Emmanuel Dave


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Cendol: Open Instruction-tuned Generative Large Language Models for Indonesian Languages
Samuel Cahyawijaya | Holy Lovenia | Fajri Koto | Rifki Putri | Wawan Cenggoro | Jhonson Lee | Salsabil Akbar | Emmanuel Dave | Nuurshadieq Nuurshadieq | Muhammad Mahendra | Rr Putri | Bryan Wilie | Genta Winata | Alham Aji | Ayu Purwarianti | Pascale Fung
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large language models (LLMs) show remarkable human-like capability in various domains and languages. To bridge this quality gap, we introduce Cendol, a collection of Indonesian LLMs encompassing both decoder-only and encoder-decoder architectures across a range of model sizes. We highlight Cendol’s effectiveness across a diverse array of tasks, attaining ~20% improvement, and demonstrate its capability to generalize to unseen tasks and indigenous languages of Indonesia. Furthermore, Cendol models showcase improved human favorability despite their limitations in capturing indigenous knowledge and cultural values in Indonesia. In addition, we discuss the shortcomings of parameter-efficient tunings, such as LoRA, for language adaptation. Alternatively, we propose the usage of vocabulary adaptation to enhance efficiency. Lastly, we evaluate the safety of Cendol and showcase that safety in pre-training in one language such as English is transferable to low-resource languages, such as Indonesian, even without RLHF and safety fine-tuning.


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NusaWrites: Constructing High-Quality Corpora for Underrepresented and Extremely Low-Resource Languages
Samuel Cahyawijaya | Holy Lovenia | Fajri Koto | Dea Adhista | Emmanuel Dave | Sarah Oktavianti | Salsabil Akbar | Jhonson Lee | Nuur Shadieq | Tjeng Wawan Cenggoro | Hanung Linuwih | Bryan Wilie | Galih Muridan | Genta Winata | David Moeljadi | Alham Fikri Aji | Ayu Purwarianti | Pascale Fung
Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing and the 3rd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)