goaletsa Rammidi

Setswana language is one of the Bantu languages written disjunctively. Some of its parts of speech such as qualificatives and some adverbs are made up of multiple words. That is, the part of speech is made up of a group of words. The disjunctive style of writing poses a challenge when a sentence is tokenized or when tagging. A few studies have been done on identification of multi-word parts of speech. In this study we go further to tokenize complex parts of speech which are formed by extending basic forms of multi-word parts of speech. The parts of speech are extended by recursively concatenating more parts of speech to a basic form of parts of speech. We developed rules for building complex relative parts of speech. A morphological analyzer and Python NLTK are used to tag individual words and basic forms of multi-word parts of speech. Developed rules are then used to identify complex parts of speech. Results from a 300 sentence text files give a performance of 74%. The tagger fails when it encounters expansion rules not implemented and when tagging by the morphological analyzer is incorrect.

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Comparing Neural Network Parsers for a Less-resourced and Morphologically-rich Language: Amharic Dependency Parser
Binyam Ephrem Seyoum | Yusuke Miyao | Baye Yimam Mekonnen

In this paper, we compare four state-of-the-art neural network dependency parsers for the Semitic language Amharic. As Amharic is a morphologically-rich and less-resourced language, the out-of-vocabulary (OOV) problem will be higher when we develop data-driven models. This fact limits researchers to develop neural network parsers because the neural network requires large quantities of data to train a model. We empirically evaluate neural network parsers when a small Amharic treebank is used for training. Based on our experiment, we obtain an 83.79 LAS score using the UDPipe system. Better accuracy is achieved when the neural parsing system uses external resources like word embedding. Using such resources, the LAS score for UDPipe improves to 85.26. Our experiment shows that the neural networks can learn dependency relations better from limited data while segmentation and POS tagging require much data.

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Mobilizing Metadata: Open Data Kit (ODK) for Language Resource Development in East Africa
Richard Griscom

Linguistic fieldworkers collect and archive metadata as part of the language resources (LRs) that they create, but they often work in resource-constrained environments that prevent them from using computers for data entry. In such situations, linguists must complete time-consuming and error-prone digitization tasks that limit the quantity and quality of the resources and metadata that they produce (Thieberger & Berez 2012; Margetts & Margetts 2012). This paper describes a method for entering linguistic metadata into mobile devices using the Open Data Kit (ODK) platform, a suite of open source tools designed for mobile data collection.

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A Computational Grammar of Ga
Lars Hellan

The paper describes aspects of an HPSG style computational grammar of the West African language Ga (a Kwa language spoken in the Accra area of Ghana). As a Volta Basin Kwa language, Ga features many types of multiverb expressions and other particular constructional patterns in the verbal and nominal domain. The paper highlights theoretical and formal features of the grammar motivated by these phenomena, some of them possibly innovative to the formal framework. As a so-called deep grammar of the language, it hosts a rich lexical structure, and we describe ways in which the grammar builds on previously available lexical resources. We outline an environment of current resources in which the grammar is part, and lines of research and development in which it and its environment can be used.

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Navigating Challenges of Multilingual Resource Development for Under-Resourced Languages: The Case of the African Wordnet Project
Marissa Griesel | Sonja Bosch

Creating a new wordnet is by no means a trivial task and when the target language is under-resourced as is the case for the languages currently included in the multilingual African Wordnet (AfWN), developers need to rely heavily on human expertise. During the different phases of development of the AfWN, we incorporated various methods of fast-tracking to ease the tedious and time-consuming work. Some methods have proven effective while others seem to have little positive impact on the work rate. As in the case of many other under-resourced languages, the expand model was implemented throughout, thus depending on English source data such as the English Princeton Wordnet (PWN) which is then translated into the target language with the assumption that the new language shares an underlying structure with the PWN. The paper discusses some problems encountered along the way and points out various possibilities of (semi) automated quality assurance measures and further refinement of the AfWN to ensure accelerated growth. In this paper we aim to highlight some of the lessons learnt from hands-on experience in order to facilitate similar projects, in particular for languages from other African countries.

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Building Collaboration-based Resources in Endowed African Languages: Case of NTeALan Dictionaries Platform
Elvis Mboning Tchiaze | Jean Marc Bassahak | Daniel Baleba | Ornella Wandji | Jules Assoumou

In a context where open-source NLP resources and tools in African languages are scarce and dispersed, it is difficult for researchers to truly fit African languages into current algorithms of artificial intelligence. Created in 2017, with the aim of building communities of voluntary contributors around African native and/or national languages, cultures, NLP technologies and artificial intelligence, the NTeALan association has set up a series of web collaborative platforms intended to allow the aforementioned communities to create and administer their own lexicographic resources. In this article, we present on the one hand the first versions of the three platforms: the REST API for saving lexicographical resources, the dictionary management platform and the collaborative dictionary platform; on the other hand, we describe the data format chosen and used to encapsulate our resources. After experimenting with a few dictionaries and some users feedback, we are convinced that only collaboration-based approach and platforms can effectively respond to the production of good resources in African native and/or national languages.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Rumours and Deception in Social Media (RDSM)

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Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Rumours and Deception in Social Media (RDSM)
Ahmet Aker | Arkaitz Zubiaga

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Towards Trustworthy Deception Detection: Benchmarking Model Robustness across Domains, Modalities, and Languages
Maria Glenski | Ellyn Ayton | Robin Cosbey | Dustin Arendt | Svitlana Volkova

Evaluating model robustness is critical when developing trustworthy models not only to gain deeper understanding of model behavior, strengths, and weaknesses, but also to develop future models that are generalizable and robust across expected environments a model may encounter in deployment. In this paper, we present a framework for measuring model robustness for an important but difficult text classification task – deceptive news detection. We evaluate model robustness to out-of-domain data, modality-specific features, and languages other than English. Our investigation focuses on three type of models: LSTM models trained on multiple datasets (Cross-Domain), several fusion LSTM models trained with images and text and evaluated with three state-of-the-art embeddings, BERT ELMo, and GloVe (Cross-Modality), and character-level CNN models trained on multiple languages (Cross-Language). Our analyses reveal a significant drop in performance when testing neural models on out-of-domain data and non-English languages that may be mitigated using diverse training data. We find that with additional image content as input, ELMo embeddings yield significantly fewer errors compared to BERT or GLoVe. Most importantly, this work not only carefully analyzes deception model robustness but also provides a framework of these analyses that can be applied to new models or extended datasets in the future.

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A Language-Based Approach to Fake News Detection Through Interpretable Features and BRNN
Yu Qiao | Daniel Wiechmann | Elma Kerz

‘Fake news’ – succinctly defined as false or misleading information masquerading as legitimate news – is a ubiquitous phenomenon and its dissemination weakens the fact-based reporting of the established news industry, making it harder for political actors, authorities, media and citizens to obtain a reliable picture. State-of-the art language-based approaches to fake news detection that reach high classification accuracy typically rely on black box models based on word embeddings. At the same time, there are increasing calls for moving away from black-box models towards white-box (explainable) models for critical industries such as healthcare, finances, military and news industry. In this paper we performed a series of experiments where bi-directional recurrent neural network classification models were trained on interpretable features derived from multi-disciplinary integrated approaches to language. We apply our approach to two benchmark datasets. We demonstrate that our approach is promising as it achieves similar results on these two datasets as the best performing black box models reported in the literature. In a second step we report on ablation experiments geared towards assessing the relative importance of the human-interpretable features in distinguishing fake news from real news.

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Covid or not Covid? Topic Shift in Information Cascades on Twitter
Liana Ermakova | Diana Nurbakova | Irina Ovchinnikova

Social media have become a valuable source of information. However, its power to shape public opinion can be dangerous, especially in the case of misinformation. The existing studies on misinformation detection hypothesise that the initial message is fake. In contrast, we focus on information distortion occurring in cascades as the initial message is quoted or receives a reply. We show a significant topic shift in information cascades on Twitter during the Covid-19 pandemic providing valuable insights for the automatic analysis of information distortion.

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Revisiting Rumour Stance Classification: Dealing with Imbalanced Data
Yue Li | Carolina Scarton

Correctly classifying stances of replies can be significantly helpful for the automatic detection and classification of online rumours. One major challenge is that there are considerably more non-relevant replies (comments) than informative ones (supports and denies), making the task highly imbalanced. In this paper we revisit the task of rumour stance classification, aiming to improve the performance over the informative minority classes. We experiment with traditional methods for imbalanced data treatment with feature- and BERT-based classifiers. Our models outperform all systems in RumourEval 2017 shared task and rank second in RumourEval 2019.

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Fake news detection for the Russian language
Gleb Kuzmin | Daniil Larionov | Dina Pisarevskaya | Ivan Smirnov

In this paper, we trained and compared different models for fake news detection in Russian. For this task, we used such language features as bag-of-n-grams and bag of Rhetorical Structure Theory features, and BERT embeddings. We also compared the score of our models with the human score on this task and showed that our models deal with fake news detection better. We investigated the nature of fake news by dividing it into two non-overlapping classes: satire and fake news. As a result, we obtained the set of models for fake news detection; the best of these models achieved 0.889 F1-score on the test set for 2 classes and 0.9076 F1-score on 3 classes task.

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Automatic Detection of Hungarian Clickbait and Entertaining Fake News
Veronika Vincze | Martina Katalin Szabó

Online news do not always come from reliable sources and they are not always even realistic. The constantly growing number of online textual data has raised the need for detecting deception and bias in texts from different domains recently. In this paper, we identify different types of unrealistic news (clickbait and fake news written for entertainment purposes) written in Hungarian on the basis of a rich feature set and with the help of machine learning methods. Our tool achieves competitive scores: it is able to classify clickbait, fake news written for entertainment purposes and real news with an accuracy of over 80%. It is also highlighted that morphological features perform the best in this classification task.

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Fake or Real? A Study of Arabic Satirical Fake News
Hadeel Saadany | Constantin Orasan | Emad Mohamed

One very common type of fake news is satire which comes in a form of a news website or an online platform that parodies reputable real news agencies to create a sarcastic version of reality. This type of fake news is often disseminated by individuals on their online platforms as it has a much stronger effect in delivering criticism than through a straightforward message. However, when the satirical text is disseminated via social media without mention of its source, it can be mistaken for real news. This study conducts several exploratory analyses to identify the linguistic properties of Arabic fake news with satirical content. It shows that although it parodies real news, Arabic satirical news has distinguishing features on the lexico-grammatical level. We exploit these features to build a number of machine learning models capable of identifying satirical fake news with an accuracy of up to 98.6%. The study introduces a new dataset (3185 articles) scraped from two Arabic satirical news websites (‘Al-Hudood’ and ‘Al-Ahram Al-Mexici’) which consists of fake news. The real news dataset consists of 3710 articles collected from three official news sites: the ‘BBC-Arabic’, the ‘CNN-Arabic’ and ‘Al-Jazeera news’. Both datasets are concerned with political issues related to the Middle East.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Tools and Resources to Empower People with REAding DIfficulties (READI)

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Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Tools and Resources to Empower People with REAding DIfficulties (READI)
Núria Gala | Rodrigo Wilkens

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Disambiguating Confusion Sets as an Aid for Dyslexic Spelling
Steinunn Rut Friðriksdóttir | Anton Karl Ingason

Spell checkers and other proofreading software are crucial tools for people with dyslexia and other reading disabilities. Most spell checkers automatically detect spelling mistakes by looking up individual words and seeing if they exist in the vocabulary. However, one of the biggest challenges of automatic spelling correction is how to deal with real-word errors, i.e. spelling mistakes which lead to a real but unintended word, such as when then is written in place of than. These errors account for 20% of all spelling mistakes made by people with dyslexia. As both words exist in the vocabulary, a simple dictionary lookup will not detect the mistake. The only way to disambiguate which word was actually intended is to look at the context in which the word appears. This problem is particularly apparent in languages with rich morphology where there is often minimal orthographic difference between grammatical items. In this paper, we present our novel confusion set corpus for Icelandic and discuss how it could be used for context-sensitive spelling correction. We have collected word pairs from seven different categories, chosen for their homophonous properties, along with sentence examples and frequency information from said pairs. We present a small-scale machine learning experiment using a decision tree binary classification which results range from 73% to 86% average accuracy with 10-fold cross validation. While not intended as a finalized result, the method shows potential and will be improved in future research.

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Is it simpler? An Evaluation of an Aligned Corpus of Standard-Simple Sentences
Evelina Rennes

Parallel monolingual resources are imperative for data-driven sentence simplification research. We present the work of aligning, at the sentence level, a corpus of all Swedish public authorities and municipalities web texts in standard and simple Swedish. We compare the performance of three alignment algorithms used for similar work in English (Average Alignment, Maximum Alignment, and Hungarian Alignment), and the best-performing algorithm is used to create a resource of 15,433 unique sentence pairs. We evaluate the resulting corpus using a set of features that has proven to predict text complexity of Swedish texts. The results show that the sentences of the simple sub-corpus are indeed less complex than the sentences of the standard part of the corpus, according to many of the text complexity measures.

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Incorporating Multiword Expressions in Phrase Complexity Estimation
Sian Gooding | Shiva Taslimipoor | Ekaterina Kochmar

Multiword expressions (MWEs) were shown to be useful in a number of NLP tasks. However, research on the use of MWEs in lexical complexity assessment and simplification is still an under-explored area. In this paper, we propose a text complexity assessment system for English, which incorporates MWE identification. We show that detecting MWEs using state-of-the-art systems improves predicting complexity on an established lexical complexity dataset.

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Automatically Assess Children’s Reading Skills
Ornella Mich | Nadia Mana | Roberto Gretter | Marco Matassoni | Daniele Falavigna

Assessing reading skills is an important task teachers have to perform at the beginning of a new scholastic year to evaluate the starting level of the class and properly plan next learning activities. Digital tools based on automatic speech recognition (ASR) may be really useful to support teachers in this task, currently very time consuming and prone to human errors. This paper presents a web application for automatically assessing fluency and accuracy of oral reading in children attending Italian primary and lower secondary schools. Our system, based on ASR technology, implements the Cornoldi’s MT battery, which is a well-known Italian test to assess reading skills. The front-end of the system has been designed following the participatory design approach by involving end users from the beginning of the creation process. Teachers may use our system to both test student’s reading skills and monitor their performance over time. In fact, the system offers an effective graphical visualization of the assessment results for both individual students and entire class. The paper also presents the results of a pilot study to evaluate the system usability with teachers.

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Text Simplification to Help Individuals with Low Vision Read More Fluently
Lauren Sauvan | Natacha Stolowy | Carlos Aguilar | Thomas François | Núria Gala | Frédéric Matonti | Eric Castet | Aurélie Calabrèse

The objective of this work is to introduce text simplification as a potential reading aid to help improve the poor reading performance experienced by visually impaired individuals. As a first step, we explore what makes a text especially complex when read with low vision, by assessing the individual effect of three word properties (frequency, orthographic similarity and length) on reading speed in the presence of Central visual Field Loss (CFL). Individuals with bilateral CFL induced by macular diseases read pairs of French sentences displayed with the self-paced reading method. For each sentence pair, sentence n contained a target word matched with a synonym word of the same length included in sentence n+1. Reading time was recorded for each target word. Given the corpus we used, our results show that (1) word frequency has a significant effect on reading time (the more frequent the faster the reading speed) with larger amplitude (in the range of seconds) compared to normal vision; (2) word neighborhood size has a significant effect on reading time (the more neighbors the slower the reading speed), this effect being rather small in amplitude, but interestingly reversed compared to normal vision; (3) word length has no significant effect on reading time. Supporting the development of new and more effective assistive technology to help low vision is an important and timely issue, with massive potential implications for social and rehabilitation practices. The end goal of this project will be to use our findings to custom text simplification to this specific population and use it as an optimal and efficient reading aid.

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Identifying Abstract and Concrete Words in French to Better Address Reading Difficulties
Daria Goriachun | Núria Gala

Literature in psycholinguistics and neurosciences has showed that abstract and concrete concepts are perceived differently by our brain, and that the abstractness of a word can cause difficulties in reading. In order to integrate this parameter into an automatic text simplification (ATS) system for French readers, an annotated list with 7,898 abstract and concrete nouns has been semi-automatically developed. Our aim was to obtain abstract and concrete nouns from an initial manually annotated short list by using two distributional approaches: nearest neighbors and syntactic co-occurrences. The results of this experience have enabled to shed light on the different behaviors of concrete and abstract nouns in context. Besides, the final list, a resource per se in French available on demand, provides a valuable contribution since annotated resources based on cognitive variables such as concreteness or abstractness are scarce and very difficult to obtain. In future work, the list will be enlarged and integrated into an existing lexicon with ranked synonyms for the identification of complex words in text simplification applications.

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Benchmarking Data-driven Automatic Text Simplification for German
Andreas Säuberli | Sarah Ebling | Martin Volk

Automatic text simplification is an active research area, and there are first systems for English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. For German, no data-driven approach exists to this date, due to a lack of training data. In this paper, we present a parallel corpus of news items in German with corresponding simplifications on two complexity levels. The simplifications have been produced according to a well-documented set of guidelines. We then report on experiments in automatically simplifying the German news items using state-of-the-art neural machine translation techniques. We demonstrate that despite our small parallel corpus, our neural models were able to learn essential features of simplified language, such as lexical substitutions, deletion of less relevant words and phrases, and sentence shortening.

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Visualizing Facets of Text Complexity across Registers
Marina Santini | Arne Jonsson | Evelina Rennes

In this paper, we propose visualizing results of a corpus-based study on text complexity using radar charts. We argue that the added value of this type of visualisation is the polygonal shape that provides an intuitive grasp of text complexity similarities across the registers of a corpus. The results that we visualize come from a study where we explored whether it is possible to automatically single out different facets of text complexity across the registers of a Swedish corpus. To this end, we used factor analysis as applied in Biber’s Multi-Dimensional Analysis framework. The visualization of text complexity facets with radar charts indicates that there is correspondence between linguistic similarity and similarity of shape across registers.

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CompLex — A New Corpus for Lexical Complexity Prediction from Likert Scale Data
Matthew Shardlow | Michael Cooper | Marcos Zampieri

Predicting which words are considered hard to understand for a given target population is a vital step in many NLP applications such astext simplification. This task is commonly referred to as Complex Word Identification (CWI). With a few exceptions, previous studieshave approached the task as a binary classification task in which systems predict a complexity value (complex vs. non-complex) fora set of target words in a text. This choice is motivated by the fact that all CWI datasets compiled so far have been annotated using abinary annotation scheme. Our paper addresses this limitation by presenting the first English dataset for continuous lexical complexityprediction. We use a 5-point Likert scale scheme to annotate complex words in texts from three sources/domains: the Bible, Europarl,and biomedical texts. This resulted in a corpus of 9,476 sentences each annotated by around 7 annotators.

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LagunTest: A NLP Based Application to Enhance Reading Comprehension
Kepa Bengoetxea | Itziar Gonzalez-Dios | Amaia Aguirregoitia

The ability to read and understand written texts plays an important role in education, above all in the last years of primary education. This is especially pertinent in language immersion educational programmes, where some students have low linguistic competence in the languages of instruction. In this context, adapting the texts to the individual needs of each student requires a considerable effort by education professionals. However, language technologies can facilitate the laborious adaptation of materials in order to enhance reading comprehension. In this paper, we present LagunTest, a NLP based application that takes as input a text in Basque or English, and offers synonyms, definitions, examples of the words in different contexts and presents some linguistic characteristics as well as visualizations. LagunTest is based on reusable and open multilingual and multimodal tools, and it is also distributed with an open license. LagunTest is intended to ease the burden of education professionals in the task of adapting materials, and the output should always be supervised by them.

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A Lexical Simplification Tool for Promoting Health Literacy
Leonardo Zilio | Liana Braga Paraguassu | Luis Antonio Leiva Hercules | Gabriel Ponomarenko | Laura Berwanger | Maria José Bocorny Finatto

This paper presents MedSimples, an authoring tool that combines Natural Language Processing, Corpus Linguistics and Terminology to help writers to convert health-related information into a more accessible version for people with low literacy skills. MedSimples applies parsing methods associated with lexical resources to automatically evaluate a text and present simplification suggestions that are more suitable for the target audience. Using the suggestions provided by the tool, the author can adapt the original text and make it more accessible. The focus of MedSimples lies on texts for special purposes, so that it not only deals with general vocabulary, but also with specialized terms. The tool is currently under development, but an online working prototype exists and can be tested freely. An assessment of MedSimples was carried out aiming at evaluating its current performance with some promising results, especially for informing the future developments that are planned for the tool.

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A multi-lingual and cross-domain analysis of features for text simplification
Regina Stodden | Laura Kallmeyer

In text simplification and readability research, several features have been proposed to estimate or simplify a complex text, e.g., readability scores, sentence length, or proportion of POS tags. These features are however mainly developed for English. In this paper, we investigate their relevance for Czech, German, English, Spanish, and Italian text simplification corpora. Our multi-lingual and multi-domain corpus analysis shows that the relevance of different features for text simplification is different per corpora, language, and domain. For example, the relevance of the lexical complexity is different across all languages, the BLEU score across all domains, and 14 features within the web domain corpora. Overall, the negative statistical tests regarding the other features across and within domains and languages lead to the assumption that text simplification models may be transferable between different domains or different languages.

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Combining Expert Knowledge with Frequency Information to Infer CEFR Levels for Words
Alice Pintard | Thomas François

Traditional approaches to set goals in second language (L2) vocabulary acquisition relied either on word lists that were obtained from large L1 corpora or on collective knowledge and experience of L2 experts, teachers, and examiners. Both approaches are known to offer some advantages, but also to have some limitations. In this paper, we try to combine both sources of information, namely the official reference level description for French language and the FLElex lexical database. Our aim is to train a statistical model on the French RLD that would be able to turn the distributional information from FLElex into one of the six levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR). We show that such approach yields a gain of 29% in accuracy compared to the method currently used in the CEFRLex project. Besides, our experiments also offer deeper insights into the advantages and shortcomings of the two traditional sources of information (frequency vs. expert knowledge).

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Coreference-Based Text Simplification
Rodrigo Wilkens | Bruno Oberle | Amalia Todirascu

Text simplification aims at adapting documents to make them easier to read by a given audience. Usually, simplification systems consider only lexical and syntactic levels, and, moreover, are often evaluated at the sentence level. Thus, studies on the impact of simplification in text cohesion are lacking. Some works add coreference resolution in their pipeline to address this issue. In this paper, we move forward in this direction and present a rule-based system for automatic text simplification, aiming at adapting French texts for dyslexic children. The architecture of our system takes into account not only lexical and syntactic but also discourse information, based on coreference chains. Our system has been manually evaluated in terms of grammaticality and cohesion. We have also built and used an evaluation corpus containing multiple simplification references for each sentence. It has been annotated by experts following a set of simplification guidelines, and can be used to run automatic evaluation of other simplification systems. Both the system and the evaluation corpus are freely available.


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Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP

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Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP
Spandana Gella | Johannes Welbl | Marek Rei | Fabio Petroni | Patrick Lewis | Emma Strubell | Minjoon Seo | Hannaneh Hajishirzi

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Zero-Resource Cross-Domain Named Entity Recognition
Zihan Liu | Genta Indra Winata | Pascale Fung

Existing models for cross-domain named entity recognition (NER) rely on numerous unlabeled corpus or labeled NER training data in target domains. However, collecting data for low-resource target domains is not only expensive but also time-consuming. Hence, we propose a cross-domain NER model that does not use any external resources. We first introduce a Multi-Task Learning (MTL) by adding a new objective function to detect whether tokens are named entities or not. We then introduce a framework called Mixture of Entity Experts (MoEE) to improve the robustness for zero-resource domain adaptation. Finally, experimental results show that our model outperforms strong unsupervised cross-domain sequence labeling models, and the performance of our model is close to that of the state-of-the-art model which leverages extensive resources.

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Encodings of Source Syntax: Similarities in NMT Representations Across Target Languages
Tyler A. Chang | Anna Rafferty

We train neural machine translation (NMT) models from English to six target languages, using NMT encoder representations to predict ancestor constituent labels of source language words. We find that NMT encoders learn similar source syntax regardless of NMT target language, relying on explicit morphosyntactic cues to extract syntactic features from source sentences. Furthermore, the NMT encoders outperform RNNs trained directly on several of the constituent label prediction tasks, suggesting that NMT encoder representations can be used effectively for natural language tasks involving syntax. However, both the NMT encoders and the directly-trained RNNs learn substantially different syntactic information from a probabilistic context-free grammar (PCFG) parser. Despite lower overall accuracy scores, the PCFG often performs well on sentences for which the RNN-based models perform poorly, suggesting that RNN architectures are constrained in the types of syntax they can learn.

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Learning Probabilistic Sentence Representations from Paraphrases
Mingda Chen | Kevin Gimpel

Probabilistic word embeddings have shown effectiveness in capturing notions of generality and entailment, but there is very little work on doing the analogous type of investigation for sentences. In this paper we define probabilistic models that produce distributions for sentences. Our best-performing model treats each word as a linear transformation operator applied to a multivariate Gaussian distribution. We train our models on paraphrases and demonstrate that they naturally capture sentence specificity. While our proposed model achieves the best performance overall, we also show that specificity is represented by simpler architectures via the norm of the sentence vectors. Qualitative analysis shows that our probabilistic model captures sentential entailment and provides ways to analyze the specificity and preciseness of individual words.

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Word Embeddings as Tuples of Feature Probabilities
Siddharth Bhat | Alok Debnath | Souvik Banerjee | Manish Shrivastava

In this paper, we provide an alternate perspective on word representations, by reinterpreting the dimensions of the vector space of a word embedding as a collection of features. In this reinterpretation, every component of the word vector is normalized against all the word vectors in the vocabulary. This idea now allows us to view each vector as an n-tuple (akin to a fuzzy set), where n is the dimensionality of the word representation and each element represents the probability of the word possessing a feature. Indeed, this representation enables the use fuzzy set theoretic operations, such as union, intersection and difference. Unlike previous attempts, we show that this representation of words provides a notion of similarity which is inherently asymmetric and hence closer to human similarity judgements. We compare the performance of this representation with various benchmarks, and explore some of the unique properties including function word detection, detection of polysemous words, and some insight into the interpretability provided by set theoretic operations.

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Compositionality and Capacity in Emergent Languages
Abhinav Gupta | Cinjon Resnick | Jakob Foerster | Andrew Dai | Kyunghyun Cho

Recent works have discussed the extent to which emergent languages can exhibit properties of natural languages particularly learning compositionality. In this paper, we investigate the learning biases that affect the efficacy and compositionality in multi-agent communication in addition to the communicative bandwidth. Our foremost contribution is to explore how the capacity of a neural network impacts its ability to learn a compositional language. We additionally introduce a set of evaluation metrics with which we analyze the learned languages. Our hypothesis is that there should be a specific range of model capacity and channel bandwidth that induces compositional structure in the resulting language and consequently encourages systematic generalization. While we empirically see evidence for the bottom of this range, we curiously do not find evidence for the top part of the range and believe that this is an open question for the community.

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Learning Geometric Word Meta-Embeddings
Pratik Jawanpuria | Satya Dev N T V | Anoop Kunchukuttan | Bamdev Mishra

We propose a geometric framework for learning meta-embeddings of words from different embedding sources. Our framework transforms the embeddings into a common latent space, where, for example, simple averaging or concatenation of different embeddings (of a given word) is more amenable. The proposed latent space arises from two particular geometric transformations - source embedding specific orthogonal rotations and a common Mahalanobis metric scaling. Empirical results on several word similarity and word analogy benchmarks illustrate the efficacy of the proposed framework.

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Improving Bilingual Lexicon Induction with Unsupervised Post-Processing of Monolingual Word Vector Spaces
Ivan Vulić | Anna Korhonen | Goran Glavaš

Work on projection-based induction of cross-lingual word embedding spaces (CLWEs) predominantly focuses on the improvement of the projection (i.e., mapping) mechanisms. In this work, in contrast, we show that a simple method for post-processing monolingual embedding spaces facilitates learning of the cross-lingual alignment and, in turn, substantially improves bilingual lexicon induction (BLI). The post-processing method we examine is grounded in the generalisation of first- and second-order monolingual similarities to the nth-order similarity. By post-processing monolingual spaces before the cross-lingual alignment, the method can be coupled with any projection-based method for inducing CLWE spaces. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this simple monolingual post-processing across a set of 15 typologically diverse languages (i.e., 15*14 BLI setups), and in combination with two different projection methods.

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Adversarial Training for Commonsense Inference
Lis Pereira | Xiaodong Liu | Fei Cheng | Masayuki Asahara | Ichiro Kobayashi

We apply small perturbations to word embeddings and minimize the resultant adversarial risk to regularize the model. We exploit a novel combination of two different approaches to estimate these perturbations: 1) using the true label and 2) using the model prediction. Without relying on any human-crafted features, knowledge bases, or additional datasets other than the target datasets, our model boosts the fine-tuning performance of RoBERTa, achieving competitive results on multiple reading comprehension datasets that require commonsense inference.

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Evaluating Natural Alpha Embeddings on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Tasks
Riccardo Volpi | Luigi Malagò

Skip-Gram is a simple, but effective, model to learn a word embedding mapping by estimating a conditional probability distribution for each word of the dictionary. In the context of Information Geometry, these distributions form a Riemannian statistical manifold, where word embeddings are interpreted as vectors in the tangent bundle of the manifold. In this paper we show how the choice of the geometry on the manifold allows impacts on the performances both on intrinsic and extrinsic tasks, in function of a deformation parameter alpha.

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Exploring the Limits of Simple Learners in Knowledge Distillation for Document Classification with DocBERT
Ashutosh Adhikari | Achyudh Ram | Raphael Tang | William L. Hamilton | Jimmy Lin

Fine-tuned variants of BERT are able to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on many natural language processing tasks, although at significant computational costs. In this paper, we verify BERT’s effectiveness for document classification and investigate the extent to which BERT-level effectiveness can be obtained by different baselines, combined with knowledge distillation—a popular model compression method. The results show that BERT-level effectiveness can be achieved by a single-layer LSTM with at least 40× fewer FLOPS and only ∼3% parameters. More importantly, this study analyzes the limits of knowledge distillation as we distill BERT’s knowledge all the way down to linear models—a relevant baseline for the task. We report substantial improvement in effectiveness for even the simplest models, as they capture the knowledge learnt by BERT.

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Joint Training with Semantic Role Labeling for Better Generalization in Natural Language Inference
Cemil Cengiz | Deniz Yuret

End-to-end models trained on natural language inference (NLI) datasets show low generalization on out-of-distribution evaluation sets. The models tend to learn shallow heuristics due to dataset biases. The performance decreases dramatically on diagnostic sets measuring compositionality or robustness against simple heuristics. Existing solutions for this problem employ dataset augmentation which has the drawbacks of being applicable to only a limited set of adversaries and at worst hurting the model performance on other adversaries not included in the augmentation set. Instead, our proposed solution is to improve sentence understanding (hence out-of-distribution generalization) with joint learning of explicit semantics. We show that a BERT based model trained jointly on English semantic role labeling (SRL) and NLI achieves significantly higher performance on external evaluation sets measuring generalization performance.

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A Metric Learning Approach to Misogyny Categorization
Juan Manuel Coria | Sahar Ghannay | Sophie Rosset | Hervé Bredin

The task of automatic misogyny identification and categorization has not received as much attention as other natural language tasks have, even though it is crucial for identifying hate speech in social Internet interactions. In this work, we address this sentence classification task from a representation learning perspective, using both a bidirectional LSTM and BERT optimized with the following metric learning loss functions: contrastive loss, triplet loss, center loss, congenerous cosine loss and additive angular margin loss. We set new state-of-the-art for the task with our fine-tuned BERT, whose sentence embeddings can be compared with a simple cosine distance, and we release all our code as open source for easy reproducibility. Moreover, we find that almost every loss function performs equally well in this setting, matching the regular cross entropy loss.

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On the Choice of Auxiliary Languages for Improved Sequence Tagging
Lukas Lange | Heike Adel | Jannik Strötgen

Recent work showed that embeddings from related languages can improve the performance of sequence tagging, even for monolingual models. In this analysis paper, we investigate whether the best auxiliary language can be predicted based on language distances and show that the most related language is not always the best auxiliary language. Further, we show that attention-based meta-embeddings can effectively combine pre-trained embeddings from different languages for sequence tagging and set new state-of-the-art results for part-of-speech tagging in five languages.

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Adversarial Alignment of Multilingual Models for Extracting Temporal Expressions from Text
Lukas Lange | Anastasiia Iurshina | Heike Adel | Jannik Strötgen

Although temporal tagging is still dominated by rule-based systems, there have been recent attempts at neural temporal taggers. However, all of them focus on monolingual settings. In this paper, we explore multilingual methods for the extraction of temporal expressions from text and investigate adversarial training for aligning embedding spaces to one common space. With this, we create a single multilingual model that can also be transferred to unseen languages and set the new state of the art in those cross-lingual transfer experiments.

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Contextual and Non-Contextual Word Embeddings: an in-depth Linguistic Investigation
Alessio Miaschi | Felice Dell’Orletta

In this paper we present a comparison between the linguistic knowledge encoded in the internal representations of a contextual Language Model (BERT) and a contextual-independent one (Word2vec). We use a wide set of probing tasks, each of which corresponds to a distinct sentence-level feature extracted from different levels of linguistic annotation. We show that, although BERT is capable of understanding the full context of each word in an input sequence, the implicit knowledge encoded in its aggregated sentence representations is still comparable to that of a contextual-independent model. We also find that BERT is able to encode sentence-level properties even within single-word embeddings, obtaining comparable or even superior results than those obtained with sentence representations.

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Are All Languages Created Equal in Multilingual BERT?
Shijie Wu | Mark Dredze

Multilingual BERT (mBERT) trained on 104 languages has shown surprisingly good cross-lingual performance on several NLP tasks, even without explicit cross-lingual signals. However, these evaluations have focused on cross-lingual transfer with high-resource languages, covering only a third of the languages covered by mBERT. We explore how mBERT performs on a much wider set of languages, focusing on the quality of representation for low-resource languages, measured by within-language performance. We consider three tasks: Named Entity Recognition (99 languages), Part-of-speech Tagging and Dependency Parsing (54 languages each). mBERT does better than or comparable to baselines on high resource languages but does much worse for low resource languages. Furthermore, monolingual BERT models for these languages do even worse. Paired with similar languages, the performance gap between monolingual BERT and mBERT can be narrowed. We find that better models for low resource languages require more efficient pretraining techniques or more data.

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Staying True to Your Word: (How) Can Attention Become Explanation?
Martin Tutek | Jan Snajder

The attention mechanism has quickly become ubiquitous in NLP. In addition to improving performance of models, attention has been widely used as a glimpse into the inner workings of NLP models. The latter aspect has in the recent years become a common topic of discussion, most notably in recent work of Jain and Wallace; Wiegreffe and Pinter. With the shortcomings of using attention weights as a tool of transparency revealed, the attention mechanism has been stuck in a limbo without concrete proof when and whether it can be used as an explanation. In this paper, we provide an explanation as to why attention has seen rightful critique when used with recurrent networks in sequence classification tasks. We propose a remedy to these issues in the form of a word level objective and our findings give credibility for attention to provide faithful interpretations of recurrent models.

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Compressing BERT: Studying the Effects of Weight Pruning on Transfer Learning
Mitchell Gordon | Kevin Duh | Nicholas Andrews

Pre-trained universal feature extractors, such as BERT for natural language processing and VGG for computer vision, have become effective methods for improving deep learning models without requiring more labeled data. While effective, feature extractors like BERT may be prohibitively large for some deployment scenarios. We explore weight pruning for BERT and ask: how does compression during pre-training affect transfer learning? We find that pruning affects transfer learning in three broad regimes. Low levels of pruning (30-40%) do not affect pre-training loss or transfer to downstream tasks at all. Medium levels of pruning increase the pre-training loss and prevent useful pre-training information from being transferred to downstream tasks. High levels of pruning additionally prevent models from fitting downstream datasets, leading to further degradation. Finally, we observe that fine-tuning BERT on a specific task does not improve its prunability. We conclude that BERT can be pruned once during pre-training rather than separately for each task without affecting performance.

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On Dimensional Linguistic Properties of the Word Embedding Space
Vikas Raunak | Vaibhav Kumar | Vivek Gupta | Florian Metze

Word embeddings have become a staple of several natural language processing tasks, yet much remains to be understood about their properties. In this work, we analyze word embeddings in terms of their principal components and arrive at a number of novel and counterintuitive observations. In particular, we characterize the utility of variance explained by the principal components as a proxy for downstream performance. Furthermore, through syntactic probing of the principal embedding space, we show that the syntactic information captured by a principal component does not correlate with the amount of variance it explains. Consequently, we investigate the limitations of variance based embedding post-processing algorithms and demonstrate that such post-processing is counter-productive in sentence classification and machine translation tasks. Finally, we offer a few precautionary guidelines on applying variance based embedding post-processing and explain why non-isotropic geometry might be integral to word embedding performance.

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A Cross-Task Analysis of Text Span Representations
Shubham Toshniwal | Haoyue Shi | Bowen Shi | Lingyu Gao | Karen Livescu | Kevin Gimpel

Many natural language processing (NLP) tasks involve reasoning with textual spans, including question answering, entity recognition, and coreference resolution. While extensive research has focused on functional architectures for representing words and sentences, there is less work on representing arbitrary spans of text within sentences. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive empirical evaluation of six span representation methods using eight pretrained language representation models across six tasks, including two tasks that we introduce. We find that, although some simple span representations are fairly reliable across tasks, in general the optimal span representation varies by task, and can also vary within different facets of individual tasks. We also find that the choice of span representation has a bigger impact with a fixed pretrained encoder than with a fine-tuned encoder.

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Enhancing Transformer with Sememe Knowledge
Yuhui Zhang | Chenghao Yang | Zhengping Zhou | Zhiyuan Liu

While large-scale pretraining has achieved great success in many NLP tasks, it has not been fully studied whether external linguistic knowledge can improve data-driven models. In this work, we introduce sememe knowledge into Transformer and propose three sememe-enhanced Transformer models. Sememes, by linguistic definition, are the minimum semantic units of language, which can well represent implicit semantic meanings behind words. Our experiments demonstrate that introducing sememe knowledge into Transformer can consistently improve language modeling and downstream tasks. The adversarial test further demonstrates that sememe knowledge can substantially improve model robustness.

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Evaluating Compositionality of Sentence Representation Models
Hanoz Bhathena | Angelica Willis | Nathan Dass

We evaluate the compositionality of general-purpose sentence encoders by proposing two different metrics to quantify compositional understanding capability of sentence encoders. We introduce a novel metric, Polarity Sensitivity Scoring (PSS), which utilizes sentiment perturbations as a proxy for measuring compositionality. We then compare results from PSS with those obtained via our proposed extension of a metric called Tree Reconstruction Error (TRE) (CITATION) where compositionality is evaluated by measuring how well a true representation producing model can be approximated by a model that explicitly combines representations of its primitives.

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Supertagging with CCG primitives
Aditya Bhargava | Gerald Penn

In CCG and other highly lexicalized grammars, supertagging a sentence’s words with their lexical categories is a critical step for efficient parsing. Because of the high degree of lexicalization in these grammars, the lexical categories can be very complex. Existing approaches to supervised CCG supertagging treat the categories as atomic units, even when the categories are not simple; when they encounter words with categories unseen during training, their guesses are accordingly unsophisticated. In this paper, we make use of the primitives and operators that constitute the lexical categories of categorial grammars. Instead of opaque labels, we treat lexical categories themselves as linear sequences. We present an LSTM-based model that replaces standard word-level classification with prediction of a sequence of primitives, similarly to LSTM decoders. Our model obtains state-of-the-art word accuracy for single-task English CCG supertagging, increases parser coverage and F1, and is able to produce novel categories. Analysis shows a synergistic effect between this decomposed view and incorporation of prediction history.

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What’s in a Name? Are BERT Named Entity Representations just as Good for any other Name?
Sriram Balasubramanian | Naman Jain | Gaurav Jindal | Abhijeet Awasthi | Sunita Sarawagi

We evaluate named entity representations of BERT-based NLP models by investigating their robustness to replacements from the same typed class in the input. We highlight that on several tasks while such perturbations are natural, state of the art trained models are surprisingly brittle. The brittleness continues even with the recent entity-aware BERT models. We also try to discern the cause of this non-robustness, considering factors such as tokenization and frequency of occurrence. Then we provide a simple method that ensembles predictions from multiple replacements while jointly modeling the uncertainty of type annotations and label predictions. Experiments on three NLP tasks shows that our method enhances robustness and increases accuracy on both natural and adversarial datasets.


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Proceedings of the Workshop on Resources and Techniques for User and Author Profiling in Abusive Language
Johanna Monti | Valerio Basile | Maria Pia Di Buono | Raffaele Manna | Antonio Pascucci | Sara Tonelli

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Profiling Bots, Fake News Spreaders and Haters
Paolo Rosso

Author profiling studies how language is shared by people. Stylometry techniques help in identifying aspects such as gender, age, native language, or even personality. Author profiling is a problem of growing importance, not only in marketing and forensics, but also in cybersecurity. The aim is not only to identify users whose messages are potential threats from a terrorism viewpoint but also those whose messages are a threat from a social exclusion perspective because containing hate speech, cyberbullying etc. Bots often play a key role in spreading hate speech, as well as fake news, with the purpose of polarizing the public opinion with respect to controversial issues like Brexit or the Catalan referendum. For instance, the authors of a recent study about the 1 Oct 2017 Catalan referendum, showed that in a dataset with 3.6 million tweets, about 23.6% of tweets were produced by bots. The target of these bots were pro-independence influencers that were sent negative, emotional and aggressive hateful tweets with hashtags such as #sonunesbesties (i.e. #theyareanimals). Since 2013 at the PAN Lab at CLEF (https://pan.webis.de/) we have addressed several aspects of author profiling in social media. In 2019 we investigated the feasibility of distinguishing whether the author of a Twitter feed is a bot, while this year we are addressing the problem of profiling those authors that are more likely to spread fake news in Twitter because they did in the past. We aim at identifying possible fake news spreaders as a first step towards preventing fake news from being propagated among online users (fake news aim to polarize the public opinion and may contain hate speech). In 2021 we specifically aim at addressing the challenging problem of profiling haters in social media in order to monitor abusive language and prevent cases of social exclusion in order to combat, for instance, racism, xenophobia and misogyny. Although we already started addressing the problem of detecting hate speech when targets are immigrants or women at the HatEval shared task in SemEval-2019, and when targets are women also in the Automatic Misogyny Identification tasks at IberEval-2018, Evalita-2018 and Evalita-2020, it was not done from an author profiling perspective. At the end of the keynote, I will present some insights in order to stress the importance of monitoring abusive language in social media, for instance, in foreseeing sexual crimes. In fact, previous studies confirmed that a correlation might lay between the yearly per capita rate of rape and the misogynistic language used in Twitter.

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An Indian Language Social Media Collection for Hate and Offensive Speech
Anita Saroj | Sukomal Pal

In social media, people express themselves every day on issues that affect their lives. During the parliamentary elections, people’s interaction with the candidates in social media posts reflects a lot of social trends in a charged atmosphere. People’s likes and dislikes on leaders, political parties and their stands often become subject of hate and offensive posts. We collected social media posts in Hindi and English from Facebook and Twitter during the run-up to the parliamentary election 2019 of India (PEI data-2019). We created a dataset for sentiment analysis into three categories: hate speech, offensive and not hate, or not offensive. We report here the initial results of sentiment classification for the dataset using different classifiers.

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Profiling Italian Misogynist: An Empirical Study
Elisabetta Fersini | Debora Nozza | Giulia Boifava

Hate speech may take different forms in online social environments. In this paper, we address the problem of automatic detection of misogynous language on Italian tweets by focusing both on raw text and stylometric profiles. The proposed exploratory investigation about the adoption of stylometry for enhancing the recognition capabilities of machine learning models has demonstrated that profiling users can lead to good discrimination of misogynous and not misogynous contents.

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Lower Bias, Higher Density Abusive Language Datasets: A Recipe
Juliet van Rosendaal | Tommaso Caselli | Malvina Nissim

Datasets to train models for abusive language detection are at the same time necessary and still scarce. One the reasons for their limited availability is the cost of their creation. It is not only that manual annotation is expensive, it is also the case that the phenomenon is sparse, causing human annotators having to go through a large number of irrelevant examples in order to obtain some significant data. Strategies used until now to increase density of abusive language and obtain more meaningful data overall, include data filtering on the basis of pre-selected keywords and hate-rich sources of data. We suggest a recipe that at the same time can provide meaningful data with possibly higher density of abusive language and also reduce top-down biases imposed by corpus creators in the selection of the data to annotate. More specifically, we exploit the controversy channel on Reddit to obtain keywords that are used to filter a Twitter dataset. While the method needs further validation and refinement, our preliminary experiments show a higher density of abusive tweets in the filtered vs unfiltered dataset, and a more meaningful topic distribution after filtering.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Search-Oriented Conversational AI (SCAI)

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Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Search-Oriented Conversational AI (SCAI)
Jeff Dalton | Aleksandr Chuklin | Julia Kiseleva | Mikhail Burtsev

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Slice-Aware Neural Ranking
Gustavo Penha | Claudia Hauff

Understanding when and why neural ranking models fail for an IR task via error analysis is an important part of the research cycle. Here we focus on the challenges of (i) identifying categories of difficult instances (a pair of question and response candidates) for which a neural ranker is ineffective and (ii) improving neural ranking for such instances. To address both challenges we resort to slice-based learning for which the goal is to improve effectiveness of neural models for slices (subsets) of data. We address challenge (i) by proposing different slicing functions (SFs) that select slices of the dataset—based on prior work we heuristically capture different failures of neural rankers. Then, for challenge (ii) we adapt a neural ranking model to learn slice-aware representations, i.e. the adapted model learns to represent the question and responses differently based on the model’s prediction of which slices they belong to. Our experimental results (the source code and data are available at https://github.com/Guzpenha/slice_based_learning) across three different ranking tasks and four corpora show that slice-based learning improves the effectiveness by an average of 2% over a neural ranker that is not slice-aware.

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A Wrong Answer or a Wrong Question? An Intricate Relationship between Question Reformulation and Answer Selection in Conversational Question Answering
Svitlana Vakulenko | Shayne Longpre | Zhucheng Tu | Raviteja Anantha

The dependency between an adequate question formulation and correct answer selection is a very intriguing but still underexplored area. In this paper, we show that question rewriting (QR) of the conversational context allows to shed more light on this phenomenon and also use it to evaluate robustness of different answer selection approaches. We introduce a simple framework that enables an automated analysis of the conversational question answering (QA) performance using question rewrites, and present the results of this analysis on the TREC CAsT and QuAC (CANARD) datasets. Our experiments uncover sensitivity to question formulation of the popular state-of-the-art question answering approaches. Our results demonstrate that the reading comprehension model is insensitive to question formulation, while the passage ranking changes dramatically with a little variation in the input question. The benefit of QR is that it allows us to pinpoint and group such cases automatically. We show how to use this methodology to verify whether QA models are really learning the task or just finding shortcuts in the dataset, and better understand the frequent types of error they make.

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Multi-Task Learning using Dynamic Task Weighting for Conversational Question Answering
Sarawoot Kongyoung | Craig Macdonald | Iadh Ounis

Conversational Question Answering (ConvQA) is a Conversational Search task in a simplified setting, where an answer must be extracted from a given passage. Neural language models, such as BERT, fine-tuned on large-scale ConvQA datasets such as CoQA and QuAC have been used to address this task. Recently, Multi-Task Learning (MTL) has emerged as a particularly interesting approach for developing ConvQA models, where the objective is to enhance the performance of a primary task by sharing the learned structure across several related auxiliary tasks. However, existing ConvQA models that leverage MTL have not investigated the dynamic adjustment of the relative importance of the different tasks during learning, nor the resulting impact on the performance of the learned models. In this paper, we first study the effectiveness and efficiency of dynamic MTL methods including Evolving Weighting, Uncertainty Weighting, and Loss-Balanced Task Weighting, compared to static MTL methods such as the uniform weighting of tasks. Furthermore, we propose a novel hybrid dynamic method combining Abridged Linear for the main task with a Loss-Balanced Task Weighting (LBTW) for the auxiliary tasks, so as to automatically fine-tune task weighting during learning, ensuring that each of the task’s weights is adjusted by the relative importance of the different tasks. We conduct experiments using QuAC, a large-scale ConvQA dataset. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, which significantly outperforms both the single-task learning and static task weighting methods with improvements ranging from +2.72% to +3.20% in F1 scores. Finally, our findings show that the performance of using MTL in developing ConvQA model is sensitive to the correct selection of the auxiliary tasks as well as to an adequate balancing of the loss rates of these tasks during training by using LBTW.


bib (full) Proceedings of the First Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing

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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing
Muthu Kumar Chandrasekaran | Anita de Waard | Guy Feigenblat | Dayne Freitag | Tirthankar Ghosal | Eduard Hovy | Petr Knoth | David Konopnicki | Philipp Mayr | Robert M. Patton | Michal Shmueli-Scheuer

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Overview of the First Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing (SDP)
Muthu Kumar Chandrasekaran | Guy Feigenblat | Dayne Freitag | Tirthankar Ghosal | Eduard Hovy | Philipp Mayr | Michal Shmueli-Scheuer | Anita de Waard

Next to keeping up with the growing literature in their own and related fields, scholars increasingly also need to rebut pseudo-science and disinformation. To address these challenges, computational work on enhancing search, summarization, and analysis of scholarly documents has flourished. However, the various strands of research on scholarly document processing remain fragmented. To reach to the broader NLP and AI/ML community, pool distributed efforts and enable shared access to published research, we held the 1st Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing at EMNLP 2020 as a virtual event. The SDP workshop consisted of a research track (including a poster session), two invited talks and three Shared Tasks (CL-SciSumm, Lay-Summ and LongSumm), geared towards easier access to scientific methods and results. Website: https://ornlcda.github.io/SDProc

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The future of arXiv and knowledge discovery in open science
Steinn Sigurdsson

arXiv, the preprint server for the physical and mathematical sciences, is in its third decade of operation. As the flow of new, open access research increases inexorably, the challenges to keep up with and discover research content also become greater. I will discuss the status and future of arXiv, and possibilities and plans to make more effective use of the research database to enhance ongoing research efforts.

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Acknowledgement Entity Recognition in CORD-19 Papers
Jian Wu | Pei Wang | Xin Wei | Sarah Rajtmajer | C. Lee Giles | Christopher Griffin

Acknowledgements are ubiquitous in scholarly papers. Existing acknowledgement entity recognition methods assume all named entities are acknowledged. Here, we examine the nuances between acknowledged and named entities by analyzing sentence structure. We develop an acknowledgement extraction system, AckExtract based on open-source text mining software and evaluate our method using manually labeled data. AckExtract uses the PDF of a scholarly paper as input and outputs acknowledgement entities. Results show an overall performance of F_1=0.92. We built a supplementary database by linking CORD-19 papers with acknowledgement entities extracted by AckExtract including persons and organizations and find that only up to 50–60% of named entities are actually acknowledged. We further analyze chronological trends of acknowledgement entities in CORD-19 papers. All codes and labeled data are publicly available at https://github.com/lamps-lab/ackextract.

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A Smart System to Generate and Validate Question Answer Pairs for COVID-19 Literature
Rohan Bhambhoria | Luna Feng | Dawn Sepehr | John Chen | Conner Cowling | Sedef Kocak | Elham Dolatabadi

Automatically generating question answer (QA) pairs from the rapidly growing coronavirus-related literature is of great value to the medical community. Creating high quality QA pairs would allow researchers to build models to address scientific queries for answers which are not readily available in support of the ongoing fight against the pandemic. QA pair generation is, however, a very tedious and time consuming task requiring domain expertise for annotation and evaluation. In this paper we present our contribution in addressing some of the challenges of building a QA system without gold data. We first present a method to create QA pairs from a large semi-structured dataset through the use of transformer and rule-based models. Next, we propose a means of engaging subject matter experts (SMEs) for annotating the QA pairs through the usage of a web application. Finally, we demonstrate some experiments showcasing the effectiveness of leveraging active learning in designing a high performing model with a substantially lower annotation effort from the domain experts.

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Covidex: Neural Ranking Models and Keyword Search Infrastructure for the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset
Edwin Zhang | Nikhil Gupta | Raphael Tang | Xiao Han | Ronak Pradeep | Kuang Lu | Yue Zhang | Rodrigo Nogueira | Kyunghyun Cho | Hui Fang | Jimmy Lin

We present Covidex, a search engine that exploits the latest neural ranking models to provide information access to the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset curated by the Allen Institute for AI. Our system has been online and serving users since late March 2020. The Covidex is the user application component of our three-pronged strategy to develop technologies for helping domain experts tackle the ongoing global pandemic. In addition, we provide robust and easy-to-use keyword search infrastructure that exploits mature fusion-based methods as well as standalone neural ranking models that can be incorporated into other applications. These techniques have been evaluated in the multi-round TREC-COVID challenge: Our infrastructure and baselines have been adopted by many participants, including some of the best systems. In round 3, we submitted the highest-scoring run that took advantage of previous training data and the second-highest fully automatic run. In rounds 4 and 5, we submitted the highest-scoring fully automatic runs.

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The impact of preprint servers in the formation of novel ideas
Swarup Satish | Zonghai Yao | Andrew Drozdov | Boris Veytsman

We study whether novel ideas in biomedical literature appear first in preprints or traditional journals. We develop a Bayesian method to estimate the time of appearance for a phrase in the literature, and apply it to a number of phrases, both automatically extracted and suggested by experts. We see that presently most phrases appear first in the traditional journals, but there is a number of phrases with the first appearance on preprint servers. A comparison of the general composition of texts from bioRxiv and traditional journals shows a growing trend of bioRxiv being predictive of traditional journals. We discuss the application of the method for related problems.

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Effective distributed representations for academic expert search
Mark Berger | Jakub Zavrel | Paul Groth

Expert search aims to find and rank experts based on a user’s query. In academia, retrieving experts is an efficient way to navigate through a large amount of academic knowledge. Here, we study how different distributed representations of academic papers (i.e. embeddings) impact academic expert retrieval. We use the Microsoft Academic Graph dataset and experiment with different configurations of a document-centric voting model for retrieval. In particular, we explore the impact of the use of contextualized embeddings on search performance. We also present results for paper embeddings that incorporate citation information through retrofitting. Additionally, experiments are conducted using different techniques for assigning author weights based on author order. We observe that using contextual embeddings produced by a transformer model trained for sentence similarity tasks produces the most effective paper representations for document-centric expert retrieval. However, retrofitting the paper embeddings and using elaborate author contribution weighting strategies did not improve retrieval performance.

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Learning CNF Blocking for Large-scale Author Name Disambiguation
Kunho Kim | Athar Sefid | C. Lee Giles

Author name disambiguation (AND) algorithms identify a unique author entity record from all similar or same publication records in scholarly or similar databases. Typically, a clustering method is used that requires calculation of similarities between each possible record pair. However, the total number of pairs grows quadratically with the size of the author database making such clustering difficult for millions of records. One remedy is a blocking function that reduces the number of pairwise similarity calculations. Here, we introduce a new way of learning blocking schemes by using a conjunctive normal form (CNF) in contrast to the disjunctive normal form (DNF). We demonstrate on PubMed author records that CNF blocking reduces more pairs while preserving high pairs completeness compared to the previous methods that use a DNF and that the computation time is significantly reduced. In addition, we also show how to ensure that the method produces disjoint blocks so that much of the AND algorithm can be efficiently paralleled. Our CNF blocking method is tested on the entire PubMed database of 80 million author mentions and efficiently removes 82.17% of all author record pairs in 10 minutes.

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Reconstructing Manual Information Extraction with DB-to-Document Backprojection: Experiments in the Life Science Domain
Mark-Christoph Müller | Sucheta Ghosh | Maja Rey | Ulrike Wittig | Wolfgang Müller | Michael Strube

We introduce a novel scientific document processing task for making previously inaccessible information in printed paper documents available to automatic processing. We describe our data set of scanned documents and data records from the biological database SABIO-RK, provide a definition of the task, and report findings from preliminary experiments. Rigorous evaluation proved challenging due to lack of gold-standard data and a difficult notion of correctness. Qualitative inspection of results, however, showed the feasibility and usefulness of the task

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DeepPaperComposer: A Simple Solution for Training Data Preparation for Parsing Research Papers
Meng Ling | Jian Chen

We present DeepPaperComposer, a simple solution for preparing highly accurate (100%) training data without manual labeling to extract content from scholarly articles using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). We used our approach to generate data and trained CNNs to extract eight categories of both textual (titles, abstracts, headers, figure and table captions, and other texts) and non-textural content (figures and tables) from 30 years of IEEE VIS conference papers, of which a third were scanned bitmap PDFs. We curated this dataset and named it VISpaper-3K. We then showed our initial benchmark performance using VISpaper-3K over itself and CS-150 using YOLOv3 and Faster-RCNN. We open-source DeepPaperComposer of our training data generation and released the resulting annotation data VISpaper-3K to promote re-producible research.

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Improved Local Citation Recommendation Based on Context Enhanced with Global Information
Zoran Medić | Jan Snajder

Local citation recommendation aims at finding articles relevant for given citation context. While most previous approaches represent context using solely text surrounding the citation, we propose enhancing context representation with global information. Specifically, we include citing article’s title and abstract into context representation. We evaluate our model on datasets with different citation context sizes and demonstrate improvements with globally-enhanced context representations when citation contexts are smaller.

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On the effectiveness of small, discriminatively pre-trained language representation models for biomedical text mining
Ibrahim Burak Ozyurt

Neural language representation models such as BERT have recently shown state of the art performance in downstream NLP tasks and bio-medical domain adaptation of BERT (Bio-BERT) has shown same behavior on biomedical text mining tasks. However, due to their large model size and resulting increased computational need, practical application of models such as BERT is challenging making smaller models with comparable performance desirable for real word applications. Recently, a new language transformers based language representation model named ELECTRA is introduced, that makes efficient usage of training data in a generative-discriminative neural model setting that shows performance gains over BERT. These gains are especially impressive for smaller models. Here, we introduce two small ELECTRA based model named Bio-ELECTRA and Bio-ELECTRA++ that are eight times smaller than BERT Base and Bio-BERT and achieves comparable or better performance on biomedical question answering, yes/no question answer classification, question answer candidate ranking and relation extraction tasks. Bio-ELECTRA is pre-trained from scratch on PubMed abstracts using a consumer grade GPU with only 8GB memory. Bio-ELECTRA++ is the further pre-trained version of Bio-ELECTRA trained on a corpus of open access full papers from PubMed Central. While, for biomedical named entity recognition, large BERT Base model outperforms Bio-ELECTRA++, Bio-ELECTRA and ELECTRA-Small++, with hyperparameter tuning Bio-ELECTRA++ achieves results comparable to BERT.

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SciWING– A Software Toolkit for Scientific Document Processing
Abhinav Ramesh Kashyap | Min-Yen Kan

We introduce SciWING, an open-source soft-ware toolkit which provides access to state-of-the-art pre-trained models for scientific document processing (SDP) tasks, such as citation string parsing, logical structure recovery and citation intent classification. Compared to other toolkits, SciWING follows a full neural pipeline and provides a Python inter-face for SDP. When needed, SciWING provides fine-grained control for rapid experimentation with different models by swapping and stacking different modules. Transfer learning from general and scientific documents specific pre-trained transformers (i.e., BERT, SciBERT, etc.) can be performed. SciWING incorporates ready-to-use web and terminal-based applications and demonstrations to aid adoption and development. The toolkit is available from http://sciwing.io and the demos are available at http://rebrand.ly/sciwing-demo.

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Multi-task Peer-Review Score Prediction
Jiyi Li | Ayaka Sato | Kazuya Shimura | Fumiyo Fukumoto

Automatic prediction on the peer-review aspect scores of academic papers can be a useful assistant tool for both reviewers and authors. To handle the small size of published datasets on the target aspect of scores, we propose a multi-task approach to leverage additional information from other aspects of scores for improving the performance of the target. Because one of the problems of building multi-task models is how to select the proper resources of auxiliary tasks and how to select the proper shared structures. We propose a multi-task shared structure encoding approach which automatically selects good shared network structures as well as good auxiliary resources. The experiments based on peer-review datasets show that our approach is effective and has better performance on the target scores than the single-task method and naive multi-task methods.

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ERLKG: Entity Representation Learning and Knowledge Graph based association analysis of COVID-19 through mining of unstructured biomedical corpora
Sayantan Basu | Sinchani Chakraborty | Atif Hassan | Sana Siddique | Ashish Anand

We introduce a generic, human-out-of-the-loop pipeline, ERLKG, to perform rapid association analysis of any biomedical entity with other existing entities from a corpora of the same domain. Our pipeline consists of a Knowledge Graph (KG) created from the Open Source CORD-19 dataset by fully automating the procedure of information extraction using SciBERT. The best latent entity representations are then found by benchnmarking different KG embedding techniques on the task of link prediction using a Graph Convolution Network Auto Encoder (GCN-AE). We demonstrate the utility of ERLKG with respect to COVID-19 through multiple qualitative evaluations. Due to the lack of a gold standard, we propose a relatively large intrinsic evaluation dataset for COVID-19 and use it for validating the top two performing KG embedding techniques. We find TransD to be the best performing KG embedding technique with Pearson and Spearman correlation scores of 0.4348 and 0.4570 respectively. We demonstrate that a considerable number of ERLKG’s top protein, chemical and disease predictions are currently in consideration for COVID-19 related research.

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Towards Grounding of Formulae
Takuto Asakura | André Greiner-Petter | Akiko Aizawa | Yusuke Miyao

A large amount of scientific knowledge is represented within mixed forms of natural language texts and mathematical formulae. Therefore, a collaboration of natural language processing and formula analyses, so-called mathematical language processing, is necessary to enable computers to understand and retrieve information from the documents. However, as we will show in this project, a mathematical notation can change its meaning even within the scope of a single paragraph. This flexibility makes it difficult to extract the exact meaning of a mathematical formula. In this project, we will propose a new task direction for grounding mathematical formulae. Particularly, we are addressing the widespread misconception of various research projects in mathematical information retrieval, which presume that mathematical notations have a fixed meaning within a single document. We manually annotated a long scientific paper to illustrate the task concept. Our high inter-annotator agreement shows that the task is well understood for humans. Our results indicate that it is worthwhile to grow the techniques for the proposed task to contribute to the further progress of mathematical language processing.

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SChuBERT: Scholarly Document Chunks with BERT-encoding boost Citation Count Prediction.
Thomas van Dongen | Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger | Lambert Schomaker

Predicting the number of citations of scholarly documents is an upcoming task in scholarly document processing. Besides the intrinsic merit of this information, it also has a wider use as an imperfect proxy for quality which has the advantage of being cheaply available for large volumes of scholarly documents. Previous work has dealt with number of citations prediction with relatively small training data sets, or larger datasets but with short, incomplete input text. In this work we leverage the open access ACL Anthology collection in combination with the Semantic Scholar bibliometric database to create a large corpus of scholarly documents with associated citation information and we propose a new citation prediction model called SChuBERT. In our experiments we compare SChuBERT with several state-of-the-art citation prediction models and show that it outperforms previous methods by a large margin. We also show the merit of using more training data and longer input for number of citations prediction.

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Structure-Tags Improve Text Classification for Scholarly Document Quality Prediction
Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger | Thomas van Dongen | Eleri Aedmaa | Herbert Teun Kruitbosch | Edwin A. Valentijn | Lambert Schomaker

Training recurrent neural networks on long texts, in particular scholarly documents, causes problems for learning. While hierarchical attention networks (HANs) are effective in solving these problems, they still lose important information about the structure of the text. To tackle these problems, we propose the use of HANs combined with structure-tags which mark the role of sentences in the document. Adding tags to sentences, marking them as corresponding to title, abstract or main body text, yields improvements over the state-of-the-art for scholarly document quality prediction. The proposed system is applied to the task of accept/reject prediction on the PeerRead dataset and compared against a recent BiLSTM-based model and joint textual+visual model as well as against plain HANs. Compared to plain HANs, accuracy increases on all three domains. On the computation and language domain our new model works best overall, and increases accuracy 4.7% over the best literature result. We also obtain improvements when introducing the tags for prediction of the number of citations for 88k scientific publications that we compiled from the Allen AI S2ORC dataset. For our HAN-system with structure-tags we reach 28.5% explained variance, an improvement of 1.8% over our reimplementation of the BiLSTM-based model as well as 1.0% improvement over plain HANs.

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Cydex: Neural Search Infrastructure for the Scholarly Literature
Shane Ding | Edwin Zhang | Jimmy Lin

Cydex is a platform that provides neural search infrastructure for domain-specific scholarly literature. The platform represents an abstraction of Covidex, our recently developed full-stack open-source search engine for the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) from AI2. While Covidex takes advantage of the latest best practices for keyword search using the popular Lucene search library as well as state-of-the-art neural ranking models using T5, parts of the system were hard coded to only work with CORD-19. This paper describes our efforts to generalize Covidex into Cydex, which can be applied to scholarly literature in different domains. By decoupling corpus-specific configurations from the frontend implementation, we are able to demonstrate the generality of Cydex on two very different corpora: the ACL Anthology and a collection of hydrology abstracts. Our platform is entirely open source and available at cydex.ai.

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On the Use of Web Search to Improve Scientific Collections
Krutarth Patel | Cornelia Caragea | Sujatha Das Gollapalli

Despite the advancements in search engine features, ranking methods, technologies, and the availability of programmable APIs, current-day open-access digital libraries still rely on crawl-based approaches for acquiring their underlying document collections. In this paper, we propose a novel search-driven framework for acquiring documents for such scientific portals. Within our framework, publicly-available research paper titles and author names are used as queries to a Web search engine. We were able to obtain ~267,000 unique research papers through our fully-automated framework using ~76,000 queries, resulting in almost 200,000 more papers than the number of queries. Moreover, through a combination of title and author name search, we were able to recover 78% of the original searched titles.

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Scaling Systematic Literature Reviews with Machine Learning Pipelines
Seraphina Goldfarb-Tarrant | Alexander Robertson | Jasmina Lazic | Theodora Tsouloufi | Louise Donnison | Karen Smyth

Systematic reviews, which entail the extraction of data from large numbers of scientific documents, are an ideal avenue for the application of machine learning. They are vital to many fields of science and philanthropy, but are very time-consuming and require experts. Yet the three main stages of a systematic review are easily done automatically: searching for documents can be done via APIs and scrapers, selection of relevant documents can be done via binary classification, and extraction of data can be done via sequence-labelling classification. Despite the promise of automation for this field, little research exists that examines the various ways to automate each of these tasks. We construct a pipeline that automates each of these aspects, and experiment with many human-time vs. system quality trade-offs. We test the ability of classifiers to work well on small amounts of data and to generalise to data from countries not represented in the training data. We test different types of data extraction with varying difficulty in annotation, and five different neural architectures to do the extraction. We find that we can get surprising accuracy and generalisability of the whole pipeline system with only 2 weeks of human-expert annotation, which is only 15% of the time it takes to do the whole review manually and can be repeated and extended to new data with no additional effort.

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Document-Level Definition Detection in Scholarly Documents: Existing Models, Error Analyses, and Future Directions
Dongyeop Kang | Andrew Head | Risham Sidhu | Kyle Lo | Daniel Weld | Marti A. Hearst

The task of definition detection is important for scholarly papers, because papers often make use of technical terminology that may be unfamiliar to readers. Despite prior work on definition detection, current approaches are far from being accurate enough to use in realworld applications. In this paper, we first perform in-depth error analysis of the current best performing definition detection system and discover major causes of errors. Based on this analysis, we develop a new definition detection system, HEDDEx, that utilizes syntactic features, transformer encoders, and heuristic filters, and evaluate it on a standard sentence-level benchmark. Because current benchmarks evaluate randomly sampled sentences, we propose an alternative evaluation that assesses every sentence within a document. This allows for evaluating recall in addition to precision. HEDDEx outperforms the leading system on both the sentence-level and the document-level tasks, by 12.7 F1 points and 14.4 F1 points, respectively. We note that performance on the high-recall document-level task is much lower than in the standard evaluation approach, due to the necessity of incorporation of document structure as features. We discuss remaining challenges in document-level definition detection, ideas for improvements, and potential issues for the development of reading aid applications.

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A New Neural Search and Insights Platform for Navigating and Organizing AI Research
Marzieh Fadaee | Olga Gureenkova | Fernando Rejon Barrera | Carsten Schnober | Wouter Weerkamp | Jakub Zavrel

To provide AI researchers with modern tools for dealing with the explosive growth of the research literature in their field, we introduce a new platform, AI Research Navigator, that combines classical keyword search with neural retrieval to discover and organize relevant literature. The system provides search at multiple levels of textual granularity, from sentences to aggregations across documents, both in natural language and through navigation in a domain specific Knowledge Graph. We give an overview of the overall architecture of the system and of the components for document analysis, question answering, search, analytics, expert search, and recommendations.

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Overview and Insights from the Shared Tasks at Scholarly Document Processing 2020: CL-SciSumm, LaySumm and LongSumm
Muthu Kumar Chandrasekaran | Guy Feigenblat | Eduard Hovy | Abhilasha Ravichander | Michal Shmueli-Scheuer | Anita de Waard

We present the results of three Shared Tasks held at the Scholarly Document Processing Workshop at EMNLP2020: CL-SciSumm, LaySumm and LongSumm. We report on each of the tasks, which received 18 submissions in total, with some submissions addressing two or three of the tasks. In summary, the quality and quantity of the submissions show that there is ample interest in scholarly document summarization, and the state of the art in this domain is at a midway point between being an impossible task and one that is fully resolved.

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CIST@CL-SciSumm 2020, LongSumm 2020: Automatic Scientific Document Summarization
Lei Li | Yang Xie | Wei Liu | Yinan Liu | Yafei Jiang | Siya Qi | Xingyuan Li

Our system participates in two shared tasks, CL-SciSumm 2020 and LongSumm 2020. In the CL-SciSumm shared task, based on our previous work, we apply more machine learning methods on position features and content features for facet classification in Task1B. And GCN is introduced in Task2 to perform extractive summarization. In the LongSumm shared task, we integrate both the extractive and abstractive summarization ways. Three methods were tested which are T5 Fine-tuning, DPPs Sampling, and GRU-GCN/GAT.

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Ling Chai | Guizhen Fu | Yuan Ni

We focus on systems for TASK1 (TASK 1A and TASK 1B) of CL-SciSumm Shared Task 2020 in this paper. Task 1A is regarded as a binary classification task of sentence pairs. The strategies of domain-specific embedding and special tokens based on language models are proposed. Fusion of contextualized embedding and extra information is further explored in this article. We leverage Sembert to capture the structured semantic information. The joint of BERT-based model and classifiers without neural networks is also exploited. For the Task 1B, a language model with different weights for classes is fine-tuned to accomplish a multi-label classification task. The results show that extra information can improve the identification of cited text spans. The end-to-end trained models outperform models trained with two stages, and the averaged prediction of multi-models is more accurate than an individual one.

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IIITBH-IITP@CL-SciSumm20, CL-LaySumm20, LongSumm20
Saichethan Reddy | Naveen Saini | Sriparna Saha | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

In this paper, we present the IIIT Bhagalpur and IIT Patna team’s effort to solve the three shared tasks namely, CL-SciSumm 2020, CL-LaySumm 2020, LongSumm 2020 at SDP 2020. The theme of these tasks is to generate medium-scale, lay and long summaries, respectively, for scientific articles. For the first two tasks, unsupervised systems are developed, while for the third one, we develop a supervised system. The performances of all the systems were evaluated on the associated datasets with the shared tasks in term of well-known ROUGE metric.

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AUTH @ CLSciSumm 20, LaySumm 20, LongSumm 20
Alexios Gidiotis | Stefanos Stefanidis | Grigorios Tsoumakas

We present the systems we submitted for the shared tasks of the Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing at EMNLP 2020. Our approaches to the tasks are focused on exploiting large Transformer models pre-trained on huge corpora and adapting them to the different shared tasks. For tasks 1A and 1B of CL-SciSumm we are using different variants of the BERT model to tackle the tasks of “cited text span” and “facet” identification. For the summarization tasks 2 of CL-SciSumm, LaySumm and LongSumm we make use of different variants of the PEGASUS model, with and without fine-tuning, adapted to the nuances of each one of those particular tasks.

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UniHD@CL-SciSumm 2020: Citation Extraction as Search
Dennis Aumiller | Satya Almasian | Philip Hausner | Michael Gertz

This work presents the entry by the team from Heidelberg University in the CL-SciSumm 2020 shared task at the Scholarly Document Processing workshop at EMNLP 2020. As in its previous iterations, the task is to highlight relevant parts in a reference paper, depending on a citance text excerpt from a citing paper. We participated in tasks 1A (citation identification) and 1B (citation context classification). Contrary to most previous works, we frame Task 1A as a search relevance problem, and introduce a 2-step re-ranking approach, which consists of a preselection based on BM25 in addition to positional document features, and a top-k re-ranking with BERT. For Task 1B, we follow previous submissions in applying methods that deal well with low resources and imbalanced classes.

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IITP-AI-NLP-ML@ CL-SciSumm 2020, CL-LaySumm 2020, LongSumm 2020
Santosh Kumar Mishra | Harshavardhan Kundarapu | Naveen Saini | Sriparna Saha | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

The publication rate of scientific literature increases rapidly, which poses a challenge for researchers to keep themselves updated with new state-of-the-art. Scientific document summarization solves this problem by summarizing the essential fact and findings of the document. In the current paper, we present the participation of IITP-AI-NLP-ML team in three shared tasks, namely, CL-SciSumm 2020, LaySumm 2020, LongSumm 2020, which aims to generate medium, lay, and long summaries of the scientific articles, respectively. To solve CL-SciSumm 2020 and LongSumm 2020 tasks, three well-known clustering techniques are used, and then various sentence scoring functions, including textual entailment, are used to extract the sentences from each cluster for a summary generation. For LaySumm 2020, an encoder-decoder based deep learning model has been utilized. Performances of our developed systems are evaluated in terms of ROUGE measures on the associated datasets with the shared task.

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1A-Team / Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg@CLSciSumm 20
Artur Jurk | Maik Boltze | Georg Keller | Lorna Ulbrich | Anja Fischer

This document demonstrates our groups approach to the CL-SciSumm shared task 2020. There are three tasks in CL-SciSumm 2020. In Task 1a, we apply a Siamese neural network to identify the spans of text in the reference paper best reflecting a citation. In Task 1b, we use a SVM to classify the facet of a citation.

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Team MLU@CL-SciSumm20: Methods for Computational Linguistics Scientific Citation Linkage
Rong Huang | Kseniia Krylova

This paper describes our approach to the CL-SciSumm 2020 shared task toward the problem of identifying reference span of the citing article in the referred article. In Task 1a, we apply and compare different methods in combination with similarity scores to identify spans of the reference text for the given citance. In Task 1b, we use a logistic regression to classifying the discourse facets.

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Heng Zhang | Lifan Liu | Ruping Wang | Shaohu Hu | Shutian Ma | Chengzhi Zhang

This paper mainly introduces our methods for Task 1A and Task 1B of CL-SciSumm 2020. Task 1A is to identify reference text in reference paper. Traditional machine learning models and MLP model are used. We evaluate the performances of these models and submit the final results from the optimal model. Compared with previous work, we optimize the ratio of positive to negative examples after data sampling. In order to construct features for classification, we calculate similarities between reference text and candidate sentences based on sentence vectors. Accordingly, nine similarities are used, of which eight are chosen from what we used in CL-SciSumm 2019 and a new sentence similarity based on fastText is added. Task 1B is to classify the facets of reference text. Unlike the methods used in CL-SciSumm 2019, we construct inputs of models based on word vectors and add deep learning models for classification this year.

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CiteQA@CLSciSumm 2020
Anjana Umapathy | Karthik Radhakrishnan | Kinjal Jain | Rahul Singh

In academic publications, citations are used to build context for a concept by highlighting relevant aspects from reference papers. Automatically identifying referenced snippets can help researchers swiftly isolate principal contributions of scientific works. In this paper, we exploit the underlying structure of scientific articles to predict reference paper spans and facets corresponding to a citation. We propose two methods to detect citation spans - keyphrase overlap, BERT along with structural priors. We fine-tune FastText embeddings and leverage textual, positional features to predict citation facets.

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Dimsum @LaySumm 20
Tiezheng Yu | Dan Su | Wenliang Dai | Pascale Fung

Lay summarization aims to generate lay summaries of scientific papers automatically. It is an essential task that can increase the relevance of science for all of society. In this paper, we build a lay summary generation system based on BART model. We leverage sentence labels as extra supervision signals to improve the performance of lay summarization. In the CL-LaySumm 2020 shared task, our model achieves 46.00 Rouge1-F1 score.

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ARTU / TU Wien and Artificial Researcher@ LongSumm 20
Alaa El-Ebshihy | Annisa Maulida Ningtyas | Linda Andersson | Florina Piroi | Andreas Rauber

In this paper, we present our approach to solve the LongSumm 2020 Shared Task, at the 1st Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing. The objective of the long summaries task is to generate long summaries that cover salient information in scientific articles. The task is to generate abstractive and extractive summaries of a given scientific article. In the proposed approach, we are inspired by the concept of Argumentative Zoning (AZ) that de- fines the main rhetorical structure in scientific articles. We define two aspects that should be covered in scientific paper summary, namely Claim/Method and Conclusion/Result aspects. We use Solr index to expand the sentences of the paper abstract. We formulate each abstract sentence in a given publication as query to retrieve similar sentences from the text body of the document itself. We utilize a sentence selection algorithm described in previous literature to select sentences for the final summary that covers the two aforementioned aspects.

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Monash-Summ@LongSumm 20 SciSummPip: An Unsupervised Scientific Paper Summarization Pipeline
Jiaxin Ju | Ming Liu | Longxiang Gao | Shirui Pan

The Scholarly Document Processing (SDP) workshop is to encourage more efforts on natural language understanding of scientific task. It contains three shared tasks and we participate in the LongSumm shared task. In this paper, we describe our text summarization system, SciSummPip, inspired by SummPip (Zhao et al., 2020) that is an unsupervised text summarization system for multi-document in News domain. Our SciSummPip includes a transformer-based language model SciBERT (Beltagy et al., 2019) for contextual sentence representation, content selection with PageRank (Page et al., 1999), sentence graph construction with both deep and linguistic information, sentence graph clustering and within-graph summary generation. Our work differs from previous method in that content selection and a summary length constraint is applied to adapt to the scientific domain. The experiment results on both training dataset and blind test dataset show the effectiveness of our method, and we empirically verify the robustness of modules used in SciSummPip with BERTScore (Zhang et al., 2019a).

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Using Pre-Trained Transformer for Better Lay Summarization
Seungwon Kim

In this paper, we tack lay summarization tasks, which aim to automatically produce lay summaries for scientific papers, to participate in the first CL-LaySumm 2020 in SDP workshop at EMNLP 2020. We present our approach of using Pre-training with Extracted Gap-sentences for Abstractive Summarization (PEGASUS; Zhang et al., 2019b) to produce the lay summary and combining those with the extractive summarization model using Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT; Devlin et al., 2018) and readability metrics that measure the readability of the sentence to further improve the quality of the summary. Our model achieves a remarkable performance on ROUGE metrics, demonstrating the produced summary is more readable while it summarizes the main points of the document.

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Summaformers @ LaySumm 20, LongSumm 20
Sayar Ghosh Roy | Nikhil Pinnaparaju | Risubh Jain | Manish Gupta | Vasudeva Varma

Automatic text summarization has been widely studied as an important task in natural language processing. Traditionally, various feature engineering and machine learning based systems have been proposed for extractive as well as abstractive text summarization. Recently, deep learning based, specifically Transformer-based systems have been immensely popular. Summarization is a cognitively challenging task – extracting summary worthy sentences is laborious, and expressing semantics in brief when doing abstractive summarization is complicated. In this paper, we specifically look at the problem of summarizing scientific research papers from multiple domains. We differentiate between two types of summaries, namely, (a) LaySumm: A very short summary that captures the essence of the research paper in layman terms restricting overtly specific technical jargon and (b) LongSumm: A much longer detailed summary aimed at providing specific insights into various ideas touched upon in the paper. While leveraging latest Transformer-based models, our systems are simple, intuitive and based on how specific paper sections contribute to human summaries of the two types described above. Evaluations against gold standard summaries using ROUGE metrics prove the effectiveness of our approach. On blind test corpora, our system ranks first and third for the LongSumm and LaySumm tasks respectively.

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Divide and Conquer: From Complexity to Simplicity for Lay Summarization
Rochana Chaturvedi | Saachi | Jaspreet Singh Dhani | Anurag Joshi | Ankush Khanna | Neha Tomar | Swagata Duari | Alka Khurana | Vasudha Bhatnagar

We describe our approach for the 1st Computational Linguistics Lay Summary Shared Task CL-LaySumm20. The task is to produce non-technical summaries of scholarly documents. The summary should be within easy grasp of a layman who may not be well versed with the domain of the research article. We propose a two step divide-and-conquer approach. First, we judiciously select segments of the documents that are not overly pedantic and are likely to be of interest to the laity, and over-extract sentences from each segment using an unsupervised network based method. Next, we perform abstractive summarization on these extractions and systematically merge the abstractions. We run ablation studies to establish that each step in our pipeline is critical for improvement in the quality of lay summary. Our approach leverages state-of-the-art pre-trained deep neural network based models as zero-shot learners to achieve high scores on the task.

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GUIR @ LongSumm 2020: Learning to Generate Long Summaries from Scientific Documents
Sajad Sotudeh Gharebagh | Arman Cohan | Nazli Goharian

This paper presents our methods for the LongSumm 2020: Shared Task on Generating Long Summaries for Scientific Documents, where the task is to generatelong summaries given a set of scientific papers provided by the organizers. We explore 3 main approaches for this task: 1. An extractive approach using a BERT-based summarization model; 2. A two stage model that additionally includes an abstraction step using BART; and 3. A new multi-tasking approach on incorporating document structure into the summarizer. We found that our new multi-tasking approach outperforms the two other methods by large margins. Among 9 participants in the shared task, our best model ranks top according to Rouge-1 score (53.11%) while staying competitive in terms of Rouge-2.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

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Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
Aurelie Herbelot | Xiaodan Zhu | Alexis Palmer | Nathan Schneider | Jonathan May | Ekaterina Shutova

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SemEval-2020 Task 1: Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection
Dominik Schlechtweg | Barbara McGillivray | Simon Hengchen | Haim Dubossarsky | Nina Tahmasebi

Lexical Semantic Change detection, i.e., the task of identifying words that change meaning over time, is a very active research area, with applications in NLP, lexicography, and linguistics. Evaluation is currently the most pressing problem in Lexical Semantic Change detection, as no gold standards are available to the community, which hinders progress. We present the results of the first shared task that addresses this gap by providing researchers with an evaluation framework and manually annotated, high-quality datasets for English, German, Latin, and Swedish. 33 teams submitted 186 systems, which were evaluated on two subtasks.

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SemEval-2020 Task 2: Predicting Multilingual and Cross-Lingual (Graded) Lexical Entailment
Goran Glavaš | Ivan Vulić | Anna Korhonen | Simone Paolo Ponzetto

Lexical entailment (LE) is a fundamental asymmetric lexico-semantic relation, supporting the hierarchies in lexical resources (e.g., WordNet, ConceptNet) and applications like natural language inference and taxonomy induction. Multilingual and cross-lingual NLP applications warrant models for LE detection that go beyond language boundaries. As part of SemEval 2020, we carried out a shared task (Task 2) on multilingual and cross-lingual LE. The shared task spans three dimensions: (1) monolingual vs. cross-lingual LE, (2) binary vs. graded LE, and (3) a set of 6 diverse languages (and 15 corresponding language pairs). We offered two different evaluation tracks: (a) Dist: for unsupervised, fully distributional models that capture LE solely on the basis of unannotated corpora, and (b) Any: for externally informed models, allowed to leverage any resources, including lexico-semantic networks (e.g., WordNet or BabelNet). In the Any track, we recieved runs that push state-of-the-art across all languages and language pairs, for both binary LE detection and graded LE prediction.

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SemEval-2020 Task 3: Graded Word Similarity in Context
Carlos Santos Armendariz | Matthew Purver | Senja Pollak | Nikola Ljubešić | Matej Ulčar | Ivan Vulić | Mohammad Taher Pilehvar

This paper presents the Graded Word Similarity in Context (GWSC) task which asked participants to predict the effects of context on human perception of similarity in English, Croatian, Slovene and Finnish. We received 15 submissions and 11 system description papers. A new dataset (CoSimLex) was created for evaluation in this task: it contains pairs of words, each annotated within two different contexts. Systems beat the baselines by significant margins, but few did well in more than one language or subtask. Almost every system employed a Transformer model, but with many variations in the details: WordNet sense embeddings, translation of contexts, TF-IDF weightings, and the automatic creation of datasets for fine-tuning were all used to good effect.

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DiaSense at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Modeling Sense Change via Pre-trained BERT Embeddings
Christin Beck

This paper describes DiaSense, a system developed for Task 1 ‘Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection’ of SemEval 2020. In DiaSense, contextualized word embeddings are used to model word sense changes. This allows for the calculation of metrics which mimic human intuitions about the semantic relatedness between individual use pairs of a target word for the assessment of lexical semantic change. DiaSense is able to detect lexical semantic change in English, German, Latin and Swedish (accuracy = 0.728). Moreover, DiaSense differentiates between weak and strong change.

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BabelEnconding at SemEval-2020 Task 3: Contextual Similarity as a Combination of Multilingualism and Language Models
Lucas Rafael Costella Pessutto | Tiago de Melo | Viviane P. Moreira | Altigran da Silva

This paper describes the system submitted by our team (BabelEnconding) to SemEval-2020 Task 3: Predicting the Graded Effect of Context in Word Similarity. We propose an approach that relies on translation and multilingual language models in order to compute the contextual similarity between pairs of words. Our hypothesis is that evidence from additional languages can leverage the correlation with the human generated scores. BabelEnconding was applied to both subtasks and ranked among the top-3 in six out of eight task/language combinations and was the highest scoring system three times.

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Discovery Team at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Context-sensitive Embeddings Not Always Better than Static for Semantic Change Detection
Matej Martinc | Syrielle Montariol | Elaine Zosa | Lidia Pivovarova

This paper describes the approaches used by the Discovery Team to solve SemEval-2020 Task 1 - Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection. The proposed method is based on clustering of BERT contextual embeddings, followed by a comparison of cluster distributions across time. The best results were obtained by an ensemble of this method and static Word2Vec embeddings. According to the official results, our approach proved the best for Latin in Subtask 2.

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GM-CTSC at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Gaussian Mixtures Cross Temporal Similarity Clustering
Pierluigi Cassotti | Annalina Caputo | Marco Polignano | Pierpaolo Basile

This paper describes the system proposed by the Random team for SemEval-2020 Task 1: Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection. We focus our approach on the detection problem. Given the semantics of words captured by temporal word embeddings in different time periods, we investigate the use of unsupervised methods to detect when the target word has gained or lost senses. To this end, we define a new algorithm based on Gaussian Mixture Models to cluster the target similarities computed over the two periods. We compare the proposed approach with a number of similarity-based thresholds. We found that, although the performance of the detection methods varies across the word embedding algorithms, the combination of Gaussian Mixture with Temporal Referencing resulted in our best system.

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IMS at SemEval-2020 Task 1: How Low Can You Go? Dimensionality in Lexical Semantic Change Detection
Jens Kaiser | Dominik Schlechtweg | Sean Papay | Sabine Schulte im Walde

We present the results of our system for SemEval-2020 Task 1 that exploits a commonly used lexical semantic change detection model based on Skip-Gram with Negative Sampling. Our system focuses on Vector Initialization (VI) alignment, compares VI to the currently top-ranking models for Subtask 2 and demonstrates that these can be outperformed if we optimize VI dimensionality. We demonstrate that differences in performance can largely be attributed to model-specific sources of noise, and we reveal a strong relationship between dimensionality and frequency-induced noise in VI alignment. Our results suggest that lexical semantic change models integrating vector space alignment should pay more attention to the role of the dimensionality parameter.

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JCT at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Combined Semantic Vector Spaces Models for Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection
Efrat Amar | Chaya Liebeskind

In this paper, we present our contribution in SemEval-2020 Task 1: Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection, where we systematically combine existing models for unsupervised capturing of lexical semantic change across time in text corpora of German, English, Latin and Swedish. In particular, we analyze the score distribution of existing models. Then we define a general threshold, adjust it independently to each of the models and measure the models’ score reliability. Finally, using both the threshold and score reliability, we aggregate the models for the two sub- tasks: binary classification and ranking.

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RIJP at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Gaussian-based Embeddings for Semantic Change Detection
Ran Iwamoto | Masahiro Yukawa

This paper describes the model proposed and submitted by our RIJP team to SemEval 2020 Task1: Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection. In the model, words are represented by Gaussian distributions. For Subtask 1, the model achieved average scores of 0.51 and 0.70 in the evaluation and post-evaluation processes, respectively. The higher score in the post-evaluation process than that in the evaluation process was achieved owing to appropriate parameter tuning. The results indicate that the proposed Gaussian-based embedding model is able to express semantic shifts while having a low computational

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SChME at SemEval-2020 Task 1: A Model Ensemble for Detecting Lexical Semantic Change
Maurício Gruppi | Sibel Adali | Pin-Yu Chen

This paper describes SChME (Semantic Change Detection with Model Ensemble), a method used in SemEval-2020 Task 1 on unsupervised detection of lexical semantic change. SChME uses a model ensemble combining signals distributional models (word embeddings) and word frequency where each model casts a vote indicating the probability that a word suffered semantic change according to that feature. More specifically, we combine cosine distance of word vectors combined with a neighborhood-based metric we named Mapped Neighborhood Distance (MAP), and a word frequency differential metric as input signals to our model. Additionally, we explore alignment-based methods to investigate the importance of the landmarks used in this process. Our results show evidence that the number of landmarks used for alignment has a direct impact on the predictive performance of the model. Moreover, we show that languages that suffer less semantic change tend to benefit from using a large number of landmarks, whereas languages with more semantic change benefit from a more careful choice of landmark number for alignment.

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SenseCluster at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection
Amaru Cuba Gyllensten | Evangelia Gogoulou | Ariel Ekgren | Magnus Sahlgren

We (Team Skurt) propose a simple method to detect lexical semantic change by clustering contextualized embeddings produced by XLM-R, using K-Means++. The basic idea is that contextualized embeddings that encode the same sense are located in close proximity in the embedding space. Our approach is both simple and generic, but yet performs relatively good in both sub-tasks of SemEval-2020 Task 1. We hypothesize that the main shortcoming of our method lies in the simplicity of the clustering method used.

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The UCD-Net System at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Temporal Referencing with Semantic Network Distances
Paul Nulty | David Lillis

This paper describes the UCD system entered for SemEval 2020 Task 1: Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection. We propose a novel method based on distance between temporally referenced nodes in a semantic network constructed from a combination of the time specific corpora. We argue for the value of semantic networks as objects for transparent exploratory analysis and visualisation of lexical semantic change, and present an implementation of a web application for the purpose of searching and visualising semantic networks. The results of the change measure used for this task were not among the best performing systems, but further calibration of the distance metric and backoff approaches may improve this method.

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UiO-UvA at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Contextualised Embeddings for Lexical Semantic Change Detection
Andrey Kutuzov | Mario Giulianelli

We apply contextualised word embeddings to lexical semantic change detection in the SemEval-2020 Shared Task 1. This paper focuses on Subtask 2, ranking words by the degree of their semantic drift over time. We analyse the performance of two contextualising architectures (BERT and ELMo) and three change detection algorithms. We find that the most effective algorithms rely on the cosine similarity between averaged token embeddings and the pairwise distances between token embeddings. They outperform strong baselines by a large margin (in the post-evaluation phase, we have the best Subtask 2 submission for SemEval-2020 Task 1), but interestingly, the choice of a particular algorithm depends on the distribution of gold scores in the test set.

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BMEAUT at SemEval-2020 Task 2: Lexical Entailment with Semantic Graphs
Ádám Kovács | Kinga Gémes | Andras Kornai | Gábor Recski

In this paper we present a novel rule-based, language independent method for determining lexical entailment relations using semantic representations built from Wiktionary definitions. Combined with a simple WordNet-based method our system achieves top scores on the English and Italian datasets of the Semeval-2020 task “Predicting Multilingual and Cross-lingual (graded) Lexical Entailment” (Glavaš et al., 2020). A detailed error analysis of our output uncovers future di- rections for improving both the semantic parsing method and the inference process on semantic graphs.

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BRUMS at SemEval-2020 Task 3: Contextualised Embeddings for Predicting the (Graded) Effect of Context in Word Similarity
Hansi Hettiarachchi | Tharindu Ranasinghe

This paper presents the team BRUMS submission to SemEval-2020 Task 3: Graded Word Similarity in Context. The system utilises state-of-the-art contextualised word embeddings, which have some task-specific adaptations, including stacked embeddings and average embeddings. Overall, the approach achieves good evaluation scores across all the languages, while maintaining simplicity. Following the final rankings, our approach is ranked within the top 5 solutions of each language while preserving the 1st position of Finnish subtask 2.

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MineriaUNAM at SemEval-2020 Task 3: Predicting Contextual WordSimilarity Using a Centroid Based Approach and Word Embeddings
Helena Gomez-Adorno | Gemma Bel-Enguix | Jorge Reyes-Magaña | Benjamín Moreno | Ramón Casillas | Daniel Vargas

This paper presents our systems to solve Task 3 of Semeval-2020, which aims to predict the effect that context has on human perception of similarity of words. The task consists of two subtasks in English, Croatian, Finnish, and Slovenian: (1) predicting the change of similarity and (2) predicting the human scores of similarity, both of them for a pair of words within two different contexts. We tackled the problem by developing two systems, the first one uses a centroid approach and word vectors. The second one uses the ELMo language model, which is trained for each pair of words with the given context. Our approach achieved the highest score in subtask 2 for the English language.

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MULTISEM at SemEval-2020 Task 3: Fine-tuning BERT for Lexical Meaning
Aina Garí Soler | Marianna Apidianaki

We present the MULTISEM systems submitted to SemEval 2020 Task 3: Graded Word Similarity in Context (GWSC). We experiment with injecting semantic knowledge into pre-trained BERT models through fine-tuning on lexical semantic tasks related to GWSC. We use existing semantically annotated datasets, and propose to approximate similarity through automatically generated lexical substitutes in context. We participate in both GWSC subtasks and address two languages, English and Finnish. Our best English models occupy the third and fourth positions in the ranking for the two subtasks. Performance is lower for the Finnish models which are mid-ranked in the respective subtasks, highlighting the important role of data availability for fine-tuning.

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UZH at SemEval-2020 Task 3: Combining BERT with WordNet Sense Embeddings to Predict Graded Word Similarity Changes
Li Tang

CoSimLex is a dataset that can be used to evaluate the ability of context-dependent word embed- dings for modeling subtle, graded changes of meaning, as perceived by humans during reading. At SemEval-2020, task 3, subtask 1 is about ”predicting the (graded) effect of context in word similarity”, using CoSimLex to quantify such a change of similarity for a pair of words, from one context to another. Here, a meaning shift is composed of two aspects, a) discrete changes observed between different word senses, and b) more subtle changes of meaning representation that are not captured in those discrete changes. Therefore, this SemEval task was designed to allow the evaluation of systems that can deal with a mix of both situations of semantic shift, as they occur in the human perception of meaning. The described system was developed to improve the BERT baseline provided with the task, by reducing distortions in the BERT semantic space, compared to the human semantic space. To this end, complementarity between 768- and 1024-dimensional BERT embeddings, and average word sense vectors were used. With this system, after some fine-tuning, the baseline performance of 0.705 (uncentered Pearson correlation with human semantic shift data from 27 annotators) was enhanced by more than 6%, to 0.7645. We hope that this work can make a contribution to further our understanding of the semantic vector space of human perception, as it can be modeled with context-dependent word embeddings in natural language processing systems.

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BOS at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Word Sense Induction via Lexical Substitution for Lexical Semantic Change Detection
Nikolay Arefyev | Vasily Zhikov

SemEval-2020 Task 1 is devoted to detection of changes in word meaning over time. The first subtask raises a question if a particular word has acquired or lost any of its senses during the given time period. The second subtask requires estimating the change in frequencies of the word senses. We have submitted two solutions for both subtasks. The first solution performs word sense induction (WSI) first, then makes the decision based on the induced word senses. We extend the existing WSI method based on clustering of lexical substitutes generated with neural language models and adapt it to the task. The second solution exploits a well-known approach to semantic change detection, that includes building word2vec SGNS vectors, aligning them with Orthogonal Procrustes and calculating cosine distance between resulting vectors. While WSI-based solution performs better in Subtask 1, which requires binary decisions, the second solution outperforms it in Subtask 2 and obtains the 3rd best result in this subtask.

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CIRCE at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Ensembling Context-Free and Context-Dependent Word Representations
Martin Pömsl | Roman Lyapin

This paper describes the winning contribution to SemEval-2020 Task 1: Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection (Subtask 2) handed in by team UG Student Intern. We present an ensemble model that makes predictions based on context-free and context-dependent word representations. The key findings are that (1) context-free word representations are a powerful and robust baseline, (2) a sentence classification objective can be used to obtain useful context-dependent word representations, and (3) combining those representations increases performance on some datasets while decreasing performance on others.

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CMCE at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Clustering on Manifolds of Contextualized Embeddings to Detect Historical Meaning Shifts
David Rother | Thomas Haider | Steffen Eger

This paper describes the system Clustering on Manifolds of Contextualized Embeddings (CMCE) submitted to the SemEval-2020 Task 1 on Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection. Subtask 1 asks to identify whether or not a word gained/lost a sense across two time periods. Subtask 2 is about computing a ranking of words according to the amount of change their senses underwent. Our system uses contextualized word embeddings from MBERT, whose dimensionality we reduce with an autoencoder and the UMAP algorithm, to be able to use a wider array of clustering algorithms that can automatically determine the number of clusters. We use Hierarchical Density Based Clustering (HDBSCAN) and compare it to Gaussian MixtureModels (GMMs) and other clustering algorithms. Remarkably, with only 10 dimensional MBERT embeddings (reduced from the original size of 768), our submitted model performs best on subtask 1 for English and ranks third in subtask 2 for English. In addition to describing our system, we discuss our hyperparameter configurations and examine why our system lags behind for the other languages involved in the shared task (German, Swedish, Latin). Our code is available at https://github.com/DavidRother/semeval2020-task1

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DCC-Uchile at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Temporal Referencing Word Embeddings
Frank D. Zamora-Reina | Felipe Bravo-Marquez

We present a system for the task of unsupervised lexical change detection: given a target word and two corpora spanning different periods of time, automatically detects whether the word has lost or gained senses from one corpus to another. Our system employs the temporal referencing method to obtain compatible representations of target words in different periods of time. This is done by concatenating corpora of different periods and performing a temporal referencing of target words i.e., treating occurrences of target words in different periods as two independent tokens. Afterwards, we train word embeddings on the joint corpus and compare the referenced vectors of each target word using cosine similarity. Our submission was ranked 7th among 34 teams for subtask 1, obtaining an average accuracy of 0.637, only 0.050 points behind the first ranked system.

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EmbLexChange at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Unsupervised Embedding-based Detection of Lexical Semantic Changes
Ehsaneddin Asgari | Christoph Ringlstetter | Hinrich Schütze

This paper describes EmbLexChange, a system introduced by the “Life-Language” team for SemEval-2020 Task 1, on unsupervised detection of lexical-semantic changes. EmbLexChange is defined as the divergence between the embedding based profiles of word w (calculated with respect to a set of reference words) in the source and the target domains (source and target domains can be simply two time frames t_1 and t_2). The underlying assumption is that the lexical-semantic change of word w would affect its co-occurring words and subsequently alters the neighborhoods in the embedding spaces. We show that using a resampling framework for the selection of reference words (with conserved senses), we can more reliably detect lexical-semantic changes in English, German, Swedish, and Latin. EmbLexChange achieved second place in the binary detection of semantic changes in the SemEval-2020.

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GloVeInit at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Using GloVe Vector Initialization for Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection
Vaibhav Jain

This paper presents a vector initialization approach for the SemEval2020 Task 1: Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection. Given two corpora belonging to different time periods and a set of target words, this task requires us to classify whether a word gained or lost a sense over time (subtask 1) and to rank them on the basis of the changes in their word senses (subtask 2). The proposed approach is based on using Vector Initialization method to align GloVe embeddings. The idea is to consecutively train GloVe embeddings for both corpora, while using the first model to initialize the second one. This paper is based on the hypothesis that GloVe embeddings are more suited for the Vector Initialization method than SGNS embeddings. It presents an intuitive reasoning behind this hypothesis, and also talks about the impact of various factors and hyperparameters on the performance of the proposed approach. Our model ranks 12th and 10th among 33 teams in the two subtasks. The implementation has been shared publicly.

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SST-BERT at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Semantic Shift Tracing by Clustering in BERT-based Embedding Spaces
Vani Kanjirangat | Sandra Mitrovic | Alessandro Antonucci | Fabio Rinaldi

Lexical semantic change detection (also known as semantic shift tracing) is a task of identifying words that have changed their meaning over time. Unsupervised semantic shift tracing, focal point of SemEval2020, is particularly challenging. Given the unsupervised setup, in this work, we propose to identify clusters among different occurrences of each target word, considering these as representatives of different word meanings. As such, disagreements in obtained clusters naturally allow to quantify the level of semantic shift per each target word in four target languages. To leverage this idea, clustering is performed on contextualized (BERT-based) embeddings of word occurrences. The obtained results show that our approach performs well both measured separately (per language) and overall, where we surpass all provided SemEval baselines.

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TemporalTeller at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection with Temporal Referencing
Jinan Zhou | Jiaxin Li

This paper describes our TemporalTeller system for SemEval Task 1: Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection. We develop a unified framework for the common semantic change detection pipelines including preprocessing, learning word embeddings, calculating vector distances and determining threshold. We also propose Gamma Quantile Threshold to distinguish between changed and stable words. Based on our system, we conduct a comprehensive comparison among BERT, Skip-gram, Temporal Referencing and alignment-based methods. Evaluation results show that Skip-gram with Temporal Referencing achieves the best performance of 66.5% classification accuracy and 51.8% Spearman’s Ranking Correlation.

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TUE at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Detecting Semantic Change by Clustering Contextual Word Embeddings
Anna Karnysheva | Pia Schwarz

This paper describes our system for SemEval 2020 Task 1: Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection. Target words of corpora from two different time periods are classified according to their semantic change. The languages covered are English, German, Latin, and Swedish. Our approach involves clustering ELMo embeddings using DBSCAN and K-means. For a more fine grained detection of semantic change we take the Jensen-Shannon Distance metric and rank the target words from strongest to weakest change. The results show that this is a valid approach for the classification subtask where we rank 13th out of 33 groups with an accuracy score of 61.2%. For the ranking subtask we score a Spearman’s rank-order correlation coefficient of 0.087 which places us on rank 29.

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UoB at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Automatic Identification of Novel Word Senses
Eleri Sarsfield | Harish Tayyar Madabushi

Much as the social landscape in which languages are spoken shifts, language too evolves to suit the needs of its users. Lexical semantic change analysis is a burgeoning field of semantic analysis which aims to trace changes in the meanings of words over time. This paper presents an approach to lexical semantic change detection based on Bayesian word sense induction suitable for novel word sense identification. This approach is used for a submission to SemEval-2020 Task 1, which shows the approach to be capable of the SemEval task. The same approach is also applied to a corpus gleaned from 15 years of Twitter data, the results of which are then used to identify words which may be instances of slang.

