Alberto Blanco
On the Contribution of Per-ICD Attention Mechanisms to Classify Health Records in Languages with Fewer Resources than English
Alberto Blanco
Sonja Remmer
Alicia Pérez
Hercules Dalianis
Arantza Casillas
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021)
We introduce a multi-label text classifier with per-label attention for the classification of Electronic Health Records according to the International Classification of Diseases. We apply the model on two Electronic Health Records datasets with Discharge Summaries in two languages with fewer resources than English, Spanish and Swedish. Our model leverages the BERT Multilingual model (specifically the Wikipedia, as the model have been trained with 104 languages, including Spanish and Swedish, with the largest Wikipedia dumps) to share the language modelling capabilities across the languages. With the per-label attention, the model can compute the relevance of each word from the EHR towards the prediction of each label. For the experimental framework, we apply 157 labels from Chapter XI – Diseases of the Digestive System of the ICD, which makes the attention especially important as the model has to discriminate between similar diseases. 1