Anna Bavaresco


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Don’t Buy it! Reassessing the Ad Understanding Abilities of Contrastive Multimodal Models
Anna Bavaresco | Alberto Testoni | Raquel Fernández
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Image-based advertisements are complex multimodal stimuli that often contain unusual visual elements and figurative language. Previous research on automatic ad understanding has reported impressive zero-shot accuracy of contrastive vision-and-language models (VLMs) on an ad-explanation retrieval task. Here, we examine the original task setup and show that contrastive VLMs can solve it by exploiting grounding heuristics. To control for this confound, we introduce TRADE, a new evaluation test set with adversarial grounded explanations. While these explanations look implausible to humans, we show that they “fool” four different contrastive VLMs. Our findings highlight the need for an improved operationalisation of automatic ad understanding that truly evaluates VLMs’ multimodal reasoning abilities. We make our code and TRADE available at