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UWB at SemEval-2020 Task 1: Lexical Semantic Change Detection
Ondřej Pražák | Pavel Přibáň | Stephen Taylor | Jakub Sido

In this paper, we describe our method for detection of lexical semantic change, i.e., word sense changes over time. We examine semantic differences between specific words in two corpora, chosen from different time periods, for English, German, Latin, and Swedish. Our method was created for the SemEval 2020 Task 1: Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection. We ranked 1st in Sub-task 1: binary change detection, and 4th in Sub-task 2: ranked change detection. We present our method which is completely unsupervised and language independent. It consists of preparing a semantic vector space for each corpus, earlier and later; computing a linear transformation between earlier and later spaces, using Canonical Correlation Analysis and orthogonal transformation;and measuring the cosines between the transformed vector for the target word from the earlier corpus and the vector for the target word in the later corpus.

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SHIKEBLCU at SemEval-2020 Task 2: An External Knowledge-enhanced Matrix for Multilingual and Cross-Lingual Lexical Entailment
Shike Wang | Yuchen Fan | Xiangying Luo | Dong Yu

Lexical entailment recognition plays an important role in tasks like Question Answering and Machine Translation. As important branches of lexical entailment, predicting multilingual and cross-lingual lexical entailment (LE) are two subtasks of SemEval2020 Task2. In previous monolingual LE studies, researchers leverage external linguistic constraints to transform word embeddings for LE relation. In our system, we expand the number of external constraints in multiple languages to obtain more specialised multilingual word embeddings. For the cross-lingual subtask, we apply a bilingual word embeddings mapping method in the model. The mapping method takes specialised embeddings as inputs and is able to retain the embeddings’ LE features after operations. Our results for multilingual subtask are about 20% and 10% higher than the baseline in graded and binary prediction respectively.

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UAlberta at SemEval-2020 Task 2: Using Translations to Predict Cross-Lingual Entailment
Bradley Hauer | Amir Ahmad Habibi | Yixing Luan | Arnob Mallik | Grzegorz Kondrak

We investigate the hypothesis that translations can be used to identify cross-lingual lexical entailment. We propose novel methods that leverage parallel corpora, word embeddings, and multilingual lexical resources. Our results demonstrate that the implementation of these ideas leads to improvements in predicting entailment.

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AlexU-AUX-BERT at SemEval-2020 Task 3: Improving BERT Contextual Similarity Using Multiple Auxiliary Contexts
Somaia Mahmoud | Marwan Torki

This paper describes the system we built for SemEval-2020 task 3. That is predicting the scores of similarity for a pair of words within two different contexts. Our system is based on both BERT embeddings and WordNet. We simply use cosine similarity to find the closest synset of the target words. Our results show that using this simple approach greatly improves the system behavior. Our model is ranked 3rd in subtask-2 for SemEval-2020 task 3.

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CitiusNLP at SemEval-2020 Task 3: Comparing Two Approaches for Word Vector Contextualization
Pablo Gamallo

This article describes some unsupervised strategies submitted to SemEval 2020 Task 3, a task which consists of considering the effect of context to compute word similarity. More precisely, given two words in context, the system must predict the degree of similarity of those words considering the context in which they occur, and the system score is compared against human prediction. We compare one approach based on pre-trained BERT models with other strategy relying on static word embeddings and syntactic dependencies. The BERT-based method clearly outperformed the dependency-based strategy.

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Ferryman at SemEval-2020 Task 3: Bert with TFIDF-Weighting for Predicting the Effect of Context in Word Similarity
Weilong Chen | Xin Yuan | Sai Zhang | Jiehui Wu | Yanru Zhang | Yan Wang

Word similarity is widely used in machine learning applications like searching engine and recommendation. Measuring the changing meaning of the same word between two different sentences is not only a way to handle complex features in word usage (such as sentence syntax and semantics), but also an important method for different word polysemy modeling. In this paper, we present the methodology proposed by team Ferryman. Our system is based on the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model combined with term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF), applying the method on the provided datasets called CoSimLex, which covers four different languages including English, Croatian, Slovene, and Finnish. Our team Ferryman wins the the first position for English task and the second position for Finnish in the subtask 1.

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Hitachi at SemEval-2020 Task 3: Exploring the Representation Spaces of Transformers for Human Sense Word Similarity
Terufumi Morishita | Gaku Morio | Hiroaki Ozaki | Toshinori Miyoshi

In this paper, we present our system for SemEval-2020 task 3, Predicting the (Graded) Effect of Context in Word Similarity. Due to the unsupervised nature of the task, we concentrated on inquiring about the similarity measures induced by different layers of different pre-trained Transformer-based language models, which can be good approximations of the human sense of word similarity. Interestingly, our experiments reveal a language-independent characteristic: the middle to upper layers of Transformer-based language models can induce good approximate similarity measures. Finally, our system was ranked 1st on the Slovenian part of Subtask1 and 2nd on the Croatian part of both Subtask1 and Subtask2.

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JUSTMasters at SemEval-2020 Task 3: Multilingual Deep Learning Model to Predict the Effect of Context in Word Similarity
Nour Al-khdour | Mutaz Bni Younes | Malak Abdullah | Mohammad AL-Smadi

There is a growing research interest in studying word similarity. Without a doubt, two similar words in a context may considered different in another context. Therefore, this paper investigates the effect of the context in word similarity. The SemEval-2020 workshop has provided a shared task (Task 3: Predicting the (Graded) Effect of Context in Word Similarity). In this task, the organizers provided unlabeled datasets for four languages, English, Croatian, Finnish and Slovenian. Our team, JUSTMasters, has participated in this competition in the two subtasks: A and B. Our approach has used a weighted average ensembling method for different pretrained embeddings techniques for each of the four languages. Our proposed model outperformed the baseline models in both subtasks and acheived the best result for subtask 2 in English and Finnish, with score 0.725 and 0.68 respectively. We have been ranked the sixth for subtask 1, with scores for English, Croatian, Finnish, and Slovenian as follows: 0.738, 0.44, 0.546, 0.512.

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Will_Go at SemEval-2020 Task 3: An Accurate Model for Predicting the (Graded) Effect of Context in Word Similarity Based on BERT
Wei Bao | Hongshu Che | Jiandong Zhang

Natural Language Processing (NLP) has been widely used in the semantic analysis in recent years. Our paper mainly discusses a methodology to analyze the effect that context has on human perception of similar words, which is the third task of SemEval 2020. We apply several methods in calculating the distance between two embedding vector generated by Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformer (BERT). Our team will go won the 1st place in Finnish language track of subtask1, the second place in English track of subtask1.

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SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation
Cunxiang Wang | Shuailong Liang | Yili Jin | Yilong Wang | Xiaodan Zhu | Yue Zhang

In this paper, we present SemEval-2020 Task 4, Commonsense Validation and Explanation (ComVE), which includes three subtasks, aiming to evaluate whether a system can distinguish a natural language statement that makes sense to humans from one that does not, and provide the reasons. Specifically, in our first subtask, the participating systems are required to choose from two natural language statements of similar wording the one that makes sense and the one does not. The second subtask additionally asks a system to select the key reason from three options why a given statement does not make sense. In the third subtask, a participating system needs to generate the reason automatically. 39 teams submitted their valid systems to at least one subtask. For Subtask A and Subtask B, top-performing teams have achieved results closed to human performance. However, for Subtask C, there is still a considerable gap between system and human performance. The dataset used in our task can be found at https://github.com/wangcunxiang/SemEval2020-Task4-Commonsense-Validation-and-Explanation.

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SemEval-2020 Task 5: Counterfactual Recognition
Xiaoyu Yang | Stephen Obadinma | Huasha Zhao | Qiong Zhang | Stan Matwin | Xiaodan Zhu

We present a counterfactual recognition (CR) task, the shared Task 5 of SemEval-2020. Counterfactuals describe potential outcomes (consequents) produced by actions or circumstances that did not happen or cannot happen and are counter to the facts (antecedent). Counterfactual thinking is an important characteristic of the human cognitive system; it connects antecedents and consequent with causal relations. Our task provides a benchmark for counterfactual recognition in natural language with two subtasks. Subtask-1 aims to determine whether a given sentence is a counterfactual statement or not. Subtask-2 requires the participating systems to extract the antecedent and consequent in a given counterfactual statement. During the SemEval-2020 official evaluation period, we received 27 submissions to Subtask-1 and 11 to Subtask-2. Our data and baseline code are made publicly available at https://zenodo.org/record/3932442. The task website and leaderboard can be found at https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/21691.

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SemEval-2020 Task 6: Definition Extraction from Free Text with the DEFT Corpus
Sasha Spala | Nicholas Miller | Franck Dernoncourt | Carl Dockhorn

Research on definition extraction has been conducted for well over a decade, largely with significant constraints on the type of definitions considered. In this work, we present DeftEval, a SemEval shared task in which participants must extract definitions from free text using a term-definition pair corpus that reflects the complex reality of definitions in natural language. Definitions and glosses in free text often appear without explicit indicators, across sentences boundaries, or in an otherwise complex linguistic manner. DeftEval involved 3 distinct subtasks: 1) Sentence classification, 2) sequence labeling, and 3) relation extraction.

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IIE-NLP-NUT at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Guiding PLM with Prompt Template Reconstruction Strategy for ComVE
Luxi Xing | Yuqiang Xie | Yue Hu | Wei Peng

This paper introduces our systems for the first two subtasks of SemEval Task4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation. To clarify the intention for judgment and inject contrastive information for selection, we propose the input reconstruction strategy with prompt templates. Specifically, we formalize the subtasks into the multiple-choice question answering format and construct the input with the prompt templates, then, the final prediction of question answering is considered as the result of subtasks. Experimental results show that our approaches achieve significant performance compared with the baseline systems. Our approaches secure the third rank on both official test sets of the first two subtasks with an accuracy of 96.4 and an accuracy of 94.3 respectively.

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HIT-SCIR at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Training Pre-trained Language Model with Pseudo-labeling Data for Counterfactuals Detection
Xiao Ding | Dingkui Hao | Yuewei Zhang | Kuo Liao | Zhongyang Li | Bing Qin | Ting Liu

We describe our system for Task 5 of SemEval 2020: Modelling Causal Reasoning in Language: Detecting Counterfactuals. Despite deep learning has achieved significant success in many fields, it still hardly drives today’s AI to strong AI, as it lacks of causation, which is a fundamental concept in human thinking and reasoning. In this task, we dedicate to detecting causation, especially counterfactuals from texts. We explore multiple pre-trained models to learn basic features and then fine-tune models with counterfactual data and pseudo-labeling data. Our team HIT-SCIR wins the first place (1st) in Sub-task 1 — Detecting Counterfactual Statements and is ranked 4th in Sub-task 2 — Detecting Antecedent and Consequence. In this paper we provide a detailed description of the approach, as well as the results obtained in this task.

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Cardiff University at SemEval-2020 Task 6: Fine-tuning BERT for Domain-Specific Definition Classification
Shelan Jeawak | Luis Espinosa-Anke | Steven Schockaert

We describe the system submitted to SemEval-2020 Task 6, Subtask 1. The aim of this subtask is to predict whether a given sentence contains a definition or not. Unsurprisingly, we found that strong results can be achieved by fine-tuning a pre-trained BERT language model. In this paper, we analyze the performance of this strategy. Among others, we show that results can be improved by using a two-step fine-tuning process, in which the BERT model is first fine-tuned on the full training set, and then further specialized towards a target domain.

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ANA at SemEval-2020 Task 4: MUlti-task learNIng for cOmmonsense reasoNing (UNION)
Anandh Konar | Chenyang Huang | Amine Trabelsi | Osmar Zaiane

In this paper, we describe our mUlti-task learNIng for cOmmonsense reasoNing (UNION) system submitted for Task C of the SemEval2020 Task 4, which is to generate a reason explaining why a given false statement is non-sensical. However, we found in the early experiments that simple adaptations such as fine-tuning GPT2 often yield dull and non-informative generations (e.g. simple negations). In order to generate more meaningful explanations, we propose UNION, a unified end-to-end framework, to utilize several existing commonsense datasets so that it allows a model to learn more dynamics under the scope of commonsense reasoning. In order to perform model selection efficiently, accurately, and promptly, we also propose a couple of auxiliary automatic evaluation metrics so that we can extensively compare the models from different perspectives. Our submitted system not only results in a good performance in the proposed metrics but also outperforms its competitors with the highest achieved score of 2.10 for human evaluation while remaining a BLEU score of 15.7. Our code is made publicly available.

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BUT-FIT at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Multilingual Commonsense
Josef Jon | Martin Fajcik | Martin Docekal | Pavel Smrz

We participated in all three subtasks. In subtasks A and B, our submissions are based on pretrained language representation models (namely ALBERT) and data augmentation. We experimented with solving the task for another language, Czech, by means of multilingual models and machine translated dataset, or translated model inputs. We show that with a strong machine translation system, our system can be used in another language with a small accuracy loss. In subtask C, our submission, which is based on pretrained sequence-to-sequence model (BART), ranked 1st in BLEU score ranking, however, we show that the correlation between BLEU and human evaluation, in which our submission ended up 4th, is low. We analyse the metrics used in the evaluation and we propose an additional score based on model from subtask B, which correlates well with our manual ranking, as well as reranking method based on the same principle. We performed an error and dataset analysis for all subtasks and we present our findings.

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CUHK at SemEval-2020 Task 4: CommonSense Explanation, Reasoning and Prediction with Multi-task Learning
Hongru Wang | Xiangru Tang | Sunny Lai | Kwong Sak Leung | Jia Zhu | Gabriel Pui Cheong Fung | Kam-Fai Wong

This paper describes our system submitted to task 4 of SemEval 2020: Commonsense Validation and Explanation (ComVE) which consists of three sub-tasks. The task is to directly validate the given sentence whether or not to make sense and require the model to explain it. Based on BERT architecture with the multi-task setting, we propose an effective and interpretable “Explain, Reason and Predict” (ERP) system to solve the three sub-tasks about commonsense: (a) Validation, (b) Reasoning, and (c) Explanation. Inspired by cognitive studies of common sense, our system first generates a reason or understanding of the sentences and then choose which one statement makes sense, which is achieved by multi-task learning. During the post-evaluation, our system has reached 92.9% accuracy in subtask A (rank 11), 89.7% accuracy in subtask B (rank 9), and BLEU score of 12.9 in subtask C (rank 8).

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ECNU-SenseMaker at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Leveraging Heterogeneous Knowledge Resources for Commonsense Validation and Explanation
Qian Zhao | Siyu Tao | Jie Zhou | Linlin Wang | Xin Lin | Liang He

This paper describes our system for SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation (Wang et al., 2020). We propose a novel Knowledge-enhanced Graph Attention Network (KEGAT) architecture for this task, leveraging heterogeneous knowledge from both the structured knowledge base (i.e. ConceptNet) and unstructured text to better improve the ability of a machine in commonsense understanding. This model has a powerful commonsense inference capability via utilizing suitable commonsense incorporation methods and upgraded data augmentation techniques. Besides, an internal sharing mechanism is cooperated to prohibit our model from insufficient and excessive reasoning for commonsense. As a result, this model performs quite well in both validation and explanation. For instance, it achieves state-of-the-art accuracy in the subtask called Commonsense Explanation (Multi-Choice). We officially name the system as ECNU-SenseMaker. Code is publicly available at https://github.com/ECNU-ICA/ECNU-SenseMaker.

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Masked Reasoner at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Fine-Tuning RoBERTa for Commonsense Reasoning
Daming Lu

This paper describes the masked reasoner system that participated in SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation. The system participated in the subtask B.We proposes a novel method to fine-tune RoBERTa by masking the most important word in the statement. We believe that the confidence of the system in recovering that word is positively correlated to the score the masked language model gives to the current statement-explanation pair. We evaluate the importance of each word using InferSent and do the masked fine-tuning on RoBERTa. Then we use the fine-tuned model to predict the most plausible explanation. Our system is fast in training and achieved 73.5% accuracy.

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QiaoNing at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation System Based on Ensemble of Language Model
Liu Pai

The ability of common sense validation and explanation is very important for most models. Most obviously, this will directly affect the rationality of the generated model output. The large amount and diversity of common sense poses great challenges to this task. In addition, many common sense expressions are obscure, thus we need to understand the meaning contained in the vocabulary in order to judge correctly, which further increases the model’s requirements for the accuracy of word representation. The current neural network models are often data-driven, while the annotated data is often limited and requires a lot of manual labeling. In such case, we proposed transfer learning to handle this challenge. From our experiments, we can draw the following three main conclusions: a) Neural language model fully qualified for commonsense validation and explanation. We attribute this to the powerful word and sentence representation capabilities of language models. b) The inconsistency of task of pre-training and fine-tuning will badly hurt the performance. c) A larger amount of corpus and more parameters will enhance the common sense of the model. At the same time, the content of the corpus is equally important.

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SWAGex at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Explanation as Next Event Prediction
Wiem Ben Rim | Naoaki Okazaki

We describe the system submitted by the SWAGex team to the SemEval-2020 Commonsense Validation and Explanation Task. We use multiple methods on the pre-trained language model BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) for tasks that require the system to recognize sentences against commonsense and justify the reasoning behind this decision. Our best performing model is BERT trained on SWAG and fine-tuned for the task. We investigate the ability to transfer commonsense knowledge from SWAG to SemEval-2020 by training a model for the Explanation task with Next Event Prediction data

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UoR at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Pre-trained Sentence Transformer Models for Commonsense Validation and Explanation
Thanet Markchom | Bhuvana Dhruva | Chandresh Pravin | Huizhi Liang

SemEval Task 4 Commonsense Validation and Explanation Challenge is to validate whether a system can differentiate natural language statements that make sense from those that do not make sense. Two subtasks, A and B, are focused in this work, i.e., detecting against-common-sense statements and selecting explanations of why they are false from the given options. Intuitively, commonsense validation requires additional knowledge beyond the given statements. Therefore, we propose a system utilising pre-trained sentence transformer models based on BERT, RoBERTa and DistillBERT architectures to embed the statements before classification. According to the results, these embeddings can improve the performance of the typical MLP and LSTM classifiers as downstream models of both subtasks compared to regular tokenised statements. These embedded statements are shown to comprise additional information from external resources which help validate common sense in natural language.

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BUT-FIT at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Automatic Detection of Counterfactual Statements with Deep Pre-trained Language Representation Models
Martin Fajcik | Josef Jon | Martin Docekal | Pavel Smrz

This paper describes BUT-FIT’s submission at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Modelling Causal Reasoning in Language: Detecting Counterfactuals. The challenge focused on detecting whether a given statement contains a counterfactual (Subtask 1) and extracting both antecedent and consequent parts of the counterfactual from the text (Subtask 2). We experimented with various state-of-the-art language representation models (LRMs). We found RoBERTa LRM to perform the best in both subtasks. We achieved the first place in both exact match and F1 for Subtask 2 and ranked second for Subtask 1.

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CLaC at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Muli-task Stacked Bi-LSTMs
MinGyou Sung | Parsa Bagherzadeh | Sabine Bergler

We consider detection of the span of antecedents and consequents in argumentative prose a structural, grammatical task. Our system comprises a set of stacked Bi-LSTMs trained on two complementary linguistic annotations. We explore the effectiveness of grammatical features (POS and clause type) through ablation. The reported experiments suggest that a multi-task learning approach using this external, grammatical knowledge is useful for detecting the extent of antecedents and consequents and performs nearly as well without the use of word embeddings.

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CNRL at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Modelling Causal Reasoning in Language with Multi-Head Self-Attention Weights Based Counterfactual Detection
Rajaswa Patil | Veeky Baths

In this paper, we describe an approach for modelling causal reasoning in natural language by detecting counterfactuals in text using multi-head self-attention weights. We use pre-trained transformer models to extract contextual embeddings and self-attention weights from the text. We show the use of convolutional layers to extract task-specific features from these self-attention weights. Further, we describe a fine-tuning approach with a common base model for knowledge sharing between the two closely related sub-tasks for counterfactual detection. We analyze and compare the performance of various transformer models in our experiments. Finally, we perform a qualitative analysis with the multi-head self-attention weights to interpret our models’ dynamics.

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IITK-RSA at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Detecting Counterfactuals
Anirudh Anil Ojha | Rohin Garg | Shashank Gupta | Ashutosh Modi

This paper describes our efforts in tackling Task 5 of SemEval-2020. The task involved detecting a class of textual expressions known as counterfactuals and separating them into their constituent elements. Our final submitted approaches were an ensemble of various fine-tuned transformer-based and CNN-based models for the first subtask and a transformer model with dependency tree information for the second subtask. We ranked 4-th and 9-th in the overall leaderboard. We also explored various other approaches that involved classical methods, other neural architectures and incorporation of different linguistic features.

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Yseop at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Cascaded BERT Language Model for Counterfactual Statement Analysis
Hanna Abi-Akl | Dominique Mariko | Estelle Labidurie

In this paper, we explore strategies to detect and evaluate counterfactual sentences. We describe our system for SemEval-2020 Task 5: Modeling Causal Reasoning in Language: Detecting Counterfactuals. We use a BERT base model for the classification task and build a hybrid BERT Multi-Layer Perceptron system to handle the sequence identification task. Our experiments show that while introducing syntactic and semantic features does little in improving the system in the classification task, using these types of features as cascaded linear inputs to fine-tune the sequence-delimiting ability of the model ensures it outperforms other similar-purpose complex systems like BiLSTM-CRF in the second task. Our system achieves an F1 score of 85.00% in Task 1 and 83.90% in Task 2.

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ACNLP at SemEval-2020 Task 6: A Supervised Approach for Definition Extraction
Fabien Caspani | Pirashanth Ratnamogan | Mathis Linger | Mhamed Hajaiej

We describe our contribution to two of the subtasks of SemEval 2020 Task 6, DeftEval: Extracting term-definition pairs in free text. The system for Subtask 1: Sentence Classification is based on a transformer architecture where we use transfer learning to fine-tune a pretrained model on the downstream task, and the one for Subtask 3: Relation Classification uses a Random Forest classifier with handcrafted dedicated features. Our systems respectively achieve 0.830 and 0.994 F1-scores on the official test set, and we believe that the insights derived from our study are potentially relevant to help advance the research on definition extraction.

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Gorynych Transformer at SemEval-2020 Task 6: Multi-task Learning for Definition Extraction
Adis Davletov | Nikolay Arefyev | Alexander Shatilov | Denis Gordeev | Alexey Rey

This paper describes our approach to “DeftEval: Extracting Definitions from Free Text in Textbooks” competition held as a part of Semeval 2020. The task was devoted to finding and labeling definitions in texts. DeftEval was split into three subtasks: sentence classification, sequence labeling and relation classification. Our solution ranked 5th in the first subtask and 23rd and 21st in the second and the third subtasks respectively. We applied simultaneous multi-task learning with Transformer-based models for subtasks 1 and 3 and a single BERT-based model for named entity recognition.

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CN-HIT-IT.NLP at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Enhanced Language Representation with Multiple Knowledge Triples
Yice Zhang | Jiaxuan Lin | Yang Fan | Peng Jin | Yuanchao Liu | Bingquan Liu

This paper describes our system that participated in the SemEval-2020 task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation. For this task, it is obvious that external knowledge, such as Knowledge graph, can help the model understand commonsense in natural language statements. But how to select the right triples for statements remains unsolved, so how to reduce the interference of irrelevant triples on model performance is a research focus. This paper adopt a modified K-BERT as the language encoder, to enhance language representation through triples from knowledge graphs. Experiments show that our method is better than models without external knowledge, and is slightly better than the original K-BERT. We got an accuracy score of 0.97 in subtaskA, ranking 1/45, and got an accuracy score of 0.948, ranking 2/35.

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CS-NET at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Siamese BERT for ComVE
Soumya Ranjan Dash | Sandeep Routray | Prateek Varshney | Ashutosh Modi

In this paper, we describe our system for Task 4 of SemEval 2020, which involves differentiating between natural language statements that conform to common sense and those that do not. The organizers propose three subtasks - first, selecting between two sentences, the one which is against common sense. Second, identifying the most crucial reason why a statement does not make sense. Third, generating novel reasons for explaining the against common sense statement. Out of the three subtasks, this paper reports the system description of subtask A and subtask B. This paper proposes a model based on transformer neural network architecture for addressing the subtasks. The novelty in work lies in the architecture design, which handles the logical implication of contradicting statements and simultaneous information extraction from both sentences. We use a parallel instance of transformers, which is responsible for a boost in the performance. We achieved an accuracy of 94.8% in subtask A and 89% in subtask B on the test set.

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CS-NLP Team at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Evaluation of State-of-the-art NLP Deep Learning Architectures on Commonsense Reasoning Task
Sirwe Saeedi | Aliakbar Panahi | Seyran Saeedi | Alvis C Fong

In this paper, we investigate a commonsense inference task that unifies natural language understanding and commonsense reasoning. We describe our attempt at SemEval-2020 Task 4 competition: Commonsense Validation and Explanation (ComVE) challenge. We discuss several state-of-the-art deep learning architectures for this challenge. Our system uses prepared labeled textual datasets that were manually curated for three different natural language inference subtasks. The goal of the first subtask is to test whether a model can distinguish between natural language statements that make sense and those that do not make sense. We compare the performance of several language models and fine-tuned classifiers. Then, we propose a method inspired by question/answering tasks to treat a classification problem as a multiple choice question task to boost the performance of our experimental results (96.06%), which is significantly better than the baseline. For the second subtask, which is to select the reason why a statement does not make sense, we stand within the first six teams (93.7%) among 27 participants with very competitive results. Our result for last subtask of generating reason against the nonsense statement shows many potentials for future researches as we applied the most powerful generative model of language (GPT-2) with 6.1732 BLEU score among first four teams. .

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DEEPYANG at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Using the Hidden Layer State of BERT Model for Differentiating Common Sense
Yang Bai | Xiaobing Zhou

Introducing common sense to natural language understanding systems has received increasing research attention. To facilitate the researches on common sense reasoning, the SemEval-2020 Task 4 Commonsense Validation and Explanation(ComVE) is proposed. We participate in sub-task A and try various methods including traditional machine learning methods, deep learning methods, and also recent pre-trained language models. Finally, we concatenate the original output of BERT and the output vector of BERT hidden layer state to obtain more abundant semantic information features, and obtain competitive results. Our model achieves an accuracy of 0.8510 in the final test data and ranks 25th among all the teams.

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HR@JUST Team at SemEval-2020 Task 4: The Impact of RoBERTa Transformer for Evaluation Common Sense Understanding
Heba Al-Jarrah | Rahaf Al-Hamouri | Mohammad AL-Smadi

This paper describes the results of our team HR@JUST participation at SemEval-2020 Task 4 - Commonsense Validation and Explanation (ComVE) for POST evaluation period. The provided task consists of three sub-tasks, we participate in task A. We considered a state-of-the-art approach for solving this task by performing RoBERTa model with no Next Sentences Prediction (NSP), dynamic masking, larger training data, and larger batch size. The achieved results show that we got the 11th rank on the final test set leaderboard with an accuracy of 91.3%.

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JBNU at SemEval-2020 Task 4: BERT and UniLM for Commonsense Validation and Explanation
Seung-Hoon Na | Jong-Hyeon Lee

This paper presents our contributions to the SemEval-2020 Task 4 Commonsense Validation and Explanation (ComVE) and includes the experimental results of the two Subtasks B and C of the SemEval-2020 Task 4. Our systems rely on pre-trained language models, i.e., BERT (including its variants) and UniLM, and rank 10th and 7th among 27 and 17 systems on Subtasks B and C, respectively. We analyze the commonsense ability of the existing pretrained language models by testing them on the SemEval-2020 Task 4 ComVE dataset, specifically for Subtasks B and C, the explanation subtasks with multi-choice and sentence generation, respectively.

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JUSTers at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Evaluating Transformer Models against Commonsense Validation and Explanation
Ali Fadel | Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub | Erik Cambria

In this paper, we describe our team’s (JUSTers) effort in the Commonsense Validation and Explanation (ComVE) task, which is part of SemEval2020. We evaluate five pre-trained Transformer-based language models with various sizes against the three proposed subtasks. For the first two subtasks, the best accuracy levels achieved by our models are 92.90% and 92.30%, respectively, placing our team in the 12th and 9th places, respectively. As for the last subtask, our models reach 16.10 BLEU score and 1.94 human evaluation score placing our team in the 5th and 3rd places according to these two metrics, respectively. The latter is only 0.16 away from the 1st place human evaluation score.

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KaLM at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Knowledge-aware Language Models for Comprehension and Generation
Jiajing Wan | Xinting Huang

This paper presents our strategies in SemEval 2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation. We propose a novel way to search for evidence and choose the different large-scale pre-trained models as the backbone for three subtasks. The results show that our evidence-searching approach improves model performance on commonsense explanation task. Our team ranks 2nd in subtask C according to human evaluation score.

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KDE SenseForce at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Exploiting BERT for Commonsense Validation and Explanation
Khanddorj Mendbayar | Masaki Aono

Using a natural language understanding system for commonsense comprehension is getting increasing attention from researchers. Current multi-purpose state-of-the-art models suffer on commonsense validation and explanation tasks. We have adopted one of the state-of-the-art models and proposing a method to boost the performance of the model in commonsense related tasks.

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Lijunyi at SemEval-2020 Task 4: An ALBERT Model Based Maximum Ensemble with Different Training Sizes and Depths for Commonsense Validation and Explanation
Junyi Li | Bin Wang | Haiyan Ding

This article describes the system submitted to SemEval 2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation. We only participated in the subtask A, which is mainly to distinguish whether the sentence has meaning. To solve this task, we mainly used ALBERT model-based maximum ensemble with different training sizes and depths. To prove the validity of the model to the task, we also used some other neural network models for comparison. Our model achieved the accuracy score of 0.938(ranked 10/41) in subtask A.

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LMVE at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation Using Pretraining Language Model
Shilei Liu | Yu Guo | BoChao Li | Feiliang Ren

This paper introduces our system for commonsense validation and explanation. For Sen-Making task, we use a novel pretraining language model based architecture to pick out one of the two given statements that is againstcommon sense. For Explanation task, we use a hint sentence mechanism to improve the performance greatly. In addition, we propose a subtask level transfer learning to share information between subtasks.

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Mxgra at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Common Sense Making with Next Token Prediction
Kris Collins | Max Grathwohl | Heba Ahmed

In this paper, we explore solutions to a common sense making task in which a model must discern which of two sentences is against common sense. We used a pre-trained language model which we used to calculate complexity scores for input to discern which sentence contained an unlikely sequence of tokens. Other approaches we tested were word vector distances, which were used to find semantic outliers within a sentence, and siamese network. By using the pre-trained language model to calculate perplexity scores based on the sequence of tokens in input sentences, we achieved an accuracy of 75 percent.

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NLP@JUST at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Ensemble Technique for BERT and Roberta to Evaluate Commonsense Validation
Emran Al-Bashabsheh | Ayah Abu Aqouleh | Mohammad AL-Smadi

This paper presents the work of the NLP@JUST team at SemEval-2020 Task 4 competition that related to commonsense validation and explanation (ComVE) task. The team participates in sub-taskA (Validation) which related to validation that checks if the text is against common sense or not. Several models have trained (i.e. Bert, XLNet, and Roberta), however, the main models used are the RoBERTa-large and BERT Whole word masking. As well as, we utilized the results from both models to generate final prediction by using the average Ensemble technique, that used to improve the overall performance. The evaluation result shows that the implemented model achieved an accuracy of 93.9% obtained and published at the post-evaluation result on the leaderboard.

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SSN-NLP at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Text Classification and Generation on Common Sense Context Using Neural Networks
Rishivardhan K. | Kayalvizhi S | Thenmozhi D. | Raghav R. | Kshitij Sharma

Common sense validation deals with testing whether a system can differentiate natural language statements that make sense from those that do not make sense. This paper describes the our approach to solve this challenge. For common sense validation with multi choice, we propose a stacking based approach to classify sentences that are more favourable in terms of common sense to the particular statement. We have used majority voting classifier methodology amongst three models such as Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), Micro Text Classification (Micro TC) and XLNet. For sentence generation, we used Neural Machine Translation (NMT) model to generate explanatory sentences.

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Team Solomon at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Be Reasonable: Exploiting Large-scale Language Models for Commonsense Reasoning
Vertika Srivastava | Sudeep Kumar Sahoo | Yeon Hyang Kim | Rohit R.r | Mayank Raj | Ajay Jaiswal

In this paper, we present our submission for SemEval 2020 Task 4 - Commonsense Validation and Explanation (ComVE). The objective of this task was to develop a system that can differentiate statements that make sense from the ones that don’t. ComVE comprises of three subtasks to challenge and test a system’s capability in understanding commonsense knowledge from various dimensions. Commonsense reasoning is a challenging task in the domain of natural language understanding and systems augmented with it can improve performance in various other tasks such as reading comprehension, and inferencing. We have developed a system that leverages commonsense knowledge from pretrained language models trained on huge corpus such as RoBERTa, GPT2, etc. Our proposed system validates the reasonability of a given statement against the backdrop of commonsense knowledge acquired by these models and generates a logical reason to support its decision. Our system ranked 2nd in subtask C with a BLEU score of 19.3, which by far is the most challenging subtask as it required systems to generate the rationale behind the choice of an unreasonable statement. In subtask A and B, we achieved 96% and 94% accuracy respectively standing at 4th position in both the subtasks.

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TeamJUST at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation Using Ensembling Techniques
Roweida Mohammed | Malak Abdullah

Common sense for natural language processing methods has been attracting a wide research interest, recently. Estimating automatically whether a sentence makes sense or not is considered an essential question. Task 4 in the International Workshop SemEval 2020 has provided three subtasks (A, B, and C) that challenges the participants to build systems for distinguishing the common sense statements from those that do not make sense. This paper describes TeamJUST’s approach for participating in subtask A to differentiate between two sentences in English and classify them into two classes: common sense and uncommon sense statements. Our approach depends on ensembling four different state-of-the-art pre-trained models (BERT, ALBERT, Roberta, and XLNet). Our baseline model which we used only the pre-trained model of BERT has scored 89.1, while the TeamJUST model outperformed the baseline model with an accuracy score of 96.2. We have improved the results in the post-evaluation period to achieve our best result, which would rank the 4th in the competition if we had the chance to use our latest experiment.

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TR at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Exploring the Limits of Language-model-based Common Sense Validation
Don Teo

In this paper, we present our submission for subtask A of the Common Sense Validation and Explanation (ComVE) shared task. We examine the ability of large-scale pre-trained language models to distinguish commonsense from non-commonsense statements. We also explore the utility of external resources that aim to supplement the world knowledge inherent in such language models, including commonsense knowledge graph embedding models, word concreteness ratings, and text-to-image generation models. We find that such resources provide insignificant gains to the performance of fine-tuned language models. We also provide a qualitative analysis of the limitations of the language model fine-tuned to this task.

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UAICS at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Using a Bidirectional Transformer for Task a
Ciprian-Gabriel Cusmuliuc | Lucia-Georgiana Coca | Adrian Iftene

Commonsense Validation and Explanation has been a difficult task for machines since the dawn of computing. Although very trivial to humans it poses a high complexity for machines due to the necessity of inference over a pre-existing knowledge base. In order to try and solve this problem the SemEval 2020 Task 4 - ”Commonsense Validation and Explanation (ComVE)” aims to evaluate systems capable of multiple stages of ComVE. The challenge includes 3 tasks (A, B and C), each with it’s own requirements. Our team participated only in task A which required selecting the statement that made the least sense. We choose to use a bidirectional transformer in order to solve the challenge, this paper presents the details of our method, runs and result.

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UI at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation by Exploiting Contradiction
Kerenza Doxolodeo | Rahmad Mahendra

This paper describes our submissions into the ComVe challenge, the SemEval 2020 Task 4. This evaluation task consists of three sub-tasks that test commonsense comprehension by identifying sentences that do not make sense and explain why they do not. In subtask A, we use Roberta to find which sentence does not make sense. In subtask B, besides using BERT, we also experiment with replacing the dataset with MNLI when selecting the best explanation from the provided options why the given sentence does not make sense. In subtask C, we utilize the MNLI model from subtask B to evaluate the explanation generated by Roberta and GPT-2 by exploiting the contradiction of the sentence and their explanation. Our system submission records a performance of 88.2%, 80.5%, and BLEU 5.5 for those three subtasks, respectively.

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Warren at SemEval-2020 Task 4: ALBERT and Multi-Task Learning for Commonsense Validation
Yuhang Wu | Hao Wu

This paper describes our system in subtask A of SemEval 2020 Shared Task 4. We propose a reinforcement learning model based on MTL(Multi-Task Learning) to enhance the prediction ability of commonsense validation. The experimental results demonstrate that our system outperforms the single-task text classification model. We combine MTL and ALBERT pretrain model to achieve an accuracy of 0.904 and our model is ranked 16th on the final leader board of the competition among the 45 teams.

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YNU-oxz at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Validation Using BERT with Bidirectional GRU
Xiaozhi Ou | Hongling Li

This paper describes the system and results of our team participated in SemEval-2020 Task4: Commonsense Validation and Explanation (ComVE), which aim to distinguish meaningful natural language statements from unreasonable natural language statements. This task contains three subtasks: Subtask A–Validation, Subtask B–Explanation (Multi-Choice), and Subtask C– Explanation (Generation). In these three subtasks, we only participated in Subtask A, which aims to distinguish whether a given two natural language statements with similar wording are meaningful. To solve this problem, we proposed a method using a combination of BERT with the Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (Bi-GRU). Our model achieved an accuracy of 0.836 in Subtask A (ranked 27/45).

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BLCU-NLP at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Data Augmentation for Efficient Counterfactual Detecting
Chang Liu | Dong Yu

Counterfactuals describe events counter to facts and hence naturally involve common sense, knowledge, and reasoning. SemEval 2020 task 5 is focusing on this field. We participate in the subtask 1 and we use BERT as our system. Our Innovations are feature extraction and data augmentation. We extract and summarize features of counterfactual statements, augment counterfactual examples in training set with the help of these features, and two general methods of data augmentation is experimented in our work. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approaches, which achieves 0.95 of subtask 1 in F1 while using only a subset of giving training set to fine-tune the BERT model, and our official submission achieves F1 0.802, which ranks us 16th in the competition.

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BYteam at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Detecting Counterfactual Statements with BERT and Ensembles
Yang Bai | Xiaobing Zhou

We participate in the classification tasks of SemEval-2020 Task: Subtask1: Detecting counterfactual statements of semeval-2020 task5(Detecting Counterfactuals). This paper examines different approaches and models towards detecting counterfactual statements classification. We choose the Bert model. However, the output of Bert is not a good summary of semantic information, so in order to obtain more abundant semantic information features, we modify the upper layer structure of Bert. Finally, our system achieves an accuracy of 88.90% and F1 score of 86.30% by hard voting, which ranks 6th on the final leader board of the in subtask 1 competition.

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ETHAN at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Modelling Causal Reasoning in Language Using Neuro-symbolic Cloud Computing
Len Yabloko

I present ETHAN: Experimental Testing of Hybrid AI Node implemented entirely on free cloud computing infrastructure. The ultimate goal of this research is to create modular reusable hybrid neuro-symbolic architecture for Artificial Intelligence. As a test case I model natural language comprehension of causal relations from open domain text corpus that combines semi-supervised language model (Huggingface Transformers) with constituency and dependency parsers (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence.)

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Ferryman as SemEval-2020 Task 5: Optimized BERT for Detecting Counterfactuals
Weilong Chen | Yan Zhuang | Peng Wang | Feng Hong | Yan Wang | Yanru Zhang

The main purpose of this article is to state the effect of using different methods and models for counterfactual determination and detection of causal knowledge. Nowadays, counterfactual reasoning has been widely used in various fields. In the realm of natural language process(NLP), counterfactual reasoning has huge potential to improve the correctness of a sentence. In the shared Task 5 of detecting counterfactual in SemEval 2020, we pre-process the officially given dataset according to case conversion, extract stem and abbreviation replacement. We use last-5 bidirectional encoder representation from bidirectional encoder representation from transformer (BERT)and term frequency–inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) vectorizer for counterfactual detection. Meanwhile, multi-sample dropout and cross validation are used to improve versatility and prevent problems such as poor generosity caused by overfitting. Finally, our team Ferryman ranked the 8th place in the sub-task 1 of this competition.

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ISCAS at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Pre-trained Transformers for Counterfactual Statement Modeling
Yaojie Lu | Annan Li | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Le Sun

ISCAS participated in two subtasks of SemEval 2020 Task 5: detecting counterfactual statements and detecting antecedent and consequence. This paper describes our system which is based on pretrained transformers. For the first subtask, we train several transformer-based classifiers for detecting counterfactual statements. For the second subtask, we formulate antecedent and consequence extraction as a query-based question answering problem. The two subsystems both achieved third place in the evaluation. Our system is openly released at https://github.com/casnlu/ISCASSemEval2020Task5.

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Lee at SemEval-2020 Task 5: ALBERT Model Based on the Maximum Ensemble Strategy and Different Data Sampling Methods for Detecting Counterfactual Statements
Junyi Li | Yuhang Wu | Bin Wang | Haiyan Ding

This article describes the system submitted to SemEval 2020 Task 5: Modelling Causal Reasoning in Language: Detecting Counterfactuals. In this task, we only participate in the subtask A which is detecting counterfactual statements. In order to solve this sub-task, first of all, because of the problem of data balance, we use the undersampling and oversampling methods to process the data set. Second, we used the ALBERT model and the maximum ensemble method based on the ALBERT model. Our methods achieved a F1 score of 0.85 in subtask A.

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NLU-Co at SemEval-2020 Task 5: NLU/SVM Based Model Apply Tocharacterise and Extract Counterfactual Items on Raw Data
Elvis Mboning Tchiaze | Damien Nouvel

In this article, we try to solve the problem of classification of counterfactual statements and extraction of antecedents/consequences in raw data, by mobilizing on one hand Support vector machine (SVMs) and on the other hand Natural Language Understanding (NLU) infrastructures available on the market for conversational agents. Our experiments allowed us to test different pipelines of two known platforms (Snips NLU and Rasa NLU). The results obtained show that a Rasa NLU pipeline, built with a well-preprocessed dataset and tuned algorithms, allows to model accurately the structure of a counterfactual event, in order to facilitate the identification and the extraction of its components.

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Pheonix at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Masking the Labels Lubricates Models for Sequence Labeling
Pouria Babvey | Dario Borrelli | Yutong Zhao | Carlo Lipizzi

This paper presents the deep-learning model that is submitted to the SemEval-2020 Task 5 competition: “Detecting Counterfactuals”. We participated in both Subtask1 and Subtask2. The model proposed in this paper ranked 2nd in Subtask2 “Detecting antecedent and consequence”. Our model approaches the task as a sequence labeling. The architecture is built on top of BERT, and a multi-head attention layer with label masking is used to benefit from the mutual information between nearby labels. Also, for prediction, a multi-stage algorithm is used in which the model finalize some predictions with higher certainty in each step and use them in the following. Our results show that masking the labels not only is an efficient regularization method but also improves the accuracy of the model compared with other alternatives like CRF. Label masking can be used as a regularization method in sequence labeling. Also, it improves the performance of the model by learning the specific patterns in the target variable.

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YNU-oxz at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Detecting Counterfactuals Based on Ordered Neurons LSTM and Hierarchical Attention Network
Xiaozhi Ou | Shengyan Liu | Hongling Li

This paper describes the system and results of our team’s participation in SemEval-2020 Task5: Modelling Causal Reasoning in Language: Detecting Counterfactuals, which aims to simulate counterfactual semantics and reasoning in natural language. This task contains two subtasks: Subtask1–Detecting counterfactual statements and Subtask2–Detecting antecedent and consequence. We only participated in Subtask1, aiming to determine whether a given sentence is counterfactual. In order to solve this task, we proposed a system based on Ordered Neurons LSTM (ON-LSTM) with Hierarchical Attention Network (HAN) and used Pooling operation for dimensionality reduction. Finally, we used the K-fold approach as the ensemble method. Our model achieved an F1 score of 0.7040 in Subtask1 (Ranked 16/27).

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BERTatDE at SemEval-2020 Task 6: Extracting Term-definition Pairs in Free Text Using Pre-trained Model
Huihui Zhang | Feiliang Ren

Definition extraction is an important task in Nature Language Processing, and it is used to identify the terms and definitions related to terms. The task contains sentence classification task (i.e., classify whether it contains definition) and sequence labeling task (i.e., find the boundary of terms and definitions). The paper describes our system BERTatDE1 in sentence classification task (subtask 1) and sequence labeling task (subtask 2) in the definition extraction (SemEval-2020 Task 6). We use BERT to solve the multi-domain problems including the uncertainty of term boundary that is, different areas have different ways to definite the domain related terms. We use BERT, BiLSTM and attention in subtask 1 and our best result achieved 79.71% in F1 and the eighteenth place in subtask 1. For the subtask 2, we use BERT, BiLSTM and CRF to sequence labeling, and achieve 40.73% in Macro-averaged F1.

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DeftPunk at SemEval-2020 Task 6: Using RNN-ensemble for the Sentence Classification.
Jekaterina Kaparina | Anna Soboleva

This paper describes participation in DeftEval 2020 (part of SemEval sharing task competition), and is focused on the sentence classification. Our approach to the task was to create an ensemble of several RNNs combined with fasttext and ELMo embeddings. Results show that various types of models in an ensemble give a performance boost in comparison to standard models. Our model achieved F1-score of 78% for a positive class on the DeftEval dataset.

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Defx at SemEval-2020 Task 6: Joint Extraction of Concepts and Relations for Definition Extraction
Marc Hübner | Christoph Alt | Robert Schwarzenberg | Leonhard Hennig

Definition Extraction systems are a valuable knowledge source for both humans and algorithms. In this paper we describe our submissions to the DeftEval shared task (SemEval-2020 Task 6), which is evaluated on an English textbook corpus. We provide a detailed explanation of our system for the joint extraction of definition concepts and the relations among them. Furthermore we provide an ablation study of our model variations and describe the results of an error analysis.

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DSC IIT-ISM at SemEval-2020 Task 6: Boosting BERT with Dependencies for Definition Extraction
Aadarsh Singh | Priyanshu Kumar | Aman Sinha

We explore the performance of Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) at definition extraction. We further propose a joint model of BERT and Text Level Graph Convolutional Network so as to incorporate dependencies into the model. Our proposed model produces better results than BERT and achieves comparable results to BERT with fine tuned language model in DeftEval (Task 6 of SemEval 2020), a shared task of classifying whether a sentence contains a definition or not (Subtask 1).

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RGCL at SemEval-2020 Task 6: Neural Approaches to DefinitionExtraction
Tharindu Ranasinghe | Alistair Plum | Constantin Orasan | Ruslan Mitkov

This paper presents the RGCL team submission to SemEval 2020 Task 6: DeftEval, subtasks 1 and 2. The system classifies definitions at the sentence and token levels. It utilises state-of-the-art neural network architectures, which have some task-specific adaptations, including an automatically extended training set. Overall, the approach achieves acceptable evaluation scores, while maintaining flexibility in architecture selection.

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TüKaPo at SemEval-2020 Task 6: Def(n)tly Not BERT: Definition Extraction Using pre-BERT Methods in a post-BERT World
Madeeswaran Kannan | Haemanth Santhi Ponnusamy

We describe our system (TüKaPo) submitted for Task 6: DeftEval, at SemEval 2020. We developed a hybrid approach that combined existing CNN and RNN methods and investigated the impact of purely-syntactic and semantic features on the task of definition extraction. Our final model achieved a F1-score of 0.6851 in subtask 1, i.e, sentence classification.

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UNIXLONG at SemEval-2020 Task 6: A Joint Model for Definition Extraction
ShuYi Xie | Jian Ma | Haiqin Yang | Jiang Lianxin | Mo Yang | Jianping Shen

Definition Extraction is the task to automatically extract terms and their definitions from text. In recent years, it attracts wide interest from NLP researchers. This paper describes the unixlong team’s system for the SemEval 2020 task6: DeftEval: Extracting term-definition pairs in free text. The goal of this task is to extract definition, word level BIO tags and relations. This task is challenging due to the free style of the text, especially the definitions of the terms range across several sentences and lack explicit verb phrases. We propose a joint model to train the tasks of definition extraction and the word level BIO tagging simultaneously. We design a creative format input of BERT to capture the location information between entity and its definition. Then we adjust the result of BERT with some rules. Finally, we apply TAG_ID, ROOT_ID, BIO tag to predict the relation and achieve macro-averaged F1 score 1.0 which rank first on the official test set in the relation extraction subtask.

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UPB at SemEval-2020 Task 6: Pretrained Language Models for Definition Extraction
Andrei-Marius Avram | Dumitru-Clementin Cercel | Costin Chiru

This work presents our contribution in the context of the 6th task of SemEval-2020: Extracting Definitions from Free Text in Textbooks (DeftEval). This competition consists of three subtasks with different levels of granularity: (1) classification of sentences as definitional or non-definitional, (2) labeling of definitional sentences, and (3) relation classification. We use various pretrained language models (i.e., BERT, XLNet, RoBERTa, SciBERT, and ALBERT) to solve each of the three subtasks of the competition. Specifically, for each language model variant, we experiment by both freezing its weights and fine-tuning them. We also explore a multi-task architecture that was trained to jointly predict the outputs for the second and the third subtasks. Our best performing model evaluated on the DeftEval dataset obtains the 32nd place for the first subtask and the 37th place for the second subtask. The code is available for further research at: https://github.com/avramandrei/DeftEval

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SemEval-2020 Task 7: Assessing Humor in Edited News Headlines
Nabil Hossain | John Krumm | Michael Gamon | Henry Kautz

This paper describes the SemEval-2020 shared task “Assessing Humor in Edited News Headlines.” The task’s dataset contains news headlines in which short edits were applied to make them funny, and the funniness of these edited headlines was rated using crowdsourcing. This task includes two subtasks, the first of which is to estimate the funniness of headlines on a humor scale in the interval 0-3. The second subtask is to predict, for a pair of edited versions of the same original headline, which is the funnier version. To date, this task is the most popular shared computational humor task, attracting 48 teams for the first subtask and 31 teams for the second.

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SemEval-2020 Task 8: Memotion Analysis- the Visuo-Lingual Metaphor!
Chhavi Sharma | Deepesh Bhageria | William Scott | Srinivas PYKL | Amitava Das | Tanmoy Chakraborty | Viswanath Pulabaigari | Björn Gambäck

Information on social media comprises of various modalities such as textual, visual and audio. NLP and Computer Vision communities often leverage only one prominent modality in isolation to study social media. However, computational processing of Internet memes needs a hybrid approach. The growing ubiquity of Internet memes on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter further suggests that we can not ignore such multimodal content anymore. To the best of our knowledge, there is not much attention towards meme emotion analysis. The objective of this proposal is to bring the attention of the research community towards the automatic processing of Internet memes. The task Memotion analysis released approx 10K annotated memes- with human annotated labels namely sentiment(positive, negative, neutral), type of emotion(sarcastic,funny,offensive, motivation) and their corresponding intensity. The challenge consisted of three subtasks: sentiment (positive, negative, and neutral) analysis of memes,overall emotion (humor, sarcasm, offensive, and motivational) classification of memes, and classifying intensity of meme emotion. The best performances achieved were F1 (macro average) scores of 0.35, 0.51 and 0.32, respectively for each of the three subtasks.

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SemEval-2020 Task 9: Overview of Sentiment Analysis of Code-Mixed Tweets
Parth Patwa | Gustavo Aguilar | Sudipta Kar | Suraj Pandey | Srinivas PYKL | Björn Gambäck | Tanmoy Chakraborty | Thamar Solorio | Amitava Das

In this paper, we present the results of the SemEval-2020 Task 9 on Sentiment Analysis of Code-Mixed Tweets (SentiMix 2020). We also release and describe our Hinglish (Hindi-English)and Spanglish (Spanish-English) corpora annotated with word-level language identification and sentence-level sentiment labels. These corpora are comprised of 20K and 19K examples, respectively. The sentiment labels are - Positive, Negative, and Neutral. SentiMix attracted 89 submissions in total including 61 teams that participated in the Hinglish contest and 28 submitted systems to the Spanglish competition. The best performance achieved was 75.0% F1 score for Hinglish and 80.6% F1 for Spanglish. We observe that BERT-like models and ensemble methods are the most common and successful approaches among the participants.

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Hitachi at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Stacking at Scale with Heterogeneous Language Models for Humor Recognition
Terufumi Morishita | Gaku Morio | Hiroaki Ozaki | Toshinori Miyoshi

This paper describes the winning system for SemEval-2020 task 7: Assessing Humor in Edited News Headlines. Our strategy is Stacking at Scale (SaS) with heterogeneous pre-trained language models (PLMs) such as BERT and GPT-2. SaS first performs fine-tuning on numbers of PLMs with various hyperparameters and then applies a powerful stacking ensemble on top of the fine-tuned PLMs. Our experimental results show that SaS outperforms a naive average ensemble, leveraging weaker PLMs as well as high-performing PLMs. Interestingly, the results show that SaS captured non-funny semantics. Consequently, the system was ranked 1st in all subtasks by significant margins compared with other systems.

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SESAM at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Investigating the Relationship between Image and Text in Sentiment Analysis of Memes
Lisa Bonheme | Marek Grzes

This paper presents our submission to task 8 (memotion analysis) of the SemEval 2020 competition. We explain the algorithms that were used to learn our models along with the process of tuning the algorithms and selecting the best model. Since meme analysis is a challenging task with two distinct modalities, we studied the impact of different multimodal representation strategies. The results of several approaches to dealing with multimodal data are therefore discussed in the paper. We found that alignment-based strategies did not perform well on memes. Our quantitative results also showed that images and text were uncorrelated. Fusion-based strategies did not show significant improvements and using one modality only (text or image) tends to lead to better results when applied with the predictive models that we used in our research.

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Kk2018 at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Adversarial Training for Code-Mixing Sentiment Classification
Jiaxiang Liu | Xuyi Chen | Shikun Feng | Shuohuan Wang | Xuan Ouyang | Yu Sun | Zhengjie Huang | Weiyue Su

Code switching is a linguistic phenomenon which may occur within a multilingual setting where speakers share more than one language. With the increasing communication between groups with different languages, this phenomenon is more and more popular. However, there are little research and data in this area, especially in code-mixing sentiment classification. In this work, the domain transfer learning from state-of-the-art uni-language model ERNIE is tested on the code-mixing dataset, and surprisingly, a strong baseline is achieved. And further more, the adversarial training with a multi-lingual model is used to achieved 1st place of SemEval-2020 Task9 Hindi-English sentiment classification competition.

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Buhscitu at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Assessing Humour in Edited News Headlines Using Hand-Crafted Features and Online Knowledge Bases
Kristian Nørgaard Jensen | Nicolaj Filrup Rasmussen | Thai Wang | Marco Placenti | Barbara Plank

This paper describes a system that aims at assessing humour intensity in edited news headlines as part of the 7th task of SemEval-2020 on “Humor, Emphasis and Sentiment”. Various factors need to be accounted for in order to assess the funniness of an edited headline. We propose an architecture that uses hand-crafted features, knowledge bases and a language model to understand humour, and combines them in a regression model. Our system outperforms two baselines. In general, automatic humour assessment remains a difficult task.

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Hasyarasa at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Quantifying Humor as Departure from Expectedness
Ravi Theja Desetty | Ranit Chatterjee | Smita Ghaisas

This paper describes our system submission Hasyarasa for the SemEval-2020 Task-7: Assessing Humor in Edited News Headlines. This task has two subtasks. The goal of Subtask 1 is to predict the mean funniness of the edited headline given the original and the edited headline. In Subtask 2, given two edits on the original headline, the goal is to predict the funnier of the two. We observed that the departure from expected state/ actions of situations/ individuals is the cause of humor in the edited headlines. We propose two novel features: Contextual Semantic Distance and Contextual Neighborhood Distance to estimate this departure and thus capture the contextual absurdity and hence the humor in the edited headlines. We have used these features together with a Bi-LSTM Attention based model and have achieved 0.53310 RMSE for Subtask 1 and 60.19% accuracy for Subtask 2.

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JokeMeter at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Convolutional Humor
Martin Docekal | Martin Fajcik | Josef Jon | Pavel Smrz

This paper describes our system that was designed for Humor evaluation within the SemEval-2020 Task 7. The system is based on convolutional neural network architecture. We investigate the system on the official dataset, and we provide more insight to model itself to see how the learned inner features look.

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KDEhumor at SemEval-2020 Task 7: A Neural Network Model for Detecting Funniness in Dataset Humicroedit
Rida Miraj | Masaki Aono

This paper describes our contribution to SemEval-2020 Task 7: Assessing Humor in Edited News Headlines. Here we present a method based on a deep neural network. In recent years, quite some attention has been devoted to humor production and perception. Our team KDEhumor employs recurrent neural network models including Bi-Directional LSTMs (BiLSTMs). Moreover, we utilize the state-of-the-art pre-trained sentence embedding techniques. We analyze the performance of our method and demonstrate the contribution of each component of our architecture.

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LRG at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Assessing the Ability of BERT and Derivative Models to Perform Short-Edits Based Humor Grading
Siddhant Mahurkar | Rajaswa Patil

In this paper, we assess the ability of BERT and its derivative models (RoBERTa, DistilBERT, and ALBERT) for short-edits based humor grading. We test these models for humor grading and classification tasks on the Humicroedit and the FunLines dataset. We perform extensive experiments with these models to test their language modeling and generalization abilities via zero-shot inference and cross-dataset inference based approaches. Further, we also inspect the role of self-attention layers in humor-grading by performing a qualitative analysis over the self-attention weights from the final layer of the trained BERT model. Our experiments show that all the pre-trained BERT derivative models show significant generalization capabilities for humor-grading related tasks.

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SSN_NLP at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Detecting Funniness Level Using Traditional Learning with Sentence Embeddings
Kayalvizhi S | Thenmozhi D. | Aravindan Chandrabose

Assessing the funniness of edited news headlines task deals with estimating the humorness in the headlines edited with micro-edits. This task has two sub-tasks in which one has to calculate the mean predicted score of humor level and other deals with predicting the best funnier sentence among given two sentences. We have calculated the humorness level using microtc and predicted the funnier sentence using microtc, universal sentence encoder classifier, many other traditional classifiers that use the vectors formed with universal sentence encoder embeddings, sentence embeddings and majority algorithm within these approaches. Among these approaches, microtc with 6 folds, 24 processes and 3 folds, 36 processes achieve the least Root Mean Square Error for development and test set respectively for subtask 1. For subtask 2, Universal sentence encoder classifier achieves the highest accuracy for development set and Multi-Layer Perceptron applied on vectors vectorized using universal sentence encoder embeddings for the test set.

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YNU-HPCC at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Using an Ensemble BiGRU Model to Evaluate the Humor of Edited News Titles
Joseph Tomasulo | Jin Wang | Xuejie Zhang

This paper describes an ensemble model designed for Semeval-2020 Task 7. The task is based on the Humicroedit dataset that is comprised of news titles and one-word substitutions designed to make them humorous. We use BERT, FastText, Elmo, and Word2Vec to encode these titles then pass them to a bidirectional gated recurrent unit (BiGRU) with attention. Finally, we used XGBoost on the concatenation of the results of the different models to make predictions.

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DSC IIT-ISM at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Bi-Fusion Techniques for Deep Meme Emotion Analysis
Pradyumna Gupta | Himanshu Gupta | Aman Sinha

Memes have become an ubiquitous social media entity and the processing and analysis of such multimodal data is currently an active area of research. This paper presents our work on the Memotion Analysis shared task of SemEval 2020, which involves the sentiment and humor analysis of memes. We propose a system which uses different bimodal fusion techniques to leverage the inter-modal dependency for sentiment and humor classification tasks. Out of all our experiments, the best system improved the baseline with macro F1 scores of 0.357 on Sentiment Classification (Task A), 0.510 on Humor Classification (Task B) and 0.312 on Scales of Semantic Classes (Task C).

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IIITG-ADBU at SemEval-2020 Task 8: A Multimodal Approach to Detect Offensive, Sarcastic and Humorous Memes
Arup Baruah | Kaushik Das | Ferdous Barbhuiya | Kuntal Dey

In this paper, we present a multimodal architecture to determine the emotion expressed in a meme. This architecture utilizes both textual and visual information present in a meme. To extract image features we experimented with pre-trained VGG-16 and Inception-V3 classifiers and to extract text features we used LSTM and BERT classifiers. Both FastText and GloVe embeddings were experimented with for the LSTM classifier. The best F1 scores our classifier obtained on the official analysis results are 0.3309, 0.4752, and 0.2897 for Task A, B, and C respectively in the Memotion Analysis task (Task 8) organized as part of International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation 2020 (SemEval 2020). In our study, we found that combining both textual and visual information expressed in a meme improves the performance of the classifier as opposed to using standalone classifiers that use only text or visual data.

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NLP_UIOWA at SemEval-2020 Task 8: You’re Not the Only One Cursed with Knowledge - Multi Branch Model Memotion Analysis
Ingroj Shrestha | Jonathan Rusert

We propose hybrid models (HybridE and HybridW) for meme analysis (SemEval 2020 Task 8), which involves sentiment classification (Subtask A), humor classification (Subtask B), and scale of semantic classes (Subtask C). The hybrid model consists of BLSTM and CNN for text and image processing respectively. HybridE provides equal weight to BLSTM and CNN performance, while HybridW provides weightage based on the performance of BLSTM and CNN on a validation set. The performances (macro F1) of our hybrid model on Subtask A are 0.329 (HybridE), 0.328 (HybridW), on Subtask B are 0.507 (HybridE), 0.512 (HybridW), and on Subtask C are 0.309 (HybridE), 0.311 (HybridW).

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NUAA-QMUL at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Utilizing BERT and DenseNet for Internet Meme Emotion Analysis
Xiaoyu Guo | Jing Ma | Arkaitz Zubiaga

This paper describes our contribution to SemEval 2020 Task 8: Memotion Analysis. Our system learns multi-modal embeddings from text and images in order to classify Internet memes by sentiment. Our model learns text embeddings using BERT and extracts features from images with DenseNet, subsequently combining both features through concatenation. We also compare our results with those produced by DenseNet, ResNet, BERT, and BERT-ResNet. Our results show that image classification models have the potential to help classifying memes, with DenseNet outperforming ResNet. Adding text features is however not always helpful for Memotion Analysis.

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PRHLT-UPV at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Study of Multimodal Techniques for Memes Analysis
Gretel Liz De la Peña Sarracén | Paolo Rosso | Anastasia Giachanou

This paper describes the system submitted by the PRHLT-UPV team for the task 8 of SemEval-2020: Memotion Analysis. We propose a multimodal model that combines pretrained models of the BERT and VGG architectures. The BERT model is used to process the textual information and VGG the images. The multimodal model is used to classify memes according to the presence of offensive, sarcastic, humorous and motivating content. Also, a sentiment analysis of memes is carried out with the proposed model. In the experiments, the model is compared with other approaches to analyze the relevance of the multimodal model. The results show encouraging performances on the final leaderboard of the competition, reaching good positions in the ranking of systems.

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YNU-HPCC at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Using a Parallel-Channel Model for Memotion Analysis
Li Yuan | Jin Wang | Xuejie Zhang

this paper proposed a parallel-channel model to process the textual and visual information in memes and then analyze the sentiment polarity of memes. In the shared task of identifying and categorizing memes, we preprocess the dataset according to the language behaviors on social media. Then, we adapt and fine-tune the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), and two types of convolutional neural network models (CNNs) were used to extract the features from the pictures. We applied an ensemble model that combined the BiLSTM, BIGRU, and Attention models to perform cross domain suggestion mining. The officially released results show that our system performs better than the baseline algorithm

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CS-Embed at SemEval-2020 Task 9: The Effectiveness of Code-switched Word Embeddings for Sentiment Analysis
Frances Adriana Laureano De Leon | Florimond Guéniat | Harish Tayyar Madabushi

The growing popularity and applications of sentiment analysis of social media posts has naturally led to sentiment analysis of posts written in multiple languages, a practice known as code-switching. While recent research into code-switched posts has focused on the use of multilingual word embeddings, these embeddings were not trained on code-switched data. In this work, we present word-embeddings trained on code-switched tweets, specifically those that make use of Spanish and English, known as Spanglish. We explore the embedding space to discover how they capture the meanings of words in both languages. We test the effectiveness of these embeddings by participating in SemEval 2020 Task 9: Sentiment Analysis on Code-Mixed Social Media Text. We utilised them to train a sentiment classifier that achieves an F-1 score of 0.722. This is higher than the baseline for the competition of 0.656, with our team (codalab username francesita) ranking 14 out of 29 participating teams, beating the baseline.

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FII-UAIC at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Sentiment Analysis for Code-Mixed Social Media Text Using CNN
Lavinia Aparaschivei | Andrei Palihovici | Daniela Gîfu

The “Sentiment Analysis for Code-Mixed Social Media Text” task at the SemEval 2020 competition focuses on sentiment analysis in code-mixed social media text , specifically, on the combination of English with Spanish (Spanglish) and Hindi (Hinglish). In this paper, we present a system able to classify tweets, from Spanish and English languages, into positive, negative and neutral. Firstly, we built a classifier able to provide corresponding sentiment labels. Besides the sentiment labels, we provide the language labels at the word level. Secondly, we generate a word-level representation, using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture. Our solution indicates promising results for the Sentimix Spanglish-English task (0.744), the team, Lavinia_Ap, occupied the 9th place. However, for the Sentimix Hindi-English task (0.324) the results have to be improved.

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HinglishNLP at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Fine-tuned Language Models for Hinglish Sentiment Detection
Meghana Bhange | Nirant Kasliwal

Sentiment analysis for code-mixed social media text continues to be an under-explored area. This work adds two common approaches: fine-tuning large transformer models and sample efficient methods like ULMFiT. Prior work demonstrates the efficacy of classical ML methods for polarity detection. Fine-tuned general-purpose language representation models, such as those of the BERT family are benchmarked along with classical machine learning and ensemble methods. We show that NB-SVM beats RoBERTa by 6.2% (relative) F1. The best performing model is a majority-vote ensemble which achieves an F1 of 0.707. The leaderboard submission was made under the codalab username nirantk, with F1 of 0.689.

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HPCC-YNU at SemEval-2020 Task 9: A Bilingual Vector Gating Mechanism for Sentiment Analysis of Code-Mixed Text
Jun Kong | Jin Wang | Xuejie Zhang

It is fairly common to use code-mixing on a social media platform to express opinions and emotions in multilingual societies. The purpose of this task is to detect the sentiment of code-mixed social media text. Code-mixed text poses a great challenge for the traditional NLP system, which currently uses monolingual resources to deal with the problem of multilingual mixing. This task has been solved in the past using lexicon lookup in respective sentiment dictionaries and using a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network for monolingual resources. In this paper, we present a system that uses a bilingual vector gating mechanism for bilingual resources to complete the task. The model consists of two main parts: the vector gating mechanism, which combines the character and word levels, and the attention mechanism, which extracts the important emotional parts of the text. The results show that the proposed system outperforms the baseline algorithm. We achieved fifth place in Spanglish and 19th place in Hinglish.

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IIITG-ADBU at SemEval-2020 Task 9: SVM for Sentiment Analysis of English-Hindi Code-Mixed Text
Arup Baruah | Kaushik Das | Ferdous Barbhuiya | Kuntal Dey

In this paper, we present the results that the team IIITG-ADBU (codalab username ‘abaruah’) obtained in the SentiMix task (Task 9) of the International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation 2020 (SemEval 2020). This task required the detection of sentiment in code-mixed Hindi-English tweets. Broadly, we performed two sets of experiments for this task. The first experiment was performed using the multilingual BERT classifier and the second set of experiments was performed using SVM classifiers. The character-based SVM classifier obtained the best F1 score of 0.678 in the test set with a rank of 21 among 62 participants. The performance of the multilingual BERT classifier was quite comparable with the SVM classifier on the development set. However, on the test set it obtained an F1 score of 0.342.

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MSR India at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Multilingual Models Can Do Code-Mixing Too
Anirudh Srinivasan

In this paper, we present our system for the SemEval 2020 task on code-mixed sentiment analysis. Our system makes use of large transformer based multilingual embeddings like mBERT. Recent work has shown that these models posses the ability to solve code-mixed tasks in addition to their originally demonstrated cross-lingual abilities. We evaluate the stock versions of these models for the sentiment analysis task and also show that their performance can be improved by using unlabelled code-mixed data. Our submission (username Genius1237) achieved the second rank on the English-Hindi subtask with an F1 score of 0.726.

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NLP-CIC at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Analysing Sentiment in Code-switching Language Using a Simple Deep-learning Classifier
Jason Angel | Segun Taofeek Aroyehun | Antonio Tamayo | Alexander Gelbukh

Code-switching is a phenomenon in which two or more languages are used in the same message. Nowadays, it is quite common to find messages with languages mixed in social media. This phenomenon presents a challenge for sentiment analysis. In this paper, we use a standard convolutional neural network model to predict the sentiment of tweets in a blend of Spanish and English languages. Our simple approach achieved a F1-score of 0:71 on test set on the competition. We analyze our best model capabilities and perform error analysis to expose important difficulties for classifying sentiment in a code-switching setting.

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Palomino-Ochoa at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Robust System Based on Transformer for Code-Mixed Sentiment Classification
Daniel Palomino | José Ochoa-Luna

We present a transfer learning system to perform a mixed Spanish-English sentiment classification task. Our proposal uses the state-of-the-art language model BERT and embed it within a ULMFiT transfer learning pipeline. This combination allows us to predict the polarity detection of code-mixed (English-Spanish) tweets. Thus, among 29 submitted systems, our approach (referred to as dplominop) is ranked 4th on the Sentimix Spanglish test set of SemEval 2020 Task 9. In fact, our system yields the weighted-F1 score value of 0.755 which can be easily reproduced — the source code and implementation details are made available.

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ULD@NUIG at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Generative Morphemes with an Attention Model for Sentiment Analysis in Code-Mixed Text
Koustava Goswami | Priya Rani | Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi | Theodorus Fransen | John P. McCrae

Code mixing is a common phenomena in multilingual societies where people switch from one language to another for various reasons. Recent advances in public communication over different social media sites have led to an increase in the frequency of code-mixed usage in written language. In this paper, we present the Generative Morphemes with Attention (GenMA) Model sentiment analysis system contributed to SemEval 2020 Task 9 SentiMix. The system aims to predict the sentiments of the given English-Hindi code-mixed tweets without using word-level language tags instead inferring this automatically using a morphological model. The system is based on a novel deep neural network (DNN) architecture, which has outperformed the baseline F1-score on the test data-set as well as the validation data-set. Our results can be found under the user name “koustava” on the “Sentimix Hindi English” page.

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XLP at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Cross-lingual Models with Focal Loss for Sentiment Analysis of Code-Mixing Language
Yili Ma | Liang Zhao | Jie Hao

In this paper, we present an approach for sentiment analysis in code-mixed language on twitter defined in SemEval-2020 Task 9. Our team (referred as LiangZhao) employ different multilingual models with weighted loss focused on complexity of code-mixing in sentence, in which the best model achieved f1-score of 0.806 and ranked 1st of subtask- Sentimix Spanglish. The performance of method is analyzed and each component of our architecture is demonstrated.

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Amobee at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Regularization of Language Model Based Classifiers
Alon Rozental | Dadi Biton | Ido Blank

This paper describes Amobee’s participation in SemEval-2020 task 7: “Assessing Humor in Edited News Headlines”, sub-tasks 1 and 2. The goal of this task was to estimate the funniness of human modified news headlines. in this paper we present methods to fine-tune and ensemble various language models (LM) based classifiers to for this task. This technique used for both sub-tasks and reached the second place (out of 49) in sub-tasks 1 with RMSE score of 0.5, and the second (out of 32) place in sub-task 2 with accuracy of 66% without using any additional data except the official training set.

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Duluth at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Using Surprise as a Key to Unlock Humorous Headlines
Shuning Jin | Yue Yin | XianE Tang | Ted Pedersen

We use pretrained transformer-based language models in SemEval-2020 Task 7: Assessing the Funniness of Edited News Headlines. Inspired by the incongruity theory of humor, we use a contrastive approach to capture the surprise in the edited headlines. In the official evaluation, our system gets 0.531 RMSE in Subtask 1, 11th among 49 submissions. In Subtask 2, our system gets 0.632 accuracy, 9th among 32 submissions.

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ECNU at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Assessing Humor in Edited News Headlines Using BiLSTM with Attention
Tiantian Zhang | Zhixuan Chen | Man Lan

In this paper we describe our system submitted to SemEval 2020 Task 7: “Assessing Humor in Edited News Headlines”. We participated in all subtasks, in which the main goal is to predict the mean funniness of the edited headline given the original and the edited headline. Our system involves two similar sub-networks, which generate vector representations for the original and edited headlines respectively. And then we do a subtract operation of the outputs from two sub-networks to predict the funniness of the edited headline.

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ELMo-NB at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Assessing Sense of Humor in EditedNews Headlines Using ELMo and NB
Enas Khwaileh | Muntaha A. Al-As’ad

Our approach is constructed to improve on a couple of aspects; preprocessing with an emphasis on humor sense detection, using embeddings from state-of-the-art language model(Elmo), and ensembling the results came up with using machine learning model Na ̈ıve Bayes(NB) with a deep learning pre-trained models. Elmo-NB participation has scored (0.5642) on the competition leader board, where results were measured by Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE).

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Ferryman at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Ensemble Model for Assessing Humor in Edited News Headlines
Weilong Chen | Jipeng Li | Chenghao Huang | Wei Bai | Yanru Zhang | Yan Wang

Natural language processing (NLP) has been applied to various fields including text classification and sentiment analysis. In the shared task of assessing the funniness of edited news headlines, which is a part of the SemEval 2020 competition, we preprocess datasets by replacing abbreviation, stemming words, then merge three models including Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformer (BERT) by taking the average to perform the best. Our team Ferryman wins the 9th place in Sub-task 1 of Task 7 - Regression.

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Funny3 at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Humor Detection of Edited Headlines with LSTM and TFIDF Neural Network System
Xuefeng Luo | Kuan Tang

This paper presents a neural network system where we participate in the first task of SemEval-2020 shared task 7 “Assessing the Funniness of Edited News Headlines”. Our target is to create to neural network model that can predict the funniness of edited headlines. We build our model using a combination of LSTM and TF-IDF, then a feed-forward neural network. The system manages to slightly improve RSME scores regarding our mean score baseline.

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HumorAAC at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Assessing the Funniness of Edited News Headlines through Regression and Trump Mentions
Anna-Katharina Dick | Charlotte Weirich | Alla Kutkina

In this paper we describe our contribution to the Semeval-2020 Humor Assessment task. We essentially use three different features that are passed into a ridge regression to determine a funniness score for an edited news headline: statistical, count-based features, semantic features and contextual information. For deciding which one of two given edited headlines is funnier, we additionally use scoring information and logistic regression. Our work was mostly concentrated on investigating features, rather than improving prediction based on pre-trained language models. The resulting system is task-specific, lightweight and performs above the majority baseline. Our experiments indicate that features related to socio-cultural context, in our case mentions of Donald Trump, generally perform better than context-independent features like headline length.

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LMML at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Siamese Transformers for Rating Humor in Edited News Headlines
Pramodith Ballapuram

This paper contains a description of my solution to the problem statement of SemEval 2020: Assessing the Funniness of Edited News Headlines. I propose a Siamese Transformer based approach, coupled with a Global Attention mechanism that makes use of contextual embeddings and focus words, to generate important features that are fed to a 2 layer perceptron to rate the funniness of the edited headline. I detail various experiments to show the performance of the system. The proposed approach outperforms a baseline Bi-LSTM architecture and finished 5th (out of 49 teams) in sub-task 1 and 4th (out of 32 teams) in sub-task 2 of the competition and was the best non-ensemble model in both tasks.

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LT3 at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Comparing Feature-Based and Transformer-Based Approaches to Detect Funny Headlines
Bram Vanroy | Sofie Labat | Olha Kaminska | Els Lefever | Veronique Hoste

This paper presents two different systems for the SemEval shared task 7 on Assessing Humor in Edited News Headlines, sub-task 1, where the aim was to estimate the intensity of humor generated in edited headlines. Our first system is a feature-based machine learning system that combines different types of information (e.g. word embeddings, string similarity, part-of-speech tags, perplexity scores, named entity recognition) in a Nu Support Vector Regressor (NuSVR). The second system is a deep learning-based approach that uses the pre-trained language model RoBERTa to learn latent features in the news headlines that are useful to predict the funniness of each headline. The latter system was also our final submission to the competition and is ranked seventh among the 49 participating teams, with a root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 0.5253.

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MLEngineer at SemEval-2020 Task 7: BERT-Flair Based Humor Detection Model (BFHumor)
Fara Shatnawi | Malak Abdullah | Mahmoud Hammad

Task 7, Assessing the Funniness of Edited News Headlines, in the International Workshop SemEval2020 introduces two sub-tasks to predict the funniness values of edited news headlines from the Reddit website. This paper proposes the BFHumor model of the MLEngineer team that participates in both sub-tasks in this competition. The BFHumor’s model is defined as a BERT-Flair based humor detection model that is a combination of different pre-trained models with various Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. The Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) regressor is considered the primary pre-trained model in our approach, whereas Flair is the main NLP library. It is worth mentioning that the BFHumor model has been ranked 4th in sub-task1 with a root mean square error (RMSE) value of 0.51966, and it is 0.02 away from the first ranked model. Also, the team is ranked 12th in the sub-task2 with an accuracy of 0.62291, which is 0.05 away from the top-ranked model. Our results indicate that the BFHumor model is one of the top models for detecting humor in the text.

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Smash at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Optimizing the Hyperparameters of ERNIE 2.0 for Humor Ranking and Rating
J. A. Meaney | Steven Wilson | Walid Magdy

The use of pre-trained language models such as BERT and ULMFiT has become increasingly popular in shared tasks, due to their powerful language modelling capabilities. Our entry to SemEval uses ERNIE 2.0, a language model which is pre-trained on a large number of tasks to enrich the semantic and syntactic information learned. ERNIE’s knowledge masking pre-training task is a unique method for learning about named entities, and we hypothesise that it may be of use in a dataset which is built on news headlines and which contains many named entities. We optimize the hyperparameters in a regression and classification model and find that the hyperparameters we selected helped to make bigger gains in the classification model than the regression model.

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SO at SemEval-2020 Task 7: DeepPavlov Logistic Regression with BERT Embeddings vs SVR at Funniness Evaluation
Anita Soloveva

This paper describes my efforts in evaluating how editing news headlines can make them funnier within the frames of SemEval 2020 Task 7. I participated in both of the sub-tasks: Sub-Task 1 “Regression” and Sub-task 2 “Predict the funnier of the two edited versions of an original headline”. I experimented with a number of different models, but ended up using DeepPavlov logistic regression (LR) with BERT English cased embeddings for the first sub-task and support vector regression model (SVR) for the second. RMSE score obtained for the first task was 0.65099 and accuracy for the second – 0.32915.

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UniTuebingenCL at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Humor Detection in News Headlines
Charlotte Ammer | Lea Grüner

This paper describes the work done by the team UniTuebingenCL for the SemEval 2020 Task 7: “Assessing the Funniness of Edited News Headlines”. We participated in both sub-tasks: sub-task A, given the original and the edited headline, predicting the mean funniness of the edited headline; and sub-task B, given the original headline and two edited versions, predicting which edited version is the funnier of the two. A Ridge Regression model using Elmo and Glove embeddings as well as Truncated Singular Value Decomposition was used as the final model. A long short term memory model recurrent network (LSTM) served as another approach for assessing the funniness of a headline. For the first sub-task, we experimented with the extraction of multiple features to achieve lower Root Mean Squared Error. The lowest Root Mean Squared Error achieved was 0.575 for sub-task A, and the highest Accuracy was 0.618 for sub-task B.

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UTFPR at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Using Co-occurrence Frequencies to Capture Unexpectedness
Gustavo Henrique Paetzold

We describe the UTFPR system for SemEval-2020’s Task 7: Assessing Humor in Edited News Headlines. Ours is a minimalist unsupervised system that uses word co-occurrence frequencies from large corpora to capture unexpectedness as a mean to capture funniness. Our system placed 22nd on the shared task’s Task 2. We found that our approach requires more text than we used to perform reliably, and that unexpectedness alone is not sufficient to gauge funniness for humorous content that targets a diverse target audience.

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WUY at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Combining BERT and Naive Bayes-SVM for Humor Assessment in Edited News Headlines
Cheng Zhang | Hayato Yamana

This paper describes our participation in SemEval 2020 Task 7 on assessment of humor in edited news headlines, which includes two subtasks, estimating the humor of micro-editd news headlines (subtask A) and predicting the more humorous of the two edited headlines (subtask B). To address these tasks, we propose two systems. The first system adopts a regression-based fine-tuned single-sequence bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) model with easy data augmentation (EDA), called “BERT+EDA”. The second system adopts a hybrid of a regression-based fine-tuned sequence-pair BERT model and a combined Naive Bayes and support vector machine (SVM) model estimated on term frequency–inverse document frequency (TFIDF) features, called “BERT+NB-SVM”. In this case, no additional training datasets were used, and the BERT+NB-SVM model outperformed BERT+EDA. The official root-mean-square deviation (RMSE) score for subtask A is 0.57369 and ranks 31st out of 48, whereas the best RMSE of BERT+NB-SVM is 0.52429, ranking 7th. For subtask B, we simply use a sequence-pair BERT model, the official accuracy of which is 0.53196 and ranks 25th out of 32.

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XSYSIGMA at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Method for Predicting Headlines’ Humor Based on Auxiliary Sentences with EI-BERT
Jian Ma | ShuYi Xie | Meizhi Jin | Jiang Lianxin | Mo Yang | Jianping Shen

This paper describes xsysigma team’s system for SemEval 2020 Task 7: Assessing the Funniness of Edited News Headlines. The target of this task is to assess the funniness changes of news headlines after minor editing and is divided into two subtasks: Subtask 1 is a regression task to detect the humor intensity of the sentence after editing; and Subtask 2 is a classification task to predict funnier of the two edited versions of an original headline. In this paper, we only report our implement of Subtask 2. We first construct sentence pairs with different features for Enhancement Inference BERT(EI-BERT)’s input. We then conduct data augmentation strategy and Pseudo-Label method. After that, we apply feature enhancement interaction on the encoding of each sentence for classification with EI-BERT. Finally, we apply weighted fusion algorithm to the logits results which obtained by different pre-trained models. We achieve 64.5% accuracy in subtask2 and rank the first and the fifth in dev and test dataset 1 , respectively.

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BennettNLP at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Multimodal sentiment classification Using Hybrid Hierarchical Classifier
Ambuje Gupta | Harsh Kataria | Souvik Mishra | Tapas Badal | Vipul Mishra

Memotion analysis is a very crucial and important subject in today’s world that is dominated by social media. This paper presents the results and analysis of the SemEval-2020 Task-8: Memotion analysis by team Kraken that qualified as winners for the task. This involved performing multimodal sentiment analysis on memes commonly posted over social media. The task comprised of 3 subtasks, Task A was to find the overall sentiment of a meme and classify it into positive, negative or neutral, Task B was to classify it into the different types which were namely humour, sarcasm, offensive or motivation where a meme could have more than one category, Task C was to further quantify the classifications achieved in task B. An imbalanced data of 6992 rows was utilized for this which contained images (memes), text (extracted OCR) and their annotations in 17 classes provided by the task organisers. In this paper, the authors proposed a hybrid neural Naïve-Bayes Support Vector Machine and logistic regression to solve a multilevel 17 class classification problem. It achieved the best result in Task B i.e 0.70 F1 score. The authors were ranked third in Task B.

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BERT at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Using BERT to Analyse Meme Emotions
Adithya Avvaru | Sanath Vobilisetty

Sentiment analysis, being one of the most sought after research problems within Natural Language Processing (NLP) researchers. The range of problems being addressed by sentiment analysis is increasing. Till now, most of the research focuses on predicting sentiment, or sentiment categories like sarcasm, humor, offense and motivation on text data. But, there is very limited research that is focusing on predicting or analyzing the sentiment of internet memes. We try to address this problem as part of “Task 8 of SemEval 2020: Memotion Analysis”. We have participated in all the three tasks under Memotion Analysis. Our system built using state-of-the-art Transformer-based pre-trained Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) performed better compared to baseline models for the two tasks A and C and performed close to the baseline model for task B. In this paper, we present the data used, steps used by us for data cleaning and preparation, the fine-tuning process for BERT based model and finally predict the sentiment or sentiment categories. We found that the sequence models like Long Short Term Memory(LSTM) and its variants performed below par in predicting the sentiments. We also performed a comparative analysis with other Transformer based models like DistilBERT and XLNet.

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CN-HIT-MI.T at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Memotion Analysis Based on BERT
Zhen Li | Yaojie Zhang | Bing Xu | Tiejun Zhao

Internet memes emotion recognition is focused by many researchers. In this paper, we adopt BERT and ResNet for evaluation of detecting the emotions of Internet memes. We focus on solving the problem of data imbalance and data contains noise. We use RandAugment to enhance the data of the picture, and use Training Signal Annealing (TSA) to solve the impact of the imbalance of the label. At the same time, a new loss function is designed to ensure that the model is not affected by input noise which will improve the robustness of the model. We participated in sub-task a and our model based on BERT obtains 34.58% macro F1 score, ranking 10/32.

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CSECU_KDE_MA at SemEval-2020 Task 8: A Neural Attention Model for Memotion Analysis
Abu Nowshed Chy | Umme Aymun Siddiqua | Masaki Aono

A meme is a pictorial representation of an idea or theme. In the age of emerging volume of social media platforms, memes are spreading rapidly from person to person and becoming a trending ways of opinion expression. However, due to the multimodal characteristics of meme contents, detecting and analyzing the underlying emotion of a meme is a formidable task. In this paper, we present our approach for detecting the emotion of a meme defined in the SemEval-2020 Task 8. Our team CSECU_KDE_MA employs an attention-based neural network model to tackle the problem. Upon extracting the text contents from a meme using an optical character reader (OCR), we represent it using the distributed representation of words. Next, we perform the convolution based on multiple kernel sizes to obtain the higher-level feature sequences. The feature sequences are then fed into the attentive time-distributed bidirectional LSTM model to learn the long-term dependencies effectively. Experimental results show that our proposed neural model obtained competitive performance among the participants’ systems.

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Gundapusunil at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Multimodal Memotion Analysis
Sunil Gundapu | Radhika Mamidi

Recent technological advancements in the Internet and Social media usage have resulted in the evolution of faster and efficient platforms of communication. These platforms include visual, textual and speech mediums and have brought a unique social phenomenon called Internet memes. Internet memes are in the form of images with witty, catchy, or sarcastic text descriptions. In this paper, we present a multi-modal sentiment analysis system using deep neural networks combining Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. Our aim is different than the normal sentiment analysis goal of predicting whether a text expresses positive or negative sentiment; instead, we aim to classify the Internet meme as a positive, negative, or neutral, identify the type of humor expressed and quantify the extent to which a particular effect is being expressed. Our system has been developed using CNN and LSTM and outperformed the baseline score.

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Guoym at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Ensemble-based Classification of Visuo-Lingual Metaphor in Memes
Yingmei Guo | Jinfa Huang | Yanlong Dong | Mingxing Xu

In this paper, we describe our ensemble-based system designed by guoym Team for the SemEval-2020 Task 8, Memotion Analysis. In our system, we utilize five types of representation of data as input of base classifiers to extract information from different aspects. We train five base classifiers for each type of representation using five-fold cross-validation. Then the outputs of these base classifiers are combined through data-based ensemble method and feature-based ensemble method to make full use of all data and representations from different aspects. Our method achieves the performance within the top 2 ranks in the final leaderboard of Memotion Analysis among 36 Teams.

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Hitachi at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Simple but Effective Modality Ensemble for Meme Emotion Recognition
Terufumi Morishita | Gaku Morio | Shota Horiguchi | Hiroaki Ozaki | Toshinori Miyoshi

Users of social networking services often share their emotions via multi-modal content, usually images paired with text embedded in them. SemEval-2020 task 8, Memotion Analysis, aims at automatically recognizing these emotions of so-called internet memes. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective Modality Ensemble that incorporates visual and textual deep-learning models, which are independently trained, rather than providing a single multi-modal joint network. To this end, we first fine-tune four pre-trained visual models (i.e., Inception-ResNet, PolyNet, SENet, and PNASNet) and four textual models (i.e., BERT, GPT-2, Transformer-XL, and XLNet). Then, we fuse their predictions with ensemble methods to effectively capture cross-modal correlations. The experiments performed on dev-set show that both visual and textual features aided each other, especially in subtask-C, and consequently, our system ranked 2nd on subtask-C.

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IITK at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Unimodal and Bimodal Sentiment Analysis of Internet Memes
Vishal Keswani | Sakshi Singh | Suryansh Agarwal | Ashutosh Modi

Social media is abundant in visual and textual information presented together or in isolation. Memes are the most popular form, belonging to the former class. In this paper, we present our approaches for the Memotion Analysis problem as posed in SemEval-2020 Task 8. The goal of this task is to classify memes based on their emotional content and sentiment. We leverage techniques from Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computer Vision (CV) towards the sentiment classification of internet memes (Subtask A). We consider Bimodal (text and image) as well as Unimodal (text-only) techniques in our study ranging from the Na ̈ıve Bayes classifier to Transformer-based approaches. Our results show that a text-only approach, a simple Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) with Word2vec embeddings as input, performs superior to all the others. We stand first in the Sentiment analysis task with a relative improvement of 63% over the baseline macro-F1 score. Our work is relevant to any task concerned with the combination of different modalities.

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Infotec + CentroGEO at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Deep Learning and Text Categorization approach for Memes classification
Guillermo Ruiz | Eric S. Tellez | Daniela Moctezuma | Sabino Miranda-Jiménez | Tania Ramírez-delReal | Mario Graff

The information shared on social media is increasingly important; both images and text, and maybe the most popular combination of these two kinds of data are the memes. This manuscript describes our participation in Memotion task at SemEval 2020. This task is about to classify the memes in several categories related to the emotional content of them. For the proposed system construction, we used different strategies, and the best ones were based on deep neural networks and a text categorization algorithm. We obtained results analyzing the text and images separately, and also in combination. Our better performance was achieved in Task A, related to polarity classification.

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KAFK at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Extracting Features from Pre-trained Neural Networks to Classify Internet Memes
Kaushik Amar Das | Arup Baruah | Ferdous Ahmed Barbhuiya | Kuntal Dey

This paper presents two approaches for the internet meme classification challenge of SemEval-2020 Task 8 by Team KAFK (cosec). The first approach uses both text and image features, while the second approach uses only the images. Error analysis of the two approaches shows that using only the images is more robust to the noise in the text on the memes. We utilize pre-trained DistilBERT and EfficientNet to extract features from the text and image of the memes respectively. Our classification systems obtained macro f1 score of 0.3286 for Task A and 0.5005 for Task B.

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LT3 at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Multi-Modal Multi-Task Learning for Memotion Analysis
Pranaydeep Singh | Nina Bauwelinck | Els Lefever

Internet memes have become a very popular mode of expression on social media networks today. Their multi-modal nature, caused by a mixture of text and image, makes them a very challenging research object for automatic analysis. In this paper, we describe our contribution to the SemEval-2020 Memotion Analysis Task. We propose a Multi-Modal Multi-Task learning system, which incorporates “memebeddings”, viz. joint text and vision features, to learn and optimize for all three Memotion subtasks simultaneously. The experimental results show that the proposed system constantly outperforms the competition’s baseline, and the system setup with continual learning (where tasks are trained sequentially) obtains the best classification F1-scores.

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Memebusters at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Feature Fusion Model for Sentiment Analysis on Memes Using Transfer Learning
Mayukh Sharma | Ilanthenral Kandasamy | W.b. Vasantha

In this paper, we describe our deep learning system used for SemEval 2020 Task 8: Memotion analysis. We participated in all the subtasks i.e Subtask A: Sentiment classification, Subtask B: Humor classification, and Subtask C: Scales of semantic classes. Similar multimodal architecture was used for each subtask. The proposed architecture makes use of transfer learning for images and text feature extraction. The extracted features are then fused together using stacked bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) model with attention mechanism for final predictions. We also propose a single model for predicting semantic classes (Subtask B) as well as their scales (Subtask C) by branching the final output of the post LSTM dense layers. Our model was ranked 5 in Subtask B and ranked 8 in Subtask C and performed nicely in Subtask A on the leader board. Our system makes use of transfer learning for feature extraction and fusion of image and text features for predictions.

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MemoSYS at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Multimodal Emotion Analysis in Memes
Irina Bejan

Internet memes are one of the most viral types of content in social media and are equally used in promoting hate speech. Towards a more broad understanding of memes, this paper describes the MemoSys system submitted in Task 8 of SemEval 2020, which aims to classify the sentiment of Internet memes and provide a minimum description of the type of humor it depicts (sarcastic, humorous, offensive, motivational) and its semantic scale. The solution presented covers four deep model architectures which are based on a joint fusion between the VGG16 pre-trained model for extracting visual information and the canonical BERT model or TF-IDF for text understanding. The system placed 5th of 36 participating systems in the task A, offering promising prospects to the use of transfer learning to approach Internet memes understanding.

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NIT-Agartala-NLP-Team at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Building Multimodal Classifiers to Tackle Internet Humor
Steve Durairaj Swamy | Shubham Laddha | Basil Abdussalam | Debayan Datta | Anupam Jamatia

The paper describes the systems submitted to SemEval-2020 Task 8: Memotion by the ‘NIT-Agartala-NLP-Team’. A dataset of 8879 memes was made available by the task organizers to train and test our models. Our systems include a Logistic Regression baseline, a BiLSTM +Attention-based learner and a transfer learning approach with BERT. For the three sub-tasks A, B and C, we attained ranks 24/33, 11/29 and 15/26, respectively. We highlight our difficulties in harnessing image information as well as some techniques and handcrafted features we employ to overcome these issues. We also discuss various modelling issues and theorize possible solutions and reasons as to why these problems persist.

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SIS@IIITH at SemEval-2020 Task 8: An Overview of Simple Text Classification Methods for Meme Analysis
Sravani Boinepelli | Manish Shrivastava | Vasudeva Varma

Memes are steadily taking over the feeds of the public on social media. There is always the threat of malicious users on the internet posting offensive content, even through memes. Hence, the automatic detection of offensive images/memes is imperative along with detection of offensive text. However, this is a much more complex task as it involves both visual cues as well as language understanding and cultural/context knowledge. This paper describes our approach to the task of SemEval-2020 Task 8: Memotion Analysis. We chose to participate only in Task A which dealt with Sentiment Classification, which we formulated as a text classification problem. Through our experiments, we explored multiple training models to evaluate the performance of simple text classification algorithms on the raw text obtained after running OCR on meme images. Our submitted model achieved an accuracy of 72.69% and exceeded the existing baseline’s Macro F1 score by 8% on the official test dataset. Apart from describing our official submission, we shall elucidate how different classification models respond to this task.

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UI at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Text-Image Fusion for Sentiment Classification
Andi Suciati | Indra Budi

This paper describes our system, UI, for task A: Sentiment Classification in SemEval-2020 Task 8 Memotion Analysis. We use a common traditional machine learning, which is SVM, by utilizing the combination of text and images features. The data consist text that extracted from memes and the images of memes. We employ n-gram language model for text features and pre-trained model,VGG-16,for image features. After obtaining both features from text and images in form of 2-dimensional arrays, we concatenate and classify the final features using SVM. The experiment results show SVM achieved 35% for its F1 macro, which is 0.132 points or 13.2% above the baseline model.

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UoR at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Gaussian Mixture Modelling (GMM) Based Sampling Approach for Multi-modal Memotion Analysis
Zehao Liu | Emmanuel Osei-Brefo | Siyuan Chen | Huizhi Liang

Memes are widely used on social media. They usually contain multi-modal information such as images and texts, serving as valuable data sources to analyse opinions and sentiment orientations of online communities. The provided memes data often face an imbalanced data problem, that is, some classes or labelled sentiment categories significantly outnumber other classes. This often results in difficulty in applying machine learning techniques where balanced labelled input data are required. In this paper, a Gaussian Mixture Model sampling method is proposed to tackle the problem of class imbalance for the memes sentiment classification task. To utilise both text and image data, a multi-modal CNN-LSTM model is proposed to jointly learn latent features for positive, negative and neutral category predictions. The experiments show that the re-sampling model can slightly improve the accuracy on the trial data of sub-task A of Task 8. The multi-modal CNN-LSTM model can achieve macro F1 score 0.329 on the test set.

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UPB at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Joint Textual and Visual Modeling in a Multi-Task Learning Architecture for Memotion Analysis
George-Alexandru Vlad | George-Eduard Zaharia | Dumitru-Clementin Cercel | Costin Chiru | Stefan Trausan-Matu

Users from the online environment can create different ways of expressing their thoughts, opinions, or conception of amusement. Internet memes were created specifically for these situations. Their main purpose is to transmit ideas by using combinations of images and texts such that they will create a certain state for the receptor, depending on the message the meme has to send. These posts can be related to various situations or events, thus adding a funny side to any circumstance our world is situated in. In this paper, we describe the system developed by our team for SemEval-2020 Task 8: Memotion Analysis. More specifically, we introduce a novel system to analyze these posts, a multimodal multi-task learning architecture that combines ALBERT for text encoding with VGG-16 for image representation. In this manner, we show that the information behind them can be properly revealed. Our approach achieves good performance on each of the three subtasks of the current competition, ranking 11th for Subtask A (0.3453 macro F1-score), 1st for Subtask B (0.5183 macro F1-score), and 3rd for Subtask C (0.3171 macro F1-score) while exceeding the official baseline results by high margins.

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Urszula Walińska at SemEval-2020 Task 8: Fusion of Text and Image Features Using LSTM and VGG16 for Memotion Analysis
Urszula Walińska | Jędrzej Potoniec

In this paper, we describe the entry to the task of Memotion Analysis. The sentiment analysis of memes task, is motivated by a pervasive problem of offensive content spread in social media, up to the present time. In fact, memes are an important medium of expressing opinion and emotions, therefore they can be hateful at many times. In order to identify emotions expressed by memes we construct a tool based on neural networks and deep learning methods. It takes an advantage of a multi-modal nature of the task and performs fusion of image and text features extracted by models dedicated to this task. Moreover, we show that visual information might be more significant in the sentiment analysis of memes than textual one. Our solution achieved 0.346 macro F1-score in Task A – Sentiment Classification, which brought us to the 7th place in the official rank of the competition.

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BAKSA at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Bolstering CNN with Self-Attention for Sentiment Analysis of Code Mixed Text
Ayush Kumar | Harsh Agarwal | Keshav Bansal | Ashutosh Modi

Sentiment Analysis of code-mixed text has diversified applications in opinion mining ranging from tagging user reviews to identifying social or political sentiments of a sub-population. In this paper, we present an ensemble architecture of convolutional neural net (CNN) and self-attention based LSTM for sentiment analysis of code-mixed tweets. While the CNN component helps in the classification of positive and negative tweets, the self-attention based LSTM, helps in the classification of neutral tweets, because of its ability to identify correct sentiment among multiple sentiment bearing units. We achieved F1 scores of 0.707 (ranked 5th) and 0.725 (ranked 13th) on Hindi-English (Hinglish) and Spanish-English (Spanglish) datasets, respectively. The submissions for Hinglish and Spanglish tasks were made under the usernames ayushk and harsh_6 respectively.

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C1 at SemEval-2020 Task 9: SentiMix: Sentiment Analysis for Code-Mixed Social Media Text Using Feature Engineering
Laksh Advani | Clement Lu | Suraj Maharjan

In today’s interconnected and multilingual world, code-mixing of languages on social media is a common occurrence. While many Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks like sentiment analysis are mature and well designed for monolingual text, techniques to apply these tasks to code-mixed text still warrant exploration. This paper describes our feature engineering approach to sentiment analysis in code-mixed social media text for SemEval-2020 Task 9: SentiMix. We tackle this problem by leveraging a set of hand-engineered lexical, sentiment, and metadata fea- tures to design a classifier that can disambiguate between “positive”, “negative” and “neutral” sentiment. With this model we are able to obtain a weighted F1 score of 0.65 for the “Hinglish” task and 0.63 for the “Spanglish” tasks.

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Deep Learning Brasil - NLP at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Sentiment Analysis of Code-Mixed Tweets Using Ensemble of Language Models
Manoel Veríssimo dos Santos Neto | Ayrton Amaral | Nádia Silva | Anderson da Silva Soares

In this paper, we describe a methodology to predict sentiment in code-mixed tweets (hindi-english). Our team called verissimo.manoel in CodaLab developed an approach based on an ensemble of four models (MultiFiT, BERT, ALBERT, and XLNET). The final classification algorithm was an ensemble of some predictions of all softmax values from these four models. This architecture was used and evaluated in the context of the SemEval 2020 challenge (task 9), and our system got 72.7% on the F1 score.

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FiSSA at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Fine-tuned for Feelings
Bertelt Braaksma | Richard Scholtens | Stan van Suijlekom | Remy Wang | Ahmet Üstün

In this paper, we present our approach for sentiment classification on Spanish-English code-mixed social media data in the SemEval-2020 Task 9. We investigate performance of various pre-trained Transformer models by using different fine-tuning strategies. We explore both monolingual and multilingual models with the standard fine-tuning method. Additionally, we propose a custom model that we fine-tune in two steps: once with a language modeling objective, and once with a task-specific objective. Although two-step fine-tuning improves sentiment classification performance over the base model, the large multilingual XLM-RoBERTa model achieves best weighted F1-score with 0.537 on development data and 0.739 on test data. With this score, our team jupitter placed tenth overall in the competition.

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Gundapusunil at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Syntactic Semantic LSTM Architecture for SENTIment Analysis of Code-MIXed Data
Sunil Gundapu | Radhika Mamidi

The phenomenon of mixing the vocabulary and syntax of multiple languages within the same utterance is called Code-Mixing. This is more evident in multilingual societies. In this paper, we have developed a system for SemEval 2020: Task 9 on Sentiment Analysis of Hindi-English code-mixed social media text. Our system first generates two types of embeddings for the social media text. In those, the first one is character level embeddings to encode the character level information and to handle the out-of-vocabulary entries and the second one is FastText word embeddings for capturing morphology and semantics. These two embeddings were passed to the LSTM network and the system outperformed the baseline model.

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HCMS at SemEval-2020 Task 9: A Neural Approach to Sentiment Analysis for Code-Mixed Texts
Aditya Srivastava | V. Harsha Vardhan

Problems involving code-mixed language are often plagued by a lack of resources and an absence of materials to perform sophisticated transfer learning with. In this paper we describe our submission to the Sentimix Hindi-English task involving sentiment classification of code-mixed texts, and with an F1 score of 67.1%, we demonstrate that simple convolution and attention may well produce reasonable results.

