Alistair Knott


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Free-text input vs menu selection: exploring the difference with a tutorial dialogue system.
Jenny Mcdonald | Alistair Knott | Richard Zeng
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop 2012


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Learning from student responses: A domain-independent natural language tutor
Jenny Mcdonald | Alistair Knott | Richard Zeng | Ayelet Cohen
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop 2011


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Book Reviews: Coherence in Natural Language: Data Stuctures and Applications, by Florian Wolf and Edward Gibson
Alistair Knott
Computational Linguistics, Volume 33, Number 4, December 2007


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Proceedings of the 7th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue
Jan Alexandersson | Alistair Knott
Proceedings of the 7th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue

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Error correction using utterance disambiguation techniques
Peter Vlugter | Edwin van der Ham | Alistair Knott
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2006


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Implementing a lexicalised statistical parser
Corrin Lakeland | Alistair Knott
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2004

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A framework for utterance disambiguation in dialogue
Pont Lurcock | Peter Vlugter | Alistair Knott
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2004

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Tauira: A tool for acquiring unknown words in a dialogue context
Maarten van Schagen | Alistair Knott
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2004


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Speaker-independent context update rules for dialogue management
Samson de Jager | Nick Wright | Alistair Knott
Proceedings of the Fourth SIGdial Workshop of Discourse and Dialogue

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Anaphora and Discourse Structure
Bonnie Webber | Matthew Stone | Aravind Joshi | Alistair Knott
Computational Linguistics, Volume 29, Number 4, December 2003

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Syntactic disambiguation using presupposition resolution
Alistair Knott | Peter Vlugter
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2003


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Optimising text quality in generation from relational databases
Michael O’Donnell | Alistair Knott | Jon Oberlander | Chris Mellish
INLG’2000 Proceedings of the First International Conference on Natural Language Generation

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Demonstration of ILEX 3.0
Michael O’Donnell | Alistair Knott | Jon Oberlander | Chris Mellish
INLG’2000 Proceedings of the First International Conference on Natural Language Generation


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Discourse Relations: A Structural and Presuppositional Account Using Lexicalised TAG
Bonnie Webber | Alistair Knott | Matthew Stone | Aravind Joshi
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics


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Similarity and contrast relations and inductive rules
Alistair Knott
Discourse Relations and Discourse Markers

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An Architecture for Opportunistic Text Generation
Chris Mellish | Mick O’Donnell | Jon Oberlander | Alistair Knott
Natural Language Generation

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Experiments Using Stochastic Search for Text Planning
Chris Mellish | Alistair Knott | Jon Oberlander | Mick O’Donnell
Natural Language Generation


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Sources of Flexibility in Dynamic Hypertext Generation
Alistair Knott | Chris Mellish | Jon Oberlander | Mick O’Donnell
Eighth International Natural Language Generation Workshop


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Using Cue Phrases to Determine Rhetorical Relations
Alistair Knott
Intentionality and Structure in Discourse Relations