Chenhui Shen


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SeaLLMs - Large Language Models for Southeast Asia
Xuan-Phi Nguyen | Wenxuan Zhang | Xin Li | Mahani Aljunied | Zhiqiang Hu | Chenhui Shen | Yew Ken Chia | Xingxuan Li | Jianyu Wang | Qingyu Tan | Liying Cheng | Guanzheng Chen | Yue Deng | Sen Yang | Chaoqun Liu | Hang Zhang | Lidong Bing
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: System Demonstrations)

Despite the remarkable achievements of large language models (LLMs) in various tasks, there remains a linguistic bias that favors high-resource languages, such as English, often at the expense of low-resource and regional languages. To address this imbalance, we introduce SeaLLMs, an innovative series of language models that specifically focuses on Southeast Asian (SEA) languages. SeaLLMs are built upon popular English-centric models through continued pre-training with an extended vocabulary, specialized instruction and alignment tuning to better capture the intricacies of regional languages. This allows them to respect and reflect local cultural norms, customs, stylistic preferences, and legal considerations. Our comprehensive evaluation demonstrates that SeaLLM models exhibit superior performance across a wide spectrum of linguistic tasks and assistant-style instruction-following capabilities relative to comparable open-source models. Moreover, they outperform ChatGPT-3.5 in non-Latin languages, such as Thai, Khmer, Lao, and Burmese, by large margins while remaining lightweight and cost-effective to operate.


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Large Language Models are Not Yet Human-Level Evaluators for Abstractive Summarization
Chenhui Shen | Liying Cheng | Xuan-Phi Nguyen | Yang You | Lidong Bing
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

With the recent undeniable advancement in reasoning abilities in large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and GPT-4, there is a growing trend for using LLMs on various tasks. One area where LLMs can be employed is as an alternative evaluation metric for complex generative tasks, which generally demands expensive human judges to complement the traditional automatic metrics for various evaluation dimensions such as fluency and consistency. In this work, we conduct extensive analysis to investigate the stability and reliability of LLMs as automatic evaluators for abstractive summarization. We found that while ChatGPT and GPT-4 outperform the commonly used automatic metrics, they are not ready as human replacements due to significant limitations. That is, LLM evaluators rate each candidate system inconsistently and are dimension-dependent. They also struggle to compare candidates with close performance and become more unreliable with higher-quality summaries by obtaining a lower correlation with humans. In other words, with better abstractive summarization systems being introduced at a fast pace, LLMs may result in misleading and unreliable evaluations.

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A Hierarchical Encoding-Decoding Scheme for Abstractive Multi-document Summarization
Chenhui Shen | Liying Cheng | Xuan-Phi Nguyen | Yang You | Lidong Bing
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Pre-trained language models (PLMs) have achieved outstanding achievements in abstractive single-document summarization (SDS). However, such benefits may not fully extend to multi-document summarization (MDS), where the handling of cross-document information is more complex. Previous works either design new MDS architectures or apply PLMs bluntly with concatenated source documents as a reformulated SDS task. While the former does not utilize previous pre-training efforts and may not generalize well across different domains, the latter may not sufficiently attend to the intricate cross-document relationships unique to MDS tasks. Instead, we enforce hierarchy on both the encoder and decoder to better utilize a PLM to facilitate multi-document interactions for the MDS task. Across 10 MDS benchmarks from various domains, our method outperforms or is competitive with the previous best models, including those with additional MDS pre-training or with more parameters. It outperforms its corresponding PLM backbone by up to 3 Rouge-L and is favored by humans.


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SentBS: Sentence-level Beam Search for Controllable Summarization
Chenhui Shen | Liying Cheng | Lidong Bing | Yang You | Luo Si
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

A wide range of control perspectives have been explored in controllable text generation. Structure-controlled summarization is recently proposed as a useful and interesting research direction. However, current structure-controlling methods have limited effectiveness in enforcing the desired structure. To address this limitation, we propose a sentence-level beam search generation method (SentBS), where evaluation is conducted throughout the generation process to select suitable sentences for subsequent generations. We experiment with different combinations of decoding methods to be used as sub-components by SentBS and evaluate results on the structure-controlled dataset MReD. Experiments show that all explored combinations for SentBS can improve the agreement between the generated text and the desired structure, with the best method significantly reducing the structural discrepancies suffered by the existing model, by approximately 68%.

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MReD: A Meta-Review Dataset for Structure-Controllable Text Generation
Chenhui Shen | Liying Cheng | Ran Zhou | Lidong Bing | Yang You | Luo Si
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

When directly using existing text generation datasets for controllable generation, we are facing the problem of not having the domain knowledge and thus the aspects that could be controlled are limited. A typical example is when using CNN/Daily Mail dataset for controllable text summarization, there is no guided information on the emphasis of summary sentences. A more useful text generator should leverage both the input text and the control signal to guide the generation, which can only be built with deep understanding of the domain knowledge. Motivated by this vision, our paper introduces a new text generation dataset, named MReD. Our new dataset consists of 7,089 meta-reviews and all its 45k meta-review sentences are manually annotated with one of the 9 carefully defined categories, including abstract, strength, decision, etc. We present experimental results on start-of-the-art summarization models, and propose methods for structure-controlled generation with both extractive and abstractive models using our annotated data. By exploring various settings and analyzing the model behavior with respect to the control signal, we demonstrate the challenges of our proposed task and the values of our dataset MReD. Meanwhile, MReD also allows us to have a better understanding of the meta-review domain.