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IIT Gandhinagar at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Code-Mixed Sentiment Classification Using Candidate Sentence Generation and Selection
Vivek Srivastava | Mayank Singh

Code-mixing is the phenomenon of using multiple languages in the same utterance. It is a frequently used pattern of communication on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. Sentiment analysis of the monolingual text is a well-studied task. Code-mixing adds to the challenge of analyzing the sentiment of the text on various platforms such as social media, online gaming, forums, product reviews, etc. We present a candidate sentence generation and selection based approach on top of the Bi-LSTM based neural classifier to classify the Hinglish code-mixed text into one of the three sentiment classes positive, negative, or neutral. The proposed candidate sentence generation and selection based approach show an improvement in the system performance as compared to the Bi-LSTM based neural classifier. We can extend the proposed method to solve other problems with code-mixing in the textual data, such as humor-detection, intent classification, etc.

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IRLab_DAIICT at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods for Sentiment Analysis of Code-Mixed Tweets
Apurva Parikh | Abhimanyu Singh Bisht | Prasenjit Majumder

The paper describes systems that our team IRLab_DAIICT employed for the shared task Sentiment Analysis for Code-Mixed Social Media Text in SemEval 2020. We conducted our experiments on a Hindi-English CodeMixed Tweet dataset which was annotated with sentiment labels. F1-score was the official evaluation metric and our best approach, an ensemble of Logistic Regression, Random Forest and BERT, achieved an F1-score of 0.693.

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IUST at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Sentiment Analysis for Code-Mixed Social Media Text Using Deep Neural Networks and Linear Baselines
Soroush Javdan | Taha Shangipour ataei | Behrouz Minaei-Bidgoli

Sentiment Analysis is a well-studied field of Natural Language Processing. However, the rapid growth of social media and noisy content within them poses significant challenges in addressing this problem with well-established methods and tools. One of these challenges is code-mixing, which means using different languages to convey thoughts in social media texts. Our group, with the name of IUST(username: TAHA), participated at the SemEval-2020 shared task 9 on Sentiment Analysis for Code-Mixed Social Media Text, and we have attempted to develop a system to predict the sentiment of a given code-mixed tweet. We used different preprocessing techniques and proposed to use different methods that vary from NBSVM to more complicated deep neural network models. Our best performing method obtains an F1 score of 0.751 for the Spanish-English sub-task and 0.706 over the Hindi-English sub-task.

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JUNLP at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Sentiment Analysis of Hindi-English Code Mixed Data Using Grid Search Cross Validation
Avishek Garain | Sainik Mahata | Dipankar Das

Code-mixing is a phenomenon which arises mainly in multilingual societies. Multilingual people, who are well versed in their native languages and also English speakers, tend to code-mix using English-based phonetic typing and the insertion of anglicisms in their main language. This linguistic phenomenon poses a great challenge to conventional NLP domains such as Sentiment Analysis, Machine Translation, and Text Summarization, to name a few. In this work, we focus on working out a plausible solution to the domain of Code-Mixed Sentiment Analysis. This work was done as participation in the SemEval-2020 Sentimix Task, where we focused on the sentiment analysis of English-Hindi code-mixed sentences. our username for the submission was “sainik.mahata” and team name was “JUNLP”. We used feature extraction algorithms in conjunction with traditional machine learning algorithms such as SVR and Grid Search in an attempt to solve the task. Our approach garnered an f1-score of 66.2% when tested using metrics prepared by the organizers of the task.

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LIMSI_UPV at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Code-mixed Sentiment Analysis
Somnath Banerjee | Sahar Ghannay | Sophie Rosset | Anne Vilnat | Paolo Rosso

This paper describes the participation of LIMSI_UPV team in SemEval-2020 Task 9: Sentiment Analysis for Code-Mixed Social Media Text. The proposed approach competed in SentiMix HindiEnglish subtask, that addresses the problem of predicting the sentiment of a given Hindi-English code-mixed tweet. We propose Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network that combines both the recurrent neural network and the convolutional network to better capture the semantics of the text, for code-mixed sentiment analysis. The proposed system obtained 0.69 (best run) in terms of F1 score on the given test data and achieved the 9th place (Codalab username: somban) in the SentiMix Hindi-English subtask.

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LT3 at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Cross-lingual Embeddings for Sentiment Analysis of Hinglish Social Media Text
Pranaydeep Singh | Els Lefever

This paper describes our contribution to the SemEval-2020 Task 9 on Sentiment Analysis for Code-mixed Social Media Text. We investigated two approaches to solve the task of Hinglish sentiment analysis. The first approach uses cross-lingual embeddings resulting from projecting Hinglish and pre-trained English FastText word embeddings in the same space. The second approach incorporates pre-trained English embeddings that are incrementally retrained with a set of Hinglish tweets. The results show that the second approach performs best, with an F1-score of 70.52% on the held-out test data.

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MeisterMorxrc at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Fine-Tune Bert and Multitask Learning for Sentiment Analysis of Code-Mixed Tweets
Qi Wu | Peng Wang | Chenghao Huang

Natural language processing (NLP) has been applied to various fields including text classification and sentiment analysis. In the shared task of sentiment analysis of code-mixed tweets, which is a part of the SemEval-2020 competition, we preprocess datasets by replacing emoji and deleting uncommon characters and so on, and then fine-tune the Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers(BERT) to perform the best. After exhausting top3 submissions, Our team MeisterMorxrc achieves an averaged F1 score of 0.730 in this task, and and our codalab username is MeisterMorxrc

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NITS-Hinglish-SentiMix at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Sentiment Analysis for Code-Mixed Social Media Text Using an Ensemble Model
Subhra Jyoti Baroi | Nivedita Singh | Ringki Das | Thoudam Doren Singh

Sentiment Analysis refers to the process of interpreting what a sentence emotes and classifying them as positive, negative, or neutral. The widespread popularity of social media has led to the generation of a lot of text data and specifically, in the Indian social media scenario, the code-mixed Hinglish text i.e, the words of Hindi language, written in the Roman script along with other English words is a common sight. The ability to effectively understand the sentiments in these texts is much needed. This paper proposes a system titled NITS-Hinglish to effectively carry out the sentiment analysis of such code-mixed Hinglish text. The system has fared well with a final F-Score of 0.617 on the test data.

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Reed at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Fine-Tuning and Bag-of-Words Approaches to Code-Mixed Sentiment Analysis
Vinay Gopalan | Mark Hopkins

We explore the task of sentiment analysis on Hinglish (code-mixed Hindi-English) tweets as participants of Task 9 of the SemEval-2020 competition, known as the SentiMix task. We had two main approaches: 1) applying transfer learning by fine-tuning pre-trained BERT models and 2) training feedforward neural networks on bag-of-words representations. During the evaluation phase of the competition, we obtained an F-score of 71.3% with our best model, which placed 4th out of 62 entries in the official system rankings.

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Team_Swift at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Tiny Data Specialists through Domain-Specific Pre-training on Code-Mixed Data
Aditya Malte | Pratik Bhavsar | Sushant Rathi

Code-mixing is an interesting phenomenon where the speaker switches between two or more languages in the same text. In this paper, we describe an unconventional approach to tackling the SentiMix Hindi-English challenge (UID: aditya_malte). Instead of directly fine-tuning large contemporary Transformer models, we train our own domain-specific embeddings and make use of them for downstream tasks. We also discuss how this technique provides comparable performance while making for a much more deployable and lightweight model. It should be noted that we have achieved the stated results without using any ensembling techniques, thus respecting a paradigm of efficient and production-ready NLP. All relevant source code shall be made publicly available to encourage the usage and reproduction of the results.

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TueMix at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Logistic Regression with Linguistic Feature Set
Elizabeth Bear | Diana Constantina Hoefels | Mihai Manolescu

Commonly occurring in settings such as social media platforms, code-mixed content makes the task of identifying sentiment notably more challenging and complex due to the lack of structure and noise present in the data. SemEval-2020 Task 9, SentiMix, was organized with the purpose of detecting the sentiment of a given code-mixed tweet comprising Hindi and English. We tackled this task by comparing the performance of a system, TueMix - a logistic regression algorithm trained with three feature components: TF-IDF n-grams, monolingual sentiment lexicons, and surface features - with a neural network approach. Our results showed that TueMix outperformed the neural network approach and yielded a weighted F1-score of 0.685.

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UPB at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Identifying Sentiment in Code-Mixed Social Media Texts Using Transformers and Multi-Task Learning
George-Eduard Zaharia | George-Alexandru Vlad | Dumitru-Clementin Cercel | Traian Rebedea | Costin Chiru

Sentiment analysis is a process widely used in opinion mining campaigns conducted today. This phenomenon presents applications in a variety of fields, especially in collecting information related to the attitude or satisfaction of users concerning a particular subject. However, the task of managing such a process becomes noticeably more difficult when it is applied in cultures that tend to combine two languages in order to express ideas and thoughts. By interleaving words from two languages, the user can express with ease, but at the cost of making the text far less intelligible for those who are not familiar with this technique, but also for standard opinion mining algorithms. In this paper, we describe the systems developed by our team for SemEval-2020 Task 9 that aims to cover two well-known code-mixed languages: Hindi-English and Spanish-English. We intend to solve this issue by introducing a solution that takes advantage of several neural network approaches, as well as pre-trained word embeddings. Our approach (multlingual BERT) achieves promising performance on the Hindi-English task, with an average F1-score of 0.6850, registered on the competition leaderboard, ranking our team 16 out of 62 participants. For the Spanish-English task, we obtained an average F1-score of 0.7064 ranking our team 17th out of 29 participants by using another multilingual Transformer-based model, XLM-RoBERTa.

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Voice@SRIB at SemEval-2020 Tasks 9 and 12: Stacked Ensemblingmethod for Sentiment and Offensiveness detection in Social Media
Abhishek Singh | Surya Pratap Singh Parmar

In social-media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit, people prefer to use code-mixed language such as Spanish-English, Hindi-English to express their opinions. In this paper, we describe different models we used, using the external dataset to train embeddings, ensembling methods for Sentimix, and OffensEval tasks. The use of pre-trained embeddings usually helps in multiple tasks such as sentence classification, and machine translation. In this experiment, we have used our trained code-mixed embeddings and twitter pre-trained embeddings to SemEval tasks. We evaluate our models on macro F1-score, precision, accuracy, and recall on the datasets. We intend to show that hyper-parameter tuning and data pre-processing steps help a lot in improving the scores. In our experiments, we are able to achieve 0.886 F1-Macro on OffenEval Greek language subtask post-evaluation, whereas the highest is 0.852 during the Evaluation Period. We stood third in Spanglish competition with our best F1-score of 0.756. Codalab username is asking28.

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WESSA at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Code-Mixed Sentiment Analysis Using Transformers
Ahmed Sultan | Mahmoud Salim | Amina Gaber | Islam El Hosary

In this paper, we describe our system submitted for SemEval 2020 Task 9, Sentiment Analysis for Code-Mixed Social Media Text alongside other experiments. Our best performing system is a Transfer Learning-based model that fine-tunes XLM-RoBERTa, a transformer-based multilingual masked language model, on monolingual English and Spanish data and Spanish-English code-mixed data. Our system outperforms the official task baseline by achieving a 70.1% average F1-Score on the official leaderboard using the test set. For later submissions, our system manages to achieve a 75.9% average F1-Score on the test set using CodaLab username “ahmed0sultan”.

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Will_go at SemEval-2020 Task 9: An Accurate Approach for Sentiment Analysis on Hindi-English Tweets Based on Bert and Pesudo Label Strategy
Wei Bao | Weilong Chen | Wei Bai | Yan Zhuang | Mingyuan Cheng | Xiangyu Ma

Mixing languages are widely used in social media, especially in multilingual societies like India. Detecting the emotions contained in these languages, which is of great significance to the development of society and political trends. In this paper, we propose an ensemble of pesudo-label based Bert model and TFIDF based SGDClassifier model to identify the sentiments of Hindi-English (Hi-En) code-mixed data. The ensemble model combines the strengths of rich semantic information from the Bert model and word frequency information from the probabilistic ngram model to predict the sentiment of a given code-mixed tweet. Finally our team got an average F1 score of 0.731 on the final leaderboard,and our codalab username is will_go.

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Zyy1510 Team at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Sentiment Analysis for Code-Mixed Social Media Text with Sub-word Level Representations
Yueying Zhu | Xiaobing Zhou | Hongling Li | Kunjie Dong

This paper reports the zyy1510 team’s work in the International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2020) shared task on Sentiment analysis for Code-Mixed (Hindi-English, English-Spanish) Social Media Text. The purpose of this task is to determine the polarity of the text, dividing it into one of the three labels positive, negative and neutral. To achieve this goal, we propose an ensemble model of word n-grams-based Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB) and sub-word level representations in LSTM (Sub-word LSTM) to identify the sentiments of code-mixed data of Hindi-English and English-Spanish. This ensemble model combines the advantage of rich sequential patterns and the intermediate features after convolution from the LSTM model, and the polarity of keywords from the MNB model to obtain the final sentiment score. We have tested our system on Hindi-English and English-Spanish code-mixed social media data sets released for the task. Our model achieves the F1 score of 0.647 in the Hindi-English task and 0.682 in the English-Spanish task, respectively.

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SemEval-2020 Task 10: Emphasis Selection for Written Text in Visual Media
Amirreza Shirani | Franck Dernoncourt | Nedim Lipka | Paul Asente | Jose Echevarria | Thamar Solorio

In this paper, we present the main findings and compare the results of SemEval-2020 Task 10, Emphasis Selection for Written Text in Visual Media. The goal of this shared task is to design automatic methods for emphasis selection, i.e. choosing candidates for emphasis in textual content to enable automated design assistance in authoring. The main focus is on short text instances for social media, with a variety of examples, from social media posts to inspirational quotes. Participants were asked to model emphasis using plain text with no additional context from the user or other design considerations. SemEval-2020 Emphasis Selection shared task attracted 197 participants in the early phase and a total of 31 teams made submissions to this task. The highest-ranked submission achieved 0.823 Matchm score. The analysis of systems submitted to the task indicates that BERT and RoBERTa were the most common choice of pre-trained models used, and part of speech tag (POS) was the most useful feature. Full results can be found on the task’s website.

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IDS at SemEval-2020 Task 10: Does Pre-trained Language Model Know What to Emphasize?
Jaeyoul Shin | Taeuk Kim | Sang-goo Lee

We propose a novel method that enables us to determine words that deserve to be emphasized from written text in visual media, relying only on the information from the self-attention distributions of pre-trained language models (PLMs). With extensive experiments and analyses, we show that 1) our zero-shot approach is superior to a reasonable baseline that adopts TF-IDF and that 2) there exist several attention heads in PLMs specialized for emphasis selection, confirming that PLMs are capable of recognizing important words in sentences.

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SemEval-2020 Task 11: Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles
Giovanni Da San Martino | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Henning Wachsmuth | Rostislav Petrov | Preslav Nakov

We present the results and the main findings of SemEval-2020 Task 11 on Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles. The task featured two subtasks. Subtask SI is about Span Identification: given a plain-text document, spot the specific text fragments containing propaganda. Subtask TC is about Technique Classification: given a specific text fragment, in the context of a full document, determine the propaganda technique it uses, choosing from an inventory of 14 possible propaganda techniques. The task attracted a large number of participants: 250 teams signed up to participate and 44 made a submission on the test set. In this paper, we present the task, analyze the results, and discuss the system submissions and the methods they used. For both subtasks, the best systems used pre-trained Transformers and ensembles.

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ApplicaAI at SemEval-2020 Task 11: On RoBERTa-CRF, Span CLS and Whether Self-Training Helps Them
Dawid Jurkiewicz | Łukasz Borchmann | Izabela Kosmala | Filip Graliński

This paper presents the winning system for the propaganda Technique Classification (TC) task and the second-placed system for the propaganda Span Identification (SI) task. The purpose of TC task was to identify an applied propaganda technique given propaganda text fragment. The goal of SI task was to find specific text fragments which contain at least one propaganda technique. Both of the developed solutions used semi-supervised learning technique of self-training. Interestingly, although CRF is barely used with transformer-based language models, the SI task was approached with RoBERTa-CRF architecture. An ensemble of RoBERTa-based models was proposed for the TC task, with one of them making use of Span CLS layers we introduce in the present paper. In addition to describing the submitted systems, an impact of architectural decisions and training schemes is investigated along with remarks regarding training models of the same or better quality with lower computational budget. Finally, the results of error analysis are presented.

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SemEval-2020 Task 12: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media (OffensEval 2020)
Marcos Zampieri | Preslav Nakov | Sara Rosenthal | Pepa Atanasova | Georgi Karadzhov | Hamdy Mubarak | Leon Derczynski | Zeses Pitenis | Çağrı Çöltekin

We present the results and the main findings of SemEval-2020 Task 12 on Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media (OffensEval-2020). The task included three subtasks corresponding to the hierarchical taxonomy of the OLID schema from OffensEval-2019, and it was offered in five languages: Arabic, Danish, English, Greek, and Turkish. OffensEval-2020 was one of the most popular tasks at SemEval-2020, attracting a large number of participants across all subtasks and languages: a total of 528 teams signed up to participate in the task, 145 teams submitted official runs on the test data, and 70 teams submitted system description papers.

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Galileo at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Multi-lingual Learning for Offensive Language Identification Using Pre-trained Language Models
Shuohuan Wang | Jiaxiang Liu | Xuan Ouyang | Yu Sun

This paper describes Galileo’s performance in SemEval-2020 Task 12 on detecting and categorizing offensive language in social media. For Offensive Language Identification, we proposed a multi-lingual method using Pre-trained Language Models, ERNIE and XLM-R. For offensive language categorization, we proposed a knowledge distillation method trained on soft labels generated by several supervised models. Our team participated in all three sub-tasks. In Sub-task A - Offensive Language Identification, we ranked first in terms of average F1 scores in all languages. We are also the only team which ranked among the top three across all languages. We also took the first place in Sub-task B - Automatic Categorization of Offense Types and Sub-task C - Offence Target Identification.

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ERNIE at SemEval-2020 Task 10: Learning Word Emphasis Selection by Pre-trained Language Model
Zhengjie Huang | Shikun Feng | Weiyue Su | Xuyi Chen | Shuohuan Wang | Jiaxiang Liu | Xuan Ouyang | Yu Sun

This paper describes the system designed by ERNIE Team which achieved the first place in SemEval-2020 Task 10: Emphasis Selection For Written Text in Visual Media. Given a sentence, we are asked to find out the most important words as the suggestion for automated design. We leverage the unsupervised pre-training model and finetune these models on our task. After our investigation, we found that the following models achieved an excellent performance in this task: ERNIE 2.0, XLM-ROBERTA, ROBERTA and ALBERT. We combine a pointwise regression loss and a pairwise ranking loss which is more close to the final Match m metric to finetune our models. And we also find that additional feature engineering and data augmentation can help improve the performance. Our best model achieves the highest score of 0.823 and ranks first for all kinds of metrics.

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Aschern at SemEval-2020 Task 11: It Takes Three to Tango: RoBERTa, CRF, and Transfer Learning
Anton Chernyavskiy | Dmitry Ilvovsky | Preslav Nakov

We describe our system for SemEval-2020 Task 11 on Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles. We developed ensemble models using RoBERTa-based neural architectures, additional CRF layers, transfer learning between the two subtasks, and advanced post-processing to handle the multi-label nature of the task, the consistency between nested spans, repetitions, and labels from similar spans in training. We achieved sizable improvements over baseline fine-tuned RoBERTa models, and the official evaluation ranked our system 3rd (almost tied with the 2nd) out of 36 teams on the span identification subtask with an F1 score of 0.491, and 2nd (almost tied with the 1st) out of 31 teams on the technique classification subtask with an F1 score of 0.62.

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CyberWallE at SemEval-2020 Task 11: An Analysis of Feature Engineering for Ensemble Models for Propaganda Detection
Verena Blaschke | Maxim Korniyenko | Sam Tureski

This paper describes our participation in the SemEval-2020 task Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles. We participate in both subtasks: Span Identification (SI) and Technique Classification (TC). We use a bi-LSTM architecture in the SI subtask and train a complex ensemble model for the TC subtask. Our architectures are built using embeddings from BERT in combination with additional lexical features and extensive label post-processing. Our systems achieve a rank of 8 out of 35 teams in the SI subtask (F1-score: 43.86%) and 8 out of 31 teams in the TC subtask (F1-score: 57.37%).

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Inno at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Leveraging Pure Transfomer for Multi-Class Propaganda Detection
Dmitry Grigorev | Vladimir Ivanov

The paper presents the solution of team ”Inno” to a SEMEVAL 2020 task 11 ”Detection of propaganda techniques in news articles”. The goal of the second subtask is to classify textual segments that correspond to one of the 18 given propaganda techniques in news articles dataset. We tested a pure Transformer-based model with an optimized learning scheme on the ability to distinguish propaganda techniques between each other. Our model showed 0:6 and 0:58 overall F1 score on validation set and test set accordingly and non-zero F1 score on each class on both sets.

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NoPropaganda at SemEval-2020 Task 11: A Borrowed Approach to Sequence Tagging and Text Classification
Ilya Dimov | Vladislav Korzun | Ivan Smurov

This paper describes our contribution to SemEval-2020 Task 11: Detection Of Propaganda Techniques In News Articles. We start with simple LSTM baselines and move to an autoregressive transformer decoder to predict long continuous propaganda spans for the first subtask. We also adopt an approach from relation extraction by enveloping spans mentioned above with special tokens for the second subtask of propaganda technique classification. Our models report an F-score of 44.6% and a micro-averaged F-score of 58.2% for those tasks accordingly.

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NTUAAILS at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Propaganda Detection and Classification with biLSTMs and ELMo
Anastasios Arsenos | Georgios Siolas

This paper describes the NTUAAILS submission for SemEval 2020 Task 11 Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles. This task comprises of two different sub-tasks, namely A: Span Identification (SI), B: Technique Classification (TC). The goal for the SI sub-task is to identify specific fragments, in a given plain text, containing at least one propaganda technique. The TC sub-task aims to identify the applied propaganda technique in a given text fragment. A different model was trained for each sub-task. Our best performing system for the SI task consists of pre-trained ELMo word embeddings followed by residual bidirectional LSTM network. For the TC sub-task pre-trained word embeddings from GloVe fed to a bidirectional LSTM neural network. The models achieved rank 28 among 36 teams with F1 score of 0.335 and rank 25 among 31 teams with 0.463 F1 score for SI and TC sub-tasks respectively. Our results indicate that the proposed deep learning models, although relatively simple in architecture and fast to train, achieve satisfactory results in the tasks on hand.

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Team DoNotDistribute at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Features, Finetuning, and Data Augmentation in Neural Models for Propaganda Detection in News Articles
Michael Kranzlein | Shabnam Behzad | Nazli Goharian

This paper presents our systems for SemEval 2020 Shared Task 11: Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles. We participate in both the span identification and technique classification subtasks and report on experiments using different BERT-based models along with handcrafted features. Our models perform well above the baselines for both tasks, and we contribute ablation studies and discussion of our results to dissect the effectiveness of different features and techniques with the goal of aiding future studies in propaganda detection.

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YNU-HPCC at SemEval-2020 Task 11: LSTM Network for Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles
Jiaxu Dao | Jin Wang | Xuejie Zhang

This paper summarizes our studies on propaganda detection techniques for news articles in the SemEval-2020 task 11. This task is divided into the SI and TC subtasks. We implemented the GloVe word representation, the BERT pretraining model, and the LSTM model architecture to accomplish this task. Our approach achieved good results for both the SI and TC subtasks. The macro- F 1 - score for the SI subtask is 0.406, and the micro- F 1 - score for the TC subtask is 0.505. Our method significantly outperforms the officially released baseline method, and the SI and TC subtasks rank 17th and 22nd, respectively, for the test set. This paper also compares the performances of different deep learning model architectures, such as the Bi-LSTM, LSTM, BERT, and XGBoost models, on the detection of news promotion techniques.

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AdelaideCyC at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Ensemble of Classifiers for Offensive Language Detection in Social Media
Mahen Herath | Thushari Atapattu | Hoang Anh Dung | Christoph Treude | Katrina Falkner

This paper describes the systems our team (AdelaideCyC) has developed for SemEval Task 12 (OffensEval 2020) to detect offensive language in social media. The challenge focuses on three subtasks – offensive language identification (subtask A), offense type identification (subtask B), and offense target identification (subtask C). Our team has participated in all the three subtasks. We have developed machine learning and deep learning-based ensembles of models. We have achieved F1-scores of 0.906, 0.552, and 0.623 in subtask A, B, and C respectively. While our performance scores are promising for subtask A, the results demonstrate that subtask B and C still remain challenging to classify.

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ANDES at SemEval-2020 Task 12: A Jointly-trained BERT Multilingual Model for Offensive Language Detection
Juan Manuel Pérez | Aymé Arango | Franco Luque

This paper describes our participation in SemEval-2020 Task 12: Multilingual Offensive Language Detection. We jointly-trained a single model by fine-tuning Multilingual BERT to tackle the task across all the proposed languages: English, Danish, Turkish, Greek and Arabic. Our single model had competitive results, with a performance close to top-performing systems in spite of sharing the same parameters across all languages. Zero-shot and few-shot experiments were also conducted to analyze the transference performance among these languages. We make our code public for further research

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BhamNLP at SemEval-2020 Task 12: An Ensemble of Different Word Embeddings and Emotion Transfer Learning for Arabic Offensive Language Identification in Social Media
Abdullah I. Alharbi | Mark Lee

Social media platforms such as Twitter offer people an opportunity to publish short posts in which they can share their opinions and perspectives. While these applications can be valuable, they can also be exploited to promote negative opinions, insults, and hatred against a person, race, or group. These opinions can be spread to millions of people at the click of a mouse. As such, there is a need to develop mechanisms by which offensive language can be automatically detected in social media channels and managed in a timely manner. To help achieve this goal, SemEval 2020 offered a shared task (OffensEval 2020) that involved the detection of offensive text in Arabic. We propose an ensemble approach that combines different levels of word embedding models and transfers learning from other sources of emotion-related tasks. The proposed system ranked 9th out of the 52 entries within the Arabic Offensive language identification subtask.

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FBK-DH at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Using Multi-channel BERT for Multilingual Offensive Language Detection
Camilla Casula | Alessio Palmero Aprosio | Stefano Menini | Sara Tonelli

In this paper we present our submission to sub-task A at SemEval 2020 Task 12: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media (OffensEval2). For Danish, Turkish, Arabic and Greek, we develop an architecture based on transfer learning and relying on a two-channel BERT model, in which the English BERT and the multilingual one are combined after creating a machine-translated parallel corpus for each language in the task. For English, instead, we adopt a more standard, single-channel approach. We find that, in a multilingual scenario, with some languages having small training data, using parallel BERT models with machine translated data can give systems more stability, especially when dealing with noisy data. The fact that machine translation on social media data may not be perfect does not hurt the overall classification performance.

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GruPaTo at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Retraining mBERT on Social Media and Fine-tuned Offensive Language Models
Davide Colla | Tommaso Caselli | Valerio Basile | Jelena Mitrović | Michael Granitzer

We introduce an approach to multilingual Offensive Language Detection based on the mBERT transformer model. We download extra training data from Twitter in English, Danish, and Turkish, and use it to re-train the model. We then fine-tuned the model on the provided training data and, in some configurations, implement transfer learning approach exploiting the typological relatedness between English and Danish. Our systems obtained good results across the three languages (.9036 for EN, .7619 for DA, and .7789 for TR).

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GUIR at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Domain-Tuned Contextualized Models for Offensive Language Detection
Sajad Sotudeh | Tong Xiang | Hao-Ren Yao | Sean MacAvaney | Eugene Yang | Nazli Goharian | Ophir Frieder

Offensive language detection is an important and challenging task in natural language processing. We present our submissions to the OffensEval 2020 shared task, which includes three English sub-tasks: identifying the presence of offensive language (Sub-task A), identifying the presence of target in offensive language (Sub-task B), and identifying the categories of the target (Sub-task C). Our experiments explore using a domain-tuned contextualized language model (namely, BERT) for this task. We also experiment with different components and configurations (e.g., a multi-view SVM) stacked upon BERT models for specific sub-tasks. Our submissions achieve F1 scores of 91.7% in Sub-task A, 66.5% in Sub-task B, and 63.2% in Sub-task C. We perform an ablation study which reveals that domain tuning considerably improves the classification performance. Furthermore, error analysis shows common misclassification errors made by our model and outlines research directions for future.

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IIITG-ADBU at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Comparison of BERT and BiLSTM in Detecting Offensive Language
Arup Baruah | Kaushik Das | Ferdous Barbhuiya | Kuntal Dey

Task 12 of SemEval 2020 consisted of 3 subtasks, namely offensive language identification (Subtask A), categorization of offense type (Subtask B), and offense target identification (Subtask C). This paper presents the results our classifiers obtained for the English language in the 3 subtasks. The classifiers used by us were BERT and BiLSTM. On the test set, our BERT classifier obtained macro F1 score of 0.90707 for subtask A, and 0.65279 for subtask B. The BiLSTM classifier obtained macro F1 score of 0.57565 for subtask C. The paper also performs an analysis of the errors made by our classifiers. We conjecture that the presence of few misleading instances in the dataset is affecting the performance of the classifiers. Our analysis also discusses the need of temporal context and world knowledge to determine the offensiveness of few comments.

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LT@Helsinki at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Multilingual or Language-specific BERT?
Marc Pàmies | Emily Öhman | Kaisla Kajava | Jörg Tiedemann

This paper presents the different models submitted by the LT@Helsinki team for the SemEval 2020 Shared Task 12. Our team participated in sub-tasks A and C; titled offensive language identification and offense target identification, respectively. In both cases we used the so-called Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformer (BERT), a model pre-trained by Google and fine-tuned by us on the OLID and SOLID datasets. The results show that offensive tweet classification is one of several language-based tasks where BERT can achieve state-of-the-art results.

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NLPDove at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Improving Offensive Language Detection with Cross-lingual Transfer
Hwijeen Ahn | Jimin Sun | Chan Young Park | Jungyun Seo

This paper describes our approach to the task of identifying offensive languages in a multilingual setting. We investigate two data augmentation strategies: using additional semi-supervised labels with different thresholds and cross-lingual transfer with data selection. Leveraging the semi-supervised dataset resulted in performance improvements compared to the baseline trained solely with the manually-annotated dataset. We propose a new metric, Translation Embedding Distance, to measure the transferability of instances for cross-lingual data selection. We also introduce various preprocessing steps tailored for social media text along with methods to fine-tune the pre-trained multilingual BERT (mBERT) for offensive language identification. Our multilingual systems achieved competitive results in Greek, Danish, and Turkish at OffensEval 2020.

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Nova-Wang at SemEval-2020 Task 12: OffensEmblert: An Ensemble ofOffensive Language Classifiers
Susan Wang | Zita Marinho

This paper presents our contribution to the Offensive Language Classification Task (English SubTask A) of Semeval 2020. We propose different Bert models trained on several offensive language classification and profanity datasets, and combine their output predictions in an ensemble model. We experimented with different ensemble approaches, such as SVMs, Gradient boosting, AdaBoosting and Logistic Regression. We further propose an under-sampling approach of the current SOLID dataset, which removed the most uncertain partitions of the dataset, increasing the recall of the dataset. Our best model, an average ensemble of four different Bert models, achieved 11th place out of 82 participants with a macro F1 score of 0.91344 in the English SubTask A.

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NUIG at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Pseudo Labelling for Offensive Content Classification
Shardul Suryawanshi | Mihael Arcan | Paul Buitelaar

This work addresses the classification problem defined by sub-task A (English only) of the OffensEval 2020 challenge. We used a semi-supervised approach to classify given tweets into an offensive (OFF) or not-offensive (NOT) class. As the OffensEval 2020 dataset is loosely labelled with confidence scores given by unsupervised models, we used last year’s offensive language identification dataset (OLID) to label the OffensEval 2020 dataset. Our approach uses a pseudo-labelling method to annotate the current dataset. We trained four text classifiers on the OLID dataset and the classifier with the highest macro-averaged F1-score has been used to pseudo label the OffensEval 2020 dataset. The same model which performed best amongst four text classifiers on OLID dataset has been trained on the combined dataset of OLID and pseudo labelled OffensEval 2020. We evaluated the classifiers with precision, recall and macro-averaged F1-score as the primary evaluation metric on the OLID and OffensEval 2020 datasets. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Licence details: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

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PRHLT-UPV at SemEval-2020 Task 12: BERT for Multilingual Offensive Language Detection
Gretel Liz De la Peña Sarracén | Paolo Rosso

The present paper describes the system submitted by the PRHLT-UPV team for the task 12 of SemEval-2020: OffensEval 2020. The official title of the task is Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media, and aims to identify offensive language in texts. The languages included in the task are English, Arabic, Danish, Greek and Turkish. We propose a model based on the BERT architecture for the analysis of texts in English. The approach leverages knowledge within a pre-trained model and performs fine-tuning for the particular task. In the analysis of the other languages the Multilingual BERT is used, which has been pre-trained for a large number of languages. In the experiments, the proposed method for English texts is compared with other approaches to analyze the relevance of the architecture used. Furthermore, simple models for the other languages are evaluated to compare them with the proposed one. The experimental results show that the model based on BERT outperforms other approaches. The main contribution of this work lies in this study, despite not obtaining the first positions in most cases of the competition ranking.

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PUM at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Aggregation of Transformer-based Models’ Features for Offensive Language Recognition
Piotr Janiszewski | Mateusz Skiba | Urszula Walińska

In this paper, we describe the PUM team’s entry to the SemEval-2020 Task 12. Creating our solution involved leveraging two well-known pretrained models used in natural language processing: BERT and XLNet, which achieve state-of-the-art results in multiple NLP tasks. The models were fine-tuned for each subtask separately and features taken from their hidden layers were combinedand fed into a fully connected neural network. The model using aggregated Transformer featurescan serve as a powerful tool for offensive language identification problem. Our team was ranked7th out of 40 in Sub-task C - Offense target identification with 64.727% macro F1-score and 64thout of 85 in Sub-task A - Offensive language identification (89.726% F1-score).

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SINAI at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Offensive Language Identification Exploring Transfer Learning Models
Flor Miriam Plaza del Arco | M. Dolores Molina González | Alfonso Ureña-López | Maite Martin

This paper describes the participation of SINAI team at Task 12: OffensEval 2: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media. In particular, the participation in Sub-task A in English which consists of identifying tweets as offensive or not offensive. We preprocess the dataset according to the language characteristics used on social media. Then, we select a small set from the training set provided by the organizers and fine-tune different Transformerbased models in order to test their effectiveness. Our team ranks 20th out of 85 participants in Subtask-A using the XLNet model.

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Team Oulu at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Multilingual Identification of Offensive Language, Type and Target of Twitter Post Using Translated Datasets
Md Saroar Jahan

With the proliferation of social media platforms, anonymous discussions together with easy online access, reports on offensive content have caused serious concern to both authorities and research communities. Although there is extensive research in identifying textual offensive language from online content, the dynamic discourse of social media content, as well as the emergence of new forms of offensive language, especially in a multilingual setting, calls for future research in the issue. In this work, we tackled Task A, B, and C of Offensive Language Challenge at SemEval2020. We handled offensive language in five languages: English, Greek, Danish, Arabic, and Turkish. Specifically, we pre-processed all provided datasets and developed an appropriate strategy to handle Tasks (A, B, & C) for identifying the presence/absence, type and the target of offensive language in social media. For this purpose, we used OLID2019, OLID2020 datasets, and generated new datasets, which we made publicly available. We used the provided unsupervised machine learning implementation for automated annotated datasets and the online Google translation tools to create new datasets as well. We discussed the limitations and the success of our machine learning-based approach for all the five different languages. Our results for identifying offensive posts (Task A) yielded satisfactory accuracy of 0.92 for English, 0.81 for Danish, 0.84 for Turkish, 0.85 for Greek, and 0.89 for Arabic. For the type detection (Task B), the results are significantly higher (.87 accuracy) compared to target detection (Task C), which yields .81 accuracy. Moreover, after using automated Google translation, the overall efficiency improved by 2% for Greek, Turkish, and Danish.

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UHH-LT at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Fine-Tuning of Pre-Trained Transformer Networks for Offensive Language Detection
Gregor Wiedemann | Seid Muhie Yimam | Chris Biemann

Fine-tuning of pre-trained transformer networks such as BERT yield state-of-the-art results for text classification tasks. Typically, fine-tuning is performed on task-specific training datasets in a supervised manner. One can also fine-tune in unsupervised manner beforehand by further pre-training the masked language modeling (MLM) task. Hereby, in-domain data for unsupervised MLM resembling the actual classification target dataset allows for domain adaptation of the model. In this paper, we compare current pre-trained transformer networks with and without MLM fine-tuning on their performance for offensive language detection. Our MLM fine-tuned RoBERTa-based classifier officially ranks 1st in the SemEval 2020 Shared Task 12 for the English language. Further experiments with the ALBERT model even surpass this result.

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EL-BERT at SemEval-2020 Task 10: A Multi-Embedding Ensemble Based Approach for Emphasis Selection in Visual Media
Chandresh Kanani | Sriparna Saha | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

In visual media, text emphasis is the strengthening of words in a text to convey the intent of the author. Text emphasis in visual media is generally done by using different colors, backgrounds, or font for the text; it helps in conveying the actual meaning of the message to the readers. Emphasis selection is the task of choosing candidate words for emphasis, it helps in automatically designing posters and other media contents with written text. If we consider only the text and do not know the intent, then there can be multiple valid emphasis selections. We propose the use of ensembles for emphasis selection to improve over single emphasis selection models. We show that the use of multi-embedding helps in enhancing the results for base models. To show the efficacy of proposed approach we have also done a comparison of our results with state-of-the-art models.

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FPAI at SemEval-2020 Task 10: A Query Enhanced Model with RoBERTa for Emphasis Selection
Chenyang Guo | Xiaolong Hou | Junsong Ren | Lianxin Jiang | Yang Mo | Haiqin Yang | Jianping Shen

This paper describes the model we apply in the SemEval-2020 Task 10. We formalize the task of emphasis selection as a simplified query-based machine reading comprehension (MRC) task, i.e. answering a fixed question of “Find candidates for emphasis”. We propose our subword puzzle encoding mechanism and subword fusion layer to align and fuse subwords. By introducing the semantic prior knowledge of the informative query and some other techniques, we attain the 7th place during the evaluation phase and the first place during train phase.

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Hitachi at SemEval-2020 Task 10: Emphasis Distribution Fusion on Fine-Tuned Language Models
Gaku Morio | Terufumi Morishita | Hiroaki Ozaki | Toshinori Miyoshi

This paper shows our system for SemEval-2020 task 10, Emphasis Selection for Written Text in Visual Media. Our strategy is two-fold. First, we propose fine-tuning many pre-trained language models, predicting an emphasis probability distribution over tokens. Then, we propose stacking a trainable distribution fusion DistFuse system to fuse the predictions of the fine-tuned models. Experimental results show tha DistFuse is comparable or better when compared with a naive average ensemble. As a result, we were ranked 2nd amongst 31 teams.

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IITK at SemEval-2020 Task 10: Transformers for Emphasis Selection
Vipul Singhal | Sahil Dhull | Rishabh Agarwal | Ashutosh Modi

We propose an end-to-end model that takes as input the text and corresponding to each word gives the probability of the word to be emphasized. Our results show that transformer-based models are particularly effective in this task. We achieved an evaluation score of 0.810 and were ranked third on the leaderboard.

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LAST at SemEval-2020 Task 10: Finding Tokens to Emphasise in Short Written Texts with Precomputed Embedding Models and LightGBM
Yves Bestgen

To select tokens to be emphasised in short texts, a system mainly based on precomputed embedding models, such as BERT and ELMo, and LightGBM is proposed. Its performance is low. Additional analyzes suggest that its effectiveness is poor at predicting the highest emphasis scores while they are the most important for the challenge and that it is very sensitive to the specific instances provided during learning.

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MIDAS at SemEval-2020 Task 10: Emphasis Selection Using Label Distribution Learning and Contextual Embeddings
Sarthak Anand | Pradyumna Gupta | Hemant Yadav | Debanjan Mahata | Rakesh Gosangi | Haimin Zhang | Rajiv Ratn Shah

This paper presents our submission to the SemEval 2020 - Task 10 on emphasis selection in written text. We approach this emphasis selection problem as a sequence labeling task where we represent the underlying text with various contextual embedding models. We also employ label distribution learning to account for annotator disagreements. We experiment with the choice of model architectures, trainability of layers, and different contextual embeddings. Our best performing architecture is an ensemble of different models, which achieved an overall matching score of 0.783, placing us 15th out of 31 participating teams. Lastly, we analyze the results in terms of parts of speech tags, sentence lengths, and word ordering.

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Randomseed19 at SemEval-2020 Task 10: Emphasis Selection for Written Text in Visual Media
Aleksandr Shatilov | Denis Gordeev | Alexey Rey

This paper describes our approach to emphasis selection for written text in visual media as a solution for SemEval 2020 Task 10. We used an ensemble of several different Transformer-based models and cast the task as a sequence labeling problem with two tags: ‘I’ as ‘emphasized’ and ‘O’ as ‘non-emphasized’ for each token in the text.

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TextLearner at SemEval-2020 Task 10: A Contextualized Ranking System in Solving Emphasis Selection in Text
Zhishen Yang | Lars Wolfsteller | Naoaki Okazaki

This paper describes the emphasis selection system of the team TextLearner for SemEval 2020 Task 10: Emphasis Selection For Written Text in Visual Media. The system aims to learn the emphasis selection distribution using contextual representations extracted from pre-trained language models and a two-staged ranking model. The experimental results demonstrate the strong contextual representation power of the recent advanced transformer-based language model RoBERTa, which can be exploited using a simple but effective architecture on top.

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TëXtmarkers at SemEval-2020 Task 10: Emphasis Selection with Agreement Dependent Crowd Layers
Kevin Glocker | Stefanos Andreas Markianos Wright

In visual communication, the ability of a short piece of text to catch someone’s eye in a single glance or from a distance is of paramount importance. In our approach to the SemEval-2020 task “Emphasis Selection For Written Text in Visual Media”, we use contextualized word representations from a pretrained model of the state-of-the-art BERT architecture together with a stacked bidirectional GRU network to predict token-level emphasis probabilities. For tackling low inter-annotator agreement in the dataset, we attempt to model multiple annotators jointly by introducing initialization with agreement dependent noise to a crowd layer architecture. We found our approach to both perform substantially better than initialization with identities for this purpose and to outperform a baseline trained with token level majority voting. Our submission system reaches substantially higher Match m on the development set than the task baseline (0.779), but only slightly outperforms the test set baseline (0.754) using a three model ensemble.

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UIC-NLP at SemEval-2020 Task 10: Exploring an Alternate Perspective on Evaluation
Philip Hossu | Natalie Parde

In this work we describe and analyze a supervised learning system for word emphasis selection in phrases drawn from visual media as a part of the Semeval 2020 Shared Task 10. More specifically, we begin by briefly introducing the shared task problem and provide an analysis of interesting and relevant features present in the training dataset. We then introduce our LSTM-based model and describe its structure, input features, and limitations. Our model ultimately failed to beat the benchmark score, achieving an average match() score of 0.704 on the validation data (0.659 on the test data) but predicted 84.8% of words correctly considering a 0.5 threshold. We conclude with a thorough analysis and discussion of erroneous predictions with many examples and visualizations.

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YNU-HPCC at SemEval-2020 Task 10: Using a Multi-granularity Ordinal Classification of the BiLSTM Model for Emphasis Selection
Dawei Liao | Jin Wang | Xuejie Zhang

In this study, we propose a multi-granularity ordinal classification method to address the problem of emphasis selection. In detail, the word embedding is learned from Embeddings from Language Model (ELMO) to extract feature vector representation. Then, the ordinal classifica-tions are implemented on four different multi-granularities to approximate the continuous em-phasize values. Comparative experiments were conducted to compare the model with baseline in which the problem is transformed to label distribution problem.

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3218IR at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Conv1D and Word Embedding in Propaganda Span Identification at News Articles
Dimas Sony Dewantara | Indra Budi | Muhammad Okky Ibrohim

In this paper, we present the result of our experiment with a variant of 1 Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (Conv1D) hyper-parameters value. We describe the system entered by the team of Information Retrieval Lab. Universitas Indonesia (3218IR) in the SemEval 2020 Task 11 Sub Task 1 about propaganda span identification in news articles. The best model obtained an F1 score of 0.24 in the development set and 0.23 in the test set. We show that there is a potential for performance improvement through the use of models with appropriate hyper-parameters. Our system uses a combination of Conv1D and GloVe as Word Embedding to detect propaganda in the fragment text level.

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BPGC at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Propaganda Detection in News Articles with Multi-Granularity Knowledge Sharing and Linguistic Features Based Ensemble Learning
Rajaswa Patil | Somesh Singh | Swati Agarwal

Propaganda spreads the ideology and beliefs of like-minded people, brainwashing their audiences, and sometimes leading to violence. SemEval 2020 Task-11 aims to design automated systems for news propaganda detection. Task-11 consists of two sub-tasks, namely, Span Identification - given any news article, the system tags those specific fragments which contain at least one propaganda technique; and Technique Classification - correctly classify a given propagandist statement amongst 14 propaganda techniques. For sub-task 1, we use contextual embeddings extracted from pre-trained transformer models to represent the text data at various granularities and propose a multi-granularity knowledge sharing approach. For sub-task 2, we use an ensemble of BERT and logistic regression classifiers with linguistic features. Our results reveal that the linguistic features are the strong indicators for covering minority classes in a highly imbalanced dataset.

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DUTH at SemEval-2020 Task 11: BERT with Entity Mapping for Propaganda Classification
Anastasios Bairaktaris | Symeon Symeonidis | Avi Arampatzis

This report describes the methods employed by the Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) team for participating in SemEval-2020 Task 11: Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles. Our team dealt with Subtask 2: Technique Classification. We used shallow Natural Language Processing (NLP) preprocessing techniques to reduce the noise in the dataset, feature selection methods, and common supervised machine learning algorithms. Our final model is based on using the BERT system with entity mapping. To improve our model’s accuracy, we mapped certain words into five distinct categories by employing word-classes and entity recognition

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Hitachi at SemEval-2020 Task 11: An Empirical Study of Pre-Trained Transformer Family for Propaganda Detection
Gaku Morio | Terufumi Morishita | Hiroaki Ozaki | Toshinori Miyoshi

In this paper, we show our system for SemEval-2020 task 11, where we tackle propaganda span identification (SI) and technique classification (TC). We investigate heterogeneous pre-trained language models (PLMs) such as BERT, GPT-2, XLNet, XLM, RoBERTa, and XLM-RoBERTa for SI and TC fine-tuning, respectively. In large-scale experiments, we found that each of the language models has a characteristic property, and using an ensemble model with them is promising. Finally, the ensemble model was ranked 1st amongst 35 teams for SI and 3rd amongst 31 teams for TC.

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JUST at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Detecting Propaganda Techniques Using BERT Pre-trained Model
Ola Altiti | Malak Abdullah | Rasha Obiedat

This paper presents the submission to semeval-2020 task 11, Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles. Knowing that there are two subtasks in this competition, we have participated in the Technique Classification subtask (TC), which aims to identify the propaganda techniques used in a specific propaganda span. We have used and implemented various models to detect propaganda. Our proposed model is based on BERT uncased pre-trained language model as it has achieved state-of-the-art performance on multiple NLP benchmarks. The performance results of our proposed model have scored 0.55307 F1-Score, which outperforms the baseline model provided by the organizers with 0.2519 F1-Score, and our model is 0.07 away from the best performing team. Compared to other participating systems, our submission is ranked 15th out of 31 participants.

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LTIatCMU at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Incorporating Multi-Level Features for Multi-Granular Propaganda Span Identification
Sopan Khosla | Rishabh Joshi | Ritam Dutt | Alan W Black | Yulia Tsvetkov

In this paper we describe our submission for the task of Propaganda Span Identification in news articles. We introduce a BERT-BiLSTM based span-level propaganda classification model that identifies which token spans within the sentence are indicative of propaganda. The ”multi-granular” model incorporates linguistic knowledge at various levels of text granularity, including word, sentence and document level syntactic, semantic and pragmatic affect features, which significantly improve model performance, compared to its language-agnostic variant. To facilitate better representation learning, we also collect a corpus of 10k news articles, and use it for fine-tuning the model. The final model is a majority-voting ensemble which learns different propaganda class boundaries by leveraging different subsets of incorporated knowledge.

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newsSweeper at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Context-Aware Rich Feature Representations for Propaganda Classification
Paramansh Singh | Siraj Sandhu | Subham Kumar | Ashutosh Modi

This paper describes our submissions to SemEval 2020 Task 11: Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles for each of the two subtasks of Span Identification and Technique Classification. We make use of pre-trained BERT language model enhanced with tagging techniques developed for the task of Named Entity Recognition (NER), to develop a system for identifying propaganda spans in the text. For the second subtask, we incorporate contextual features in a pre-trained RoBERTa model for the classification of propaganda techniques. We were ranked 5th in the propaganda technique classification subtask.

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NLFIIT at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Neural Network Architectures for Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles
Matej Martinkovic | Samuel Pecar | Marian Simko

Since propaganda became more common technique in news, it is very important to look for possibilities of its automatic detection. In this paper, we present neural model architecture submitted to the SemEval-2020 Task 11 competition: “Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles”. We participated in both subtasks, propaganda span identification and propaganda technique classification. Our model utilizes recurrent Bi-LSTM layers with pre-trained word representations and also takes advantage of self-attention mechanism. Our model managed to achieve score 0.405 F1 for subtask 1 and 0.553 F1 for subtask 2 on test set resulting in 17th and 16th place in subtask 1 and subtask 2, respectively.

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PsuedoProp at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Propaganda Span Detection Using BERT-CRF and Ensemble Sentence Level Classifier
Aniruddha Chauhan | Harshita Diddee

This paper explains our teams’ submission to the Shared Task of Fine-Grained Propaganda Detection in which we propose a sequential BERT-CRF based Span Identification model where the fine-grained detection is carried out only on the articles that are flagged as containing propaganda by an ensemble SLC model. We propose this setup bearing in mind the practicality of this approach in identifying propaganda spans in the exponentially increasing content base where the fine-tuned analysis of the entire data repository may not be the optimal choice due to its massive computational resource requirements. We present our analysis on different voting ensembles for the SLC model. Our system ranks 14th on the test set and 22nd on the development set and with an F1 score of 0.41 and 0.39 respectively.

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SkoltechNLP at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Exploring Unsupervised Text Augmentation for Propaganda Detection
Daryna Dementieva | Igor Markov | Alexander Panchenko

This paper presents a solution for the Span Identification (SI) task in the “Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles” competition at SemEval-2020. The goal of the SI task is to identify specific fragments of each article which contain the use of at least one propaganda technique. This is a binary sequence tagging task. We tested several approaches finally selecting a fine-tuned BERT model as our baseline model. Our main contribution is an investigation of several unsupervised data augmentation techniques based on distributional semantics expanding the original small training dataset as applied to this BERT-based sequence tagger. We explore various expansion strategies and show that they can substantially shift the balance between precision and recall, while maintaining comparable levels of the F1 score.

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SocCogCom at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Characterizing and Detecting Propaganda Using Sentence-Level Emotional Salience Features
Gangeshwar Krishnamurthy | Raj Kumar Gupta | Yinping Yang

This paper describes a system developed for detecting propaganda techniques from news articles. We focus on examining how emotional salience features extracted from a news segment can help to characterize and predict the presence of propaganda techniques. Correlation analyses surfaced interesting patterns that, for instance, the “loaded language” and “slogan” techniques are negatively associated with valence and joy intensity but are positively associated with anger, fear and sadness intensity. In contrast, “flag waving” and “appeal to fear-prejudice” have the exact opposite pattern. Through predictive experiments, results further indicate that whereas BERT-only features obtained F1-score of 0.548, emotion intensity features and BERT hybrid features were able to obtain F1-score of 0.570, when a simple feedforward network was used as the classifier in both settings. On gold test data, our system obtained micro-averaged F1-score of 0.558 on overall detection efficacy over fourteen propaganda techniques. It performed relatively well in detecting “loaded language” (F1 = 0.772), “name calling and labeling” (F1 = 0.673), “doubt” (F1 = 0.604) and “flag waving” (F1 = 0.543).

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Solomon at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Ensemble Architecture for Fine-Tuned Propaganda Detection in News Articles
Mayank Raj | Ajay Jaiswal | Rohit R.R | Ankita Gupta | Sudeep Kumar Sahoo | Vertika Srivastava | Yeon Hyang Kim

This paper describes our system (Solomon) details and results of participation in the SemEval 2020 Task 11 ”Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles”. We participated in Task ”Technique Classification” (TC) which is a multi-class classification task. To address the TC task, we used RoBERTa based transformer architecture for fine-tuning on the propaganda dataset. The predictions of RoBERTa were further fine-tuned by class-dependent-minority-class classifiers. A special classifier, which employs dynamically adapted Least Common Sub-sequence algorithm, is used to adapt to the intricacies of repetition class. Compared to the other participating systems, our submission is ranked 4th on the leaderboard.

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syrapropa at SemEval-2020 Task 11: BERT-based Models Design for Propagandistic Technique and Span Detection
Jinfen Li | Lu Xiao

This paper describes the BERT-based models proposed for two subtasks in SemEval-2020 Task 11: Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles. We first build the model for Span Identification (SI) based on SpanBERT, and facilitate the detection by a deeper model and a sentence-level representation. We then develop a hybrid model for the Technique Classification (TC). The hybrid model is composed of three submodels including two BERT models with different training methods, and a feature-based Logistic Regression model. We endeavor to deal with imbalanced dataset by adjusting cost function. We are in the seventh place in SI subtask (0.4711 of F1-measure), and in the third place in TC subtask (0.6783 of F1-measure) on the development set.

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Team DiSaster at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Combining BERT and Hand-crafted Features for Identifying Propaganda Techniques in News
Anders Kaas | Viktor Torp Thomsen | Barbara Plank

The identification of communication techniques in news articles such as propaganda is important, as such techniques can influence the opinions of large numbers of people. Most work so far focused on the identification at the news article level. Recently, a new dataset and shared task has been proposed for the identification of propaganda techniques at the finer-grained span level. This paper describes our system submission to the subtask of technique classification (TC) for the SemEval 2020 shared task on detection of propaganda techniques in news articles. We propose a method of combining neural BERT representations with hand-crafted features via stacked generalization. Our model has the added advantage that it combines the power of contextual representations from BERT with simple span-based and article-based global features. We present an ablation study which shows that even though BERT representations are very powerful also for this task, BERT still benefits from being combined with carefully designed task-specific features.

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Transformers at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Propaganda Fragment Detection Using Diversified BERT Architectures Based Ensemble Learning
Ekansh Verma | Vinodh Motupalli | Souradip Chakraborty

In this paper, we present our approach for the ’Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles’ task as a part of the 2020 edition of International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation. The specific objective of this task is to identify and extract the text segments in which propaganda techniques are used. We propose a multi-system deep learning framework that can be used to identify the presence of propaganda fragments in a news article and also deep dive into the diverse enhancements of BERT architecture which are part of the final solution. Our proposed final model gave an F1-score of 0.48 on the test dataset.

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TTUI at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Propaganda Detection with Transfer Learning and Ensembles
Moonsung Kim | Steven Bethard

In this paper, we describe our approaches and systems for the SemEval-2020 Task 11 on propaganda technique detection. We fine-tuned BERT and RoBERTa pre-trained models then merged them with an average ensemble. We conducted several experiments for input representations dealing with long texts and preserving context as well as for the imbalanced class problem. Our system ranked 20th out of 36 teams with 0.398 F1 in the SI task and 14th out of 31 teams with 0.556 F1 in the TC task.

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UAIC1860 at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles
Vlad Ermurachi | Daniela Gifu

The “Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles” task at the SemEval 2020 competition focuses on detecting and classifying propaganda, pervasive in news article. In this paper, we present a system able to evaluate on sentence level, three traditional text representation techniques for these study goals, using: tf*idf, word and character n-grams. Firstly, we built a binary classifier able to provide corresponding propaganda labels, propaganda or non-propaganda. Secondly, we build a multilabel multiclass model to identify applied propaganda.

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UMSIForeseer at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Propaganda Detection by Fine-Tuning BERT with Resampling and Ensemble Learning
Yunzhe Jiang | Cristina Garbacea | Qiaozhu Mei

We describe our participation at the SemEval 2020 “Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles” - Techniques Classification (TC) task, designed to categorize textual fragments into one of the 14 given propaganda techniques. Our solution leverages pre-trained BERT models. We present our model implementations, evaluation results and analysis of these results. We also investigate the potential of combining language models with resampling and ensemble learning methods to deal with data imbalance and improve performance.

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UNTLing at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Detection of Propaganda Techniques in English News Articles
Maia Petee | Alexis Palmer

Our system for the PropEval task explores the ability of semantic features to detect and label propagandistic rhetorical techniques in English news articles. For Subtask 2, labeling identified propagandistic fragments with one of fourteen technique labels, our system attains a micro-averaged F1 of 0.40; in this paper, we take a detailed look at the fourteen labels and how well our semantically-focused model detects each of them. We also propose strategies to fill the gaps.

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UPB at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Propaganda Detection with Domain-Specific Trained BERT
Andrei Paraschiv | Dumitru-Clementin Cercel | Mihai Dascalu

Manipulative and misleading news have become a commodity for some online news outlets and these news have gained a significant impact on the global mindset of people. Propaganda is a frequently employed manipulation method having as goal to influence readers by spreading ideas meant to distort or manipulate their opinions. This paper describes our participation in the SemEval-2020, Task 11: Detection of PropagandaTechniques in News Articles competition. Our approach considers specializing a pre-trained BERT model on propagandistic and hyperpartisan news articles, enabling it to create more adequate representations for the two subtasks, namely propaganda Span Identification (SI) and propaganda Technique Classification (TC). Our proposed system achieved a F1-score of 46.060% in subtask SI, ranking 5th in the leaderboard from 36 teams and a micro-averaged F1 score of 54.302% for subtask TC, ranking 19th from 32 teams.

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UTMN at SemEval-2020 Task 11: A Kitchen Solution to Automatic Propaganda Detection
Elena Mikhalkova | Nadezhda Ganzherli | Anna Glazkova | Yuliya Bidulya

The article describes a fast solution to propaganda detection at SemEval-2020 Task 11, based on feature adjustment. We use per-token vectorization of features and a simple Logistic Regression classifier to quickly test different hypotheses about our data. We come up with what seems to us the best solution, however, we are unable to align it with the result of the metric suggested by the organizers of the task. We test how our system handles class and feature imbalance by varying the number of samples of two classes (Propaganda and None) in the training set, the size of a context window in which a token is vectorized and combination of vectorization means. The result of our system at SemEval2020 Task 11 is F-score=0.37.

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WMD at SemEval-2020 Tasks 7 and 11: Assessing Humor and Propaganda Using Unsupervised Data Augmentation
Guillaume Daval-Frerot | Yannick Weis

In this work, we combine the state-of-the-art BERT architecture with the semi-supervised learning technique UDA in order to exploit unlabeled raw data to assess humor and detect propaganda in the tasks 7 and 11 of the SemEval-2020 competition. The use of UDA shows promising results with a systematic improvement of the performances over the four different subtasks, and even outperforms supervised learning with the additional labels of the Funlines dataset.

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YNUtaoxin at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Identification Fragments of Propaganda Technique by Neural Sequence Labeling Models with Different Tagging Schemes and Pre-trained Language Model
Xin Tao | Xiaobing Zhou

We only participated in the first subtask, and a neural sequence model was used to perform the sequence tagging task. We investigated the effects of different markup strategies on model performance. Bert that performed very well in NLP was used as a feature extractor.

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AlexU-BackTranslation-TL at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Improving Offensive Language Detection Using Data Augmentation and Transfer Learning
Mai Ibrahim | Marwan Torki | Nagwa El-Makky

Social media platforms, online news commenting spaces, and many other public forums have become widely known for issues of abusive behavior such as cyber-bullying and personal attacks. In this paper, we use the annotated tweets of the Offensive Language Identification Dataset (OLID) to train three levels of deep learning classifiers to solve the three sub-tasks associated with the dataset. Sub-task A is to determine if the tweet is toxic or not. Then, for offensive tweets, sub-task B requires determining whether the toxicity is targeted. Finally, for sub-task C, we predict the target of the offense; i.e. a group, individual, or other entity. In our solution, we tackle the problem of class imbalance in the dataset by using back translation for data augmentation and utilizing the fine-tuned BERT model in an ensemble of deep learning classifiers. We used this solution to participate in the three English sub-tasks of SemEval-2020 task 12. The proposed solution achieved 0.91393, 0.6300, and 0.57607 macro F1-average in sub-tasks A, B, and C respectively. We achieved the 9th, 14th, and 22nd places for sub-tasks A, B and C respectively.

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ALT at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Arabic and English Offensive Language Identification in Social Media
Sabit Hassan | Younes Samih | Hamdy Mubarak | Ahmed Abdelali

This paper describes the systems submitted by the Arabic Language Technology group (ALT) at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media. We focus on sub-task A (Offensive Language Identification) for two languages: Arabic and English. Our efforts for both languages achieved more than 90% macro-averaged F1-score on the official test set. For Arabic, the best results were obtained by a system combination of Support Vector Machine, Deep Neural Network, and fine-tuned Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT). For English, the best results were obtained by fine-tuning BERT.

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Amsqr at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Offensive Language Detection Using Neural Networks and Anti-adversarial Features
Alejandro Mosquera

This paper describes a method and system to solve the problem of detecting offensive language in social media using anti-adversarial features. Our submission to the SemEval-2020 task 12 challenge was generated by an stacked ensemble of neural networks fine-tuned on the OLID dataset and additional external sources. For Task-A (English), text normalisation filters were applied at both graphical and lexical level. The normalisation step effectively mitigates not only the natural presence of lexical variants but also intentional attempts to bypass moderation by introducing out of vocabulary words. Our approach provides strong F1 scores for both 2020 (0.9134) and 2019 (0.8258) challenges.

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BRUMS at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Transformer Based Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media
Tharindu Ranasinghe | Hansi Hettiarachchi

In this paper, we describe the team BRUMS entry to OffensEval 2: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media in SemEval-2020. The OffensEval organizers provided participants with annotated datasets containing posts from social media in Arabic, Danish, English, Greek and Turkish. We present a multilingual deep learning model to identify offensive language in social media. Overall, the approach achieves acceptable evaluation scores, while maintaining flexibility between languages.

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CoLi at UdS at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Offensive Tweet Detection with Ensembling
Kathryn Chapman | Johannes Bernhard | Dietrich Klakow

We present our submission and results for SemEval-2020 Task 12: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media (OffensEval 2020) where we participated in offensive tweet classification tasks in English, Arabic, Greek, Turkish and Danish. Our approach included classical machine learning architectures such as support vector machines and logistic regression combined in an ensemble with a multilingual transformer-based model (XLM-R). The transformer model is trained on all languages combined in order to create a fully multilingual model which can leverage knowledge between languages. The machine learning model hyperparameters are fine-tuned and the statistically best performing ones included in the final ensemble.

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CyberTronics at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification over Social Media
Sayanta Paul | Sriparna Saha | Mohammed Hasanuzzaman

The SemEval-2020 Task 12 (OffensEval) challenge focuses on detection of signs of offensiveness using posts or comments over social media. This task has been organized for several languages, e.g., Arabic, Danish, English, Greek and Turkish. It has featured three related sub-tasks for English language: sub-task A was to discriminate between offensive and non-offensive posts, the focus of sub-task B was on the type of offensive content in the post and finally, in sub-task C, proposed systems had to identify the target of the offensive posts. The corpus for each of the languages is developed using the posts and comments over Twitter, a popular social media platform. We have participated in this challenge and submitted results for different languages. The current work presents different machine learning and deep learning techniques and analyzes their performance for offensiveness prediction which involves various classifiers and feature engineering schemes. The experimental analysis on the training set shows that SVM using language specific pre-trained word embedding (Fasttext) outperforms the other methods. Our system achieves a macro-averaged F1 score of 0.45 for Arabic language, 0.43 for Greek language and 0.54 for Turkish language.

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DoTheMath at SemEval-2020 Task 12 : Deep Neural Networks with Self Attention for Arabic Offensive Language Detection
Zoher Orabe | Bushr Haddad | Nada Ghneim | Anas Al-Abood

This paper describes our team work and submission for the SemEval 2020 (Sub-Task A) “Offensive Eval: Identifying and Categorizing Offensive Arabic Language in Arabic Social Media”. Our two baseline models were based on different levels of representation: character vs. word level. In word level based representation we implemented a convolutional neural network model and a bi-directional GRU model. In character level based representation we implemented a hyper CNN and LSTM model. All of these models have been further augmented with attention layers for a better performance on our task. We also experimented with three types of static word embeddings: word2vec, FastText, and Glove, in addition to emoji embeddings, and compared the performance of the different deep learning models on the dataset provided by this task. The bi-directional GRU model with attention has achieved the highest score (0.85% F1 score) among all other models.

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Duluth at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Offensive Tweet Identification in English with Logistic Regression
Ted Pedersen

This paper describes the Duluth systems that participated in SemEval–2020 Task 12, Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media (OffensEval–2020). We participated in the three English language tasks. Our systems provide a simple machine learning baseline using logistic regression. We trained our models on the distantly supervised training data made available by the task organizers and used no other resources. As might be expected we did not rank highly in the comparative evaluation: 79th of 85 in task A, 34th of 43 in task B, and 24th of 39 in task C. We carried out a qualitative analysis of our results and found that the class labels in the gold standard data are somewhat noisy. We hypothesize that the extremely high accuracy (>$ 90%) of the top ranked systems may reflect methods that learn the training data very well but may not generalize to the task of identifying offensive language in English. This analysis includes examples of tweets that despite being mildly redacted are still offensive.

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Ferryman at SemEval-2020 Task 12: BERT-Based Model with Advanced Improvement Methods for Multilingual Offensive Language Identification
Weilong Chen | Peng Wang | Jipeng Li | Yuanshuai Zheng | Yan Wang | Yanru Zhang

Indiscriminately posting offensive remarks on social media may promote the occurrence of negative events such as violence, crime, and hatred. This paper examines different approaches and models for solving offensive tweet classification, which is a part of the OffensEval 2020 competition. The dataset is Offensive Language Identification Dataset (OLID), which draws 14,200 annotated English Tweet comments. The main challenge of data preprocessing is the unbalanced class distribution, abbreviation, and emoji. To overcome these issues, methods such as hashtag segmentation, abbreviation replacement, and emoji replacement have been adopted for data preprocessing approaches. The main task can be divided into three sub-tasks, and are solved by Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency(TF-IDF), Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformer (BERT), and Multi-dropout respectively. Meanwhile, we applied different learning rates for different languages and tasks based on BERT and non-BERTmodels in order to obtain better results. Our team Ferryman ranked the 18th, 8th, and 21st with F1-score of 0.91152 on the English Sub-task A, Sub-task B, and Sub-task C, respectively. Furthermore, our team also ranked in the top 20 on the Sub-task A of other languages.

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Garain at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Sequence Based Deep Learning for Categorizing Offensive Language in Social Media
Avishek Garain

SemEval-2020 Task 12 was OffenseEval: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification inSocial Media (Zampieri et al., 2020). The task was subdivided into multiple languages anddatasets were provided for each one. The task was further divided into three sub-tasks: offensivelanguage identification, automatic categorization of offense types, and offense target identification.I participated in the task-C, that is, offense target identification. For preparing the proposed system,I made use of Deep Learning networks like LSTMs and frameworks like Keras which combine thebag of words model with automatically generated sequence based features and manually extractedfeatures from the given dataset. My system on training on 25% of the whole dataset achieves macro averaged f1 score of 47.763%.

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Hitachi at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Offensive Language Identification with Noisy Labels Using Statistical Sampling and Post-Processing
Manikandan Ravikiran | Amin Ekant Muljibhai | Toshinori Miyoshi | Hiroaki Ozaki | Yuta Koreeda | Sakata Masayuki

In this paper, we present our participation in SemEval-2020 Task-12 Subtask-A (English Language) which focuses on offensive language identification from noisy labels. To this end, we developed a hybrid system with the BERT classifier trained with tweets selected using Statistical Sampling Algorithm (SA) and Post-Processed (PP) using an offensive wordlist. Our developed system achieved 34th position with Macro-averaged F1-score (Macro-F1) of 0.90913 over both offensive and non-offensive classes. We further show comprehensive results and error analysis to assist future research in offensive language identification with noisy labels.

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I2C at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Simple but Effective Approaches to Offensive Speech Detection in Twitter
Victoria Pachón Álvarez | Jacinto Mata Vázquez | José Manuel López Betanzos | José Luis Arjona Fernández

This paper describes the systems developed for I2C Group to participate on Subtasks A and B in English, and Subtask A in Turkish and Arabic in OffensEval (Task 12 of SemEval 2020). In our experiments we compare three architectures we have developed, two based on Transformer and the other based on classical machine learning algorithms. In this paper, the proposed architectures are described, and the results obtained by our systems are presented.

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iCompass at SemEval-2020 Task 12: From a Syntax-ignorant N-gram Embeddings Model to a Deep Bidirectional Language Model
Abir Messaoudi | Hatem Haddad | Moez Ben Haj Hmida

We describe our submitted system to the SemEval 2020. We tackled Task 12 entitled “Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media”, specifically subtask 4A-Arabic. We propose three Arabic offensive language identification models: Tw-StAR, BERT and BERT+BiLSTM. Two Arabic abusive/hate datasets were added to the training dataset: L-HSAB and T-HSAB. The final submission was chosen based on the best performances which was achieved by the BERT+BiLSTM model.

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IITP-AINLPML at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Offensive Tweet Identification and Target Categorization in a Multitask Environment
Soumitra Ghosh | Asif Ekbal | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

In this paper, we describe the participation of IITP-AINLPML team in the SemEval-2020 SharedTask 12 on Offensive Language Identification and Target Categorization in English Twitter data. Our proposed model learns to extract textual features using a BiGRU-based deep neural network supported by a Hierarchical Attention architecture to focus on the most relevant areas in the text. We leverage the effectiveness of multitask learning while building our models for sub-task A and B. We do necessary undersampling of the over-represented classes in the sub-tasks A and C.During training, we consider a threshold of 0.5 as the separation margin between the instances belonging to classes OFF and NOT in sub-task A and UNT and TIN in sub-task B. For sub-task C, the class corresponding to the maximum score among the given confidence scores of the classes(IND, GRP and OTH) is considered as the final label for an instance. Our proposed model obtains the macro F1-scores of 90.95%, 55.69% and 63.88% in sub-task A, B and C, respectively.

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INGEOTEC at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Multilingual Classification of Offensive Text
Sabino Miranda-Jiménez | Eric S. Tellez | Mario Graff | Daniela Moctezuma

This paper describes our participation in OffensEval challenges for English, Arabic, Danish, Turkish, and Greek languages. We used several approaches, such as μTC, TextCategorization, and EvoMSA. Best results were achieved with EvoMSA, which is a multilingual and domain-independent architecture that combines the prediction from different knowledge sources to solve text classification problems.

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IR3218-UI at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Emoji Effects on Offensive Language IdentifiCation
Sandy Kurniawan | Indra Budi | Muhammad Okky Ibrohim

In this paper, we present our approach and the results of our participation in OffensEval 2020. There are three sub-tasks in OffensEval 2020 namely offensive language identification (sub-task A), automatic categorization of offense types (sub-task B), and offense target identification (sub-task C). We participated in sub-task A of English OffensEval 2020. Our approach emphasizes on how the emoji affects offensive language identification. Our model used LSTM combined with GloVe pre-trained word vectors to identify offensive language on social media. The best model obtained macro F1-score of 0.88428.

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IRLab_DAIICT at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods for Offensive Language Identification
Apurva Parikh | Abhimanyu Singh Bisht | Prasenjit Majumder

The paper describes systems that our team IRLab_DAIICT employed for shared task OffensEval2020: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media shared task. We conducted experiments on the English language dataset which contained weakly labelled data. There were three sub-tasks but we only participated in sub-tasks A and B. We employed Machine learning techniques like Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest and Deep learning techniques like Convolutional Neural Network and BERT. Our best approach achieved a MacroF1 score of 0.91 for sub-task A and 0.64 for sub-task B.

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IRlab@IITV at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media Using SVM
Anita Saroj | Supriya Chanda | Sukomal Pal

This paper describes the IRlab@IIT-BHU system for the OffensEval 2020. We take the SVM with TF-IDF features to identify and categorize hate speech and offensive language in social media for two languages. In subtask A, we used a linear SVM classifier to detect abusive content in tweets, achieving a macro F1 score of 0.779 and 0.718 for Arabic and Greek, respectively.

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JCT at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Offensive Language Detection in Tweets Using Preprocessing Methods, Character and Word N-grams
Moshe Uzan | Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner

In this paper, we describe our submissions to SemEval-2020 contest. We tackled subtask 12 - “Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media”. We developed different models for four languages: Arabic, Danish, Greek, and Turkish. We applied three supervised machine learning methods using various combinations of character and word n-gram features. In addition, we applied various combinations of basic preprocessing methods. Our best submission was a model we built for offensive language identification in Danish using Random Forest. This model was ranked at the 6 position out of 39 submissions. Our result is lower by only 0.0025 than the result of the team that won the 4 place using entirely non-neural methods. Our experiments indicate that char ngram features are more helpful than word ngram features. This phenomenon probably occurs because tweets are more characterized by characters than by words, tweets are short, and contain various special sequences of characters, e.g., hashtags, shortcuts, slang words, and typos.

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KAFK at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Checkpoint Ensemble of Transformers for Hate Speech Classification
Kaushik Amar Das | Arup Baruah | Ferdous Ahmed Barbhuiya | Kuntal Dey

This paper presents the approach of Team KAFK for the English edition of SemEval-2020 Task 12. We use checkpoint ensembling to create ensembles of BERT-based transformers and show that it can improve the performance of classification systems. We explore attention mask dropout to mitigate for the poor constructs of social media texts. Our classifiers scored macro-f1 of 0.909, 0.551 and 0.616 for subtasks A, B and C respectively. The code is publicly released online.

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KDELAB at SemEval-2020 Task 12: A System for Estimating Aggression of Tweets Using Two Layers of BERT Features
Keisuke Hanahata | Masaki Aono

In recent years, with the development of social network services and video distribution services, there has been a sharp increase in offensive posts. In this paper, we present our approach for detecting hate speech in tweets defined in the SemEval- 2020 Task 12. Our system precise classification by using features extracted from two different layers of a pre-trained model, the BERT-large, and ensemble them.

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KEIS@JUST at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Identifying Multilingual Offensive Tweets Using Weighted Ensemble and Fine-Tuned BERT
Saja Tawalbeh | Mahmoud Hammad | Mohammad AL-Smadi

This research presents our team KEIS@JUST participation at SemEval-2020 Task 12 which represents shared task on multilingual offensive language. We participated in all the provided languages for all subtasks except sub-task-A for the English language. Two main approaches have been developed the first is performed to tackle both languages Arabic and English, a weighted ensemble consists of Bi-GRU and CNN followed by Gaussian noise and global pooling layer multiplied by weights to improve the overall performance. The second is performed for other languages, a transfer learning from BERT beside the recurrent neural networks such as Bi-LSTM and Bi-GRU followed by a global average pooling layer. Word embedding and contextual embedding have been used as features, moreover, data augmentation has been used only for the Arabic language.

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KS@LTH at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Fine-tuning Multi- and Monolingual Transformer Models for Offensive Language Detection
Kasper Socha

This paper describes the KS@LTH system for SemEval-2020 Task 12 OffensEval2: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media. We compare mono- and multilingual models based on fine-tuning pre-trained transformer models for offensive language identification in Arabic, Greek, English and Turkish. For Danish, we explore the possibility of fine-tuning a model pre-trained on a similar language, Swedish, and additionally also cross-lingual training together with English.

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KUISAIL at SemEval-2020 Task 12: BERT-CNN for Offensive Speech Identification in Social Media
Ali Safaya | Moutasem Abdullatif | Deniz Yuret

In this paper, we describe our approach to utilize pre-trained BERT models with Convolutional Neural Networks for sub-task A of the Multilingual Offensive Language Identification shared task (OffensEval 2020), which is a part of the SemEval 2020. We show that combining CNN with BERT is better than using BERT on its own, and we emphasize the importance of utilizing pre-trained language models for downstream tasks. Our system, ranked 4th with macro averaged F1-Score of 0.897 in Arabic, 4th with score of 0.843 in Greek, and 3rd with score of 0.814 in Turkish. Additionally, we present ArabicBERT, a set of pre-trained transformer language models for Arabic that we share with the community.

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Kungfupanda at SemEval-2020 Task 12: BERT-Based Multi-TaskLearning for Offensive Language Detection
Wenliang Dai | Tiezheng Yu | Zihan Liu | Pascale Fung

Nowadays, offensive content in social media has become a serious problem, and automatically detecting offensive language is an essential task. In this paper, we build an offensive language detection system, which combines multi-task learning with BERT-based models. Using a pre-trained language model such as BERT, we can effectively learn the representations for noisy text in social media. Besides, to boost the performance of offensive language detection, we leverage the supervision signals from other related tasks. In the OffensEval-2020 competition, our model achieves 91.51% F1 score in English Sub-task A, which is comparable to the first place (92.23%F1). An empirical analysis is provided to explain the effectiveness of our approaches.

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Lee at SemEval-2020 Task 12: A BERT Model Based on the Maximum Self-ensemble Strategy for Identifying Offensive Language
Junyi Li | Xiaobing Zhou | Zichen Zhang

This article describes the system submitted to SemEval 2020 Task 12: OffensEval 2020. This task aims to identify and classify offensive languages in different languages on social media. We only participate in the English part of subtask A, which aims to identify offensive languages in English. To solve this task, we propose a BERT model system based on the transform mechanism, and use the maximum self-ensemble to improve model performance. Our model achieved a macro F1 score of 0.913(ranked 13/82) in subtask A.

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LIIR at SemEval-2020 Task 12: A Cross-Lingual Augmentation Approach for Multilingual Offensive Language Identification
Erfan Ghadery | Marie-Francine Moens

This paper presents our system entitled ‘LIIR’ for SemEval-2020 Task 12 on Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media (OffensEval 2). We have participated in sub-task A for English, Danish, Greek, Arabic, and Turkish languages. We adapt and fine-tune the BERT and Multilingual Bert models made available by Google AI for English and non-English languages respectively. For the English language, we use a combination of two fine-tuned BERT models. For other languages we propose a cross-lingual augmentation approach in order to enrich training data and we use Multilingual BERT to obtain sentence representations.

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LISAC FSDM-USMBA Team at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Overcoming AraBERT’s pretrain-finetune discrepancy for Arabic offensive language identification
Hamza Alami | Said Ouatik El Alaoui | Abdessamad Benlahbib | Noureddine En-nahnahi

AraBERT is an Arabic version of the state-of-the-art Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model. The latter has achieved good performance in a variety of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. In this paper, we propose an effective AraBERT embeddings-based method for dealing with offensive Arabic language in Twitter. First, we pre-process tweets by handling emojis and including their Arabic meanings. To overcome the pretrain-finetune discrepancy, we substitute each detected emojis by the special token [MASK] into both fine tuning and inference phases. Then, we represent tweets tokens by applying AraBERT model. Finally, we feed the tweet representation into a sigmoid function to decide whether a tweet is offensive or not. The proposed method achieved the best results on OffensEval 2020: Arabic task and reached a macro F1 score equal to 90.17%.

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NAYEL at SemEval-2020 Task 12: TF/IDF-Based Approach for Automatic Offensive Language Detection in Arabic Tweets
Hamada Nayel

In this paper, we present the system submitted to “SemEval-2020 Task 12”. The proposed system aims at automatically identify the Offensive Language in Arabic Tweets. A machine learning based approach has been used to design our system. We implemented a linear classifier with Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) as optimization algorithm. Our model reported 84.20%, 81.82% f1-score on development set and test set respectively. The best performed system and the system in the last rank reported 90.17% and 44.51% f1-score on test set respectively.

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NLP_Passau at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Multilingual Neural Network for Offensive Language Detection in English, Danish and Turkish
Omar Hussein | Hachem Sfar | Jelena Mitrović | Michael Granitzer

This paper describes a neural network (NN) model that was used for participating in the OffensEval, Task 12 of the SemEval 2020 workshop. The aim of this task is to identify offensive speech in social media, particularly in tweets. The model we used, C-BiGRU, is composed of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) along with a bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). A multidimensional numerical representation (embedding) for each of the words in the tweets that were used by the model were determined using fastText. This allowed for using a dataset of labeled tweets to train the model on detecting combinations of words that may convey an offensive meaning. This model was used in the sub-task A of the English, Turkish and Danish competitions of the workshop, achieving F1 scores of 90.88%, 76.76% and 76.70%, respectively.

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nlpUP at SemEval-2020 Task 12 : A Blazing Fast System for Offensive Language Detection
Ehab Hamdy | Jelena Mitrović | Michael Granitzer

In this paper, we introduce our submission for the SemEval Task 12, sub-tasks A and B for offensive language identification and categorization in English tweets. This year the data set for Task A is significantly larger than in the previous year. Therefore, we have adapted the BlazingText algorithm to extract embedding representation and classify texts after filtering and sanitizing the dataset according to the conventional text patterns on social media. We have gained both advantages of a speedy training process and obtained a good F1 score of 90.88% on the test set. For sub-task B, we opted to fine-tune a Bidirectional Encoder Representation from a Transformer (BERT) to accommodate the limited data for categorizing offensive tweets. We have achieved an F1 score of only 56.86%, but after experimenting with various label assignment thresholds in the pre-processing steps, the F1 score improved to 64%.

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NTU_NLP at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Identifying Offensive Tweets Using Hierarchical Multi-Task Learning Approach
Po-Chun Chen | Hen-Hsen Huang | Hsin-Hsi Chen

This paper presents our hierarchical multi-task learning (HMTL) and multi-task learning (MTL) approaches for improving the text encoder in Sub-tasks A, B, and C of Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media (SemEval-2020 Task 12). We show that using the MTL approach can greatly improve the performance of complex problems, i.e. Sub-tasks B and C. Coupled with a hierarchical approach, the performances are further improved. Overall, our best model, HMTL outperforms the baseline model by 3% and 2% of Macro F-score in Sub-tasks B and C of OffensEval 2020, respectively.

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PGSG at SemEval-2020 Task 12: BERT-LSTM with Tweets’ Pretrained Model and Noisy Student Training Method
Bao-Tran Pham-Hong | Setu Chokshi

The paper presents a system developed for the SemEval-2020 competition Task 12 (OffensEval-2): Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media. We achieve the second place (2nd) in sub-task B: Automatic categorization of offense types and are ranked 55th with a macro F1-score of 90.59 in sub-task A: Offensive language identification. Our solution is using a stack of BERT and LSTM layers, training with the Noisy Student method. Since the tweets data contains a large number of noisy words and slang, we update the vocabulary of the BERT large model pre-trained by the Google AI Language team. We fine-tune the model with tweet sentences provided in the challenge.

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Pin_cod_ at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Injecting Lexicons into Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Networks to Detect Turkish Offensive Tweets
Pinar Arslan

This paper describes a system (pin_cod_) built for SemEval 2020 Task 12: OffensEval: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media (Zampieri et al., 2020). I present the system based on the architecture of bidirectional long short-term memory networks (BiLSTM) concatenated with lexicon-based features and a social-network specific feature and then followed by two fully connected dense layers for detecting Turkish offensive tweets. The pin cod ’s system achieved a macro F1-score of 0.7496 for Sub-task A - Offensive language identification in Turkish.

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problemConquero at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Transformer and Soft Label-based Approaches
Karishma Laud | Jagriti Singh | Randeep Kumar Sahu | Ashutosh Modi

In this paper, we present various systems submitted by our team problemConquero for SemEval-2020 Shared Task 12 “Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media”. We participated in all the three sub-tasks of OffensEval-2020, and our final submissions during the evaluation phase included transformer-based approaches and a soft label-based approach. BERT based fine-tuned models were submitted for each language of sub-task A (offensive tweet identification). RoBERTa based fine-tuned model for sub-task B (automatic categorization of offense types) was submitted. We submitted two models for sub-task C (offense target identification), one using soft labels and the other using BERT based fine-tuned model. Our ranks for sub-task A were Greek-19 out of 37, Turkish-22 out of 46, Danish-26 out of 39, Arabic-39 out of 53, and English-20 out of 85. We achieved a rank of 28 out of 43 for sub-task B. Our best rank for sub-task C was 20 out of 39 using BERT based fine-tuned model.

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SalamNET at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Deep Learning Approach for Arabic Offensive Language Detection
Fatemah Husain | Jooyeon Lee | Sam Henry | Ozlem Uzuner

This paper describes SalamNET, an Arabic offensive language detection system that has been submitted to SemEval 2020 shared task 12: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media. Our approach focuses on applying multiple deep learning models and conducting in depth error analysis of results to provide system implications for future development considerations. To pursue our goal, a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) models with different design architectures have been developed and evaluated. The SalamNET, a Bi-directional Gated Recurrent Unit (Bi-GRU) based model, reports a macro-F1 score of 0.83%

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Smatgrisene at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Offense Detection by AI - with a Pinch of Real I
Peter Juel Henrichsen | Marianne Rathje

This paper discusses how ML based classifiers can be enhanced disproportionately by adding small amounts of qualitative linguistic knowledge. As an example we present the Danish classifier Smatgrisene, our contribution to the recent OffensEval Challenge 2020. The classifier was trained on 3000 social media posts annotated for offensiveness, supplemented by rules extracted from the reference work on Danish offensive language (Rathje 2014b). Smatgrisene did surprisingly well in the competition in spite of its extremely simple design, showing an interesting trade-off between technological muscle and linguistic intelligence. Finally, we comment on the perspectives in combining qualitative and quantitative methods for NLP.

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Sonal.kumari at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Social Media Multilingual Offensive Text Identification and Categorization Using Neural Network Models
Sonal Kumari

In this paper, we present our approaches and results for SemEval-2020 Task 12, Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media (OffensEval 2020). The OffensEval 2020 had three subtasks: A) Identifying the tweets to be offensive (OFF) or non-offensive (NOT) for Arabic, Danish, English, Greek, and Turkish languages, B) Detecting if the offensive tweet is targeted (TIN) or untargeted (UNT) for the English language, and C) Categorizing the offensive targeted tweets into three classes, namely: individual (IND), Group (GRP), or Other (OTH) for the English language. We participate in all the subtasks A, B, and C. In our solution, first we use the pre-trained BERT model for all subtasks, A, B, and C and then we apply the BiLSTM model with attention mechanism (Attn-BiLSTM) for the same. Our result demonstrates that the pre-trained model is not giving good results for all types of languages and is compute and memory intensive whereas the Attn-BiLSTM model is fast and gives good accuracy with fewer resources. The Attn-BiLSTM model is giving better accuracy for Arabic and Greek where the pre-trained model is not able to capture the complete context of these languages due to lower vocab-size.

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Ssn_nlp at SemEval 2020 Task 12: Offense Target Identification in Social Media Using Traditional and Deep Machine Learning Approaches
Thenmozhi D. | Nandhinee P.r. | Arunima S. | Amlan Sengupta

Offensive language identification (OLI) in user generated text is automatic detection of any profanity, insult, obscenity, racism or vulgarity that is addressed towards an individual or a group. Due to immense growth and usage of social media, it has an extensive reach and impact on the society. OLI is helpful for hate speech detection, flame detection and cyber bullying, hence it is used to avoid abuse and hurts. In this paper, we present state of the art machine learning approaches for OLI. We follow several approaches which include classifiers like Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine(SVM) and deep learning approaches like Recurrent Neural Network(RNN) and Masked LM (MLM). The approaches are evaluated on the OffensEval@SemEval2020 dataset and our team ssn_nlp submitted runs for the third task of OffensEval shared task. The best run of ssn_nlp that uses BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) for the purpose of training the OLI model obtained F1 score as 0.61. The model performs with an accuracy of 0.80 and an evaluation loss of 1.0828. The model has a precision rate of 0.72 and a recall rate of 0.58.

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SSN_NLP_MLRG at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Offensive Language Identification in English, Danish, Greek Using BERT and Machine Learning Approach
A Kalaivani | Thenmozhi D.

Offensive language identification is to detect the hurtful tweets, derogatory comments, swear words on social media. As an emerging growth of social media communication, offensive language detection has received more attention in the last years; we focus to perform the task on English, Danish and Greek. We have investigated which can be effect more on pre-trained models BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformer) and Machine Learning Approaches. Our investigation shows the difference performance between the three languages and to identify the best performance is evaluated by the classification algorithms. In the shared task SemEval-2020, our team SSN_NLP_MLRG submitted for three languages that are Subtasks A, B, C in English, Subtask A in Danish and Subtask A in Greek. Our team SSN_NLP_MLRG obtained the F1 Scores as 0.90, 0.61, 0.52 for the Subtasks A, B, C in English, 0.56 for the Subtask A in Danish and 0.67 for the Subtask A in Greek respectively.

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SU-NLP at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Offensive Language IdentifiCation in Turkish Tweets
Anil Ozdemir | Reyyan Yeniterzi

This paper summarizes our group’s efforts in the offensive language identification shared task, which is organized as part of the International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (Sem-Eval2020). Our final submission system is an ensemble of three different models, (1) CNN-LSTM, (2) BiLSTM-Attention and (3) BERT. Word embeddings, which were pre-trained on tweets, are used while training the first two models. BERTurk, which is the first BERT model for Turkish, is also explored. Our final submitted approach ranked as the second best model in the Turkish sub-task.

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TAC at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Ensembling Approach for Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media
Talha Anwar | Omer Baig

Usage of offensive language on social media is getting more common these days, and there is a need of a mechanism to detect it and control it. This paper deals with offensive language detection in five different languages; English, Arabic, Danish, Greek and Turkish. We presented an almost similar ensemble pipeline comprised of machine learning and deep learning models for all five languages. Three machine learning and four deep learning models were used in the ensemble. In the OffensEval-2020 competition our model achieved F1-score of 0.85, 0.74, 0.68, 0.81, and 0.9 for Arabic, Turkish, Danish, Greek and English language tasks respectively.

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Team Rouges at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Cross-lingual Inductive Transfer to Detect Offensive Language
Tanvi Dadu | Kartikey Pant

With the growing use of social media and its availability, many instances of the use of offensive language have been observed across multiple languages and domains. This phenomenon has given rise to the growing need to detect the offensive language used in social media cross-lingually. In OffensEval 2020, the organizers have released the multilingual Offensive Language Identification Dataset (mOLID), which contains tweets in five different languages, to detect offensive language. In this work, we introduce a cross-lingual inductive approach to identify the offensive language in tweets using the contextual word embedding XLM-RoBERTa (XLM-R). We show that our model performs competitively on all five languages, obtaining the fourth position in the English task with an F1-score of 0.919 and eighth position in the Turkish task with an F1-score of 0.781. Further experimentation proves that our model works competitively in a zero-shot learning environment, and is extensible to other languages.

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TECHSSN at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Offensive Language Detection Using BERT Embeddings
Rajalakshmi Sivanaiah | Angel Suseelan | S Milton Rajendram | Mirnalinee T.t.

This paper describes the work of identifying the presence of offensive language in social media posts and categorizing a post as targeted to a particular person or not. The work developed by team TECHSSN for solving the Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media (Task 12) in SemEval-2020 involves the use of deep learning models with BERT embeddings. The dataset is preprocessed and given to a Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model with pretrained weight vectors. The model is retrained and the weights are learned for the offensive language dataset. We have developed a system with the English language dataset. The results are better when compared to the model we developed in SemEval-2019 Task6.

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TheNorth at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Hate Speech Detection Using RoBERTa
Pedro Alonso | Rajkumar Saini | György Kovacs

Hate speech detection on social media platforms is crucial as it helps to avoid severe situations, and severe harm to marginalized people and groups. The application of Natural Language Processing(NLP) and Deep Learning has garnered encouraging results in the task of hate speech detection. The expression of hate, however is varied and ever evolving. Thus, it is important for better detection systems to adapt to this variance. Because of this, researchers keep on collecting data and regularly come up with hate speech detection competitions. In this paper, we discuss our entry to one such competition, namely the English version of sub-task A for the OffensEval competition. Our contribution can be perceived through our results, which were first a F1-score of 0.9089, and with further refinements described here climb up to0.9166. It serves to give more support to our hypothesis that one of the variants of BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), namely RoBERTa can successfully differentiate between offensive and not-offensive tweets, given some preprocessing steps (also outlined here).

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UJNLP at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Detecting Offensive Language Using Bidirectional Transformers
Yinnan Yao | Nan Su | Kun Ma

In this paper, we built several pre-trained models to participate SemEval-2020 Task 12: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media. In the common task of Offensive Language Identification in Social Media, pre-trained models such as Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformer (BERT) have achieved good results. We preprocess the dataset by the language habits of users in social network. Considering the data imbalance in OffensEval, we screened the newly provided machine annotation samples to construct a new dataset. We use the dataset to fine-tune the Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach (RoBERTa). For the English subtask B, we adopted the method of adding Auxiliary Sentences (AS) to transform the single-sentence classification task into a relationship recognition task between sentences. Our team UJNLP wins the ranking 16th of 85 in English subtask A (Offensive language identification).

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UNT Linguistics at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Linear SVC with Pre-trained Word Embeddings as Document Vectors and Targeted Linguistic Features
Jared Fromknecht | Alexis Palmer

This paper outlines our approach to Tasks A & B for the English Language track of SemEval-2020 Task 12: OffensEval 2: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media. We use a Linear SVM with document vectors computed from pre-trained word embeddings, and we explore the effectiveness of lexical, part of speech, dependency, and named entity (NE) features. We manually annotate a subset of the training data, which we use for error analysis and to tune a threshold for mapping training confidence values to labels. While document vectors are consistently the most informative features for both tasks, testing on the development set suggests that dependency features are an effective addition for Task A, and NE features for Task B.

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UoB at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Boosting BERT with Corpus Level Information
Wah Meng Lim | Harish Tayyar Madabushi

Pre-trained language model word representation, such as BERT, have been extremely successful in several Natural Language Processing tasks significantly improving on the state-of-the-art. This can largely be attributed to their ability to better capture semantic information contained within a sentence. Several tasks, however, can benefit from information available at a corpus level, such as Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF). In this work we test the effectiveness of integrating this information with BERT on the task of identifying abuse on social media and show that integrating this information with BERT does indeed significantly improve performance. We participate in Sub-Task A (abuse detection) wherein we achieve a score within two points of the top performing team and in Sub-Task B (target detection) wherein we are ranked 4 of the 44 participating teams.

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UPB at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Multilingual Offensive Language Detection on Social Media by Fine-tuning a Variety of BERT-based Models
Mircea-Adrian Tanase | Dumitru-Clementin Cercel | Costin Chiru

Offensive language detection is one of the most challenging problem in the natural language processing field, being imposed by the rising presence of this phenomenon in online social media. This paper describes our Transformer-based solutions for identifying offensive language on Twitter in five languages (i.e., English, Arabic, Danish, Greek, and Turkish), which was employed in Subtask A of the Offenseval 2020 shared task. Several neural architectures (i.e., BERT, mBERT, Roberta, XLM-Roberta, and ALBERT), pre-trained using both single-language and multilingual corpora, were fine-tuned and compared using multiple combinations of datasets. Finally, the highest-scoring models were used for our submissions in the competition, which ranked our team 21st of 85, 28th of 53, 19th of 39, 16th of 37, and 10th of 46 for English, Arabic, Danish, Greek, and Turkish, respectively.

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UTFPR at SemEval 2020 Task 12: Identifying Offensive Tweets with Lightweight Ensembles
Marcos Aurélio Hermogenes Boriola | Gustavo Henrique Paetzold

Offensive language is a common issue on social media platforms nowadays. In an effort to address this issue, the SemEval 2020 event held the OffensEval 2020 shared task where the participants were challenged to develop systems that identify and classify offensive language in tweets. In this paper, we present a system that uses an Ensemble model stacking a BOW model and a CNN model that led us to place 29th in the ranking for English sub-task A.

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WOLI at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Arabic Offensive Language Identification on Different Twitter Datasets
Yasser Otiefy | Ahmed Abdelmalek | Islam El Hosary

Communicating through social platforms has become one of the principal means of personal communications and interactions. Unfortunately, healthy communication is often interfered by offensive language that can have damaging effects on the users. A key to fight offensive language on social media is the existence of an automatic offensive language detection system. This paper presents the results and the main findings of SemEval-2020, Task 12 OffensEval Sub-task A Zampieri et al. (2020), on Identifying and categorising Offensive Language in Social Media. The task was based on the Arabic OffensEval dataset Mubarak et al. (2020). In this paper, we describe the system submitted by WideBot AI Lab for the shared task which ranked 10th out of 52 participants with Macro-F1 86.9% on the golden dataset under CodaLab username “yasserotiefy”. We experimented with various models and the best model is a linear SVM in which we use a combination of both character and word n-grams. We also introduced a neural network approach that enhanced the predictive ability of our system that includes CNN, highway network, Bi-LSTM, and attention layers.

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XD at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Ensemble Approach to Offensive Language Identification in Social Media Using Transformer Encoders
Xiangjue Dong | Jinho D. Choi

This paper presents six document classification models using the latest transformer encoders and a high-performing ensemble model for a task of offensive language identification in social media. For the individual models, deep transformer layers are applied to perform multi-head attentions. For the ensemble model, the utterance representations taken from those individual models are concatenated and fed into a linear decoder to make the final decisions. Our ensemble model outperforms the individual models and shows up to 8.6% improvement over the individual models on the development set. On the test set, it achieves macro-F1 of 90.9% and becomes one of the high performing systems among 85 participants in the sub-task A of this shared task. Our analysis shows that although the ensemble model significantly improves the accuracy on the development set, the improvement is not as evident on the test set.

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YNU_oxz at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Bidirectional GRU with Capsule for Identifying Multilingual Offensive Language
Xiaozhi Ou | Hongling Li

This article describes the system submitted to SemEval-2020 Task 12 OffensEval 2: Multilingual Offensive Language Recognition in Social Media. The task is to classify offensive language in social media. The shared task contains five languages (English, Greek, Arabic, Danish, and Turkish) and three subtasks. We only participated in subtask A of English to identify offensive language. To solve this task, we proposed a system based on a Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (Bi-GRU) with a Capsule model. Finally, we used the K-fold approach for ensemble. Our model achieved a Macro-average F1 score of 0.90969 (ranked 27/85) in subtask A.


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Proceedings of the 17th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology

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Proceedings of the 17th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology
Garrett Nicolai | Kyle Gorman | Ryan Cotterell

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SIGMORPHON 2020 Shared Task 0: Typologically Diverse Morphological Inflection
Ekaterina Vylomova | Jennifer White | Elizabeth Salesky | Sabrina J. Mielke | Shijie Wu | Edoardo Maria Ponti | Rowan Hall Maudslay | Ran Zmigrod | Josef Valvoda | Svetlana Toldova | Francis Tyers | Elena Klyachko | Ilya Yegorov | Natalia Krizhanovsky | Paula Czarnowska | Irene Nikkarinen | Andrew Krizhanovsky | Tiago Pimentel | Lucas Torroba Hennigen | Christo Kirov | Garrett Nicolai | Adina Williams | Antonios Anastasopoulos | Hilaria Cruz | Eleanor Chodroff | Ryan Cotterell | Miikka Silfverberg | Mans Hulden

A broad goal in natural language processing (NLP) is to develop a system that has the capacity to process any natural language. Most systems, however, are developed using data from just one language such as English. The SIGMORPHON 2020 shared task on morphological reinflection aims to investigate systems’ ability to generalize across typologically distinct languages, many of which are low resource. Systems were developed using data from 45 languages and just 5 language families, fine-tuned with data from an additional 45 languages and 10 language families (13 in total), and evaluated on all 90 languages. A total of 22 systems (19 neural) from 10 teams were submitted to the task. All four winning systems were neural (two monolingual transformers and two massively multilingual RNN-based models with gated attention). Most teams demonstrate utility of data hallucination and augmentation, ensembles, and multilingual training for low-resource languages. Non-neural learners and manually designed grammars showed competitive and even superior performance on some languages (such as Ingrian, Tajik, Tagalog, Zarma, Lingala), especially with very limited data. Some language families (Afro-Asiatic, Niger-Congo, Turkic) were relatively easy for most systems and achieved over 90% mean accuracy while others were more challenging.

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The SIGMORPHON 2020 Shared Task on Multilingual Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion
Kyle Gorman | Lucas F.E. Ashby | Aaron Goyzueta | Arya McCarthy | Shijie Wu | Daniel You

We describe the design and findings of the SIGMORPHON 2020 shared task on multilingual grapheme-to-phoneme conversion. Participants were asked to submit systems which take in a sequence of graphemes in a given language as input, then output a sequence of phonemes representing the pronunciation of that grapheme sequence. Nine teams submitted a total of 23 systems, at best achieving a 18% relative reduction in word error rate (macro-averaged over languages), versus strong neural sequence-to-sequence baselines. To facilitate error analysis, we publicly release the complete outputs for all systems—a first for the SIGMORPHON workshop.

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The SIGMORPHON 2020 Shared Task on Unsupervised Morphological Paradigm Completion
Katharina Kann | Arya D. McCarthy | Garrett Nicolai | Mans Hulden

In this paper, we describe the findings of the SIGMORPHON 2020 shared task on unsupervised morphological paradigm completion (SIGMORPHON 2020 Task 2), a novel task in the field of inflectional morphology. Participants were asked to submit systems which take raw text and a list of lemmas as input, and output all inflected forms, i.e., the entire morphological paradigm, of each lemma. In order to simulate a realistic use case, we first released data for 5 development languages. However, systems were officially evaluated on 9 surprise languages, which were only revealed a few days before the submission deadline. We provided a modular baseline system, which is a pipeline of 4 components. 3 teams submitted a total of 7 systems, but, surprisingly, none of the submitted systems was able to improve over the baseline on average over all 9 test languages. Only on 3 languages did a submitted system obtain the best results. This shows that unsupervised morphological paradigm completion is still largely unsolved. We present an analysis here, so that this shared task will ground further research on the topic.

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One-Size-Fits-All Multilingual Models
Ben Peters | André F. T. Martins

This paper presents DeepSPIN’s submissions to Tasks 0 and 1 of the SIGMORPHON 2020 Shared Task. For both tasks, we present multilingual models, training jointly on data in all languages. We perform no language-specific hyperparameter tuning – each of our submissions uses the same model for all languages. Our basic architecture is the sparse sequence-to-sequence model with entmax attention and loss, which allows our models to learn sparse, local alignments while still being trainable with gradient-based techniques. For Task 1, we achieve strong performance with both RNN- and transformer-based sparse models. For Task 0, we extend our RNN-based model to a multi-encoder set-up in which separate modules encode the lemma and inflection sequences. Despite our models’ lack of language-specific tuning, they tie for first in Task 0 and place third in Task 1.

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Ensemble Self-Training for Low-Resource Languages: Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion and Morphological Inflection
Xiang Yu | Ngoc Thang Vu | Jonas Kuhn

We present an iterative data augmentation framework, which trains and searches for an optimal ensemble and simultaneously annotates new training data in a self-training style. We apply this framework on two SIGMORPHON 2020 shared tasks: grapheme-to-phoneme conversion and morphological inflection. With very simple base models in the ensemble, we rank the first and the fourth in these two tasks. We show in the analysis that our system works especially well on low-resource languages.

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The CMU-LTI submission to the SIGMORPHON 2020 Shared Task 0: Language-Specific Cross-Lingual Transfer
Nikitha Murikinati | Antonios Anastasopoulos

This paper describes the CMU-LTI submission to the SIGMORPHON 2020 Shared Task 0 on typologically diverse morphological inflection. The (unrestricted) submission uses the cross-lingual approach of our last year’s winning submission (Anastasopoulos and Neubig, 2019), but adapted to use specific transfer languages for each test language. Our system, with fixed non-tuned hyperparameters, achieved a macro-averaged accuracy of 80.65 ranking 20th among 31 systems, but it was still tied for best system in 25 of the 90 total languages.

