Dongming Zhao


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A Comparative Study of Explicit and Implicit Gender Biases in Large Language Models via Self-evaluation
Yachao Zhao | Bo Wang | Yan Wang | Dongming Zhao | Xiaojia Jin | Jijun Zhang | Ruifang He | Yuexian Hou
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

While extensive work has examined the explicit and implicit biases in large language models (LLMs), little research explores the relation between these two types of biases. This paper presents a comparative study of the explicit and implicit biases in LLMs grounded in social psychology. Social psychology distinguishes between explicit and implicit biases by whether the bias can be self-recognized by individuals. Aligning with this conceptualization, we propose a self-evaluation-based two-stage measurement of explicit and implicit biases within LLMs. First, the LLM is prompted to automatically fill templates with social targets to measure implicit bias toward these targets, where the bias is less likely to be self-recognized by the LLM. Then, the LLM is prompted to self-evaluate the templates filled by itself to measure explicit bias toward the same targets, where the bias is more likely to be self-recognized by the LLM. Experiments conducted on state-of-the-art LLMs reveal human-like inconsistency between explicit and implicit occupational gender biases. This work bridges a critical gap where prior studies concentrate solely on either explicit or implicit bias. We advocate that future work highlight the relation between explicit and implicit biases in LLMs.

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Emotion Recognition in Conversation via Dynamic Personality
Yan Wang | Bo Wang | Yachao Zhao | Dongming Zhao | Xiaojia Jin | Jijun Zhang | Ruifang He | Yuexian Hou
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Emotion recognition in conversation (ERC) is a field that aims to classify the emotion of each utterance within conversational contexts. This presents significant challenges, particularly in handling emotional ambiguity across various speakers and contextual factors. Existing ERC approaches have primarily focused on modeling conversational contexts while incorporating only superficial speaker attributes such as names, memories, and interactions. Recent works introduce personality as an essential deep speaker factor for emotion recognition, but relies on static personality, overlooking dynamic variability during conversations. Advances in personality psychology conceptualize personality as dynamic, proposing that personality states can change across situations. In this paper, we introduce ERC-DP, a novel model considering the dynamic personality of speakers during conversations. ERC-DP accounts for past utterances from the same speaker as situation impacting dynamic personality. It combines personality modeling with prompt design and fine-grained classification modules. Through a series of comprehensive experiments, ERC-DP demonstrates superior performance on three benchmark conversational datasets.


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Enhancing Personalized Dialogue Generation with Contrastive Latent Variables: Combining Sparse and Dense Persona
Yihong Tang | Bo Wang | Miao Fang | Dongming Zhao | Kun Huang | Ruifang He | Yuexian Hou
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The personalized dialogue explores the consistent relationship between dialogue generation and personality. Existing personalized dialogue agents model persona profiles from three resources: sparse or dense persona descriptions and dialogue histories. However, sparse structured persona attributes are explicit but uninformative, dense persona texts contain rich persona descriptions with much noise, and dialogue history query is both noisy and uninformative for persona modeling. In this work, we combine the advantages of the three resources to obtain a richer and more accurate persona. We design a Contrastive Latent Variable-based model (CLV) that clusters the dense persona descriptions into sparse categories, which are combined with the history query to generate personalized responses. Experimental results on Chinese and English datasets demonstrate our model’s superiority in personalization.

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MTGP: Multi-turn Target-oriented Dialogue Guided by Generative Global Path with Flexible Turns
Anqi Liu | Bo Wang | Yue Tan | Dongming Zhao | Kun Huang | Ruifang He | Yuexian Hou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Target-oriented dialogue guides the dialogue to a target quickly and smoothly. The latest approaches focus on global planning, which plans toward the target before the conversation instead of adopting a greedy strategy during the conversation. However, the global plan in existing works is fixed to certain turns by generating paths with certain nodes, which limits the optimization of turns and coherence of the target-oriented process. Toward flexible global planning, we propose to generate a global path as a natural language sentence instead of a sequence of nodes. With this path, the dialog is guided to the target with flexible turns of dialog. For model training, we also extract targetoriented dialogues from the chit-chat corpus with a knowledge graph. We conduct experiments on three datasets and simulate scenarios with and without user participation. The results show that our method has fewer turns, more coherent semantics, and a higher success rate in reaching the target than baselines.

