Text style transfer (TST) is an important task in natural language generation, which aims to transfer the text style (e.g., sentiment) while keeping its semantic information. Due to the absence of parallel datasets for supervision, most existing studies have been conducted in an unsupervised manner, where the generated sentences often suffer from high semantic divergence and thus low semantic preservation. In this paper, we propose a novel disentanglement-based framework for TST named DisenTrans, where disentanglement means that we separate the attribute and content components in the natural language corpus and consider this task from these two perspectives. Concretely, we first create a disentangled Chain-of-Thought prompting procedure to synthesize parallel data and corresponding attribute components for supervision. Then we develop a disentanglement learning method with synthetic data, where two losses are designed to enhance the focus on attribute properties and constrain the semantic space, thereby benefiting style control and semantic preservation respectively. Instructed by the disentanglement concept, our framework creates valuable supervised information and utilizes it effectively in TST tasks. Extensive experiments on mainstream datasets present that our framework achieves significant performance with great sample efficiency.
Supervised fine-tuning (SFT) is a critical procedure for aligning large language models. Despite its efficiency, the construction of SFT data often struggles with issues of quality, diversity, and scalability. Many existing methods, inspired by the Self-Instruct framework, typically generate synthetic instructions by prompting aligned proprietary models like ChatGPT. However, such process suffers from stale distribution, resulting in instructions that are merely trivial variations of existing ones. In this paper, we introduce a novel bootstrapping approach termed KNN-Instruct, which incorporates KNN deduction to produce meaningful new instructions by effectively summarizing and learning from similar existing ones. We conduct an economical controlled experiment to preliminarily validate its effectiveness. In the further experiment, we construct a high-quality SFT dataset named KNN-Inst-12k*. Applying the dataset to Qwen-2-7B, we get a MT-Bench score of 7.64, which outperforms all 7B models on the LMSYS leaderboard, including Starling-LM-7B (7.48), OpenChat-3.5 (7.06) and Zephyr-7B-beta (6.53). Our code and data are available at https://github.com/CrossmodalGroup/KNN-Instruct/.
This paper introduces the system developed by USTC-BUPT for SemEval-2024 Task 8. The shared task comprises three subtasks across four tracks, aiming to develop automatic systems to distinguish between human-written and machine-generated text across various domains, languages and generators. Our system comprises four components: DATeD, LLAM, TLE, and AuDM, which empower us to effectively tackle all subtasks posed by the challenge. In the monolingual track, DATeD improves machine-generated text detection by incorporating a gradient reversal layer and integrating additional domain labels through Domain Adversarial Neural Networks, enhancing adaptation to diverse text domains. In the multilingual track, LLAM employs different strategies based on language characteristics. For English text, the LLM Embeddings approach utilizes embeddings from a proxy LLM followed by a two-stage CNN for classification, leveraging the broad linguistic knowledge captured during pre-training to enhance performance. For text in other languages, the LLM Sentinel approach transforms the classification task into a next-token prediction task, which facilitates easier adaptation to texts in various languages, especially low-resource languages. TLE utilizes the LLM Embeddings method with a minor modification in the classification strategy for subtask B. AuDM employs data augmentation and fine-tunes the DeBERTa model specifically for subtask C. Our system wins the multilingual track and ranks second in the monolingual track. Additionally, it achieves third place in both subtask B and C.
Current relation extraction methods suffer from the inadequacy of large-scale annotated data. While distant supervision alleviates the problem of data quantities, there still exists domain disparity in data qualities due to its reliance on domain-restrained knowledge bases. In this work, we propose S2ynRE, a framework of two-stage Self-training with Synthetic data for Relation Extraction.We first leverage the capability of large language models to adapt to the target domain and automatically synthesize large quantities of coherent, realistic training data. We then propose an accompanied two-stage self-training algorithm that iteratively and alternately learns from synthetic and golden data together. We conduct comprehensive experiments and detailed ablations on popular relation extraction datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.
As large language models attract increasing attention and find widespread application, concurrent challenges of reliability also arise at the same time. Confidence calibration, an effective analysis method for gauging the reliability of deep models, serves as a crucial tool for assessing and improving their reliability. However, such investigation has been comparatively underexplored. In this work, we conduct a systematic examination of the calibration of aligned language models throughout the entire construction process, including pretraining and alignment training. At each stage, we investigate how different training settings, such as parameter scales and training data, affect model calibration. To thoroughly assess model calibration, we evaluate models on three most concerned aspects: generation, factuality and understanding. Our work sheds light on whether popular LLMs are well-calibrated and how the training process influences model calibration.
Language models pretrained on general domain corpora usually exhibit considerable degradation when generalizing to downstream tasks of specialized domains. Existing approaches try to construct PLMs for each specific domains either from scratch or through further pretraining, which not only costs substantial resources, but also fails to cover all target domains at various granularity. In this work, we propose RADA, a novel Retrieval-Augmented framework for Domain Adaptation. We first construct a textual corpora that covers the downstream task at flexible domain granularity and resource availability. We employ it as a pluggable datastore to retrieve informative background knowledge, and integrate them into the standard language model framework to augment representations. We then propose a two-level selection scheme to integrate the most relevant information while alleviating irrelevant noises. Specifically, we introduce a differentiable sampling module as well as an attention mechanism to achieve both passage-level and word-level selection. Such a retrieval-augmented framework enables domain adaptation of language models with flexible domain coverage and fine-grained domain knowledge integration. We conduct comprehensive experiments across biomedical, science and legal domains to demonstrate the effectiveness of the overall framework, and its advantage over existing solutions.
Relational triple extraction is challenging for its difficulty in capturing rich correlations between entities and relations. Existing works suffer from 1) heterogeneous representations of entities and relations, and 2) heterogeneous modeling of entity-entity interactions and entity-relation interactions. Therefore, the rich correlations are not fully exploited by existing works. In this paper, we propose UniRel to address these challenges. Specifically, we unify the representations of entities and relations by jointly encoding them within a concatenated natural language sequence, and unify the modeling of interactions with a proposed Interaction Map, which is built upon the off-the-shelf self-attention mechanism within any Transformer block. With comprehensive experiments on two popular relational triple extraction datasets, we demonstrate that UniRel is more effective and computationally efficient. The source code is available at https://github.com/wtangdev/UniRel.
Multi-triple extraction is a challenging task due to the existence of informative inter-triple correlations, and consequently rich interactions across the constituent entities and relations. While existing works only explore entity representations, we propose to explicitly introduce relation representation, jointly represent it with entities, and novelly align them to identify valid triples.We perform comprehensive experiments on document-level relation extraction and joint entity and relation extraction along with ablations to demonstrate the advantage of the proposed method.
With the great success of pre-trained language models, the pretrain-finetune paradigm now becomes the undoubtedly dominant solution for natural language understanding (NLU) tasks. At the fine-tune stage, target task data is usually introduced in a completely random order and treated equally. However, examples in NLU tasks can vary greatly in difficulty, and similar to human learning procedure, language models can benefit from an easy-to-difficult curriculum. Based on this idea, we propose our Curriculum Learning approach. By reviewing the trainset in a crossed way, we are able to distinguish easy examples from difficult ones, and arrange a curriculum for language models. Without any manual model architecture design or use of external data, our Curriculum Learning approach obtains significant and universal performance improvements on a wide range of NLU tasks.