Claude Chevrie-Muller
The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech in French
Cécile Fougeron
Lise Crevier-Buchman
Corinne Fredouille
Alain Ghio
Christine Meunier
Claude Chevrie-Muller
Jean-Francois Bonastre
Antonia Colazo Simon
Céline Delooze
Danielle Duez
Cédric Gendrot
Thierry Legou
Nathalie Levèque
Claire Pillot-Loiseau
Serge Pinto
Gilles Pouchoulin
Danièle Robert
Jacqueline Vaissiere
François Viallet
Coralie Vincent
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)
This paper presents the rationale, objectives and advances of an on-going project (the DesPho-APaDy project funded by the French National Agency of Research) which aims to provide a systematic and quantified description of French dysarthric speech, over a large population of patients and three dysarthria types (related to the parkinson's disease, the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis disease, and a pure cerebellar alteration). The two French corpora of dysarthric patients, from which the speech data have been selected for analysis purposes, are firstly described. Secondly, this paper discusses and outlines the requirement of a structured and organized computerized platform in order to store, organize and make accessible (for selected and protected usage) dysarthric speech corpora and associated patients clinical information (mostly disseminated in different locations: labs, hospitals, â¦). The design of both a computer database and a multi-field query interface is proposed for the clinical context. Finally, advances of the project related to the selection of the population used for the dysarthria analysis, the preprocessing of the speech files, their orthographic transcription and their automatic alignment are also presented.