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Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion with a Multilingual Transformer Model
Omnia ElSaadany | Benjamin Suter

In this paper, we describe our three submissions to the SIGMORPHON 2020 shared task 1 on grapheme-to-phoneme conversion for 15 languages. We experimented with a single multilingual transformer model. We observed that the multilingual model achieves results on par with our separately trained monolingual models and is even able to avoid a few of the errors made by the monolingual models.

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The NYU-CUBoulder Systems for SIGMORPHON 2020 Task 0 and Task 2
Assaf Singer | Katharina Kann

We describe the NYU-CUBoulder systems for the SIGMORPHON 2020 Task 0 on typologically diverse morphological inflection and Task 2 on unsupervised morphological paradigm completion. The former consists of generating morphological inflections from a lemma and a set of morphosyntactic features describing the target form. The latter requires generating entire paradigms for a set of given lemmas from raw text alone. We model morphological inflection as a sequence-to-sequence problem, where the input is the sequence of the lemma’s characters with morphological tags, and the output is the sequence of the inflected form’s characters. First, we apply a transformer model to the task. Second, as inflected forms share most characters with the lemma, we further propose a pointer-generator transformer model to allow easy copying of input characters.

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The IMSCUBoulder System for the SIGMORPHON 2020 Shared Task on Unsupervised Morphological Paradigm Completion
Manuel Mager | Katharina Kann

In this paper, we present the systems of the University of Stuttgart IMS and the University of Colorado Boulder (IMS–CUBoulder) for SIGMORPHON 2020 Task 2 on unsupervised morphological paradigm completion (Kann et al., 2020). The task consists of generating the morphological paradigms of a set of lemmas, given only the lemmas themselves and unlabeled text. Our proposed system is a modified version of the baseline introduced together with the task. In particular, we experiment with substituting the inflection generation component with an LSTM sequence-to-sequence model and an LSTM pointer-generator network. Our pointer-generator system obtains the best score of all seven submitted systems on average over all languages, and outperforms the official baseline, which was best overall, on Bulgarian and Kannada.

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SIGMORPHON 2020 Task 0 System Description: ETH Zürich Team
Martina Forster | Clara Meister

This paper presents our system for the SIGMORPHON 2020 Shared Task. We build off of the baseline systems, performing exact inference on models trained on language family data. Our systems return the globally best solution under these models. Our two systems achieve 80.9% and 75.6% accuracy on the test set. We ultimately find that, in this setting, exact inference does not seem to help or hinder the performance of morphological inflection generators, which stands in contrast to its affect on Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models.

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KU-CST at the SIGMORPHON 2020 Task 2 on Unsupervised Morphological Paradigm Completion
Manex Agirrezabal | Jürgen Wedekind

We present a model for the unsupervised dis- covery of morphological paradigms. The goal of this model is to induce morphological paradigms from the bible (raw text) and a list of lemmas. We have created a model that splits each lemma in a stem and a suffix, and then we try to create a plausible suffix list by con- sidering lemma pairs. Our model was not able to outperform the official baseline, and there is still room for improvement, but we believe that the ideas presented here are worth considering.

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Low-Resource G2P and P2G Conversion with Synthetic Training Data
Bradley Hauer | Amir Ahmad Habibi | Yixing Luan | Arnob Mallik | Grzegorz Kondrak

This paper presents the University of Alberta systems and results in the SIGMORPHON 2020 Task 1: Multilingual Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion. Following previous SIGMORPHON shared tasks, we define a low-resource setting with 100 training instances. We experiment with three transduction approaches in both standard and low-resource settings, as well as on the related task of phoneme-to-grapheme conversion. We propose a method for synthesizing training data using a combination of diverse models.

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Frustratingly Easy Multilingual Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion
Nikhil Prabhu | Katharina Kann

In this paper, we describe two CU-Boulder submissions to the SIGMORPHON 2020 Task 1 on multilingual grapheme-to-phoneme conversion (G2P). Inspired by the high performance of a standard transformer model (Vaswani et al., 2017) on the task, we improve over this approach by adding two modifications: (i) Instead of training exclusively on G2P, we additionally create examples for the opposite direction, phoneme-to-grapheme conversion (P2G). We then perform multi-task training on both tasks. (ii) We produce ensembles of our models via majority voting. Our approaches, though being conceptually simple, result in systems that place 6th and 8th amongst 23 submitted systems, and obtain the best results out of all systems on Lithuanian and Modern Greek, respectively.

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Exploring Neural Architectures And Techniques For Typologically Diverse Morphological Inflection
Pratik Jayarao | Siddhanth Pillay | Pranav Thombre | Aditi Chaudhary

Morphological inflection in low resource languages is critical to augment existing corpora in Low Resource Languages, which can help develop several applications in these languages with very good social impact. We describe our attention-based encoder-decoder approach that we implement using LSTMs and Transformers as the base units. We also describe the ancillary techniques that we experimented with, such as hallucination, language vector injection, sparsemax loss and adversarial language network alongside our approach to select the related language(s) for training. We present the results we generated on the constrained as well as unconstrained SIGMORPHON 2020 dataset (CITATION). One of the primary goals of our paper was to study the contribution varied components described above towards the performance of our system and perform an analysis on the same.

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University of Illinois Submission to the SIGMORPHON 2020 Shared Task 0: Typologically Diverse Morphological Inflection
Marc Canby | Aidana Karipbayeva | Bryan Lunt | Sahand Mozaffari | Charlotte Yoder | Julia Hockenmaier

The objective of this shared task is to produce an inflected form of a word, given its lemma and a set of tags describing the attributes of the desired form. In this paper, we describe a transformer-based model that uses a bidirectional decoder to perform this task, and evaluate its performance on the 90 languages and 18 language families used in this task.

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One Model to Pronounce Them All: Multilingual Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion With a Transformer Ensemble
Kaili Vesik | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Miikka Silfverberg

The task of grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) conversion is important for both speech recognition and synthesis. Similar to other speech and language processing tasks, in a scenario where only small-sized training data are available, learning G2P models is challenging. We describe a simple approach of exploiting model ensembles, based on multilingual Transformers and self-training, to develop a highly effective G2P solution for 15 languages. Our models are developed as part of our participation in the SIGMORPHON 2020 Shared Task 1 focused at G2P. Our best models achieve 14.99 word error rate (WER) and 3.30 phoneme error rate (PER), a sizeable improvement over the shared task competitive baselines.

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Leveraging Principal Parts for Morphological Inflection
Ling Liu | Mans Hulden

This paper presents the submission by the CU Ling team from the University of Colorado to SIGMORPHON 2020 shared task 0 on morphological inflection. The task is to generate the target inflected word form given a lemma form and a target morphosyntactic description. Our system uses the Transformer architecture. Our overall approach is to treat the morphological inflection task as a paradigm cell filling problem and to design the system to leverage principal parts information for better morphological inflection when the training data is limited. We train one model for each language separately without external data. The overall average performance of our submission ranks the first in both average accuracy and Levenshtein distance from the gold inflection among all submissions including those using external resources.

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Linguist vs. Machine: Rapid Development of Finite-State Morphological Grammars
Sarah Beemer | Zak Boston | April Bukoski | Daniel Chen | Princess Dickens | Andrew Gerlach | Torin Hopkins | Parth Anand Jawale | Chris Koski | Akanksha Malhotra | Piyush Mishra | Saliha Muradoglu | Lan Sang | Tyler Short | Sagarika Shreevastava | Elizabeth Spaulding | Testumichi Umada | Beilei Xiang | Changbing Yang | Mans Hulden

Sequence-to-sequence models have proven to be highly successful in learning morphological inflection from examples as the series of SIGMORPHON/CoNLL shared tasks have shown. It is usually assumed, however, that a linguist working with inflectional examples could in principle develop a gold standard-level morphological analyzer and generator that would surpass a trained neural network model in accuracy of predictions, but that it may require significant amounts of human labor. In this paper, we discuss an experiment where a group of people with some linguistic training develop 25+ grammars as part of the shared task and weigh the cost/benefit ratio of developing grammars by hand. We also present tools that can help linguists triage difficult complex morphophonological phenomena within a language and hypothesize inflectional class membership. We conclude that a significant development effort by trained linguists to analyze and model morphophonological patterns are required in order to surpass the accuracy of neural models.

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CLUZH at SIGMORPHON 2020 Shared Task on Multilingual Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion
Peter Makarov | Simon Clematide

This paper describes the submission by the team from the Institute of Computational Linguistics, Zurich University, to the Multilingual Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion (G2P) Task of the SIGMORPHON 2020 challenge. The submission adapts our system from the 2018 edition of the SIGMORPHON shared task. Our system is a neural transducer that operates over explicit edit actions and is trained with imitation learning. It is well-suited for morphological string transduction partly because it exploits the fact that the input and output character alphabets overlap. The challenge posed by G2P has been to adapt the model and the training procedure to work with disjoint alphabets. We adapt the model to use substitution edits and train it with a weighted finite-state transducer acting as the expert policy. An ensemble of such models produces competitive results on G2P. Our submission ranks second out of 23 submissions by a total of nine teams.

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The UniMelb Submission to the SIGMORPHON 2020 Shared Task 0: Typologically Diverse Morphological Inflection
Andreas Scherbakov

The paper describes the University of Melbourne’s submission to the SIGMORPHON 2020 Shared Task 0: Typologically Diverse Morphological Inflection. Our team submitted three systems in total, two neural and one non-neural. Our analysis of systems’ performance shows positive effects of newly introduced data hallucination technique that we employed in one of neural systems, especially in low-resource scenarios. A non-neural system based on observed inflection patterns shows optimistic results even in its simple implementation (>75% accuracy for 50% of languages). With possible improvement within the same modeling principle, accuracy might grow to values above 90%.

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Data Augmentation for Transformer-based G2P
Zach Ryan | Mans Hulden

The Transformer model has been shown to outperform other neural seq2seq models in several character-level tasks. It is unclear, however, if the Transformer would benefit as much as other seq2seq models from data augmentation strategies in the low-resource setting. In this paper we explore strategies for data augmentation in the g2p task together with the Transformer model. Our results show that a relatively simple alignment-based strategy of identifying consistent input-output subsequences in grapheme-phoneme data coupled together with a subsequent splicing together of such pieces to generate hallucinated data works well in the low-resource setting, often delivering substantial performance improvement over a standard Transformer model.

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Transliteration for Cross-Lingual Morphological Inflection
Nikitha Murikinati | Antonios Anastasopoulos | Graham Neubig

Cross-lingual transfer between typologically related languages has been proven successful for the task of morphological inflection. However, if the languages do not share the same script, current methods yield more modest improvements. We explore the use of transliteration between related languages, as well as grapheme-to-phoneme conversion, as data preprocessing methods in order to alleviate this issue. We experimented with several diverse language pairs, finding that in most cases transliterating the transfer language data into the target one leads to accuracy improvements, even up to 9 percentage points. Converting both languages into a shared space like the International Phonetic Alphabet or the Latin alphabet is also beneficial, leading to improvements of up to 16 percentage points.

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Evaluating Neural Morphological Taggers for Sanskrit
Ashim Gupta | Amrith Krishna | Pawan Goyal | Oliver Hellwig

Neural sequence labelling approaches have achieved state of the art results in morphological tagging. We evaluate the efficacy of four standard sequence labelling models on Sanskrit, a morphologically rich, fusional Indian language. As its label space can theoretically contain more than 40,000 labels, systems that explicitly model the internal structure of a label are more suited for the task, because of their ability to generalise to labels not seen during training. We find that although some neural models perform better than others, one of the common causes for error for all of these models is mispredictions due to syncretism.

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Getting the ##life out of living: How Adequate Are Word-Pieces for Modelling Complex Morphology?
Stav Klein | Reut Tsarfaty

This work investigates the most basic units that underlie contextualized word embeddings, such as BERT — the so-called word pieces. In Morphologically-Rich Languages (MRLs) which exhibit morphological fusion and non-concatenative morphology, the different units of meaning within a word may be fused, intertwined, and cannot be separated linearly. Therefore, when using word-pieces in MRLs, we must consider that: (1) a linear segmentation into sub-word units might not capture the full morphological complexity of words; and (2) representations that leave morphological knowledge on sub-word units inaccessible might negatively affect performance. Here we empirically examine the capacity of word-pieces to capture morphology by investigating the task of multi-tagging in Modern Hebrew, as a proxy to evaluate the underlying segmentation. Our results show that, while models trained to predict multi-tags for complete words outperform models tuned to predict the distinct tags of WPs, we can improve the WPs tag prediction by purposefully constraining the word-pieces to reflect their internal functions. We suggest that linguistically-informed word-pieces schemes, that make the morphological structure explicit, might boost performance for MRLs.

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Induced Inflection-Set Keyword Search in Speech
Oliver Adams | Matthew Wiesner | Jan Trmal | Garrett Nicolai | David Yarowsky

We investigate the problem of searching for a lexeme-set in speech by searching for its inflectional variants. Experimental results indicate how lexeme-set search performance changes with the number of hypothesized inflections, while ablation experiments highlight the relative importance of different components in the lexeme-set search pipeline and the value of using curated inflectional paradigms. We provide a recipe and evaluation set for the community to use as an extrinsic measure of the performance of inflection generation approaches.

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Representation Learning for Discovering Phonemic Tone Contours
Bai Li | Jing Yi Xie | Frank Rudzicz

Tone is a prosodic feature used to distinguish words in many languages, some of which are endangered and scarcely documented. In this work, we use unsupervised representation learning to identify probable clusters of syllables that share the same phonemic tone. Our method extracts the pitch for each syllable, then trains a convolutional autoencoder to learn a low-dimensional representation for each contour. We then apply the mean shift algorithm to cluster tones in high-density regions of the latent space. Furthermore, by feeding the centers of each cluster into the decoder, we produce a prototypical contour that represents each cluster. We apply this method to spoken multi-syllable words in Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese and evaluate how closely our clusters match the ground truth tone categories. Finally, we discuss some difficulties with our approach, including contextual tone variation and allophony effects.

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Joint learning of constraint weights and gradient inputs in Gradient Symbolic Computation with constrained optimization
Max Nelson

This paper proposes a method for the joint optimization of constraint weights and symbol activations within the Gradient Symbolic Computation (GSC) framework. The set of grammars representable in GSC is proven to be a subset of those representable with lexically-scaled faithfulness constraints. This fact is then used to recast the problem of learning constraint weights and symbol activations in GSC as a quadratically-constrained version of learning lexically-scaled faithfulness grammars. This results in an optimization problem that can be solved using Sequential Quadratic Programming.

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In search of isoglosses: continuous and discrete language embeddings in Slavic historical phonology
Chundra Cathcart | Florian Wandl

This paper investigates the ability of neural network architectures to effectively learn diachronic phonological generalizations in amultilingual setting. We employ models using three different types of language embedding (dense, sigmoid, and straight-through). We find that the Straight-Through model out-performs the other two in terms of accuracy, but the Sigmoid model’s language embeddings show the strongest agreement with the traditional subgrouping of the Slavic languages. We find that the Straight-Through model has learned coherent, semi-interpretable information about sound change, and outline directions for future research.

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Multi-Tiered Strictly Local Functions
Phillip Burness | Kevin McMullin

Tier-based Strictly Local functions, as they have so far been defined, are equipped with just a single tier. In light of this fact, they are currently incapable of modelling simultaneous phonological processes that would require different tiers. In this paper we consider whether and how we can allow a single function to operate over more than one tier. We conclude that multiple tiers can and should be permitted, but that the relationships between them must be restricted in some way to avoid overgeneration. The particular restriction that we propose comes in two parts. First, each input element is associated with a set of tiers that on their own can fully determine what the element is mapped to. Second, the set of tiers associated to a given input element must form a strict superset-subset hierarchy. In this way, we can track multiple, related sources of information when deciding how to process a particular input element. We demonstrate that doing so enables simple and intuitive analyses to otherwise challenging phonological phenomena.


bib (full) Proceedings of the LREC2020 9th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Sign Language Resources in the Service of the Language Community, Technological Challenges and Application Perspectives

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Proceedings of the LREC2020 9th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Sign Language Resources in the Service of the Language Community, Technological Challenges and Application Perspectives
Eleni Efthimiou | Stavroula-Evita Fotinea | Thomas Hanke | Julie A. Hochgesang | Jette Kristoffersen | Johanna Mesch

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Back and Forth between Theory and Application: Shared Phonological Coding Between ASL Signbank and ASL-LEX
Amelia Becker | Donovan Catt | Julie A. Hochgesang

The development of signed language lexical databases, digital organizations that describe different phonological features of and attempt to establish relationships between signs has resulted in a renewed interest in the phonological descriptions used to uniquely identify and organize the lexicons of respective sign languages (van der Kooij, 2002; Fenlon et al., 2016; Brentari et al., 2018). Throughout the mutually shared coding process involved in organizing two lexical databases, ASL Signbank (Hochgesang, Crasborn and Lillo-Martin, 2020) and ASL-LEX (Caselli et al., 2016), issues have arisen that require revisiting how phonological features and categories are to be applied and even decided upon, and which would adequately distinguish lexical contrast for respective sign languages. The paper concludes by exploring the inverse of the theory-to-database relationship. Examples are given of theoretical implications and research questions that arise from consequences of language resource building. These are presented as evidence that not only does theory impact organization of databases but that the process of database creation can also inform our theories.

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Improving and Extending Continuous Sign Language Recognition: Taking Iconicity and Spatial Language into account
Valentin Belissen | Michèle Gouiffès | Annelies Braffort

In a lot of recent research, attention has been drawn to recognizing sequences of lexical signs in continuous Sign Language corpora, often artificial. However, as SLs are structured through the use of space and iconicity, focusing on lexicon only prevents the field of Continuous Sign Language Recognition (CSLR) from extending to Sign Language Understanding and Translation. In this article, we propose a new formulation of the CSLR problem and discuss the possibility of recognizing higher-level linguistic structures in SL videos, like classifier constructions. These structures show much more variability than lexical signs, and are fundamentally different than them in the sense that form and meaning can not be disentangled. Building on the recently published French Sign Language corpus Dicta-Sign-LSF-v2, we discuss the performance and relevance of a simple recurrent neural network trained to recognize illustrative structures.

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Utterance-Unit Annotation for the JSL Dialogue Corpus: Toward a Multimodal Approach to Corpus Linguistics
Mayumi Bono | Rui Sakaida | Tomohiro Okada | Yusuke Miyao

This paper describes a method for annotating the Japanese Sign Language (JSL) dialogue corpus. We developed a way to identify interactional boundaries and define a ‘utterance unit’ in sign language using various multimodal features accompanying signing. The utterance unit is an original concept for segmenting and annotating sign language dialogue referring to signer’s native sense from the perspectives of Conversation Analysis (CA) and Interaction Studies. First of all, we postulated that we should identify a fundamental concept of interaction-specific unit for understanding interactional mechanisms, such as turn-taking (Sacks et al. 1974), in sign-language social interactions. Obviously, it does should not relying on a spoken language writing system for storing signings in corpora and making translations. We believe that there are two kinds of possible applications for utterance units: one is to develop corpus linguistics research for both signed and spoken corpora; the other is to build an informatics system that includes, but is not limited to, a machine translation system for sign languages.

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Measuring Lexical Similarity across Sign Languages in Global Signbank
Carl Börstell | Onno Crasborn | Lori Whynot

Lexicostatistics is the main method used in previous work measuring linguistic distances between sign languages. As a method, it disregards any possible structural/grammatical similarity, instead focusing exclusively on lexical items, but it is time consuming as it requires some comparable phonological coding (i.e. form description) as well as concept matching (i.e. meaning description) of signs across the sign languages to be compared. In this paper, we present a novel approach for measuring lexical similarity across any two sign languages using the Global Signbank platform, a lexical database of uniformly coded signs. The method involves a feature-by-feature comparison of all matched phonological features. This method can be used in two distinct ways: 1) automatically comparing the amount of lexical overlap between two sign languages (with a more detailed feature-description than previous lexicostatistical methods); 2) finding exact form-matches across languages that are either matched or mismatched in meaning (i.e. true or false friends). We show the feasability of this method by comparing three languages (datasets) in Global Signbank, and are currently expanding both the size of these three as well as the total number of datasets.

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Optimised Preprocessing for Automatic Mouth Gesture Classification
Maren Brumm | Rolf-Rainer Grigat

Mouth gestures are facial expressions in sign language, that do not refer to lip patterns of a spoken language. Research on this topic has been limited so far. The aim of this work is to automatically classify mouth gestures from video material by training a neural network. This could render time-consuming manual annotation unnecessary and help advance the field of automatic sign language translation. However, it is a challenging task due to the little data available as training material and the similarity of different mouth gesture classes. In this paper we focus on the preprocessing of the data, such as finding the area of the face important for mouth gesture recognition. Furthermore we analyse the duration of mouth gestures and determine the optimal length of video clips for classification. Our experiments show, that this can improve the classification results significantly and helps to reach a near human accuracy.

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PE2LGP Animator: A Tool To Animate A Portuguese Sign Language Avatar
Pedro Cabral | Matilde Gonçalves | Hugo Nicolau | Luísa Coheur | Ruben Santos

Software for the production of sign languages is much less common than for spoken languages. Such software usually relies on 3D humanoid avatars to produce signs which, inevitably, necessitates the use of animation. One barrier to the use of popular animation tools is their complexity and steep learning curve, which can be hard to master for inexperienced users. Here, we present PE2LGP, an authoring system that features a 3D avatar that signs Portuguese Sign Language. Our Animator is designed specifically to craft sign language animations using a key frame method, and is meant to be easy to use and learn to users without animation skills. We conducted a preliminary evaluation of the Animator, where we animated seven Portuguese Sign Language sentences and asked four sign language users to evaluate their quality. This evaluation revealed that the system, in spite of its simplicity, is indeed capable of producing comprehensible messages.

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Translating an Aesop’s Fable to Filipino Sign Language through 3D Animation
Mark Cueto | Winnie He | Rei Untiveros | Josh Zuñiga | Joanna Pauline Rivera

According to the National Statistics Office (2003) in the 2000 Population Census, the deaf community in the Philippines numbered to about 121,000 deaf and hard of hearing Filipinos. Deaf and hard of hearing Filipinos in these communities use the Filipino Sign Language (FSL) as the main method of manual communication. Deaf and hard of hearing children experience difficulty in developing reading and writing skills through traditional methods of teaching used primarily for hearing children. This study aims to translate an Aesop’s fable to Filipino Sign Language with the use of 3D animation resulting to a video output. The video created contains a 3D animated avatar performing the sign translations to FSL (mainly focusing on hand gestures which includes hand shape, palm orientation, location, and movement) on screen beside their English text equivalent and related images. The final output was then evaluated by FSL deaf signers. Evaluation results showed that the final output can potentially be used as a learning material. In order to make it more effective as a learning material, it is very important to consider the animation’s appearance, speed, naturalness, and accuracy. In this paper, the common action units were also listed for easier construction of animations of the signs.

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LSE_UVIGO: A Multi-source Database for Spanish Sign Language Recognition
Laura Docío-Fernández | José Luis Alba-Castro | Soledad Torres-Guijarro | Eduardo Rodríguez-Banga | Manuel Rey-Area | Ania Pérez-Pérez | Sonia Rico-Alonso | Carmen García-Mateo

This paper presents LSE_UVIGO, a multi-source database designed to foster research on Sign Language Recognition. It is being recorded and compiled for Spanish Sign Language (LSE acronym in Spanish) and contains also spoken Galician language, so it is very well fitted to research on these languages, but also quite useful for fundamental research in any other sign language. LSE_UVIGO is composed of two datasets: LSE_Lex40_UVIGO, a multi-sensor and multi-signer dataset acquired from scratch, designed as an incremental dataset, both in complexity of the visual content and in the variety of signers. It contains static and co-articulated sign recordings, fingerspelled and gloss-based isolated words, and sentences. Its acquisition is done in a controlled lab environment in order to obtain good quality videos with sharp video frames and RGB and depth information, making them suitable to try different approaches to automatic recognition. The second subset, LSE_TVGWeather_UVIGO is being populated from the regional television weather forecasts interpreted to LSE, as a faster way to acquire high quality, continuous LSE recordings with a domain-restricted vocabulary and with a correspondence to spoken sentences.

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Elicitation and Corpus of Spontaneous Sign Language Discourse Representation Diagrams
Michael Filhol

While Sign Languages have no standard written form, many signers do capture their language in some form of spontaneous graphical form. We list a few use cases (discourse preparation, deverbalising for translation, etc.) and give examples of diagrams. After hypothesising that they contain regular patterns of significant value, we propose to build a corpus of such productions. The main contribution of this paper is the specification of the elicitation protocol, explaining the variables that are likely to affect the diagrams collected. We conclude with a report on the current state of a collection following this protocol, and a few observations on the collected contents. A first prospect is the standardisation of a scheme to represent SL discourse in a way that would make them sharable. A subsequent longer-term prospect is for this scheme to be owned by users and with time be shaped into a script for their language.

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The Synthesis of Complex Shape Deployments in Sign Language
Michael Filhol | John C. McDonald

Proform constructs such as classifier predicates and size and shape specifiers are essential elements of Sign Language communication, but have remained a challenge for synthesis due to their highly variable nature. In contrast to frozen signs, which may be pre-animated or recorded, their variability necessitates a new approach both to their linguistic description and to their synthesis in animation. Though the specification and animation of classifier predicates was covered in previous works, size and shape specifiers have to this date remain unaddressed. This paper presents an efficient method for linguistically describing such specifiers using a small number of rules that cover a large range of possible constructs. It continues to show that with a small number of services in a signing avatar, these descriptions can be synthesized in a natural way that captures the essential gestural actions while also including the subtleties of human motion that make the signing legible.

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Signing as Input for a Dictionary Query: Matching Signs Based on Joint Positions of the Dominant Hand
Manolis Fragkiadakis | Victoria Nyst | Peter van der Putten

This study presents a new methodology to search sign language lexica, using a full sign as input for a query. Thus, a dictionary user can look up information about a sign by signing the sign to a webcam. The recorded sign is then compared to potential matching signs in the lexicon. As such, it provides a new way of searching sign language dictionaries to complement existing methods based on (spoken language) glosses or phonological features, like handshape or location. The method utilizes OpenPose to extract the body and finger joint positions. Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) is used to quantify the variation of the trajectory of the dominant hand and the average trajectories of the fingers. Ten people with various degrees of sign language proficiency have participated in this study. Each subject viewed a set of 20 signs from the newly compiled Ghanaian sign language lexicon and was asked to replicate the signs. The results show that DTW can predict the matching sign with 87% and 74% accuracy at the Top-10 and Top-5 ranking level respectively by using only the trajectory of the dominant hand. Additionally, more proficient signers obtain 90% accuracy at the Top-10 ranking. The methodology has the potential to be used also as a variation measurement tool to quantify the difference in signing between different signers or sign languages in general.

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Extending the Public DGS Corpus in Size and Depth
Thomas Hanke | Marc Schulder | Reiner Konrad | Elena Jahn

In 2018 the DGS-Korpus project published the first full release of the Public DGS Corpus. This event marked a change of focus for the project. While before most attention had been on increasing the size of the corpus, now an increase in its depth became the priority. New data formats were added, corpus annotation conventions were released and OpenPose pose information was published for all transcripts. The community and research portal websites of the corpus also received upgrades, including persistent identifiers, archival copies of previous releases and improvements to their usability on mobile devices. The research portal was enhanced even further, improving its transcript web viewer, adding a KWIC concordance view, introducing cross-references to other linguistic resources of DGS and making its entire interface available in German in addition to English. This article provides an overview of these changes, chronicling the evolution of the Public DGS Corpus from its first release in 2018, through its second release in 2019 until its third release in 2020.

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SignHunter – A Sign Elicitation Tool Suitable for Deaf Events
Thomas Hanke | Elena Jahn | Sabrina Wähl | Oliver Böse | Lutz König

This paper presents SignHunter, a tool for collecting isolated signs, and discusses application possibilities. SignHunter is successfully used within the DGS-Korpus project to collect name signs for places and cities. The data adds to the content of a German Sign Language (DGS) – German dictionary which is currently being developed, as well as a freely accessible subset of the DGS Corpus, the Public DGS Corpus. We discuss reasons to complement a natural language corpus by eliciting concepts without context and present an application example of SignHunter.

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An Isolated-Signing RGBD Dataset of 100 American Sign Language Signs Produced by Fluent ASL Signers
Saad Hassan | Larwan Berke | Elahe Vahdani | Longlong Jing | Yingli Tian | Matt Huenerfauth

We have collected a new dataset consisting of color and depth videos of fluent American Sign Language (ASL) signers performing sequences of 100 ASL signs from a Kinect v2 sensor. This directed dataset had originally been collected as part of an ongoing collaborative project, to aid in the development of a sign-recognition system for identifying occurrences of these 100 signs in video. The set of words consist of vocabulary items that would commonly be learned in a first-year ASL course offered at a university, although the specific set of signs selected for inclusion in the dataset had been motivated by project-related factors. Given increasing interest among sign-recognition and other computer-vision researchers in red-green-blue-depth (RBGD) video, we release this dataset for use by the research community. In addition to the RGB video files, we share depth and HD face data as well as additional features of face, hands, and body produced through post-processing of this data.

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Approaches to the Anonymisation of Sign Language Corpora
Amy Isard

In this paper we survey the state of the art for the anonymisation of sign language corpora. We begin by exploring the motivations behind anonymisation and the close connection with the issue of ethics and informed consent for corpus participants. We detail how the the names which should be anonymised can be identified. We then describe the processes which can be used to anonymise both the video and the annotations belonging to a corpus, and the variety of ways in which these can be carried out. We provide examples for all of these processes from three sign language corpora in which anonymisation of the data has been performed.

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Sign Language Motion Capture Dataset for Data-driven Synthesis
Pavel Jedlička | Zdeněk Krňoul | Jakub Kanis | Miloš Železný

This paper presents a new 3D motion capture dataset of Czech Sign Language (CSE). Its main purpose is to provide the data for further analysis and data-based automatic synthesis of CSE utterances. The content of the data in the given limited domain of weather forecasts was carefully selected by the CSE linguists to provide the necessary utterances needed to produce any new weather forecast. The dataset was recorded using the state-of-the-art motion capture (MoCap) technology to provide the most precise trajectories of the motion. In general, MoCap is a device capable of accurate recording of motion directly in 3D space. The data contains trajectories of body, arms, hands and face markers recorded at once to provide consistent data without the need for the time alignment.

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A survey of Shading Techniques for Facial Deformations on Sign Language Avatars
Ronan Johnson | Rosalee Wolfe

Of the five phonemic parameters in sign language (handshape, location, palm orientation, movement and nonmanual expressions), the one that still poses the most challenges for effective avatar display is nonmanual signals. Facial nonmanual signals carry a rich combination of linguistic and pragmatic information, but current techniques have yet to portray these in a satisfactory manner. Due to the complexity of facial movements, additional considerations must be taken into account for rendering in real time. Of particular interest is the shading areas of facial deformations to improve legibility. In contrast to more physically-based, compute-intensive techniques that more closely mimic nature, we propose using a simple, classic, Phong illumination model with a dynamically modified layered texture. To localize and control the desired shading, we utilize an opacity channel within the texture. The new approach, when applied to our avatar “Paula”, results in much quicker render times than more sophisticated, computationally intensive techniques.

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Use Cases for a Sign Language Concordancer
Marion Kaczmarek | Michael Filhol

This article treats about a Sign Language concordancer. In the past years, the need for content translated into Sign Language has been growing, and is still growing nowadays. Yet, unlike their text-to-text counterparts, Sign Language translators are not equipped with computer-assisted translation software. As we aim to provide them with such software, we explore the possibilities offered by a first tool: a Sign Language concordancer. It includes designing an alignments database as well as a search function to browse it. Testing sessions with professionals highlight relevant use cases for their professional practices. It can either comfort the translator when the results are identical, or show the importance of context when the results are different for a same expression. This concordancer is available online, and aim to be a collaborative tool. Though our current database is small, we hope for translators to invest themselves and help us to keep it expanding.

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Towards Kurdish Text to Sign Translation
Zina Kamal | Hossein Hassani

The resources and technologies for Sign language processing of resourceful languages are emerging, while the low-resource languages are falling behind. Kurdish is a multi-dialect language, and it is considered a low-resource language. It is spoken by approximately 30 million people in several countries, which denotes that it has a large community with hearing-impairments as well. This paper reports on a project which aims to develop the necessary data and tools to process the Sign language for Sorani as one of the spoken Kurdish dialects. We present the results of developing a dataset in HamNoSys and its corresponding SiGML form for the Kurdish Sign lexicon. We use this dataset to implement a sign-supported Kurdish tool to check the accuracy of the Sign lexicon. We tested the tool by presenting it to hearing-impaired individuals. The experiment showed that 100% of the translated letters were understandable by a hearing-impaired person. The percentages were 65% for isolated words, and approximately 30% for the words in sentences. The data is publicly available at https://github.com/KurdishBLARK/KurdishSignLanguage for non-commercial use under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence

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Recognition of Static Features in Sign Language Using Key-Points
Ioannis Koulierakis | Georgios Siolas | Eleni Efthimiou | Evita Fotinea | Andreas-Georgios Stafylopatis

In this paper we report on a research effort focusing on recognition of static features of sign formation in single sign videos. Three sequential models have been developed for handshape, palm orientation and location of sign formation respectively, which make use of key-points extracted via OpenPose software. The models have been applied to a Danish and a Greek Sign Language dataset, providing results around 96%. Moreover, during the reported research, a method has been developed for identifying the time-frame of real signing in the video, which allows to ignore transition frames during sign recognition processing.

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Collocations in Sign Language Lexicography: Towards Semantic Abstractions for Word Sense Discrimination
Gabriele Langer | Marc Schulder

In general monolingual lexicography a corpus-based approach to word sense discrimination (WSD) is the current standard. Automatically generated lexical profiles such as Word Sketches provide an overview on typical uses in the form of collocate lists grouped by their part of speech categories and their syntactic dependency relations to the base item. Collocates are sorted by their typicality according to frequency-based rankings. With the advancement of sign language (SL) corpora, SL lexicography can finally be based on actual language use as reflected in corpus data. In order to use such data effectively and gain new insights on sign usage, automatically generated collocation profiles need to be developed under the special conditions and circumstances of the SL data available. One of these conditions is that many of the prerequesites for the automatic syntactic parsing of corpora are not yet available for SL. In this article we describe a collocation summary generated from DGS Corpus data which is used for WSD as well as in entry-writing. The summary works based on the glosses used for lemmatisation. In addition, we explore how other resources can be utilised to add an additional layer of semantic grouping to the collocation analysis. For this experimental approach we use glosses, concepts, and wordnet supersenses.

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Machine Learning for Enhancing Dementia Screening in Ageing Deaf Signers of British Sign Language
Xing Liang | Bencie Woll | Kapetanios Epaminondas | Anastasia Angelopoulou | Reda Al-Batat

Ageing trend in populations is correlated with increased prevalence of acquired cognitive impairments such as dementia. Although there is no cure for dementia, a timely diagnosis helps in obtaining necessary support and appropriate medication. With this in mind, researchers are working urgently to develop effective technological tools that can help doctors undertake early identification of cognitive disorder. In this paper, we introduce an automatic dementia screening system for ageing Deaf signers of British Sign Language (BSL), using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), by analysing the sign space envelope and facial expression of BSL signers using normal 2D videos from BSL corpus. Our approach firstly establishes an accurate real-time hand trajectory tracking model together with a real-time landmark facial motion analysis model to identify differences in sign space envelope and facial movement as the keys to identifying language changes associated with dementia. Based on the differences in patterns obtained from facial and trajectory motion data, CNN models (ResNet50/VGG16) are fine-tuned using Keras deep learning models to incrementally identify and improve dementia recognition rates. We report the results for two methods using different modalities (sign trajectory and facial motion), together with the performance comparisons between different deep learning CNN models in ResNet50 and VGG16. The experiments show the effectiveness of our deep learning based approach in terms of sign space tracking, facial motion tracking and early stage dementia performance assessment tasks. The results are validated against cognitive assessment scores as of our ground truth data with a test set performance of 87.88%. The proposed system has potential for economical, simple, flexible, and adaptable assessment of other acquired neurological impairments associated with motor changes, such as stroke and Parkinson’s disease in both hearing and Deaf people.

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Machine Translation from Spoken Language to Sign Language using Pre-trained Language Model as Encoder
Taro Miyazaki | Yusuke Morita | Masanori Sano

Sign language is the first language for those who were born deaf or lost their hearing in early childhood, so such individuals require services provided with sign language. To achieve flexible open-domain services with sign language, machine translations into sign language are needed. Machine translations generally require large-scale training corpora, but there are only small corpora for sign language. To overcome this data-shortage scenario, we developed a method that involves using a pre-trained language model of spoken language as the initial model of the encoder of the machine translation model. We evaluated our method by comparing it to baseline methods, including phrase-based machine translation, using only 130,000 phrase pairs of training data. Our method outperformed the baseline method, and we found that one of the reasons of translation error is from pointing, which is a special feature used in sign language. We also conducted trials to improve the translation quality for pointing. The results are somewhat disappointing, so we believe that there is still room for improving translation quality, especially for pointing.

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Towards Large-Scale Data Mining for Data-Driven Analysis of Sign Languages
Boris Mocialov | Graham Turner | Helen Hastie

Access to sign language data is far from adequate. We show that it is possible to collect the data from social networking services such as TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube by applying data filtering to enforce quality standards and by discovering patterns in the filtered data, making it easier to analyse and model. Using our data collection pipeline, we collect and examine the interpretation of songs in both the American Sign Language (ASL) and the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). We explore their differences and similarities by looking at the co-dependence of the orientation and location phonological parameters.

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Extending a Model for Animating Adverbs of Manner in American Sign Language
Robyn Moncrief

The goal of this work is to show that a model produced to characterize adverbs of manner can be applied to a variety of neutral animated signs to be used towards avatar sign language synthesis. This case study presents the extension of a new approach that was first presented at SLTAT 2019 in Hamburg for modeling language processes that manifest themselves as modifications to the manual channel. This work discusses additions to the model to be effective for one-handed and two-handed signs, repeating and non-repeating signs, and signs with contact.

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From Dictionary to Corpus and Back Again – Linking Heterogeneous Language Resources for DGS
Anke Müller | Thomas Hanke | Reiner Konrad | Gabriele Langer | Sabrina Wähl

The Public DGS Corpus is published in two different formats, that is subtitled videos for lay persons and lemmatized and annotated transcripts and videos for experts. In addition, a draft version with the first set of preliminary entries of the DGS dictionary (DW-DGS) to be completed in 2023 is now online. The Public DGS Corpus and the DW-DGS are conceived of as stand-alone products, but are nevertheless closely interconnected to offer additional and complementary informative functions. In this paper we focus on linking the published products in order to provide users access to corpus and corpus-based dictionary in various, interrelated ways. We discuss which links are thought to be useful and what challenges the linking of the products poses. In addition we address the inclusion of links to other, older lexical resources (LSP dictionaries).

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Automatic Classification of Handshapes in Russian Sign Language
Medet Mukushev | Alfarabi Imashev | Vadim Kimmelman | Anara Sandygulova

Handshapes are one of the basic parameters of signs, and any phonological or phonetic analysis of a sign language must account for handshapes. Many sign languages have been carefully analysed by sign language linguists to create handshape inventories. This has theoretical implications, but also applied use, as it is important due to the need of generating corpora for sign languages that can be searched, filtered, sorted by different sign components (such as handshapes, orientation, location, movement, etc.). However, it is a very time-consuming process, thus only a handful of sign languages have such inventories. This work proposes a process of automatically generating such inventories for sign languages by applying automatic hand detection, cropping, and clustering techniques. We applied our proposed method to a commonly used resource: the Spreadthesign online dictionary (www.spreadthesign.com), in particular to Russian Sign Language (RSL). We then manually verified the data to be able to perform classification. Thus, the proposed pipeline can serve as an alternative approach to manual annotation, and can help linguists in answering numerous research questions in relation to handshape frequencies in sign languages.

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Design and Evaluation for a Prototype of an Online Tool to Access Mathematics Notions in Sign Language
Camille Nadal | Christophe Collet

The Sign’Maths project aims at giving access to pedagogical resources in Sign Language (SL). It will provide Deaf students and teachers with mathematics vocabulary in SL, this in order to contribute to the standardisation of the vocabulary used at school. The work conducted led to Sign’Maths, an online interactive tool that gives Deaf students access to mathematics definitions in SL. A group of mathematics teachers for Deafs and teachers experts in SL collaborated to create signs to express mathematics concepts, and to produce videos of definitions, examples and illustrations for these concepts. In parallel, we are working on the conception and the design of Sign’Maths software and user interface. Our research work investigated ways to include SL in pedagogical resources in order to present information but also to navigate through the content. User tests revealed that users appreciate the use of SL in a pedagogical resource. However, they pointed out that SL content should be complemented with French to support bilingual education. Our final solution takes advantage of the complementarity of SL, French and visual content to provide an interface that will suit users no matter what their education background is. Future work will investigate a tool for text and signs’ search within Sign’Maths.

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STS-korpus: A Sign Language Web Corpus Tool for Teaching and Public Use
Zrajm Öqvist | Nikolaus Riemer Kankkonen | Johanna Mesch

In this paper we describe STS-korpus, a web corpus tool for Swedish Sign Language (STS) which we have built during the past year, and which is now publicly available on the internet. STS-korpus uses the data of Swedish Sign Language Corpus (SSLC) and is primarily intended for teachers and students of sign language. As such it is created to be simple and user-friendly with no download or setup required. The user interface allows for searching – with search results displayed as a simple concordance – and viewing of videos with annotations. Each annotation also provides additional data and links to the corresponding entry in the online Swedish Sign Language Dictionary. We describe the corpus, its appearance and search syntax, as well as more advanced features like access control and dynamic content. Finally we say a word or two about the role we hope it will play in the classroom, and something about the development process and the software used. STS-korpus is available here: https://teckensprakskorpus.su.se

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BosphorusSign22k Sign Language Recognition Dataset
Oğulcan Özdemir | Ahmet Alp Kındıroğlu | Necati Cihan Camgöz | Lale Akarun

Sign Language Recognition is a challenging research domain. It has recently seen several advancements with the increased availability of data. In this paper, we introduce the BosphorusSign22k, a publicly available large scale sign language dataset aimed at computer vision, video recognition and deep learning research communities. The primary objective of this dataset is to serve as a new benchmark in Turkish Sign Language Recognition for its vast lexicon, the high number of repetitions by native signers, high recording quality, and the unique syntactic properties of the signs it encompasses. We also provide state-of-the-art human pose estimates to encourage other tasks such as Sign Language Production. We survey other publicly available datasets and expand on how BosphorusSign22k can contribute to future research that is being made possible through the widespread availability of similar Sign Language resources. We have conducted extensive experiments and present baseline results to underpin future research on our dataset.

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Unsupervised Term Discovery for Continuous Sign Language
Korhan Polat | Murat Saraçlar

Most of the sign language recognition (SLR) systems rely on supervision for training and available annotated sign language resources are scarce due to the difficulties of manual labeling. Unsupervised discovery of lexical units would facilitate the annotation process and thus lead to better SLR systems. Inspired by the unsupervised spoken term discovery in speech processing field, we investigate whether a similar approach can be applied in sign language to discover repeating lexical units. We adapt an algorithm that is designed for spoken term discovery by using hand shape and pose features instead of speech features. The experiments are run on a large scale continuous sign corpus and the performance is evaluated using gloss level annotations. This work introduces a new task for sign language processing that has not been addressed before.

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The Corpus of Finnish Sign Language
Juhana Salonen | Antti Kronqvist | Tommi Jantunen

This paper presents the Corpus of Finnish Sign Language (Corpus FinSL), a structured and annotated collection of Finnish Sign Language (FinSL) videos published in May 2019 in FIN-CLARIN’s Language Bank of Finland. The corpus is divided into two subcorpora, one of which comprises elicited narratives and the other conversations. All of the FinSL material has been annotated using ELAN and the lexical database Finnish Signbank. Basic annotation includes ID-glosses and translations into Finnish. The anonymized metadata of Corpus FinSL has been organized in accordance with the IMDI standard. Altogether, Corpus FinSL contains nearly 15 hours of video material from 21 FinSL users. Corpus FinSL has already been exploited in FinSL research and teaching, and it is predicted that in the future it will have a significant positive impact on these fields as well as on the status of the sign language community in Finland. Keywords: Corpus of Finnish Sign Language, Language Bank of Finland, Finnish Signbank, annotation, metadata, research, teaching

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Tools for the Use of SignWriting as a Language Resource
Antonio F. G. Sevilla | Alberto Díaz Esteban | José María Lahoz-Bengoechea

Representation of linguistic data is an issue of utmost importance when developing language resources, but the lack of a standard written form in sign languages presents a challenge. Different notation systems exist, but only SignWriting seems to have some use in the native signer community. It is, however, a difficult system to use computationally, not based on a linear sequence of characters. We present the project “VisSE”, which aims to develop tools for the effective use of SignWriting in the computer. The first of these is an application which uses computer vision to interpret SignWriting, understanding the meaning of new or existing transcriptions, or even hand-written images. Two additional tools will be able to consume the result of this recognizer: first, a textual description of the features of the transcription will make it understandable for non-signers. Second, a three-dimensional avatar will be able to reproduce the configurations and movements contained within the transcription, making it understandable for signers even if not familiar with SignWriting. Additionally, the project will result in a corpus of annotated SignWriting data which will also be of use to the computational linguistics community.

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Video-to-HamNoSys Automated Annotation System
Victor Skobov | Yves Lepage

The Hamburg Notation System (HamNoSys) was developed for movement annotation of any sign language (SL) and can be used to produce signing animations for a virtual avatar with the JASigning platform. This provides the potential to use HamNoSys, i.e., strings of characters, as a representation of an SL corpus instead of video material. Processing strings of characters instead of images can significantly contribute to sign language research. However, the complexity of HamNoSys makes it difficult to annotate without a lot of time and effort. Therefore annotation has to be automatized. This work proposes a conceptually new approach to this problem. It includes a new tree representation of the HamNoSys grammar that serves as a basis for the generation of grammatical training data and classification of complex movements using machine learning. Our automatic annotation system relies on HamNoSys grammar structure and can potentially be used on already existing SL corpora. It is retrainable for specific settings such as camera angles, speed, and gestures. Our approach is conceptually different from other SL recognition solutions and offers a developed methodology for future research.

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Cross-Lingual Keyword Search for Sign Language
Nazif Can Tamer | Murat Saraçlar

Sign language research most often relies on exhaustively annotated and segmented data, which is scarce even for the most studied sign languages. However, parallel corpora consisting of sign language interpreting are rarely explored. By utilizing such data for the task of keyword search, this work aims to enable information retrieval from sign language with the queries from the translated written language. With the written language translations as labels, we train a weakly supervised keyword search model for sign language and further improve the retrieval performance with two context modeling strategies. In our experiments, we compare the gloss retrieval and cross language retrieval performance on RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather 2014T dataset.

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One Side of the Coin: Development of an ASL-English Parallel Corpus by Leveraging SRT Files
Rafael Treviño | Julie A. Hochgesang | Emily P. Shaw | Nic Willow

We report on a method used to develop a sizable parallel corpus of English and American Sign Language (ASL). The effort is part of the Gallaudet University Documentation of ASL (GUDA) project, which is currently coordinated by an interdisciplinary team from the Department of Linguistics and the Department of Interpretation and Translation at Gallaudet University. Creation of the parallel corpus makes use of the available SRT (SubRip Subtitle) files of ASL videos that have been interpreted into or from English, or captioned into English. The corpus allows for one-way searches based on the English translation or interpretation, which is useful for translators, interpreters, and those conducting comparative analyses. We conclude with a discussion of important considerations for this method of constructing a parallel corpus, as well as next steps that will help to refine the development and utility of this type of corpus.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computational Research in Linguistic Typology

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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computational Research in Linguistic Typology
Ekaterina Vylomova | Edoardo M. Ponti | Eitan Grossman | Arya D. McCarthy | Yevgeni Berzak | Haim Dubossarsky | Ivan Vulić | Roi Reichart | Anna Korhonen | Ryan Cotterell

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SIGTYP 2020 Shared Task: Prediction of Typological Features
Johannes Bjerva | Elizabeth Salesky | Sabrina J. Mielke | Aditi Chaudhary | Giuseppe G. A. Celano | Edoardo Maria Ponti | Ekaterina Vylomova | Ryan Cotterell | Isabelle Augenstein

Typological knowledge bases (KBs) such as WALS (Dryer and Haspelmath, 2013) contain information about linguistic properties of the world’s languages. They have been shown to be useful for downstream applications, including cross-lingual transfer learning and linguistic probing. A major drawback hampering broader adoption of typological KBs is that they are sparsely populated, in the sense that most languages only have annotations for some features, and skewed, in that few features have wide coverage. As typological features often correlate with one another, it is possible to predict them and thus automatically populate typological KBs, which is also the focus of this shared task. Overall, the task attracted 8 submissions from 5 teams, out of which the most successful methods make use of such feature correlations. However, our error analysis reveals that even the strongest submitted systems struggle with predicting feature values for languages where few features are known.

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KMI-Panlingua-IITKGP @SIGTYP2020: Exploring rules and hybrid systems for automatic prediction of typological features
Ritesh Kumar | Deepak Alok | Akanksha Bansal | Bornini Lahiri | Atul Kr. Ojha

This paper enumerates SigTyP 2020 Shared Task on the prediction of typological features as performed by the KMI-Panlingua-IITKGP team. The task entailed the prediction of missing values in a particular language, provided, the name of the language family, its genus, location (in terms of latitude and longitude coordinates and name of the country where it is spoken) and a set of feature-value pair are available. As part of fulfillment of the aforementioned task, the team submitted 3 kinds of system - 2 rule-based and one hybrid system. Of these 3, one rule-based system generated the best performance on the test set. All the systems were ‘constrained’ in the sense that no additional dataset or information, other than those provided by the organisers, was used for developing the systems.

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NEMO: Frequentist Inference Approach to Constrained Linguistic Typology Feature Prediction in SIGTYP 2020 Shared Task
Alexander Gutkin | Richard Sproat

This paper describes the NEMO submission to SIGTYP 2020 shared task (Bjerva et al., 2020) which deals with prediction of linguistic typological features for multiple languages using the data derived from World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS). We employ frequentist inference to represent correlations between typological features and use this representation to train simple multi-class estimators that predict individual features. We describe two submitted ridge regression-based configurations which ranked second and third overall in the constrained task. Our best configuration achieved the microaveraged accuracy score of 0.66 on 149 test languages.

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Predicting Typological Features in WALS using Language Embeddings and Conditional Probabilities: ÚFAL Submission to the SIGTYP 2020 Shared Task
Martin Vastl | Daniel Zeman | Rudolf Rosa

We present our submission to the SIGTYP 2020 Shared Task on the prediction of typological features. We submit a constrained system, predicting typological features only based on the WALS database. We investigate two approaches. The simpler of the two is a system based on estimating correlation of feature values within languages by computing conditional probabilities and mutual information. The second approach is to train a neural predictor operating on precomputed language embeddings based on WALS features. Our submitted system combines the two approaches based on their self-estimated confidence scores. We reach the accuracy of 70.7% on the test data and rank first in the shared task.

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Imputing typological values via phylogenetic inference
Gerhard Jäger

This paper describes a workflow to impute missing values in a typological database, a sub- set of the World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS). Using a world-wide phylogeny de- rived from lexical data, the model assumes a phylogenetic continuous time Markov chain governing the evolution of typological val- ues. Data imputation is performed via a Max- imum Likelihood estimation on the basis of this model. As back-off model for languages whose phylogenetic position is unknown, a k- nearest neighbor classification based on geo- graphic distance is performed.

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NUIG: Multitasking Self-attention based approach to SigTyp 2020 Shared Task
Chinmay Choudhary

The paper describes the Multitasking Self-attention based approach to constrained sub-task within Sigtyp 2020 Shared task. Our model is simple neural network based architecture inspired by Transformers (CITATION) model. The model uses Multitasking to compute values of all WALS features for a given input language simultaneously.Results show that our approach performs at par with the baseline approaches, even though our proposed approach requires only phylogenetic and geographical attributes namely Longitude, Latitude, Genus-index, Family-index and Country-index and do not use any of the known WALS features of the respective input language, to compute its missing WALS features.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 1st Joint Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced languages (SLTU) and Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages (CCURL)

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Proceedings of the 1st Joint Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced languages (SLTU) and Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages (CCURL)
Dorothee Beermann | Laurent Besacier | Sakriani Sakti | Claudia Soria

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Neural Models for Predicting Celtic Mutations
Kevin Scannell

The Celtic languages share a common linguistic phenomenon known as initial mutations; these consist of pronunciation and spelling changes that occur at the beginning of some words, triggered in certain semantic or syntactic contexts. Initial mutations occur quite frequently and all non-trivial NLP systems for the Celtic languages must learn to handle them properly. In this paper we describe and evaluate neural network models for predicting mutations in two of the six Celtic languages: Irish and Scottish Gaelic. We also discuss applications of these models to grammatical error detection and language modeling.

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Eidos: An Open-Source Auditory Periphery Modeling Toolkit and Evaluation of Cross-Lingual Phonemic Contrasts
Alexander Gutkin

Many analytical models that mimic, in varying degree of detail, the basic auditory processes involved in human hearing have been developed over the past decades. While the auditory periphery mechanisms responsible for transducing the sound pressure wave into the auditory nerve discharge are relatively well understood, the models that describe them are usually very complex because they try to faithfully simulate the behavior of several functionally distinct biological units involved in hearing. Because of this, there is a relative scarcity of toolkits that support combining publicly-available auditory models from multiple sources. We address this shortcoming by presenting an open-source auditory toolkit that integrates multiple models of various stages of human auditory processing into a simple and easily configurable pipeline, which supports easy switching between ten available models. The auditory representations that the pipeline produces can serve as machine learning features and provide analytical benchmark for comparing against auditory filters learned from the data. Given a low- and high-resource language pair, we evaluate several auditory representations on a simple multilingual phonemic contrast task to determine whether contrasts that are meaningful within a language are also empirically robust across languages.

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Open-Source High Quality Speech Datasets for Basque, Catalan and Galician
Oddur Kjartansson | Alexander Gutkin | Alena Butryna | Isin Demirsahin | Clara Rivera

This paper introduces new open speech datasets for three of the languages of Spain: Basque, Catalan and Galician. Catalan is furthermore the official language of the Principality of Andorra. The datasets consist of high-quality multi-speaker recordings of the three languages along with the associated transcriptions. The resulting corpora include over 33 hours of crowd-sourced recordings of 132 male and female native speakers. The recording scripts also include material for elicitation of global and local place names, personal and business names. The datasets are released under a permissive license and are available for free download for commercial, academic and personal use. The high-quality annotated speech datasets described in this paper can be used to, among other things, build text-to-speech systems, serve as adaptation data in automatic speech recognition and provide useful phonetic and phonological insights in corpus linguistics.

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Two LRL & Distractor Corpora from Web Information Retrieval and a Small Case Study in Language Identification without Training Corpora
Armin Hoenen | Cemre Koc | Marc Rahn

In recent years, low resource languages (LRLs) have seen a surge in interest after certain tasks have been solved for larger ones and as they present various challenges (data sparsity, sparsity of experts and expertise, unusual structural properties etc.). For a larger number of them in the wake of this interest resources and technologies have been created. However, there are very small languages for which this has not yet led to a significant change. We focus here one such language (Nogai) and one larger small language (Maori). Since especially smaller languages often face the situation of having very similar siblings or a larger small sister language which is more accessible, the rate of noise in data gathered on them so far is often high. Therefore, we present small corpora for our 2 case study languages which we obtained through web information retrieval and likewise for their noise inducing distractor languages and conduct a small language identification experiment where we identify documents in a boolean way as either belonging or not to the target language. We release our test corpora for two such scenarios in the format of the An Crubadan project (Scannell, 2007) and a tool for unsupervised language identification using alphabet and toponym information.

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Morphological Disambiguation of South Sámi with FSTs and Neural Networks
Mika Hämäläinen | Linda Wiechetek

We present a method for conducting morphological disambiguation for South Sámi, which is an endangered language. Our method uses an FST-based morphological analyzer to produce an ambiguous set of morphological readings for each word in a sentence. These readings are disambiguated with a Bi-RNN model trained on the related North Sámi UD Treebank and some synthetically generated South Sámi data. The disambiguation is done on the level of morphological tags ignoring word forms and lemmas; this makes it possible to use North Sámi training data for South Sámi without the need for a bilingual dictionary or aligned word embeddings. Our approach requires only minimal resources for South Sámi, which makes it usable and applicable in the contexts of any other endangered language as well.

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Effects of Language Relatedness for Cross-lingual Transfer Learning in Character-Based Language Models
Mittul Singh | Peter Smit | Sami Virpioja | Mikko Kurimo

Character-based Neural Network Language Models (NNLM) have the advantage of smaller vocabulary and thus faster training times in comparison to NNLMs based on multi-character units. However, in low-resource scenarios, both the character and multi-character NNLMs suffer from data sparsity. In such scenarios, cross-lingual transfer has improved multi-character NNLM performance by allowing information transfer from a source to the target language. In the same vein, we propose to use cross-lingual transfer for character NNLMs applied to low-resource Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). However, applying cross-lingual transfer to character NNLMs is not as straightforward. We observe that relatedness of the source language plays an important role in cross-lingual pretraining of character NNLMs. We evaluate this aspect on ASR tasks for two target languages: Finnish (with English and Estonian as source) and Swedish (with Danish, Norwegian, and English as source). Prior work has observed no difference between using the related or unrelated language for multi-character NNLMs. We, however, show that for character-based NNLMs, only pretraining with a related language improves the ASR performance, and using an unrelated language may deteriorate it. We also observe that the benefits are larger when there is much lesser target data than source data.

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Multilingual Graphemic Hybrid ASR with Massive Data Augmentation
Chunxi Liu | Qiaochu Zhang | Xiaohui Zhang | Kritika Singh | Yatharth Saraf | Geoffrey Zweig

Towards developing high-performing ASR for low-resource languages, approaches to address the lack of resources are to make use of data from multiple languages, and to augment the training data by creating acoustic variations. In this work we present a single grapheme-based ASR model learned on 7 geographically proximal languages, using standard hybrid BLSTM-HMM acoustic models with lattice-free MMI objective. We build the single ASR grapheme set via taking the union over each language-specific grapheme set, and we find such multilingual graphemic hybrid ASR model can perform language-independent recognition on all 7 languages, and substantially outperform each monolingual ASR model. Secondly, we evaluate the efficacy of multiple data augmentation alternatives within language, as well as their complementarity with multilingual modeling. Overall, we show that the proposed multilingual graphemic hybrid ASR with various data augmentation can not only recognize any within training set languages, but also provide large ASR performance improvements.

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Neural Text-to-Speech Synthesis for an Under-Resourced Language in a Diglossic Environment: the Case of Gascon Occitan
Ander Corral | Igor Leturia | Aure Séguier | Michäel Barret | Benaset Dazéas | Philippe Boula de Mareüil | Nicolas Quint

Occitan is a minority language spoken in Southern France, some Alpine Valleys of Italy, and the Val d’Aran in Spain, which only very recently started developing language and speech technologies. This paper describes the first project for designing a Text-to-Speech synthesis system for one of its main regional varieties, namely Gascon. We used a state-of-the-art deep neural network approach, the Tacotron2-WaveGlow system. However, we faced two additional difficulties or challenges: on the one hand, we wanted to test if it was possible to obtain good quality results with fewer recording hours than is usually reported for such systems; on the other hand, we needed to achieve a standard, non-Occitan pronunciation of French proper names, therefore we needed to record French words and test phoneme-based approaches. The evaluation carried out over the various developed systems and approaches shows promising results with near production-ready quality. It has also allowed us to detect the phenomena for which some flaws or fall of quality occur, pointing at the direction of future work to improve the quality of the actual system and for new systems for other language varieties and voices.

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Transfer Learning for Less-Resourced Semitic Languages Speech Recognition: the Case of Amharic
Yonas Woldemariam

While building automatic speech recognition (ASR) requires a large amount of speech and text data, the problem gets worse for less-resourced languages. In this paper, we investigate a model adaptation method, namely transfer learning for a less-resourced Semitic language i.e., Amharic, to solve resource scarcity problems in speech recognition development and improve the Amharic ASR model. In our experiments, we transfer acoustic models trained on two different source languages (English and Mandarin) to Amharic using very limited resources. The experimental results show that a significant WER (Word Error Rate) reduction has been achieved by transferring the hidden layers of the trained source languages neural networks. In the best case scenario, the Amharic ASR model adapted from English yields the best WER reduction from 38.72% to 24.50% (an improvement of 14.22% absolute). Adapting the Mandarin model improves the baseline Amharic model with a WER reduction of 10.25% (absolute). Our analysis also reveals that, the speech recognition performance of the adapted acoustic model is highly influenced by the relatedness (in a relative sense) between the source and the target languages than other considered factors (e.g. the quality of source models). Furthermore, other Semitic as well as Afro-Asiatic languages could benefit from the methodology presented in this study.

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Semi-supervised Acoustic Modelling for Five-lingual Code-switched ASR using Automatically-segmented Soap Opera Speech
Nick Wilkinson | Astik Biswas | Emre Yilmaz | Febe De Wet | Ewald Van der westhuizen | Thomas Niesler

This paper considers the impact of automatic segmentation on the fully-automatic, semi-supervised training of automatic speech recog-nition (ASR) systems for five-lingual code-switched (CS) speech. Four automatic segmentation techniques were evaluated in terms ofthe recognition performance of an ASR system trained on the resulting segments in a semi-supervised manner. For comparative purposesa semi-supervised syste Three of these use a newly proposed convolutional neural network (CNN) model for framewise classification,and include a novel form of HMM smoothing of the CNN outputs. Automatic segmentation was applied in combination with automaticspeaker diarization. The best-performing segmentation technique was also evaluated without speaker diarization. An evaluation basedon 248 unsegmented soap opera episodes indicated that voice activity detection (VAD) based on a CNN followed by Gaussian mixturemodel-hidden Markov model smoothing (CNN-GMM-HMM) yields the best ASR performance. The semi-supervised system trainedwith the best automatic segmentation achieved an overall WER improvement of 1.1% absolute over a semi-supervised system trainedwith manually created segments. Furthermore, we found that recognition rates improved even further when the automatic segmentationwas used in conjunction with speaker diarization.

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Investigating Language Impact in Bilingual Approaches for Computational Language Documentation
Marcely Zanon Boito | Aline Villavicencio | Laurent Besacier

For endangered languages, data collection campaigns have to accommodate the challenge that many of them are from oral tradition, and producing transcriptions is costly. Therefore, it is fundamental to translate them into a widely spoken language to ensure interpretability of the recordings. In this paper we investigate how the choice of translation language affects the posterior documentation work and potential automatic approaches which will work on top of the produced bilingual corpus. For answering this question, we use the MaSS multilingual speech corpus (Boito et al., 2020) for creating 56 bilingual pairs that we apply to the task of low-resource unsupervised word segmentation and alignment. Our results highlight that the choice of language for translation influences the word segmentation performance, and that different lexicons are learned by using different aligned translations. Lastly, this paper proposes a hybrid approach for bilingual word segmentation, combining boundary clues extracted from a non-parametric Bayesian model (Goldwater et al., 2009a) with the attentional word segmentation neural model from Godard et al. (2018). Our results suggest that incorporating these clues into the neural models’ input representation increases their translation and alignment quality, specially for challenging language pairs.

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Design and evaluation of a smartphone keyboard for Plains Cree syllabics
Eddie Antonio Santos | Atticus Harrigan

Plains Cree is a less-resourced language in Canada. To promote its usage online, we describe previous keyboard layouts for typing Plains Cree syllabics on smartphones. We describe our own solution whose development was guided by ergonomics research and corpus statistics. We then describe a case study in which three participants used a previous layout and our own, and we collected quantitative and qualitative data. We conclude that, despite observing accuracy improvements in user testing, introducing a brand new paradigm for typing Plains Cree syllabics may not be ideal for the community.

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MultiSeg: Parallel Data and Subword Information for Learning Bilingual Embeddings in Low Resource Scenarios
Efsun Sarioglu Kayi | Vishal Anand | Smaranda Muresan

Distributed word embeddings have become ubiquitous in natural language processing as they have been shown to improve performance in many semantic and syntactic tasks. Popular models for learning cross-lingual word embeddings do not consider the morphology of words. We propose an approach to learn bilingual embeddings using parallel data and subword information that is expressed in various forms, i.e. character n-grams, morphemes obtained by unsupervised morphological segmentation and byte pair encoding. We report results for three low resource morphologically rich languages (Swahili, Tagalog, and Somali) and a high resource language (German) in a simulated a low-resource scenario. Our results show that our method that leverages subword information outperforms the model without subword information, both in intrinsic and extrinsic evaluations of the learned embeddings. Specifically, analogy reasoning results show that using subwords helps capture syntactic characteristics. Semantically, word similarity results and intrinsically, word translation scores demonstrate superior performance over existing methods. Finally, qualitative analysis also shows better-quality cross-lingual embeddings particularly for morphological variants in both languages.

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Poio Text Prediction: Lessons on the Development and Sustainability of LTs for Endangered Languages
Gema Zamora Fernández | Vera Ferreira | Pedro Manha

2019, the International Year of Indigenous Languages (IYIL), marked a crucial milestone for a diverse community united by a strong sense of urgency. In this presentation, we evaluate the impact of IYIL’s outcomes in the development of LTs for endangered languages. We give a brief description of the field of Language Documentation, whose experts have led the research and data collection efforts surrounding endangered languages for the past 30 years. We introduce the work of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Social and Language Documentation and we look at Poio as an example of an LT developed specifically with speakers of endangered languages in mind. This example illustrates how the deeper systemic causes of language endangerment are reflected in the development of LTs. Additionally, we share some of the strategic decisions that have led the development of this project. Finally, we advocate the importance of bridging the divide between research and activism, pushing for the inclusion of threatened languages in the world of LTs, and doing so in close collaboration with the speaker community.

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Text Corpora and the Challenge of Newly Written Languages
Alice Millour | Karën Fort

Text corpora represent the foundation on which most natural language processing systems rely. However, for many languages, collecting or building a text corpus of a sufficient size still remains a complex issue, especially for corpora that are accessible and distributed under a clear license allowing modification (such as annotation) and further resharing. In this paper, we review the sources of text corpora usually called upon to fill the gap in low-resource contexts, and how crowdsourcing has been used to build linguistic resources. Then, we present our own experiments with crowdsourcing text corpora and an analysis of the obstacles we encountered. Although the results obtained in terms of participation are still unsatisfactory, we advocate that the effort towards a greater involvement of the speakers should be pursued, especially when the language of interest is newly written.

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Scaling Language Data Import/Export with a Data Transformer Interface
Nicholas Buckeridge | Ben Foley

This paper focuses on the technical improvement of Elpis, a language technology which assists people in the process of transcription, particularly for low-resource language documentation situations. To provide better support for the diversity of file formats encountered by people working to document the world’s languages, a Data Transformer interface has been developed to abstract the complexities of designing individual data import scripts. This work took place as part of a larger project of code quality improvement and the publication of template code that can be used for development of other language technologies.

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Fully Convolutional ASR for Less-Resourced Endangered Languages
Bao Thai | Robert Jimerson | Raymond Ptucha | Emily Prud’hommeaux

The application of deep learning to automatic speech recognition (ASR) has yielded dramatic accuracy increases for languages with abundant training data, but languages with limited training resources have yet to see accuracy improvements on this scale. In this paper, we compare a fully convolutional approach for acoustic modelling in ASR with a variety of established acoustic modeling approaches. We evaluate our method on Seneca, a low-resource endangered language spoken in North America. Our method yields word error rates up to 40% lower than those reported using both standard GMM-HMM approaches and established deep neural methods, with a substantial reduction in training time. These results show particular promise for languages like Seneca that are both endangered and lack extensive documentation.

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Cross-Lingual Machine Speech Chain for Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese, and Bataks Speech Recognition and Synthesis
Sashi Novitasari | Andros Tjandra | Sakriani Sakti | Satoshi Nakamura

Even though over seven hundred ethnic languages are spoken in Indonesia, the available technology remains limited that could support communication within indigenous communities as well as with people outside the villages. As a result, indigenous communities still face isolation due to cultural barriers; languages continue to disappear. To accelerate communication, speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) technology is one approach that can overcome language barriers. However, S2ST systems require machine translation (MT), speech recognition (ASR), and synthesis (TTS) that rely heavily on supervised training and a broad set of language resources that can be difficult to collect from ethnic communities. Recently, a machine speech chain mechanism was proposed to enable ASR and TTS to assist each other in semi-supervised learning. The framework was initially implemented only for monolingual languages. In this study, we focus on developing speech recognition and synthesis for these Indonesian ethnic languages: Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese, and Bataks. We first separately train ASR and TTS of standard Indonesian in supervised training. We then develop ASR and TTS of ethnic languages by utilizing Indonesian ASR and TTS in a cross-lingual machine speech chain framework with only text or only speech data removing the need for paired speech-text data of those ethnic languages.

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Automatic Myanmar Image Captioning using CNN and LSTM-Based Language Model
San Pa Pa Aung | Win Pa Pa | Tin Lay Nwe

An image captioning system involves modules on computer vision as well as natural language processing. Computer vision module is for detecting salient objects or extracting features of images and Natural Language Processing (NLP) module is for generating correct syntactic and semantic image captions. Although many image caption datasets such as Flickr8k, Flickr30k and MSCOCO are publicly available, most of the datasets are captioned in English language. There is no image caption corpus for Myanmar language. Myanmar image caption corpus is manually built as part of the Flickr8k dataset in this current work. Furthermore, a generative merge model based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) is applied especially for Myanmar image captioning. Next, two conventional feature extraction models Visual Geometry Group (VGG) OxfordNet 16-layer and 19-layer are compared. The performance of this system is evaluated on Myanmar image caption corpus using BLEU scores and 10-fold cross validation.

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Phoneme Boundary Analysis using Multiway Geometric Properties of Waveform Trajectories
Bhagath Parabattina | Pradip K. Das

Automatic phoneme segmentation is an important problem in speech processing. It helps in improving the recognition quality by providing a proper segmentation information for phonemes or phonetic units. Inappropriate segmentation may lead to recognition falloff. The problem is essential not only for recognition but also for annotation purpose also. In general, segmentation algorithms rely on training large data sets where data is observed to find the patterns among them. But this process is not straight forward for languages that are under resourced because of less availability of datasets. In this paper, we propose a method that uses geometrical properties of waveform trajectory where intra signal variations are studied and used for segmentation. The method does not rely on large datasets for training. The geometric properties are extracted as linear structural changes in a raw waveform. The methods and findings of the study are presented.

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Natural Language Processing Chains Inside a Cross-lingual Event-Centric Knowledge Pipeline for European Union Under-resourced Languages
Diego Alves | Gaurish Thakkar | Marko Tadić

This article presents the strategy for developing a platform containing Language Processing Chains for European Union languages, consisting of Tokenization to Parsing, also including Named Entity recognition and with addition of Sentiment Analysis. These chains are part of the first step of an event-centric knowledge processing pipeline whose aim is to process multilingual media information about major events that can cause an impact in Europe and the rest of the world. Due to the differences in terms of availability of language resources for each language, we have built this strategy in three steps, starting with processing chains for the well-resourced languages and finishing with the development of new modules for the under-resourced ones. In order to classify all European Union official languages in terms of resources, we have analysed the size of annotated corpora as well as the existence of pre-trained models in mainstream Language Processing tools, and we have combined this information with the proposed classification published at META-NET whitepaper series.

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Component Analysis of Adjectives in Luxembourgish for Detecting Sentiments
Joshgun Sirajzade | Daniela Gierschek | Christoph Schommer

The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of Luxembourgish adjectives in expressing sentiments in user comments written at the web presence of rtl.lu (RTL is the abbreviation for Radio Television Letzebuerg). Alongside many textual features or representations,adjectives could be used in order to detect sentiment, even on a sentence or comment level. In fact, they are also by themselves one of the best ways to describe a sentiment, despite the fact that other word classes such as nouns, verbs, adverbs or conjunctions can also be utilized for this purpose. The empirical part of this study focuses on a list of adjectives that were extracted from an annotated corpus. The corpus contains the part of speech tags of individual words and sentiment annotation on the adjective, sentence and comment level. Suffixes of Luxembourgish adjectives like -esch, -eg, -lech, -al, -el, -iv, -ent, -los, -barand the prefixon- were explicitly investigated, especially by paying attention to their role in regards to building a model by applying classical machine learning techniques. We also considered the interaction of adjectives with other grammatical means, especially other part of speeches, e.g. negations, which can completely reverse the meaning, thus the sentiment of an utterance.

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Acoustic-Phonetic Approach for ASR of Less Resourced Languages Using Monolingual and Cross-Lingual Information
Shweta Bansal

The exploration of speech processing for endangered languages has substantially increased in the past epoch of time. In this paper, we present the acoustic-phonetic approach for automatic speech recognition (ASR) using monolingual and cross-lingual information with application to under-resourced Indian languages, Punjabi, Nepali and Hindi. The challenging task while developing the ASR was the collection of the acoustic corpus for under-resourced languages. We have described here, in brief, the strategies used for designing the corpus and also highlighted the issues pertaining while collecting data for these languages. The bootstrap GMM-UBM based approach is used, which integrates pronunciation lexicon, language model and acoustic-phonetic model. Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients were used for extracting the acoustic signal features for training in monolingual and cross-lingual settings. The experimental result shows the overall performance of ASR for cross-lingual and monolingual. The phone substitution plays a key role in the cross-lingual as well as monolingual recognition. The result obtained by cross-lingual recognition compared with other baseline system and it has been found that the performance of the recognition system is based on phonemic units . The recognition rate of cross-lingual generally declines as compared with the monolingual.

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An Annotation Framework for Luxembourgish Sentiment Analysis
Joshgun Sirajzade | Daniela Gierschek | Christoph Schommer

The aim of this paper is to present a framework developed for crowdsourcing sentiment annotation for the low-resource language Luxembourgish. Our tool is easily accessible through a web interface and facilitates sentence-level annotation of several annotators in parallel. In the heart of our framework is an XML database, which serves as central part linking several components. The corpus in the database consists of news articles and user comments. One of the components is LuNa, a tool for linguistic preprocessing of the data set. It tokenizes the text, splits it into sentences and assigns POS-tags to the tokens. After that, the preprocessed text is stored in XML format into the database. The Sentiment Annotation Tool, which is a browser-based tool, then enables the annotation of split sentences from the database. The Sentiment Engine, a separate module, is trained with this material in order to annotate the whole data set and analyze the sentiment of the comments over time and in relationship to the news articles. The gained knowledge can again be used to improve the sentiment classification on the one hand and on the other hand to understand the sentiment phenomenon from the linguistic point of view.

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A Sentiment Analysis Dataset for Code-Mixed Malayalam-English
Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi | Navya Jose | Shardul Suryawanshi | Elizabeth Sherly | John Philip McCrae

There is an increasing demand for sentiment analysis of text from social media which are mostly code-mixed. Systems trained on monolingual data fail for code-mixed data due to the complexity of mixing at different levels of the text. However, very few resources are available for code-mixed data to create models specific for this data. Although much research in multilingual and cross-lingual sentiment analysis has used semi-supervised or unsupervised methods, supervised methods still performs better. Only a few datasets for popular languages such as English-Spanish, English-Hindi, and English-Chinese are available. There are no resources available for Malayalam-English code-mixed data. This paper presents a new gold standard corpus for sentiment analysis of code-mixed text in Malayalam-English annotated by voluntary annotators. This gold standard corpus obtained a Krippendorff’s alpha above 0.8 for the dataset. We use this new corpus to provide the benchmark for sentiment analysis in Malayalam-English code-mixed texts.

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Speech-Emotion Detection in an Indonesian Movie
Fahmi Fahmi | Meganingrum Arista Jiwanggi | Mirna Adriani

The growing demand to develop an automatic emotion recognition system for the Human-Computer Interaction field had pushed some research in speech emotion detection. Although it is growing, there is still little research about automatic speech emotion detection in Bahasa Indonesia. Another issue is the lack of standard corpus for this research area in Bahasa Indonesia. This study proposed several approaches to detect speech-emotion in the dialogs of an Indonesian movie by classifying them into 4 different emotion classes i.e. happiness, sadness, anger, and neutral. There are two different speech data representations used in this study i.e. statistical and temporal/sequence representations. This study used Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) variation, word embedding, and also the hybrid of three to perform the classification task. The best accuracies given by one-vs-rest scenario for each emotion class with speech-transcript pairs using hybrid of non-temporal and embedding approach are 1) happiness: 76.31%; 2) sadness: 86.46%; 3) anger: 82.14%; and 4) neutral: 68.51%. The multiclass classification resulted in 64.66% of precision, 66.79% of recall, and 64.83% of F1-score.

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Macsen: A Voice Assistant for Speakers of a Lesser Resourced Language
Dewi Jones

This paper reports on the development of a voice assistant mobile app for speakers of a lesser resourced language – Welsh. An assistant with a smaller set of effective but useful skills is both desirable and urgent for the wider Welsh speaking community. Descriptions of the app’s skills, architecture, design decisions and user interface is provided before elaborating on the most recent research and activities in open source speech technology for Welsh. The paper reports on the progress to date on crowdsourcing Welsh speech data in Mozilla Common Voice and of its suitability for training Mozilla’s DeepSpeech speech recognition for a voice assistant application according to conventional and transfer learning methods. We demonstrate that with smaller datasets of speech data, transfer learning and a domain specific language model, acceptable speech recognition is achievable that facilitates, as confirmed by beta users, a practical and useful voice assistant for Welsh speakers. We hope that this work informs and serves as a model to researchers and developers in other lesser-resourced linguistic communities and helps bring into being voice assistant apps for their languages.

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Corpus Creation for Sentiment Analysis in Code-Mixed Tamil-English Text
Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi | Vigneshwaran Muralidaran | Ruba Priyadharshini | John Philip McCrae

Understanding the sentiment of a comment from a video or an image is an essential task in many applications. Sentiment analysis of a text can be useful for various decision-making processes. One such application is to analyse the popular sentiments of videos on social media based on viewer comments. However, comments from social media do not follow strict rules of grammar, and they contain mixing of more than one language, often written in non-native scripts. Non-availability of annotated code-mixed data for a low-resourced language like Tamil also adds difficulty to this problem. To overcome this, we created a gold standard Tamil-English code-switched, sentiment-annotated corpus containing 15,744 comment posts from YouTube. In this paper, we describe the process of creating the corpus and assigning polarities. We present inter-annotator agreement and show the results of sentiment analysis trained on this corpus as a benchmark.

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Gender Detection from Human Voice Using Tensor Analysis
Prasanta Roy | Parabattina Bhagath | Pradip Das

Speech-based communication is one of the most preferred modes of communication for humans. The human voice contains several important information and clues that help in interpreting the voice message. The gender of the speaker can be accurately guessed by a person based on the received voice of a speaker. The knowledge of the speaker’s gender can be a great aid to design accurate speech recognition systems. GMM based classifier is a popular choice used for gender detection. In this paper, we propose a Tensor-based approach for detecting the gender of a speaker and discuss its implementation details for low resourceful languages. Experiments were conducted using the TIMIT and SHRUTI dataset. An average gender detection accuracy of 91% is recorded. Analysis of the results with the proposed method is presented in this paper.

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Data-Driven Parametric Text Normalization: Rapidly Scaling Finite-State Transduction Verbalizers to New Languages
Sandy Ritchie | Eoin Mahon | Kim Heiligenstein | Nikos Bampounis | Daan van Esch | Christian Schallhart | Jonas Mortensen | Benoit Brard

This paper presents a methodology for rapidly generating FST-based verbalizers for ASR and TTS systems by efficiently sourcing language-specific data. We describe a questionnaire which collects the necessary data to bootstrap the number grammar induction system and parameterize the verbalizer templates described in Ritchie et al. (2019), and a machine-readable data store which allows the data collected through the questionnaire to be supplemented by additional data from other sources. This system allows us to rapidly scale technologies such as ASR and TTS to more languages, including low-resource languages.

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Lenition and Fortition of Stop Codas in Romanian
Mathilde Hutin | Oana Niculescu | Ioana Vasilescu | Lori Lamel | Martine Adda-Decker

The present paper aims at providing a first study of lenition- and fortition-type phenomena in coda position in Romanian, a language that can be considered as less-resourced. Our data show that there are two contexts for devoicing in Romanian: before a voiceless obstruent, which means that there is regressive voicelessness assimilation in the language, and before pause, which means that there is a tendency towards final devoicing proper. The data also show that non-canonical voicing is an instance of voicing assimilation, as it is observed mainly before voiced consonants (voiced obstruents and sonorants alike). Two conclusions can be drawn from our analyses. First, from a phonetic point of view, the two devoicing phenomena exhibit the same behavior regarding place of articulation of the coda, while voicing assimilation displays the reverse tendency. In particular, alveolars, which tend to devoice the most, also voice the least. Second, the two assimilation processes have similarities that could distinguish them from final devoicing as such. Final devoicing seems to be sensitive to speech style and gender of the speaker, while assimilation processes do not. This may indicate that the two kinds of processes are phonologized at two different degrees in the language, assimilation being more accepted and generalized than final devoicing.

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Adapting a Welsh Terminology Tool to Develop a Cornish Dictionary
Delyth Prys

Cornish and Welsh are closely related Celtic languages and this paper provides a brief description of a recent project to publish an online bilingual English/Cornish dictionary, the Gerlyver Kernewek, based on similar work previously undertaken for Welsh. Both languages are endangered, Cornish critically so, but both can benefit from the use of language technology. Welsh has previous experience of using language technologies for language revitalization, and this is now being used to help the Cornish language create new tools and resources, including lexicographical ones, helping a dispersed team of language specialists and editors, many of them in a voluntary capacity, to work collaboratively online. Details are given of the Maes T dictionary writing and publication platform, originally developed for Welsh, and of some of the adaptations that had to be made to accommodate the specific needs of Cornish, including their use of Middle and Late varieties due to its development as a revived language.

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Multiple Segmentations of Thai Sentences for Neural Machine Translation
Alberto Poncelas | Wichaya Pidchamook | Chao-Hong Liu | James Hadley | Andy Way

Thai is a low-resource language, so it is often the case that data is not available in sufficient quantities to train an Neural Machine Translation (NMT) model which perform to a high level of quality. In addition, the Thai script does not use white spaces to delimit the boundaries between words, which adds more complexity when building sequence to sequence models. In this work, we explore how to augment a set of English–Thai parallel data by replicating sentence-pairs with different word segmentation methods on Thai, as training data for NMT model training. Using different merge operations of Byte Pair Encoding, different segmentations of Thai sentences can be obtained. The experiments show that combining these datasets, performance is improved for NMT models trained with a dataset that has been split using a supervised splitting tool.

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Automatic Extraction of Verb Paradigms in Regional Languages: the case of the Linguistic Crescent varieties
Elena Knyazeva | Gilles Adda | Philippe Boula de Mareüil | Maximilien Guérin | Nicolas Quint

Language documentation is crucial for endangered varieties all over the world. Verb conjugation is a key aspect of this documentation for Romance varieties such as those spoken in central France, in the area of the Linguistic Crescent, which extends overs significant portions of the old provinces of Marche and Bourbonnais. We present a first methodological experiment using automatic speech processing tools for the extraction of verbal paradigms collected and recorded during fieldworks sessions made in situ. In order to prove the feasibility of the approach, we test it with different protocols, on good quality data, and we offer possible ways of extension for this research.

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FST Morphology for the Endangered Skolt Sami Language
Jack Rueter | Mika Hämäläinen

We present advances in the development of a FST-based morphological analyzer and generator for Skolt Sami. Like other minority Uralic languages, Skolt Sami exhibits a rich morphology, on the one hand, and there is little golden standard material for it, on the other. This makes NLP approaches for its study difficult without a solid morphological analysis. The language is severely endangered and the work presented in this paper forms a part of a greater whole in its revitalization efforts. Furthermore, we intersperse our description with facilitation and description practices not well documented in the infrastructure. Currently, the analyzer covers over 30,000 Skolt Sami words in 148 inflectional paradigms and over 12 derivational forms.

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Voted-Perceptron Approach for Kazakh Morphological Disambiguation
Gulmira Tolegen | Alymzhan Toleu | Rustam Mussabayev

This paper presents an approach of voted perceptron for morphological disambiguation for the case of Kazakh language. Guided by the intuition that the feature value from the correct path of analyses must be higher than the feature value of non-correct path of analyses, we propose the voted perceptron algorithm with Viterbi decoding manner for disambiguation. The approach can use arbitrary features to learn the feature vector for a sequence of analyses, which plays a vital role for disambiguation. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms other statistical and rule-based models. Moreover, we manually annotated a new morphological disambiguation corpus for Kazakh language.

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DNN-Based Multilingual Automatic Speech Recognition for Wolaytta using Oromo Speech
Martha Yifiru Tachbelie | Solomon Teferra Abate | Tanja Schultz

It is known that Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is very useful for human-computer interaction in all the human languages. However, due to its requirement for a big speech corpus, which is very expensive, it has not been developed for most of the languages. Multilingual ASR (MLASR) has been suggested to share existing speech corpora among related languages to develop an ASR for languages which do not have the required speech corpora. Literature shows that phonetic relatedness goes across language families. We have, therefore, conducted experiments on MLASR taking two language families: one as source (Oromo from Cushitic) and the other as target (Wolaytta from Omotic). Using Oromo Deep Neural Network (DNN) based acoustic model, Wolaytta pronunciation dictionary and language model we have achieved Word Error Rate (WER) of 48.34% for Wolaytta. Moreover, our experiments show that adding only 30 minutes of speech data from the target language (Wolaytta) to the whole training data (22.8 hours) of the source language (Oromo) results in a relative WER reduction of 32.77%. Our results show the possibility of developing ASR system for a language, if we have pronunciation dictionary and language model, using an existing speech corpus of another language irrespective of their language family.

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Building Language Models for Morphological Rich Low-Resource Languages using Data from Related Donor Languages: the Case of Uyghur
Ayimunishagu Abulimiti | Tanja Schultz

Huge amounts of data are needed to build reliable statistical language models. Automatic speech processing tasks in low-resource languages typically suffer from lower performances due to weak or unreliable language models. Furthermore, language modeling for agglutinative languages is very challenging, as the morphological richness results in higher Out Of Vocabulary (OOV) rate. In this work, we show our effort to build word-based as well as morpheme-based language models for Uyghur, a language that combines both challenges, i.e. it is a low-resource and agglutinative language. Fortunately, there exists a closely-related rich-resource language, namely Turkish. Here, we present our work on leveraging Turkish text data to improve Uyghur language models. To maximize the overlap between Uyghur and Turkish words, the Turkish data is pre-processed on the word surface level, which results in 7.76% OOV-rate reduction on the Uyghur development set. To investigate various levels of low-resource conditions, different subsets of Uyghur data are generated. Morpheme-based language models trained with bilingual data achieved up to 40.91% relative perplexity reduction over the language models trained only with Uyghur data.

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Basic Language Resources for 31 Languages (Plus English): The LORELEI Representative and Incident Language Packs
Jennifer Tracey | Stephanie Strassel

This paper documents and describes the thirty-one basic language resource packs created for the DARPA LORELEI program for use in development and testing of systems capable of providing language-independent situational awareness in emerging scenarios in a low resource language context. Twenty-four Representative Language Packs cover a broad range of language families and typologies, providing large volumes of monolingual and parallel text, smaller volumes of entity and semantic annotations, and a variety of grammatical resources and tools designed to support research into language universals and cross-language transfer. Seven Incident Language Packs provide test data to evaluate system capabilities on a previously unseen low resource language. We discuss the makeup of Representative and Incident Language Packs, the methods used to produce them, and the evolution of their design and implementation over the course of the multi-year LORELEI program. We conclude with a summary of the final language packs including their low-cost publication in the LDC catalog.

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On the Exploration of English to Urdu Machine Translation
Sadaf Abdul Rauf | Syeda Abida | Noor-e- Hira | Syeda Zahra | Dania Parvez | Javeria Bashir | Qurat-ul-ain Majid

Machine Translation is the inevitable technology to reduce communication barriers in today’s world. It has made substantial progress in recent years and is being widely used in commercial as well as non-profit sectors. Such is only the case for European and other high resource languages. For English-Urdu language pair, the technology is in its infancy stage due to scarcity of resources. Present research is an important milestone in English-Urdu machine translation, as we present results for four major domains including Biomedical, Religious, Technological and General using Statistical and Neural Machine Translation. We performed series of experiments in attempts to optimize the performance of each system and also to study the impact of data sources on the systems. Finally, we established a comparison of the data sources and the effect of language model size on statistical machine translation performance.

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Developing a Twi (Asante) Dictionary from Akan Interlinear Glossed Texts
Dorothee Beermann | Lars Hellan | Pavel Mihaylov | Anna Struck

Traditionally, a lexicographer identifies the lexical items to be added to a dictionary. Here we present a corpus-based approach to dictionary compilation and describe a procedure that derives a Twi dictionary from a TypeCraft corpus of Interlinear Glossed Texts. We first extracted a list of unique words. We excluded words belonging to different dialects of Akan (mostly Fante and Abron). We corrected misspellings and distinguished English loan words to be integrated in our dictionary from instances of code switching. Next to the dictionary itself, one other resource arising from our work is a lexicographical model for Akan which represents the lexical resource itself, and the extended morphological and word class inventories that provide information to be aggregated. We also represent external resources such as the corpus that serves as the source and word level audio files. The Twi dictionary consists at present of 1367 words; it will be available online and from an open mobile app.

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Adapting Language Specific Components of Cross-Media Analysis Frameworks to Less-Resourced Languages: the Case of Amharic
Yonas Woldemariam | Adam Dahlgren

We present an ASR based pipeline for Amharic that orchestrates NLP components within a cross media analysis framework (CMAF). One of the major challenges that are inherently associated with CMAFs is effectively addressing multi-lingual issues. As a result, many languages remain under-resourced and fail to leverage out of available media analysis solutions. Although spoken natively by over 22 million people and there is an ever-increasing amount of Amharic multimedia content on the Web, querying them with simple text search is difficult. Searching for, especially audio/video content with simple key words, is even hard as they exist in their raw form. In this study, we introduce a spoken and textual content processing workflow into a CMAF for Amharic. We design an ASR-named entity recognition (NER) pipeline that includes three main components: ASR, a transliterator and NER. We explore various acoustic modeling techniques and develop an OpenNLP-based NER extractor along with a transliterator that interfaces between ASR and NER. The designed ASR-NER pipeline for Amharic promotes the multi-lingual support of CMAFs. Also, the state-of-the art design principles and techniques employed in this study shed light for other less-resourced languages, particularly the Semitic ones.

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Phonemic Transcription of Low-Resource Languages: To What Extent can Preprocessing be Automated?
Guillaume Wisniewski | Séverine Guillaume | Alexis Michaud

Automatic Speech Recognition for low-resource languages has been an active field of research for more than a decade. It holds promise for facilitating the urgent task of documenting the world’s dwindling linguistic diversity. Various methodological hurdles are encountered in the course of this exciting development, however. A well-identified difficulty is that data preprocessing is not at all trivial: data collected in classical fieldwork are usually tailored to the needs of the linguist who collects them, and there is baffling diversity in formats and annotation schema, even among fieldworkers who use the same software package (such as ELAN). The tests reported here (on Yongning Na and other languages from the Pangloss Collection, an open archive of endangered languages) explore some possibilities for automating the process of data preprocessing: assessing to what extent it is possible to bypass the involvement of language experts for menial tasks of data preparation for Natural Language Processing (NLP) purposes. What is at stake is the accessibility of language archive data for a range of NLP tasks and beyond.

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Manual Speech Synthesis Data Acquisition - From Script Design to Recording Speech
Atli Sigurgeirsson | Gunnar Örnólfsson | Jón Guðnason

Atli Þór Sigurgeirsson, atlithors@ru.is, Reykjavik University Gunnar Thor Örnólfsson, gunnarthor@hi.is, Árni Magnússon institute of Icelandic studies Dr. Jón Guðnason, jg@ru.is In this paper we present the work of collecting a large amount of high quality speech synthesis data for Icelandic. 8 speakers will be recorded for 20 hours each. A script design strategy is proposed and three scripts have been generated to maximize diphone coverage, varying in length. The largest reading script contains 14,400 prompts and includes 87.3% of all Icelandic diphones at least once and 81% of all Icelandic diphones at least twenty times. A recording client was developed to facilitate recording sessions. The client supports easily importing scripts and maintaining multiple collections in parallel. The recorded data can be downloaded straight from the client. Recording sessions are carried out in a professional studio under supervision and started October of 2019. As of writing, 58.7 hours of high quality speech data has been collected. The scripts, the recording software and the speech data will later be released under a CC-BY 4.0 license.

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Owóksape - An Online Language Learning Platform for Lakota
Jan Ullrich | Elliot Thornton | Peter Vieira | Logan Swango | Marek Kupiec

This paper presents Owóksape, an online language learning platform for the under-resourced language Lakota. The Lakota language (Lakȟótiyapi) is a Siouan language native to the United States with fewer than 2000 fluent speakers. Owóksape was developed by The Language Conservancy to support revitalization efforts, including reaching younger generations and providing a tool to complement traditional teaching methods. This project grew out of various multimedia resources in order to combine their most effective aspects into a single, self-paced learning tool. The first section of this paper discusses the motivation for and background of Owóksape. Section two details the linguistic features and language documentation principles that form the backbone of the platform. Section three lays out the unique integration of cultural aspects of the Lakota people into the visual design of the application. Section four explains the pedagogical principles of Owóksape. Application features and exercise types are then discussed in detail with visual examples, followed by an overview of the software design, as well as the effort required to develop the platform. Finally, a description of future features and considerations is presented.

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A Corpus of the Sorani Kurdish Folkloric Lyrics
Sina Ahmadi | Hossein Hassani | Kamaladdin Abedi

Kurdish poetry and prose narratives were historically transmitted orally and less in a written form. Being an essential medium of oral narration and literature, Kurdish lyrics have had a unique attribute in becoming a vital resource for different types of studies, including Digital Humanities, Computational Folkloristics and Computational Linguistics. As an initial study of its kind for the Kurdish language, this paper presents our efforts in transcribing and collecting Kurdish folk lyrics as a corpus that covers various Kurdish musical genres, in particular Beyt, Gorani, Bend, and Heyran. We believe that this corpus contributes to Kurdish language processing in several ways, such as compensation for the lack of a long history of written text by incorporating oral literature, presenting an unexplored realm in Kurdish language processing, and assisting the initiation of Kurdish computational folkloristics. Our corpus contains 49,582 tokens in the Sorani dialect of Kurdish. The corpus is publicly available in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) format for non-commercial use.

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Improving the Language Model for Low-Resource ASR with Online Text Corpora
Nils Hjortnaes | Timofey Arkhangelskiy | Niko Partanen | Michael Rießler | Francis Tyers

In this paper, we expand on previous work on automatic speech recognition in a low-resource scenario typical of data collected by field linguists. We train DeepSpeech models on 35 hours of dialectal Komi speech recordings and correct the output using language models constructed from various sources. Previous experiments showed that transfer learning using DeepSpeech can improve the accuracy of a speech recognizer for Komi, though the error rate remained very high. In this paper we present further experiments with language models created using KenLM from text materials available online. These are constructed from two corpora, one containing literary texts, one for social media content, and another combining the two. We then trained the model using each language model to explore the impact of the language model data source on the speech recognition model. Our results show significant improvements of over 25% in character error rate and nearly 20% in word error rate. This offers important methodological insight into how ASR results can be improved under low-resource conditions: transfer learning can be used to compensate the lack of training data in the target language, and online texts are a very useful resource when developing language models in this context.

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A Summary of the First Workshop on Language Technology for Language Documentation and Revitalization
Graham Neubig | Shruti Rijhwani | Alexis Palmer | Jordan MacKenzie | Hilaria Cruz | Xinjian Li | Matthew Lee | Aditi Chaudhary | Luke Gessler | Steven Abney | Shirley Anugrah Hayati | Antonios Anastasopoulos | Olga Zamaraeva | Emily Prud’hommeaux | Jennette Child | Sara Child | Rebecca Knowles | Sarah Moeller | Jeffrey Micher | Yiyuan Li | Sydney Zink | Mengzhou Xia | Roshan Sharma | Patrick Littell

Despite recent advances in natural language processing and other language technology, the application of such technology to language documentation and conservation has been limited. In August 2019, a workshop was held at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, USA to attempt to bring together language community members, documentary linguists, and technologists to discuss how to bridge this gap and create prototypes of novel and practical language revitalization technologies. The workshop focused on developing technologies to aid language documentation and revitalization in four areas: 1) spoken language (speech transcription, phone to orthography decoding, text-to-speech and text-speech forced alignment), 2) dictionary extraction and management, 3) search tools for corpora, and 4) social media (language learning bots and social media analysis). This paper reports the results of this workshop, including issues discussed, and various conceived and implemented technologies for nine languages: Arapaho, Cayuga, Inuktitut, Irish Gaelic, Kidaw’ida, Kwak’wala, Ojibwe, San Juan Quiahije Chatino, and Seneca.

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“A Passage to India”: Pre-trained Word Embeddings for Indian Languages
Kumar Saurav | Kumar Saunack | Diptesh Kanojia | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Dense word vectors or ‘word embeddings’ which encode semantic properties of words, have now become integral to NLP tasks like Machine Translation (MT), Question Answering (QA), Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), and Information Retrieval (IR). In this paper, we use various existing approaches to create multiple word embeddings for 14 Indian languages. We place these embeddings for all these languages, viz., Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Odiya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Tamil, and Telugu in a single repository. Relatively newer approaches that emphasize catering to context (BERT, ELMo, etc.) have shown significant improvements, but require a large amount of resources to generate usable models. We release pre-trained embeddings generated using both contextual and non-contextual approaches. We also use MUSE and XLM to train cross-lingual embeddings for all pairs of the aforementioned languages. To show the efficacy of our embeddings, we evaluate our embedding models on XPOS, UPOS and NER tasks for all these languages. We release a total of 436 models using 8 different approaches. We hope they are useful for the resource-constrained Indian language NLP. The title of this paper refers to the famous novel “A Passage to India” by E.M. Forster, published initially in 1924.

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A Counselling Corpus in Cantonese
John Lee | Tianyuan Cai | Wenxiu Xie | Lam Xing

Virtual agents are increasingly used for delivering health information in general, and mental health assistance in particular. This paper presents a corpus designed for training a virtual counsellor in Cantonese, a variety of Chinese. The corpus consists of a domain-independent subcorpus that supports small talk for rapport building with users, and a domain-specific subcorpus that provides material for a particular area of counselling. The former consists of ELIZA style responses, chitchat expressions, and a dataset of general dialog, all of which are reusable across counselling domains. The latter consists of example user inputs and appropriate chatbot replies relevant to the specific domain. In a case study, we created a chatbot with a domain-specific subcorpus that addressed 25 issues in test anxiety, with 436 inputs solicited from native speakers of Cantonese and 150 chatbot replies harvested from mental health websites. Preliminary evaluations show that Word Mover’s Distance achieved 56% accuracy in identifying the issue in user input, outperforming a number of baselines.

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Speech Transcription Challenges for Resource Constrained Indigenous Language Cree
Vishwa Gupta | Gilles Boulianne

Cree is one of the most spoken Indigenous languages in Canada. From a speech recognition perspective, it is a low-resource language, since very little data is available for either acoustic or language modeling. This has prevented development of speech technology that could help revitalize the language. We describe our experiments with available Cree data to improve automatic transcription both in speaker- independent and dependent scenarios. While it was difficult to get low speaker-independent word error rates with only six speakers, we were able to get low word and phoneme error rates in the speaker-dependent scenario. We compare our phoneme recognition with two state-of-the-art open-source phoneme recognition toolkits, which use end-to-end training and sequence-to-sequence modeling. Our phoneme error rate (8.7%) is significantly lower than that achieved by the best of these systems (15.1%). With these systems and varying amounts of transcribed and text data, we show that pre-training on other languages is important for speaker-independent recognition, and even small amounts of additional text-only documents are useful. These results can guide practical language documentation work, when deciding how much transcribed and text data is needed to achieve useful phoneme accuracies.

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Turkish Emotion Voice Database (TurEV-DB)
Salih Firat Canpolat | Zuhal Ormanoğlu | Deniz Zeyrek

We introduce the Turkish Emotion-Voice Database (TurEV-DB) which involves a corpus of over 1700 tokens based on 82 words uttered by human subjects in four different emotions (angry, calm, happy, sad). Three machine learning experiments are run on the corpus data to classify the emotions using a convolutional neural network (CNN) model and a support vector machine (SVM) model. We report the performance of the machine learning models, and for evaluation, compare machine learning results with the judgements of humans.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Fifth Social Media Mining for Health Applications Workshop & Shared Task

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Proceedings of the Fifth Social Media Mining for Health Applications Workshop & Shared Task
Graciela Gonzalez-Hernandez | Ari Z. Klein | Ivan Flores | Davy Weissenbacher | Arjun Magge | Karen O'Connor | Abeed Sarker | Anne-Lyse Minard | Elena Tutubalina | Zulfat Miftahutdinov | Ilseyar Alimova

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COVID-19 Twitter Monitor: Aggregating and Visualizing COVID-19 Related Trends in Social Media
Joseph Cornelius | Tilia Ellendorff | Lenz Furrer | Fabio Rinaldi

Social media platforms offer extensive information about the development of the COVID-19 pandemic and the current state of public health. In recent years, the Natural Language Processing community has developed a variety of methods to extract health-related information from posts on social media platforms. In order for these techniques to be used by a broad public, they must be aggregated and presented in a user-friendly way. We have aggregated ten methods to analyze tweets related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and present interactive visualizations of the results on our online platform, the COVID-19 Twitter Monitor. In the current version of our platform, we offer distinct methods for the inspection of the dataset, at different levels: corpus-wide, single post, and spans within each post. Besides, we allow the combination of different methods to enable a more selective acquisition of knowledge. Through the visual and interactive combination of various methods, interconnections in the different outputs can be revealed.

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Conversation-Aware Filtering of Online Patient Forum Messages
Anne Dirkson | Suzan Verberne | Wessel Kraaij

Previous approaches to NLP tasks on online patient forums have been limited to single posts as units, thereby neglecting the overarching conversational structure. In this paper we explore the benefit of exploiting conversational context for filtering posts relevant to a specific medical topic. We experiment with two approaches to add conversational context to a BERT model: a sequential CRF layer and manually engineered features. Although neither approach can outperform the F1 score of the BERT baseline, we find that adding a sequential layer improves precision for all target classes whereas adding a non-sequential layer with manually engineered features leads to a higher recall for two out of three target classes. Thus, depending on the end goal, conversation-aware modelling may be beneficial for identifying relevant messages. We hope our findings encourage other researchers in this domain to move beyond studying messages in isolation towards more discourse-based data collection and classification. We release our code for the purpose of follow-up research.

