Aiden Williams


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UM IWSLT 2024 Low-Resource Speech Translation: Combining Maltese and North Levantine Arabic
Sara Nabhani | Aiden Williams | Miftahul Jannat | Kate Rebecca Belcher | Melanie Galea | Anna Taylor | Kurt Micallef | Claudia Borg
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2024)

The IWSLT low-resource track encourages innovation in the field of speech translation, particularly in data-scarce conditions. This paper details our submission for the IWSLT 2024 low-resource track shared task for Maltese-English and North Levantine Arabic-English spoken language translation using an unconstrained pipeline approach. Using language models, we improve ASR performance by correcting the produced output. We present a 2 step approach for MT using data from external sources showing improvements over baseline systems. We also explore transliteration as a means to further augment MT data and exploit the cross-lingual similarities between Maltese and Arabic.

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UOM-Constrained IWSLT 2024 Shared Task Submission - Maltese Speech Translation
Kurt Abela | Md Abdur Razzaq Riyadh | Melanie Galea | Alana Busuttil | Roman Kovalev | Aiden Williams | Claudia Borg
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2024)

This paper presents our IWSLT-2024 shared task submission on the low-resource track. This submission forms part of the constrained setup; implying limited data for training. Following the introduction, this paper consists of a literature review defining previous approaches to speech translation, as well as their application to Maltese, followed by the defined methodology, evaluation and results, and the conclusion. A cascaded submission on the Maltese to English language pair is presented; consisting of a pipeline containing: a DeepSpeech 1 Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system, a KenLM model to optimise the transcriptions, and finally an LSTM machine translation model. The submission achieves a 0.5 BLEU score on the overall test set, and the ASR system achieves a word error rate of 97.15%. Our code is made publicly available.

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UoM-DFKI submission to the low resource shared task
Kumar Rishu | Aiden Williams | Claudia Borg | Simon Ostermann
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2024)

This system description paper presents the details of our primary and contrastive approaches to translating Maltese into English for IWSLT 24. The Maltese language shares a large vocabulary with Arabic and Italian languages, thus making it an ideal candidate to test the cross-lingual capabilities of recent state-of-the-art models. We experiment with two end-to-end approaches for our submissions: the Whisper and wav2vec 2.0 models. Our primary system gets a BLEU score of 35.1 on the combined data, whereas our contrastive approach gets 18.5. We also provide a manual analysis of our contrastive approach to identify some pitfalls that may have caused this difference.

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Towards a Corpus of Spoken Maltese: Korpus tal-Malti Mitkellem, KMM
Alexandra (Sandra) Vella | Sarah Agius | Aiden Williams | Claudia Borg
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

This paper presents the rationale for a “dedicated” corpus of spoken Maltese, Korpus tal-Malti Mitkellem, KMM, ‘Corpus of Spoken Maltese’, based on the concept of a gold-standard Core collection. The Core collection is designed to cater to as wide a variety of user needs as possible whilst respecting basic principles governing corpus design, such as representativeness and balance, and delivering high quality in terms of both audio quality and annotations. An overview is provided of the composition of the current Core corpus of around 20 hours of data and of the human annotation effort involved. We also carry out a small qualitative analysis of the output of a Maltese ASR system and compare it to the human annotators’ output. Initial results are promising, showing that the ASR is robust enough to generate first-pass texts for annotators to work on, thus reducing the human effort, and consequently, the cost involved.


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UM-DFKI Maltese Speech Translation
Aiden Williams | Kurt Abela | Rishu Kumar | Martin Bär | Hannah Billinghurst | Kurt Micallef | Ahnaf Mozib Samin | Andrea DeMarco | Lonneke van der Plas | Claudia Borg
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2023)

For the 2023 IWSLT Maltese Speech Translation Task, UM-DFKI jointly presents a cascade solution which achieves 0.6 BLEU. While this is the first time that a Maltese speech translation task has been released by IWSLT, this paper explores previous solutions for other speech translation tasks, focusing primarily on low-resource scenarios. Moreover, we present our method of fine-tuning XLS-R models for Maltese ASR using a collection of multi-lingual speech corpora as well as the fine-tuning of the mBART model for Maltese to English machine translation.