Christian Prager


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From Inscription to Semi-automatic Annotation of Maya Hieroglyphic Texts
Cristina Vertan | Christian Prager
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages

The Maya script is the only readable autochthonous writing system of the Americas and consists of more than 1000 word signs and syllables. It is only partially deciphered and is the subject of the project “Text Database and Dictionary of the Classic Maya” . Texts are recorded in TEI XML and on the basis of a digital sign and graph catalog, which are stored in the TextGrid virtual repository. Due to the state of decipherment, it is not possible to record hieroglyphic texts directly in phonemically transliterated values. The texts are therefore documented numerically using numeric sign codes based on Eric Thompson’s catalog of the Maya script. The workflow for converting numerical transliteration into textual form involves several steps, with variable solutions possible at each step. For this purpose, the authors have developed ALMAH “Annotator for the Linguistic Analysis of Maya Hieroglyphs”. The tool is a client application and allows semi-automatic generation of phonemic transliteration from numerical transliteration and enables multi-step linguistic annotation. Alternative readings can be entered, and two or more decipherment proposals can be processed in parallel. ALMAH is implemented in JAVA, is based on a graph-data model, and has a user-friendly interface.