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Annotating Patient Information Needs in Online Diabetes Forums
Julia Romberg | Jan Dyczmons | Sandra Olivia Borgmann | Jana Sommer | Markus Vomhof | Cecilia Brunoni | Ismael Bruck-Ramisch | Luis Enders | Andrea Icks | Stefan Conrad

Identifying patient information needs is an important issue for health care services and implementation of patient-centered care. A relevant number of people with diabetes mellitus experience a need for information during the course of the disease. Health-related online forums are a promising option for researching relevant information needs closely related to everyday life. In this paper, we present a novel data corpus comprising 4,664 contributions from an online diabetes forum in German language. Two annotation tasks were implemented. First, the contributions were categorised according to whether they contain a diabetes-specific information need or not, which might either be a non diabetes-specific information need or no information need at all, resulting in an agreement of 0.89 (Krippendorff’s α). Moreover, the textual content of diabetes-specific information needs was segmented and labeled using a well-founded definition of health-related information needs, which achieved a promising agreement of 0.82 (Krippendorff’s αu). We further report a baseline for two sub-tasks of the information extraction system planned for the long term: contribution categorization and segment classification.

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Overview of the Fifth Social Media Mining for Health Applications (#SMM4H) Shared Tasks at COLING 2020
Ari Klein | Ilseyar Alimova | Ivan Flores | Arjun Magge | Zulfat Miftahutdinov | Anne-Lyse Minard | Karen O’Connor | Abeed Sarker | Elena Tutubalina | Davy Weissenbacher | Graciela Gonzalez-Hernandez

The vast amount of data on social media presents significant opportunities and challenges for utilizing it as a resource for health informatics. The fifth iteration of the Social Media Mining for Health Applications (#SMM4H) shared tasks sought to advance the use of Twitter data (tweets) for pharmacovigilance, toxicovigilance, and epidemiology of birth defects. In addition to re-runs of three tasks, #SMM4H 2020 included new tasks for detecting adverse effects of medications in French and Russian tweets, characterizing chatter related to prescription medication abuse, and detecting self reports of birth defect pregnancy outcomes. The five tasks required methods for binary classification, multi-class classification, and named entity recognition (NER). With 29 teams and a total of 130 system submissions, participation in the #SMM4H shared tasks continues to grow.

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Ensemble BERT for Classifying Medication-mentioning Tweets
Huong Dang | Kahyun Lee | Sam Henry | Özlem Uzuner

Twitter is a valuable source of patient-generated data that has been used in various population health studies. The first step in many of these studies is to identify and capture Twitter messages (tweets) containing medication mentions. In this article, we describe our submission to Task 1 of the Social Media Mining for Health Applications (SMM4H) Shared Task 2020. This task challenged participants to detect tweets that mention medications or dietary supplements in a natural, highly imbalance dataset. Our system combined a handcrafted preprocessing step with an ensemble of 20 BERT-based classifiers generated by dividing the training dataset into subsets using 10-fold cross validation and exploiting two BERT embedding models. Our system ranked first in this task, and improved the average F1 score across all participating teams by 19.07% with a precision, recall, and F1 on the test set of 83.75%, 87.01%, and 85.35% respectively.

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ISLab System for SMM4H Shared Task 2020
Chen-Kai Wang | Hong-Jie Dai | You-Chen Zhang | Bo-Chun Xu | Bo-Hong Wang | You-Ning Xu | Po-Hao Chen | Chung-Hong Lee

In this paper, we described our systems for the first and second subtasks of Social Media Mining for Health Applications (SMM4H) shared task in 2020. The two subtasks are automatic classi-fication of medication mentions and adverse effect in tweets. Our systems for both subtasks are based on Robustly optimized BERT approach (RoBERTa) and our previous work at SMM4H’19. The best F1-scores achieved by our systems for subtask 1 and 2 were 0.7974 and 0.64 respec-tively, which outperformed the average F1-scores among all teams’ best runs by at least 0.13.

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BERT Implementation for Detecting Adverse Drug Effects Mentions in Russian
Andrey Gusev | Anna Kuznetsova | Anna Polyanskaya | Egor Yatsishin

This paper describes a system developed for the Social Media Mining for Health 2020 shared task. Our team participated in the second subtask for Russian language creating a system to detect adverse drug reaction presence in a text. For our submission, we exploited an ensemble model architecture, combining BERT’s extension for Russian language, Logistic Regression and domain-specific preprocessing pipeline. Our system was ranked first among others, achieving F-score of 0.51.

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KFU NLP Team at SMM4H 2020 Tasks: Cross-lingual Transfer Learning with Pretrained Language Models for Drug Reactions
Zulfat Miftahutdinov | Andrey Sakhovskiy | Elena Tutubalina

This paper describes neural models developed for the Social Media Mining for Health (SMM4H) 2020 shared tasks. Specifically, we participated in two tasks. We investigate the use of a language representation model BERT pretrained on a large-scale corpus of 5 million health-related user reviews in English and Russian. The ensemble of neural networks for extraction and normalization of adverse drug reactions ranked first among 7 teams at the SMM4H 2020 Task 3 and obtained a relaxed F1 of 46%. The BERT-based multilingual model for classification of English and Russian tweets that report adverse reactions ranked second among 16 and 7 teams at two first subtasks of the SMM4H 2019 Task 2 and obtained a relaxed F1 of 58% on English tweets and 51% on Russian tweets.

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SMM4H Shared Task 2020 - A Hybrid Pipeline for Identifying Prescription Drug Abuse from Twitter: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Post-Processing
Isabel Metzger | Emir Y. Haskovic | Allison Black | Whitley M. Yi | Rajat S. Chandra | Mark T. Rutledge | William McMahon | Yindalon Aphinyanaphongs

This paper presents our approach to multi-class text categorization of tweets mentioning prescription medications as being indicative of potential abuse/misuse (A), consumption/non-abuse (C), mention-only (M), or an unrelated reference (U) using natural language processing techniques. Data augmentation increased our training and validation corpora from 13,172 tweets to 28,094 tweets. We also created word-embeddings on domain-specific social media and medical corpora. Our hybrid pipeline of an attention-based CNN with post-processing was the best performing system in task 4 of SMM4H 2020, with an F1 score of 0.51 for class A.

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Automatic Detecting for Health-related Twitter Data with BioBERT
Yang Bai | Xiaobing Zhou

Social media used for health applications usually contains a large amount of data posted by users, which brings various challenges to NLP, such as spoken language, spelling errors, novel/creative phrases, etc. In this paper, we describe our system submitted to SMM4H 2020: Social Media Mining for Health Applications Shared Task which consists of five sub-tasks. We participate in subtask 1, subtask 2-English, and subtask 5. Our final submitted approach is an ensemble of various fine-tuned transformer-based models. We illustrate that these approaches perform well in imbalanced datasets (For example, the class ratio is 1:10 in subtask 2), but our model performance is not good in extremely imbalanced datasets (For example, the class ratio is 1:400 in subtask 1). Finally, in subtask 1, our result is lower than the average score, in subtask 2-English, our result is higher than the average score, and in subtask 5, our result achieves the highest score. The code is available online.

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Exploring Online Depression Forums via Text Mining: A Comparison of Reddit and a Curated Online Forum
Luis Moßburger | Felix Wende | Kay Brinkmann | Thomas Schmidt

We present a study employing various techniques of text mining to explore and compare two different online forums focusing on depression: (1) the subreddit r/depression (over 60 million tokens), a large, open social media platform and (2) Beyond Blue (almost 5 million tokens), a professionally curated and moderated depression forum from Australia. We are interested in how the language and the content on these platforms differ from each other. We scrape both forums for a specific period. Next to general methods of computational text analysis, we focus on sentiment analysis, topic modeling and the distribution of word categories to analyze these forums. Our results indicate that Beyond Blue is generally more positive and that the users are more supportive to each other. Topic modeling shows that Beyond Blue’s users talk more about adult topics like finance and work while topics shaped by school or college terms are more prevalent on r/depression. Based on our findings we hypothesize that the professional curation and moderation of a depression forum is beneficial for the discussion in it.

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Towards Preemptive Detection of Depression and Anxiety in Twitter
David Owen | Jose Camacho-Collados | Luis Espinosa Anke

Depression and anxiety are psychiatric disorders that are observed in many areas of everyday life. For example, these disorders manifest themselves somewhat frequently in texts written by nondiagnosed users in social media. However, detecting users with these conditions is not a straightforward task as they may not explicitly talk about their mental state, and if they do, contextual cues such as immediacy must be taken into account. When available, linguistic flags pointing to probable anxiety or depression could be used by medical experts to write better guidelines and treatments. In this paper, we develop a dataset designed to foster research in depression and anxiety detection in Twitter, framing the detection task as a binary tweet classification problem. We then apply state-of-the-art classification models to this dataset, providing a competitive set of baselines alongside qualitative error analysis. Our results show that language models perform reasonably well, and better than more traditional baselines. Nonetheless, there is clear room for improvement, particularly with unbalanced training sets and in cases where seemingly obvious linguistic cues (keywords) are used counter-intuitively.

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Identifying Medication Abuse and Adverse Effects from Tweets: University of Michigan at #SMM4H 2020
V.G.Vinod Vydiswaran | Deahan Yu | Xinyan Zhao | Ermioni Carr | Jonathan Martindale | Jingcheng Xiao | Noha Ghannam | Matteo Althoen | Alexis Castellanos | Neel Patel | Daniel Vasquez

The team from the University of Michigan participated in three tasks in the Social Media Mining for Health Applications (#SMM4H) 2020 shared tasks – on detecting mentions of adverse effects (Task 2), extracting and normalizing them (Task 3), and detecting mentions of medication abuse (Task 4). Our approaches relied on a combination of traditional machine learning and deep learning models. On Tasks 2 and 4, our submitted runs performed at or above the task average.

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How Far Can We Go with Just Out-of-the-box BERT Models?
Lucie Gattepaille

Social media have been seen as a promising data source for pharmacovigilance. Howev-er, methods for automatic extraction of Adverse Drug Reactions from social media plat-forms such as Twitter still need further development before they can be included reliably in routine pharmacovigilance practices. As the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer (BERT) models have shown great performance in many major NLP tasks recently, we decided to test its performance on the SMM4H Shared Tasks 1 to 3, by submitting results of pretrained and fine-tuned BERT models without more added knowledge than the one carried in the training datasets and additional datasets. Our three submissions all ended up above average over all teams’ submissions: 0.766 F1 for task 1 (15% above the average of 0.665), 0.47 F1 for task 2 (2% above the average of 0.46) and 0.380 F1 score for task 3 (30% above the average of 0.292). Used in many of the high-ranking submission in the 2019 edition of the SMM4H Shared Task, BERT contin-ues to be state-of-the-art in ADR extraction for Twitter data.

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FBK@SMM4H2020: RoBERTa for Detecting Medications on Twitter
Silvia Casola | Alberto Lavelli

This paper describes a classifier for tweets that mention medications or supplements, based on a pretrained transformer. We developed such a system for our participation in Subtask 1 of the Social Media Mining for Health Application workshop, which featured an extremely unbalanced dataset. The model showed promising results, with an F1 of 0.8 (task mean: 0.66).

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Autobots Ensemble: Identifying and Extracting Adverse Drug Reaction from Tweets Using Transformer Based Pipelines
Sougata Saha | Souvik Das | Prashi Khurana | Rohini Srihari

This paper details a system designed for Social Media Mining for Health Applications (SMM4H) Shared Task 2020. We specifically describe the systems designed to solve task 2: Automatic classification of multilingual tweets that report adverse effects, and task 3: Automatic extraction and normalization of adverse effects in English tweets. Fine tuning RoBERTa large for classifying English tweets enables us to achieve a F1 score of 56%, which is an increase of +10% compared to the average F1 score for all the submissions. Using BERT based NER and question answering, we are able to achieve a F1 score of 57.6% for extracting adverse reaction mentions from tweets, which is an increase of +1.2% compared to the average F1 score for all the submissions.

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Transformer Models for Drug Adverse Effects Detection from Tweets
Pavel Blinov | Manvel Avetisian

In this paper we present the drug adverse effects detection system developed during our participation in the Social Media Mining for Health Applications Shared Task 2020. We experimented with transfer learning approach for English and Russian, BERT and RoBERTa architectures and several strategies for regression head composition. Our final submissions in both languages overcome average F1 by several percents margin.

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Adverse Drug Reaction Detection in Twitter Using RoBERTa and Rules
Sedigh Khademi | Pari Delirhaghighi | Frada Burstein

This paper describes the method we developed for the Task 2 English variation of the Social Media Mining for Health Applications (SMM4H) 2020 shared task. The task was to classify tweets containing adverse effects (AE) after medication intake. Our approach combined transfer learning using a RoBERTa Large Transformer model with a rule-based post-prediction correction to improve model precision. The model’s F1-Score of 0.56 on the test dataset was 10% better than the mean of the F1-Score of the best submissions in the task.

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SpeechTrans@SMM4H’20: Impact of Preprocessing and N-grams on Automatic Classification of Tweets That Mention Medications
Mohamed Lichouri | Mourad Abbas

This paper describes our system developed for automatically classifying tweets that mention medications. We used the Decision Tree classifier for this task. We have shown that using some elementary preprocessing steps and TF-IDF n-grams led to acceptable classifier performance. Indeed, the F1-score recorded was 74.58% in the development phase and 63.70% in the test phase.

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Want to Identify, Extract and Normalize Adverse Drug Reactions in Tweets? Use RoBERTa
Katikapalli Subramanyam Kalyan | Sivanesan Sangeetha

This paper presents our approach for task 2 and task 3 of Social Media Mining for Health (SMM4H) 2020 shared tasks. In task 2, we have to differentiate adverse drug reaction (ADR) tweets from nonADR tweets and is treated as binary classification. Task 3 involves extracting ADR mentions and then mapping them to MedDRA codes. Extracting ADR mentions is treated as sequence labeling and normalizing ADR mentions is treated as multi-class classification. Our system is based on pre-trained language model RoBERTa and it achieves a) F1-score of 58% in task 2 which is 12% more than the average score b) relaxed F1-score of 70.1% in ADR extraction of task 3 which is 13.7% more than the average score and relaxed F1-score of 35% in ADR extraction + normalization of task 3 which is 5.8% more than the average score. Overall, our models achieve promising results in both the tasks with significant improvements over average scores.

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Detecting Tweets Reporting Birth Defect Pregnancy Outcome Using Two-View CNN RNN Based Architecture
Saichethan Reddy

This research work addresses a new multi-class classification task (fifth task) provided at the fifth Social Media Mining for Health Applications (SMM4H) workshop. This automatic tweet classification task involves distinguishing three classes of tweets that mention birth defects. We propose a novel two view based CNN-BiGRU based architectures for this task. Experimental evaluation of our proposed architecture over the validation set gives encouraging results as it improves by approximately 7% over our single view model for the fifth task. Code of our proposed framework is made available on Github

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Identification of Medication Tweets Using Domain-specific Pre-trained Language Models
Yandrapati Prakash Babu | Rajagopal Eswari

In this paper, we present our approach for task1 of SMM4H 2020. This task involves automatic classification of tweets mentioning medication or dietary supplements. For this task, we experiment with pre-trained models like Biomedical RoBERTa, Clinical BERT and Biomedical BERT. Our approach achieves F1-score of 73.56%.

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Medication Mention Detection in Tweets Using ELECTRA Transformers and Decision Trees
Lung-Hao Lee | Po-Han Chen | Hao-Chuan Kao | Ting-Chun Hung | Po-Lei Lee | Kuo-Kai Shyu

This study describes our proposed model design for the SMM4H 2020 Task 1. We fine-tune ELECTRA transformers using our trained SVM filter for data augmentation, along with decision trees to detect medication mentions in tweets. Our best F1-score of 0.7578 exceeded the mean score 0.6646 of all 15 submitting teams.

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LITL at SMM4H: An Old-school Feature-based Classifier for Identifying Adverse Effects in Tweets
Ludovic Tanguy | Lydia-Mai Ho-Dac | Cécile Fabre | Roxane Bois | Touati Mohamed Yacine Haddad | Claire Ibarboure | Marie Joyau | François Le moal | Jade Moiilic | Laura Roudaut | Mathilde Simounet | Irena Stankovic | Mickaela Vandewaetere

This paper describes our participation to the SMM4H shared task 2. We designed a rule-based classifier that estimates whether a tweet mentions an adverse effect associated to a medication. Our system addresses English and French, and is based on a number of specific word lists and features. These cues were mostly obtained through an extensive corpus analysis of the provided training data. Different weighting schemes were tested (manually tuned or based on a logistic regression), the best one achieving a F1 score of 0.31 for English and 0.15 for French.

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Sentence Classification with Imbalanced Data for Health Applications
Farhana Ferdousi Liza

Identifying and extracting reports of medications, their abuse or adverse effects from social media is a challenging task. In social media, relevant reports are very infrequent, causes imbalanced class distribution for machine learning algorithms. Learning algorithms typically designed to optimize the overall accuracy without considering the relative distribution of each class. Thus, imbalanced class distribution is problematic as learning algorithms have low predictive accuracy for the infrequent class. Moreover, social media represents natural linguistic variation in creative language expressions. In this paper, we have used a combination of data balancing and neural language representation techniques to address the challenges. Specifically, we participated the shared tasks 1, 2 (all languages), 4, and 3 (only the span detection, no normalization was attempted) in Social Media Mining for Health applications (SMM4H) 2020 (Klein et al., 2020). The results show that with the proposed methodology recall scores are better than the precision scores for the shared tasks. The recall score is also better compared to the mean score of the total submissions. However, the F1-score is worse than the mean score except for task 2 (French).

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HITSZ-ICRC: A Report for SMM4H Shared Task 2020-Automatic Classification of Medications and Adverse Effect in Tweets
Xiaoyu Zhao | Ying Xiong | Buzhou Tang

This is the system description of the Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen (HITSZ) team for the first and second subtasks of the fifth Social Media Mining for Health Applications (SMM4H) shared task in 2020. The first task is automatic classification of tweets that mention medications and the second task is automatic classification of tweets in English that report adverse effects. The system we propose for these tasks is based on bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) incorporating with knowledge graph and retrieving evidence from online information. Our system achieves an F1 of 0.7553 in task 1 and an F1 of 0.5455 in task 2.

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Automatic Classification of Tweets Mentioning a Medication Using Pre-trained Sentence Encoders
Laiba Mehnaz

This paper describes our submission to the 5th edition of the Social Media Mining for Health Applications (SMM4H) shared task 1. Task 1 aims at the automatic classification of tweets that mention a medication or a dietary supplement. This task is specifically challenging due to its highly imbalanced dataset, with only 0.2% of the tweets mentioning a drug. For our submission, we particularly focused on several pretrained encoders for text classification. We achieve an F1 score of 0.75 for the positive class on the test set.

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Approaching SMM4H 2020 with Ensembles of BERT Flavours
George-Andrei Dima | Andrei-Marius Avram | Dumitru-Clementin Cercel

This paper describes our solutions submitted to the Social Media Mining for Health Applications (#SMM4H) Shared Task 2020. We participated in the following tasks: Task 1 aimed at classifying if a tweet reports medications or not, Task 2 (only for the English dataset) aimed at discriminating if a tweet mentions adverse effects or not, and Task 5 aimed at recognizing if a tweet mentions birth defects or not. Our work focused on studying different neural network architectures based on various flavors of bidirectional Transformers (i.e., BERT), in the context of the previously mentioned classification tasks. For Task 1, we achieved an F1-score (70.5%) above the mean performance of the best scores made by all teams, whereas for Task 2, we obtained an F1-score of 37%. Also, we achieved a micro-averaged F1-score of 62% for Task 5.

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NLP@VCU: Identifying Adverse Effects in English Tweets for Unbalanced Data
Darshini Mahendran | Cora Lewis | Bridget McInnes

This paper describes our participation in the Social Media Mining for Health Application (SMM4H 2020) Challenge Track 2 for identifying tweets containing Adverse Effects (AEs). Our system uses Convolutional Neural Networks. We explore downsampling, oversampling, and adjusting the class weights to account for the imbalanced nature of the dataset. Our results showed downsampling outperformed oversampling and adjusting the class weights on the test set however all three obtained similar results on the development set.

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Sentence Transformers and Bayesian Optimization for Adverse Drug Effect Detection from Twitter
Oguzhan Gencoglu

This paper describes our approach for detecting adverse drug effect mentions on Twitter as part of the Social Media Mining for Health Applications (SMM4H) 2020, Shared Task 2. Our approach utilizes multilingual sentence embeddings (sentence-BERT) for representing tweets and Bayesian hyperparameter optimization of sample weighting parameter for counterbalancing high class imbalance.

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Sentence Contextual Encoder with BERT and BiLSTM for Automatic Classification with Imbalanced Medication Tweets
Olanrewaju Tahir Aduragba | Jialin Yu | Gautham Senthilnathan | Alexandra Crsitea

This paper details the system description and approach used by our team for the SMM4H 2020 competition, Task 1. Task 1 targets the automatic classification of tweets that mention medication. We adapted the standard BERT pretrain-then-fine-tune approach to include an intermediate training stage with a biLSTM architecture neural network acting as a further fine-tuning stage. We were inspired by the effectiveness of within-task further pre-training and sentence encoders. We show that this approach works well for a highly imbalanced dataset. In this case, the positive class is only 0.2% of the entire dataset. Our model performed better in both F1 and precision scores compared to the mean score for all participants in the competition and had a competitive recall score.

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CLaC at SMM4H 2020: Birth Defect Mention Detection
Parsa Bagherzadeh | Sabine Bergler

For the detection of personal tweets, where a parent speaks of a child’s birth defect, CLaC combines ELMo word embeddings and gazetteer lists from external resources with a GCNN (for encoding dependencies), in a multi layer, transformer inspired architecture. To address the task, we compile several gazetteer lists from resources such as MeSH and GI. The proposed system obtains .69 for μF1 score in the SMM4H 2020 Task 5 where the competition average is .65.


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Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media

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Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media
Lun-Wei Ku | Cheng-Te Li

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Enhancing Bias Detection in Political News Using Pragmatic Presupposition
Lalitha Kameswari | Dama Sravani | Radhika Mamidi

Usage of presuppositions in social media and news discourse can be a powerful way to influence the readers as they usually tend to not examine the truth value of the hidden or indirectly expressed information. Fairclough and Wodak (1997) discuss presupposition at a discourse level where some implicit claims are taken for granted in the explicit meaning of a text or utterance. From the Gricean perspective, the presuppositions of a sentence determine the class of contexts in which the sentence could be felicitously uttered. This paper aims to correlate the type of knowledge presupposed in a news article to the bias present in it. We propose a set of guidelines to identify various kinds of presuppositions in news articles and present a dataset consisting of 1050 articles which are annotated for bias (positive, negative or neutral) and the magnitude of presupposition. We introduce a supervised classification approach for detecting bias in political news which significantly outperforms the existing systems.

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Demoting Racial Bias in Hate Speech Detection
Mengzhou Xia | Anjalie Field | Yulia Tsvetkov

In the task of hate speech detection, there exists a high correlation between African American English (AAE) and annotators’ perceptions of toxicity in current datasets. This bias in annotated training data and the tendency of machine learning models to amplify it cause AAE text to often be mislabeled as abusive/offensive/hate speech (high false positive rate) by current hate speech classifiers. Here, we use adversarial training to mitigate this bias. Experimental results on one hate speech dataset and one AAE dataset suggest that our method is able to reduce the false positive rate for AAE text with only a minimal compromise on the performance of hate speech classification.

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NARMADA: Need and Available Resource Managing Assistant for Disasters and Adversities
Kaustubh Hiware | Ritam Dutt | Sayan Sinha | Sohan Patro | Kripa Ghosh | Saptarshi Ghosh

Although a lot of research has been done on utilising Online Social Media during disasters, there exists no system for a specific task that is critical in a post-disaster scenario – identifying resource-needs and resource-availabilities in the disaster-affected region, coupled with their subsequent matching. To this end, we present NARMADA, a semi-automated platform which leverages the crowd-sourced information from social media posts for assisting post-disaster relief coordination efforts. The system employs Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval techniques for identifying resource-needs and resource-availabilities from microblogs, extracting resources from the posts, and also matching the needs to suitable availabilities. The system is thus capable of facilitating the judicious management of resources during post-disaster relief operations.

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BEEP! Korean Corpus of Online News Comments for Toxic Speech Detection
Jihyung Moon | Won Ik Cho | Junbum Lee

Toxic comments in online platforms are an unavoidable social issue under the cloak of anonymity. Hate speech detection has been actively done for languages such as English, German, or Italian, where manually labeled corpus has been released. In this work, we first present 9.4K manually labeled entertainment news comments for identifying Korean toxic speech, collected from a widely used online news platform in Korea. The comments are annotated regarding social bias and hate speech since both aspects are correlated. The inter-annotator agreement Krippendorff’s alpha score is 0.492 and 0.496, respectively. We provide benchmarks using CharCNN, BiLSTM, and BERT, where BERT achieves the highest score on all tasks. The models generally display better performance on bias identification, since the hate speech detection is a more subjective issue. Additionally, when BERT is trained with bias label for hate speech detection, the prediction score increases, implying that bias and hate are intertwined. We make our dataset publicly available and open competitions with the corpus and benchmarks.

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Stance Prediction for Contemporary Issues: Data and Experiments
Marjan Hosseinia | Eduard Dragut | Arjun Mukherjee

We investigate whether pre-trained bidirectional transformers with sentiment and emotion information improve stance detection in long discussions of contemporary issues. As a part of this work, we create a novel stance detection dataset covering 419 different controversial issues and their related pros and cons collected by procon.org in nonpartisan format. Experimental results show that a shallow recurrent neural network with sentiment or emotion information can reach competitive results compared to fine-tuned BERT with 20x fewer parameters. We also use a simple approach that explains which input phrases contribute to stance detection.

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Challenges in Emotion Style Transfer: An Exploration with a Lexical Substitution Pipeline
David Helbig | Enrica Troiano | Roman Klinger

We propose the task of emotion style transfer, which is particularly challenging, as emotions (here: anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise) are on the fence between content and style. To understand the particular difficulties of this task, we design a transparent emotion style transfer pipeline based on three steps: (1) select the words that are promising to be substituted to change the emotion (with a brute-force approach and selection based on the attention mechanism of an emotion classifier), (2) find sets of words as candidates for substituting the words (based on lexical and distributional semantics), and (3) select the most promising combination of substitutions with an objective function which consists of components for content (based on BERT sentence embeddings), emotion (based on an emotion classifier), and fluency (based on a neural language model). This comparably straight-forward setup enables us to explore the task and understand in what cases lexical substitution can vary the emotional load of texts, how changes in content and style interact and if they are at odds. We further evaluate our pipeline quantitatively in an automated and an annotation study based on Tweets and find, indeed, that simultaneous adjustments of content and emotion are conflicting objectives: as we show in a qualitative analysis motivated by Scherer’s emotion component model, this is particularly the case for implicit emotion expressions based on cognitive appraisal or descriptions of bodily reactions.

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Incorporating Uncertain Segmentation Information into Chinese NER for Social Media Text
Shengbin Jia | Ling Ding | Xiaojun Chen | Shijia E | Yang Xiang

Chinese word segmentation is necessary to provide word-level information for Chinese named entity recognition (NER) systems. However, segmentation error propagation is a challenge for Chinese NER while processing colloquial data like social media text. In this paper, we propose a model (UIcwsNN) that specializes in identifying entities from Chinese social media text, especially by leveraging uncertain information of word segmentation. Such ambiguous information contains all the potential segmentation states of a sentence that provides a channel for the model to infer deep word-level characteristics. We propose a trilogy (i.e., Candidate Position Embedding => Position Selective Attention => Adaptive Word Convolution) to encode uncertain word segmentation information and acquire appropriate word-level representation. Experimental results on the social media corpus show that our model alleviates the segmentation error cascading trouble effectively, and achieves a significant performance improvement of 2% over previous state-of-the-art methods.

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Multi-Task Supervised Pretraining for Neural Domain Adaptation
Sara Meftah | Nasredine Semmar | Mohamed-Ayoub Tahiri | Youssef Tamaazousti | Hassane Essafi | Fatiha Sadat

Two prevalent transfer learning approaches are used in recent works to improve neural networks performance for domains with small amounts of annotated data: Multi-task learning which involves training the task of interest with related auxiliary tasks to exploit their underlying similarities, and Mono-task fine-tuning, where the weights of the model are initialized with the pretrained weights of a large-scale labeled source domain and then fine-tuned with labeled data of the target domain (domain of interest). In this paper, we propose a new approach which takes advantage from both approaches by learning a hierarchical model trained across multiple tasks from a source domain, and is then fine-tuned on multiple tasks of the target domain. Our experiments on four tasks applied to the social media domain show that our proposed approach leads to significant improvements on all tasks compared to both approaches.


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Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Spatial Language Understanding
Parisa Kordjamshidi | Archna Bhatia | Malihe Alikhani | Jason Baldridge | Mohit Bansal | Marie-Francine Moens

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An Element-wise Visual-enhanced BiLSTM-CRF Model for Location Name Recognition
Takuya Komada | Takashi Inui

In recent years, previous studies have used visual information in named entity recognition (NER) for social media posts with attached images. However, these methods can only be applied to documents with attached images. In this paper, we propose a NER method that can use element-wise visual information for any documents by using image data corresponding to each word in the document. The proposed method obtains element-wise image data using an image retrieval engine, to be used as extra features in the neural NER model. Experimental results on the standard Japanese NER dataset show that the proposed method achieves a higher F1 value (89.67%) than a baseline method, demonstrating the effectiveness of using element-wise visual information.

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BERT-based Spatial Information Extraction
Hyeong Jin Shin | Jeong Yeon Park | Dae Bum Yuk | Jae Sung Lee

Spatial information extraction is essential to understand geographical information in text. This task is largely divided to two subtasks: spatial element extraction and spatial relation extraction. In this paper, we utilize BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), which is very effective for many natural language processing applications. We propose a BERT-based spatial information extraction model, which uses BERT for spatial element extraction and R-BERT (Wu and He, 2019) for spatial relation extraction. The model was evaluated with the SemEval 2015 dataset. The result showed a 15.4% point increase in spatial element extraction and an 8.2% point increase in spatial relation extraction in comparison to the baseline model (Nichols and Botros, 2015).

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A Cognitively Motivated Approach to Spatial Information Extraction
Chao Xu | Emmanuelle-Anna Dietz Saldanha | Dagmar Gromann | Beihai Zhou

Automatic extraction of spatial information from natural language can boost human-centered applications that rely on spatial dynamics. The field of cognitive linguistics has provided theories and cognitive models to address this task. Yet, existing solutions tend to focus on specific word classes, subject areas, or machine learning techniques that cannot provide cognitively plausible explanations for their decisions. We propose an automated spatial semantic analysis (ASSA) framework building on grammar and cognitive linguistic theories to identify spatial entities and relations, bringing together methods of spatial information extraction and cognitive frameworks on spatial language. The proposed rule-based and explainable approach contributes constructions and preposition schemas and outperforms previous solutions on the CLEF-2017 standard dataset.

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They Are Not All Alike: Answering Different Spatial Questions Requires Different Grounding Strategies
Alberto Testoni | Claudio Greco | Tobias Bianchi | Mauricio Mazuecos | Agata Marcante | Luciana Benotti | Raffaella Bernardi

In this paper, we study the grounding skills required to answer spatial questions asked by humans while playing the GuessWhat?! game. We propose a classification for spatial questions dividing them into absolute, relational, and group questions. We build a new answerer model based on the LXMERT multimodal transformer and we compare a baseline with and without visual features of the scene. We are interested in studying how the attention mechanisms of LXMERT are used to answer spatial questions since they require putting attention on more than one region simultaneously and spotting the relation holding among them. We show that our proposed model outperforms the baseline by a large extent (9.70% on spatial questions and 6.27% overall). By analyzing LXMERT errors and its attention mechanisms, we find that our classification helps to gain a better understanding of the skills required to answer different spatial questions.

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Categorisation, Typicality & Object-Specific Features in Spatial Referring Expressions
Adam Richard-Bollans | Anthony Cohn | Lucía Gómez Álvarez

Various accounts of cognition and semantic representations have highlighted that, for some concepts, different factors may influence category and typicality judgements. In particular, some features may be more salient in categorisation tasks while other features are more salient when assessing typicality. In this paper we explore the extent to which this is the case for English spatial prepositions and discuss the implications for pragmatic strategies and semantic models. We hypothesise that object-specific features — related to object properties and affordances — are more salient in categorisation, while geometric and physical relationships between objects are more salient in typicality judgements. In order to test this hypothesis we conducted a study using virtual environments to collect both category and typicality judgements in 3D scenes. Based on the collected data we cannot verify the hypothesis and conclude that object-specific features appear to be salient in both category and typicality judgements, further evidencing the need to include these types of features in semantic models.

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A Hybrid Deep Learning Approach for Spatial Trigger Extraction from Radiology Reports
Surabhi Datta | Kirk Roberts

Radiology reports contain important clinical information about patients which are often tied through spatial expressions. Spatial expressions (or triggers) are mainly used to describe the positioning of radiographic findings or medical devices with respect to some anatomical structures. As the expressions result from the mental visualization of the radiologist’s interpretations, they are varied and complex. The focus of this work is to automatically identify the spatial expression terms from three different radiology sub-domains. We propose a hybrid deep learning-based NLP method that includes – 1) generating a set of candidate spatial triggers by exact match with the known trigger terms from the training data, 2) applying domain-specific constraints to filter the candidate triggers, and 3) utilizing a BERT-based classifier to predict whether a candidate trigger is a true spatial trigger or not. The results are promising, with an improvement of 24 points in the average F1 measure compared to a standard BERT-based sequence labeler.

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Retouchdown: Releasing Touchdown on StreetLearn as a Public Resource for Language Grounding Tasks in Street View
Harsh Mehta | Yoav Artzi | Jason Baldridge | Eugene Ie | Piotr Mirowski

The Touchdown dataset (Chen et al., 2019) provides instructions by human annotators for navigation through New York City streets and for resolving spatial descriptions at a given location. To enable the wider research community to work effectively with the Touchdown tasks, we are publicly releasing the 29k raw Street View panoramas needed for Touchdown. We follow the process used for the StreetLearn data release (Mirowski et al., 2019) to check panoramas for personally identifiable information and blur them as necessary. These have been added to the StreetLearn dataset and can be obtained via the same process as used previously for StreetLearn. We also provide a reference implementation for both Touchdown tasks: vision and language navigation (VLN) and spatial description resolution (SDR). We compare our model results to those given in (Chen et al., 2019) and show that the panoramas we have added to StreetLearn support both Touchdown tasks and can be used effectively for further research and comparison.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Structured Prediction for NLP

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Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Structured Prediction for NLP
Priyanka Agrawal | Zornitsa Kozareva | Julia Kreutzer | Gerasimos Lampouras | André Martins | Sujith Ravi | Andreas Vlachos

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Syntax-driven Iterative Expansion Language Models for Controllable Text Generation
Noe Casas | José A. R. Fonollosa | Marta R. Costa-jussà

The dominant language modeling paradigm handles text as a sequence of discrete tokens. While that approach can capture the latent structure of the text, it is inherently constrained to sequential dynamics for text generation. We propose a new paradigm for introducing a syntactic inductive bias into neural text generation, where the dependency parse tree is used to drive the Transformer model to generate sentences iteratively. Our experiments show that this paradigm is effective at text generation, with quality between LSTMs and Transformers, and comparable diversity, requiring less than half their decoding steps, and its generation process allows direct control over the syntactic constructions of the generated text, enabling the induction of stylistic variations.

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CopyNext: Explicit Span Copying and Alignment in Sequence to Sequence Models
Abhinav Singh | Patrick Xia | Guanghui Qin | Mahsa Yarmohammadi | Benjamin Van Durme

Copy mechanisms are employed in sequence to sequence (seq2seq) models to generate reproductions of words from the input to the output. These frameworks, operating at the lexical type level, fail to provide an explicit alignment that records where each token was copied from. Further, they require contiguous token sequences from the input (spans) to be copied individually. We present a model with an explicit token-level copy operation and extend it to copying entire spans. Our model provides hard alignments between spans in the input and output, allowing for nontraditional applications of seq2seq, like information extraction. We demonstrate the approach on Nested Named Entity Recognition, achieving near state-of-the-art accuracy with an order of magnitude increase in decoding speed.

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Generating Synthetic Data for Task-Oriented Semantic Parsing with Hierarchical Representations
Ke Tran | Ming Tan

Modern conversational AI systems support natural language understanding for a wide variety of capabilities. While a majority of these tasks can be accomplished using a simple and flat representation of intents and slots, more sophisticated capabilities require complex hierarchical representations supported by semantic parsing. State-of-the-art semantic parsers are trained using supervised learning with data labeled according to a hierarchical schema which might be costly to obtain or not readily available for a new domain. In this work, we explore the possibility of generating synthetic data for neural semantic parsing using a pretrained denoising sequence-to-sequence model (i.e., BART). Specifically, we first extract masked templates from the existing labeled utterances, and then fine-tune BART to generate synthetic utterances conditioning on the extracted templates. Finally, we use an auxiliary parser (AP) to filter the generated utterances. The AP guarantees the quality of the generated data. We show the potential of our approach when evaluating on the Facebook TOP dataset for navigation domain.

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Structured Prediction for Joint Class Cardinality and Entity Property Inference in Model-Complete Text Comprehension
Hendrik ter Horst | Philipp Cimiano

Model-complete text comprehension aims at interpreting a natural language text with respect to a semantic domain model describing the classes and their properties relevant for the domain in question. Solving this task can be approached as a structured prediction problem, consisting in inferring the most probable instance of the semantic model given the text. In this work, we focus on the challenging sub-problem of cardinality prediction that consists in predicting the number of distinct individuals of each class in the semantic model. We show that cardinality prediction can successfully be approached by modeling the overall task as a joint inference problem, predicting the number of individuals of certain classes while at the same time extracting their properties. We approach this task with probabilistic graphical models computing the maximum-a-posteriori instance of the semantic model. Our main contribution lies on the empirical investigation and analysis of different approximative inference strategies based on Gibbs sampling. We present and evaluate our models on the task of extracting key parameters from scientific full text articles describing pre-clinical studies in the domain of spinal cord injury.

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Energy-based Neural Modelling for Large-Scale Multiple Domain Dialogue State Tracking
Anh Duong Trinh | Robert J. Ross | John D. Kelleher

Scaling up dialogue state tracking to multiple domains is challenging due to the growth in the number of variables being tracked. Furthermore, dialog state tracking models do not yet explicitly make use of relationships between dialogue variables, such as slots across domains. We propose using energy-based structure prediction methods for large-scale dialogue state tracking task in two multiple domain dialogue datasets. Our results indicate that: (i) modelling variable dependencies yields better results; and (ii) the structured prediction output aligns with the dialogue slot-value constraint principles. This leads to promising directions to improve state-of-the-art models by incorporating variable dependencies into their prediction process.

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End-to-End Extraction of Structured Information from Business Documents with Pointer-Generator Networks
Clément Sage | Alex Aussem | Véronique Eglin | Haytham Elghazel | Jérémy Espinas

The predominant approaches for extracting key information from documents resort to classifiers predicting the information type of each word. However, the word level ground truth used for learning is expensive to obtain since it is not naturally produced by the extraction task. In this paper, we discuss a new method for training extraction models directly from the textual value of information. The extracted information of a document is represented as a sequence of tokens in the XML language. We learn to output this representation with a pointer-generator network that alternately copies the document words carrying information and generates the XML tags delimiting the types of information. The ability of our end-to-end method to retrieve structured information is assessed on a large set of business documents. We show that it performs competitively with a standard word classifier without requiring costly word level supervision.

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Layer-wise Guided Training for BERT: Learning Incrementally Refined Document Representations
Nikolaos Manginas | Ilias Chalkidis | Prodromos Malakasiotis

Although BERT is widely used by the NLP community, little is known about its inner workings. Several attempts have been made to shed light on certain aspects of BERT, often with contradicting conclusions. A much raised concern focuses on BERT’s over-parameterization and under-utilization issues. To this end, we propose o novel approach to fine-tune BERT in a structured manner. Specifically, we focus on Large Scale Multilabel Text Classification (LMTC) where documents are assigned with one or more labels from a large predefined set of hierarchically organized labels. Our approach guides specific BERT layers to predict labels from specific hierarchy levels. Experimenting with two LMTC datasets we show that this structured fine-tuning approach not only yields better classification results but also leads to better parameter utilization.

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Improving Joint Training of Inference Networks and Structured Prediction Energy Networks
Lifu Tu | Richard Yuanzhe Pang | Kevin Gimpel

Deep energy-based models are powerful, but pose challenges for learning and inference (Belanger and McCallum, 2016). Tu and Gimpel (2018) developed an efficient framework for energy-based models by training “inference networks” to approximate structured inference instead of using gradient descent. However, their alternating optimization approach suffers from instabilities during training, requiring additional loss terms and careful hyperparameter tuning. In this paper, we contribute several strategies to stabilize and improve this joint training of energy functions and inference networks for structured prediction. We design a compound objective to jointly train both cost-augmented and test-time inference networks along with the energy function. We propose joint parameterizations for the inference networks that encourage them to capture complementary functionality during learning. We empirically validate our strategies on two sequence labeling tasks, showing easier paths to strong performance than prior work, as well as further improvements with global energy terms.

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Reading the Manual: Event Extraction as Definition Comprehension
Yunmo Chen | Tongfei Chen | Seth Ebner | Aaron Steven White | Benjamin Van Durme

We ask whether text understanding has progressed to where we may extract event information through incremental refinement of bleached statements derived from annotation manuals. Such a capability would allow for the trivial construction and extension of an extraction framework by intended end-users through declarations such as, “Some person was born in some location at some time.” We introduce an example of a model that employs such statements, with experiments illustrating we can extract events under closed ontologies and generalize to unseen event types simply by reading new definitions.

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On the Discrepancy between Density Estimation and Sequence Generation
Jason Lee | Dustin Tran | Orhan Firat | Kyunghyun Cho

Many sequence-to-sequence generation tasks, including machine translation and text-to-speech, can be posed as estimating the density of the output y given the input x: p(y|x). Given this interpretation, it is natural to evaluate sequence-to-sequence models using conditional log-likelihood on a test set. However, the goal of sequence-to-sequence generation (or structured prediction) is to find the best output yˆ given an input x, and each task has its own downstream metric R that scores a model output by comparing against a set of references y*: R(yˆ, y* | x). While we hope that a model that excels in density estimation also performs well on the downstream metric, the exact correlation has not been studied for sequence generation tasks. In this paper, by comparing several density estimators on five machine translation tasks, we find that the correlation between rankings of models based on log-likelihood and BLEU varies significantly depending on the range of the model families being compared. First, log-likelihood is highly correlated with BLEU when we consider models within the same family (e.g. autoregressive models, or latent variable models with the same parameterization of the prior). However, we observe no correlation between rankings of models across different families: (1) among non-autoregressive latent variable models, a flexible prior distribution is better at density estimation but gives worse generation quality than a simple prior, and (2) autoregressive models offer the best translation performance overall, while latent variable models with a normalizing flow prior give the highest held-out log-likelihood across all datasets. Therefore, we recommend using a simple prior for the latent variable non-autoregressive model when fast generation speed is desired.

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Log-Linear Reformulation of the Noisy Channel Model for Document-Level Neural Machine Translation
Sébastien Jean | Kyunghyun Cho

We seek to maximally use various data sources, such as parallel and monolingual data, to build an effective and efficient document-level translation system. In particular, we start by considering a noisy channel approach (CITATION) that combines a target-to-source translation model and a language model. By applying Bayes’ rule strategically, we reformulate this approach as a log-linear combination of translation, sentence-level and document-level language model probabilities. In addition to using static coefficients for each term, this formulation alternatively allows for the learning of dynamic per-token weights to more finely control the impact of the language models. Using both static or dynamic coefficients leads to improvements over a context-agnostic baseline and a context-aware concatenation model.

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Deeply Embedded Knowledge Representation & Reasoning For Natural Language Question Answering: A Practitioner’s Perspective
Arindam Mitra | Sanjay Narayana | Chitta Baral

Successful application of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) in Natural Language Understanding (NLU) is largely limited by the availability of a robust and general purpose natural language parser. Even though several projects have been launched in the pursuit of developing a universal meaning representation language, the existence of an accurate universal parser is far from reality. This has severely limited the application of knowledge representation and reasoning (KR) in the field of NLP and also prevented a proper evaluation of KR based NLU systems. Our goal is to build KR based systems for Natural Language Understanding without relying on a parser. Towards this we propose a method named Deeply Embedded Knowledge Representation & Reasoning (DeepEKR) where we replace the parser by a neural network, soften the symbolic representation so that a deterministic mapping exists between the parser neural network and the interpretable logical form, and finally replace the symbolic solver by an equivalent neural network, so the model can be trained end-to-end. We evaluate our method with respect to the task of Qualitative Word Problem Solving on the two available datasets (QuaRTz and QuaRel). Our system achieves same accuracy as that of the state-of-the-art accuracy on QuaRTz, outperforms the state-of-the-art on QuaRel and severely outperforms a traditional KR based system. The results show that the bias introduced by a KR solution does not prevent it from doing a better job at the end task. Moreover, our method is interpretable due to the bias introduced by the KR approach.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Ninth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics

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Proceedings of the Ninth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics
Iryna Gurevych | Marianna Apidianaki | Manaal Faruqui

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Improving Medical NLI Using Context-Aware Domain Knowledge
Shaika Chowdhury | Philip Yu | Yuan Luo

Domain knowledge is important to understand both the lexical and relational associations of words in natural language text, especially for domain-specific tasks like Natural Language Inference (NLI) in the medical domain, where due to the lack of a large annotated dataset such knowledge cannot be implicitly learned during training. However, because of the linguistic idiosyncrasies of clinical texts (e.g., shorthand jargon), solely relying on domain knowledge from an external knowledge base (e.g., UMLS) can lead to wrong inference predictions as it disregards contextual information and, hence, does not return the most relevant mapping. To remedy this, we devise a knowledge adaptive approach for medical NLI that encodes the premise/hypothesis texts by leveraging supplementary external knowledge, alongside the UMLS, based on the word contexts. By incorporating refined domain knowledge at both the lexical and relational levels through a multi-source attention mechanism, it is able to align the token-level interactions between the premise and hypothesis more effectively. Comprehensive experiments and case study on the recently released MedNLI dataset are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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Reading Comprehension as Natural Language Inference:A Semantic Analysis
Anshuman Mishra | Dhruvesh Patel | Aparna Vijayakumar | Xiang Li | Pavan Kapanipathi | Kartik Talamadupula

In the recent past, Natural language Inference (NLI) has gained significant attention, particularly given its promise for downstream NLP tasks. However, its true impact is limited and has not been well studied. Therefore, in this paper, we explore the utility of NLI for one of the most prominent downstream tasks, viz. Question Answering (QA). We transform one of the largest available MRC dataset (RACE) to an NLI form, and compare the performances of a state-of-the-art model (RoBERTa) on both these forms. We propose new characterizations of questions, and evaluate the performance of QA and NLI models on these categories. We highlight clear categories for which the model is able to perform better when the data is presented in a coherent entailment form, and a structured question-answer concatenation form, respectively.

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Learning as Abduction: Trainable Natural Logic Theorem Prover for Natural Language Inference
Lasha Abzianidze

Tackling Natural Language Inference with a logic-based method is becoming less and less common. While this might have been counterintuitive several decades ago, nowadays it seems pretty obvious. The main reasons for such a conception are that (a) logic-based methods are usually brittle when it comes to processing wide-coverage texts, and (b) instead of automatically learning from data, they require much of manual effort for development. We make a step towards to overcome such shortcomings by modeling learning from data as abduction: reversing a theorem-proving procedure to abduce semantic relations that serve as the best explanation for the gold label of an inference problem. In other words, instead of proving sentence-level inference relations with the help of lexical relations, the lexical relations are proved taking into account the sentence-level inference relations. We implement the learning method in a tableau theorem prover for natural language and show that it improves the performance of the theorem prover on the SICK dataset by 1.4% while still maintaining high precision (>94%). The obtained results are competitive with the state of the art among logic-based systems.

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Automatic Learning of Modality Exclusivity Norms with Crosslingual Word Embeddings
Emmanuele Chersoni | Rong Xiang | Qin Lu | Chu-Ren Huang

Collecting modality exclusivity norms for lexical items has recently become a common practice in psycholinguistics and cognitive research. However, these norms are available only for a relatively small number of languages and often involve a costly and time-consuming collection of ratings. In this work, we aim at learning a mapping between word embeddings and modality norms. Our experiments focused on crosslingual word embeddings, in order to predict modality association scores by training on a high-resource language and testing on a low-resource one. We ran two experiments, one in a monolingual and the other one in a crosslingual setting. Results show that modality prediction using off-the-shelf crosslingual embeddings indeed has moderate-to-high correlations with human ratings even when regression algorithms are trained on an English resource and tested on a completely unseen language.

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Joint Training for Learning Cross-lingual Embeddings with Sub-word Information without Parallel Corpora
Ali Hakimi Parizi | Paul Cook

In this paper, we propose a novel method for learning cross-lingual word embeddings, that incorporates sub-word information during training, and is able to learn high-quality embeddings from modest amounts of monolingual data and a bilingual lexicon. This method could be particularly well-suited to learning cross-lingual embeddings for lower-resource, morphologically-rich languages, enabling knowledge to be transferred from rich- to lower-resource languages. We evaluate our proposed approach simulating lower-resource languages for bilingual lexicon induction, monolingual word similarity, and document classification. Our results indicate that incorporating sub-word information indeed leads to improvements, and in the case of document classification, performance better than, or on par with, strong benchmark approaches.

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Semantic Structural Decomposition for Neural Machine Translation
Elior Sulem | Omri Abend | Ari Rappoport

Building on recent advances in semantic parsing and text simplification, we investigate the use of semantic splitting of the source sentence as preprocessing for machine translation. We experiment with a Transformer model and evaluate using large-scale crowd-sourcing experiments. Results show a significant increase in fluency on long sentences on an English-to- French setting with a training corpus of 5M sentence pairs, while retaining comparable adequacy. We also perform a manual analysis which explores the tradeoff between adequacy and fluency in the case where all sentence lengths are considered.

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Token Sequence Labeling vs. Clause Classification for English Emotion Stimulus Detection
Laura Ana Maria Oberländer | Roman Klinger

Emotion stimulus detection is the task of finding the cause of an emotion in a textual description, similar to target or aspect detection for sentiment analysis. Previous work approached this in three ways, namely (1) as text classification into an inventory of predefined possible stimuli (“Is the stimulus category A or B?”), (2) as sequence labeling of tokens (“Which tokens describe the stimulus?”), and (3) as clause classification (“Does this clause contain the emotion stimulus?”). So far, setting (3) has been evaluated broadly on Mandarin and (2) on English, but no comparison has been performed. Therefore, we analyze whether clause classification or token sequence labeling is better suited for emotion stimulus detection in English. We propose an integrated framework which enables us to evaluate the two different approaches comparably, implement models inspired by state-of-the-art approaches in Mandarin, and test them on four English data sets from different domains. Our results show that token sequence labeling is superior on three out of four datasets, in both clause-based and token sequence-based evaluation. The only case in which clause classification performs better is one data set with a high density of clause annotations. Our error analysis further confirms quantitatively and qualitatively that clauses are not the appropriate stimulus unit in English.

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Knowledge Graphs meet Moral Values
Ioana Hulpuș | Jonathan Kobbe | Heiner Stuckenschmidt | Graeme Hirst

Operationalizing morality is crucial for understanding multiple aspects of society that have moral values at their core – such as riots, mobilizing movements, public debates, etc. Moral Foundations Theory (MFT) has become one of the most adopted theories of morality partly due to its accompanying lexicon, the Moral Foundation Dictionary (MFD), which offers a base for computationally dealing with morality. In this work, we exploit the MFD in a novel direction by investigating how well moral values are captured by KGs. We explore three widely used KGs, and provide concept-level analogues for the MFD. Furthermore, we propose several Personalized PageRank variations in order to score all the concepts and entities in the KGs with respect to their relevance to the different moral values. Our promising results help to progress the operationalization of morality in both NLP and KG communities.

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Natural Language Inference with Mixed Effects
William Gantt | Benjamin Kane | Aaron Steven White

There is growing evidence that the prevalence of disagreement in the raw annotations used to construct natural language inference datasets makes the common practice of aggregating those annotations to a single label problematic. We propose a generic method that allows one to skip the aggregation step and train on the raw annotations directly without subjecting the model to unwanted noise that can arise from annotator response biases. We demonstrate that this method, which generalizes the notion of a mixed effects model by incorporating annotator random effects into any existing neural model, improves performance over models that do not incorporate such effects.

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On the Systematicity of Probing Contextualized Word Representations: The Case of Hypernymy in BERT
Abhilasha Ravichander | Eduard Hovy | Kaheer Suleman | Adam Trischler | Jackie Chi Kit Cheung

Contextualized word representations have become a driving force in NLP, motivating widespread interest in understanding their capabilities and the mechanisms by which they operate. Particularly intriguing is their ability to identify and encode conceptual abstractions. Past work has probed BERT representations for this competence, finding that BERT can correctly retrieve noun hypernyms in cloze tasks. In this work, we ask the question: do probing studies shed light on systematic knowledge in BERT representations? As a case study, we examine hypernymy knowledge encoded in BERT representations. In particular, we demonstrate through a simple consistency probe that the ability to correctly retrieve hypernyms in cloze tasks, as used in prior work, does not correspond to systematic knowledge in BERT. Our main conclusion is cautionary: even if BERT demonstrates high probing accuracy for a particular competence, it does not necessarily follow that BERT ‘understands’ a concept, and it cannot be expected to systematically generalize across applicable contexts.

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Topology of Word Embeddings: Singularities Reflect Polysemy
Alexander Jakubowski | Milica Gasic | Marcus Zibrowius

The manifold hypothesis suggests that word vectors live on a submanifold within their ambient vector space. We argue that we should, more accurately, expect them to live on a pinched manifold: a singular quotient of a manifold obtained by identifying some of its points. The identified, singular points correspond to polysemous words, i.e. words with multiple meanings. Our point of view suggests that monosemous and polysemous words can be distinguished based on the topology of their neighbourhoods. We present two kinds of empirical evidence to support this point of view: (1) We introduce a topological measure of polysemy based on persistent homology that correlates well with the actual number of meanings of a word. (2) We propose a simple, topologically motivated solution to the SemEval-2010 task on Word Sense Induction & Disambiguation that produces competitive results.

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Assessing Polyseme Sense Similarity through Co-predication Acceptability and Contextualised Embedding Distance
Janosch Haber | Massimo Poesio

Co-predication is one of the most frequently used linguistic tests to tell apart shifts in polysemic sense from changes in homonymic meaning. It is increasingly coming under criticism as evidence is accumulating that it tends to mis-classify specific cases of polysemic sense alteration as homonymy. In this paper, we collect empirical data to investigate these accusations. We asses how co-predication acceptability relates to explicit ratings of polyseme word sense similarity, and how well either measure can be predicted through the distance between target words’ contextualised word embeddings. We find that sense similarity appears to be a major contributor in determining co-predication acceptability, but that co-predication judgements tend to rate especially less similar sense interpretations equally as unacceptable as homonym pairs, effectively mis-classifying these instances. The tested contextualised word embeddings fail to predict word sense similarity consistently, but the similarities between BERT embeddings show a significant correlation with co-predication ratings. We take this finding as evidence that BERT embeddings might be better representations of context than encodings of word meaning.

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Fine-tuning BERT with Focus Words for Explanation Regeneration
Isaiah Onando Mulang’ | Jennifer D’Souza | Sören Auer

Explanation generation introduced as the world tree corpus (Jansen et al., 2018) is an emerging NLP task involving multi-hop inference for explaining the correct answer in multiple-choice QA. It is a challenging task evidenced by low state-of-the-art performances(below 60% in F-score) demonstrated on the task. Of the state-of-the-art approaches, fine-tuned transformer-based (Vaswani et al., 2017) BERT models have shown great promise toward continued system performance improvements compared with approaches relying on surface-level cues alone that demonstrate performance saturation. In this work, we take a novel direction by addressing a particular linguistic characteristic of the data — we introduce a novel and lightweight focus feature in the transformer-based model and examine task improvements. Our evaluations reveal a significantly positive impact of this lightweight focus feature achieving the highest scores, second only to a significantly computationally intensive system.

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PISA: A measure of Preference In Selection of Arguments to model verb argument recoverability
Giulia Cappelli | Alessandro Lenci

Our paper offers a computational model of the semantic recoverability of verb arguments, tested in particular on direct objects and Instruments. Our fully distributional model is intended to improve on older taxonomy-based models, which require a lexicon in addition to the training corpus. We computed the selectional preferences of 99 transitive verbs and 173 Instrument verbs as the mean value of the pairwise cosines between their arguments (a weighted mean between all the arguments, or an unweighted mean with the topmost k arguments). Results show that our model can predict the recoverability of objects and Instruments, providing a similar result to that of taxonomy-based models but at a much cheaper computational cost.

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Learning Negation Scope from Syntactic Structure
Nick McKenna | Mark Steedman

We present a semi-supervised model which learns the semantics of negation purely through analysis of syntactic structure. Linguistic theory posits that the semantics of negation can be understood purely syntactically, though recent research relies on combining a variety of features including part-of-speech tags, word embeddings, and semantic representations to achieve high task performance. Our simplified model returns to syntactic theory and achieves state-of-the-art performance on the task of Negation Scope Detection while demonstrating the tight relationship between the syntax and semantics of negation.

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A Visuospatial Dataset for Naturalistic Verb Learning
Dylan Ebert | Ellie Pavlick

We introduce a new dataset for training and evaluating grounded language models. Our data is collected within a virtual reality environment and is designed to emulate the quality of language data to which a pre-verbal child is likely to have access: That is, naturalistic, spontaneous speech paired with richly grounded visuospatial context. We use the collected data to compare several distributional semantics models for verb learning. We evaluate neural models based on 2D (pixel) features as well as feature-engineered models based on 3D (symbolic, spatial) features, and show that neither modeling approach achieves satisfactory performance. Our results are consistent with evidence from child language acquisition that emphasizes the difficulty of learning verbs from naive distributional data. We discuss avenues for future work on cognitively-inspired grounded language learning, and release our corpus with the intent of facilitating research on the topic.

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Find or Classify? Dual Strategy for Slot-Value Predictions on Multi-Domain Dialog State Tracking
Jianguo Zhang | Kazuma Hashimoto | Chien-Sheng Wu | Yao Wang | Philip Yu | Richard Socher | Caiming Xiong

Dialog state tracking (DST) is a core component in task-oriented dialog systems. Existing approaches for DST mainly fall into one of two categories, namely, ontology-based and ontology-free methods. An ontology-based method selects a value from a candidate-value list for each target slot, while an ontology-free method extracts spans from dialog contexts. Recent work introduced a BERT-based model to strike a balance between the two methods by pre-defining categorical and non-categorical slots. However, it is not clear enough which slots are better handled by either of the two slot types, and the way to use the pre-trained model has not been well investigated. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective dual-strategy model for DST, by adapting a single BERT-style reading comprehension model to jointly handle both the categorical and non-categorical slots. Our experiments on the MultiWOZ datasets show that our method significantly outperforms the BERT-based counterpart, finding that the key is a deep interaction between the domain-slot and context information. When evaluated on noisy (MultiWOZ 2.0) and cleaner (MultiWOZ 2.1) settings, our method performs competitively and robustly across the two different settings. Our method sets the new state of the art in the noisy setting, while performing more robustly than the best model in the cleaner setting. We also conduct a comprehensive error analysis on the dataset, including the effects of the dual strategy for each slot, to facilitate future research.

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“where is this relationship going?”: Understanding Relationship Trajectories in Narrative Text
Keen You | Dan Goldwasser

We examine a new commonsense reasoning task: given a narrative describing a social interaction that centers on two protagonists, systems make inferences about the underlying relationship trajectory. Specifically, we propose two evaluation tasks: Relationship Outlook Prediction MCQ and Resolution Prediction MCQ. In Relationship Outlook Prediction, a system maps an interaction to a relationship outlook that captures how the interaction is expected to change the relationship. In Resolution Prediction, a system attributes a given relationship outlook to a particular resolution that explains the outcome. These two tasks parallel two real-life questions that people frequently ponder upon as they navigate different social situations: “where is this relationship going?” and “how did we end up here?”. To facilitate the investigation of human social relationships through these two tasks, we construct a new dataset, Social Narrative Tree, which consists of 1250 stories documenting a variety of daily social interactions. The narratives encode a multitude of social elements that interweave to give rise to rich commonsense knowledge of how relationships evolve with respect to social interactions. We establish baseline performances using language models and the accuracies are significantly lower than human performance. The results demonstrate that models need to look beyond syntactic and semantic signals to comprehend complex human relationships.

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Large Scale Author Obfuscation Using Siamese Variational Auto-Encoder: The SiamAO System
Chakaveh Saedi | Mark Dras

Author obfuscation is the task of masking the author of a piece of text, with applications in privacy. Recent advances in deep neural networks have boosted author identification performance making author obfuscation more challenging. Existing approaches to author obfuscation are largely heuristic. Obfuscation can, however, be thought of as the construction of adversarial examples to attack author identification, suggesting that the deep learning architectures used for adversarial attacks could have application here. Current architectures are proposed to construct adversarial examples against classification-based models, which in author identification would exclude the high-performing similarity-based models employed when facing large number of authorial classes. In this paper, we propose the first deep learning architecture for constructing adversarial examples against similarity-based learners, and explore its application to author obfuscation. We analyse the output from both success in obfuscation and language acceptability, as well as comparing the performance with some common baselines, and showing promising results in finding a balance between safety and soundness of the perturbed texts.


bib (full) Proceedings for the First International Workshop on Social Threats in Online Conversations: Understanding and Management

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Proceedings for the First International Workshop on Social Threats in Online Conversations: Understanding and Management
Archna Bhatia | Samira Shaikh

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Active Defense Against Social Engineering: The Case for Human Language Technology
Adam Dalton | Ehsan Aghaei | Ehab Al-Shaer | Archna Bhatia | Esteban Castillo | Zhuo Cheng | Sreekar Dhaduvai | Qi Duan | Bryanna Hebenstreit | Md Mazharul Islam | Younes Karimi | Amir Masoumzadeh | Brodie Mather | Sashank Santhanam | Samira Shaikh | Alan Zemel | Tomek Strzalkowski | Bonnie J. Dorr

We describe a system that supports natural language processing (NLP) components for active defenses against social engineering attacks. We deploy a pipeline of human language technology, including Ask and Framing Detection, Named Entity Recognition, Dialogue Engineering, and Stylometry. The system processes modern message formats through a plug-in architecture to accommodate innovative approaches for message analysis, knowledge representation and dialogue generation. The novelty of the system is that it uses NLP for cyber defense and engages the attacker using bots to elicit evidence to attribute to the attacker and to waste the attacker’s time and resources.

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Adaptation of a Lexical Organization for Social Engineering Detection and Response Generation
Archna Bhatia | Adam Dalton | Brodie Mather | Sashank Santhanam | Samira Shaikh | Alan Zemel | Tomek Strzalkowski | Bonnie J. Dorr

We present a paradigm for extensible lexicon development based on Lexical Conceptual Structure to support social engineering detection and response generation. We leverage the central notions of ask (elicitation of behaviors such as providing access to money) and framing (risk/reward implied by the ask). We demonstrate improvements in ask/framing detection through refinements to our lexical organization and show that response generation qualitatively improves as ask/framing detection performance improves. The paradigm presents a systematic and efficient approach to resource adaptation for improved task-specific performance.

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Analysis of Online Conversations to Detect Cyberpredators Using Recurrent Neural Networks
Jinhwa Kim | Yoon Jo Kim | Mitra Behzadi | Ian G. Harris

We present an automated approach to analyze the text of an online conversation and determine whether one of the participants is a cyberpredator who is preying on another participant. The task is divided into two stages, 1) the classification of each message, and 2) the classification of the entire conversation. Each stage uses a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to perform the classification task.

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A Privacy Preserving Data Publishing Middleware for Unstructured, Textual Social Media Data
Prasadi Abeywardana | Uthayasanker Thayasivam

Privacy is going to be an integral part of data science and analytics in the coming years. The next hype of data experimentation is going to be heavily dependent on privacy preserving techniques mainly as it’s going to be a legal responsibility rather than a mere social responsibility. Privacy preservation becomes more challenging specially in the context of unstructured data. Social networks have become predominantly popular over the past couple of decades and they are creating a huge data lake at a high velocity. Social media profiles contain a wealth of personal and sensitive information, creating enormous opportunities for third parties to analyze them with different algorithms, draw conclusions and use in disinformation campaigns and micro targeting based dark advertising. This study provides a mitigation mechanism for disinformation campaigns that are done based on the insights extracted from personal/sensitive data analysis. Specifically, this research is aimed at building a privacy preserving data publishing middleware for unstructured social media data without compromising the true analytical value of those data. A novel way is proposed to apply traditional structured privacy preserving techniques on unstructured data. Creating a comprehensive twitter corpus annotated with privacy attributes is another objective of this research, especially because the research community is lacking one.

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Information Space Dashboard
Theresa Krumbiegel | Albert Pritzkau | Hans-Christian Schmitz

The information space, where information is generated, stored, exchanged and discussed, is not idyllic but a space where campaigns of disinformation and destabilization are conducted. Such campaigns are subsumed under the terms “hybrid warfare” and “information warfare” (Woolley and Howard, 2017). In order to enable awareness of them, we propose an information state dashboard comprising various components/apps for data collection, analysis and visualization. The aim of the dashboard is to support an analyst in generating a common operational picture of the information space, link it with an operational picture of the physical space and, thus, contribute to overarching situational awareness. The dashboard is work in progress. However, a first prototype with components for exploiting elementary language statistics, keyword and metadata analysis, text classification and network analysis has been implemented. Further components, in particular, for event extraction and sentiment analysis are under development. As a demonstration case, we briefly discuss the analysis of historical data regarding violent anti-migrant protests and respective counter-protests that took place in Chemnitz in 2018.

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Is this hotel review truthful or deceptive? A platform for disinformation detection through computational stylometry
Antonio Pascucci | Raffaele Manna | Ciro Caterino | Vincenzo Masucci | Johanna Monti

In this paper, we present a web service platform for disinformation detection in hotel reviews written in English. The platform relies on a hybrid approach of computational stylometry techniques, machine learning and linguistic rules written using COGITO, Expert System Corp.’s semantic intelligence software thanks to which it is possible to analyze texts and extract all their characteristics. We carried out a research experiment on the Deceptive Opinion Spam corpus, a balanced corpus composed of 1,600 hotel reviews of 20 Chicago hotels split into four datasets: positive truthful, negative truthful, positive deceptive and negative deceptive reviews. We investigated four different classifiers and we detected that Simple Logistic is the most performing algorithm for this type of classification.

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Corpus Development for Studying Online Disinformation Campaign: A Narrative + Stance Approach
Mack Blackburn | Ning Yu | John Berrie | Brian Gordon | David Longfellow | William Tirrell | Mark Williams

Disinformation on social media is impacting our personal life and society. The outbreak of the new coronavirus is the most recent example for which a wealth of disinformation provoked fear, hate, and even social panic. While there are emerging interests in studying how disinformation campaigns form, spread, and influence target audiences, developing disinformation campaign corpora is challenging given the high volume, fast evolution, and wide variation of messages associated with each campaign. Disinformation cannot always be captured by simple factchecking, which makes it even more challenging to validate and create ground truth. This paper presents our approach to develop a corpus for studying disinformation campaigns targeting the White Helmets of Syria. We bypass directly classifying a piece of information as disinformation or not. Instead, we label the narrative and stance of tweets and YouTube comments about White Helmets. Narratives is defined as a recurring statement that is used to express a point of view. Stance is a high-level point of view on a topic. We demonstrate that narrative and stance together can provide a dynamic method for real world users, e.g., intelligence analysts, to quickly identify and counter disinformation campaigns based on their knowledge at the time.

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Email Threat Detection Using Distinct Neural Network Approaches
Esteban Castillo | Sreekar Dhaduvai | Peng Liu | Kartik-Singh Thakur | Adam Dalton | Tomek Strzalkowski

This paper describes different approaches to detect malicious content in email interactions through a combination of machine learning and natural language processing tools. Specifically, several neural network designs are tested on word embedding representations to detect suspicious messages and separate them from non-suspicious, benign email. The proposed approaches are trained and tested on distinct email collections, including datasets constructed from publicly available corpora (such as Enron, APWG, etc.) as well as several smaller, non-public datasets used in recent government evaluations. Experimental results show that back-propagation both with and without recurrent neural layers outperforms current state of the art techniques that include supervised learning algorithms with stylometric elements of texts as features. Our results also demonstrate that word embedding vectors are effective means for capturing certain aspects of text meaning that can be teased out through machine learning in non-linear/complex neural networks, in order to obtain highly accurate detection of malicious emails based on email text alone.


bib (full) Proceedings of SustaiNLP: Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of SustaiNLP: Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing
Nafise Sadat Moosavi | Angela Fan | Vered Shwartz | Goran Glavaš | Shafiq Joty | Alex Wang | Thomas Wolf

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Knowing Right from Wrong: Should We Use More Complex Models for Automatic Short-Answer Scoring in Bahasa Indonesia?
Ali Akbar Septiandri | Yosef Ardhito Winatmoko | Ilham Firdausi Putra

We compare three solutions to UKARA 1.0 challenge on automated short-answer scoring: single classical, ensemble classical, and deep learning. The task is to classify given answers to two questions, whether they are right or wrong. While recent development shows increasing model complexity to push the benchmark performances, they tend to be resource-demanding with mundane improvement. For the UKARA task, we found that bag-of-words and classical machine learning approaches can compete with ensemble models and Bi-LSTM model with pre-trained word2vec embedding from 200 million words. In this case, the single classical machine learning achieved less than 2% difference in F1 compared to the deep learning approach with 1/18 time for model training.

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Rank and run-time aware compression of NLP Applications
Urmish Thakker | Jesse Beu | Dibakar Gope | Ganesh Dasika | Matthew Mattina

Sequence model based NLP applications canbe large. Yet, many applications that benefit from them run on small devices with very limited compute and storage capabilities, while still having run-time constraints. As a result, there is a need for a compression technique that can achieve significant compression without negatively impacting inference run-time and task accuracy. This paper proposes a new compression technique called Hybrid Matrix Factorization (HMF) that achieves this dual objective. HMF improves low-rank matrix factorization (LMF) techniques by doubling the rank of the matrix using an intelligent hybrid-structure leading to better accuracy than LMF. Further, by preserving dense matrices, it leads to faster inference run-timethan pruning or structure matrix based compression technique. We evaluate the impact of this technique on 5 NLP benchmarks across multiple tasks (Translation, Intent Detection,Language Modeling) and show that for similar accuracy values and compression factors, HMF can achieve more than 2.32x faster inference run-time than pruning and 16.77% better accuracy than LMF.

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Learning Informative Representations of Biomedical Relations with Latent Variable Models
Harshil Shah | Julien Fauqueur

Extracting biomedical relations from large corpora of scientific documents is a challenging natural language processing task. Existing approaches usually focus on identifying a relation either in a single sentence (mention-level) or across an entire corpus (pair-level). In both cases, recent methods have achieved strong results by learning a point estimate to represent the relation; this is then used as the input to a relation classifier. However, the relation expressed in text between a pair of biomedical entities is often more complex than can be captured by a point estimate. To address this issue, we propose a latent variable model with an arbitrarily flexible distribution to represent the relation between an entity pair. Additionally, our model provides a unified architecture for both mention-level and pair-level relation extraction. We demonstrate that our model achieves results competitive with strong baselines for both tasks while having fewer parameters and being significantly faster to train. We make our code publicly available.

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End to End Binarized Neural Networks for Text Classification
Kumar Shridhar | Harshil Jain | Akshat Agarwal | Denis Kleyko

Deep neural networks have demonstrated their superior performance in almost every Natural Language Processing task, however, their increasing complexity raises concerns. A particular concern is that these networks pose high requirements for computing hardware and training budgets. The state-of-the-art transformer models are a vivid example. Simplifying the computations performed by a network is one way of addressing the issue of the increasing complexity. In this paper, we propose an end to end binarized neural network for the task of intent and text classification. In order to fully utilize the potential of end to end binarization, both the input representations (vector embeddings of tokens statistics) and the classifier are binarized. We demonstrate the efficiency of such a network on the intent classification of short texts over three datasets and text classification with a larger dataset. On the considered datasets, the proposed network achieves comparable to the state-of-the-art results while utilizing 20-40% lesser memory and training time compared to the benchmarks.

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Exploring the Boundaries of Low-Resource BERT Distillation
Moshe Wasserblat | Oren Pereg | Peter Izsak

In recent years, large pre-trained models have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in many of NLP tasks. However, the deployment of these models on devices with limited resources is challenging due to the models’ large computational consumption and memory requirements. Moreover, the need for a considerable amount of labeled training data also hinders real-world deployment scenarios. Model distillation has shown promising results for reducing model size, computational load and data efficiency. In this paper we test the boundaries of BERT model distillation in terms of model compression, inference efficiency and data scarcity. We show that classification tasks that require the capturing of general lexical semantics can be successfully distilled by very simple and efficient models and require relatively small amount of labeled training data. We also show that the distillation of large pre-trained models is more effective in real-life scenarios where limited amounts of labeled training are available.

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Efficient Estimation of Influence of a Training Instance
Sosuke Kobayashi | Sho Yokoi | Jun Suzuki | Kentaro Inui

Understanding the influence of a training instance on a neural network model leads to improving interpretability. However, it is difficult and inefficient to evaluate the influence, which shows how a model’s prediction would be changed if a training instance were not used. In this paper, we propose an efficient method for estimating the influence. Our method is inspired by dropout, which zero-masks a sub-network and prevents the sub-network from learning each training instance. By switching between dropout masks, we can use sub-networks that learned or did not learn each training instance and estimate its influence. Through experiments with BERT and VGGNet on classification datasets, we demonstrate that the proposed method can capture training influences, enhance the interpretability of error predictions, and cleanse the training dataset for improving generalization.

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Efficient Inference For Neural Machine Translation
Yi-Te Hsu | Sarthak Garg | Yi-Hsiu Liao | Ilya Chatsviorkin

Large Transformer models have achieved state-of-the-art results in neural machine translation and have become standard in the field. In this work, we look for the optimal combination of known techniques to optimize inference speed without sacrificing translation quality. We conduct an empirical study that stacks various approaches and demonstrates that combination of replacing decoder self-attention with simplified recurrent units, adopting a deep encoder and a shallow decoder architecture and multi-head attention pruning can achieve up to 109% and 84% speedup on CPU and GPU respectively and reduce the number of parameters by 25% while maintaining the same translation quality in terms of BLEU.

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Sparse Optimization for Unsupervised Extractive Summarization of Long Documents with the Frank-Wolfe Algorithm
Alicia Tsai | Laurent El Ghaoui

We address the problem of unsupervised extractive document summarization, especially for long documents. We model the unsupervised problem as a sparse auto-regression one and approximate the resulting combinatorial problem via a convex, norm-constrained problem. We solve it using a dedicated Frank-Wolfe algorithm. To generate a summary with k sentences, the algorithm only needs to execute approximately k iterations, making it very efficient for a long document. We evaluate our approach against two other unsupervised methods using both lexical (standard) ROUGE scores, as well as semantic (embedding-based) ones. Our method achieves better results with both datasets and works especially well when combined with embeddings for highly paraphrased summaries.

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Don’t Read Too Much Into It: Adaptive Computation for Open-Domain Question Answering
Yuxiang Wu | Pasquale Minervini | Pontus Stenetorp | Sebastian Riedel

Most approaches to Open-Domain Question Answering consist of a light-weight retriever that selects a set of candidate passages, and a computationally expensive reader that examines the passages to identify the correct answer. Previous works have shown that as the number of retrieved passages increases, so does the performance of the reader. However, they assume all retrieved passages are of equal importance and allocate the same amount of computation to them, leading to a substantial increase in computational cost. To reduce this cost, we propose the use of adaptive computation to control the computational budget allocated for the passages to be read. We first introduce a technique operating on individual passages in isolation which relies on anytime prediction and a per-layer estimation of an early exit probability. We then introduce SKYLINEBUILDER, an approach for dynamically deciding on which passage to allocate computation at each step, based on a resource allocation policy trained via reinforcement learning. Our results on SQuAD-Open show that adaptive computation with global prioritisation improves over several strong static and adaptive methods, leading to a 4.3x reduction in computation while retaining 95% performance of the full model.

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A Two-stage Model for Slot Filling in Low-resource Settings: Domain-agnostic Non-slot Reduction and Pretrained Contextual Embeddings
Cennet Oguz | Ngoc Thang Vu

Learning-based slot filling - a key component of spoken language understanding systems - typically requires a large amount of in-domain hand-labeled data for training. In this paper, we propose a novel two-stage model architecture that can be trained with only a few in-domain hand-labeled examples. The first step is designed to remove non-slot tokens (i.e., O labeled tokens), as they introduce noise in the input of slot filling models. This step is domain-agnostic and therefore, can be trained by exploiting out-of-domain data. The second step identifies slot names only for slot tokens by using state-of-the-art pretrained contextual embeddings such as ELMO and BERT. We show that our approach outperforms other state-of-art systems on the SNIPS benchmark dataset.

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Early Exiting BERT for Efficient Document Ranking
Ji Xin | Rodrigo Nogueira | Yaoliang Yu | Jimmy Lin

Pre-trained language models such as BERT have shown their effectiveness in various tasks. Despite their power, they are known to be computationally intensive, which hinders real-world applications. In this paper, we introduce early exiting BERT for document ranking. With a slight modification, BERT becomes a model with multiple output paths, and each inference sample can exit early from these paths. In this way, computation can be effectively allocated among samples, and overall system latency is significantly reduced while the original quality is maintained. Our experiments on two document ranking datasets demonstrate up to 2.5x inference speedup with minimal quality degradation. The source code of our implementation can be found at https://github.com/castorini/earlyexiting-monobert.

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Keyphrase Generation with GANs in Low-Resources Scenarios
Giuseppe Lancioni | Saida S.Mohamed | Beatrice Portelli | Giuseppe Serra | Carlo Tasso

Keyphrase Generation is the task of predicting Keyphrases (KPs), short phrases that summarize the semantic meaning of a given document. Several past studies provided diverse approaches to generate Keyphrases for an input document. However, all of these approaches still need to be trained on very large datasets. In this paper, we introduce BeGanKP, a new conditional GAN model to address the problem of Keyphrase Generation in a low-resource scenario. Our main contribution relies in the Discriminator’s architecture: a new BERT-based module which is able to distinguish between the generated and humancurated KPs reliably. Its characteristics allow us to use it in a low-resource scenario, where only a small amount of training data are available, obtaining an efficient Generator. The resulting architecture achieves, on five public datasets, competitive results with respect to the state-of-the-art approaches, using less than 1% of the training data.

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Quasi-Multitask Learning: an Efficient Surrogate for Obtaining Model Ensembles
Norbert Kis-Szabó | Gábor Berend

We propose the technique of quasi-multitask learning (Q-MTL), a simple and easy to implement modification of standard multitask learning, in which the tasks to be modeled are identical. With this easy modification of a standard neural classifier we can get benefits similar to an ensemble of classifiers with a fraction of the resources required. We illustrate it through a series of sequence labeling experiments over a diverse set of languages, that applying Q-MTL consistently increases the generalization ability of the applied models. The proposed architecture can be regarded as a new regularization technique that encourages the model to develop an internal representation of the problem at hand which is beneficial to multiple output units of the classifier at the same time. Our experiments corroborate that by relying on the proposed algorithm, we can approximate the quality of an ensemble of classifiers at a fraction of computational resources required. Additionally, our results suggest that Q-MTL handles the presence of noisy training labels better than ensembles.

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A Little Bit Is Worse Than None: Ranking with Limited Training Data
Xinyu Zhang | Andrew Yates | Jimmy Lin

Researchers have proposed simple yet effective techniques for the retrieval problem based on using BERT as a relevance classifier to rerank initial candidates from keyword search. In this work, we tackle the challenge of fine-tuning these models for specific domains in a data and computationally efficient manner. Typically, researchers fine-tune models using corpus-specific labeled data from sources such as TREC. We first answer the question: How much data of this type do we need? Recognizing that the most computationally efficient training is no training, we explore zero-shot ranking using BERT models that have already been fine-tuned with the large MS MARCO passage retrieval dataset. We arrive at the surprising and novel finding that “some” labeled in-domain data can be worse than none at all.

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Predictive Model Selection for Transfer Learning in Sequence Labeling Tasks
Parul Awasthy | Bishwaranjan Bhattacharjee | John Kender | Radu Florian

Transfer learning is a popular technique to learn a task using less training data and fewer compute resources. However, selecting the correct source model for transfer learning is a challenging task. We demonstrate a novel predictive method that determines which existing source model would minimize error for transfer learning to a given target. This technique does not require learning for prediction, and avoids computational costs of trail-and-error. We have evaluated this technique on nine datasets across diverse domains, including newswire, user forums, air flight booking, cybersecurity news, etc. We show that it per-forms better than existing techniques such as fine-tuning over vanilla BERT, or curriculum learning over the largest dataset on top of BERT, resulting in average F1 score gains in excess of 3%. Moreover, our technique consistently selects the best model using fewer tries.

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Load What You Need: Smaller Versions of Mutililingual BERT
Amine Abdaoui | Camille Pradel | Grégoire Sigel

Pre-trained Transformer-based models are achieving state-of-the-art results on a variety of Natural Language Processing data sets. However, the size of these models is often a drawback for their deployment in real production applications. In the case of multilingual models, most of the parameters are located in the embeddings layer. Therefore, reducing the vocabulary size should have an important impact on the total number of parameters. In this paper, we propose to extract smaller models that handle fewer number of languages according to the targeted corpora. We present an evaluation of smaller versions of multilingual BERT on the XNLI data set, but we believe that this method may be applied to other multilingual transformers. The obtained results confirm that we can generate smaller models that keep comparable results, while reducing up to 45% of the total number of parameters. We compared our models with DistilmBERT (a distilled version of multilingual BERT) and showed that unlike language reduction, distillation induced a 1.7% to 6% drop in the overall accuracy on the XNLI data set. The presented models and code are publicly available.

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SqueezeBERT: What can computer vision teach NLP about efficient neural networks?
Forrest Iandola | Albert Shaw | Ravi Krishna | Kurt Keutzer

Humans read and write hundreds of billions of messages every day. Further, due to the availability of large datasets, large computing systems, and better neural network models, natural language processing (NLP) technology has made significant strides in understanding, proofreading, and organizing these messages. Thus, there is a significant opportunity to deploy NLP in myriad applications to help web users, social networks, and businesses. Toward this end, we consider smartphones and other mobile devices as crucial platforms for deploying NLP models at scale. However, today’s highly-accurate NLP neural network models such as BERT and RoBERTa are extremely computationally expensive, with BERT-base taking 1.7 seconds to classify a text snippet on a Pixel 3 smartphone. To begin to address this problem, we draw inspiration from the computer vision community, where work such as MobileNet has demonstrated that grouped convolutions (e.g. depthwise convolutions) can enable speedups without sacrificing accuracy. We demonstrate how to replace several operations in self-attention layers with grouped convolutions, and we use this technique in a novel network architecture called SqueezeBERT, which runs 4.3x faster than BERT-base on the Pixel 3 while achieving competitive accuracy on the GLUE test set. A PyTorch-based implementation of SqueezeBERT is available as part of the Hugging Face Transformers library: https://huggingface.co/squeezebert

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Analysis of Resource-efficient Predictive Models for Natural Language Processing
Raj Pranesh | Ambesh Shekhar

In this paper, we presented an analyses of the resource efficient predictive models, namely Bonsai, Binary Neighbor Compression(BNC), ProtoNN, Random Forest, Naive Bayes and Support vector machine(SVM), in the machine learning field for resource constraint devices. These models try to minimize resource requirements like RAM and storage without hurting the accuracy much. We utilized these models on multiple benchmark natural language processing tasks, which were sentimental analysis, spam message detection, emotion analysis and fake news classification. The experiment results shows that the tree-based algorithm, Bonsai, surpassed the rest of the machine learning algorithms by achieve higher accuracy scores while having significantly lower memory usage.

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Towards Accurate and Reliable Energy Measurement of NLP Models
Qingqing Cao | Aruna Balasubramanian | Niranjan Balasubramanian

Accurate and reliable measurement of energy consumption is critical for making well-informed design choices when choosing and training large scale NLP models. In this work, we show that existing software-based energy estimations are not accurate because they do not take into account hardware differences and how resource utilization affects energy consumption. We conduct energy measurement experiments with four different models for a question answering task. We quantify the error of existing software-based energy estimations by using a hardware power meter that provides highly accurate energy measurements. Our key takeaway is the need for a more accurate energy estimation model that takes into account hardware variabilities and the non-linear relationship between resource utilization and energy consumption. We release the code and data at https://github.com/csarron/sustainlp2020-energy.

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FastFormers: Highly Efficient Transformer Models for Natural Language Understanding
Young Jin Kim | Hany Hassan

Transformer-based models are the state-of-the-art for Natural Language Understanding (NLU) applications. Models are getting bigger and better on various tasks. However, Transformer models remain computationally challenging since they are not efficient at inference-time compared to traditional approaches. In this paper, we present FastFormers, a set of recipes to achieve efficient inference-time performance for Transformer-based models on various NLU tasks. We show how carefully utilizing knowledge distillation, structured pruning and numerical optimization can lead to drastic improvements on inference efficiency. We provide effective recipes that can guide practitioners to choose the best settings for various NLU tasks and pretrained models. Applying the proposed recipes to the SuperGLUE benchmark, we achieve from 9.8x up to 233.9x speed-up compared to out-of-the-box models on CPU. On GPU, we also achieve up to 12.4x speed-up with the presented methods. We show that FastFormers can drastically reduce cost of serving 100 million requests from 4,223 USD to just 18 USD on an Azure F16s_v2 instance. This translates to a sustainable runtime by reducing energy consumption 6.9x - 125.8x according to the metrics used in the SustaiNLP 2020 shared task.

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A comparison between CNNs and WFAs for Sequence Classification
Ariadna Quattoni | Xavier Carreras

We compare a classical CNN architecture for sequence classification involving several convolutional and max-pooling layers against a simple model based on weighted finite state automata (WFA). Each model has its advantages and disadvantages and it is possible that they could be combined. However, we believe that the first research goal should be to investigate and understand how do these two apparently dissimilar models compare in the context of specific natural language processing tasks. This paper is the first step towards that goal. Our experiments with five sequence classification datasets suggest that, despite the apparent simplicity of WFA models and training algorithms, the performance of WFAs is comparable to that of the CNNs.

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Label-Efficient Training for Next Response Selection
Seungtaek Choi | Myeongho Jeong | Jinyoung Yeo | Seung-won Hwang

This paper studies label augmentation for training dialogue response selection. The existing model is trained by “observational” annotation, where one observed response is annotated as gold. In this paper, we propose “counterfactual augmentation” of pseudo-positive labels. We validate that the effectiveness of augmented labels are comparable to positives, such that ours outperform state-of-the-arts without augmentation.

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Do We Need to Create Big Datasets to Learn a Task?
Swaroop Mishra | Bhavdeep Singh Sachdeva

Deep Learning research has been largely accelerated by the development of huge datasets such as Imagenet. The general trend has been to create big datasets to make a deep neural network learn. A huge amount of resources is being spent in creating these big datasets, developing models, training them, and iterating this process to dominate leaderboards. We argue that the trend of creating bigger datasets needs to be revised by better leveraging the power of pre-trained language models. Since the language models have already been pre-trained with huge amount of data and have basic linguistic knowledge, there is no need to create big datasets to learn a task. Instead, we need to create a dataset that is sufficient for the model to learn various task-specific terminologies, such as ‘Entailment’, ‘Neutral’, and ‘Contradiction’ for NLI. As evidence, we show that RoBERTA is able to achieve near-equal performance on 2% data of SNLI. We also observe competitive zero-shot generalization on several OOD datasets. In this paper, we propose a baseline algorithm to find the optimal dataset for learning a task.

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Overview of the SustaiNLP 2020 Shared Task
Alex Wang | Thomas Wolf

We describe the SustaiNLP 2020 shared task: efficient inference on the SuperGLUE benchmark (Wang et al., 2019). Participants are evaluated based on performance on the benchmark as well as energy consumed in making predictions on the test sets. We describe the task, its organization, and the submitted systems. Across the six submissions to the shared task, participants achieved efficiency gains of 20× over a standard BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) baseline, while losing less than an absolute point in performance.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing (TextGraphs)

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Proceedings of the Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing (TextGraphs)
Dmitry Ustalov | Swapna Somasundaran | Alexander Panchenko | Fragkiskos D. Malliaros | Ioana Hulpuș | Peter Jansen | Abhik Jana

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A survey of embedding models of entities and relationships for knowledge graph completion
Dat Quoc Nguyen

Knowledge graphs (KGs) of real-world facts about entities and their relationships are useful resources for a variety of natural language processing tasks. However, because knowledge graphs are typically incomplete, it is useful to perform knowledge graph completion or link prediction, i.e. predict whether a relationship not in the knowledge graph is likely to be true. This paper serves as a comprehensive survey of embedding models of entities and relationships for knowledge graph completion, summarizing up-to-date experimental results on standard benchmark datasets and pointing out potential future research directions.

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Graph-based Aspect Representation Learning for Entity Resolution
Zhenqi Zhao | Yuchen Guo | Dingxian Wang | Yufan Huang | Xiangnan He | Bin Gu

Entity Resolution (ER) identifies records that refer to the same real-world entity. Deep learning approaches improved the generalization ability of entity matching models, but hardly overcame the impact of noisy or incomplete data sources. In real scenes, an entity usually consists of multiple semantic facets, called aspects. In this paper, we focus on entity augmentation, namely retrieving the values of missing aspects. The relationship between aspects is naturally suitable to be represented by a knowledge graph, where entity augmentation can be modeled as a link prediction problem. Our paper proposes a novel graph-based approach to solve entity augmentation. Specifically, we apply a dedicated random walk algorithm, which uses node types to limit the traversal length, and encodes graph structure into low-dimensional embeddings. Thus, the missing aspects could be retrieved by a link prediction model. Furthermore, the augmented aspects with fixed orders are served as the input of a deep Siamese BiLSTM network for entity matching. We compared our method with state-of-the-art methods through extensive experiments on downstream ER tasks. According to the experiment results, our model outperforms other methods on evaluation metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score) to a large extent, which demonstrates the effectiveness of our method.

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Merge and Recognize: A Geometry and 2D Context Aware Graph Model for Named Entity Recognition from Visual Documents
Chuwei Luo | Yongpan Wang | Qi Zheng | Liangchen Li | Feiyu Gao | Shiyu Zhang

Named entity recognition (NER) from visual documents, such as invoices, receipts or business cards, is a critical task for visual document understanding. Most classical approaches use a sequence-based model (typically BiLSTM-CRF framework) without considering document structure. Recent work on graph-based model using graph convolutional networks to encode visual and textual features have achieved promising performance on the task. However, few attempts take geometry information of text segments (text in bounding box) in visual documents into account. Meanwhile, existing methods do not consider that related text segments which need to be merged to form a complete entity in many real-world situations. In this paper, we present GraphNEMR, a graph-based model that uses graph convolutional networks to jointly merge text segments and recognize named entities. By incorporating geometry information from visual documents into our model, richer 2D context information is generated to improve document representations. To merge text segments, we introduce a novel mechanism that captures both geometry information as well as semantic information based on pre-trained language model. Experimental results show that the proposed GraphNEMR model outperforms both sequence-based and graph-based SOTA methods significantly.

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Joint Learning of the Graph and the Data Representation for Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning
Mariana Vargas-Vieyra | Aurélien Bellet | Pascal Denis

Graph-based semi-supervised learning is appealing when labels are scarce but large amounts of unlabeled data are available. These methods typically use a heuristic strategy to construct the graph based on some fixed data representation, independently of the available labels. In this pa- per, we propose to jointly learn a data representation and a graph from both labeled and unlabeled data such that (i) the learned representation indirectly encodes the label information injected into the graph, and (ii) the graph provides a smooth topology with respect to the transformed data. Plugging the resulting graph and representation into existing graph-based semi-supervised learn- ing algorithms like label spreading and graph convolutional networks, we show that our approach outperforms standard graph construction methods on both synthetic data and real datasets.

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Contextual BERT: Conditioning the Language Model Using a Global State
Timo I. Denk | Ana Peleteiro Ramallo

BERT is a popular language model whose main pre-training task is to fill in the blank, i.e., predicting a word that was masked out of a sentence, based on the remaining words. In some applications, however, having an additional context can help the model make the right prediction, e.g., by taking the domain or the time of writing into account. This motivates us to advance the BERT architecture by adding a global state for conditioning on a fixed-sized context. We present our two novel approaches and apply them to an industry use-case, where we complete fashion outfits with missing articles, conditioned on a specific customer. An experimental comparison to other methods from the literature shows that our methods improve personalization significantly.

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Semi-supervised Word Sense Disambiguation Using Example Similarity Graph
Rie Yatabe | Minoru Sasaki

Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is a well-known problem in the natural language processing. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in applying neural net-works and machine learning techniques to solve WSD problems. However, these previ-ous supervised approaches often suffer from the lack of manually sense-tagged exam-ples. In this paper, to solve these problems, we propose a semi-supervised WSD method using graph embeddings based learning method in order to make effective use of labeled and unlabeled examples. The results of the experiments show that the proposed method performs better than the previous semi-supervised WSD method. Moreover, the graph structure between examples is effective for WSD and it is effective to utilize a graph structure obtained by fine-tuning BERT in the proposed method.

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Incorporating Temporal Information in Entailment Graph Mining
Liane Guillou | Sander Bijl de Vroe | Mohammad Javad Hosseini | Mark Johnson | Mark Steedman

We present a novel method for injecting temporality into entailment graphs to address the problem of spurious entailments, which may arise from similar but temporally distinct events involving the same pair of entities. We focus on the sports domain in which the same pairs of teams play on different occasions, with different outcomes. We present an unsupervised model that aims to learn entailments such as win/lose → play, while avoiding the pitfall of learning non-entailments such as win ̸→ lose. We evaluate our model on a manually constructed dataset, showing that incorporating time intervals and applying a temporal window around them, are effective strategies.

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Graph-based Syntactic Word Embeddings
Ragheb Al-Ghezi | Mikko Kurimo

We propose a simple and efficient framework to learn syntactic embeddings based on information derived from constituency parse trees. Using biased random walk methods, our embeddings not only encode syntactic information about words, but they also capture contextual information. We also propose a method to train the embeddings on multiple constituency parse trees to ensure the encoding of global syntactic representation. Quantitative evaluation of the embeddings show a competitive performance on POS tagging task when compared to other types of embeddings, and qualitative evaluation reveals interesting facts about the syntactic typology learned by these embeddings.

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Relation Specific Transformations for Open World Knowledge Graph Completion
Haseeb Shah | Johannes Villmow | Adrian Ulges

We propose an open-world knowledge graph completion model that can be combined with common closed-world approaches (such as ComplEx) and enhance them to exploit text-based representations for entities unseen in training. Our model learns relation-specific transformation functions from text-based to graph-based embedding space, where the closed-world link prediction model can be applied. We demonstrate state-of-the-art results on common open-world benchmarks and show that our approach benefits from relation-specific transformation functions (RST), giving substantial improvements over a relation-agnostic approach.

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TextGraphs 2020 Shared Task on Multi-Hop Inference for Explanation Regeneration
Peter Jansen | Dmitry Ustalov

The 2020 Shared Task on Multi-Hop Inference for Explanation Regeneration tasks participants with regenerating large detailed multi-fact explanations for standardized science exam questions. Given a question, correct answer, and knowledge base, models must rank each fact in the knowledge base such that facts most likely to appear in the explanation are ranked highest. Explanations consist of an average of 6 (and as many as 16) facts that span both core scientific knowledge and world knowledge, and form an explicit lexically-connected “explanation graph” describing how the facts interrelate. In this second iteration of the explanation regeneration shared task, participants are supplied with more than double the training and evaluation data of the first shared task, as well as a knowledge base nearly double in size, both of which expand into more challenging scientific topics that increase the difficulty of the task. In total 10 teams participated, and 5 teams submitted system description papers. The best-performing teams significantly increased state-of-the-art performance both in terms of ranking (mean average precision) and inference speed on this challenge task.

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PGL at TextGraphs 2020 Shared Task: Explanation Regeneration using Language and Graph Learning Methods
Weibin Li | Yuxiang Lu | Zhengjie Huang | Weiyue Su | Jiaxiang Liu | Shikun Feng | Yu Sun

This paper describes the system designed by the Baidu PGL Team which achieved the first place in the TextGraphs 2020 Shared Task. The task focuses on generating explanations for elementary science questions. Given a question and its corresponding correct answer, we are asked to select the facts that can explain why the answer is correct for the question and answering (QA) from a large knowledge base. To address this problem, we use a pre-trained language model to recall the top-K relevant explanations for each question. Then, we adopt a re-ranking approach based on a pre-trained language model to rank the candidate explanations. To further improve the rankings, we also develop an architecture consisting both powerful pre-trained transformers and GNNs to tackle the multi-hop inference problem. The official evaluation shows that, our system can outperform the second best system by 1.91 points.

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ChiSquareX at TextGraphs 2020 Shared Task: Leveraging Pretrained Language Models for Explanation Regeneration
Aditya Girish Pawate | Varun Madhavan | Devansh Chandak

In this work, we describe the system developed by a group of undergraduates from the Indian Institutes of Technology for the Shared Task at TextGraphs-14 on Multi-Hop Inference Explanation Regeneration (Jansen and Ustalov, 2020). The shared task required participants to develop methods to reconstruct gold explanations for elementary science questions from the WorldTreeCorpus (Xie et al., 2020). Although our research was not funded by any organization and all the models were trained on freely available tools like Google Colab, which restricted our computational capabilities, we have managed to achieve noteworthy results, placing ourselves in 4th place with a MAPscore of 0.49021in the evaluation leaderboard and 0.5062 MAPscore on the post-evaluation-phase leaderboard using RoBERTa. We incorporated some of the methods proposed in the previous edition of Textgraphs-13 (Chia et al., 2019), which proved to be very effective, improved upon them, and built a model on top of it using powerful state-of-the-art pre-trained language models like RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019), BART (Lewis et al., 2020), SciB-ERT (Beltagy et al., 2019) among others. Further optimization of our work can be done with the availability of better computational resources.

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Explanation Regeneration via Multi-Hop ILP Inference over Knowledge Base
Aayushee Gupta | Gopalakrishnan Srinivasaraghavan

Textgraphs 2020 Workshop organized a shared task on ‘Explanation Regeneration’ that required reconstructing gold explanations for elementary science questions. This work describes our submission to the task which is based on multiple components: a BERT baseline ranking, an Integer Linear Program (ILP) based re-scoring and a regression model for re-ranking the explanation facts. Our system achieved a Mean Average Precision score of 0.3659.

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Red Dragon AI at TextGraphs 2020 Shared Task : LIT : LSTM-Interleaved Transformer for Multi-Hop Explanation Ranking
Yew Ken Chia | Sam Witteveen | Martin Andrews

Explainable question answering for science questions is a challenging task that requires multi-hop inference over a large set of fact sentences. To counter the limitations of methods that view each query-document pair in isolation, we propose the LSTM-Interleaved Transformer which incorporates cross-document interactions for improved multi-hop ranking. The LIT architecture can leverage prior ranking positions in the re-ranking setting. Our model is competitive on the current leaderboard for the TextGraphs 2020 shared task, achieving a test-set MAP of 0.5607, and would have gained third place had we submitted before the competition deadline. Our code implementation is made available at [https://github.com/mdda/worldtree_corpus/tree/textgraphs_2020](https://github.com/mdda/worldtree_corpus/tree/textgraphs_2020).


bib (full) Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying

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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying
Ritesh Kumar | Atul Kr. Ojha | Bornini Lahiri | Marcos Zampieri | Shervin Malmasi | Vanessa Murdock | Daniel Kadar

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Evaluating Aggression Identification in Social Media
Ritesh Kumar | Atul Kr. Ojha | Shervin Malmasi | Marcos Zampieri

In this paper, we present the report and findings of the Shared Task on Aggression and Gendered Aggression Identification organised as part of the Second Workshop on Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying (TRAC - 2) at LREC 2020. The task consisted of two sub-tasks - aggression identification (sub-task A) and gendered identification (sub-task B) - in three languages - Bangla, Hindi and English. For this task, the participants were provided with a dataset of approximately 5,000 instances from YouTube comments in each language. For testing, approximately 1,000 instances were provided in each language for each sub-task. A total of 70 teams registered to participate in the task and 19 teams submitted their test runs. The best system obtained a weighted F-score of approximately 0.80 in sub-task A for all the three languages. While approximately 0.87 in sub-task B for all the three languages.

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TOCP: A Dataset for Chinese Profanity Processing
Hsu Yang | Chuan-Jie Lin

This paper introduced TOCP, a larger dataset of Chinese profanity. This dataset contains natural sentences collected from social media sites, the profane expressions appearing in the sentences, and their rephrasing suggestions which preserve their meanings in a less offensive way. We proposed several baseline systems using neural network models to test this benchmark. We trained embedding models on a profanity-related dataset and proposed several profanity-related features. Our baseline systems achieved an F1-score of 86.37% in profanity detection and an accuracy of 77.32% in profanity rephrasing.

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A Multi-Dimensional View of Aggression when voicing Opinion
Arjit Srivastava | Avijit Vajpayee | Syed Sarfaraz Akhtar | Naman Jain | Vinay Singh | Manish Shrivastava

The advent of social media has immensely proliferated the amount of opinions and arguments voiced on the internet. These virtual debates often present cases of aggression. While research has been focused largely on analyzing aggression and stance in isolation from each other, this work is the first attempt to gain an extensive and fine-grained understanding of patterns of aggression and figurative language use when voicing opinion. We present a Hindi-English code-mixed dataset of opinion on the politico-social issue of ‘2016 India banknote demonetisation‘ and annotate it across multiple dimensions such as aggression, hate speech, emotion arousal and figurative language usage (such as sarcasm/irony, metaphors/similes, puns/word-play).

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Towards Non-Toxic Landscapes: Automatic Toxic Comment Detection Using DNN
Ashwin Geet D’Sa | Irina Illina | Dominique Fohr

The spectacular expansion of the Internet has led to the development of a new research problem in the field of natural language processing: automatic toxic comment detection, since many countries prohibit hate speech in public media. There is no clear and formal definition of hate, offensive, toxic and abusive speeches. In this article, we put all these terms under the umbrella of “toxic speech”. The contribution of this paper is the design of binary classification and regression-based approaches aiming to predict whether a comment is toxic or not. We compare different unsupervised word representations and different DNN based classifiers. Moreover, we study the robustness of the proposed approaches to adversarial attacks by adding one (healthy or toxic) word. We evaluate the proposed methodology on the English Wikipedia Detox corpus. Our experiments show that using BERT fine-tuning outperforms feature-based BERT, Mikolov’s and fastText representations with different DNN classifiers.

