Adriana Birlutiu
From Image to Text in Sentiment Analysis via Regression and Deep Learning
Daniela Onita
Liviu P. Dinu
Adriana Birlutiu
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2019)
Images and text represent types of content which are used together for conveying user emotions in online social networks. These contents are usually associated with a sentiment category. In this paper, we investigate an approach for mapping images to text for three types of sentiment categories: positive, neutral and negative. The mapping from images to text is performed using a Kernel Ridge Regression model. We considered two types of image features: i) RGB pixel-values features, and ii) features extracted with a deep learning approach. The experimental evaluation was performed on a Twitter data set containing both text and images and the sentiment associated with these. The experimental results show a difference in performance for different sentiment categories, in particular the mapping that we propose performs better for the positive sentiment category in comparison with the neutral and negative ones. Furthermore, the experimental results show that the more complex deep learning features perform better than the RGB pixel-value features for all sentiment categories and for larger training sets.