Ching-Wen Yang


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Automatic Construction of a Chinese Review Dataset for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction via Iterative Weak Supervision
Chia-Wen Lu | Ching-Wen Yang | Wei-Yun Ma
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction (ASTE), introduced in 2020, is a task that involves the extraction of three key elements: target aspects, descriptive opinion spans, and their corresponding sentiment polarity. This process, however, faces a significant hurdle, particularly when applied to Chinese languages, due to the lack of sufficient datasets for model training, largely attributable to the arduous manual labeling process. To address this issue, we present an innovative framework that facilitates the automatic construction of ASTE via Iterative Weak Supervision, negating the need for manual labeling, aided by a discriminator to weed out subpar samples. The objective is to successively improve the quality of this raw data and generate supplementary data. The effectiveness of our approach is underscored by our results, which include the creation of a substantial Chinese review dataset. This dataset encompasses over 60,000 Google restaurant reviews in Chinese and features more than 200,000 extracted triplets. Moreover, we have also established a robust baseline model by leveraging a novel method of weak supervision. Both our dataset and model are openly accessible to the public.


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Breaking Boundaries in Retrieval Systems: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Denoise-Finetuning
Che Chen | Ching-Wen Yang | Chun-Yi Lin | Hung-Yu Kao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Dense retrieval models have exhibited remarkable effectiveness, but they rely on abundant labeled data and face challenges when applied to different domains. Previous domain adaptation methods have employed generative models to generate pseudo queries, creating pseudo datasets to enhance the performance of dense retrieval models. However, these approaches typically use unadapted rerank models, leading to potentially imprecise labels. In this paper, we demonstrate the significance of adapting the rerank model to the target domain prior to utilizing it for label generation. This adaptation process enables us to obtain more accurate labels, thereby improving the overall performance of the dense retrieval model. Additionally, by combining the adapted retrieval model with the adapted rerank model, we achieve significantly better domain adaptation results across three retrieval datasets. We release our code for future research.

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Improving Multi-Criteria Chinese Word Segmentation through Learning Sentence Representation
Chun Lin | Ying-Jia Lin | Chia-Jen Yeh | Yi-Ting Li | Ching-Wen Yang | Hung-Yu Kao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Recent Chinese word segmentation (CWS) models have shown competitive performance with pre-trained language models’ knowledge. However, these models tend to learn the segmentation knowledge through in-vocabulary words rather than understanding the meaning of the entire context. To address this issue, we introduce a context-aware approach that incorporates unsupervised sentence representation learning over different dropout masks into the multi-criteria training framework. We demonstrate that our approach reaches state-of-the-art (SoTA) performance on F1 scores for six of the nine CWS benchmark datasets and out-of-vocabulary (OOV) recalls for eight of nine. Further experiments discover that substantial improvements can be brought with various sentence representation objectives.


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What confuses BERT? Linguistic Evaluation of Sentiment Analysis on Telecom Customer Opinion
Cing-Fang Shih | Yu-Hsiang Tseng | Ching-Wen Yang | Pin-Er Chen | Hsin-Yu Chou | Lian-Hui Tan | Tzu-Ju Lin | Chun-Wei Wang | Shu-Kai Hsieh
Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2021)

Ever-expanding evaluative texts on online forums have become an important source of sentiment analysis. This paper proposes an aspect-based annotated dataset consisting of telecom reviews on social media. We introduce a category, implicit evaluative texts, impevals for short, to investigate how the deep learning model works on these implicit reviews. We first compare two models, BertSimple and BertImpvl, and find that while both models are competent to learn simple evaluative texts, they are confused when classifying impevals. To investigate the factors underlying the correctness of the model’s predictions, we conduct a series of analyses, including qualitative error analysis and quantitative analysis of linguistic features with logistic regressions. The results show that local features that affect the overall sentential sentiment confuse the model: multiple target entities, transitional words, sarcasm, and rhetorical questions. Crucially, these linguistic features are independent of the model’s confidence measured by the classifier’s softmax probabilities. Interestingly, the sentence complexity indicated by syntax-tree depth is not correlated with the model’s correctness. In sum, this paper sheds light on the characteristics of the modern deep learning model and when it might need more supervision through linguistic evaluations.