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Guiding Dialogue Agents to Complex Semantic Targets by Dynamically Completing Knowledge Graph
Yue Tan | Bo Wang | Anqi Liu | Dongming Zhao | Kun Huang | Ruifang He | Yuexian Hou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

In the target-oriented dialogue, the representation and achievement of targets are two interrelated essential issues. In current approaches, the target is typically supposed to be a single object represented as a word, which makes it relatively easy to achieve the target through dialogue with the help of a knowledge graph (KG). However, when the target has complex semantics, the existing knowledge graph is often incomplete in tracking complex semantic relations. This paper studies target-oriented dialog where the target is a topic sentence. We combine the methods of knowledge retrieval and relationship prediction to construct a context-related dynamic KG. On dynamic KG, we can track the implicit semantic paths in the speaker’s mind that may not exist in the existing KGs. In addition, we also designed a novel metric to evaluate the tracked path automatically. The experimental results show that our method can control the agent more logically and smoothly toward the complex target.


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Aligning Recommendation and Conversation via Dual Imitation
Jinfeng Zhou | Bo Wang | Minlie Huang | Dongming Zhao | Kun Huang | Ruifang He | Yuexian Hou
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Human conversations of recommendation naturally involve the shift of interests which can align the recommendation actions and conversation process to make accurate recommendations with rich explanations. However, existing conversational recommendation systems (CRS) ignore the advantage of user interest shift in connecting recommendation and conversation, which leads to an ineffective loose coupling structure of CRS. To address this issue, by modeling the recommendation actions as recommendation paths in a knowledge graph (KG), we propose DICR (Dual Imitation for Conversational Recommendation), which designs a dual imitation to explicitly align the recommendation paths and user interest shift paths in a recommendation module and a conversation module, respectively. By exchanging alignment signals, DICR achieves bidirectional promotion between recommendation and conversation modules and generates high-quality responses with accurate recommendations and coherent explanations. Experiments demonstrate that DICR outperforms the state-of-the-art models on recommendation and conversation performance with automatic, human, and novel explainability metrics.

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CR-GIS: Improving Conversational Recommendation via Goal-aware Interest Sequence Modeling
Jinfeng Zhou | Bo Wang | Zhitong Yang | Dongming Zhao | Kun Huang | Ruifang He | Yuexian Hou
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Conversational recommendation systems (CRS) aim to determine a goal item by sequentially tracking users’ interests through multi-turn conversation. In CRS, implicit patterns of user interest sequence guide the smooth transition of dialog utterances to the goal item. However, with the convenient explicit knowledge of knowledge graph (KG), existing KG-based CRS methods over-rely on the explicit separate KG links to model the user interests but ignore the rich goal-aware implicit interest sequence patterns in a dialog. In addition, interest sequence is also not fully used to generate smooth transited utterances. We propose CR-GIS with a parallel star framework. First, an interest-level star graph is designed to model the goal-aware implicit user interest sequence. Second, a hierarchical Star Transformer is designed to guide the multi-turn utterances generation with the interest-level star graph. Extensive experiments verify the effectiveness of CR-GIS in achieving more accurate recommended items with more fluent and coherent dialog utterances.

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TopKG: Target-oriented Dialog via Global Planning on Knowledge Graph
Zhitong Yang | Bo Wang | Jinfeng Zhou | Yue Tan | Dongming Zhao | Kun Huang | Ruifang He | Yuexian Hou
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Target-oriented dialog aims to reach a global target through multi-turn conversation. The key to the task is the global planning towards the target, which flexibly guides the dialog concerning the context. However, existing target-oriented dialog works take a local and greedy strategy for response generation, where global planning is absent. In this work, we propose global planning for target-oriented dialog on a commonsense knowledge graph (KG). We design a global reinforcement learning with the planned paths to flexibly adjust the local response generation model towards the global target. We also propose a KG-based method to collect target-oriented samples automatically from the chit-chat corpus for model training. Experiments show that our method can reach the target with a higher success rate, fewer turns, and more coherent responses.