David Lubensky
Using Machine Translation for the Localization of Electronic Support Content: Evaluating End-User Satisfaction
Osamuyimen Stewart
David Lubensky
Scott Macdonald
Julie Marcotte
Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas: Commercial MT User Program
This paper discusses how to measure the impact of online content localized by machine translation in meeting the business need of commercial users, i.e., reducing the volume of telephone calls to the Call Center (call deflection). We address various design, conceptual and practical issues encountered in proving the value of machine translation and conclude that the approach that will give the best result is one that reconciles end-user (human evaluation) feedback with web and Call Center data.
Real Time Translation Services at IBM
David Lubensky
Salim Roukos
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XII: Commercial MT User Program