Anastasia Gerasimova
Linking Russian Wordnet RuWordNet to WordNet
Natalia Loukachevitch
Anastasia Gerasimova
Proceedings of the 10th Global Wordnet Conference
In this paper we consider the linking procedure of Russian wordnet (RuWordNet) to Wordnet. The specificity of the procedure in our case is based on the fact that a lot of bilingual (Russian and English) lexical data have been gathered in another Russian thesaurus RuThes, which has a different structure than WordNet. Previously, RuThes has been semi-automatically transformed into RuWordNet, having the WordNet-like structure. Now, the RuThes English data are utilized to establish matching from the RuWordNet synsets to the WordNet synsets.
Human Associations Help to Detect Conventionalized Multiword Expressions
Natalia Loukachevitch
Anastasia Gerasimova
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2017
In this paper we show that if we want to obtain human evidence about conventionalization of some phrases, we should ask native speakers about associations they have to a given phrase and its component words. We have shown that if component words of a phrase have each other as frequent associations, then this phrase can be considered as conventionalized. Another type of conventionalized phrases can be revealed using two factors: low entropy of phrase associations and low intersection of component word and phrase associations. The association experiments were performed for the Russian language.