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Aggression Identification in Social Media: a Transfer Learning Based Approach
Faneva Ramiandrisoa | Josiane Mothe

The way people communicate have changed in many ways with the outbreak of social media. One of the aspects of social media is the ability for their information producers to hide, fully or partially, their identity during a discussion; leading to cyber-aggression and interpersonal aggression. Automatically monitoring user-generated content in order to help moderating it is thus a very hot topic. In this paper, we propose to use the transformer based language model BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformer) (Devlin et al., 2019) to identify aggressive content. Our model is also used to predict the level of aggressiveness. The evaluation part of this paper is based on the dataset provided by the TRAC shared task (Kumar et al., 2018a). When compared to the other participants of this shared task, our model achieved the third best performance according to the weighted F1 measure on both Facebook and Twitter collections.

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Multimodal Meme Dataset (MultiOFF) for Identifying Offensive Content in Image and Text
Shardul Suryawanshi | Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi | Mihael Arcan | Paul Buitelaar

A meme is a form of media that spreads an idea or emotion across the internet. As posting meme has become a new form of communication of the web, due to the multimodal nature of memes, postings of hateful memes or related events like trolling, cyberbullying are increasing day by day. Hate speech, offensive content and aggression content detection have been extensively explored in a single modality such as text or image. However, combining two modalities to detect offensive content is still a developing area. Memes make it even more challenging since they express humour and sarcasm in an implicit way, because of which the meme may not be offensive if we only consider the text or the image. Therefore, it is necessary to combine both modalities to identify whether a given meme is offensive or not. Since there was no publicly available dataset for multimodal offensive meme content detection, we leveraged the memes related to the 2016 U.S. presidential election and created the MultiOFF multimodal meme dataset for offensive content detection dataset. We subsequently developed a classifier for this task using the MultiOFF dataset. We use an early fusion technique to combine the image and text modality and compare it with a text- and an image-only baseline to investigate its effectiveness. Our results show improvements in terms of Precision, Recall, and F-Score. The code and dataset for this paper is published in https://github.com/bharathichezhiyan/Multimodal-Meme-Classification-Identifying-Offensive-Content-in-Image-and-Text

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A Comparative Study of Different State-of-the-Art Hate Speech Detection Methods in Hindi-English Code-Mixed Data
Priya Rani | Shardul Suryawanshi | Koustava Goswami | Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi | Theodorus Fransen | John Philip McCrae

Hate speech detection in social media communication has become one of the primary concerns to avoid conflicts and curb undesired activities. In an environment where multilingual speakers switch among multiple languages, hate speech detection becomes a challenging task using methods that are designed for monolingual corpora. In our work, we attempt to analyze, detect and provide a comparative study of hate speech in a code-mixed social media text. We also provide a Hindi-English code-mixed data set consisting of Facebook and Twitter posts and comments. Our experiments show that deep learning models trained on this code-mixed corpus perform better.

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IRIT at TRAC 2020
Faneva Ramiandrisoa | Josiane Mothe

This paper describes the participation of the IRIT team in the TRAC (Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying) 2020 shared task (Bhattacharya et al., 2020) on Aggression Identification and more precisely to the shared task in English language. The shared task was further divided into two sub-tasks: (a) aggression identification and (b) misogynistic aggression identification. We proposed to use the transformer based language model BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformer) for the two sub-tasks. Our team was qualified as twelfth out of sixteen participants on sub-task (a) and eleventh out of fifteen participants on sub-task (b).

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Bagging BERT Models for Robust Aggression Identification
Julian Risch | Ralf Krestel

Modern transformer-based models with hundreds of millions of parameters, such as BERT, achieve impressive results at text classification tasks. This also holds for aggression identification and offensive language detection, where deep learning approaches consistently outperform less complex models, such as decision trees. While the complex models fit training data well (low bias), they also come with an unwanted high variance. Especially when fine-tuning them on small datasets, the classification performance varies significantly for slightly different training data. To overcome the high variance and provide more robust predictions, we propose an ensemble of multiple fine-tuned BERT models based on bootstrap aggregating (bagging). In this paper, we describe such an ensemble system and present our submission to the shared tasks on aggression identification 2020 (team name: Julian). Our submission is the best-performing system for five out of six subtasks. For example, we achieve a weighted F1-score of 80.3% for task A on the test dataset of English social media posts. In our experiments, we compare different model configurations and vary the number of models used in the ensemble. We find that the F1-score drastically increases when ensembling up to 15 models, but the returns diminish for more models.

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Scmhl5 at TRAC-2 Shared Task on Aggression Identification: Bert Based Ensemble Learning Approach
Han Liu | Pete Burnap | Wafa Alorainy | Matthew Williams

This paper presents a system developed during our participation (team name: scmhl5) in the TRAC-2 Shared Task on aggression identification. In particular, we participated in English Sub-task A on three-class classification (‘Overtly Aggressive’, ‘Covertly Aggressive’ and ‘Non-aggressive’) and English Sub-task B on binary classification for Misogynistic Aggression (‘gendered’ or ‘non-gendered’). For both sub-tasks, our method involves using the pre-trained Bert model for extracting the text of each instance into a 768-dimensional vector of embeddings, and then training an ensemble of classifiers on the embedding features. Our method obtained accuracy of 0.703 and weighted F-measure of 0.664 for Sub-task A, whereas for Sub-task B the accuracy was 0.869 and weighted F-measure was 0.851. In terms of the rankings, the weighted F-measure obtained using our method for Sub-task A is ranked in the 10th out of 16 teams, whereas for Sub-task B the weighted F-measure is ranked in the 8th out of 15 teams.

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The Role of Computational Stylometry in Identifying (Misogynistic) Aggression in English Social Media Texts
Antonio Pascucci | Raffaele Manna | Vincenzo Masucci | Johanna Monti

In this paper, we describe UniOr_ExpSys team participation in TRAC-2 (Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying) shared task, a workshop organized as part of LREC 2020. TRAC-2 shared task is organized in two sub-tasks: Aggression Identification (a 3-way classification between “Overtly Aggressive”, “Covertly Aggressive” and “Non-aggressive” text data) and Misogynistic Aggression Identification (a binary classifier for classifying the texts as “gendered” or “non-gendered”). Our approach is based on linguistic rules, stylistic features extraction through stylometric analysis and Sequential Minimal Optimization algorithm in building the two classifiers.

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Aggression Identification in English, Hindi and Bangla Text using BERT, RoBERTa and SVM
Arup Baruah | Kaushik Das | Ferdous Barbhuiya | Kuntal Dey

This paper presents the results of the classifiers we developed for the shared tasks in aggression identification and misogynistic aggression identification. These two shared tasks were held as part of the second workshop on Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying (TRAC). Both the subtasks were held for English, Hindi and Bangla language. In our study, we used English BERT (En-BERT), RoBERTa, DistilRoBERTa, and SVM based classifiers for English language. For Hindi and Bangla language, multilingual BERT (M-BERT), XLM-RoBERTa and SVM classifiers were used. Our best performing models are EN-BERT for English Subtask A (Weighted F1 score of 0.73, Rank 5/16), SVM for English Subtask B (Weighted F1 score of 0.87, Rank 2/15), SVM for Hindi Subtask A (Weighted F1 score of 0.79, Rank 2/10), XLMRoBERTa for Hindi Subtask B (Weighted F1 score of 0.87, Rank 2/10), SVM for Bangla Subtask A (Weighted F1 score of 0.81, Rank 2/10), and SVM for Bangla Subtask B (Weighted F1 score of 0.93, Rank 4/8). It is seen that the superior performance of the SVM classifier was achieved mainly because of its better prediction of the majority class. BERT based classifiers were found to predict the minority classes better.

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LaSTUS/TALN at TRAC - 2020 Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying
Lütfiye Seda Mut Altın | Alex Bravo | Horacio Saggion

This paper presents the participation of the LaSTUS/TALN team at TRAC-2020 Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying shared task. The aim of the task is to determine whether a given text is aggressive and contains misogynistic content. Our approach is based on a bidirectional Long Short Term Memory network (bi-LSTM). Our system performed well at sub-task A, aggression detection; however underachieved at sub-task B, misogyny detection.

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Spyder: Aggression Detection on Multilingual Tweets
Anisha Datta | Shukrity Si | Urbi Chakraborty | Sudip Kumar Naskar

In the last few years, hate speech and aggressive comments have covered almost all the social media platforms like facebook, twitter etc. As a result hatred is increasing. This paper describes our (Team name: Spyder) participation in the Shared Task on Aggression Detection organised by TRAC-2, Second Workshop on Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying. The Organizers provided datasets in three languages – English, Hindi and Bengali. The task was to classify each instance of the test sets into three categories – “Overtly Aggressive” (OAG), “Covertly Aggressive” (CAG) and “Non-Aggressive” (NAG). In this paper, we propose three different models using Tf-Idf, sentiment polarity and machine learning based classifiers. We obtained f1 score of 43.10%, 59.45% and 44.84% respectively for English, Hindi and Bengali.

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BERT of all trades, master of some
Denis Gordeev | Olga Lykova

This paper describes our results for TRAC 2020 competition held together with the conference LREC 2020. Our team name was Ms8qQxMbnjJMgYcw. The competition consisted of 2 subtasks in 3 languages (Bengali, English and Hindi) where the participants’ task was to classify aggression in short texts from social media and decide whether it is gendered or not. We used a single BERT-based system with two outputs for all tasks simultaneously. Our model placed first in English and second in Bengali gendered text classification competition tasks with 0.87 and 0.93 in F1-score respectively.

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SAJA at TRAC 2020 Shared Task: Transfer Learning for Aggressive Identification with XGBoost
Saja Tawalbeh | Mahmoud Hammad | Mohammad AL-Smadi

we have developed a system based on transfer learning technique depending on universal sentence encoder (USE) embedding that will be trained in our developed model using xgboost classifier to identify the aggressive text data from English content. A reference dataset has been provided from TRAC 2020 to evaluate the developed approach. The developed approach achieved in sub-task EN-A 60.75% F1 (weighted) which ranked fourteenth out of sixteen teams and achieved 85.66% F1 (weighted) in sub-task EN-B which ranked six out of fifteen teams.

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FlorUniTo@TRAC-2: Retrofitting Word Embeddings on an Abusive Lexicon for Aggressive Language Detection
Anna Koufakou | Valerio Basile | Viviana Patti

This paper describes our participation to the TRAC-2 Shared Tasks on Aggression Identification. Our team, FlorUniTo, investigated the applicability of using an abusive lexicon to enhance word embeddings towards improving detection of aggressive language. The embeddings used in our paper are word-aligned pre-trained vectors for English, Hindi, and Bengali, to reflect the languages in the shared task data sets. The embeddings are retrofitted to a multilingual abusive lexicon, HurtLex. We experimented with an LSTM model using the original as well as the transformed embeddings and different language and setting variations. Overall, our systems placed toward the middle of the official rankings based on weighted F1 score. However, the results on the development and test sets show promising improvements across languages, especially on the misogynistic aggression sub-task.

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AI_ML_NIT_Patna @ TRAC - 2: Deep Learning Approach for Multi-lingual Aggression Identification
Kirti Kumari | Jyoti Prakash Singh

This paper describes the details of developed models and results of team AI_ML_NIT_Patna for the shared task of TRAC - 2. The main objective of the said task is to identify the level of aggression and whether the comment is gendered based or not. The aggression level of each comment can be marked as either Overtly aggressive or Covertly aggressive or Non-aggressive. We have proposed two deep learning systems: Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short Term Memory with two different input text representations, FastText and One-hot embeddings. We have found that the LSTM model with FastText embedding is performing better than other models for Hindi and Bangla datasets but for the English dataset, the CNN model with FastText embedding has performed better. We have also found that the performances of One-hot embedding and pre-trained FastText embedding are comparable. Our system got 11th and 10th positions for English Sub-task A and Sub-task B, respectively, 8th and 7th positions, respectively for Hindi Sub-task A and Sub-task B and 7th and 6th positions for Bangla Sub-task A and Sub-task B, respectively among the total submitted systems.

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Multilingual Joint Fine-tuning of Transformer models for identifying Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying at TRAC 2020
Sudhanshu Mishra | Shivangi Prasad | Shubhanshu Mishra

We present our team ‘3Idiots’ (referred as ‘sdhanshu’ in the official rankings) approach for the Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying (TRAC) 2020 shared tasks. Our approach relies on fine-tuning various Transformer models on the different datasets. We also investigated the utility of task label marginalization, joint label classification, and joint training on multilingual datasets as possible improvements to our models. Our team came second in English sub-task A, a close fourth in the English sub-task B and third in the remaining 4 sub-tasks. We find the multilingual joint training approach to be the best trade-off between computational efficiency of model deployment and model’s evaluation performance. We open source our approach at https://github.com/socialmediaie/TRAC2020.

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Aggression and Misogyny Detection using BERT: A Multi-Task Approach
Niloofar Safi Samghabadi | Parth Patwa | Srinivas PYKL | Prerana Mukherjee | Amitava Das | Thamar Solorio

In recent times, the focus of the NLP community has increased towards offensive language, aggression, and hate-speech detection. This paper presents our system for TRAC-2 shared task on “Aggression Identification” (sub-task A) and “Misogynistic Aggression Identification” (sub-task B). The data for this shared task is provided in three different languages - English, Hindi, and Bengali. Each data instance is annotated into one of the three aggression classes - Not Aggressive, Covertly Aggressive, Overtly Aggressive, as well as one of the two misogyny classes - Gendered and Non-Gendered. We propose an end-to-end neural model using attention on top of BERT that incorporates a multi-task learning paradigm to address both the sub-tasks simultaneously. Our team, “na14”, scored 0.8579 weighted F1-measure on the English sub-task B and secured 3rd rank out of 15 teams for the task. The code and the model weights are publicly available at https://github.com/NiloofarSafi/TRAC-2. Keywords: Aggression, Misogyny, Abusive Language, Hate-Speech Detection, BERT, NLP, Neural Networks, Social Media

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Automatic Detection of Offensive Language in Social Media: Defining Linguistic Criteria to build a Mexican Spanish Dataset
María José Díaz-Torres | Paulina Alejandra Morán-Méndez | Luis Villasenor-Pineda | Manuel Montes-y-Gómez | Juan Aguilera | Luis Meneses-Lerín

Phenomena such as bullying, homophobia, sexism and racism have transcended to social networks, motivating the development of tools for their automatic detection. The challenge becomes greater for languages rich in popular sayings, colloquial expressions and idioms which may contain vulgar, profane or rude words, but not always have the intention of offending, as is the case of Mexican Spanish. Under these circumstances, the identification of the offense goes beyond the lexical and syntactic elements of the message. This first work aims to define the main linguistic features of aggressive, offensive and vulgar language in social networks in order to establish linguistic-based criteria to facilitate the identification of abusive language. For this purpose, a Mexican Spanish Twitter corpus was compiled and analyzed. The dataset included words that, despite being rude, need to be considered in context to determine they are part of an offense. Based on the analysis of this corpus, linguistic criteria were defined to determine whether a message is offensive. To simplify the application of these criteria, an easy-to-follow diagram was designed. The paper presents an example of the use of the diagram, as well as the basic statistics of the corpus.

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Offensive Language Detection Explained
Julian Risch | Robin Ruff | Ralf Krestel

Many online discussion platforms use a content moderation process, where human moderators check user comments for offensive language and other rule violations. It is the moderator’s decision which comments to remove from the platform because of violations and which ones to keep. Research so far focused on automating this decision process in the form of supervised machine learning for a classification task. However, even with machine-learned models achieving better classification accuracy than human experts, there is still a reason why human moderators are preferred. In contrast to black-box models, such as neural networks, humans can give explanations for their decision to remove a comment. For example, they can point out which phrase in the comment is offensive or what subtype of offensiveness applies. In this paper, we analyze and compare four explanation methods for different offensive language classifiers: an interpretable machine learning model (naive Bayes), a model-agnostic explanation method (LIME), a model-based explanation method (LRP), and a self-explanatory model (LSTM with an attention mechanism). We evaluate these approaches with regard to their explanatory power and their ability to point out which words are most relevant for a classifier’s decision. We find that the more complex models achieve better classification accuracy while also providing better explanations than the simpler models.

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Detecting Early Signs of Cyberbullying in Social Media
Niloofar Safi Samghabadi | Adrián Pastor López Monroy | Thamar Solorio

Nowadays, the amount of users’ activities on online social media is growing dramatically. These online environments provide excellent opportunities for communication and knowledge sharing. However, some people misuse them to harass and bully others online, a phenomenon called cyberbullying. Due to its harmful effects on people, especially youth, it is imperative to detect cyberbullying as early as possible before it causes irreparable damages to victims. Most of the relevant available resources are not explicitly designed to detect cyberbullying, but related content, such as hate speech and abusive language. In this paper, we propose a new approach to create a corpus suited for cyberbullying detection. We also investigate the possibility of designing a framework to monitor the streams of users’ online messages and detects the signs of cyberbullying as early as possible.

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Lexicon-Enhancement of Embedding-based Approaches Towards the Detection of Abusive Language
Anna Koufakou | Jason Scott

Detecting abusive language is a significant research topic, which has received a lot of attention recently. Our work focuses on detecting personal attacks in online conversations. As previous research on this task has largely used deep learning based on embeddings, we explore the use of lexicons to enhance embedding-based methods in an effort to see how these methods apply in the particular task of detecting personal attacks. The methods implemented and experimented with in this paper are quite different from each other, not only in the type of lexicons they use (sentiment or semantic), but also in the way they use the knowledge from the lexicons, in order to construct or to change embeddings that are ultimately fed into the learning model. The sentiment lexicon approaches focus on integrating sentiment information (in the form of sentiment embeddings) into the learning model. The semantic lexicon approaches focus on transforming the original word embeddings so that they better represent relationships extracted from a semantic lexicon. Based on our experimental results, semantic lexicon methods are superior to the rest of the methods in this paper, with at least 4% macro-averaged F1 improvement over the baseline.

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Developing a Multilingual Annotated Corpus of Misogyny and Aggression
Shiladitya Bhattacharya | Siddharth Singh | Ritesh Kumar | Akanksha Bansal | Akash Bhagat | Yogesh Dawer | Bornini Lahiri | Atul Kr. Ojha

In this paper, we discuss the development of a multilingual annotated corpus of misogyny and aggression in Indian English, Hindi, and Indian Bangla as part of a project on studying and automatically identifying misogyny and communalism on social media (the ComMA Project). The dataset is collected from comments on YouTube videos and currently contains a total of over 20,000 comments. The comments are annotated at two levels - aggression (overtly aggressive, covertly aggressive, and non-aggressive) and misogyny (gendered and non-gendered). We describe the process of data collection, the tagset used for annotation, and issues and challenges faced during the process of annotation. Finally, we discuss the results of the baseline experiments conducted to develop a classifier for misogyny in the three languages.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2020)

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Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2020)
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe | Miryam de Lhoneux | Joakim Nivre | Sebastian Schuster

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A Small Universal Dependencies Treebank for Hittite
Erik Andersen | Benjamin Rozonoyer

We present the first Universal Dependencies treebank for Hittite. This paper expands on earlier efforts at Hittite corpus creation (Molina and Molin, 2016; Molina, 2016) and discussions of annotation guidelines for Hittite within the UD framework (Inglese, 2015; Inglese et al., 2018). We build on the expertise of the above works to create a small corpus which we hope will serve as a stepping-stone to more expansive UD treebanking for Hittite.

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Parsing in the absence of related languages: Evaluating low-resource dependency parsers on Tagalog
Angelina Aquino | Franz de Leon

Cross-lingual and multilingual methods have been widely suggested as options for dependency parsing of low-resource languages; however, these typically require the use of annotated data in related high-resource languages. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of these methods versus monolingual parsing of Tagalog, an Austronesian language which shares little typological similarity with any existing high-resource languages. We show that a monolingual model developed on minimal target language data consistently outperforms all cross-lingual and multilingual models when no closely-related sources exist for a low-resource language.

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A Universal Dependencies Conversion Pipeline for a Penn-format Constituency Treebank
Þórunn Arnardóttir | Hinrik Hafsteinsson | Einar Freyr Sigurðsson | Kristín Bjarnadóttir | Anton Karl Ingason | Hildur Jónsdóttir | Steinþór Steingrímsson

The topic of this paper is a rule-based pipeline for converting constituency treebanks based on the Penn Treebank format to Universal Dependencies (UD). We describe an Icelandic constituency treebank, its annotation scheme and the UD scheme. The conversion is discussed, the methods used to deliver a fully automated UD corpus and complications involved. To show its applicability to corpora in different languages, we extend the pipeline and convert a Faroese constituency treebank to a UD corpus. The result is an open-source conversion tool, published under an Apache 2.0 license, applicable to a Penn-style treebank for conversion to a UD corpus, along with the two new UD corpora.

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Corpus evidence for word order freezing in Russian and German
Aleksandrs Berdicevskis | Alexander Piperski

We use Universal Dependencies treebanks to test whether a well-known typological trade-off between word order freedom and richness of morphological marking of core arguments holds within individual languages. Using Russian and German treebank data, we show that the following phenomenon (sometimes dubbed word order freezing) does occur: those sentences where core arguments cannot be distinguished by morphological means (due to case syncretism or other kinds of ambiguity) have more rigid order of subject, verb and object than those where unambiguous morphological marking is present. In ambiguous clauses, word order is more often equal to the one which is default or dominant (most frequent) in the language. While Russian and German differ with respect to how exactly they mark core arguments, the effect of morphological ambiguity is significant in both languages. It is, however, small, suggesting that languages do adapt to the evolutionary pressure on communicative efficiency and avoidance of redundancy, but that the pressure is weak in this particular respect.

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Subjecthood and annotation: The cases of French and Wolof
Olivier Bondéelle | Sylvain Kahane

This article considers the annotation of subjects in UD treebanks. The identification of the subject poses a particular problem in Wolof, due to pronominal indices whose status as a pronoun or a pronominal affix is uncertain. In the UD treebank available for Wolof (Dione, 2019), these have been annotated depending on the construction either as true subjects, or as morphosyntactic features agreeing with the verb. The study of this corpus of 40 000 words allows us to show that the problem is indeed difficult to solve, especially since Wolof has a rich system of auxiliaries and several basic constructions with different properties. Before addressing the case of Wolof, we will present the simpler, but partly comparable, case of French, where subject clitics also tend to behave like affixes, and subjecthood can move from the preverbal to the detached position. We will also make a several annotation recommendations that would avoid overwriting information regarding subjecthood.

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Verification, Reproduction and Replication of NLP Experiments: a Case Study on Parsing Universal Dependencies
Çağrı Çöltekin

As in any field of inquiry that depends on experiments, the verifiability of experimental studies is important in computational linguistics. Despite increased attention to verification of empirical results, the practices in the field are unclear. Furthermore, we argue, certain traditions and practices that are seemingly useful for verification may in fact be counterproductive. We demonstrate this through a set of multi-lingual experiments on parsing Universal Dependencies treebanks. In particular, we show that emphasis on exact replication leads to practices (some of which are now well established) that hide the variation in experimental results, effectively hindering verifiability with a false sense of certainty. The purpose of the present paper is to highlight the magnitude of the issues resulting from these common practices with the hope of instigating further discussion. Once we, as a community, are convinced about the importance of the problems, the solutions are rather obvious, although not necessarily easy to implement.

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From LFG To UD: A Combined Approach
Cheikh M. Bamba Dione

This paper reports on a systematic approach for deriving Universal Dependencies from LFG structures. The conversion starts with a step-wise transformation of the c-structure, combining part-of-speech (POS) information and the embedding path to determine the true head of dependency structures. The paper discusses several issues faced by existing algorithms when applied on Wolof and presents the strategies used to account for these issues. An experimental evaluation indicated that our approach was able to generate the correct output in more than 90% of the cases, leading to a substantial improvement in conversion accuracy compared to the previous models.

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Identifying and Handling Cross-Treebank Inconsistencies in UD: A Pilot Study
Tillmann Dönicke | Xiang Yu | Jonas Kuhn

The Universal Dependencies treebanks are a still-growing collection of treebanks for a wide range of languages, all annotated with a common inventory of dependency relations. Yet, the usages of the relations can be categorically different even for treebanks of the same language. We present a pilot study on identifying such inconsistencies in a language-independent way and conduct an experiment which illustrates that a proper handling of inconsistencies can improve parsing performance by several percentage points.

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Composing Byte-Pair Encodings for Morphological Sequence Classification
Adam Ek | Jean-Philippe Bernardy

Byte-pair encodings is a method for splitting a word into sub-word tokens, a language model then assigns contextual representations separately to each of these tokens. In this paper, we evaluate four different methods of composing such sub-word representations into word representations. We evaluate the methods on morphological sequence classification, the task of predicting grammatical features of a word. Our experiments reveal that using an RNN to compute word representations is consistently more effective than the other methods tested across a sample of eight languages with different typology and varying numbers of byte-pair tokens per word.

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Configurable Dependency Tree Extraction from CCG Derivations
Kilian Evang

We revisit the problem of extracting dependency structures from the derivation structures of Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG). Previous approaches are often restricted to a narrow subset of CCG or support only one flavor of dependency tree. Our approach is more general and easily configurable, so that multiple styles of dependency tree can be obtained. In an initial case study, we show promising results for converting English, German, Italian, and Dutch CCG derivations from the Parallel Meaning Bank into (unlabeled) UD-style dependency trees.

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Unifying the Treatment of Preposition-Determiner Contractions in German Universal Dependencies Treebanks
Stefan Grünewald | Annemarie Friedrich

HDT-UD, the largest German UD treebank by a large margin, as well as the German-LIT treebank, currently do not analyze preposition-determiner contractions such as zum (= zu dem, “to the”) as multi-word tokens, which is inconsistent both with UD guidelines as well as other German UD corpora (GSD and PUD). In this paper, we show that harmonizing corpora with regard to this highly frequent phenomenon using a lookup-table based approach leads to a considerable increase in automatic parsing performance.

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Annotation Issues in Universal Dependencies for Korean and Japanese
Ji Yoon Han | Tae Hwan Oh | Lee Jin | Hansaem Kim

To investigate issues that arise in the process of developing a Universal Dependency (UD) treebank for Korean and Japanese, we begin by addressing the typological characteristics of Korean and Japanese. Both Korean and Japanese are agglutinative and head-final languages. And the principle of word segmentation for both languages is different from English, which makes it difficult to apply UD guidelines. Following the typological characteristics of the two languages and the issue of UD application, we review the application of UPOS and DEPREL schemes to the two languages. The annotation principles for AUX, ADJ, DET, ADP and PART are discussed for the UPOS scheme, and the annotation principles for case, aux, iobj, and obl are discussed for the DEPREL scheme.

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Exploring diachronic syntactic shifts with dependency length: the case of scientific English
Tom S Juzek | Marie-Pauline Krielke | Elke Teich

We report on an application of universal dependencies for the study of diachronic shifts in syntactic usage patterns. Our focus is on the evolution of Scientific English in the Late Modern English period (ca. 1700-1900). Our data set is the Royal Society Corpus (RSC), comprising the full set of publications of the Royal Society of London between 1665 and 1996. Our starting assumption is that over time, Scientific English develops specific syntactic choice preferences that increase efficiency in (expert-to-expert) communication. The specific hypothesis we pursue in this paper is that changing syntactic choice preferences lead to greater dependency locality/dependency length minimization, which is associated with positive effects for the efficiency of human as well as computational linguistic processing. As a basis for our measurements, we parsed the RSC using Stanford CoreNLP. Overall, we observe a decrease in dependency length, with long dependency structures becoming less frequent and short dependency structures becoming more frequent over time, notably pertaining to the nominal phrase, thus marking an overall push towards greater communicative efficiency.

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UDon2: a library for manipulating Universal Dependencies trees
Dmytro Kalpakchi | Johan Boye

UDon2 is an open-source library for manipulating dependency trees represented in the CoNLL-U format. The library is compatible with the Universal Dependencies. UDon2 is aimed at developers of downstream Natural Language Processing applications that require manipulating dependency trees on the sentence level (in addition to other available tools geared towards working with treebanks).

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Annotating MWEs in the Irish UD Treebank
Sarah McGuinness | Jason Phelan | Abigail Walsh | Teresa Lynn

This paper reports on the analysis and annotation of Multiword Expressions in the Irish Universal Dependency Treebank. We provide a linguistic discussion around decisions on how to appropri- ately label Irish MWEs using the compound, flat and fixed dependency relation labels within the framework of the Universal Dependencies annotation guidelines. We discuss some nuances of the Irish language that pose challenges for assigning these UD labels and provide this report in support of the Irish UD annotation guidelines. With this we hope to ensure consistency in annotation across the dataset and provide a basis for future MWE annotation for Irish.

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I’ve got a construction looks funny – representing and recovering non-standard constructions in UD
Josef Ruppenhofer | Ines Rehbein

The UD framework defines guidelines for a crosslingual syntactic analysis in the framework of dependency grammar, with the aim of providing a consistent treatment across languages that not only supports multilingual NLP applications but also facilitates typological studies. Until now, the UD framework has mostly focussed on bilexical grammatical relations. In the paper, we propose to add a constructional perspective and discuss several examples of spoken-language constructions that occur in multiple languages and challenge the current use of basic and enhanced UD relations. The examples include cases where the surface relations are deceptive, and syntactic amalgams that either involve unconnected subtrees or structures with multiply-headed dependents. We argue that a unified treatment of constructions across languages will increase the consistency of the UD annotations and thus the quality of the treebanks for linguistic analysis.

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Universal Dependencies for Manx Gaelic
Kevin Scannell

Manx Gaelic is one of the three Q-Celtic languages, along with Irish and Scottish Gaelic. We present a new dependency treebank for Manx consisting of 291 sentences and about 6000 tokens, annotated according to the Universal Dependency (UD) guidelines. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first annotated corpus of any kind for Manx. Our annotations generally follow the conventions established by the existing UD treebanks for Irish and Scottish Gaelic, although we highlight some areas where the grammar of Manx diverges, requiring new analyses. We use 10-fold cross validation to evaluate the accuracy of dependency parsers trained on the corpus, and compare these results with delexicalised models transferred from Irish and Scottish Gaelic.

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Variation in Universal Dependencies annotation: A token-based typological case study on adpossessive constructions
Kaius Sinnemäki | Viljami Haakana

In this paper we present a method for identifying and analyzing adnominal possessive constructions in 66 Universal Dependencies treebanks. We classify adpossessive constructions in terms of their morphological type (locus of marking) and present a workflow for detecting and analyzing them typologically. Based on a preliminary evaluation, the algorithm works fairly reliably in adpossessive constructions that are morphologically marked. However, it performs rather poorly in adpossessive constructions that are not marked morphologically, so-called zero-marked constructions, because of difficulties in identifying these constructions with the current annotation. We also discuss different types of variation in annotation in different treebanks for the same language and for treebanks of closely related languages. The research focuses on one well-circumscribed and universal construction in the hope of generating more interest in using UD for cross-linguistic comparison and for contributing towards developing yet more consistent annotation of constructions in the UD annotation scheme.

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PALMYRA 2.0: A Configurable Multilingual Platform Independent Tool for Morphology and Syntax Annotation
Dima Taji | Nizar Habash

We present PALMYRA 2.0, a graphical dependency-tree visualization and editing software. PALMYRA 2.0 is designed to be highly configurable to any dependency parsing representation, and to enable the annotation of a multitude of linguistic features. It uses an intuitive interface that relies on drag-and-drop utilities as well as pop-up menus and keyboard shortcuts that can be easily specified.

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Universal Dependencies for Albanian
Marsida Toska | Joakim Nivre | Daniel Zeman

In this paper, we introduce the first Universal Dependencies (UD) treebank for standard Albanian, consisting of 60 sentences collected from the Albanian Wikipedia, annotated with lemmas, universal part-of-speech tags, morphological features and syntactic dependencies. In addition to presenting the treebank itself, we discuss a selection of linguistic constructions in Albanian whose analysis in UD is not self-evident, including core arguments and the status of indirect objects, pronominal clitics, genitive constructions, prearticulated adjectives, and modal verbs.

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First Steps towards Universal Dependencies for Laz
Utku Türk | Kaan Bayar | Ayşegül Dilara Özercan | Görkem Yiğit Öztürk | Şaziye Betül Özateş

This paper presents the first treebank for the Laz language, which is also the first Universal Dependencies Treebank for a South Caucasian language. This treebank aims to create a syntactically and morphologically annotated resource for further research. We also aim to document an endangered language in a systematic fashion within an inherently cross-linguistic framework: the Universal Dependencies Project (UD). As of now, our treebank consists of 576 sentences and 2,306 tokens annotated in light with the UD guidelines. We evaluated the treebank on the dependency parsing task using a pretrained multilingual parsing model, and the results are comparable with other low-resourced treebanks with no training set. We aim to expand our treebank in the near future to include 1,500 sentences. The bigger goal for our project is to create a set of treebanks for minority languages in Anatolia.

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Dependency annotation of noun incorporation in polysynthetic languages
Francis Tyers | Karina Mishchenkova

This paper describes an approach to annotating noun incorporation in Universal Dependencies. It motivates the need to annotate this particular morphosyntactic phenomenon and justifies it with respect to frequency of the construction. A case study is presented in which the proposed annotation scheme is applied to Chukchi, a language that exhibits noun incorporation. We compare argument encoding in Chukchi, English and Russian and find that while in English and Russian discourse elements are primarily tracked through noun phrases and pronouns, in Chukchi they are tracked through agreement marking and incorporation, with a lesser role for noun phrases.

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Universal Dependency Treebank for Xibe
He Zhou | Juyeon Chung | Sandra Kübler | Francis Tyers

We present our work of constructing the first treebank for the Xibe language following the Universal Dependencies (UD) annotation scheme. Xibe is a low-resourced and severely endangered Tungusic language spoken by the Xibe minority living in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. We collected 810 sentences so far, including 544 sentences from a grammar book on written Xibe and 266 sentences from Cabcal News. We annotated those sentences manually from scratch. In this paper, we report the procedure of building this treebank and analyze several important annotation issues of our treebank. Finally, we propose our plans for future work.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects

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Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects
Marcos Zampieri | Preslav Nakov | Nikola Ljubešić | Jörg Tiedemann | Yves Scherrer

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A Report on the VarDial Evaluation Campaign 2020
Mihaela Gaman | Dirk Hovy | Radu Tudor Ionescu | Heidi Jauhiainen | Tommi Jauhiainen | Krister Lindén | Nikola Ljubešić | Niko Partanen | Christoph Purschke | Yves Scherrer | Marcos Zampieri

This paper presents the results of the VarDial Evaluation Campaign 2020 organized as part of the seventh workshop on Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial), co-located with COLING 2020. The campaign included three shared tasks each focusing on a different challenge of language and dialect identification: Romanian Dialect Identification (RDI), Social Media Variety Geolocation (SMG), and Uralic Language Identification (ULI). The campaign attracted 30 teams who enrolled to participate in one or multiple shared tasks and 14 of them submitted runs across the three shared tasks. Finally, 11 papers describing participating systems are published in the VarDial proceedings and referred to in this report.

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ASR for Non-standardised Languages with Dialectal Variation: the case of Swiss German
Iuliia Nigmatulina | Tannon Kew | Tanja Samardzic

Strong regional variation, together with the lack of standard orthography, makes Swiss German automatic speech recognition (ASR) particularly difficult in a multi-dialectal setting. This paper focuses on one of the many challenges, namely, the choice of the output text to represent non-standardised Swiss German. We investigate two potential options: a) dialectal writing – approximate phonemic transcriptions that provide close correspondence between grapheme labels and the acoustic signal but are highly inconsistent and b) normalised writing – transcriptions resembling standard German that are relatively consistent but distant from the acoustic signal. To find out which writing facilitates Swiss German ASR, we build several systems using the Kaldi toolkit and a dataset covering 14 regional varieties. A formal comparison shows that the system trained on the normalised transcriptions achieves better results in word error rate (WER) (29.39%) but underperforms at the character level, suggesting dialectal transcriptions offer a viable solution for downstream applications where dialectal differences are important. To better assess word-level performance for dialectal transcriptions, we use a flexible WER measure (FlexWER). When evaluated with this metric, the system trained on dialectal transcriptions outperforms that trained on the normalised writing. Besides establishing a benchmark for Swiss German multi-dialectal ASR, our findings can be helpful in designing ASR systems for other languages without standard orthography.

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LSDC - A comprehensive dataset for Low Saxon Dialect Classification
Janine Siewert | Yves Scherrer | Martijn Wieling | Jörg Tiedemann

We present a new comprehensive dataset for the unstandardised West-Germanic language Low Saxon covering the last two centuries, the majority of modern dialects and various genres, which will be made openly available in connection with the final version of this paper. Since so far no such comprehensive dataset of contemporary Low Saxon exists, this provides a great contribution to NLP research on this language. We also test the use of this dataset for dialect classification by training a few baseline models comparing statistical and neural approaches. The performance of these models shows that in spite of an imbalance in the amount of data per dialect, enough features can be learned for a relatively high classification accuracy.

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Machine-oriented NMT Adaptation for Zero-shot NLP tasks: Comparing the Usefulness of Close and Distant Languages
Amirhossein Tebbifakhr | Matteo Negri | Marco Turchi

Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models are typically trained by considering humans as end-users and maximizing human-oriented objectives. However, in some scenarios, their output is consumed by automatic NLP components rather than by humans. In these scenarios, translations’ quality is measured in terms of their “fitness for purpose” (i.e. maximizing performance of external NLP tools) rather than in terms of standard human fluency/adequacy criteria. Recently, reinforcement learning techniques exploiting the feedback from downstream NLP tools have been proposed for “machine-oriented” NMT adaptation. In this work, we tackle the problem in a multilingual setting where a single NMT model translates from multiple languages for downstream automatic processing in the target language. Knowledge sharing across close and distant languages allows to apply our machine-oriented approach in the zero-shot setting where no labeled data for the test language is seen at training time. Moreover, we incorporate multi-lingual BERT in the source side of our NMT system to benefit from the knowledge embedded in this model. Our experiments show coherent performance gains, for different language directions over both i) “generic” NMT models (trained for human consumption), and ii) fine-tuned multilingual BERT. This gain for zero-shot language directions (e.g. Spanish–English) is higher when the models are fine-tuned on a closely-related source language (Italian) than a distant one (German).

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Character Alignment in Morphologically Complex Translation Sets for Related Languages
Michael Gasser | Binyam Ephrem Seyoum | Nazareth Amlesom Kifle

For languages with complex morphology, word-to-word translation is a task with various potential applications, for example, in information retrieval, language instruction, and dictionary creation, as well as in machine translation. In this paper, we confine ourselves to the subtask of character alignment for the particular case of families of related languages with very few resources for most or all members. There are many such families; we focus on the subgroup of Semitic languages spoken in Ethiopia and Eritrea. We begin with an adaptation of the familiar alignment algorithms behind statistical machine translation, modifying them as appropriate for our task. We show how character alignment can reveal morphological, phonological, and orthographic correspondences among related languages.

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Bilingual Lexicon Induction across Orthographically-distinct Under-Resourced Dravidian Languages
Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi | Navaneethan Rajasekaran | Mihael Arcan | Kevin McGuinness | Noel E. O’Connor | John P. McCrae

Bilingual lexicons are a vital tool for under-resourced languages and recent state-of-the-art approaches to this leverage pretrained monolingual word embeddings using supervised or semi-supervised approaches. However, these approaches require cross-lingual information such as seed dictionaries to train the model and find a linear transformation between the word embedding spaces. Especially in the case of low-resourced languages, seed dictionaries are not readily available, and as such, these methods produce extremely weak results on these languages. In this work, we focus on the Dravidian languages, namely Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam, which are even more challenging as they are written in unique scripts. To take advantage of orthographic information and cognates in these languages, we bring the related languages into a single script. Previous approaches have used linguistically sub-optimal measures such as the Levenshtein edit distance to detect cognates, whereby we demonstrate that the longest common sub-sequence is linguistically more sound and improves the performance of bilingual lexicon induction. We show that our approach can increase the accuracy of bilingual lexicon induction methods on these languages many times, making bilingual lexicon induction approaches feasible for such under-resourced languages.

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Building a Corpus for the Zaza–Gorani Language Family
Sina Ahmadi

Thanks to the growth of local communities and various news websites along with the increasing accessibility of the Web, some of the endangered and less-resourced languages have a chance to revive in the information era. Therefore, the Web is considered a huge resource that can be used to extract language corpora which enable researchers to carry out various studies in linguistics and language technology. The Zaza–Gorani language family is a linguistic subgroup of the Northwestern Iranian languages for which there is no significant corpus available. Motivated to create one, in this paper we present our endeavour to collect a corpus in Zazaki and Gorani languages containing over 1.6M and 194k word tokens, respectively. This corpus is publicly available.

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Dealing with dialectal variation in the construction of the Basque historical corpus
Ainara Estarrona | Izaskun Etxeberria | Ricardo Etxepare | Manuel Padilla-Moyano | Ander Soraluze

This paper analyses the challenge of working with dialectal variation when semi-automatically normalising and analysing historical Basque texts. This work is part of a more general ongoing project for the construction of a morphosyntactically annotated historical corpus of Basque called Basque in the Making (BIM): A Historical Look at a European Language Isolate, whose main objective is the systematic and diachronic study of a number of grammatical features. This will be not only the first tagged corpus of historical Basque, but also a means to improve language processing tools by analysing historical Basque varieties more or less distant from present-day standard Basque.

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Recycling and Comparing Morphological Annotation Models for Armenian Diachronic-Variational Corpus Processing
Chahan Vidal-Gorène | Victoria Khurshudyan | Anaïd Donabédian-Demopoulos

Armenian is a language with significant variation and unevenly distributed NLP resources for different varieties. An attempt is made to process an RNN model for morphological annotation on the basis of different Armenian data (provided or not with morphologically annotated corpora), and to compare the annotation results of RNN and rule-based models. Different tests were carried out to evaluate the reuse of an unspecialized model of lemmatization and POS-tagging for under-resourced language varieties. The research focused on three dialects and further extended to Western Armenian with a mean accuracy of 94,00 % in lemmatization and 97,02% in POS-tagging, as well as a possible reusability of models to cover different other Armenian varieties. Interestingly, the comparison of an RNN model trained on Eastern Armenian with the Eastern Armenian National Corpus rule-based model applied to Western Armenian showed an enhancement of 19% in parsing. This model covers 88,79% of a short heterogeneous dataset in Western Armenian, and could be a baseline for a massive corpus annotation in that standard. It is argued that an RNN-based model can be a valid alternative to a rule-based one giving consideration to such factors as time-consumption, reusability for different varieties of a target language and significant qualitative results in morphological annotation.

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Neural Machine Translation for translating into Croatian and Serbian
Maja Popović | Alberto Poncelas | Marija Brkic | Andy Way

In this work, we systematically investigate different set-ups for training of neural machine translation (NMT) systems for translation into Croatian and Serbian, two closely related South Slavic languages. We explore English and German as source languages, different sizes and types of training corpora, as well as bilingual and multilingual systems. We also explore translation of English IMDb user movie reviews, a domain/genre where only monolingual data are available. First, our results confirm that multilingual systems with joint target languages perform better. Furthermore, translation performance from English is much better than from German, partly because German is morphologically more complex and partly because the corpus consists mostly of parallel human translations instead of original text and its human translation. The translation from German should be further investigated systematically. For translating user reviews, creating synthetic in-domain parallel data through back- and forward-translation and adding them to a small out-of-domain parallel corpus can yield performance comparable with a system trained on a full out-of-domain corpus. However, it is still not clear what is the optimal size of synthetic in-domain data, especially for forward-translated data where the target language is machine translated. More detailed research including manual evaluation and analysis is needed in this direction.

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A Tokenization System for the Kurdish Language
Sina Ahmadi

Tokenization is one of the essential and fundamental tasks in natural language processing. Despite the recent advances in applying unsupervised statistical methods for this task, every language with its writing system and orthography represents specific challenges that should be addressed individually. In this paper, as a preliminary study of its kind, we propose an approach for the tokenization of the Sorani and Kurmanji dialects of Kurdish using a lexicon and a morphological analyzer. We demonstrate how the morphological complexity of the language along with the lack of a unified orthography can be efficiently addressed in tokenization. We also develop an annotated dataset for which our approach outperforms the performance of unsupervised methods.

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Rediscovering the Slavic Continuum in Representations Emerging from Neural Models of Spoken Language Identification
Badr M. Abdullah | Jacek Kudera | Tania Avgustinova | Bernd Möbius | Dietrich Klakow

Deep neural networks have been employed for various spoken language recognition tasks, including tasks that are multilingual by definition such as spoken language identification (LID). In this paper, we present a neural model for Slavic language identification in speech signals and analyze its emergent representations to investigate whether they reflect objective measures of language relatedness or non-linguists’ perception of language similarity. While our analysis shows that the language representation space indeed captures language relatedness to a great extent, we find perceptual confusability to be the best predictor of the language representation similarity.

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A Four-Dialect Treebank for Occitan: Building Process and Parsing Experiments
Aleksandra Miletic | Myriam Bras | Marianne Vergez-Couret | Louise Esher | Clamença Poujade | Jean Sibille

Occitan is a Romance language spoken mainly in the south of France. It has no official status in the country, it is not standardized and displays important diatopic variation resulting in a rich system of dialects. Recently, a first treebank for this language was created. However, this corpus is based exclusively on texts in the Lengadocian dialect. Our paper describes the work aimed at extending the existing corpus with content in three new dialects, namely Gascon, Provençau and Lemosin. We describe both the annotation of initial content in these new varieties of Occitan and experiments allowing us to identify the most efficient method for further enrichment of the corpus. We observe that parsing models trained on Occitan dialects achieve better results than a delexicalized model trained on other Romance languages despite the latter training corpus being much larger (20K vs 900K tokens). The results of the native Occitan models show an important impact of cross-dialectal lexical variation, whereas syntactic variation seems to affect the systems less. We hope that the resulting corpus, incorporating several Occitan varieties, will facilitate the training of robust NLP tools, capable of processing all kinds of Occitan texts.

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Vulgaris: Analysis of a Corpus for Middle-Age Varieties of Italian Language
Andrea Zugarini | Matteo Tiezzi | Marco Maggini

Italian is a Romance language that has its roots in Vulgar Latin. The birth of the modern Italian started in Tuscany around the 14th century, and it is mainly attributed to the works of Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca and Giovanni Boccaccio, who are among the most acclaimed authors of the medieval age in Tuscany. However, Italy has been characterized by a high variety of dialects, which are often loosely related to each other, due to the past fragmentation of the territory. Italian has absorbed influences from many of these dialects, as also from other languages due to dominion of portions of the country by other nations, such as Spain and France. In this work we present Vulgaris, a project aimed at studying a corpus of Italian textual resources from authors of different regions, ranging in a time period between 1200 and 1600. Each composition is associated to its author, and authors are also grouped in families, i.e. sharing similar stylistic/chronological characteristics. Hence, the dataset is not only a valuable resource for studying the diachronic evolution of Italian and the differences between its dialects, but it is also useful to investigate stylistic aspects between single authors. We provide a detailed statistical analysis of the data, and a corpus-driven study in dialectology and diachronic varieties.

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Towards Augmenting Lexical Resources for Slang and African American English
Alyssa Hwang | William R. Frey | Kathleen McKeown

Researchers in natural language processing have developed large, robust resources for understanding formal Standard American English (SAE), but we lack similar resources for variations of English, such as slang and African American English (AAE). In this work, we use word embeddings and clustering algorithms to group semantically similar words in three datasets, two of which contain high incidence of slang and AAE. Since high-quality clusters would contain related words, we could also infer the meaning of an unfamiliar word based on the meanings of words clustered with it. After clustering, we compute precision and recall scores using WordNet and ConceptNet as gold standards and show that these scores are unimportant when the given resources do not fully represent slang and AAE. Amazon Mechanical Turk and expert evaluations show that clusters with low precision can still be considered high quality, and we propose the new Cluster Split Score as a metric for machine-generated clusters. These contributions emphasize the gap in natural language processing research for variations of English and motivate further work to close it.

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Uralic Language Identification (ULI) 2020 shared task dataset and the Wanca 2017 corpora
Tommi Jauhiainen | Heidi Jauhiainen | Niko Partanen | Krister Lindén

This article introduces the Wanca 2017 web corpora from which the sentences written in minor Uralic languages were collected for the test set of the Uralic Language Identification (ULI) 2020 shared task. We describe the ULI shared task and how the test set was constructed using the Wanca 2017 corpora and texts in different languages from the Leipzig corpora collection. We also provide the results of a baseline language identification experiment conducted using the ULI 2020 dataset.

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Dialect Identification under Domain Shift: Experiments with Discriminating Romanian and Moldavian
Çağrı Çöltekin

This paper describes a set of experiments for discriminating between two closely related language varieties, Moldavian and Romanian, under a substantial domain shift. The experiments were conducted as part of the Romanian dialect identification task in the VarDial 2020 evaluation campaign. Our best system based on linear SVM classifier obtained the first position in the shared task with an F1 score of 0.79, supporting the earlier results showing (unexpected) success of machine learning systems in this task. The additional experiments reported in this paper also show that adapting to the test set is useful when the training data comes from another domain. However, the benefit of adaptation becomes doubtful even when a small amount of data from the target domain is available.

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Applying Multilingual and Monolingual Transformer-Based Models for Dialect Identification
Cristian Popa | Vlad Ștefănescu

We study the ability of large fine-tuned transformer models to solve a binary classification task of dialect identification, with a special interest in comparing the performance of multilingual to monolingual ones. The corpus analyzed contains Romanian and Moldavian samples from the news domain, as well as tweets for assessing the performance. We find that the monolingual models are superior to the multilingual ones and the best results are obtained using an SVM ensemble of 5 different transformer-based models. We provide our experimental results and an analysis of the attention mechanisms of the best-performing individual classifiers to explain their decisions. The code we used was released under an open-source license.

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HeLju@VarDial 2020: Social Media Variety Geolocation with BERT Models
Yves Scherrer | Nikola Ljubešić

This paper describes the Helsinki-Ljubljana contribution to the VarDial shared task on social media variety geolocation. Our solutions are based on the BERT Transformer models, the constrained versions of our models reaching 1st place in two subtasks and 3rd place in one subtask, while our unconstrained models outperform all the constrained systems by a large margin. We show in our analyses that Transformer-based models outperform traditional models by far, and that improvements obtained by pre-training models on large quantities of (mostly standard) text are significant, but not drastic, with single-language models also outperforming multilingual models. Our manual analysis shows that two types of signals are the most crucial for a (mis)prediction: named entities and dialectal features, both of which are handled well by our models.

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A dual-encoding system for dialect classification
Petru Rebeja | Dan Cristea

In this paper we present the architecture, processing pipeline and results of the ensemble model developed for Romanian Dialect Identification task. The ensemble model consists of two TF-IDF encoders and a deep learning model aimed together at classifying input samples based on the writing patterns which are specific to each of the two dialects. Although the model performs well on the training set, its performance degrades heavily on the evaluation set. The drop in performance is due to the design decision which makes the model put too much weight on presence/lack of textual marks when determining the sample label.

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Experiments in Language Variety Geolocation and Dialect Identification
Tommi Jauhiainen | Heidi Jauhiainen | Krister Lindén

In this paper we describe the systems we used when participating in the VarDial Evaluation Campaign organized as part of the 7th workshop on NLP for similar languages, varieties and dialects. The shared tasks we participated in were the second edition of the Romanian Dialect Identification (RDI) and the first edition of the Social Media Variety Geolocation (SMG). The submissions of our SUKI team used generative language models based on Naive Bayes and character n-grams.

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Exploring the Power of Romanian BERT for Dialect Identification
George-Eduard Zaharia | Andrei-Marius Avram | Dumitru-Clementin Cercel | Traian Rebedea

Dialect identification represents a key aspect for improving a series of tasks, for example, opinion mining, considering that the location of the speaker can greatly influence the attitude towards a subject. In this work, we describe the systems developed by our team for VarDial 2020: Romanian Dialect Identification, a task specifically created for challenging participants to solve the previously mentioned issue. More specifically, we introduce a series of neural systems based on Transformers, that combine a BERT model exclusively pre-trained on the Romanian language with techniques such as adversarial training or character-level embeddings. By using these approaches, we were able to obtain a 0.6475 macro F1 score on the test dataset, thus allowing us to be ranked 5th out of 8 participant teams.

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Combining Deep Learning and String Kernels for the Localization of Swiss German Tweets
Mihaela Gaman | Radu Tudor Ionescu

In this work, we introduce the methods proposed by the UnibucKernel team in solving the Social Media Variety Geolocation task featured in the 2020 VarDial Evaluation Campaign. We address only the second subtask, which targets a data set composed of nearly 30 thousand Swiss German Jodels. The dialect identification task is about accurately predicting the latitude and longitude of test samples. We frame the task as a double regression problem, employing a variety of machine learning approaches to predict both latitude and longitude. From simple models for regression, such as Support Vector Regression, to deep neural networks, such as Long Short-Term Memory networks and character-level convolutional neural networks, and, finally, to ensemble models based on meta-learners, such as XGBoost, our interest is focused on approaching the problem from a few different perspectives, in an attempt to minimize the prediction error. With the same goal in mind, we also considered many types of features, from high-level features, such as BERT embeddings, to low-level features, such as characters n-grams, which are known to provide good results in dialect identification. Our empirical results indicate that the handcrafted model based on string kernels outperforms the deep learning approaches. Nevertheless, our best performance is given by the ensemble model that combines both handcrafted and deep learning models.

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ZHAW-InIT - Social Media Geolocation at VarDial 2020
Fernando Benites | Manuela Hürlimann | Pius von Däniken | Mark Cieliebak

We describe our approaches for the Social Media Geolocation (SMG) task at the VarDial Evaluation Campaign 2020. The goal was to predict geographical location (latitudes and longitudes) given an input text. There were three subtasks corresponding to German-speaking Switzerland (CH), Germany and Austria (DE-AT), and Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia (BCMS). We submitted solutions to all subtasks but focused our development efforts on the CH subtask, where we achieved third place out of 16 submissions with a median distance of 15.93 km and had the best result of 14 unconstrained systems. In the DE-AT subtask, we ranked sixth out of ten submissions (fourth of 8 unconstrained systems) and for BCMS we achieved fourth place out of 13 submissions (second of 11 unconstrained systems).

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Discriminating between standard Romanian and Moldavian tweets using filtered character ngrams
Andrea Ceolin | Hong Zhang

We applied word unigram models, character ngram models, and CNNs to the task of distinguishing tweets of two related dialects of Romanian (standard Romanian and Moldavian) for the VarDial 2020 RDI shared task (Gaman et al. 2020). The main challenge of the task was to perform cross-genre text classification: specifically, the models must be trained using text from news articles, and be used to predict tweets. Our best model was a Naive Bayes model trained on character ngrams, with the most common ngrams filtered out. We also applied SVMs and CNNs, but while they yielded the best performance on an evaluation dataset of news article, their accuracy significantly dropped when they were used to predict tweets. Our best model reached an F1 score of 0.715 on the evaluation dataset of tweets, and 0.667 on the held-out test dataset. The model ended up in the third place in the shared task.

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Challenges in Neural Language Identification: NRC at VarDial 2020
Gabriel Bernier-Colborne | Cyril Goutte

We describe the systems developed by the National Research Council Canada for the Uralic language identification shared task at the 2020 VarDial evaluation campaign. Although our official results were well below the baseline, we show in this paper that this was not due to the neural approach to language identification in general, but to a flaw in the function we used to sample data for training and evaluation purposes. Preliminary experiments conducted after the evaluation period suggest that our neural approach to language identification can achieve state-of-the-art results on this task, although further experimentation is required.

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Geolocation of Tweets with a BiLSTM Regression Model
Piyush Mishra

Identifying a user’s location can be useful for recommendation systems, demographic analyses, and disaster outbreak monitoring. Although Twitter allows users to voluntarily reveal their location, such information isn’t universally available. Analyzing a tweet can provide a general estimation of a tweet location while giving insight into the dialect of the user and other linguistic markers. Such linguistic attributes can be used to provide a regional approximation of tweet origins. In this paper, we present a neural regression model that can identify the linguistic intricacies of a tweet to predict the location of the user. The final model identifies the dialect embedded in the tweet and predicts the location of the tweet.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 12th Web as Corpus Workshop

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Proceedings of the 12th Web as Corpus Workshop
Adrien Barbaresi | Felix Bildhauer | Roland Schäfer | Egon Stemle

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Current Challenges in Web Corpus Building
Miloš Jakubíček | Vojtěch Kovář | Pavel Rychlý | Vit Suchomel

In this paper we discuss some of the current challenges in web corpus building that we faced in the recent years when expanding the corpora in Sketch Engine. The purpose of the paper is to provide an overview and raise discussion on possible solutions, rather than bringing ready solutions to the readers. For every issue we try to assess its severity and briefly discuss possible mitigation options.

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Out-of-the-Box and into the Ditch? Multilingual Evaluation of Generic Text Extraction Tools
Adrien Barbaresi | Gaël Lejeune

This article examines extraction methods designed to retain the main text content of web pages and discusses how the extraction could be oriented and evaluated: can and should it be as generic as possible to ensure opportunistic corpus construction? The evaluation grounds on a comparative benchmark of open-source tools used on pages in five different languages (Chinese, English, Greek, Polish and Russian), it features several metrics to obtain more fine-grained differentiations. Our experiments highlight the diversity of web page layouts across languages or publishing countries. These discrepancies are reflected by diverging performances so that the right tool has to be chosen accordingly.

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From Web Crawl to Clean Register-Annotated Corpora
Veronika Laippala | Samuel Rönnqvist | Saara Hellström | Juhani Luotolahti | Liina Repo | Anna Salmela | Valtteri Skantsi | Sampo Pyysalo

The web presents unprecedented opportunities for large-scale collection of text in many languages. However, two critical steps in the development of web corpora remain challenging: the identification of clean text from source HTML and the assignment of genre or register information to the documents. In this paper, we evaluate a multilingual approach to this end. Our starting points are the Swedish and French Common Crawl datasets gathered for the 2017 CoNLL shared task, particularly the URLs. We 1) fetch HTML pages based on the URLs and run boilerplate removal, 2) train a classifier to further clean out undesired text fragments, and 3) annotate text registers. We compare boilerplate removal against the CoNLL texts, and find an improvement. For the further cleaning of undesired material, the best results are achieved using Multilingual BERT with monolingual fine-tuning. However, our results are promising also in a cross-lingual setting, without fine-tuning on the target language. Finally, the register annotations show that most of the documents belong to a relatively small set of registers, which are relatively similar in the two languages. A number of additional flags in the annotation are, however, necessary to reflect the wide range of linguistic variation associated with the documents.

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Building Web Corpora for Minority Languages
Heidi Jauhiainen | Tommi Jauhiainen | Krister Lindén

Web corpora creation for minority languages that do not have their own top-level Internet domain is no trivial matter. Web pages in such minority languages often contain text and links to pages in the dominant language of the country. When building corpora in specific languages, one has to decide how and at which stage to make sure the texts gathered are in the desired language. In the “Finno-Ugric Languages and the Internet” (Suki) project, we created web corpora for Uralic minority languages using web crawling combined with a language identification system in order to identify the language while crawling. In addition, we used language set identification and crowdsourcing before making sentence corpora out of the downloaded texts. In this article, we describe a strategy for collecting textual material from the Internet for minority languages. The strategy is based on the experiences we gained during the Suki project.

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The ELTE.DH Pilot Corpus – Creating a Handcrafted Gigaword Web Corpus with Metadata
Balázs Indig | Árpád Knap | Zsófia Sárközi-Lindner | Mária Timári | Gábor Palkó

In this article, we present the method we used to create a middle-sized corpus using targeted web crawling. Our corpus contains news portal articles along with their metadata, that can be useful for diverse audiences, ranging from digital humanists to NLP users. The method presented in this paper applies rule-based components that allow the curation of the text and the metadata content. The curated data can thereon serve as a reference for various tasks and measurements. We designed our workflow to encourage modification and customisation. Our concept can also be applied to other genres of portals by using the discovered patterns in the architecture of the portals. We found that for a systematic creation or extension of a similar corpus, our method provides superior accuracy and ease of use compared to The Wayback Machine, while requiring minimal manpower and computational resources. Reproducing the corpus is possible if changes are introduced to the text-extraction process. The standard TEI format and Schema.org encoded metadata is used for the output format, but we stress that placing the corpus in a digital repository system is recommended in order to be able to define semantic relations between the segments and to add rich annotation.

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Hypernym-LIBre: A Free Web-based Corpus for Hypernym Detection
Shaurya Rawat | Mariano Rico | Oscar Corcho

In this paper, we describe a new web-based corpus for hypernym detection. It consists of 32 GB of high quality english paragraphs along with their part-of-speech tagged and dependency parsed versions. For hypernym detection, the current state-of-the-art uses a corpus which is not available freely. We evaluate the state-of-the-art methods on our corpus and achieve similar results. The advantage of this corpora is that it is available under an open license. Our main contribution is the corpus with POS-tags and dependency tags and the code to extract and simulate the results we have achieved using our corpus.

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A Cross-Genre Ensemble Approach to Robust Reddit Part of Speech Tagging
Shabnam Behzad | Amir Zeldes

Part of speech tagging is a fundamental NLP task often regarded as solved for high-resource languages such as English. Current state-of-the-art models have achieved high accuracy, especially on the news domain. However, when these models are applied to other corpora with different genres, and especially user-generated data from the Web, we see substantial drops in performance. In this work, we study how a state-of-the-art tagging model trained on different genres performs on Web content from unfiltered Reddit forum discussions. We report the results when training on different splits of the data, tested on Reddit. Our results show that even small amounts of in-domain data can outperform the contribution of data an order of magnitude larger coming from other Web domains. To make progress on out-of-domain tagging, we also evaluate an ensemble approach using multiple single-genre taggers as input features to a meta-classifier. We present state of the art performance on tagging Reddit data, as well as error analysis of the results of these models, and offer a typology of the most common error types among them, broken down by training corpus.

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Streaming Language-Specific Twitter Data with Optimal Keywords
Tim Kreutz | Walter Daelemans

The Twitter Streaming API has been used to create language-specific corpora with varying degrees of success. Selecting a filter of frequent yet distinct keywords for German resulted in a near-complete collection of German tweets. This method is promising as it keeps within Twitter endpoint limitations and could be applied to other languages besides German. But so far no research has compared methods for selecting optimal keywords for this task. This paper proposes a method for finding optimal key phrases based on a greedy solution to the maximum coverage problem. We generate candidate key phrases for the 50 most frequent languages on Twitter. Candidates are then iteratively selected based on a variety of scoring functions applied to their coverage of target tweets. Selecting candidates based on the scoring function that exponentiates the precision of a key phrase and weighs it by recall achieved the best results overall. Some target languages yield lower results than what could be expected from their prevalence on Twitter. Upon analyzing the errors, we find that these are languages that are very close to more prevalent languages. In these cases, key phrases that limit finding the competitive language are selected, and overall recall on the target language also decreases. We publish the resulting optimized lists for each language as a resource. The code to generate lists for other research objectives is also supplied.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Fifth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop

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Proceedings of the Fifth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop
Imed Zitouni | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Houda Bouamor | Fethi Bougares | Mahmoud El-Haj | Nadi Tomeh | Wajdi Zaghouani

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German-Arabic Speech-to-Speech Translation for Psychiatric Diagnosis
Juan Hussain | Mohammed Mediani | Moritz Behr | M. Amin Cheragui | Sebastian Stüker | Alexander Waibel

In this paper we present the natural language processing components of our German-Arabic speech-to-speech translation system which is being deployed in the context of interpretation during psychiatric, diagnostic interviews. For this purpose we have built a pipe-lined speech-to-speech translation system consisting of automatic speech recognition, text post-processing/segmentation, machine translation and speech synthesis systems. We have implemented two pipe-lines, from German to Arabic and Arabic to German, in order to be able to conduct interpreted two-way dialogues between psychiatrists and potential patients. All systems in our pipeline have been realized as all-neural end-to-end systems, using different architectures suitable for the different components. The speech recognition systems use an encoder/decoder + attention architecture, the text segmentation component and the machine translation system are based on the Transformer architecture, and for the speech synthesis systems we use Tacotron 2 for generating spectrograms and WaveGlow as vocoder. The speech translation is deployed in a server-based speech translation application that implements a turn based translation between a German speaking psychiatrist administrating the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.) and an Arabic speaking person answering the interview. As this is a very specific domain, in addition to the linguistic challenges posed by translating between Arabic and German, we also focus in this paper on the methods we implemented for adapting our speech translation system to the domain of this psychiatric interview.

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Hate Speech Detection in Saudi Twittersphere: A Deep Learning Approach
Raghad Alshaalan | Hend Al-Khalifa

With the rise of hate speech phenomena in Twittersphere, significant research efforts have been undertaken to provide automatic solutions for detecting hate speech, varying from simple ma-chine learning models to more complex deep neural network models. Despite that, research works investigating hate speech problem in Arabic are still limited. This paper, therefore, aims to investigate several neural network models based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) to detect hate speech in Arabic tweets. It also evaluates the recent language representation model BERT on the task of Arabic hate speech detection. To conduct our experiments, we firstly built a new hate speech dataset that contains 9,316 annotated tweets. Then, we conducted a set of experiments on two datasets to evaluate four models: CNN, GRU, CNN+GRU and BERT. Our experimental results on our dataset and an out-domain dataset show that CNN model gives the best performance with an F1-score of 0.79 and AUROC of 0.89.

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Is it Great or Terrible? Preserving Sentiment in Neural Machine Translation of Arabic Reviews
Hadeel Saadany | Constantin Orasan

Since the advent of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) approaches there has been a tremendous improvement in the quality of automatic translation. However, NMT output still lacks accuracy in some low-resource languages and sometimes makes major errors that need extensive postediting. This is particularly noticeable with texts that do not follow common lexico-grammatical standards, such as user generated content (UGC). In this paper we investigate the challenges involved in translating book reviews from Arabic into English, with particular focus on the errors that lead to incorrect translation of sentiment polarity. Our study points to the special characteristics of Arabic UGC, examines the sentiment transfer errors made by Google Translate of Arabic UGC to English, analyzes why the problem occurs, and proposes an error typology specific of the translation of Arabic UGC. Our analysis shows that the output of online translation tools of Arabic UGC can either fail to transfer the sentiment at all by producing a neutral target text, or completely flips the sentiment polarity of the target word or phrase and hence delivers a wrong affect message. We address this problem by fine-tuning an NMT model with respect to sentiment polarity showing that this approach can significantly help with correcting sentiment errors detected in the online translation of Arabic UGC.

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Deep Diacritization: Efficient Hierarchical Recurrence for Improved Arabic Diacritization
Badr AlKhamissi | Muhammad ElNokrashy | Mohamed Gabr

We propose a novel architecture for labelling character sequences that achieves state-of-the-art results on the Tashkeela Arabic diacritization benchmark. The core is a two-level recurrence hierarchy that operates on the word and character levels separately—enabling faster training and inference than comparable traditional models. A cross-level attention module further connects the two and opens the door for network interpretability. The task module is a softmax classifier that enumerates valid combinations of diacritics. This architecture can be extended with a recurrent decoder that optionally accepts priors from partially diacritized text, which improves results. We employ extra tricks such as sentence dropout and majority voting to further boost the final result. Our best model achieves a WER of 5.34%, outperforming the previous state-of-the-art with a 30.56% relative error reduction.

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A Semi-Supervised BERT Approach for Arabic Named Entity Recognition
Chadi Helwe | Ghassan Dib | Mohsen Shamas | Shady Elbassuoni

Named entity recognition (NER) plays a significant role in many applications such as information extraction, information retrieval, question answering, and even machine translation. Most of the work on NER using deep learning was done for non-Arabic languages like English and French, and only few studies focused on Arabic. This paper proposes a semi-supervised learning approach to train a BERT-based NER model using labeled and semi-labeled datasets. We compared our approach against various baselines, and state-of-the-art Arabic NER tools on three datasets: AQMAR, NEWS, and TWEETS. We report a significant improvement in F-measure for the AQMAR and the NEWS datasets, which are written in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), and competitive results for the TWEETS dataset, which contains tweets that are mostly in the Egyptian dialect and contain many mistakes or misspellings.

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Empathy-driven Arabic Conversational Chatbot
Tarek Naous | Christian Hokayem | Hazem Hajj

Conversational models have witnessed a significant research interest in the last few years with the advancements in sequence generation models. A challenging aspect in developing human-like conversational models is enabling the sense of empathy in bots, making them infer emotions from the person they are interacting with. By learning to develop empathy, chatbot models are able to provide human-like, empathetic responses, thus making the human-machine interaction close to human-human interaction. Recent advances in English use complex encoder-decoder language models that require large amounts of empathetic conversational data. However, research has not produced empathetic bots for Arabic. Furthermore, there is a lack of Arabic conversational data labeled with empathy. To address these challenges, we create an Arabic conversational dataset that comprises empathetic responses. However, the dataset is not large enough to develop very complex encoder-decoder models. To address the limitation of data scale, we propose a special encoder-decoder composed of a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) with Attention. The experiments showed success of our proposed empathy-driven Arabic chatbot in generating empathetic responses with a perplexity of 38.6, an empathy score of 3.7, and a fluency score of 3.92.

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Machine Generation and Detection of Arabic Manipulated and Fake News
El Moatez Billah Nagoudi | AbdelRahim Elmadany | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Tariq Alhindi

Fake news and deceptive machine-generated text are serious problems threatening modern societies, including in the Arab world. This motivates work on detecting false and manipulated stories online. However, a bottleneck for this research is lack of sufficient data to train detection models. We present a novel method for automatically generating Arabic manipulated (and potentially fake) news stories. Our method is simple and only depends on availability of true stories, which are abundant online, and a part of speech tagger (POS). To facilitate future work, we dispense with both of these requirements altogether by providing AraNews, a novel and large POS-tagged news dataset that can be used off-the-shelf. Using stories generated based on AraNews, we carry out a human annotation study that casts light on the effects of machine manipulation on text veracity. The study also measures human ability to detect Arabic machine manipulated text generated by our method. Finally, we develop the first models for detecting manipulated Arabic news and achieve state-of-the-art results on Arabic fake news detection (macro F1=70.06). Our models and data are publicly available.

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Transliteration of Judeo-Arabic Texts into Arabic Script Using Recurrent Neural Networks
Ori Terner | Kfir Bar | Nachum Dershowitz

We trained a model to automatically transliterate Judeo-Arabic texts into Arabic script, enabling Arabic readers to access those writings. We employ a recurrent neural network (RNN), combined with the connectionist temporal classification (CTC) loss to deal with unequal input/output lengths. This obligates adjustments in the training data to avoid input sequences that are shorter than their corresponding outputs. We also utilize a pretraining stage with a different loss function to improve network converge. Since only a single source of parallel text was available for training, we take advantage of the possibility of generating data synthetically. We train a model that has the capability to memorize words in the output language, and that also utilizes context for distinguishing ambiguities in the transliteration. We obtain an improvement over the baseline 9.5% character error, achieving 2% error with our best configuration. To measure the contribution of context to learning, we also tested word-shuffled data, for which the error rises to 2.5%.

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NADI 2020: The First Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification Shared Task
Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Chiyu Zhang | Houda Bouamor | Nizar Habash

We present the results and findings of the First Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification Shared Task (NADI). This Shared Task includes two subtasks: country-level dialect identification (Subtask 1) and province-level sub-dialect identification (Subtask 2). The data for the shared task covers a total of 100 provinces from 21 Arab countries and is collected from the Twitter domain. As such, NADI is the first shared task to target naturally-occurring fine-grained dialectal text at the sub-country level. A total of 61 teams from 25 countries registered to participate in the tasks, thus reflecting the interest of the community in this area. We received 47 submissions for Subtask 1 from 18 teams and 9 submissions for Subtask 2 from 9 teams.

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Multi-dialect Arabic BERT for Country-level Dialect Identification
Bashar Talafha | Mohammad Ali | Muhy Eddin Za’ter | Haitham Seelawi | Ibraheem Tuffaha | Mostafa Samir | Wael Farhan | Hussein Al-Natsheh

Arabic dialect identification is a complex problem for a number of inherent properties of the language itself. In this paper, we present the experiments conducted, and the models developed by our competing team, Mawdoo3 AI, along the way to achieving our winning solution to subtask 1 of the Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification (NADI) shared task. The dialect identification subtask provides 21,000 country-level labeled tweets covering all 21 Arab countries. An unlabeled corpus of 10M tweets from the same domain is also presented by the competition organizers for optional use. Our winning solution itself came in the form of an ensemble of different training iterations of our pre-trained BERT model, which achieved a micro-averaged F1-score of 26.78% on the subtask at hand. We publicly release the pre-trained language model component of our winning solution under the name of Multi-dialect-Arabic-BERT model, for any interested researcher out there.

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On the Importance of Tokenization in Arabic Embedding Models
Mohamed Alkaoud | Mairaj Syed

Arabic, like other highly inflected languages, encodes a large amount of information in its morphology and word structure. In this work, we propose two embedding strategies that modify the tokenization phase of traditional word embedding models (Word2Vec) and contextual word embedding models (BERT) to take into account Arabic’s relatively complex morphology. In Word2Vec, we segment words into subwords during training time and then compose word-level representations from the subwords during test time. We train our embeddings on Arabic Wikipedia and show that they perform better than a Word2Vec model on multiple Arabic natural language processing datasets while being approximately 60% smaller in size. Moreover, we showcase our embeddings’ ability to produce accurate representations of some out-of-vocabulary words that were not encountered before. In BERT, we modify the tokenization layer of Google’s pretrained multilingual BERT model by incorporating information on morphology. By doing so, we achieve state of the art performance on two Arabic NLP datasets without pretraining.

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Tracing Traditions: Automatic Extraction of Isnads from Classical Arabic Texts
Ryan Muther | David Smith

We present our work on automatically detecting isnads, the chains of authorities for a re-port that serve as citations in hadith and other classical Arabic texts. We experiment with both sequence labeling methods for identifying isnads in a single pass and a hybrid “retrieve-and-tag” approach, in which a retrieval model first identifies portions of the text that are likely to contain start points for isnads, then a sequence labeling model identifies the exact starting locations within these much smaller retrieved text chunks. We find that the usefulness of full-document sequence to sequence models is limited due to memory limitations and the ineffectiveness of such models at modeling very long documents. We conclude by sketching future improvements on the tagging task and more in-depth analysis of the people and relationships involved in the social network that influenced the evolution of the written tradition over time.

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Embed More Ignore Less (EMIL): Exploiting Enriched Representations for Arabic NLP
Ahmed Younes | Julie Weeds

Our research focuses on the potential improvements of exploiting language specific characteristics in the form of embeddings by neural networks. More specifically, we investigate the capability of neural techniques and embeddings to represent language specific characteristics in two sequence labeling tasks: named entity recognition (NER) and part of speech (POS) tagging. In both tasks, our preprocessing is designed to use enriched Arabic representation by adding diacritics to undiacritized text. In POS tagging, we test the ability of a neural model to capture syntactic characteristics encoded within these diacritics by incorporating an embedding layer for diacritics alongside embedding layers for words and characters. In NER, our architecture incorporates diacritic and POS embeddings alongside word and character embeddings. Our experiments are conducted on 7 datasets (4 NER and 3 POS). We show that embedding the information that is encoded in automatically acquired Arabic diacritics improves the performance across all datasets on both tasks. Embedding the information in automatically assigned POS tags further improves performance on the NER task.

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MANorm: A Normalization Dictionary for Moroccan Arabic Dialect Written in Latin Script
Randa Zarnoufi | Hamid Jaafar | Walid Bachri | Mounia Abik

Social media user generated text is actually the main resource for many NLP tasks. This text, however, does not follow the standard rules of writing. Moreover, the use of dialect such as Moroccan Arabic in written communications increases further NLP tasks complexity. A dialect is a verbal language that does not have a standard orthography. The written dialect is based on the phonetic transliteration of spoken words which leads users to improvise spelling while writing. Thus, for the same word we can find multiple forms of transliterations. Subsequently, it is mandatory to normalize these different transliterations to one canonical word form. To reach this goal, we have exploited the powerfulness of word embedding models generated with a corpus of YouTube comments. Besides, using a Moroccan Arabic dialect dictionary that provides the canonical forms, we have built a normalization dictionary that we refer to as MANorm. We have conducted several experiments to demonstrate the efficiency of MANorm, which have shown its usefulness in dialect normalization. We made MANorm freely available online.

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A Unified Model for Arabizi Detection and Transliteration using Sequence-to-Sequence Models
Ali Shazal | Aiza Usman | Nizar Habash

While online Arabic is primarily written using the Arabic script, a Roman-script variety called Arabizi is often seen on social media. Although this representation captures the phonology of the language, it is not a one-to-one mapping with the Arabic script version. This issue is exacerbated by the fact that Arabizi on social media is Dialectal Arabic which does not have a standard orthography. Furthermore, Arabizi tends to include a lot of code mixing between Arabic and English (or French). To map Arabizi text to Arabic script in the context of complete utterances, previously published efforts have split Arabizi detection and Arabic script target in two separate tasks. In this paper, we present the first effort on a unified model for Arabizi detection and transliteration into a code-mixed output with consistent Arabic spelling conventions, using a sequence-to-sequence deep learning model. Our best system achieves 80.6% word accuracy and 58.7% BLEU on a blind test set.

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Multi-Task Sequence Prediction For Tunisian Arabizi Multi-Level Annotation
Elisa Gugliotta | Marco Dinarelli | Olivier Kraif

In this paper we propose a multi-task sequence prediction system, based on recurrent neural networks and used to annotate on multiple levels an Arabizi Tunisian corpus. The annotation performed are text classification, tokenization, PoS tagging and encoding of Tunisian Arabizi into CODA* Arabic orthography. The system is learned to predict all the annotation levels in cascade, starting from Arabizi input. We evaluate the system on the TIGER German corpus, suitably converting data to have a multi-task problem, in order to show the effectiveness of our neural architecture. We show also how we used the system in order to annotate a Tunisian Arabizi corpus, which has been afterwards manually corrected and used to further evaluate sequence models on Tunisian data. Our system is developed for the Fairseq framework, which allows for a fast and easy use for any other sequence prediction problem.

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AraWEAT: Multidimensional Analysis of Biases in Arabic Word Embeddings
Anne Lauscher | Rafik Takieddin | Simone Paolo Ponzetto | Goran Glavaš

Recent work has shown that distributional word vector spaces often encode human biases like sexism or racism. In this work, we conduct an extensive analysis of biases in Arabic word embeddings by applying a range of recently introduced bias tests on a variety of embedding spaces induced from corpora in Arabic. We measure the presence of biases across several dimensions, namely: embedding models (Skip-Gram, CBOW, and FastText) and vector sizes, types of text (encyclopedic text, and news vs. user-generated content), dialects (Egyptian Arabic vs. Modern Standard Arabic), and time (diachronic analyses over corpora from different time periods). Our analysis yields several interesting findings, e.g., that implicit gender bias in embeddings trained on Arabic news corpora steadily increases over time (between 2007 and 2017). We make the Arabic bias specifications (AraWEAT) publicly available.

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Parallel resources for Tunisian Arabic Dialect Translation
Saméh Kchaou | Rahma Boujelbane | Lamia Hadrich-Belguith

The difficulty of processing dialects is clearly observed in the high cost of building representative corpus, in particular for machine translation. Indeed, all machine translation systems require a huge amount and good management of training data, which represents a challenge in a low-resource setting such as the Tunisian Arabic dialect. In this paper, we present a data augmentation technique to create a parallel corpus for Tunisian Arabic dialect written in social media and standard Arabic in order to build a Machine Translation (MT) model. The created corpus was used to build a sentence-based translation model. This model reached a BLEU score of 15.03% on a test set, while it was limited to 13.27% utilizing the corpus without augmentation.

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Bert Transformer model for Detecting Arabic GPT2 Auto-Generated Tweets
Fouzi Harrag | Maria Dabbah | Kareem Darwish | Ahmed Abdelali

During the last two decades, we have progressively turned to the Internet and social media to find news, entertain conversations and share opinion. Recently, OpenAI has developed a machine learning system called GPT-2 for Generative Pre-trained Transformer-2, which can produce deepfake texts. It can generate blocks of text based on brief writing prompts that look like they were written by humans, facilitating the spread false or auto-generated text. In line with this progress, and in order to counteract potential dangers, several methods have been proposed for detecting text written by these language models. In this paper, we propose a transfer learning based model that will be able to detect if an Arabic sentence is written by humans or automatically generated by bots. Our dataset is based on tweets from a previous work, which we have crawled and extended using the Twitter API. We used GPT2-Small-Arabic to generate fake Arabic Sentences. For evaluation, we compared different recurrent neural network (RNN) word embeddings based baseline models, namely: LSTM, BI-LSTM, GRU and BI-GRU, with a transformer-based model. Our new transfer-learning model has obtained an accuracy up to 98%. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first study where ARABERT and GPT2 were combined to detect and classify the Arabic auto-generated texts.

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Contextual Embeddings for Arabic-English Code-Switched Data
Caroline Sabty | Mohamed Islam | Slim Abdennadher

Globalization has caused the rise of the code-switching phenomenon among multilingual societies. In Arab countries, code-switching between Arabic and English has become frequent, especially through social media platforms. Consequently, research in Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems increased to tackle such a phenomenon. One of the significant challenges of developing code-switched NLP systems is the lack of data itself. In this paper, we propose an open source trained bilingual contextual word embedding models of FLAIR, BERT, and ELECTRA. We also propose a novel contextual word embedding model called KERMIT, which can efficiently map Arabic and English words inside one vector space in terms of data usage. We applied intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation methods to compare the performance of the models. Our results show that FLAIR and FastText achieve the highest results in the sentiment analysis task. However, KERMIT is the best-achieving model on the intrinsic evaluation and named entity recognition. Also, it outperforms the other transformer-based models on question answering task.

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Improving Arabic Text Categorization Using Transformer Training Diversification
Shammur Absar Chowdhury | Ahmed Abdelali | Kareem Darwish | Jung Soon-Gyo | Joni Salminen | Bernard J. Jansen

Automatic categorization of short texts, such as news headlines and social media posts, has many applications ranging from content analysis to recommendation systems. In this paper, we use such text categorization i.e., labeling the social media posts to categories like ‘sports’, ‘politics’, ‘human-rights’ among others, to showcase the efficacy of models across different sources and varieties of Arabic. In doing so, we show that diversifying the training data, whether by using diverse training data for the specific task (an increase of 21% macro F1) or using diverse data to pre-train a BERT model (26% macro F1), leads to overall improvements in classification effectiveness. In our work, we also introduce two new Arabic text categorization datasets, where the first is composed of social media posts from a popular Arabic news channel that cover Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, and the second is composed of tweets from popular Arabic accounts. The posts in the former are nearly exclusively authored in modern standard Arabic (MSA), while the tweets in the latter contain both MSA and dialectal Arabic.

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Team Alexa at NADI Shared Task
Mutaz Younes | Nour Al-khdour | Mohammad AL-Smadi

In this paper, we discuss our team’s work on the NADI Shared Task. The task requires classifying Arabic tweets among 21 dialects. We tested out different approaches, and the best one was the simplest one. Our best submission was using Multinational Naive Bayes (MNB) classifier (Small and Hsiao, 1985) with n-grams as features. Despite its simplicity, this classifier shows better results than complicated models such as BERT. Our best submitted score was 17% F1-score and 35% accuracy.

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Comparison between Voting Classifier and Deep Learning methods for Arabic Dialect Identification
Ghoul Dhaou | Gaël Lejeune

In this paper, we present three methods developed for the NADI shared task on Arabic Dialect Identification for tweets. The first and the second method use respectively a machine learning model based on a Voting Classifier with words and character level features and a deep learning model at word level. The third method uses only character-level features. We explored different text representation such as Tf-idf (first model) and word embeddings (second model). The Voting Classifier was the most powerful prediction model, achieving the best macro-average F1 score of 18.8% and an accuracy of 36.54% on the official test. Our model ranked 9 on the challenge and in conclusion we propose some ideas to improve its results.

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Simple vs Oversampling-based Classification Methods for Fine Grained Arabic Dialect Identification in Twitter
Mohamed Lichouri | Mourad Abbas

In this paper, we present a description of our experiments on country-level Arabic dialect identification. A comparison study between a set of classifiers has been carried out. The best results were achieved using the Linear Support Vector Classification (LSVC) model by applying a Random Over Sampling (ROS) process yielding an F1-score of 18.74% in the post-evaluation phase. In the evaluation phase, our best submitted system has achieved an F1-score of 18.27%, very close to the average F1-score (18.80%) obtained for all the submitted systems.

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Semi-supervised Fine-grained Approach for Arabic dialect detection task
Nitin Nikamanth Appiah Balaji | Bharathi B

Arabic being a language with numerous different dialects, it becomes extremely important to device a technique to distinguish each dialect efficiently. This paper focuses on the fine-grained country level and province level classification of Arabic dialects. The experiments in this paper are submissions done to the NADI 2020 shared Dialect detection task. Various text feature extraction techniques such as TF-IDF, AraVec, multilingual BERT and Fasttext embedding models are studied. We thereby, propose an approach of text embedding based model with macro average F1 score of 0.2232 for task1 and 0.0483 for task2, with the help of semi supervised learning approach.

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Arabic Dialect Identification Using BERT-Based Domain Adaptation
Ahmad Beltagy | Abdelrahman Abouelenin | Omar ElSherief

Arabic is one of the most important and growing languages in the world. With the rise of the social media giants like Twitter, Arabic spoken dialects have become more in use. In this paper we describe our effort and simple approach on the NADI Shared Task 1 that requires us to build a system to differentiate between different 21 Arabic dialects, we introduce a deep learning semisupervised fashion approach along with pre-processing that was reported on NADI shared Task 1 Corpus. Our system ranks 4th in NADI’s shared task competition achieving 23.09% F1 macro average score with a very simple yet an efficient approach on differentiating between 21 Arabic Dialects given tweets.

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Weighted combination of BERT and N-GRAM features for Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification
Abdellah El Mekki | Ahmed Alami | Hamza Alami | Ahmed Khoumsi | Ismail Berrada

Around the Arab world, different Arabic dialects are spoken by more than 300M persons, and are increasingly popular in social media texts. However, Arabic dialects are considered to be low-resource languages, limiting the development of machine-learning based systems for these dialects. In this paper, we investigate the Arabic dialect identification task, from two perspectives: country-level dialect identification from 21 Arab countries, and province-level dialect identification from 100 provinces. We introduce an unified pipeline of state-of-the-art models, that can handle the two subtasks. Our experimental studies applied to the NADI shared task, show promising results both at the country-level (F1-score of 25.99%) and the province-level (F1-score of 6.39%), and thus allow us to be ranked 2nd for the country-level subtask, and 1st in the province-level subtask.

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Arabic dialect identification: An Arabic-BERT model with data augmentation and ensembling strategy
Kamel Gaanoun | Imade Benelallam

This paper presents the ArabicProcessors team’s deep learning system designed for the NADI 2020 Subtask 1 (country-level dialect identification) and Subtask 2 (province-level dialect identification). We used Arabic-Bert in combination with data augmentation and ensembling methods. Unlabeled data provided by task organizers (10 Million tweets) was split into multiple subparts, to which we applied semi-supervised learning method, and finally ran a specific ensembling process on the resulting models. This system ranked 3rd in Subtask 1 with 23.26% F1-score and 2nd in Subtask 2 with 5.75% F1-score.

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Faheem at NADI shared task: Identifying the dialect of Arabic tweet
Nouf AlShenaifi | Aqil Azmi

This paper describes Faheem (adj. of understand), our submission to NADI (Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification) shared task. With so many Arabic dialects being under-studied due to the scarcity of the resources, the objective is to identify the Arabic dialect used in the tweet, country wise. We propose a machine learning approach where we utilize word-level n-gram (n = 1 to 3) and tf-idf features and feed them to six different classifiers. We train the system using a data set of 21,000 tweets—provided by the organizers—covering twenty-one Arab countries. Our top performing classifiers are: Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, and Multinomial Na ̈ıve Bayes.

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Identifying Nuanced Dialect for Arabic Tweets with Deep Learning and Reverse Translation Corpus Extension System
Rawan Tahssin | Youssef Kishk | Marwan Torki

In this paper, we present our work for the NADI Shared Task (Abdul-Mageed and Habash, 2020): Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification for Subtask-1: country-level dialect identification. We introduce a Reverse Translation Corpus Extension Systems (RTCES) to handle data imbalance along with reported results on several experimented approaches of word and document representations and different models architectures. The top scoring model was based on AraBERT (Antoun et al., 2020), with our modified extended corpus based on reverse translation of the given Arabic tweets. The selected system achieved a macro average F1 score of 20.34% on the test set, which places us as the 7th out of 18 teams in the final ranking Leaderboard.

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The QMUL/HRBDT contribution to the NADI Arabic Dialect Identification Shared Task
Abdulrahman Aloraini | Massimo Poesio | Ayman Alhelbawy

We present the Arabic dialect identification system that we used for the country-level subtask of the NADI challenge. Our model consists of three components: BiLSTM-CNN, character-level TF-IDF, and topic modeling features. We represent each tweet using these features and feed them into a deep neural network. We then add an effective heuristic that improves the overall performance. We achieved an F1-Macro score of 20.77% and an accuracy of 34.32% on the test set. The model was also evaluated on the Arabic Online Commentary dataset, achieving results better than the state-of-the-art.

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Arabic Dialects Identification for All Arabic countries
Ahmed Aliwy | Hawraa Taher | Zena AboAltaheen

Arabic dialects are among of three main variant of Arabic language (Classical Arabic, modern standard Arabic and dialectal Arabic). It has many variants according to the country, city (provinces) or town. In this paper, several techniques with multiple algorithms are applied for Arabic dialects identification starting from removing noise till classification task using all Arabic countries as 21 classes. Three types of classifiers (Naïve Bayes, Logistic Regression, and Decision Tree) are combined using voting with two different methodologies. Also clustering technique is used for decreasing the noise that result from the existing of MSA tweets in the data set for training phase. The results of f-measure were 27.17, 41.34 and 52.38 for first methodology without clustering, second methodology without clustering, and second methodology with clustering, the used data set is NADI shared task data set.

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Arabic Dialect Identification Using BERT Fine-Tuning
Moataz Mansour | Moustafa Tohamy | Zeyad Ezzat | Marwan Torki

In the last few years, deep learning has proved to be a very effective paradigm to discover patterns in large data sets. Unfortunately, deep learning training on small data sets is not the best option because most of the time traditional machine learning algorithms could get better scores. Now, we can train the neural network on a large data set then fine-tune on a smaller data set using the transfer learning technique. In this paper, we present our system for NADI shared Task: Country-level Dialect Identification, Our system is based on fine-tuning of BERT and it achieves 22.85 F1-score on Test Set and our rank is 5th out of 18 teams.

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LTG-ST at NADI Shared Task 1: Arabic Dialect Identification using a Stacking Classifier
Samia Touileb

This paper presents our results for the Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification (NADI) shared task of the Fifth Workshop for Arabic Natural Language Processing (WANLP 2020). We participated in the first sub-task for country-level Arabic dialect identification covering 21 Arab countries. Our contribution is based on a stacking classifier using Multinomial Naive Bayes, Linear SVC, and Logistic Regression classifiers as estimators; followed by a Logistic Regression as final estimator. Despite the fact that the results on the test set were low, with a macro F1 of 17.71, we were able to show that a simple approach can achieve comparable results to more sophisticated solutions. Moreover, the insights of our error analysis, and of the corpus content in general, can be used to develop and improve future systems.


bib (full) Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Translation

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Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Translation
Toshiaki Nakazawa | Hideki Nakayama | Chenchen Ding | Raj Dabre | Anoop Kunchukuttan | Win Pa Pa | Ondřej Bojar | Shantipriya Parida | Isao Goto | Hidaya Mino | Hiroshi Manabe | Katsuhito Sudoh | Sadao Kurohashi | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

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Overview of the 7th Workshop on Asian Translation
Toshiaki Nakazawa | Hideki Nakayama | Chenchen Ding | Raj Dabre | Shohei Higashiyama | Hideya Mino | Isao Goto | Win Pa Pa | Anoop Kunchukuttan | Shantipriya Parida | Ondřej Bojar | Sadao Kurohashi

This paper presents the results of the shared tasks from the 7th workshop on Asian translation (WAT2020). For the WAT2020, 20 teams participated in the shared tasks and 14 teams submitted their translation results for the human evaluation. We also received 12 research paper submissions out of which 7 were accepted. About 500 translation results were submitted to the automatic evaluation server, and selected submissions were manually evaluated.

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An Effective Optimization Method for Neural Machine Translation: The Case of English-Persian Bilingually Low-Resource Scenario
Benyamin Ahmadnia | Raul Aranovich

In this paper, we propose a useful optimization method for low-resource Neural Machine Translation (NMT) by investigating the effectiveness of multiple neural network optimization algorithms. Our results confirm that applying the proposed optimization method on English-Persian translation can exceed translation quality compared to the English-Persian Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) paradigm.

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Transformer-based Double-token Bidirectional Autoregressive Decoding in Neural Machine Translation
Kenji Imamura | Eiichiro Sumita

This paper presents a simple method that extends a standard Transformer-based autoregressive decoder, to speed up decoding. The proposed method generates a token from the head and tail of a sentence (two tokens in total) in each step. By simultaneously generating multiple tokens that rarely depend on each other, the decoding speed is increased while the degradation in translation quality is minimized. In our experiments, the proposed method increased the translation speed by around 113%-155% in comparison with a standard autoregressive decoder, while degrading the BLEU scores by no more than 1.03. It was faster than an iterative non-autoregressive decoder in many conditions.

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Translation of New Named Entities from English to Chinese
Zizheng Zhang | Tosho Hirasawa | Wei Houjing | Masahiro Kaneko | Mamoru Komachi

New things are being created and new words are constantly being added to languages worldwide. However, it is not practical to translate them all manually into a new foreign language. When translating from an alphabetic language such as English to Chinese, appropriate Chinese characters must be assigned, which is particularly costly compared to other language pairs. Therefore, we propose a task of generating and evaluating new translations from English to Chinese focusing on named entities. We defined three criteria for human evaluation—fluency, adequacy of pronunciation, and adequacy of meaning—and constructed evaluation data based on these definitions. In addition, we built a baseline system and analyzed the output of the system.

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Meta Ensemble for Japanese-Chinese Neural Machine Translation: Kyoto-U+ECNU Participation to WAT 2020
Zhuoyuan Mao | Yibin Shen | Chenhui Chu | Sadao Kurohashi | Cheqing Jin

This paper describes the Japanese-Chinese Neural Machine Translation (NMT) system submitted by the joint team of Kyoto University and East China Normal University (Kyoto-U+ECNU) to WAT 2020 (Nakazawa et al.,2020). We participate in APSEC Japanese-Chinese translation task. We revisit several techniques for NMT including various architectures, different data selection and augmentation methods, denoising pre-training, and also some specific tricks for Japanese-Chinese translation. We eventually perform a meta ensemble to combine all of the models into a single model. BLEU results of this meta ensembled model rank the first both on 2 directions of ASPEC Japanese-Chinese translation.

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Neural Machine Translation Using Extracted Context Based on Deep Analysis for the Japanese-English Newswire Task at WAT 2020
Isao Goto | Hideya Mino | Hitoshi Ito | Kazutaka Kinugawa | Ichiro Yamada | Hideki Tanaka

This paper describes the system of the NHK-NES team for the WAT 2020 Japanese–English newswire task. There are two main problems in Japanese-English news translation: translation of dropped subjects and compatibility between equivalent translations and English news-style outputs. We address these problems by extracting subjects from the context based on predicate-argument structures and using them as additional inputs, and constructing parallel Japanese-English news sentences equivalently translated from English news sentences. The evaluation results confirm the effectiveness of our context-utilization method.

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TMU Japanese-English Multimodal Machine Translation System for WAT 2020
Hiroto Tamura | Tosho Hirasawa | Masahiro Kaneko | Mamoru Komachi

We introduce our TMU system submitted to the Japanese<->English Multimodal Task (constrained) for WAT 2020 (Nakazawa et al., 2020). This task aims to improve translation performance with the help of another modality (images) associated with the input sentences. In a multimodal translation task, the dataset is, by its nature, a low-resource one. Our method used herein augments the data by generating noisy translations and adding noise to existing training images. Subsequently, we pretrain a translation model on the augmented noisy data, and then fine-tune it on the clean data. We also examine the probabilistic dropping of either the textual or visual context vector in the decoder. This aims to regularize the network to make use of both features while training. The experimental results indicate that translation performance can be improved using our method of textual data augmentation with noising on the target side and probabilistic dropping of either context vector.

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HW-TSC’s Participation in the WAT 2020 Indic Languages Multilingual Task
Zhengzhe Yu | Zhanglin Wu | Xiaoyu Chen | Daimeng Wei | Hengchao Shang | Jiaxin Guo | Zongyao Li | Minghan Wang | Liangyou Li | Lizhi Lei | Hao Yang | Ying Qin

This paper describes our work in the WAT 2020 Indic Multilingual Translation Task. We participated in all 7 language pairs (En<->Bn/Hi/Gu/Ml/Mr/Ta/Te) in both directions under the constrained condition—using only the officially provided data. Using transformer as a baseline, our Multi->En and En->Multi translation systems achieve the best performances. Detailed data filtering and data domain selection are the keys to performance enhancement in our experiment, with an average improvement of 2.6 BLEU scores for each language pair in the En->Multi system and an average improvement of 4.6 BLEU scores regarding the Multi->En. In addition, we employed language independent adapter to further improve the system performances. Our submission obtains competitive results in the final evaluation.

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NICT‘s Submission To WAT 2020: How Effective Are Simple Many-To-Many Neural Machine Translation Models?
Raj Dabre | Abhisek Chakrabarty

In this paper we describe our team‘s (NICT-5) Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models whose translations were submitted to shared tasks of the 7th Workshop on Asian Translation. We participated in the Indic language multilingual sub-task as well as the NICT-SAP multilingual multi-domain sub-task. We focused on naive many-to-many NMT models which gave reasonable translation quality despite their simplicity. Our observations are twofold: (a.) Many-to-many models suffer from a lack of consistency where the translation quality for some language pairs is very good but for some others it is terrible when compared against one-to-many and many-to-one baselines. (b.) Oversampling smaller corpora does not necessarily give the best translation quality for the language pair associated with that pair.

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ODIANLP’s Participation in WAT2020
Shantipriya Parida | Petr Motlicek | Amulya Ratna Dash | Satya Ranjan Dash | Debasish Kumar Mallick | Satya Prakash Biswal | Priyanka Pattnaik | Biranchi Narayan Nayak | Ondřej Bojar

This paper describes the ODIANLP submission to WAT 2020. We have participated in the English-Hindi Multimodal task and Indic task. We have used the state-of-the-art Transformer model for the translation task and InceptionResNetV2 for the Hindi Image Captioning task. Our submission tops in English->Hindi Multimodal task in its track and Odia<->English translation tasks. Also, our submissions performed well in the Indic Multilingual tasks.

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Multimodal Neural Machine Translation for English to Hindi
Sahinur Rahman Laskar | Abdullah Faiz Ur Rahman Khilji | Partha Pakray | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

Machine translation (MT) focuses on the automatic translation of text from one natural language to another natural language. Neural machine translation (NMT) achieves state-of-the-art results in the task of machine translation because of utilizing advanced deep learning techniques and handles issues like long-term dependency, and context-analysis. Nevertheless, NMT still suffers low translation quality for low resource languages. To encounter this challenge, the multi-modal concept comes in. The multi-modal concept combines textual and visual features to improve the translation quality of low resource languages. Moreover, the utilization of monolingual data in the pre-training step can improve the performance of the system for low resource language translations. Workshop on Asian Translation 2020 (WAT2020) organized a translation task for multimodal translation in English to Hindi. We have participated in the same in two-track submission, namely text-only and multi-modal translation with team name CNLP-NITS. The evaluated results are declared at the WAT2020 translation task, which reports that our multi-modal NMT system attained higher scores than our text-only NMT on both challenge and evaluation test set. For the challenge test data, our multi-modal neural machine translation system achieves Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) score of 33.57, Rank-based Intuitive Bilingual Evaluation Score (RIBES) 0.754141, Adequacy-Fluency Metrics (AMFM) score 0.787320 and for evaluation test data, BLEU, RIBES, and, AMFM score of 40.51, 0.803208, and 0.820980 for English to Hindi translation respectively.

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The ADAPT Centre’s Participation in WAT 2020 English-to-Odia Translation Task
Prashanth Nayak | Rejwanul Haque | Andy Way

This paper describes the ADAPT Centre sub-missions to WAT 2020 for the English-to-Odia translation task. We present the approaches that we followed to try to build competitive machine translation (MT) systems for English-to-Odia. Our approaches include monolingual data selection for creating synthetic data and identifying optimal sets of hyperparameters for the Transformer in a low-resource scenario. Our best MT system produces 4.96BLEU points on the evaluation test set in the English-to-Odia translation task.

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NLPRL Odia-English: Indic Language Neural Machine Translation System
Rupjyoti Baruah | Rajesh Kumar Mundotiya

In this manuscript, we (team name is NLPRL) describe systems description that was submitted to the translation shared tasks at WAT 2020. We describe our model as transformer based NMT by using byte-level based BPE (BBPE). We used the OdiEnCorp 2.0 parallel corpus provided by the shared task organizer where the training, validation, and test data contain 69370, 13544, and 14344 lines of parallel sentences, respectively. The evaluation results show the BLEU score of English-to-Oria below the Organizer (1.34) and Oria-to-English direction shows above the Organizer (11.33).

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WT: Wipro AI Submissions to the WAT 2020
Santanu Pal

In this paper we present an English–Hindi and Hindi–English neural machine translation (NMT) system, submitted to the Translation shared Task organized at WAT 2020. We trained a multilingual NMT system based on transformer architecture. In this paper we show: (i) how effective pre-processing helps to improve performance, (ii) how synthetic data through back-translation from available monolingual data can help in overall translation performance, (iii) how language similarity can aid more onto it. Our submissions ranked 1st in both English to Hindi and Hindi to English translation achieving BLEU 20.80 and 29.59 respectively.

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Korean-to-Japanese Neural Machine Translation System using Hanja Information
Hwichan Kim | Tosho Hirasawa | Mamoru Komachi

In this paper, we describe our TMU neural machine translation (NMT) system submitted for the Patent task (Korean→Japanese) of the 7th Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT 2020, Nakazawa et al., 2020). We propose a novel method to train a Korean-to-Japanese translation model. Specifically, we focus on the vocabulary overlap of Korean Hanja words and Japanese Kanji words, and propose strategies to leverage Hanja information. Our experiment shows that Hanja information is effective within a specific domain, leading to an improvement in the BLEU scores by +1.09 points compared to the baseline.

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Goku’s Participation in WAT 2020
Dongzhe Wang | Ohnmar Htun

This paper introduces our neural machine translation systems’ participation in the WAT 2020 (team ID: goku20). We participated in the (i) Patent, (ii) Business Scene Dialogue (BSD) document-level translation, (iii) Mixed-domain tasks. Regardless of simplicity, standard Transformer models have been proven to be very effective in many machine translation systems. Recently, some advanced pre-training generative models have been proposed on the basis of encoder-decoder framework. Our main focus of this work is to explore how robust Transformer models perform in translation from sentence-level to document-level, from resource-rich to low-resource languages. Additionally, we also investigated the improvement that fine-tuning on the top of pre-trained transformer-based models can achieve on various tasks.

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The ADAPT Centre’s Neural MT Systems for the WAT 2020 Document-Level Translation Task
Wandri Jooste | Rejwanul Haque | Andy Way

In this paper we describe the ADAPT Centre’s submissions to the WAT 2020 document-level Business Scene Dialogue (BSD) Translation task. We only consider translating from Japanese to English for this task and we use the MarianNMT toolkit to train Transformer models. In order to improve the translation quality, we made use of both in-domain and out-of-domain data for training our Machine Translation (MT) systems, as well as various data augmentation techniques for fine-tuning the model parameters. This paper outlines the experiments we ran to train our systems and report the accuracy achieved through these various experiments.

