Abigail Swenor


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Nostra Domina at EvaLatin 2024: Improving Latin Polarity Detection through Data Augmentation
Stephen Bothwell | Abigail Swenor | David Chiang
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA) @ LREC-COLING-2024

This paper describes submissions from the team Nostra Domina to the EvaLatin 2024 shared task of emotion polarity detection. Given the low-resource environment of Latin and the complexity of sentiment in rhetorical genres like poetry, we augmented the available data through automatic polarity annotation. We present two methods for doing so on the basis of the k-means algorithm, and we employ a variety of Latin large language models (LLMs) in a neural architecture to better capture the underlying contextual sentiment representations. Our best approach achieved the second highest macro-averaged Macro-F1 score on the shared task’s test set.


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Using Random Perturbations to Mitigate Adversarial Attacks on Sentiment Analysis Models
Abigail Swenor | Jugal Kalita
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)

Attacks on deep learning models are often difficult to identify and therefore are difficult to protect against. This problem is exacerbated by the use of public datasets that typically are not manually inspected before use. In this paper, we offer a solution to this vulnerability by using, during testing, random perturbations such as spelling correction if necessary, substitution by random synonym, or simply drop-ping the word. These perturbations are applied to random words in random sentences to defend NLP models against adversarial attacks. Our Random Perturbations Defense andIncreased Randomness Defense methods are successful in returning attacked models to similar accuracy of models before attacks. The original accuracy of the model used in this work is 80% for sentiment classification. After undergoing attacks, the accuracy drops to an accuracy between 0% and 44%. After applying our defense methods, the accuracy of the model is returned to the original accuracy within statistical significance.