David Reich


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An Eye Opener Regarding Task-Based Text Gradient Saliency
Guojun Wu | Lena Bolliger | David Reich | Lena Jäger
Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics

Eye movements in reading reveal humans’ cognitive processes involved in language understanding. The duration a reader’s eyes fixate on a word has been used as a measure of the visual attention given to that word or its significance to the reader. This study investigates the correlation between the importance attributed to input tokens by language models (LMs) on the one hand and humans, in the form of fixation durations, on the other hand. While previous research on the internal processes of LMs have employed the models’ attention weights, recent studies have argued in favor of gradient-based methods. Moreover, previous approaches to interpret LMs’ internals with human gaze have neglected the tasks readers performed during reading, even though psycholinguistic research underlines that reading patterns are task-dependent. We therefore employ a gradient-based saliency method to measure the importance of input tokens when LMs are targeted on specific tasks, and we find that task specificity plays a crucial role in the correlation between human- and model-assigned importance. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/gjwubyron/Scan.

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Fine-Tuning Pre-Trained Language Models with Gaze Supervision
Shuwen Deng | Paul Prasse | David Reich | Tobias Scheffer | Lena Jäger
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Human gaze data provide cognitive information that reflect human language comprehension and has been effectively integrated into a variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks, demonstrating improved performance over corresponding plain text-based models. In this work, we propose to integrate a gaze module into pre-trained language models (LMs) at the fine-tuning stage to improve their capabilities to learn representations that are grounded in human language processing. This is done by extending the conventional purely text-based fine-tuning objective with an auxiliary loss to exploit cognitive signals. The gaze module is only included during training, retaining compatibility with existing pre-trained LM-based pipelines. We evaluate the proposed approach using two distinct pre-trained LMs on the GLUE benchmark and observe that the proposed model improves performance compared to both standard fine-tuning and traditional text augmentation baselines.


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Pre-Trained Language Models Augmented with Synthetic Scanpaths for Natural Language Understanding
Shuwen Deng | Paul Prasse | David Reich | Tobias Scheffer | Lena Jäger
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Human gaze data offer cognitive information that reflects natural language comprehension. Indeed, augmenting language models with human scanpaths has proven beneficial for a range of NLP tasks, including language understanding. However, the applicability of this approach is hampered because the abundance of text corpora is contrasted by a scarcity of gaze data. Although models for the generation of human-like scanpaths during reading have been developed, the potential of synthetic gaze data across NLP tasks remains largely unexplored. We develop a model that integrates synthetic scanpath generation with a scanpath-augmented language model, eliminating the need for human gaze data. Since the model’s error gradient can be propagated throughout all parts of the model, the scanpath generator can be fine-tuned to downstream tasks. We find that the proposed model not only outperforms the underlying language model, but achieves a performance that is comparable to a language model augmented with real human gaze data. Our code is publicly available.

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ScanDL: A Diffusion Model for Generating Synthetic Scanpaths on Texts
Lena Bolliger | David Reich | Patrick Haller | Deborah Jakobi | Paul Prasse | Lena Jäger
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Eye movements in reading play a crucial role in psycholinguistic research studying the cognitive mechanisms underlying human language processing. More recently, the tight coupling between eye movements and cognition has also been leveraged for language-related machine learning tasks such as the interpretability, enhancement, and pre-training of language models, as well as the inference of reader- and text-specific properties. However, scarcity of eye movement data and its unavailability at application time poses a major challenge for this line of research. Initially, this problem was tackled by resorting to cognitive models for synthesizing eye movement data. However, for the sole purpose of generating human-like scanpaths, purely data-driven machine-learning-based methods have proven to be more suitable. Following recent advances in adapting diffusion processes to discrete data, we propose ScanDL, a novel discrete sequence-to-sequence diffusion model that generates synthetic scanpaths on texts. By leveraging pre-trained word representations and jointly embedding both the stimulus text and the fixation sequence, our model captures multi-modal interactions between the two inputs. We evaluate ScanDL within- and across-dataset and demonstrate that it significantly outperforms state-of-the-art scanpath generation methods. Finally, we provide an extensive psycholinguistic analysis that underlines the model’s ability to exhibit human-like reading behavior. Our implementation is made available at https://github.com/DiLi-Lab/ScanDL.