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The University of Tokyo’s Submissions to the WAT 2020 Shared Task
Matīss Rikters | Toshiaki Nakazawa | Ryokan Ri

The paper describes the development process of the The University of Tokyo’s NMT systems that were submitted to the WAT 2020 Document-level Business Scene Dialogue Translation sub-task. We describe the data processing workflow, NMT system training architectures, and automatic evaluation results. For the WAT 2020 shared task, we submitted 12 systems (both constrained and unconstrained) for English-Japanese and Japanese-English translation directions. The submitted systems were trained using Transformer models and one was a SMT baseline.

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Improving NMT via Filtered Back Translation
Nikhil Jaiswal | Mayur Patidar | Surabhi Kumari | Manasi Patwardhan | Shirish Karande | Puneet Agarwal | Lovekesh Vig

Document-Level Machine Translation (MT) has become an active research area among the NLP community in recent years. Unlike sentence-level MT, which translates the sentences independently, document-level MT aims to utilize contextual information while translating a given source sentence. This paper demonstrates our submission (Team ID - DEEPNLP) to the Document-Level Translation task organized by WAT 2020. This task focuses on translating texts from a business dialog corpus while optionally utilizing the context present in the dialog. In our proposed approach, we utilize publicly available parallel corpus from different domains to train an open domain base NMT model. We then use monolingual target data to create filtered pseudo parallel data and employ Back-Translation to fine-tune the base model. This is further followed by fine-tuning on the domain-specific corpus. We also ensemble various models to improvise the translation performance. Our best models achieve a BLEU score of 26.59 and 22.83 in an unconstrained setting and 15.10 and 10.91 in the constrained settings for En->Ja & Ja->En direction, respectively.

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A Parallel Evaluation Data Set of Software Documentation with Document Structure Annotation
Bianka Buschbeck | Miriam Exel

This paper accompanies the software documentation data set for machine translation, a parallel evaluation data set of data originating from the SAP Help Portal, that we released to the machine translation community for research purposes. It offers the possibility to tune and evaluate machine translation systems in the domain of corporate software documentation and contributes to the availability of a wider range of evaluation scenarios. The data set comprises of the language pairs English to Hindi, Indonesian, Malay and Thai, and thus also increases the test coverage for the many low-resource language pairs. Unlike most evaluation data sets that consist of plain parallel text, the segments in this data set come with additional metadata that describes structural information of the document context. We provide insights into the origin and creation, the particularities and characteristics of the data set as well as machine translation results.

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Inference-only sub-character decomposition improves translation of unseen logographic characters
Danielle Saunders | Weston Feely | Bill Byrne

Neural Machine Translation (NMT) on logographic source languages struggles when translating ‘unseen’ characters, which never appear in the training data. One possible approach to this problem uses sub-character decomposition for training and test sentences. However, this approach involves complete retraining, and its effectiveness for unseen character translation to non-logographic languages has not been fully explored. We investigate existing ideograph-based sub-character decomposition approaches for Chinese-to-English and Japanese-to-English NMT, for both high-resource and low-resource domains. For each language pair and domain we construct a test set where all source sentences contain at least one unseen logographic character. We find that complete sub-character decomposition often harms unseen character translation, and gives inconsistent results generally. We offer a simple alternative based on decomposition before inference for unseen characters only. Our approach allows flexible application, achieving translation adequacy improvements and requiring no additional models or training.

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An Error-based Investigation of Statistical and Neural Machine Translation Performance on Hindi-to-Tamil and English-to-Tamil
Akshai Ramesh | Venkatesh Balavadhani Parthasa | Rejwanul Haque | Andy Way

Statistical machine translation (SMT) was the state-of-the-art in machine translation (MT) research for more than two decades, but has since been superseded by neural MT (NMT). Despite producing state-of-the-art results in many translation tasks, neural models underperform in resource-poor scenarios. Despite some success, none of the present-day benchmarks that have tried to overcome this problem can be regarded as a universal solution to the problem of translation of many low-resource languages. In this work, we investigate the performance of phrase-based SMT (PB-SMT) and NMT on two rarely-tested low-resource language-pairs, English-to-Tamil and Hindi-to-Tamil, taking a specialised data domain (software localisation) into consideration. This paper demonstrates our findings including the identification of several issues of the current neural approaches to low-resource domain-specific text translation.


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Proceedings of the WILDRE5– 5th Workshop on Indian Language Data: Resources and Evaluation
Girish Nath Jha | Kalika Bali | Sobha L. | S. S. Agrawal | Atul Kr. Ojha

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Part-of-Speech Annotation Challenges in Marathi
Gajanan Rane | Nilesh Joshi | Geetanjali Rane | Hanumant Redkar | Malhar Kulkarni | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Part of Speech (POS) annotation is a significant challenge in natural language processing. The paper discusses issues and challenges faced in the process of POS annotation of the Marathi data from four domains viz., tourism, health, entertainment and agriculture. During POS annotation, a lot of issues were encountered. Some of the major ones are discussed in detail in this paper. Also, the two approaches viz., the lexical (L approach) and the functional (F approach) of POS tagging have been discussed and presented with examples. Further, some ambiguous cases in POS annotation are presented in the paper.

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A Dataset for Troll Classification of TamilMemes
Shardul Suryawanshi | Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi | Pranav Verma | Mihael Arcan | John Philip McCrae | Paul Buitelaar

Social media are interactive platforms that facilitate the creation or sharing of information, ideas or other forms of expression among people. This exchange is not free from offensive, trolling or malicious contents targeting users or communities. One way of trolling is by making memes, which in most cases combines an image with a concept or catchphrase. The challenge of dealing with memes is that they are region-specific and their meaning is often obscured in humour or sarcasm. To facilitate the computational modelling of trolling in the memes for Indian languages, we created a meme dataset for Tamil (TamilMemes). We annotated and released the dataset containing suspected trolls and not-troll memes. In this paper, we use the a image classification to address the difficulties involved in the classification of troll memes with the existing methods. We found that the identification of a troll meme with such an image classifier is not feasible which has been corroborated with precision, recall and F1-score.

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OdiEnCorp 2.0: Odia-English Parallel Corpus for Machine Translation
Shantipriya Parida | Satya Ranjan Dash | Ondřej Bojar | Petr Motlicek | Priyanka Pattnaik | Debasish Kumar Mallick

The preparation of parallel corpora is a challenging task, particularly for languages that suffer from under-representation in the digital world. In a multi-lingual country like India, the need for such parallel corpora is stringent for several low-resource languages. In this work, we provide an extended English-Odia parallel corpus, OdiEnCorp 2.0, aiming particularly at Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems which will help translate English↔Odia. OdiEnCorp 2.0 includes existing English-Odia corpora and we extended the collection by several other methods of data acquisition: parallel data scraping from many websites, including Odia Wikipedia, but also optical character recognition (OCR) to extract parallel data from scanned images. Our OCR-based data extraction approach for building a parallel corpus is suitable for other low resource languages that lack in online content. The resulting OdiEnCorp 2.0 contains 98,302 sentences and 1.69 million English and 1.47 million Odia tokens. To the best of our knowledge, OdiEnCorp 2.0 is the largest Odia-English parallel corpus covering different domains and available freely for non-commercial and research purposes.

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Handling Noun-Noun Coreference in Tamil
Vijay Sundar Ram | Sobha Lalitha Devi

Natural language understanding by automatic tools is the vital requirement for document processing tools. To achieve it, automatic system has to understand the coherence in the text. Co-reference chains bring coherence to the text. The commonly occurring reference markers which bring cohesiveness are Pronominal, Reflexives, Reciprocals, Distributives, One-anaphors, Noun–noun reference. Here in this paper, we deal with noun-noun reference in Tamil. We present the methodology to resolve these noun-noun anaphors and also present the challenges in handling the noun-noun anaphoric relations in Tamil.

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Malayalam Speech Corpus: Design and Development for Dravidian Language
Lekshmi K R | Jithesh V S | Elizabeth Sherly

To overpass the disparity between theory and applications in language-related technology in the text as well as speech and several other areas, a well-designed and well-developed corpus is essential. Several problems and issues encountered while developing a corpus, especially for low resource languages. The Malayalam Speech Corpus (MSC) is one of the first open speech corpora for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) research to the best of our knowledge. It consists of 250 hours of Agricultural speech data. We are providing a transcription file, lexicon and annotated speech along with the audio segment. It is available in future for public use upon request at “www.iiitmk.ac.in/vrclc/utilities/ml_speechcorpus”. This paper details the development and collection process in the domain of agricultural speech corpora in the Malayalam Language.

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Multilingual Neural Machine Translation involving Indian Languages
Pulkit Madaan | Fatiha Sadat

Neural Machine Translations (NMT) models are capable of translating a single bilingual pair and require a new model for each new language pair. Multilingual Neural Machine Translation models are capable of translating multiple language pairs, even pairs which it hasn’t seen before in training. Availability of parallel sentences is a known problem in machine translation. Multilingual NMT model leverages information from all the languages to improve itself and performs better. We propose a data augmentation technique that further improves this model profoundly. The technique helps achieve a jump of more than 15 points in BLEU score from the multilingual NMT model. A BLEU score of 36.2 was achieved for Sindhi–English translation, which is higher than any score on the leaderboard of the LoResMT SharedTask at MT Summit 2019, which provided the data for the experiments.

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Universal Dependency Treebanks for Low-Resource Indian Languages: The Case of Bhojpuri
Atul Kr. Ojha | Daniel Zeman

This paper presents the first dependency treebank for Bhojpuri, a resource-poor language that belongs to the Indo-Aryan language family. The objective behind the Bhojpuri Treebank (BHTB) project is to create a substantial, syntactically annotated treebank which not only acts as a valuable resource in building language technological tools, also helps in cross-lingual learning and typological research. Currently, the treebank consists of 4,881 annotated tokens in accordance with the annotation scheme of Universal Dependencies (UD). A Bhojpuri tagger and parser were created using machine learning approach. The accuracy of the model is 57.49% UAS, 45.50% LAS, 79.69% UPOS accuracy and 77.64% XPOS accuracy. The paper describes the details of the project including a discussion on linguistic analysis and annotation process of the Bhojpuri UD treebank.

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A Fully Expanded Dependency Treebank for Telugu
Sneha Nallani | Manish Shrivastava | Dipti Sharma

Treebanks are an essential resource for syntactic parsing. The available Paninian dependency treebank(s) for Telugu is annotated only with inter-chunk dependency relations and not all words of a sentence are part of the parse tree. In this paper, we automatically annotate the intra-chunk dependencies in the treebank using a Shift-Reduce parser based on Context Free Grammar rules for Telugu chunks. We also propose a few additional intra-chunk dependency relations for Telugu apart from the ones used in Hindi treebank. Annotating intra-chunk dependencies finally provides a complete parse tree for every sentence in the treebank. Having a fully expanded treebank is crucial for developing end to end parsers which produce complete trees. We present a fully expanded dependency treebank for Telugu consisting of 3220 sentences. In this paper, we also convert the treebank annotated with Anncorra part-of-speech tagset to the latest BIS tagset. The BIS tagset is a hierarchical tagset adopted as a unified part-of-speech standard across all Indian Languages. The final treebank is made publicly available.

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Determination of Idiomatic Sentences in Paragraphs Using Statement Classification and Generalization of Grammar Rules
Naziya Shaikh

The translation systems are often not able to determine the presence of an idiom in a given paragraph. Due to this many systems tend to return the word-for-word translation of such statements leading to loss in the flavor of the idioms in the paragraph. This paper suggests a novel approach to efficiently determine probability of any statement in a given English paragraph to be an idiom. This approach combines the rule-based generalization of idioms in English language and classification of statements based on the context to determine the idioms in the sentence. The context based classification method can be used further for determination of idioms in regional Indian languages such as Marathi, Konkani and Hindi as the difference in the semantic context of the proverb as compared to the context in a paragraph is also evident in these other languages.

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Polish Lexicon-Grammar Development Methodology as an Example for Application to other Languages
Zygmunt Vetulani | Grażyna Vetulani

In the paper we present our methodology with the intention to propose it as a reference for creating lexicon-grammars. We share our long-term experience gained during research projects (past and on-going) concerning the description of Polish using this approach. The above-mentioned methodology, linking semantics and syntax, has revealed useful for various IT applications. Among other, we address this paper to researchers working on “less” or “middle-resourced” Indo-European languages as a proposal of a long term academic cooperation in the field. We believe that the confrontation of our lexicon-grammar methodology with other languages – Indo-European, but also Non-Indo-European languages of India, Ugro-Finish or Turkic languages in Eurasia – will allow for better understanding of the level of versatility of our approach and, last but not least, will create opportunities to intensify comparative studies. The reason of presenting some our works on language resources within the Wildre workshop is the intention not only to take up the challenge thrown down in the CFP of this workshop which is: “To provide opportunity for researchers from India to collaborate with researchers from other parts of the world”, but also to generalize this challenge to other languages.

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Abstractive Text Summarization for Sanskrit Prose: A Study of Methods and Approaches
Shagun Sinha | Girish Jha

The authors present a work-in-progress in the field of Abstractive Text Summarization (ATS) for Sanskrit Prose – a first attempt at ATS for Sanskrit (SATS). We will evaluate recent approaches and methods used for ATS and argue for the ones to be adopted for Sanskrit prose considering the unique properties of the language. There are three goals of SATS - to make manuscript summaries, to enrich the semantic processing of Sanskrit, and to improve the information retrieval systems in the language. While Extractive Text Summarization (ETS) is an important method, the summaries it generates are not always coherent. For qualitative coherent summaries, ATS is considered a better option by scholars. This paper reviews various ATS/ETS approaches for Sanskrit and other Indian Languages done till date. In the preliminary overview, authors conclude that of the two available approaches - structure-based and semantic-based - the latter would be viable owing to the rich morphology of Sanskrit. Moreover, a graph-based method may also be suitable. The second suggested method is the supervised-learning method. The authors also suggest attempting cross-lingual summarization as an extension to this work in future.

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A Deeper Study on Features for Named Entity Recognition
Malarkodi C S | Sobha Lalitha Devi

This paper deals with the various features used for the identification of named entities. The performance of the machine learning system heavily depends on the feature selection criteria. The intention to trace the essential features required for the development of named entity system across languages motivated us to conduct this study. The linguistic analysis was done to find out the part of speech patterns surrounding the context of named entities and from the observation linguistic oriented features are identified for both Indian and European languages. The Indian languages belongs to Dravidian language family such as Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Indo-Aryan language family such as Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali and Marathi, European languages such as English, Spanish, Dutch, German and Hungarian are used in this work. The machine learning technique CRFs was used for the system development. The experiments were conducted using the linguistic features and the results obtained for each languages are comparable with state-of-art systems.


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Proceedings of the Fourth Widening Natural Language Processing Workshop

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Proceedings of the Fourth Widening Natural Language Processing Workshop
Rossana Cunha | Samira Shaikh | Erika Varis | Ryan Georgi | Alicia Tsai | Antonios Anastasopoulos | Khyathi Raghavi Chandu

Corpus based Amharic sentiment lexicon generation
Girma Neshir Alemneh | Andreas Rauber | Solomon Atnafu

Sentiment classification is an active research area with several applications including analysis of political opinions, classifying comments, movie reviews, news reviews and product reviews. To employ rule based sentiment classification, we require sentiment lexicons. However, manual construction of sentiment lexicon is time consuming and costly for resource-limited languages. To bypass manual development time and costs, we tried to build Amharic Sentiment Lexicons relying on corpus based approach. The intention of this approach is to handle sentiment terms specific to Amharic language from Amharic Corpus. Small set of seed terms are manually prepared from three parts of speech such as noun, adjective and verb. We developed algorithms for constructing Amharic sentiment lexicons automatically from Amharic news corpus. Corpus based approach is proposed relying on the word co-occurrence distributional embedding including frequency based embedding (i.e. Positive Point-wise Mutual Information PPMI). Using PPMI with threshold value of 100 and 200, we got corpus based Amharic Sentiment lexicons of size 1811 and 3794 respectively by expanding 519 seeds. Finally, the lexicon generated in corpus based approach is evaluated.

Negation handling for Amharic sentiment classification
Girma Neshir Alemneh | Andreas Rauber | Solomon Atnafu

User generated content is bringing new aspects of processing data on the web. Due to the advancement of World Wide Web technology, users are not only consumer of web contents but also they are producers of contents in the form of text, audio, video and picture. This study focuses on the analysis of textual contents with subjective information (referring to sentiment analysis). Most of conventional approaches of sentiment analysis do not effectively capture negation in languages where there are limited computational linguistic resources (e.g. Amharic). For this research, we proposed Amharic negation handling framework for Amharic sentiment classification. The proposed framework combines the lexicon based sentiment classification approach and character ngram based machine learning algorithms. Finally, the performance of framework is evaluated using the annotated Amharic news comments. The system is performing the best of all models and the baselines with accuracy of 98.0. The result is compared with the baselines (without negation handling and word level ngram model).

Embedding Oriented Adaptable Semantic Annotation Framework for Amharic Web Documents
Kidane Woldemariyam | Dr. Fekade Getahun

The Web has become a source of information, where information is provided by humans for humans and its growth has increased necessity to get solutions that intelligently extract valuable knowledge from existing and newly added web documents with no (minimal) supervisions. However, due to the unstructured nature of existing data on the Web, effective extraction of this knowledge is limited for both human beings and software agents. Thus, this research work designed generic and embedding oriented framework that automatically annotates semantically Amharic web documents using ontology. This framework significantly reduces manual annotation and learning cost used for semantic annotation of Amharic web documents with its nature of adaptability with minimal modification. The results have also implied that neural network techniques are promising for semantic annotation, especially for less resourced languages like Amharic in comparison to language dependent techniques that have cost of speed and challenge of adaptation into new domains and languages. We experiment the feasibility of the proposed approach using Amharic news collected from WALTA news agency and Amharic Wikipedia. Our results show that the proposed solution exhibits 70.68% of precision, 66.89% of recall and 68.53% of f-measure in semantic annotation for a morphologically complex Amharic language with limited size dataset.

Similarity and Farness Based Bidirectional Neural Co-Attention for Amharic Natural Language Inference
Abebawu Eshetu | Getenesh Teshome | Ribka Alemayehu

In natural language one idea can be conveyed using different sentences; higher Natural Language Processing applications get difficulties in capturing meaning of ideas stated in different expressions. To solve this difficulty, different scholars have conducted Natural Language Inference (NLI) researches using methods from traditional discrete models with hard logic to an end-to-end neural network for different languages. In context of Amharic language, even though there are number of research efforts in higher NLP applications, still they have limitation on understanding idea expressed in different ways due to an absence of NLI in Amharic language. Accordingly, we proposed deep learning based Natural Language Inference using similarity and farness aware bidirectional attentive matching for Amharic texts. The experiment on limited Amharic NLI dataset prepared also shows promising result that can be used as baseline for subsequent works.

Large Vocabulary Read Speech Corpora for Four Ethiopian Languages: Amharic, Tigrigna, Oromo, and Wolaytta
Solomon Teferra Abate | Martha Yifiru Tachbelie | Michael Melese | Hafte Abera | Tewodros Gebreselassie | Wondwossen Mulugeta | Yaregal Assabie | Million Meshesha Beyene | Solomon Atinafu | Binyam Ephrem Seyoum

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is one of the most important technologies to help people live a better life in the 21st century. However, its development requires a big speech corpus for a language. The development of such a corpus is expensive especially for under-resourced Ethiopian languages. To address this problem we have developed four medium-sized (longer than 22 hours each) speech corpora for four Ethiopian languages: Amharic, Tigrigna, Oromo, and Wolaytta. In a way of checking the usability of the corpora and deliver a baseline ASR for each language. In this paper, we present the corpora and the baseline ASR systems for each language. The word error rates (WERs) we achieved show that the corpora are usable for further investigation and we recommend the collection of text corpora to train strong language models for Oromo and Wolaytta compared to others.

SIMPLEX-PB 2.0: A Reliable Dataset for Lexical Simplification in Brazilian Portuguese
Nathan Hartmann | Gustavo Henrique Paetzold | Sandra Aluísio

Most research on Lexical Simplification (LS) addresses non-native speakers of English, since they are numerous and easy to recruit. This makes it difficult to create LS solutions for other languages and target audiences. This paper presents SIMPLEX-PB 2.0, a dataset for LS in Brazilian Portuguese that, unlike its predecessor SIMPLEX-PB, accurately captures the needs of Brazilian underprivileged children. To create SIMPLEX-PB 2.0, we addressed all limitations of the old SIMPLEX-PB through multiple rounds of manual annotation. As a result, SIMPLEX-PB 2.0 features much more reliable and numerous candidate substitutions to complex words, as well as word complexity rankings produced by a group underprivileged children.

Bi-directional Answer-to-Answer Co-attention for Short Answer Grading using Deep Learning
Abebawu Eshetu | Getenesh Teshome | Ribka Alemahu

So far different research works have been conducted to achieve short answer questions. Hence, due to the advancement of artificial intelligence and adaptability of deep learning models, we introduced a new model to score short answer subjective questions. Using bi-directional answer to answer co-attention, we have demonstrated the extent to which each words and sentences features of student answer detected by the model and shown prom-ising result on both Kaggle and Mohler’s dataset. The experiment on Amharic short an-swer dataset prepared for this research work also shows promising result that can be used as baseline for subsequent works.

Effective questions in referential visual dialogue
Mauricio Mazuecos | Alberto Testoni | Raffaella Bernardi | Luciana Benotti

An interesting challenge for situated dialogue systems is referential visual dialog: by asking questions, the system has to identify the referent to which the user refers to. Task success is the standard metric used to evaluate these systems. However, it does not consider how effective each question is, that is how much each question contributes to the goal. We propose a new metric, that measures question effectiveness. As a preliminary study, we report the new metric for state of the art publicly available models on GuessWhat?!. Surprisingly, successful dialogues do not have a higher percentage of effective questions than failed dialogues. This suggests that a system with high task success is not necessarily one that generates good questions.

A Translation-Based Approach to Morphology Learning for Low Resource Languages
Tewodros Gebreselassie | Amanuel Mersha | Michael Gasser

“Low resource languages” usually refers to languages that lack corpora and basic tools such as part-of-speech taggers. But a significant number of such languages do benefit from the availability of relatively complex linguistic descriptions of phonology, morphology, and syntax, as well as dictionaries. A further category, probably the majority of the world’s languages, suffers from the lack of even these resources. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of learning the morphology of such a language by relying on its close relationship to a language with more resources. Specifically, we use a transfer-based approach to learn the morphology of the severely under-resourced language Gofa, starting with a neural morphological generator for the closely related language, Wolaytta. Both languages are members of the Omotic family, spoken and southwestern Ethiopia, and, like other Omotic languages, both are morphologically complex. We first create a finite- state transducer for morphological analysis and generation for Wolaytta, based on relatively complete linguistic descriptions and lexicons for the language. Next, we train an encoder-decoder neural network on the task of morphological generation for Wolaytta, using data generated by the FST. Such a network takes a root and a set of grammatical features as input and generates a word form as output. We then elicit Gofa translations of a small set of Wolaytta words from bilingual speakers. Finally, we retrain the decoder of the Wolaytta network, using a small set of Gofa target words that are translations of the Wolaytta outputs of the original network. The evaluation shows that the transfer network performs better than a separate encoder-decoder network trained on a larger set of Gofa words. We conclude with implications for the learning of morphology for severely under-resourced languages in regions where there are related languages with more resources.

Tigrinya Automatic Speech recognition with Morpheme based recognition units
Hafte Abera | Sebsibe Hailemariam

The Tigrinya language is agglutinative and has a large number of inflected and derived forms of words. Therefore a Tigrinya large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system often has a large number of different units and a high out-of-vocabulary (OOV) rate if a word is used as a recognition unit of a language model (LM) and lexicon. Therefore a morpheme-based approach has often been used and a morpheme is used as the recognition unit to reduce the high OOV rate. This paper presents an automatic speech recognition experiment conducted to see the effect of OOV words on the performance speech recognition system for Tigrinya. We tried to solve the OOV problem by using morphemes as lexicon and language model units. It has been found that the morpheme-based recognition system is better lexical and language modeling units than words. An absolute improvement (in word recognition accuracy) of 3.45 token and 8.36 types has been obtained as a result of using a morph-based vocabulary.

Variants of Vector Space Reductions for Predicting the Compositionality of English Noun Compounds
Pegah Alipoormolabashi | Sabine Schulte im Walde

Predicting the degree of compositionality of noun compounds is a crucial ingredient for lexicography and NLP applications, to know whether the compound should be treated as a whole, or through its constituents. Computational approaches for an automatic prediction typically represent compounds and their constituents within a vector space to have a numeric relatedness measure for the words. This paper provides a systematic evaluation of using different vector-space reduction variants for the prediction. We demonstrate that Word2vec and nouns-only dimensionality reductions are the most successful and stable vector space reduction variants for our task.

An Assessment of Language Identification Methods on Tweets and Wikipedia Articles
Pedro Vernetti | Larissa Freitas

Language identification is the task of determining the language which a given text is written. This task is important for Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval activities. Two popular approaches for language identification are the N-grams and stopwords models. In this paper, these two models were tested on different types of documents such as short, irregular texts (tweets) and long, regular texts (Wikipedia articles).

A Comparison of Identification Methods of Brazilian Music Styles by Lyrics
Patrick Guimarães | Jader Froes | Douglas Costa | Larissa Freitas

In our work, we applied different techniques for the task of genre classification using lyrics. Utilizing our dataset with lyrics of typical genres in Brazil divided into seven classes, we apply some models used in machine learning and deep learning classification tasks. We explore the performance of usual models for text classification using an input in the Portuguese language. We also compare the use of RNN and classic machine learning approaches for text classification, exploring the most used methods in the field.

Enabling fast and correct typing in ‘Leichte Sprache’ (Easy Language)
Ina Steinmetz | Karin Harbusch

Simplified languages are instruments for inclusion aiming to overcome language barriers. Leichte Sprache (LS), for instance, is a variety of German with reduced complexity (cf. Basic English). So far, LS is mainly provided for, but rarely written by, its target groups, e.g. people with cognitive impairments. One reason may be the lack of technical support during the process from message conceptualization to sentence realization. In the following, we present a system for assisted typing in LS whose accuracy and speed is largely due to the deployment of real time natural-language processing enabling efficient prediction and context-sensitive grammar support.

AI4D - African Language Dataset Challenge
Kathleen Siminyu | Sackey Freshia

As language and speech technologies become more advanced, the lack of fundamental digital resources for African languages, such as data, spell checkers and PoS taggers, means that the digital divide between these languages and others keeps growing. This work details the organisation of the AI4D - African Language Dataset Challenge, an effort to incentivize the creation, curation and uncovering to African language datasets through a competitive challenge, particularly datasets that are annotated or prepared for use in a downstream NLP task.

Can Wikipedia Categories Improve Masked Language Model Pretraining?
Diksha Meghwal | Katharina Kann | Iacer Calixto | Stanislaw Jastrzebski

Pretrained language models have obtained impressive results for a large set of natural language understanding tasks. However, training these models is computationally expensive and requires huge amounts of data. Thus, it would be desirable to automatically detect groups of more or less important examples. Here, we investigate if we can leverage sources of information which are commonly overlooked, Wikipedia categories as listed in DBPedia, to identify useful or harmful data points during pretraining. We define an experimental setup in which we analyze correlations between language model perplexity on specific clusters and downstream NLP task performances during pretraining. Our experiments show that Wikipedia categories are not a good indicator of the importance of specific sentences for pretraining.

FFR v1.1: Fon-French Neural Machine Translation
Chris Chinenye Emezue | Femi Pancrace Bonaventure Dossou

All over the world and especially in Africa, researchers are putting efforts into building Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems to help tackle the language barriers in Africa, a continent of over 2000 different languages. However, the low-resourceness, diacritical, and tonal complexities of African languages are major issues being faced. The FFR project is a major step towards creating a robust translation model from Fon, a very low-resource and tonal language, to French, for research and public use. In this paper, we introduce FFR Dataset, a corpus of Fon-to-French translations, describe the diacritical encoding process, and introduce our FFR v1.1 model, trained on the dataset. The dataset and model are made publicly available, to promote collaboration and reproducibility.

Classification and Analysis of Neologisms Produced by Learners of Spanish: Effects of Proficiency and Task
Shira Wein

The Spanish Learner Language Oral Corpora (SPLLOC) of transcribed conversations between investigators and language learners contains a set of neologism tags. In this work, the utterances tagged as neologisms are broken down into three categories: true neologisms, loanwords, and errors. This work examines the relationships between neologism, loanword, and error production and both language learner level and conversation task. The results of this study suggest that loanwords and errors are produced most frequently by language learners with moderate experience, while neologisms are produced most frequently by native speakers. This study also indicates that tasks that require descriptions of images draw more neologism, loanword and error production. We ultimately present a unique analysis of the implications of neologism, loanword, and error production useful for further work in second language acquisition research, as well as for language educators.

Developing a Monolingual Sentence Simplification Corpus for Urdu
Yusra Anees | Sadaf Abdul Rauf | Nauman Iqbal | Abdul Basit Siddiqi

Complex sentences are a hurdle in the learning process of language learners. Sentence simplification aims to convert a complex sentence into its simpler form such that it is easily comprehensible. To build such automated simplification systems, corpora of complex sentences and their simplified versions is the first step to understand sentence complexity and enable the development of automatic text simplification systems. No such corpus has yet been developed for Urdu and we fill this gap by developing one such corpus to help start readability and automatic sentence simplification research. We present a lexical and syntactically simplified Urdu simplification corpus and a detailed analysis of the various simplification operations. We further analyze our corpora using text readability measures and present a comparison of the original, lexical simplified, and syntactically simplified corpora.

Translating Natural Language Instructions for Behavioral Robot Navigation with a Multi-Head Attention Mechanism
Patricio Cerda-Mardini | Vladimir Araujo | Álvaro Soto

We propose a multi-head attention mechanism as a blending layer in a neural network model that translates natural language to a high level behavioral language for indoor robot navigation. We follow the framework established by (Zang et al., 2018a) that proposes the use of a navigation graph as a knowledge base for the task. Our results show significant performance gains when translating instructions on previously unseen environments, therefore, improving the generalization capabilities of the model.

Towards Mitigating Gender Bias in a decoder-based Neural Machine Translation model by Adding Contextual Information
Christine Basta | Marta R. Costa-jussà | José A. R. Fonollosa

Gender bias negatively impacts many natural language processing applications, including machine translation (MT). The motivation behind this work is to study whether recent proposed MT techniques are significantly contributing to attenuate biases in document-level and gender-balanced data. For the study, we consider approaches of adding the previous sentence and the speaker information, implemented in a decoder-based neural MT system. We show improvements both in translation quality (+1 BLEU point) as well as in gender bias mitigation on WinoMT (+5% accuracy).

Predicting and Analyzing Law-Making in Kenya
Oyinlola Babafemi | Adewale Akinfaderin

Modelling and analyzing parliamentary legislation, roll-call votes and order of proceedings in developed countries has received significant attention in recent years. In this paper, we focused on understanding the bills introduced in a developing democracy, the Kenyan bicameral parliament. We developed and trained machine learning models on a combination of features extracted from the bills to predict the outcome - if a bill will be enacted or not. We observed that the texts in a bill are not as relevant as the year and month the bill was introduced and the category the bill belongs to.

Defining and Evaluating Fair Natural Language Generation
Catherine Yeo | Alyssa Chen

Our work focuses on the biases that emerge in the natural language generation (NLG) task of sentence completion. In this paper, we introduce a mathematical framework of fairness for NLG followed by an evaluation of gender biases in two state-of-the-art language models. Our analysis provides a theoretical formulation for biases in NLG and empirical evidence that existing language generation models embed gender bias.

Political Advertising Dataset: the use case of the Polish 2020 Presidential Elections
Lukasz Augustyniak | Krzysztof Rajda | Tomasz Kajdanowicz | Michał Bernaczyk

Political campaigns are full of political ads posted by candidates on social media. Political advertisements constitute a basic form of campaigning, subjected to various social requirements. We present the first publicly open dataset for detecting specific text chunks and categories of political advertising in the Polish language. It contains 1,705 human-annotated tweets tagged with nine categories, which constitute campaigning under Polish electoral law. We achieved a 0.65 inter-annotator agreement (Cohen’s kappa score). An additional annotator resolved the mismatches between the first two annotators improving the consistency and complexity of the annotation process. We used the newly created dataset to train a well established neural tagger (achieving a 70% percent points F1 score). We also present a possible direction of use cases for such datasets and models with an initial analysis of the Polish 2020 Presidential Elections on Twitter.

The human unlikeness of neural language models in next-word prediction
Cassandra L. Jacobs | Arya D. McCarthy

The training objective of unidirectional language models (LMs) is similar to a psycholinguistic benchmark known as the cloze task, which measures next-word predictability. However, LMs lack the rich set of experiences that people do, and humans can be highly creative. To assess human parity in these models’ training objective, we compare the predictions of three neural language models to those of human participants in a freely available behavioral dataset (Luke & Christianson, 2016). Our results show that while neural models show a close correspondence to human productions, they nevertheless assign insufficient probability to how often speakers guess upcoming words, especially for open-class content words.

Long-Tail Predictions with Continuous-Output Language Models
Shiran Dudy | Steven Bedrick

Neural language models typically employ a categorical approach to prediction and training, leading to well-known computational and numerical limitations. An under-explored alternative approach is to perform prediction directly against a continuous word embedding space, which according to recent research is more akin to how lexemes are represented in the brain. Choosing this method opens the door for for large-vocabulary, language models and enables substantially smaller and simpler computational complexities. In this research we explore a different important trait - the continuous output prediction models reach low-frequency vocabulary words which we show are often ignored by the categorical model. Such words are essential, as they can contribute to personalization and user vocabulary adaptation. In this work, we explore continuous-space language modeling in the context of a word prediction task over two different textual domains (newswire text and biomedical journal articles). We investigate both traditional and adversarial training approaches, and report results using several different embedding spaces and decoding mechanisms. We find that our continuous-prediction approach outperforms the standard categorical approach in terms of term diversity, in particular with rare words.

Analyzing the Framing of 2020 Presidential Candidates in the News
Audrey Acken | Dorottya Demszky

In this study, we apply NLP methods to learn about the framing of the 2020 Democratic Presidential candidates in news media. We use both a lexicon-based approach and word embeddings to analyze how candidates are discussed in news sources with different political leanings. Our results show significant differences in the framing of candidates across the news sources along several dimensions, such as sentiment and agency, paving the way for a deeper investigation.

Understanding the Impact of Experiment Design for Evaluating Dialogue System Output
Sashank Santhanam | Samira Shaikh

Evaluation of output from natural language generation (NLG) systems is typically conducted via crowdsourced human judgments. To understand the impact of how experiment design might affect the quality and consistency of such human judgments, we designed a between-subjects study with four experimental conditions. Through our systematic study with 40 crowdsourced workers in each task, we find that using continuous scales achieves more consistent ratings than Likert scale or ranking-based experiment design. Additionally, we find that factors such as no prior experience of participating in similar studies of rating dialogue system output

Studying The Effect of Emotional and Moral Language on Information Contagion during the Charlottesville Event
Khyati Mahajan | Samira Shaikh

We highlight the contribution of emotional and moral language towards information contagion online. We find that retweet count on Twitter is significantly predicted by the use of negative emotions with negative moral language. We find that a tweet is less likely to be retweeted (hence less engagement and less potential for contagion) when it has emotional language expressed as anger along with a specific type of moral language, known as authority-vice. Conversely, when sadness is expressed with authority-vice, the tweet is more likely to be retweeted. Our findings indicate how emotional and moral language can interact in predicting information contagion.

Mapping of Narrative Text Fields To ICD-10 Codes Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
Risuna Nkolele

The assignment of ICD-10 codes is done manually, which is laborious and prone to errors. The use of natural language processing and machine learning approaches have been receiving increasing attention on automating the task of assigning ICD-10 codes. In this study, we investigate the effect of different approaches on automating the task of assigning ICD-10 codes. To do this we use the South African clinical dataset containing three narrative text fields (Clinical Summary, Presenting Complaints, and Examination Findings). The following traditional machine learning algorithms, namely: Logistic Regression, Multinomial Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, RandomForest, and Extreme Gradient Boost were used as our classifiers. Our study results show the strong potential of automated ICD-10 coding from the narrative text fields. ExtremeGradient Boost outperformed other classifiers in automating the task of assigning ICD-10 codes based on the three narrative text fields with an accuracy of 79%, precision of75%, and recall of 78%. While our worst classifier (Decision Tree) achieved the accuracy of 54%, precision of 60% and recall of 56%.

Multitask Models for Controlling the Complexity of Neural Machine Translation
Sweta Agrawal | Marine Carpuat

We introduce a machine translation task where the output is aimed at audiences of different levels of target language proficiency. We collect a novel dataset of news articles available in English and Spanish and written for diverse reading grade levels. We leverage this dataset to train multitask sequence to sequence models that translate Spanish into English targeted at an easier reading grade level than the original Spanish. We show that multitask models outperform pipeline approaches that translate and simplify text independently.

Using Social Media For Bitcoin Day Trading Behavior Prediction
Anna Paula Pawlicka Maule | Kristen Johnson

This abstract presents preliminary work in the application of natural language processing techniques and social network modeling for the prediction of cryptocurrency trading and investment behavior. Specifically, we are building models to use language and social network behaviors to predict if the tweets of a 24-hour period can be used to buy or sell cryptocurrency to make a profit. In this paper we present our novel task and initial language modeling studies.

HausaMT v1.0: Towards English–Hausa Neural Machine Translation
Adewale Akinfaderin

Neural Machine Translation (NMT) for low-resource languages suffers from low performance because of the lack of large amounts of parallel data and language diversity. To contribute to ameliorating this problem, we built a baseline model for English–Hausa machine translation, which is considered a task for low–resource language. The Hausa language is the second largest Afro–Asiatic language in the world after Arabic and it is the third largest language for trading across a larger swath of West Africa countries, after English and French. In this paper, we curated different datasets containing Hausa–English parallel corpus for our translation. We trained baseline models and evaluated the performance of our models using the Recurrent and Transformer encoder–decoder architecture with two tokenization approaches: standard word–level tokenization and Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) subword tokenization.

Outcomes of coming out: Analyzing stories of LGBTQ+
Krithika Ramesh | Tanvi Anand

The Internet is frequently used as a platform through which opinions and views on various topics can be expressed. One such topic that draws controversial attention is LGBTQ+ rights. This paper attempts to analyze the reaction that members of the LGBTQ+ community face when they reveal their gender or sexuality, or in other words, when they ‘come out of the closet’. We aim to classify the experiences shared by them as positive or negative. We collected data from various sources, primarily Twitter. We have applied deep learning techniques and compared the results to other classifiers, and the results obtained from applying classical sentiment analysis techniques to it.

An Evaluation of Subword Segmentation Strategies for Neural Machine Translation of Morphologically Rich Languages
Aquia Richburg | Ramy Eskander | Smaranda Muresan | Marine Carpuat

Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) (Sennrich et al., 2016) has become a standard pre-processing step when building neural machine translation systems. However, it is not clear whether this is an optimal strategy in all settings. We conduct a controlled comparison of subword segmentation strategies for translating two low-resource morphologically rich languages (Swahili and Turkish) into English. We show that segmentations based on a unigram language model (Kudo, 2018) yield comparable BLEU and better recall for translating rare source words than BPE.

Enhanced Urdu Word Segmentation using Conditional Random Fields and Morphological Context Features
Aamir Farhan | Mashrukh Islam | Dipti Misra Sharma

Word segmentation is a fundamental task for most of the NLP applications. Urdu adopts Nastalique writing style which does not have a concept of space. Furthermore, the inherent non-joining attributes of certain characters in Urdu create spaces within a word while writing in digital format. Thus, Urdu not only has space omission but also space insertion issues which make the word segmentation task challenging. In this paper, we improve upon the results of Zia, Raza and Athar (2018) by using a manually annotated corpus of 19,651 sentences along with morphological context features. Using the Conditional Random Field sequence modeler, our model achieves F 1 score of 0.98 for word boundary identification and 0.92 for sub-word boundary identification tasks. The results demonstrated in this paper outperform the state-of-the-art methods.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Machine Translation

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Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Machine Translation
Loïc Barrault | Ondřej Bojar | Fethi Bougares | Rajen Chatterjee | Marta R. Costa-jussà | Christian Federmann | Mark Fishel | Alexander Fraser | Yvette Graham | Paco Guzman | Barry Haddow | Matthias Huck | Antonio Jimeno Yepes | Philipp Koehn | André Martins | Makoto Morishita | Christof Monz | Masaaki Nagata | Toshiaki Nakazawa | Matteo Negri

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Findings of the 2020 Conference on Machine Translation (WMT20)
Loïc Barrault | Magdalena Biesialska | Ondřej Bojar | Marta R. Costa-jussà | Christian Federmann | Yvette Graham | Roman Grundkiewicz | Barry Haddow | Matthias Huck | Eric Joanis | Tom Kocmi | Philipp Koehn | Chi-kiu Lo | Nikola Ljubešić | Christof Monz | Makoto Morishita | Masaaki Nagata | Toshiaki Nakazawa | Santanu Pal | Matt Post | Marcos Zampieri

This paper presents the results of the news translation task and the similar language translation task, both organised alongside the Conference on Machine Translation (WMT) 2020. In the news task, participants were asked to build machine translation systems for any of 11 language pairs, to be evaluated on test sets consisting mainly of news stories. The task was also opened up to additional test suites to probe specific aspects of translation. In the similar language translation task, participants built machine translation systems for translating between closely related pairs of languages.

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Findings of the First Shared Task on Lifelong Learning Machine Translation
Loïc Barrault | Magdalena Biesialska | Marta R. Costa-jussà | Fethi Bougares | Olivier Galibert

A lifelong learning system can adapt to new data without forgetting previously acquired knowledge. In this paper, we introduce the first benchmark for lifelong learning machine translation. For this purpose, we provide training, lifelong and test data sets for two language pairs: English-German and English-French. Additionally, we report the results of our baseline systems, which we make available to the public. The goal of this shared task is to encourage research on the emerging topic of lifelong learning machine translation.

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Findings of the WMT 2020 Shared Task on Chat Translation
M. Amin Farajian | António V. Lopes | André F. T. Martins | Sameen Maruf | Gholamreza Haffari

We report the results of the first edition of the WMT shared task on chat translation. The task consisted of translating bilingual conversational text, in particular customer support chats for the English-German language pair (English agent, German customer). This task varies from the other translation shared tasks, i.e. news and biomedical, mainly due to the fact that the conversations are bilingual, less planned, more informal, and often ungrammatical. Furthermore, such conversations are usually characterized by shorter and simpler sentences and contain more pronouns. We received 14 submissions from 6 participating teams, all of them covering both directions, i.e. En->De for agent utterances and De->En for customer messages. We used automatic metrics (BLEU and TER) for evaluating the translations of both agent and customer messages and human document-level direct assessments (DDA) to evaluate the agent translations.

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Findings of the WMT 2020 Shared Task on Machine Translation Robustness
Lucia Specia | Zhenhao Li | Juan Pino | Vishrav Chaudhary | Francisco Guzmán | Graham Neubig | Nadir Durrani | Yonatan Belinkov | Philipp Koehn | Hassan Sajjad | Paul Michel | Xian Li

We report the findings of the second edition of the shared task on improving robustness in Machine Translation (MT). The task aims to test current machine translation systems in their ability to handle challenges facing MT models to be deployed in the real world, including domain diversity and non-standard texts common in user generated content, especially in social media. We cover two language pairs – English-German and English-Japanese and provide test sets in zero-shot and few-shot variants. Participating systems are evaluated both automatically and manually, with an additional human evaluation for ”catastrophic errors”. We received 59 submissions by 11 participating teams from a variety of types of institutions.

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The University of Edinburgh’s English-Tamil and English-Inuktitut Submissions to the WMT20 News Translation Task
Rachel Bawden | Alexandra Birch | Radina Dobreva | Arturo Oncevay | Antonio Valerio Miceli Barone | Philip Williams

We describe the University of Edinburgh’s submissions to the WMT20 news translation shared task for the low resource language pair English-Tamil and the mid-resource language pair English-Inuktitut. We use the neural machine translation transformer architecture for all submissions and explore a variety of techniques to improve translation quality to compensate for the lack of parallel training data. For the very low-resource English-Tamil, this involves exploring pretraining, using both language model objectives and translation using an unrelated high-resource language pair (German-English), and iterative backtranslation. For English-Inuktitut, we explore the use of multilingual systems, which, despite not being part of the primary submission, would have achieved the best results on the test set.

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GTCOM Neural Machine Translation Systems for WMT20
Chao Bei | Hao Zong | Qingmin Liu | Conghu Yuan

This paper describes the Global Tone Communication Co., Ltd.’s submission of the WMT20 shared news translation task. We participate in four directions: English to (Khmer and Pashto) and (Khmer and Pashto) to English. Further, we get the best BLEU scores in the directions of English to Pashto, Pashto to English and Khmer to English (13.1, 23.1 and 25.5 respectively) among all the participants. Our submitted systems are unconstrained and focus on mBART (Multilingual Bidirectional and Auto-Regressive Transformers), back-translation and forward-translation. Also, we apply rules, language model and RoBERTa model to filter monolingual, parallel sentences and synthetic sentences. Besides, we validate the difference of the vocabulary built from monolingual data and parallel data.

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DiDi’s Machine Translation System for WMT2020
Tanfang Chen | Weiwei Wang | Wenyang Wei | Xing Shi | Xiangang Li | Jieping Ye | Kevin Knight

This paper describes the DiDi AI Labs’ submission to the WMT2020 news translation shared task. We participate in the translation direction of Chinese->English. In this direction, we use the Transformer as our baseline model and integrate several techniques for model enhancement, including data filtering, data selection, back-translation, fine-tuning, model ensembling, and re-ranking. As a result, our submission achieves a BLEU score of 36.6 in Chinese->English.

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Facebook AI’s WMT20 News Translation Task Submission
Peng-Jen Chen | Ann Lee | Changhan Wang | Naman Goyal | Angela Fan | Mary Williamson | Jiatao Gu

This paper describes Facebook AI’s submission to WMT20 shared news translation task. We focus on the low resource setting and participate in two language pairs, Tamil <-> English and Inuktitut <-> English, where there are limited out-of-domain bitext and monolingual data. We approach the low resource problem using two main strategies, leveraging all available data and adapting the system to the target news domain. We explore techniques that leverage bitext and monolingual data from all languages, such as self-supervised model pretraining, multilingual models, data augmentation, and reranking. To better adapt the translation system to the test domain, we explore dataset tagging and fine-tuning on in-domain data. We observe that different techniques provide varied improvements based on the available data of the language pair. Based on the finding, we integrate these techniques into one training pipeline. For En->Ta, we explore an unconstrained setup with additional Tamil bitext and monolingual data and show that further improvement can be obtained. On the test set, our best submitted systems achieve 21.5 and 13.7 BLEU for Ta->En and En->Ta respectively, and 27.9 and 13.0 for Iu->En and En->Iu respectively.

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Linguistically Motivated Subwords for English-Tamil Translation: University of Groningen’s Submission to WMT-2020
Prajit Dhar | Arianna Bisazza | Gertjan van Noord

This paper describes our submission for the English-Tamil news translation task of WMT-2020. The various techniques and Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models used by our team are presented and discussed, including back-translation, fine-tuning and word dropout. Additionally, our experiments show that using a linguistically motivated subword segmentation technique (Ataman et al., 2017) does not consistently outperform the more widely used, non-linguistically motivated SentencePiece algorithm (Kudo and Richardson, 2018), despite the agglutinative nature of Tamil morphology.

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The TALP-UPC System Description for WMT20 News Translation Task: Multilingual Adaptation for Low Resource MT
Carlos Escolano | Marta R. Costa-jussà | José A. R. Fonollosa

In this article, we describe the TALP-UPC participation in the WMT20 news translation shared task for Tamil-English. Given the low amount of parallel training data, we resort to adapt the task to a multilingual system to benefit from the positive transfer from high resource languages. We use iterative backtranslation to fine-tune the system and benefit from the monolingual data available. In order to measure the effectivity of such methods, we compare our results to a bilingual baseline system.

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An Iterative Knowledge Transfer NMT System for WMT20 News Translation Task
Jiwan Kim | Soyoon Park | Sangha Kim | Yoonjung Choi

This paper describes our submission to the WMT20 news translation shared task in English to Japanese direction. Our main approach is based on transferring knowledge of domain and linguistic characteristics by pre-training the encoder-decoder model with large amount of in-domain monolingual data through unsupervised and supervised prediction task. We then fine-tune the model with parallel data and in-domain synthetic data, generated with iterative back-translation. For additional gain, we generate final results with an ensemble model and re-rank them with averaged models and language models. Through these methods, we achieve +5.42 BLEU score compare to the baseline model.

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Tohoku-AIP-NTT at WMT 2020 News Translation Task
Shun Kiyono | Takumi Ito | Ryuto Konno | Makoto Morishita | Jun Suzuki

In this paper, we describe the submission of Tohoku-AIP-NTT to the WMT’20 news translation task. We participated in this task in two language pairs and four language directions: English <–> German and English <–> Japanese. Our system consists of techniques such as back-translation and fine-tuning, which are already widely adopted in translation tasks. We attempted to develop new methods for both synthetic data filtering and reranking. However, the methods turned out to be ineffective, and they provided us with no significant improvement over the baseline. We analyze these negative results to provide insights for future studies.

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NRC Systems for the 2020 Inuktitut-English News Translation Task
Rebecca Knowles | Darlene Stewart | Samuel Larkin | Patrick Littell

We describe the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) submissions for the 2020 Inuktitut-English shared task on news translation at the Fifth Conference on Machine Translation (WMT20). Our submissions consist of ensembled domain-specific finetuned transformer models, trained using the Nunavut Hansard and news data and, in the case of Inuktitut-English, backtranslated news and parliamentary data. In this work we explore challenges related to the relatively small amount of parallel data, morphological complexity, and domain shifts.

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CUNI Submission for the Inuktitut Language in WMT News 2020
Tom Kocmi

This paper describes CUNI submission to the WMT 2020 News Translation Shared Task for the low-resource scenario Inuktitut–English in both translation directions. Our system combines transfer learning from a Czech–English high-resource language pair and backtranslation. We notice surprising behaviour when using synthetic data, which can be possibly attributed to a narrow domain of training and test data. We are using the Transformer model in a constrained submission.

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Tilde at WMT 2020: News Task Systems
Rihards Krišlauks | Mārcis Pinnis

This paper describes Tilde’s submission to the WMT2020 shared task on news translation for both directions of the English-Polish language pair in both the constrained and the unconstrained tracks. We follow our submissions form the previous years and build our baseline systems to be morphologically motivated sub-word unit-based Transformer base models that we train using the Marian machine translation toolkit. Additionally, we experiment with different parallel and monolingual data selection schemes, as well as sampled back-translation. Our final models are ensembles of Transformer base and Transformer big models which feature right-to-left re-ranking.

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Samsung R&D Institute Poland submission to WMT20 News Translation Task
Mateusz Krubiński | Marcin Chochowski | Bartłomiej Boczek | Mikołaj Koszowski | Adam Dobrowolski | Marcin Szymański | Paweł Przybysz

This paper describes the submission to the WMT20 shared news translation task by Samsung R&D Institute Poland. We submitted systems for six language directions: English to Czech, Czech to English, English to Polish, Polish to English, English to Inuktitut and Inuktitut to English. For each, we trained a single-direction model. However, directions including English, Polish and Czech were derived from a common multilingual base, which was later fine-tuned on each particular direction. For all the translation directions, we used a similar training regime, with iterative training corpora improvement through back-translation and model ensembling. For the En → Cs direction, we additionally leveraged document-level information by re-ranking the beam output with a separate model.

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Speed-optimized, Compact Student Models that Distill Knowledge from a Larger Teacher Model: the UEDIN-CUNI Submission to the WMT 2020 News Translation Task
Ulrich Germann | Roman Grundkiewicz | Martin Popel | Radina Dobreva | Nikolay Bogoychev | Kenneth Heafield

We describe the joint submission of the University of Edinburgh and Charles University, Prague, to the Czech/English track in the WMT 2020 Shared Task on News Translation. Our fast and compact student models distill knowledge from a larger, slower teacher. They are designed to offer a good trade-off between translation quality and inference efficiency. On the WMT 2020 Czech ↔ English test sets, they achieve translation speeds of over 700 whitespace-delimited source words per second on a single CPU thread, thus making neural translation feasible on consumer hardware without a GPU.

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The University of Edinburgh’s submission to the German-to-English and English-to-German Tracks in the WMT 2020 News Translation and Zero-shot Translation Robustness Tasks
Ulrich Germann

This paper describes the University of Edinburgh’s submission of German <-> English systems to the WMT2020 Shared Tasks on News Translation and Zero-shot Robustness.

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Contact Relatedness can help improve multilingual NMT: Microsoft STCI-MT @ WMT20
Vikrant Goyal | Anoop Kunchukuttan | Rahul Kejriwal | Siddharth Jain | Amit Bhagwat

We describe our submission for the English→Tamil and Tamil→English news translation shared task. In this submission, we focus on exploring if a low-resource language (Tamil) can benefit from a high-resource language (Hindi) with which it shares contact relatedness. We show utilizing contact relatedness via multilingual NMT can significantly improve translation quality for English-Tamil translation.

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The AFRL WMT20 News Translation Systems
Jeremy Gwinnup | Tim Anderson

This report summarizes the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) machine translation (MT) systems submitted to the news-translation task as part of the 2020 Conference on Machine Translation (WMT20) evaluation campaign. This year we largely repurpose strategies from previous years’ efforts with larger datasets and also train models with precomputed word alignments under various settings in an effort to improve translation quality.

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The Ubiqus English-Inuktitut System for WMT20
François Hernandez | Vincent Nguyen

This paper describes Ubiqus’ submission to the WMT20 English-Inuktitut shared news translation task. Our main system, and only submission, is based on a multilingual approach, jointly training a Transformer model on several agglutinative languages. The English-Inuktitut translation task is challenging at every step, from data selection, preparation and tokenization to quality evaluation down the line. Difficulties emerge both because of the peculiarities of the Inuktitut language as well as the low-resource context.

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SJTU-NICT’s Supervised and Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation Systems for the WMT20 News Translation Task
Zuchao Li | Hai Zhao | Rui Wang | Kehai Chen | Masao Utiyama | Eiichiro Sumita

In this paper, we introduced our joint team SJTU-NICT ‘s participation in the WMT 2020 machine translation shared task. In this shared task, we participated in four translation directions of three language pairs: English-Chinese, English-Polish on supervised machine translation track, German-Upper Sorbian on low-resource and unsupervised machine translation tracks. Based on different conditions of language pairs, we have experimented with diverse neural machine translation (NMT) techniques: document-enhanced NMT, XLM pre-trained language model enhanced NMT, bidirectional translation as a pre-training, reference language based UNMT, data-dependent gaussian prior objective, and BT-BLEU collaborative filtering self-training. We also used the TF-IDF algorithm to filter the training set to obtain a domain more similar set with the test set for finetuning. In our submissions, the primary systems won the first place on English to Chinese, Polish to English, and German to Upper Sorbian translation directions.

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Combination of Neural Machine Translation Systems at WMT20
Benjamin Marie | Raphael Rubino | Atsushi Fujita

This paper presents neural machine translation systems and their combination built for the WMT20 English-Polish and Japanese->English translation tasks. We show that using a Transformer Big architecture, additional training data synthesized from monolingual data, and combining many NMT systems through n-best list reranking improve translation quality. However, while we observed such improvements on the validation data, we did not observed similar improvements on the test data. Our analysis reveals that the presence of translationese texts in the validation data led us to take decisions in building NMT systems that were not optimal to obtain the best results on the test data.

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WeChat Neural Machine Translation Systems for WMT20
Fandong Meng | Jianhao Yan | Yijin Liu | Yuan Gao | Xianfeng Zeng | Qinsong Zeng | Peng Li | Ming Chen | Jie Zhou | Sifan Liu | Hao Zhou

We participate in the WMT 2020 shared newstranslation task on Chinese→English. Our system is based on the Transformer (Vaswaniet al., 2017a) with effective variants and the DTMT (Meng and Zhang, 2019) architecture. In our experiments, we employ data selection, several synthetic data generation approaches (i.e., back-translation, knowledge distillation, and iterative in-domain knowledge transfer), advanced finetuning approaches and self-bleu based model ensemble. Our constrained Chinese→English system achieves 36.9 case-sensitive BLEU score, which is thehighest among all submissions.

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PROMT Systems for WMT 2020 Shared News Translation Task
Alexander Molchanov

This paper describes the PROMT submissions for the WMT 2020 Shared News Translation Task. This year we participated in four language pairs and six directions: English-Russian, Russian-English, English-German, German-English, Polish-English and Czech-English. All our submissions are MarianNMT-based neural systems. We use more data compared to last year and update our back-translations with better models from the previous year. We show competitive results in terms of BLEU in most directions.

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eTranslation’s Submissions to the WMT 2020 News Translation Task
Csaba Oravecz | Katina Bontcheva | László Tihanyi | David Kolovratnik | Bhavani Bhaskar | Adrien Lardilleux | Szymon Klocek | Andreas Eisele

The paper describes the submissions of the eTranslation team to the WMT 2020 news translation shared task. Leveraging the experience from the team’s participation last year we developed systems for 5 language pairs with various strategies. Compared to last year, for some language pairs we dedicated a lot more resources to training, and tried to follow standard best practices to build competitive systems which can achieve good results in the rankings. By using deep and complex architectures we sacrificed direct re-usability of our systems in production environments but evaluation showed that this approach could result in better models that significantly outperform baseline architectures. We submitted two systems to the zero shot robustness task. These submissions are described briefly in this paper as well.

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The ADAPT System Description for the WMT20 News Translation Task
Venkatesh Parthasarathy | Akshai Ramesh | Rejwanul Haque | Andy Way

This paper describes the ADAPT Centre’s submissions to the WMT20 News translation shared task for English-to-Tamil and Tamil-to-English. We present our machine translation (MT) systems that were built using the state-of-the-art neural MT (NMT) model, Transformer. We applied various strategies in order to improve our baseline MT systems, e.g. onolin- gual sentence selection for creating synthetic training data, mining monolingual sentences for adapting our MT systems to the task, hyperparameters search for Transformer in lowresource scenarios. Our experiments show that adding the aforementioned techniques to the baseline yields an excellent performance in the English-to-Tamil and Tamil-to-English translation tasks.

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CUNI English-Czech and English-Polish Systems in WMT20: Robust Document-Level Training
Martin Popel

We describe our two NMT systems submitted to the WMT 2020 shared task in English<->Czech and English<->Polish news translation. One system is sentence level, translating each sentence independently. The second system is document level, translating multiple sentences, trained on multi-sentence sequences up to 3000 characters long.

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Machine Translation for English–Inuktitut with Segmentation, Data Acquisition and Pre-Training
Christian Roest | Lukas Edman | Gosse Minnema | Kevin Kelly | Jennifer Spenader | Antonio Toral

Translating to and from low-resource polysynthetic languages present numerous challenges for NMT. We present the results of our systems for the English–Inuktitut language pair for the WMT 2020 translation tasks. We investigated the importance of correct morphological segmentation, whether or not adding data from a related language (Greenlandic) helps, and whether using contextual word embeddings improves translation. While each method showed some promise, the results are mixed.

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OPPO’s Machine Translation Systems for WMT20
Tingxun Shi | Shiyu Zhao | Xiaopu Li | Xiaoxue Wang | Qian Zhang | Di Ai | Dawei Dang | Xue Zhengshan | Jie Hao

In this paper we demonstrate our (OPPO’s) machine translation systems for the WMT20 Shared Task on News Translation for all the 22 language pairs. We will give an overview of the common aspects across all the systems firstly, including two parts: the data preprocessing part will show how the data are preprocessed and filtered, and the system part will show our models architecture and the techniques we followed. Detailed information, such as training hyperparameters and the results generated by each technique will be depicted in the corresponding subsections. Our final submissions ranked top in 6 directions (English Czech, English Russian, French German and Tamil English), third in 2 directions (English German, English Japanese), and fourth in 2 directions (English Pashto and and English Tamil).

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HW-TSC’s Participation in the WMT 2020 News Translation Shared Task
Daimeng Wei | Hengchao Shang | Zhanglin Wu | Zhengzhe Yu | Liangyou Li | Jiaxin Guo | Minghan Wang | Hao Yang | Lizhi Lei | Ying Qin | Shiliang Sun

This paper presents our work in the WMT 2020 News Translation Shared Task. We participate in 3 language pairs including Zh/En, Km/En, and Ps/En and in both directions under the constrained condition. We use the standard Transformer-Big model as the baseline and obtain the best performance via two variants with larger parameter sizes. We perform detailed pre-processing and filtering on the provided large-scale bilingual and monolingual dataset. Several commonly used strategies are used to train our models such as Back Translation, Ensemble Knowledge Distillation, etc. We also conduct experiment with similar language augmentation, which lead to positive results, although not used in our submission. Our submission obtains remarkable results in the final evaluation.

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IIE’s Neural Machine Translation Systems for WMT20
Xiangpeng Wei | Ping Guo | Yunpeng Li | Xingsheng Zhang | Luxi Xing | Yue Hu

In this paper we introduce the systems IIE submitted for the WMT20 shared task on German-French news translation. Our systems are based on the Transformer architecture with some effective improvements. Multiscale collaborative deep architecture, data selection, back translation, knowledge distillation, domain adaptation, model ensemble and re-ranking are employed and proven effective in our experiments. Our German-to-French system achieved 35.0 BLEU and ranked the second among all anonymous submissions, and our French-to-German system achieved 36.6 BLEU and ranked the fourth in all anonymous submissions.

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The Volctrans Machine Translation System for WMT20
Liwei Wu | Xiao Pan | Zehui Lin | Yaoming Zhu | Mingxuan Wang | Lei Li

This paper describes our submission systems for VolcTrans for WMT20 shared news translation task. We participated in 8 translation directions. Our basic systems are based on Transformer (CITATION), into which we also employed new architectures (bigger or deeper Transformers, dynamic convolution). The final systems include text pre-process, subword(a.k.a. BPE(CITATION)), baseline model training, iterative back-translation, model ensemble, knowledge distillation and multilingual pre-training.

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Tencent Neural Machine Translation Systems for the WMT20 News Translation Task
Shuangzhi Wu | Xing Wang | Longyue Wang | Fangxu Liu | Jun Xie | Zhaopeng Tu | Shuming Shi | Mu Li

This paper describes Tencent Neural Machine Translation systems for the WMT 2020 news translation tasks. We participate in the shared news translation task on English Chinese and English German language pairs. Our systems are built on deep Transformer and several data augmentation methods. We propose a boosted in-domain finetuning method to improve single models. Ensemble is used to combine single models and we propose an iterative transductive ensemble method which can further improve the translation performance based on the ensemble results. We achieve a BLEU score of 36.8 and the highest chrF score of 0.648 on Chinese English task.

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Russian-English Bidirectional Machine Translation System
Ariel Xv

This review depicts our submission to the WMT20 shared news translation task. WMT is the conference to assess the level of machine translation capabilities of organizations in the word. We participated in one language pair and two language directions, from Russian to English and from English to Russian. We used official training data, 102 million parallel corpora and 10 million monolingual corpora. Our baseline systems are Transformer models trained with the Sockeye sequence modeling toolkit, supplemented by bi-text data filtering schemes, back-translations, reordering and other related processing methods. The BLEU value of our translation result from Russian to English is 35.7, ranking 5th, while from English to Russian is 39.8, ranking 2th.

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The DeepMind Chinese–English Document Translation System at WMT2020
Lei Yu | Laurent Sartran | Po-Sen Huang | Wojciech Stokowiec | Domenic Donato | Srivatsan Srinivasan | Alek Andreev | Wang Ling | Sona Mokra | Agustin Dal Lago | Yotam Doron | Susannah Young | Phil Blunsom | Chris Dyer

This paper describes the DeepMind submission to the ChineseEnglish constrained data track of the WMT2020 Shared Task on News Translation. The submission employs a noisy channel factorization as the backbone of a document translation system. This approach allows the flexible combination of a number of independent component models which are further augmented with back-translation, distillation, fine-tuning with in-domain data, Monte-Carlo Tree Search decoding, and improved uncertainty estimation. In order to address persistent issues with the premature truncation of long sequences we included specialized length models and sentence segmentation techniques. Our final system provides a 9.9 BLEU points improvement over a baseline Transformer on our test set (newstest 2019).

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The NiuTrans Machine Translation Systems for WMT20
Yuhao Zhang | Ziyang Wang | Runzhe Cao | Binghao Wei | Weiqiao Shan | Shuhan Zhou | Abudurexiti Reheman | Tao Zhou | Xin Zeng | Laohu Wang | Yongyu Mu | Jingnan Zhang | Xiaoqian Liu | Xuanjun Zhou | Yinqiao Li | Bei Li | Tong Xiao | Jingbo Zhu

This paper describes NiuTrans neural machine translation systems of the WMT20 news translation tasks. We participated in Japanese<->English, English->Chinese, Inuktitut->English and Tamil->English total five tasks and rank first in Japanese<->English both sides. We mainly utilized iterative back-translation, different depth and widen model architectures, iterative knowledge distillation and iterative fine-tuning. And we find that adequately widened and deepened the model simultaneously, the performance will significantly improve. Also, iterative fine-tuning strategy we implemented is effective during adapting domain. For Inuktitut->English and Tamil->English tasks, we built multilingual models separately and employed pretraining word embedding to obtain better performance.

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Fine-grained linguistic evaluation for state-of-the-art Machine Translation
Eleftherios Avramidis | Vivien Macketanz | Ursula Strohriegel | Aljoscha Burchardt | Sebastian Möller

This paper describes a test suite submission providing detailed statistics of linguistic performance for the state-of-the-art German-English systems of the Fifth Conference of Machine Translation (WMT20). The analysis covers 107 phenomena organized in 14 categories based on about 5,500 test items, including a manual annotation effort of 45 person hours. Two systems (Tohoku and Huoshan) appear to have significantly better test suite accuracy than the others, although the best system of WMT20 is not significantly better than the one from WMT19 in a macro-average. Additionally, we identify some linguistic phenomena where all systems suffer (such as idioms, resultative predicates and pluperfect), but we are also able to identify particular weaknesses for individual systems (such as quotation marks, lexical ambiguity and sluicing). Most of the systems of WMT19 which submitted new versions this year show improvements.

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Gender Coreference and Bias Evaluation at WMT 2020
Tom Kocmi | Tomasz Limisiewicz | Gabriel Stanovsky

Gender bias in machine translation can manifest when choosing gender inflections based on spurious gender correlations. For example, always translating doctors as men and nurses as women. This can be particularly harmful as models become more popular and deployed within commercial systems. Our work presents the largest evidence for the phenomenon in more than 19 systems submitted to the WMT over four diverse target languages: Czech, German, Polish, and Russian. To achieve this, we use WinoMT, a recent automatic test suite which examines gender coreference and bias when translating from English to languages with grammatical gender. We extend WinoMT to handle two new languages tested in WMT: Polish and Czech. We find that all systems consistently use spurious correlations in the data rather than meaningful contextual information.

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The MUCOW word sense disambiguation test suite at WMT 2020
Yves Scherrer | Alessandro Raganato | Jörg Tiedemann

This paper reports on our participation with the MUCOW test suite at the WMT 2020 news translation task. We introduced MUCOW at WMT 2019 to measure the ability of MT systems to perform word sense disambiguation (WSD), i.e., to translate an ambiguous word with its correct sense. MUCOW is created automatically using existing resources, and the evaluation process is also entirely automated. We evaluate all participating systems of the language pairs English -> Czech, English -> German, and English -> Russian and compare the results with those obtained at WMT 2019. While current NMT systems are fairly good at handling ambiguous source words, we could not identify any substantial progress - at least to the extent that it is measurable by the MUCOW method - in that area over the last year.

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WMT20 Document-Level Markable Error Exploration
Vilém Zouhar | Tereza Vojtěchová | Ondřej Bojar

Even though sentence-centric metrics are used widely in machine translation evaluation, document-level performance is at least equally important for professional usage. In this paper, we bring attention to detailed document-level evaluation focused on markables (expressions bearing most of the document meaning) and the negative impact of various markable error phenomena on the translation. For an annotation experiment of two phases, we chose Czech and English documents translated by systems submitted to WMT20 News Translation Task. These documents are from the News, Audit and Lease domains. We show that the quality and also the kind of errors varies significantly among the domains. This systematic variance is in contrast to the automatic evaluation results. We inspect which specific markables are problematic for MT systems and conclude with an analysis of the effect of markable error types on the MT performance measured by humans and automatic evaluation tools.

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Translating Similar Languages: Role of Mutual Intelligibility in Multilingual Transformers
Ife Adebara | El Moatez Billah Nagoudi | Muhammad Abdul Mageed

In this work we investigate different approaches to translate between similar languages despite low resource limitations. This work is done as the participation of the UBC NLP research group in the WMT 2019 Similar Languages Translation Shared Task. We participated in all language pairs and performed various experiments. We used a transformer architecture for all the models and used back-translation for one of the language pairs. We explore both bilingual and multi-lingual approaches. We describe the pre-processing, training, translation and results for each model. We also investigate the role of mutual intelligibility in model performance.

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Attention Transformer Model for Translation of Similar Languages
Farhan Dhanani | Muhammad Rafi

This paper illustrates our approach to the shared task on similar language translation in the fifth conference on machine translation (WMT-20). Our motivation comes from the latest state of the art neural machine translation in which Transformers and Recurrent Attention models are effectively used. A typical sequence-sequence architecture consists of an encoder and a decoder Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). The encoder recursively processes a source sequence and reduces it into a fixed-length vector (context), and the decoder generates a target sequence, token by token, conditioned on the same context. In contrast, the advantage of transformers is to reduce the training time by offering a higher degree of parallelism at the cost of freedom for sequential order. With the introduction of Recurrent Attention, it allows the decoder to focus effectively on order of the source sequence at different decoding steps. In our approach, we have combined the recurrence based layered encoder-decoder model with the Transformer model. Our Attention Transformer model enjoys the benefits of both Recurrent Attention and Transformer to quickly learn the most probable sequence for decoding in the target language. The architecture is especially suited for similar languages (languages coming from the same family). We have submitted our system for both Indo-Aryan Language forward (Hindi to Marathi) and reverse (Marathi to Hindi) pair. Our system trains on the parallel corpus of the training dataset provided by the organizers and achieved an average BLEU point of 3.68 with 97.64 TER score for the Hindi-Marathi, along with 9.02 BLEU point and 88.6 TER score for Marathi-Hindi testing set.

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Transformer-based Neural Machine Translation System for Hindi – Marathi: WMT20 Shared Task
Amit Kumar | Rupjyoti Baruah | Rajesh Kumar Mundotiya | Anil Kumar Singh

This paper reports the results for the Machine Translation (MT) system submitted by the NLPRL team for the Hindi – Marathi Similar Translation Task at WMT 2020. We apply the Transformer-based Neural Machine Translation (NMT) approach on both translation directions for this language pair. The trained model is evaluated on the corpus provided by shared task organizers, using BLEU, RIBES, and TER scores. There were a total of 23 systems submitted for Marathi to Hindi and 21 systems submitted for Hindi to Marathi in the shared task. Out of these, our submission ranked 6th and 9th, respectively.

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Hindi-Marathi Cross Lingual Model
Sahinur Rahman Laskar | Abdullah Faiz Ur Rahman Khilji | Partha Pakray | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

Machine Translation (MT) is a vital tool for aiding communication between linguistically separate groups of people. The neural machine translation (NMT) based approaches have gained widespread acceptance because of its outstanding performance. We have participated in WMT20 shared task of similar language translation on Hindi-Marathi pair. The main challenge of this task is by utilization of monolingual data and similarity features of similar language pair to overcome the limitation of available parallel data. In this work, we have implemented NMT based model that simultaneously learns bilingual embedding from both the source and target language pairs. Our model has achieved Hindi to Marathi bilingual evaluation understudy (BLEU) score of 11.59, rank-based intuitive bilingual evaluation score (RIBES) score of 57.76 and translation edit rate (TER) score of 79.07 and Marathi to Hindi BLEU score of 15.44, RIBES score of 61.13 and TER score of 75.96.

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Transfer Learning for Related Languages: Submissions to the WMT20 Similar Language Translation Task
Lovish Madaan | Soumya Sharma | Parag Singla

In this paper, we describe IIT Delhi’s submissions to the WMT 2020 task on Similar Language Translation for four language directions: Hindi <-> Marathi and Spanish <-> Portuguese. We try out three different model settings for the translation task and select our primary and contrastive submissions on the basis of performance of these three models. For our best submissions, we fine-tune the mBART model on the parallel data provided for the task. The pre-training is done using self-supervised objectives on a large amount of monolingual data for many languages. Overall, our models are ranked in the top four of all systems for the submitted language pairs, with first rank in Spanish -> Portuguese.

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The IPN-CIC team system submission for the WMT 2020 similar language task
Luis A. Menéndez-Salazar | Grigori Sidorov | Marta R. Costa-Jussà

This paper describes the participation of the NLP research team of the IPN Computer Research center in the WMT 2020 Similar Language Translation Task. We have submitted systems for the Spanish-Portuguese language pair (in both directions). The three submitted systems are based on the Transformer architecture and used fine tuning for domain Adaptation.

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NMT based Similar Language Translation for Hindi - Marathi
Vandan Mujadia | Dipti Sharma

This paper describes the participation of team F1toF6 (LTRC, IIIT-Hyderabad) for the WMT 2020 task, similar language translation. We experimented with attention based recurrent neural network architecture (seq2seq) for this task. We explored the use of different linguistic features like POS and Morph along with back translation for Hindi-Marathi and Marathi-Hindi machine translation.

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NUIG-Panlingua-KMI Hindi-Marathi MT Systems for Similar Language Translation Task @ WMT 2020
Atul Kr. Ojha | Priya Rani | Akanksha Bansal | Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi | Ritesh Kumar | John P. McCrae

NUIG-Panlingua-KMI submission to WMT 2020 seeks to push the state-of-the-art in Similar Language Translation Task for Hindi↔Marathi language pair. As part of these efforts, we conducteda series of experiments to address the challenges for translation between similar languages. Among the 4 MT systems prepared under this task, 1 PBSMT systems were prepared for Hindi↔Marathi each and 1 NMT systems were developed for Hindi↔Marathi using Byte PairEn-coding (BPE) into subwords. The results show that different architectures NMT could be an effective method for developing MT systems for closely related languages. Our Hindi-Marathi NMT system was ranked 8th among the 14 teams that participated and our Marathi-Hindi NMT system was ranked 8th among the 11 teams participated for the task.

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Neural Machine Translation for Similar Languages: The Case of Indo-Aryan Languages
Santanu Pal | Marcos Zampieri

In this paper we present the WIPRO-RIT systems submitted to the Similar Language Translation shared task at WMT 2020. The second edition of this shared task featured parallel data from pairs/groups of similar languages from three different language families: Indo-Aryan languages (Hindi and Marathi), Romance languages (Catalan, Portuguese, and Spanish), and South Slavic Languages (Croatian, Serbian, and Slovene). We report the results obtained by our systems in translating from Hindi to Marathi and from Marathi to Hindi. WIPRO-RIT achieved competitive performance ranking 1st in Marathi to Hindi and 2nd in Hindi to Marathi translation among 22 systems.

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Neural Machine Translation between similar South-Slavic languages
Maja Popović | Alberto Poncelas

This paper describes the ADAPT-DCU machine translation systems built for the WMT 2020 shared task on Similar Language Translation. We explored several set-ups for NMT for Croatian–Slovenian and Serbian–Slovenian language pairs in both translation directions. Our experiments focus on different amounts and types of training data: we first apply basic filtering on the OpenSubtitles training corpora, then we perform additional cleaning of remaining misaligned segments based on character n-gram matching. Finally, we make use of additional monolingual data by creating synthetic parallel data through back-translation. Automatic evaluation shows that multilingual systems with joint Serbian and Croatian data are better than bilingual, as well as that character-based cleaning leads to improved scores while using less data. The results also confirm once more that adding back-translated data further improves the performance, especially when the synthetic data is similar to the desired domain of the development and test set. This, however, might come at a price of prolonged training time, especially for multitarget systems.

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Infosys Machine Translation System for WMT20 Similar Language Translation Task
Kamalkumar Rathinasamy | Amanpreet Singh | Balaguru Sivasambagupta | Prajna Prasad Neerchal | Vani Sivasankaran

This paper describes Infosys’s submission to the WMT20 Similar Language Translation shared task. We participated in Indo-Aryan language pair in the language direction Hindi to Marathi. Our baseline system is byte-pair encoding based transformer model trained with the Fairseq sequence modeling toolkit. Our final system is an ensemble of two transformer models, which ranked first in WMT20 evaluation. One model is designed to learn the nuances of translation of this low resource language pair by taking advantage of the fact that the source and target languages are same alphabet languages. The other model is the result of experimentation with the proportion of back-translated data to the parallel data to improve translation fluency.

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Document Level NMT of Low-Resource Languages with Backtranslation
Sami Ul Haq | Sadaf Abdul Rauf | Arsalan Shaukat | Abdullah Saeed

This paper describes our system submission to WMT20 shared task on similar language translation. We examined the use of documentlevel neural machine translation (NMT) systems for low-resource, similar language pair Marathi−Hindi. Our system is an extension of state-of-the-art Transformer architecture with hierarchical attention networks to incorporate contextual information. Since, NMT requires large amount of parallel data which is not available for this task, our approach is focused on utilizing monolingual data with back translation to train our models. Our experiments reveal that document-level NMT can be a reasonable alternative to sentence-level NMT for improving translation quality of low resourced languages even when used with synthetic data.

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Multilingual Neural Machine Translation: Case-study for Catalan, Spanish and Portuguese Romance Languages
Pere Vergés Boncompte | Marta R. Costa-jussà

In this paper, we describe the TALP-UPC participation in the WMT Similar Language Translation task between Catalan, Spanish, and Portuguese, all of them, Romance languages. We made use of different techniques to improve the translation between these languages. The multilingual shared encoder/decoder has been used for all of them. Additionally, we applied back-translation to take advantage of the monolingual data. Finally, we have applied fine-tuning to improve the in-domain data. Each of these techniques brings improvements over the previous one. In the official evaluation, our system was ranked 1st in the Portuguese-to-Spanish direction, 2nd in the opposite direction, and 3rd in the Catalan-Spanish pair.

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A3-108 Machine Translation System for Similar Language Translation Shared Task 2020
Saumitra Yadav | Manish Shrivastava

In this paper, we describe our submissions for Similar Language Translation Shared Task 2020. We built 12 systems in each direction for Hindi⇐⇒Marathi language pair. This paper outlines initial baseline experiments with various tokenization schemes to train statistical models. Using optimal tokenization scheme among these we created synthetic source side text with back translation. And prune synthetic text with language model scores. This synthetic data was then used along with training data in various settings to build translation models. We also report configuration of the submitted systems and results produced by them.

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The University of Maryland’s Submissions to the WMT20 Chat Translation Task: Searching for More Data to Adapt Discourse-Aware Neural Machine Translation
Calvin Bao | Yow-Ting Shiue | Chujun Song | Jie Li | Marine Carpuat

This paper describes the University of Maryland’s submissions to the WMT20 Shared Task on Chat Translation. We focus on translating agent-side utterances from English to German. We started from an off-the-shelf BPE-based standard transformer model trained with WMT17 news and fine-tuned it with the provided in-domain training data. In addition, we augment the training set with its best matches in the WMT19 news dataset. Our primary submission uses a standard Transformer, while our contrastive submissions use multi-encoder Transformers to attend to previous utterances. Our primary submission achieves 56.7 BLEU on the agent side (en→de), outperforming a baseline system provided by the task organizers by more than 13 BLEU points. Moreover, according to an evaluation on a set of carefully-designed examples, the multi-encoder architecture is able to generate more coherent translations.

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Naver Labs Europe’s Participation in the Robustness, Chat, and Biomedical Tasks at WMT 2020
Alexandre Berard | Ioan Calapodescu | Vassilina Nikoulina | Jerin Philip

This paper describes Naver Labs Europe’s participation in the Robustness, Chat, and Biomedical Translation tasks at WMT 2020. We propose a bidirectional German-English model that is multi-domain, robust to noise, and which can translate entire documents (or bilingual dialogues) at once. We use the same ensemble of such models as our primary submission to all three tasks and achieve competitive results. We also experiment with language model pre-training techniques and evaluate their impact on robustness to noise and out-of-domain translation. For German, Spanish, Italian, and French to English translation in the Biomedical Task, we also submit our recently released multilingual Covid19NMT model.

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The University of Edinburgh-Uppsala University’s Submission to the WMT 2020 Chat Translation Task
Nikita Moghe | Christian Hardmeier | Rachel Bawden

This paper describes the joint submission of the University of Edinburgh and Uppsala University to the WMT’20 chat translation task for both language directions (English-German). We use existing state-of-the-art machine translation models trained on news data and fine-tune them on in-domain and pseudo-in-domain web crawled data. Our baseline systems are transformer-big models that are pre-trained on the WMT’19 News Translation task and fine-tuned on pseudo-in-domain web crawled data and in-domain task data. We also experiment with (i) adaptation using speaker and domain tags and (ii) using different types and amounts of preceding context. We observe that contrarily to expectations, exploiting context degrades the results (and on analysis the data is not highly contextual). However using domain tags does improve scores according to the automatic evaluation. Our final primary systems use domain tags and are ensembles of 4 models, with noisy channel reranking of outputs. Our en-de system was ranked second in the shared task while our de-en system outperformed all the other systems.

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JUST System for WMT20 Chat Translation Task
Roweida Mohammed | Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub | Malak Abdullah

Machine Translation (MT) is a sub-field of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing that investigates and studies the ways of automatically translating a text from one language to another. In this paper, we present the details of our submission to the WMT20 Chat Translation Task, which consists of two language directions, English –> German and German –> English. The major feature of our system is applying a pre-trained BERT embedding with a bidirectional recurrent neural network. Our system ensembles three models, each with different hyperparameters. Despite being trained on a very small corpus, our model produces surprisingly good results.

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Tencent AI Lab Machine Translation Systems for WMT20 Chat Translation Task
Longyue Wang | Zhaopeng Tu | Xing Wang | Li Ding | Liang Ding | Shuming Shi

This paper describes the Tencent AI Lab’s submission of the WMT 2020 shared task on chat translation in English-German. Our neural machine translation (NMT) systems are built on sentence-level, document-level, non-autoregressive (NAT) and pretrained models. We integrate a number of advanced techniques into our systems, including data selection, back/forward translation, larger batch learning, model ensemble, finetuning as well as system combination. Specifically, we proposed a hybrid data selection method to select high-quality and in-domain sentences from out-of-domain data. To better capture the source contexts, we exploit to augment NAT models with evolved cross-attention. Furthermore, we explore to transfer general knowledge from four different pre-training language models to the downstream translation task. In general, we present extensive experimental results for this new translation task. Among all the participants, our German-to-English primary system is ranked the second in terms of BLEU scores.

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Combining Sequence Distillation and Transfer Learning for Efficient Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation Models
Raj Dabre | Atsushi Fujita

In neural machine translation (NMT), sequence distillation (SD) through creation of distilled corpora leads to efficient (compact and fast) models. However, its effectiveness in extremely low-resource (ELR) settings has not been well-studied. On the other hand, transfer learning (TL) by leveraging larger helping corpora greatly improves translation quality in general. This paper investigates a combination of SD and TL for training efficient NMT models for ELR settings, where we utilize TL with helping corpora twice: once for distilling the ELR corpora and then during compact model training. We experimented with two ELR settings: Vietnamese–English and Hindi–English from the Asian Language Treebank dataset with 18k training sentence pairs. Using the compact models with 40% smaller parameters trained on the distilled ELR corpora, greedy search achieved 3.6 BLEU points improvement in average while reducing 40% of decoding time. We also confirmed that using both the distilled ELR and helping corpora in the second round of TL further improves translation quality. Our work highlights the importance of stage-wise application of SD and TL for efficient NMT modeling for ELR settings.

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Fast Interleaved Bidirectional Sequence Generation
Biao Zhang | Ivan Titov | Rico Sennrich

Independence assumptions during sequence generation can speed up inference, but parallel generation of highly inter-dependent tokens comes at a cost in quality. Instead of assuming independence between neighbouring tokens (semi-autoregressive decoding, SA), we take inspiration from bidirectional sequence generation and introduce a decoder that generates target words from the left-to-right and right-to-left directions simultaneously. We show that we can easily convert a standard architecture for unidirectional decoding into a bidirectional decoder by simply interleaving the two directions and adapting the word positions and selfattention masks. Our interleaved bidirectional decoder (IBDecoder) retains the model simplicity and training efficiency of the standard Transformer, and on five machine translation tasks and two document summarization tasks, achieves a decoding speedup of ~2x compared to autoregressive decoding with comparable quality. Notably, it outperforms left-to-right SA because the independence assumptions in IBDecoder are more felicitous. To achieve even higher speedups, we explore hybrid models where we either simultaneously predict multiple neighbouring tokens per direction, or perform multi-directional decoding by partitioning the target sequence. These methods achieve speedups to 4x–11x across different tasks at the cost of <1 BLEU or <0.5 ROUGE (on average)

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Priming Neural Machine Translation
Minh Quang Pham | Jitao Xu | Josep Crego | François Yvon | Jean Senellart

Priming is a well known and studied psychology phenomenon based on the prior presentation of one stimulus (cue) to influence the processing of a response. In this paper, we propose a framework to mimic the process of priming in the context of neural machine translation (NMT). We evaluate the effect of using similar translations as priming cues on the NMT network. We propose a method to inject priming cues into the NMT network and compare our framework to other mechanisms that perform micro-adaptation during inference. Overall, experiments conducted in a multi-domain setting confirm that adding priming cues in the NMT decoder can go a long way towards improving the translation accuracy. Besides, we show the suitability of our framework to gather valuable information for an NMT network from monolingual resources.

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Subword Segmentation and a Single Bridge Language Affect Zero-Shot Neural Machine Translation
Annette Rios | Mathias Müller | Rico Sennrich

Zero-shot neural machine translation is an attractive goal because of the high cost of obtaining data and building translation systems for new translation directions. However, previous papers have reported mixed success in zero-shot translation. It is hard to predict in which settings it will be effective, and what limits performance compared to a fully supervised system. In this paper, we investigate zero-shot performance of a multilingual EN<->FR,CS,DE,FI system trained on WMT data. We find that zero-shot performance is highly unstable and can vary by more than 6 BLEU between training runs, making it difficult to reliably track improvements. We observe a bias towards copying the source in zero-shot translation, and investigate how the choice of subword segmentation affects this bias. We find that language-specific subword segmentation results in less subword copying at training time, and leads to better zero-shot performance compared to jointly trained segmentation. A recent trend in multilingual models is to not train on parallel data between all language pairs, but have a single bridge language, e.g. English. We find that this negatively affects zero-shot translation and leads to a failure mode where the model ignores the language tag and instead produces English output in zero-shot directions. We show that this bias towards English can be effectively reduced with even a small amount of parallel data in some of the non-English pairs.

[RETRACTED] Look It Up: Bilingual and Monolingual Dictionaries Improve Neural Machine Translation
Xing Jie Zhong | David Chiang

Despite advances in neural machine translation (NMT) quality, rare words continue to be problematic. For humans, the solution to the rare-word problem has long been dictionaries, but dictionaries cannot be straightforwardly incorporated into NMT. In this paper, we describe a new method for “attaching” dictionary definitions to rare words so that the network can learn the best way to use them. We demonstrate improvements of up to 3.1 BLEU using bilingual dictionaries and up to 0.7 BLEU using monolingual source-language dictionaries.

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Complete Multilingual Neural Machine Translation
Markus Freitag | Orhan Firat

Multilingual Neural Machine Translation (MNMT) models are commonly trained on a joint set of bilingual corpora which is acutely English-centric (i.e. English either as source or target language). While direct data between two languages that are non-English is explicitly available at times, its use is not common. In this paper, we first take a step back and look at the commonly used bilingual corpora (WMT), and resurface the existence and importance of implicit structure that existed in it: multi-way alignment across examples (the same sentence in more than two languages). We set out to study the use of multi-way aligned examples in order to enrich the original English-centric parallel corpora. We reintroduce this direct parallel data from multi-way aligned corpora between all source and target languages. By doing so, the English-centric graph expands into a complete graph, every language pair being connected. We call MNMT with such connectivity pattern complete Multilingual Neural Machine Translation (cMNMT) and demonstrate its utility and efficacy with a series of experiments and analysis. In combination with a novel training data sampling strategy that is conditioned on the target language only, cMNMT yields competitive translation quality for all language pairs. We further study the size effect of multi-way aligned data, its transfer learning capabilities and how it eases adding a new language in MNMT. Finally, we stress test cMNMT at scale and demonstrate that we can train a cMNMT model with up to 12,432 language pairs that provides competitive translation quality for all language pairs.

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Paraphrase Generation as Zero-Shot Multilingual Translation: Disentangling Semantic Similarity from Lexical and Syntactic Diversity
Brian Thompson | Matt Post

Recent work has shown that a multilingual neural machine translation (NMT) model can be used to judge how well a sentence paraphrases another sentence in the same language (Thompson and Post, 2020); however, attempting to generate paraphrases from such a model using standard beam search produces trivial copies or near copies. We introduce a simple paraphrase generation algorithm which discourages the production of n-grams that are present in the input. Our approach enables paraphrase generation in many languages from a single multilingual NMT model. Furthermore, the amount of lexical diversity between the input and output can be controlled at generation time. We conduct a human evaluation to compare our method to a paraphraser trained on the large English synthetic paraphrase database ParaBank 2 (Hu et al., 2019c) and find that our method produces paraphrases that better preserve meaning and are more gramatical, for the same level of lexical diversity. Additional smaller human assessments demonstrate our approach also works in two non-English languages.

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When Does Unsupervised Machine Translation Work?
Kelly Marchisio | Kevin Duh | Philipp Koehn

Despite the reported success of unsupervised machine translation (MT), the field has yet to examine the conditions under which the methods succeed and fail. We conduct an extensive empirical evaluation using dissimilar language pairs, dissimilar domains, and diverse datasets. We find that performance rapidly deteriorates when source and target corpora are from different domains, and that stochasticity during embedding training can dramatically affect downstream results. We additionally find that unsupervised MT performance declines when source and target languages use different scripts, and observe very poor performance on authentic low-resource language pairs. We advocate for extensive empirical evaluation of unsupervised MT systems to highlight failure points and encourage continued research on the most promising paradigms. We release our preprocessed dataset to encourage evaluations that stress-test systems under multiple data conditions.

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Language Models not just for Pre-training: Fast Online Neural Noisy Channel Modeling
Shruti Bhosale | Kyra Yee | Sergey Edunov | Michael Auli

Pre-training models on vast quantities of unlabeled data has emerged as an effective approach to improving accuracy on many NLP tasks. On the other hand, traditional machine translation has a long history of leveraging unlabeled data through noisy channel modeling. The same idea has recently been shown to achieve strong improvements for neural machine translation. Unfortunately, na ̈ıve noisy channel modeling with modern sequence to sequence models is up to an order of magnitude slower than alternatives. We address this issue by introducing efficient approximations to make inference with the noisy channel approach as fast as strong ensembles while increasing accuracy. We also show that the noisy channel approach can outperform strong pre-training results by achieving a new state of the art on WMT Romanian-English translation.

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Towards Multimodal Simultaneous Neural Machine Translation
Aizhan Imankulova | Masahiro Kaneko | Tosho Hirasawa | Mamoru Komachi

Simultaneous translation involves translating a sentence before the speaker’s utterance is completed in order to realize real-time understanding in multiple languages. This task is significantly more challenging than the general full sentence translation because of the shortage of input information during decoding. To alleviate this shortage, we propose multimodal simultaneous neural machine translation (MSNMT), which leverages visual information as an additional modality. Our experiments with the Multi30k dataset showed that MSNMT significantly outperforms its text-only counterpart in more timely translation situations with low latency. Furthermore, we verified the importance of visual information during decoding by performing an adversarial evaluation of MSNMT, where we studied how models behaved with incongruent input modality and analyzed the effect of different word order between source and target languages.

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Diving Deep into Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation
Jingjing Huo | Christian Herold | Yingbo Gao | Leonard Dahlmann | Shahram Khadivi | Hermann Ney

Context-aware neural machine translation (NMT) is a promising direction to improve the translation quality by making use of the additional context, e.g., document-level translation, or having meta-information. Although there exist various architectures and analyses, the effectiveness of different context-aware NMT models is not well explored yet. This paper analyzes the performance of document-level NMT models on four diverse domains with a varied amount of parallel document-level bilingual data. We conduct a comprehensive set of experiments to investigate the impact of document-level NMT. We find that there is no single best approach to document-level NMT, but rather that different architectures come out on top on different tasks. Looking at task-specific problems, such as pronoun resolution or headline translation, we find improvements in the context-aware systems, even in cases where the corpus-level metrics like BLEU show no significant improvement. We also show that document-level back-translation significantly helps to compensate for the lack of document-level bi-texts.

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A Study of Residual Adapters for Multi-Domain Neural Machine Translation
Minh Quang Pham | Josep Maria Crego | François Yvon | Jean Senellart

Domain adaptation is an old and vexing problem for machine translation systems. The most common approach and successful to supervised adaptation is to fine-tune a baseline system with in-domain parallel data. Standard fine-tuning however modifies all the network parameters, which makes this approach computationally costly and prone to overfitting. A recent, lightweight approach, instead augments a baseline model with supplementary (small) adapter layers, keeping the rest of the mode unchanged. This has the additional merit to leave the baseline model intact, and adaptable to multiple domains. In this paper, we conduct a thorough analysis of the adapter model in the context of a multidomain machine translation task. We contrast multiple implementations of this idea on two language pairs. Our main conclusions are that residual adapters provide a fast and cheap method for supervised multi-domain adaptation; our two variants prove as effective as the original adapter model, and open perspective to also make adapted models more robust to label domain errors.

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Mitigating Gender Bias in Machine Translation with Target Gender Annotations
Artūrs Stafanovičs | Toms Bergmanis | Mārcis Pinnis

When translating “The secretary asked for details.” to a language with grammatical gender, it might be necessary to determine the gender of the subject “secretary”. If the sentence does not contain the necessary information, it is not always possible to disambiguate. In such cases, machine translation systems select the most common translation option, which often corresponds to the stereotypical translations, thus potentially exacerbating prejudice and marginalisation of certain groups and people. We argue that the information necessary for an adequate translation can not always be deduced from the sentence being translated or even might depend on external knowledge. Therefore, in this work, we propose to decouple the task of acquiring the necessary information from the task of learning to translate correctly when such information is available. To that end, we present a method for training machine translation systems to use word-level annotations containing information about subject’s gender. To prepare training data, we annotate regular source language words with grammatical gender information of the corresponding target language words. Using such data to train machine translation systems reduces their reliance on gender stereotypes when information about the subject’s gender is available. Our experiments on five language pairs show that this allows improving accuracy on the WinoMT test set by up to 25.8 percentage points.

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Document-aligned Japanese-English Conversation Parallel Corpus
Matīss Rikters | Ryokan Ri | Tong Li | Toshiaki Nakazawa

Sentence-level (SL) machine translation (MT) has reached acceptable quality for many high-resourced languages, but not document-level (DL) MT, which is difficult to 1) train with little amount of DL data; and 2) evaluate, as the main methods and data sets focus on SL evaluation. To address the first issue, we present a document-aligned Japanese-English conversation corpus, including balanced, high-quality business conversation data for tuning and testing. As for the second issue, we manually identify the main areas where SL MT fails to produce adequate translations in lack of context. We then create an evaluation set where these phenomena are annotated to alleviate automatic evaluation of DL systems. We train MT models using our corpus to demonstrate how using context leads to improvements.

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Findings of the WMT 2020 Shared Task on Automatic Post-Editing
Rajen Chatterjee | Markus Freitag | Matteo Negri | Marco Turchi

We present the results of the 6th round of the WMT task on MT Automatic Post-Editing. The task consists in automatically correcting the output of a “black-box” machine translation system by learning from existing human corrections of different sentences. This year, the challenge consisted of fixing the errors present in English Wikipedia pages translated into German and Chinese by state-ofthe-art, not domain-adapted neural MT (NMT) systems unknown to participants. Six teams participated in the English-German task, submitting a total of 11 runs. Two teams participated in the English-Chinese task submitting 2 runs each. Due to i) the different source/domain of data compared to the past (Wikipedia vs Information Technology), ii) the different quality of the initial translations to be corrected and iii) the introduction of a new language pair (English-Chinese), this year’s results are not directly comparable with last year’s round. However, on both language directions, participants’ submissions show considerable improvements over the baseline results. On English-German, the top ranked system improves over the baseline by -11.35 TER and +16.68 BLEU points, while on EnglishChinese the improvements are respectively up to -12.13 TER and +14.57 BLEU points. Overall, coherent gains are also highlighted by the outcomes of human evaluation, which confirms the effectiveness of APE to improve MT quality, especially in the new generic domain selected for this year’s round.

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Findings of the WMT 2020 Biomedical Translation Shared Task: Basque, Italian and Russian as New Additional Languages
Rachel Bawden | Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio | Cristian Grozea | Inigo Jauregi Unanue | Antonio Jimeno Yepes | Nancy Mah | David Martinez | Aurélie Névéol | Mariana Neves | Maite Oronoz | Olatz Perez-de-Viñaspre | Massimo Piccardi | Roland Roller | Amy Siu | Philippe Thomas | Federica Vezzani | Maika Vicente Navarro | Dina Wiemann | Lana Yeganova

Machine translation of scientific abstracts and terminologies has the potential to support health professionals and biomedical researchers in some of their activities. In the fifth edition of the WMT Biomedical Task, we addressed a total of eight language pairs. Five language pairs were previously addressed in past editions of the shared task, namely, English/German, English/French, English/Spanish, English/Portuguese, and English/Chinese. Three additional languages pairs were also introduced this year: English/Russian, English/Italian, and English/Basque. The task addressed the evaluation of both scientific abstracts (all language pairs) and terminologies (English/Basque only). We received submissions from a total of 20 teams. For recurring language pairs, we observed an improvement in the translations in terms of automatic scores and qualitative evaluations, compared to previous years.

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Results of the WMT20 Metrics Shared Task
Nitika Mathur | Johnny Wei | Markus Freitag | Qingsong Ma | Ondřej Bojar

This paper presents the results of the WMT20 Metrics Shared Task. Participants were asked to score the outputs of the translation systems competing in the WMT20 News Translation Task with automatic metrics. Ten research groups submitted 27 metrics, four of which are reference-less “metrics”. In addition, we computed five baseline metrics, including sentBLEU, BLEU, TER and using the SacreBLEU scorer. All metrics were evaluated on how well they correlate at the system-, document- and segment-level with the WMT20 official human scores. We present an extensive analysis on influence of different reference translations on metric reliability, how well automatic metrics score human translations, and we also flag major discrepancies between metric and human scores when evaluating MT systems. Finally, we investigate whether we can use automatic metrics to flag incorrect human ratings.

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Findings of the WMT 2020 Shared Task on Parallel Corpus Filtering and Alignment
Philipp Koehn | Vishrav Chaudhary | Ahmed El-Kishky | Naman Goyal | Peng-Jen Chen | Francisco Guzmán

Following two preceding WMT Shared Task on Parallel Corpus Filtering (Koehn et al., 2018, 2019), we posed again the challenge of assigning sentence-level quality scores for very noisy corpora of sentence pairs crawled from the web, with the goal of sub-selecting the highest-quality data to be used to train ma-chine translation systems. This year, the task tackled the low resource condition of Pashto–English and Khmer–English and also included the challenge of sentence alignment from document pairs.

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Findings of the WMT 2020 Shared Task on Quality Estimation
Lucia Specia | Frédéric Blain | Marina Fomicheva | Erick Fonseca | Vishrav Chaudhary | Francisco Guzmán | André F. T. Martins

We report the results of the WMT20 shared task on Quality Estimation, where the challenge is to predict the quality of the output of neural machine translation systems at the word, sentence and document levels. This edition included new data with open domain texts, direct assessment annotations, and multiple language pairs: English-German, English-Chinese, Russian-English, Romanian-English, Estonian-English, Sinhala-English and Nepali-English data for the sentence-level subtasks, English-German and English-Chinese for the word-level subtask, and English-French data for the document-level subtask. In addition, we made neural machine translation models available to participants. 19 participating teams from 27 institutions submitted altogether 1374 systems to different task variants and language pairs.

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Findings of the WMT 2020 Shared Tasks in Unsupervised MT and Very Low Resource Supervised MT
Alexander Fraser

We describe the WMT 2020 Shared Tasks in Unsupervised MT and Very Low Resource Supervised MT. In both tasks, the community studied German to Upper Sorbian and Upper Sorbian to German MT, which is a very realistic machine translation scenario (unlike the simulated scenarios used in particular in much of the unsupervised MT work in the past). We were able to obtain most of the digital data available for Upper Sorbian, a minority language of Germany, which was the original motivation for the Unsupervised MT shared task. As we were defining the task, we also obtained a small amount of parallel data (about 60000 parallel sentences), allowing us to offer a Very Low Resource Supervised MT task as well. Six primary systems participated in the unsupervised shared task, two of these systems used additional data beyond the data released by the organizers. Ten primary systems participated in the very low resource supervised task. The paper discusses the background, presents the tasks and results, and discusses best practices for the future.

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Cross-Lingual Transformers for Neural Automatic Post-Editing
Dongjun Lee

In this paper, we describe the Bering Lab’s submission to the WMT 2020 Shared Task on Automatic Post-Editing (APE). First, we propose a cross-lingual Transformer architecture that takes a concatenation of a source sentence and a machine-translated (MT) sentence as an input to generate the post-edited (PE) output. For further improvement, we mask incorrect or missing words in the PE output based on word-level quality estimation and then predict the actual word for each mask based on the fine-tuned cross-lingual language model (XLM-RoBERTa). Finally, to address the over-correction problem, we select the final output among the PE outputs and the original MT sentence based on a sentence-level quality estimation. When evaluated on the WMT 2020 English-German APE test dataset, our system improves the NMT output by -3.95 and +4.50 in terms of TER and BLEU, respectively.

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POSTECH-ETRI’s Submission to the WMT2020 APE Shared Task: Automatic Post-Editing with Cross-lingual Language Model
Jihyung Lee | WonKee Lee | Jaehun Shin | Baikjin Jung | Young-Kil Kim | Jong-Hyeok Lee

This paper describes POSTECH-ETRI’s submission to WMT2020 for the shared task on automatic post-editing (APE) for 2 language pairs: English-German (En-De) and English-Chinese (En-Zh). We propose APE systems based on a cross-lingual language model, which jointly adopts translation language modeling (TLM) and masked language modeling (MLM) training objectives in the pre-training stage; the APE models then utilize jointly learned language representations between the source language and the target language. In addition, we created 19 million new sythetic triplets as additional training data for our final ensemble model. According to experimental results on the WMT2020 APE development data set, our models showed an improvement over the baseline by TER of -3.58 and a BLEU score of +5.3 for the En-De subtask; and TER of -5.29 and a BLEU score of +7.32 for the En-Zh subtask.

