Antonio-L. Lagarda

Also published as: Antonio Lagarda, Antonio L. Lagarda


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Statistical Approaches to Computer-Assisted Translation
Sergio Barrachina | Oliver Bender | Francisco Casacuberta | Jorge Civera | Elsa Cubel | Shahram Khadivi | Antonio Lagarda | Hermann Ney | Jesús Tomás | Enrique Vidal | Juan-Miguel Vilar
Computational Linguistics, Volume 35, Number 1, March 2009

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Statistical Post-Editing of a Rule-Based Machine Translation System
Antonio-L. Lagarda | Vicent Alabau | Francisco Casacuberta | Roberto Silva | Enrique Díaz-de-Liaño
Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Companion Volume: Short Papers


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Applying boosting to statistical machine translation
Antonio L. Lagarda | Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation


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A Computer-Assisted Translation Tool based on Finite-State Technology
Jorge Civera | Antonio L. Lagarda | Elsa Cubel | Francisco Casacuberta | Enrique Vidal | Juan M. Vilar | Sergio Barrachina
Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation


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From Machine Translation to Computer Assisted Translation using Finite-State Models
Jorge Civera | Elsa Cubel | Antonio L. Lagarda | David Picó | Jorge González | Enrique Vidal | Francisco Casacuberta | Juan M. Vilar | Sergio Barrachina
Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing


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Adapting finite-state translation to the TransType2 project
Elsa Cubel | Jorge González | Antonio Lagarda | Francisco Casacuberta | Alfons Juan | Enrique Vidal
EAMT Workshop: Improving MT through other language technology tools: resources and tools for building MT

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On the use of statistical machine-translation techniques within a memory-based translation system (AMETRA)
Daniel Ortíz | Ismael García-Varea | Francisco Casacuberta | Antonio Lagarda | Jorge González
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit IX: Papers

The goal of the AMETRA project is to make a computer-assisted translation tool from the Spanish language to the Basque language under the memory-based translation framework. The system is based on a large collection of bilingual word-segments. These segments are obtained using linguistic or statistical techniques from a Spanish-Basque bilingual corpus consisting of sentences extracted from the Basque Country’s of£cial government record. One of the tasks within the global information document of the AMETRA project is to study the combination of well-known statistical techniques for the translation of short sequences and techniques for memory-based translation. In this paper, we address the problem of constructing a statistical module to deal with the task of translating segments. The task undertaken in the AMETRA project is compared with other existing translation tasks, This study includes the results of some preliminary experiments we have carried out using well-known statistical machine translation tools and techniques.