Baldev Khandoliyan


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Computational Referencing System for Sanskrit Grammar
Baldev Khandoliyan | Ram Kishor
Proceedings of the WILDRE-6 Workshop within the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

The goal of this project was to reconstitute and storage the text of Aṣṭādhyāyī (AD) in a computer text system so that everyone may read it. The proposed work was to do study the structure of AD and to create a relational database system for storing and interacting with AD. The system is available online, including Devanāgari Unicode and other major Indian characters as input and output, MS SQL Server, a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)-based system, and Java Server Pages (JSP) were used. For AD, the system works as a multi-dimensional interactive knowledge-based computer system. The approach can also be applied to all Sanskrit sūtra texts that have a similar format. Sanskrit heritage texts are projected to benefit from the system’s preservation and promotion. A research is being made here for preparing an AD text as a computer aided dynamic search, learning and instruction system in the Indian context.