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Noising Scheme for Data Augmentation in Automatic Post-Editing
WonKee Lee | Jaehun Shin | Baikjin Jung | Jihyung Lee | Jong-Hyeok Lee

This paper describes POSTECH’s submission to WMT20 for the shared task on Automatic Post-Editing (APE). Our focus is on increasing the quantity of available APE data to overcome the shortage of human-crafted training data. In our experiment, we implemented a noising module that simulates four types of post-editing errors, and we introduced this module into a Transformer-based multi-source APE model. Our noising module implants errors into texts on the target side of parallel corpora during the training phase to make synthetic MT outputs, increasing the entire number of training samples. We also generated additional training data using the parallel corpora and NMT model that were released for the Quality Estimation task, and we used these data to train our APE model. Experimental results on the WMT20 English-German APE data set show improvements over the baseline in terms of both the TER and BLEU scores: our primary submission achieved an improvement of -3.15 TER and +4.01 BLEU, and our contrastive submission achieved an improvement of -3.34 TER and +4.30 BLEU.

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Alibaba’s Submission for the WMT 2020 APE Shared Task: Improving Automatic Post-Editing with Pre-trained Conditional Cross-Lingual BERT
Jiayi Wang | Ke Wang | Kai Fan | Yuqi Zhang | Jun Lu | Xin Ge | Yangbin Shi | Yu Zhao

The goal of Automatic Post-Editing (APE) is basically to examine the automatic methods for correcting translation errors generated by an unknown machine translation (MT) system. This paper describes Alibaba’s submissions to the WMT 2020 APE Shared Task for the English-German language pair. We design a two-stage training pipeline. First, a BERT-like cross-lingual language model is pre-trained by randomly masking target sentences alone. Then, an additional neural decoder on the top of the pre-trained model is jointly fine-tuned for the APE task. We also apply an imitation learning strategy to augment a reasonable amount of pseudo APE training data, potentially preventing the model to overfit on the limited real training data and boosting the performance on held-out data. To verify our proposed model and data augmentation, we examine our approach with the well-known benchmarking English-German dataset from the WMT 2017 APE task. The experiment results demonstrate that our system significantly outperforms all other baselines and achieves the state-of-the-art performance. The final results on the WMT 2020 test dataset show that our submission can achieve +5.56 BLEU and -4.57 TER with respect to the official MT baseline.

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HW-TSC’s Participation at WMT 2020 Automatic Post Editing Shared Task
Hao Yang | Minghan Wang | Daimeng Wei | Hengchao Shang | Jiaxin Guo | Zongyao Li | Lizhi Lei | Ying Qin | Shimin Tao | Shiliang Sun | Yimeng Chen

The paper presents the submission by HW-TSC in the WMT 2020 Automatic Post Editing Shared Task. We participate in the English-German and English-Chinese language pairs. Our system is built based on the Transformer pre-trained on WMT 2019 and WMT 2020 News Translation corpora, and fine-tuned on the APE corpus. Bottleneck Adapter Layers are integrated into the model to prevent over-fitting. We further collect external translations as the augmented MT candidates to improve the performance. The experiment demonstrates that pre-trained NMT models are effective when fine-tuning with the APE corpus of a limited size, and the performance can be further improved with external MT augmentation. Our system achieves competitive results on both directions in the final evaluation.

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LIMSI @ WMT 2020
Sadaf Abdul Rauf | José Carlos Rosales Núñez | Minh Quang Pham | François Yvon

This paper describes LIMSI’s submissions to the translation shared tasks at WMT’20. This year we have focused our efforts on the biomedical translation task, developing a resource-heavy system for the translation of medical abstracts from English into French, using back-translated texts, terminological resources as well as multiple pre-processing pipelines, including pre-trained representations. Systems were also prepared for the robustness task for translating from English into German; for this large-scale task we developed multi-domain, noise-robust, translation systems aim to handle the two test conditions: zero-shot and few-shot domain adaptation.

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Elhuyar submission to the Biomedical Translation Task 2020 on terminology and abstracts translation
Ander Corral | Xabier Saralegi

This article describes the systems submitted by Elhuyar to the 2020 Biomedical Translation Shared Task, specifically the systems presented in the subtasks of terminology translation for English-Basque and abstract translation for English-Basque and English-Spanish. In all cases a Transformer architecture was chosen and we studied different strategies to combine open domain data with biomedical domain data for building the training corpora. For the English-Basque pair, given the scarcity of parallel corpora in the biomedical domain, we set out to create domain training data in a synthetic way. The systems presented in the terminology and abstract translation subtasks for the English-Basque language pair ranked first in their respective tasks among four participants, achieving 0.78 accuracy for terminology translation and a BLEU of 0.1279 for the translation of abstracts. In the abstract translation task for the English-Spanish pair our team ranked second (BLEU=0.4498) in the case of OK sentences.

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YerevaNN’s Systems for WMT20 Biomedical Translation Task: The Effect of Fixing Misaligned Sentence Pairs
Karen Hambardzumyan | Hovhannes Tamoyan | Hrant Khachatrian

This report describes YerevaNN’s neural machine translation systems and data processing pipelines developed for WMT20 biomedical translation task. We provide systems for English-Russian and English-German language pairs. For the English-Russian pair, our submissions achieve the best BLEU scores, with enru direction outperforming the other systems by a significant margin. We explain most of the improvements by our heavy data preprocessing pipeline which attempts to fix poorly aligned sentences in the parallel data.

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Pretrained Language Models and Backtranslation for English-Basque Biomedical Neural Machine Translation
Inigo Jauregi Unanue | Massimo Piccardi

This paper describes the machine translation systems proposed by the University of Technology Sydney Natural Language Processing (UTS_NLP) team for the WMT20 English-Basque biomedical translation tasks. Due to the limited parallel corpora available, we have proposed to train a BERT-fused NMT model that leverages the use of pretrained language models. Furthermore, we have augmented the training corpus by backtranslating monolingual data. Our experiments show that NMT models in low-resource scenarios can benefit from combining these two training techniques, with improvements of up to 6.16 BLEU percentual points in the case of biomedical abstract translations.

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Lite Training Strategies for Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese Translation
Alexandre Lopes | Rodrigo Nogueira | Roberto Lotufo | Helio Pedrini

Despite the widespread adoption of deep learning for machine translation, it is still expensive to develop high-quality translation models. In this work, we investigate the use of pre-trained models, such as T5 for Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese translation tasks using low-cost hardware. We explore the use of Portuguese and English pre-trained language models and propose an adaptation of the English tokenizer to represent Portuguese characters, such as diaeresis, acute and grave accents. We compare our models to the Google Translate API and MarianMT on a subset of the ParaCrawl dataset, as well as to the winning submission to the WMT19 Biomedical Translation Shared Task. We also describe our submission to the WMT20 Biomedical Translation Shared Task. Our results show that our models have a competitive performance to state-of-the-art models while being trained on modest hardware (a single 8GB gaming GPU for nine days). Our data, models and code are available in our GitHub repository.

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The ADAPT’s Submissions to the WMT20 Biomedical Translation Task
Prashant Nayak | Rejwanul Haque | Andy Way

This paper describes the ADAPT Centre’s submissions to the WMT20 Biomedical Translation Shared Task for English-to-Basque. We present the machine translation (MT) systems that were built to translate scientific abstracts and terms from biomedical terminologies, and using the state-of-the-art neural MT (NMT) model: Transformer. In order to improve our baseline NMT system, we employ a number of methods, e.g. “pseudo” parallel data selection, monolingual data selection for synthetic corpus creation, mining monolingual sentences for adapting our NMT systems to this task, hyperparameters search for Transformer in lowresource scenarios. Our experiments show that systematic addition of the aforementioned techniques to the baseline yields an excellent performance in the English-to-Basque translation task.

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FJWU participation for the WMT20 Biomedical Translation Task
Sumbal Naz | Sadaf Abdul Rauf | Noor-e- Hira | Sami Ul Haq

This paper reports system descriptions for FJWU-NRPU team for participation in the WMT20 Biomedical shared translation task. We focused our submission on exploring the effects of adding in-domain corpora extracted from various out-of-domain sources. Systems were built for French to English using in-domain corpora through fine tuning and selective data training. We further explored BERT based models specifically with focus on effect of domain adaptive subword units.

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Huawei’s Submissions to the WMT20 Biomedical Translation Task
Wei Peng | Jianfeng Liu | Minghan Wang | Liangyou Li | Xupeng Meng | Hao Yang | Qun Liu

This paper describes Huawei’s submissions to the WMT20 biomedical translation shared task. Apart from experimenting with finetuning on domain-specific bitexts, we explore effects of in-domain dictionaries on enhancing cross-domain neural machine translation performance. We utilize a transfer learning strategy through pre-trained machine translation models and extensive scope of engineering endeavors. Four of our ten submissions achieve state-of-the-art performance according to the official automatic evaluation results, namely translation directions on English<->French, English->German and English->Italian.

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Addressing Exposure Bias With Document Minimum Risk Training: Cambridge at the WMT20 Biomedical Translation Task
Danielle Saunders | Bill Byrne

The 2020 WMT Biomedical translation task evaluated Medline abstract translations. This is a small-domain translation task, meaning limited relevant training data with very distinct style and vocabulary. Models trained on such data are susceptible to exposure bias effects, particularly when training sentence pairs are imperfect translations of each other. This can result in poor behaviour during inference if the model learns to neglect the source sentence. The UNICAM entry addresses this problem during fine-tuning using a robust variant on Minimum Risk Training. We contrast this approach with data-filtering to remove ‘problem’ training examples. Under MRT fine-tuning we obtain good results for both directions of English-German and English-Spanish biomedical translation. In particular we achieve the best English-to-Spanish translation result and second-best Spanish-to-English result, despite using only single models with no ensembling.

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UoS Participation in the WMT20 Translation of Biomedical Abstracts
Felipe Soares | Delton Vaz

This paper describes the machine translation systems developed by the University of Sheffield (UoS) team for the biomedical translation shared task of WMT20. Our system is based on a Transformer model with TensorFlow Model Garden toolkit. We participated in ten translation directions for the English/Spanish, English/Portuguese, English/Russian, English/Italian, and English/French language pairs. To create our training data, we concatenated several parallel corpora, both from in-domain and out-of-domain sources.

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Ixamed’s submission description for WMT20 Biomedical shared task: benefits and limitations of using terminologies for domain adaptation
Xabier Soto | Olatz Perez-de-Viñaspre | Gorka Labaka | Maite Oronoz

In this paper we describe the systems developed at Ixa for our participation in WMT20 Biomedical shared task in three language pairs, en-eu, en-es and es-en. When defining our approach, we have put the focus on making an efficient use of corpora recently compiled for training Machine Translation (MT) systems to translate Covid-19 related text, as well as reusing previously compiled corpora and developed systems for biomedical or clinical domain. Regarding the techniques used, we base on the findings from our previous works for translating clinical texts into Basque, making use of clinical terminology for adapting the MT systems to the clinical domain. However, after manually inspecting some of the outputs generated by our systems, for most of the submissions we end up using the system trained only with the basic corpus, since the systems including the clinical terminologies generated outputs shorter in length than the corresponding references. Thus, we present simple baselines for translating abstracts between English and Spanish (en/es); while for translating abstracts and terms from English into Basque (en-eu), we concatenate the best en-es system for each kind of text with our es-eu system. We present automatic evaluation results in terms of BLEU scores, and analyse the effect of including clinical terminology on the average sentence length of the generated outputs. Following the recent recommendations for a responsible use of GPUs for NLP research, we include an estimation of the generated CO2 emissions, based on the power consumed for training the MT systems.

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Tencent AI Lab Machine Translation Systems for the WMT20 Biomedical Translation Task
Xing Wang | Zhaopeng Tu | Longyue Wang | Shuming Shi

This paper describes the Tencent AI Lab submission of the WMT2020 shared task on biomedical translation in four language directions: German<->English, English<->German, Chinese<->English and English<->Chinese. We implement our system with model ensemble technique on different transformer architectures (Deep, Hybrid, Big, Large Transformers). To enlarge the in-domain bilingual corpus, we use back-translation of monolingual in-domain data in the target language as additional in-domain training data. Our systems in German->English and English->German are ranked 1st and 3rd respectively according to the official evaluation results in terms of BLEU scores.

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ParBLEU: Augmenting Metrics with Automatic Paraphrases for the WMT’20 Metrics Shared Task
Rachel Bawden | Biao Zhang | Andre Tättar | Matt Post

We describe parBLEU, parCHRF++, and parESIM, which augment baseline metrics with automatically generated paraphrases produced by PRISM (Thompson and Post, 2020a), a multilingual neural machine translation system. We build on recent work studying how to improve BLEU by using diverse automatically paraphrased references (Bawden et al., 2020), extending experiments to the multilingual setting for the WMT2020 metrics shared task and for three base metrics. We compare their capacity to exploit up to 100 additional synthetic references. We find that gains are possible when using additional, automatically paraphrased references, although they are not systematic. However, segment-level correlations, particularly into English, are improved for all three metrics and even with higher numbers of paraphrased references.

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Extended Study on Using Pretrained Language Models and YiSi-1 for Machine Translation Evaluation
Chi-kiu Lo

We present an extended study on using pretrained language models and YiSi-1 for machine translation evaluation. Although the recently proposed contextual embedding based metrics, YiSi-1, significantly outperform BLEU and other metrics in correlating with human judgment on translation quality, we have yet to understand the full strength of using pretrained language models for machine translation evaluation. In this paper, we study YiSi-1’s correlation with human translation quality judgment by varying three major attributes (which architecture; which inter- mediate layer; whether it is monolingual or multilingual) of the pretrained language mod- els. Results of the study show further improvements over YiSi-1 on the WMT 2019 Metrics shared task. We also describe the pretrained language model we trained for evaluating Inuktitut machine translation output.

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Machine Translation Reference-less Evaluation using YiSi-2 with Bilingual Mappings of Massive Multilingual Language Model
Chi-kiu Lo | Samuel Larkin

We present a study on using YiSi-2 with massive multilingual pretrained language models for machine translation (MT) reference-less evaluation. Aiming at finding better semantic representation for semantic MT evaluation, we first test YiSi-2 with contextual embed- dings extracted from different layers of two different pretrained models, multilingual BERT and XLM-RoBERTa. We also experiment with learning bilingual mappings that trans- form the vector subspace of the source language to be closer to that of the target language in the pretrained model to obtain more accurate cross-lingual semantic similarity representations. Our results show that YiSi-2’s correlation with human direct assessment on translation quality is greatly improved by replacing multilingual BERT with XLM-RoBERTa and projecting the source embeddings into the tar- get embedding space using a cross-lingual lin- ear projection (CLP) matrix learnt from a small development set.

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Unbabel’s Participation in the WMT20 Metrics Shared Task
Ricardo Rei | Craig Stewart | Ana C Farinha | Alon Lavie

We present the contribution of the Unbabel team to the WMT 2020 Shared Task on Metrics. We intend to participate on the segmentlevel, document-level and system-level tracks on all language pairs, as well as the “QE as a Metric” track. Accordingly, we illustrate results of our models in these tracks with reference to test sets from the previous year. Our submissions build upon the recently proposed COMET framework: we train several estimator models to regress on different humangenerated quality scores and a novel ranking model trained on relative ranks obtained from Direct Assessments. We also propose a simple technique for converting segment-level predictions into a document-level score. Overall, our systems achieve strong results for all language pairs on previous test sets and in many cases set a new state-of-the-art.

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Learning to Evaluate Translation Beyond English: BLEURT Submissions to the WMT Metrics 2020 Shared Task
Thibault Sellam | Amy Pu | Hyung Won Chung | Sebastian Gehrmann | Qijun Tan | Markus Freitag | Dipanjan Das | Ankur Parikh

The quality of machine translation systems has dramatically improved over the last decade, and as a result, evaluation has become an increasingly challenging problem. This paper describes our contribution to the WMT 2020 Metrics Shared Task, the main benchmark for automatic evaluation of translation. We make several submissions based on BLEURT, a previously published which uses transfer learning. We extend the metric beyond English and evaluate it on 14 language pairs for which fine-tuning data is available, as well as 4 “zero-shot” language pairs, for which we have no labelled examples. Additionally, we focus on English to German and demonstrate how to combine BLEURT’s predictions with those of YiSi and use alternative reference translations to enhance the performance. Empirical results show that the models achieve competitive results on the WMT Metrics 2019 Shared Task, indicating their promise for the 2020 edition.

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Towards a Better Evaluation of Metrics for Machine Translation
Peter Stanchev | Weiyue Wang | Hermann Ney

An important aspect of machine translation is its evaluation, which can be achieved through the use of a variety of metrics. To compare these metrics, the workshop on statistical machine translation annually evaluates metrics based on their correlation with human judgement. Over the years, methods for measuring correlation with humans have changed, but little research has been performed on what the optimal methods for acquiring human scores are and how human correlation can be measured. In this work, the methods for evaluating metrics at both system- and segment-level are analyzed in detail and their shortcomings are pointed out.

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Incorporate Semantic Structures into Machine Translation Evaluation via UCCA
Jin Xu | Yinuo Guo | Junfeng Hu

Copying mechanism has been commonly used in neural paraphrasing networks and other text generation tasks, in which some important words in the input sequence are preserved in the output sequence. Similarly, in machine translation, we notice that there are certain words or phrases appearing in all good translations of one source text, and these words tend to convey important semantic information. Therefore, in this work, we define words carrying important semantic meanings in sentences as semantic core words. Moreover, we propose an MT evaluation approach named Semantically Weighted Sentence Similarity (SWSS). It leverages the power of UCCA to identify semantic core words, and then calculates sentence similarity scores on the overlap of semantic core words. Experimental results show that SWSS can consistently improve the performance of popular MT evaluation metrics which are based on lexical similarity.

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Filtering Noisy Parallel Corpus using Transformers with Proxy Task Learning
Haluk Açarçiçek | Talha Çolakoğlu | Pınar Ece Aktan Hatipoğlu | Chong Hsuan Huang | Wei Peng

This paper illustrates Huawei’s submission to the WMT20 low-resource parallel corpus filtering shared task. Our approach focuses on developing a proxy task learner on top of a transformer-based multilingual pre-trained language model to boost the filtering capability for noisy parallel corpora. Such a supervised task also helps us to iterate much more quickly than using an existing neural machine translation system to perform the same task. After performing empirical analyses of the finetuning task, we benchmark our approach by comparing the results with past years’ state-of-theart records. This paper wraps up with a discussion of limitations and future work. The scripts for this study will be made publicly available.

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Score Combination for Improved Parallel Corpus Filtering for Low Resource Conditions
Muhammad ElNokrashy | Amr Hendy | Mohamed Abdelghaffar | Mohamed Afify | Ahmed Tawfik | Hany Hassan Awadalla

This paper presents the description of our submission to WMT20 sentence filtering task. We combine scores from custom LASER built for each source language, a classifier built to distinguish positive and negative pairs and the original scores provided with the task. For the mBART setup, provided by the organizers, our method shows 7% and 5% relative improvement, over the baseline, in sacreBLEU score on the test set for Pashto and Khmer respectively.

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Bicleaner at WMT 2020: Universitat d’Alacant-Prompsit’s submission to the parallel corpus filtering shared task
Miquel Esplà-Gomis | Víctor M. Sánchez-Cartagena | Jaume Zaragoza-Bernabeu | Felipe Sánchez-Martínez

This paper describes the joint submission of Universitat d’Alacant and Prompsit Language Engineering to the WMT 2020 shared task on parallel corpus filtering. Our submission, based on the free/open-source tool Bicleaner, enhances it with Extremely Randomised Trees and lexical similarity features that account for the frequency of the words in the parallel sentences to determine if two sentences are parallel. To train this classifier we used the clean corpora provided for the task and synthetic noisy parallel sentences. In addition we re-score the output of Bicleaner using character-level language models and n-gram saturation.

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An exploratory approach to the Parallel Corpus Filtering shared task WMT20
Ankur Kejriwal | Philipp Koehn

In this document we describe our submission to the parallel corpus filtering task using multilingual word embedding, language models and an ensemble of pre and post filtering rules. We use the norms of embedding and the perplexities of language models along with pre/post filtering rules to complement the LASER baseline scores and in the end get an improvement on the dev set in both language pairs.

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Dual Conditional Cross Entropy Scores and LASER Similarity Scores for the WMT20 Parallel Corpus Filtering Shared Task
Felicia Koerner | Philipp Koehn

This paper describes our submission to the WMT20 Parallel Corpus Filtering and Alignment for Low-Resource Conditions Shared Task. This year’s corpora are noisy Khmer-English and Pashto-English, with 58.3 million and 11.6 million words respectively (English token count). Our submission focuses on filtering Pashto-English, building on previously successful methods to produce two sets of scores: LASER_LM, a combination of the LASER similarity scores provided in the shared task and perplexity scores from language models, and DCCEF_DUP, dual conditional cross entropy scores combined with a duplication penalty. We improve slightly on the LASER similarity score and find that the provided clean data can successfully be supplemented with a subsampled set of the noisy data, effectively increasing the training data for the models used for dual conditional cross entropy scoring.

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Improving Parallel Data Identification using Iteratively Refined Sentence Alignments and Bilingual Mappings of Pre-trained Language Models
Chi-kiu Lo | Eric Joanis

The National Research Council of Canada’s team submissions to the parallel corpus filtering task at the Fifth Conference on Machine Translation are based on two key components: (1) iteratively refined statistical sentence alignments for extracting sentence pairs from document pairs and (2) a crosslingual semantic textual similarity metric based on a pretrained multilingual language model, XLM-RoBERTa, with bilingual mappings learnt from a minimal amount of clean parallel data for scoring the parallelism of the extracted sentence pairs. The translation quality of the neural machine translation systems trained and fine-tuned on the parallel data extracted by our submissions improved significantly when compared to the organizers’ LASER-based baseline, a sentence-embedding method that worked well last year. For re-aligning the sentences in the document pairs (component 1), our statistical approach has outperformed the current state-of-the-art neural approach in this low-resource context.

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Alibaba Submission to the WMT20 Parallel Corpus Filtering Task
Jun Lu | Xin Ge | Yangbin Shi | Yuqi Zhang

This paper describes the Alibaba Machine Translation Group submissions to the WMT 2020 Shared Task on Parallel Corpus Filtering and Alignment. In the filtering task, three main methods are applied to evaluate the quality of the parallel corpus, i.e. a) Dual Bilingual GPT-2 model, b) Dual Conditional Cross-Entropy Model and c) IBM word alignment model. The scores of these models are combined by using a positive-unlabeled (PU) learning model and a brute-force search to obtain additional gains. Besides, a few simple but efficient rules are adopted to evaluate the quality and the diversity of the corpus. In the alignment-filtering task, the extraction pipeline of bilingual sentence pairs includes the following steps: bilingual lexicon mining, language identification, sentence segmentation and sentence alignment. The final result shows that, in both filtering and alignment tasks, our system significantly outperforms the LASER-based system.

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Volctrans Parallel Corpus Filtering System for WMT 2020
Runxin Xu | Zhuo Zhi | Jun Cao | Mingxuan Wang | Lei Li

In this paper, we describe our submissions to the WMT20 shared task on parallel corpus filtering and alignment for low-resource conditions. The task requires the participants to align potential parallel sentence pairs out of the given document pairs, and score them so that low-quality pairs can be filtered. Our system, Volctrans, is made of two modules, i.e., a mining module and a scoring module. Based on the word alignment model, the mining mod- ule adopts an iterative mining strategy to extract latent parallel sentences. In the scoring module, an XLM-based scorer provides scores, followed by reranking mechanisms and ensemble. Our submissions outperform the baseline by 3.x/2.x and 2.x/2.x for km-en and ps-en on From Scratch/Fine-Tune conditions.

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PATQUEST: Papago Translation Quality Estimation
Yujin Baek | Zae Myung Kim | Jihyung Moon | Hyunjoong Kim | Eunjeong Park

This paper describes the system submitted by Papago team for the quality estimation task at WMT 2020. It proposes two key strategies for quality estimation: (1) task-specific pretraining scheme, and (2) task-specific data augmentation. The former focuses on devising learning signals for pretraining that are closely related to the downstream task. We also present data augmentation techniques that simulate the varying levels of errors that the downstream dataset may contain. Thus, our PATQUEST models are exposed to erroneous translations in both stages of task-specific pretraining and finetuning, effectively enhancing their generalization capability. Our submitted models achieve significant improvement over the baselines for Task 1 (Sentence-Level Direct Assessment; EN-DE only), and Task 3 (Document-Level Score).

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RTM Ensemble Learning Results at Quality Estimation Task
Ergun Biçici

We obtain new results using referential translation machines (RTMs) with predictions mixed and stacked to obtain a better mixture of experts prediction. We are able to achieve better results than the baseline model in Task 1 subtasks. Our stacking results significantly improve the results on the training sets but decrease the test set results. RTMs can achieve to become the 5th among 13 models in ru-en subtask and 5th in the multilingual track of sentence-level Task 1 based on MAE.

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NJU’s submission to the WMT20 QE Shared Task
Qu Cui | Xiang Geng | Shujian Huang | Jiajun Chen

This paper describes our system of the sentence-level and word-level Quality Estimation Shared Task of WMT20. Our system is based on the QE Brain, and we simply enhance it by injecting noise at the target side. And to obtain the deep bi-directional information, we use a masked language model at the target side instead of two single directional decoders. Meanwhile, we try to use the extra QE data from the WMT17 and WMT19 to improve our system’s performance. Finally, we ensemble the features or the results from different models to get our best results. Our system finished fifth in the end at sentence-level on both EN-ZH and EN-DE language pairs.

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BERGAMOT-LATTE Submissions for the WMT20 Quality Estimation Shared Task
Marina Fomicheva | Shuo Sun | Lisa Yankovskaya | Frédéric Blain | Vishrav Chaudhary | Mark Fishel | Francisco Guzmán | Lucia Specia

This paper presents our submission to the WMT2020 Shared Task on Quality Estimation (QE). We participate in Task and Task 2 focusing on sentence-level prediction. We explore (a) a black-box approach to QE based on pre-trained representations; and (b) glass-box approaches that leverage various indicators that can be extracted from the neural MT systems. In addition to training a feature-based regression model using glass-box quality indicators, we also test whether they can be used to predict MT quality directly with no supervision. We assess our systems in a multi-lingual setting and show that both types of approaches generalise well across languages. Our black-box QE models tied for the winning submission in four out of seven language pairs inTask 1, thus demonstrating very strong performance. The glass-box approaches also performed competitively, representing a light-weight alternative to the neural-based models.

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The NiuTrans System for the WMT20 Quality Estimation Shared Task
Chi Hu | Hui Liu | Kai Feng | Chen Xu | Nuo Xu | Zefan Zhou | Shiqin Yan | Yingfeng Luo | Chenglong Wang | Xia Meng | Tong Xiao | Jingbo Zhu

This paper describes the submissions of the NiuTrans Team to the WMT 2020 Quality Estimation Shared Task. We participated in all tasks and all language pairs. We explored the combination of transfer learning, multi-task learning and model ensemble. Results on multiple tasks show that deep transformer machine translation models and multilingual pretraining methods significantly improve translation quality estimation performance. Our system achieved remarkable results in multiple level tasks, e.g., our submissions obtained the best results on all tracks in the sentence-level Direct Assessment task.

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Two-Phase Cross-Lingual Language Model Fine-Tuning for Machine Translation Quality Estimation
Dongjun Lee

In this paper, we describe the Bering Lab’s submission to the WMT 2020 Shared Task on Quality Estimation (QE). For word-level and sentence-level translation quality estimation, we fine-tune XLM-RoBERTa, the state-of-the-art cross-lingual language model, with a few additional parameters. Model training consists of two phases. We first pre-train our model on a huge artificially generated QE dataset, and then we fine-tune the model with a human-labeled dataset. When evaluated on the WMT 2020 English-German QE test set, our systems achieve the best result on the target-side of word-level QE and the second best results on the source-side of word-level QE and sentence-level QE among all submissions.

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IST-Unbabel Participation in the WMT20 Quality Estimation Shared Task
João Moura | Miguel Vera | Daan van Stigt | Fabio Kepler | André F. T. Martins

We present the joint contribution of IST and Unbabel to the WMT 2020 Shared Task on Quality Estimation. Our team participated on all tracks (Direct Assessment, Post-Editing Effort, Document-Level), encompassing a total of 14 submissions. Our submitted systems were developed by extending the OpenKiwi framework to a transformer-based predictor-estimator architecture, and to cope with glass-box, uncertainty-based features coming from neural machine translation systems.

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TMUOU Submission for WMT20 Quality Estimation Shared Task
Akifumi Nakamachi | Hiroki Shimanaka | Tomoyuki Kajiwara | Mamoru Komachi

We introduce the TMUOU submission for the WMT20 Quality Estimation Shared Task 1: Sentence-Level Direct Assessment. Our system is an ensemble model of four regression models based on XLM-RoBERTa with language tags. We ranked 4th in Pearson and 2nd in MAE and RMSE on a multilingual track.

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NICT Kyoto Submission for the WMT’20 Quality Estimation Task: Intermediate Training for Domain and Task Adaptation
Raphael Rubino

This paper describes the NICT Kyoto submission for the WMT’20 Quality Estimation (QE) shared task. We participated in Task 2: Word and Sentence-level Post-editing Effort, which involved Wikipedia data and two translation directions, namely English-to-German and English-to-Chinese. Our approach is based on multi-task fine-tuned cross-lingual language models (XLM), initially pre-trained and further domain-adapted through intermediate training using the translation language model (TLM) approach complemented with a novel self-supervised learning task which aim is to model errors inherent to machine translation outputs. Results obtained on both word and sentence-level QE show that the proposed intermediate training method is complementary to language model domain adaptation and outperforms the fine-tuning only approach.

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TransQuest at WMT2020: Sentence-Level Direct Assessment
Tharindu Ranasinghe | Constantin Orasan | Ruslan Mitkov

This paper presents the team TransQuest’s participation in Sentence-Level Direct Assessment shared task in WMT 2020. We introduce a simple QE framework based on cross-lingual transformers, and we use it to implement and evaluate two different neural architectures. The proposed methods achieve state-of-the-art results surpassing the results obtained by OpenKiwi, the baseline used in the shared task. We further fine tune the QE framework by performing ensemble and data augmentation. Our approach is the winning solution in all of the language pairs according to the WMT 2020 official results.

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HW-TSC’s Participation at WMT 2020 Quality Estimation Shared Task
Minghan Wang | Hao Yang | Hengchao Shang | Daimeng Wei | Jiaxin Guo | Lizhi Lei | Ying Qin | Shimin Tao | Shiliang Sun | Yimeng Chen | Liangyou Li

This paper presents our work in the WMT 2020 Word and Sentence-Level Post-Editing Quality Estimation (QE) Shared Task. Our system follows standard Predictor-Estimator architecture, with a pre-trained Transformer as the Predictor, and specific classifiers and regressors as Estimators. We integrate Bottleneck Adapter Layers in the Predictor to improve the transfer learning efficiency and prevent from over-fitting. At the same time, we jointly train the word- and sentence-level tasks with a unified model with multitask learning. Pseudo-PE assisted QE (PEAQE) is proposed, resulting in significant improvements on the performance. Our submissions achieve competitive result in word/sentence-level sub-tasks for both of En-De/Zh language pairs.

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Tencent submission for WMT20 Quality Estimation Shared Task
Haijiang Wu | Zixuan Wang | Qingsong Ma | Xinjie Wen | Ruichen Wang | Xiaoli Wang | Yulin Zhang | Zhipeng Yao | Siyao Peng

This paper presents Tencent’s submission to the WMT20 Quality Estimation (QE) Shared Task: Sentence-Level Post-editing Effort for English-Chinese in Task 2. Our system ensembles two architectures, XLM-based and Transformer-based Predictor-Estimator models. For the XLM-based Predictor-Estimator architecture, the predictor produces two types of contextualized token representations, i.e., masked XLM and non-masked XLM; the LSTM-estimator and Transformer-estimator employ two effective strategies, top-K and multi-head attention, to enhance the sentence feature representation. For Transformer-based Predictor-Estimator architecture, we improve a top-performing model by conducting three modifications: using multi-decoding in machine translation module, creating a new model by replacing the transformer-based predictor with XLM-based predictor, and finally integrating two models by a weighted average. Our submission achieves a Pearson correlation of 0.664, ranking first (tied) on English-Chinese.

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Zero-Shot Translation Quality Estimation with Explicit Cross-Lingual Patterns
Lei Zhou | Liang Ding | Koichi Takeda

This paper describes our submission of the WMT 2020 Shared Task on Sentence Level Direct Assessment, Quality Estimation (QE). In this study, we empirically reveal the mismatching issue when directly adopting BERTScore (Zhang et al., 2020) to QE. Specifically, there exist lots of mismatching errors between source sentence and translated candidate sentence with token pairwise similarity. In response to this issue, we propose to expose explicit cross lingual patterns, e.g. word alignments and generation score, to our proposed zero-shot models. Experiments show that our proposed QE model with explicit cross-lingual patterns could alleviate the mismatching issue, thereby improving the performance. Encouragingly, our zero-shot QE method could achieve comparable performance with supervised QE method, and even outperforms the supervised counterpart on 2 out of 6 directions. We expect our work could shed light on the zero-shot QE model improvement.

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NLPRL System for Very Low Resource Supervised Machine Translation
Rupjyoti Baruah | Rajesh Kumar Mundotiya | Amit Kumar | Anil kumar Singh

This paper describes the results of the system that we used for the WMT20 very low resource (VLR) supervised MT shared task. For our experiments, we use a byte-level version of BPE, which requires a base vocabulary of size 256 only. BPE based models are a kind of sub-word models. Such models try to address the Out of Vocabulary (OOV) word problem by performing word segmentation so that segments correspond to morphological units. They are also reported to work across different languages, especially similar languages due to their sub-word nature. Based on BLEU cased score, our NLPRL systems ranked ninth for HSB to GER and tenth in GER to HSB translation scenario.

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Low-Resource Translation as Language Modeling
Tucker Berckmann | Berkan Hiziroglu

We present our submission to the very low resource supervised machine translation task at WMT20. We use a decoder-only transformer architecture and formulate the translation task as language modeling. To address the low-resource aspect of the problem, we pretrain over a similar language parallel corpus. Then, we employ an intermediate back-translation step before fine-tuning. Finally, we present an analysis of the system’s performance.

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The LMU Munich System for the WMT 2020 Unsupervised Machine Translation Shared Task
Alexandra Chronopoulou | Dario Stojanovski | Viktor Hangya | Alexander Fraser

This paper describes the submission of LMU Munich to the WMT 2020 unsupervised shared task, in two language directions, German↔Upper Sorbian. Our core unsupervised neural machine translation (UNMT) system follows the strategy of Chronopoulou et al. (2020), using a monolingual pretrained language generation model (on German) and fine-tuning it on both German and Upper Sorbian, before initializing a UNMT model, which is trained with online backtranslation. Pseudo-parallel data obtained from an unsupervised statistical machine translation (USMT) system is used to fine-tune the UNMT model. We also apply BPE-Dropout to the low resource (Upper Sorbian) data to obtain a more robust system. We additionally experiment with residual adapters and find them useful in the Upper Sorbian→German direction. We explore sampling during backtranslation and curriculum learning to use SMT translations in a more principled way. Finally, we ensemble our best-performing systems and reach a BLEU score of 32.4 on German→Upper Sorbian and 35.2 on Upper Sorbian→German.

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UdS-DFKI@WMT20: Unsupervised MT and Very Low Resource Supervised MT for German-Upper Sorbian
Sourav Dutta | Jesujoba Alabi | Saptarashmi Bandyopadhyay | Dana Ruiter | Josef van Genabith

This paper describes the UdS-DFKI submission to the shared task for unsupervised machine translation (MT) and very low-resource supervised MT between German (de) and Upper Sorbian (hsb) at the Fifth Conference of Machine Translation (WMT20). We submit systems for both the supervised and unsupervised tracks. Apart from various experimental approaches like bitext mining, model pre-training, and iterative back-translation, we employ a factored machine translation approach on a small BPE vocabulary.

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Data Selection for Unsupervised Translation of German–Upper Sorbian
Lukas Edman | Antonio Toral | Gertjan van Noord

This paper describes the methods behind the systems submitted by the University of Groningen for the WMT 2020 Unsupervised Machine Translation task for German–Upper Sorbian. We investigate the usefulness of data selection in the unsupervised setting. We find that we can perform data selection using a pretrained model and show that the quality of a set of sentences or documents can have a great impact on the performance of the UNMT system trained on it. Furthermore, we show that document-level data selection should be preferred for training the XLM model when possible. Finally, we show that there is a trade-off between quality and quantity of the data used to train UNMT systems.

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The LMU Munich System for the WMT20 Very Low Resource Supervised MT Task
Jindřich Libovický | Viktor Hangya | Helmut Schmid | Alexander Fraser

We present our systems for the WMT20 Very Low Resource MT Task for translation between German and Upper Sorbian. For training our systems, we generate synthetic data by both back- and forward-translation. Additionally, we enrich the training data with German-Czech translated from Czech to Upper Sorbian by an unsupervised statistical MT system incorporating orthographically similar word pairs and transliterations of OOV words. Our best translation system between German and Sorbian is based on transfer learning from a Czech-German system and scores 12 to 13 BLEU higher than a baseline system built using the available parallel data only.

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NRC Systems for Low Resource German-Upper Sorbian Machine Translation 2020: Transfer Learning with Lexical Modifications
Rebecca Knowles | Samuel Larkin | Darlene Stewart | Patrick Littell

We describe the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) neural machine translation systems for the German-Upper Sorbian supervised track of the 2020 shared task on Unsupervised MT and Very Low Resource Supervised MT. Our models are ensembles of Transformer models, built using combinations of BPE-dropout, lexical modifications, and backtranslation.

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CUNI Systems for the Unsupervised and Very Low Resource Translation Task in WMT20
Ivana Kvapilíková | Tom Kocmi | Ondřej Bojar

This paper presents a description of CUNI systems submitted to the WMT20 task on unsupervised and very low-resource supervised machine translation between German and Upper Sorbian. We experimented with training on synthetic data and pre-training on a related language pair. In the fully unsupervised scenario, we achieved 25.5 and 23.7 BLEU translating from and into Upper Sorbian, respectively. Our low-resource systems relied on transfer learning from German-Czech parallel data and achieved 57.4 BLEU and 56.1 BLEU, which is an improvement of 10 BLEU points over the baseline trained only on the available small German-Upper Sorbian parallel corpus.

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The University of Helsinki and Aalto University submissions to the WMT 2020 news and low-resource translation tasks
Yves Scherrer | Stig-Arne Grönroos | Sami Virpioja

This paper describes the joint participation of University of Helsinki and Aalto University to two shared tasks of WMT 2020: the news translation between Inuktitut and English and the low-resource translation between German and Upper Sorbian. For both tasks, our efforts concentrate on efficient use of monolingual and related bilingual corpora with scheduled multi-task learning as well as an optimized subword segmentation with sampling. Our submission obtained the highest score for Upper Sorbian -> German and was ranked second for German -> Upper Sorbian according to BLEU scores. For English–Inuktitut, we reached ranks 8 and 10 out of 11 according to BLEU scores.

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The NITS-CNLP System for the Unsupervised MT Task at WMT 2020
Salam Michael Singh | Thoudam Doren Singh | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

We describe NITS-CNLP’s submission to WMT 2020 unsupervised machine translation shared task for German language (de) to Upper Sorbian (hsb) in a constrained setting i.e, using only the data provided by the organizers. We train our unsupervised model using monolingual data from both the languages by jointly pre-training the encoder and decoder and fine-tune using backtranslation loss. The final model uses the source side (de) monolingual data and the target side (hsb) synthetic data as a pseudo-parallel data to train a pseudo-supervised system which is tuned using the provided development set(dev set).

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Adobe AMPS’s Submission for Very Low Resource Supervised Translation Task at WMT20
Keshaw Singh

In this paper, we describe our systems submitted to the very low resource supervised translation task at WMT20. We participate in both translation directions for Upper Sorbian-German language pair. Our primary submission is a subword-level Transformer-based neural machine translation model trained on original training bitext. We also conduct several experiments with backtranslation using limited monolingual data in our post-submission work and include our results for the same. In one such experiment, we observe jumps of up to 2.6 BLEU points over the primary system by pretraining on a synthetic, backtranslated corpus followed by fine-tuning on the original parallel training data.

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On the Same Page? Comparing Inter-Annotator Agreement in Sentence and Document Level Human Machine Translation Evaluation
Sheila Castilho

Document-level evaluation of machine translation has raised interest in the community especially since responses to the claims of “human parity” (Toral et al., 2018; Läubli et al., 2018) with document-level human evaluations have been published. Yet, little is known about best practices regarding human evaluation of machine translation at the document-level. This paper presents a comparison of the differences in inter-annotator agreement between quality assessments using sentence and document-level set-ups. We report results of the agreement between professional translators for fluency and adequacy scales, error annotation, and pair-wise ranking, along with the effort needed to perform the different tasks. To best of our knowledge, this is the first study of its kind.

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How Should Markup Tags Be Translated?
Greg Hanneman | Georgiana Dinu

The ability of machine translation (MT) models to correctly place markup is crucial to generating high-quality translations of formatted input. This paper compares two commonly used methods of representing markup tags and tests the ability of MT models to learn tag placement via training data augmentation. We study the interactions of tag representation, data augmentation size, tag complexity, and language pair to show the drawbacks and benefits of each method. We construct and release new test sets containing tagged data for three language pairs of varying difficulty.

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The Tatoeba Translation Challenge – Realistic Data Sets for Low Resource and Multilingual MT
Jörg Tiedemann

This paper describes the development of a new benchmark for machine translation that provides training and test data for thousands of language pairs covering over 500 languages and tools for creating state-of-the-art translation models from that collection. The main goal is to trigger the development of open translation tools and models with a much broader coverage of the World’s languages. Using the package it is possible to work on realistic low-resource scenarios avoiding artificially reduced setups that are common when demonstrating zero-shot or few-shot learning. For the first time, this package provides a comprehensive collection of diverse data sets in hundreds of languages with systematic language and script annotation and data splits to extend the narrow coverage of existing benchmarks. Together with the data release, we also provide a growing number of pre-trained baseline models for individual language pairs and selected language groups.

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Human-Paraphrased References Improve Neural Machine Translation
Markus Freitag | George Foster | David Grangier | Colin Cherry

Automatic evaluation comparing candidate translations to human-generated paraphrases of reference translations has recently been proposed by freitag2020bleu. When used in place of original references, the paraphrased versions produce metric scores that correlate better with human judgment. This effect holds for a variety of different automatic metrics, and tends to favor natural formulations over more literal (translationese) ones. In this paper we compare the results of performing end-to-end system development using standard and paraphrased references. With state-of-the-art English-German NMT components, we show that tuning to paraphrased references produces a system that is ignificantly better according to human judgment, but 5 BLEU points worse when tested on standard references. Our work confirms the finding that paraphrased references yield metric scores that correlate better with human judgment, and demonstrates for the first time that using these scores for system development can lead to significant improvements.

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Incorporating Terminology Constraints in Automatic Post-Editing
David Wan | Chris Kedzie | Faisal Ladhak | Marine Carpuat | Kathleen McKeown

Users of machine translation (MT) may want to ensure the use of specific lexical terminologies. While there exist techniques for incorporating terminology constraints during inference for MT, current APE approaches cannot ensure that they will appear in the final translation. In this paper, we present both autoregressive and non-autoregressive models for lexically constrained APE, demonstrating that our approach enables preservation of 95% of the terminologies and also improves translation quality on English-German benchmarks. Even when applied to lexically constrained MT output, our approach is able to improve preservation of the terminologies. However, we show that our models do not learn to copy constraints systematically and suggest a simple data augmentation technique that leads to improved performance and robustness.


bib (full) Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2020)

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Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2020)
Wei Xu | Alan Ritter | Tim Baldwin | Afshin Rahimi

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May I Ask Who’s Calling? Named Entity Recognition on Call Center Transcripts for Privacy Law Compliance
Micaela Kaplan

We investigate using Named Entity Recognition on a new type of user-generated text: a call center conversation. These conversations combine problems from spontaneous speech with problems novel to conversational Automated Speech Recognition, including incorrect recognition, alongside other common problems from noisy user-generated text. Using our own corpus with new annotations, training custom contextual string embeddings, and applying a BiLSTM-CRF, we match state-of- the-art results on our novel task.

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“Did you really mean what you said?” : Sarcasm Detection in Hindi-English Code-Mixed Data using Bilingual Word Embeddings
Akshita Aggarwal | Anshul Wadhawan | Anshima Chaudhary | Kavita Maurya

With the increased use of social media platforms by people across the world, many new interesting NLP problems have come into existence. One such being the detection of sarcasm in the social media texts. We present a corpus of tweets for training custom word embeddings and a Hinglish dataset labelled for sarcasm detection. We propose a deep learning based approach to address the issue of sarcasm detection in Hindi-English code mixed tweets using bilingual word embeddings derived from FastText and Word2Vec approaches. We experimented with various deep learning models, including CNNs, LSTMs, Bi-directional LSTMs (with and without attention). We were able to outperform all state-of-the-art performances with our deep learning models, with attention based Bi-directional LSTMs giving the best performance exhibiting an accuracy of 78.49%.

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Noisy Text Data: Achilles’ Heel of BERT
Ankit Kumar | Piyush Makhija | Anuj Gupta

Owing to the phenomenal success of BERT on various NLP tasks and benchmark datasets, industry practitioners are actively experimenting with fine-tuning BERT to build NLP applications for solving industry use cases. For most datasets that are used by practitioners to build industrial NLP applications, it is hard to guarantee absence of any noise in the data. While BERT has performed exceedingly well for transferring the learnings from one use case to another, it remains unclear how BERT performs when fine-tuned on noisy text. In this work, we explore the sensitivity of BERT to noise in the data. We work with most commonly occurring noise (spelling mistakes, typos) and show that this results in significant degradation in the performance of BERT. We present experimental results to show that BERT’s performance on fundamental NLP tasks like sentiment analysis and textual similarity drops significantly in the presence of (simulated) noise on benchmark datasets viz. IMDB Movie Review, STS-B, SST-2. Further, we identify shortcomings in the existing BERT pipeline that are responsible for this drop in performance. Our findings suggest that practitioners need to be vary of presence of noise in their datasets while fine-tuning BERT to solve industry use cases.

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Determining Question-Answer Plausibility in Crowdsourced Datasets Using Multi-Task Learning
Rachel Gardner | Maya Varma | Clare Zhu | Ranjay Krishna

Datasets extracted from social networks and online forums are often prone to the pitfalls of natural language, namely the presence of unstructured and noisy data. In this work, we seek to enable the collection of high-quality question-answer datasets from social media by proposing a novel task for automated quality analysis and data cleaning: question-answer (QA) plausibility. Given a machine or user-generated question and a crowd-sourced response from a social media user, we determine if the question and response are valid; if so, we identify the answer within the free-form response. We design BERT-based models to perform the QA plausibility task, and we evaluate the ability of our models to generate a clean, usable question-answer dataset. Our highest-performing approach consists of a single-task model which determines the plausibility of the question, followed by a multi-task model which evaluates the plausibility of the response as well as extracts answers (Question Plausibility AUROC=0.75, Response Plausibility AUROC=0.78, Answer Extraction F1=0.665).

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Combining BERT with Static Word Embeddings for Categorizing Social Media
Israa Alghanmi | Luis Espinosa Anke | Steven Schockaert

Pre-trained neural language models (LMs) have achieved impressive results in various natural language processing tasks, across different languages. Surprisingly, this extends to the social media genre, despite the fact that social media often has very different characteristics from the language that LMs have seen during training. A particularly striking example is the performance of AraBERT, an LM for the Arabic language, which is successful in categorizing social media posts in Arabic dialects, despite only having been trained on Modern Standard Arabic. Our hypothesis in this paper is that the performance of LMs for social media can nonetheless be improved by incorporating static word vectors that have been specifically trained on social media. We show that a simple method for incorporating such word vectors is indeed successful in several Arabic and English benchmarks. Curiously, however, we also find that similar improvements are possible with word vectors that have been trained on traditional text sources (e.g. Wikipedia).

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Enhanced Sentence Alignment Network for Efficient Short Text Matching
Zhe Hu | Zuohui Fu | Cheng Peng | Weiwei Wang

Cross-sentence attention has been widely applied in text matching, in which model learns the aligned information between two intermediate sequence representations to capture their semantic relationship. However, commonly the intermediate representations are generated solely based on the preceding layers and the models may suffer from error propagation and unstable matching, especially when multiple attention layers are used. In this paper, we pro-pose an enhanced sentence alignment network with simple gated feature augmentation, where the model is able to flexibly integrate both original word and contextual features to improve the cross-sentence attention. Moreover, our model is less complex with fewer parameters compared to many state-of-the-art structures. Experiments on three benchmark datasets validate our model capacity for text matching.

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PHINC: A Parallel Hinglish Social Media Code-Mixed Corpus for Machine Translation
Vivek Srivastava | Mayank Singh

Code-mixing is the phenomenon of using more than one language in a sentence. In the multilingual communities, it is a very frequently observed pattern of communication on social media platforms. Flexibility to use multiple languages in one text message might help to communicate efficiently with the target audience. But, the noisy user-generated code-mixed text adds to the challenge of processing and understanding natural language to a much larger extent. Machine translation from monolingual source to the target language is a well-studied research problem. Here, we demonstrate that widely popular and sophisticated translation systems such as Google Translate fail at times to translate code-mixed text effectively. To address this challenge, we present a parallel corpus of the 13,738 code-mixed Hindi-English sentences and their corresponding human translation in English. In addition, we also propose a translation pipeline build on top of Google Translate. The evaluation of the proposed pipeline on PHINC demonstrates an increase in the performance of the underlying system. With minimal effort, we can extend the dataset and the proposed approach to other code-mixing language pairs.

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Cross-lingual sentiment classification in low-resource Bengali language
Salim Sazzed

Sentiment analysis research in low-resource languages such as Bengali is still unexplored due to the scarcity of annotated data and the lack of text processing tools. Therefore, in this work, we focus on generating resources and showing the applicability of the cross-lingual sentiment analysis approach in Bengali. For benchmarking, we created and annotated a comprehensive corpus of around 12000 Bengali reviews. To address the lack of standard text-processing tools in Bengali, we leverage resources from English utilizing machine translation. We determine the performance of supervised machine learning (ML) classifiers in machine-translated English corpus and compare it with the original Bengali corpus. Besides, we examine sentiment preservation in the machine-translated corpus utilizing Cohen’s Kappa and Gwet’s AC1. To circumvent the laborious data labeling process, we explore lexicon-based methods and study the applicability of utilizing cross-domain labeled data from the resource-rich language. We find that supervised ML classifiers show comparable performances in Bengali and machine-translated English corpus. By utilizing labeled data, they achieve 15%-20% higher F1 scores compared to both lexicon-based and transfer learning-based methods. Besides, we observe that machine translation does not alter the sentiment polarity of the review for most of the cases. Our experimental results demonstrate that the machine translation based cross-lingual approach can be an effective way for sentiment classification in Bengali.

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The Non-native Speaker Aspect: Indian English in Social Media
Rupak Sarkar | Sayantan Mahinder | Ashiqur KhudaBukhsh

As the largest institutionalized second language variety of English, Indian English has received a sustained focus from linguists for decades. However, to the best of our knowledge, no prior study has contrasted web-expressions of Indian English in noisy social media with English generated by a social media user base that are predominantly native speakers. In this paper, we address this gap in the literature through conducting a comprehensive analysis considering multiple structural and semantic aspects. In addition, we propose a novel application of language models to perform automatic linguistic quality assessment.

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Sentence Boundary Detection on Line Breaks in Japanese
Yuta Hayashibe | Kensuke Mitsuzawa

For NLP, sentence boundary detection (SBD) is an essential task to decompose a text into sentences. Most of the previous studies have used a simple rule that uses only typical characters as sentence boundaries. However, some characters may or may not be sentence boundaries depending on the context. We focused on line breaks in them. We newly constructed annotated corpora, implemented sentence boundary detectors, and analyzed performance of SBD in several settings.

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Non-ingredient Detection in User-generated Recipes using the Sequence Tagging Approach
Yasuhiro Yamaguchi | Shintaro Inuzuka | Makoto Hiramatsu | Jun Harashima

Recently, the number of user-generated recipes on the Internet has increased. In such recipes, users are generally supposed to write a title, an ingredient list, and steps to create a dish. However, some items in an ingredient list in a user-generated recipe are not actually edible ingredients. For example, headings, comments, and kitchenware sometimes appear in an ingredient list because users can freely write the list in their recipes. Such noise makes it difficult for computers to use recipes for a variety of tasks, such as calorie estimation. To address this issue, we propose a non-ingredient detection method inspired by a neural sequence tagging model. In our experiment, we annotated 6,675 ingredients in 600 user-generated recipes and showed that our proposed method achieved a 93.3 F1 score.

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Generating Fact Checking Summaries for Web Claims
Rahul Mishra | Dhruv Gupta | Markus Leippold

We present SUMO, a neural attention-based approach that learns to establish correctness of textual claims based on evidence in the form of text documents (e.g., news articles or web documents). SUMO further generates an extractive summary by presenting a diversified set of sentences from the documents that explain its decision on the correctness of the textual claim. Prior approaches to address the problem of fact checking and evidence extraction have relied on simple concatenation of claim and document word embeddings as an input to claim driven attention weight computation. This is done so as to extract salient words and sentences from the documents that help establish the correctness of the claim. However this design of claim-driven attention fails to capture the contextual information in documents properly. We improve on the prior art by using improved claim and title guided hierarchical attention to model effective contextual cues. We show the efficacy of our approach on political, healthcare, and environmental datasets.

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Intelligent Analyses on Storytelling for Impact Measurement
Koen Kicken | Tessa De Maesschalck | Bart Vanrumste | Tom De Keyser | Hee Reen Shim

This paper explores how Dutch diary fragments, written by family coaches in the social sector, can be analysed automatically using machine learning techniques to quantitatively measure the impact of social coaching. The focus lays on two tasks: determining which sentiment a fragment contains (sentiment analysis) and investigating which fundamental social rights (education, employment, legal aid, etc.) are addressed in the fragment. To train and test the new algorithms, a dataset consisting of 1715 Dutch diary fragments is used. These fragments are manually labelled on sentiment and on the applicable fundamental social rights. The sentiment analysis models were trained to classify the fragments into three classes: negative, neutral or positive. Fine-tuning the Dutch pre-trained Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERTje) (de Vries et al., 2019) language model surpassed the more classic algorithms by correctly classifying 79.6% of the fragments on the sentiment analysis, which is considered as a good result. This technique also achieved the best results in the identification of the fundamental rights, where for every fragment the three most likely fundamental rights were given as output. In this way, 93% of the present fundamental rights were correctly recognised. To our knowledge, we are the first to try to extract social rights from written text with the help of Natural Language Processing techniques.

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An Empirical Analysis of Human-Bot Interaction on Reddit
Ming-Cheng Ma | John P. Lalor

Automated agents (“bots”) have emerged as an ubiquitous and influential presence on social media. Bots engage on social media platforms by posting content and replying to other users on the platform. In this work we conduct an empirical analysis of the activity of a single bot on Reddit. Our goal is to determine whether bot activity (in the form of posted comments on the website) has an effect on how humans engage on Reddit. We find that (1) the sentiment of a bot comment has a significant, positive effect on the subsequent human reply, and (2) human Reddit users modify their comment behaviors to overlap with the text of the bot, similar to how humans modify their text to mimic other humans in conversation. Understanding human-bot interactions on social media with relatively simple bots is important for preparing for more advanced bots in the future.

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Detecting Trending Terms in Cybersecurity Forum Discussions
Jack Hughes | Seth Aycock | Andrew Caines | Paula Buttery | Alice Hutchings

We present a lightweight method for identifying currently trending terms in relation to a known prior of terms, using a weighted log-odds ratio with an informative prior. We apply this method to a dataset of posts from an English-language underground hacking forum, spanning over ten years of activity, with posts containing misspellings, orthographic variation, acronyms, and slang. Our statistical approach supports analysis of linguistic change and discussion topics over time, without a requirement to train a topic model for each time interval for analysis. We evaluate the approach by comparing the results to TF-IDF using the discounted cumulative gain metric with human annotations, finding our method outperforms TF-IDF on information retrieval.

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Service registration chatbot: collecting and comparing dialogues from AMT workers and service’s users
Luca Molteni | Mittul Singh | Juho Leinonen | Katri Leino | Mikko Kurimo | Emanuele Della Valle

Crowdsourcing is the go-to solution for data collection and annotation in the context of NLP tasks. Nevertheless, crowdsourced data is noisy by nature; the source is often unknown and additional validation work is performed to guarantee the dataset’s quality. In this article, we compare two crowdsourcing sources on a dialogue paraphrasing task revolving around a chatbot service. We observe that workers hired on crowdsourcing platforms produce lexically poorer and less diverse rewrites than service users engaged voluntarily. Notably enough, on dialogue clarity and optimality, the two paraphrase sources’ human-perceived quality does not differ significantly. Furthermore, for the chatbot service, the combined crowdsourced data is enough to train a transformer-based Natural Language Generation (NLG) system. To enable similar services, we also release tools for collecting data and training the dialogue-act-based transformer-based NLG module.

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Automated Assessment of Noisy Crowdsourced Free-text Answers for Hindi in Low Resource Setting
Dolly Agarwal | Somya Gupta | Nishant Baghel

The requirement of performing assessments continually on a larger scale necessitates the implementation of automated systems for evaluation of the learners’ responses to free-text questions. We target children of age group 8-14 years and use an ASR integrated assessment app to crowdsource learners’ responses to free text questions in Hindi. The app helped collect 39641 user answers to 35 different questions of Science topics. Since the users are young children from rural India and may not be well-equipped with technology, it brings in various noise types in the answers. We describe these noise types and propose a preprocessing pipeline to denoise user’s answers. We showcase the performance of different similarity metrics on the noisy and denoised versions of user and model answers. Our findings have large-scale applications for automated answer assessment for school children in India in low resource settings.

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Punctuation Restoration using Transformer Models for High-and Low-Resource Languages
Tanvirul Alam | Akib Khan | Firoj Alam

Punctuation restoration is a common post-processing problem for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems. It is important to improve the readability of the transcribed text for the human reader and facilitate NLP tasks. Current state-of-art address this problem using different deep learning models. Recently, transformer models have proven their success in downstream NLP tasks, and these models have been explored very little for the punctuation restoration problem. In this work, we explore different transformer based models and propose an augmentation strategy for this task, focusing on high-resource (English) and low-resource (Bangla) languages. For English, we obtain comparable state-of-the-art results, while for Bangla, it is the first reported work, which can serve as a strong baseline for future work. We have made our developed Bangla dataset publicly available for the research community.

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Truecasing German user-generated conversational text
Yulia Grishina | Thomas Gueudre | Ralf Winkler

True-casing, the task of restoring proper case to (generally) lower case input, is important in downstream tasks and for screen display. In this paper, we investigate truecasing as an in- trinsic task and present several experiments on noisy user queries to a voice-controlled dia- log system. In particular, we compare a rule- based, an n-gram language model (LM) and a recurrent neural network (RNN) approaches, evaluating the results on a German Q&A cor- pus and reporting accuracy for different case categories. We show that while RNNs reach higher accuracy especially on large datasets, character n-gram models with interpolation are still competitive, in particular on mixed- case words where their fall-back mechanisms come into play.

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Fine-Tuning MT systems for Robustness to Second-Language Speaker Variations
Md Mahfuz Ibn Alam | Antonios Anastasopoulos

The performance of neural machine translation (NMT) systems only trained on a single language variant degrades when confronted with even slightly different language variations. With this work, we build upon previous work to explore how to mitigate this issue. We show that fine-tuning using naturally occurring noise along with pseudo-references (i.e. “corrected” non-native inputs translated using the baseline NMT system) is a promising solution towards systems robust to such type of input variations. We focus on four translation pairs, from English to Spanish, Italian, French, and Portuguese, with our system achieving improvements of up to 3.1 BLEU points compared to the baselines, establishing a new state-of-the-art on the JFLEG-ES dataset. All datasets and code are publicly available here: https://github.com/mahfuzibnalam/finetuning_for_robustness .

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Impact of ASR on Alzheimer’s Disease Detection: All Errors are Equal, but Deletions are More Equal than Others
Aparna Balagopalan | Ksenia Shkaruta | Jekaterina Novikova

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is a critical component of any fully-automated speech-based dementia detection model. However, despite years of speech recognition research, little is known about the impact of ASR accuracy on dementia detection. In this paper, we experiment with controlled amounts of artificially generated ASR errors and investigate their influence on dementia detection. We find that deletion errors affect detection performance the most, due to their impact on the features of syntactic complexity and discourse representation in speech. We show the trend to be generalisable across two different datasets for cognitive impairment detection. As a conclusion, we propose optimising the ASR to reflect a higher penalty for deletion errors in order to improve dementia detection performance.

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Detecting Entailment in Code-Mixed Hindi-English Conversations
Sharanya Chakravarthy | Anjana Umapathy | Alan W Black

The presence of large-scale corpora for Natural Language Inference (NLI) has spurred deep learning research in this area, though much of this research has focused solely on monolingual data. Code-mixing is the intertwined usage of multiple languages, and is commonly seen in informal conversations among polyglots. Given the rising importance of dialogue agents, it is imperative that they understand code-mixing, but the scarcity of code-mixed Natural Language Understanding (NLU) datasets has precluded research in this area. The dataset by Khanuja et. al. for detecting conversational entailment in code-mixed Hindi-English text is the first of its kind. We investigate the effectiveness of language modeling, data augmentation, translation, and architectural approaches to address the code-mixed, conversational, and low-resource aspects of this dataset. We obtain an 8.09% increase in test set accuracy over the current state of the art.

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Detecting Objectifying Language in Online Professor Reviews
Angie Waller | Kyle Gorman

Student reviews often make reference to professors’ physical appearances. Until recently RateMyProfessors.com, the website of this study’s focus, used a design feature to encourage a “hot or not” rating of college professors. In the wake of recent #MeToo and #TimesUp movements, social awareness of the inappropriateness of these reviews has grown; however, objectifying comments remain and continue to be posted in this online context. We describe two supervised text classifiers for detecting objectifying commentary in professor reviews. We then ensemble these classifiers and use the resulting model to track objectifying commentary at scale. We measure correlations between objectifying commentary, changes to the review website interface, and teacher gender across a ten-year period.

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Annotation Efficient Language Identification from Weak Labels
Shriphani Palakodety | Ashiqur KhudaBukhsh

India is home to several languages with more than 30m speakers. These languages exhibit significant presence on social media platforms. However, several of these widely-used languages are under-addressed by current Natural Language Processing (NLP) models and resources. User generated social media content in these languages is also typically authored in the Roman script as opposed to the traditional native script further contributing to resource scarcity. In this paper, we leverage a minimally supervised NLP technique to obtain weak language labels from a large-scale Indian social media corpus leading to a robust and annotation-efficient language-identification technique spanning nine Romanized Indian languages. In fast-spreading pandemic situations such as the current COVID-19 situation, information processing objectives might be heavily tilted towards under-served languages in densely populated regions. We release our models to facilitate downstream analyses in these low-resource languages. Experiments across multiple social media corpora demonstrate the model’s robustness and provide several interesting insights on Indian language usage patterns on social media. We release an annotated data set of 1,000 comments in ten Romanized languages as a social media evaluation benchmark.

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Fantastic Features and Where to Find Them: Detecting Cognitive Impairment with a Subsequence Classification Guided Approach
Ben Eyre | Aparna Balagopalan | Jekaterina Novikova

Despite the widely reported success of embedding-based machine learning methods on natural language processing tasks, the use of more easily interpreted engineered features remains common in fields such as cognitive impairment (CI) detection. Manually engineering features from noisy text is time and resource consuming, and can potentially result in features that do not enhance model performance. To combat this, we describe a new approach to feature engineering that leverages sequential machine learning models and domain knowledge to predict which features help enhance performance. We provide a concrete example of this method on a standard data set of CI speech and demonstrate that CI classification accuracy improves by 2.3% over a strong baseline when using features produced by this method. This demonstration provides an example of how this method can be used to assist classification in fields where interpretability is important, such as health care.

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Quantifying the Evaluation of Heuristic Methods for Textual Data Augmentation
Omid Kashefi | Rebecca Hwa

Data augmentation has been shown to be effective in providing more training data for machine learning and resulting in more robust classifiers. However, for some problems, there may be multiple augmentation heuristics, and the choices of which one to use may significantly impact the success of the training. In this work, we propose a metric for evaluating augmentation heuristics; specifically, we quantify the extent to which an example is “hard to distinguish” by considering the difference between the distribution of the augmented samples of different classes. Experimenting with multiple heuristics in two prediction tasks (positive/negative sentiment and verbosity/conciseness) validates our claims by revealing the connection between the distribution difference of different classes and the classification accuracy.

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An Empirical Survey of Unsupervised Text Representation Methods on Twitter Data
Lili Wang | Chongyang Gao | Jason Wei | Weicheng Ma | Ruibo Liu | Soroush Vosoughi

The field of NLP has seen unprecedented achievements in recent years. Most notably, with the advent of large-scale pre-trained Transformer-based language models, such as BERT, there has been a noticeable improvement in text representation. It is, however, unclear whether these improvements translate to noisy user-generated text, such as tweets. In this paper, we present an experimental survey of a wide range of well-known text representation techniques for the task of text clustering on noisy Twitter data. Our results indicate that the more advanced models do not necessarily work best on tweets and that more exploration in this area is needed.

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Civil Unrest on Twitter (CUT): A Dataset of Tweets to Support Research on Civil Unrest
Justin Sech | Alexandra DeLucia | Anna L. Buczak | Mark Dredze

We present CUT, a dataset for studying Civil Unrest on Twitter. Our dataset includes 4,381 tweets related to civil unrest, hand-annotated with information related to the study of civil unrest discussion and events. Our dataset is drawn from 42 countries from 2014 to 2019. We present baseline systems trained on this data for the identification of tweets related to civil unrest. We include a discussion of ethical issues related to research on this topic.

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Tweeki: Linking Named Entities on Twitter to a Knowledge Graph
Bahareh Harandizadeh | Sameer Singh

To identify what entities are being talked about in tweets, we need to automatically link named entities that appear in tweets to structured KBs like WikiData. Existing approaches often struggle with such short, noisy texts, or their complex design and reliance on supervision make them brittle, difficult to use and maintain, and lose significance over time. Further, there is a lack of a large, linked corpus of tweets to aid researchers, along with lack of gold dataset to evaluate the accuracy of entity linking. In this paper, we introduce (1) Tweeki, an unsupervised, modular entity linking system for Twitter, (2) TweekiData, a large, automatically-annotated corpus of Tweets linked to entities in WikiData, and (3) TweekiGold, a gold dataset for entity linking evaluation. Through comprehensive analysis, we show that Tweeki is comparable to the performance of recent state-of-the-art entity linkers models, the dataset is of high quality, and a use case of how the dataset can be used to improve downstream tasks in social media analysis (geolocation prediction).

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Representation learning of writing style
Julien Hay | Bich-Lien Doan | Fabrice Popineau | Ouassim Ait Elhara

In this paper, we introduce a new method of representation learning that aims to embed documents in a stylometric space. Previous studies in the field of authorship analysis focused on feature engineering techniques in order to represent document styles and to enhance model performance in specific tasks. Instead, we directly embed documents in a stylometric space by relying on a reference set of authors and the intra-author consistency property which is one of two components in our definition of writing style. The main intuition of this paper is that we can define a general stylometric space from a set of reference authors such that, in this space, the coordinates of different documents will be close when the documents are by the same author, and spread away when they are by different authors, even for documents by authors who are not in the set of reference authors. The method we propose allows for the clustering of documents based on stylistic clues reflecting the authorship of documents. For the empirical validation of the method, we train a deep neural network model to predict authors of a large reference dataset consisting of news and blog articles. Albeit the learning process is supervised, it does not require a dedicated labeling of the data but it relies only on the metadata of the articles which are available in huge amounts. We evaluate the model on multiple datasets, on both the authorship clustering and the authorship attribution tasks.

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“A Little Birdie Told Me ... ” - Inductive Biases for Rumour Stance Detection on Social Media
Karthik Radhakrishnan | Tushar Kanakagiri | Sharanya Chakravarthy | Vidhisha Balachandran

The rise in the usage of social media has placed it in a central position for news dissemination and consumption. This greatly increases the potential for proliferation of rumours and misinformation. In an effort to mitigate the spread of rumours, we tackle the related task of identifying the stance (Support, Deny, Query, Comment) of a social media post. Unlike previous works, we impose inductive biases that capture platform specific user behavior. These biases, coupled with social media fine-tuning of BERT allow for better language understanding, thus yielding an F1 score of 58.7 on the SemEval 2019 task on rumour stance detection.

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Paraphrase Generation via Adversarial Penalizations
Gerson Vizcarra | Jose Ochoa-Luna

Paraphrase generation is an important problem in Natural Language Processing that has been addressed with neural network-based approaches recently. This paper presents an adversarial framework to address the paraphrase generation problem in English. Unlike previous methods, we employ the discriminator output as penalization instead of using policy gradients, and we propose a global discriminator to avoid the Monte-Carlo search. In addition, this work use and compare different settings of input representation. We compare our methods to some baselines in the Quora question pairs dataset. The results show that our framework is competitive against the previous benchmarks.

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WNUT-2020 Task 1 Overview: Extracting Entities and Relations from Wet Lab Protocols
Jeniya Tabassum | Wei Xu | Alan Ritter

This paper presents the results of the wet labinformation extraction task at WNUT 2020.This task consisted of two sub tasks- (1) anamed entity recognition task with 13 partic-ipants; and (2) a relation extraction task with2 participants. We outline the task, data an-notation process, corpus statistics, and providea high-level overview of the participating sys-tems for each sub task.

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IITKGP at W-NUT 2020 Shared Task-1: Domain specific BERT representation for Named Entity Recognition of lab protocol
Tejas Vaidhya | Ayush Kaushal

Supervised models trained to predict properties from representations have been achieving high accuracy on a variety of tasks. For in-stance, the BERT family seems to work exceptionally well on the downstream task from NER tagging to the range of other linguistictasks. But the vocabulary used in the medical field contains a lot of different tokens used only in the medical industry such as the name of different diseases, devices, organisms,medicines, etc. that makes it difficult for traditional BERT model to create contextualized embedding. In this paper, we are going to illustrate the System for Named Entity Tagging based on Bio-Bert. Experimental results show that our model gives substantial improvements over the baseline and stood the fourth runner up in terms of F1 score, and first runner up in terms of Recall with just 2.21 F1 score behind the best one.

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PublishInCovid19 at WNUT 2020 Shared Task-1: Entity Recognition in Wet Lab Protocols using Structured Learning Ensemble and Contextualised Embeddings
Janvijay Singh | Anshul Wadhawan

In this paper, we describe the approach that we employed to address the task of Entity Recognition over Wet Lab Protocols - a shared task in EMNLP WNUT-2020 Workshop. Our approach is composed of two phases. In the first phase, we experiment with various contextualised word embeddings (like Flair, BERT-based) and a BiLSTM-CRF model to arrive at the best-performing architecture. In the second phase, we create an ensemble composed of eleven BiLSTM-CRF models. The individual models are trained on random train-validation splits of the complete dataset. Here, we also experiment with different output merging schemes, including Majority Voting and Structured Learning Ensembling (SLE). Our final submission achieved a micro F1-score of 0.8175 and 0.7757 for the partial and exact match of the entity spans, respectively. We were ranked first and second, in terms of partial and exact match, respectively.

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Big Green at WNUT 2020 Shared Task-1: Relation Extraction as Contextualized Sequence Classification
Chris Miller | Soroush Vosoughi

Relation and event extraction is an important task in natural language processing. We introduce a system which uses contextualized knowledge graph completion to classify relations and events between known entities in a noisy text environment. We report results which show that our system is able to effectively extract relations and events from a dataset of wet lab protocols.

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WNUT 2020 Shared Task-1: Conditional Random Field(CRF) based Named Entity Recognition(NER) for Wet Lab Protocols
Kaushik Acharya

The paper describes how classifier model built using Conditional Random Field detects named entities in wet lab protocols.

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mgsohrab at WNUT 2020 Shared Task-1: Neural Exhaustive Approach for Entity and Relation Recognition Over Wet Lab Protocols
Mohammad Golam Sohrab | Anh-Khoa Duong Nguyen | Makoto Miwa | Hiroya Takamura

We present a neural exhaustive approach that addresses named entity recognition (NER) and relation recognition (RE), for the entity and re- lation recognition over the wet-lab protocols shared task. We introduce BERT-based neural exhaustive approach that enumerates all pos- sible spans as potential entity mentions and classifies them into entity types or no entity with deep neural networks to address NER. To solve relation extraction task, based on the NER predictions or given gold mentions we create all possible trigger-argument pairs and classify them into relation types or no relation. In NER task, we achieved 76.60% in terms of F-score as third rank system among the partic- ipated systems. In relation extraction task, we achieved 80.46% in terms of F-score as the top system in the relation extraction or recognition task. Besides we compare our model based on the wet lab protocols corpus (WLPC) with the WLPC baseline and dynamic graph-based in- formation extraction (DyGIE) systems.

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Fancy Man Launches Zippo at WNUT 2020 Shared Task-1: A Bert Case Model for Wet Lab Entity Extraction
Qingcheng Zeng | Xiaoyang Fang | Zhexin Liang | Haoding Meng

Automatic or semi-automatic conversion of protocols specifying steps in performing a lab procedure into machine-readable format benefits biological research a lot. These noisy, dense, and domain-specific lab protocols processing draws more and more interests with the development of deep learning. This paper presents our teamwork on WNUT 2020 shared task-1: wet lab entity extract, that we conducted studies in several models, including a BiLSTM CRF model and a Bert case model which can be used to complete wet lab entity extraction. And we mainly discussed the performance differences of Bert case under different situations such as transformers versions, case sensitivity that may don’t get enough attention before.

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BiTeM at WNUT 2020 Shared Task-1: Named Entity Recognition over Wet Lab Protocols using an Ensemble of Contextual Language Models
Julien Knafou | Nona Naderi | Jenny Copara | Douglas Teodoro | Patrick Ruch

Recent improvements in machine-reading technologies attracted much attention to automation problems and their possibilities. In this context, WNUT 2020 introduces a Name Entity Recognition (NER) task based on wet laboratory procedures. In this paper, we present a 3-step method based on deep neural language models that reported the best overall exact match F1-score (77.99%) of the competition. By fine-tuning 10 times, 10 different pretrained language models, this work shows the advantage of having more models in an ensemble based on a majority of votes strategy. On top of that, having 100 different models allowed us to analyse the combinations of ensemble that demonstrated the impact of having multiple pretrained models versus fine-tuning a pretrained model multiple times.

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WNUT-2020 Task 2: Identification of Informative COVID-19 English Tweets
Dat Quoc Nguyen | Thanh Vu | Afshin Rahimi | Mai Hoang Dao | Linh The Nguyen | Long Doan

In this paper, we provide an overview of the WNUT-2020 shared task on the identification of informative COVID-19 English Tweets. We describe how we construct a corpus of 10K Tweets and organize the development and evaluation phases for this task. In addition, we also present a brief summary of results obtained from the final system evaluation submissions of 55 teams, finding that (i) many systems obtain very high performance, up to 0.91 F1 score, (ii) the majority of the submissions achieve substantially higher results than the baseline fastText (Joulin et al., 2017), and (iii) fine-tuning pre-trained language models on relevant language data followed by supervised training performs well in this task.

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TATL at WNUT-2020 Task 2: A Transformer-based Baseline System for Identification of Informative COVID-19 English Tweets
Anh Tuan Nguyen

As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to spread throughout the world, more and more information about the pandemic has been shared publicly on social media. For example, there are a huge number of COVID-19 English Tweets daily on Twitter. However, the majority of those Tweets are uninformative, and hence it is important to be able to automatically select only the informative ones for downstream applications. In this short paper, we present our participation in the W-NUT 2020 Shared Task 2: Identification of Informative COVID-19 English Tweets. Inspired by the recent advances in pretrained Transformer language models, we propose a simple yet effective baseline for the task. Despite its simplicity, our proposed approach shows very competitive results in the leaderboard as we ranked 8 over 56 teams participated in total.

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NHK_STRL at WNUT-2020 Task 2: GATs with Syntactic Dependencies as Edges and CTC-based Loss for Text Classification
Yuki Yasuda | Taichi Ishiwatari | Taro Miyazaki | Jun Goto

The outbreak of COVID-19 has greatly impacted our daily lives. In these circumstances, it is important to grasp the latest information to avoid causing too much fear and panic. To help grasp new information, extracting information from social networking sites is one of the effective ways. In this paper, we describe a method to identify whether a tweet related to COVID-19 is informative or not, which can help to grasp new information. The key features of our method are its use of graph attention networks to encode syntactic dependencies and word positions in the sentence, and a loss function based on connectionist temporal classification (CTC) that can learn a label for each token without reference data for each token. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieved an F1 score of 0.9175, out- performing baseline methods.

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NLP North at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Pre-training versus Ensembling for Detection of Informative COVID-19 English Tweets
Anders Giovanni Møller | Rob van der Goot | Barbara Plank

With the COVID-19 pandemic raging world-wide since the beginning of the 2020 decade, the need for monitoring systems to track relevant information on social media is vitally important. This paper describes our submission to the WNUT-2020 Task 2: Identification of informative COVID-19 English Tweets. We investigate the effectiveness for a variety of classification models, and found that domain-specific pre-trained BERT models lead to the best performance. On top of this, we attempt a variety of ensembling strategies, but these attempts did not lead to further improvements. Our final best model, the standalone CT-BERT model, proved to be highly competitive, leading to a shared first place in the shared task. Our results emphasize the importance of domain and task-related pre-training.

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Siva at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Fine-tuning Transformer Neural Networks for Identification of Informative Covid-19 Tweets
Siva Sai

Social media witnessed vast amounts of misinformation being circulated every day during the Covid-19 pandemic so much so that the WHO Director-General termed the phenomenon as “infodemic.” The ill-effects of such misinformation are multifarious. Thus, identifying and eliminating the sources of misinformation becomes very crucial, especially when mass panic can be controlled only through the right information. However, manual identification is arduous, with such large amounts of data being generated every day. This shows the importance of automatic identification of misinformative posts on social media. WNUT-2020 Task 2 aims at building systems for automatic identification of informative tweets. In this paper, I discuss my approach to WNUT-2020 Task 2. I fine-tuned eleven variants of four transformer networks -BERT, RoBERTa, XLM-RoBERTa, ELECTRA, on top of two different preprocessing techniques to reap good results. My top submission achieved an F1-score of 85.3% in the final evaluation.

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IIITBH at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Exploiting the best of both worlds
Saichethan Reddy | Pradeep Biswal

In this paper, we present IIITBH team’s effort to solve the second shared task of the 6th Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT)i.e Identification of informative COVID-19 English Tweets. The central theme of the task is to develop a system that automatically identify whether an English Tweet related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is Informative or not. Our approach is based on exploiting semantic information from both max pooling and average pooling, to this end we propose two models.

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Phonemer at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Sequence Classification Using COVID Twitter BERT and Bagging Ensemble Technique based on Plurality Voting
Anshul Wadhawan

This paper presents the approach that we employed to tackle the EMNLP WNUT-2020 Shared Task 2 : Identification of informative COVID-19 English Tweets. The task is to develop a system that automatically identifies whether an English Tweet related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is informative or not. We solve the task in three stages. The first stage involves pre-processing the dataset by filtering only relevant information. This is followed by experimenting with multiple deep learning models like CNNs, RNNs and Transformer based models. In the last stage, we propose an ensemble of the best model trained on different subsets of the provided dataset. Our final approach achieved an F1-score of 0.9037 and we were ranked sixth overall with F1-score as the evaluation criteria.

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CXP949 at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Extracting Informative COVID-19 Tweets - RoBERTa Ensembles and The Continued Relevance of Handcrafted Features
Calum Perrio | Harish Tayyar Madabushi

This paper presents our submission to Task 2 of the Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text. We explore improving the performance of a pre-trained transformer-based language model fine-tuned for text classification through an ensemble implementation that makes use of corpus level information and a handcrafted feature. We test the effectiveness of including the aforementioned features in accommodating the challenges of a noisy data set centred on a specific subject outside the remit of the pre-training data. We show that inclusion of additional features can improve classification results and achieve a score within 2 points of the top performing team.

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InfoMiner at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Transformer-based Covid-19 Informative Tweet Extraction
Hansi Hettiarachchi | Tharindu Ranasinghe

Identifying informative tweets is an important step when building information extraction systems based on social media. WNUT-2020 Task 2 was organised to recognise informative tweets from noise tweets. In this paper, we present our approach to tackle the task objective using transformers. Overall, our approach achieves 10th place in the final rankings scoring 0.9004 F1 score for the test set.

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BANANA at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Identifying COVID-19 Information on Twitter by Combining Deep Learning and Transfer Learning Models
Tin Huynh | Luan Thanh Luan | Son T. Luu

The outbreak COVID-19 virus caused a significant impact on the health of people all over the world. Therefore, it is essential to have a piece of constant and accurate information about the disease with everyone. This paper describes our prediction system for WNUT-2020 Task 2: Identification of Informative COVID-19 English Tweets. The dataset for this task contains size 10,000 tweets in English labeled by humans. The ensemble model from our three transformer and deep learning models is used for the final prediction. The experimental result indicates that we have achieved F1 for the INFORMATIVE label on our systems at 88.81% on the test set.

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DATAMAFIA at WNUT-2020 Task 2: A Study of Pre-trained Language Models along with Regularization Techniques for Downstream Tasks
Ayan Sengupta

This document describes the system description developed by team datamafia at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Identification of informative COVID-19 English Tweets. This paper contains a thorough study of pre-trained language models on downstream binary classification task over noisy user generated Twitter data. The solution submitted to final test leaderboard is a fine tuned RoBERTa model which achieves F1 score of 90.8% and 89.4% on the dev and test data respectively. In the later part, we explore several techniques for injecting regularization explicitly into language models to generalize predictions over noisy data. Our experiments show that adding regularizations to RoBERTa pre-trained model can be very robust to data and annotation noises and can improve overall performance by more than 1.2%.

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UPennHLP at WNUT-2020 Task 2 : Transformer models for classification of COVID19 posts on Twitter
Arjun Magge | Varad Pimpalkhute | Divya Rallapalli | David Siguenza | Graciela Gonzalez-Hernandez

Increasing usage of social media presents new non-traditional avenues for monitoring disease outbreaks, virus transmissions and disease progressions through user posts describing test results or disease symptoms. However, the discussions on the topic of infectious diseases that are informative in nature also span various topics such as news, politics and humor which makes the data mining challenging. We present a system to identify tweets about the COVID19 disease outbreak that are deemed to be informative on Twitter for use in downstream applications. The system scored a F1-score of 0.8941, Precision of 0.9028, Recall of 0.8856 and Accuracy of 0.9010. In the shared task organized as part of the 6th Workshop of Noisy User-generated Text (WNUT), the system was ranked 18th by F1-score and 13th by Accuracy.

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UIT-HSE at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Exploiting CT-BERT for Identifying COVID-19 Information on the Twitter Social Network
Khiem Tran | Hao Phan | Kiet Nguyen | Ngan Luu Thuy Nguyen

Recently, COVID-19 has affected a variety of real-life aspects of the world and led to dreadful consequences. More and more tweets about COVID-19 has been shared publicly on Twitter. However, the plurality of those Tweets are uninformative, which is challenging to build automatic systems to detect the informative ones for useful AI applications. In this paper, we present our results at the W-NUT 2020 Shared Task 2: Identification of Informative COVID-19 English Tweets. In particular, we propose our simple but effective approach using the transformer-based models based on COVID-Twitter-BERT (CT-BERT) with different fine-tuning techniques. As a result, we achieve the F1-Score of 90.94% with the third place on the leaderboard of this task which attracted 56 submitted teams in total.

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Emory at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Combining Pretrained Deep Learning Models and Feature Enrichment for Informative Tweet Identification
Yuting Guo | Mohammed Ali Al-Garadi | Abeed Sarker

This paper describes the system developed by the Emory team for the WNUT-2020 Task 2: “Identifi- cation of Informative COVID-19 English Tweet”. Our system explores three recent Transformer- based deep learning models pretrained on large- scale data to encode documents. Moreover, we developed two feature enrichment methods to en- hance document embeddings by integrating emoji embeddings and syntactic features into deep learn- ing models. Our system achieved F1-score of 0.897 and accuracy of 90.1% on the test set, and ranked in the top-third of all 55 teams.

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CSECU-DSG at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Exploiting Ensemble of Transfer Learning and Hand-crafted Features for Identification of Informative COVID-19 English Tweets
Fareen Tasneem | Jannatun Naim | Radiathun Tasnia | Tashin Hossain | Abu Nowshed Chy

COVID-19 pandemic has become the trending topic on twitter and people are interested in sharing diverse information ranging from new cases, healthcare guidelines, medicine, and vaccine news. Such information assists the people to be updated about the situation as well as beneficial for public safety personnel for decision making. However, the informal nature of twitter makes it challenging to refine the informative tweets from the huge tweet streams. To address these challenges WNUT-2020 introduced a shared task focusing on COVID-19 related informative tweet identification. In this paper, we describe our participation in this task. We propose a neural model that adopts the strength of transfer learning and hand-crafted features in a unified architecture. To extract the transfer learning features, we utilize the state-of-the-art pre-trained sentence embedding model BERT, RoBERTa, and InferSent, whereas various twitter characteristics are exploited to extract the hand-crafted features. Next, various feature combinations are utilized to train a set of multilayer perceptron (MLP) as the base-classifier. Finally, a majority voting based fusion approach is employed to determine the informative tweets. Our approach achieved competitive performance and outperformed the baseline by 7% (approx.).

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IRLab@IITBHU at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Identification of informative COVID-19 English Tweets using BERT
Supriya Chanda | Eshita Nandy | Sukomal Pal

This paper reports our submission to the shared Task 2: Identification of informative COVID-19 English tweets at W-NUT 2020. We attempted a few techniques, and we briefly explain here two models that showed promising results in tweet classification tasks: DistilBERT and FastText. DistilBERT achieves a F1 score of 0.7508 on the test set, which is the best of our submissions.

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NutCracker at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Robustly Identifying Informative COVID-19 Tweets using Ensembling and Adversarial Training
Priyanshu Kumar | Aadarsh Singh

We experiment with COVID-Twitter-BERT and RoBERTa models to identify informative COVID-19 tweets. We further experiment with adversarial training to make our models robust. The ensemble of COVID-Twitter-BERT and RoBERTa obtains a F1-score of 0.9096 (on the positive class) on the test data of WNUT-2020 Task 2 and ranks 1st on the leaderboard. The ensemble of the models trained using adversarial training also produces similar result.

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DSC-IIT ISM at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Detection of COVID-19 informative tweets using RoBERTa
Sirigireddy Dhana Laxmi | Rohit Agarwal | Aman Sinha

Social media such as Twitter is a hotspot of user-generated information. In this ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, there has been an abundance of data on social media which can be classified as informative and uninformative content. In this paper, we present our work to detect informative Covid-19 English tweets using RoBERTa model as a part of the W-NUT workshop 2020. We show the efficacy of our model on a public dataset with an F1-score of 0.89 on the validation dataset and 0.87 on the leaderboard.

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Linguist Geeks on WNUT-2020 Task 2: COVID-19 Informative Tweet Identification using Progressive Trained Language Models and Data Augmentation
Vasudev Awatramani | Anupam Kumar

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there has been a surge of digital content on social media. The content ranges from news articles, academic reports, tweets, videos, and even memes. Among such an overabundance of data, it is crucial to distinguish which information is actually informative or merely sensational, redundant or false. This work focuses on developing such a language system that can differentiate between Informative or Uninformative tweets associated with COVID-19 for WNUT-2020 Shared Task 2. For this purpose, we employ deep transfer learning models such as BERT along other techniques such as Noisy Data Augmentation and Progress Training. The approach achieves a competitive F1-score of 0.8715 on the final testing dataset.

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NLPRL at WNUT-2020 Task 2: ELMo-based System for Identification of COVID-19 Tweets
Rajesh Kumar Mundotiya | Rupjyoti Baruah | Bhavana Srivastava | Anil Kumar Singh

The Coronavirus pandemic has been a dominating news on social media for the last many months. Efforts are being made to reduce its spread and reduce the casualties as well as new infections. For this purpose, the information about the infected people and their related symptoms, as available on social media, such as Twitter, can help in prevention and taking precautions. This is an example of using noisy text processing for disaster management. This paper discusses the NLPRL results in Shared Task-2 of WNUT-2020 workshop. We have considered this problem as a binary classification problem and have used a pre-trained ELMo embedding with GRU units. This approach helps classify the tweets with accuracy as 80.85% and 78.54% as F1-score on the provided test dataset. The experimental code is available online.

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SU-NLP at WNUT-2020 Task 2: The Ensemble Models
Kenan Fayoumi | Reyyan Yeniterzi

In this paper, we address the problem of identifying informative tweets related to COVID-19 in the form of a binary classification task as part of our submission for W-NUT 2020 Task 2. Specifically, we focus on ensembling methods to boost the classification performance of classification models such as BERT and CNN. We show that ensembling can reduce the variance in performance, specifically for BERT base models.

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IDSOU at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Identification of Informative COVID-19 English Tweets
Sora Ohashi | Tomoyuki Kajiwara | Chenhui Chu | Noriko Takemura | Yuta Nakashima | Hajime Nagahara

We introduce the IDSOU submission for the WNUT-2020 task 2: identification of informative COVID-19 English Tweets. Our system is an ensemble of pre-trained language models such as BERT. We ranked 16th in the F1 score.

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ComplexDataLab at W-NUT 2020 Task 2: Detecting Informative COVID-19 Tweets by Attending over Linked Documents
Kellin Pelrine | Jacob Danovitch | Albert Orozco Camacho | Reihaneh Rabbany

Given the global scale of COVID-19 and the flood of social media content related to it, how can we find informative discussions? We present Gapformer, which effectively classifies content as informative or not. It reformulates the problem as graph classification, drawing on not only the tweet but connected webpages and entities. We leverage a pre-trained language model as well as the connections between nodes to learn a pooled representation for each document network. We show it outperforms several competitive baselines and present ablation studies supporting the benefit of the linked information. Code is available on Github.

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NEU at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Data Augmentation To Tell BERT That Death Is Not Necessarily Informative
Kumud Chauhan

Millions of people around the world are sharing COVID-19 related information on social media platforms. Since not all the information shared on the social media is useful, a machine learning system to identify informative posts can help users in finding relevant information. In this paper, we present a BERT classifier system for W-NUT2020 Shared Task 2: Identification of Informative COVID-19 English Tweets. Further, we show that BERT exploits some easy signals to identify informative tweets, and adding simple patterns to uninformative tweets drastically degrades BERT performance. In particular, simply adding “10 deaths” to tweets in dev set, reduces BERT F1- score from 92.63 to 7.28. We also propose a simple data augmentation technique that helps in improving the robustness and generalization ability of the BERT classifier.

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LynyrdSkynyrd at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Semi-Supervised Learning for Identification of Informative COVID-19 English Tweets
Abhilasha Sancheti | Kushal Chawla | Gaurav Verma

In this work, we describe our system for WNUT-2020 shared task on the identification of informative COVID-19 English tweets. Our system is an ensemble of various machine learning methods, leveraging both traditional feature-based classifiers as well as recent advances in pre-trained language models that help in capturing the syntactic, semantic, and contextual features from the tweets. We further employ pseudo-labelling to incorporate the unlabelled Twitter data released on the pandemic. Our best performing model achieves an F1-score of 0.9179 on the provided validation set and 0.8805 on the blind test-set.

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NIT_COVID-19 at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Deep Learning Model RoBERTa for Identify Informative COVID-19 English Tweets
Jagadeesh M S | Alphonse P J A

This paper presents the model submitted by NIT COVID-19 team for identified informative COVID-19 English tweets at WNUT-2020 Task2. This shared task addresses the problem of automatically identifying whether an English tweet related to informative (novel coronavirus) or not. These informative tweets provide information about recovered, confirmed, suspected, and death cases as well as location or travel history of the cases. The proposed approach includes pre-processing techniques and pre-trained RoBERTa with suitable hyperparameters for English coronavirus tweet classification. The performance achieved by the proposed model for shared task WNUT 2020 Task2 is 89.14% in the F1-score metric.

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EdinburghNLP at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Leveraging Transformers with Generalized Augmentation for Identifying Informativeness in COVID-19 Tweets
Nickil Maveli

Twitter has become an important communication channel in times of emergency. The ubiquitousness of smartphones enables people to announce an emergency they’re observing in real-time. Because of this, more agencies are interested in programatically monitoring Twitter (disaster relief organizations and news agencies) and therefore recognizing the informativeness of a tweet can help filter noise from large volumes of data. In this paper, we present our submission for WNUT-2020 Task 2: Identification of informative COVID-19 English Tweets. Our most successful model is an ensemble of transformers including RoBERTa, XLNet, and BERTweet trained in a Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) setting. The proposed system achieves a F1 score of 0.9011 on the test set (ranking 7th on the leaderboard), and shows significant gains in performance compared to a baseline system using fasttext embeddings.

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#GCDH at WNUT-2020 Task 2: BERT-Based Models for the Detection of Informativeness in English COVID-19 Related Tweets
Hanna Varachkina | Stefan Ziehe | Tillmann Dönicke | Franziska Pannach

In this system paper, we present a transformer-based approach to the detection of informativeness in English tweets on the topic of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Our models distinguish informative tweets, i.e. tweets containing statistics on recovery, suspected and confirmed cases and COVID-19 related deaths, from uninformative tweets. We present two transformer-based approaches as well as a Naive Bayes classifier and a support vector machine as baseline systems. The transformer models outperform the baselines by more than 0.1 in F1-score, with F1-scores of 0.9091 and 0.9036. Our models were submitted to the shared task Identification of informative COVID-19 English tweets WNUT-2020 Task 2.

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Not-NUTs at WNUT-2020 Task 2: A BERT-based System in Identifying Informative COVID-19 English Tweets
Thai Hoang | Phuong Vu

As of 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic is full-blown on a global scale, people’s need to have access to legitimate information regarding COVID-19 is more urgent than ever, especially via online media where the abundance of irrelevant information overshadows the more informative ones. In response to such, we proposed a model that, given an English tweet, automatically identifies whether that tweet bears informative content regarding COVID-19 or not. By ensembling different BERTweet model configurations, we have achieved competitive results that are only shy of those by top performing teams by roughly 1% in terms of F1 score on the informative class. In the post-competition period, we have also experimented with various other approaches that potentially boost generalization to a new dataset.

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CIA_NITT at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Classification of COVID-19 Tweets Using Pre-trained Language Models
Yandrapati Prakash Babu | Rajagopal Eswari

This paper presents our models for WNUT2020 shared task2. The shared task2 involves identification of COVID-19 related informative tweets. We treat this as binary text clas-sification problem and experiment with pre-trained language models. Our first model which is based on CT-BERT achieves F1-scoreof 88.7% and second model which is an ensemble of CT-BERT, RoBERTa and SVM achieves F1-score of 88.52%.

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UET at WNUT-2020 Task 2: A Study of Combining Transfer Learning Methods for Text Classification with RoBERTa
Huy Dao Quang | Tam Nguyen Minh

This paper reports our approach and the results of our experiments for W-NUT task 2: Identification of Informative COVID-19 English Tweets. In this paper, we test out the effectiveness of transfer learning method with state of the art language models as RoBERTa on this text classification task. Moreover, we examine the benefit of applying additional fine-tuning and training techniques including fine-tuning discrimination, gradual unfreezing as well as our custom head for the classifier. Our best model results in a high F1-score of 89.89 on the task’s private test dataset and that of 90.96 on public test set without ensembling multiple models and additional data.

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Dartmouth CS at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Informative COVID-19 Tweet Classification Using BERT
Dylan Whang | Soroush Vosoughi

We describe the systems developed for the WNUT-2020 shared task 2, identification of informative COVID-19 English Tweets. BERT is a highly performant model for Natural Language Processing tasks. We increased BERT’s performance in this classification task by fine-tuning BERT and concatenating its embeddings with Tweet-specific features and training a Support Vector Machine (SVM) for classification (henceforth called BERT+). We compared its performance to a suite of machine learning models. We used a Twitter specific data cleaning pipeline and word-level TF-IDF to extract features for the non-BERT models. BERT+ was the top performing model with an F1-score of 0.8713.

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SunBear at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Improving BERT-Based Noisy Text Classification with Knowledge of the Data domain
Linh Doan Bao | Viet Anh Nguyen | Quang Pham Huu

This paper proposes an improved custom model for WNUT task 2: Identification of Informative COVID-19 English Tweet. We improve experiment with the effectiveness of fine-tuning methodologies for state-of-the-art language model RoBERTa. We make a preliminary instantiation of this formal model for the text classification approaches. With appropriate training techniques, our model is able to achieve 0.9218 F1-score on public validation set and the ensemble version settles at top 9 F1-score (0.9005) and top 2 Recall (0.9301) on private test set.

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ISWARA at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Identification of Informative COVID-19 English Tweets using BERT and FastText Embeddings
Wava Carissa Putri | Rani Aulia Hidayat | Isnaini Nurul Khasanah | Rahmad Mahendra

This paper presents Iswara’s participation in the WNUT-2020 Task 2 “Identification of Informative COVID-19 English Tweets using BERT and FastText Embeddings”,which tries to classify whether a certain tweet is considered informative or not. We proposed a method that utilizes word embeddings and using word occurrence related to the topic for this task. We compare several models to get the best performance. Results show that pairing BERT with word occurrences outperforms fastText with F1-Score, precision, recall, and accuracy on test data of 76%, 81%, 72%, and 79%, respectively

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COVCOR20 at WNUT-2020 Task 2: An Attempt to Combine Deep Learning and Expert rules
Ali Hürriyetoğlu | Ali Safaya | Osman Mutlu | Nelleke Oostdijk | Erdem Yörük

In the scope of WNUT-2020 Task 2, we developed various text classification systems, using deep learning models and one using linguistically informed rules. While both of the deep learning systems outperformed the system using the linguistically informed rules, we found that through the integration of (the output of) the three systems a better performance could be achieved than the standalone performance of each approach in a cross-validation setting. However, on the test data the performance of the integration was slightly lower than our best performing deep learning model. These results hardly indicate any progress in line of integrating machine learning and expert rules driven systems. We expect that the release of the annotation manuals and gold labels of the test data after this workshop will shed light on these perplexing results.

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TEST_POSITIVE at W-NUT 2020 Shared Task-3: Cross-task modeling
Chacha Chen | Chieh-Yang Huang | Yaqi Hou | Yang Shi | Enyan Dai | Jiaqi Wang

The competition of extracting COVID-19 events from Twitter is to develop systems that can automatically extract related events from tweets. The built system should identify different pre-defined slots for each event, in order to answer important questions (e.g., Who is tested positive? What is the age of the person? Where is he/she?). To tackle these challenges, we propose the Joint Event Multi-task Learning (JOELIN) model. Through a unified global learning framework, we make use of all the training data across different events to learn and fine-tune the language model. Moreover, we implement a type-aware post-processing procedure using named entity recognition (NER) to further filter the predictions. JOELIN outperforms the BERT baseline by 17.2% in micro F1.

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imec-ETRO-VUB at W-NUT 2020 Shared Task-3: A multilabel BERT-based system for predicting COVID-19 events
Xiangyu Yang | Giannis Bekoulis | Nikos Deligiannis

In this paper, we present our system designed to address the W-NUT 2020 shared task for COVID-19 Event Extraction from Twitter. To mitigate the noisy nature of the Twitter stream, our system makes use of the COVID-Twitter-BERT (CT-BERT), which is a language model pre-trained on a large corpus of COVID-19 related Twitter messages. Our system is trained on the COVID-19 Twitter Event Corpus and is able to identify relevant text spans that answer pre-defined questions (i.e., slot types) for five COVID-19 related events (i.e., TESTED POSITIVE, TESTED NEGATIVE, CAN-NOT-TEST, DEATH and CURE & PREVENTION). We have experimented with different architectures; our best performing model relies on a multilabel classifier on top of the CT-BERT model that jointly trains all the slot types for a single event. Our experimental results indicate that our Multilabel-CT-BERT system outperforms the baseline methods by 7 percentage points in terms of micro average F1 score. Our model ranked as 4th in the shared task leaderboard.

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UCD-CS at W-NUT 2020 Shared Task-3: A Text to Text Approach for COVID-19 Event Extraction on Social Media
Congcong Wang | David Lillis

In this paper, we describe our approach in the shared task: COVID-19 event extraction from Twitter. The objective of this task is to extract answers from COVID-related tweets to a set of predefined slot-filling questions. Our approach treats the event extraction task as a question answering task by leveraging the transformer-based T5 text-to-text model. According to the official evaluation scores returned, namely F1, our submitted run achieves competitive performance compared to other participating runs (Top 3). However, we argue that this evaluation may underestimate the actual performance of runs based on text-generation. Although some such runs may answer the slot questions well, they may not be an exact string match for the gold standard answers. To measure the extent of this underestimation, we adopt a simple exact-answer transformation method aiming at converting the well-answered predictions to exactly-matched predictions. The results show that after this transformation our run overall reaches the same level of performance as the best participating run and state-of-the-art F1 scores in three of five COVID-related events. Our code is publicly available to aid reproducibility

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Winners at W-NUT 2020 Shared Task-3: Leveraging Event Specific and Chunk Span information for Extracting COVID Entities from Tweets
Ayush Kaushal | Tejas Vaidhya

Twitter has acted as an important source of information during disasters and pandemic, especially during the times of COVID-19. In this paper, we describe our system entry for WNUT 2020 Shared Task-3. The task was aimed at automating the extraction of a variety of COVID-19 related events from Twitter, such as individuals who recently contracted the virus, someone with symptoms who were denied testing and believed remedies against the infection. The system consists of separate multi-task models for slot-filling subtasks and sentence-classification subtasks, while leveraging the useful sentence-level information for the corresponding event. The system uses COVID-Twitter-BERT with attention-weighted pooling of candidate slot-chunk features to capture the useful information chunks. The system ranks 1st at the leaderboard with F1 of 0.6598, without using any ensembles or additional datasets.

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HLTRI at W-NUT 2020 Shared Task-3: COVID-19 Event Extraction from Twitter Using Multi-Task Hopfield Pooling
Maxwell Weinzierl | Sanda Harabagiu

Extracting structured knowledge involving self-reported events related to the COVID-19 pandemic from Twitter has the potential to inform surveillance systems that play a critical role in public health. The event extraction challenge presented by the W-NUT 2020 Shared Task 3 focused on the identification of five types of events relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic and their respective set of pre-defined slots encoding demographic, epidemiological, clinical as well as spatial, temporal or subjective knowledge. Our participation in the challenge led to the design of a neural architecture for jointly identifying all Event Slots expressed in a tweet relevant to an event of interest. This architecture uses COVID-Twitter-BERT as the pre-trained language model. In addition, to learn text span embeddings for each Event Slot, we relied on a special case of Hopfield Networks, namely Hopfield pooling. The results of the shared task evaluation indicate that our system performs best when it is trained on a larger dataset, while it remains competitive when training on smaller datasets.