Benjamin Matthias Ruppik


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Local Topology Measures of Contextual Language Model Latent Spaces with Applications to Dialogue Term Extraction
Benjamin Matthias Ruppik | Michael Heck | Carel van Niekerk | Renato Vukovic | Hsien-chin Lin | Shutong Feng | Marcus Zibrowius | Milica Gasic
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue

A common approach for sequence tagging tasks based on contextual word representations is to train a machine learning classifier directly on these embedding vectors. This approach has two shortcomings. First, such methods consider single input sequences in isolation and are unable to put an individual embedding vector in relation to vectors outside the current local context of use. Second, the high performance of these models relies on fine-tuning the embedding model in conjunction with the classifier, which may not always be feasible due to the size or inaccessibility of the underlying feature-generation model. It is thus desirable, given a collection of embedding vectors of a corpus, i.e. a datastore, to find features of each vector that describe its relation to other, similar vectors in the datastore. With this in mind, we introduce complexity measures of the local topology of the latent space of a contextual language model with respect to a given datastore. The effectiveness of our features is demonstrated through their application to dialogue term extraction. Our work continues a line of research that explores the manifold hypothesis for word embeddings, demonstrating that local structure in the space carved out by word embeddings can be exploited to infer semantic properties.

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Dialogue Ontology Relation Extraction via Constrained Chain-of-Thought Decoding
Renato Vukovic | David Arps | Carel van Niekerk | Benjamin Matthias Ruppik | Hsien-chin Lin | Michael Heck | Milica Gasic
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue

State-of-the-art task-oriented dialogue systems typically rely on task-specific ontologies for fulfilling user queries. The majority of task-oriented dialogue data, such as customer service recordings, comes without ontology and annotation. Such ontologies are normally built manually, limiting the application of specialised systems. Dialogue ontology construction is an approach for automating that process and typically consists of two steps: term extraction and relation extraction. In this work, we focus on relation extraction in a transfer learning set-up. To improve the generalisation, we propose an extension to the decoding mechanism of large language models. We adapt Chain-of-Thought (CoT) decoding, recently developed for reasoning problems, to generative relation extraction. Here, we generate multiple branches in the decoding space and select the relations based on a confidence threshold. By constraining the decoding to ontology terms and relations, we aim to decrease the risk of hallucination. We conduct extensive experimentation on two widely used datasets and find improvements in performance on target ontology for source fine-tuned and one-shot prompted large language models.

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Infusing Emotions into Task-oriented Dialogue Systems: Understanding, Management, and Generation
Shutong Feng | Hsien-chin Lin | Christian Geishauser | Nurul Lubis | Carel van Niekerk | Michael Heck | Benjamin Matthias Ruppik | Renato Vukovic | Milica Gasic
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue

Emotions are indispensable in human communication, but are often overlooked in task-oriented dialogue (ToD) modelling, where the task success is the primary focus. While existing works have explored user emotions or similar concepts in some ToD tasks, none has so far included emotion modelling into a fully-fledged ToD system nor conducted interaction with human or simulated users. In this work, we incorporate emotion into the complete ToD processing loop, involving understanding, management, and generation. To this end, we extend the EmoWOZ dataset (Feng et al., 2022) with system affective behaviour labels. Through interactive experimentation involving both simulated and human users, we demonstrate that our proposed framework significantly enhances the user’s emotional experience as well as the task success.