Evgeny Stanilovsky


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FreeLing 3.0: Towards Wider Multilinguality
Lluís Padró | Evgeny Stanilovsky
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)

FreeLing is an open-source multilingual language processing library providing a wide range of analyzers for several languages. It offers text processing and language annotation facilities to NLP application developers, lowering the cost of building those applications. FreeLing is customizable, extensible, and has a strong orientation to real-world applications in terms of speed and robustness. Developers can use the default linguistic resources (dictionaries, lexicons, grammars, etc.), extend/adapt them to specific domains, or --since the library is open source-- develop new ones for specific languages or special application needs. This paper describes the general architecture of the library, presents the major changes and improvements included in FreeLing version 3.0, and summarizes some relevant industrial projects in which it has been used.