A Graph Convolution Network-based System for Technical Domain Identification
Alapan Kuila
Ayan Das
Sudeshna Sarkar
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON): TechDOfication 2020 Shared Task
This paper presents the IITKGP contribution at the Technical DOmain Identification (TechDOfication) shared task at ICON 2020. In the preprocessing stage, we applied part-of-speech (PoS) taggers and dependency parsers to tag the data. We trained a graph convolution neural network (GCNN) based system that uses the tokens along with their PoS and dependency relations as features to identify the domain of a given document. We participated in the subtasks for coarse-grained domain classification in the English (Subtask 1a), Bengali (Subtask 1b) and Hindi language (Subtask 1d), and, the subtask for fine-grained domain classification task within Computer Science domain in English language (Subtask 2a).
A little perturbation makes a difference: Treebank augmentation by perturbation improves transfer parsing
Ayan Das
Sudeshna Sarkar
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Natural Language Processing
We present an approach for cross-lingual transfer of dependency parser so that the parser trained on a single source language can more effectively cater to diverse target languages. In this work, we show that the cross-lingual performance of the parsers can be enhanced by over-generating the source language treebank. For this, the source language treebank is augmented with its perturbed version in which controlled perturbation is introduced in the parse trees by stochastically reordering the positions of the dependents with respect to their heads while keeping the structure of the parse trees unchanged. This enables the parser to capture diverse syntactic patterns in addition to those that are found in the source language. The resulting parser is found to more effectively parse target languages with different syntactic structures. With English as the source language, our system shows an average improvement of 6.7% and 7.7% in terms of UAS and LAS over 29 target languages compared to the baseline single source parser trained using unperturbed source language treebank. This also results in significant improvement over the transfer parser proposed by (CITATION) that involves an “order-free” parser algorithm.
Delexicalized transfer parsing for low-resource languages using transformed and combined treebanks
Ayan Das
Affan Zaffar
Sudeshna Sarkar
Proceedings of the CoNLL 2017 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies
This paper describes our dependency parsing system in CoNLL-2017 shared task on Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies. We primarily focus on the low-resource languages (surprise languages). We have developed a framework to combine multiple treebanks to train parsers for low resource languages by delexicalization method. We have applied transformation on source language treebanks based on syntactic features of the low-resource language to improve performance of the parser. In the official evaluation, our system achieves an macro-averaged LAS score of 67.61 and 37.16 on the entire blind test data and the surprise language test data respectively.
Development of a Bengali parser by cross-lingual transfer from Hindi
Ayan Das
Agnivo Saha
Sudeshna Sarkar
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on South and Southeast Asian Natural Language Processing (WSSANLP2016)
In recent years there has been a lot of interest in cross-lingual parsing for developing treebanks for languages with small or no annotated treebanks. In this paper, we explore the development of a cross-lingual transfer parser from Hindi to Bengali using a Hindi parser and a Hindi-Bengali parallel corpus. A parser is trained and applied to the Hindi sentences of the parallel corpus and the parse trees are projected to construct probable parse trees of the corresponding Bengali sentences. Only about 14% of these trees are complete (transferred trees contain all the target sentence words) and they are used to construct a Bengali parser. We relax the criteria of completeness to consider well-formed trees (43% of the trees) leading to an improvement. We note that the words often do not have a one-to-one mapping in the two languages but considering sentences at the chunk-level results in better correspondence between the two languages. Based on this we present a method to use chunking as a preprocessing step and do the transfer on the chunk trees. We find that about 72% of the projected parse trees of Bengali are now well-formed. The resultant parser achieves significant improvement in both Unlabeled Attachment Score (UAS) as well as Labeled Attachment Score (LAS) over the baseline word-level transferred parser.
A study of attention-based neural machine translation model on Indian languages
Ayan Das
Pranay Yerra
Ken Kumar
Sudeshna Sarkar
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on South and Southeast Asian Natural Language Processing (WSSANLP2016)
Neural machine translation (NMT) models have recently been shown to be very successful in machine translation (MT). The use of LSTMs in machine translation has significantly improved the translation performance for longer sentences by being able to capture the context and long range correlations of the sentences in their hidden layers. The attention model based NMT system (Bahdanau et al., 2014) has become the state-of-the-art, performing equal or better than other statistical MT approaches. In this paper, we wish to study the performance of the attention-model based NMT system (Bahdanau et al., 2014) on the Indian language pair, Hindi and Bengali, and do an analysis on the types or errors that occur in case when the languages are morphologically rich and there is a scarcity of large parallel training corpus. We then carry out certain post-processing heuristic steps to improve the quality of the translated statements and suggest further measures that can be carried out.
Cross-lingual transfer parser from Hindi to Bengali using delexicalization and chunking
Ayan Das
Agnivo Saha
Sudeshna Sarkar
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Natural Language Processing