Cheonbok Park


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Mitigating Semantic Leakage in Cross-lingual Embeddings via Orthogonality Constraint
Dayeon Ki | Cheonbok Park | Hyunjoong Kim
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (RepL4NLP-2024)

Accurately aligning contextual representations in cross-lingual sentence embeddings is key for effective parallel data mining. A common strategy for achieving this alignment involves disentangling semantics and language in sentence embeddings derived from multilingual pre-trained models. However, we discover that current disentangled representation learning methods suffer from semantic leakage—a term we introduce to describe when a substantial amount of language-specific information is unintentionally leaked into semantic representations. This hinders the effective disentanglement of semantic and language representations, making it difficult to retrieve embeddings that distinctively represent the meaning of the sentence. To address this challenge, we propose a novel training objective, ORthogonAlity Constraint LEarning (ORACLE), tailored to enforce orthogonality between semantic and language embeddings. ORACLE builds upon two components: intra-class clustering and inter-class separation. Through experiments on cross-lingual retrieval and semantic textual similarity tasks, we demonstrate that training with the ORACLE objective effectively reduces semantic leakage and enhances semantic alignment within the embedding space.


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PePe: Personalized Post-editing Model utilizing User-generated Post-edits
Jihyeon Lee | Taehee Kim | Yunwon Tae | Cheonbok Park | Jaegul Choo
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023

Incorporating personal preference is crucial in advanced machine translation tasks. Despite the recent advancement of machine translation, it remains a demanding task to properly reflect personal style. In this paper, we introduce a personalized automatic post-editing framework to address this challenge, which effectively generates sentences considering distinct personal behaviors. To build this framework, we first collect post-editing data that connotes the user preference from a live machine translation system. Specifically, real-world users enter source sentences for translation and edit the machine-translated outputs according to the user’s preferred style. We then propose a model that combines a discriminator module and user-specific parameters on the APE framework. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms other baseline models on four different metrics (i.e., BLEU, TER, YiSi-1, and human evaluation).

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Towards Accurate Translation via Semantically Appropriate Application of Lexical Constraints
Yujin Baek | Koanho Lee | Dayeon Ki | Cheonbok Park | Hyoung-Gyu Lee | Jaegul Choo
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Lexically-constrained NMT (LNMT) aims to incorporate user-provided terminology into translations. Despite its practical advantages, existing work has not evaluated LNMT models under challenging real-world conditions. In this paper, we focus on two important but understudied issues that lie in the current evaluation process of LNMT studies. The model needs to cope with challenging lexical constraints that are “homographs” or “unseen” during training. To this end, we first design a homograph disambiguation module to differentiate the meanings of homographs. Moreover, we propose PLUMCOT which integrates contextually rich information about unseen lexical constraints from pre-trained language models and strengthens a copy mechanism of the pointer network via direct supervision of a copying score. We also release HOLLY, an evaluation benchmark for assessing the ability of model to cope with “homographic” and “unseen” lexical constraints. Experiments on HOLLY and the previous test setup show the effectiveness of our method. The effects of PLUMCOT are shown to be remarkable in “unseen” constraints. Our dataset is available at


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Specializing Multi-domain NMT via Penalizing Low Mutual Information
Jiyoung Lee | Hantae Kim | Hyunchang Cho | Edward Choi | Cheonbok Park
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Multi-domain Neural Machine Translation (NMT) trains a single model with multiple domains. It is appealing because of its efficacy in handling multiple domains within one model. An ideal multi-domain NMT learns distinctive domain characteristics simultaneously, however, grasping the domain peculiarity is a non-trivial task. In this paper, we investigate domain-specific information through the lens of mutual information (MI) and propose a new objective that penalizes low MI to become higher.Our method achieved the state-of-the-art performance among the current competitive multi-domain NMT models. Also, we show our objective promotes low MI to be higher resulting in domain-specialized multi-domain NMT.

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DaLC: Domain Adaptation Learning Curve Prediction for Neural Machine Translation
Cheonbok Park | Hantae Kim | Ioan Calapodescu | Hyun Chang Cho | Vassilina Nikoulina
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Domain Adaptation (DA) of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) model often relies on a pre-trained general NMT model which is adapted to the new domain on a sample of in-domain parallel data. Without parallel data, there is no way to estimate the potential benefit of DA, nor the amount of parallel samples it would require. It is however a desirable functionality that could help MT practitioners to make an informed decision before investing resources in dataset creation. We propose a Domain adaptation Learning Curve prediction (DaLC) model that predicts prospective DA performance based on in-domain monolingual samples in the source language. Our model relies on the NMT encoder representations combined with various instance and corpus-level features. We demonstrate that instance-level is better able to distinguish between different domains compared to corpus-level frameworks proposed in previous studies Finally, we perform in-depth analyses of the results highlighting the limitations of our approach, and provide directions for future research.


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Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation for Low-Resource Domains via Meta-Learning
Cheonbok Park | Yunwon Tae | TaeHee Kim | Soyoung Yang | Mohammad Azam Khan | Lucy Park | Jaegul Choo
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Unsupervised machine translation, which utilizes unpaired monolingual corpora as training data, has achieved comparable performance against supervised machine translation. However, it still suffers from data-scarce domains. To address this issue, this paper presents a novel meta-learning algorithm for unsupervised neural machine translation (UNMT) that trains the model to adapt to another domain by utilizing only a small amount of training data. We assume that domain-general knowledge is a significant factor in handling data-scarce domains. Hence, we extend the meta-learning algorithm, which utilizes knowledge learned from high-resource domains, to boost the performance of low-resource UNMT. Our model surpasses a transfer learning-based approach by up to 2-3 BLEU scores. Extensive experimental results show that our proposed algorithm is pertinent for fast adaptation and consistently outperforms other baselines.