Cindy Aloui


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SLICE: Supersense-based Lightweight Interpretable Contextual Embeddings
Cindy Aloui | Carlos Ramisch | Alexis Nasr | Lucie Barque
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Contextualised embeddings such as BERT have become de facto state-of-the-art references in many NLP applications, thanks to their impressive performances. However, their opaqueness makes it hard to interpret their behaviour. SLICE is a hybrid model that combines supersense labels with contextual embeddings. We introduce a weakly supervised method to learn interpretable embeddings from raw corpora and small lists of seed words. Our model is able to represent both a word and its context as embeddings into the same compact space, whose dimensions correspond to interpretable supersenses. We assess the model in a task of supersense tagging for French nouns. The little amount of supervision required makes it particularly well suited for low-resourced scenarios. Thanks to its interpretability, we perform linguistic analyses about the predicted supersenses in terms of input word and context representations.


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CALOR-QUEST : un corpus d’entraînement et d’évaluation pour la compréhension automatique de textes (Machine reading comprehension is a task related to Question-Answering where questions are not generic in scope but are related to a particular document)
Frederic Bechet | Cindy Aloui | Delphine Charlet | Geraldine Damnati | Johannes Heinecke | Alexis Nasr | Frederic Herledan
Actes de la Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN) PFIA 2019. Volume II : Articles courts

La compréhension automatique de texte est une tâche faisant partie de la famille des systèmes de Question/Réponse où les questions ne sont pas à portée générale mais sont liées à un document particulier. Récemment de très grand corpus (SQuAD, MS MARCO) contenant des triplets (document, question, réponse) ont été mis à la disposition de la communauté scientifique afin de développer des méthodes supervisées à base de réseaux de neurones profonds en obtenant des résultats prometteurs. Ces méthodes sont cependant très gourmandes en données d’apprentissage, données qui n’existent pour le moment que pour la langue anglaise. Le but de cette étude est de permettre le développement de telles ressources pour d’autres langues à moindre coût en proposant une méthode générant de manière semi-automatique des questions à partir d’une analyse sémantique d’un grand corpus. La collecte de questions naturelle est réduite à un ensemble de validation/test. L’application de cette méthode sur le corpus CALOR-Frame a permis de développer la ressource CALOR-QUEST présentée dans cet article.

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CALOR-QUEST : generating a training corpus for Machine Reading Comprehension models from shallow semantic annotations
Frederic Bechet | Cindy Aloui | Delphine Charlet | Geraldine Damnati | Johannes Heinecke | Alexis Nasr | Frederic Herledan
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Machine Reading for Question Answering

Machine reading comprehension is a task related to Question-Answering where questions are not generic in scope but are related to a particular document. Recently very large corpora (SQuAD, MS MARCO) containing triplets (document, question, answer) were made available to the scientific community to develop supervised methods based on deep neural networks with promising results. These methods need very large training corpus to be efficient, however such kind of data only exists for English and Chinese at the moment. The aim of this study is the development of such resources for other languages by proposing to generate in a semi-automatic way questions from the semantic Frame analysis of large corpora. The collect of natural questions is reduced to a validation/test set. We applied this method on the CALOR-Frame French corpus to develop the CALOR-QUEST resource presented in this paper.