Benjamin Murauer
Developing a Benchmark for Reducing Data Bias in Authorship Attribution
Benjamin Murauer
Günther Specht
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Evaluation and Comparison of NLP Systems
Authorship attribution is the task of assigning an unknown document to an author from a set of candidates. In the past, studies in this field use various evaluation datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of preprocessing steps, features, and models. However, only a small fraction of works use more than one dataset to prove claims. In this paper, we present a collection of highly diverse authorship attribution datasets, which better generalizes evaluation results from authorship attribution research. Furthermore, we implement a wide variety of previously used machine learning models and show that many approaches show vastly different performances when applied to different datasets. We include pre-trained language models, for the first time testing them in this field in a systematic way. Finally, we propose a set of aggregated scores to evaluate different aspects of the dataset collection.
Small-Scale Cross-Language Authorship Attribution on Social Media Comments
Benjamin Murauer
Gunther Specht
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Technologies for MT of Low Resource Languages (LoResMT2021)
Cross-language authorship attribution is the challenging task of classifying documents by bilingual authors where the training documents are written in a different language than the evaluation documents. Traditional solutions rely on either translation to enable the use of single-language features, or language-independent feature extraction methods. More recently, transformer-based language models like BERT can also be pre-trained on multiple languages, making them intuitive candidates for cross-language classifiers which have not been used for this task yet. We perform extensive experiments to benchmark the performance of three different approaches to a smallscale cross-language authorship attribution experiment: (1) using language-independent features with traditional classification models, (2) using multilingual pre-trained language models, and (3) using machine translation to allow single-language classification. For the language-independent features, we utilize universal syntactic features like part-of-speech tags and dependency graphs, and multilingual BERT as a pre-trained language model. We use a small-scale social media comments dataset, closely reflecting practical scenarios. We show that applying machine translation drastically increases the performance of almost all approaches, and that the syntactic features in combination with the translation step achieve the best overall classification performance. In particular, we demonstrate that pre-trained language models are outperformed by traditional models in small scale authorship attribution problems for every language combination analyzed in this paper.
Reduce & Attribute: Two-Step Authorship Attribution for Large-Scale Problems
Michael Tschuggnall
Benjamin Murauer
Günther Specht
Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL)
Authorship attribution is an active research area which has been prevalent for many decades. Nevertheless, the majority of approaches consider problem sizes of a few candidate authors only, making them difficult to apply to recent scenarios incorporating thousands of authors emerging due to the manifold means to digitally share text. In this study, we focus on such large-scale problems and propose to effectively reduce the number of candidate authors before applying common attribution techniques. By utilizing document embeddings, we show on a novel, comprehensive dataset collection that the set of candidate authors can be reduced with high accuracy. Moreover, we show that common authorship attribution methods substantially benefit from a preliminary reduction if thousands of authors are involved.