This paper presents the approaches of the iHealth-Chile-3 and iHealth-Chile-2 teams for the shared task of Large-Scale Radiology Report Generation at the BioNLP workshop. Inspired by prior work on template-based report generation, both teams focused on exploring various template-based strategies, using predictions from multi-label image classifiers as input. Our best approach achieved a modest F1-RadGraph score of 19.42 on the findings hidden test set, ranking 7th on the leaderboard. Notably, we consistently observed a discrepancy between our classification metrics and the F1-CheXbert metric reported on the leaderboard, which always showed lower scores. This suggests that the F1-CheXbert metric may be missing some of the labels mentioned by the templates.
Advancing representation learning in specialized fields like medicine remains challenging due to the scarcity of expert annotations for text and images. To tackle this issue, we present a novel two-stage framework designed to extract high-quality factual statements from free-text radiology reports in order to improve the representations of text encoders and, consequently, their performance on various downstream tasks.In the first stage, we propose a Fact Extractor that leverages large language models (LLMs) to identify factual statements from well-curated domain-specific datasets. In the second stage, we introduce a Fact Encoder (CXRFE) based on a BERT model fine-tuned with objective functions designed to improve its representations using the extracted factual data. Our framework also includes a new embedding-based metric (CXRFEScore) for evaluating chest X-ray text generation systems, leveraging both stages of our approach. Extensive evaluations show that our fact extractor and encoder outperform current state-of-the-art methods in tasks such as sentence ranking, natural language inference, and label extraction from radiology reports. Additionally, our metric proves to be more robust and effective than existing metrics commonly used in the radiology report generation literature. The code of this project is available at
Existing question answering methods often assume that the input content (e.g., documents or videos) is always accessible to solve the task. Alternatively, memory networks were introduced to mimic the human process of incremental comprehension and compression of the information in a fixed-capacity memory. However, these models only learn how to maintain memory by backpropagating errors in the answers through the entire network. Instead, it has been suggested that humans have effective mechanisms to boost their memorization capacities, such as rehearsal and anticipation. Drawing inspiration from these, we propose a memory model that performs rehearsal and anticipation while processing inputs to memorize important information for solving question answering tasks from streaming data. The proposed mechanisms are applied self-supervised during training through masked modeling tasks focused on coreference information. We validate our model on a short-sequence (bAbI) dataset as well as large-sequence textual (NarrativeQA) and video (ActivityNet-QA) question answering datasets, where it achieves substantial improvements over previous memory network approaches. Furthermore, our ablation study confirms the proposed mechanisms’ importance for memory models.
Lifelong language learning seeks to have models continuously learn multiple tasks in a sequential order without suffering from catastrophic forgetting. State-of-the-art approaches rely on sparse experience replay as the primary approach to prevent forgetting. Experience replay usually adopts sampling methods for the memory population; however, the effect of the chosen sampling strategy on model performance has not yet been studied. In this paper, we investigate how relevant the selective memory population is in the lifelong learning process of text classification and question-answering tasks. We found that methods that randomly store a uniform number of samples from the entire data stream lead to high performances, especially for low memory size, which is consistent with computer vision studies.
Due to the success of pre-trained language models, versions of languages other than English have been released in recent years. This fact implies the need for resources to evaluate these models. In the case of Spanish, there are few ways to systematically assess the models’ quality. In this paper, we narrow the gap by building two evaluation benchmarks. Inspired by previous work (Conneau and Kiela, 2018; Chen et al., 2019), we introduce Spanish SentEval and Spanish DiscoEval, aiming to assess the capabilities of stand-alone and discourse-aware sentence representations, respectively. Our benchmarks include considerable pre-existing and newly constructed datasets that address different tasks from various domains. In addition, we evaluate and analyze the most recent pre-trained Spanish language models to exhibit their capabilities and limitations. As an example, we discover that for the case of discourse evaluation tasks, mBERT, a language model trained on multiple languages, usually provides a richer latent representation than models trained only with documents in Spanish. We hope our contribution will motivate a fairer, more comparable, and less cumbersome way to evaluate future Spanish language models.
Large-scale pre-trained language models have shown remarkable results in diverse NLP applications. However, these performance gains have been accompanied by a significant increase in computation time and model size, stressing the need to develop new or complementary strategies to increase the efficiency of these models. This paper proposes DACT-BERT, a differentiable adaptive computation time strategy for BERT-like models. DACT-BERT adds an adaptive computational mechanism to BERT’s regular processing pipeline, which controls the number of Transformer blocks that need to be executed at inference time. By doing this, the model learns to combine the most appropriate intermediate representations for the task at hand. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach, when compared to the baselines, excels on a reduced computational regime and is competitive in other less restrictive ones. Code available at
Current language models are usually trained using a self-supervised scheme, where the main focus is learning representations at the word or sentence level. However, there has been limited progress in generating useful discourse-level representations. In this work, we propose to use ideas from predictive coding theory to augment BERT-style language models with a mechanism that allows them to learn suitable discourse-level representations. As a result, our proposed approach is able to predict future sentences using explicit top-down connections that operate at the intermediate layers of the network. By experimenting with benchmarks designed to evaluate discourse-related knowledge using pre-trained sentence representations, we demonstrate that our approach improves performance in 6 out of 11 tasks by excelling in discourse relationship detection.
We propose a multi-head attention mechanism as a blending layer in a neural network model that translates natural language to a high level behavioral language for indoor robot navigation. We follow the framework established by (Zang et al., 2018a) that proposes the use of a navigation graph as a knowledge base for the task. Our results show significant performance gains when translating instructions on previously unseen environments, therefore, improving the generalization capabilities of the model.
We propose an end-to-end deep learning model for translating free-form natural language instructions to a high-level plan for behavioral robot navigation. We use attention models to connect information from both the user instructions and a topological representation of the environment. We evaluate our model’s performance on a new dataset containing 10,050 pairs of navigation instructions. Our model significantly outperforms baseline approaches. Furthermore, our results suggest that it is possible to leverage the environment map as a relevant knowledge base to facilitate the translation of free-form navigational instruction.