Feng Wenhe

Also published as: 文贺


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基于隐性句逗号识别的汉语长句机器翻译(Machine translation of Chinese long sentences based on recognition of implicit period and comma)
Zhang Wenjuan (张文娟) | Li Manjia (李熳佳) | Feng Wenhe (冯文贺)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)


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Readability-guided Idiom-aware Sentence Simplification (RISS) for Chinese
Zhang Jingshen | Chen Xinglu | Qiu Xinying | Wang Zhimin | Feng Wenhe
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)

“Chinese sentence simplification faces challenges due to the lack of large-scale labeledparallel corpora and the prevalence of idioms. To address these challenges, we pro-pose Readability-guided Idiom-aware Sentence Simplification (RISS), a novel frameworkthat combines data augmentation techniques. RISS introduces two key components: (1)Readability-guided Paraphrase Selection (RPS), a method for mining high-quality sen-tence pairs, and (2) Idiom-aware Simplification (IAS), a model that enhances the compre-hension and simplification of idiomatic expressions. By integrating RPS and IAS usingmulti-stage and multi-task learning strategies, RISS outperforms previous state-of-the-artmethods on two Chinese sentence simplification datasets. Furthermore, RISS achievesadditional improvements when fine-tuned on a small labeled dataset. Our approachdemonstrates the potential for more effective and accessible Chinese text simplification.”